Sidney Gittler
Arkansas Vacation
Chapters 39-40
Chapter 39 The Baby House
By David
The concept of diaper play and Teen Babies is real and there are a few tiny websites on the web that discuss this. One of the best places to go is Deeker's place. The place is worth a look, so check it out (sorry, no longer there, Cel).
The therapy group was winding down at the end of the twice-weekly sessions. Dr. Wechtel asked for any final comments and D2 raised his hand.
"Yes D2," the doctor said.
"Doc, Worm, everybody, I know that I've always asked you to call me D2. There were many reasons for that but I've been thinking recently and I want to, in honor of my father return to my given name, Damien Robinson the Second."
Worm leaped from his chair and hugged his boyfriend. "Is that what's been bugging you?"
Damien nodded. "Sorry, but something I had to do myself."
"D2, I mean Damien I'm proud of you. That's a big step forward," Dr. Wechtel said.
"And I'm going to court not only to get my emancipation but to change my name to Worm," Worm said, "until it becomes Worm Robinson that is."
"Cool," Damien said.
"Anybody else?" the doctor asked, "In that case I'll see y'all next time." Everybody stood and hugged each other before leaving.
"Wanna go to the Tasty Buns for a snack?" Damien asked Worm.
The four-foot [1.20 m], brown-haired, green-eyed boy looked up at his foot and a half taller boyfriend for a moment.
"Sure, why not? I've heard they have a new dish on the menu. Something to do with shrimp," Worm said.
Damien grinned. "Good. I heard about it myself and wanted to try it out myself. I need to stop at Doc Schwartz's office for a moment for the latest test results first."
Worm took his hand, "He's still worried?"
"Not really, said if this is ok won't want another one for six months unless I'm in an accident or something. Even though the knife missed my vitals and what Timmy did, he was concerned that everything might not be working. Be nice if the results were good."
Worm sighed. Damien had been through so much in the last few months, starting back when he had been attacked. After he got out of the hospital, he then went through the stress of a trial in which he had gotten the entire estate his late father had left him. His so called mother had all but handed the state of Iowa the evidence needed to convict her of conspiracy to commit murder, hiring a person to commit murder, special allegation of planning to commit murder, and so on when she revealed in a fit of rage that she had his father whacked. The next blow was finding out that even though a boy named Timmy (also known in the S&M circles as The One) had healed him, he'd never go back to work at the Little Leather Club. Damien had enjoyed that life and now it was gone. He had wandered Peckertown for days and then started drinking. It took a quick kick in the ass from Scott Davis before Damien got seriously into the bottle to go and check out the victims support group that was run out of the old high school. That's where they had met. Worm had been going to the support group for a long time after the Davis business that destroyed at least two boys. Scott Davis from time to time dropped in and he'd talk to the boys who were there. Scott introduced Worm to Damien, thinking they were compatible. For the most part they were. They played it cool, becoming friends at first and then as time had gone by they grew close and become lovers.
Damien led the way to Dr. Schwartz's office. Just as they walked in, they saw a boy in diapers sitting on the exam table.
"Sorry, did we come at a bad time?" Damien asked.
"We are just about finished," Schwartz said.
The boy sitting on the table waved. "Hi. My name's Teddy."
Damien grinned at the boy. "Nice to meet you. I'm Damien and this is my partner Worm." Turning to Schwartz, "We can wait outside."
The man nodded and both of them went outside to wait. Fortunately it wasn't a long wait. Teddy emerged a moment later. He was cute; standing about four foot one [1.23 m] with blond hair cut spiky short, and ice blue eyes. He waved at the two of them and walked down the hall in the typical boy's apparel, shorts, shirt, and trainers. Both of them turned to Schwartz as he came out of the exam room.
"Right," he said, retrieving Damien's chart. "According to the test results, everything is still functioning like it should in there. So in that case, this was the last test you need to take. You're very healthy."
"Not even six months like you said?" Damien said excitedly.
"Nope, but you have to promise me any thing doesn't feel right you're here," Dr. Schwartz said.
"You got it, thanks," Damien said.
"Worm, get him out of here and help him enjoy his life, will you? Don't know why he's here," the doctor said.
Worm grinned. "Be my pleasure."
Damien grinned as he shook Dr. Schwartz's hand. "Thanks for everything." Both of them took each other's hands and walked out of the doctor's office and into the warm spring day. Both were in a good mood as they headed for the Tasty Buns. Arriving at the restaurant, they got a booth and sat down. A black haired boy walked up to them and put menus on the table. Damien grinned as he checked out the nearly nude waiter dressed in a thong and shoes. Worm shook his head and poked his boyfriend.
"Darling, stare any longer and you'll burn your eyes out," Worm cracked.
Damien blushed and turned to his lover. "Sorry honey."
Worm sighed and returned to his menu as Damien picked up his. They ended up getting the new shrimp special and pronounced it good. Naturally that made Elija beam from ear to ear as they paid him complements on the new platter. They left the restaurant and headed home to a small apartment that Damien had gotten with a little of the money he'd managed to get his hands on along with his earnings at the Jorgenson Inn. The bulk of the Estate would be clearing any day now. All of his father's companies and holdings had been sold by order of the Iowa court. Momma had put up one hell of a fight, but lost as the transcript of her criminal trial was introduced. She went to jail for the rest of her life while Damien got it all. Damien felt justice and his father's memory had been served.
Damien felt bored. Now that he couldn't work for Benjy anymore he was feeling useless. He had done what he could around their home to keep from going buggy when Worm was working down at the hotel. Damien wandered around Peckertown a lot, and got to see a good part of the town. He also heard things about life on the streets and decided once his money cleared he'd make a few donations to the hospital, the support group, and other programs aimed to help other boys. But the one thing he was hearing a lot was about a small group of boys who were getting dropped off in Peckertown because they wore diapers. Remembering Teddy, Damien decided to go and see Dr. Schwartz.
"Kind of sad," Schwartz sighed, running his fingers through his thinning salt and pepper hair. "The parents drop them off here because they can't handle the fact that junior wears diapers. A few of them wear diapers because of severe stress in their lives caused by some trauma at their old home. Some wear diapers because infections or physical trauma destroyed the nerves in their bladders. Some wear because their bladders are underdeveloped. Other boys wear diapers simply because they like to. Mommy and Daddy can't handle that and they drop them off here and leave them." That was then that Damien was struck with a wild idea. He outlined the idea with Schwartz. The man looked at Damien with a slight smile on his face. "That would be cool. A lot of these boys would love to be babied, cuddled, and cared for. They would definitely benefit from this."
Damien nodded. "I'll head home and sit down and work this whole thing out on paper. Can I count on your for your professional advice?"
"You got it, kid. Suggest you run this thing past Zeus and Dr. Wechtel and see what they say. I'm sure they must know some of these kids," Dr. Schwartz said. Damien went home and sat in his den for the next three hours, working the idea out on paper. Seeing the time he got up and made dinner for himself and Worm. After dinner was done and cleared, he sat down and presented his idea to Worm.
"I like the idea. It would make a lot of those boys feel wanted. I wonder if there are other boys who would want to be involved in this," Worm said.
"I want to go and see Zeus about this," Damien said. "Doc Schwartz suggested that I should. He said Zeus might know some of them. I'm thinking of getting some of the slaves involved in this as well. Strictly on a volunteer basis, of course."
"That's a good idea. Just don't involve me, I'm not into that scene," Worm said.
Damien frowned. "Why not? I kinda like the idea of babying you, even just one time."
Worm sighed. "Just pass on me, okay?"
"Okay," Damien sighed, feeling a bit put out.
"I'm willing to help with the business end of it, but that's as far as I'll go," Worm said. "Please accept that."
"All right," Damien sighed. Worm got up to get a soda from the refrigerator. He had the feeling that this was not the last he was going to hear of this. He liked Damien and loved him a lot, but he didn't want to be babied. He didn't feel comfortable with that. Damien turned on the big screen to the all boy sport channel and they watched the gymnastics semi-finals for the rest of the evening. The heavy favorite took first as everyone predicted.
"He's talented," Damien remarked as they headed up to bed in the apartment they shared at the moment.
"Yes he is. Never thought I'd see a Chinese kid emigrate here and ask for asylum," Worm remarked as he stripped down for bed.
"Sure threw the Chinese for a loop," Damien said as he gently pulled Worm to him. "Got the feeling it will happen again."
Worm laughed. "Serves them right for trying to control people's lives."
"You know it. I'm coming to work with you in the morning. I want to talk to Zeus about the project and then go scout out property," Damien said as Worm snuggled close to him.
"Good luck with that," Worm said as Damien turned out the light.
"Thanks, love. You feel so warm against me, I love this," Damien said.
"Are you trying to get fresh with me?" Worm asked as he grinned in the dark.
"I do believe I am," Damien laughed.
"Well, in that case," Worm said, kissing him. The lovemaking began.
Zeus sat in his leather office chair looking thoughtful as Damien outlined his plan. He listened carefully to what Damien had to say.
"I like the idea. It's a good one. Here's my first question. Are you going to allow sexual contact between the boys and the clients?" Zeus asked.
"That will be between the boys and the clients. I'm not making it mandatory. It's one of the things I'm going to ask each boy when he comes. If he wants to have sex with the client, fine. If not I won't force him to. The client who gets that boy will be made to sign a statement stating he will refrain from sexual activity. If he doesn't, he's out. Each boy will have a hot button device to push should the need arise. I want to hire security to monitor everything that goes on," Damien said.
Zeus nodded. "You've got everything well thought out. Let me approach a few of the boys and see what they say. I'm sure they will be overjoyed to find a place to live and work at."
"Very cool," Damien nodded.
"Would you mind stepping out for a moment? I need to make a call," Zeus said. Damien stood up and walked out. He looked at a bulletin board announcing coming attractions at the hotel. Zeus came out a moment later.
"Do you know who the drummer of Powersound is?" he asked Damien as they walked out the foyer.
"Yeah. Connor or something," Damien replied.
"Well, I just called him and his father and talked to them. They gave me permission to tell you about them. They are into the baby scene. Daddy likes to baby Connor in the way you want to do with the Baby House. They told me to give you their address. They are expecting you at their house," Zeus said as he handed Damien a piece of paper.
Damien grinned. "Thanks Zeus."
"When you are ready to hire security, call me. I can help," Zeus grinned.
Damien shook Zeus's hand. "Thanks for your help."
The taxi dropped Damien off in front of the Powersound compound. He pressed the buzzer next to Nelson's name and waited.
"Hello?" the voice said. Damien turned and faced the speaker. "Hi, this is Damien Robinson to see Connor or Nelson. Are they in?"
"Damien Robinson?" the voice said, "It's Connor. I'll buzz you in the pedestrian gate. Push on it when you hear a buzz." Damien heard a buzz and pushed on the gate and walked into the grounds. He walked up to the houses and noted how nice they looked.
"Someone sure knows their stuff. Too bad Worm couldn't come with me. Maybe I'll invite these guys to the hotel for a late lunch." Another taxi pulled up at the gate and blew its horn. Damien turned around to see Worm waving at him. He jogged back to the gate and opened it.
"Worm, you made it!" Damien exclaimed as he hugged the smaller boy. "I thought you couldn't get off till later. I was going to call you and see if we could do a late lunch."
"Zeus kicked me off for the rest of the day with full pay. Said this was important," Worm said as they walked up to the house.
Damien sighed. "I'm glad. Did he tell you about them?"
"He sure did. Hope they can give us advice," Worm said as he knocked on the door once they arrived. The front door opened and Nelson stood there.
"Hi! You two must be Damien and Worm. Come on in." The two boys followed the man into the house and to the living room. They saw a few baby toys scattered around the living room and a playpen in a corner.
"Excuse the mess. I haven't had the chance to clean up. I've been camped out on the phone most of the day trying to get some details for an upcoming show ironed out," Nelson said as they sat down on the couch.
"No problem," Worm said. "I just hope we aren't bothering you."
Nelson leaned back on the couch. "Not at all. Would you like coffee or a soda?" As he got the drinks for Worm and Damien, he sat down once again as Connor walked into the living room and saw them there.
"Hey Dad, are these the guys Zeus told you about?" Connor asked. Nelson looked up as Connor sat down. "Yes son. They are here to ask us about what we do here at home."
"Oh?" Connor asked.
"They want to start some kind of resort for men to come and baby boys," Nelson said to Connor.
"Huh. Funny you should mention that. I've heard from a friend lately that there's a small group of boys here in Peckertown who live out by the old campground cabins who wear diapers and live off the kindness of charity to live. They go to the free clinics in town to get medical care and other things," Connor said.
"I've heard of them too," Worm said. "This is one of the reasons we are doing this to help them. We are planning to invite other boys who like to or need to wear diapers too."
"Well, I guess the best way to start is by telling you guys our story and go from there," Nelson said.
They talked for about two hours about the subject, even showing off Connor's nursery. Damien and Worm seemed impressed by the room. Worm took notes on what he saw, estimating the number of things they would need to outfit the place. He knew that they would have to find a place first and then talk to the boys before he could start ordering furniture and supplies.
"Thanks for taking time to talk to us," Damien said as they left the house. Worm was deep in thought as they went back to the hotel in the taxi. Damien noticed his quiet mood and wondered what was up.
"You okay?" he asked Worm.
Worm looked up. "Just thinking. I hope we are doing the right thing here."
Damien nodded. "I hope so too. I know I'm enthusiastic about this, but all this hinges on what those guys will say. I'm thinking we should stage a discussion group with Zeus sitting in and see how that goes."
"Good idea," Worm said. "That should help." Zeus liked the idea. "Let's stage it at the hospital clinic with Schwartz in attendance. These guys trust him."
"Let's do it," Damien nodded.
The meet was set for the next week. Damien and Worm went to see the Scotti Brothers the next morning. He related his idea and they liked it. Tay Scotti told them of a resort that was on the north side of the lake that stood empty ever since the law had passed. The city owned the property for the back taxes and hadn't been able to sell it since. Damien's cell rang at that moment. It turned out to be his attorney for Iowa.
Hello?" Damien answered.
"Hi, Damien. This is Cathy Trower from Iowa. Great news, everything is done and the money has been wired to your account at the Peckertown bank. Congratulations, anything you need done up here give us a call.
Damien's face lit up and he felt joy race through him. "Thank you! I really appreciate all your work on this."
"Good luck," she said and hung up. Worm noted the huge grin and the bright shiny eyes on Damien's face. He shook Damien gently and the boy blinked.
"Good news?" Jay asked in his lilting Scottish brogue.
"You could say that," Damien said grinning.
Worm blinked.
"It all came through." Damien laughed excitedly, "It's in the bank here."
Jay slowly eased himself away from the desk. Damien grinned.
"Can we go see the place?" Tay smiled.
"Sure thing. I need to get the keys to the Range Rover."
Damien followed Jay and Tay out the door to a bright yellow Range Rover. Worm squeezed Damien's hand.
"It's finally finished," Worm said.
Damien sighed. "It sure is. I really don't know anything about Dad's business he tried not to bring it home. Probably explains why he wasn't home that much. I think the Board of Directors wasn't too keen about taking orders from a thirteen-year-old former slave and my selling them the whole works worked out for everyone. Having Trower helping me out was a good thing. Because of her I got a lot more money than I ever thought I would. Silvers help was appreciated as well. Being here does have its advantages."
Worm laughed, "No kidding!"
Jay turned around in the passenger seat. "I agree. It's given us kids a chance to prove to the world that we can do things adults think we can't. Jay and I sell houses, Kenny owns the local paper and a construction company, and Yoshi married his sweetie and has a very popular band. I could keep on going, the list is getting longer."
