Daemon Way
Fun with Chuckles
Chapters 29-32
Chapter 29
Spit, Snot, Puke, Farts And Other Fun Stuff
In this story Jack and Rob continue to capitalize on the fascination young boys have with bodily secretions, resulting in the teenage stars being pushed to their limit and announcing that they will take no more, a decision that they will come to regret.
"Sure fucking raining hard outside," observed Chuckles the Clown as he looked out the window of the mock bedroom, the scene of the video where he and Shane had first blown Jason.
"And I wanted to go out and play," commented Miss Ginger with a long, sad face for the camera.
"Me too," said Chuckles, "but that's okay. There's oodles and oodles and oodles of fun things to do inside on a fucking rainy day."
"What do you like to do inside on a fucking rainy day, Chuckles?" asked Master J.
"Well, for one, I like to play cards," replied Chuckles, "like steal the pack."
"Oh yeah, that is a fun game," observed Miss Ginger.
"Especially the way I play it," said Chuckles with a large grin.
"What do you mean?"
"In my way everyone has to take their cock out, and when someone gets his pack stolen he has count each card that gets stolen and wank his cock that many times."
"Now that is a fun game," Miss Ginger observed, and the three boys giggled.
"I like to play poker," observed Master J.
"My dad and his friends play that," commented Chuckles. "They play for money."
"I like to play for money too, or if nobody got no money, then we each bring like five toys or something and play for them."
"I don't know if I'd like to lose my toys," observed Chuckles with a frown.
"The best is playing strip poker. The person with the lowest hand has to take off one of the things he's wearing, and we play until only one person is left with clothes on."
"Now that I'd like!" observed Chuckles, and Ginger agreed. "What is a low hand?"
"Here, let me show you," said Master J. Jack and Rob taped the boys playing strip poker with Master J showing the boys the different types of hands and which one beat the other. In the final version Jack would cut out most of the dealing and exchanging of cards to speed up the game and when he sent the video out for distribution he'd include a deck of cards and a simple rule sheet about the types of hands. He rigged the game so that in the end Chuckles and Miss Ginger were naked and Master J was left with his jock strap.
"Another game I like to play when it is rainy outside is Truth or Dare," said Chuckles.
"How do you play that?" asked Ginger.
"A person has to pick Truth or Dare. If he picks Truth, then a person can ask him a very, very personal and embarrassing question and he has to answer. If he picks Dare, then he has to do whatever dare the other person tells him. Then it is his turn to ask the question or tell the person what to do."
"That sounds like oodles of fun."
"Truth or dare Miss Ginger?"
"Have you ever stayed awake at night to spy on your mom and dad making babies?"
"No," giggled Miss Ginger. "But that sounds like a fucking good idea!"
"Okay, now it is your turn."
"Truth or Dare Master J?"
"Have you ever looked in the wastebasket in your parent's bedroom or under the sink in your parent's half-bath for used condoms Master J?"
"What's a condom?"
"That what your dad puts on his dick when he fucks your mom to catch his cum so he doesn't get her pregnant."
"Oh. No, I haven't. But I will now," Master J. replied, and the boys giggled again. "Is it my turn now?"
"Yes," Chuckles replied.
"Truth or Dare, Chuckles?"
"Chuckles, I dare you to pick your booger and eat it."
"Ewwwww," responded Miss Ginger.
"If a guy makes a dare, it has to be one he's willing to do himself."
"I'd do it."
"Boogers are nice and salty."
"You gonna do it? Or are you chicken shit?"
Charles didn't have to look at the cue card Jack held up to know the answer. The look of revulsion and humiliation on his face was priceless. "Can we just fake
Shane and Jason were just as embarrassed as Charles as he stared at the floor, too humiliated to look at them. He knew to argue with Jack was futile, and so did they. He slowly stuck his finger up his nostril, dug out what he'd hoped to be a tiny booger but which turned to be a big, slimy green and translucent one, and with himself and the other two teens almost puking on the spot, slipped it in his mouth. Charles turned as green as the snot he'd dug out of his nostril. Jason was right, it was salty, and totally gross. The slime stuck to his tongue, and then to the back of his throat, and he had to swallow repeatedly to get rid of it.
"Okay, Master J. Truth or Dare?"
Jason would have said truth, but the card said dare, and he had a bad feeling what that was going to be. "Dare."
"I dare you to sniff my butthole," said Chuckles.
As he did so, he noticed the cue card instructed Chuckles to fart, which he did in retaliation to Jason's dare even though Jason hadn't had any choice in what he'd challenged. Miss Ginger giggled in amusement as instructed, silently praying that he would not be given a dare.
"Another fun thing to do is to make fart noises, for real, or with your arm pit," observed Chuckles. "Especially in school when the teacher's back is turned." The boys proceeded to make noises with the flat of their hand and their arm pits.
"Making burping noises always gets teachers mad too," observed Master J, resulting in a round of burps, each trying to outdo the others.
"And sniffing up your snot instead of using a handkerchief," commented Miss Ginger, resulting in a round of snorting.
"Have you ever played hide the snot?" asked Chuckles.
"How do you play that?" Miss Ginger asked hesitantly.
"Well, like if you are at someone's birthday party, when nobody is looking, pick out a booger and stuff it in the birthday cake. Stuff in lots of boogers. And then when they cut the cake say you are allergic or something. It works real good if there's thick icing on the cake and you can smooth it over where you poked it."
"That is so fucking funny."
"Another fun game is to pee in the birthday punch when nobody is looking, or if you don't have a chance, then to pee in your glass in the bathroom and when nobody is looking pour it in the punch bowl. Or if it is punch that has fruit floating in it, puke in it."
"I like to play S&M when it is rainy outside," observed Master J.
"What is S&M?" asked Miss Ginger.
"Sadism and masochism. A sadist is a guy who likes to cause others pain, and a masochist likes to be hurt."
"Someone likes to be hurt? They gotta be crazy!"
"So how do you play S&M?"
"It is sort of hard to explain, but I can show you."
"Okay," the two teens chorused. Neither knew anything about S&M, but both were sure 'okay' was not what they'd normally have said.
Taking a rope out of the closet, Jason tied one end around Charles's waist and then looped it under and over his desk and tied the other end around Shane's waist. He then pretended to leave the room and while Rob focussed the camera on the two bound and naked boys, who slowly realized how vulnerable they were, Jack handed Jason his props. Pretending to be returning to his room, he placed them on his desk. Taking one of the juice boxes as Rob zoomed in on him, he pushed the straw into the opening and took several large swallows, and then refilled the box by working up a mouth of spittle and forcing it through the straw and back into the box. The second box he cut open on the dotted line and after again taking several swallows, he pulled out his cock and blushing a bright red refilled it with piss, Jack having had him drink several cans of Coke before they'd begun filming to be sure he could perform for this part of the script.
Handing the refilled juice box to Shane, and the first box to Charles, he told them both to drink. Of course the boys refused, neither needing any prompting to show their revulsion. In response Jason picked up his belt and whacked it across their naked butts as instructed on the cue cards, at first lightly and then with more force when Jack threatened to use the belt on him if he didn't do it harder. The boys still refused, and not just because the cue cards directed them to, but after Jack took the strap, out of sight of the camera as Rob focussed on first their faces and then their naked backsides, and gave them several solid wallops that left narrow red strips across their tender rumps, they reluctantly raised the boxes to their lips, and again not just because the cue cards said to.
Rob's cock throbbed with arousal as he focussed on the looks of revulsion on their faces as Shane drank the box of half piss and half apple juice and Charles the box of half spit and half orange juice, the two boys clearly on the verge of puking. Shane felt a shiver run down his back as he swallowed the mixture of juice and Jason's piss, and Charles fought back the urge to upchuck as he swallowed the mixture of juice and spit. As they emptied the two boxes, Jason told them, and his young audience, that a person had to be careful not to mix in too much piss or spit so the person drinking wouldn't know what they were drinking if a person wanted to do it as a trick. He also told them that he preferred a person knew what he'd done to the drink cause that made it all the more fun watching them drink it, having to repeat the line several times for Jack before Jack was satisfied he was convincing. Besides wanting a convincing tape for the children who'd be watching the video, Jack of course wanted to rub it in for Charles and Shane.
Jason next took the container of French fries from McDonalds and dumped it out, and ran each one along his buttcrack before replacing it in the container, in front of Charles and Shane who knew exactly what they'd be doing next. Giggling as he looked into the camera, Jason told his young audience they could do that in secret and then give the fries to their friends, or do it in front of them like he was doing, which again he said was the more fun. The cue card told Charles and Shane to refuse to eat the fries and they did so, knowing full well what the end result was going to be. As Jason picked up his belt once again, he was reminded by Jack to make the strapping realistic. As Rob and Jack watched him reluctantly striking the tender backside of the two boys with his belt and the two boys wincing with the pain, the two men glanced at each other with amusement and growing arousal. Strapping the two teenage boys themselves would have been fun, but having another teen do it to them was even more erotic.
As Charles and Shane began to slowly eat the fries, knowing what Jason had done with them was what was repugnant more so than the taste and a lump formed in the boys' throats with each swallow. As they ate, Jason removed his leather jock and began to play with himself, his face turning a bright red as he stood there in front of the two men and the two teens doing that very private act that most teens denied doing and normally did in private behind closed doors. By the time the boys had finished the last fry, he was ready to cum. Removing the top of the bun of the two burgers on his desk, he stepped up to them as instructed on the cue card and sprayed the two patties with his cum. Rob zoomed in on his face, the pleasure in his eyes and the curling his lips as the pleasure of ejaculation overrode his shame causing Rob to leak a generous dollop of pre-cum. He then zoomed in on the faces of Charles and Shane, and the look of despair and revulsion on the teenagers' faces, the two knowing what was coming next, caused an even greater flow of pre-cum from Rob's aching cock.
