PZA Boy Stories

Sidney Gittler

Arkansas Vacation

Chapters 27-28

Chapter 27
(Arkansas Vacation 12)

Aaron Cutler and Harley Joel Oswald make guest appearances in this chapter. As far as I know neither of these young stars is gay nor that they would indulge in any actions or fantasies ascribed to them.

Where to begin? How Lion and I celebrated our first anniversary? Tell you about the latest boys to arrive in Peckertown? The new act Benjy designed for the Little Leather Club? How about Justin and Kyle's reunion with their siblings?

We'll get to them. But we'll start where we left off 3; with a letter.

Dear Marc;

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write but things have been so hectic since we got back three months ago that I haven't had a chance.

Don't even know where to start. First thing is Chris is doing ok. He's reacting really well to the hormone shots. So well that the doctors think he'll grow to his normal height and look like a man and not a tall little boy. And the other night when I was sucking him his cock got a little harder and he had a tiny orgasm. We cried and hugged at that.

We're in our new house in Longston, NJ and we've been making new friends, especially with the kids we've met from Longston Academy where we'll be going next month. We've met a couple of kids who go there, Jon Sorrel and Joe Werner, and they're out lovers who helped start the gay and straight club. We spent the night at Jon's house with another gay couple from the school and none of them said anything when they saw Chris naked. It made my love feel so good.

Finally as my Pop Pop used to say, it's a small world. Turns out that Jon's father owns and Joe's father is the president of the conglomerate where Dad, I love calling him that, is one of the divisional presidents. Plus my father works for Dad's division. They made father an offer. Sign the papers giving me up for adoption and accept a transfer to the Dubai plant or, well just say he signed the papers fast. I am now Dashby Scott.

Please let everybody, especially Mr. Kevin know.

Thanks, Dashby.

A week later I was at the train station with Aaron and Shawn to pick up supplies for the Tasty Buns restaurant. Shawn was telling me how he and Chris were getting along and I realized it was over a year since Daniel and I picked the two hitchhikers up on our way back from New Jersey. Which reminded me that with everything going on after Charles Davis's crime spree Daniel and I forgot my birthday, and our first anniversary.

Before I got a chance to fantasize about that amazing week the train pulled in and Shawn gasped as a Puerto Rican teen hopped of the train before it stopped completely. While Peckertown's boys have always been predominately white there's always been a good mix of other racial groups so having a Puerto Rican join us wasn't a big deal.

That first Saturday of August 2000 nobody noticed the dozen other boys arriving on the same train. Flip flops showing perfect toes led to muscular legs that went on until interrupted by black latex shorts that left nothing to the imagination. Including eight inches [20 cm] of uncut boy cock, and yes the shorts were that tight. He wore an open sleeveless vest revealing a hairless muscular chest. Swept back black hair topped a handsome face highlighted by a bright smile. This boy oozed masculine sexuality and knew it.

Shawn left my side and walked up to the newcomer. "Welcome to Peckertown, my name's Shawn."

"Joaquin, are you the welcoming committee?"

"Just for the moment," Shawn said and giggled.

Joaquin smiled, bent down and kissed Shawn gently on the lips.

Shawn's fingers floated up the other boy's chest.

Joaquin squeezed Shawn's basket.

Shawn traced the outline of Joaquin's cock as the kiss got deeper.

I couldn't believe what I was watching. A boy who just finished telling me how much he was in love and the great sex he and his lover shared was about to start rutting in the street with a total stranger. Though a damn hot one my cock lusted for.

"Is this right? What about Chris?" Aaron asked. Aaron Jorgenson is my lover's older brother and while he doesn't have any problems with what happens in his hometown is as straight as they come.

My cock relaxed as I considered this. Would Lion react the same way Shawn was and how would I react to it? With certain guidelines we had an open relationship but generally didn't go outside of the relationship. I knew Joaquin turned me on and I knew he would turn my fifteen-year-old lover on to.

"You ever hear of Stephen Stills?"

"Singer with various groups and solo. Big hit was, oh yes, 'If you can't be with the one you love'."

"Love the one you're with," I finished. "And this isn't love, this is carnal lust."

Shawn was naked and on his knees peeling the latex shorts down.

"I'll go get the supplies while you join the rest of the perverts watching," Aaron said.

I think I nodded as I watched the uncut cock appear in all its glory. The boy had a small trimmed patch of pubic hair. He shucked his vest, stretched and I realized that patch and his head were the only hair on his body. Though by the precum Shawn was licking I knew it was because he shaved. I loved the look though it didn't conceal that Joaquin was at least fifteen. This was no scared little boy looking for a safe haven.

Shawn slowly licked the head clean before slowly making his way down to two good-sized orbs. Joaquin ran his hands through the young cocksucker's long black hair and let out a barely audible moan.

The Tasty Buns' star nude busboy released the two balls and started swallowing the cock. It took remarkably little time for the thirteen-year-old to swallow the throbbing, growing prick. Joaquin's knees buckled when he felt Shawn's lips on his bush and the two boys quickly began to 69. Now Shawn's tool is a little larger than average for his age but no match for the monster down his throat. As Joaquin started fingering Shawn's hole I noticed a little boy watching the scene. Hispanic and nowhere near ten. I also noticed the men circling him. I moved around and stood behind him as Joaquin began to enter Shawn's love canal. The older boy saw me and stopped, glaring. Shawn turned his head and grabbed Joaquin's arm.

"He's ok, that's my boss and he'll make sure nobody touches the kid."

"Sure? That's my baby brother."


I crossed my heart and Joaquin nodded then proceeded to ram his cock deep inside Shawn. Without taking my eyes off the sex crazed boys I knelt behind the child.

"Is Joaquin your brother?"

He nodded.

"Have you seen him do this before?"

"Man do you have a tight ass," Joaquin said.

Another nod.

"What's your name?"

"Ricardo Manuel Lopez."

"How old are you?"


"Fuck my ass man, fill my ass with you man cum," Shawn said.

"Where are your parents?"

"Muerto, dead" he said in a flat voice.

"I'm sorry," I said and put my hand on his shoulder.

We watched silently as his big brother continued pounding Shawn's ass. Grinding Shawn's ass and back into the packed dirt. Shawn was jacking himself off furiously and screamed as a geyser of boy cum shot from his cock and splattered all over his face and stomach.

Joaquin pulled out, stroked twice and added a huge load all over Shawn. Spent he collapsed and the two started kissing. Many of the men in the crowd threw money before drifting away to find whores of their own. Ricardo darted and picked up all the money and handed it to his big brother who was sitting next to Shawn smiling. Ricardo started dividing the money but Shawn put his hand on top.

"Keep it, I've got a steady job and enough money. You'll need it to get set up."

"You sure? I don't want to take food out of your mouth."

"Don't worry, he takes it out of mine during meal breaks at the restaurant he works at."

"Thank you sir, for looking after Ricardo."

"No problem, but you're going to have to be careful with him around here."

"I know, but we had to get out of Miami."

I waited for him to continue but when he didn't I turned to Shawn. "Any vacancies in your apartment building?"

"Think so, yeah, two of the guys moved in together so there's a one bedroom on my floor open unless Matt's rented it already."

I opened my cell phone and hit the speed dial for the Green St. apartment building.

"Matt, it's Marc, I hear you have a vacancy on the third floor?"

"Yes, just finished cleaning it up. That's a furnished one."

"It's rented. Shawn will bring them in shortly."

"Yes boss, can I call Margaret and set up a meeting with you for next week?"

"Matt, you need to talk to me just set it up. You don't need permission. Understand?"

"Yes boss."

"Joaquin, you've got your housing settled. I'll drop you off with Shawn and he can show you the manager's office and anything else you need around there. Shawn, call in when you're done and have them punch you out then."

"I don't want your charity either sir," Joaquin said, he was dressed again.

"Did I say you were getting a free apartment? This way you don't have to worry about Ricardo having a roof over his head while you two are settling in and your deciding what you want to do for a living," I said and handed him my card.

"Shawn, will you help me load the car?" Aaron called.

The three boys ran off and I followed.

On the short drive to the apartment Joaquin filled us in on his past. His father had been a high level pusher. One night while he and Ricardo were at the park men broke down their door and executed both their parents. A friend ran over to the park and told them about the shootings and that cops were all over the place.

"I was scared," Ricardo said.

"Fortunately dad had an escape plan for the two of us set up. As always I was carrying several hundred dollars in my wallet and instructions on how to get here. I've also got the account numbers and code to get money out of the Peckertown Bank. Don't know how much is there or how long it'll last but at least we're safe for now," Joaquin said.

"Aren't the Miami police looking for you?" I said.

I saw Joaquin shrug in the rearview mirror. "If they find us here they can't do anything to us. Can't take us back without a fight and man I'll give them one."

"Cops find you call me before you do or say anything. I'll get you the best lawyer in the area. If you need anything call us. Shawn, you and Matt pass the word through the building."

Joaquin leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

We rode in silence the rest of the way and I dropped the three boys off at the apartment house. Most of the boys living there worked for Jorgenson Enterprises in one capacity or another and I knew they would all watch out for Ricardo.

Daniel was at his desk going over invoices when I got to the office with two-cheeseburger deluxe combos from the Tasty Buns. As we ate I told him about the two newcomers.

"Cool, only thing is I think we should have Matt keep a close eye on Joaquin. It's a good story but his old man could have sent him here to get into the drug trade. We've kept it out of town for the most part but it's been a concerted effort," Daniel said.

"True, Matt said he wanted to set up a meeting with me so we can discuss it with him then."

"And that if anybody catches Ricardo having sex then they'll both have to leave town on the next train or bus. I've got just one question."


"If the two of them were as hot as you say how did you ever tear your eyes away to notice Ricardo?"

"First, the boy was right across from me. Second, there was too much activity around him. Finally, with what I have waiting for me at home why get hot and bothered by anybody else?"

Daniel put his sandwich down on a bill from Clinton Condoms, stood, walked around the desk and climbed onto my lap. Our lips flew together and our tongues danced while hands roamed over horny bodies.

"Home, pool, sex," he said.

I nodded.

Twenty minutes later we were naked in our pool. However we were not alone.

Waiting to greet us were Benjy and Roger, the Olson Triplets and all the members of Powersound and their significant others, when they weren't part of the group already. I swear there wasn't an inch of space between Dustin and Nico, total.

"Bro, we expecting anybody else?" Daniel asked his younger brother.

"Zeus and the Snitz twins, and Zeus said they may have a surprise," Benjy said.

This was immediately followed by two huge splashes that left trails of long blond hair in their wake.

"Don't you dare big man. Don't want a crack in the bottom or have to refill the pool.

"Shit, there's barely enough room for me to walk into this oversized bathtub," Zeus said.

"Well, I hope there's room for us," a familiar voice said and I quickly turned. Everybody did.

"Scott? Frank? Scott, you look great," I said.

"Hey, don't I look great?" Frank said with a grin splitting his face.

"You look like you've been enjoying the good life."

"A month at the rehab clinic followed by a week at Disney World, that'll make anybody look and feel good," Scott said as he led his boyfriend into the pool.

"You went to the rehab center too Frank?" Benjy said.

Frank nodded, "they have a program for significant others that runs parallel with the patient's. Helped me a lot. Besides, couldn't go that long without seeing my lover, could I?"

Scott kissed Frank, a long deep kiss that had all the couples holding each other tight. Scott had been through so much over the past few years that everybody understood why he'd become an alcoholic. Admired the strength it took to walk into that Alcoholics Anonymous meeting at the very bottom of his depression and addiction.

I slapped Zeus on the back of his broad black back. "If that's the surprise it's an awesome one."

"Only the first part," Mike said.

"Marc, Daniel, I appreciate everything you and your family's done for me since I arrived here. But Frank and I have been offered a job and we're going to take it," Scott said.

"You're not leaving Peckertown?" Daniel said.

