PZA Boy Stories

Sidney Gittler

Arkansas Vacation

Chapters 41-43

Chapter 41
Jaggar 1: From DC to Peckertown

By Michael B.

The following chapter is the start of a new series taking place within the Arkansas Vacation world. Michael B. is a good email friend and a fine writer who brings a new story to my world. There is no sex in this chapter but there are references to sadistic treatment of unwilling boys. We hope you enjoy the story.

I walked to work on August 9, 2002 like I had for the prior eighteen months but at a much slower pace. Would I really do it? Was I sure it was what I wanted to do.

I entered the executive suite and asked to talk to the only person there who I cared about and who cared about me.

His secretary buzzed him and after a moment nodded to me. I'd worked for the man for over seven years in this job and his previous position and never seen her smile.

The man at the door, whose training I'd completed much to his bosses chagrin, nodded to me as he opened the door. I walked in and stood in front of the desk with my hands behind my back.

"Michael, what can I do for you?" he said.

"Mister President, I regret to inform you that today is my last day of employment here. I will be taking my two weeks vacation and that will be my notice," I said trying hard not to break.

"Michael, I do not accept your notice. You are too valuable to me here if it is a problem tell me and I will fix it."

"No Mister President, nothing is wrong. It has been an honor and a pleasure working with you but my work here is done and."

Here I broke down and sat unbidden on the chair directly across the massive oak desk from him. I brought myself under control and looked into those compassionate eyes.

"My work here is done, but even more its time for me to move on and to where I belong. I am moving to Peckertown Arkansas," I said with a smile, "And of course if you ever need me just call."

The President of the United States came around the desk and we hugged. He knew from my prior work history why I was making the move.

"Oh well then you have my blessing and try not to get into any trouble. Maybe after I leave the office I'll come down and see you," he said with a laugh. A knock at the door ended our talk.

I left The Oval Office and returned to my small stark office down the hall. I placed my pottery mug, and a spare pair of shoes and a shirt which where the only personal possessions. The rest of the morning was a blank and at noon I picked up my bag and exited the White House for the last time. I did not tell anyone I was leaving or say good-bye because no one would care.

Entering my furnished apartment I found my bags and boxes where I'd left them. I loaded my car and walked through the apartment one last time, feeling nothing. I wrote the super a note put the one key I had into the envelope and slid it thought the slot everyone used for their rent. I told him to use my deposit as my notice.

Three days later I drove my BMW into Peckertown.

At first glance it looked like any other rural small town in America. Then I saw the working boys in and around the large park I passed. I pulled up in front of a place called The Tasty Buns. When I opened the door the smells made me hungry, the nude busboys made me salivate. One boy brought me a menu and glass of water and didn't flinch when I stroked his buns.

I looked over the menu and decided on the open faced turkey platter.

I was deep in thought watching a man and his young love at the table by the window. I did not see my waiter walk up to the table.

"Hello sir my name is Quentin and I will be your waiter."

I looked up at him and managed to spill the whole glass of water in my lap. The glass was still in my hand as I stared at him. I'd never believed in love at first sight but this changed my mind, my heart.

Quentin took the glass from my hand setting it back on the table; I felt my face getting redder the longer I sat there.

"Hello, I'm Michael and I don't normally act like this but I think I am falling in love," I said looking up at him. "Is there any chance I could meet you later maybe?" I had money and would give him every cent I had to spend an hour with him.

"First off I am not a working boy so I just don't fuck anyone. I have only been here a week and I like my job. The Jorgensons are good people and have helped me a lot along with a lot of the boys here."

The look on his face said he was not lying.

"I'm sorry I didn't think that you were a working boy," I needed to get out of the restaurant as quick as I could.

As I started to get up Quentin put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me back down. It was then the door open and two boys dressed in leather walked in. The shorter of the two head was shaved. The air he carried made everyone in the room turn and look at the two of them. The nearer to the table they got the more power I felt.

"Oh no," was all I heard from Quentin, a bare whisper. He shook as the two neared.

"Sir, is there a problem here?" The shaved headed boy asked.

Quentin now had tears in his eyes which really scared me. I looked up at the boy, smiled before he answered.

"No Master Benjy Sir there is anything that I can not handle. I need to get the man's order and get a rag for him," Quentin said just above a whisper.

"Quentin I would like the open faced turkey sandwich and an ice tea with no sugar," I looked up at him but he did not move he just stood there staring at me. I looked at Master Benjy who looked like he was going too explode on Quentin.

"Quentin go give Mom the order find a rag and bring it to me," Benjy said trying not to smile. It was then I knew it was more of an act in some ways than Master Benjy wanted people to know. Quentin hurried off to the kitchen almost at a run.

"Master Benjy it would be an honor if the two of you would join me," I said looking up at him.

"I'm sorry sir, I have a noon show at The Little Leather Club and if I don't hurry I'm going to be late. But maybe next time plus I don't think Quentin can handle me being here much longer. Are you new to our fair city?"

"Yes, I just arrived today and was hungry and stopped here. I asked Quentin if I could maybe spend sometime with him and he told me that he was not a working boy but had to be in love with someone before he would let them fuck him," I said more to inform then get him in trouble.

"He is correct my family doesn't hire working boys unless they want to work for us and not the street. We help as many of them as we can but they have to want to be helped," Benjy said.

"Oh by the way I'm Michael Vinemichaelson," getting up from where I was sitting to bow and kiss his feet. There was still part of my training as a slave I will never forget. To bow and kiss a Masters feet when in there present.

"There is not need for that I am Benjy and this is my lover Roger."

At that moment a lady walked out of the kitchen with a bag in her hand.

"Benjamin Michael Jorgenson, what did you say to Quentin to make him start crying so badly?"

There is only one person who can use a person's full name and get that reaction. Only a mother possesses that power, even over an S&M Master.

"I'm sorry mother I will go talk with him. Mr. Vinemichaelson will tell you the rest," both Benjy and Roger went off toward the kitchen.

"Hello Mr. Vinemichaelson, I'm Francis Jorgenson and I see you have met my youngest son and his love. I do have one question for you?"

"Hello Mrs. Jorgenson, please call me Michael not Mr. Vinemichaelson that was my father," I said with a smile.

"Ok, Michael was there a problem with Quentin that I need to be aware of?"

"No, I asked Question a question he answered me and I managed to spill a glass of water all over myself staring at his beautiful body. That was when Benjy walked in and asked Quentin if anything was wrong and the kid lost it. I think Benjy scares Quentin, and it is more than the leather^" I said looking into Francis' eyes.

"I don't know a whole lot about the boy. He came into town last week, he had experience in fine dining and I needed a waiter,"

"If you have a minute would you mind joining me I like to know what you know about him?" I asked. Before I could say or do anything else Francis sat down across from me. Benjy walked out of the kitchen looked around the restaurant spotted his mother walked over and sat down next to her.

"We talked to Quentin and he is doing better," Benjy said as he looked at both of us. Roger was still standing so I moved over so he could sit next to me.

"We found out that the reason Quentin freaked out when he seen us in leather. His parents sold him to some leather freak and the guy did some major things to him. We think maybe he should talk to Zeus as soon as possible," Roger said looking at Benjy then both of us.

"Roger I'm proud of you," Francis said with a smile and turned to me. "You're new in town but when Roger got here he was in very bad shape. Benjy fell for him and helped him get well and became Benjy body guard and doggy^"

"Mom, I will finish our story. The more I talked to Roger the closer we got and the next thing I knew he was living with us. About a year in a half ago we told our family we were lovers. Now Roger talks and we just moved into our own place," The smile on Benjy face said everything. Roger on the other hand was blushing.

It was then a man and older teen walked into the Tasty Buns. Roger's eyes got real big as he let out air for a moment.

"Oh my, they're back," Roger said.

Benjy turned to see what we were looking at. The two of them and Francis were on there feet moving toward the two of them. Quentin brought me my food placed it on the table he stood next to the table watching everyone. An older man and girl came out of the kitchen.

I sat and watched all these people and their love for each other, something I have never felt, something I want to feel. I looked up at Quentin knowing I had found my soul mate. I just had to convince him.

The group moved over to where I was sitting. Quentin moved behind me. My plate was empty he grabbed it and headed for the kitchen.

"Michael I would like to introduce the rest of our family. The man standing next to me is my husband Elija," Francis and Elija were holding hand like there were still young lovers.

"Hello welcome to Peckertown," he said as he shook my hand.

"Kristen here is our only daughter. The young man that just entered is Daniel with his new husband Marc. Marc is the general manager of our company and Daniel is in charge of buying and whatever else he is now doing. Only one missing is our eldest son Aaron who's at one of other restaurants at the moment."

Daniel blushed and everyone laughed. He looked at his watch then at his father.

"Hello Michael and welcome to town. I'm sorry but we have to get across the street before the boss fires both of us," Daniel said as he and Marc started toward the door.

Benjy and Roger followed as they were late for the show they were doing.

"Francis I need to find a house is there a realtor in town?"

"Yes, you'll want to talk to the Scotti brothers. They'll treat you right and find what you're looking for," she said as she looked at her watch.

Quentin came back out of the kitchen and looked around. Francis walked over and talked to Quentin. I couldn't hear what they were saying to each other but he went toward the back. A few minutes later he came out wearing a mesh t-shirt, shorts that stopped mid-thigh and sandals and walked over to my table. I was hard in an instant but took deep breaths to settle down.

"Mrs. Jorgenson asked me to show you around town then take you to Scotti Brothers. She said she was paying for the rest of the day and I don't have to come back once you're finished."

I would have to thank her the next time I was in for lunch. Once outside Quentin relaxed and begin to talk more.


This man wants to spend time with me but what if it turns into another Bob and Greg type thing? All the things they did to me including making me wear leather all the time for what, five years. I don't want to get back into the whipping again either not that I don't miss it sometimes. Why did I just think that when they were doing it to me they almost killed me a few times?

"Michael, why do you want to be with me?" I asked looking him in the eyes more looking into his mind.

"Because there is something about you that feels so right it's hard to explain. I know deep down in my heart that we were meant to be soul mates. Does this make any sense to you?" he asked.

He had not blinked the whole time he was answering my question.

Once in the car and driving I began to feel a little better about all of this. I told him everything that I knew about Peckertown. I showed him everything that the Jorgenson family owned and then we went to Scotti Brothers. The first house they showed Michael he smiled then handed the paper to me.

"Quentin, do you like the looks of this place?"

I looked at the picture then at all the room it had. There was like seven bedrooms and a lot of other rooms I had no idea what they were for. Then I saw the picture of the indoor pool which I thought was so cool.

"Michael did you see the indoor pool, was all I could get out of my mouth?" I was so embarrassed staring at the floor was the only thing I could do. The next thing I knew we were following the Scotti Brothers to the house. The shorter of the two spoke first.

"Mr. Vinemichaelson, along the road you have two neighbors. One is the P.T.A. which is a training place for slaves. Paulo owns and runs the place and your other neighbors are Aaron Cutler and Harley Joel Oswald," both of the Scotti Brothers looked at us waiting for a response. Michael and I looked at each other then back at the two of them.

I could not believe that this was one house. Once back in the foyer the four of us stood looking at each other.

"Quentin, what do you think of the place?" asked Michael. The two of us walked into the next room closing the door behind us.

"Michael, this house is bigger then the apartment building I use to live in when I was younger. Can I ask why do you want such a big house for?" I took a step back so he would not hit me.

"I will talk to you about that later this afternoon. I know we just met but if you don't have a place to live I would really like you to move in here with me. But this is something that I want to talk to you about," he reached out brushed my right cheek with the back of his hand.

I thought about it for a moment before I answered him. I again looked deep into his eyes looking for something anything to know he was the real thing and not feeding me a line. All I seen was love and deep down the same feeling he keeps talking about. I knew also that this was my soul mate.