Leaving the top of the bun off, Jason commented that instead of cum sometimes he spit on the burger, or smeared a little shit on it in which case he added fried onions to hide the taste if it was a trick and he didn't want the person to know what he'd done, again saying playing tricks on others was fun but it was a lot more fun when the person knew what they were about to eat. From the look on the faces of Charles and Shane as he handed them the burgers, they were not finding this fun. He also told them that for a joke he once shot his cum all over a salad and gave it to a teacher he didn't particularly like and told her it was a special dressing, and he observed for the benefit of his young audience that if a person was too young to squirt yet he could always get an older brother or almost any teen to donate his cum. It was only with supreme effort and restraint that Rob and Jack didn't cream their jeans as Rob filmed Charles and Shane eating the cum-topped burgers, zooming in on the look of revulsion on their faces and then on their mouths as they sank their teeth into the burgers coated with Jason's thick, creamy cum. Although it was not the first time they'd consumed Jason's shot, it was the first time they'd been tied up and forced to eat it like this, and that made it all the more humiliating.
"Another fun game is to make vegetable soup and puke in it," said Jason, having to say it several times before Jack was satisfied he'd said it with the proper enjoyment, Rob of course filming the looks on the faces of Charles and Shane as they fully expected Jack to bring out a bowl of steaming soup. "And another fun thing I like to do when I play S&M is spank bums while the person getting spanked plays with himself," continued Jason, again repeating the statement several times until Jack was satisfied. This time the cue card told the boys to demonstrate. Although embarrassed and seething with anger over what Jack and Rob were making them do, the three were at the same time relieved they hadn't had to do the puke soup bit. The combination of relief and anger on their faces only further aroused the two men who filmed Jason spanking the two boys until their backsides were rosy and they were hard.
Reading the cue cards, Jason ordered Charles to fuck Shane and for a brief moment there was a flash of jealousy in his eyes as he wished he was the one having sex with Charles. It was only for the briefest of moments, but Jack and Rob both noticed it and grinned at each other. The two straight teenagers, meanwhile, looked at each other hesitantly. Although Charles had no desire to do it, and Shane had no desire to have it done to him, the boys knew they had no choice, and the sooner they did it the sooner this would be over. Shane dutifully bent over and Charles dutifully stepped up behind him and lubricating his stiff cock with spittle as directed on the flip chart, he eased it up Shane's rectum. The two boys blushed with shame as they engaged in the perverted act in front of Jason and the two men. As Charles eased his hips to and fro, working his stiff cock in and out of Shane's boy pussy, he fumed at having to perform the filthy faggot act with the effeminate queer and with each shove up Shane's ass he reminded himself he was no faggot. Shane stared at the floor in humiliation, hating the two men making him engage in this filthy act, and hating the teenager behind him even more. Why, of all the boys to have befriended him, did Charles have to be a fairy? The two boys were totally dejected, but when Charles finished shooting his load up Shane's ass and finally pulled his cock out, the boys' faces fell even further when they read what they were expected to do next.
"Now, I want you to lick Chuckles's cock clean Miss Ginger," Jason ordered without the slightest hint of enjoyment as a sadist should. With a mock explosion of anger, Jack grabbed the belt and walloped Jason's naked backside with a resounding snap that left a red welt across his tender butt as he told him to repeat the line like he meant it. With tears brimming in his eyes, he did so, and then stood there and watched the two boys obey him, Charles and Shane too shocked by Jack's mock show of anger to object. Shane ran his tongue over Charles's shit-smeared, cum dripping cock, his mind so numb with shame and disgust and the foul taste so revolting he just wanted to get this over with. Charles, of course, stood there and stared at the filthy faggot. That he would so willingly kneel there and lick the crap from his cock was the most disgusting thing he'd experienced yet. Shane continued to lick Charles's filthy dick well beyond the point of being clean, the teenager's mind so numbed he performed without thinking. Jack and Rob would later dub in comments using Jason's voice about what a cock hungry, filthy faggot he was for the adult version of the tape. Of course for the kiddie version they'd just show how eager Miss Ginger was to lick the shit-smeared, cum dripping cock of the boy who'd fucked him.
"Now Chuckles, I want you to lick Miss Ginger's ass clean." With an apathetic look of defeat, Charles dropped to his knees as Shane bent over and he pulled apart Shane's ass cheeks as instructed on the cue card. Sticking out his tongue, he ran it up Shane's ass crack and over his cum and spit smeared asshole, telling himself that unlike Shane he was doing this unwillingly. Rob zoomed in as Jason ordered Charles to suck his cum back out of Shane's rectum, and his cock throbbed hotly with the sight of the straight boy sucking asshole of the straight boy he'd just fucked. Jack and Rob made him pull away several times so they could videotape his cum and shit smeared lips and tongue. Again they would dub Jason's voice commenting what a filthy ass sucking pervert he was, the comments being all the more arousing for those who'd bought the video series from the beginning and knew the real homophobic attitude of the snobbish teenager from Manor Heights. And, of course for the kiddie version they'd show Chuckle's the Clown's happy, smiling face as he eagerly sucked ass of his good buddy.
"Another fun S&M game I like to play I call Guess Who," Jason continued, reading from the cue card. "It is a lot of fun if there is a bunch of guys," he continued as he blindfolded Charles, who, along with Jason and Shane, was beginning to wonder when this would all end and was assuring himself that no matter what happened, it could not possibly get any worse. "After the person is blindfolded, he is fucked by one of the guys while the others watch. The fun part is the guy who is blindfolded will never know which of his friends fucked him. It's especially a lot of fun if the guy getting his ass fucked has never had his ass fucked before, and even more fun if he doesn't like getting his ass fucked," Jason added with a giggle.
Motioning for Shane to move around and make noise as he stripped and played with himself until he was hard, Jason then stepped up behind Charles and spitting on his cock to lube it and then spreading apart Charles's asscheeks, he eased his cock up his ass. Even though he was gay and had the hots for Charles, it was evident he was getting no enjoyment out of what he was doing, which was even more arousing for Jack and Rob. Of course the men watching the video would notice his lack of enthusiasm whereas it was unlikely the younger audience would. As for Charles, it really did not make that much of a difference which of the two faggots was fucking him. The idea of the simple, effeminate Shane using him like a woman was humiliating, but the idea of his basketball teammate using him was just as humiliating. With each lunge up his ass he swore that he had been humiliated enough, and no matter what Jack said, this was going to be his last video. As he felt the person fucking him grasp his ass and shudder, he knew he was pumping his spunk up his rectum, and he felt filthy. When Jason withdrew, Jack made sure his cock was wiped clean so that there would be no way for Charles to know which of the two boys had fucked him, and although Charles had said it didn't matter who'd done it to him, it was evident from the look in his eyes that the fact he didn't know was a further humiliation.
"Hey, the sun has come out."
"Great. Let's go outside to play."
The boys hoped that was the end of the taping session, but they were not so fortunate. "What's your favourite game outside?" asked Chuckles as the boys stepped out into Jack's back yard, the three of them totally naked.
"How do you play that?"
"Like tag, except you give the other guy a goose," said Master J, stabbing his middle finger between Chuckles's butt cheeks, commencing a game. At first they put little effort into what they were doing, but when Jack suggested perhaps they needed to play whip the butt they had a sudden increase in enthusiasm.
"Another great game is who you can give a boner to first," said Chuckles when Jack had enough of the first game on tape.
"Oh yeah!" They ran about grabbing each other and giggling over who was getting hard like little kids, all the while blushing a bright red with humiliation. Of course their young audience would think it was because they were running around outside in the sun and enjoying themselves while the adults watching the same video would know the truth. Rob had to hand it to Jack. It was ingenious making the two versions of what was happening at the same time. The adult version was a big hit and was bringing in hundreds of thousands of dollars, and knowing there were thousands of children across the country watching the kiddie version was worth a hundred times that amount.
"Remember when I said I gave my teacher a salad with cum dressing?" asked Jason as the boys sat down to rest. Charles and Shane nodded. "Well, another fun game I like to play at school is to sneak into the classroom at recess and pee on the teacher's chair. It is like so fucking funny when class starts and she sits down." The three boys giggled, Jack having to reshoot several times for a believable kiddie version. The three boys were beginning to wear out, and he could tell their nerves and tempers were on edge.
"I like to write dirty words and draw dirty pictures in the books in the library when nobody is looking," observed Shane, "or on the blackboard."
"Or write the name of a teacher nobody likes on the wall of the stall in the boys washroom with her phone number and write that she likes to suck cock or get fucked."
"Another fun game is to go to the park and walk hand in hand and kiss and hug and stuff, especially if there are old people in the park. They get all embarrassed and mad and stuff when they see two boys doing that," giggled Miss Ginger.
"Or go to the can in the park and jerk off at the urinals, or in the stalls with the door left open. Little kids' eyes pop out when they see a guy with a big boner doing that," observed Chuckles with a giggle. "And they get all curious and stuff so you can teach them about fun stuff they can do with their dicks."
"Let's go down to the park and do it right now!" suggested Master J, and the three boys clapped their hands with glee as they leaped to their feet.
"I hope you enjoyed learning about all the fun things we like to do," said Chuckles looking into the camera, "and that you'll try them. I bet you'll enjoy doing them too. And I hope you want to learn more fun things to do because I have oodles and oodles of videos that will tell you about many more fun things to do. So until next time, this is Chuckles (and Miss Ginger and Master J joined in the other two teens) saying we hope you have a fun, fun, fun day."
The boys felt a rush of relief that the ordeal was over, and began formulating in their minds what they were going to say to Jack, but Jack was not yet done with them. Having the three boys change out of their costumes and into their normal clothes, Jack and Rob told them they wanted to tape a few more scenes to dub into the tape to illustrate the last conversation. The boys were too disappointed and too drained to object. Taking them first to the local elementary school, they broke in and taped them doing what they'd talked about. The pictures taken farther away and the closeups showing the shame on their faces as they thought about the elementary kids showing up at school on Monday and finding the obscenities they would use for the adult version. The closeups of just their hands and the things they wrote they would dub into the instructional video.
They then went down to the park and Rob taped Charles and Shane walking hand in hand and acting like lovers, catching at the same time the looks of surprise, disbelief, anger, and revulsion of the others who'd come to enjoy the afternoon in the park, especially the elderly and the couples with very young children. The more outrageous closeups of the faces of those who objected to the two gay lovers they would splice into the kiddie version to make the adults look like fools, while the full shots they would use for the adult version.
