Sidney Gittler
Arkansas Vacation
Chapter 32 A Whole Lot Going On
(Arkansas Vacation 15)
John and Carlos of Usenet boy love groups are in the story. I don't know them, where they are or if they're really gay and any familial relationships are totally fictional.
For those of you who are interested in the background of Captain Morgan, Timmy and the rest of their party please check out my story
Timmy in Chains.
Big Sol met Daniel and me at the front door of the Big Lick Ice Cream Parlor. He'd invited us to a special show and was obviously nervous.
"Hi Sol," I said as we shook hands.
"Hi, thanks for coming. Got this new opening act for the Trips trying out tonight and I want your opinion. Just got to promise me this is one you won't steal."
"Unless your nephews tell us to we won't," Daniel said and we laughed as we walked in.
"Don't think so. Unlike Boydini this one isn't in their league," Big Sol said as he seated us at our usual stage center table. We were halfway through our sundaes when the house lights dimmed and Big Sol picked up the microphone.
"Welcome everybody, tonight is the premier performance of our new opening act. I'm sure you'll find him attractive and talented. He's new in town so lets give a big Peckertown welcome to Quincy!"
The curtain rose to a bare stage except for a chair with a small box on it. As applause began an extremely good-looking naked boy slowly walked to the chair from the side. Quincy appeared to be about fourteen with dark brown hair that was cut short and parted to the right. His front bangs were dyed blond. He had hazel eyes and a freckled nose. He smiled at the people in the room watching him and we saw he had a retainer.
"Hi everybody, I'm Quincy and I hope y'all enjoy my little show."
Quincy put the box down on the floor then sat down on the chair. He spread his legs far apart giving us all a great view of his crotch. Quincy's penis was six cut inches [15 cm] of hard boyness. His bush of light brown pubic hair trimmed and his low hanging balls were shaved clean.
As a soft rock instrumental began playing Quincy reached into the box and pulled out two items. The first was a ten-inch [25 cm] long purple dildo, and the other a tube of KY jelly. Quincy squeezed out a large glob of KY onto his throbbing dick and smeared it all over.
I could tell that Quincy would need this lube. His doctor had made his circumcision real tight with no loose skin to play with. He then squirted a large glob of jelly onto the dildo and rubbed it all over the purple toy. Quincy took a hold of his hard penis with his right hand and started to stroke it. At the same time he started to push the dildo up his ass.
We were all amazed at seeing the ten-inch [25 cm] long and three-inch [7½ cm] thick dildo slide all the way up Quincy's ass so easily. On first observation his hole hadn't looked that big or loose. Quincy then put the base of the dildo into a little hole we hadn't noticed before in the chair. The small hole held the dildo in place.
Quincy lifted himself and then sat back down, fucking himself on the sex toy. He used his free left hand to rub his balls. While rubbing his balls, he kept them pulled up so they would not be in the way of our view of the dildo going in and out of his boy pussy.
Quincy let go of his balls and reached into the box. He pulled out two clothespins and he attached one to each of his nipples. We could see his nipples turn from pink to an angry red color, but we could tell the pain he was feeling in his nipples was a good pain he was enjoying.
Quincy's hand started to speed up the stroking of his dick and he took hold of his balls again. We saw his balls had pulled up a little closer to his body but they were still hanging low. Since I was sitting right next to the stage I was able to tell that Quincy was squeezing his balls pretty hard. If he was squeezing an egg right then, the egg would have crunched and yoke would of been dripping down to the floor.
Quincy had his eyes closed and was moaning and groaning in pleasure as he yanked his crank.
Quincy stopped stroking his dick and used his thumb, index, and middle finger and gave a few pulls on his dick in slow motion. A big bead of pre-cum leaked out the piss hole and leaked down the shaft, then down the skin bag of balls, then dripped off in a long string that stayed attached to his scrotum for a few seconds and then broke off and landed on the stage with a splat.
Quincy stood up off of the chair, and lay down on his back on the floor. He lifted his legs up and then put his knees down by the side of his head, right next to his ears.
Quincy started to jerk his cock again, while at the same time he used his left hand to fuck his hot ass with the dildo.
Quincy's balls slowly became tighter to his body and because of that, they bounced around less. Quincy's highly erotic moaning and other sounds made the background music inaudible. Every customer drooled from their mouths and dicks. I'd drooled so much pre-cum there was a very visible wet spot on the front of my white polo shorts. Daniel had his cock out and was slowly jerking off. Quincy stopped jacking his cock and opened his mouth wide. He aimed the tip of his dick at his mouth just in time. A big rope of semen shot out of the piss slit and fired into his mouth. He then gave his dick two fast strokes and then another blast of cum shot out and once again went into his opened mouth. Five very large and thick ropes of sperm shot of Quincy's dick and landed inside his mouth. He then leaned his head upwards and was able to milk out two large dribbles of cum into his mouth. Now that he had drained his nuts into his mouth he closed his lips and swallowed his own cum.
Quincy then pulled the dildo out of his ass and dropped it in the box. He stood up and bowed to the room full of people who were all clapping. As Quincy bowed again, the house lights came up and Quincy jumped off the stage smiling and waving to the clapping crowd. He picked up a basket and started walking around to collect his tips.
Daniel and I turned to Big Sol and gave him two thumbs up. Handed Quincy a twenty along with a word of praise.
We hung around for the Trips' show because they'd have been pissed as hell if we hadn't but my mind couldn't stray from Quincy. His accent was pure Brooklyn despite the "y'all" he'd thrown in. Up close I'd seen the faint lines of numerous welts all over his back. I knew a lot of, if not most of, the boys who ended up in Peckertown had experienced abuse. The marks were just too uniform though, his act too polished.
On stage Richie Olson was being plugged at each end. The sight of three identical triplets having sex had my cock hard and dripping again. I put my thoughts aside as Lance kept plugging his brother's ass while jerking his cock. When he looked over I shook my head and he nodded.
Five minutes later the three fifteen-year-olds spread out across the stage and shot the loads we'd turned down over eager front row customers. Face it; I've tasted enough of their loads over the two and a half years I've lived here. We waited till the brothers made their way to us after collecting their tips and after a succession of kisses and gropes Daniel and I started walked to the car.
"What do you think of Quincy?" I asked after we were out of the parking lot.
"Cute, nice act as an opening but not main. You wondering about those scars down his back?"
"Glad you noticed them too, and yes I am. That's a Brooklyn accent he has and only an expert master could have produced those scars."
"So you're wondering if Captain Morgan or somebody else sent him down?" Daniel said as he turned onto our street.
"Yep, between the accent, the marks and the act he's a big question waiting to be answered. Even though I know it's probably nothing."
"This from the guy who dreamt about Benjy calling me bro before you'd ever seen us together? I'll give it some credence," my Lion said as he shut the car down in the garage. "Now I've got one question for you."
"Shoot," I said.
He smiled and flipped his long black hair, "could do that here but I'd rather do it up in our bed lover."
I leaned over and we kissed deep and hard before we headed upstairs. It was a warm night for early December so it didn't take long for us to be naked and in bed. I looked across the bed at the most beautiful, the handsomest man in the world. And at sixteen my love was all man.
"I love you," I said.
He grinned, "you're just saying that because I'm naked."
I grabbed him and pulled him over to me. Our lips locked and seconds later we were playing a fierce game of tonsil hockey. While we kissed our hands roamed over familiar skin. Lion just as hairless as the day we'd met and his body still smooth and silky.
Slowly, reluctantly I responded to his desire to break the kiss. As quietly as a lion going in for the kill he turned around and inhaled my cock. I gasped and took his boy meat in before I closed my mouth. We slowly began sucking each other off. Enjoying the texture, the flavor of the one I loved. Daniel's finger touched my entrance and I reflexively opened to admit it, and soon its mate. I groaned around his cock knowing the joy that was to come. His fingers massaged my prostate as I slowly sucked his manhood. Can't begin to tell you the sensations coursing through me.
Yes I can. Simple really, just need one word. Love. OK, two words, second being lust.
The love of my life rubbed my prostate again and I filled his gorgeous throat with my seed. He kept sucking and working till I knew there was no more to feed him and I collapsed back on the bed. Daniel's thick cock flopped out of my mouth dripping saliva and precum.
We smiled at each other.
"Make love to me," I said.
His smile widened.
Gently he raised my legs to his shoulders and placed his cock at my hole and slowly pushed in. Greedily my love canal drew him in till his balls were brushing my cheeks.
"Feels so good," I said.
"You're so tight tonight," Daniel said.
"Make love to me," I said.
And he did. Long slow strokes, out so just his head was in and then all the way back in. Felt him grow longer and thicker as his precum lubed the way. I let him do all the work and just gloried in the feelings. Watched in amazement as my spent cock rose again.
Soon he sped up his strokes and shortened them. His breathing came in the short gasps I knew so well.
"Oh love, take my love," he called. As he erupted he roared his Lion roar.
Morning came too soon but we had too big meetings scheduled for the office so we were up, showered, fed and in my office drinking coffee by nine. Now I know for a lot of you out there that's not early but you don't work in the hospitality industry. You also go home at five or so. By the time we make our rounds it's going to be after nine tonight.
Margaret knocked on the door before opening it and ushered John and Carlos in. Yes that John and Carlos, two of the most famous boys in the history of boy appreciation newsgroups. From the time they were about five to now in their teens they've been giving vicarious pleasure to millions of men. Unfortunately behind those smiling pictures were a couple of men taking advantage of and selling them. Dave Logan and the rest of Samurai Inc. rescued them and brought them here to Peckertown several weeks ago. If you want to read the whole story read chapters 10 and 11 of the Samurai Inc. series. Leave it as they're here, free, happy and still scared that the man they escaped from will come after them.
John's still blond but his hair is longer than you probably remember. He's 5'8" [1.73 m] which is a couple inches taller than Carlos whose been working out with weights and with Wang on self-defense since they arrived. They wore matching navy sweatpants and shirts with the shirt zippers pulled halfway down revealing their smooth chests.
After settling down and a couple minutes of chit chat Carlos looked at John who nodded.
"Marc, Daniel, we know you're busy so this is why we asked to see you. There's two things. First we're ready to start doing something. Thing is we don't know how to do anything besides model and have sex. We don't want to whore anymore, at least not now. While we don't mind modeling really we want something more."
"Any idea what?" Daniel said.
"Something small, maybe a store of some kind," Carlos said and started crying.
Daniel and John each had arms around him before I could move.
"His father owned a small store in southern Mexico. Hasn't seen them since Evans stole him. Doesn't even know if they're still alive," John said.
"Don't even remember what they look like. Just the little cantina padre and madre ran on first floor of our house. That's what I want," Carlos said as he turned to John.
"Then it's what I want my love," John said.
Daniel moved back to his chair while John and Carlos held hands. I decided to wait before asking Carlos if he wanted to find his parents because it was too soon and because John hadn't said anything about his.
"And the second thing?" I prompted.
"We're scared about this big meeting Benjy's hosting. The one for all the slave masters from all over the world. Afraid Anderson or especially Evans may come and if they know were here try kidnap us or if they can't try and kill us," John said.
I looked at Daniel.
"They have to know."
I nodded. "Evans is coming. Captain Morgan felt he had to invite him as one of the biggest slaveholders in South America. We don't know if he knows you're here."
"We're dead," Carlos moaned.