"Yes we do need to talk about a lot of things. But to answer your question yes, right now I am living at the slave barracks which is ok but this is something that I can't even dream of," my head was swimming. Thinking what I was going to have to do to live here. Nothing is for free I learned that early in life. I just wanted everything on the table before I moved in and so I knew where I stood.

We walked back into the other room, while we were in the other room the Scotti Brothers went to their car and came back with a contract.

"We'll take the house when can I sign the paperwork?" asked Michael before seeing what the shorter of the two brothers was holding.

"Mr. Vinemichaelson, we have all the paperwork here for you to sign. Do you have the capital?" The taller of the two asked.

"Just need to go to the bank and complete some wire transfers then you'll have your check." Michael took the clipboard and signed all the papers.

The Scotti Brother shook our hand and left. I walked over and sat down on the step. I wanted everything out in the open before I went any further.

"Michael I need to tell you that I was a slave until my master was killed a month ago. I can take just about anything but seeing Benjy and Roger in leathers today freaked me out," I could not hold back tears any longer.

"Quentin, didn't you say you lived at the slave barracks?" A confused crossed Michael's face.

"Yes, but they are slaves not a master. I know you don't understand what the difference is but there is a big one." I was not mad at Michael I knew he wouldn't understand.

The next thing I knew he was holding me. All the pain just disappeared. When Michael let go of me he turned around pulled his shirt up, the faint white lines of whip marks all over his back. I flashed back to what happened to me started me crying. When he turned around I could see that he was also crying.

"Quentin, I don't know all of your past only what Benjy said after talking to you. Something your past and being in leather^"

"Michael, can we talk about it later I just don't feel like going through the hell and trying to tell someone," I tried to smile but the pain was too much.

"Quentin lets get out of here for awhile I need to go find more stuff for this place. My apartment back in Washington DC was furnished. I don't even own a bed."

It was then that he did something I was not ready for which may have been better. He kissed me on the lips pushing his tongue into my lips. I let it in closed my eyes I didn't know what to do. When he stopped I must have looked scared or confused.

"Quentin I am so sorry I know it was too soon but it just felt right," I thought that he was going to start crying.

"No it was alright you just surprised me. I liked it the more I think about it." I knew then that I wanted more then just a kiss. I decided right then that if he asked I would go to bed with him.

We spent the day getting everything needed for the house. Every store that we went to he asked me what I thought. From furniture to what my favorite color was.

As we were riding back we knew that it was time to start talking. Back at the house we sat on a giant rocker on the front porch.

"Quentin, I was abused growing up to the point I trusted no one and I had no self-esteem. I got to a point suicide looked like the only way out for me," Michael said.

He pulled up his shirtsleeves to show his wrists. The scars were crisscrossed and some of them looked deep.

"Michael, my parent could not pay their bills so they barrowed a large sum of money from a man to bail out the restaurant they owned. Well when they could not pay the guy he took me," I was fighting back tears. "The first night he raped me so many times I lost count. The next day he woke me up as the sun was coming up put a leather collar around my neck then round both wrists."

I could not longer hold back tears. When I looked at Michael he was also crying. "When I got to wear clothing it was always black leather. Sometimes they made me wear latex which was so tight it hurt to move."

"I'm so sorry Quentin."

"Why you did not do it to me? I don't want you to feel sorry for me I am over it and not looking back. Sometime very soon I will tell you the whole story," I said with a smile.

"Quentin, do you want to stay the night with me? I am staying at the Jorgenson Inn if you would like to stay."

"I'll stay but I will tell you right now I still don't sleep well at night. The nightmares keep coming back. So before this gets any further I need to know that you are not going to hurt me?" I asked him looking into his eyes knowing that he could not lie to me.

"I promise I will not hurt you Quentin."

The two of us walked through the lobby past Cody's Sport Bar. The smells coming from inside made me so hungry. Michael looked at me then I heard it myself. My stomach was making noises.

"Quentin, are you hungry?" asked Michael. Stopping in front of Cody's looking at me.

"Yes, I didn't have a chance to eat family meal this morning before my shift started. As we walked into Cody's a blond hair boy smiled at us.

"Welcome to Cody's I'm Keith. If there is only the two of you I can seat you right now. Your waiter tonight will be Kyle," he said as he opened both of our menus for us. Kyle arrived a few minutes later.

"Good evening gentlemen, I am Kyle your waiter. May I get you something to drink and an appetizer while you look at the menu?" We both looked at the menu.

"Kyle we will have the Daniel sampler platter. And two ice teas no sugar," Michael said as put his menu down. Kyle disappeared returning moments later with our ice teas.

Daniel and Marc walked in to Cody's spotted us and walked toward our table. Kyle reappeared with our appetizer. He hugged both which was out of character for him. He was trained well by someone.

"Hello cousin, hello cousin-in-law," Kyle said with a smile. They hugged each other before Kyle returned to the kitchen.

"Daniel and Marc would you care to join us," asked Michael. There was something to Michael's tone that told me he wanted them to join us.

"We would be honored to join you," Daniel said as he sat next to me. "Michael, I don't know what you said to my mother but she was very impressed with you. After the two of you left she came over to the office to ask what we thought of you," Daniel said.

When Kyle returned to take our order Michael ordered steak for both of us, in all the time that I worked in restaurants I have not tasted to many kinds of food.


"Daniel, Marc, there was a reason I asked you to join us tonight. I would like to talk to you and get your feeling on something that I am thinking of doing while living here." Michael looked around the table at all of us.

"Ok what is it that you want to talk about?" Marc asked looking a little confused.

"Before moving here I worked directly for the President as his private security consultant. What I want to do is hire some of the working boys that want to give up that line of work. If they have any special skills it would be very helpful," I stopped talking when Kyle brought our food.

"What would the working boys be doing for you when you hire them? We don't want any pimping going on here. Nor do we want any of our boys getting hurt in any way. My family has worked very hard to keep it out of this town and we help the working boys as much as they will let us," the tone of Daniel voice told me how much his family does care for the boys.

"Daniel I understand what you are saying and I am glad that someone cares about the welfare of these boys. I do not want to hurt any of them if I want something like that I will talk to your brother. So you can get that out of your mind that I want to hurt anyone."

I wanted to get through to Daniel that I did not want to hurt any of the boys.

"So what is it you want to do with the working boys then?" asked Daniel. He had softened up some.

"Marc, Daniel want I want to do is the working boys that have special skills I want to hire and train as a special unit team. They would answer to me and a board of there own peers. We won't work for the government but we will try to right what is wrong with a problem."

"So what you're telling us is you want to start a vigilante group?" asked Marc. I could not read Marc to tell what he was thinking.

Two boys came out of the kitchen walked over to our table. The blond haired one was any boy lover wet dream. Not that the other one was ugly by far.

"Hello Gentlemen, how was everything this evening?" asked the blond. The dark haired one was standing behind trying hard not to laugh.

"You call this food; my mother throws away better food then this." Daniel said looking up at the blond. The look on his face looked as if you just shot him and he had not fallen down yet.

"Are you kidding Daniel, what is wrong with your steak?" the sound of panic in his voice.

I looked into Daniel eyes and could tell he was kidding or at least that is what it looked like.

"Cody, I was kidding about our steaks they are great!" unable to hold back his laughter any longer.

"Cody, Justin I would like you to meet Michael he just moved into town today. This morning he stopped at The Tasty Buns fell in love with Quentin here. He had a long talk with mom she even came over to the office to tell us about him," Daniel looking at me the whole time he was talking. His blue eyes could hold a person attention and glaze.

I shook both of their hands and so did Quentin. I will say this about Quentin people no matter who they are don't bother him. The only time I have seen him bothered was Benjy and Roger and had to deal with his past.

"Michael what do you think of our city," asked Justin. It was then that I realized I had drifted off into my mind and did not hear anything that was being said.

"I like it a lot better than Washington DC," I said as Kyle walked up to give us our checks.

"Sir, did I hear you are also from Washington DC?" The look on Kyle face was priceless. It was if I was his long lost friend.

"Yes, I lived there on and off for the past thirteen years. I lived near the White House in a small apartment."

"My folks run a French restaurant there near the White House it is across the street from the Metro stop for the White House," Kyle said with a tone of missing his parents.

"I used to eat there at least twice a week. I'll say this, it was one of The President favorite places to take the First Lady," I said watching Kyle's face. A bell started ringing in the kitchen Cody and Justin both looked at Kyle who stood there smiling at what I had just told him. Cody walked back to the kitchen and another brought out a large tray of food for a table across from us.

"Well everyone Kyle and I have to get back to work," Justin said as he started to pull Kyle toward the kitchen.

"I hope I didn't get him in trouble?" I felt bad for the kid.

"No, Cody and Justin understand what it is like to find someone from your past. The two of them have helped a lot of the boys and like family worked through their problems," Daniel said as he took a drink of his beer. Marc:

"Where are the two of you staying tonight?"

"When we finish dinner I was going to see if they had a room here for us?" Michael said looking at Quentin.

"We would like to talk to you more about your idea so how would you like to stay at our place tonight so we can talk more?"

Michael looked at Quentin before he answered my question. Quentin blushed at all of us looking at him. He shook his head yes and before Michael could answer our pagers went off. Daniel got up from the table looked at Marc.

"Are you on call with me tonight?"

"No, it's Roger or your mother."

Daniel ran toward the door without looking back. It hit me then that we had his car and from the page it was a car accident out on the interstate and we were mutual aiding the next town over.

"About six mouths ago we needed people for the ambulance and fire department so the Jorgensons and I all joined. It is something that makes you feel good inside knowing that you helped someone."

"So that is why everyone keeps running out of the Tasty Buns when that noise is made," Quentin said.

"Yes Quentin, didn't Mrs. Jorgenson explain that to you or didn't you ask?"

"No, I didn't ask I thought if someone wanted me to know they would tell me," Quentin replied softly with his eyes downcast.

"Quentin, if you have a question do not ever hold it in. If you can't ask Mrs. Jorgenson come across the street to the corporate office and ask Daniel or myself. You will start asking questions from now on won't you?"

"Yes sir." Quentin was blushing again.

"So would the two you like to stay the night? Daniel drove here and since he left I could use a ride home. Plus Kyle will be getting off soon so we can bring him home also."

"Sure we can stay the night," Michael said.

Chapter 42
Jaggar 2: Explaining Ourselves and the Team

Michael B.


Michael and Marc were talking and Daniel went out on another ambulance call. I left the two of them talking and walked out to the pool area. I took off my shoes and shirt I could see in the water the fading lines of the whip around my chest. No one would know it unless they were looking for it.

I felt like going for a swim so I took off my jeans and underwear. The water felt really warm as I dove into the deep end. Swimming hard I did not see anyone standing at the side of the pool. As I wiped my eyes I could see that it was Benjy and Roger.

"Oh damn", I whispered. Looking up at them I could not tell what they wanted.

"Quentin, would it be alright with you if Roger and I joined you?" Benjy had already started to take off his leathers. I was surprised at the size of his dick and the fact he did not wear underwear. I must have stared for too long because Roger started laughing. I have to admit being scared of Benjy and Roger, so I started to get out of the pool.

"Quentin, can I ask you a question?" asked Benjy. He grabbed my leg before I could climb out.

"What Benjy!" I yelled not really meaning too.

For a moment I thought that he was going to start crying. When he let go of my leg I stood in front of him. Roger swam over next to him.

"Quentin, from what you told us we know that you don't want to deal with leather or masters. Would you mind telling us what happened?" Roger said.

Right then Daniel, Marc and Michael entered the pool area. They looked at us and sat down on the floor.