While Rob taped the two lovers and the reactions they were receiving, Jack took Jason home, not out of an act of kindness, but so he could further enjoy the teenager's evident angst. "You're awful quiet," he observed, secretly delighting in the teenager's misery.
Inhaling deeply, Jason said what was on his mind and had been for most of the afternoon, speaking softly and his eyes reflecting his fear of Jack's reaction. "I can't do any more of these videos."
"You can't?" asked Jack, pretending to be surprised.
"What we did today was gross," Jason observed, "the piss and snot and stuff. I just, I just can't do that sort of stuff anymore." He shuddered as he thought about it even though it had been Charles and Shane who'd had to do the worst stuff.
"But it was all just in fun," Jack commented as if it really should be of no concern.
"I especially didn't like the S&M stuff," Jason continued after a moment, that being the more troublesome issue. "Sex is supposed to be, you know, tender and loving, not that pain and gross stuff."
"You teenagers, full of such romantic ideas," Jack observed with a condescending smile. "I'll tell you what, the next video you can be the star, and we'll make sure it will be all about love and sweetness."
Jason looked at Jack in disbelief. The man had to have misunderstood him. He had not expected him to be so agreeable. "Does Shane have to be in it?" he asked, pushing his luck.
"No," Jack said after a moment. "If you want, we'll leave Shane out of the next video."
"Great!" Jason responded, too relieved that Jack had not become angry and too exhausted with the strain and humiliation of the tape he'd just made to care if Jack knew how he felt about Shane.
After a totally revolting and humiliating afternoon, Jason walked up the sidewalk to his front door with a huge smile and skip to his step. What he'd done that afternoon would come back to haunt him many times over the next week, but for the moment he was enjoying the brief moment of happiness Jack was affording him. Jack had a huge smile on his face too as he plotted out the next video as he drove back to the park. By the time he got back, Rob had just finished videotaping Shane once more dressed in drag taking a leak in the boys room with his concealed hand-held cam. He had waited until it was crowded with little kids and teenagers who'd come to see the teenager dressed like a girl, his presence having spread like wildfire through the park and the playground, and then had Shane hike up his skirt and push down his dainty pink panties at the urinals. Having consumed several cans of Coke along with Jason at the beginning of the afternoon, his bladder was straining, and it seemed like hours before it was finally drained. Rob didn't know which was the more priceless, the look of total shame on Shane's face as he stood there taking a leak while the little kids snickered and giggled and the older teens smirked and commented on how sick he was, or the looks on the faces of those watching him as they made the comments.
"You don't look very happy," Jack observed gleefully as he drove Shane home.
"I don't want to make any more videos," Shane blurted, the totally humiliated and defeated teenager almost in tears. This had been beyond doubt the worst day of his life.
"You don't? Why not?" asked Jack in surprise.
"I don't like doing dirty, filthy things, and I don't like doing sex stuff with guys, and I especially don't like being dressed up like a girl, and I don't like being laughed at," he replied in rush, everything pouring out of him like an opened dam.
"You asked me to write a script that involved you and Charles when we first began, remember?" asked Jack. "And to write one where Charles sucked your cock," he added, not giving the boy time to think about what he'd said. "You said that was the part you liked, because Charles was your friend, and friends pleased each other, remember?" Shane had said that, and remembered how happy he was to have a friend who made him feel good. "You were very happy when I introduced you to Charles, remember?" That was true, though he did tell Jack he didn't like some of the things they did, like peeing on each other. He tried desperately to remember exactly what he'd said and hadn't said. He wasn't very good at thinking on his feet. Actually, he wasn't very good at thinking. "I don't like it when boys break their promises to me after all I've done for them, and I've done a lot for you Shane, an awful lot." Shane had to admit that was true. "Telling me you don't want to make any more videos is not making me very happy, Shane."
"I'm sorry, I don't want to make you angry, but I just can't," Shane replied, his voice trembling now with apprehension and confusion. Jack was twisting things around. "I just don't want to make any more videos. I hate it."
Having watched Shane's reactions that afternoon, Jack had known he'd pushed the boy to his breaking point and had suspected something like this might happen. He knew teenagers well, and he was prepared. Pulling up to Shane's house, he reached into the glove box and took out an envelope and handed it to the trembling boy. As he took out the pictures, Shane's face went pure white. The first was a photo of his mother in the bathroom beside the laundry basket holding up his cum stained handkerchief between her thumb and index finger with an obvious look of perplexity, and then a second with an obvious look of awareness, and a third with a look of concern. There was only one time when he'd dumped a cum-filled handkerchief into the laundry, and that was after the shooing of him and Charles docking three months ago. The fourth picture was of her with his box of Daddy's Choice diapers, which he'd hidden under his bed.
The totally devastated boy looked over at Jack, who explained that he'd left hidden cams in Shane's home, and had many more equally humiliating stills. Suggesting if his mother was shocked by those two things, she was going to really be shocked to see some of the videos her little girl had made, he abruptly ordered Shane out of the car. Frightened now and his concern for his mother overriding his concerns for himself, Shane pleaded with Jack not to let his mother see the videos of him in drag, and took back what he'd said about hating doing the videos, and promised he'd never be any trouble again. Ordering him to "get the fuck out of the car" Jack scowled at him angrily. Conditioned to obey adults and totally flustered by the turn of events, Shane did so and Jack sped off down the street. As he looked at the wide-eyed boy standing on the curb on the verge of tears, he burst into gales of laugher.
By the time he returned to the park once more, Rob had finished taping Charles jerking off in one of the cubicles, which of course he'd initially refused to do until Rob had informed him Jack had left instructions that was what he was to do, and would be particularly angry if he found out Charles had defied him. Word about the boy dressed as a girl taking a leak had spread at the playground in the park, resulting in every boy from the age of five to twelve suddenly having a need to go to the bathroom. They were disappointed to find the weirdo had gone, but were pleasantly rewarded with the surprise of finding a teenager sitting there on the toilet doing what the parents of every single one of them had told them was nasty and sinful. Not only that, but he was making no attempt to hid his humongous cock. Again, Rob didn't know if the look of humiliation and shame on Charles's face, or the look of surprise but guilty interest on the faces of the little kids, and the leers exchanged between them, was the more arousing. When Charles squirted his load into the toilet bowl, the look on his face and the look on the faces of the little kids fortunate enough to be there at the moment would be a sight Rob would treasure for weeks to come, and a moment Charles and his young audience would never forget.
"What we did today was gross," observed Charles as Jack drove him home.
"It's just a parody, Charles."
"But doing that stuff in front of little kids, the kissing and stuff, and
3; the
3; jerking off," Charles stammered, "jeez, they're just little kids."
"That's what makes it such a great parody."
Charles had no idea what Jack meant so found himself at a loss how to argue. "I'm not a fucking faggot like Shane and Jason," he observed, deciding to take a different approach.
"I know that, but it's just a film, Charles. Make believe."
"I'm not doing any more." Make believe or not, the humiliation was real.
"What?" Jack asked, pretending to be surprised.
"What we did today was especially filthy, the snot and stuff, and doing things in front of little kids, but doing sex with guys is the filthiest thing of all. I fucking hate it, and I don't care anymore. You can show my parents the videos, you can send them to every fucking person at school, you can do anything you want, I just don't care. I'm not going to do another single video."
"Why Charles, I had no idea you felt that strongly about this. You should have said something."
It was Charles's turn to look surprised, but unlike Jack, he was not acting.
"Had I known you hated it that much I'd never have had you make videos doing things you thought were dirty, or videos with Jason and Shane. I thought you were doing these things with them because they were your friends. In fact I thought you were being very tolerant of the fact they were both faggots. I really wish you'd have told me."
Charles looked at Jack in total shock. He was sure he'd told Jack on several occasions how much he hated making the videos. Of course he might not have come right out and said it was because it was fag sex. In fact it was quite possible he'd just expressed his reluctance to make the videos without giving any reason at all. "You mean if I'd said something earlier, I'd, well, you, I, that is, you wouldn't have made me and Shane, and Jason.
"Of course not."
Charles sat there in the car in stunned disbelief for the rest of the drive to his house. He hadn't had to have done all the videos he'd done? He had objected to Jack before. He knew he had. Perhaps he had not been as forceful as just now, or hadn't given reasons. If he had, Jack wouldn't have had him do all these filthy, perverted things, or videos with Shane and Jason? If he'd only spoken up more firmly or clearly? This couldn't all be his fault. Jack had threatened him, to scar his face, or at least had hinted at it, or to show the pictures of him and Shane to his mother, or leave them in the lockers at school. As Charles dragged himself up the sidewalk to his home and struggled with the possibility he was at least partly to blame for his current circumstance, Jack doubled over in laughter. This was working out just too perfect!
Chapter 30
Still More Fun With Socks
Six-year-olds Kenny Darby and his best buddy Aaron Michaels learn all about love and being men from sixteen-year-old Jason Bonner, who is discovering a few things about love and being a man himself, having gotten exactly what he'd asked for, to star in a video all about love and without Shane Finnigan.
"Is everything all right, Jason?
3; Jason?
3; Jason?"
"Huh?" asked Jason, looking up from his untouched meal.
"Is there something wrong with your supper? You've barely touched it."
"Oh, no, it's fine," Jason responded. Actually, how could he explain to his mother that this past week every time he looked at mashed potatoes he couldn't help imagining them being secretly stuffed with boogers, that salad dressing reminded him of spit, and mayonnaise of cum, and that he couldn't help wondering where the French fries had been before appearing on his plate. Those recurring thoughts had been the reason for his loss of appetite and inattention most of this past week. The previous Saturday had been the most traumatic experience the snobbish, upper-class high school sophomore had ever had in his young life. There were, however, other reasons for his distraction that Sunday afternoon.
"Your marks down again?" asked his father. Normally receiving average or better grades, Jason had been doing more and more poorly over the past two months, missing assignments and even failing his exams. Finding significance in the causes of the war of 1812, solving quadratic equations, and the tragic love between Romeo and Juliet was difficult for the average teenager, never mind one living through the stress of being gay in an anti-gay culture, with the reality of weekly emotional abuse Jason was suffering at the hands of Jack and Rob on top of it. It was hard concentrating on his studies when he was being constantly reminded in the news, on television, in comments by his classmates, and even comments by his parents that being gay was being abnormal. Add to that his love for Charles, teenage love and hormones being a major distraction for any teen, straight or gay, and his angst over what he and the boy he loved more than anyone else had been forced to do last Saturday, and it was a surprise he was able to function at school at all.