"Not a chance. As everybody here knows tomorrow is the Grand Opening of Mark and Mike's Swim Park. It's a smaller version of one we loved back home and like that one it's a no sex zone. Unlike that one we need people there to enforce the rule," Mark said.

"And Scott wants me to stop hustling and this way I can do that without feeling I'm living off him," Frank said.

"Yeah, they'll be living off us," Mike said and everybody laughed.

"Well then, we regretfully accept your resignation on one condition Scott," Daniel said.


"You promise not to be a stranger and if you need anything at anytime either one of you comes to us."

Scott swam over and hugged both of us. "I promise."

"We promise," Frank said.

A couple hours later Zeus, Nelson and I fired up the barbecue and started digging hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken from the freezer. Nelson and Zeus started arguing over how to season the chicken I was defrosting it in the micro so I divided the batch in half and let each have his way. I watched and knew that I'd be taking a piece from each recipe.

Fortunately Zeus remembered his lesson from the recent movie shoot and held back three pieces of chicken from each of the platters we served the starving mob. As we backed away we each counted to make sure we still had ten fingers.

While there was lots of hand holding and tender kisses within each couple and between friends there was no love making as afternoon turned into evening and finally night. Zeus and his two boyfriends stayed long enough to help clean up the pool area before we sent them off and my Lion and I headed up to our bedroom.

"That was wild and nice," Daniel said.

"Yes, we don't do it often enough, but I sort of regretted our open door policy today."

The love of my life ran his fingers down my torso until he reached and grabbed my growing cock. "It's not like either one of us forgot why we came home for."

"That's true, but with everything that's happened the last few months there are a couple things we forgot," I said as I took hold of his fifteen-year-old boy cock.

"What?" he said as he started stroking.

"My birthday and our anniversary. Shawn talking at the train station reminded me," as I matched his pace.

Daniel brushed his lion's mane out of his eyes and looked at me. "Oh shit," he giggled, "I forgot completely too. We've got to make it up to ourselves."

"This is a good place to start," I said as I swung around and inhaled his teen cock.

A cock that was a lot longer, thicker and tastier than the one I swallowed my first night ever in the town I now called home, Peckertown, Arkansas. And the rest of him had kept pace as well. But when he engulfed my cock in his mouth it took me back to the joy I'd felt that night at the In-Boy Inn. I didn't linger in the past but concentrated on pleasuring the naked busboy who during that magical week transformed my entire life, and made himself my lover.

I sensed both cocks growing, beginning to throb and I pulled off my Lion's cock.

"Fuck me, make love to me."

He kneeled between my legs as I rolled onto my back and slowly raised them, revealing the entrance to my soul. Slowly he inserted two and then three fingers, gently rotating them, preparing my hole to welcome him. Daniel blew me a kiss and gently, lovingly entered me. After fifteen months we knew each other sexually but this time was as beautiful as the first time after we admitted our love for each other.

With long slow strokes he made love to me. Our eyes remained locked as he pleasured my insides, cock massaging my prostate into constant arousal.

"I love you," I whispered.

"And I love you," he whispered as he picked up the pace to match the increased pulsing in his tool.

"Fill me with your love," I said.

Recognizing the urgency and need in my voice Daniel started pounding harder and faster. His cock reached deep into my body and my heart. It massaged my prostate enough times and I fired long volleys of cum between us and brought my lover off as my Lion let loose his mighty roar while he shot his massive load.

Satiated he pulled out and gently lowered my legs. Heads on the pillows we cuddled whispered our private goodnights and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Ten o'clock Tuesday morning Matt walked into my office and I was stunned. His hair was combed back and he was wearing a dress shirt and slacks to go with his matching loafers.

"Looking good," I said as I stood and shook his hand. He frowned. "I meant that professionally not sexually."

He brightened. "Thanks, I wanted to do this professionally Marc."

"What's on your mind? How is everything at your building?"

"Fine, Joaquin and Ricardo are settling in, all the boys are making sure the youngster stays safe."

"Any signs of drugs?"

"No, why?"

"Joaquin said his father was a pusher in Miami before he was murdered. Don't want son going into the business here. Nor do we want Ricardo violating the age laws."

Matt nodded and I saw him shuffling his feet. I waited for a couple more moments. "Now what did you want to talk about?"

"I've been talking with Joey and Elliott who manage the Jorgenson's other two apartment buildings in the neighborhood. We've got a couple of complaints, nothing major or anything but just bugging us."

I placed my pad in front of me and picked up my pen. "Fine, and don't worry about me or the Jorgensons getting mad. If our employees have problems we want to know about them."

"Two things, the first is we know you have regular meetings with your other property managers but never with us. And I know it sounds childish but we wonder if you take us and our responsibilities seriously."

"You're right, we have ignored you guys. To be honest part is because in the scheme of things you are a smaller part of Jorgenson Enterprises. But also because the three of you have been doing such good jobs in maintaining the buildings and collecting the rents that we've let the three of you do your jobs. However, if you feel that say a monthly meeting is needed we can do that. The three of you, myself, Daniel and Elijah when he's available."

"That would be great, it doesn't have to be long or anything. It'll just make us feel more of the team."

"Trust me Matt, you are part of the team. Now what was the second issue?"

"When each of us took the jobs we were eager to stop whoring and the idea of free housing, utilities and cable for us and our boyfriends sounded great. Each of us does have a boyfriend who makes good money and all, but, you know, we feel that, you know."

I smiled and nodded, not wanting to make his uneasiness worse. "So you want a salary as well?"

He nodded.

"Have you discussed an amount?"

"We started to but really didn't have any idea. Trusted you to be fair with us."

The innocence of youth, I'd learned the hard way not to say something like that. Just didn't think it was the time to teach him that lesson, in any way. I leaned forward and scratched around on my pad while I pretended to calculate. Truth was I'd expected this to happen and knew what good building managers cost from my work in New Jersey.

"One hundred dollars a week, each. We'll review that every six months on an individual basis."

The smile on Matt's face reinforced my guess that I could have gotten away with fifty. They wanted not to have to ask their lovers for spending money and a little proof of being appreciated. As I wrote for real this time I made a note to give them all fifty-dollar raises the next time unless one of them really screwed up.

"Thanks, thanks a lot Marc. We really appreciate it, and you won't see us taking it easy or anything now. And you'll let us know when the first meeting will be."

I flipped open my calendar. "Two weeks from today, same time. Sound OK?"

"Great, I'll let the others know. Thanks for everything Marc. I was really nervous."

"You did great. Now get back to work."

An hour later Daniel knocked on my open door and walked in. "We've got a possible situation."

"Logan call?" I said referring to the head of Samurai Inc., a private security firm specializing in teen idols.

"Aaron Cutler arrives Friday and they're spread to thin right now to send anyone with him."

"What about Harley?"

"Shooting a movie. Cutler's tour is taking a week off and he wants to come down and breath for a few days."

"I guess he wants to stay at their house."

Daniel nodded.

I pushed the phone around. "Call Kenny and ask him and Serge to come over. Then call Benjy and tell him we need Wang."

"And where are you going?" He asked as I rose.

"Little boy's room," I said and pecked his cheek.

When the private jet landed early Friday afternoon Zeus ended up carrying a sleeping rock star from the plane to the van and then to his bedroom. Zeus sighed as he exited. I knew what his fantasy was, and at least for now it wasn't going to come true.

As I checked the downstairs I saw several of Kenny's students patrolling the grounds.

"Everything OK?" Serge said in his heavy Russian accent.

"Fine, you, Wang and Kenny each have a cell with all the numbers preprogrammed?"

"Yes sir. And he doesn't leave the grounds without at least two of us with him. One of whom has to be either Wang, Kenny or myself."

I rubbed his neck. "Good, then when Zeus gets down here we'll leave you to it."

The poolside phone rang the next day and Daniel leaped out of the water and hit the speaker button.

"Hello," he said.

"Lion, it's Aaron, these guys are killing me here. They don't want me to have fun tonight."

"What do you want to do?"

"Wang told me that Benjy's introducing a new act tonight and I've never seen him in action, and then I'd like to take everybody for ice cream but Kenny keeps saying both are too dangerous," Aaron whined.

"Aaron, can you hear me?" I said from the edge of the pool.

"Yes Marc."

"Your fans accepted your being gay, but if you get spotted at the Little Leather Club, and you will, it will destroy your sweet young thing image."

There was a long pause. We could hear voices but couldn't understand them.

"Mr. Fogel?"

"Wang, how many times do I have to tell you?"

"Sorry Mr., I mean Marc. There is a solution that might work at the club. Aaron has agreed if you think it's feasible."

"Tell me," I said.

"There's a private booth overlooking the stage from the back of the hall with one way glass and accessible only through a locked staircase. It's right next to the lights and sound room and is completely soundproofed. If we get Aaron there early and leave after everybody else we should be OK."

"But I want my own slave," Aaron shouted.

"Wang, I want Paulo up there when you get there. And you tell him that if he ever opens his mouth about this special client he's out on the street and out of Peckertown," Daniel said.

"The first will be enough with him, though I don't think the threat is even needed. He is one of the best slaves."

"I know, that's why I picked him.

"Can we sit in the audience at the Big Lick?" Aaron said.


"Yes boss."

I heard annoyance in his voice. "The arrangements at the LLC seem reasonable?"

"I'll call Benjy and work the timing out. Then I'll go over and talk with Sol and station my men all over the place. With what's happened there this year I am not taking any chances. And Aaron will not go up on the stage no matter what."

"Understood Aaron?" I said.

"If they introduce me can I at least stand and wave?"

"Wipe your mouth first," Daniel said.

Benjy called a half-hour later. "I finally get a real celebrity coming to see my act and you hide him away from the rest of my audience. Then he's going to see the Trips and gets to sit in the front row. That's not fair!"

"He's only thirteen bro," Daniel said.

"He's older than me, hell he's older than the slave I'm introducing tonight."

"But it's not hurting either of your reputations to be seen there."

"So, there's something wrong with what I do?"

"Benjy, you know that's not what I fucking mean. Aaron has an image that survived his coming out, hell we had to have this same argument with him. Besides, Marc and I were planning to come see the show tonight."

"OK, I may even introduce you."

"Fine, and bro if we get an adult celebrity here who wants to see your show and is willing to sit in the audience we'll let him."

"Cool, OK, I'll see you then." Benjy hung up the phone.

"We are going where tonight?" I said.

"I thought we discussed this earlier," Lion said, roared and dived back in the pool.

Though we didn't get much swimming done before supper.

The Little Leather Club was quickly filling up as we took our table along the far wall. Our personal slaves stood by our chairs, two new boys I didn't recognize, possibly twins. Their long black hair was the only hair on their bodies. Their skin radiant boy sexuality and their backs showed the results of their training and use. I ran my nails down mine and he didn't flinch.

"What's your name slave?" I said.

"Byron sir."

"Your name boy?" Daniel said.

"Bryan sir."

"Byron's your twin bro?"

"Yes sir. Is that acceptable sir?"

"Yes boy, now go get us a pitcher of beer and some glasses, and make sure they're clean."

Bryan left and when I spotted Wang leaning against a door in the back I sent Byron to get him. Byron returned alone.

"Forgive me master but Mister Wang says he cannot leave his post but to tell you that everything is as arranged."

The young slave stood there expecting to be hit. I grabbed his hair and brought his face to mine and forced my tongue down as far as it would go. When I let him go I pointed to the floor next to my chair. "Good boy, now sit."

Bryan returned and Daniel carefully expected the glasses. After the boy filled them Daniel tongue fucked his mouth and then had the boy sit next to him.

"Show off," I said as the lights dimmed. The show was sold out and even the bar was packed.

Roy, our newest master, opened the show with a demonstration of whip work.

For his finale two of the bigger slaves were strapped to crosses, one on each side of the stage. Roy faced the audience with a bullwhip in his left hand. Took a long deep breath and then there was a blur. I'll swear his eyes never left the audience but after five minutes both backs were bloodied and the slaves were screaming.