"I was going to tell you tonight alone Michael. But here it goes I don't know if I can tell it more then once."

Zeus walked out then and looked around then sat down next to Marc. I hate when people are deadly quite and starring at me. It was Benjy that stepped forward putting his arm around me.

I took a slow breath and started.

"My parents owned a restaurant and some other properties well I don't know what happened all I remember is the two of them fighting all the time. It seemed like if I opened my mouth one of them hit me for it. I was seven at the time when one night a large man came asking for his money. Dad couldn't pay it so the man opened a large bag he was carrying, pulled out a leather collar and the things that went around my wrists. He hooked a leach to the collar and pulled me out of the house. My parents sat on the sofa they didn't even try to stop him."

I begin crying and Benjy pulled me closer putting my head on his shoulder. He was so warm I didn't want him to let go of me. It was the first time that I have ever told anyone what happened to me, but the bad stuff was still to come.

"Quentin, I am here let it all out," Benjy whisper into my ear.

When I regained myself I looked up to find that Zeus, Marc and Michael were now in the pool also. Daniel was sitting on the edge as if he was going to jump in.

"When we got back to the hotel Master told me that he was going to rape me until I bled and fainted. Which I did both but it felt like hours when he did it to me. My body hurt do bad I left it and went to another place. It didn't hurt after that and I could handle anything Master did to me. That is what he told me to call him. I had no idea what was going to start happening to me. When we got to Master's home he ripped my shirt and sweat-shorts off me, put a black leather outfit on me. He would whip me everyday and have sex with me six to ten times a day seven days a week. One day he told me I was to worn out for his liking and started selling me. I was nine then. He thought nothing of selling to a group of black men twenty of them for a weekend with the understanding they could do anything to me as long as they did not kill me," the tears begin flowing again. Michael started to move forward but Benjy shook his head no.

"Quentin, can you finish your story tonight or do you want to do it at a different time?" asked Zeus.

I shook my head yes; before I continued took a deep breath.

"For some reason Master came and got me one night for a group of college guys that had been whipping me for two days without stopping. I was bleeding so bad I needed stitches and I knew that I had lost a lot of blood. Hurting so badly dying would have been a nice out," I rubbed my neck and wrist wishing that the leathers were back on.

"Master did not put the leather back on me that night nor did he put me in the dog cage he kept in the van. I lied on the floor between the front seats looking up at him. Master never spoke to me ever. Nor did I speak to Master or anyone else for that matter. When we got back to Master house he did not take me downstairs to my dog cage we went into the living room. I noticed there was a mirror on the coffee table with a white powder on it."

Looking around at everyone there were tears in all there eyes. Out of everyone Benjy tears hit me the hardest.

"Slave score some of this into lines so we can party. Because you are now useless to me you are worn out as a slave and a fuck toy so we are going to party. I will then take you downstairs I will fuck you one last time then I am going to fist you to death."

I stood for a moment to long so he knocked me to the floor kicking me at least four times in the groin.

"Oh my god," Benjy whispered.

"I crawled over to the coffee table I knew if I made a sound he would kill me right then. I picked up the razorblade staring at my wrist wanting to end my pathetic life. Scoring the white powder Master sat across the table from me I watched him do all six lines I had made. He took the razorblade from me scored four more lines," crying myself out I just stood there feeling alone like none of them understood what I was saying to them.

"Quentin, if you can continue it would help all of understand you better," Zeus looked from one person to the next as everyone shook there head yes.

"Ok. I did as I was told and inhaled all four lines. Master picked me up carried me to the basement to the play room. His eleven inches [28 cm] felt so big even after having all those guys it still hurt but that is what he wanted me to feel. It wasn't until he put his hand up my ass and started punching it I got scared. I remember hearing what sounded like rats running around in a cage but I was in so much pain I wasn't sure. When he pulled his hand out of me there was blood and shit all over it. He told me to lick it clean which I did without even thinking about it. I was strapped into a sling chair so I could see what he was doing when he reached into the cage and pulled out a large rat. He held it at my rectum it started biting me as it went inside me. Master was laughing at first then started video camera," my legs started to buckle when Roger grabbed me helping me to the side of the pool.

"I farted and the rat came out fell on floor and ran away. Master was so mad at me he punched me in the face it was then that I blacked out. When I came too I was alone in the play room Master had unlocked me so I was just lying there. I got up walked to the door for some reason I tried opening it. It opened so I carefully went back upstairs Master was in the living room face down in his cocaine. I picked up a vase over my head dropping it on the Masters head. Blood was pouring from his head, nose and mouth. I ran upstairs went into Masters Bedroom found a kid there tied up, he looked about thirteen or so. He was older then me so he gave me his cloths and he took some of Masters. We found two envelopes full of money so we both took one as we were leaving he called 911 and reported that Master was dead. I did not even know where I was at but he knew. We were in one of the north suburbs of Chicago. We waited in the dark until the first police car arrived before we left," I took a deep breath letting it out. It felt so good to get it all out it was as if a weight had been lifted off me.

"As we rode the El to the north side of Chicago to Boys Town we counted the envelopes both had fifty thousand dollar each. We ended up putting it in a locker at the bus station. I had heard about this area so I started turning tricks for a mouth until Ben died at the hand of some john. I got on the bus with the money and came here. And here I am standing here telling you my story that you most likely have heard a hundred times a week by now."

"Quentin where is the money you had?" asked Daniel.

"There is one hundred thousand dollar in an envelope tape under the counter that the cash register sits on. I tried to put it in the bank I even walked in but I didn't want them to ask me where I got it so I taped it there."

"Quentin does mom or dad know that it is there?" asked Benjy. I shook my head no. Daniel pulled his cell phone out of his pocket pushed a button.

"Mom you need to get to the Tasty Buns we just found out that Quentin has taped an envelope full of money under the counter by the cash register. He was afraid to take it to the bank so he did this. Mom he told us his story tonight and I am speaking for the whole group we are luckily to have him here."

"Quentin have you been checked by a doctor to make sure the rat did not do any damage to your insides? We can have Dr. Schwartz here in half an hour if Benjy calls him," asked Marc.

"Benjy and Roger find Dr. Schwartz and have do a full check-up also explain about the rat. Marc if it is ok can the company pick up the tab for this?" asked Zeus. The door opened in walked Mr. and Mrs. Jorgenson.

"Quentin, we need to talk to you. After we went to the Tasty Buns I'm sorry but I opened the envelope do you know how much money there is in it?

"No, not really how much is it?" I asked but the look on there face it must be a large sum for both of them to come here this late at night. I heard from Kristen that they go to bed early because the Tasty Buns opens at five a.m.


"Quentin, Benjy and Daniel are going to take you to see Dr. Schwartz tonight. In the morning we are going to the bank and open a saving and checking account for you. While you are gone we have something to talk to Michael about."

"Yes madam," was all Quentin said as he started for the door followed by Benjy and Roger.

"Ok Michael, Elija and I are hear to hear your proposal if it is something that we feel worthy of Peckertown we will help back up as well as set you up with a few other around town that will help."


"Thank you for your kind offer and I will keep it in mind. Does everyone want to stay out here or go inside before I tell you my life story?" No one moved so I took a deep breath and started my story.

"It started on my eighth birthday. My stepbrother was hit by a car and killed. My stepfather blamed me because I was not watching him. This happened on Friday, well Saturday he started abusing me by hit me in the face and kicking me. He must have slipped my mother something because she was out for the count. Well that night he raped me every hour from about four in the afternoon until about four a.m. If I made a sound he would start punching me again," I could not hold the tears back. Marc went inside found a box of tissue brought them out and handed them to me.

"Well Sunday a man came gave my stepfather some cash then reached into a bag pulled out a leather collar and cuffs from my wrist and ankles. He chained them all together he took me to a van put me in a large dog cage locked it and drove away. Once back at his house he did not say a word to me."

Everyone sat stunned over what I was saying.

"I guess we treat our slaves 100 % better then the stories we are hearing tonight." Marc said looking at Mr. and Mrs. Jorgenson. Both of them shaking there head yes.

"Master had sex with me that night and the next night before he started selling me. It did not matter if it was S&M or a group of black men putting large pins thought my dick and nipples. I was ten when I got to see my mother again. Master gave her money and I started living with her again. But every day after school Master would take me to some hotel and I would spend the night or at least part of the night with some john. It seemed like each mouth it got worse and I was getting hurt more. By the time I was eleven I was getting sold ten times a day." I took a deep breath before I could continue.

"Michael, did you try to tell anyone what was going?" Zeus asked. I looked into his eye before I spoke.

"When I was in fourth grade I told a teacher named Mr. Caveki. He took me down the hall to a room that was not used unzipped his pants forced me to suck his dick. I remember him to this day telling me to get it nice and wet that he was going to fuck me but I was already a whore so it did not make any difference. He raped me every other day. He also started having some of his students doing it to me also. I lost all self-esteem to the point I would leave my body so I would not have to deal with it. I would go to this waterfall where I was safe." All I wanted to do was run away from all of this. I knew I had to get out because it was eating me alive.

"Michael we have heard a lot of stories over the past few years but Quentin's and yours are two of the worst I think," said Marc as everyone else agreed with him.

"That was about the time that Jonathan came into the picture. Mom accepted the money he gave her he would come and get me and take me to whatever john paid for me that night. One minute he loved me and was showering with gifts and making love to me and the next he was pistol whipping me. I remember one night I messed up with a john so when we got home he made me undress in the kitchen he walked over to a drawer pulled something out when he turned around I knew what it was. He had a meat tenderizer in his hand he pulled me over to the butcher block by my dick put my balls on there and processed to use the tenderizer on them each time hit them harder then the time before well after he finished he decided to rape me of the kitchen floor. I could not move my legs nor move so he left me lying and went to work."

I was sitting there numb this is the first time that I have made it thought it without throwing up. Someone touched me when I looked up Kyle was standing there. I let him comfort me which was very hard.

"I only have one part left to tell and you will understand what I want. Jonathan plays Santa at Christmas at an amusement park I was to play an elf. The park's owner fell in love with me. I was in his bed every night. He made movies of us kids, took still photos of us and sold us. I was thirteen at the time no I was twelve. Every other month year round we went there and the park owner's wife even was getting into it. She would take me to her room so I was safe. She never hurt me only touched me which at this point was ok. That fall I had a breakdown and ended up in the hospital.

"It was there that my doctor found out that I was a natural leader and told me that he was starting and funding a group of kids as vigilantes where we do not answer to anyone but ourselves. They picked eleven of us to start this group. We were trained as sharpshooters including the mindset as well as everything else to keep us alive. Over the fourteen years The Team was around we helped thousand of kids that would not be with us any more if we were not there. It was to the point we helped the government more then once infiltrate a kiddy porn ring or kiddy selling. What I want to do is start the group up again that way if any of the working boys want to give up working the street or if it they have a special gift it will work."

It was over I made it thought the whole story it was cut down I didn't cover every detail but they got the idea. Kyle was still holding my hand when I finished.


"Michael, I like what you are telling us. Tomorrow morning I want Quentin and you to come to the office and work out a plan with Daniel and Marc. I know some of our employees like Caleb would be willing to help if he has time. Paulo also would be willing to help I don't know how he finds the time but he is a good person always willing to help."

"I have a business plan written out already. My question to all of you is finding The Team," said Michael looking around the room.

"We will have Benjy and a couple of the working boys put the word out the two of you can use the conference room to interview the boys. There are a lot that would be willing to get off the street as long as you can prove to them you're not going to hurt them," Francis said and everyone shook there head yes.


It was then that pagers went off something about a motor vehicle accident involving a bus. Everyone got up and left Kyle and I were sitting there staring at each other.