"Amazing, isn't it?" Damien sighed. Jay and Tay just laughed. They stopped at the gate to the property and unlocked it. The paved road ended at the gate. Damien now knew why the Range Rover was needed.
"First thing I do is get a proper road built," Damien said as Worm wrote it down.
Jay grinned. "That would be helpful." They pulled up to the main building and went in. There was a table with a few chairs around it in the middle of the lobby. Jay walked up to it as the others followed. Tay opened a large map of the property.
"There are a total of one hundred rooms and cabins combined. The main building houses fifty rooms and the grounds have fifty cabins. The fifty rooms are spread out over two floors. The cabins are two bedrooms, one bath, living room, kitchen and a dining room. The rooms are one bedroom, living room area and a full bath. The bedrooms are twenty by twenty, same size as the living room. You reach the bathroom by going into the bedroom area. Plenty of room for Daddy and baby," Jay giggled. Worm rolled his eyes and sighed as Damien laughed. Tay pulled a sheet, which turned out to be the blueprints for the ground floor.
"Here's the ground floor. There are a number of rooms available to hold meetings and conventions, a large dining room, kitchen, bar area, and a few extra rooms," Tay pointed to them. They went and walked through the ground floor area, and a few of the rooms upstairs. Then they got back into the Range Rover and drove around the grounds and checked out a few of the cabins. Damien instantly knew this was the place.
"What do you need to hold this place?" Damien asked.
"Just your word, we can settle on the price later," Jay answered as the headed back to town.
Damien nodded.
"You got it." The Scotti Brothers grinned. "Done and done."
Damien and Worm went to the Tasty Buns for an early dinner and talked about what they had seen.
"The place is really spread out," Worm said.
"I forgot to ask how many acres," Damien said. "But that's okay. More than enough to do what I have in mind."
Worm looked up. "Just don't go overboard, Damien. You don't need to spend money on unnecessary things. While I'm thinking of it, I should have you sit down with the general managers and ask them about things at the hotel."
Zeus walked in with the Snitz twins and Damien waved him over and told him the good news about the money and the hotel. Zeus was impressed but reiterated to Damien what everybody else was telling him.
"Look, I know you want to rush but take your time and do it right. The boys will be here whenever you're ready. Speaking of them the word is out about the meeting and I've already got ten people on the list," Zeus said.
"Good. I got a bunch of ideas for the place," Damien said.
"Come around tomorrow and I'll introduce you to the general managers and have them sit down with you and talk to you," Zeus said. "Hopefully they can help you."
"My honey just suggested that, I'll be there," Damien replied. They stopped at the bank to make sure the transfer had gotten through all right and arranged a meeting with an investment counselor to deal with the bulk of the money. Damien walked out of the bank feeling like he was on top of the world. Worm followed him, knowing Damien had grown up rich before coming down to Peckertown but hoped that having all that money under his control wouldn't go to Damien's head. He quietly prayed and hoped that wasn't the case. He decided to ask Zeus to mention something to Damien and hoped Damien wouldn't get mad.
They spent a romantic evening on the couch in front of the fireplace that night. Damien held Worm close to him and every so often kissed him on the neck. Worm would sigh and snuggle closer. A moment later Damien stood up and unfolded the thick Tiger throw and spread it on the floor in front of the fireplace and tossed a couple of large thick pillows on it. He sat down on the throw, turned and pulled Worm's shoes and socks off, and then took his right foot into his hands and slowly began to massage his foot. Worm sighed as the pleasure made its self-known. He loved it when Damien did this. Damien spent ten minutes on each foot, taking the time to do it right. Worm slid down to the floor and sat down. Damien sat behind him and pulled the collar of his white shirt away from his neck and slowly began kissing Worm's neck. Worm closed his eyes, sighed, and shivered from the pleasure. He felt Damien's hands move down to the torso and begin to unbutton the shirt. Damien slowly pulled the shirt off Worm and then ran his hands over the smaller boy's body, making Worm moan softly.
"Oh baby," he moaned as Damien began to play with the tiny nipples. Damien could feel the tiny dots under his fingertips. Worm used to worry about them being so small, but Damien had convinced them they were just fine, he liked them that way. Worm moaned and shivered in Damien's arms. He felt safe and secure in Damien's arms. Damien let his fingertips drift over Worm's body, enjoying the smooth skin against his fingertips. He laid Worm down on the throw and unbuttoned his jeans and slowly pulled them off Worm. He watched the very slender legs appear as the material slid down them. Worm was wearing a blue colored jock. Seeing that turned Damien on. Worm saw the lust and desire in Damien's eyes and knew he was in for a very good time that night.
Worm's prediction of pleasure was right on the money. Damien stretched out in front of Worm and started caressing the inside of the boy's thighs. Worm laid back and sighed from the good feelings. Damien gently rolled Worm over onto his tummy and started rubbing Worm's back, alternating between soft erotic touches and massage. He kissed the pert rounded buns and put his nose into the cleft parting the delightful ass and sniffed, smelling the musky and sweat smells there. The scents went to Damien's head, making him high. He curled his fingers into the waistband of the blue jock and pulled it down and off of Worm's body. Damien grabbed a big round pillow from the pile on the floor and tapped worm's right side. Worm raised up and then settled on the pillow. His ass was now up in the air, leaving his anus wide open for Damien. Damien licked the round buns before moving into the center. He slowly dragged his tongue across the top of Worm's anal opening making the boy cry out in passion. Damien slowly worked his tongue inside of Worm's ass and began licking it out. Worm writhed about as he felt Damien's tongue fucking his hole.
"Oh baby, so good, so hot! Lick it out, eat me good!" Worm cried. Damien kept working Worm's anus, flicking his tongue in and out of the boy hole. He enjoyed making love to Worm. He backed off a moment later and let Worm rest a bit. Worm rolled off the pillow and lay on his back. Damien could see Worm's very long and very thin cock standing up. What made it even more unique was the extra extra foreskin that Worm had on his cock. Dr. Schwartz had offered to trim the excess off but Worn told him no way. He liked having that extra skin there, and so did Damien. He once tried out the theory someone once told him about putting the tongue between the foreskin and the cock and then swirl the tongue around. Worm had literally jumped clear off the bed the first time Damien tried it. That quickly became part of the routine, and Damien did it every time they made love.
Damien began licking at Worm's tiny teats, making him writhe underneath him. Worm groaned in pleasure, knowing that Damien was going to blow him good. Damien grinned at Worm's reaction, knowing what was wanted from him. He definitely was going to get it that was for sure. Damien began licking at the excess skin on Worm's cock and then went to town on it. Worm lay there and whimpered the whole time Damien pleasured his cock. Worm loved to feel Damien's warm wet mouth on his cock. Damien sucked him off until he was nearly cumming. Damien backed off and stood up. Worm watched by the firelight as Damien slowly stripped his clothes off. Damien knew Worm wanted his cock up inside him now. Damien got down on his back as Worm lubed up his cock. He slipped a finger inside Damien and got him stretched out and ready. Worm moved up between Damien's legs, put himself at Damien's entry, and pushed. Damien moaned at he felt Worm enter him. He felt Worm's cock go deep inside of him and he shivered at the feeling. For Worm the feelings were multiplied. He loved feeling Damien's anal muscle squeeze his long skinny cock. He loved fucking his boyfriend's tight ass. He loved being a part of Damien when he made love to him. Both boys groaned as Worm made love to Damien. Damien urged Worm on by gently squeezing his arms. Worm tilted his head back and pushed harder into Damien and then suddenly, started to ejaculate deep into him.
"Cumming, I'm cumming," he sighed. Damien felt Worm's cock swell slightly and then shoot his sperm out into his ass.
"Oh baby, love you!" Damien cried. Worm pulled out once he ran dry and Damien wrapped his arms around his lover as they kissed each other, tongues deep in mouths. Damien pulled another blanket over them and they fell asleep together.
The next few months flew by as Damien and Worm worked to get the resort ready. The meeting with the diaper boys and those who were interested in being a part of the action went extremely well. Damien and Worm established a list of the boys who were willing to engage in sex with the clients and those who did not want to. Zeus with the help of Scott, Yoshi, and Kenny hired a security team for the resort and went over the whole grounds and with the help of Builder Boy construction set up a whole slew of security devices to monitor the grounds with. Boys were given a wristband with a panic button built in as well as a monitoring device that kept track of them. That eased the minds of the boys fearing they could be kidnapped or abused over the resort's large grounds. The next meeting of the boys involved was to help establish guest conduct rules. One good suggestion was to set up a sexual conduct contract for the guests who would engage in sexual conduct with a boy on the approval list. It required all sexual activity take place in the room or the cabin, the sexual activity was to be consented to by both guest and boy, the guest was to respect the boy's requests and wishes in regards to the sexual conduct, and that both parties would sign the sexual activity contract in front of a bellhop. Once Damien had an idea of how many of the boys were willing to have sex with the clients and who didn't want to, he set the rooms up with the willing boys on the third floor and the ones who didn't want to on the second. Damien scattered a second set of fifty boys among the cabins in the same manner, the willing boys to one set of cabins and the rest to another. It all worked out in the end and all the boys agreed to it. Each boy was to live in the assigned room or cabin and maintain it and keep it clean. By now all the cabins and room were properly out fitted with all the furniture and things needed and the place was about ready to go. All was needed was the advertising.
Daniel Jorgenson opened the paper the next morning as he walked back into the house he shared with his lover and fianc Marc Fogel. As was his custom he flipped to the advertising section. He checked the weekly specials ads for the Tasty Buns, In-Boy-Inn and Jorgenson Inn first and then noticed the quarter page ad that Damien had bought.
"Ever wanted the chance to be a father and baby a boy but never got to? Now is your chance to at the Baby House Resort. The Baby House Resort is the place to go and baby a boy for a day, week, or month. The resort sits on one hundred acres of beautifully landscaped grounds in the world famous town of Peckertown along Peckerwood Lake. Take your baby on a stroll through the many walking paths among green pines, or play at one of the three large play areas complete with swings, slides, sandboxes, and a merry go round. Join other men and their babies at the Great Playroom, a room filled with many things for a baby and his Daddy to play with. Reservation now being accepted for the Grand Opening weekend,"
Daniel read out loud to Marc. Marc grinned. "So he's ready to open. Shall we crash the party?"
"Sure, but don't expect me to wear a diaper," Daniel laughed.
Marc grinned even wider. "How about privately here at home?"
"I'll think about that. I was kind of glad to see some of Benjy's slaves go to work there. Benjy was complaining of late that he was running out of room to keep them. Seems to me every time a new business opens, he loses a group of boys. I hope that's not upsetting him too much," Daniel said.
Marc set down his cup for a moment. "It might if he was spending his money to put them through PTA. I should go see him and make a suggestion to him regarding that."
"Like maybe having the boys sign a contract of some kind?" Daniel asked.
Marc sighed. "That would need some discussion. I really don't want to see Benjy or the Leather Club lose money."
"Let's bring that up at the next weekly meeting," Daniel said.
"Done and done. What's on the agenda to day?" Marc asked. Daniel grinned at Marc.
"Besides that! God, you're so horny all the time!" Marc sighed. Daniel leaned back in his chair and roared his trademark roar.
Damien was delighted opening day. Every room and cabin was booked and there were lots of visitors as well. All the boys hired to work at the resort from babies down to busboys in the caf were smiling. They were glad to be working a steady job and getting paid good money. Damien knew every one was pleased all the way around. He watched men pushing their babies around in the strollers or holding their hands as they walked around the grounds. Damien hopped into a golf cart and drove around to the three large playgrounds and watched the men and their babies on the swings, the slides, and the sandboxes having a good time. Security was very visible in their golf carts as well as the snack carts. The day was clear and warm and Damien was in a very good mood as he headed back to the resort main building. He walked in and found Worm and his assistant coordinating things and getting the last of the guests checked in.
"Damien, we really got this place filled up," Worm said with a grin.
"That is good news!" Damien grinned. "If we could run for the next two months like that, we got it made."
Worm gave him a blank look. "I don't think we will have any problem keeping this place filled with clients, love."
Damien had to laugh. "I love your positive thinking."
Worm grinned and turned back to the client standing in front of him while Damien drifted around the place and talked to a few people.
By the end of the day the place was completely filled and he couldn't be happier. He sat on the edge of the bed and massaged Worm's feet as his lover sighed.
"That feels good Damien," Worm said. "I sure need that after running all day in those dress shoes."
"But you looked so good in a suit," Damien said.
"Today was the first time I actually wore one," Worm said. "Now I can see why Daniel Jorgenson hates them."
Damien had to laugh. "They're not so bad."
"Says you," Worm snorted. Both of them shared a good laugh as they undressed each other and got into bed. Worm sighed and snuggled up close to Damien and counted himself lucky to be here with a cool guy who loved him. Both of them faced each other and kissed good night and went to sleep, Damien's arm around Worm.
Damien dreamed of him and Worm that night. He dreamed of babying Worm and Worm enjoying it. He dreamed of holding and cuddling him and changing a diaper on him and bathing him. He desperately wished that Worm would let him do it. He'd have to figure out a way to convince him. Worm was dreaming of him and Damien enjoying a sunny picnic on the grounds by themselves, making love in the warm sun and having fun. That was all Worm ever wanted, to love Damien without any conditions or hang-ups. He certainly didn't want to be babied by Damien as much as Damien wanted to. He didn't want to tell Damien the reason why either. It had to do with his early childhood and one of the reasons why he had come to Peckertown. The memories still haunted him. He didn't mind being around the diapers and other diaper boys as long as he wasn't wearing them. Thinking about his past still pained him and it was something he never talked about and couldn't and didn't want to. It was best left alone, or so he thought.
Damien and Worm kept busy for the rest of the week. So far there hadn't been any problems anywhere other than the usual tiny things. Damien often watched one of the men and his baby playing out at the sandbox or on the swing and had the vision of him babying Worm. The thought slowly took hold in Damien's mind until it became an obsession. It was all he dreamed of at night. When he saw Worm naked, he envisioned a diaper on him, a pacifier in his mouth. When he saw a boy in his stroller, it would be Worm sitting in it. He decided to try and come up with a way to convince Worm to do it one time. He hoped Worm would go for it.
Worm blew up when he saw the diapers and baby stuff spread out on the bed. He turned to Damien in a rage that scared Damien.
"What the fuck is this shit! I told you no! You keep pushing! It's become an obsession with you and it's driving me nuts!" Worm roared.
Damien stepped back a bit. "Just once, please?"
Worm got into his face. "What fucking part of fucking no did you fucking not fucking understand, Damien?" Damien backed up to the wall as Worm followed, yelling loudly at him. He knew he really screwed up and he was hoping that Worm would cool down.
"I told you no. I don't want to do it, period. You then shove that shit on me. Well it's obvious to me what is more important than my wishes. I'm out of here," Worm said and turned around and walked out.
Damien ran after him. "Please don't go! I'll stop bugging you about it. Please stay!" Worm shook him off and grabbed a duffle bag from the closet and quickly packed a few things. Damien grabbed him to stop him from leaving and then quickly found out what a bad idea that was. Worm may have been a small kid, but he was no weakling. He shoved Damien down onto the bed and glared at him.
"Worm, please don't go. I'll give up this place. I'll give up all of my money just to keep you with me. Please don't go," Damien begged, tears streaming down his face. Worm ignored him and finished his packing and walked out the door. Damien sank down onto the floor and cried loudly, his heart breaking. He had blown it.
