PZA Boy Stories

Daemon Way

Fun with Chuckles

Chapters 15-19

Chapter 15
Bath Time Fun

Sixteen year old Charles Brentworth and fifteen year old Shane Finnigan spend a sleepless week thinking about their video performance the previous weekend and dreading the upcoming Saturday.

Arriving home last Saturday, Charles went straight to the bathroom and puked. His puke was white and slimy and hung from his chin just like cum, and that thought caused him to retch all the more. He barely made it to his bedroom when the memory of licking up Jason Bonner's cum shot sent him racing back to kneel before the toilet and retching again. Even the foul acidic taste of his puke could not block out the memory of the salty, tart taste of Jason's spunk. Needless to say, Charles did not eat supper, and he did not go out.

Telling his mother he was not feeling well and did not want to answer any phone calls, he went to his room and sat there in the dark. His mother came in several times to check his temperature and suggested he drink a glass of Neo Citrin, certain he was coming down with the stomach flu.

No amount of Neo Citrin was going to cure Charles of what was making him ill. It was a long time before he fell asleep, unable to think of anything else than the perverted act he'd performed that afternoon, and worrying that any minute he'd be getting a phone call from Shane, or Jason, or one of his classmates. He knew Shane had been as shocked and as embarrassed as he'd been when they'd discovered the person they'd been licking was Jason and not Rob, but he was in no frame of mind to talk to Shane about it despite the two of them being in the same position. He and nerdy trailer trash Shane Finnigan in the same position-now that was sick!

As for Jason, Charles was not sure just why he'd participated in the video, but he was far too embarrassed to talk to him about it also. Shane he only saw on those perverted Saturdays as a rule. Jason he saw every day. They took History and Physical Education together. They played basketball together. They chummed with the same group after school and on weekends.

As for his concern about being phoned by a classmate, he could not stop from worrying that Jason had gone straight to the mall to tell everyone what had happened. Sure, Jason was a participant himself, but he was not the one doing the licking. That would be just like Jason, to run and spread dirt on him. He'd do anything that made him look better than everyone else. The two of them had been rivals for years, at first who had the most friends and the best toys, and later who was the best basketball player and who was the greatest stud. If he could, Jason would find some way to twist what had happened around to make him look good and to make him look, look, well, like the cocksucker he had been.

When he finally did drop off to sleep, he turned and twisted as the image of Jason's face turning from a look of pleasure to one of surprise, and then repulsion haunted him. After they'd made the discovery, Jack had mercifully ended the video session, which was not like Jack. He'd gone immediately to wash off his clown make up, relieved he had that as an excuse to get out of Jason's sight, and he assumed Jason had gone to wash and dry himself off. When he'd emerged in the hallway, he was just relieved neither Shane nor Jason was around, and he had headed out of there as fast as he could.

Charles spent all of Sunday at home also, thinking about Saturday and what he should do and say when he saw Jason again, and dreading having a phone call because by the end of the day he had no better of an idea how he was going to handle Jason than he'd had when he'd woken up. His initial reaction had been that he had to explain to Jason just why he'd done what he'd done, how Jack had tricked him initially into doing these filthy videos, and how Jack had threatened to reveal them to his mother if he didn't agree to continue making them. He wanted to do that, but as he'd thought about it, he was too embarrassed to admit he'd done the filthy, perverted things he'd done, and was as ashamed to admit that Jack had such control over him as to make him do such filthy things.

Monday morning he could not bear to meet Jason at school and claimed sickness so he could stay home. Having had no more than two hours sleep Saturday and Sunday nights, he was exhausted, and looked sick. He'd managed to keep down some chicken noodle soup the night before, and Monday was able to eat a bit of solid food. He spent the entire day thinking about Jason. From the look of surprise when their eyes had first met, he clearly had not known who was licking his dick. He had to have been tricked into agreeing to lie there in the bed and to pretend to be asleep, just as he'd been tricked into doing his first video. If that was the case, and if this was Jason's first video, he had to warn him. It was not too late, and having a video of you getting licked off was nothing compared to what else Jack and Rob could take pictures of you doing.

Of course this might not have been Jason's first time. He could easily have been making videos for just as long as Charles had been. It was quite likely he'd been so persistent about asking about Jack and the videos and pestering him for a phone number not because he wanted in on making the videos and two hundred bucks a shoot, but because he was afraid Charles and Shane would find out that he was also making perverted videos for the bastard. Of course maybe he wasn't being forced to make them. Maybe Jason Bonner was a filthy, perverted faggot. There was no question he'd enjoyed getting his cock licked by two guys. Maybe that look of embarrassment was because he was a faggot and had just been outed. Maybe that last look wasn't of disgust. Maybe it was a look of shame, shame that he was a faggot and had been found out. Charles knew that was more wishful thinking than logical conjecture, but he had to have something he could cling to.

Tuesday he went to school, but instead of going early and hanging around the lockers and the cafeteria, he went straight to classes. Tuesday they did not have physical education, and in history he avoided looking at Jason all period, and at the end of class Jason took off immediately. Wednesday he headed off to school with a note from his mother saying he was too sick to take part in physical education, or basketball practice after school. It worked Wednesday, and he figured he'd get away with it Friday, but he knew the following week he was going to have to participate.

Shane had spent a sleepless week also. He'd been shocked to discover it was Jason laying in the bed and not Rob, and his initial reaction had been one of pleasant surprise, licking the cock of another boy around his age being preferable to licking the cock of an older man. That Jason had enjoyed it made the surprise all the more pleasant. But then he'd gotten a look of embarrassment, and that had reminded him that what they were doing was intimate and private, something that should be between two people not three, and not in front of two adults and certainly not something that a movie should be made of. The expression that had most affected Shane however, was the final one, the look of disgust and shame. Jason had clearly not known the two people licking his cock were Charles and himself, and as Shane thought about it, he realized that Jason quite likely didn't even know the two people were guys and not girls. Jason was popular and had a girlfriend. He had to have thought two girls were doing him. That would explain his look of pleasure, and then of surprise, and finally of disgust and shame.

Licking a guy's cock was disgusting and something to be ashamed of. It was filthy, and perverted, and it was gay. That Jason would be disgusted was only natural. What Jason was thinking was not what was causing Shane to twist and turn at night, and to find it impossible to concentrate during his classes during the day. What was bothering him was that he liked getting his cock sucked by Charles, and had been wishing that afternoon that the cock he was licking was Charles's cock. That could only mean one thing. That had to mean he was gay. Until two months ago, the day he'd made his first video with Charles, he'd never had any thoughts about guys and sex. Well, he had imagined double dating with some of the guys, and he'd wondered about their size and if they were making out with girls like they claimed, but that didn't make him gay. At least he didn't think so. He still thought about girls, though he realized he hadn't been thinking about them as much. He liked Charles and he liked what they were doing, and he didn't want that to stop, but he didn't want to be a fag either. Of course Charles liked doing these things, so he had to be gay, and if he was also, and they continued being friends 3;

Shane had not come to terms with his feelings for Charles nor the possibility he himself was gay by the following Saturday, and unfortunately, when he'd arrived extra early so he could talk to Jack about his feelings and his confusion, Rob told him Jack was in a meeting and wasn't available. That of course was a lie, Jack and Rob both knowing what the fifteen year old boy had to be going through, and both in no hurry to relieve him of his worries and anxiety as he tried to determine what his sexual orientation was. They loved messing around with the minds of teenage boys as much as they loved corrupting six year old children. They would let the three of them fret and stew for a while yet, and then hold some counselling sessions with them, all on tape of course. Seeing them squirming and the look of angst on their faces would be priceless, and would make some good fill in for future videos.

Charles had no doubts about his orientation and he was pretty sure what Shane's was and he was almost as confident about his final conclusion about Jason as he headed for his detestable weekly video shoot that Saturday morning. He'd decided that morning that the best solution to this whole mess was to face both of them, explain his situation so there was at least no doubt about him, and try to determine for sure if Shane and Jason were two queers as he'd concluded. He had decided that, but when Jack told him Jason would not be joining him and Shane in the shoot that day, he was relieved that he didn't have to follow through on his decision at least with Jason. Shane he would talk to after the shoot.

"Hello there my little friends," Charles recited by rote. "My name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first, did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when there are no grownups around. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important. So if your mommy or daddy or any grown up is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home with no adults around. If you forgot the rule, do it right now." Charles began to tense as Jack flipped the cue card over. "So if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started!" He clapped his hands joyfully as Jack presented the next cue card. "Today, Chuckles is going to tell you all about how you can have oodles and oodles and oodles of fun with your best buddy at bath time."

"Is your mom always making you have a bath, even when you don't need one?" asked Ginger. "Does she trick you into having a bath by promising to let you play with your toys in the bathtub?" Shane considered that. He'd never considered that as a trick, but now that he thought about it, it was a trick. "It is fun to play with your toys in the tub, but it is even more fun to play with your best buddy in the bathtub."

"And to play with him as you get ready to take a bath," continued Charles. "So come with us and Ginger and I will show you."

