PZA Boy Stories

Sidney Gittler

Arkansas Vacation

Chapters 4-6

Chapter 4
Boys' Tales
(Arkansas Vacation 4)

by Sid G with help from Danny

This is the fourth installment of the Arkansas Vacation stories, although it's gone well past the 'vacation' stage.
I want to thank my friend Danny for contributing Cody's Story. He asked if he could contribute a piece for this chapter and it worked out so great it's leading the piece.
Marc and Daniel/Lion will be featured in future installments but they're a little busy learning the ropes at Jorgenson Enterprises.

I stepped off the bus and looked around. All I saw was wall to wall boys. My head started to spin. My editor at Time magazine sent me to Peckertown to write one of those human relations story about a sex boy-toy in Peckertown. With all the boys I saw in the first two minutes, I didn't know how I was going to pick one story to write in the time I was given.

I went to the In-Boy Inn to check in. After following a red haired boy dressed only in a jockstrap to my room and unpacking, I went for a walk. I took my camera to shoot some pictures to add to the story. After about two hours of walking around and snapping over two rolls of pictures I stopped at a restaurant called The Tasty Buns. I sat down at a table and looked at the menu. A waiter took my order for the surf and turf special and a draft beer. As I was sipping my beer I looked through the notes I had taken during my walk.

The door to the Tasty Buns opened up and a bald ten year old boy wearing knee high leather black boots, tight black leather shorts, and a black leather vest walked in. The bald boy held a leash in his right hand. I looked down the length of the leash and saw another boy about sixteen years old dressed in pink latex and a matching leather spiked dog collar walking on his hands and knees following the bald boy. The bald boy stopped in front of a table and commanded his 'dog' to sit. The sixteen year old sat on the floor next to the table. The bald boy dropped the leash and said, 'stay' to the older boy.

As the bald boy walked into the kitchen through the swinging double doors I could see that his head was shaved but what truly struck me was his sense of power and control.

When my food arrived I asked my waiter who the bald boy was.

My waiter replied, "That's Benjamin Jorgenson. He's one of Mr. Jorgenson's sons. He's the star at the Little Leather Club." I thanked him for the info and started to eat. The food was great. I have always loved to eat at smaller restaurants because the food always tastes better than those big places were the cooks are always in a rush to get out so many orders ASAP.

As I drank my coffee a gentleman in his mid fifties came up to my table and introduced himself as Mr. Elija Jorgenson, the owner of The Tasty Buns. He asked how the meal and service was.

Mr. Jorgenson was a kind man, and I found him very easy to talk with. I asked Mr. Jorgenson if I could talk with him. I figured he might know someone with a story I could write about. Mr. Jorgenson sat down at the table and I began.

"Mr. Jorgenson, my name is José Sanchez and I'm a reporter for Time magazine. I'm here to write a story about a boy living and working here in Peckertown. I want the story to show people that most if not all the boys in this town are here voluntarily. I want to show the world that they're here because they want to be or because they have a will to live, and don't want to live off the state and government."

Mr. Jorgenson thought about it for a few seconds and then told me to go across the street. He pointed out the front window to a building and told me to go there and see if a boy named Cody was still there. He said Cody might talk with me and that he had a good story I could write. I thanked Mr. Jorgenson and paid my bill.

I walked across the street and entered the building. A nice looking young lady sat a reception desk and asked if she could help me. I told her that Mr. Jorgenson sent me over and I was looking for Cody. She asked me to sit down and wait.

About an hour later two boys around fourteen or fifteen came out of an office. The lady said, "Cody this gentleman would like a word with you."

The boy on the right with short blond hair turned and looked at me. I stood and smiled at the boy.

"Hello Cody. I'm José Sanchez. I'm with Time Magazine, and I'm here to write a story about a boy. Mr. Jorgenson said you have a story that I might like to write about if you would tell it. I would be willing to pay for your time."