"No, everything's fine, really. I'm just tired."
That much was true. Jason had not been sleeping well for the past two months as thanks to Jack and Rob he was being constantly reminded of his sexual orientation and difference from 'normal' teenagers. This past weekend he had gotten even less sleep. It had begun with the overnight basketball trip. After what he and Charles Brentworth had done the Saturday before, he desperately wanted to talk to Charles, to ensure him he was not the type of person Jack had made him portray, and even more important, to console him and tell him that the disgusting things Charles had been made to do did not matter to him, that his love for him had only grown stronger. That was what he wanted to do. The reality was that he could not look Charles in the face at school, and having to change in the locker room and play basketball with him after school had been totally awkward. Having watched Charles eat his own snot, and then squirting his cum on a burger and making Charles eat it, and having blindfolded and you might as well say rape him, he had no idea how to begin talking about what they'd done without showing his own shame and embarrassment.
Now they were travelling on the bus together, and Charles was one of the three guys assigned the same hotel room as he was, forcing them to spend time together and giving him an opportunity to do what he both wanted to do and dreaded doing. The situation was ironic in a way. There had been a time, only five months ago, when he'd have been overjoyed to be sharing a room with Charles, and he would have daydreamed for hours about all the things he'd wish they could do, and all the possibilities that could make it a reality. That was before he discovered Charles was gay, and Charles found out the same about him, when having sex with his classmate and teammate was a fantasy, not a reality. Now that they had known each other intimately, their present relationship should have made his fantasies about the upcoming overnighter all the more vivid and the possibility of them doing things all the more likely. Instead, knowing what they now knew about each other resulted in being together all the more awkward. That was confusing for the sixteen-year-old, but that was how he felt.
That wasn't the worst of it. When they arrived at the hotel, they found out the hotel had screwed up. The basketball team was to have been assigned a bank of rooms each with two single beds and two roll-away beds, but they were one short and so he, Charles, and two of their teammates had been assigned the last room, one with two single beds and one double instead of two roll-away beds. Charles had immediately claimed one of the single beds, and Matt the other. Troy of course objected, not coming right out and saying there was no way he was going to sleep with another guy but implying it. After some debate, they'd agreed that they would compete for the two single beds. After rejecting flipping a coin or pulling straws or cutting a deck for the two lowest cards as all being too simple and totally dependent on chance alone, they decided on a game of poker, and with a wry sense of humour Matt suggested they make it strip poker considering the stakes.
Five months ago Jason would have been delighted to play strip poker with any of them, but the secret he and Charles now shared made things different. The last thing Jason wanted to do was cast suspicion on himself or Charles that either of them was gay, and though their relationship was restricted to that white split-level with brown trim, that there was anything between them. Of course as they played, discussion switched from basketball and school and the upcoming game to girlfriends and music and other teen interests, and as the clothes were gradually shed, the conversation and jokes turned to sex. Jason was the first to lose all his clothes, and as he sat there stark naked he figured Troy would be the next, being down to his blue striped Joe Boxers. Sleeping in the same bed as the muscular, good-looking brunette would not be a disappointment, and in a way would be better than sleeping with Charles with whom he was certain to pop a woodie, but his hopes were that Charles would end up being his bedmate regardless of the temptation and the risks. Perhaps in the night, after the others were asleep, he'd be able to reach out and console him, if not verbally than just by cuddling, or at least assure him that what they'd done hadn't change his true feelings about him. Of course on the other hand he didn't want to risk doing anything to suggest either of them was gay, so sleeping together might not be the best idea either.
The cards, or God, but at least not Jack, decided Charles would have a run of bad luck and be the next to have to chuck his underwear, his last article of clothing. He argued that he conceded defeat and would sleep in the double bed so didn't have to remove his underwear, but Troy and Matt were adamant, insisting stripping bare-assed was part of the deal, and so as not to look the man out, or that he had any sympathy for Charles, Jason agreed with them. As Charles gave in and slipped off his boxers, Jason felt a twinge between his legs. Fortunately the fear he'd pop a woodie in front of everyone sent a stab through his heart and chilled the ardour growing between his legs. Their natural teenage humour continued with Matt and Troy suggesting if the two wanted they'd leave for a while and the two could hop into bed naked, observing that is was a queen bed. That was followed by several homophobic jokes and comments by the two. That sort of thing was hard for Jason to take normally, and even harder knowing Charles was gay, and that Charles knew he was, Jason of course having the mistaken impression that Charles was a homosexual like himself.
Of course the two boys took great pains to ensure there was no doubt about their masculinity despite they were sitting there totally naked, making comments about how they missed their girlfriends, and how it was too bad the cheerleaders didn't make road trips. Jason had subsequently spent a sleepless night laying there on the edge of the bed in his underwear wishing he could snuggle up to Charles show him his true feelings and that he was not the type of person Jack had made him act as last Saturday, and Charles spending a sleepless night on the other edge of the bed in his boxers fearing Jason would make a move on him. Jack and Rob would have been delighted to witness their angst, especially since for once they were not the cause of the boys' misery.
That long, torturous night, and losing the tournament big time the next day, not totally but in part because of their lack of sleep and poor performance on the gym floor, had made it a weekend of hell, but for Jason, it still was not over when they returned home Saturday night. Knowing that Jack was expecting him to show up on Sunday for a videotaping had him twisting and turning all that night also, in part because of the apprehension just what Jack had in mind despite his promise it would not be another S&M or a perverted scene like the last one, and in part in anticipation of a hot romantic scene with Charles and the possibility he could set things right between them.
"So, which socks do you love the most?" asked Kenny, surveying the collection of socks scattered over his bed in their individual plastic baggies.
His best buddy Aaron studied their collection seriously, the boys having over the course of the afternoon and evening of the previous day and that Sunday morning collected six pairs of socks. They had approached a fireman from the fire hall not far from where they lived, a policeman who happened to be patrolling their neighbourhood, a construction worker working on a building near their school, a truck driver at the construction site, a high school football player out for practice on the high school football field, and the man in the park who had returned to the playground in the hopes the boys might ask him. Picking up one of the bags and opening it, Aaron stuck in his nose and inhaled deeply. "The pair we got at the fire hall," he announced. "I love the smell of smoke mixed in with sweat. It makes it a real man's smell, just like Jason said in the video."
"Yeah, it does," agreed Kenny, having sampled the odour of the fireman's sock in the alley after they'd obtained it the evening before. The two six-year-olds thought back to the previous evening. They'd gone to the fire hall right after supper and had happened to arrive just after the firemen had finished cleaning up and putting away their equipment after having returned from fighting a large house fire. Accustomed to group visits from wide-eyed, hero-worshipping youngsters from the local kindergarten and elementary school, the men had not been surprised to have the two boys arrive at the station, and had fully expected them to ask if they could sit in the engine, or have an autograph. What did surprise the men was their request for a pair of used socks.
The appearance of the sixteen-year-old at a different station two weeks previously had been an even greater surprise to the firemen with the exception of one. The boy's explanation that he was on a scavenger hunt did make sense to the men however, just as the men in the other fire hall accepted the same excuse from Kenny and Aaron. That was the only similarity. Whereas the six-year-olds had willingly snuggled up to the fireman who had ultimately volunteered to provide the socks and had innocently but firmly groped him as they'd hugged him and thanked him with a kiss, Jason had been totally humiliated showing a similar gratitude to the fireman who had given him his socks, the one fireman who had not been surprised at his appearance.
While the others had continued to clean up the equipment and put it away, he had taken Jason to the locker room. Removing his wet, smoky overalls, the six-foot-three [1.90 m], two-hundred-and-fifty pound [113 kg] bear slowly stroked himself outside his boxers as he eyed the teenager. "I know the real reason you're here," he announced. He did. He was gay, and a friend of Jack's. Jason looked at him hesitantly and with embarrassment, wondering if he meant he knew Jack had sent him and that this was part of a video he was making, and embarrassed to be standing there with a grown man standing in front of him in his underwear and groping himself. "I know," the man repeated, this time with a leer. "You're one of those fucking pussy boys who have a thing for socks, and for real men in uniforms." Jason turned a bright red and stared at the man open-mouthed, not knowing what to say. He wasn't!
The man reached out and groped the surprised teenager, at the same time taking the boy's hand and placing it between his own legs. Jason turned even redder. To his surprise the man was erect. Releasing his hand and wrapping his arm about Jason, the man drew him close and planted a long, hot kiss on his lips, continuing to grope the boy with his other hand. Pulling down Jason's fly, he slipped his hand inside and inside his boxers and gave him a good feel. Jason knew he had no choice but to let the man do what he wanted if he wanted the socks, and he knew what Jack's reaction would be if he came out without them. What he did not know was the entire scene was being caught on a hidden cam and would splice into the adult and kiddie versions of the tape he was making, the comments about being a faggot sissy boy and Jason's embarrassment being spliced into the adult version, and his showing of appreciation for the socks spliced into the kiddie version. With the other men busy cleaning up the equipment and putting it away, they didn't notice the amount of time their colleague had taken with the boy, nor that the boy's shirt had been pulled out and that his fly was down when they finally returned.
"Did you get the socks?" Jack asked as Jason got into the car, knowing full well that he had. Jason nodded. He'd gotten them, and Jack would later be jerking off as he watched the tape of his buddy making Jason remove them, and then bury his nose in them as he wanked the man off.
The scene might have been humiliating for the teenager, but Jack had kept his promise. The video he was making was all on love, and Shane was not part of it. To Jason's disappointment, nor was Charles, and Jack's idea of a tape on love was very different from his own. He'd begun by talking about how glad he was that he was a male, and what being a man meant, which basically meant doing man types of things, like sports, and masculine jobs, and of course pissing standing up and doing things with those things hanging between a guy's legs. As he'd talked about how great it was being male, he'd of course groped himself before the camera.