Taking a bath with Shane was not what Charles considered fun, but at least it was not as perverted as most of the other things they'd done. Perhaps Jack was finally running out of things to video. Maybe, in fact, that was why he'd brought Jason in on the last video. Maybe Jason would be taking their places. Well, that would serve him right, the damn faggot. Maybe last Saturday had been his first shoot, and now he was trapped just as he had been trapped fifteen weeks ago. Despite what he was about to do, he had to smile at the thought of his arch rival being forced to do some of the things he'd had to do.

While they headed down the hall to the bathroom, Shane was thinking also. He did not have the same animosity toward Jason, but he was secretly glad that this video was just with the two of them. That thought was disturbing of course. He liked Charles. He liked him a lot, and he was the first really true friend he had. Charles liked him too. Charles wouldn't do the things he was doing to him if he didn't really like him. Good friends made each other feel good. Jack had explained that. He liked Charles, and wanted to make him feel good too, but he didn't want to be a fag. He didn't mind that Charles evidently was one from his behavior. He had nothing against gays. He just didn't want to be one himself. The two boys stepped into the large bathroom that had been specially designed to have enough space for videos to be made, and that had been equipped with two way mirrors and hidden cams to catch every angle of the action.

"Part of the fun of bath time is taking each other's clothes off," explained Chuckles. Following the cue cards, he reached over and began to unbutton Shane's shirt. As he did so, he allowed his fingers to linger on his chest, and to gently caress it. As he slid Shane's shirt off his back, he ran his fingers in concentric circles over Shane's shoulder blades and his deltoids. Shane, at the same time, began to unbutton Charles's shirt, looking into his eyes with puppy love eyes as directed by the cue cards. Looking at Charles that way and undressing him was embarrassing, but it was also erotic, which both delighted and worried Shane. He tried to fight it, but as Charles reached down and slowly pulled down his fly and slipped his hand inside his jeans and cupped his balls, he found it impossible to fight. He started to get erect. He began to flush with embarrassment at his reaction, and Rob and Jack exchanged knowing glances as they also began to become erect.

Charles felt the pervert's dick begin to swell as he cupped his warm, damp balls from outside his underwear, and as he stood there holding his fag nuts he was pleased that his suspicions about Shane had been right, but he felt embarrassed and disgusted holding the faggot's stuff. He was also confused. He'd heard his dad comment hundreds of times on how sick homosexuals were and how they were taking over to the point where normal folks didn't have any rights, and he'd agreed with him. Shane, however, was not the type of homosexual you read about in the news or saw on television. He was not an effeminate, prissy type of boy that walked funny and waved his limp wrist around. He looked and acted just any other normal teenager, except for the fact he was a geek, and was slow witted. Still, there was no doubt he was a faggot from the way Shane looked at him, and the way he was undressing him. Sure, that was what the cue cards had said to do, but he could tell Shane was enjoying this far too much to just be acting.

Pulling down Charles's zipper was erotic no matter how much Shane wanted to deny it, and his dick began to swell even faster in response. He could not help it. As he drew down Charles's jeans, he softly caressed his thigh, and he saw Charles's cock immediately begin to stir in his boxers. Charles was enjoying this too. The sight of Charles's dick slowly swelling changed his mind. He didn't care if what they were doing was a fag act. Charles had made him feel good plenty of times, and in the most intimate of ways. Caressing his thigh to give him a boner was a small thing in comparison. He rolled Charles's right sock down, starting at the elastic top and rolling it down over his ankle bone and over his heel, and then holding it by the toe with one hand and the rolled up top with the other, he drew it off his foot as the cue card instructed. He caressed Charles's foot, running his fingers along the insole and massaging the fleshy pads below his toes.

Charles had to admit that the foot massage was making him feel very relaxed and contented with himself as he squatted down and slipped his hands under the elastic band of Shane's briefs and pushed them down over his hips, gently caressing his smooth backside and then the backs of his thighs as the cue card told him too. He'd imagined in some of his early jerk off fantasies slowly undressing a girl, and slowly being undressed by her. That had always been erotic and had always resulted in a boner. Undressing a boy, and being undressed by him, was a totally different matter. This was embarrassing, and doubly so knowing the other boy was a faggot who was getting off on it. Charles tried not to show it, but he could not hide his embarrassment and humiliation in his eyes. Of course Jack caught that in a closeup which he'd leave in for the adult video and cut out for the kiddie show and show instead Charles's rising dick, which despite his shame, was responding to the physical stimulation.

Shane was just as embarrassed as he removed Charles's boxers, but unlike Charles, he had accepted stripping Charles as his responsibility and duty. He'd never thought about undressing a girl, or being undressed by one, such intimacy being beyond his wildest dreams and hopes. Girls had always treated him with even more indifference than guys had. Stripping Charles and being stripped by him was erotic, and he could only imagine how hot it would be if Charles was of the opposite sex. That he was not was very evident from the plumbing he was exposing. It was also evident from its condition that Charles was enjoying this. That both delighted and bothered Shane. He wanted to bring Charles pleasure, but that Charles was finding pleasure in being undressed by a boy could only mean one thing. He had been right about Charles.

Jack and Rob were finding great pleasure in what was happening as they directed the two naked, blushing, semierect boys into the bathtub. As Charles turned on the hot and cold water and adjusted the flow, Shane added some bubble bath to the water. Filling the tub half full, the two boys sat facing each other and each took a bar of soap as the cue cards instructed. Working up a lather in his hands, Charles rubbed the lather over Shane's smooth chest, and as he did so Shane's nipples began to grow hard. Embarrassed by such intimacy, and even more so by the faggot's reaction, Charles tried to glance away, but there are only so many places you can look when you are sitting in a tub facing another person.

Working up a lather himself, Shane worked it into Charles's ribs, and as he worked upward, Charles raised his arms as directed by the cards so that Shane could wash Charles's pits. Shane had never considered a boy's armpits as sexy, but as he washed the fine, silky hairs of Charles's underarms, he felt his cock starting to swell once again.

He did not know, but Charles was finding the intimacy of having his pits washed by another boy arousing also, and his cock was beginning to lift up off his balls under the water. Charles inhaled and exhaled deeply. It was erotic, but it was also embarrassing. Even more embarrassing was soaping up his hands and beginning to wash Shane's balls, Shane having gotten to his knees as instructed. It was the most embarrassing thing he'd had to do yet, but also the most erotic. Sucking Shane and licking off Jason had been embarrassing, but it had just been sex, and he'd done so almost mechanically. This was different. Washing another boy's balls was a whole different type of intimacy. The first was plain and simple raw, crude sex, but this was something tender and romantic. Much to his embarrassment his cockhead poked up out of the water as he became fully erect.

There was only one thing more erotic than washing another boy's balls, and that was having him pull back your foreskin and wash the pale sensitive skin under the knob. That was what Jack had Shane do. As Charles got to his knees there in the tub, Shane squatted back down. Soaping up his hands, he reached up and slowly pulled back Charles's foreskin, exposing his swollen knob. Charles of course kept himself clean and there was at least no embarrassing crud under his skin. As Shane ran his lathered fingers over the sensitive skin and talked about how important it was for a boy to keep that part of his cock clean, Charles trembled with the ripples of pleasure Shane's soapy fingers were causing.

Then it was Charles's turn once again. Shane turned around and Charles found himself babbling about how important it was to keep your bumhole clean, and how much fun it was to wash your best buddy's bumhole. He ran a soapy finger up and down Shane's crack, and rubbed the lather over his asshole, and as the camera zoomed in, Shane pulled apart his asscheeks for a good shot of Charles washing his pucker. The two teenage boys were totally humiliated having to engage in such intimacy in front of the two adults, but they were also totally turned on. Having the two face each other once again, Jack and Rob had them wrap their left arms about each other while they reached down and jerked each other with their right hands.

As Charles and Shane felt their balls begin to draw up under their cocks and the familiar signs of their impending ejaculations, the two boys wanted to die. The tension quickly built up in their teenage loins, and their stiff cocks throbbed faster and harder as they worked their soapy fingers up and down each other's aching prick. Their breathing drew more and more labored, which of course was caught on the video and would be later magnified. As the final moment came, the two boys kissed fondly as two lovers as directed by the cue card as their hot, teenage spunk spurted out of their cocks and sprayed each other's stomach, chest, thighs, and hands. Their bodies trembled with that greatest of pleasures as they knelt there in the bathtub, embracing and kissing like two faggot teenagers to the delight of Jack and Rob, one camera catching the spurting of their cocks and creamy flow of their cum over each other's fingers, the other catching the look of ultimate shame and embarrassment on their faces as their lips parted.

Chapter 16
Fun With Leather

Six-year-olds Kenny Darby and his best buddy Aaron Michaels play dress-up while Jack and Rob make an interesting discovery about sixteen-year-old Jason Bonner.