Cody looked at me thoughtfully for a few seconds then nodded his head. He asked me to wait for a minute and stepped back into the office he'd just left. When he came back out he asked me to follow him. The three of us entered a small conference room and sat around the table. Cody introduced the other boy with the brown hair as Justin. I shook Justin's hand. We talked a little bit and when Cody had an idea about what I wanted to write about he started his story. I've let him tell his story in his words

Cody's Story

I have always lived in Peckertown. My father was the Reverend Joshua Erickson. My mother was a home maker. I have three brothers and two sisters. I was the oldest son. I was an average student but the star soccer player in school. I had a lot of people who were my friends but only one that I knew liked me for me, and not because to be seen with me was to be considered high on the social ladder. He was my best friend. His name was Daniel Jorgenson, Mr. Jorgenson's son. Dan and I were always together. He came to all my soccer games and we would help each other with our school work. My father was one of the leaders of the fight against the law. And being a good son I loved my father and always listened to him. I believed gays were evil and would go to hell. That all gays were child molesters and would damn anyone who befriended them to hell also.

Well one day I was playing soccer in the final championship game. Daniel was in the stands rooting for my team and cheering for me. After my team won the game the whole town that was in the stands came rushing to the playing field. The next thing I know Daniel had me in a bear hug and with all the emotion of the moment he kissed me on the cheek. I was shocked. With all the stuff my dad had told me plus my friendship with Daniel I was very confused. I became scared because in my mind I was now going to go to hell because another guy kissed me. I told Dan in a very stern voice to let me go. He did and I hit him with all I had. I told him how evil he was and to never come near my again. I stormed away.

A few days later, about three days before voting time. I was bored because soccer season was over and I no longer had Daniel to hang out with. I put on my blades and went for a skate. I stopped at the bus station to get a drink of water. As I was leaving the bus station I saw a boy sitting and a bench in front of the bus station. He had long brown hair and a black T-shirt on. As I came around to the front of the bench I saw that the boy had on white shorts that I always hated. You know the type. The type that go past the knees, even when your sitting down. Well the boy looked up at me as I passed him and the look on his face made my heart go out to him. He had a healing black eye and I could tell that he had been crying. I went over to him and sat down next to him.

"Hi, I'm Cody . What's your name?"

"My name is Justin, Justin Adams." We talked for a little bit then I heard Justin's stomach grumble with hunger. I took Justin to a burger stand and bought him some food to eat. While we ate lunch he told me his story.

(Sanchez: As Cody started to tell Justin's story he took Justin's hand into his.)

Justin was a happy boy. He never had a chance to miss or know his mother because she died while giving birth to him. His father was a stern but loving father. They lived in San Diego, California and Justin was one of the better players on an all boys roller hockey team. He was also the team captain of his school's junior varsity track team. Justin had a secret that he kept from everyone. He liked boys not girls. He knew what gays were and that his dad and his dad's friends hated them. One day Justin was home from school with the flu Justin's friend Jeff came over after school to check on his friend. Jeff took a magazine out of his back pack and showed it to Justin. It was a porno magazine with two guys and one girl in it. The boys were looking through it when they turned a page. On the next page the picture showed one of the guys sucking off the other guy. Justin's dick was already hard from looking at the pictures and his dick almost went off when he saw this picture.

Jeff saw the look on Justin' face and asked him if he wanted to try what they were doing. Justin was so horny that without thinking reached over and put his hand on Jeff's bulge. Jeff stood up and took off all his clothes. As Jeff stripped, Justin pulled off his blankets and pulled off his underwear. Jeff watched as Justin slowly pulled on his uncut boy cock. When Jeff pulled off his boxers Justin saw a five inch [12½ cm] boy cock that was pointing to the sky. Jeff had a small patch of red hair that was the same fire red as the hair on his head. Jeff's balls hug so low that they went down almost to his knees in Justin's eyes. Slowly Jeff leaned over and took Justin's cock into his mouth. He pulled back the foreskin and used his tongue to rub it, at the same time sucking on the rest of the boy meat. Jeff's head started to bob up and down. Justin had been jerking off for a year now and never felt anything as great as Jeff's mouth on his pole. After a few minutes Justin pulled Jeff off his now very wet tool and pulled Jeff's mouth to his. Jeff was lying on top of Justin as the boys kissed. As they kissed their penis's rubbed against each other. With the heat of passion and the thrusting of there hips grinding their two boy cocks together both boys had the most intense orgasm at the same time. The sperm started it's journey up the shaft's and exploded into thick, rope like spurts between there bodies.