"Michael if you are going to deal with the Jorgenson and a lot of the other people in town you have to get use to them getting up and running when the pager goes off. I am studying to be an EMT. I'm about half way thought the class. Peckertown covers a large area plus part of the interstate so they have three ambulances and three rescues units," Kyle was so excited about talking about it.

"Once I get all this worked out I will give it a try. I wanted to be an EMT and firefighter when I got out of high school it cost me dearly because Master did not want me to do it. Before I would leave for class he either whipped me or made me drink his piss. I was not allowed to have any friend at all so I was very lonely all the time. When I started my job with the government I just followed on with the training Master gave me."

"Michael, you're here now and you have found Quentin. I've seen him at the Tasty Buns a few times when I am in there. He seems like a nice person and if I was not already seeing someone I would have chased him myself. You said that you were in my parent's restaurant was I there at the time?"

"I closed my eyes and thought about it for a few minutes. I think you were the first time I was there but not after that." I looked over at Kyle who was now crying.

"I'm sorry Michael you must think that I am a baby. I just get so homesick and what is fuck-up is they could have found another chef but no they closed the door on me. I found Uncle Elija and his family so now I at least have someone."

It seemed like Kyle and I talked for hours but I know it wasn't. I was missing Quentin I really wanted to go with him to make sure that he was alright. I know that Quentin is in good hands with Benjy and Roger at least. Plus I needed to talk to the Jorgensons and the rest of the group if I was going to pull this off at all.

"I wonder how Quentin is doing," I didn't expect an answer from Kyle and none was given.


I was thankful that Benjy and Roger did not leave me alone at the hospital. I was only in a hospital once when I was born. All the times that I needed stitches a doctor friend of Master would do it for him or he would just let it go.

"Quentin, Dr. Schwartz will be with you soon. He is dealing with the emergency that we brought in earlier. The kid is not doing well and most likely will get air lifted to Little Rock as soon as they can," said Benjy just above a whisper.

When Dr. Schwartz arrived he poked me asked a lot of question when I told him about the rat he looked at me for a long time before ordering tests including the full range of STD tests.

"Benjy, I want you to bring Quentin back in three days so he can get the results of the tests I ordered," he said as someone started yelling for him.

I was alone in the back seat so I moved forward, "Benjy, Roger what is a STD test?"

Benjy looked at Roger before either of them answered.

"STD tests are for sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS, syphilis and others. Have you had one before or is this your first?" asked Roger he was looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"No, I have not ever had any. I guess I need one. What if it comes back dirty what do I do then," I never gave it a thought when I said that I would become Michael lover.

"Quentin, if you have AIDS there are support groups plus I personally have had to deal with boys that had AIDS and died from it. You need to tell Michael that you have not had an AIDS test before you make love. Both of us get tested every six mouths just to make sure nothing is wrong," Benjy said.

It was then that he sound like a kid and not the Master that I knew he was.

Once back at Marc and Daniels both Roger and Benjy got out of the car. Roger hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. It was then Benjy turn he hugged me then kissed me on the lips forcing his tongue in my mouth. I reached down feeling of his has hard ten inch [25 cm] cock through his leather pants. I wanted him to make love to me maybe even whip me like in the past but this was not the time. I would ask him about it the next time I was alone with him. I watched as they drove away until the car turned the corner.

I wanted Michael to make love to me as many times as he could without taking it out of me. When I found him he was talking to Kyle, the two of them were alone. I was not worried about it or jealous about it. I stood in the shades for a few minutes listening to what they were talking about. I walked out as if I just arrived a moment later Cliff also arrived so the four of us went to our rooms. To say I did get my wish that night and the next morning as well. I know I was walking when we got out of bed. It felt as if Michael cock was still inside of me, I love that feeling.


We went to the Jorgenson corporate office the next morning. The first two boys were waiting outside the door when we arrived I will share there story with you. Shawn was the first one the four of us interviewed.

"Please come in and sit down. Would you tell us your name and why you are here?"

"My name is Shawn David Leggo I am eleven and have been here only a day. You might say that I am a zebra being that my mother was raped by a man that was part black. I love computers and can hack anything you put in front of me. I am gay and have known it for about three years. I lived in a small town and when I came out I was beat half to death. My mother and father decided that I needed to go live with my uncle. He and his lover were killed in an auto accident three weeks ago I had my mother sign the paper saying that I could work as a whore when I got here that is why I hope you will find it in your heart to hire me, " he said as he looked in all of our eyes.

I was taking notes of everything Shawn said. All I wanted to know is what he is capable of doing that would help The Team. I was so very thankful I had Quentin because this kid was nice looking and when you looked into his eyes there was the look of hunger. He did not look that dark but he was well tanned to say it nicely. I loved the few freckles across the bridge of his nose.

"First off where are you staying and second if you just got into town how did you hear about this so fast?" Daniel asked he was also taking notes.

"I slept behind a place called The Little Leather Club last night and this and these two guys dressed in leather woke me up this morning. I was scared of the smaller one until he got down on his knees next to me. He asked me if I was hungry and I was so he took me to a building next door and cooked the three of us breakfast. He asked me if I had any special training or anything and I told him that I could hack computer so the two of them told me about this going on this morning. I have been waiting here since seven a.m." Shawn said.

"Shawn, would you mind going out to the lobby for a few minutes?" I asked. Shawn got up and as he opened the door he looked back at the four of us. Once the door was closed I was the first to say something.

"I like the kid and if he is as good as I think him maybe we could use him. What do the rest of you think of him?"

"Michael, Marc and Daniel he seems like a good kid and needs a chance but I think Zeus needs to make sure that he is ok with his uncle's death. But outside of that he has my vote also," Quentin smiled at me but I was not sure why.

"I agree with both of you and also vote yes. I do think Quentin is right about having Zeus talk to him. Also there is a group that meets Wednesday and Friday that might help him," Daniel said as he turned the page of his notepad getting ready for the next person. "Oh also David and his crew will be in town starting tonight and we would like you to meet them"

"Well that leaves me to be the bad guy. Are you sure that you can deal with a child that young? I can see that the Shawn is a smart kid and he is not bad to look at either," Marc said.

Daniel hit him in the arm.

"What am I told old for you now?" he said trying not to laugh.

"Never love I will love and be with you until I pass on. That is why we got married, remember?" Marc said looking at Daniel as if something was really wrong.

"Marc I would rather have them start with The Team at a younger ago that way training does not have to be rushed and the will be around for a lot longer. So the vote is to have Shawn join The Team?"

Marc picked up the telephone asked Margaret to send Shawn back in to the conference room. The tape on the door would have been missed if we had not sent for him.

"Shawn, please sit down we need to talk to you for a few more minutes. First we have voted you into The Team and second you will not have to work the streets at all. Do you know what you are signing to?" I asked not sure if he really knew what he was in for.

"Yes you are starting up a group of teams with special gifts and we will be vigilante group. We will not work for the government we play our own game," Shawn said with a smile.

"Yes you will be trained as a sniper as well as many other things. When you finish you will be well trained. Is this something that you think you can do?"

"Yes I will do anything you ask of me as long as I don't have to whore." A tear rolled down his cheek.

"Shawn, Michael and I would like you to stay with us until we get the other building fixed," Quentin said and I nodded.

"Oh Shawn the two that you met this morning in leather were my brother Benjy and his lover Roger. I am glad they found you and helped you out. If there is anything else that you need please stop in here or at The Little Leather Club and tell us and we will see what we can do for you," Daniel said smiling.

"Thanks," Shawn was up and around the table hugging all four of us.

"Shawn why don't you go across the street and tell them that Marc sent you over to have lunch and that I will sign the bill later when I come over for lunch."


I walked in the conference room looked at the four people sitting there. I was very nervous I stood at the end of the table until they told me to sit down. I reached up pushing my hair out of my eyes.

"Hello, my name is Michael and this is Quentin, Marc and Daniel please sit down and tell is about you,"

"My name is Andrew Joshua Steinmiller I am thirteen and was in the eighth grade when I fingered out I was gay. My parents accepted it about as well as I expected them to. I liked a kid at school so I told him and he freaked out told everyone that I was a queer and that I wanted to rape him. I was called into the principal office that afternoon my parents were sitting there when I was informed that I was no longer welcome that they did not want queers in there school." I could not hold back tears. "There was even an article in the local newspaper about it and because of that my father lost his job. So my parents signed the paper I found on the computer and bought me a bus ticket I got in last night. I stayed last night at the Jorgenson Inn someone named Tad told me about this interview going on this morning. He told me what you were looking for and I want to tell you that I have an IQ of 194 and was a straight A student before I left home."

"And what can you do for us?" asked Quentin.

"I am good at building surveillance equipment I also am a good artist."

"So you know that this is a vigilante group we do not work for any part of the federal government we will follow our own rules. You will become a sniper and learn more in the next year then I can tell you right now. Is this something that you want to do," asked Michael.

"Yes I am ready, willing and able to do what ever you ask me to do." Michael:

As I looked at Andrew, his shoulder length brown hair and steel blue eyes. He looked like a football player. He was a gentle person and you could tell he was well bred. I looked at the other three and all three shook there head yes.

"Andrew you are accepted to The Team."

In the following chapters you'll find out about more of the Team members and our missions.

Chapter 43
Yaz's Story

It was a chilly early October evening when Dr. & Dr. Ramsey arrived home from their medical office but they quickly realized even chillier inside their Mc Mansion, and not because the heat was broken. They looked at each other and sighed.

"We're home Yaz," Mr. Ramsey called.

"Hi," Yaz called from his upstairs bedroom, "Can you both come up?"

"Be there in a second honey, just got to take our coats off and put supper up," Mrs. Ramsey said.

"Meatloaf's cooking in the oven so just have to put salad and veggies together when we're ready. Got a half-hour," Yaz said.

His parents looked at each other and smiled. Neither ever said it out loud but Yaz was the best cook in the family. They hung their coats up and climbed the stairs.

When they reached their son's door they knocked and entered. While their son was his usual overly serious self, at least in their minds, he didn't seem totally out of sorts like he'd been much too often.

"Mom, Dad, the two of you have been great about me being gay. I couldn't ask for more support. I've even made some cool online friends with other young teens but its killing me not being able to tell anybody at school and worse hearing the anti-gay comments from everybody there. They look at me kind of strange for not joining in."

"Yaz, I know it's hard for you there but there's no way to change the culture there, especially without putting you in extreme danger. And not even your reputation and fighting skills will protect you," his father said.

"I know, I know that Dad but I've got this idea and I know it's crazy but maybe it can work and solve my problems," Yaz said.

"Go ahead dear," his mother said.

Yaz scrunched his 5'8" muscular frame together, his knees touching his chin and brushed his reddish brown hair into a perfect skater's cut. He took a couple of deep breaths and looked back and forth between his parents before taking a final deep breath.

"For my fourteenth birthday I want to go down to Peckertown, Arkansas for a week and see if I can find a boy I can love and bring him home. You'll adopt him or become legal guardians and we can go to school together and stay nicely in the closet and be boyfriends here. I swear not to whore, to have safe sex and be on the plane when its time to come home, alone or not."

"Son, that is a bit crazy, but," Mr. Ramsey said but held up his hand when Yaz opened his mouth, "but given certain conditions it is doable."

"Really?" Yaz said and his parents saw happiness in their son's face for the first time in a long time.

So it was that on the evening of his fourteenth birthday, October 13, 2003, Yaz found himself checking into the Jorgenson Inn. Hunger won out over exhaustion brought on by nerves and a long day of traveling so he headed down to the coffee shop.

The recently renamed and remodeled Aaron's Place was a bright and airy place and Yaz was quickly seated at a window table. The view extended from a barracks building at the far end to the outdoor pool where he sat. He was amazed at the number of families at the pool. He could tell they weren't just hookers and johns because of the women and young daughters along with boys of all ages.