"No, you are not dead and we will not let anything happen to you. There are things we can do from increasing security around the farm to moving you to another location," Daniel said.
"We've even been in touch with Logan and the rest of Samurai Inc. They've been working with Kenny and Scott and if they can as many of them as possible will be here. You've met Cody, did you hear his story, what happened to his parents?" I said.
They nodded.
"Sheriff knows he can't arrest Evans on sight but if does anything to go after you or hurt anybody besides one of his own slaves he'll be in solitary confinement right next to the defrocked Rev. Erickson. Even in this state people, especially cops and cons hate people who hurt children."
Carlos smiled for the first time since we'd gotten down to business. Smile said Evan's wouldn't be able to help himself.
Shortly after they left Benjy came in with a man I hadn't seen in years.
"Bart Jackson isn't it. Haven't seen you since the last time I was at Captain Morgan's," I said.
"See you found your nirvana Fogel," the medium height, black haired stocky man said.
"Oh yes, this is my partner and assistant Daniel Jorgenson."
Bart smiled.
"Don't even think about it," I said.
"I've set him up with Paulo for later. Test for both of them," Benjy said.
"In that case we'd better get down to business. We've got just under two weeks before our guests start arriving," Daniel said.
That's a meeting I won't bore you with. You'll see what happens as I tell it.
It was after one when the two of us finally crossed the street to the Tasty Buns for lunch. We slipped into our usual booth up by the counter and Shawn came over and took our order. As he brought our beers the bells over the front door rang and we looked over.
Quincy walked through the door and looked around. He was wearing a Yankees tee and shorts with sneakers. Would have looked at home at Coney Island instead of several hundred miles southwest.
"Shawn, ask him to join us, name's Quincy," I said.
"Yes boss." I swatted his cute behind as he went.
It took Shawn a couple of minutes to convince Quincy to join us.
"You were at the show last night, sitting up front," Quincy said as he slid in next to Daniel.
"Yea, and you were good. Make a fine opening act for the Trips for as long as you want to I guess," Daniel said.
"Thanks and coming from you guys it means a lot. Big Sol told me who you were after the show. Why I was a little nervous about coming over."
"I hope he didn't tell you we bite," I said with a chuckle.
He grinned, "Na, that he'd kill me if you hired me away. Told him not to worry."
"Good, so how long you been here?" Daniel asked.
"About a month, had some money saved before I split so could rehearse and figure out where to apply. Went into the Big Lick one day, met Lance and that was that."
"Maybe that's why Lance's been smiling a bit more than usual recently. You two been," Daniel made a circle with two fingers and stuck the middle of the other through the hole.
Quincy blushed and nodded. "Moved in last week. He and I have one bedroom and Bobbie and Richie have the other one on the floor. What a wild beginning, so much more than I expected when I left home."
"Brooklyn?" I said.
"Jersey?" he said and we both laughed.
"Couldn't get enough action back home?" Daniel asked as Shawn dropped off three hamburger deluxe and another round of beer.
"Got more action than I wanted, and not the way I wanted it. Story you guys probably heard a thousand times. 'Rents through me out when they found me in bed with my boyfriend. Worked streets till got grabbed off streets and became a kept houseboy until he and his friends tired of me and replaced me with a ten-year-old. Threw me out in pair of running shorts. Heard of here so worked long enough to pay way down," Quincy finished his tale and then his beer.
"Another?" Daniel asked.
Quincy shook his head. "Thanks, I'm ok. Basically, just hate talking about then."
"You know the health clinic has various discussion groups for boys with different experiences, issues. When you're ready maybe you could check one out," I said.
"Maybe. Lance suggested the same thing but I'm not ready. Want to settle in new life before dealing with old," he shrugged. "Was there a reason you wanted to talk to me?"
I thought about it for a second but decided to be honest. "I got a feeling while watching you last night that worried me because of something that's coming up in town in a couple of weeks. But I think I understand it now."
"The master convention? What kind of feeling?"
"That you were a slave, and basically that's what you were even if you never thought of yourself that way," I said.
He grinned, "thought I was a spy? Cool."
Daniel and I laughed.
Daniel leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Glad you're not. I'd hate it if Lance got hurt in any way."
"Wow, welcome and warning in one second," he kissed Daniel's cheek," don't worry Lion. I feel things for Lance I didn't know I could feel any more."
"Yankees or Mets?" I asked.
"Yankees of course," Quincy said pointing to his shirt.
"Cool," I said.
"Not another one," Daniel said and we all laughed.
We were returning from lunch with Lance and Quincy two days later when Margaret came rushing out of the office with our car keys in hand.
"Get down to Leather now. Emergency!" she yelled as she tossed the keys to me.
"What?" Daniel yelled at his cousin.
"Slave's hurt bad, other injuries. That's all Roy said."
"Make sure ambulance and police are on their way," I said as I slipped behind the wheel.
It took us five minutes to get downtown and pull into the club's lot. There were police cars and two ambulances in front. Some police officers were keeping the crowd out but waved us right through.
I tried to make sense of what was happening inside the club. At the far end I saw Wang with a bunch of the slaves. From what I could see they were scared but unharmed. Could smell blood though and knew it was more than just what was produced during the lunch show.
"Daniel, Marc, back here!"
We looked up and saw Benjy's lover Roger waving at us from the stage. As we slipped through the crowd could see the place was a mess. Looked back as climbed the stage and saw a naked man in handcuffs being held on the floor.
"How's Benjy?" Daniel asked as we reached Roger.
"Unhurt, everybody's waiting for you in his office. They'll explain."
As we went through the backstage area to the offices the smell of blood became worse and at the end of the corridor where the hall to the private rooms lay we saw the paramedics working. I started down there but one of Sheriff Whitewater's men stopped me and pointed toward the office.
I went, reluctantly, but I went.
Benjy was on the couch and Roger and Daniel went that way. The Sheriff was behind the desk and I went that way.
"What happened?" I asked.
"One of your boys got attacked in a back room and it wasn't just an overzealous customer."
"D2?" I asked.
"The world's richest slave. Mother's trial is coming up and this may be another of her stunts."
D2, or more properly Damien Robinson Jr., had come to Peckertown after being outed publicly and humiliated by his mother. Father was richest man in town and paid for Damien to come to Peckertown. Mother had father murdered and then went after Damien, or D2, as he preferred. Mother wanted the money he was inheriting, maybe to buy the jury.
"How bad and what happened?"
"He's cut bad, paramedics said they couldn't tell if," Whitey shrugged.
"Damn it, stayed because he thought it was safer as slave."
"Sit Marc and I'll tell you what happened. You know I hate looking up for too long."
I sat and waited while a deputy handed him a note.
"Ok, here's what we have," Whitey said, "this guy, you probably saw him on the floor out there."
I nodded.
"He's been coming here every other day for a week or so, always the lunch performance. Couple days ago he took a boy into the back after the show without any problems. Today he pointed D2 out as the one he wanted and when the show was over they headed back. As with the other boy he tied his hands to the pole. Picks up one of the belts and starts working on D2's stomach with it. Again same as the other day and nothing extreme so security keeps the camera going from one room to another.
"First run through back he's still whipping, but second pass he's pulling knife out of stomach and getting ready to plunge it back in. Got to give kid credit he hit the alarm buttons instantly then yelled into the speaker. To late to stop the second stab but stopped him before he could go for throat on the third. Caleb was first one there and got his whip around the guys throat and pulled him away but when the guy whirled he slashed Caleb on the arm and may have sliced something."
Whitey nodded and another deputy came up to him so I looked around. Benjy was sitting between his lover and his brother and holding on to them. Saw Roy along the wall and signaled him over.
"Yes Sir?"
"Does Matt know?" I said referring to Caleb's partner.
Roy blushed and raced out of the room.
"Dr. Schwartz just got here with his partner. He's with D2."
I sighed with relief. The doctor worked a town over but was on call for all slave injuries and as a boy lover took special interest in serious cases involving Peckertown's boys. "Anything on the guy?"
"Nothing much, identification has him from Iowa City which makes sense but nothing more. When Caleb got slashed he jerked the whip and knocked the guy out in a second. Hasn't said anything to us since he woke up."
"Well, get him out of here as soon as you can. Can I have Wang take the rest of the boys home? They looked scared out there."
"Tommy Ray, help Wang get them on the bus and escort them back to the new barracks. Sit outside and make sure nobody bothers them."
"Sure Sheriff, something like this has to really frighten the boys," the deputy said and left.
Ten minutes later we heard the police sirens go off followed ten minutes later by an ambulance. Roy stuck his head in. Caleb's on his way to the hospital. Dr. Schwartz wants the two of you out there.
Twenty-two seconds later we stood at the end of the hall as the paramedics finished loading D2 on the stretcher.
"Marc, whoever hit the alarm gets a bonus. Another cut and Damien would be dead and not have a 50-50 chance."
"Thank God," I said.
"Whitey, in front of me and the other techs the boy said that the man told him his mother sent him to finish the job."
"Coming through," the ambulance driver said. I won't describe how D2 looked.
"Doc, I'm going to need that in writing by you and as many of the others who can honestly say they heard it. Don't want any lying over this," the Sheriff said.
"Don't need to," the doctor said and hurried away.
I turned and walked back into the office and knelt in front of the three boys.
"D2 is alive and Dr. Schwartz says he has at least a 50-50 chance of surviving. The rest of the boys are back in the barracks with a police guard in front."
"Have to go check on them," Benjy whispered, "Did he say how Caleb is?"
"Won't know till they operate but he's a hero too, hadn't pulled the guy back with the whip D2 would be dead and if he hadn't knocked him out others might have been hurt."
The second ambulance left and the Sheriff walked back in. "Benjy, the crime scene crew is going to be another few hours. Can you cancel the rest of today's performances?"
Benjy looked at me, he'd reverted to being a boy. I looked up and nodded. "Roy, put a sign up saying we're closed to Friday lunch. We'll need that extra day to put everything and everyone back together."
"Captain Morgan and his party are coming on Friday," Benjy said.
"We'll be ready," Daniel said and hugged his little brother.
"Roger, take him home," I said.
Benjy shook his head. "Roy, you're in charge here, cooperate fully with the police. Close the back area and get them home. Roger, I've got to go see my boys first, make sure they're ok, tell them that, that everything's going to be ok and they're off till Friday. Daniel, can you call the clinic and get the team over to the barracks in an hour?"
"Sure bro, but as soon as they're there I want you home," Daniel said.
Benjy looked at me and I saw some of the master back. I smiled and nodded.
As everybody went I turned back toward Whitey.
"You've got a tough balancing act don't you?" he said.
I laughed, "Never thought of it that way but yes. Times it's hard to remember that Daniel's 16 and Benjy's only 12. Dealing with boys who've been thrown into men's roles when they should be in school passing notes to their boyfriends."
Whitey patted me on the back, "Glad you're here for them."
"You too, never fails to amaze me how the old redneck southern sheriff has taken to us."
"Just sunburn my friend, just sunburn," Whitey said and walked out.
"Ready Marc?" Daniel said as he hung the phone up.
I nodded and we returned to the Tasty Buns to fill his father in.
Noon at Friday we were standing in front of the vacant In-Boy-Inn as two stretch limousines pulled up front. Out of the back of the first car stepped a black man even bigger than Zeus. His eyes scanned us then the surrounding area. Finally he raised his right hand and a younger white man in his twenties exited the second car and opened its rear door.