He then talked about how great love was, how it was the greatest feeling in the world, and how love was something that everyone agreed was good. He talked about how you can love your pet whether it be a dog, cat or turtle, how you can love ice cream or a favourite toy, and how love was different for different people, like how one person can love apple pie and another chocolate cake. He talked about the very special love between a husband and his wife, between parents and their children, between boyfriends and girlfriends, and the extra special love between two buddies, and between boys who liked boys, and how the smell of his lover Charles turned him on. He talked about how fathers loved their sons, and sons their fathers, how some people loved dressing up, and how some loved the smell of socks, and how the world would be better if people just loved each other and let people love each other. The tape at the fire hall was only one of several Jack would use. He also knew a doctor who looked like anyone's kindly grandfather, a beefy trucker, and a cowboy stud all who had a thing for teenage boys, and who would gladly have themselves taped giving the boy their socks, for a favour in return.
"I love the smell of Greg's socks," said Kenny, picking up one of the baggies and opening it. He held it to his nose and inhaled deeply. "His socks smell sexy, and he's one fucking sexy stud," the six-year-old observed, quoting his video star Jason. The two boys thought about the high school football player they'd approached after practice and who'd thought it a big joke when they'd asked for his socks, and how they'd felt his muscles, and said they bet he was a real man and squeezed him between the legs and his bum, just like Jason had done with the trucker in the video.
The two boys thought about all the things Jason had said about being male and how it was better than being female, and all the things he'd said about love, like how brothers loved each other like Aaron and his brother Kevin, and like how some dads and sons loved each other in a very special way. The boys thought about the video scene of a dad and his son around their age laying naked on the bed and kissing, the two of them growing stiff and then playing with each other's cocks, a segment of a porno video Jack had downloaded from the Internet and added to the tape. Their little dicks grew hard as they imagined their dads and them doing that. They thought about what Jason had said about how the world would be a lot better if everyone loved each other, like buddies loved each other, and didn't make a big shit about if it was between two guys, or between a guy and a boy.
"I think I changed my mind," observed Aaron. "You know whose socks I love the mostest?"
Kenny smiled. "I like yours the mostest too."
The two boys swung into opposite directions, and burying their noses in each other's feet, they inhaled deeply. They reached down and pulled down each other's zipper. Slipping their fingers in each other's fly, they pulled out each other's stiff little dicklet. They squirmed with pleasure as they began to wank each other, with the pleasure of having their best buddy tugging on their stiff, throbbing boy flesh, and with the pleasure of wanking their best buddy and bringing him that very special feeling that only boys can feel, and that is so extra great when boys do it to each other. They inhaled deeply, delighting in the odour of each other's stinky feet as the tingling of their pee-ers grew stronger. They trembled as that tingling became more and more intense until they were jerking their hips uncontrollably and their swollen two-inch [5 cm] cocks burned with that awesome itch. Jason was right. Love was fucking awesome, and it was the best fucking feeling in the whole fucking world.
Chapter 31
Still More Fun With Rover
In this story, Charles learns you had better be careful what you ask for when he finds out what Jack had in mind when he agreed that Charles would not be asked to make any dirty videos or to star with his faggot co-stars Shane and Jason.
A week had gone by since the embarrassing, sleepless night in the hotel room with Jason, Matt and Troy and their demoralizing defeat by Winston High, and two weeks since the humiliation of being forced to eat his snot and a burger sprayed with Jason's ball slime, kiss and snuggle with Shane in public, and do other equally gross things. For two weeks he'd thought about the conversation with Jack on the ride home, and recalled every conversation he'd ever had with the sadistic son-of-a-bitch from the day he'd met him in the mall and agreed to make videos for a two-hundred-dollar pair of Michael Jordan Airwalks. He knew he'd confronted Jack before about making the perverted videos, on several occasions, and that Jack had threatened him if he broke his contract. So why had Jack seemed so surprised when he'd flatly said he wouldn't do any more videos two weeks ago, and seemed even more surprised that he didn't like doing the gross things he'd been forced to do, and that he didn't want to have faggot sex with the two pervert queers he'd been forced to do things with?
Jack's shock had seemed genuine. In fact when he hadn't shown up last Saturday at the white split-level with brown trim that he'd come to hate, Jack had not phoned to see where he was. Risking a phone call from Jack to his mother was something he'd never had done two months ago, but he really no longer cared. He'd do anything to put an end to what to the torture he'd been going through, even take his own life if he had to, which he had seriously considered two weeks ago. When Jack did phone last night to tell him he wanted to see him and that he'd pick him up the next afternoon, he'd seemed markedly pleasant, like he had in those initial videos back in the fall, and he had made a point to assure him that the video wouldn't be anything gross, and that he wouldn't be filming with Shane or Jason. Even so, Charles had come to know Jack over the past seven months, and although he could not say Jack had ever out and out lied to him, Jack's interpretations of their conversations and what they were doing were not always the same as his. It was not that he did not trust Jack. It was simply that he did not know if Jack understood what he was saying sometimes, and vice versa.
So, it was with some reservation and apprehension that he waited for Jack down on the corner that Saturday afternoon, and had fidgeted and fretted, paced and cursed, when Jack was late, ten, thirty, forty-five minutes. He knew it could be possible that Jack would never show up, and could have even phoned his home to say so, but he also knew it could be just as likely Jack would show up late, just moments after he'd given up and gone home, and then he'd be in real shit, and Jack would have a reason to renege on his promise. He did not want to give Jack any reason to do that. Jack did show up, fifty-five minutes late, and he made no apology nor gave any explanation as to why. Charles did not dare ask. They headed to the south part of the city, a part Charles was not familiar with. Pulling into a park on the outskirts of the city, Jack handed the sixteen-year-old boy his familiar Chuckles the Clown costume and make up and told him he could change in the public washroom.
"I thought maybe I wouldn't have to do any more videos at all," he said slowly and quietly.
"I just said I would never again ask you to make a gross video, or to have sex again with Shane and Jason. That was a promise, and I promise you again, Scout's honour," Jack said, images of young, naked Scouts tied up in the woods and awaiting his pleasure crossing his mind and causing his cock to stir. That was the curse of having the creative mind of a genius. "Now, go get changed. Time is money you know."
Charles knew. Jack had told him that often enough. He took his things and headed for the washroom. At least it was empty and there was nobody to see him change into his humiliating outfit, and at least whatever he was going to be expected to do, it wasn't going to be something filthy, and it wouldn't involve fag sex. Jack had promised, though the fact he'd been given the Winnie the Pooh underwear to put on was disturbing. They didn't do that unless he was going to take his pants off. Emerging from the washroom, his frail hopes were immediately dashed as he saw Jack and Rob standing there with a co-star of two of his earlier videos, Rover. Charles stared at the border collie sitting there obediently. It could not be! Jack had said it wouldn't be gross! His reaction was caught on tape of course, Rob having begun taping the moment Charles had stepped out of the washroom. Taking Rover's leash, Charles looked into the camera and began the introduction he'd learned by heart and which had become part of increasingly frequent nightmares about Jack and Rob.
"Now, you will all remember my very, very, very best pal in the whole wide fucking world," he said, reading from the cue cards. "Remember, dogs are a man's best friend, and a boy's too." He faked a big wide smile. "Remember a long, long time ago when Chuckles was trying to suck his own dick and we tried to suck each others and couldn't, but Rover did mine for me? Now that was being a good, good dog," he said, smiling down at the dog with his blue painted lips and petting him. "And remember when Chuckles was feeling super, super horny, and he had oodles and oodles of fun sucking Rover's cock for him?" Charles remembered. He'd remembered the shame and the disgusting taste for months after. "I hope if you have a dog, or any type of pet, a cat, or a hamster, or whatever, that you've been having sex fun with your pet too. Sex feels real, real good," he said, rubbing the crotch of his baggy polka dot pants, "and pets like to make their owners feel good. And," he said with a grin, "owners like to make their pets feel good too. Like taking them for walkies." He petted Rover again and the obedient dog wagged his tail. "For waiting patiently for me while I took a shit, I'll take you for a nice long walk, Rover."
So saying he headed for the path leading around the edge of the park which was marked as. a dog run along with a reminder to dog owners to bring their pooper scooper. There were several people walking their dogs or jogging with them, and though it was unusual, they did not question two men filming a teenage clown taking his dog for a walk. It was a nice looking animal, a border collie, with long, silky hair. The honey-brown, golden, and milk white hairs had a shine to them that told any dog-owner who knew anything about dogs that the animal was well-fed and groomed. That the reason he was well looked after was because the collie was a very valuable and experienced show dog who'd performed in more porno videos with both male and female stars, human and canine, than Lassie had probably performed in movies and TV shows in her entire career. Rover had probably also brought in millions more dollars.
To Charles's dismay and embarrassment, and the consternation and frustration of the dog owners out to exercise their dogs, when Charles and Rover met up with anyone who had a male dog, their dog immediately approached Charles and sniffed at his crotch, and at his butt, and clearly became very interested. Jack of course laughed that everyone loves a clown, even dogs, and that the dogs could probably tell Chuckles loved dogs.
"Chuckles?" asked one of the men, looking at Charles, and then at his six-year-old son, a cute, button-nosed, blue-eyed, black-haired boy who was standing there with those big blue eyes popping out and his lower jaw hanging to his knees. "Johnnie and his buddy have mentioned a Chuckles the Clown show they love to watch. Are you
3; ?" Jack nodded for Chuckles, who was standing there immobile, staring at the kid and his dog with much the same expression. "Actually, it was watching one of your episodes about pets I guess that resulted in us getting Blackie here," he said, referring to the black Labrador that was becoming particularly agitated and difficult to control as he poked his nose between Charles's legs. "Johnnie insisted we had to get a dog, a boy dog," he added with a smile at his son who was still standing there totally transfixed. "Blackie and Johnnie have been inseparable ever since."