"Welcome to Aaron's Place, would you care to place your drink order?" a soft young voice asked and Yaz jumped.

"Sorry if I startled you, my name's Zack and I'll be your waiter."

"No problem, I'll have a diet Coke," Yaz said.

Yaz's eyes flowed up and down Zack's slender body. He was wearing a baseball cap backwards over his strawberry-blond hair, a top that barely covered his nipples and had "Aaron's Place" on the left and Zack on the other. His shorts were ultra-short and form fitting. Yaz's eyes continued down the perfectly proportioned legs to Nikes and short white socks that didn't come near his ankles.

Yaz looked around the room and saw all the staff dressed the same and all with bodies that deserved to be wearing it. He forced his eyes from them to the menu and was back to enjoying the scenery when Zack returned with his soda.

"You sure don't look like you need a diet soda or are you working?" Zack said as he put the glass down.

Yaz was confused for a second then realized what the boy meant.

"No, my Dad's a diabetic so all we have in the house is diet so it's what I'm used to. I'm down here on a search, and my name's Yaz."

Zack smiled, "Looking for a friend who took off?"

"Fortunately no, look is it OK if you sit down and we talk now or after you get off? I'm staying here."

"Sorry Yaz, house rules say no soliciting, I could lose my job."

Yaz blushed, "No, that's not what I meant. I mean you're hot as hell but I'd like to talk, even lobby is fine."

"Meet me at the bar in Cody's across the lobby at eleven and my boyfriend and I will talk to you there."

"Sounds great, and if I'm not there just buzz 305 because I might take a nap after dinner been a long travel day."

"Cool, now what will you have to eat? I recommend the steak nachos, out of this fucking world."

"Done, and thanks Zack."

Zack smiled a brilliant smile and headed off.

Yaz did nap but was down at the bar nursing his first legal glass of zinfandel when Zack entered accompanied a boy with long blond hair in a ponytail that he recognized as another waiter. They'd both changed out of their uniforms and were now wearing white t-shirts that said Peckertown School Students and red shorts that stopped at mid-thigh to go with their sneakers.

"Yaz, this is my boyfriend Ethan, Ethan Yaz here is the customer I told you about. Want to move to a table?"

"Sure, want to get first round now?"

The two waiters ordered Ganymede Beer and they headed to a table.

"Never heard of that brand," Yaz said once seated.

"Local brewery, started by a few German boys who showed up a couple years ago," Ethan said.

"Have to try it. Did the two of you know each other back home?" Yaz said.

"No, met here my love was a surfer from Laguna Beach and I'm from Long Island, East Hampton. We both arrived three years ago, worked the streets, met almost right away," Zack said.

"Fell in love almost right away, got a small apartment as soon as we could. Finally got job at Inn last year and became waiters when they finished remodeling," Ethan finished, "So what's your story?"

"My story I'm sure is one you haven't heard," Zack said and told his tale.

"Way out, my rents half that cool I'd still be riding waves," Ethan said.

Yaz saw Zack turned away and stared at Ethan.

Ethan blushed, "But if they had been that cool I would never have met the love of my life so it all worked out for me and I hope you find the right guy here too. For both your sakes, lots of kids here who deserve that second chance at family life."

"What I figured from reading all the stories about here. Don't know where to start looking though. And I'm really more concerned about the person than how hot he is because he's got to fit into my world back home," Yaz said.

"Cuts out a lot of boys," Zack said.

"I know, but my rents and I talked a lot about this and we figure if he can't be comfortable he won't be happy. If he's not happy no matter how much he cares about me he's back here," Yaz said.

"There you're right, face it most of us are very independent and strong. Unhappy is not a state we like," Ethan said.

"So where do I start?" Yaz said.

"Forget the Little Leather Club, boys there aren't what you're looking for. Tomorrow walk about town, the Inn's got a shuttle that goes back and forth from eight till two in the morning so if you don't have your own car you don't have to walk. Meet us at The Tasty Buns restaurant at one for lunch and we'll see what we can think up," Zack said.

"Sounds like a plan," Yaz said, "You want another round?"

"Sure, oh there's Justin, another waiter. Do you mind if he joins us? He's single," Ethan said.

Yaz followed Ethan's finger to a boy alone at the bar still wearing his work uniform and nodded. Ethan grinned at Zack and went over and came back with their friend and four Ganymedes.

Justin sat next to Yaz and the two young gay boys were soon eyeing each other. When Ethan and Zack left fifteen minutes later they barely noticed their absence. A while later Yaz started to say something but stammered instead then blushed.

Justin leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips, "I would love to go up to your room and it won't cost you a cent."

Both boys smiled and after Yaz signed his tab they headed up to 305.

"Is this your first time with a boy?" Justin asked when they were in the room.

"Yes, there are boys back home I'd love to do it with but as I told Zack and Ethan it just doesn't work in my life."

"Well, you're not back in Jersey you're in Peckertown where this is quite acceptable."

Justin wrapped his arms around Yaz and brought their lips together. Much to his surprise it was Yaz whose tongue asked admittance to his mouth. A request he quickly accepted.

As they kissed Justin unbuttoned Yaz's shirt then let his hands rub the firm smooth chest and felt Yaz's on his own exposed belly. The new boy placed his hands inside his shorts, pushing them down. Justin sucked in his stomach and the skin tight shorts slid over his ass and hardening cock then dropped to the floor. He slid his own hands down to Yaz's shorts and quickly unbuttoned them and slipped his hands inside only to find the boy had also neglected to put his underwear on.

Simultaneously they took the others cock which brought first a deep sigh then a giggle from both.

Justin broke the kiss, "Bed."

Yaz smiled and let the more experienced boy take the lead. Justin finished stripping Yaz then himself and they lay down on the king sized hotel bed and began kissing. Their hands stroked the other. Yaz reveled under Justin's experienced fingertips while Justin enjoyed the nervous touching of the rookie.

Yaz wanted more and Justin knew it. He remembered his first time with another boy who he wanted to have sex with. As always he didn't count the times after he fled from Yuma to the streets of Phoenix then finally to Peckertown. He'd worked the area right outside of Phoenix's Old City for six months and hadn't had a john hurt him worse than his parents kicking him out with nothing but clothes on his back when he'd come out.. It was there he'd met William, another street boy, who'd shown him the ropes then shown him the beauty of sex. After six months they'd moved to Peckertown but split up when William met and fell for a younger boy.

Justin started kissing, licking and nibbling his way down Yaz's firm smooth chest, taking time to work on both nipples. He got down to Yaz's pubes and began licking them causing Yaz to buck his hips.

"Oh shit, never imagined that would feel so good," Yaz moaned.

"It's called the Jose technique down here, makes it easier for sucker and suckee loves it," Justin said.

Before he could lean back down Yaz ran his fingers through longish strawberry blond hair that was a little longer on the left side where the part was and he sighed.

"Beautiful hair, nice and silky."

Justin smiled and for the twentieth time since they'd entered the room unconsciously flicked his head to get the hair out of his eyes. They smiled at each other and Justin saw in Yaz's eyes the feeling he had in his own heart.

"I'm not the one you're looking for. I could never fit in to your school. Never was a good student and can't act straight enough. Doesn't mean we can't be friends here and write if you want after."

Yaz pulled Justin up and hugged him. Found the boy's tears matching his own. Brought Justin's lips to his own and kissed him gently.

"I do want that," Yaz said.

Justin responded the only way he knew how. He slid back down and started licking Yaz's drying pubes until they were nice and flat. Then without warning swallowed Yaz's hard six inches [15 cm] so quickly his lips were on Yaz's pubes before the boy realized what happened.

Justin used his long and talented tongue to bathe the cock finishing by running the tip inside the foreskin.

"Oh shit man, keep that up and I'll cum now," Yaz said.

Justin smiled around the cock and started to slowly deep throat it. Yaz collapsed on the bed and let his fingertips stroke Justin's hair and cheeks. More than ever he knew that he was gay and his quest was right.

Justin let his mind go blank, thinking only of pleasing the boy in bed with him. He felt Yaz's cock get harder and start leaking precum and he sucked the precious liquid down. Ran his tongue around the throbbing tool as he listened to sexual music coming from Yaz's soul.

Picked up the pace and was quickly rewarded by a stomach full of Yaz juice.

When they'd caught their breath Justin got a coke and diet coke from the mini-bar and snuggled down next to Yaz.

"You could have taken a beer or something," Yaz said.

"I have one after work occasionally if I'm drinking with friends like tonight but that's it. Father drank, most of my fathers drank too much," Justin said and caught Yaz's confused look and told him the condensed biography.

When Justin was finished Yaz didn't know what to say so rolled on top of his first sex partner and kissed him deep in hard. A kiss meant to say that his hard life and the choices made didn't bother him one bit. The kiss quickly changed to one of lust

Yaz didn't have the hands on experience Justin did but between reading a ton of stories and all the pics and movies he'd seen he had a good idea what to do. Breaking the kiss he slid down and started sucking on Justin's left nipple. It was hard in seconds and the whimper told him he was doing something good. Several minutes later he licked his way over to the right nipple.

"Man you are doing great for a rookie," Justin said, "If you stayed here you'd definitely make it on the streets."

Yaz lifted his head and their eyes met. Yaz saw fear and sorrow in the street boy's eyes, felt Justin pull away.

"I'm sorry," Justin said, "I'll go."

Yaz put his hands on Justin's arms and held him in place. Justin was shocked at the strength and didn't resist.

"Listen, I'm not mad, not upset. I know you meant it as a complement and I take it that way."

Yaz saw uncertainty and understood only one thing would reassure the boy underneath him so he kissed Justin fast, hard and deep. It took a minute or so but Justin finally relaxed and returned the passion.

Soon Yaz couldn't wait any longer and quickly slid down Justin's smooth slender body and licked the boy's cock up and down as he gently rotated it.


Yaz took that as signal to move to next step so when he next licked up to Justin's uncut rod he twirled his tongue inside the head.

"Oh yeah, oh fuck yeah," Justin screamed and Yaz went slowly lower on the throbbing penis in his mouth.

When his lips touched Justin's trimmed pubes he paused and let his tongue swirl around his first cock. Discovered and enjoyed the tastes and texture.

"Ain't going to be long, get to work and I'll let you know when I'm going to shoot if you don't want to swallow the first time," Justin said.

Yaz raised his head till he just had the cockhead in his mouth and gave Justin a look that clearly asked if he was nuts thinking Yaz might want to pull off. Justin laughed and pushed down on Yaz's head.

Yaz started going slowly up and down wanting to make this first time last. As Justin's cock went deeper and deeper down his throat he grabbed his own hard cock and began stroking.

Justin moaned and squirmed under him and Yaz felt the joy of sex wash over him.

"Oh shit, get ready, oh shit I'm going to shoot straight down your throat," Justin said and held Yaz's head down and fired.

Yaz felt more than tasted his first load of boy cum run down his throat and pulled back and tasted the second hard blast. He drank and drank and felt tears flow down his cheeks and intermingle with cum flowing from between his lips.

Finally Justin pulled Yaz off his softening cock and they hugged.

"That was beautiful," Yaz said.

"Totally," Justin said and they fell asleep that way.

They slept late the next morning and after room service breakfast and a long shower they left the Jorgenson Inn together and took the shuttle bus downtown. From there they walked over to Justin's apartment. It was an older but nice brick building on Green Street and an older teen greeted Justin by name as we entered.

"Hi Matt, this is Yaz. Matt's the building manager," Justin said.

"Moving in Yaz?" Matt said.

"No, just visiting Peckertown for the week and was introduced to Justin last nigh," Yaz said.

"And his rents paid for trip, ain't that the best?" Justin said.

"Yaz, you are one lucky dude, enjoy your visit," Matt said.