A white man in his late forties came out and stretched. Something over six foot [1.80 m] tall with a slender but obviously muscular build. Thick blond shoulder length hair framed a handsome but firm face. He stepped aside and two boys came out and stood on each side of him. A third, older boy had emerged from the first car. After stretching that boy reached back in and dragged two naked, chained, hairless boys, one Hispanic and one Asian, out and onto the asphalt.
Benjy in full leathers walked up to the man and bowed. The man returned it.
"Welcome to Peckertown Captain Morgan. I hope that everything is to your satisfaction and that everything goes well this week," Benjy said.
"Glad to finally be here, a place where I can truly legally be myself. It was quite impressive driving here and through the town. To see so many sexy and willing boys in one place," Morgan said.
"And we'll have boys aplenty willing to do your bidding."
"I'd like to introduce my party. The rather imposing black gentleman is Hercules and the other gentleman is Dave, he refuses a more dramatic name."
"Welcome gentlemen," Benjy said as he shook their hands.
"The boy over there is Egor, he's Russian but his English is improving. This tall boy on my right is Roger and on my left is his younger brother Timmy. He is the One."
"May I touch him?" Benjy asked. Captain Morgan nodded and Timmy held out his right hand. Tenderly Benjy took it in both hands and looked at the boy. The boy was his own age and while slender not much shorter. He saw a slight resemblance then felt a tingling in his hands but didn't let go. Wondered if the power he felt as a young master was related to Timmy's power. He kissed the hand and stepped back.
"Captain?" Timmy said.
"Master Benjy, forgive my impertinence but do you need healing?"
Those of us waiting looked at each other as Benjy turned toward Captain Morgan. "With your permission sir."
"Ask and if it is within his power we will grant it."
"Slave Timmy, my pain is mental because of injuries to one of my slaves and my assistant master that were caused beyond the realm of their duties and I was powerless to prevent though I know they were not my fault. Their pain still pains me."
"You are a good and wise master as my master has been to me and my brother. You would like me to try and heal them?"
"It would mean going to the hospital but yes if your master gives his permission," Benjy said.
"Benjy, as host of this unparalleled event I was going to give you the first test of Timmy's abilities. Because it's been a long day of traveling I would prefer if we could wait to tomorrow morning."
"As you wish and thank you Captain. Now may I introduce you to the rest of your hosts."
When he reached me Morgan smiled broadly. "Good to see you again Marc, you've been missed in your old New York haunts."
"I enjoyed them and especially yours Captain, but I've found my place and my home here," I said.
"I'm glad for you and if it wasn't for Benjy and your club I'd have a branch here. Just don't know how you choose who to take home at night."
"Don't have to choose. Let me present my assistant general manager and my lover Daniel Jorgenson."
Morgan gave Daniel a long look and I couldn't blame him. He was wearing slacks and a dress shirt with the first three buttons undone, his smooth muscular chest visible. He'd worn his long black hair loose and it stopped well below his shoulder blades.
"Marc you are one very lucky man," Morgan said as he shook Daniel's hand. "And you my new friend are one very lucky young man."
"Thank you Sir. Been looking forward to meeting you, hard to find somebody my brother holds in such high regard."
Morgan smiled and moved on to Zeus and Daniel took my hand. "He's right you know. You are a lucky man."
"He had one thing wrong."
"What's that?"
"You're a very lucky boy, not a very lucky young man."
He kissed me to end the exchange.
"Told you," Morgan said from further down the line.
I turned my attention to Timmy and his brother and wondered how Morgan got his hands on two white kids who looked right out of suburbia.
Over supper Morgan made Roger tell the story. Part hot, part scary, part heartbreaking and two parts amazing. First amazing part was Roger having tortured, used and sold his brother. The second was Timmy's accepting it as having been preordained and still loving his brother. How Roger himself had accepted being gay and a slave so quickly, though not with the same passivity as his younger brother. Roger now watched over Timmy as much as Morgan's bodyguard/trainers. Same look on him as when Benjy's Roger is in bodyguard mode, which after all is his job. Morgan took over when it got to the final testing. Could never have taken the knife to either boy regardless of how sure I was. But Benjy and Roy were nodding, totally engrossed by the story. Asking for more details, and the Captain loved it.
We used the limos in the morning and it was really enjoyable. There is something special to lounging in the back of the big car, drinking juice from the bar and watching the Captain's homemade porn tapes on the TV. All the while being driven by a chauffer. Only problem is that there is no way such ostentation worked in Peckertown.
Dr. Schwartz was waiting for us at the main entrance and took us up to the two adjoining private rooms in the Intensive Care Unit. Despite the difference in their roles they were virtually the same age. While D2 was a rich slave Caleb had become a successful master and could afford what he wanted. Of course since his boyfriend manages one of our apartment buildings there weren't many basic needs. Funny thing is that Caleb loves S&M and being a master while Matt loves to watch but can't stand being an 'S' or and 'M.' But they both agree they 'L' each other.
"I never thought I'd see the day that I'd go along with mystical treatment," Dr. Schwartz said.
"I never thought I'd have one with the power in my trust. What is the condition of the two boys?" Captain Morgan said.
"As it currently stands both boys will survive but never work again. Even if D2 heals completely there would be too much risk of reopening the wounds. Even if Timmy can do everything you claim I'd still have my doubts."
"Can understand that, outside of one incident of self-healing and then his brother as a young boy he's never undertaken something this severe."
"Not even the final test Master?" Timmy asked.
Morgan shook his head, "I plunged and withdrew the knife neatly and made sure not to hit vital organs. The vermin who did this was trying to kill the boy."
Timmy nodded.
"Doc, you said Caleb wouldn't be able to work either. I know the slash was deep but why?" Benjy said.
"It hit bone and slashed everything in its path, probably even nicked the bone. We've got a lot of good people here and most of them worked on him that day but there's permanent damage to the arm. Not sure how much use he'll have of it."
"Any other damage besides the arm?" Benjy asked.
"No, just has to start therapy and see where he goes. In any event I'm sure the Jorgenson family will find a job for him."
"Let's just see if he can go back to what he loves," Morgan said.
"If nothing else knowing that he was going to meet the One has cheered him immensely. Let's do him first."
Matt was sitting in the chair when we entered and rose. Caleb, his arm heavily bandaged pushed himself up and tried straightening his hair.
His eyes locked on Timmy's, following the young boy as he walked next to his master. Timmy tugged on Morgan's arm and without breaking eye contact with Caleb made an unwrapping motion.
"Timmy would like you to take the bandages off if it's safe doctor."
"Please doctor, I want to feel his hands on me. This may be my only chance for full use of the arm."
"Caleb, even if this works it doesn't mean you can go back to being a master," Dr. Schwartz said.
"Please Dr. Schwartz, we went through that yesterday. Even if he can't heal me just to feel the One's hands on me will be."
"Easy love," Matt said taking Caleb's good hand.
"Timmy, I can take this outer wrapping off with no problem but there are some other bandages underneath that may be a little riskier."
"I understand Sir, but the closer I can touch the easier it will be for me."
"Son, do you know how you heal?"
"I know what I have to do and with my Master's blessing and God's will I will do my best," Timmy said.
Wordlessly the doctor lowered the bed and unwrapped the arm. Daniel headed out the door and it was only through force of will that I didn't follow him. Between the slash and the surgery the arm was a mess. Even Benjy looked a little pale so I put my arm on his shoulder. He looked up and smiled.
Timmy stood next to the doctor, eyes studying the arm. "Sir, where's the initial wound?"
Dr. Schwartz outlined it and how far it went. Timmy seemed to understand but was unaffected by what he was seeing.
Timmy put his hands on Caleb's arm, not healing yet but trying to find some point. He looked up at Matt.
"Are you his boy friend?"
"More," Matt said drawing a smile from Timmy.
"Hold his hand tight because this does hurt."
Timmy put one hand over the wound and the other over his own heart and closed his eyes. There was nothing for several minutes then Caleb's face contorted with pain and he screamed out. Zeus moved over and held him down while Matt tried calming him.
It continued for a while, not sure how long. Some point realized I had Daniel under one arm and Benjy under the other. Periodically Timmy would move the hand on Caleb's arm and new pain would shoot through Caleb.
Finally Timmy stepped away and would have fallen if Dave hadn't caught him and put him in a chair. Roger and Morgan each knelt on one side of him and we were all silent for a couple of minutes.
"Strange, never had to work with repaired injuries before. Think this time made it easier for me. Did everything I could Sir, hope your arms better," Timmy whispered.
"Help me up Matt, Zeus," Caleb said and they had him sitting in a long minute.
Caleb slowly bent and moved the arm. Waiting for the pain to start. Slowly a smile crossed it instead.
"Definitely better Timmy. I am in your and your master's debt."
Dr. Schwartz examined the arm. Even from where I was standing I could see most of the scars were gone.
"Amazing, outside of the arm is almost perfect but we'll have to run some tests to see the extent of that debt Caleb," Dr. Schwartz said and ruffled Caleb's hair.
"Fine doc, but it really does feel better."
"Let me know what you find doctor," Morgan said, "like some medical backup for my boy's talents."
"Fine, but let's go down to the cafeteria for something to eat before we go to Damien's room. Timmy looks like he needs to refuel."
Timmy nodded and smiled. "Hey, I'm just a growing boy."
Zeus, Daniel, Benjy and my eyes met and we couldn't stop from chuckling at one of Peckertown's unofficial mottos.
It took us about an hour to decimate the cafeteria, recover and return to the ICU. Caleb waved to us with the bad arm and it appeared natural.
What D2 looked like was anything but natural. Granted between the beatings he'd gotten at home when he came out and here as a slave D2's body was well scared. The ones that were still nice and bright were also ugly as hell. The boy was under sedation for the pain but he sensed people in the room and opened his eyes. After a moment he spotted Benjy and struggled to reach out his hand. Benjy slipped by Dr. Schwartz and took D2's hand and gave it a squeeze. Could see D2 mouthing something but couldn't hear him. Benjy bent closer and began nodding.
Benjy responded and they talked softly for several minutes. Couldn't hear them and I've never been able to lip read. Finally a smile spread over both boys' faces. Benjy pointed at Timmy and waved him over. The three boys talked and actually laughed. Unfortunately D2's laughter turned to groans of pain.
"Timmy, it's your turn," Benjy said.
The young slave boy stroked D2's head and the injured boy instantly relaxed and lay down.
"You ready?" Timmy asked and D2 nodded.
Timmy placed one hand directly on the biggest scar and his other onto his heart. While Zeus stood by the head of the bed this time Benjy held onto D2's left hand and tried soothing the writhing boy.
Five minutes, ten, twenty and Timmy hadn't moved either hand. To be honest there was a big improvement in the way D2's chest looked but something told me it wasn't going smoothly further in. I turned toward Morgan and mouthed, "Stop it."
"I can't," he replied. The tears on his cheeks were for both boys.
Ten minutes later Timmy turned his closed eyes toward his brother. Roger walked over and took his charge into his arms, placing both hands over Timmy's heart while Dave moved behind both.
"I'm here Timmy, take what you need and take it now. Remember I love you no matter what," Roger said.