As Roy left the stage to collect his tips he carried his whip. When his left foot hit the main floor a Frisbee came flying toward him from the back of the stage. Two seconds before contact he whirled, flicked his wrist and the Frisbee was sent the way it came. A second whip emerged and flung it back to Roy. This time Caleb appeared on stage and for five minutes they rocketed the flying disk back and forth using nothing but their bullwhips.

When Caleb finally snatched the Frisbee out of the air with his hand the spotlight zoomed in on Roy.

"You have just witnessed the unsurpassed whip magic of Master Roy. Please show your appreciation as he passes among you," Caleb said and disappeared.

When Roy was near us I waved him over and handed him a fifty.

"I can't take this, Master Benjy said I couldn't take money from Mr. Fogel or his brother."

"Tell my little brother that we'll do what we please and if he doesn't like it I can still pound him. Besides, the four of you deserve every penny of that. You were great," Daniel said.

"Thank you, but I think maybe I just won't tell him, may be safer for both of us," Roy said.

I motioned Byron to stand and pour our refills. Then I sat his hot naked buns on top of my hard cock. My lover did the same with his slave.

"How long have you been a slave here boy?" I said.

"Three weeks, this is our first show. We were surprised because we haven't finished our training but Master Benjy said you would be gentle with us."

"Is Master Benjy really your brother sir?" Bryan said.

Daniel slapped his face hard enough to leave a mark. "It is not your place to ask questions of your customers slave. Be grateful I don't tell my brother of your insolence."

The young slave cowered in Daniel's lap. "Forgive me master, I will remember my place."

Daniel stroked the youngsters back and kissed the spot he'd just slapped. "You two have chosen a hard life, but a rewarding one. We will defend and protect you, but you must follow your training. Do both of you understand?"

"Yes," the twins said simultaneously.

"Good, now get off our laps and start working on our cocks before we cum in our pants instead of your mouths."

As the lights dimmed sweet mouths enveloped our cockheads.

The lights went out, immediately followed by a screech from the back of the hall.

I turned to see Benjy swing a spiked paddle at the back of a tall sixteen-year-old African-American. The spikes were short but sharp and blood was coming down in streams. What I noticed that I hoped nobody else did was Wang closing the door they'd come out of.

"Looks like Benjy was giving Aaron a private show between acts," I whispered.

"Figured he couldn't resist, can't blame him either," Daniel said.

I ran my hands through Byron's hair as Benjy took the stage and the black slave was led away.

"Gentlemen, I hope you enjoyed the first act of our show." Applause and cheers interrupted Benjy. "Thank you, thank you. I want to remind all of you that all of us, masters and slaves, are professionals. We train continually to ensure our safety goes with your entertainment. In other words, don't try this at home. For those of you who have reserved a private room and slave for after the show remember that if the slave says no then it's no. We have installed video monitoring equipment in each room to ensure our slave's safety as well as your security."

A red spotlight appeared stage left illuminating a young Chinese boy. Completely naked with his hands tied behind him. Black collar length hair with a rat's tail that reached the top of his crack. If I didn't know we checked every single Jorgenson Enterprises employee's credentials the legality of the slave could have been questioned.

He was actually a year older than Benjy though the eleven-year-old head master was taller and more muscular than the new slave.

"Gentlemen, for the first time ever at the Little Leather Club I bring you Lee Jun Fan," he took hold of the rat's tail and twirled the boy around. "From Hong Kong to San Francisco to Peckertown, Arkansas for your enjoyment."

While Benjy walked to the side of the stage where his whips and canes were kept the young boy began a complicated series of kung fu moves with his hands still tied behind his back. A complicated flip and the hands were in front. Benjy cracked his whip instigating another flip returning Lee's hands to his back.

The two pre-teens stared at each other as music began to play. Benjy began to snap the whip to the beat of the music as Lee used dance and martial arts moves to avoid the painful lash. No matter how close together they came there was no hint that the Chinese slave would attack his master.

When Benjy hit Lee the audience gasped at the little boy's ability to ignore the pain and blood. Leap up instantly if knocked down. The beat grew faster and so did Lee's feet and Benjy's whip.

Benjy held his left arm out and someone threw another whip to him. Carefully cracking both whips he started making more contact with the slave. Blood, sweat and energy flowed out of the boy.

Finally Lee fell to his knees and in an instant both whips were curled around his neck. The boy prostrated himself in front of his master. The two panting for breath as the audience roared.

Slowly Benjy raised Lee's head and body till the slave's mouth was at the top of Benjy's skintight leather shorts. Lee grabbed the top with his teeth and began lowering the shorts, slowly and carefully. You could see Benjy holding his breath and squeezing his body tighter to make it easier. Hear the audience as they realized how long the youngster's cock was. When the full eight hard inches [20 cm] popped free and slapped against Lee's face the crowd gasped. His pubic hair and leaking precum showing it was real.

Benjy maneuvered Lee to his knees and the slave quickly swallowed his master's rod. For an eleven-year-old Benjy had plenty of control of his orgasms. But he knew a slave at the end of a performance could only go so long, especially with two bullwhips wrapped around his neck. After five minutes Benjy flicked his wrists pulling Lee off him and covered the boy's face with cum. And I filled Byron's throat as well and heard Lion filling Bryan's.

Spent he dropped the whips and two slaves dressed head to toe in leather came, carefully unwrapped the two whips and carried Lee Jun Fan off the stage to thunderous applause.

Kyran and Nate, two more new slaves, walked down the aisle with plates marked tips for Lee. Benjy never collected or kept any of the tips. After all he and his boyfriend/bodyguard still lived with his parents a couple of blocks from Daniel and me.

Daniel and I were snuggling with our slaves when Wang walked past and gave us the all clear signal we all learned while working with Samurai Inc. during the movie shoot.

I licked some cum off of Byron's nose. "Would you and your brother like to go out for ice cream with us?"

He started to nod but then shook his head. "It's not permitted for a slave to leave the building without permission from a master or a boss."

"Byron, I am a boss. Now you two go tell whomever you have to that you are going out with Daniel Jorgenson and Marc Fogel. Put some shorts on and get back here fast."

Bryan looked at Daniel as the twin slaves slipped off our laps.

"Go," Daniel said as he slapped Bryan's ass.

Five minutes later they were back wearing tight latex shorts, studded dog collar with a leash. They handed the handles to us and kneeled.

"Master Caleb grants us permission to go. He requests you return us to the new barracks whenever you are finished with us," Bryan said. Don't ask, I've told you before I can always tell twins apart.

I stood, kissed Byron, told him to heel and we left. Wang was waiting at the car and didn't even blink at the two slaves. He knew first hand there are times I like young boys.

Another of Kenny's boys took control of the car when we reached the Big Lick and Wang led us in followed by yet another. Kenny was using this as a massive training exercise to impress Logan, and to treat everybody to a night out on somebody else's dime.

Byron and Bryan were in front of Daniel and me and their excitement was palatable. When we reached our table I made sure Byron saw who was at the next table.

"That can't be," he whispered softly.

"It is, and if you look under the table you'll see that you two aren't the only slaves with a night out."

He ducked and saw Paulo between Aaron Cutler's legs sucking on the boy's man-sized cock. He sat right back up because that wasn't a new site. A teen idol with his shirt open and sweat pouring down ten feet [3 m] away was.

The waiter came and after practically ordering them to the boys ordered ice cream sundaes. As usual as soon as our order was on the table the show began. Isn't power grand?

Big Sol came out on stage. "Ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure and honor to introduce a special celebrity in the audience."

"Oh no you don't uncle," three voices came and the Olson Triplets came out dancing to new music. Lance grabbed the mike. "Ladies, this is the first single from our guest's new album due out late this year. The song is 'I Want Candy' and the artist is Peckertown's very own Aaron Cutler. Give it up."

"And we all know who Candy really is," Richie Olson said.

Aaron stood, stuffed his hard cock back in his shorts and jumped on the table.

The crowd went wild as Lance threw him the mike. "Thanks everybody, I hope you all buy the new CD when it comes out, even if you boy lovers have to lie about who it's for. Now back to the stars of this show: Lance, Richie and Bobbie, the Olson Triplets."

As the stage went black I saw Kenny lean into Aaron. "You expose yourself like that again and I'll drag your sorry butt back to the house so fast you'll leave your cock in Paulo's mouth. You understand me?"

Aaron glared back, then nodded. "You're right, I'm sorry. It's just that I feel so safe here, this is my home like it's yours."

"Yeah, but remember, some of these guys might just want to go home and say they did more than just saw you in person. And I'll make sure your cock gets out of Paulo's mouth."

Aaron leaned over and kissed Kenny's cheek as the stage lights went on. The Trips summer 2000 show was done to a medley of surfing songs from the 60s highlighting the Beach Boys and Jan and Dean. Naturally they started off wearing baggy Hawaiian shirts and shorts. Very quickly the shorts were gone. Byron kept looking from the stage to the next table where Paulo was now sitting on Aaron's lap. I felt around and the young slave's prick was hard. I knew the three were going to be lording it over the other slaves for weeks.

The Trips started unbuttoning their shirts and Byron turned to face me and started unbuttoning mine in time. I played with his tiny nipples in return. When he undid my last button I turned to see the identical triplets down to patterned Speedos. Their thirteen-year-old rods clearly outlined. When the performers started rubbing them Byron unzipped my pants and pulled my cock out. When they removed the swimsuits Byron slipped his shorts down.

When they started jerking off Byron lifted up and quickly impaled his tight boy ass with my hard rod. A quick glance revealed Daniel and Aaron to be in the same condition. I grabbed the boy slave's cock and started jerking it as he gently rose and fell on my cock in time with the music.

It was a beautiful thing. And as I came close to climaxing the triplets walked to the edge of the stage right in front of Aaron. "Duck slave," Lance whispered and as soon as Paulo lowered his head the three shot their loads all over the Little Prince of Pop's face.

I jammed my cock up Byron's ass and filled it with cum forcing him into a dry orgasm.

The Trips disappeared into the back and Kenny hustled Aaron, Paulo and two more of his team backstage. Wang and a few more guarded the stage. I signed the tab for everybody and added tips for the waiters and the Olsons, though I knew that would annoy Lance.

"Did Master Caleb say when he expected you back?"

"No sir," Byron said.

"Then would you and your bro like to spend the night in your own room at the house? We'll drop you off at the barracks tomorrow."

"Don't you want to have sex with us there?"

"Daniel and I have a rule, inside our home we only have sex with each other. A night of privacy, it may be your last one for years."

"Can Bryan and I have sex together?"


He hugged me tight and my cock slipped out of his ass.

Back at the house Daniel and I removed our respective slave's collars. "Boy's once you walk into the bedroom you are free to do what you will. When you come out in the morning you will put the collar back on and resume your lives as slaves," Daniel said.

"Yes Sir," they both said.


At ten a knock on the door woke us and two naked boys came in with breakfast trays. Naked except for their collars and leashes.

"Did you have your breakfast?" I said.

"No Sir, we didn't know if we could," Byron said.

"Your masters have trained you well, now go eat."

"Thank you Sir." They bowed and left.

At noon the four of us drove over to Aaron Cutler's house on the outskirts of town. We had to tug on their leashes to get Byron and Bryan to come inside with us.

Paulo met us inside and instantly showed his colleagues the new scars Aaron had given him.

"You are so lucky," Byron said.

"Yeah, I hope this one lasts," Paulo said.

"Can we meet him?" Bryan said.

"Sure, he's waiting for all of you."

I caught Daniel's eye and he shrugged. We'd let the boys be boys and not tell Benjy about the lapse in protocol. We followed them into the living room and Paulo was already introducing the twins to Aaron. The star gave the boys a copy of each of his CDs for the barrack's boom box before Wang took them back.