'No,' screamed Charles's mind. 'No!' It could not be. The kid couldn't have possibly seen the video. He couldn't possibly be doing such sick things with his dog. It was a parody for adults. He was just a kid for Chrissake. He couldn't be more than six! All the other videos he'd done flashed through Charles's tortured mind. They were for adults! It had to be a coincidence. It had to be a different Chuckles the Clown. It was a common enough name. Fortunately Blackie had become totally uncontrollable and his amorous intention toward Charles was embarrassingly evident as his dong began to emerge out of his hairy sheath. Pulling Blackie away, the father and his young son continued on their way, little Johnnie looking back at Chuckles until they disappeared around the corner. Jack and Rob glanced at each other and grinned. Young Johnnie and Blackie would be having the time of their lives later on when they were alone from the looks of the dong poking out the lab's hairy sheath as he'd been reluctantly lead away, and from the little tent in Johnnie's khaki shorts as he'd left just as reluctantly. And in two weeks from now, young Johnnie was going to learn a brand-new way to have fun with his four-legged best pal. They would certainly keep this scene in, along with the look of suspicion, shock and denial on Charles's face, and they'd dub in a few choice comments about how horny Blackie was and how hot all the dogs were finding Chuckles. Realizing it would be an even hotter video if they got those choice words out of young Johnnie's mouth, and being an expert at eliciting just the right words that could be spliced together, Jack ran after Johnnie and his father for a few comments from Chuckles's young fan.
By the time he rejoined Charles and Rob they'd reached the far end of the park. Leaving the path, they entered a denser part of the woods beyond the park, a part they had selected in an earlier visit. There tied to a tree but out of reach of each other and laying in the shade were two dogs, a bitch French poodle in heat and a Scotch Terrier. Their owner was sitting near by and greeted Jack and Rob enthusiastically, and leered over at Chuckles. The terrier had been smelling the scent of the poodle all morning, and the moment the two dogs were untied he jumped her, and the poodle, being in the mood, did not object. Rob filmed the two dogs going at it while Charles read from the cue card, commenting about how it was common to see dogs humping each other, and that dogs had it right. When you felt like having sex, you should just be able to drop your pants and do it wherever and whenever you wanted just like animals did.
"In fact," he said with a sudden look of inspiration that had to be taped several times before Jack was satisfied, "dogs have it double right. Not only do they fuck when and where they want, they don't wear clothes they have to take the time to take off first." He giggled like a little kid. "In almost every country in the world there are men and women who believe that wearing clothes is a waste of time. They have special places called nudist colonies where they go around all day with no clothes on. Some of the places are just for men. They are called gay nudists camps. Some are by the beach, and some in the woods, and some even in the cities. The next time you are on the Internet with your computer, click the search button, and type in G A Y N U D I S T C A M P," he said, spelling it out slowly as Rob zoomed in on the cue card. "Maybe you'll find one near where you live! Wouldn't that be fun to visit? Even if you don't have a nudist camp near you, you and your buddies can make your own. Just find a place where no adults go and make that your special place to play with no clothes on."
He glanced over at the third man, wondering what he was thinking. From the look in his eyes he knew. He'd seen that look in the eyes of Rob and Jack practically every week for the past thirty-one weeks. He began to turn red, and when Jack made him repeat the words and the gestures until he looked and sounded enthusiastic and just like a clown on a kiddie show, he turned even redder. When Jack was finally satisfied, Charles looked about, and then was to have said with a twinkle in his eyes, "like this place." He had to say it half a dozen times before Jack was satisfied with his tone. With a sinking heart, he began to disrobe as instructed on the cue card. No matter how many times he'd done it, the sixteen-year-old boy still found it humiliating and embarrassing to strip down naked in front of the two men, especially when he was the only one bare balled and they were fully clothed. Doing it now in front of a third man, a total stranger, was even more humiliating. To him, stripping in front of them and the camera constituted gross behaviour, but he knew Jack would not think so, and knowing there could be a lot worse things he could be expected to do, he made no objection. As Rob filmed the blushing teenager stepping out of his boxers and revealing his nads to the three adults, the owner of the two show dogs, who'd finished doing their thing, lead them off into the woods and tied them up out of the way.
As soon as Charles stepped out of the Winnie the Pooh underwear he'd been given to put on, Rover approached and begun to sniff him, and when Charles tried to hold him off Jack told him to let the dog do his thing, observing before Charles could complain that it was only natural for a dog to sniff out someone when they'd exposed themselves to him. Charles wanted to object, but knowing it would do no good, and deciding if he had to object he'd wait for something more important, he opted not to. So, blushing with embarrassment, the teenager stood there in his frizzy hair and clown make-up and allowed the dog to sniff his genitals and lick them, and then sniff his butt hole and licked it too.
"It looks like watching those two dogs fucking their asses off has gotten Rover fucking horny," Charles said into the camera as he read from the card. "It's too bad that there's no girl dog around for you to fuck, Rover." He petted the dog on the head as the dog lapped his nuts. "You look so fucking horny I bet you hurt. I know how that feels," he observed as he reached down and squeezed his cock. He looked at Rover. "You know, there is no girl dog around, but I know you like boy dogs. In fact I know you like boy dogs even better," he read from the cue card. "But there are no boy dogs around here either," he said sadly, "but there is a boy," he said as he looked into the camera, "a-no. No!"
"Charles, you were supposed to say that with a big, happy grin, not a frown, and like you just thought of the idea, which you think is brilliant, and that says 'a boy', not 'a no no.' Now let's try that again."
"You said we wouldn't be filming anything gross."
"I did."
"Then what do you call that?" Charles retorted, nodding to the cue chart.
"Just doing what is natural."
"Dogs doing that to guys is natural?" Charles retorted.
"Dogs do it to each other all the time, boy dogs to girl dogs, and boy dogs to boy dogs."
"Boy and girl dogs yeah, and maybe even guy dogs, I don't know," Charles replied with a shrug. "But not dogs and guys. No fucking way."
"You telling me you've never had a dog try to fuck your leg, or seen dogs trying to do that with other guys?"
"Well, yeah. But not, not that way," he said, nodding to the cue card, unable to voice what it said.
"But Rover does want to fuck you. You can tell that." Charles could not deny that. "And owners should make their pets happy and make them feel good like you said, don't you think?"
"Yeah, sure, make them feel good, pet them, give them their fav food or a toy or something. Not, not, not that," he replied, nodding to the cue card again.
"Why not? Sex feels good, you know that. So letting a dog fuck ass has to make him feel good, and it makes their owner feel good too. You'll find out when you try it."
"No fucking way. There's no fucking way in hell I'm going to do that."
"The deal was you didn't want to do any more videos that were gross, or that were with your fag friends. This isn't with your queer friends, and dogs fucking whatever they can whenever they can to get satisfaction is normal, not gross. You even said that earlier in the video. And you can't tell me you haven't seen dogs humping whatever they can when they get crazy when they smell a bitch in heat." That was true. "So don't get ridiculous. Let's get on with this. Time is money, and you're starting to cost me."
It was just as Charles had expected. What he was expected to do was gross, but Jack didn't see it that way, and if Jack didn't see it that way, then it wasn't. The tone in Jack's voice said he was running out of patience, something Jack didn't have much of, and Charles knew the consequences when Jack ran out of patience. He was going to be screwed either way, by Jack if he refused, and by Rover if he agreed. He chose Rover, because deep down Charles knew he didn't have a choice anyway.
"But there are no boy dogs around here either," he said sadly once again. "But there is a boy," he said brightly as if he just had an excellent idea, "a boy who loves getting his ass fucked." He got down on all fours and looked at Rover, who was being restrained by Jack out of sight of the camera. "Com'on Rover," Charles called. "Come sniff my hot, juicy boy hole. It is itching for a fuck, for a good hot fuck by a big red doggy dick like yours." The owner of the other two dogs stepped out of the bushes, and Charles turned bright crimson.
At the same time Jack released Rover and the collie bounded over to the boy. What Charles had not known was that Jack had rubbed his Winnie the Pooh underwear over the odoriferous slit of the bitch in heat, making his asshole irresistible to Rover. Later in the video Chuckles would let his young audience in on that trick just incase their pet needed some encouragement, or incase they wanted to try this on someone they didn't like. Rover quickly took another sniff at what didn't look like a cunt but certainly smelled like one, and deciding on believing his nose rather than his eyes, mounted the hapless teenage boy in a single bound. Charles quivered as he felt the tip of the hot, slick dick probing his asshole, and he opened it as wide as he could as he felt the arrowhead shaped tip wedge into his anus, not out of the desire to be dog fucked, but out of the desire to get this over with. Once started, Rover pushed on relentlessly, pain oblivious to the fully aroused animal as he rammed his hot, hard, slimy dick up his master's asshole. The teenage boy's ass was tight, and moist, and felt no different from a cunt to the dog. Besides, he'd been trained to fuck ass just as eagerly as cunt, the ass of women and of men. He sank his cock up the boy's rectum right up to his hairy black balls.
Wrapping his front legs more tightly about Charles's waist, Rover began to hump the boy, ramming his slender cock in and out of his naked body. As the dog's lust grew with each stroke, he began to drool, and his hot, slimy spittle dripped on Charles's back and ran down over his ribs and down along his spine, over his tail bone, and on down his crack to the hot, hard cock pumping in and out of his asshole. Rover rammed his cock in and out of the now throbbing and itching hole, and as the dog felt his sperm begin to churn in his swollen balls, he rammed forward, pushing his thick knot at the base of his cock into Charles's rectum, locking the two together in nature's ingenious mechanism to ensure the male deposited all of his sperm up his partner before he uncoupled. His hot, thick doggy juice spurted out of his throbbing cock, sending it deep up Charles's rectum. The dog's cock throbbed over and over, sending squirt after squit up Charles's ass.
When at long last he was done squirting, Rover squirmed and struggled to get his knot out of Charles's hole, causing the boy additional pain and embarrassment. True to its natural purpose, it held the boy and dog together to ensure every last drop of semen had been squeezed out of the dog dick. As Charles felt the slender but still hard cock finally ease out of his hole, he sighed with relief, but he was soon to discover his torture was not over. Rob and Jack had collected half a dozen stray dogs in the area that morning, all of whom had been brought out to watch Charles getting fucked by the third man, and all of whom could smell the bitch on him.