And you could see it happen. Ripples of energy flowed over Roger's skin and into Timmy. The One stood straighter and pressed into D2. D2 began screaming and a minute later it was over. Over in a flash of bright lavender light which surrounded the bed.
Dave caught Roger and Timmy as they collapsed to the ground and tenderly lowered them to the floor. Then all attention shifted to D2.
Dr. Schwartz shoved by Hercules who seemed more surprised than angered by being moved so easily. Benjy was leaning into D2 again, straining to hear, whispering back. Another doctor came in and started checking the two boys on the floor. Morgan was kneeling next to them, worry etched across his face.
"Unbelievable, impossible, can't have happened," Dr. Schwartz muttered. "Nurse I want D2 down to x-rays and MRI faster than stat," he bellowed.
"Timmy wants to know is he OK?" Roger said as he struggled to sit.
The doctor went over and squatted next to Timmy and took his hand and looked at his colleague.
"Boys are fine, just exhausted. You're not going to tell me he did it?"
"Examine D2 yourself Dr. George and tell me," Dr. Schwartz said.
The younger doctor stood and walked over to the bed and did a thorough exam while everybody remained silent. Despite some serious prodding there was just normal reactions from the patient.
"I'm half-Apache and my maternal grandfather is a Shaman, one of the reasons I became a doctor. I don't think even he would believe this could happen. Don't know if I will even if the tests confirm it," Dr. George said.
"What is it Doctor?" Benjy demanded.
"By our external exams not only did Timmy heal the external and internal wounds that you predicted but Timmy healed internal injuries that are way older. Timmy, I don't know how you did it but it's a miracle," Dr. George said and kissed Timmy's hand.
"I pray as hard as you that we haven't damaged his abilities," Dr. Schwartz said.
Timmy reached up and touched Dr. Schwartz's cheek and giggled as we saw a faint purplish light glow briefly flare. When it was gone so was the scar that had been there as long as I'd known the doctor.
"Not gone, maybe even stronger, had to push myself to new level. Don't even know how I did what you said. Just hope I did it right. Just want to go back down and get something to drink and eat," Timmy said.
"Can I go too? I want to get out of here," D2 said.
"No," both doctors said.
"We've got tests to run and have to monitor you for a bit longer. Maybe tomorrow you and Caleb can be wheeled down for a little while," Dr. Schwartz said gently but firmly.
D2 smiled.
The lab techs showed up then and we went down to refuel and celebrate. While we were eating Dr. George took out his cell phone and made a call then started talking in a foreign language. Finally he smiled.
"Grandpa, it's Davy, just want to say I believe. Took a little white boy from New York but I believe now. As soon as I can I'll be home to learn." He paused, laughed and handed the phone to Timmy. "My grandfather wants to say something to you."
Timmy took the phone, listened, said yes, thank you and started laughing. He hung up the phone before returning it.
"What's so funny bro?" Roger asked.
"The last thing he said was 'Let's Go Mets!'"
I'm sorry; I couldn't help myself from saying what came next. "Mets! Mets? How could a smart talented boy like the Mets over the Yankees?"
"Only good thing we inherited from our father," Timmy said and we all started laughing.
It's true, Yankees vs. Mets, it's all in the blood more often than not.
As were walking out Morgan called the two doctors over and the four of us found a quiet corner.
"Doctors, first I want to thank you for letting us come here today to let Timmy work his magic. I know it's not normal, but then this is Arkansas, the state of opportunity. Second, whatever costs aren't covered by insurance or the Jorgenson family I will cover."
"That promise won't cost you a cent," I said.
"In that case I'll just send a donation for pediatric/adolescent rehab center. Finally, and I know this may be the hardest for you and your staff but for Timmy's sake at the very least do or say nothing that can identify him to outsiders. It's my duty, obligation, to take care and protect a boy who've I've come to love in a way I never knew I could love a boy."
"All three of the boys I wager," I said.
Morgan laughed, "I'm not taking the bet Marc. Now let's permit the good doctors to get back to their patients."
As we walked to the door Morgan asked, "How did you know?"
It was my turn to laugh. "I've seen the way you operate, how you cared for your boys back home. There's a difference with these three. Plus after couple years down here I guess I've come to understand better."
"Understand what?"
I shrugged.
He nodded in understanding and we got into the limo. In Egor and Daniel's outstretched arms were cold beers. Morgan and I were on our second before we left the driveway.
Our next stop was the new slave barracks on the outskirts of town, about a mile west of the Tasty Buns and Daniel and my office. Those of you who've been following this tale from the beginning remember the slaves' home was originally behind the Jorgenson Inn, which was closed at the time. For various reasons we built a new one after the Inn was reopened. Someplace which gave the boys more privacy. Also more room to train and, for them definitely important, warmer this time of year for boys who spend over 90% of their lives naked. Eight percent of the rest they might as well be. The other two percent on average usually involves lots of leather, rubber and/or latex, a whole lot.
Being the middle of Saturday afternoon and between shows most of the boys were back and standing at attention when their master Benjy led us in. Paulo was in his usual lead position and still showed the fading welts from his sessions with Captain Morgan's assistant Bart.
Paulo has assumed a leadership role not by size or strength of body, because there are plenty of slaves taller and stronger. No, he's done it by earning their respect. Earned it through seniority and by being willing to take on all customers while knowing his limits during a session. He'd also become the peacemaker within the barracks, and those of you who've dealt with teen boys living together know how necessary that role is. While only fifteen he's one of the original slaves, one of the first boys to arrive in Peckertown after the laws changed in 1998. Came from the hard streets of Little Rock where his "spic trash crack-head bitch of a mother was selling my ass as well as her own to feed her habit and not her son."
But I digress.
My mind returned to the right here and now and saw Benjy showing Morgan through the barracks with Timmy and Paulo on their heels. Benjy's voice was the only one but every slave's eyes followed the procession. One or two of the boys seemed ready to reach out and touch the guests until a cold glare from Paulo. Benjy stopped at the entrance to the training rooms and the two slaves there opened the doors and we followed them in. Daniel and I were the last ones through and the doors closed behind us.
Hanging from their wrists were the identical twins Byron and Bryan. The faint scars on their backs showed they weren't the inexperienced slaves Daniel and I had encountered early in their training. They hung motionless, feet a foot [30 cm] off the ground.
"Captain, these two brothers volunteered to demonstrate not only their dedication to their masters but the devotion of all the slaves. I would like Hercules and Dave to each find whips to their liking and test them," Benjy said.
Morgan nodded and the large black man and the smaller but very muscular white man walked to the whip rack and picked two out. Hercules stood to one side of Bryan while Dave took Byron. The two men looked at Benjy and Morgan.
"The usual wager, begin," Morgan said.
"May I ask what the wager is?" Benjy asked as the first lashes made contact with naked backs.
"Odd twist, but one that I finds out brings out the best in the boys and their trainers. As you know anybody can just lash a back and sooner or later the person will break. Our slaves will last longer than most, even under heavy lashes."
The steady rhythm of blows continued in the background. The boys were still silent even if they were swaying with each contact. Blood began to stream down.
"True," Benjy said.
"The challenge is for them to do extensive damage without having the boy break. With slaves they're familiar with I've seen them go almost an hour before one breaks. Of course both boys tend to be off the wall for several days but the audience loves it."
"Interesting, and what does the winner get?"
"Both boys for the night."
"Normally, he gets to go to bed alone but since we're here I think I'll make an exception and let him pick a boy to blow him," Morgan said.
"Good idea; helps trains masters as well as slaves."
Morgan nodded at the younger, shorter master.
After fifteen minutes the two trainers walked around to the front and started using their talents again. While they'd been able to keep from screaming until then it took five minutes of working on the front and they were screaming.
Couldn't help myself and walked around to see the fronts. If the nipples were still on either boy I couldn't tell, or believe with all the blood pouring down. With a quick pair of matching blows blood streamed down all four cheeks and with that they started screaming.
I knew the end was near but the boys kept taking it and taking it longer than I could imagine. It was another ten minutes before Byron began begging for relief between tears.
"Enough," Morgan said and Hercules and Dave stopped in mid-swing.
"Got lucky," Hercules said.
"Want to share lover?" Dave said.
"I know these white boys can take your puny white cock but how about my big black cock."
"They always like this?" Benjy asked.
"Yes," Roger said and a second later he was lying flat on his back after a quick slap by Morgan.
"Yes," Morgan said while Roger crawled over and began kissing his master's shoes.
"Forgive me Master," he said between kisses.
"Get up Roger, remember your place occasionally," Morgan whispered.
Roger slowly got up, kissing his Master's leg inch by inch. From my angle what wrecked the moment was the smile accenting the growing bruise. Timmy tugged on Morgan's sleeve. Without glancing down Morgan shook his head. Knew Roger's bruise would be gone in morning.
Byron and Bryan were released and four slaves helped them to their beds so they could rest before their night of sex. Benjy and Roy were about to start a second test when my cell phone vibrated and I checked the caller ID. It was Wang. I hit the green button and hit the standard wait code. I showed Daniel the phone and headed out to the hall.
"Talk to me Wang," I said when I was alone.
"Sorry to interrupt but John and Carlos are starting to go off wall. Don't know how to calm them."
"Hit them on side of head and remind them Evans and company will not be here for six days. Tell them I'll be there later."
"Really hit them?"
"If you have to, but not hard," I hung up and headed outside.
The cool fresh air of a late November afternoon felt good after the hospital and barracks.
Poked my head backed in and told Jose Miguel to tell Benjy and Daniel I was walking back to the office and for Daniel to meet me there when they were through here.
Part of me would like to say the road was deserted and the scenery beautiful. Truth is the roads in and out of Peckertown are never empty for long. Between tourists coming for vacation and locals coming to work or for quickies the roads don't stay empty for long. With everything else the leafless trees weren't too appealing either.
A dirty, nasty itch was growing in the back of my mind. Those are horrid when you don't know what they're from. Some are just as bad when you know like I did now.
This damn S&M convention had me on edge, whole town really. Of course once Elija Jorgenson said yes nobody in town was going to try and stop it. Not that he, his brother the bank president, or any of the rest of us would have struck back at any complainers but everybody knew it wouldn't do any good so nobody protested. Heard rumblings about whether or not it was good for the town's image. Nobody, especially the freelance whores wanted every customer to think they were into being beaten and stuff. We'd responded by having everything either at the In-Boy-Inn or the Little Leather Club and telling the masters they had to keep it light anyplace else in town.
Everybody agreed, even Evans. Evans. All my worries, a lot of peoples' worries, came down to him. Would have loved to exclude him but the other South American masters accepted his offer to be their representative. Of course he was the biggest boy sex operator on the continent so it was logical. From what Morgan reported I didn't trust the guy plus what John and Carlos reported first hand after years of being his captives.
I took my messages from Margaret, took a large diet root beer from the fridge and went into my office. The view out my window was nice but did nothing more for me than the walk had. After a long pull on the shadow I hit the speaker button on the phone and then *91 and listened to a long series of beeps and then it rang.
"Hi, Logan here. Not available so you know what to do."
"Shit, Marc Fogel here. Call me as soon as you can. Try all the numbers till you find me. Need some help."
I hung up and started answering calls though my heart wasn't in it. As I was finishing with Kevin over at the In-Boy-Inn Margaret knocked and opened the door.
"Dr. Schwartz on the line says he has to talk to you."
"Hi Doc, how's everything," I said before the door was closed.