Alone Aaron leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling. "You know," he said after a while, "you do get used to the good life, being a star. But meeting them I realize how lucky I was even before Nick started us down this path. A nice, normal loving family who would have accepted my being gay no matter what. Paulo and I talked last night and he told me why he'd come down and become a slave. Why he loved the pain and sex. When I cried he comforted me instead of the other way. Lion, tell Benjy that Paulo turned down my offer to buy his freedom and come on the road with me."

"There's no buyout clause in the agreement the boy's sign. They can walk away any time. But I will tell him," Daniel said.

There were two messages on our answering machine when we got home. The first was from Justin: "Hi guys it's Justin, hope everything's cool. Look, you know Cody and Kyle's brothers and sisters are in town on a visit. Couldn't even believe they got to see Aaron Cutler and the Olson Triplets the same night. Look, we're having a barbecue at the house about seven. Come if you can. Please!"

"Got to go, we didn't see them at all last night," Daniel said and I nodded as the second message started.

This was from my sister: "Big brother, aren't you ever home? You keep telling me the Jorgenson's are great people but if they have you working on Sunday they are working you way to hard. Outside of wanting to talk to you here's why I called. You haven't been out here since you moved there, nor have we met that young man you're so in love with. Plus next weekend's your nephew's fourteenth birthday and he wants you here. And so do I. Call and let me know your plane reservations, we've got the spare room for the two of you. Bye."

The machine fell silent and we looked at each other. "I need a beer, you want one?" I said.

"Before or after we make the reservations?"

"Before, I need to think before I call Josie. I've never told her how old you are."

Daniel turned from the fridge with the two cans in his hands. His eyes were those of an angry lion, a very angry lion.

"If you don't want me to go that's fine, no, it's not fine but I'll try and understand. But I am not going as your boss' son subbing for your boyfriend at the last minute. If you want to try claiming celibacy till I'm sixteen fine but I am going as your lover."

"Now before you start sinking your fangs into me hold on. Yes, you are coming. Yes you are coming as my lover, and my sister will never believe we're celibate. But I have to tell her first and not spring it on her when she picks us up at the plane. Now bring those cold beers and your hot lips over here love of my life."

He came, we kissed, we drank, and we kissed. We did some other stuff and I finally got around to calling my sister back.

Her first comment was to remind me that she read TIME and People every week, and articles about her big brother's hometown sort of stuck out. Nor did it particularly surprise her about Daniel. Then she talked with my lover for a half-hour and I feared what they were telling each other.


The party at Cody and Justin's was nice. The food was good, the soda flowing and the usual suspects were there for the Erickson family reunion. While Cody and Kyle had visited their aunt and uncle's farm a couple of times since their siblings moved there this was the first time they had come to see Justin and Cody's new home.

The six Erickson kids were pretty much over their parents' abuse, at least the physical if not emotional. That would take a long time. Most importantly they seemed to enjoy being together, though none of the others would be staying on. Which was fine with Cody and Kyle.

Thursday night Daniel and I headed out to Little Rock. The flight was eight o'clock Friday morning with a change in Dallas. Which was a lot better than some of the other combos the airlines were offering. What was fascinating was how many different airlines had packages from one of the nation's poorest states to Lost Wages.

At dinner a little old lady who reminded me of our neighbor Mrs. Maple Thorpe blessed me for rescuing "this fine looking boy from the sins that had befallen the state."

We thanked her, went upstairs and fucked and sucked to last us till we got home on Monday.

The flights were good. Now a good flight is one I live through without either heaving my guts up and/or needing to be sedated in some way. My lover on the other hand had his nose glued to the window except for when all there was below was clouds. Then he slept on my shoulder. I imagined a trip for next spring or summer, the two of us slowly driving to Vegas via the Grand Canyon and back by St. Louis, trying to time it so we could catch a Cardinals' game. They were Daniel's favorite team and they had a Class A team not far from where I'd lived in New Jersey so I'd begun following them too.

We walked down the concourse to the central concourse where Josie was meeting us. Daniel's jaw dropped at all the slot machines and lights and noise and people coming and going. When the elderly couple that'd been sitting across from us rushed by like teens and started shoveling money in he just shook his head.

"There you are," Josie ran up and through her arms around me and I returned the hug.

"Plane just got in sis, and Daniel here was going into culture shock."

"This is Daniel Jorgenson? If you hadn't told me I might never have guessed." She freed me and hugged Daniel. "Well, welcome to the family Danny, I mean Daniel."

He smiled, the smile I fell in love with our first day together. "Ma'am, if you'd rather Danny I can live with it," he said in his deepest southern accent.

"Funny, you didn't sound like that last night. Now let's get your luggage before it disappears. "And it's Josie, I don't think you call my big brother sir so you shouldn't be calling me ma'am."

"How much did you tell Sam and Orin?" I said as we rode the moving sidewalk.

"Everything, and they both took it well, after all they'd both read the articles too. Orin seemed really excited about meeting his Uncle Danny."

"I'm nobodies uncle yet, I'm what, fifteen months older than him?"

"That's what I told him, he hasn't called Marc uncle in years so I don't know why he'd want to call you that."

Their house was fifteen minutes from the airport but light years from the strip. One of the great things about Vegas is that if you go a few blocks off the strip it begins looking like a regular growing town. My sister's development was right out of southwestern suburbia, not glitter gulch.

We'd just finished unpacking when our bedroom was invaded by a whirlwind that almost knocked Daniel over and tackled me onto the bed.

"I take it this is Orin?" Daniel said once he was steady.

"I think so, but the little boy I remember wasn't this rambunctious."

"Hi Marc, I'm so glad you could make it."

"I'm sorry it's been so long, I've missed you. Now get off of me and say hello to Daniel."

I looked Orin over as he rose. He was dressed for Vegas in the middle of August. A Running Rebels tank top, which revealed large expanses of beautiful tanned skin, despite being too large. Well-muscled limbs and a developing six pack I glimpsed from the side. I also noticed there was nothing on under the shirt, a fact I mouthed to Daniel.

Sun bleached hair cut short for the hundred-degree-days [38°C] that ruled in the high desert. A nice firm ass I remembered from the hug and it'd been a decent sized penis pressing into me.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Couldn't start thinking about my nephew like I did the whores and potential employees back in Peckertown.

"So you're Orin, Marc's told me a lot about you," Daniel said.

"Yeah, and I wished he'd told me about you before. Are you really lovers?"


"I mean really lovers."

"You mean more than just sex?"

Orin nodded vigorously.

"Yes, we are in love with each other, have been for fifteen months now. Couldn't imagine not having Marc in my life," Daniel said.

"Cool. You want to see my room Danny?"

"Sure, it'll give Marc some time with your Mom."

"Where the boys?" Josie said as she handed me a beer in the kitchen.

"Upstairs, Orin wanted to show Daniel his room. Uh, does he always dress like that?"

"What do you mean? Oh shit, no, not at all. He just got back from a friend's pool and he dropped his suit and towels in the laundry room on his way in. He'd started for the steps when I told him you were here."

I smiled, nodded, "That's ok, no big deal either way."

"Can I ask you a question?" Josie said several minutes later.

"Been waiting."

"When did you know you were gay?"

"Thirteen, and Daniel would give you about the same answer. Next question."

"No, that's."

"Sis, talk to me."

"When, why did you become a boy lover? Is it something I, we did?"

"Started my senior year at college. I'd walk over to Georgetown or the Lincoln Memorial and there were always young teen boys around and they were always hot. Didn't do anything then, or for several years. And no, I've never had any desire to do anything with my nephew."

"I knew, I know that, especially after talking with your young man last night. But you didn't answer the rest of the question."


Josie nodded.

I shrugged. "It's nothing that you, Mom or Dad did, certainly not any one thing.

All I know is I thank God every night for the chain of events that brought me more personal and professional satisfaction than I ever expected. Those are good boys back home; most of who got shafted at some point in their lives and traveled dangerous roads for a chance at a new life."

"You don't have to justify anything to me bro."

"Good, so how's everything out here?"

Meanwhile up the stairs 3;

"All this space for yourself? I shared a room with my younger brother till I moved in with Marc," Daniel said.

"Yeah, some advantages to being an only child. How do you like the way I've decorated it?"

Daniel slowly turned, looked up and saw the posters on the ceiling. "Interesting, Aaron and Harley." When his eyes caught up with Orin the younger boy was naked.

"I was at a friend's house swimming. Dropped the suit in the laundry room on the way up."

"Yeah, I can tell that by the tan lines."

"OK, so we skinny dip. Well what do you think?"

"Room's nice."

"That's not what I meant?" Orin said.

"You're a good looking young man. Now get dressed," Daniel said.

"I've got a better idea." Orin stepped closer

Daniel shook his head and put his arm out. "It's not going to happen. Different time and place might have been different. But you're Marc's nephew, my lover's nephew so it's not going to happen."

"Then how will I ever find out?"

"That you're gay?"

Orin nodded.

"You know the answer. Don't you?"

Another nod.

"Would I even be the first?"

Orin turned and sat on his bed, wrapping the covers around him. Daniel sat and took his hands in his. "Talk to me Orin."

"Bruce and I fool around a little bit, you know jerking each other off, I even sucked him a little bit once, but it's just been two friends, you know."

"Yeah I know, but neither one of you has ever said I'm gay and this is what I like."

"Yes, but this isn't Peckertown."

"Peckertown wasn't always this way. In fact I lost my best friend for a long time because I accidentally kissed him on the cheek celebrating our high school winning a soccer championship. Cody was the star but his father was a preacher who believed gays were the devil's spawn and anybody associated with one of us would go to hell too."

"What happened to him?"

Daniel laughed, "He and his lover run a restaurant in one of our hotels. His youngest brother helps out. The Reverend and his wife are in jail on child abuse charges. Marc and I live in their old house. But a lot of people left town when the laws changed and boys started coming. And yes, even if the laws hadn't changed I would have had it easier since my family's rich but I was really closeted for a while too. Do your parents know?"

"No, I've been to scared to tell them."

"That must seem foolish now."

"A little, but it's one of the reasons I wanted Marc to come out for my birthday. I figured on having this conversation with him. I'm glad it's with you."

"Me too, I think he'd have been upset if you'd come on to him."

The two teens started laughing. Orin leaned up and kissed Daniel's cheek.

"Thanks uncle."

"Dear, I'm only fifteen months older than you, I'm not ready to be your uncle."

"Do you really know Aaron and Harley? Are they really lovers?"

"Yes we do, yes they are and they've even bought a house on the outskirts of town. Aaron was actually down last weekend during a concert break."

"And he's got a show at the convention center tomorrow that we're all going to. Plus Harley's in town doing some work on his new movie. I even know where he's staying but security is so tight."

Daniel dug out his wallet, pulled a piece of paper out, dragged Orin's phone over and dialed a number. And waited through a serious of rings and clicks punctuated with an occasional job at the number pad.

"Who's this?"

"Good afternoon to you Shiro Hirada Logan. It's Daniel Jorgenson."

"Shit man, didn't recognize the phone number and since it's local I was nervous. I'd rather this shoot was back in Peckertown."

"Thanks, actually Marc and I are in town for his nephew's birthday. He's a big fan of Aaron and Harley. We're even going to the show tomorrow."

"You showing off to get backstage passes so you can introduce him?"

"Hey, what are friends for?"

Shiro laughed. "OK, give me the names. Just tell everybody this'll be a straight acting party."

It was Daniel's turn to laugh, and then gave Shiro the list. "Oh, and while I have you on the line Kenny, Serge and company did a good job last weekend with Aaron. You should keep them in mind for backup."

"Thanks, I thought they were good. Aaron bitched about the tight collar. Gotta go."

"See you tomorrow night."

Daniel hung up the phone and looked into an open jawed Orin. He reached out his hand and gently closed it. "Happy birthday Orin."

"I'm going to go backstage after the concert and meet them?"

"Yes, but you have to keep your hands to yourself. This is a straight acting party. Understand?"

Orin jumped on top of Daniel and kissed him. "I love you. Thanks, this means so much to me that you would do this for me."

"Hey, what's family for? Now get off me and get some clothes on. It's got to be close to suppertime."