As the cum was shooting out of their dicks they heard someone yell, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO FAGGOTS DOING!!!!"

Both Justin and Jeff looked up in shock and saw Justin's father. Justin's father came home early from work to be with his sick son. Jeff started to pull his clothes on as fast as he could. He was so scared that he forgot that he was covered in his and Justin's cum. As Jeff got dressed and Justin started to pull his underwear back on, Justin's dad was still yelling at both boys. When Jeff was fully dressed he ran past Justin's father and out of the house. When Justin and his dad were alone in the house Justin's father came over to Justin's bed and grabbed his son's hair and pulled him out of the bed. When Mr. Adams had his son out of bed he beat him until he was too tired to continue.

During the beating he kept yelling at his son. When he was done hitting Justin he told Justin that he had just ten minutes to get the hell out of his house, and to never return, and then stormed out of the room. Justin was so scared that his father would kill him that he grabbed the first clothing he got his hands on and put it on. He stuffed some more clothes into his school pack and grabbed his piggy bank. He then ran through the house and down the street until his legs hurt from running. When Justin stopped to rest he looked into his bank an saw he only had $25. He knew that he would need more money.

Justin knew were he needed to go. He needed to go to Peckertown, Arkansas, but he would need more money to pay for a bus ticket and for food on the trip. Justin waited until dark and went back home. When he saw that all the lights go out in the house he waited for two more hours to make sure that his dad was sound asleep. Justin snuck back into the house. When he was in the house he went back into his room and really packed. He pulled out his boy scout camping gear and packed. He packed clothes, sleeping bag and other things he might need. When he was fully packed he then took his chances and snuck into his dad's room. He slowly went to the bedside table and took his father's wallet and opened it. His dad had $120 in it and Justin took it. Justin then left the house. Justin walked all night to the bus station and bought a one way ticket to Peckertown.

When he arrived he was felling lost and alone and sat on the bench where Cody had found him, so he could think of what to do. He only had $20 left to his name and did not know what he was going to do now that he was here. So he sat there thinking until he met me.

I sat there eating my burger and listened to Justin as he told his story. I was thinking to myself as I listened to the story. 'Justin is gay, but he's just a kid like me. He has not molested me, and seems just like a normal kid.' I was also aware that Justin was really good looking. This was the first time I had a thought like that. I was trying to sort out my feelings for Justin and what my father had always said about two people of the same sex loving each other. When Justin and I were done eating I told Justin about myself.

As we walked Justin asked me, if I knew a place were he could set up camp, because he did not have the money to pay for a hotel room. I took Justin to an old field a block away from my house. The field used to be a small fast food place that sold out. The new owners were going to build a new building but after they tore down the old one they went bankrupt. So now the whole place was just one giant field of over grown grass and weeds. We looked and found a place next to a tree that was hidden from everything around the area and I helped Justin set up camp. Buy the time everything was set up it was starting to get dark and I had to get home.

I took most of Justin's clothes so I could wash them tomorrow for him. I knew that I would have the house to myself so I could get away with it. I hid the clothing and entered my home. The next morning I woke up just as the rest of the family was leaving. I waited to make sure they did not come back then got up. After a shower and dressing in a T-shirt and soccer shorts, I threw Justin's clothes in the washer. While making breakfast I thought about Justin and my feelings for him. That's when it finally set in that I should bring Justin to my house so he could get cleaned up also. I turned off the stove so the eggs would not burn. I put on my blades and shot as fast as he could to the field were Justin was camping out. When I arrived, Justin was still asleep. I just stood there looking at the boy that I was attracted to.

After a few minutes I woke up Justin and with a smile in Justin's eyes and on his mouth he said good morning to me and I said good morning and told Justin to get up. We packed up Justin's stuff and went to my house.