"Everything's fine, unbelievable but fine. I could release Caleb now if I wanted to and D2 is three months further along than he has any right to be."
"The healing wasn't complete?" I asked.
"No, it was, but with any injuries like that there's dangers that last even after healing. He's got to stay for another couple weeks of tests and physical therapy. Could also use some time with the psychiatrist to be honest. Lot of anger and confusion surfacing in the last couple hours now that he knows he's going to live and be fine. Matt had to roll Caleb in to settle him down."
"Go ahead, and if he wants to stay a slave for now we can find some role for him that'll keep you and the boy happy. Keep Caleb there till Monday, don't want him around this weekend. If I need him I'll call. And Doc, you are on call this weekend."
"I figured that and Davy will be around too. He might be coming around to our side after dealing with your two boys."
We both laughed and for the first time since the attack on D2 I felt some tension flow out rather than in. I called Daniel and gave him the good news. He repeated it and could hear cheering from all around. First Benjy, then Morgan and finally Timmy came on the line. Needing to confirm with their own ears.
I was finally permitted to hang up and less than a second later the phone was ringing again.
"Protect Your Poor Ass Inc., returning your call," Logan said. Couldn't quite identify the noise in the background.
"Fuck you too."
"Neither of us are the others' type so forget it. What's up?"
I filled him on what's happened and the worries about the weekend. Including and especially Evans. Let me make it clear, Evans is no more a direct threat to our operations than Morgan is. And while by Peckertown's nature we have it easiest getting willing boys most of the others get boys who are homeless, runaways, and others who've fallen through the cracks. Something it's a lot easier to do in some countries than others. Evans takes it a step further downhill. He's been known to buy boys from their families and if they won't sell, like Carlos', just takes them. John has refused to talk about his background before he became the first star of boy Usenet groups. Carlos hasn't filled us in either and says he doesn't know. By the distress in his voice I believe him.
"Were finishing up in London in the next couple of days and we'll be able to help out. Hate unfinished business and that bozo definitely falls in that category."
"Great, really appreciate that. Your usual rates of course, friendly police and all the boys your cock desires."
"Really hope nothing comes up to stop me from getting there. Hate to give up that offer."
"Look, if something does can you at least send me Shiro and Neal? Know they're the heart of your team man."
"Don't worry, don't think could keep Shiro away even if I could offer him every boy in Dream Avenue," Logan said.
"That's your horny little boy all right," I said and we hung up a little bit later.
And a little more tension drained out of me.
I said goodnight to Margaret, sent her home and walked across the street to Tasty Boys and sat down with Elija. At some point a pastrami on rye with real mustard, not that mild yellow stuff, appeared in front of me along with a scoop of potato salad and another of coleslaw. I ate it and as I complemented my boss on the new supplier remembered I was supposed to meet everybody at the Inn for dinner.
"Gives you another excuse for not going to the dinner if you don't want to. Had feeling you didn't. And yes the new supplier is New York based but has new Little Rock based distributor. Costs more but should be able to get another couple dollars by putting New York Corned Beef and New York Pastrami on the menus. Cody and Justin are going to be using it too."
"How did you know I didn't want to go?"
My boss and father-in-law laughed. "Start with you haven't looked at your watch once and you should have been there fifteen minutes ago. Dan also called to tell me you'd left the demo early, your heart wasn't in it. So do I ask my general manager or do I ask my son-in-law what's bothering him."
I leaned back against the wall, put my leg up on the bench and emptied the diet root bear I was working on.
"Ask both," I said finally, "you'll get two answers."
"What is it GM? It's too late to back out for a lot of reasons."
"Not the least is that Benjy would have his bullwhip around whoever's neck cancels it. No this has to be seen through and I know that. If it comes off it's going to be great for business, ours and the town's. Other segments of the boy-sex industry might hold their conventions here. Every night and every morning I pray that things will go smoothly but know it won't happen."
"Why not? Sheriff's got all his men on duty over the weekend and is bringing in extra men from surrounding towns. Kenney and his people will be at the Inn at all times and Yoshi's people will be at the club."
"Three things, there may be long distance rivalries we don't know about that might escalate when they're face-to-face. Hopefully between Morgan and Benjy they'll be able to mediate. Second, Timmy can do what Morgan says. Dr. Schwartz is amazed. Caleb could come home now and D2 is three months ahead of schedule, healed but needs observation and therapy."
"That's great."
"Yes, but will there be attempts to abuse the boy, test him to extreme or steal him from Morgan? Which brings me to Evans. He embodies those concerns plus if he discovers John and Carlos he will do anything to get them back or kill them. So I hired Samurai Inc. this afternoon to help out."
"Is there anything else we can do from a business standpoint to make sure things go smoothly?" Elija asked.
I shook my head and drank from the full glass that had magically appeared.
"Should I then just tell my friend and son's partner to relax and not worry?"
I glanced over and we both smiled if not quite laughed.
"Every once in a while I develop doubts about whether or not were doing enough for the boys who work for us, have come to town and make everything possible for us," I said.
"Do I have to list everything we do, we give them?"
"I know I know I'm being stupid. But then somebody like Timmy appears," I shrugged.
"Go home and rest," Elija said.
"One stop first, got to go see John and Carlos."
"No, call Zeus and send him over to hold their hands. That's his forte anyway."
"Forte? What kind of good old southern boy are you using slick words like that?"
I left and was asleep before Daniel got home.
From the next day to Wednesday morning was spent getting everything ready, greeting the early arrivals, and reassuring everybody not involved in the weekends festivities that we still loved and cared about them. Tell them for the hundredth time we had no intention of turning Peckertown into sadist central.
Then since they figured it would be their last chance to go out before Evans showed up John and Carlos convinced Wang to take them food shopping. Wang argued that one of Kenny's boys could do it with a list but Wang's never been great at standing his ground. Too many years as a whore in a New York brothel I guess.
Everything went fine until they walked out of the market. They reached the car and one traveling down Main Street came to a screeching halt. A small man virtually exploded from the back seat and came toward them. John and Carlos dived into the car and Wang went into a defensive position.
"John, Carlos, its Master François from Paris. You must remember me from last year. Did Evans send you ahead?"
"They do not work for Mr. Evans any more. They live here," Wang said.
"Will you be at the convention? You were so good under the whip," Master François said.
"Wang, get us out of here," Carlos screamed.
Wang got in and took off with their former client right behind them. Wang called Kenny and the emergency response team was there by the time Wang had taken the long way around.
As soon as they were secure Wang called me with John and Carlos crying and screaming in the background. Wang was miserable and I let him apologize until Carlos yanked the phone out of his hand and started wailing at me. Finally I got him calmed a little and told him to put Wang back on.
"Wang, hang up and use the cell phone. Press the star key then 91 and send. Logan or one of his team will answer. Tell him I said I want Shiro and Neal down here today or earlier. Understand?"
"Yes Sir, I will call you back with information."
We hung up and I dialed the Inn and asked for Morgan. A call to Zeus followed and the ex-Marine Special Forces headed over to the farm John and Carlos were living.
Daniel and I woke Thursday morn to the sound of rain on the window. We cuddled closer and enjoyed the cleansing sound.
"You think it'll rain hard enough to force Evans to change his flight plans?" Daniel asked.
"From your lips to God's ears," I said repeating one of my grandmother's favorite phrases.
Alas it wasn't to be. The rain stopped at eleven, Sun came out at noon and one o'clock on the nose Evans' plane touched down at Peckertown International Airport.
Evans walked down the stairs and two things stuck out. The man radiated self-confidence, superiority. The second was a fresh pair of scars on his face. Scars probably caused by his battle with Shiro. Knew he was going to get Timmy to remove them.
A soft whimper brought my attention to a young naked boy dog-walking at the end of a leash. A Mexican of borderline age legality in Peckertown, even if Evans had papers. Evans looked down, nodded and the boy mumbled something in Spanish. Morgan sighed and yanked the boy to his feet. The boy alternated choking and thanking his master.
I looked at the boy from toes, past scraped knees, developing six-pack to a beautiful face. A face that slowly reminding me of another Mexican boy. Without a doubt this was Carlos' younger brother, probably one he didn't know existed.
Sheriff Whitewater walked up in his capacity as immigrations and customs officer and asked Evans for his and his party's papers. Evans smiled and handed an envelope over. I followed Whitey over to the table; everything was in order. Not only was the boy ten Evans had papers giving him full legal custody and had signed another giving the boy permission to whore and be a slave. "Sorry Marc, can't do anything yet," he whispered.
"No problem, he'll screw up yet," I said and we both walked back.
The introductions took their familiar form. The boy's name was Segundo, common name for the second son in a society where the eldest often inherited everything. Finally Evans walked over.
"Mr. Fogel, I hope you found everything in order," Evan said.
"Never had a doubt but in my position I have to look after the companies interests." I touched my cheek. "I hope your recent accident didn't cause more serious injuries."
"No, just a new boy in training went a little crazy and did this before he could be subdued."
"Always a problem. Hope you enjoy your stay."
"And stay within the rules."
I smiled, "same rules all your colleagues are bound by."
A wry smile, a nod and Evans moved on.
Back in the car I dialed Shiro and put him on speaker.
"Hello," a thick Japanese accent said.
"Hello reluctant slave-in-training, it's Marc and Daniel. Did you get the security camera feed?"
"Video and audio loud and clear. Is that boy legal?" Shiro replied in a voice that was a much southwestern as Japanese.
"Very, did you get a good look at him?"
"Not really, he was in the shadows mostly and they were focusing on Evans not the boys."
"Definitely southern Mexican and looks very familiar."
"I understand, from the timing Carlos has given me it is possible. Talk to you later."
The line went dead and knew he wasn't alone anymore.
We followed the procession back to the In-Boy-Inn for the late afternoon reception that officially opened the proceedings. In addition to the inn's usual crew we'd brought over a lot of our slaves to work as servers. They wore black leather pouches and studded collars along with wrist and ankle bracelets and moved through the crowd silently. After everybody had time for a couple of drinks and a visit to the buffet Elija Jorgenson greeted everybody and then introduced Benjy. Benjy was the youngest master there by at least twenty years, younger than most of the slaves brought along for that matter. Yet they all listened to him with total respect. Granted none of them had even seen the little boy side I have but they knew this wasn't a kid playing a role with daddy's money and power. They felt his strength oozing from body and mind.
Finally Benjy introduced Captain Morgan. Morgan opened by greeting several old friends among the masters and then began telling how he'd met the One, Timmy. He got lots of laughs when he came to the part where he took Roger as well. About this time Paulo walked up to me with a diet root beer.
"Sir, Tony reports the French master told Evans about seeing John and Carlos."
"Thanks for the drink Paulo. Commend the boys tonight on their good work."
"Thank you sir," Paulo said and walked away.
By the time I'd digested the news, and the soda, Morgan was up to Timmy's work with Caleb and D2 and the crowd was in silent awe.
"While their doctors are being properly cautious after this mystical healing one will be here tomorrow to talk to us. But now, it is time my friends and colleagues to introduce the slave boy you've come to see. The One, Timmy."
A loud roar of shouts and applause greeted Timmy as he walked out onto the stage. He shrank back and his brother appeared and took his hand and guided him next to Morgan before stepping back.
Morgan bent down and whispered something into Timmy's ear and the boy relaxed, even tried a smile.