"Do you think I should tell Mom and Dad tonight?"

"Are you ready to?"

"It'll be easier now, especially with you here."



Halfway through supper Daniel turned to Marc. "Is this how we treated you that first supper?"

I laughed, "The third degree? Yes, but then I was asking a lot of your parents. Trusting their son with a virtual stranger. Bringing that stranger into the family business in a key position. Didn't blame them. Of course, a little notice would have been nice."

"Oh honey, I didn't mean to make you feel that way. Just wanted to know more about my brother-in-law."

"We haven't gotten married yet. We're waiting for some other couples to go first considering everything. But one day it will be legal," Daniel said.

"I don't understand? Why do you feel you have to wait?" Sam, my brother-in-law said.

"The Jorgenson families basically own and control most of Peckertown. If we go first it may seem like we're sending a message rather than sanctifying our love. I know it sounds crazy but the first boy marriage in town had the state on its ear. We don't want that," I said.

"I'd love to visit Peckertown, experience it," Orin said.

"You want to run that past me son," Sam said.

Orin looked at Daniel who nodded.

"Mom, Dad, Uncle Marc. I'm gay."


"Yes Dad?" Orin's voice shook with fear.

"It's about time you told us. We've been waiting, but knew you'd tell us in your own time."

Orin flew off his chair, around the table into his parent's arms. I moved next to Daniel.

"So this is what you were talking about all that time?"

"When I wasn't setting up tomorrow night. Hope you don't mind. He was planning to have that conversation with you but figured I'd be better."

"I agree with his judgment."

We kissed.

Which drew a wow from Orin and chuckles from his parents.


The party the next day was great. Daniel fit right in with the other boys, a fifteen-year-old hanging with a bunch of thirteen and fourteen-year-old boys. Josie pointed Bruce out to me and I knew Orin wouldn't have any trouble when he told him. When they disappeared for a half hour and returned holding hands I smiled and nudged my sister.

Orin and Bruce kept holding hands as they reached the food table.

"Everybody, can I have your attention please," Orin shouted.

The dozen or so other boys fell silent as they turned. As one they saw their friends and classmates holding hands.

"You didn't?" one boy said.

Orin blushed, nodded, "Yes I did and I want to thank my Uncle Marc and his partner Daniel for giving me the guts to do it. And get the two of us backstage passes for the concert tonight."

"What?" Bruce said.

"You're his uncle's lover?" one of the boys asked turning to Daniel. I nodded.

"Yes I am, we've been together about fifteen months now."

"That's got to be like fucking your father," another boy said.

I rolled off the lounge chair in hysterics, and Sam fell on top of me.

"Ugh, that's so gross it's beyond being sick," Daniel said and stuck a finger down his throat. "I think I'm going to heave."

"Hold it, I remember the stories about the movie Aaron and Harley were making when they fell in love. The shoot was in Peckertown, Arkansas and the Jorgenson family provided partial financing. Like in Daniel Jorgenson?" a sexy redhead said.

"Well, actually my Dad handled that. Marc's the general manager for the entire operation and I'm his assistant. And trust me I do work. It's not an easy life down there for anybody. Especially the working boys."

"Come on, it must be a blast having sex all-day and getting paid for it," another boy said.

"It's work, it's how they stay alive. Pays for their housing and food, if they're lucky they put some money aside for a slow time. And most opt out for the first regular job they can get even if it's for less money. But hey, it's Orin's birthday party, fourteen I believe and I think something needs to get red hot before he blows out the candles," Daniel said, then blew on his palm.

"Oh no, no you don't," Orin said and turned but Bruce held on.

"And don't forget one for good luck," I said.

"I don't know, I think he's got all the good luck he needs," his father said.

My cell phone rang and I answered, smiled at the voice and motioned Sam inside.


The concert was called for eight. At seven-thirty the front bell rang.

"Orin, get that please," his father said.

"Sure Dad," and he got up from where he and his boyfriend were watching TV. It's so cool to write that.

"Who are you?"

"Mr. Orin I presume," came a deep formal voice.


"You're limo is here for whenever you and your guests are ready. I'll be waiting in the car."

"But, but, I know my folks didn't order one. It's got to be a mistake."

"No, the car was ordered by Mr. Cutler's people. It's no mistake."

"Uncle Marc!"

"They called, offered. I just accepted. Oh, the driver didn't mention one thing."


"Well you, Bruce and Daniel won't be sitting with the three of us."

"Where will you be?"

"The Cutler's skybox."

"Lucky, those got to be better seats than we ended up with."

"Somehow I doubt that," Bruce said.

"On the floor, second row, center stage, on the aisle," I said and got crushed by Orin instantly.

"I give, I give. Now one last trip and let's get going."


When we got to the convention center the driver handed me an envelope with the tickets and backstage passes for after the show. Then he pointed out where he'd be waiting for us and said not to worry about how long we took.

I escorted the boys to their seats, gave Daniel the passes and signaled one of the security guards over.

"These three boys have backstage passes for Aaron Cutler's party after the show. Can you make sure they get there safely?" I said as I slipped him a twenty.

He glanced at the bill. "Certainly sir, and where will you be sitting if any of them needs you?"

"Skybox C, the Cutler family's box."

He almost came to attention. "Yes Sir, let me point you to an easy way to get there from here. On second thought, wait a second."

"Conan, I'm sending a gentleman over to go up to Box C, let him through and point him in the right direction. Now wave for the man."

"Yes Benjy."

I caught the man's hand, and slipped Benjy another bill, then ten to Conan. It always pays to keep security on your side, even if you have to pay. And with all those screaming fans I wanted somebody keeping an eye on the three of them.

The opening act came on just as I entered the box, some Britney want to be. The adults in the box ignored her and chatted. It was the first time I'd met Aaron's parents so they wanted to know my view of Peckertown and if it really was a safe place for him to visit. What did I think of Harley; oh you know all the usual concerned parents' stuff. But it was really cool and the box was something else.

During the break between the first and second warm-ups, a ten-year-old rapper, I spotted the boys talking excitedly.

Finally it was time for Aaron. The lights dimmed, place fell quiet except for an expectant hum.

"I'm going to introduce him," a boy's voice said.

"No, I'm going to," said an older boy.

"Please, I want to," said the first boy, a voice I was beginning to recognize.

"Why don't we do it together?"

"Cool, let's go."

The place went black; two spotlights came on illuminating center stage. When the two figures entered the lights from either side the place went beyond crazy.

"Hi, I'm Nick Cutler."

"Hi, I'm Harley Joel Oswald."

"We're here to introduce a young man who is very dear to both of us," they both paused. "The Little Prince of Pop, Aaron Cutler."

They ran off the stage as the curtain opened with Aaron there with his backup singers and band. The drummer hit his cymbals and Aaron was off. Time flew as he charged through song after song. He was onstage the whole time except for costume changes. Even did a good job on a couple of ballads.

"Watch this one," Mr. Cutler said as Aaron came out for his encore. He was dressed in a yellow vest, loose navy shorts and sneakers. And I did not leave anything out.

"Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed the show." The crowd roared. "Cool, it makes all the work worth it. Now, I've got one last song in me and it'll probably be the first single from the new album. It's called 'I Want Candy.'"

A phone rings and he starts talking to a friend about this girl he's going to see and then blasts into the song. At the end he collapses on the floor, the stage goes black and we hear the phone ringing again. Finally a machine picks up and Aaron's voice says leave a message.

A spotlight jumps on the extreme left of the stage and Nick Cutler walks out. I think he's saying something about Aaron never calling his big brother back but the screaming was too much, even in our protected area.

Aaron jumped on top of Nick, "I'll call bro, I promise."

"And what about me? You take a weekend off and you don't even tell me?"

Harley said from the other side.

"I couldn't get through baby, and your people said you were too busy anyway."

The two young lovers walked closer, mikes in hand till they were on top of each other.

They dropped the mikes.

They hugged.

The lights fell for the last time and the crowd went ballistic.


When the lights came back on full the stage was empty, except for a security guard and three teen boys being led to the rear. And even with Daniel's mane in a ponytail I can recognize him anywhere.

By the time everybody got everything together a pair of security guards were waiting outside the door to escort us. One was Conan who whispered that Benjy had called and the boys were safely at the party.

Now you've all heard about rock and roll backstage parties. Rooms full of loose women and fawning fans struggling with mindless sycophants and media types amidst overflowing tables of food, alcohol and drugs. It was all there but the drugs, and included a bartender making sure no minor got a taste of booze. Daniel rolled his eyes at that. He's gotten so used to everything being legal back home the fact he couldn't drink in Las Vegas for another five and a half years was somewhere between funny and frustrating.

Shiro and Sammo from Samurai Inc. were keeping an eye on their client while arena security did most of the work. We caught up with events since the end of the movie shoot.

Six greater Las Vegas radio stations had run free ticket contests, with their grand prizewinners getting to meet Aaron. They were all there with a parent, all shaking in their shoes as they waited for Aaron to finish with a TV crew. Five girls and a boy waiting for a fleeting touch of celebrity. I looked over at my nephew and his boyfriend and saw the same look in their eyes.

The boy and his father were at the end of the line. Waiting patiently as Aaron greeted each winning fan, a photographed hug to be signed and mailed before giving each one a couple minutes of one-to-one chat. Then he passed them off to the bonus star, Harley, so he could go to the next one.

The boy winner was visibly shaking when it was his turn and his father had to urge him forward. I stepped closer in case something happened.

"What's wrong Davey?" Aaron asked.

"You know my name. Aaron, you don't know what you, what you and Harley mean to me. The difference you made." He stopped talking and started crying. When Aaron opened his arms he fell into the embrace. Shiro and I moved between them and the cameramen and I saw Daniel and Sammo move toward Harley.

The press, to their credit, did not intrude. Mr. Cutler approached Davey's father."I take it your son's gay too," Mr. Cutler said as he put his arm around the father's shoulders.

"Yes, we live out near the dam and it's not like the big city here. Davey was really sad and depressed and all. His Mom and I couldn't figure out why and couldn't get anything out of him. His grades were near failing. Then a day or so after that Powersound concert, you know which one I mean."

Aaron's father chuckled, "Yeah, I know which one you mean."

"Well, my wife and I came down to breakfast and the newspaper is open to the story about the concert and the sidebar of your son Nick saying the family was fully behind Aaron and loved him no matter what his sexual orientation or singing talents were. It all came together for the two of us. We went into his room and he was cowering under his blanket. To win this contest you had to send in an essay as to why meeting Aaron would be special to you. I entered it under my name. The station's general manager called and told us that once they'd seen the entry the contest was over."

"I'm glad you did, stay as long as you want. You don't have to clear out with the others."

The two men hugged and walked over to their sons. The girls and their parents had left the party.

Aaron, Harley and Davey were talking quietly and I guessed Davey had told them the story.

Daniel came around and gave me a hug; I wiped his wet cheeks. "Just think, without Aaron he could have been with us or dead," Daniel said and I kissed him.

"Aaron, can I ask a question? If you want me to take a hike I'll understand," a short, slender, redheaded man with a tape recorder asked.

"You're the music critic for the local paper? We talked before?"

"Yes, as I said tell me to go at any point and I'll understand. It seems to me though that this young man is a great fan of yours as much for you and Harley coming out as gay and lovers as for your music."

"I loved his music even before," Davey said and drew a laugh.

"I'm sure and I don't blame you. But Aaron is this why the two of you came out? To help boys like this?"

"I sure hope you get this on the wire services," Aaron said. "To be honest the main reason we came out was so that we didn't have to pretend that it was just a great friendship formed while making a great movie. We knew our families were cool with the fact that it might have ended our careers. But I have to say the press and especially our fans have been great about it.

"But let's face it, Harley and I are kids and we didn't really think about making a statement for all the other gay boys our ages in the worlds. But in the weeks since we've each gotten thousands of letters from gay, lesbian and bi kids telling us how that act has changed, even saved their lives. They know their not Harley and me, it's the fact that, that we're happy being gay and happy with each other and that if we can be accepted by the world then maybe gradually they can be by their family and friends.