"So, how are you two boys today?" asked the man, looking down at the two six-year-olds who had come racing across the playground over to him. It was the second day of February and the two boys were bundled up in snow suits, scarves and mittens. The man hated winter. The cold made his bones ache, and he hated having to shovel the snow off his sidewalk and driveway. Most of all, he hated winter because little boys had to dress up warm, hiding the charms he most liked to see.

"Fine," the two boys chorused. They loved winter. They loved making snowmen and snow forts. They loved throwing snowballs and tobogganing and sliding on the icy sidewalks, and they especially loved it when it snowed a lot and they closed school.

"Did you like the video Chuckles made for you last week?"

"Oh fuck yeah," Kenny said with a big grin and a shine in his big brown eyes. "It was fucking awesome."

"Fucking right," agreed Aaron. The two six-year-olds knew the man liked to hear them swear, and they liked swearing. It meant they were grown up. It also made the big kids laugh when they swore on the playground and give them the thumbs up to show they approved. That was cool.

"If Aaron lived with me I'd take a fucking bath every fucking night," said Kenny seriously.

"It's great being best buddies," agreed Aaron, putting his arm about his best buddy. "Just like Chuckles and Ginger are."

"But when I don't have Aaron to sleep over with, I got Teddy," giggled Kenny.

"And have you boys been entertaining Aaron's brother?" the man asked, the boys having told him about their fun with Kevin the Saturday following viewing the video of Charles, Ginger, and Jason.

"You fucking bet!" said Kenny.

"Kevin's always asking if Aaron's gonna come over to play and if we're gonna have a sleep over," observed Aaron. "And when Kenny is over at my house Kevin is always tired and goes to sleep, even in the middle of the afternoon or early in the evening."

"And what do you boys do?" the man asked with a knowing leer. Kevin was evidently no fool at thirteen.

"Sneak in while he's sleeping and suck his cock," replied Kenny, and the two boys giggled.

"Well, I'm sure Chuckles will be glad to hear that," the man said huskily as he fought the impulse to invite the boys for a little ride. He knew that was against the rules, but it was so damn tempting. "Here is Chuckles's latest video, and a little present for both of you."

"A present? For us?"

"Yes, just for you."

"Fucking awesome!"

"Gee yeah. Thanks mister."

"It is from Chuckles, not me."

"Thank him for us? Please?" Kenny asked, his big brown eyes pleading with the man.

"Of course. Now, tuck those bags inside your shirts so your moms and dads don't see them and start asking questions, and you two boys run off and have fun this afternoon."

As the two six-year-olds raced across the playground, the man turned and headed in the other direction. Pre-cum had dribbled down his leg and in the cold he was very conscious of the leakage. Arriving at his car, he turned and watched the two youngsters racing down the street, the two plastic bags he'd given them under their shirts and against their smooth, soft chests. They actually believed that Chuckles had boughten the gifts just for them. They were so believing, so sweet and innocent. That was gradually changing of course. They were slowly becoming two dirty little pervs. The man smiled. He knew what was in the bags. He'd watched his version of the video before heading off to meet the boys.


Two weeks earlier Jason Bonner had headed over to the white bungalow to make his fourth video. The first time he'd been nervous and excited and hadn't known what to expect. The second time he'd been disappointed it had been so simple and he'd only gotten a hundred dollars. The third video had been a major surprise. For the week following that shoot he'd relived what had happened over and over in his mind, the thrill of getting your cock licked and sucked, and the shock and dismay upon finding one of those two people blowing you is your classmate and teammate and the other a buddy of his. For that first week he'd thought of every moment he'd ever been with Charles, in the classroom, hanging in the evenings and on the weekends at the mall and the theatre, on the basketball court, and especially in the lockers and showers. Not once had there been the slightest hint that Charles Brentworth was gay. Well, there was the comment one of the girls had once made about him and Shane, but that was just a joke. Charles's behaviour was just the opposite. He was a macho man, chasing women, always talking about coping a feel of some chick's boobs and about scoring, acting like a stud. He even had a girlfriend of sorts.

Of course that was no different from himself. He too acted macho, flirted with the girls, and talked about making it. He too had a girlfriend of sorts, a steady. It was all an act. A cover, so that the guys would not know the truth. The truth was that he liked guys. Oh, he'd never done anything with a guy before that shoot with Charles and Shane. Well, he'd jacked off with Clifford Madison and they'd jerked each other, but that was when they were kids and just experimenting around. He'd never actually had sex with a guy until two weeks ago. That didn't mean he didn't think about it, and dream about it. He'd known every since junior high that he was different.

He'd been disappointed when Jack had phoned and told him not to come to the shoot the next Saturday, but in a way he was relieved too. He wanted to talk to Charles about what had happened the previous Saturday, but when Friday had arrived he still had not figured out what to say. Charles had to be embarrassed by what had happened too, and probably as uncomfortable as he was. Charles had to have missed school because he was embarrassed at having been outed. He certainly was. Charles's behaviour the second week confirmed his suspicion. He'd noticed Charles constantly checking him out, in class, on the gym floor, in the lockers and showers. It was funny he'd never noticed that before. He'd checked out Charles plenty of times, and envied the various girls he'd gone out with, wishing Charles would put his arm around him and look at him like he did with his dates. Charles had been a frequent subject of his nightly jerk off fantasies.

By the end of the second week he could not take it any longer. That was when he'd decided on the note. Talking about it was too embarrassing. So he'd written a note, which he'd hoped to slip into Charles's coat pocket on Saturday. It was a major disappointment to find Charles and Shane were not going to be there when he arrived that morning. It was also a disappointment that this was going to be another singles video until Jack told him that if he did well he'd pay him double. So, he accompanied Jack to the bedroom where the last shoot had taken place and stripped off his shirt and posed before the dresser mirror, flexing his adolescent muscles. The five-foot-eight [1.73 m], hundred-and-thirty-five pound [61 kg] jock had muscular biceps and thighs, the result of being on the high school basketball team. Flexing his muscles in front of the mirror was not something he was unfamiliar with.

"Oh, hi," he said, turning around and acting surprised as he quickly scanned the cue card. "I'm glad you could join me today. I was just about to try on my new clothes." Going to the closet, he opened it up and took out a studded leather harness. Having never seen such a thing before, never mind having never worn one, he had to try several times before he figured it out, much to his embarrassment and to Jack and Rob's delight. That this was the boy's first experience with leather would make the video all the hotter for the adult audience, both the hetero version and the queer version. Of course unbeknownst to Jason, the third version of the tape would have Chuckles introducing him as Ginger's brother, and would be dubbed with him telling his young boy audience to dress up along with him with the special gift Chuckles had sent them.

Adding the studded arm bands about his biceps and his wrists, he proceeded to remove his runners, socks, jeans and boxers. Picking up the black leather jock strap, Jason rubbed it against his cheek and smelled the cup, commenting on how smooth and sexy the leather felt, and how he loved the smell of leather, and how especially hot the jock would smell after he'd worn it during a workout for an hour. He glanced over at the pictures of teenage girls on the dresser and looked poutingly into the camera as he slowly stroked his pecker. Of course the gay and the young boy versions would replace the picture shots with pictures of teenage boys and primary school boys. The sixteen-year-old felt foolish talking about leather and getting turn on and posing in front of the camera, but Jack said it would turn on the girls who'd be buying the video, and being an adult, Jack had to know what he was talking about. He'd seen Playgirl and other such skin mags on the top rack of the convenience stores so he knew women were turned on by naked and seminude men. He'd also seen leather sites while surfing the Internet in search of gay information and knew guys were turned on by studs in leather too.

Going over to the dresser where the rest of the things were, he put on the spiked dog collar and draped some of the chains over his shoulders and looped them between his legs and over his hips. It was sexy, and he felt his cock beginning to swell, much to his embarrassment. He hoped it wouldn't misbehave. It would be totally humiliation to get an erection in front of the two men videotaping him. He picked up a leather whip with nine strands, a cat-o'-nine-tails Jack called it, and ran it over his exposed nipples until they became hard, over his now semierect cock and low hung balls, and along his buttcrack. He looked seductively into the camera and stroked himself as he described how the smell of leather and the feel of leather and chains turned him on. The talk about sex and the stimulation of his hand soon had him erect and he tried to avoid looking at Jack and Rob in his shame, which was impossible in that he had to read the cue cards and look seductively at Rob looking through the camera.

He turned and picked up the next object and looked at it curiously. Having never seen a cock and ball harness, he had no idea how to put it on and Rob and Jack had to stop the video to explain it to him. The thick bulges in the men's trousers began to leak big time. This particular model had a studded leather strap that fit around a guy's balls and the base of his cock and a second adjustable strap that could be tightened just under his glans, the two joined by three narrow, threaded steel rods with locking nuts to keep the two straps in place. Fitting it on his stiff, eight-inch [20 cm] cock, Jason again posed before the mirror and the camera and stroked his balls and his glans, causing them to swell and strain under the leather restraints. The sight of the handsome, athletic brunette, his hair cut short and darkened on the sides and moused to form a combed up crest in front, strutting before them, the studded black leather harness and dog collar tight against his pale skin, had the two adults panting with arousal. As he looked into the camera with his sexy, deep, chocolate brown eyes and fluttered his long eyelashes, pre-cum oozed out of the swollen cocks of the two men. As he stroked the edge of his glans and his swollen balls with his index finger, causing his stiff cock and his huge balls to strain under their restraints, Jack and Rob were close to creaming their jeans.