"Gentlemen, slaves, please settle down so The One can speak," Morgan said and the room fell silent.
"Hello masters and fellow slaves. My name is Timmy and God has blessed me with a gift of healing. I hid this gift until my Master gave me new understanding. While we are together I will try and heal as many as I can and my Master allows. Right now he asks Master Evans to come up by himself."
Evans approached the stage with one of his bodyguards at his shoulder. Hercules stopped the man at the bottom of the staircase and for a second it looked like a fight was going to start.
"Blaine wait, the One said alone and we will obey his wishes," Evans said and the two guards separated.
Evans approached Morgan and the two hugged.
"Welcome old friend, it's been too long," Evans said.
"Much, and I hope the slave who did that too you was appropriately punished. Would you like Timmy to heal your face?"
"It would be an honor."
"Then kneel before the One so he may work his art," Morgan said.
Evans bristled at the notion of kneeling before a slave but vanity overcame the rest of his ego and he complied. Morgan held out his hand and Timmy slowly approached. After everything was over he told me that he could feel the evil in the man and only his devotion to his Master let him do what he had to.
Without flourishes Timmy put one hand on Evan's cheek and the other on his heart and healed first one and then the other. I heard the gasps but my attention was focused on the healer. There was no joy in Timmy's face, only fear as he shrank back into his brother's arms. What had he felt inside the man?
Evans slowly touched his cheeks and the superior smirk that seemed plastered on his face dissolved into awe and while still on his knees slowly bowed first at Morgan and then Timmy's direction. Order annoyed me but I knew it was proper protocol.
"Rise my friend and let our colleagues see the One's work," Morgan with a flourish, a flourish that ended with a flick of the wrist. Like a magician Morgan deflected the crowds attention to Evans letting Hercules hustle the two boys off the stage and out of the hall. Benjy took the mike and invited everybody into dinner.
I stayed behind and called Shiro. Just glad I don't understand Japanese because I really don't want to know what the teenaged ninja said. In the background I heard Carlos say, "oh shit" so I got the feeling he knew something was wrong.
"Lord, I wish Dad and the team wasn't stuck in New York guarding Dream Avenue before they come down here next week."
"You need more men patrolling I'll talk to Whitey," I said.
"Not yet, just tell Kenney to keep close watch on him. Even watch his room tonight if he has the manpower."
"Sheriff has that covered, part of maintaining security for all our guests. Got to go, suppertime."
"Enjoy, Neal's making his specialty, bologna sandwiches," Shiro said and clicked off.
I felt guilty for about a second when the waiter put my salad in front of me, knowing the filet mignon with all the trimmings would be coming soon.
After dinner we returned to the reception hall where seats had been set up around the sides and the bar restocked. The masters took the chairs; their naked slaves took the floor in front of them.
One of our older slaves was led to and tied to an iron cross and slowly lifted up in the air so his feet were six inches [15 cm] off the ground and his arms pulled taut. Roy came out with two bullwhips and went to work on the boy's front and back simultaneously.
I've said it before while Benjy is the best overall master in Peckertown Roy's whip work and Caleb's creativity are superior to his. But not by much.
Roy kept going for a solid five minutes until the slave was covered in blood. As a finale Roy wrapped each whip around one leg and pulled them off so hard blood splattered everywhere and you could see the deep rope burns on the slave. Boy was going to be out of commission for a week.
The lights came up and all the masters and their assistants gave Roy a solid round of applause that had him beaming as he walked around the stage. As the slave was taken down a rumbling swept underfoot and looked around. Every slave was pounding the floor, saluting Roy and their counterpart. The masters quickly realized what their boys were doing and started laughing. This starts the slaves pounding even harder.
The slave Roy worked over somehow straightened up and waved before sagging again. The slaves started cheering and I think all of the rest of us suddenly realized how much this trip and opportunity meant to the slaves as well as the rest of us. The idea that the One was one of them had to be uplifting.
I looked around and saw the only slaves not doing anything were Evans'. Realized the young boy wasn't even present.
Several minutes after the noise eased down Benjy ran into the center of the room and silence fell.
"Masters and slaves, I hope you all enjoyed the whip magic of Master Roy. Now if this was the Little Leather Club this would be the time I'd go into the 'we're trained professionals and don't do this at home.' Problem is all of us are trained professionals and we do do this at home."
The crowd roared with laughter.
"My friends for your entertainment from Hong Kong to San Francisco to Peckertown, Arkansas I bring you Lee Jun Fan."
From the main stage the Chinese boy came running from the back, hit the springboard, jumped, flipped and landed on the stage. He raised his hands to show they were manacled and then flipped to a handstand to show that his feet were chained together as well. When he flipped back to his feet his hands were behind him.
Music began to play and a whip was thrown to Benjy as Lee began to move around the stage. Master flicked the whip and slave tried staying out of reach. When Benjy struck, even when he drew blood, Lee ignored it.
After ten minutes a second whip was thrown to Benjy. Lee began to tire and Benjy made contact on almost every blow. Finally Lee did one last flip, landed on his knees and prostrated himself in front of his master. Benjy worked his back for five more minutes with both whips and the slave boy didn't move.
At the end Benjy threw the whips into the air and were caught by the two youngest slaves before they hit the ground. Lee remained motionless on the floor while Benjy accepted his standing ovation from the masters. The slaves again pounded the floor, even Evans' boys this time.
That was the end of the program but while the assistant masters herded their slaves to the Spartan rooms we'd prepared for them in the Inn the masters and their hosts stayed and drank, and talked, and drank till about two in the morning at which time Daniel and I crawled up to the room we'd reserved and fell asleep with our clothes on.
At some unearthly hour for a Saturday morning the phone rang. Fortunately my young lover still is capable of quick feline movements when first awakened. In other words Lion crawled over me when I refused to move and answered the phone.
After a series of grunts he hung up and collapsed on top of me.
"If that was a wake up call he's fired," I grunted.
"Shiro, everything's fine on the farm front. I'm going to take a piss, see if you can figure out what time it is and if we're supposed to be someplace," Daniel said as he pushed off me and rolled off the bed, "God do I stink."
"Ten, in an hour at the club. Enough time to make it look like we're human," I mumbled through my pillow.
"Fine, I'm standing so I'll shower first."
Five minutes later there was a knock on the door. Tempted to yell for Daniel to get it but decided I didn't want to share the sight of my lover naked. One of the bellhops stood outside with a cart of food. The boy, dressed in a loin clothe, with the inn's logo saw my confusion. "Part of the package Mr. Fogel, all the masters are getting breakfast in the room and Mr. Kevin made sure you were on the list."
"Thank him and thank you. Just put the food by the bed."
I dug my wallet out and handed him a five.
"My tip is being taken care of Sir," he said.
"That tip is for serving, this tip is for forgetting how horrid I look."
"You look ravishing Sir," the boy said and left. Doing the regulation whirl revealing just the bottom of the ass.
I sighed and started eating my portion before the starving boy in the shower ate the whole order.
We made it to the Little Leather Club just after eleven and all the masters were there by twelve. For the first two hours Morgan and Benjy led a round table discussion on the various issues and problems they faced. There were some areas where Benjy was out of his depth either due to experience but mostly because of being in the unique position of being legal.
After lunch catered by Cody's Sports Bar and Grill they got down to the heart of the matter. Timmy. The One.
Benjy started it off by relating what happened at the club to Caleb and D2, the extent of their injuries and then his witnessing the healing process. He finished by handing out affidavits from Drs. Schwartz and George testifying to the healing of the internal injuries.
Captain Morgan took over and started by taking questions from the audience. About thirty minutes in one of the oldest masters rose. The room fell silent until Captain Morgan started clapping.
"Gentlemen, please rise and give Master Siegfried from Chicago, master of the oldest house in the Western Hemisphere his due."
After a nice round of applause Master Siegfried waved them into silence. "Thank you Captain Morgan. It is rare that one is so honored by ones peers. Rarer still to have a chance to come together, I thank you and young Master Benjamin for this opportunity.
"I have, as I'm sure we've all had from time-to-time, a slave being forced into retirement due to a customer that went to far. In this case not only did Mickey have a special place in the operations but in my heart. Unfortunately the damage was done several years ago and healed poorly. Would it be possible for the One to try and heal him as a test of the One's powers?"
"I know he has healed old scars but nothing internal. If Mickey is that special a slave I am sure he will try," Morgan turned and nodded to Dave, "I must warn you that when you go past minor cosmetic touches like he demonstrated last night it is painful to the patient. With injuries healed long ago it may be even more. So with your permission I wish to ask Mickey if he wishes to continue."
Slowly a boy rose from the floor. Appeared to be about sixteen, just wearing shorts, hunchbacked and his left arm hung limply. He looked at his master who nodded.
"Master Morgan, I live with pain every day physical and here," he tapped his heart. "I know that is my due as a slave but I beg of you and the One to try."
We turned back to the stage to see Timmy and Roger had joined Morgan. Timmy was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, not exactly priestly robes but fit the boy better. He spread his arms and nodded.
"Master Siegfried, I must ask. The man who did this?" Morgan said.
"As the saying goes, he sleeps with the fishes and has these several years."
Cheers of approval rang from throughout the room.
Another slave helped Mickey to the stage. He tried to hide the pain each step caused but it was obvious. Dave brought a chair out for him and he gratefully sat.
"Slave, please stay with Mickey," Timmy said as his helper reluctantly began leaving the stage. "Hold his good hand to give him comfort. Mickey, as my Master said this will be painful."
"Right now Sir there is only one way to end my pain and I do not choose it."
Timmy looked around for Roger and then ran his hands over his patient's arms and back before moving to his chest. Timmy stood and looked at his brother. Roger walked over and they whispered for several minutes. Timmy finally nodded and walked over. Without saying a word he walked to Mickey's back and put his hand over the spot where the hunchback and the disabled arm met before putting his other hand over his heart.
Minutes later Mickey started crying and gritting his teeth.
"Mickey, yell, scream, let the pain out. It's part of the healing," Roger said.
And yell and scream the teen slave did.
As time passed I wondered if Timmy had enough energy to finish the job. No doubt remained in my mind about if he could do it.
Timmy moved the hand on Mickey's back a little further from the arm and with that Roger moved in behind him and put his arms around his little brother. Silently Dave moved behind them but stayed apart. I glanced at Hercules and wondered if Timmy could tap the energy in that giant of a man.
And time passed in silence.
Finally Timmy broke contact and the two brothers sagged against Dave who held them up.
"It's all I can do now. No more energy. Will finish before you go home my friend," Timmy said before slumping in Dave's arm.
Master Siegfried slowly made his way to the front of the stage before asking the question on everybody's lips. "Do you feel better my boy?"
Mickey shook his head like he was waking from a dream and braced himself to stand. The other boy put his hand under Mickey's good shoulder but was shrugged off. Slowly the boy stood and even slower stood up straight before raising both hands over his head.
Mickey walked that way to his master and knelt before him. "Still hurts, think I know what the One has still to do but so much better, so much better."
He kissed Master Siegfried's hands before crawling to Captain Morgan and kissing his feet. Moved on to Timmy.
"Do not crawl to me, I am but a slave like you. Want to see you stand and walk like a proper slave," Timmy whispered.
And so Mickey did to thunderous applause.
"You are the One and if you cannot heal the rest of my injuries you have still given me my life back," Timmy said and kissed a totally embarrassed Timmy's hands.