Released now, they all swarmed around him, sniffing and licking his cock and his asshole as he knelt there in the bushes on his elbows and knees, and then snarling and snapping at each other, they determined their order of dominance. A large brown, white, and grey German Shepard was the winner, and the muscular, shorthaired dog eagerly mounted the boy. It did not take as long as it had taken Rover to unite, and soon the dog was gripping the naked teenage boy about the waist with his forelegs as he pumped his hips to and fro, driving his dog cock in and out of the boy's ass. His drool dribbled from his mouth also, and like Rover's, the slimy spittle oozed down and around the boy's body to drip off his chest, and down his back to baste his backside and run along his crack. The dog rammed his dick in and out of the teenage boy rapidly and before long he shoved it deeply up his cum-slick hole to add his own doggy cum.
He was followed by a Doberman, and then a Rottweiler, and already totally humiliated, he saw no purpose of objecting. Besides, with his balls and cock hanging loosely and vulnerably between his legs, there was no way he was going to take a chance of angering either dog, or Jack. One medium-large bite and he'd be singing in the boys' choir the rest of his life. The Rottweiler was followed by three mongrel breeds, and Charles had no idea why, but being fucked by a dog with no pedigree was even grosser and more humiliating than being fucked by a pure-breed like Rover.
"Now that was an excellent video, Charles, excellent." Jack smiled down at the dishevelled, miserable teen, his body streaked with sweat and dog spittle and his asshole leaking dog juice big time with seven loads of puppy-making dog juice up his rectum. His waist and his backside were scratched from the enthusiasm of the fuck by the long-clawed dogs, and the muscles of his legs and lower torso were aching wearily from the strain resulting from the dogs' efforts to get their knot out of his rectum when they were done. His asshole felt like it had been fucked raw, and it felt stretched open wider than it had ever been stretched before. One thing was for sure, it burned like the skin had been fucked off.
"No more," the boy whimpered like a beaten cur as he looked up at Jack. "Please, no more."
"Not to worry, that was the last dog," said Jack, purposefully misinterpreting Charles's plea so that the boy would be forced to say it out in full.
"No, no more videos, please, I beg of you, no more." He was practically crying, and the third man was still there watching and listening, but he no longer cared. This had to end!
"But Charles, I already agreed that you didn't have to do any more videos about gross things, or with your faggot friends. From the way you performed today, I can see why you asked me to stop making those types of videos with you in them. It is easy to see you much prefer your animal friends over doing sex with fellow teenagers."
Charles looked up at Jack, totally devastated. "You said no more gross stuff," he said softly.
"Right, I promised no more such videos," Jack said with a smile.
"Just natural things from now on, things you see every day all around you, like dogs fucking doggy style. Now, get dressed and let's get that make up off and get you home."
Charles crawled over to where his clothes were laying and with his body sore and bruised, and feeling filthier than he'd ever felt before, he began to get dressed. "Jack," he said quietly.
"I'll pay you. I'll pay you every penny you've ever given me, double, triple. I don't care. I'll get the money. Please. I don't want to make any more videos, not of any kind. I'll do anything you want, anything to make this stop!"
Jack studied him for a long time. "Well, you have been good about your contract," he finally said. "I'll tell you what. If you agree not to be paid for today, or for any remaining videos we make, we'll phase out making these instructional parodies." He thought for a longer period. "Say, well, let's say, three more, tops."
Looking up at Jack with huge, grateful eyes that reminded Jack and Rob of a young puppy, Charles began to get dressed.
Chapter 32
Camera Fun
Six-year-olds Kenny Darby and his best buddy Aaron Michaels learn still more ways two boys can have oodles and oodles of fun from their idol Chuckles the Clown, at the same time entering a contest for a mysterious prize and unknowingly bringing the man who has been providing them the videos the second greatest pleasure they could possibly give him, all the while blissfully unaware of the angst their video heros are going through.
"Okay," said Kenny, aiming the digital camera at his best buddy Aaron as Aaron sat on his bed. "Say cheese."
"Cheese," said Aaron, looking into the camera with the same happy boyish smile and enthusiasm as he would for a family picture being taken by his father, his smooth cheeks flushed with boyish excitement and his large, white baby teeth flashing between his cherry lips.
"Now look sexy and say fuck."
"Fuck," Aaron said, leering into the camera as those cherry lips parted with the F word.
"Take your shirt half off like Chuckles did and look over your shoulder and say Chuckles."
The boys had watched the thirty-second Fun With Chuckles video that afternoon in which Chuckles the clown had told them all about the fun things they could do taking pictures, and told them what sort of poses men especially liked to see when looking at pictures of boys, and things to say that made them look sexy, which men really liked. They had spent the rest of the afternoon taking pictures, starting at Kenny's house since there was nobody home, and taking pictures of him in his bedroom smiling at the camera and playing with his toys, oodles of pictures of him taking his clothes off and looking into the camera and saying dirty words and laughing, pictures of him playing with his pee-er and his bum, pictures of him wanking his stiff little boner while watching cartoons, while watching a Chuckles video, while playing cars and trucks, and at the family computer until he reached that point where his pee-er went all funny and sent lightning shocks of pleasure up the swollen flesh and caused him to jerk uncontrollably, all of which of course Aaron took pictures of. Then they took pictures of each other in various stages of undress with different tools in his dad's workshop. Then they went up to the bathroom and took pictures of first Kenny and then Aaron in the shower and sitting on the toilet fiddling with themselves, and of course the two six-year-olds continued until they were both twisting and gasping with spasms of another orgasm.
Then they went to Aaron's house and went with his dad and his brother to a basketball practice at the junior high school. While Aaron's dad watched his brother, they slipped away and took pictures of each other in one of the classrooms, drawing dirty pictures and writing dirty words on the blackboard like they'd seen Chuckles and his friends do in the video two weeks earlier, taking a leak at the urinals, and sitting in a desk with their dicks out and fiddling with them while they pretending to be doing school work.
Dropping the boys off at Aaron's house, Aaron's dad went shopping with his mom and his brother headed off to his girlfriends, leaving the boys alone once again. That was just what they'd wanted, and they'd gone to Aaron's bedroom and were taking pictures of him.
"Now lay down on your tummy and look up into the camera and say 'I wanna lick your dick' like Chuckles did," instructed Kenny, and Aaron did. "Now lay on your back and slip your hand in your pants and say 'mmmmm, that feels good'." Aaron did, and the statement was not acting. The man had given them half a dozen rolls of film, and they were finishing off the fourth. He had also told them that if they needed any help taking pictures of both of them together, that he'd be happy to help them, and they'd agreed to meet with him later that same afternoon. Loading the fifth film into the digital camera, the two boys headed to the kitchen for milk and cookies, Aaron's mother having baked chocolate chip cookies that morning. Giggling happily, the two boys held hands and went skipping down the sidewalk toward the playground to meet the man half an hour later, the last roll of film in the pocket of Kenny's dinosaur emblazoned shorts. Neither was aware that their video star and hero, Chuckles, and his two friends had been far from merry when Chuckles had shot the video two weeks ago.
Posing in front of the camera and telling little kids to look seductive and sexy and to say dumb things like "is that an ice cream cone in your pants" and dirty things like "come suck my fuckin' pee-er and make me feel fuckin' good" was dumb, but what did a sixteen-year-old high school sophomore know about parodies? Jack said adults got off on watching videos like that and he had to believe him. He had been doing these parodies for the past thirty-two weeks after all, so Jack had to be making a profit from them. He himself was getting two hundred bucks for each one he did, usually, and for Jack to be paying him that sort of money he had to be making good money from the videos. And, he had two more to go! Just two more and he'd be done, forever, never again to come to this white split-level with brown trim to spend the Saturday afternoon being humiliated and forced to engage in the grossest acts imaginable, things that he'd never imagined anyone sane doing. This Saturday was an exception. Posting in front of the camera wasn't gross. Sure, some of the things he had to say and some of the things he had to do, like stick his hands in his pants and play with himself, or even worse, take his cock out and stroke it in front of Jack and Rob, were embarrassing, but it wasn't something he hadn't done before, and none of it could be considered gross. And besides, he wasn't doing it with Shane or Jason. Jack had kept his word, as Jack always did. Just two more videos!
Although he was happy, things were not one hundred percent great. Matt Danson had become a major problem these past two weeks. Matt was the top player on their basketball team, and not just because of his height and long legs, though they both helped. Matt Danson was a good athlete, plain and simple, and would likely go on to college with a basketball scholarship. Nobody could deny he scored more baskets than anyone, and nobody begrudged him his fame. He deserved it, and although many boys envied him, they also admired his athletic ability. Despite his athletic prowess however, girls weren't falling all over him. He was tall and gangly, all arms and legs, and not the handsomest of boys with a hawk-like nose and large ears and hair the colour of mouldy straw that always looked uncombed despite his efforts to stop it from looking so. He also, like many teenagers, had an ongoing battle with acne.
It was not his physical appearance that turned the girls off however. It was his attitude. He had an ego that left no room for anyone else other than himself in a room. And, along with the ego, was a major insecurity that resulted in him finding fault with everyone else in order to build himself up. It didn't matter who it was, girl or guy, or what it was, from the clothes they wore not being "in" to their interests being too geeky, from their voice being annoying to whatever. There was not a person he hadn't been able to find fault with. He'd had major fun when Shane had shown up at the mall looking for Charles, from his geeky behaviour to his bargain basement clothes, and had been disappointed when Shane had begun dressing up, and then when Shane had stopped coming around.
Lately he'd gone off on a homophobic bent, the result of his father, who owned the local hardware store, having found out one of his employees was gay, and having fired the man, supposedly because of the decline in economy but really because of his sexual preference. Matt had gone on and on about the homo agenda, how they were a threat to the family structure and to the institution of marriage and everything that was sacred and good, repeating everything he'd heard his father say. Of course he had to have his own homo to serve as an example, and had one in Shane, the boy's appearance in the mall in drag seven weeks ago having left nobody in doubt about his sexual orientation. Of course since Charles and Jason were known to associate with Shane, he'd been implying they were fag lovers ever since then, quietly since they were teammates, but after the two had spent the night in the same bed in the hotel room two weeks ago, he'd been suggesting perhaps they hadn't ended up together by accident. He'd also claimed at the same time that Charles had been seen in the downtown park strolling hand in hand with Shane, and the two of them had been seen kissing. Then, a week ago, he had begun a new rumour, that Charles liked older men, saying that Charles had also been seen leaving the park with an older man two weeks ago, and then had been seen hanging around on the street corner and being picked up by the same man a block from his home just last week.