Yaz was impressed by the one bedroom apartment and Justin beamed at the complement. Justin changed into a clean uniform and headed back to the Inn for the lunch shift after leaving Justin at the park.

Yaz was amazed at the number of working boys strolling around the park and the number of men cruising before lunch. He strolled up and down the main street and was glad he'd dressed modestly, at least compared to the working boys. At 12:30 he got pointed in the right direction and walked up to The Tasty Buns.

As he walked down the block he looked at all the boys. Not just the boys in the park and along the street who were clearly selling themselves but the ones he saw working in the stores. They seemed to be happy, many happier than he'd felt in years. It didn't take much thinking to understand why. They were free. Free from the people who'd oppressed them in their old lives and the freedom they now had to be themselves. Could he really ask one of them to give this up for his life?

He walked into The Tasty Buns and over to where Ethan and Zack were sitting and slid into the booth across from them.

"Wow, looks like Justin turned him straight," Zack said.

Yaz gave a slight smile, "Not a chance but walking here I started wondering if I was really thinking of the boy or being selfish."

"You think this is heaven for working boys? Not a chance, it's a hard life for most of the boys. Why Justin turns tricks on top of working lunch and dinner shifts five or six days a week to pay the rent, and believe me the rent is reasonable."

"Not heaven, but better than what you left," Yaz said.

"Yep yep, but to have the chance for a normal life a lot of them, especially the single boys, would take the chance. Always come back down if it doesn't work out," Ethan said.

The waiter came over and took their orders and Yaz resisted his friends' pleading to tell about the night before till the drinks came and then changed the subject.

"So while Justin and I were making out did you come up with any ideas?"

"Ah, finally part of an answer," Zack said, "And as a matter of fact made some significant process last night. We live in the same building as Justin and there's a game room in the basement where a lot of us hang out when home. We went down and a lot of our friends were there so we called a meeting."

"Cool," Yaz said.

"That was the response to your story too. What was really amazing was the number of boys who got suggested. Some like D2 were rejected because they're part of a couple or too tied to here," Ethan said.

"God last thing I want to do is break up a couple," Yaz said shaking his head.

"Then there were some like Justin who are smart but no formal education or at least not much which rules them out," Zack said.

"I figured that when Justin took himself out of contention," Yaz said.

"After an hour one name came up and nobody could think of anything wrong," Ethan said.

"Well, not sure if his name works but could always change that," Zack said.

Yaz leaned forward eyes gleaming, "What's his name?"

"My name is Toby," came a sweet voice from behind Yaz.

Yaz turned and looked into deep blue eyes.

"I'm Yaz," Yaz stammered, "Why don't you sit next to me?"

Yaz didn't take his eyes off Toby and when the boy stood alongside the booth he scanned him from head-to-toe. Toby was 5'6", thin with long black hair in a skater's cut with a bright golden stripe running down the front. He wore a lightning bolt earring in his left ear and a diamond stud in the right and it was clear he didn't need to shave. He wore khaki shorts that stopped a couple inches above the knee and a short sleeve shirt worn outside the shorts with the top three buttons undone revealing a smooth chest. As Toby sat Yaz realized he had a nipple ring in his right nipple.

Toby leaned into Yaz and kissed him gently on the lips. A gentle friendly kiss that ran chills down both boys' spines.

The waiter came and served all four of them and they started eating while the waiter got refills on the drinks.

Ethan raised his glass, "I know this is early and I hope I don't jinx it but good luck you two."

The other boys raised their glasses and drank.

"According to the script I was given this is the time I tell you about myself. In ways it's similar to the stories these two gave you but with some difference that I guess are the reasons I was chosen," Toby said.

"I guess that means they've briefed you on me," Yaz said.

"Enough to get me interested and now that I see that they were honest about how hot you are I'm even more interested."

Yaz's smile widened followed by a kiss that was a bit friendlier than the first.

When they parted Toby was visibly more relaxed and after a moment started.

"My father is a very senior vice president of a New York City bank and mother a socialite from old money. I won't say it was an arranged marriage but her father is a major stockholder in the bank. Don't get me wrong they did, do for all I know, care for each other. Maybe as close to love as either of them can get. I came along and I do have good memories of the first few years, even after my younger brother Audrey was born. I went to one of those elite Manhattan pre-schools and when time for first grade came along was shipped to boarding school upstate. Next time I was home was a year ago when I got expelled for being to openly gay."

"What?" Zack said.

Toby nodded, "School didn't care if you were fucking your way through the faculty and student body but don't let anybody know you're gay or have a real open boyfriend. Reggie and I were walking along the lake holding hands and thought we were alone but somebody saw us and word spread. I got sent home in disgrace and my parents promptly bought me a one-way ticket here. So yes I know this look isn't appropriate for your school and do know how to behave in a homophobic environment."

"Shame, you look so hot this way," Yaz said, "But will make things easier at Barton and at least we won't be boarding there."

"Cool dude," Toby said.

"Zack, I think our work here is done as is our meal. Guys we're working tonight so ask for one of us at dinner," Ethan said.

"Yep yep," Yaz said.

"If we make it downstairs," Toby said.

After Ethan and Zack left Yaz and Toby stayed and talked. They hit on a ton of subjects, finding out what their interests were, etc. Found to their mutual delight they were both Yankees and Jets fans. The one subject they stayed away from was sex.

Eventually they left The Tasty Buns and started walking down the street.

"I've got to go in for test results," Toby said when they reached the free health clinic.

Yaz stiffened.

"Just routine Yaz, really. Town council passed a law saying all boys who have sex for money have to have full blood tests every three months or sooner if the boy senses a problem. The tests are free and if you don't the fines are more than most street boys want to pay. I've never tested positive for anything and they caught it when I became a little anemic. I'd like you to come in and check the results yourself."

"Thanks, I'd like that. Don't think it would change how I'm feeling about you but would be good to know," Yaz said and next thing he found himself inside Toby's bear hug and felt the tears coursing down his boyfriend's cheeks.

He returned the hug and realized he'd just considered another boy his boyfriend for the first time.

They went in and the tests were all negative, even the anemia was gone. Toby told the doctor what might happen and the doctor gave them both hugs. Which amazed Yaz, none of his doctors had touched him more than absolutely necessary in years. Doctor Gibson then told Toby he should keep getting tested for at least six months preferably nine after he retired and they should both use condoms until they were sure and with anybody else either of them had sex with.

Both boys promised and walked the rest of the way to Toby's apartment. When they got there Toby went to get them sodas so Yaz looked around the living room and it was far different than Justin's. Yes there was the big TV and the Xbox but there were also books and magazines that he enjoyed.

Toby came over and started unbuttoning Yaz's shirt and Yaz noticed Toby's was already completely unbuttoned and he had nipple rings in both nipples.

"You like my library?" Toby said as he slipped Yaz's shirt off.

"Oh yeah, got a lot of them home," Yaz said as he removed Toby's shirt.

"Sweet," Toby said and slid Yaz's shorts down to the ground leaving him in navy bikini briefs.

"Way cool," Yaz said and when he slid down Toby's shorts found nothing underneath, "Way way cool."

Yaz fondled Toby's cock while Toby removed his briefs. Toby took hold of Yaz's cock and led him into the bedroom.

When they were naked and sitting on Toby's bed Toby took a deep breath but couldn't meet Yaz's eyes until Yaz moved his head.

"Ask if you have a question, say it if there's something you want to tell me," Yaz said softly.

"How do you feel about my being a whore and fucking and sucking men for money?"

"It is one of the things I thought long and hard about before I talked to my rents about this, and question Dad asked me. And I knew just about every boy I'd meet here probably whored at one time or another and I had to look past that as long as the boy was willing to stop that along with any drugs or serious drinking."

"Don't do drugs, not even pot or cigarettes, only drink one or two beers a night and can stop to keep your rents happy and if yours is the only cock I suck for the rest of my life I'll be super-happy," Toby said and wrapped his arms around Yaz and started a serious lip lock.

As tongues danced hands explored and each boy enjoyed what he found. While Yaz enjoyed Toby's muscular body, a body that could clearly defend itself against any problems back home he also sensed the good soul buried beneath the hardness a parentless life and the last year had built up. Toby's fingertips enjoyed the slender frame that was strong in its own way but felt the inner strength that enabled Yaz to endure the self-imposed isolation at school and would get both of them through the transition to come.

Toby replayed that and everything else in his mind and gently broke the kiss and looked into Yaz's eyes once again.

Yaz saw a big difference in those eyes and it was one he liked.

"Will you come home with me Toby? Come home to live as my brother and to be my boyfriend, my lover?"

Toby found he couldn't say the answer he wanted to scream so instead he gently kissed Yaz's lips and continued slowly down his neck and chest until he reached Yaz's cock and slowly swallowed it. Only then could he pull off and say, "Yes, I will, no that's not right. Yes, I do."

Toby swallowed Yaz again leaving Yaz to scream for joy. A scream that quickly turned to lustful moans as his cock hardened. He reached down and stroked his lover's gold stripe of hair and wished he could keep it. Saw Toby's hard cock and knew what he wanted.

"Let's sixty-nine," he said and moved into position while Toby licked Yaz's cockhead.

Once facing it Yaz admired the hard six inches [15 cm] of boy meat and took a taste. Better than Justin's had been and began licking it then swallowing it. Toby resisted the urge to thrust all the way down his lover's throat and waited till he felt lips on his pubes before swallowing Yaz again. Toby took control, controlling the speed and demonstrating new techniques to the talented boy sucking on his cock.

When Toby felt Yaz's fingers on his ass he shifted position to give his lover better access which not only did Yaz take advantage of but also mimicked.

Yaz jerked when he felt Toby's finger on his rosebud but when Toby withdrew found he missed it, "Sorry, its ok, please put it back," he mumbled around the cock in his mouth.

The finger returned and played along the outside but Toby made no move to insert it. Yaz let his fingers run inside Toby's crack until he found his hole. Yaz copied what Toby was doing but Toby opened up and Yaz's finger slipped in. He stopped sucking and concentrated on the new sensations and pushed his finger further in. Suddenly he felt Toby's teeth on his cock.

"Suck," Toby grunted.

Yaz giggled around Toby's cock and started again.

The sensations were just too hot and it was only a matter of minutes before both boys drove their cocks down the others throats and shot huge loads. Loads that kept going and going until they finally petered out. Sated and exhausted Yaz turned around and snuggled into Toby's arms. They exchanged a gentle loving kiss and fell asleep.

Two hours later two physically and mentally refreshed boys left the apartment, Toby carrying a backpack full of clothes over his left shoulder while his right held Yaz's hand. They stopped at The Big Lick and each got an extra large extra thick milkshake for the rest of the way back to the Jorgenson Inn.

They'd decided to go for a swim at the nude pool but when they walked in the door Toby saw a couple people and told Yaz he wanted to talk with them. Yaz nodded and looked at the pair; they didn't strike him as a couple. On the left was a very tall, very large black man talking to an older deeply tanned teen with long black mane, a slender but firm body and a wedding ring on his left hand. They stopped a foot [30 cm] away and waited.

"Hey Toby," the black man said, "how you doing?"

"Great Zeus, Zeus, Mr. Jorgenson, I'd like you to meet Yaz."

"Toby, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Daniel or Lion?" the boy said.

"Sorry, but it looks like you won't be correcting me much more," Toby said.

"This is that Yaz then. Ethan and Zack told me about this when they got here," Zeus said.

"Shit, it's all around town," Yaz said.

Daniel saw the sudden worried expression on Yaz's face, "Don't worry Yaz, everybody's happy for both of you and you won't find a line of boys outside your room door."

"Thanks Daniel, it's a pleasure to meet both of you after reading about you in papers and magazines," Yaz said.