"Return to your master and I will try again before you leave," Timmy said.
Everybody's eyes followed Mickey walking a hundred, a thousand percent better than when he went up. Then fighting started within a group of slaves.
Evans' slaves.
No Evans.
"On the stage," Daniel yelled and I turned as he started moving.
Hercules and Dave were frozen at the back of the stage as Daniel and I each reached one of the staircases. Evans backhanded Roger with a gun in his right hand knocking the boy stunned to the ground then pointed it at Timmy. Timmy ignored the gun and ran over to his brother."
"Don't worry about him, he'll be fine. Especially if things go well, the three of us are going on a plane trip."
"No," Timmy said in a cold flat voice.
Evans reached down and pulled Timmy up by the shirt. I saw coldness in Timmy's eyes that matched his voice.
"Airport's shut down till further notice," I shouted as I flipped my cell close. "You're not going anywhere with Timmy Evans."
"Lopez, bring the boy here. Don't interfere Fogel or somebody will get it."
I turned to Daniel and nodded.
A tall muscular Latino walked through the still crowd dragging a struggling boy. The young Mexican boy from the airport, the way I'd hoped.
"Segundo behave yourself," Evans snapped and the boy obeyed. The rest of the way he walked next to the man looking at the floor.
As the pair walked past Daniel Timmy reached up and put his hand on Evan's left arm and closed his eyes.
Lopez and Segundo walked up the stairs and Timmy's hand started glowing, not the healing lavender but a deep blood red.
They reached Evans who pointed at the floor. The young slave boy curled into a fetal position at his master's feet.
"Shit," Evans screamed and tried yanking his arm out of Timmy's grasp. Saw smoke rising from the bare arm. Evans swung the gun toward Timmy but the small slave ducked in plenty of time and rolled away toward his brother.
Evans was grimacing in pain and a burnt patch on his arm was clearly visible. There was a dark side to the One, or maybe he'd just absorbed the evil and pain and was getting rid of it.
Hercules and Dave took the opportunity to run in, pick Timmy and Roger up like dolls and leap off the stage.
Evans roared in pain and fury. Quickly regaining control he pointed his gun at Segundo's head.
"You've lost again Evans, give it up now and we'll let you leave town," I said.
Evans shook his head. "That slave made a great hostage, bonus if I'd gotten him out but it wasn't the main objective. I want them back."
"What do you mean?" Morgan said.
"It wasn't a slave trainee who gave him those scars. Was done by a teenaged ninja on a mission to rescue two boys Evans stole at about four and turned them into sex toys. You know them, John and Carlos."
"And unless I get them back this one is dead and it'll be his big brother's fault," Evans said.
"Then let's go see them. You, me, Daniel and Segundo in my car, how does that sound?" I said.
"Lopez instead of your slut," Evans said.
I smiled.
As we walked outside Roger mouthed, "We can stop him."
I shook my head.
Lopez got in the passenger seat of my car and pulled a long knife out and placed it an inch from my side. Evans took Segundo in the back still aiming the gun at his slave's head.
I took the long way around to the farm to give Shiro and Neal a few extra minutes to get ready.
"Where you taking us? This shit hole is primitive enough without going into hills," Evans snapped.
"Right here," I said and turned into the long driveway. About halfway down and a hundred yards away I saw one of Kenny's team on his radio and prayed Lopez and Evans didn't.
"Smarter than I thought stashing my whores out here. Must be charging a bundle for your best clients," Evans said and I kept driving.
I parked the car at the bottom of the driveway but still a good ten yards from the front door. I got out and pocketed the keys. Either Lopez was stupid in letting me get away with that or he was unhappy with his boss.
"John, Carlos, come on out please. You've got company."
It took a minute but the two boys opened the front door and stood right outside. They were wearing slacks, sandals and open leather jackets without shirts.
"See your vacation done you good boys. Now time to get back to work."
"Don't think so," John said, "we like it here."
"Have I ever given a shit what you two whores wanted?"
"No, and that's one of the reasons we're not going back asshole."
"We'll see about that boy. Let me introduce you to someone. Stand Segundo."
The boy uncurled from the fetal position he'd again assumed and stood in front of Evans. A puzzled look was etched across the face as he looked at the two boys.
"Carlos, I'd like you to meet your baby brother. See once your father sold you to me he decided he needed a replacement. Took two tries before he bred a boy but this is the result."
"You're lying. You stole me out of my bed in the middle of the night."
"We made it look that way so he had answer for why his cute chico was gone. Cost me a thousand bucks boy but you've made it back a thousand times or more. Now once you escaped I went back and took your replacement to be your replacement. Little brother has a hot ass and loves being fucked. Don't you boy?"
"Yes, I love your big man cock in my tiny boy ass," Segundo said.
"That's enough Evans, you've made your point," I said.
Evans turned toward me and the gun moved from Segundo's head.
"Shut up Fogel or you'll get it."
He wanted to say more but at that second Segundo slipped out of his shirt and took a step away. Before Evans could react a huge disembodied hand picked Segundo up and whisked him away.
Evans turned and began to aim but the gun was knocked out of his hand by a long sword.
"Yes, we meet again Evans-san," Shiro said as he waved his katana in front of Evans' face. "Guess I have to replace those scars."
Evans smiled. "You're ninja code wont let you fight an unarmed man boy. Think we'll take our leave for now."
Another katana landed at his feet.
"Just happened to have one lying around father," John said and silence fell.
Evans kept his eyes on Shiro as he bent and picked the blade up. "That's the first time you've called me that in at least a dozen years."
"Since last time you treated me like your son and not a piece of property."
"All you ever were boy, all you were meant to be until you turned eighteen and I'd have trained you to succeed me."
"Shiro, kill him with my blessings," John said.
"And mine," Carlos said, "and in my brother's name."
Shiro nodded and the battle began. Remember all those medieval movies with sword fights bouncing all over the set? Not even close.
Evans swung first and Shiro parried it away. The first few minutes were swift exchanges of the two and half feet long blades. Attack and parry, Evans largely on the attack.
The sound of blade against blade resonated. Evans was the clear aggressor but never got the feeling Shiro was in danger and eventually Evans got the same feeling. As the fight went on Evans started trash talking which just got smiles in return.
Slowly the tide turned and Shiro started pushing Evans further and further back. Evans lunged recklessly, sword aimed at Shiro's heart. Shiro dived under the blade, rolled and came up unscathed.
Shiro countered and drew blood from a long cut down Evans' non-sword arm.
This enraged Evans who started swinging wildly forcing Shiro back into a defensive backwards posture. Saw blood on Shiro but couldn't tell whose it was.
Evans started to tire and went for another high blow. Shiro ducked in under it and with two quick flicks cut both cheeks.
Evans raised his hands to his face as he backed away and Shiro thrust his blade into Evans' chest.
He pulled it out and Evans fell to his knees as blood poured out.
Shiro kicked Evans's sword away and the man collapsed on the ground.
"Finish me off," Evans said in a thin voice.
"No," John said as he approached. "Let him die slowly like he let his slaves die."
John stood over his father and spit in his face. With that Evans died.
Wordlessly we all entered the house, even Lopez, leaving the body exposed and unattended in the December sun. Carlos led John to a couch and whispered something in his lover's ear.
"You sure? It's ok, I'd understand."
"I love you John, he was never your father except by birth."
They hugged and kissed and cried. I called Whitey then Daniel to tell them the news. Daniel told me that when he relayed the news cheering filled the hall, led by Evans' slaves who all begged to stay in Peckertown.
A little while later the back door opened and Neal, the mutant with the fantastic telepathic and telekinetic powers, led Segundo in and walked him over to Carlos and John.
"Su es mi hermano?" Segundo said.
Carlos turned and looked into the boy's eyes. It took a minute but a big smile crossed his face. "Si, usted es mi hermano. You are my brother and I will take you home to our parents if you want."
"We will take you home or take you into our home," John said.
"Ambos, both. Will mama and papa welcome us home?"
"You are there son, how could they not welcome you home?" Carlos said and Segundo accepted the evasion.
The mood was improving when there was a knock and then Sheriff Whitewater walked in.
"Self defense Sheriff, we'll all testify to it," I said.
"Shut the fuck up Fogel, it was an accident plain and simple. Shiro and Evans were training and Evans slipped and fell on the blade before Shiro could pull it away."
"My mistake, no wonder you're the best sheriff in the state."
"Most honest too, you can't believe what I turned down from your guests. Even turned down a houseboy or house girl for my permanent use. Mr. Lopez, come with me we have to talk, and you are not in trouble. Do you need a translator?"
"No Sir, my English is fine. I will cooperate in every way. Just concerned about the rest of our slaves," Lopez said.
"They're fine according to my men but we'll talk about that back in town. Come in Monday morning Marc."
With that Whitey left with Lopez.
I looked around for Shiro and he and Neal were forming a 69 and on the other side John, Carlos and Segundo were forming a three-way suck.
The door opened.
"Good thing I got here in time," Daniel said as he walked toward me while unbuttoning his shirt. "You ok?"
"Yes, but better now," I said as I brought his lips to mine while fumbling for his fly.
A half hour later as the seven of us enjoyed post-coital bliss my cell rang. I checked the number and flipped it to Shiro then went back to kissing Daniel.
"Hi dad," a pause, "yes I'm fine. He didn't even nick me and his death doesn't bother me much and Neal's taking care of me. You should have seen the giant hand he created to carry hostage away. So cool."
There was another long pause as Dave Logan, head of Samurai Inc. and Shiro and Neal's adoptive father talked.
"Police under control, going down as an accident and don't think the other masters are going to be a problem given the stunt he pulled and his attitude. If there's nothing else I'll see you Monday when you get down here with Dream Avenue. Don't worry John and Carlos will still be here and we'll clean the front yard. Bye Dad."
Shiro turned to Neal. "You hear all that?"
"Of course, it saves you from repeating it," the young psychic said and giggled.
The next call was from Benjy so I tossed the phone to his older brother. From Daniel's description you'd have thought Errol Flynn, or at least Shiro, was fighting an army instead of the one on one battle. When he hung up he tossed the phone back and announced the seven of us were expected at the banquet at seven no questions asked.
"Do we have to?" John almost whined.
"You especially Master John," I said.
"I'm not a master."
"You're father is dead and what was his is yours. Including his operation and the boys that come with it. You've got Carlos at your side and a lot of people who'll help you."
"And some who will go against me. He was always bitching about problems with the other masters," John said.
"Some of whom will gladly buy the operation for enough money that you'll never have to work."
"I'll just close shop."
"And they'll come in and take over your business and you won't get a penny for all of your hard work," Shiro said. "Listen to Marc, he's got the head for business around here."
"Thanks bud, we were doing fine before I brought him into the fold," Daniel said and I wasn't sure how pissed he was.
The phone ringing gave us a breather but this time there was no name and I didn't recognize the number.
"Can I help you?"
"Mr. Fogel, my name is Anderson and I'm sure Shiro has mentioned my name in connection with John and Carlos."
"Yes Mr. Anderson, he did mention your involvement with the late Mr. Evans."
"Yes, the late Mr. Evans. I won't bother asking you to pass condolences on to his son."
I felt a tingling in the back of my head and turned to Neal who smiled. I nodded and pointed at Shiro then Daniel and John. Neal pointed at Carlos and I nodded too. I waited till he nodded and knew everybody in the room was hearing the conversation.