Two weeks later young primary age schoolboys across the country were standing before the mirrors in their bathrooms and bedrooms, or before their best buddies, studded dog collars about their necks and tiny leather harnesses about their smooth chests, soft and round with baby fat, their little nipples swollen and red from stroking them as they'd seen Chuckles's best pal's brother do. They traced the rim of their tender, swollen cock heads and their tiny, hairless, swollen balls with the tip of their index finger and squirmed with the sweet pain that shot through their swollen cocklets encased in the miniature cock and ball restraints. It hurt, but like a mosquito bite, it was irresistible, and their fingers returned again and again, causing the sweet pain to become more and more intense until their slender, forty-pound [18 kg] bodies jerked uncontrollably and that strange and mysterious jerk reaction caused their pee-ers to twitch and burn with the pleasure they'd become addicted to.

On the television screen Ginger's brother jerked and spasmed with the same pleasure, except his cock spurted out that strange milky stream that older boys produced. He closed his eyes and threw back his head, his lips parted with evident pleasure as the video ended. The gay adult version of the video continued a bit longer to show that look of pleasure turn to dismay, and to humiliation and embarrassment as the sixteen-year-old high school student stood there in his new leathers, his stiff, eight-inch [20 cm] cock dripping with his teenage spunk, the realization what he'd just done in front of the two adults and on tape dawning on him as the rush of his orgasm faded.

As Jason headed back home, he felt dirty and perverted. Sex was supposed to be something wonderful and precious, but making a porno video, turning himself on and unloading his nuts in front of two adult men, was anything but wonderful and precious. It was filthy and perverted. That he'd do such a thing troubled the naive high school jock, but what bothered him even more was that at the moment of doing it, he had enjoyed it. He had enjoyed it a lot. Confused, guilty, and ashamed, he wrapped his fingers about the four fifty-dollar bills in his coat pocket for solace. Slowly realizing something was missing, he stopped suddenly and felt in one and then the other pocket. Desperately, he turned them inside out, and checked the inside pockets and his jeans pockets. His note to Charles was gone! He turned and traced his steps, staring at the sidewalk for the slip of paper until he reached the white split level with the brown trim. He debated going inside, but he couldn't explain to Jack why. He turned and headed back down the street, despair now added to his guilt and shame as he prayed that he'd lost the note on the way to the house, not inside it.

Chapter 17
Still More Fun With Your Pee-er

Six-year-olds Kenny Darby and his best buddy Aaron Michaels show Aaron's thirteen-year-old brother some tricks they can play with their pee-ers, thanks to Chuckles the Clown and his best buddy Ginger.

Shane pressed his lips together tightly, trying not to show his disappointment. Once again Jack had been unavailable to talk to him. He could understand that. He was, after all, just a fifteen-year-old grade ten student. Jack was an adult, with adult things to do and to think about. As it was, he'd already befriended him and was giving him eight hundred dollars each month for a couple hours of work every Saturday, money his family could certainly use. Of course he had to lie about how he was making the money. His mother and father would never approve of him making sex videos, even if they were satirical parodies, whatever that meant.

That was one thing Shane wanted to talk to Jack about. He thought at first that he understood what the videos were for, but what they'd been doing lately confused him. Just who would watch a video of two boys bathing each other for example, which was the last video they'd done, he did not understand. That was one thing he wanted to talk to Jack about, but it was not the most important thing. He wanted to talk to Jack specifically about that last video, about how it had made him feel. He had thought a lot about that over the past two weeks. He had enjoyed bathing Charles, and being bathed by him, and it was more than just liking each other, like buddies, and it was more than just wanting to make Charles feel good because Charles had made him feel good so often. It was more than just because Charles was his best, and really, only best friend. He liked Charles a lot, and to do the things they did, Charles had to like him a lot too. The problem was, Charles was gay.

The real problem was, Shane did not know what he was. He liked Charles, and he liked chumming around with guys, something that he hadn't really done until he'd met Charles and his friends who over the past two months had come to accept him as a friend, sort of. He knew he wasn't like them, being rich and all that is, and he knew there were some there who welcomed him just because of Charles, and that there were others who thought it was funny he was Charles's friend and welcomed him because they thought it was a big joke. That wasn't so much a problem. He was used to being laughed at and teased and being left out of the group. The bottom line was, he was afraid he was gay. He didn't really want to be. He wanted to have a girlfriend like everyone else, and to some day marry and have kids. Besides, people didn't like gays. He didn't like not being liked. Besides, he really did like girls, though girls didn't really like him. He wondered if that was because they could sense he was gay. He really needed to talk to Jack, but Jack was busy.

The door to the playroom opened and Charles, in his make up and Chuckles the clown outfit, walked in. Shane smiled up at him. Even if he was gay, Charles was a good friend, and a good actor besides. Every week he put on that costume and did his job, always with a big Chuckles the Clown smile. He admired Charles for that, among many other things.

Charles frowned as he looked over at Shane. The moron nerd always had that goofy big smile on his mug, like a big happy, dumb puppy dog. Of course that was to be expected. That he was not the brightest light on the block was clear, and even with the money Jack was paying him he still wore those cheap no-name bargain basement clothes. His clothes, his appearance, his lack of any social skills, his simplicity, everything about Shane was repulsive. The most repulsive thing of all though was that he was faggot, a cock sucking, cock loving, cock stinking faggot. Just being in his presence made his skin crawl.

At least he only had to see him for a couple hours once a week, or every two weeks, and on the rare occasion when he sought him and his friends out on the weekends. Not like Jason Bonner. Jason he had to see every fucking day, school days and weekends. Not only that, he had to change in the same room as the faggot, and shower in the same open showers with him. It was funny that for years he'd had no idea about Jason, and hadn't noticed how faggoty he was. Now that he knew it was so fucking obvious. His mannerisms, the way he walked, the way he talked, it was all so obvious. It was also obvious that Jason Bonner had his eyes on him. He was constantly checking him out, in History class, when they hung out with the gang at the arcade, especially in the lockers after basketball practice. Worse yet, thanks to that fucking Jack and these fucking videos he was being forced to make, Jason thought he was a faggot too. Ever since they'd ended up making that one video together three weeks ago, he'd done everything he could to make it clear that he was pure and simple one hundred percent straight. He talked about girls in their class and in the school and how hot they were, and how horny they made him feel. When a girl who was stacked walked by he made a comment about her boobs. He made a special effort of talking to the girls when Jason was around, and especially to be as physical with Lisa as he could be in public.

In private he tried even harder, not for Jason, but for himself. He tried everything he could think of to get her to put out, telling her how it would prove she loved him, telling her that everyone did it, and telling her how much it hurt him not being able to have sex with her. It did hurt, in more ways than one. Charles was a typical teenage boy. He was able to get an erection in seconds, and at any time for the slightest reason, and when he did get a boner, it stuck out like a swollen thumb and ached just as badly. Even worse than hurting physically, was the psychological hurt. He was sixteen years old and so far in his life a guy had gotten him off by jerking him off and by sucking him, he had gotten a guy off by jerking and sucking his cock, and by being fucked by the guy, and besides getting off, he had kissed, caressed, and bathed with a guy. With a girl he'd gone as far as some deep kissing and groping some boobs. In other words, his most intimate sex had been with a guy! He thought about that every night when he went to bed, every morning when he got up, and every time he saw a guy and girl together. That he'd never been intimate with a girl hurt a lot.

"Hello there my little friends," Charles said enthusiastically, inwardly dreading what he was going to have to do with Shane this time. He went through the routine by rote. "My name is Chuckles, and I hope you're all ready to have some fun, fun, fun, because I sure am! But first, did you remember to do what you were told to do when you got this video? I hope you did! Remember? You were told to only play this video when there are no grownups around. That, my little friend, is very, very, very important. So if your mommy or daddy or any grown-up is around, shut this off right now and wait until you are home with no adults around. If you forgot the rule, do it right now." He inhaled deeply and continued. "So if you are watching me right now, right this very minute, that must mean there are no grownups around to stop us from having some fun, fun, fun, so let's get started! Today, Chuckles is going to tell you all about how you can have oodles and oodles and oodles of more fun with your pee-er, and with the pee-er of your best buddy." He glanced over at Ginger with a happy clown face and Ginger smiled back at him. Together, they turned and looked at the cue cards with heavy hearts.