"Where you off to?" Zeus asked.

"Swim," Yaz said quickly.

He didn't understand why Zeus and Daniel were laughing until he saw Toby rapidly licking his upper lip and he joined in.

"When you heading north?" Zeus said.

"Friday," Yaz said.

"See you both on Thursday?"

"Yes, thanks Zeus," Toby said and they headed upstairs to the room.

"What was that about Thursday?" Yaz asked when they were in the elevator.

"Zeus has two careers. First he runs the JI but he's also an adolescent psychologist and I've been seeing him since a bad experience with a customer a few months back. Great guy and I think a final session with him with you there will help in long run."

"Sounds good to me," Yaz said and planted a big kiss on Toby as the elevator doors opened.

They looked up and saw a family of four, including a boy their own age.

"Awesome," said the boy.

"Yes he is," Toby said and pecked the boy on the cheek as they left the elevator.

"Young man, I know where we are but that is not appropriate," the father said.

Before Toby could say something the boy shook his head and took his father's hand.

"It's OK Dad. I liked it. Hoped it would happen, or at least see boys like them while we were here."

The father paled and stepped back and Toby got concerned but relaxed when the man smiled and hugged his son.

Toby pulled on Yaz's arm and they headed down to 305.

For Yaz there was something special about their swim. Warm water flowed against his naked body. Boyfriend's naked body flush against his in the pool. Sixty or so other boys and men with them and nobody gave anybody else a second glance.

After supper at Aaron's Place they caught Boydini and Ninja-boy's act in the JI Cabaret. When it was over, and the swelling in their shorts had gone down sufficiently, they saw they still had plenty of time before they were to meet Zack and Ethan at Cody's so they headed upstairs.

Once inside 305 both boys quickly stripped. Yaz headed to the mini-bar and got a coke and a diet coke out and took them to the bed. Toby emerged from the bathroom moments later with his hands behind his back. Yaz looked at the smile on his lover's face and had an idea what he was hiding. The thought both scared and thrilled him.

Toby sat down and showed Yaz the bottle of lube in one hand and two condoms in the other.

"Are you ready?" Toby said.

Yaz nodded.

"It's all right to be nervous, scared. I was the first time and I'll help you. And if you just want to fuck me and not ready to be fucked that's cool too."

"I want both, but I am nervous. Times I wondered if this day would ever come."

"Thought you'd never have sex?"

"Jerking off, oral sex I did, but wanted to save fucking for someone special, the someone special," Yaz said and leaned into Toby and they started kissing.

When they broke the kiss Yaz looked into Toby's eyes, smiled and said, "Make love to me. Let me feel you deep inside."

Toby smiled and gently maneuvered Yaz onto his stomach. Yaz spread his legs and Toby admired the pure red rosebud staring at him. He gently massaged the smooth butt cheeks as he lowered his mouth and started licking up and down the crack, getting steadily closer to his goal. Yaz just moaned until the tip of Toby's tongue made contact and he gave a deep sigh of pleasure.

Toby spread the cheeks apart and pushed his face in and started some serious tongue fucking of a writhing Yaz. Toby loved the taste of virgin boy ass. No, he corrected himself as he deeply inhaled, my lover's virgin ass. An ass that I'm about to make mine.

He kissed the rosebud and knelt between Yaz's legs and grabbed the bottle of lube and coated his right fuck finger and gently pushed at the opening. It slipped in surprisingly easily and Yaz gave a short sharp moan and Toby froze.

"It's ok, I'm fine," Yaz said.

Toby finger fucked Yaz for another few minutes and then added a second coated finger. Five minutes later he used his other hand to slip the condom on his hard leaking cock. A little lube on the rubber and he withdrew his fingers and Yaz turned on his back and lifted his legs.

"I love you boyfriend," Toby said as he placed his cock at Yaz's pulsing entrance.

"I love you boyfriend, now make love to me," Yaz said.

Toby bent down and they kissed as Toby began to push in. He went nice and slow, having to stop a couple times to stop himself cumming as he progressed up the tight hot anus.

Yaz was overwhelmed by the new sensations coursing through him. Not just the physical sensation of a cock entering him for the first time but all the feelings of love. Of two boys who love each other joined in that most special and perfect way. Condom or no he felt every inch of Toby's hard cock as it progressed up. The joys of the joining, in, out and stop until he felt Toby's trimmed bush on his buns.

"You're in, all the way in and it feels so good. What I've been waiting for for so long."

"I'm so happy you waited," Toby said and began to slow long fuck his lover.

Yaz kept his hands off his own cock but felt it get hard, throb and then leak as Toby fucked him. Wasn't sure how much was his prostate being rubbed and how much pure erotic ecstasy.

Toby started speeding up with shorter strokes driving Yaz to grab hold of his cock and start jerking furiously until he blew sending his boy cum high up over his head. When sperm splattered across his back Toby lost control and after one last deep inward thrust shot his load. A load that was so big and lasted so long he was sure the condom had overfilled and burst.

Finally empty Toby slowly pulled out and found the rubber still there and intact, but very full. He carefully removed it from his deflating cock and then emptied it over Yaz's chest.

That was way too much," Yaz said, "You can fuck me any time you want."

"Anytime you want," Toby said and they joined in a deep soul joining kiss.

"You ready?" Toby asked.

Yaz shook his head, "Think you fucked every seed out of me. Time for me later, let's cuddle."

"Sounds good love."

And it was time after they got back from drinks and snacks with Ethan, Zack and Justin. Toby could tell from the second they walked into the room that Yaz was more nervous about fucking than being fucked.

"What's the matter love? You worried that your boy cock won't satisfy me after all the men who've fucked me?"

Yaz turned away and nodded. Toby gently turned him back around and hugged him.

"First of all your cock is more than big enough and works well enough to give me all the sexual pleasure I will ever need. More, you'll be making love to me not fucking me like some john and that'll give me more pleasure and happiness than anything."

"Really?" Yaz said.

"Very really, now do you remember what I did before?"

"Oh hell yes," Yaz screamed and both started giggling.

Finally calming down Yaz got the lube and condom off the night table while Toby flipped over on his stomach. Yaz, whether from earlier or from his studies did know how to get his lover ready, and being fair, it was easier to prep the now retired working boy than the virgin he'd been earlier that afternoon.

Finally ready he tapped Toby's butt and the boy flipped over and raised his legs.

"Go whatever speed you're comfortable at, I'll be able to take it. I just want you to enjoy this experience."

Yaz nodded then inserted his hard clad rod into Toby's waiting hole and slowly slid in. As he progressed he remembered the resistance he'd put up and how Toby wasn't offering any. How much fucking did it take to make it that easy.

Yaz cleared his mind of those thoughts and they were instantly replaced by the lust, the joy and the joining. He'd known, hoped, he'd feel the first two but hadn't the unity he felt with his one love as he stroked deeper and deeper.

Toby felt something different to. Part was the different physical sensations of having sex with a boy his own age rather than a man, but those differences he was used to. As Yaz rammed his cock as deep as he could Toby recognized as the feeling of pure love, physical and from the heart. A love he hadn't come close to feeling before, not even with Reggie.

When Yaz came down from his high he realized Toby hadn't cum so while he continued stroking his cock in and out of Toby's hot ass he bent over and started sucking his love's cockhead. It didn't take long for Toby to scream and fill Yaz's mouth to overflowing.

When they finally woke Wednesday morning they ordered brunch from room service and headed over to Toby's apartment to pack things up and return the key.

"How we going to get everything to your house?" Toby asked.

"First it's our house," Yaz said.


"Yep yep, sweet indeed," Yaz said and they kissed, "How much do you want to bring?"

"Books, TV, some other personal stuff. Leave the whore clothes behind."

"We have TVs," Yaz said.

"I know, maybe even better than mine but I earned it, worked hard to save the money and I'm proud of it," Toby paused, "I hope you understand."

"I do, and I think the answer to our problem is right there," Yaz said and pointed

Across the street was a Kinko's and when Yaz saw the confusion on Toby's face he explained it was a store that among other things shipped out packages via FedEx and that he had his parent's account number with him. They went in and explained to the boy behind the counter what they wanted and needed to do. Ten minutes after Yaz and Toby got to the apartment a team of three boys arrived and packed everything up for a safe trip. They thanked Yaz for their tips and headed out.

"What about the clothes?" Yaz said.

"We'll take them down to the basement. There's a table there we put clothing we don't need any more, mostly outgrown but sometimes just memories of bad john. If nobody here wants them Matt'll brings them to the free clinic."

"Sounds super cool. I'm really impressed with the way you all watch each other's backs."

"Surprised me too but as Matt explained, and he used to be a whore, there's no benefit to being selfish or mean. There are boys, people I'm going to miss," Toby said with a wistfulness that surprised even him.

Yaz took his boyfriend in his arms, "You can write, call, hell maybe we'll even come and visit if you really want."

"Thanks, now let's get going," Toby said and after one final check of the apartment picked up the clothes and headed downstairs.

The elevator arrived empty and did an express run to the basement. The corridor was empty as well, in fact outside of some machinery rumbling it was completely silent.

Until they turned into the common room where they were greeted by a loud, "SURPRISE!!!!!!!!" from a room full of boys.

A Vietnamese-American boy came to the front of the room and hugged the guests of honor. He wiped some tears off of Toby's face then looked at them on his own hand.

"Yaz, my name's Thann and on behalf of all the boys here in this room and the ones who couldn't make it I want to thank you for making our wish come true for our friend Toby and give us hope that maybe one day we'll have a loving family. Toby we are your friends and love you. None of us are jealous that it's you and not one of us, mostly since most of us here picked you as Yaz's mate."

Small laughter filled the room.

"All we ask is that you remember us."

Toby and Yaz hugged Thann.

Toby looked at Yaz and Yaz nodded.

"First of all just a few minutes ago upstairs I told my love that it was cool if he kept in contact with you guys. That if we wanted to come down to visit it was doable because even before this I felt how much you guys mean to each other and what a special place Peckertown is for those of us who aren't as lucky as I am. But this is too much, more than we expected but we're happy to have this chance to get together. We would also like you and whoever else can make it to be our guest at dinner tomorrow night at the JI, at whatever's a good time."

"Make it four and make it for sixty, though you can tell them they might have to scurry for extra tables, and it'll be casual not working dress," Thann said, "but we do have something for you today. Bert, Jose roll it up."

The crowd separated and from the rear two boys rolled a table up with a big sheet cake and a gift wrapped box.

Toby took the knife, "Guys, you've been my friends and family since I arrived here and part of me is sad to leave but as Thann said this is our dream and for all of us I will make the most of it. But I'm not going just for that, I love Yaz, loved him from the start and if any of you get this kind of chance remember that," he kissed two fingers and held them up, "Love you all."

Everybody repeated it and then Toby cut the cake.

After the party Yaz and Toby took a taxi back to the hotel and begged to see Billy Ray Bob right away. Fortunately he was able to set up the party Yaz had blurted out at the last moment.

"And we'll do it buffet with whatever choices you want. That'll let us handle extras easier plus from other events we've held for working boys it just works better."

"Thanks, they surprised us and I knew that couldn't be last time we saw them and it just blurted out," Yaz said.

"I'm glad you did," Toby said.

"Me too, and not just because of the extra business," Billy Ray Bob said.

"If you guys have done buffets for boys before I'll leave menu and everything up to you. I trust you to set a fair price including a good tip for everybody who works."

"Thanks for the trust. You'll have all the information waiting for you at the desk later this afternoon. Just look it over and sign it. If you have any questions I can be reached at any time.

They shook hands and Yaz and Toby headed up to 305.

They stripped, lay down on the bed, made magical love and napped.

The phone rang the next morning in 305 waking the teenaged boys and Toby answered it.