"How did you find out so fast?" I asked.
"Señor Lopez called me from police headquarters. It's nice to see you have control of your police."
I let that slip by and promised to apologize to Whitey later.
"Let me get to the point, these international calls can get expensive."
"Fine with me."
"I worked with, not for but with Evans for many years and did not always approve of his methods. Especially how he dealt with John and then Carlos. When he took Segundo and talked of kidnapping the One I knew he'd go too far up there and am not surprised at his death. If nothing else I was sure you'd find a way to throw him in prison."
"That was the original plan, this saves the taxpayers of the state money."
"And now under the partnership agreement young John owns half of a very profitable operation."
"We were just talking about that. To be honest he doesn't see himself in as a master."
"No, didn't think he would. At least not like his father. What I would like to propose is that I take over full operations and while ownership would stay 50-50 profits would be split 60-40, and believe me there are enough profits that I would have no incentive to cheat him. If and when he wants to become more involved I would welcome it."
"How much would that forty percent be a year?"
"About a million US dollars annually."
"I have to discuss this with John. He may have questions and/or conditions. Know he'll want the boys treated better than the way Evans did."
"Trust me on this Mr. Fogel, I will treat the boys under Evans' control the way I have always treated the boys under mine. As Shiro can tell you from his brief experience at my main club the boys are healthy and taken care of. Let me give you my number and you can call at any time," Anderson rattled off a long list of numbers.
"Thanks, and I hope we can trust each other Mr. Anderson," I said and hung up. Instantly the psychic link was gone.
"That was incredible Neal," Daniel said.
"Yep, little brother has a lot of talents," the full-blooded Japanese boy said of the white boy nestling against his side.
John started to speak but I held up a finger and he stopped while I thought.
"John, what I suggest is that we get ready for the party. I'm going to get hold of Captain Morgan and sit down with him either tonight or before he leaves tomorrow along with whatever other masters he thinks can help. We don't know Anderson, how much is he telling the truth but I think they will. Is that ok?"
"Yes Sir. Even if Anderson rips me off a million a year is more than enough for the two of us. Besides, I'm worried more about the boys than the money."
It's Sunday afternoon and we're all back at the farmhouse after our second meeting with Morgan and a couple of other masters. What they've told us about Anderson and the help they've offered John and Carlos has been very positive and warming. Times it's hard to believe how caring men who make fortunes from sexual and physical abuse of boys can be. To their boys and others.
Early this morning not only did Timmy have a second session with Mickey but took a trip out to the hospital to visit Caleb and D2. Both are doing great but are dealing with other issues, including Dr. Schwartz's doubts about their resuming their careers. That really hurt Caleb who loves being a master and spent years perfecting his skills.
We're sitting around watching late season football game and trying to explain it to John and Carlos. Football meant either soccer or somebody kicking them in their balls. The stories they told made the smiling faces we all loved hard to understand.
"We were with each other, our friends and when Evans wanted had sex with people we liked not that we had to. Those sessions were happy times," Carlos said.
"Some nights here I felt I lost my life. Even with Carlos there and here it is like I went from baby to old man. Other times feel slowly getting it back," John said and leaned into Carlos' shoulder.
"A lot of the boys here feel that way, felt that way. Face it, most of them came here because they couldn't stay home anymore, or weren't home to begin with. They came here for a better life. Life you guys can have now," Daniel said and I leaned over and kissed my lover on the cheek.
A sharp rap on the door and then it flew open. The seven of us jumped while Shiro reached for his cleaned and polished katana. Neal was obviously going into attack mode as well.
"You should see your faces," Benjy said as he led the procession in.
His boyfriend Roger, the Trips, Quincy and a couple of boys who were obviously slaves but I didn't recognize followed him. These boys were lugging coolers and baskets.
Of course what everybody was staring at was Benjy held three feet [90 cm] off the ground by one of Neal's disembodied hands around his throat.
"Uncle, I give, I'm sorry, get me down," Benjy shouted.
Neal waited another thirty seconds before slowly letting him down.
As soon as he'd checked on his boyfriend Roger turned into his other role as Benjy's bodyguard and started at Neal.
"No Roger, it's ok," I said.
He turned and glared at me.
"They're friends and just kidding around. Besides, it's one fight you can't win."
"It's ok Rog, I'm fine. May not authorize their bill, but I'm fine," Benjy said.
"May not be much of a bill beyond expenses after yesterday," Shiro said, stood and walked over to where John was sitting.
"What is it Shiro?" John said.
"I know what kind of man he was and what he did to the two of you and other boys in his control but I am sorry I had to kill your father yesterday. Wish there'd been another way."
John stood and pulled Shiro close. "But there wasn't and that was his choice. For me you killed his physical body yesterday, my father died the day he brought Carlos into my life. I forgive you for killing his body my friend and guardian angel. We would still be his captive if it weren't for you."
They pulled each other closer and began to weep. Carlos and Neal started to rise but I waved them off. They understood and went to each other instead.
We gave them their time together while the slaves put out a picnic lunch on the dining room table.
Then the Trips jumped them and started kissing and tickling.
The tickle battle began and being four on three started to turn. Quincy jumped in to even the odds but Segundo jumped in to regain the advantage. Daniel looked at me; I looked at Benjy who looked at Roger who mouthed I get Neal and we dived in as a third team.
After five minutes or so twelve giggling but exhausted guys lay on the floor. As we tried catching our breath John looked up at the slaves, gawked then nudged Carlos and pointed.
After slowly standing they walked over. As they approached the slaves knelt and bowed their heads. John looked at Benjy.
"They know you're their master now and accept it," Benjy said.
"But they were our fellow slaves before," John waved at Shiro and Neal.
"That was before. They only care about now and will stay like that until you tell them to move. These are all the slaves Evans brought with him and with these you have choices beyond the ones still in South America. You can free them, give them to me or send them back to your operations. You could also keep one or more as your personal slaves."
"You talk about them like property not people," Carlos said.
Benjy nodded, "truth is they're both and they know it. Even you two do. You've turned your back on them while we've talked about them. To be honest if they've been slaves from the age you two started they won't be able to live free right now."
John nodded, turned. "Rise slaves and look at me.
Slowly they rose and looked at John, eyes darting to Carlos.
"You are now my slaves. Not to long ago Carlos and I were slaves too. When you return home you and the other slaves will be treated better than under Evans. You have my word as your master," John said.
Most of the slaves smiled and nodded but a couple looked confused so Carlos repeated it in Spanish. The slaves looked at each other and pointed at one.
"May I speak Master?"
John nodded.
"When we first heard Master Evans was dead we cheered. Knew that was wrong but he was not a good master. If you wish to punish us for that we understand."
"No, he was my father but treated me like a slave. I understand how you felt. There will be no punishment."
"We also asked Master Benjy to take us in but he refused till we talked with you. We hear your voice and believe your words so we will go home our master."
"Thank you slaves. Now first feed us and then I want to see you enjoy each other sexually while we eat."
"Yes Master," their spokesman said.
The food was served quickly and with ease. Evans chose these boys because they were presentable and knew how to act in public. It was the first positive indication I'd gotten from the man. Besides having contributed his good genes to John that is. When they finished serving they moved into the center of the room and looked at each other and John, clearly confused. All six were Latin American, average height, and black hair but otherwise hairless and naked except for welded collars and bracelets on wrists and ankles. The collars and bracelets each had multiple D-rings so they could be chained.
"Boys," Neal said then pointed at two, "you together, then you two and you two. Now get together and we want to see some hot love making."
They looked at John who nodded and smiled. The slaves smiled in returned and seemed pleased with the pairings. We ate and watched as they ran their hands and tongues over each other. Fingering each others asses. It was hot, it was sexy but when you realized all three pairs were having sex in unison it took the joy out of it.
"Enough, basta," Lance shouted and got off the couch dragging Richie behind him. "That's not lovemaking, it's barely even sex and I could see what Neal did that each of you wants your partner more than that."
"Don't understand, don't know," one slave said.
"Sex is something you do because you're told to not want to. I know that, sex is my job too," Lance stopped seeing the confusion. "Let me show you what I mean. Stay in your couples but sit over there."
Again the slave's eyes went to John who smiled.
"This is my brother, we do love each other but we work together in a sex act along with our third brother."
With that Lance took off his shirt and sandals leaving him naked then began undressing his brother, which took longer not only because he had on more clothes but Lance was going nice and sensuously. Shiro got up and put a CD on and Dream Avenue started singing. Once both Trips were naked they mimicked the slave's earlier actions until Lance sank to his knees and inhaled Richie's cock.
From the start Richie started moaning and groaning and thrusting his cock in and out of his brother's mouth. It was hot and it was as sexy as any performance of theirs I've seen but it was passionless and after a couple minutes Richie was shooting all over Lance's face. He then pulled out, picked up his clothes and sat back down still naked. Lance stood, caught a towel from Neal, wiped his face and pulled Quincy up.
There was an immediate change in his demeanor.
"Now this is my lover. He's the opening act, which is almost as hot as ours. But when we have," that's all he got out before a now naked Quincy pulled Lance's mouth to his own and they started kissing. Yes this was practiced love as we watched but it was hands feeling instead of touching, tongues tasting instead of playing.
The most obvious difference was the passion Lance showed. Even when we'd had sex as a couple or in a group he'd never shown this much.
Pulled Daniel closer and whispered in his ear. "You ever see him like this?"
My lover shook his head then placed it on my shoulder, his long black mane flowing over our shoulders. Lance and Quincy moved into a 69 and began licking each other's tools into quiet erections. Once erect they resumed their deep tongue dancing while continuing to fondle each other.
The slaves were watching intently while touching their partners. Wasn't even sure if they knew they were doing it but there was a tenderness that hadn't been present before. A hand brushed my breast and I kissed Daniel as Quincy raised Lance's legs and began to slowly insert his leaking cock into his boyfriend's love canal.
Along the back wall a naked John was on top of an equally naked and equally erect Carlos. They were in the middle of fierce game of tonsil hockey. Shiro and Neal were on the other couch naked and stroking their own cocks. Neal saw me watching and put a finger to his mouth. I nudged Daniel and saw Neal rise up from the couch and settle down right on top of his brother's cock and swallow it up.
"Oh shit," Shiro said.
"Si, si," said one of the slaves and we turned to watch one slowly sucking his partner while the other two couples kissed.
Daniel and I watched Quincy slowly fucking Lance while we unbuttoned each other's shirts.
"Oh fuck Roger, oh yea boy," Benjy screamed and we saw him being fucked hard and rough by his boyfriend. Just the way they liked it. Yes Peckertown's slave master does love it when his lover tops him.
Scanned the room and realized Daniel and I were the only ones with clothes on. A condition we quickly remedied.
We kissed long and hard.
"Fuck me, make love to me," Daniel said.
And I did.
The sounds and smells of lovemaking filled the room. An outsider might have seen an orgy. But it wasn't, it was a whole lot of couples making love.
Oh there was one trio having sex. Segundo had joined Richie and Bobby for a go. From the little I saw the boy learned a lot in the short time he'd been a slave.
But the next thing I really remember must have been an hour later, maybe longer, when Daniel pulled out of my ass and shot his load over my chest. When I caught my breath I noticed a lot of post coital bliss throughout the room.