"Davey is their symbol. Our declaration of love stopped his plan of jumping off of Hoover Dam in the middle of the night. Can you imagine a worse death?" Aaron paused to compose himself.

"So parents wake the hell up and open your arms to your kids. Kids, this is Aaron Cutler and Harley Joel Oswald telling you that there are thousands, no millions of kids out there just like you and me. So pick your heads up and feel good about yourselves."

"I just want to add there are tons of good people out there to help you. Seek them out," Harley said.

The applause was as deafening as anything during the concert.

"Now sir, you have stories to write so please get to it. Besides, it's Aaron's party. Isn't it?"

From somewhere the CD started playing as Daniel walked Orin and Bruce up to the two teen stars.

It was a glorious night, and a fitting place to end this chapter. See you back home.

Author's note

As I said before this is complete fiction. To the best of my knowledge neither Aaron Carter nor Haley Joel Osment (who, as you probably figured out, were the examples for my characters Aaron Cutler and Harley Joel Oswald) is gay. I don't know if Aaron Carter has ever played Las Vegas. I just like to think, hope that they would agree with the sentiments I attribute to them.

I hope you do to and don't do anything to a boy that makes him want to find a place like Peckertown, Arkansas. because it does not exist, anywhere.

Chapter 28
1967 The Summer of Love
(Arkansas Vacation 13)

The events in this chapter take place in November 2000 but I wrote it September 2001 starting before and ending after the tragic events of September 11, 2001. It is a story that links story-past to story-present and ends in hope for one of the boys of Peckertown. It is in that spirit of hope that I dedicate this story to the boys and girls of America who lost a parent, relative or have a friend who lost somebody in the tragic, senseless acts. Also to the boys and girls feeling another sense of loss 3; that of the innocence and security that childhood is supposed to hold.
Love, Sid G.

And while this is chapter 13 it is really the 28th episode in the Peckertown Adventures. There are more to come. Or is that more to cum?

I hung up the phone and walked into our bedroom. Lion was stretched out face down naked on the bed. I admired his still tight ass and my cock sprung to attention so fast I almost forgot what I wanted to tell my young lover.

"Just got off the phone with Big Sol sexy," I said.

"What did Peckertown's ice cream king have to say Marc?" Lion said.

"He's hired Samurai Inc. to find John and Carlos and bring them here." [N.B. see chapter 10 of Samurai, Inc.]

"The Usenet boy kings? That'll be great for business. Get the publicity out and they could make a fortune sitting fully clothed just signing autographs for their fans."

"We'll see, Shiro's casting his net out looking for leads," I dropped my shorts and lay down naked next to Lion and began stroking his back. Getting closer and closer to his ass each time.

"Before you get too hot and bothered I want to show you this mpeg file Sindra just sent over on icq," Lion said.

"Cool, how is that sweet piece of Norwegian boy ass?"

"Fine, says he and Ash can't wait to get over here and meet us. Now this film isn't long but it's old. I'm glad somebody saved these old 8mm films and is taking the time to convert them to digital files."

"Wish we knew who, invite him down and throw him a party."

"He's probably living in the state by now. Where else would he be safe?"

"True," I said as my hand reached the center of his crack.

"Horny old man, let me start the movie."

He clicked the arrow and the old grainy image appeared on the screen. Lover Boy 12 was the title followed by two young boys with long messy black hairs tied by headbands began stripping. The younger one was a lot faster but both of their smooth hairless chests were enticing. Then the second title came on: Ray and Gerry which was quickly replaced by a shot of the two boys frenching.

The camera stayed in close to their faces and I felt a tickle in the back of my mind that I couldn't ignore. Nor could I place it. Then I noticed a beauty mark just over the younger one's left lip. They separated and the older began to suck the younger one's prepubescent cock. I got a good look at the suckee's face and pieces started to fall into place fast.

"Holy shit, I don't believe it," I said.

"They're good and sexy but nothing unusual," Lion said.

The older boy got on top of the younger and pulled his legs up and when I spotted the ring on his left hand I knew for sure.

"I know these kids, grew up with them."

Daniel stopped the video just as a finger disappeared into the younger boy's hole.

"You're kidding me? Prove it."

"The older one is Ray Perry and the other is his younger brother Gerry. They lived two houses down the block and across the street. They were wild kids and their parents went along with just about everything. Ray told me he was screwing his brother but I didn't believe him till he showed me. That was the first time I smoked pot too."

"You did drugs?"

"Hey, this was the 60s man. I was sixteen, Ray was still fifteen and Gerry eleven but we were hippies. My hair was even longer than theirs but a lot straighter. This must have been done the summer of 1967 when they hitched out to San Francisco for the summer of love."

"At eleven and fifteen their parents let them hitchhike on their own from New Jersey to San Francisco? I thought my parents cut us a lot of slack but never that."

"It was a different time and country then. You didn't worry that the guy behind the wheel was going to rape and kill you. You stuck your thumb out and sooner or later somebody would pick you up and take you closer to your goal. And two little kids, I think it took them three truckers to get cross country."

"And had to spread their cheeks for all of them," Lion said.

I shrugged, "never asked. Besides I don't think it would have bothered them anyway. Now hit the play button."

He did and we spent the next five minutes watching them suck and fuck. When it was over my love turned off the laptop and I turned onto my back and stared at the ceiling.

Lion shut the laptop off and put it on the floor, or at least I guessed he did, before snuggling up next to me. His hand draped over my chest.

"Remembering your friends?"

"Yeah, they had such wonderful stories when they got home right before school started. Also needed treatment for syphilis and gonorrhea and were the first two I knew who had to go to rehab."

"Not surprising now, but back then?"

"Turned out they're parents were pushing drugs and using them as dealers in the school. Boys to rehab instead of jail like their parents."

"What happened after they got out?"

"Went to live with an Aunt and Uncle the other side of town. Didn't see them much though."

"What kind of stories?" Lion asked after a while.

"They told me about a movie shoot but I doubt it's this one, definitely not this episode. Ray said he and Gerry were making out on the living room rug, one of these thick shag rugs with lava lamps and black light pictures along the wall."

"Groovy man, right on."

"Total trip dude. Suddenly nine more naked boys came in all bigger than both of them and start shoving cocks in mouths and asses. For the next ninety minutes it was non-stop sucking and fucking with the brothers both usually getting it at both ends. I remember stroking and shuddering at the same time. Sounded so hot and so awful at the same time. Finally at the end of the movie Ray and Gerry were tied into a 69 and go at it until cum poured out of each other's mouth. Then the nine boys shot one last load over their bound bodies and walked out leaving them tied up as the movie ended."

"Holy shit, they get paid for that?"

"After the entire crew finished fucking them while they were still tied together. Think they split about $200, which was a lot of money then and there."

"Anything else?"

I thought for a second, "Yeah, but this feels almost like exploiting them again."

"We pay the rent by doing that if you want to look at it that way."

"I don't want to. Besides you kids are so much different, more mature in so many ways than we were. Boys coming here know what they're getting into I don't think Ray and especially Gerry ever did. For them it was fun and games."

"Sex, drugs and rock and roll," Lion said.

I fell silent, wondering, remembering all those friends who've gone out of my life. But then my best friend brought me back to the present when his lips encircled my cock.

"Oh yes, that's better lover. Be my Lion tonight."

A roar that sounded more like a whimper came from deep in his throat, around my cock and into my pubic hair. Slowly he moved up and down on my hardening cock. Each motion drained negative vibes out of me.

But not the positive memories of the times I spent with my first two sex partners. Yes, Ray and Gerry were the first ones I had gay sex with. It was raw, passionate and a hell of a lot of fun. Even after the San Francisco trip and time in rehab Gerry had a tight ass that was great to fuck. The three ways were dynamite.

A nip on my cockhead brought me back to the present. I gently stroked my lover's hair as I pushed his mouth back down and gave myself into the sensations. He might be rapidly approaching his sixteenth birthday but he gives better head than some guys I've known who were doing it before he was born. Almost all.

He kept his mouth still and worked his tongue all over my cock. Even licked my slit and cleaned off the precum, for a second at least. Nose embedded in my pubes his tongue reached out and licked my balls and started them churning.

I was out of my mind with lust, on the verge of shooting my load 3;and he pulled off.


He shut me up with his mouth on mine for a good long hot kiss that kept me close but slowly eased me from the brink. Finally he broke the kiss and swallowed my hard prick again. He slowly moved up and down and the precum start flowing again, the balls started throbbing again. I grabbed for his head, held it in place and filled his throat with my love seed.

Five large shots followed by several smaller ones and he didn't lose a drop, never does. Spent I pulled him up and nestled his head on my chest. For the next few minutes we rested quietly while we caught our breaths.

"I want my Lion in me, I want my love inside of me," I whispered into his mane.

"Say it again."

"I want my Lion in me, I want my love inside of me," I said and pulled his mouth to me. Our tongues danced and I could taste my cum still inside his mouth and gathered it up with my tongue. I pushed down and ran the tip of my tongue down his hairless torso and swallowed his rising rod and coated it with the cum.

"Oh shit Marc, its time, roll over onto your back so I can look into your face as I fuck you," Lion said.

When his voice is like that I don't argue. Took me seconds to pull off, roll over on my back and pull my legs over my head. As he knelt between my legs Lion shoved his long black hair behind his head and shook it loose. "Every time is so special my love."

"More special than the time before, though that's barely possible any more. Now fill me with your love."

And he did, slowly and smoothly. With lust and love his manhood filled my insides. All too soon his groin met my butt.

"Oh yes, oh fuck," was all I could say.

And that's what he started to do with slow easy strokes that relaxed my insides and got them nice and moist as I worked my rectal muscles around his growing, hardening cock.

Slowly, oh so maddingly slowly he picked up the pace, thrusting deeper and harder into my soul. Rubbing my prostate so my cock rose to attention though left unattended.

Using flexibility I lost long ago my fifteen-year-old lover bent down and took my cockhead in his mouth as he continued fucking me. The sensations drove me wild as I tried to thrust my cock further into his mouth at the same time I was pushing it back to meet his thrusts.

My leg muscles tightened up and ached and I didn't care and he didn't stop.

My arms strained to hold my legs up and the reactions were the same.

Finally he rose to his full height, threw his head back and roared as he filled my ass with so much cum that it sent me into my second orgasm of the evening. Pulse after pulse of his seed swept into me as he continued pounding and roaring.

Finished he collapsed on top of me and forced my stiff limbs to the bed as his limp cock popped out followed by his cum. We ignored the mess and rolled over onto our pillows and fell asleep.

Sun was streaming in through the window when a monster jumping onto my bed woke me.

"What the fuck?"

"Get up sleepy head, you're not going to believe this."

"That you're still alive?" I said as I flung a pillow in his general direction.

"Look who has reservations for the weekend starting tomorrow," Daniel said. He's always more Daniel than Lion in the morning.

"Aaron and/or Harley paying a visit?" I said as I pushed myself up and blinked my eyes.

"Look," he threw the paper on my lap. I picked it up out of the dried cum.

I pushed myself up and looked at a copy of an In-Boy-Inn reservation form. It was for adjoining rooms for, it couldn't be. I blinked and looked up.

"This isn't funny if it's a joke."

"No joke, Ray and Gerry Perry from Longston, NJ will be arriving here approximately six o'clock tomorrow afternoon for what I presume is a weekend of boy sex. To top it off they've stayed with us four other times over the last year and a half."

"I guess you've figured they were my first boyfriends, sex partners."


I held my hand out and he took it and sat next to me.

"You want to see them," Daniel said a few minutes later.

"I've been thinking about that. Last time we were together wasn't too pleasant. Fought actually."

"About what?"

"Rehab worked just enough to get them free and learn how to control how much and when they used. They didn't sell again but every time I went over to their place they were stoned to one degree or another and they only hung out with other druggies."