Pulling down their flies, the two boys slipped their fingers in their pants and self-consciously pulled out their penises. Though they'd exposed themselves to each other and to the two men and done a lot worse over the past four months, it was still embarrassing to take out that most private part of your body, especially when you knew you were going to be expected to do stuff with it, or have it messed around with by another guy. Following the cue cards, the boys bent over and sniffed each other's cock and commented on how great cock smelled and how they never washed their hands after touching themselves so they could smell their cock at the supper table, and in school, and on the bus, and how great it was to be a boy and to have a cock. They pulled back their foreskins and took a long feather and tickled the sensitive rim of their cocks, and they giggled like little children as their cocks jerked. They poked a hole in an orange with their thumbs and then stuck their pee-ers in the hole and pretended to fuck the orange, and they giggled as the juice oozed out and down over their balls. They broke the orange apart and ate the wedges and observed how the orange tasted like cock. Charles suggested they could fuck an orange and then break it into wedges and serve it to their parents and brothers and sisters for desert. They giggled like little children as they talked about what other fruit they could fuck, cored apples, peaches, and plums, and how funny it would be to give the fruit they'd fucked to a dumb girl, or their teacher, or their next door neighbor.

Taking a fine paint brush, they teased their peeholes and observed how it made their pee-ers tingle. They squeezed open their peeholes and slipped the fine paint brush in the opening, and they quivered with the sensation. They continued to mess around like that until pre-cum oozed out of their openings, and as the cameras zoomed in on their cocks, and then panned up to their faces, they explained how older boys could make pre-cum, and how they'd happily let little boys paint their pee-ers until they made it. They painted their now blood-engorged knobs with their own pre-cum, and with each other's pre-cum, and they flipped up the clear, sweet goo with the paint brushes and dabbed their tongues with it.

Taking cue-tips, they carefully and gently inserted them up their pee holes and eased them in and out and gasped and groaned with the pleasure, the two boys flushing with sexual arousal and with shame playing around with their dicks and each other's dick in front of the two men. To their dismay, despite the shame they were getting turned on. They took the narrow straws from two juice boxes and greased them well with margarine and inserted them up their pee-holes and blew gobs of spit up their urethras and up each other's urethra and then sucked it back out. The two teenagers gagged several times as the thought of sucking the saliva, theirs and each other's, out of each other's dick turned their stomachs, and as they fought the impulse to heave the saliva they'd sucked out dripped down over their chins. Of course the gagging scenes would be kept in for the adult version. The kiddie version would just show their happy grins and their stiff, throbbing cocks. They did everything Jack and Rob told them to do, playing with their dicks and with each other's dicks, commenting all the while how great it was to be a boy and to have a dick to play with.


Had he had the opportunity to watch the video, thirteen-year-old Kevin Michaels would certainly have agreed, and he'd have added how great it was to have a kid brother who loved to play with cock too, and not only that, along with his best buddy, had one wicked imagination. Having been unable to wait until his brother had his buddy over, and tiring of pretending to be asleep, he had confronted Aaron and later Kenny about what they had been doing, and since then had his kid brother blow him whenever he was feeling horny, which was as soon as he came home from school, after supper before doing his homework, after doing his homework, when he went to bed, and sometimes when he woke up in the morning. When Kenny came over to visit, he let the two boys blow him.

That he had thought was great, but even wilder were some of the ideas they had come up with since then. As he panted and squirmed with arousal several weeks after having confronted them, his stiff cock jerking and burning with desire as they teased out his pre-cum with a feather, he had to wonder where they came up with such ideas. Watching them use the feather to transfer his droplets of pre-cum to each other's mouth, he oozed out more without his dick even being touched. As they ran the feather along the rim of his cockhead, he felt even randier than when he'd jerked off thinking about Ashley Hall's boobs. An older boy might have become concerned about the fact he was getting more turned on by two six-year-olds than a girl his age, but for Kevin Michaels, he loved getting it off, and he didn't give a fuck how it happened. Besides, when the two boys took mouthfuls of apple juice and used the straw on the box to blow it up his stiff cock and then had him pee out the apple juice into each other's mouths, how could there be any comparison? That Ashley Hall would never do in a million years!


Shane pulled back the skin of his loosely circumcised cock, and holding it so it was stretched back, he pushed down on his cock so it was parallel to the floor. Charles placed the tip of his against Shane's and slowly stretched his foreskin forward, slipping it over Shane's knob until it was totally encased. Shane shuddered and with wide-eyed dismay ejaculated prematurely. His cum filled the skin pouch and oozed out. The creamy juice dripped from the fold like dripping egg white, Charles's skin still encasing his knob. Shane's look of total humiliation at having come, and even greater humiliation of having been so turned on by the act that he'd popped a load, and Charles's look of surprise and disgust at having his dickhead and the inside of his skin creamed by the other boy, would make men around the country cream their shorts when they watched the video. It was wonderful, and even more wonderful was having him wipe up his cock with his handkerchief, his face so red it looked sunburned, and then wiping off Charles's cock. As he put his cum soaked handkerchief back in his pocket Jack and Rob thought of the boy's embarrassment having to drop his cum-stained handkerchief off in the laundry basket for his mother to wash. If she only knew! Of course Jack insisted on a second shoot, this time having Charles butt the tip of his cock against Shane's cock while docked until he came, causing his skin to puff out as this time his cum flooded over Shane's knob. The initial look of humiliation in the eyes of the two boys as they were forced to dock was priceless. What could be more humiliating than having to slip your foreskin over that most private part of another boy? Of course when Charles finally came, that look of humiliation had turned to a look of lust, the two boys unable to resist the feelings generated by their irritated cocks. Once again they had Shane wipe the two of them off with his handkerchief. When his mother came to wash it, there would be no doubt in her mind what her teenage son had used his handkerchief for.


"Docking?" asked Kevin.

"It's fucking awesome," promised Aaron.

"You've done it with each other."

"Sure," announced Kenny.

"All right, show me how."

Pulling back his skin so it was stretched down the shaft of his tiny, stiff, two-inch [5 cm] dicklet, Kenny placed the tip of his cock against the tip of Kevin's erect, circumcised, four-inch [10 cm] dick, and then rolling it back up over his knob, he continued to roll it up the slope of Kevin's dickhead. His skin was long and loose, like many uncut six-year-olds, and with a bit of stretching, he managed to slip it over the older boy's knob. Holding it tightly closed behind his knob, Kenny began to butt his little cocklet against Kevin's. Kevin had never heard of such a thing, nor done anything so erotic, and the idea of his kid brother's best buddy butting the tip of his pee-er against his and the two of them united by his skin had his nuts rising double-quick time. It was not long before Kenny was rewarded with a bath of hot thirteen-year-old cum.

"Fucking awesome," announced Aaron as he stared at his best buddy's cock dripping with his brother's cum. "It looks like you're cumming!"

The three boys giggled. Kevin had no idea where his kid brother and his friend were coming up with these ideas. They were half his age and teaching him about sex instead of the other way around, but who cared!


"Great shoot boys," announced Jack as he handed them their money. The two boys stared at the floor. It was humiliating enough doing what they'd done. Getting paid to do it made it even more humiliating. They felt like two hookers. "I like you to stay behind for a minute, Shane. There's something I'd like you to do for me. Oh, and by the way, Jason left this for you," Jack observed, handing Charles a folded sheet of three-ring looseleaf.

Charles looked at him with a mixture of emotions, all of them caught by the hidden video in the hall. Now what? He was curious what Jason might have left him, and apprehensive too. Mostly though, he was suspicious, suspicious what Jack was up to, and angry over his control over them. He did not look at the sheet of looseleaf until he was up the street alone, unaware that a friend of Jack's had been watching the teenager leave, and caught the look on his face with his telephoto from his car as the boy read the message.


I just want you to know that what we did at Jack's was a surprise to me. I had no idea it was you that was licking my cock, but I was glad that it was. You are the hottest looking guy at school, and I have to tell you I have been hot for you for the past year. What we did was like a dream come true, and I hope we can do stuff together but in private.


Sixteen-year-old Charles Brentworth stood there in the street and stared at the paper. Jason Bonner was not just a faggot, but he had the hots for him!

Chapter 18
Fun With Your Pooh

Sixteen-year-old Jason Bonner falls deeper under Jack's control in his desire for Charles, and becomes more confused about the videos he is making as he unknowingly introduces his young audience to the world of scat.

Jason was disappointed Charles would not be joining him for the taping. So far he'd made four videos, three of them all by himself, and he was beginning to fear that Jack was not satisfied with his performances. If he had been, then he'd have featured more videos with him and Charles and Shane. He didn't quite understand why Jack would be dissatisfied. He'd done everything the man had asked, and not once had a session ended where he'd indicated that he'd been disappointed. Sure, he wasn't a star dramatist or anything like that, but he'd thought he'd been convincing, and the acting he'd had to do hadn't exactly been rocket science.