The next time he looked up, the room was dark. Damien looked at the clock and noted the time as 11:30 at night. He got to his feet and went to the bar liquor storage room and got a couple bottles of scotch and went back to the suite they had shared and started drinking. Damien stumbled out of the room the next day around noon looking like hell and shocking people. He stumbled into one of the front offices and put the assistant in charge, saying something about Worm leaving, and then stumbled back to his room. One of the security officers slipped away and made a fast call to Zeus and then to Scott Davis.
"Oh shit," was all Zeus said before he hung up.
"THAT LITTLE FUCKER IS WHAT?" Scott Davis roared before the security officer could say anything else. "HE'S GETTING HIS ASS KICKED!" The 17 year old stared at his cell after Scott Davis hung up. "Oh shit." He ran around the corner to the security desk. "Call out the troops, Davis is inbound and extremely hot at Robinson." The desk officer blinked twice and turned pale. A rampaging Davis was not good news. He wondered if he could get a transfer in the next five minutes before the shit landed. "Bust Davis if he gets out of control."
Scott Davis beat Zeus to the resort. He jumped out of his car with Frank trailing behind him begging him to stop and think. Zeus pulled up a second later and drove around the back to the owner's suite. He beat Scott into the place. He could smell the alcohol in the air as he walked in. He found Damien curled up next to the bed in the master bedroom, clutching a bottle and whimpering. He got down on his knees and pried the bottle away from Damien. He heard a commotion in the living room area and Scott yelling. Apparently security and Frank were taking him down
"Damien, what happened?" Zeus asked gently.
Damien looked at the big black man through red-rimmed eyes. "He's gone. He left me."
Zeus held Damien as he broke down. Zeus quickly formulated a plan and turned to the doorway and saw Frank standing there. Scott was beside him.
"Scott, I need you to make calls, track down Worm. Frank, call Silvers. Somebody call an ambulance," Zeus started snapping out the orders.
People moved, and within the hour Damien was settled into a private room at Peckertown General under Dr. Schwartz's care. Zeus and Henry Silvers stood off to one side and discussed the situation.
"Thank God Damien set up a corporation with you and me on the board. We can protect his interests. Worm is on the board as well, so that helps. Has anyone found him yet?" Silvers asked. Zeus felt his cell vibrate and he fished it out of his pocket. "Zeus."
"Benjy Jorgenson. I spotted Worm down at the Pit Stop, a really low dive on the edge of the east side. Better send a crew in, this place is one even I wouldn't go into with out backup," Benjy said.
"Thanks. Get back to ya later," Zeus said, and then hung up. He hit the speed dial and the Yamane brothers answered. "Samurai Inc, Peckertown office. Lo Yen speaking."
"Your target is Worm. He's at the Pit Stop. Get your crew and bring him to me at the hospital," Zeus snapped "Ya ya. We do. Go bye," and the phone went dead. Zeus sighed and put his cell away. "The wheels are rolling. All we can do is wait now." Silvers nodded. "I hope we can fix this thing, whatever it is."
"I have an idea of what it might be, but can't say," Zeus said. "I should have insisted Damien stay with the program."
"Good luck. Let me get out there and see what I can do," Silvers said and left. Zeus paced the floor for the next half hour. He looked at his watch several times and wondered what in hell was taking so long. It was just a simple pick up job. He rubbed his face, wondering what had set Damien off. It had been hell trying to get him to come to the hospital. Damien had tried to fight off everyone and Zeus finally had to wrap him up in a bear hug in order to get the ambulance crew to sedate him. The doctors said stress and overwork had caused the breakdown. Zeus felt there was another reason to it, and Worm was the key.
He looked up as the elevator doors opened and the Yamane brothers escorted Worm out. He pulled away from them and started to say something but Zeus silenced him with a look and pointed to an empty room. Worm followed Zeus in and the big man closed the door.
"Tell me," Zeus said softly.
Worm told him the whole story of his childhood with much reluctance. As he talked, he started to realize that he should have done this ages ago.
"I was a bed wetter up to about the time I came here. My home life was terrible. My parents considered me a freak, and my brothers called me the runt. All of them are seven foot [1.80 m] or better and extremely good athletes. Since I wet the bed at night, I was forced to wear diapers for that and when I got punished for something, which three quarters of the time I was innocent of. I got the nick Worm when I started puberty, and that was the final blow for me. I left home and never looked back. It was about the time the Davis business happened that I came here. I never told anyone my real name because I was afraid of getting sent back. My name will continue to be Worm. I'm changing it to that legally so even God will know it is my real name," Worm said.
Zeus nodded. "I bet if you had said all that to Damien in the first place, none of this would have happened. Getting the hotel running took a lot out of him and seeing others fulfilling his fantasy brought him even more stress. The argument with you and your leaving broke him. An emergency meeting is being called of the board of Robinson Enterprises and you need to be there. For now let's keep what you told me to us. I can help you deal with all that garbage hanging off you."
"Can I see him?" Worm asked. Zeus nodded and led Worm to Damien's room. Worm shivered in fear when he saw Damien lying so still, hooked up to IV bottles and a machine. He looked very pale.
"Is he going to be okay?" Worm asked.
"Schwartz thinks so. He's going to need lots of rest," Zeus said.
"Plus more time with you, and that includes me as well," Worm said. "I am going to insist that he hire someone to oversee everything. There's no need for him to try and do everything."
"Bring that up at the meeting," Zeus suggested. "I'll be right outside." Worm turned and gently touched Damien's cheek. "Fucking me, what have I done? I've gone and hurt you, love. I'm going to make things right. Just give me a chance." Worm's hand had dropped down next to Damien's and he felt a gentle pressure and looked down. Damien was squeezing his hand and Worm knew he had heard. He leaned over and kissed Damien on the cheek.
"I'll be back," he promised. "Just rest, my love." He walked to the door and looked back. He wished he had said something a long time ago and now it was too late. He had hurt him and he would live with that for a long time.
Damien spent a month in the hospital recovering. Zeus and Worm both spent lots of time in his room. At first Damien didn't want to talk to Worm, but Zeus convinced him to listen. It was only after Worm related his childhood to Damien that he finally understood. They hugged each other and cried. The next thing that happened was Damien had agreed to have a person oversee day-to-day operations at the resort. He had wanted it to work so badly he tried to do everything himself. The second thing was Damien going through the same alcohol program that Scott and Frank did. Worm did it too just to support Damien and both learned so much. Third, both of them bought a mountain cabin and stayed up there for a whole month alone and hashed it all out. By the time they came back, things between them were much better. They had managed to weather that storm and Damien now felt much more relaxed and in control of himself. More importantly, he was listening to people more, especially Worm. Now that he understood Worm's reasons, he respected them and tried not to be pushy. Last but on least, Damien bought a big house not too close to the resort. Worm didn't want Damien to be living on site any more and Damien had agreed once Worm outlined his reasons why. So now they are living away from the resort and doing much better. Damien began making donations to some of the various groups and organizations around Peckertown, the hospital and the clinics getting the lion's share. Even Zeus got a donation to help with his outreach work, which pleased him no end. Damien was feeling better about himself and seeing that made Worm happy.
Worm was getting extra therapy from Zeus about his childhood and he was feeling much better about himself than he'd ever had. He privately agreed that coming out about his past had helped him a lot, but he still refused to tell his real name. He had used Worm for so long that using his real name sounded alien to his ears. Nobody ever pushed him to reveal that and that was the way he wanted it.
One afternoon he was sifting through some of the reports from the Baby House and found a neatly handwritten report from one of the diaper boys in the resort.
"I didn't know we were supposed to get reports from them," Worm remarked to Damien as he skimmed it. Damien looked up from his computer. "Get what?"
"Reports from the boys," Worm stated, holding out the one he'd found. Damien took it and looked at it. "Only if there was a problem from a client."
"Maybe he's new and hasn't settled in just yet," Worm suggested.
"Okay, new rule. Any new boys will get a week to themselves before becoming available to clients," Damien said. "I'll send a memo to Richard."
Worm grinned. "That's a good idea. I didn't get that chance when I first got here. I was kinda thrown into everything with no warning."
"When I first came here, Benjy Jorgenson literally took me by the hand and showed me everything, including the leather club. He asked another boy to spend a week with me and really show me around and answer every question that I had. He told me later he wanted to make sure I clearly understood what the deal was before I committed myself to being a slave. That helped me to better understand what was going on. I think it would be fair to do that at Baby House," Damien said.
"He's quite a guy, isn't he?" Worm grinned.
Damien laughed. "Yes he is. One of my latest fantasies is to get him here and baby him for a week."
Worm roared in laughter. "Oh I can see that now. Leather diaper, leather sleeper, and Roger babying him!"
Both Damien and Worm laughed as they held their sides as the image of Benjy in a leather diaper presented its self to them. Damien sighed a moment later as Worm grinned at him. He giggled again a moment later.
"Should we send him an invitation?" Worm asked.
Damien laughed again. "Sure! Leather diapers available on request," he said, falling out of his chair as he howled in laughter once again. Worm wiped the tears out of his eyes as he laughed. This was the funniest thing he'd heard of since the incident with the diaper kid who had rigged the romper room music system to play opera instead of the Sesame Street soundtracks.
"How about reading that report out loud?" Damien asked once he settled down again and back in his chair.
"Okay," Worm said after glancing at it. "Might be nice to hear from some of these boys and their point of view about us."
Damien thought about that. "Yes it would. It could help us determine if we are doing things right over there. After all, they are the reason men go there and pay to play."
Worm smiled. "Okay. I'll pass the word around. This one is written by Tony."
Tony's Report (in his POV)
My name is Tony, and I am submitting this report. A little about myself first. I am twelve years old, standing five foot five [1.65 m], slim build from playing soccer that is my greatest passion, very short brown hair and green eyes. I have been wearing diapers for about a year when I had gotten very sick. The doctor told my parents that I needed diapers from now on because the infection I had destroyed all the nerves in my bladder. I had cried when I heard that. I didn't want to wear diapers. I wanted to be a normal kid like every one else. That pissed off my parents and they were angry at me. They had yelled at me for a long time and then they packed me up and put me on a bus for Peckertown and told me to never come back. I've forgiven them since then.
When I got here I couldn't believe the huge numbers of boys and men running around here. I thought I had fallen off onto another planet. That also awakened desires inside of me that I never knew existed. I was turned on to boys. I struggled with that as I tried to survive being on the streets. Being in diapers was even harder. I was running out of the supply I had and someone told me of the hospital clinic where I could go and get more. The doctor who examined me gave me the diapers I needed and then told me about Baby House. After he explained what it was and what happened there, I was excited! I thought it was great, that diaper boys like me could go there and be taken care of. So I came here and found it to be way better than what I had pictured it to be. I met a guy named Walter and he asked me if I was lost. I told him all about me as we sat and had a soda. He told me all about Baby House and did I want to join. I said yes. He asked me if I was gay. I told him I didn't know what that was. He smiled and explained it to me. I said yes. He said that was cool. He then asked me if I would be willing to have sex with the men who would pay to baby me. I said I needed to think about that and he said okay, he'd put me on a not available list. He explained what that was. He led me to the on site doctor and he gave me a very thorough examination; wanting to make sure I was healthy and didn't have any other problems. Walter said they took good care of all the boys here and I thought that was cool. They took me up to a room and I was amazed by the size of it. Walter told me what I was to do when between guests and I'm cool with that. It's not that hard to keep a room clean. What shocked me even more was the nursery in the room next door. I had very strange feelings as I stood there and looked at all the baby things in there. Walter asked me about what I was feeling.
"I really can't describe what I'm feeling," I told him, fingering the Mickey Mouse change pad on the table in front of me. He smiled at me. "That's okay. I'm guessing it's because all of this is overwhelming you and you're not sure how to handle this." Walter was right. He was the first person that I've met who tried to help me and I appreciated that.
"Want to get comfortable?" he asked me and I nodded yes. He undressed me and put me up on the change table and changed my diaper. Feeling another person changing me, wiping me clean, and taking care of me brought out emotions in me that I hadn't experienced in a long time. He saw me beginning to cry and he picked me up and sat down in a big rocking chair and just held me while I cried my head of. He made me feel good about myself again.
I guess I must have conked out, because I woke up in the crib. I lay there and looked up at the butterfly mobile hanging over the crib. I raised my head and looked at the teddy bear sheets and comforter that covered me. I saw a baby bottle in the corner and picked it up. There was water in it so I put the nipple in my mouth and sucked on the bottle, drinking some of the water. I lay back down and noticed the teddy bear next to me. I wrapped my arms around it and for the first time in a long time, I felt really secure and safe. Walter walked in at that moment.
"Are you okay?" he asked me.
"Yes," I told him. He nodded. "Good. How do you feel about starting now? I wish I could give you a few days to settle in. I owe it to you." I thought about it and agreed. Walter went to the door and led the man in. He smiled down at me and gently touched my cheek.
"He is simply adorable. We'll get along just fine," the white man in the three-piece suit said. He was good looking too. I felt myself get hard as I looked at him. He was seven feet [1.80 m] tall, black hair cut short, a goatee, blue eyes, and a diamond stud in his right ear.
"Then I shall leave you two alone," Walter nodded, and left. The man turned back to me. "My name Tommy. You are welcome to call me that or Daddy if you wish. Did you just wake up?"
"Yes Daddy," I said, smiling shyly.
"Need a change?" he asked, rubbing the front of my diaper. "Oh yes you do." He lifted me out and changed me. I loved the feeling of being changed. He put me down on the floor and handed me a toy car.
"I need to go and unpack, son. Be a good boy and play quietly. Then we shall go for a walk," Tommy said.
He didn't take long to unpack and settle himself in. He returned ten minutes later as I zoomed the toy car down the road on the play town that was on the carpet. I looked up as he smiled. He went into the closet and brought out a big stroller and opened it up. That didn't surprise me. I had seen a few boys being pushed around in them on the grounds and it looked like fun. He put a striped shirt on me and put a pair of socks on my feet and put me in the stroller and put the seat belt on. He packed the diaper bag and two baby bottles in the stroller and we were off. What a ride that was! I felt really strange at being in a stroller. I was also very hard and that confused me a lot.
Tommy took me for a walk around the grounds. The first stop was the pool area. There was a pair of huge pools and a toddler splashing pool. There was even a shooting rapid that went in a big circle around the pools that one could ride in on an inner tube, a baby float, or just swim in. There were bridges one went across to get to the twin pools and the toddler pool. I could see other men and their baby boys stretched out in the sun enjoying themselves. Then we went to one of the three big playgrounds. There was a big merry go round, a dozen slides and swings scattered around, a big sandbox off to one side, and the big grassy area. I could see men playing with their babies in the play areas, and lying on the grass on their blankets. There was a small building off to one side and it was the bathrooms and change stations.
"This place looks really nice," Tommy said in awe.
"Yeah, what you said," I agreed. We followed the small signs around the grounds and ended up by the lake. We could see boys and men swimming and splashing around in the water, a boat pulling water skiers, another boat pulling a man and his boy in a parachute high above us. That looked like fun. I watched a man gently touching his boy and kissing him. I couldn't believe they were that open.
"That's the only thing they are allowed to do out in the open. Everything else is done in the privacy of their room," Tommy explained. I looked up at the man. "I've never done anything." Tommy nodded at me. "They said you weren't ready yet and that you were hands off. I'll respect that. But if you want me to answer questions for you then we need to talk to Walter so that he knows what is going on." That eased my mind a lot.