"Except for you?"

"I'd share a joint there if it was being passed around but I really wasn't a user. By this time it was June 1969 and the two of us were getting ready to graduate high school. Just weeks before the Stonewall riots but I'd read stories of raids in the New York papers. I started talking about wondering what it was like going to be gay in college. Ray goes, 'hell we ain't faggots, just boys having fun together.' I lost it, crying I jumped on him arms swinging."

"It's ok, I understand," Daniel said and hugged me as tears flew after thirty-one years.

"Our last day in school I found a note on my locker from Ray apologizing and asking to see me again. I ripped it up and never called or took his calls."

Daniel reached over and picked up the cordless phone and hit the speed-dial and waited for a few seconds.

"Kevin its Daniel. You've got two repeat customers coming in tomorrow night, the Perry brothers," he paused as Kevin said something. "No, nothing wrong with the reservation. What I want you to do is make comp dinner reservations in the restaurant for eight tomorrow for the private booth in the corner. Marc and I will be joining them but they don't know it and I want to keep it that way." Another pause. "Tell them its because they're good repeat customers. Talk to you later."

"I didn't say," I started to say but Daniel's mouth interrupted me.

"You're going to be a wreck if you don't take the opportunity to see them and square things. Despite our love I know what my first boyfriend meant to me and the warm feeling when I see him at the club."

I lay back on the bed, closed my eyes and tried to clear my head.

"And what do you want to do for my sweet sixteen birthday?"

"Shit, is it that time of year already?" I said.

"Weekend party at the lake and we stay the rest of the time."

"Just family?" I said. A glance showed that he wasn't totally thrilled. "You have something else in mind or did I leave somebody out?"

"I was thinking we could invite Cody, Justin, Keith, the Trips, Zeus, Tad, Mike and Mark as well. All of us have become so close and everybody's been working so hard that a long weekend away would suit everybody. And after last year I can't imagine not having them there," Daniel said.


"Mean it?"

"It's your birthday so we invite who you want. Just don't want to know what the final sleeping arrangements end up being."

"Everybody in our bed?"

"Not a chance lover," I said and grabbed him. It was a while before we got out of bed.

Fortunately I had supervisory meetings the rest of that day so my old friends pending arrival didn't over occupy my mind. I've said it before and I'll repeat it here, one of the things Elijah and I find most amazing is how smoothly everything is running all over town when most of the employees should be in middle or high school worrying about the next test.

Cody and Justin for example. Their restaurant in the Jorgenson Inn is the biggest grosser in town even though it's a no sex zone and the help is fully dressed. Zeus and I keep on eye on things and we set them up with our cpa to keep the books in order but they supervise everything themselves.

If you haven't read the Pizza Boy chapter you should. But Wayne and Dan bought the owner of Marvin's Pizza out and Wayne at thirteen runs it and has improved the quality immensely. It's amazing what Dan's love and support did to his self-confidence. We had a Chamber of Commerce meeting last month and three-quarters of the new members were under sixteen. And they don't accept whores as members.

Speaking of which they learned from the problems earlier in the year and they've organized themselves so that if a boy hasn't checked in at least by phone every forty-eight hours an alert goes out. Saved two boys who were about to be shipped out to white slavers.

Benjy's twelve now and he and Roger have set up their own apartment over the garage behind the Jorgenson's house. Aaron and his girl are getting serious but haven't talked about marriage yet. All in all everybody's as fine as possible in this unusual town we call home.

Six, six-thirty, seven, seven-thirty the next night all found me showered and naked in my walk-in closet trying to decide what to wear to supper. I had one tie-dyed tee shirt but I didn't think it would work, besides my hair's a bit shorter than then. All there mind you, no balding in my family. Daniel walked in, slapped my cheeks and I could tell he was trying not to laugh. He handed me a pair of underpants, long sleeve shirt and slacks and told me I had two minutes to get them on or he was taking me naked.

We walked out of the room 110 seconds later and I let him drive to the Inn. When we got there I sent him in ahead to see if they were at the table. Ten minutes later he came back out shaking his head.

"No show?"

"No such luck. They just got seated and you'd recognize them right off the bat. Hair's still long and bushy, Ray still has that ring and Gerry the birthmarks over his lip. Come on."

I got out of the car and followed him in. Kevin was at the restaurant's door and whispered that the guests were surprised but pleased. They'd already ordered one of our best wines.

Daniel took my hand and we walked in. We waved to some other regular customers till we got to the corner. He was right, I recognized them instantly and figured I just never saw them their earlier trips.

"Hi Ray, Gerry," I said when they looked up.

"How do you 3; holy shit is that you Marc?" Ray said.

I nodded and he was in my arms. Gerry followed a second later.

"You set this up?" Gerry said a minute later.

"No, the credit goes to my partner here. Ray, Gerry, this is Daniel Jorgenson, my lover, partner, life."

We sat before we continued.

"How'd you know?" Ray asked Daniel.

Daniel looked at me, I nodded and he proceeded to tell about getting the film, us watching it together and me recognizing them. Then while checking the new reservation files finding their names and deciding that a reunion was in order.

"Ray, Gerry, I'm sorry. I should have accepted that apology back then. I was just," I shut up and waved my hands.

"We were kids," Ray shook his head, "I said something cruel while I was high and still denying that I was gay. That all the sex the three of us had, the movies Gerry and I made, the whoring were just boys being boys. Didn't mean anything, I could fuck girls whenever I wanted to. It took losing you to realize I didn't want that."

"There was a bright side to it though. Nothing we'd done or gone through before showed us what damage drugs were doing to us. One toke too many and we lost our best friend, probably our only real friend. That night we flushed every ounce of drugs down the toilet. After school was out we checked ourselves back into rehab for the summer. That time it worked," Gerry said.

"No drugs of any kind since then?" I asked.

"I didn't even want drugs when I had my knee surgery. We only have some wine on special occasions. And this sure has turned into a very special dinner," Ray said.

I leaned over and hugged Ray and felt Gerry's arm come over the top. I couldn't tell whose tears I was feeling but knew some of them were mine.

If we were any other party of four I'm sure the staff would have kicked us out. Instead Daniel had the staff leave a tub of ice filled with sodas and kicked them out. The half-full wine bottle had been taken away long ago.

The two druggies were now guidance counselors in the Longston schools along with running various drug awareness and gay education programs throughout the area. Both gay and living together, and well, still screwing the shit out of each other.

"Nobody else? Then why is this your fifth trip here?" Daniel asked.

"When we were kids we found plenty of men who got off on having sex with us. I guess somewhere along the line the tables turned. It took us a while to get the courage up to come down here. We don't get any hassle for being gay, but hell we are teachers," Gerry said.

"I guess you're comfortable now. What's your favorite part?"

"The openness, can you imagine us being this free at home back then?"

"Neither can most of these boys. That's why they're here. All to often these kids have been kicked out because they're gay, run before they were kicked and/or run from an abusive relationship," I said.

"There are some who want to be here though," Gerry said.

"Some came here freely, a hell of a lot more will tell you that and most have no desire to leave. This is their home and if they have to whore to make a living its better than the alternative for most."

"My favorite places here," Ray said, "the Tasty Buns and the Little Leather Club. Man that Benjy is hotter than hot. Say Daniel, with your connections do you think you could hook us up?"

"I could introduce you but the one thing neither one of us does is get into procuring. In fact the only family member who does anything like that is my younger brother," Daniel said.

I leaned back and laughed which got quizzical looks from my old friends.

"And I take it Benjy's that younger brother," Ray said finally.

"Yep, and if I even mentioned the idea I'd be on the receiving end of that whip and then his boyfriend would be on me," Daniel said.

"We'll still take that introduction," Gerry said shaking his head.

"No problem, meet you there tomorrow for the lunch show and we'll go from there," I said.

"There is one other reason this trip down besides sex and fun in the Arkansas sun. We're here looking for a boy."

"A lover to take home? I wouldn't recommend it," I said.

"No, we're looking for him for his father," Ray said.

"Tell us about it, but no promises we'll help you even if we can," I said.

"Understood, and we're here to find him, talk to him and if he's willing to his father will fly down to talk to him in front of us or whomever the boy wants. We may have only been here a total of two weeks or so but we know these are good kids. In this case the father doesn't even deny the boy's reasons for running were good. But I know the guy and he's changed, sobered up, and most importantly he kicked his wife out and really wants to put his life back together."

"If he wants his son to be a part of it why didn't he come?"

"Said it wouldn't be fair to Frank. No that's not quite the way he put it. You remember Ger?"

"He said, 'I drove him away once and I don't want to drive him away from his new home. All I want is a chance to talk, try and establish a link.'"

My lover and I leaned back in our seats and looked at each other. We knew what the other was thinking. Parents coming to look for their son, like Chris Scott's did, are extremely rare. The ones with happy results are rarer still. A couple parents joined Cody and Keith's in jail when they stepped over the line, again.

Thirty odd years ago the two men sitting across from us had been my best friends, lovers. Could I trust them in 2000?

"Do you want to talk about it now or after the show?"

Ray took two pictures out of his coat pocket and passed one to each of us. Recognition was instant but I hoped I kept my face as even as Daniel did. "Look familiar?"

"A bit dear, have to search the memory banks later," Daniel said.

"I have a feeling that it will be a very short search, but we won't press you on it."

"Thanks Ray, tell me what you can," I said.

"The boy's name is Francis Xavier Corrigan the third, his father is the second. Father and son lived with the boy's mother and younger brother in Rockaway, NJ. That's about fifteen miles [25 km] west of Longston where the three of us grew up Daniel."

"OK, we may have gone by it in our trip up there last May," Daniel said.

Gerry nodded and continued. "Mr. Corrigan owned a milling company there and was a workaholic and when things went bad he added alcoholic to that. Mrs. Corrigan had joined that club years earlier, and was a violent drunk. Frank stood between his mother and Sam, taking the brunt of the abuse while Sam hid in their room.

"As things got worse at home Trio, as they called him, was going through puberty, realizing he was gay, and less able to handle the tension at home. He was thirteen and Sam was nine. Sam's still nine, stepped in front of a car and was killed instantly.

"Jesus H Christ," I whispered.

"A week after the funeral Frank left home. It took his parents a week to notify the cops, and admitted that between their grief and drinking they hadn't noticed," Ray said.

I looked at Daniel who nodded.

"Anyway, business got worse and the cash flow became tenuous as Frank Jr. put it. Their biggest customers were several divisions of Sorrel Enterprises."

"Sorrel squeezed him out?" Daniel said.

"Just the opposite really, they were paying in seven days when they had thirty but it was just enough to keep the company going. Finally they bought the company. They told Mr. Corrigan that he could keep running the business if he went into rehab for at least six months and joined AA afterwards."

"Cool," Daniel said.

"Very, and AA is how we met him."

"What about the wife?" I said.

"Sorrel was willing to pay for her too, she refused. He went anyway and while there realized what happened to both his sons. When he came out he gave his wife an ultimatum. Rehab or the marriage is over. She threw five empty scotch bottles at him and when she went for a full one he walked out."

"Good for him. But what makes him think his son is here?"

"When we speak at AA meetings we're open about our homosexuality and our past. How it contributed to our drug use and how our drug use led us to dangerous activities, like those movies," Gerry said. "He'd seen the articles and sought us out, would we be willing to come down here and look for him. The rest you know."

"Ray, Gerry, do us a favor," Daniel said.

"What?" Ray said.

"Do nothing about this until we meet at the club tomorrow, and be prepared to wait even longer."

"We've got to be on a Sunday night plane and be back at school on Monday."

I glanced at my watch, "it's not quite Friday, we've got plenty of time, or you can forget about looking altogether."

"You mean we could look every second till we have to leave and we'd never see him or anybody who'd recognize him," Ray said.

"We've done it before if that's the way the boy wants it. Once they get here and settle in these young men's parents have no rights, no ownership. Got two boys on the town council, almost every new business in town is owned by a boy or a boy and his adult partner," Daniel said.