Other than fearing he'd dropped the private note he'd written for Charles at Jack's, which evidently he had not since neither Jack nor Rob had mentioned finding it, he'd been looking forward to this shoot. It had been four weeks since the one and only taping they'd done together, and two weeks since he'd lost the note he'd written to Charles. He could not help notice that Charles's interest in him had increased in that time, and especially over the past week. He'd noticed Charles glancing at him before in the showers after phys ed or after a game, but he had largely left that observation as wishful thinking on his part that Charles might have a sexual interest in him. This past week, however, it seemed like every time he looked at Charles he'd caught him looking at him, and not just innocently or by accident since each time it happened Charles quickly looked away with embarrassment. He wished he could tell Charles he didn't mind, and, in fact, was delighted that Charles found him pleasing to look at. Charles certainly was a piece of eye candy. He'd openly stand there and admire his sixteen-year-old classmate if it would not be so obvious, and if there would be no danger of him boning up.

Charles Brentworth didn't just have his eyes on him in the showers either. He was constantly checking him out, in History class, when they hung out with the gang at the arcade, even on the gym floor during basketball practice. It was funny, all these years thinking about Charles and fantasizing about the two of them to find out Charles was gay just like himself. If it had not been for Shane mentioning those videos he and Charles were doing, he'd never have found out his sexual preference. Jason smiled as he thought about it. If the furtive glances Charles was giving him were not proof enough, the rest of his behavior certainly was. He was constantly talking about girls they knew and how hot they were, and how horny they made him feel. When a girl who was stacked walked by he made a comment about her boobs. He made a special effort of talking to the girls when other guys were around, and especially to be as physical with Lisa as he could be in public. That could only mean one thing. He was trying to cover up the fact that in reality it was guys that turned him on. Jason knew about that. Hadn't he been doing the same throughout junior and senior high school?



"Are you with us?"

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. I was thinking."

Jack smiled. He had a pretty good idea what the handsome young jock was thinking. He'd seen the look on the boy's face when he'd told the boy that Charles would not be joining him. Fuck, the kid really had the hots for the spoiled upper class snot. That was fine with Jack. It would make the plans he had for humiliating the handsome high school athlete that much easier. A fag jock! Who would have suspected! "So, you did what I asked you to do?"

"Ah, yeah," Jason replied, not exactly sure which of the things Jack had asked him to do the man was referring to.

"And that was?"

"Ah, to bring a picture of my mom, and of my girlfriend."

"Right. And?"

"Ah, you mean the night before?"

"Yes," Jack said patiently.

"I ate three bowls of bran flakes before going to bed just like you said."


"And again this morning." Jason glanced at Jack to see if he wanted him to continue. Jack did. He was catching this conversation on a hidden cam to splice into the video Jason was about to make, besides to edit out the words to add to his growing collection of Jason's voice to literally put words in the boy's mouth. "And I ate four bananas, and I didn't take a dump when I got up, and haven't all morning."

"Do you know why I asked you to eat bananas and all that bran?"

"Not really," Jason admitted.

"How do you feel right now?"

"I gotta go bad. Number two."

"And that's exactly why I told you to eat all that bran and bananas. It fills you up with shit." Jason looked at Jack blankly, none of what he'd said making any sense. "You'll see. Let's start the shooting. Remember what I told you. Just take your time and read carefully and then say the words on the flip charts that are in orange and do the actions that are in black. Understand?"

Jason nodded as he followed Jack to the bedroom where they had shot the video of him posing with the teddy bear. Laying down on the bed on his side, he thumbed through a teen celebrity magazine as he reached behind and rubbed his butthole through his jeans and ran a finger up and down his crack. Jack then gave him some straight porno magazines to read and Rob zoomed in on the naked women, and then they shot the same scene with some gay magazines. They would later edit each out according to the audience they would be selling the video to.

"Oh, hi," said Jason, looking up into the camera. "I didn't hear 3;"

"No, no, Jason. That hardly sounded surprised. You are supposed to be surprised, and a bit embarrassed about being caught playing with your asshole. Now, I'm sure you can do better. Let's try again."

Jason wanted to do better. He resumed playing with his asshole in earnest, causing Jack and Rob to exchange bemused glances, and said the words on the cue card with meaning. "Oh, hi, I didn't hear you come in," he said with a sheepish smile as he removed his hand. His feeling of embarrassment and shame was not acting. It had slowly dawned on him that he'd just been taped playing with his asshole, and that Jack would be showing this tape to others. "Come and sit down. I guess you were wondering what I was doing," he said with an embarrassed chuckle. "Well, the truth is, you caught me doing one of my favorite things, having fun with my asshole."

"Jason! Now that hardly sounded like you were having fun. Do you want to make this video or not?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then stop screwing up," Jack said, pretending to be angry and trying not to crack up knowing they now had on tape the teenage boy saying he wanted to make a video of him playing with his asshole. Just wait until the day came and they would let him watch the video and threaten to send it to his mother if he didn't obey them. "Glance at the words, and then say them like you mean them."

Jack turned his back to the boy and grinned at Rob. It was a blast putting their teenage stars through these embarrassing scenes, but even more fun was making them feel guilty for not doing it with passion.

Jason repeated the words and then read the next flip chart. "You know about having fun with your asshole from Chuckles?" he asked in surprise, which was not acting and which Jack acknowledged approvingly with a thumbs up. Jason knew Chuckles was the clown character played by Charles, but he was surprised to hear that Charles had done a video on having fun with his asshole. He was surprised, and encouraged by the discovery too. Charles had to have done something similar to what he was doing. He hoped that the video hadn't involved him and Shane. If anyone was going to have asshole fun with Charles, it should be him. "Actually, I was about to have some different fun. Would you like me to tell you about a type of fun I really, really, really like to do?" He paused and looked into the camera as if waiting for an answer, which gave him a chance to read up on his cue cards. "You would? That's great!" he said, clapping his hands in enjoyment as instructed. He felt silly, like he was in one of those kiddie television shows.

"Have you ever noticed how much fun a baby has when he is filling his diaper, how he giggles and laughs and coos while he is taking a shit?" he asked, continuing to read the cue cards. He had no idea who the audience might be for this video, but it was definitely not a video for children! "Well," he said, motioning as if he wanted the visitor to move in closer and lowering his voice to a whisper as the camera zoomed in, "something I really really really like to do is have fun with my pooh." The look of confusion and mild apprehension, mild because Jason realized he'd been primed to take a shit but he still did not know the extremes he was going to be asked to go to as a video star, was perfect for the adult version of the video, but certainly not for the young audience Jack and Rob had in mind. They had Jason to redo the video, this time with a warning that if he wasn't up to doing this, they'd find someone who was. Of course Sean came to Jason's mind immediately, and the last thing he wanted to do was to give Sean a better chance of performing with Charles in the future. He redoubled his efforts as Jack and Rob knew he would.

"For the first game I'm going to show you, you have to draw a target on something," he continued, taking out his handkerchief and drawing several concentric circles on it with lipstick. "This is my mom's lipstick," he explained with a grin, trying to look mischievous as the cue card instructed but unable to hide the apprehension in his eyes. Pulling the chair out from his desk and placing it in the middle of the room, he placed the handkerchief on the floor behind it, and then stood up on the chair. Unzipping his jeans, he slowly lowered them to mid thigh, along with his boxers, and then carefully sat down on the back of the chair. "This game I call 'bombs away'," he said with a grin. "When I have to take a big shit, sometimes I like to pretend I'm an airplane pilot dropping bombs on one of those terrorist countries. I slowly open the bay doors, and let the bomb slowly drop into position," he explained as he relaxed his anal sphincter and slowly pushed out with his stomach as instructed. Rob zoomed the camera in to catch the thick, dark brown turd slowly emerging from the teenage boy's ass.

What he was saying and doing made no sense at all, but it did not stop Jason from slowly beginning to turn red. Taking a shit was something private. Sitting there taking a shit in front of Jack and Rob was humiliating. Guys stood side by side taking a leak at the urinals, but doing number two was done behind closed doors in individual stalls. And, if taking a dump in front of Jack and Rob wasn't bad enough, Rob was catching it all on film. Jack flipped over the chart paper, and Jason continued to read. "The bomb is moving into place. I'm zeroing in above the target.' He grunted as he forced the turd out. "Bomb is about ready to be dropped, three, two one, fire!" he shouted, pushing out with his stomach and then pinching off the descending turd with his sphincter. He heard it plop behind him. Turning around and looking behind him, he was surprised and pleased that his turd had landed in the middle of his handkerchief. Pleased? Realizing how he'd just felt, he stared at the cylindrical tube of shit in confusion and guilt, perfect for the adult version Jack and Rob would be selling.

"Another game I like to play I call 'eat my shit'," Jason continued with a sinking feeling in his stomach. "Like suppose your mom has been nagging and nagging and nagging you, about cleaning up your room, or washing your hands after you go pee, or a million other dumb, stupid things mothers nag about. Well, when I'm tired of nag nag nag, instead of a target, I draw a pair of lips with my mother's lipstick and pretend I'm taking a big dump right in her mouth and wish it was for real!" Needless to say, Jason was shocked, and disgusted, and Jack, feigning anger again, made the boy repeat the filth about what he liked to do to his mother and end it with a boyish giggle. The boy found the idea so mortifying he had to repeat the scene two more times before Jack let him continue. Thinking how their young audience, who invariably would have been nagged by their mothers at some time, would take to this perverted game had the two men aching with lust and wishing they could be spies in the hundreds of living rooms as their young audience viewed this video.