We walked back to the resort and at the last moment, Tommy steered the stroller into a play area and stopped.
"My little baby needs to have a bit of playtime," he said to me. I was feeling the need to play, something I hadn't done in a long time. Running around the grass, going down the slides, climbing the monkey bars, and getting pushed on a swing was so much fun. Made me feel really young again. Before I knew it, it was time to go in. Tommy put me back into my stroller and took me back up to the room. He changed me and dressed me for dinner. He put me back in the stroller and took me down to the dining room. The sight of all those boys in their high chairs blew me away. Tommy put me in one and then sat down next to me. He put my bib on me and fed my dinner to me while eating his and talking to the other men at the table. I was really beginning to enjoy this.
We stopped at Walter's office before going upstairs and talked to him. Walter told us that would be allowed if I wanted Tommy to teach me about sex. Tommy had to sign some contract regarding sexual contact. Walter pulled me aside and explained it to me and I understand what it is about and why it was necessary to have it. He even explained the laws of consent here and that surprised me a lot. The more I think about it the more I like it, even the signed parental consent for the under thirteen's. Good protection for them.
Tommy took us back to our room and set me down in the middle of the nursery floor to play on the play town carpet while he went and changed. He reappeared in sweats and joined me on the floor. We played cars for a bit and then I needed a bad change.
"That's okay," Tommy said to me. "It was time for your bath anyway." That was an experience I'll never forget. He put me in the warm bath and dropped in a rubber duck for me to play with. Feeling his hands around my body soaping me up and washing me clean made me feel so good. He dried me off with a huge towel and then diapered me as I started to cry. He picked up a baby blanket and sat down in the rocking chair and cuddled me as I cried. He didn't say anything, just held me and gently stroked my back. I felt so good and safe being in his strong arms. I wished my parents had done a lot of that to me and they didn't. After I stopped crying I explained to him why. He just hugged me closer to him and kissed me on the forehead.
"Anytime you want me to start teaching you, just give the word. I'll tell you the straight honest truth," Tommy promised. He held me for a bit longer and then tucked me into the crib for the night. I was really wiped out from the day and went to sleep quickly.
Tommy started teaching me the next night. He was a good and gentle teacher, taking his time to explain everything carefully and slowly. I learned a lot and enjoyed the lessons. He didn't cram everything into one night, but spread it out over several nights so I could enjoy it all. I never thought that it could be so enjoyable. The first time he sucked me off was an experience. God it felt so good!
"What if I pee in your mouth while you are sucking it?" I asked.
"Won't happen," Tommy said. "There is a tiny gate inside of you that moves to block the urinary path during sex. When your body isn't sexually aroused, it swings the other way to prevent sperm from leaving your body." That was something I hadn't known and I felt better about that. Sucking him off was fun. I loved tasting his big cock and the sperm that came out of it.
The last thing I had to learn was about fucking. Tommy explained it and showed me pictures of a boy's hole receiving a man's cock. He told me about the importance of getting lubed and stretched out so it wouldn't hurt. He told me how the entry was supposed to be slow and gentle, and then relaxing so the boy or man can get used to having cock in his ass. Tommy also taught me about condoms and why they were so important. That was another condition I placed on my contracts. Condoms are to be used, or forget it. I'm sticking to that.
The first time I got fucked it hurt. I won't lie about that, it did hurt. But thanks to Tommy and getting prepared, it wasn't all that bad. Tommy had me sit on his cock for my first time so I could control the speed of entry. I really took my time at it, and after a moment or two it stopped hurting. I enjoyed riding his cock for a moment, and then slipped off for him to fuck me. Tommy fucked me good, and I loved it. He was gentle and careful and now I'm hooked on mancock. I wanna suck it, and get it up my ass. Being babied by the man adds to the pleasure, and I'm so glad that Baby House exists.
Worm and Damien
Worm finished reading the report and looked at Damien. "Now that's a novel idea. Having someone train the boys who are willing to have sex with the client and to be trained on being a baby." Damien leaned back in his chair and thought of that for a few minutes. He reached for the phone but just then the doorbell rang. Worm got off the couch and answered it. Zeus followed Worm into the living room where Damien stood waiting to see who it was.
"Oh good!" Damien exclaimed. "We were about to call you." Zeus grinned. "Today is your last session with me." Damien sighed. "Now I remember what it was that I was supposed to do with you." The three of them laughed and sat down on the couch. Worm handed Zeus the report and watched his expression as he read it. "Sounds like Tony had a very positive experience with this client. I assume there is a reason you showed me this?"
"I would like you to find out what you can about this guy. I am thinking he would be perfect as a trainer for the resort," Damien said as Worm nodded.
"I'll make a few calls," Zeus promised, and then they started the discussion.
It was a week later that Zeus delivered the results of his investigation. Damien put in a call to the resort and asked to be alerted when the guy showed up again. Tommy did show up a week later, and Damien and Worm went to see him.
"We heard about you from a boy named Tony. We talked to him and he said good things about you. We would like to offer you a job here as a trainer," Damien said once the introductions were done and all were seated, even Walter. "We are aware of your current situation back home in Maine." Tommy read the investigator's report and set it on the desk. "When can I start?" Tommy was introduced to everyone at the lunch hour to a thunderous round of applause. Tony cheered the loudest from his high chair.
Damien got home around seven a few nights later. He blinked in surprise at the sight of a table with the fancy china set up and the twin candles on the table. Worm appeared next to him.
"You're home love," he whispered in a sexy tone of voice. Damien felt his knees go weak from the sound of the voice. Worm took him by the hand and led him to the table and sat him down. Worm served dinner and they ate, sipping on Martenelli's apple cider in wine glasses. Once dinner was done, Worm placed the dishes in the sink and blew out the candles. He led Damien upstairs to the master bath. One of the nice things about the master bath was the door that led out into the hall as well as into the master bedroom. There were colored candles placed around the room and Damien felt moved by the sight. Worm started the bath, pouring a bit of rose bath into the water. He turned to Damien and slowly undressed him. He pushed a button on the intercom by the door going into the master bedroom and soft violin music played. Worm helped Damien into the tub and then stepped in behind him. Worm rubbed Damien's shoulders and then pulled him into his body, kissing the right side of Damien's neck. Damien knew he was in for a night of pleasure. They spent almost an hour in the tub, kissing, caressing, and touching each other. Worm gently washed Damien clean and then Damien washed Worm clean. After they dried each other off Worm blew out the candles in the bathroom and opened the door going into the master bedroom. He led Damien into a candle lit room and Damien looked at the scene. He saw the many colored candles, the bedcovers pulled back, the rose petals scattered lightly over the bed, and smelled the fresh scent of rose in the air.
"I don't deserve you," he said to Worm, beginning to cry. Worm held Damien in his arms and let him cry himself out. He stepped back and wiped the tears off Damien's face and kissed him
"Yes you do, my love. I love you," Worm declared. He led Damien to the bed and they lay down together. They held each other and started kissing and making love. Worm went to work on Damien, pleasing him in every way possible. Damien lay back and enjoyed the pleasure he was getting from Worm. He felt his lover kiss, touch, lick, caress, and suck on his body. He felt his cock get harder than it ever had before. Before he knew it, Worm had rolled on his back and spread his legs wide open for him to see the pink hole winking at him.
"Come my love, take me. Make me yours with your love. Give me all your loving," Worm cooed. Damien spread a thing coat of KY on his cock and moved up between Worm's legs. He pointed his cock into Worm's anus and gently pushed his hard cock inside his loved. Both boys moaned softly as Damien sunk himself deep into Worm.
"Oh baby," Worm sighed. "You feel so good inside of me." That was all Damien needed to hear. He began fucking Worm with a passion he hadn't felt in a long time. Worm urged him on with words of love, moans, and whimpers. Damien felt himself reach his breaking point.
"Here it comes, baby. Here comes my love, deep inside of you!" Damien cried as he ejaculated deep inside Worm. Worm felt himself go off, his cock being squeezed between their abdomens. Both boys shook, shivered, and cried through their orgasms. Damien leaned forward and kissed Worm very passionately before pulling out of his lover. He lay on his back and sighed as Worm cleaned both of them off. Worm quickly blew out the candles and slipped back into Damien's arms once again.
Their world was secure once more.
Chapter 40 Wedding of the Year
Aaron Cutler and Harley Joel Oswald make guest appearances in this episode and as always this does not imply anything but fantasies about the actual sexual orientation of the boys of which they borrow their characters. And remember, Peckertown does not exist so please do nothing to a boy to make him go look for it.
Appropriately this is the fortieth chapter of the Arkansas Vacation saga. The twenty-fourth by me to go with ten by Dave, two by Pyro and four by some very good friends. I want to thank all these talented writers who have done my fictional town proud. As Pyro pointed out he's been waiting for this chapter for almost six years and I hope it was worth the wait. I also want to thank all of you who've stuck with me, us, all this time. Enjoy. Thanks. Sid G.
Daniel and I were sitting on our living room couch calmly discussing our wedding plans. (That sounds so great.) Calmly might be exaggerating it a bit.
"Love, do you understand what you're thinking," I said.
"Yes and I think it makes perfect sense. I'm not saying to invite everybody to the reception, just to the wedding and have a buffet after," Daniel said.
"Invite every single person who either lives in Peckertown or works for Jorgenson Enterprises to our wedding? Do you have any idea how many people that is?"
"I don't care. Lots of the residents are people I've known all my life, from when this was still a nice quiet southern town. Most of the others we know or make money from. Or are you being like Scott over the first Oscar party and not trusting the whores to behave themselves?"
I leaned back stunned, started to refute that by reminding him he was talking about inviting more than twenty-five hundred people to our wedding ceremony. The most important day of our lives together. Then caught myself.
"You really want this?"
"I do. I know its crazy and going to cost a fortune but I know it will add so much. Aaron and Jennifer took care of the business contacts at their wedding so except for a couple whom we've become personal friends with we don't need to invite them to the wedding or reception. And the buffet doesn't have to be fancy, mom can come up with what they used to serve at weddings in the firehouse in the old day and Benjy's crew can do that easy," Daniel paused, took a breath, "But it just feels so right to me to have everybody there. They are our people from long time residents like Mrs. Thorpe to the newest throwaway whose trying to make a life for himself. They're us. Do you understand Marc?"
I nodded. I did understand and he was right. Closing the clubs and other company owned businesses for a few hours, for the day even, wasn't a big deal, we've done it before. And bottom line what was wrong with sharing that special moment with as many people as possible.
"I do understand, you're right, it is the right thing to do for us and everybody else. But how?"
My Lion roared in delight and pulled out a large pad of paper from behind his end of the couch.
"I've been putting together a few ideas, just got to pray it doesn't rain."
"Wouldn't dare," I said and looked at the first page he showed me.
The next day the office door opened and Margaret looked up from her computer.
"Hi Aaron, how you doing?"
"Fine, is Marc or Lion around?"
Margaret took a quick look at the switchboard, "They're both in their offices and off the phone which one do you want?"
I walked out of my office right then heading over to Daniel's and I spotted Aaron Cutler talking to Margaret.
"Hey Aaron, how you doing?"
"Fine, you got a minute?" Aaron said.
"Sure, just on my way to Daniel's office or do you want me alone?"
"Both of you are always better than one," he said with a smile.
"Too true, something wrong with your voice?"
"Nope, just a little sore, guess I've been practicing too much for the next CD."
Daniel's door was open so we walked in and sat down. Right then we heard the front door open.
"Huh? What are you doing here Aaron? Thought you went back with Marc two seconds ago?" Margaret said loud enough for the three of us to hear.
"How's that possible?" Aaron said in his normal voice, "Harley and I just walked over from across the street."
"Yeah, how could you mistake anybody for my sweetheart?" Harley said.
"You two come with me," Margaret said and we heard her chair fly backward into the wall.
Seconds later she led Aaron and Harley into Daniel's office. Daniel and I both looked back and forth between the two blond teens. They both wore the same muscle t-shirts and long blue shorts, white socks pushed down to their high top sneakers.
"Hi Aaron," the one sitting said.
"Hi Aaron," the one standing with Harley and Margaret said.
The one sitting rose and stood next to the other Aaron and I looked closely at them. Now I know the real Aaron Cutler's twin is a girl and while there's never been much press on the other parts of the family nobody has ever mentioned a relative who was Aaron's twin. And they seemed identical, almost.
Almost. As I've said before I can tell identical twins apart and this time it was in the eyes. Yes they'd sounded different but the one I'd walked into Daniel's room eyes had a more distant look to them. A look I'd seen on too many boys who'd worked the streets elsewhere before coming to Peckertown.
I looked right at the newcomer.
"Is your name really Aaron?" I said.
"Told you," Harley said.
"Yes, my name really is Aaron. I'm from Miami originally," the other Aaron said, "How did you tell us apart? The voice?"
"With both of you here that was a part of it. What really did it were the eyes. You were a working boy down in Miami," I said.
"You've seen that thousand miles stare up here a lot I bet."
"All too fucking often," Daniel said.
"Harley and I were walking down the street this morning, autograph seekers aren't as bad then when a couple of the boys who work the park came running over and begged us to follow them. That we had to see something. Swore up and down it was good, nobody was going to hurt us or anything. So we followed them. One ran ahead and we heard him shout `they're coming.' We entered a grove and it was like looking into a mirror," Aaron Cutler said.
"Totally weird and awesome," the other Aaron said, "The other boys had been telling me constantly how much I looked like Aaron. I mean I knew it was close enough that it helped make me extra money whoring but these were kids who had met him up close. They made me show my knee to make sure I was telling the truth. My knee's are almost scar free."
"Unlike a certain someone who stepped into a garbage pail with broken glass and scared his gorgeous knee for life. But I have to admit I looked back and forth and couldn't tell them apart. Grabbed my honey's hand so I wouldn't lose track," Harley said.
"So we walked over to Wayne's and split a sausage and pineapple pie and talked. Aaron's only family was his mother and he was born homeless. Has no idea who his father is or any family on his mother's side," Aaron Cutler said.
"She was a good Mom but had her problems. Made a home for us in an abandoned factory, stayed there even after she died. Taught me to read and write which was more than a lot of my friends knew," the other Aaron said.
"I'm sure she was, did the best she could for you which is a lot more than some of the other boys here can say," Daniel said.
"We hired Aaron to be our assistant, Aaron's double, caretaker of the ranch when we're not here and he's going to move in with his boyfriend Nick. We decided on this gag because we had a question to ask, favor really," Harley said.
"What is it?" Daniel said.
"Want to run a DNA comparison to see if we are related," Aaron Cutler said.
"Dr. Schwartz and his son are away on vacation but Dr. George can set it up and keep it anonymous but there are risks, emotional risks if there is a match. Especially a close match," I said.
"I've been trying to tell him that. That I don't care if we are related or not. What they're offering me and Nick is more than we ever had or expected to have. I'm not looking for any more of the Carter family fortune than that," the other Aaron said.
"And there's no rush, it can be done any time," I said.
Carter nodded, "We'll wait for now. Maybe when brother Nick comes to visit next month we can talk about it again."
"Now where's your Nick?" Daniel said.
"Waiting at The Tasty Buns for us. You know us growing boys need more than a single pizza to fill us up," Harley said.
"Why didn't you want them to do that DNA test? Daniel asked at supper in our dining room that night.
Not only has he grown from when I met him three years ago but he's matured and recently developed his own cooking talents. The fettuccini alfredo with shrimp he'd made would have made a chef in Italy's finest restaurant proud.