"Sorry they must have given me the wrong room," a woman said.

Toby sat up a little more, "who you looking for?"


"One second ma'am," Toby said and covered the mouthpiece, "Yaz, I think it's your Mom."


"It's a woman asking for Yaz, don't think it's your girlfriend lover," Toby said.

"What a disgusting concept, give me the phone," Yaz said.

"Here he is ma'am," Toby said into the phone and handed Yaz the phone.

"Mom?" Yaz said.

"Hi honey, how are you?"

"I'm great, never been better and yes that was my lover, my love and your new son," Yaz said.

He realized that while his voice was confident he was trembling and held his other hand out to Toby who took it tenderly.

Toby heard the scream of joy though he was three feet [90 cm] from the receiver placed next to Yaz's ear.

"Son, that's great. How soon can the two of you meet us down in the lobby for lunch?" Yaz's father said.

"You're here?"

"Just arrived, we decided if it didn't go well you'd need support on trip home and if it did it would be fairer for the boy to meet us first."

"That's so cool Dad, we'll be down in about a half hour," Yaz said.

"See you then."

"I'm going to meet your rents now?" Toby said.

Yaz leaned in and kissed away the fear, "They're so happy I found you and I know you'll make the greatest impression. Now go shower, no time for love right now."

They walked out of the elevator thirty-five minutes later and after looking around for a moment spotted Yaz's rents looking through the window at the nude pool. They walked up behind them.

"Sorry Mom, no women allowed in there," Toby said.

Both adults jumped before turning. His father hugged Yaz while Mom hugged Toby. After switching they took a good look at Toby who was dressed the same way he'd been when he met Yaz.

"Sure found yourself a hot boy," his mother said.

"Mom!" Yaz said and blushed deeply as did Toby.

"And young man you seem to have brought out something in my son I haven't seen in a while."

"What Sir?"

"My wife's Mom and I am Sir?"

Toby smiled radiated, "What Dad?"

"That's better son, and that is happiness. I have one question though."

"Sure, wait, my name's Toby. Guess in excitement forgot to say it before."

"Smart boy too," Mom said, "Now where for lunch?"

"Aaron's Place is best for lunch, besides few of our friends working there now so they can come to our party at four," Yaz said.

Yaz and Toby headed off but were pulled up short when Dad said, "What party?"

"Just a little good bye party with some of my friends," Toby said.

"That's nice, how many?" Mom said.

"About sixty," Yaz said, "Let's go, I'm starving."

"That's nice dears, I'm hungry too," Mom said and everybody laughed.

The host raised his eyebrows when Yaz and Toby walked in with Mom and Dad but not as high as Yaz's rents when they saw the uniforms on the hot boys.

"Toby, are all these boys gay?" Mom asked.

"They're almost all gay for pay but a good number are straight or bi. No matter what we don't care and they're here because Peckertown is a safe place for them."

"Hello, welcome to Aaron's Place, my name is Justin and I'll be your waiter. Can I get you something to drink?"

"First you can look at your customers," Yaz said gently.

Justin shook his head, "I know it's the two of you with your parents."

Yaz and Toby got up and went to their friend and hugged him.

"Come sit with us for a moment, I'd like you to meet them," Yaz said and lifted Justin's head so he could look him in the eye.

"Oh my God, I don't believe it," Dad said standing.

Justin tried to run but Toby held him tight while Yaz and his mother stared.

Aaron Jorgenson and Zeus came hurrying up.

"Something the matter?" Aaron said.

"Is there someplace we can go and talk in private?" Dad said.

"Sure, follow me," Zeus said.

"Stay with us Zeus, please," Toby said as he held the shaking Justin.

"Of course."

A few minutes later the six were sitting around a round table in a private dining room. Zeus had his arm around Justin who had his head burrowed into the big man.

"I think I'd better start," Dad said.

"Sounds like a good idea Dr. Ramsey," Zeus said.

"Dad, so you know," Toby said, "not only is Zeus the hotel's general manager he's a licensed practicing adolescent psychologist. Mine actually."

"That's good, my wife and I are doctors specializing in the human reproductive system with a specialty in adolescents. But that is not how I know Justin."

"He's never had any problem cumming," Toby said and blushed.

Justin giggled but didn't emerge from under Zeus' arm.

"Justin's father and I went back a long ways, we were assigned each other as roommates freshman year at Stanford and stayed together through med school. We went our separate directions after school but kept in touch. He settled down in Yuma while we ended up in Longston, NJ."

"Longston? Know some people up there," Zeus said with a smile.

"Anyway about year and a half ago my old friend calls me up all upset and screaming how he'd just thrown his fucking faggot of a son out of the house with just the clothes on his back. So you know this was shortly after Yaz came out to us. I was stunned, shocked and yelled back at how could he do such a thing? When I told him about Yaz he said if I condoned such evil under my roof he didn't want anything to do with me any more and slammed the phone down."

"Dad how come we never visited them?" Yaz said.

"We did when you were both very young, too young to remember but you did play well together even with Justin being about a year older which is big at that age. After that careers and tastes got in the way."

Justin pulled out from Zeus enough so everybody could see his face.

"He had pictures of the two of you together and sort of saw you in Yaz but then today I just wanted to run."

"Why Justin?" Yaz said.

"Your Dad reminded me of mine and memories and thoughts weren't good. Worried how'd he feel if he recognized me," Justin said softly.

Yaz's mother got up and walked over to Justin and took him into her arms. He went slowly at first but in moments was crying on her shoulder. As he wept she looked at her husband and sons. Each in turned nodded to the unspoken question. Zeus nodded as well.

"Justin, I've got a question," she said.

He picked his head up and wiped his eyes and nose with back of his hand.

"What?" Justin said.

"We would like you to come live with us. Be our son."

"Be our brother," Yaz said.

"But wouldn't fit in at that fancy school, I was never a good student and too gay to hide it," Justin said.

"Things happened so quickly I never got to tell Yaz and Toby but they're not and you wouldn't be going to that school. You'll be going to Longston Academy which not only has a gay-straight group but has experience with boys like Toby and you with major gaps in formal education or even none at all."

"That's true, a couple of boys I know from Longston go there, one hadn't had any formal schooling and is doing great," Zeus said.

"What about my parents? Don't want them taking me back," Toby said.

"I'll call the judge up and set up a quick hearing giving your new parents full custody if that's what you want," Zeus said.

"Can you make it for both Toby and Justin?" Mr. Ramsey said.

"I got my emancipation papers two months ago so I'm free to go wherever I want," Justin said, "but making it legal sounds so sweet."

"Maybe make it adoption," Mrs. Ramsey said.

"I'll try, be sweet if it gets done before the party," Zeus said.

At three they walked into Judge Monroe's chambers and walked out fifteen minutes later with orders giving Dr. & Dr. Ramsey complete custody of both boys. Toby's father had put the brakes on the adoption of both boys.

"Toby," he'd said over the speakerphone, "Are you all right?"

"Yes Sir, I'm healthy physically and never been happier or more in love, felt more loved than I feel right now," Toby said.

"I deserve that last one and I know I made mistakes with you, mostly listening to your grandfather and mother about how to raise you and what to do with you after you were kicked out of school. We won't be that far apart after you move to Longston so if you want to see me or your brother at any point that can be arranged. No, that didn't come out right. I would like to see you and I think Audrey would too if you want to at any point."

"Thanks Sir," Toby said and wiped tears from his eyes, "Not now but maybe sometime."

"We'd have no objections Mr. Heinrich though I think I'd want to be along for the first visit," Mr. Ramsey said.

"No problem and I hope you all understand my thinking here about giving up my parental rights. My wife would do it in a second and if she or her father found out about this it would just be more harassment from them about how I brought a faggot son into the world. You see if I do what you ask you'd be eliminated from the trust funds and your future inheritance."

"I don't care about the money," Toby said.

"And we don't really need it," Mrs. Ramsey said.

"I understand that, and grateful but right now each of my sons stands to inherit a quarter of a billion dollars along with trust funds they can currently access for schooling or other important things totaling another twenty million or so each. And most of that inheritance comes due when your grandfather dies."

"Are you sure he hasn't cut Toby out already?" Judge Monroe asked.

"Positive, told him if he did I'd spread the word that he and his precious princess threw her oldest son out onto the street because he's gay," Mr. Heinrich laughed, "Old man was impressed not only did he promise not to, in writing no less, I got my first promotion at the bank since Audrey was born. So you see it's not a small amount of money here. It's enough to change all your lives for the better."

"He's right son, that kind of money invested badly would make sure you and Yaz and your kids and grandchildren would never have to work," Mr. Ramsey said.

"Or do the kind of work you want to regardless of how much you make from it," Mrs. Ramsey said.

"That sounds better, I liked earning my own money," Toby said.

"Me too," Justin added.

"Thanks father, I guess then Mom and Dad will just get complete custody of me," Toby said.

"Sounds like a plan," Mr. Heinrich said, "and if anybody challenges it let me know at once. Now Judge, Mr. Morgan is there anything I can do for the boys down there who helped my son and were his friends?"

"Well the Free Legal Clinic is looking to expand, add another lawyer," Judge Monroe said.

"Sounds good, get me their address and I'll send a check for a hundred thousand down and have them get hold of me and we'll set something up to make sure it keeps going."

"Thanks father, and we will meet sometime soon," Toby said.

"Great, love you, bye," his father said and disconnected before anybody could respond.

Justin broke the silence a few minutes later, "If Toby's not getting adopted I'm not sure if I do. Don't know if it's fair."

Toby grinned, "Bro shut up. Judge Monroe make my custody and his adoption official because we've got a party to get to."

"Yeah," Yaz said and kissed both boys on the cheek.

At ten after four Zeus took the mike in front of nearly a hundred boys and the room fell silent.

"Since you were invited there's been a change," he paused and felt the air rush out of the room, "No, it's not what you're afraid of."

"Then what?" a boy called from the back of the room as air began seeping in.

"Toby and Yaz are going back with a brother," Zeus said.

"Who?" Ethan shouted but knew in his heart.

"Let me introduce the newly minted Justin Ramsey coming in with his brothers Toby and Yaz and their parents Mr. & Mrs. Ramsey."

The crowd went nuts and swarmed the five. Each boy needed to touch the miracle if only for a moment.

Zeus finally called for quiet and handed Mr. Ramsey the mike.

"Wow, thanks for the warm welcome," he paused and adjusted his cock, "Very warm welcome."

The crowd roared with laughter.

"When my son came up with this idea I said yes because I knew no matter how much his mother and I loved him and supported him he was unhappy and feeling alone. Of course we were worried about what would happen, especially if he weren't successful or the boy didn't want to move. One thing we knew was he'd be welcomed by the boys of Peckertown. I want to thank you for helping Yaz and for being supportive friends to our two new sons Toby and Justin. Thank you and I believe it is now time to eat, drink and be merry."

A long cheer went up and then the feeding frenzy began.

When Mrs. Ramsey woke up the next morning a couple of things struck her at once. She and husband were naked in bed. The room smelled of sex. And there were about a dozen hot naked boys fast asleep on the other bed and floor. She realized she didn't't remember anything after they left the party, didn't really remember leaving the party for that matter.

She smiled at her sleeping husband and went back to sleep.

Down in 305 Yaz, Toby, Justin, Ethan and Zack were spooned together on the king sized bed. Yaz woke at the same time and loved the feeling of Toby's hair on his shoulders, nipple rings in his back and hard cock up his ass. He wondered briefly if his rents had enjoyed the sex with the boys as much as he had the love making with his brothers and friends.

He smiled, gently squeezed Toby's hand he held in his own and went back to sleep.

The Ramsey family left for the airport after lunch at Cody's with Ethan and Zack and went to sleep in Longston, NJ that night.