"Another game like 'eat my shit' I like to play I call 'crap on you'," Jason continued, carefully getting down off the chair with his pants and boxers still about his thighs. He shuffled over to his desk where he'd put the two pictures. "Do you think girls are dumb and boring like I do?" he asked. The teenager was totally confused. What sort of video was this? "Ask them for their pictures. That is so funny, because they'll think you are asking for their pictures because you like them!" Placing the picture of Cindy on the floor, Jason took his position on the chair again. He began to grunt exaggeratedly as instructed on the cue card and slowly he dropped another turd, this one on the smiling picture of the girl he'd been pretending was his girlfriend, all the while saying that was what he really thought about girls, and about Cindy in particular. In the gay video version Jack would dub in Jason's voice saying that was because he was gay.

Following the instructions, Jason next took a plastic bag, the long narrow type that you get sub sandwiches in, and holding it against his anus, he took a dump inside it, commenting all the while about how great it felt having a gut full of shit because of the bran and bananas he'd eaten, and how great it felt taking a shit. He easily eased out a second, and a third turd. With the amount of bran he'd eaten, he had to go bad, and the bran and the bananas had ensured his shit would be thick and firm. Holding the bag with his left hand and crapping still another turd into it, he fiddled with himself with the other hand and commented how having a turd easing out of his body was so sexy, like having a baby, and how it felt even better when a guy played with himself at the same time. He had to repeat the scene several times, to his humiliation and his anxiety that Jack just might not let him make a sixth video. He could not believe the words he was being forced to say and he could not hide his embarrassment.

Getting down off the chair one more time, he held the bag in front of him as he quickly read the next cue card and blanched. He looked at Jack in despair. He could not be serious! He glanced again at the cue card. He had to have read it wrong. He hadn't. Of course the agony he was going through as he looked at the cue card Jack was holding and at the bag of shit in his hand and then at Rob taping him was all caught on a hidden cam in the room for one of the adult versions that Jack and Rob would produce.

"There a problem, Jason?"

Of course there was. How could he possibly do such a thing? Why would they want him to? He had no answers, but he knew if he didn't his chances of doing a video with Charles was that much less likely. He inhaled deeply and nervously. That was a mistake. The stench of shit filled his nostrils. The stench of his shit, the shit he was holding in a plastic bag in front of him. His mind screamed silently in protest as he slowly eased his stiff cock into the bag, his face filled with disgust.

His cock, his most prized possession, that one thing that every boy cherishes with pride and looks after with utmost care, slowly disappeared into the bag of shit. It slipped through the hot, foul paste like a hot knife stabbing a block of butter. The shit, his shit, oozed around his stiff, throbbing cock as he eased it into the bag until the bag was pressed against his crotch. It was filthy and revolting and he found he was holding his breath in apprehension and disgust. He slowly drew his hips back, easing his cock out of the bag of shit. The thick brown paste, moist and sticky, clung to his shaft like a mud pack. He could not believe he was doing such a perverted thing.

He was, and he was doing it on his own free will. That was what made it so delightful to the two men making the video. The horny, perverted fag boy was fucking a bag of his own shit. It proved once again to Jack that all teenage boys are horny little perverts. Neither he nor Rob had forced the sixteen-year-old jock to stick his organ in a bag of his own pooh. Jack and Rob felt their cocks throbbing with arousal in their trousers as they watched Jason working his stiff, shit smeared cock in and out of the bag of shit. Some oozed out the opening of the bag and down over his balls which were beginning to fill and round out. It was filthy and disgusting, but it was also erotic.

Jason's cock head tingled and burned with arousal as he worked his boner in and out of the sticky, stinking bag of shit, the thick turds now a mass of mush from his pistoning action. The heat of his shit, the pasty texture against his knob, and the eroticism of what he was doing was too much. He shot his load, sending his sperm in thin white ropes through his shit, like streamers of whipped cream through a chocolate pudding. Jason stared down at his throbbing cock, his face a mixture of erotic pleasure, shame, disgust, and confusion. How could he have all those feelings at once? He was delighted and devastated at the same time. Rob and Jack were ecstatic.

The high school jock finally eased his cock out of the shit-filled bag, a quarter of the shit sticking to his still stiff cock. How could he have possibly enjoyed what he'd just done? His cheeks flaming a bright red, he slowly looked up at Jack.

"Damn, you know what, we forgot to get toilet paper for this scene," observed Jack.

"Shit, you're right," observed Rob, trying his hardest not to laugh and spoil it.

"Oh well, you can always wipe up when you get home," Jack observed, handing Jason his underwear.

Jason looked at his underwear in disbelief. Put on his underwear with his cock caked with shit? The man had to be kidding. One look up at Jack told him that the man was not. With renewed shame and feeling totally filthy, he stepped into his boxers and pulled them up. His cock suddenly felt like it was caked by a ton of shit. His face burning with embarrassment, he stepped into his jeans and zipped them up, the entire scene of course caught by the hidden cam. One version would show Jack and Rob and the teenager's devastation. Another would just show Jason, and the look on his face would be the look of bliss as he'd shot off his load.

He had never been so conscious of his cock as he walked to the bus stop, and he was sure he could feel his shit oozing down his legs. He glanced down at his crotch repeatedly, expecting to see the stain coming through any moment. The bus was not that crowded but the transfer bus down town was. At first he had chosen to stand, but as he was sure he could feel his shit oozing down his leg, he sat down. He hoped that the overpowering stink was just his imagination, but from the glances and looks of disgust by the passengers closest to him, he knew it was not. He stared straight ahead, trying not to notice the looks of disgust. He was totally unaware that it was all being caught on a hidden cam carried in a roll of newspaper by one of Jack's close friends who had been waiting for a call on his cell phone to board the bus the stop before the stop by Jack's. As Jason Bonner took the long, humiliating bus ride home, Jack and Rob eagerly began to edit the video tape, their cocks throbbing hotly as they imagined their young audience across the country slipping their little dicks into bags of pooh just like Chuckles' best friend's brother.

Chapter 19
Fun With Stinky Feet

Six-year-olds Kenny Darby and his best buddy Aaron Michaels learn a fun new game from Chuckles and Jason which they play with Aaron's older brother Kevin, to the thirteen-year-old boy's amazement and delight.

"Well, I don't know," said Mrs. Darby with a frown. "You've been spending a lot of overnights with Aaron."

"My mom and dad don't mind, honest," observed Aaron Michaels, eager to have his best buddy spend the night with him.

"You're really sure your parents don't mind?" Kenny's mother asked.

"Oh fu-sure," responded six-year-old Aaron, quickly glancing at Kenny. The two boys burst into giggles.

"Well, let me phone and make sure," Mrs. Darby responded. How could she refuse such big pleading eyes and two such happy boys? They had been spending a lot of time at Aaron's, much more than at Kenny's this past month. The response from Aaron's mother when she phoned was as she'd expected. She could no more resist the charms of the two young boys than Mrs. Darby could. Making sure the boys were bundled up warm for the late February weather even though they were only going half a block, she gave them a bag of cookies to take to the Michael's household and warned Kenny to be good, which he promised he would be.

"When my mom asked if your parents didn't mind you almost said fuck," giggled Kenny as the boys headed down the street.

"I sure the fuck almost did," giggled Aaron.

"You'd really be in fucking shit if you had."

"I like being in fucking shit," responded Aaron, causing both boys to have to stop they were giggling so hard.

"Fucking shit is hot," chortled Kenny, causing Aaron to double over with laugher.

"Fucking hot fucking shit is fucking hotter," Aaron observed, causing both boys' sides to ache they were laughing so hard.

They were still giggling when they arrived at Aaron's house. "Well, you two are certainly happy today," observed Mrs. Michaels as she helped the two youngsters off with their mittens, scarves and winter boots.

The two six-year-olds looked at each other, their cheeks flushed red from the brisk February weather and from their laugher and their eyes twinkling with amusement. "My mom sent some cookies," said Kenny, handing Aaron's mom the brown bag.

"Well, that's very nice. I don't know how she has time to bake with a new little baby to look after."

"My mom's up like a dozen times during the night on account of Mikey crying. She says if she can't sleep she might as well bake. We get lots of baking since Mikey was born."

"And how do you like having a little baby brother?" Mrs. Michaels asked. Kenny's brother had been born just over a month ago.

"Okay. He poops his diaper a lot," Kenny responded, glancing over at Aaron. The two boys giggled again. "He really likes to poop," Kenny continued, causing the two boys to giggle harder.

"Well, it wasn't that long ago since you two were pooping your diapers too."

The two boys felt their pee-ers twitch as they thought about their latest source of fun and amusement. Mrs. Michaels, and Kenny's mother, would have been shocked to know what the boys had done during their sleep over at Kenny's last weekend, and why they'd both taken a sudden liking for bran flakes and bananas.

"Is Kevin home?"