"DNA comparisons like paternity tests are done by matching the two strings and seeing how much matches. You compare my dad's and mine and you'll fine a certain level of matching, me and my sister a little less."
"And with Orin even less," Daniel said, "So if it comes up with a high degree of matching then maybe they're half-brothers."
"And what does that do to the Carter family?" I said.
"Nothing worthwhile," Daniel said, "Wonder if we should invite the Carters and Oswalds too?"
"Sure, why not, invite the President and the Governor for that matter," I said.
"Shit, I forgot to put the Governor and his wife on the list. He couldn't make Aaron's but said he'd try to make ours, now that's three Aarons we have to keep straight." Daniel said and jotted down a note.
"Fortunately only one of them is straight," I said.
It was now the end of May, two months before the wedding and we still had a lot to do. At the weekly family brunch the Sunday before Memorial Day Daniel and I announced our wedding plans from the huge wedding, the smaller reception after and that we'd be leaving the next morning for a two-week honeymoon.
"How many people do you want me to cook for?" Benjy said.
I couldn't tell what he was feeling. Was it fear that his crew couldn't do it, that it meant not being in the wedding party or the dollar signs racking up.
"Just a buffet for say 2,500 to 3,000 people and yes a lot of them will be growing boys who will probably be very hungry," I said.
"And you can use kitchen space and personnel from the hotels and restaurants," Elija said.
"See that's the problem. Logistically there's no problem. But my staff will want to be there and I have a feeling you're going to get the same problem with any other workers. Whom are you going to tell at the hotels they can't come?" Benjy said.
"Let's just stick with your operation son," Elija said, "Can you and Jake figure out a menu and schedule that will let you have everything there and setup over warmers or ice an hour before the ceremony so that you can all be at the wedding and positioned so that as soon as its over they can walk over and be ready?"
Benjy looked over at his brother.
"The menu choice for the buffet is up to you. Whatever makes this work is fine with Marc and me," Daniel said.
Benjy nodded, "OK, I'll sit down with Jake first thing in the morning. Do you want the Slave Orchestra either place?"
"For both if it works for you. Don't know what your plans for the club are for that night," Daniel said.
"Can open without those boys there, especially for the show. The real question is what masters aren't you going to invite to the reception," Benjy said.
"Close the club for the day that way you can pull whomever you want to work at the buffet and kitchens the rest have an easy day," Elija said.
"Thanks Dad," Benjy and Daniel said.
"How you going to invite everybody and organize this thing? It was tough enough for Aaron and me? Jennifer said from her perch a millimeter from her new husband on the couch.
Daniel took out his giant pad and turned to the layout page.
"The ceremony as we said will be at the park. We'll probably have to reimburse some of the working boys for lost income but shouldn't be a major expense. The ceremony itself will be here at the top of the park, furthest away from the road," Daniel said pointing to the place, "The invited guests will sit on folding chairs in the roped off area. Everybody else will either stand or bring their own chairs outside that. Benjy you can either set everything up on one side or split on both, that's up to you."
"Neither, off to the left facing the preacher man is a small patch of trees with a path leading through it to the ball fields. I'll set up there and you can do your reception line at the entrance to the path. My guys can watch from that area and protect it from anybody wanting an early snack," Benjy said.
"That's my boyfriend the caterer for you," Roger said and Benjy beamed.
Benjy has really enjoyed running his catering service and with Caleb doing more and more of administrative work at the Little Leather Club and Jake the same at Benjy's Catering Service the new teenager was enjoying himself more than he had in a long time. Caleb, to his own surprise, found he enjoys the administrative end and has started helping Paulo with it at the Peckertown Training Academy as well.
"That way there will be more room for guests so everybody will be more comfortable," Daniel said.
"Works for me," I said.
"That leaves one more subject for tonight," Daniel said, "Dad, Mom I would like the two of you to walk me down the aisle."
"We'd be honored to son," Elija said.
"Aaron, I'd like you to be my best man, Benjy, Kristen I would like you to be two of my groomsmen" Daniel said.
"Yes," Aaron shouted but I'm not sure my love heard since Benjy's arms were around him.
"Bro, did you think I was leaving you out because of the catering?" Daniel said.
Benjy nodded.
"Shit, I'm sorry. Guess I should have done this first."
"No its fine, just baby bro being baby bro," Benjy said.
"Does this mean I have to wear a tuxedo too?" the only Jorgenson daughter asked.
"Not unless you want to. If you'd rather a new dress that goes with the tuxedos' that's fine too," I said.
"Then they'd better be a light color if you want me to match it, I am not wearing black or gray," Kristen said.
"What about me Uncle Marc," Orin said from the corner where he'd been sitting with his boyfriend eating chips like he'd hadn't eaten in a week instead of an hour.
"We would like our two nephews to be our ring bearers," Daniel said.
"Sweet," Orin said.
"Cool, I was afraid I was going to be the flower girl," Bruce said and everybody laughed.
"Who else are you having in your party son?" Francis said.
"Just one more Cody," Daniel said.
"Not Lance?" Aaron asked surprised.
"He's going to be in mine along with Margaret and Scott with Zeus as my best man. I already asked and Josie and Sam will give me away.
"We're meeting at the Inn tomorrow to finalize plans for the reception that night. Except for making sure the orchestra is there you have nothing to do but enjoy baby bro," Daniel said.
"Don't call me baby bro," Benjy said and stuck his tongue out.
"Ah yes; those are my little boys," Francis said and wiped a tear from her eye.
Daniel had a couple of errands to run the next morning so he arrived about an hour later than I did at the office. He was enjoying the Subaru Impresza WRX he'd just bought for himself. Mostly we used my larger Outback but the Impresza was a lot more fun.
He walked into the office and saw Margaret's stunned face. Taking a look Daniel decided it was a good stunned and relaxed.
"What's up cousin? Junior pop the question?"
Margaret shook her head, "Marc asked me to be in his wedding party. I never expected that."
"You did say yes I hope, Kristen is in mine," Daniel said.
"I did, just, wow. Now I've got to get another gown and hopefully Junior will get the idea."
"Just make sure you catch the garter and he gets the bouquet."
Margaret handed me my messages and sent me on my way.
The meeting at the Jorgenson Inn with Zeus, Chef Emryl and his executive chef was frustrating. Daniel and I had decided on a fairly basic menu featuring local favorites. Chef had a gourmet French dinner for two hundred in his mind. Most of the selections Daniel had never heard of and I don't like.
"But Mr. Marc, Mr. Daniel, what you ask is so plain, not worthy of you two."
"Thank you Chef but what you suggest doesn't feel right to me," Daniel said."
This went around for an hour with everything either one suggesting the other rejecting. Zeus and I were rolling our eyes between staring at the other chef who was slumping lower and lower in his chair.
"Enough, how about this. At the buffet before do half the items you want and half from our list. You will do our basic menu but you can use the side dishes you want and prepare the food fancier but without going overboard. We will come back with Daniel's parents in two weeks for samples. Is that acceptable? Good. See you in two weeks for supper. Let's go love we've got work to do."
With that I stood, winked at Zeus who was trying not to laugh and walked out with Daniel running to catch up.
"What happened?" Daniel said as I pulled the car out of our reserved space.
"We'd have been there till the wedding the way you two were going at each other. This way we tell him to tone down anything that's over the top and everybody's happy."
Daniel leaned on my shoulder and I put my right arm around his. "What's next?"
"For the wedding just the invitations and Peter Pressman is coming to the office in the morning for that. I think we need three different ones, though one will be more of a flyer."
"One, is for the people we're inviting to the seating area and the reception and the flyer is for the boys and other people around town. But who's the second invite for?" Daniel said.
"I was thinking there are boys, employees, townspeople who we don't want to invite for the reception but we'd want to send something to instead of counting on them to see flyer."
"Like Byron and Bryan?" Daniel said.
"Exactly, or Scott's cousins."
"They're on the list now, Scott asked me too when I asked him to be in the wedding party."
I shrugged, "No problem but you get the idea."
"Good one, now do we really have to go back to work?"
I looked at the dashboard, thought about the pile on my desk, looked at the closed eyes next to me and headed home.
The love of my life opened his eyes when I turned the car off and said, "Take me to bed."
"Sleep or sex?"
Daniel smiled then yawned.
We napped for two hours, his long back mane spreading out onto my shoulders. For once it was not the phone nor the call of nature that woke us. It was an even more essential call.
"I'm hungry, feed me," Daniel whispered into my ear after shaking me slightly awake.
"Blow me, that'll keep you nourished," I said.
Daniel turned into Lion and slid downwards while licking my torso as he approached his prey, the meat he wanted to devour. When I felt his smooth cheek rest on my thigh a rippling purr followed as his tongue slowly licking my hardening cock up and down.
I leaned back and ran my fingers through his hair.
Lion moved and took my cockhead into his mouth and began to lightly chew his meat as he slowly took it further and further into his mouth, his throat. Once his lips touched my trimmed pubic bush he shook the meat in his mouth and the moan from the effects of his sensuous lips was the only thing that prevented a laugh from his playfulness from coming out.
And like a lion in the wild my Lion never wastes time playing with his meat. Quickly he started sliding his hot mouth up and down my expanding shaft. He growled as his favorite piece of meat grew even larger and started throbbing in his mouth. He was truly a hungry lion looking to fill his stomach as fast as he could and like the king of the jungle the crown prince of Peckertown, Arkansas gets what he wants and I erupted, filling his stomach with my seed.
Momentarily sated he moved up next to me and I ran my hand over his royal member and he quickly pushed my mouth down on top of it to receive his love.
We cuddled for a few more minutes and then Daniel said, "That was fun but I think I need something a little more solid and I don't feel like cooking."
"Cody's for steaks?" I said.
"Cool, haven't seen them in a while anyway."
We got from the Jorgenson Inn's front entrance to Cody's Sports Bar & Grill with hardly any interruptions and no problems and while not a record was a relief. Keith greeted us and seated us away from the main floor.
"So how you and Tad doing?" Daniel asked.
"Fine, we're both working extra hours because of the house so it cuts down on our time together but it is so worth it. Don't get me wrong, I loved living with Cody and Justin and Tad with Zeus and the twins but to really have our own space," Keith said with a huge smile.
"Great, glad to hear it. Is big brother around?" Daniel said.
"In the office, I'll get him for you and send Kyle over to be your waiter."
"Thanks," I said.
Kyle arrived a few minutes later. Thirteen, five feet tall, white blond hair that was almost as long as Daniel's and framed a perfect clear white face. In keeping with the restaurant's theme he wore a running shirt and shorts and had the perfect body for the outfit. Except for his sneakers it was evident those were the only two garments he was wearing.
"Good evening sirs, welcome to Cody's Sports Bar and Grill. Can I get either of you something from the bar or put your appetizer order in," Kyle said.
Daniel and I looked at each other. Neither of us had seen him before nor had we heard such a proper welcome in a long time.
"You've worked in a restaurant before?" I asked.
"Yes sir, my parents owned a French restaurant in Washington, D.C. and I worked as a busboy and fill in waiter there for two years until I moved here two months ago," Kyle said.
"Why did you come here?" I said.
"I'd rather not say sir," Kyle said and stiffened.
"That's fine, welcome to my hometown and hope you enjoy your time here. I'll have a Coors Lite," Daniel said in the thicker Southern accent he produces when he feels it's warranted.
"Thank you sir," he nodded to Daniel and turned to me.
"Screwdriver, its his turn to drive. And the Daniel sampler platter for the appetizer," I said.
"Very good."
We both watched the hot ass depart and then Cody and Justin walk toward us.
"Don't you even think of stealing him from us," Justin said, "he's the best waiter we have."
We all chuckled as they took the empty seats at our table for four.
"If the rest of his serving ability equals what we've seen we'd be tempted to take him as a trainer," I said.
"Oh it is, he already has some regulars who will wait for his section," Cody said, "Keith said you were looking for me."
"Cody, as my oldest and dearest friend I would be honored if you would be in my wedding party," Daniel said.
Cody was hugging him so fast that a couple of nearby staff and customers started thinking he'd fallen.
"Of course, yes, yes"
"What's up?" Keith said hurrying up.
"Lion just asked Cody to be in his wedding party," Justin said as he peeled his lover off of mine.
That was followed immediately by the sound of two broken glasses and running feet. By the time we could react Kyle was running out the front door.
One of the busboys cleaned up the mess, a waiter brought our drinks and the platter and took our order while Cody and Justin apologized to the nearby guests for the outbursts. They rejoined us when our steaks arrived and they didn't have a clue as to what could have caused Kyle to react that way.
"I asked him why he'd come down from DC and he said he preferred not talking about it and we didn't push him, just gave him the drink and appetizer order," I said.
"Wouldn't tell us either which is normally a big strike but the experience he had was too much to pass on," Justin said.
"Boy won't tell why he's here he may be running for the wrong reasons and that makes us uncomfortable," Cody added.
I nodded, over the years we'd had police come down from various other states, and even a couple feds, looking for a boy wanted for a serious crime and while we'll protect a boy from his family or guardians if he's over thirteen all we can do in those cases is hold an extradition hearing if the boy requests one.
"Don't think that's the problem here. You said my name and the glasses dropped if I heard right and I didn't recognize him or the name," Daniel said.
"And I said Lion, not Daniel," Justin said.
"You going to take him back if he comes back?" I said.
"The first time we always do. Face it we get a lot of new arrivals here and even with the boys' been here around a while something can set them off. A face that seems familiar, a name. I've even seen it with a drink order that matches the parents. We try and get them to talk about it but don't press. If there's a repeat then it's either talk, counseling or gone. Most take the counseling which is fine with us," Cody said.
"Face it if we don't understand who will," Justin added and I raised my glass in a toast.
We spent the rest of our time together talking about the wedding and ensuring everybody that Keith and Tad were going to be invited to everything. After signing the check we headed over to the club for the comedy show.
Boydini and Ninja-boy are still performing at the Jorgenson Inn's nightclub every night but with the popularity of the Wednesday night variety shows at the Big Lick Zeus had transformed the early show on Friday and the Sunday matinee into comedy shows. Except for the rare gay comedian who was willing to come all the performers were boys. There was one local who did a Jeff Foxworthy "you might be a redneck if" type routine" but the rest were all newcomers. And mostly working boys at that.
Their routines were interesting. Some had no sexual content, no profanity at all. At the other extreme were profanity laced routines with graphic hand motions and scanty costumes. The most interesting ones though were clearly based on clients. Some Daniel and I recognized.
After the show we had a quick drink at the bar then retold some of the jokes as we drove home.
As I turned into our driveway the headlights swept over a figure on the steps. The figure was curled up into a ball and didn't react to the light. I stopped the car at the end of the porch and we got out and walked up together. We walked noisily but the figure still didn't stir, even when we were standing over it on the porch.
"It's Kyle, he still has his uniform on," Daniel said.
"I don't get it, he runs at the sound of your name and ends up here."
Daniel knelt behind the boy and shook his shoulder. Kyle sat up so fast he almost banged his head against Daniel's chin.
"Don't be mad, don't punish me please," Kyle said obviously scared.
"Were not mad, we were all concerned after you ran out of the restaurant and hotel. And nobody's going to hurt you," Daniel said.
"Promise," I added seeing the look in his eyes, "Lets go in and talk."
"Can we talk out here please?" Kyle said.
"Sure," I said and sat down next to him.
"Do you want anything to drink or eat?" Daniel said.
"Soda if you've got one, don't care what kind," Kyle said.
"Be back in a couple of minutes, don't start without me," Daniel said and went in.