"Well, then I guess its time to call it a night. Ray and I'll take a walk down to the square and pick up a couple of nightcaps and see you at the club for the matinee.

Daniel and I got in our car and sat. Trying to put the night's events in perspective.

"I know where they are," Daniel said.

"Ok, but I was thinking of calling Mr. Scott first and checking Corrigan out first. Don't know if they're in the same chain of command but Scott's got to be higher up."

"You're right," Daniel fell silent, "You know what really amazes me after hearing this?"

"That Frank was able to put up with Scott's drinking problem and all. Amazing isn't it, but I think that helps explain why he went to the clinic with him and get the partner counseling and all. Where are they?"

"Going on a double date with Zeus and the twins to the Big Lick to catch the Trips show."

"Why don't we stop by, say hello and see if we can find what they're doing tomorrow. I know the twins were talking about shutting down for the winter but don't know if they did or not."

Daniel started the car as I tightened the seatbelt. He stuck his tongue out at me and I pointed out the front window.


The next morning I placed a call to the headquarters of Sorrel Enterprises and quickly had Chris and Dashby Scott's father on the line.

"I'm glad you could take my call this quickly," I said.

"No problem, I told you and Mr. Jorgenson if there was ever anything I or the company could do just call."

"Do you know a Francis Xavier Corrigan Jr.? Supposed to run a milling company somewhere up in Rockaway that's part of the conglomerate."

"Don't know him but it rings a bell, let me check the computer, ok. Ok, yeah you've got the right man. What do the Lords of Peckertown want with him?"

"Remember Scott Davis and his partner Frank?"

"How can I ever forget those two?"

"Frank is Francis Xavier Corrigan the third and Jr. hired two old school friends of mine to come down and look for him. Daniel and I had dinner with them and they told me about the job and when I saw the picture it took about a half-second to put them together."

"So what's the problem? From what I can see he's been a good boss."

I spent the next ten minutes filling him in on what we'd been told. When I was finished I was greeted by silence.

"I know his boss, his office is just down the hall. Let me get five minutes with him and check this out."

"Thanks a lot, and please make sure this doesn't get back to Mr. Corrigan. I haven't told Frank about this yet and I don't want father running down here yet, or son running."

"Just stay by the phone."

It was an hour before the phone rang back.

"Clean bill, what our Frank didn't tell your friends is his contract calls for periodic and random drug and alcohol screenings plus regular counseling. He's passed every test and requirement. From what I heard from his supervisor and the VP of Human Resources it sounds like you should give them a chance. But that's up to the boy."

"Thanks a lot, give our love to the boys."

"Will do, let me know if we can help some more."

I got my love from his office and drove down to Mark and Mike's Water Park. Some of it was closed but the regular pool was heated so it was still open. The boy at the gate waved us through and told us Scott and Frank were in the office.

"Oh shit, what's wrong now?" Scott said when we walked in.

"And hello to you too," I said.

"Isn't it possible we might have good news for you?" Daniel said.

"Try us," Frank said.

"Too make a long story short Daniel and I had supper with a couple of my school friends from Longston. They're openly gay teachers there now who also work with various counseling groups. At an AA meeting they met a guy who hired them to come down here and look for his son."

"It worked for Chris Scott, hopefully it'll work for this kid," Frank said.

"Glad to hear that Frank, its your father."

"No way, no fucking way am I going back with that bastard to that bitch of a mother of mine," Frank said.

"Easy love, I think there's more," Scott said and took Frank's hand.

"To begin with he walked out on her. Actually first he sold the business to Sorrel Enterprises, where Chris' father works. They made him go into rehab in order to keep his job and when he came finished he told your mother 3;"

"Not my mother."

"He told her your turn or good-bye. She heaved a bottle at him and he walked out. I talked to Mr. Scott today and he talked with people who work with your father and they all say he's sober, got his head together. Has you and your brother's pictures on his desk."


I nodded.

"Oh shit, oh fucking shit. I've tried to put them and Sam out of my mind, especially Sam. Oh hell 3;"

Frank wrapped his arms around Scott and bawled.

"Who the hell is Sam?" Scott said.

"Frank's younger brother. Walked into the street and a car killed him by accident. Frank came here a week after the funeral."

"It wasn't an accident," Frank said between sobs. "He left a note and begged me to destroy it and not tell anybody. He couldn't take it anymore, especially what they were doing to me when I tried to protect him. Sam knew exactly when that bus came down the street every day and ran in front at the last second. My baby brother killed himself because of me. Said he was setting me free to leave and come down here. I'd seen the early stories about Peckertown and told him about it. And he killed himself for me!"

Frank dissolved into tears again and Daniel and I just watched Scott comfort him as Frank had comforted him while Scott's uncle laid siege to our hometown. I felt a hand inserting itself into mine and held it tight.

I didn't regret this conversation. First Frank deserved to know his father was looking for him. But also it was clear how much he'd been holding in all these years. Feeling responsible for your brother's suicide. How does a boy cope with that?

Daniel moved and put his arm around Frank from the other side and I put mine around Scott and kissed his cheek.

"He's hidden all this from me. How did he put up with my alcoholism?"

"One word, four letters."

"Love," Scott whispered.

I nodded and Scott began to weep.

They cried in each other's arms as we held them tight. Tears running down both our cheeks as well.

"Is my father here?" Frank asked eventually.

"No, just my two friends he hired. They want to talk to you first, explore feelings, options. If you want Daniel and I will stay, or I can get Zeus here," I said.

"You two, and I tell you right now I'm not going back. My home and life is here," Frank said.

"I'd go back with you if that makes a difference," Scott said.

Frank kissed his lover's cheek then shook his head. "It's not like Chris or even Dashby. I've been here too long to move back. I love the life we can live here and we couldn't do that back in Jersey no matter how open it is. This is our home my love."

"When do you want to meet these guys?" Daniel said.

"We've got to do a walk-around and then we'll grab hot dogs and sodas for all of us. Can you have them here in an hour?" Scott said.

"Not giving me a chance to chicken are you?" Frank said and rubbed noses with Scott.

"No problem," I said and picked up my cell and pushed a couple of numbers. "Kenny, you have them 3;good, have them at the water park office in one hour, no sooner."

"You were having them held?" Franks said.

"No, just watched in case you were willing so I could get them here."

"And since you two aren't going anywhere keep two weekends from today clear for a road trip," Daniel said.

"Where too?" Scott said.

"The sexiest sweet sixteen party the world has ever seen. Up at the house in the mountains. Inviting everybody."

"Cool and cooler," Frank said.

"Do we need clothes?" Scott said.

"For the trip maybe, up there definitely. My family will be there too. But not for the after party party."

"Great, see you for lunch. If you need to use the phones go ahead, but just for local calls, bosses orders," Scott said and we all laughed.

Mark and Mike Snitz could have taken their millions, shoved it into a savings account and lived off the interest. Instead they'd taken a chunk of it and built the water park and were raking it in. Worrying about phone bills was habit from their hand to mouth, or should I say cock to mouth hustling days before their bastard father and stepmother won the lottery.

Daniel and I pulled out our cell phones and made the calls we had to while we waited. We looked at each other when there was a knock low down on the door and Daniel opened it to find our hosts with their arms full of hot dogs, fries and sodas.

"Thanks guys, hope this is enough," Frank said as they piled a dozen or so hot dogs, five orders of fries and six jumbo sodas."

"Is this just for us or my friends as well?" I said.

The three teens looked at each other. "Marc, we are growing boys," they said in unison.

I nodded and grabbed two hot dogs, fries and a diet coke seconds before the rest was gone.

As we were finishing the phone rang, Scott picked the phone up and said to have someone bring them to us. Minutes later the door knocked and I let Ray and Gerry in then made the introductions.

"You've turned into a handsome young man Frank," Gerry said holding Frank's hand a second too long.

"I guess Marc didn't make it clear that Scott's my partner in life as well as work. And that he's a second degree black belt."

"Nice to meet you too Scott," Gerry said as he shook Scott's hand.

"Pardon my brother guys but we do admire the young male form and its sexuality. After all we did work that side of the street when we were growing up. Or didn't my old friend tell you about that?"

"We wanted to maintain your reputations as educators, but guys I do have one of the movies on the laptop at home," I said.

"There's probably a lot Marc and Daniel didn't tell us but I don't really care right now. What I am interested in are my parents and what they have in store for me and Scott and me?"

Ray looked at me and I nodded.

"First of all it's not your parents, just your father. He says he knows where your mother is because he sends her the alimony check every month. Junior says he has nothing to do with her and there is no reason for you to.

"A bit too late he realizes he was a terrible father to you and Sam and that Sam's death could very well not have been an accident."

Ray paused but Frank just nodded.

"Through AA and therapy your dad's."

"My father, not dad," Frank whispered.

Ray nodded, "Through AA and therapy your father realizes his being a workaholic contributed to your mother's being an alcoholic and his becoming one himself. Nothing that you or your brother did contributed to it. Nothing you did, or could have ever done deserved the treatment that you got."

"Look Frank, Scott, neither one of us is going to paint your father as an angel, not even in comparison to ours. But I truly believe he's changed and wants a second chance with you. And we made sure before we left New Jersey that he knew anything was on your terms. We're willing to tell him you weren't here or to make plane reservations for the two of you to return with us or anything in between," Gerry said.

"Why now?" Scott said.

Gerry spread his hands. "At a guess he finally decided it was time to make the move. He felt he was strong enough and maybe that enough time had passed for Frank's feelings to mellow."

"I'm not moving back, we're not moving back. This is our home, our lives and friends are here," Frank said.

"Don't reject this chance love, don't miss the opportunity I would have died for at one time," Scott said.

"Your Mom and Dad loved you, would have accepted you gay, straight, whatever. Mine wouldn't have noticed if I was holding bi orgies in the living room. But you're right I can't pass this chance up," Frank said and wrapped his arms around Scott.

"I know what you mean kid, our parents were druggies who only noticed us when they needed something from us. And that went from food shopping to laundry to sex to pushing drugs in the schools. Dad died in jail but we saw Mom a couple months after she got out and she was using again. Didn't even recognize or remember her own kids. You're not making a mistake." Ray said.

I reached over and took Ray's hand. "I'm sorry, I never knew, never heard anything after I left for college."

"What do we do from here?" Frank asked breaking the silence several minutes later.

"He flies down here and you meet. Your terms," Ray said.


Those terms resulted in a very nervous Francis Xavier Corrigan the third pacing around a meeting room at the Jorgenson Inn the following Saturday.

"What if he doesn't show?" Frank muttered.

"He is four-floors above us. Do you want my former head of security to go get him?" Daniel said.

"Pass on that one," Scott said, "it's my day off and I want to get off on the right foot. Don't want to kill the guy because of what he did years ago."

There was a light knock on the door and it opened before I could get there. The man who entered was Frank in thirty years.


"Frank, you are looking very good. All grown up from what I hear and see."

"Thanks, you're looking better than I remembered you."

"What being sober for almost two years will do to a man."

"And how are you doing it?" Scott asked.

"One day at time, one day at a time. You're Scott, my son's lover, partner?"

"Both those and more father, he's the main reason I'm happier than ever. We've made a life for ourselves here."

"And one I have no desire to wreck. Look son, all I want is a chance to be in your life, both your lives if you'll let me. We'll talk on the phone, I'll come to visit and if you two want to come visit me I'll arrange and pay for that too. I'm happier, more at peace with myself since I was your age and started working in Gramp's mill shop."

"Hear you walked out on her," Frank said.

"Either that or get hit on the head with a full bottle, or worse going back to emptying them myself."

Frank smiled for the first time and his father smiled back.

"Lord I hardly remember that smile," the father said.

"Didn't know how to till I got here. You want to take the tour?"

"Love to."

"I guess that's our cue to leave," I said and Daniel and I rose. "Call us if you need anything."