"Yes, he's up in his room."

"Cool. Can we take him some cookies?"

"Sure. Would you like some hot cocoa to go with them?"

"Fu-sure," responded Aaron, causing the two boys to double over with giggles.

Mrs. Michaels shook her head and sent them scooting upstairs. Boys! She'd never understand them.

Kevin jumped and quickly threw some looseleaf papers over what he was looking at as the two youngsters burst into his bedroom. "Damn! How many times have I told you to knock dickhead!"

"Oops, sorry," responded his brother. "What were you looking at?" he asked, bounding over to the bed.

"Nothing," Kevin responded guiltily.

"Then how come you covered it up so fast?" Aaron asked, quickly yanking the papers away. "Ewww. Naked girls."

"Yeah, well, you just wait. You won't be saying ewww when you're thirteen."

"Sure the fuck will. I just like boys and will always just like boys."

"Oh yeah, well you know what they call boys who just like boys," Kevin responded.

"Sure the fuck do," said Aaron. "But Kenny and me don't fucking care."

"Fucking right," responded Kenny, glancing at the pictures Kevin had been looking at. "She's got big boobs."

"Kenny's mom's got big boobs," observed Aaron.

"Cuz they're full of milk," commented Kenny. The two boys had been fascinated at the sight of Kenny's mother nursing, as had Kevin who'd managed an invite to the Darby's so he could see first hand that Kenny's mother just pulled out her boob and began feeding Kenny's brother when it was time. He was the envy of a number of his classmates when he described that!

"They as big as Ashley Hall's?" asked Aaron, referring to the girl his older brother had the hots for.

Mrs. Michaels arrived with the hot cocoa at that moment, causing Kevin to quickly toss his homework over the porn magazine he'd borrowed from a friend who'd found it in a stash his friend's father kept in a box in his workroom. The boys glanced at Mrs. Michaels apprehensively, but she'd apparently not heard the conversation, and had not been suspicious by Kevin's action. The boys were distracted for a while as they munched on the cookies and sipped the hot cocoa as boys do in thousands of households in the middle of winter.

"So, you wanna have some fun for a while?" asked Aaron hopefully as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

Kevin looked at the open door. Messing around in the afternoon was chancy, especially this close to supper, but how could he resist the offer? He was thirteen after all, and had spent the better part of the afternoon looking at the pictures in the magazine and dreaming about Ashley. He got up and closed his bedroom door. "Okay, but you gotta be quiet," he observed as he returned to his bed. He'd missed them not having a sleep over the previous weekend, which had been unusual for them. Actually, missing the presence of his kid brother was certainly unusual for him.

"You're the one whose gotta be quiet," observed Aaron. "No screaming and groaning when we make you squirt."

"Cocky little cocksuckers today aren't you two?"

"Well, what we'd really like to do is try something different today instead of sucking your cock," observed Aaron.

"Oh yeah?" asked Kevin with amusement as he looked at his kid brother. "And just what might that be?"

Aaron and Kenny glanced at each other, their eyes twinkling. "We want to lick your sweaty, stinky feet," Aaron responded.

"And suck your toes."

Kevin snorted. "You what?" he asked, opening his eyes wide. Where his kid brother and his best buddy came up with these ideas he would never understand.

"You'll like it," promised Aaron, looking at his brother pleadingly, and then at Kenny.

"And so will we," they said together. "It will be oodles, and oodles, and oodles of fun."

"Go ahead," Kevin replied, shaking his head and wondering where they came up with such corny phrases. "Whatever turns you two on."

"It will turn you on too," Aaron promised as the two six-year-olds scooted down to the foot of the bed and untied Kevin's Nike runners.

Removing the worn sneakers, the two youngsters were rewarded with the distinct aroma of sneaker feet, causing a tremor to run up their little dicklets as they thought about watching Chuckles's best buddy's brother removing Chuckles's huge shoes and saying how the smell of sneaker feet got him hot. Each boy took a sock, and beginning at the elastic band, rolled it down over the older boy's foot, just like they'd seen in the video. Bending over and sniffing at the teenager's feet, the two six-year-olds inhaled deeply and hummed, as if they were sniffing Mrs. Darby's freshly baked apple pie. Kevin had never considered having someone sniff his feet as being erotic, and to his surprise he found his dick beginning to swell. Of course at thirteen, almost everything these days was causing his cock to swell.

"Take off your pants so we can see your wiener get big in your underwear," requested Aaron as Jason had suggested in the video. Kevin readily complied, as had Chuckles. Propping himself up on his elbows, he watched as his kid brother and his kid brother's best buddy squatted down on their haunches and each took a foot. Feeling their hot, wet tongues running up and down the back of his feet, and seeing the delight in their eyes as if they were licking jam off a slice of toast, the teenage boy felt his cock quickly rising. This was erotic!

Kevin was conscientious about his hygiene, but he was a teenage boy with an active life and a growing body, and he didn't always remember to change his socks and underwear. So, the two six-year-olds were rewarded with a pair of sneaker-odor feet that had been warming in three-day-old socks. The salt from his sweaty feet and their odor caused their saliva to flow copiously, and as their spittle coated his feet and was then licked back up by the two boys, Kevin's cock throbbed hotly, as did the dicklets of the two boys. When they raised his feet and licked the soles and the insides, Kevin quivered with arousal, and when each took his largest toe in his mouth and began to suck, his young cock began to leak pre-cum. He pushed his underwear down mid thigh, not wanting to stain his underwear, and preferring how his stiff cock felt standing up proud and free instead of being restrained by his underwear.

Aaron smiled as he looked up at his brother's big boner standing up in the air and wagging like a dog's tail as he and Kenny sucked on his stinky toes and ran their tongues between them. They were clean, but despite the absence of toe jam, the regions between his brother's toes did have a sharper taste, a taste that he'd only discovered earlier that afternoon after watching the most recent Chuckles fun video at Kenny's and then doing Kenny as Kenny had done him. He allowed his spit to dribble out of his mouth and over and between his brother's toes, causing his brother's wiener to leak out a drop of that clear stuff and to jerk uncontrollably. Looking up at his brother from the tops of his eyes as he bowed his head, he sucked up his saliva and clamped his lips about his brother's two smallest toes and sucked hard on them. The look of pleasure in his brother's deep blue eyes made him suck all the harder in an effort to please him even more. It was funny, but he and his brother had not really done that much stuff together and in fact had more squabbles and stuff up until about a month ago than they actually got along with each other. This past little while, while his brother hadn't been overly nice, he hadn't been such a dickhead either, and he'd found himself wanting to please his big brother instead of bug him.

Kevin looked down at the two boys, their hot pink tongues licking the balls of his feet and wiggling between his toes. Kenny Darby was a cute little brunette with big brown eyes and a little button nose. Standing at three-foot-nine [1.14 m] and weighing forty-three pounds [20 kg], he reminded Kevin of those boys you saw posing in underwear ads and the only hair on his smooth, soft body was the dark brown hair on his head. Kevin, 4" [10 cm] circumcised cock, plays basketball. His brother, an inch shorter and a couple pounds lighter, had deep blue eyes and blond hair so light it was almost white. The sight of the two cherubs sucking his toes had him leaking big time.

Kenny watched Kevin's four-inch [10 cm], circumcised cock leaking as he sucked on the boy's toes and reached down and fiddled with his own stiff little dickie. He could not wait until he was old enough to squirt stuff, or until his baby brother was old enough to do things to him like Aaron was doing to his brother. Inhaling deeply, he closed his eyes with pleasure as the odor of the teenager's stinky feet caused his pee-er to jerk. That was what separated boys from girls as Chuckles had said. Boys were snakes and sails and puppy dog tails and stinky feet. Girls were all sweet and nice. Kevin was breathing heavily, like Chuckles had been, causing Kenny to nibble and suck on his toes and make smacking sounds with his lips like he was enjoying the taste just like Chuckles, and just like Chuckles, he actually was. When he'd watched Jason sucking on Chuckles's feet he'd hadn't believed it could be as much fun as Jason was having, but it was.

It was fun having it done to you too, as he'd discovered when he and Aaron had sucked each other's feet that afternoon. There was no doubt was fun for Kevin too, because without even touching himself, he suddenly shuddered and began to squirt his stuff. It was like watching a fountain squirting, and he and Aaron sucked even more furiously, wanting to please the now moaning and twisting teenage boy.

Having stinky feet was just as much a part of being a boy as having a wiener was, and smelling and licking stinky feet was one more fun game that made being a boy so much fun. He hadn't known that until this afternoon, but thanks to Chuckles he and Aaron did now. Mrs. Michaels knocked on the door and told the boys it was time to come down to eat and to wash their hands. Of course they said they would, but instead they rubbed their fingers over his feet and his sweaty balls so they could smell his odor on their hands as they ate. Pulling up his underwear and pants, Kevin put on his socks, and a pair of thick woolen ones on top. If his kid brother and best buddy liked to smell and lick stinky feet, he'd be sure they had a specially delightful after dinner treat.