He was gone long enough I knew that he'd called Cody and Justin to tell them the news. He brought out a coke for Kyle and himself and a diet coke for me along with a plate of Mrs. Thorpe's chocolate chip cookies.
Kyle gobbled two of the cookies down before the plate hit the ground and then blushed.
"Sorry, missed family meal and never had a chance to grab something to eat. Uh, family meal is what we call the help's meal," Kyle said.
"I know, used to work at the Tasty Buns," Daniel said.
"But that was really family meal," Kyle said.
"True," Daniel said, "Can you tell us what's going on Kyle? Why did hearing my nickname cause you to drop the glasses, runaway and end up here?"
"Lion, can I call you that?"
"Sure Kyle," Daniel said.
"You know your father's family originally came from up north."
"Sure it was his father who moved down here," Daniel said softly.
"Well my grandfather was your grandfather's older brother which makes us cousins of some sort or other. Never knew this part of the family existed until I saw the articles in TIME, People and about the film Aaron and Harley made. One of those articles, I forget which, mentioned the Jorgenson family and how you were prominent down here. And there was a mention of a Lion Jorgenson. I asked my father and he acknowledged the family relationship but there had been a rift long ago so they weren't really family.
"And while to our clients he didn't care straight or gay when father found me blowing the chef he couldn't take it but since he needed the chef more than me he kicked me out of the house. I figured come down here where there were loads of other boys like me. I asked around and found out about the family pretty fast even though I used Mom's maiden name instead of Kyle Jorgenson."
"Why didn't you contact us?" Daniel said as he put his arm around his cousin's shoulders.
"From what I remember gramps saying it wasn't a friendly parting and that the bloodlines had gotten pretty thin. Plus I didn't want you to think I was here to live off the connection. But when I heard Justin call you Lion it hit home and hit hard I guess. When I calmed down I decided it was time to meet you and this was the best place."
"It was cousin, welcome to the family," Daniel said.
"Yeah Kyle, welcome to the family," I added.
"You ready to come in?" Daniel asked.
"Yeah, can I spend the night? Don't feel like going back to the barracks," Kyle said.
"The one behind the hotel?" I said as I rose.
"Yes, no utilities or anything but a bunch of us who work at the hotel live there. Sort of honor system where you don't touch anything don't belong to you or you're not only out of home but out of job. And I guess I'm out of that too after today."
Daniel and I looked at each other and shook our heads. Neither of us knew about this living arrangement and I doubted Zeus did either.
"Don't worry, Cody and Justin will take their best waiter back in a second and if they don't we'll find you a job," Daniel said.
"They really called me their best waiter?" Kyle said.
"Kid, you're the best waiter I've seen since New York City, and better than a lot of those," I said.
"Thanks Marc," Kyle said, "I'm tired and the couch is fine."
"Nonsense, there's an empty guest room upstairs with its own bathroom and you can stay here as long as you want," I said before Daniel could.
We were rewarded by a dazzling smile.
"I'll get you settled in and explain the couple house rules while Marc makes the couple phone calls he has to," Daniel said.
It was my turn to call Cody and Justin. I filled them in and told them that Kyle would be taking tomorrow off but nobody but the three of them could know about the family ties until he was ready. Then I asked them if they knew of the living arrangements.
"No way Marc. A lot of the boys use the shower and changing area we set up in the rear of the kitchen before and after shifts and we figured they were either working or saving on utility bills. I know the barracks weren't bad before the slaves moved out but I don't know what condition it's in now," Justin said.
"We don't have any problem with them living there either but we turned all the utilities off including water when we moved the Little Leather Club boys out of there. I'll let you know what's going on. I'm going to call Zeus now and bitch about security."
That got the desired laugh from the two Erickson boys and Justin. But I was only half joking. We hired security to patrol the grounds of the hotel and how could they miss the comings and goings out of the barracks or not report it. Unless some were living there too.
Mike Snitz answered the phone and got Zeus for me.
"Hi boss, what's up?" the big man said.
"Do you know some of your and Cody's employees are living in the barracks?" I said.
"What? Hell no Marc, in fact we were talking about renovating it for storage at the managers meeting yesterday. How'd you hear about this?"
I relayed the night's highlights.
"What are we going to do boss? You know we can't just dump those boys out on the streets. Even turning on the utilities without talking to them might scare them out."
"I know, I know and I may use Kyle to help us with them but what I need you to do tomorrow is find out why your security team never said anything to you. I am pissed off about that."
"First thing Marc and I'll call you as soon as I have any news," Zeus said.
"Fine, talk to you then. Now get back to your boys," I said and hung up once again wondered how even a man as well endowed as Zeus kept the twins satisfied.
Daniel handed me the rest of my soda and we sat on the couch.
"He's asleep already."
"Zeus was shocked, said they were talking about renovating the barracks for storage."
Daniel nodded, "That was on the agenda we got the other day. So what do we do?"
"Can't kick them out, can't even turn on the utilities without a plan. Don't even know how many boys are living there."
"Kyle said about thirty every night and there's another twenty regulars. He figures they're whoring and if they don't get client for night they go there. And he claims he hasn't whored, but that might just be for our consumption. He was surprised at the sex rule, especially when I told him it included family."
"Cool, we'll go with him tomorrow and round up as many of them as possible and work things out. With that many boys we can say charge them a buck a night and cover all expenses," I said.
"Ten a week guarantees their bed regardless if they spend the night or not and all they have to do is keep the place clean.
"Do you know about the rift Kyle was talking about?" I asked my fiancee.
"Not really. Great-grandfather owned a bunch of restaurants but my grandfather was more interested in banking. He went to work for Chase Manhattan and quickly moved up the ranks plus was a good investor. He and grandma didn't like it up in New York City, didn't think it was fit for the family they were starting, and one day he saw an ad that the Peckertown Bank was for sale. He negotiated a price he could afford with his assets and a loan from Chase and moved the family down here. Dad was about five I think and Uncle Jeb was seven. Uncle Jeb inherited the banking genes and Dad got the restaurant genes. Why the branches split apart I don't know and I don't know if even Dad does. Grandpa and Grandma died within weeks of each other when Benjy was a baby and I have very few memories of them."
"Shame, but as we know too well families fall apart all too often. Breakfast at the Tasty Buns and introduce him to the rest of the family?"
"Sure, why not. Maybe by the time we get there Benjy will show up in his leathers," Daniel said and rose.
Kyle was willing to go meet the family but felt a little uncomfortable going in his work clothes. Which he reluctantly admitted was the only clothing he had. Anything of Daniel's was way too big so we stopped at Cliff's California Wear for some new clothes. Cliff Agoura came out of the back to help us. Cliff is 15, blond, wears his blond hair split down the middle and thick and long enough to cover his ears. He was wearing his trademark cutoff jean shorts, from top to bottom they are about nine inches [23 cm], maybe a foot [30 cm] and there's no top button. He was wearing an open short-sleeve shirt in a blue and yellow swirl design of his own.
"Hi Daniel, Marc, how are you and who is," Cliff paused to look up and down, "who is your friend."
"My name's Kyle Murray, I'm a waiter at Cody's and last night they offered to show me a great place for clothes shopping. From the looks of things they were right," Kyle said as their eyes locked.
"We'll wonder around Cliff while you help Kyle, just put it on my tab and we'll be back in half-an-hour," Daniel said.
"Make it an hour," Cliff said.
We walked out the door.
The three of us walked into the Tasty Buns a half-hour after that and Kyle was still hot wearing an open turquoise and lavender shirt that matched the one Cliff had been wearing. The Cliff jean shorts were missing the top button but came down to mid-thigh. The few extra inches of fabric made for a more modest look but the shorts were still tight enough that everything was obvious. But nothing as obvious as the smile on Kyle's face that had nothing to do with new clothes.
Aaron gave a double take when we walked in and I knew he was looking at Kyle. Since Aaron is so straight he isn't even a good judge of boy hotness it wasn't that.
"Hi bro, you look like you've seen a ghost," Daniel said.
"Dad, Mom, can you come out here now," Aaron called.
We looked at each other and then heard hurrying footsteps from the kitchen. As we turned toward Elija and Francis I noticed all the patrons were staring at us too.
"What's wrong Aaron?" Elija said and then stopped in his tracks so fast his wife almost plowed into him.
"Dear God," Elija whispered.
Kyle leaned into Daniel and was definitely scared as his cousin put his arm around him.
"Incredible," Francis said, "Kristen, run into the living room and get that photo album we were looking at last night."
"Yes Mom," Kristen yelled.
"Mom, Dad, what's going on. You're scaring us," Daniel said.
"Orin, Bruce, put tables together for all of us. If you need to move people give them dessert on the house," Aaron said and my naked nephew and his equally naked boyfriend soon had a table for eight set up and sat down with us as Kristen walked in with an obviously old photo album and handed it to her mother before taking her seat. She too never took her eyes off of Kyle.
Francis quickly flipped through the pages before stopping, nodding and showing the picture to Elija.
"You're a Jorgenson, from up north aren't you son?" he asked.
"Yes, my name's Kyle Murray Jorgenson, your father and my grandfather were brothers. But how did you know? Far as I know nobody knows I'm here and been no contact with this branch since the split," Kyle said.
In response Elija passed the photo album along first to Bruce then Orin and after seeing their shock it finally came to me.
Silently I pushed the book in front of Kyle and Daniel leaned over.
"Jesus, that's me," Kyle said.
"No, that's my father about your age. He brought that book with him when we moved down here. He was working in the restaurant in New York City then while going to school."
"Jennifer, my wife, came over after closing last night for supper and asked if we had any old family pictures and instead of going to when I was a kid Mom pulled this one out and that's how come this old picture was fresh in our mind Kyle," Aaron said.
"Well that ruined this surprise," I said.
"So did you come down to look for family or some other reason son?" Francis said.
"Both Ma'am, guess it's a story you've heard before. Dad's in restaurant business in DC and caught me and the chef and tossed me out and kept the chef. Seen the stories about Peckertown and the family so decided to come on down. Got a waiter's job at Cody's and that's where I saw Marc and Daniel last night."
He skipped the rest of the story and I wasn't going to fill in the blanks.
"Why didn't you come straight here son? You should of known we'd welcome you with open arms," Elija said.
"Knew that sir, just didn't want you to think I was going to freeload on the family and since like your Dad I waited tables in the restaurant so I got job at Cody's and was just looking for right moment and last nigh was it," Kyle said.
"Proud of you son. Now where you staying?" Elija said and Kyle smiled.
I put my hand on Kyle's arm. "That brings up the related reason Daniel and I are here sir. Last night and for now Kyle is living with us in the spare bedroom. Up till then he was living in the barracks behind the JI."
It took a moment or two longer than I expected but it came.
"What in hell's name do you mean he was sleeping in the barracks? We closed that place years ago and there hasn't been any electric, even water to shit in there. How?" Elija sputtered to a close as Francis pulled him back down.
"Dad, we don't know how or for how long but according to Kyle there's about fifty boys living there and about all of them work in the hotel, either for us or Cody's. We both have showers and changing facilities so it works out for them that way. Called Zeus last night and he was going to get on Sargent on how this was happening," Daniel said.
"Some of the security guards sleep there," Kyle said softly.
"What we sort of figured," I said just as softly.
"Then I guess you got a plan that doesn't include throwing fifty boys out of their home?"
"Yes sir," I said.
"Then do it and get to work you two while we get to know this young man."
"Sure Dad. Kyle we'll pick you up in an hour or so when we're ready to go to the Inn. We're going to need your help there," Daniel said.
"And I owe my bosses a big apology for last night too," Kyle said.
"Yes, but I talked to them and they understand," I said.
Benjy and Roger hurried in the door as we were leaving.
"What's wrong?" Benjy said.
"Dad will explain, but it includes how you maintain one of your properties," Daniel said and we managed to get across the street before we broke out laughing.
The three of us had just sat down at Wayne's Pizza that night to celebrate a successful and happy day when Cliff walked in with another boy.
"Who's that with Cliff?" Kyle said and you could feel the air rush out of him.
Just then a third boy walked in, put his arm around the second's waist and kissed his cheek. Cliff spotted us, or should I say Kyle, and strode over, walked behind Kyle, turned him around and kissed him hard on the lips.
"Now I know these two have money to spend on a hot boy like you but they can't possibly give you the satisfaction and loving I can so why are you hanging out with them?" Cliff said.
"Remind me to double his rent next lease," Daniel said.
"You wouldn't dare cousin," Kyle said.
Cliff let him go and stood straight up. "Cousin? On your Mom's side Lion?"
"No his Dad's side. Cliff please don't be mad but I sort of left something out this morning because wanted to make sure you really liked me," Kyle said.
Cliff knelt in front of Kyle and took his hands, "I do like you and for more than that very hot body of yours. What did you leave out besides being Lion's cousin?"
"Murray's my middle name, last name is Jorgenson, our grandpas were brothers."
Cliff smiled, "Don't mind, like it in fact because you like me for more than my money and free clothes."
Everybody started laughing.
"And who are your friends boyfriend?" Kyle said.
Cliff gave Kyle another long kiss before answering.
"They are more than good friends, Calvin here on the left is my production manager, he makes sure my designs see the light of day the way I want and Yves, sexy French accent and all, is my tailor and Cal's boyfriend.
"Do you guys want one big table in the back room? I can set up a table for five in no time," Jackie said.
"There six of us darling," Yves said.
Jackie pointed a very feminine finger at Kyle and with his Adam's Apple bobbing said, "I'm going to take care of this newbie personally."
Kyle blushed and Cliff put his arms around him, "To late Jack, he's all mine."
"Jack?" Kyle said.
"You're from the District and you've never seen a transvestite before?" I said.
"Not one this hot," Kyle said, "and sorry Jack."
"Dressed like this I'm Jackie but if Cliff says you're his you are one lucky boy. Now do you want that table for seven or not?"
"Sure, and please join us when you can," Cliff said and kissed Jackie on the cheek."
"Oh, boys I think I'm going to swoon from that. Follow me lads, you too Marc," Jackie said.
"Wait till I tell Dan you said that," I said.
"You mean Mr. Saltshaker? Though the way he's going he'll have more white than black soon. Wayne's just wearing his hubby out," Jackie said with an exaggerated thrust of his hips.
"Mr. Saltshaker still writes the paychecks so move that dainty ass of yours girlie," Dan shouted from the kitchen and the whole place roared.
Wayne has great pizza and the nicest pizzeria in town but I swear Jackie is responsible for half the business.
Cliff came home with us after supper and it didn't take long for them to say good-night and head up to Kyle's room. Three hours later when we went to bed at eleven it was clear they still hadn't gone to sleep.
And yes that night we added two more names to both the A-list and B-list for the wedding invitations. Which was good because we had rescheduled the meeting with Peter Pressman about our invitations for the first thing in the morning and we were running out of time.
Unbelievably we agreed on the first one he showed us. It was a light blue background with two men in silhouette. While it would cost more we decided that the A-list men would be light blue, the B-list would be navy blue and the men on the flyers would be lavender.
"I hope you know this will cost extra because of what you're asking and take a little longer unless we put a rush on it and that bumps the charge up to," Pressman said.
Daniel reached behind and lifted a folder and placed it on his desk. On the top of the thick folder the label clearly read "Pressman Printing."
"But as I was about to say because you gentlemen are such good customers we'll waive all extra costs," Pressman said.
"We appreciate that, and by the way here's payment on a couple of bills we owe you," Daniel said as he pulled a check out of the top.
"Thanks a lot Daniel, Marc. Let me get things rolling."