Shane and Charles had been seen by many people, and among them had been a cousin of one of Shane's classmates who'd told her about Shane showing up at his neighbourhood mall in drag. She of course reported the sighting to her cousin, who in turn, it seemed, told the entire school. Shane, once a shy, unheard of and unseen teenager, was suddenly once again the main topic of conversation, and the object of relentless teasing and questioning, and, from some of more macho and more insecure boys, harassment. His explanation at the mall about showing up in drag being an initiation hadn't been believed by many, but it had been passed off as another aspect of his quirkiness and more or less forgotten. This latest gossip, however, confirmed he was a swishing, effeminate faggot.
Shane was sure it would only be a matter of time before his teachers overheard the gossip about him, or found out about his now daily harassment and intervened, and of course that would mean contacting his parents. That fear, that his mother and father would learn about him appearing in drag, had been tormenting him for the past three weeks. Three weeks had gone by since Jack had exploded on him, three weeks since Jack had insinuated that he'd tell his mother about his dressing up like a girl for wanting to break his contract with him. When Jack had not been home the week after that when he'd shown up at the split level to apologize and for his weekly video taping, and then had not returned his phone calls over the next two weeks, he had fully expected a package to show up for his mother any day, or for there to be a call from Jack to his mother. The memory of the look on her face in the cam recording as she'd held up his cum-stained handkerchief from the laundry basket, and the sadness in her eyes as she'd studied the box of Daddy's Choice diapers he'd hidden under his bed he'd never forget, and although he'd always been worried, since the afternoon Jack had shown him the recordings he was in constant fear she'd find his fake boobs and his drag outfit that Jack insisted he keep at his house.
The bullying and teasing at school, and the fear of his mother finding out he'd been forced to go about town dressed like a girl, and the false assumption everyone had that he was gay, had the fifteen-year-old on the verge of a nervous breakdown. If that wasn't enough, there was still something else. At the end of March, after the video in which he and Jason had stuffed different things up Charles's butt, and Jack had told them Charles liked to be forced to do dirty stuff, Jack had told him he wanted him to let his hair grow out, down past his shoulders, so he wouldn't have to wear a wig. That had been six weeks ago, just at the time he'd normally have gotten a haircut, and letting his hair grow had become a major battle with his mother who had for some reason become more and more insistent that he have it cut.
Then, five weeks ago, after the video in which he and Jason had rubbed shit all over Charles, Jack had given him two injections of something he had said would develop his chest and which he said would help clear up his acne, which if he didn't clear up could affect his future performing with Charles. Shane was of course conscious of the outbreak of pimples, like all teenagers, though it wasn't as bad as some of his classmates had. Jack also had said he had to see a doctor whose name he'd given him for weekly injections. He had hoped what Jack had meant was that they would give him a muscular chest, or develop chest hair, but he knew deep down inside that he probably meant something else, something that he didn't want to hear, and something he prayed could not be possible. He of course had to ask the doctor, and the doctor told him one was a powerful form of estrogen, and the other a lactate stimulating hormone, the first being a hormone that girls began to produce at maturity, and the second when they became pregnant.
He was no dummy, though many thought because he was quiet and shy that he was. He knew what Jack was trying to do to him. Back then, though, the first week of April, he was still afraid of losing the one and only real friend he had, even if he was gay and even if he did like pain and liked gross stuff. He had also been afraid Jason, who unlike himself was gay like Charles, would steal Charles away from him. So, he'd taken the weekly injections. He had to be wrong about Jack. They had to be for his acne, and really to make him more like a man, so Charles would like him. A guy couldn't really be changed into a girl by getting hormone injections. That had been two weeks before the disgusting video with snot and piss after which he'd told Jack he could not do any more videos, and three weeks had passed by since then. Even though he had decided Charles's friendship really was not worth pursing, and even though he hated his longer hair and now was sure the hormones were doing things to his body, he had continued to go for the injections. He did not dare cross Jack. Jack had done a lot of things for him, and had befriended him when he'd had no friends, but now even Jack had turned away from him. He'd been made to do gross, dirty things, he'd been made to do gay stuff with two gay boys, he'd been made to dress up like a girl and was being laughed at and called a faggot and dirty names he didn't even know the meaning of, but what hurt most of all was that he had lost the few real friends he had, Jack and Charles.
Jason was just as worried as Shane and Charles, and feeling even more guilty. Matt's insinuations that he and Charles were gay were not only humiliating, but depressing. He knew the disgust and contempt his classmates had of homosexuals, but hearing it expressed every day by Matt kept that fact constantly in his face. When you see and hear that hatred by your peers day in and day out you can't have any self esteem, and when you don't have the balls to stand up and declare yourself gay, or at least to object to the anti-gay jokes and comments, your self-esteem becomes even lower. He was ashamed of what he was, a faggot and a coward besides. Even so, that he might have been able to live with, but knowing Charles was in the same boat as he was, and that he too had to be feeling just as ashamed, made it even more difficult, especially when Charles clearly was making every effort to avoid him now. There could only be one reason for that, and that was to distance himself, to deny his own homosexuality and perhaps even to cast more suspicion on himself.
On top of that was the fear just what Charles might do. Suppose he snapped and confessed what the two of them had been doing on weekends. Even worse, suppose he denied it and claimed it was all himself and Shane. How far was Charles going to be able to take Matt's homo phobia? Jason was not prepared to come out to his friends, and even less prepared to come out to his parents.
That was just as troubling as Matt's comments. There was nothing wrong with being gay. He should not have to be ashamed about it, and he should not have to hide being gay from his friends and his parents. Being gay didn't change who or what he was. It wasn't something despicable like everyone was saying. He had been spending a lot of time thinking about just what being gay meant lately. He was almost seventeen, no longer the naive little kid he once was when he'd first realized he preferred being with boys rather than girls, and that thinking of boys' wieners turned him on more than thinking about boobs and cunts. He knew he was gay. Even so, he'd never associated himself with swishy queens, like Shane, whom he disliked despite the fact he was gay too, and he never even had heard about S&M and the other aspects of being gay that Jack had introduced him to, leather fetishes and foot fetishes and so many other things.
As Jack had said the time he'd made the video about love, and had been forced to go get socks of macho men, there are many forms of being gay, and they all in one way or another involved love, as confusing as loving the smell of socks or loving being spanked was. Jack was right, and as much as he hated the man and the things he'd been made to do, the man had opened up the gay world to him, and the man had been the only one he'd ever met to really understand him. He understood about his love for Charles, his sexual needs and fantasies, even his fears. Matt, with his recent comments about the man Charles had been seen with, could ruin not just his life, but that of Charles, and of Jack. He could not let that happen, not to himself, not to a fellow gay, and not to the man he owed so much to.
Blissfully oblivious to the tormented lives their video stars were leading, Kenny and Aaron arrived at the playground to find the man waiting as he'd promised. The man always kept his promise, unlike a lot of adults they knew. Their gym teacher for example sometimes made promises, like things he promised they could do in the next class, but which he then said they couldn't, because someone else needed the gym or the equipment, or because they hadn't been quiet, or because he'd forgot, or whatever. Even their parents didn't always keep their promises. Aaron's dad seemed much more interested in the things his older brother did, and there had been more than one time he and his dad were to do something but something came up that his dad had to do for his older brother instead, a basketball game, or a school work thing or whatever. Kenny's dad and mom had been especially bad about not keeping their promises ever since his kid brother had been born in January. Like his dad promised to play catch with him but his baby brother would be cranky or something and his dad would have to help his mom look after him, or they were supposed to play cars after supper but his father would fall asleep because he was up all night because his dumb baby brother was teething and had cried all night. It seemed like there were a lot of things he used to do with his mom and dad that now he couldn't, or they didn't have time for, now they had a baby to look after.
The man was different. He always kept his promise. He was always there every Saturday afternoon with their new video, rain or snow or whatever. And he was always ready to listen and talk to them for a moment, and he was always laughing and smiling and happy to see them. Now he was waiting to help them take pictures just like he'd promised. They took a few pictures of them at the playground, looking seductive and stuff like Chuckles had suggested, whatever that meant, and when it was just them, even taking their pee-ers out and playing with them there on the slide and the jungle gym, which the man thought was really funny. He took a lot of pictures and told them not to worry because he had more film than what he'd given them.
Then they went in his car to a more private place and they posed like Chuckles had, taking off their clothes and sitting on the hood of the car and in the front seat, Kenny pretending to drive while Aaron sucked on his dick, and the two in the back seat wanking each other off, and laying with their feet hanging over the front seat with their stiff wieners sticking up in the air. They laid down on the seat and threw their legs over their heads and pulled apart their bum cheeks so the man could take a picture of their holes, and Aaron stood spread-eagled and leaning with his hands on the hood of the car while Kenny stood behind him and pretended to bum fuck him. When the man had given them the latest Fun With Chuckles video and the film and the camera that afternoon, he'd told them they were to take pictures like in the video and then return the camera and the used film to him. He had also told them that he'd been told there would be a very special and exciting prize for the boy who took the best picture of all. Now he said they were performing perfect, and if it was up to him, they'd win the mystery prize that he'd told them about for sure.
To that Kenny and Aaron glanced at each other and giggled so hard they couldn't stop, and each time they almost did, they started all over again. They said they'd taken some real special pictures that they were sure would be winners. They didn't say more, and knowing six-year-olds, he let them keep their secret as much as he wanted to know what the pictures were of. He also wanted to look at the film they handed him, but he did not. Nor did he touch the boys or do anything other than take their pictures posing and having sex with each other, which is what the two boys had asked him to do. That was why they'd gone with him in his car. They knew that was dangerous and something they were not supposed to do, but they knew the man kept his promises, and that they could trust him. The man did keep his promises, to little boys, and to the man who gave him his instructions and the videos to distribute every week. Even though he ached to sample the sweet eye candy that tempted him every week, he would never do that. He loved children too much to take advantage of them, or to do something they didn't ask him to. So, he took the boys back to the playground, and when they told him they hoped he'd had a fun, fun day because they sure the fuck had, he could not stop from creaming his trousers. It was wonderful.