Daniel walked him out and returned with our morning cans of soda and closed the door behind him.
"Damn, the way he blanched I thought he was going to give the invitations to us as our wedding gift," Daniel said and we both laughed.
May turned into June and we were torn between wedding preparations, increased business at all our properties and the start of the annual influx of new boys that marked the end of every school year.
The house was also more crowded than we were used to with Orin and Bruce sleeping in one guest bedroom and Kyle, and more and more frequently Cliff, in the other. That was because Cliff shared a one-bedroom apartment with Calvin and Yves and despite being the boss he had the sofa bed. The four of them usually stripped as soon as they walked in the door, not that any of them were wearing much to begin with. In fact there were a few days when Daniel and I called over to the Tasty Buns for them to come over so we could go home that they didn't bother putting their shorts on and just walked across the road bareassed.
Most nights there were various friends over for a swim, dinner, talking whatever. Peckertown was beginning to remind me of Las Vegas. Vegas had the strip and downtown with the casinos and the rest of the tourist attractions. Go beyond them and it was just another growing city with regular houses and regular people who made everything go, like Orin and Bruce and their parents. We had the few main streets were all the businesses were from the Tasty Buns on one end to the Jorgenson Inn at the other with the park, clubs, and the other restaurants and hotels in the middle. Some extended to nearby side streets but like Vegas it quickly becomes the quiet southern town many of its former residents would recognize.
How they would feel about the working boys who grouped together to buy some of the houses or even boys like Cliff who are successful businessmen is a different question.
June turned into July and we had most of the responses back on the invitations. The tuxedos and gowns were ready and acceptable to all. It had taken two food tastings to get everybody happy. The only thing left was the honeymoon and I'd just smiled when Daniel said surprise me. There were limitations since he didn't have a passport but a bit of surfing and I had the perfect place.
Once that was done there were only two events between us and wedded bliss. Two bachelor parties. All either of us knew was that we weren't getting invited to the other one and that they had flipped a coin to see who went first.
It turned out that Zeus won the toss.
I was getting ready to leave the office around five on Friday, July 12th when Kevin called apologetically telling me he needed me right away at the In-Boy-Inn's banquet hall. Daniel was already home and I knew laying naked by the pool and that thought had a lot more appeal than more work and tried to get Kevin to tell me the problem over the phone. Now the fact that his refusal was odd didn't sink in and I agreed to drive over for "just a couple minutes."
My second clue should have been the empty parking lot on that side of the building while the rest of the lot was jammed.
The third and final clue, and the one that began sinking into my brain was Kevin waiting outside the door, opening it for me and insisting I go first. The room was dark, as dark as it was, as dark as it was on the night of my surprise birthday party my first week here!
It would be easy enough to say, and not that big a lie, to say the next thing I remembered was sometime on Sunday. Fortunately for everybody I do remember enough.
As the door closed behind me there were shouts from all over the room: "SURPRISE!!!"
With that the lights came on and after I recovered from the sudden light I saw just about everybody I knew was there. Orin and Bruce came up to me still naked as pair of jay birds and led me through the room to a high-backed chair at the far end at sat me down then started to kneel at each side of me.
"Boys put something on," I said.
They giggled and went behind the chair and reemerged moments later wearing the briefest of loincloths. They covered enough so if any pictures got back to their parents they would have an argument against a child porn case.
Zeus walked up from the rear and stopped in the center of the room and motioned for everybody to take their seats. As soon as they had nude waiters appeared with bottles of champagne and filled our glasses. At the rear I saw the boys take their own glasses and raise them toward me.
"Gentlemen," Zeus began, "We are here to honor one of the best men ever to grace the streets of our fair town. Unfortunately he wasn't able to attend so we will have to do with this poor sucker."
The room laughed, and to be honest so did I.
"To Marc C. Fogel, may he find nothing but peace and happiness with his beloved," Zeus finished.
"To Marc," everybody shouted and emptied their glasses.
With that Orin and Bruce led me to a table where I ate along with them, Zeus, Aaron, Benjy, Roger, Marc and Mike Snitz, and Elija.
Did a double take at that and he laughed.
"I'm not that much older than you son," he said and we laughed.
The food was great and the liquor flowed. Which is why some of the night is hazy. After dinner I was escorted back to my throne and the presents were presented. There were a couple nice and sentimental presents but mostly it looked like they'd emptied out the several adult novelties stores in town. At the end Benjy went to the door and brought out two of the boys from the Little Leather Club dressed in their leathers.
"Mister Marc, we represent all the boys who have ever been a part of the Little Leather Club and we'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your kindness and consideration to us by making you, with Master Benjy's permission, an honorary master."
With that they unveiled a plaque which had a man on the left holding a whip and a strung up boy on the right waiting. I stood, thanked and hugged the two boys.
I told Benjy I wanted to hang it in my office the next day but he asked me to wait since they were giving Daniel the same thing. I agreed and told Benjy it was a beautiful thing the boys had done. He smiled as he always loved to hear praise about his boys.
The presents done and moved to the side a couple of the waiters rolled out a giant cake and I started laughing. "Better not be a naked woman in there."
Zeus stood, "Ten, nine, eight," by this point everybody joined in.
When we got to zero sparklers went off all over the cake and out popped the hottest Mexican boy I have ever seen. A little over five foot [1.50 m] tall with medium length jet black hair and brown eyes. The only other hair on his body was a small trimmed pubic bush and what a magnificent brown body it was down to the almost five inch [12½ cm] uncut cock jutting out.
Two of the waiters helped him out of the cardboard cake and led him to me. He sat on my lap, grinding his hot ass on my hardening cock.
"My name is Jose and I am yours for the night. They tell me they have reserved a room for you upstairs that has a lot of meaning for you. But first, but now you are wearing much too much clothes for the next part of the evening."
With that Jose brought his lips to mine and slipped his tongue between mine. I felt hands working on my shirt, pants, each shoe and knew the hands feeling my quickly naked chest belonged to the boy on my lap. I didn't look but hoped my nephew and his boyfriend weren't involved. With several quick shifts I was naked and Jose was playing with my nipples.
Once naked I let my hands roam over his body and enjoyed its perfection. I felt his rigid prick rubbing against my still flat stomach as my right hand caressed his firm ass. My left hand stroked his silky black hair down to his neck and upper back.
Jose finally broke the kiss and the applause was both embarrassing and heartening. I am after all fifty-two. The boy stood and I noticed Orin and Bruce were now back at the table and then the bed in the center of the room. A bed Jose was leading me too.
"What's this? I thought you said," I said.
Jose smiled and laughed, "There's more to come later tonight sir but the reason I was hired was my own special brand of oral satisfaction. As the guest of honor you go first and you are the only one allowed inside my hot Latino ass. Now sir, on your back."
Who was I to argue? I'd heard stories of a new boy in town whose oral skills were incredible and I guess my friends had found him.
Jose waited till I was flat and then lay on top of me and slowly kissed his way down from my lips through both nipples and down my chest to the top of pubic hair. He looked up and smiled, I blew him a kiss that he returned.
Instead of taking my cock into his mouth Jose started licking my pubic hair, moistening it with his saliva and patting it down even further out of the way with his tongue. My head was raised by several pillows so I could clearly see what he was doing and even though I trimmed my pubes my erect cock looked longer than ever, balls looked bigger.
When he moved down I figured, almost hoped he'd begin sucking me but he moved past my cock to my balls and started bathing them with his tongue before taking first one, then the other and finally both into his talented mouth. My balls dropped lower, lower than they'd ever been and I felt my seed moving inside them in primeval ecstasy.
Jose let my eggs slip out of his mouth and moved up and took my rod into his hand and I waited for him to guide it into his mouth. Instead he started licking my cock. Up, down, up and then a gentle nip at my cockhead, a little pain to counteract the pleasure and keep orgasm away.
From where I lay I knew all I had to do was lift my eyes and see the time but I never did so I don't know how long this part took. Just that it was both too long and not long enough.
I prayed that now he would work on my cock but instead he went back to work on my balls which had pulled back up.
Once they were loose he smiled at me and stuck his tongue out. I reached down and pulled his mouth to mine and we kissed.
"Take my hot man tool into your hot boy mouth," I said.
And he did. Jose wrapped his lips around my cock and slowly, almost painfully slowly started bobbing up and down. I leaned my head back and let myself enjoy what was truly one of the greatest blow jobs of my life. The only stray thought was a prayer that his ass would be as hot upstairs later.
I felt orgasm coming and knew he wouldn't let me shoot this easily, this quickly. And I was right. Jose pulled off and swallowed my balls. I felt his fingers slip between my legs and I spread them. Instead of going for my hole he pressed the spot in between just hard enough to bring me back down.
Once my breathing was back to normal he took my cock in his mouth a second time and did as before.
And to my dismay stopped a second time and waited a little longer for me to calm down.
The third time he started as before but when he felt me coming close he backed his head off so only my cockhead was in his mouth. He gently stroked my rod and I quickly filled his mouth with my seed. Jose kept pumping and pumping, milking every ounce of cum out of me.
When I stopped shooting he sucked me back in and licked my softening rod.
Finally finished he came back to lay next to me and we kissed. Kissed deeply for a long time, sharing the taste of my sperm. As we did I reached down and took his boy cock into my hand and began stroking. It did not take long for him to break our kiss with a scream as he erupted.
The applause and cheers were so loud we looked around and saw we were getting a standing ovation.
Jose leaned over, "I will be at your side when the party is over but for now I have been hired to also service as many of your friends as who desire it."
"I understand, and I would like you to start with my nephew and his lover together on the bed."
"The two little ones I have seen at the Tasty Buns? You let your family work?"
"They're only here for the summer and that is the only work they can do and they live with me and Daniel. And yes their rents know," I said touched by his concern.
"Cool, and I've wanted them so it will be my pleasure," Jose said with a beautiful perfect smile.
I got out of bed and one of the waiters was there with a large terrycloth robe.
"Orin, Bruce, up you go," I said as I slipped the robe on.
"Really?" Orin said.
"Cool," Bruce said.
Neither waited for a reply and had their loincloth off before they were on the bed.
Instead of heading back to my throne I went to the table and sat down.
Elija was shaking his head, "Marc I don't believe that kid. Or you for that matter. Even for an old straight guy that was hot. If you guys promise not to tell Francis I may even let him have a go."
I and his two sons and everybody else at the table quickly swore. Then he asked me not to tell you either, sorry.
While Jose had everybody's attention as he was doing Orin and Bruce some waiters brought out a large screen TV and started playing a movie called "Cookie Boy." This one really hot boy, light or strawberry blond hair, lots of freckles and hot as hell with a big cock and large balls walks onto the set and plays with himself but nothing serious. He lays down on the floor and stretches out. The camera pans from his feet past his erect cock to his smiling face. Then the camera pulls back and reveals gorgeous boy after gorgeous boy walking in naked, circling the boy on the floor and jerking off.
I lost count at some point but I'll swear it was at least a hundred. Where they got all these boys from thirteen to sixteen I don't know, especially since I didn't recognize any of them. Soon boys began to cum and it all seemed to land on cookie boy. When a boy finished he moved to the back while continuing to stroke. Quite a few of the boys returned for a second orgasm.
By the end of the movie cookie boy was covered from top of his head to the bottom of his feet. When he was alone again he started stroking his cock, taking his time. Periodically he wiped a dab of cum off his body and licked the finger clean. It took the boy the final fifteen minutes of a ninety minute movie to finally cum.
Now don't ask what time the party broke up because Jose and I were upstairs in the same room I stayed in my first week in Peckertown.
Nor should you ask what the two of us did because frankly I enjoyed myself too much to remember the details of how many times I fucked that hot ass, sucked his cock or whatever else we did that night, morning, both. We did get some sleep before the final good-bye fuck.
Jose's clothes were already in the room so he was properly dressed when we came down about noon. Daniel was there along with Orin, Bruce, Benjy, Roger, Zeus and the Snitz twins. I went to give him a kiss but he held up a hand.
"First, I don't ask you about yours and you don't ask about mine," Daniel said.
"Deal," I said and finished the kiss. "Jose, this is my fiancee Daniel. Daniel, this is Jose, an artist who performed last night."
Jose laughed, "I hope to perform my art for you one day."
Daniel just looked the boy up and down, smiled, tossed his mane and roared. Daniel: A week later.
I was expecting the party to be today, after all last Friday was Marc's and next weekend is our wedding.
Our wedding. I cannot tell you how great I feel when I think about walking down that aisle with Mom and Dad. Marc up there waiting to take me from them the rest of the way to the alter.
Marc was up at the Jorgenson Inn when Benjy called me from the slave training facility outside of town.
"Bro, can you come over for a bit. We've been going over some renovation plans and need a non-master's input," Benjy said.
I glanced down at the checks on my desk that needed signing. "Give me a half hour or so, still got some bills to sign that need getting out."
"Cool, see ya when you get here," Benjy said and hung up.
When I finished signing I straightened up my desk for the weekend, called Marc's cell and left a message and dropped the checks on Margaret's desk on my way out.
There were the expected cars in front and when I reached for the door it was opened by a new slave I didn't recognize. He was about fourteen, blond hair almost as long as mine, otherwise hairless and naked except for the thick collar around his neck.
"Mister Daniel?"
"Yes boy," I said.
He handed me the leash.
"I am to take you to Master Benjy. Please follow me."
I took the leash and he headed away from the office and conference space where I'd expected to go but toward the main training room. Still dense I figured that's where the renovations were for so I just followed the hot ass.
An ass so hot that I didn't notice everybody lining the back wall as the boy led me up to a table where Benjy, Caleb and Roy were standing.
"Masters, Mister Daniel is here."
Benjy looked up and smiled, "Remain here Bjorn. Hi bro, and by the way."
The shouts of SURPRISE from behind me made me jump.
Benjy hugged me as the crowd approached. "Gotcha good big brother. I knew you wouldn't be able to keep your eyes of our Viking."
"Can't imagine why a boy this hot wants to be a slave," I said.
"He's just for bondage and light spanking for clients. No whip work for this beauty, and he's yours for the night," Benjy said.
I pulled Bjorn's face to mine and kissed him, our tongues dancing as a rhythmic applause built around us. One arm went around his smooth back and the other around his bubble butt and brought him closer to me. He began to grind into my cock and when it felt tight I broke the kiss.
"Good, that is not how I want to make you cum tonight," Bjorn said with a slight but noticeable Nordic accent.
As we headed to the bar slaves-in-training brought out long tables and placed them in a square. Another set of boys from Benjy's Catering Service quickly set the tables. Once set we were led to our seat by a personal slave boy who knelt at our side.
Looking around I noticed that Orin and Bruce seemed a little uncomfortable with this, especially since their slaves were obviously the older than they were. I ran my hand through my boy's long blond hair and mouthed "Just enjoy him."
Orin nodded and whispered in a confused Bruce's ear. Both of them smiled back and began stroking their boy's hair.
Benjy rose, "Gentlemen, I know for almost all of you this is your first time at the Little Leather Club training center and for many if not most of you the first time you've had your own slave boy. And while they are here to meet any and all of your sexual needs there is no need to go past pure vanilla sex, as painful as that concept is for me," everybody laughed but I could see some sighs of relief as well, "Without further ado let me introduce your host for tonight and my eldest brother, Aaron."
I rose and hugged Benjy on my right as Aaron rose on my left.
"Just over three years ago a man came to our fair city and captivated my little brother's heart. To be honest we were a little nervous about taking this stranger into our family and business even after the quick background check we ran," Aaron said.
"What!" I said.
Aaron continued like I hadn't said a word.
"And here we are eight days away from their wedding day. A day we've been waiting for almost since then. Gentlemen, please stand and raise your glass to our guest of honor, my brother Daniel."
"To Daniel," everybody responded.
Then from either side of me and spreading quickly the floor started vibrating as every slave in the room started pounding the floor. The first time I had ever heard them do that for someone who was not one of their own.
The food was great and plentiful and I fed Bjorn some. Benjy laughed at the boy's soft purr of appreciation and fed his own. Within minutes the sound of purring slaves filled the room.
After dinner the presents were distributed. Same kinds and variety as Marc's. When a couple of the senior slaves came out and presented me with my plaque I cried.
We've tried telling and showing you from that Sunday Marc and I left for New Jersey when that boy, Andrew McMartin, died of AIDS, how much the slave boys under our care mean to us. Yes even more than the others who work for Jorgenson Enterprises' other businesses because they are so dependent on us. Place so much faith in us. These plaques tell me that we've successfully translated our hearts into the business.
Paulo came over to me and hugged me. "They, we really mean it for you, Marc, the whole family. Even before you set me up with the PTA you gave me home I never had," he kissed me on the cheek and turned to the center.
"Slaves rise," they all did, "To Daniel and all his family!"
"To Daniel and all his family,!" rang through out the room from ever slave there.
And while I'd half expected it the live entertainment wasn't Jose but a really hot show that first had a bunch of the dancers from the Dancing Boys Club performing followed by a really hot sex show put on by some of the slaves.
Sometime during that part Bjorn disappeared between my legs and I felt my zipper being pulled down and buttons opened. When I felt his fingers around my waist I lifted my hips and he slid them down and off over my loafers. His hand was delicate on my shaft as he licked my cockhead while his other hand massaged my balls.
As hot as the action was on the makeshift stage when his silky lips enveloped my shaft I leaned back, closed my eyes and let out a low guttural moan of delight. Closing my mind to everything but the sensations emanating from my cock due to the ministrations of this beautiful teen I found myself picturing all the other boys and men who had ever been in Bjorn's position. Some meant a lot, some were just working boys I'd paid to relieve my needs. Didn't try ranking them especially since my heart put my beloved number one and friends like Lance right after.
The building pleasure in my cock brought me back to the present as Bjorn gently worked my cock. I looked down and saw him smiling as he worked then reached down and stroked his hair. He purred around my throbbing cock and I exploded down his throat. Bjorn swallowed every drop, milked me dry and cleaned my cock before pulling off. He went to resume his position but I pulled him up and brought his mouth to mine. As we kissed I tasted myself and started stroking Bjorn's long thin rod.
Our tongues danced and I heard him moaning down my throat. I felt him begin to throb and pointed his cock at my chest just before he shot his load. It was a large load, though not his largest of the night and when he recovered he looked into my eyes with a radiant smile.
"Thanks Master Daniel, I'll take care of that mess now," and began licking his seed off my chest.
I stroked his golden hair, "It's not a mess Bjorn, not a mess at all."
When he finished he resumed his original position but I told him to sit and be comfortable. He thanked me.
The live show over the movie began. It was called Glory Hole Boy and it opened with this hot strawberry blond boy wearing only short dungaree cutoffs and sneakers walks into the bathroom and into a stall. He pulls down his shorts revealing a large cock with big balls. One by one other teen boys enter the adjacent stall, drop their pants, shorts or swimsuits and stick their cocks through the glory hole where the hero quickly works on them. Each load shoots over the cocksucker's chest or face so by the time he finally cums at the same time as the last and biggest boy of the lot he is covered with that precious substance known as boy seed.
While I was watching Bjorn had gone between my legs again and started working on my cock again but not letting me shoot. When the lights went back up I was hard but saw a lot of satisfied looks from around my friends. At that point Bjorn pulled off, stood and whispered in my ear.
"Master Daniel, the master bedroom in the rear is prepared for your use whenever you desire along with myself and as many other of the slaves as you desire."
"You alone will be fine, just fine my Norse God," I said. Orin: July 27, 2002 The Wedding
I am so honored Marc and Daniel trusted me to write this final segment. They even gave me carte blanch too, though I admit I had to look that up to see they meant I could do anything I want. And while I would love to spend the time telling you about how hot my boyfriend is, how smart Bruce is, how much I love him I'll only say he's hot, smart and I love my Bruce.
Daniel was right about how Bruce and I felt when those boys knelt down by us, willing to do whatever we wanted. Then hearing from first Daniel and then Benjy that we weren't expected to hurt them made it a lot easier, even cool. And yes they blew us during the stage show, the movie and yes we fucked then jerked them off later. What Daniel and his hot slave did in back I have no idea but when he got home Saturday afternoon he was tired and happy.
The week was really busy from picking up our tuxedos, traditional black though we got to choose our own shirt colors. Marc and Daniel chose white while everybody else chose a color, Bruce and I picked lavender. Guests started coming in on Thursday with the couples and family staying at the Jorgenson Inn and the single men at the In-Boy-Inn. And yes my parents stayed at the JI because they knew the presence of a woman would just interfere with our normal patterns. Like not wearing clothes.
Mrs. Jorgenson, Aunt Francis, closed the Tasty Buns after lunch on Friday and sent us over to the office after we put our shorts and sneakers on to order them home too. Marc and Daniel drove us over to the JI so we could spend some time with our parents, Bruce's were there too, before the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner that night. Both were held at the Inn.
Rehearsal was fun. The first walk down the aisle they let us goof off as much as we wanted to get it out of our system. Bruce and I pretended to be little ballerinas twirling up the aisle. My parents and Marc almost limboed down the aisle and I was honestly shocked to see how low they could go. Not to be outdone Daniel and his parents did a hoe-down till where they met Marc who joined them for the rest of the trip.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, and that includes you two little girls," Rev. John Brannigan said, the last looking at us with a big smile, "Now let's take positions and run through it seriously."
It took another two tries walking down the aisle to get it right and everybody in final position.
"Very good, blah blah blah, Marc you say your piece and then Daniel you say yours with no roaring at the end please," the Reverend said.
Daniel roared, "Sorry, had to get it out of the system then."
The minister sighed, "At this point the ring bearers will give each of you your rings."
I stepped up to Marc and handed him a box as Bruce did the same to Daniel.
"Open it brother, both of you," Mom whispered.
They did and Marc's jaw dropped.
Daniel looked and his eyes showed confusion.
"These are Mom and Dad's rings," Marc finally said.
"Mom gave them to me shortly before she passed. The first time she'd taken hers off since Dad put it on her finger. Told me that if you ever got married she wanted you to have them. Now I know you're not going to use them tomorrow but this way she has her wish."
Marc slowly took the one he had out of the box and placed it on Daniel's outstretched ring finger then Daniel did the same.
"I now declare you wed, you may kiss and then," the Reverend stopped since it was clear the happy couple wasn't about to stop kissing.
When they finally did Marc took his sister in his arms and they cried. Saturday they attached the rings to their necklaces and wore them under their shirts.
The rehearsal dinner was just for the wedding party and families and a couple friends of Marc's from back in New Jersey. Now a couple of brothers you met a few chapters back but there were a couple of his former co-workers he's kept in touch with and a few of his gay friends. Even the gay ones said they were shocked by the openness, and a little scared over how much the boys appealed to them.
The food was great and there was even a little dance combo that gave Bruce and I a chance to dance in front of our parents. I mean we know they're comfortable with our being gay and being lovers but seeing us dancing close we thought might be something else.
Surprised the hell out of us when our Dads got up and cut in and danced with their sons. At first I kept a proper distance from my Dad but then moved in closer so we were hugging. He bent down, kissed my head then whispered into my ear, "I love you son and can accept everything. Well, maybe except seeing the two of you at work."
I turned my head and kissed his cheek, "Love you Dad and thanks. To be honest I'd rather you didn't come there either while I'm working."
We laughed and then the two fathers changed places.
"Son," Bruce's father said to me, "I'm so happy to see you two here so happy and free. We'll do our best to keep it that way once you get home."
"Thanks Dad, I really appreciate that," I said.
There was talk about a trip to the Big Lick but Elija vetoed it because we all had a big day ahead and as always he was right.
Saturday morning came as always way to soon but the Gods were smiling at us because it was a beautiful warm day. It was ten when Bruce and I started down the steps only to meet Kyle hurrying back up.
"Clothes, Mrs. Thorpe is here to make us breakfast."
We turned and hurried back up the stairs. Mrs. Thorpe's cooking, and especially her breakfasts and desserts are fantastic. Uh, almost as good as Mom's.
The mood in the house was upbeat but subdued. Not much talk around the breakfast table or until we got into the limo for the short ride to the park.
The streets were almost empty until we got close to the park. We were due at two for pictures and despite the fact that the wedding wasn't until four a crowd was starting to form. Mostly for the C list crowd, most up by the front but some near the path to the food. I will tell you this, the working boys there were not in their work clothes. A cheer went up when we left the car and Daniel and Marc went over to the line and shook hands with as many of the boys as they could reach, thanking them for coming.
The photographer's assistant came over and took pictures of that and then the crowd. One of the boys asked if they could get pictures of themselves all dressed up. The photographer looked to Marc who nodded and then called over two of the boys who it turned out worked security at the JI to organize it.
We headed over to the platform and I don't want to know how many pictures we were in much less were taken altogether. Even a few with our parents. As time went on more and more people arrived. By the time the photographers finished at 3:30 the B and C list areas were filled and most of the A list people were waiting to be admitted. The wedding party was led to an enclosed tent off to the side to freshen up and wait. Bruce and I headed over to the refreshment table and were handed cokes in glasses with lids and straws. I mean, like we were going to spill all over ourselves.
Four came and we moved into position and they opened the tent flaps. The slave boy orchestra was playing and it was beautifully romantic. I felt a tug on my hand and looked at Bruce.
"One day it will be us," my love said and we kissed.
"Let's do it. As we rehearsed please," the Reverend John Brannigan said and we lined up behind him.
The music changed and the minister started off and after he turned up the aisle I went next to be followed by Scott, Margaret, Lance and finally Zeus. Lance's brother Richie walked to a microphone set in front of the orchestra and as Marc turned the corner between my parents, his sister and brother-in-law, began to sing All I have to Give by the Back Street Boys.
When Richie finished he blew Marc a kiss and went to the side.
The orchestra started again and Bruce started up followed by Cody, Kristen, Benjamin (as I've been instructed to call him for this part) and then Aaron.
This time Aaron Cutler stepped up and they started playing a symphonic arrangement of "I Want Candy." He gave them a look and the music changed and as Daniel started up the aisle on his parents' arms Aaron began singing Phil Collins' "Hold On My Heart."
The music stopped when they were about three-quarters down the aisle and Marc headed back down to meet them. He hugged Mr. & Mrs. Jorgenson then took Daniel's arm in his and walked back to where everybody was waiting for him. Once there Richie and Yoshi join Aaron in front of the orchestra.
"Marc, Daniel," Richie began, "the three of us want to thank you here and now for asking us to be part of your wedding. We know that you will find even more happiness married than you've had these past three plus years. We'd like to sing this song for you."
The song was "All for Love by Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart and Sting.
When they were finished and seated everybody's eyes returned to the stage. The wedding party was standing on the second steps but the ceremony itself took place two levels up so as many people on the side could see it. It was perfectly still, not a sound when the Reverend began.
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is so good to see all of you here today for the wedding of these two fine men. We all know them and love each of them and both of them together. The way they opened up this most special day to every resident of Peckertown, everybody who works for any of their companies indicates not only the kind of people they are but the quality of their families and their parents.
"On a personal note I want to thank the boys of Peckertown for what they have contributed to my hometown and to my ministry. I ask all of you to remember and take to your heart that despite what you've heard from all those who use his name in vain that God does love you and blesses each and every one of you."
"Amen," Elija said loud enough to be heard and it rippled through the crowd.
"Marc. Daniel. As our talented singers said it is an honor to officiate today as it was at Aaron and Jennifer's recent wedding. Daniel, your parents have been blessed by four outstanding children who have and are making them proud. Not just professionally but with the soul you bring to your responsibilities and your lives.
"Marc, unfortunately I never met your parents but from the little time I spent with your sister and her family I know that they too were good people who are watching you from God's side today and are just as proud of you and happy for you as the friends and family with you today.
"We are here today to join Marc C. Fogel and Daniel Jorgenson in holy matrimony. Marriage is an important step in any relationship even if you have been living and loving together for many years. Each person is saying to the other that yes I have loved you all this time. I love you more today and I am here today before friends and family to say I know that our love is such that I am committing myself, my love, my life, my soul, my heart to you. And this is what these two men have come before us to do.
"Marc and Daniel have each asked for a few minutes now to speak their hearts. Marc."
Marc took a deep breath and took a quick glance around before focusing on Daniel and beginning.
"My beloved Lion, when I came down here thirty-nine months ago on a week's vacation I was looking for a good time. A place where I could openly enjoy desires that had to be hidden away back home from all except a few I knew were safe to be honest with. Then on my very first day here, before I even checked in I stopped to eat and met this very hot young boy who not only agreed to show up at my room that night but actually did. That lunch, that night, that week changed my life more than I could ever have dreamed. You went from being a hot boy to a young man I cared deeply for and who showed me the real Peckertown, a town and its people I could also care for. When we moved into our house and Mrs. Thorpe brought us that apple pie I knew it was our home. Every night since that one I have thanked God for bringing you and your family and friends into my life. Today I thank him for making you my spouse."
Daniel wiped his eyes and shook his long black loose flowing hair and I sensed a roar building but he suppressed it.
"I so want to roar. Roar out my happiness. Roar out my love for you Marc."
"Roar my Lion," Marc said and Daniel did. A long triumphant roar of the alpha male to his pride.
"Marc, I too felt something that first day. You may have just seen a hot boy at the Tasty Buns but the way you acted was different than a lot of the men who came there. You asked me to your room didn't say be there. Once there you let me set my limits instead of imposing yours. That's why I took you to the Big Lick to meet Lance and his brothers. The next morning as Lance and I were walking home he said one thing to me. `Lion, if you're ready this one is the one for you.' And I was ready and you were, you are the one I was waiting for. Everything you did or said that week showed me more and more you were right not just for me but my family, our business and our town. And that love for you has grown every day since then to now. I love you Marc."
After a long pause Rev. Brannigan stepped forward.
"Will the ring bearers bring their precious burdens forward."
Bruce and I stepped down to the first step, over to the center then up to where Marc and Daniel were standing and opened the boxes. The rings are a band of white gold with a slightly narrower band of yellow gold on top. Inside the inscriptions read: From MCF to DJ with eternal love. 07/27/02, on the one Marc gave Daniel and the initials reversed on the other.
"Marc Fogel, do you take Daniel Jorgenson to be your lawful spouse from this day forward. To love him, respect him, take care of him and his needs. To do what's best for him over all else. In sickness and in health, in youth and old age, in good times and bad."
Marc took the ring I was holding and placed it on Daniel's finger.
"I do," Marc said.
"Daniel Jorgenson, do you take Marc Fogel to be your lawful spouse from this day forward. To love him, respect him, take care of him and his needs. To do what's best for him over all else. In sickness and in health, in youth and old age, in good times and bad."
Daniel took the ring Bruce was holding and placed it on Marc's finger.
"I do," Marc said.
Then in accordance with the laws of God and the State of Arkansas I do pronounce you wed. You may kiss," Rev. Brannigan concluded.
And so do I.
To be continued, (after the honeymoon)