After showing Justin my room, I then told Justin to shower and then come down to the kitchen. I put Justin's clothes into the dryer and then started to make breakfast again. Justin took a shower and because he had no clean clothes to put on and was not shy about his body, he walked nude down to the kitchen. I had just finished putting the last of the food I had cooked for breakfast on the kitchen table when the door to the kitchen opened up. Justin walked in completely naked. My jaw dropped when I saw this. Justin's uncut four inch [10 cm] soft dick and low hanging balls swinging as he walked.

Justin saw the look on my face and smiled and said, "Sorry. I did not have anything to put on. You have all my clothes."

I got over my shock and told Justin to sit down and eat. We sat down and ate the ham and cheese omelets, bacon, and toast that I had made. After eating Justin helped wash the dishes and then I got Justin's clean clothes. Justin put on clean clothes and then went with me to the two car garage. In the garage we looked for camping supplies. We collected a tent, blankets, lantern, and a small propane cooking unit. We then took everything to the field and set up a real camp for Justin. We camouflaged the camp with bushes and other type of tree branches so that Justin could use the lantern at night, and did not have to take down the tent every day.

With the camp all set up I took Justin and showed him all over the town. While on the tour of town we stopped in a sporting goods store and bought some propane and lantern oil for Justin. Justin used the last of his money to buy some canned foods from a store so he would be able to cook some food. After the shopping we took everything back to camp and then just sat and talked.

We played cards and chess until it started to get dark. Then I went home.

Because of school the next day I could not go and see my new friend until after school. I did not want to go to school because I knew I would see Daniel there. I knew that I'd hurt Daniel's feelings and that I should talk with him. To tell him that the real reason for my striking out at Dan was because of the feelings I'd been having was the real reason for what I did. But I couldn't. I was to scared. I avoided Daniel all day. Daniel tried to talk with me almost every time we were close to each other. But I would walk away or say something like, "Get away from me. Or, don't talk to me." Daniel finally stopped trying.

After school was over that day I went straight to Justin's camp. For the rest of the day Justin and I would work on my homework. That way Justin could get some sort of education. When the homework was finished we'd play chess and just talk until dark when I had to go home. This went on for the rest of the week. When the law passed and my dad said to the family we were going to move I was sad. I now had a new friend that I could talk with and now we had to move away. After everyone was asleep I snuck down to the kitchen and made some steak and cheese sandwiches and went to go see Justin to tell him the bad news. When I arrived I saw the light on in the tent. I walked up to the tent and knocked on the tent.

"Come in." I entered into the tent and sat down. Justin handed me a blanket and I wrapped myself in it. Justin and I just sat and ate in silence. Justin sensed my discomfort and did not talk. After we were done eating I finally talked.

"Justin. I'm leaving. My father said we had to leave because of all the evil coming to town." I talked to Justin for the rest of the night. I talked to Justin about my new feelings that I now realized I had been having for over a year now. About how I'd yelled at my best friend and the feelings I had about Justin and those of my father. When the sun started to rise I left so I could get home before anyone woke up. After school I stopped at the sporting goods store again and bought some more propane and lantern oil. Then I went to a grocery store and bought some more food for Justin. When I arrived at the camp I saw that Justin was not there. I put away the supplies I bought and did my homework. Justin came back to the camp just before dark. "Where have you been? I've been waiting for you."

Justin replied, "I've been working."

"Really. Where did you get a job?"

Justin again replied, "I didn't get a regular job. I was working the street."

I looked at Justin with a look on my face that said that I did not understand what Justin meant. Justin sat down and explained what he meant. I looked both shocked and sorry at the same time. Because of the darkness setting in I had to leave. Later again that night I went to the camp. Justin was not there again. I sat in the tent wrapped in the sleeping bag for a hour or so, and when Justin did not come back I went home. After school the next day I went to the camp again and found Justin asleep. I did not want to wake him so I just sat there doing my homework. Two hours later Justin woke up. I had my work done, and as we cooked some food for Justin we talked.

I was starting to come to terms with my gayness. I still felt bad the way I had been treating Daniel but could not, even with Justin's pushing, go and talk with him. I thought Daniel would always hate me because of the way he had been treated.

When I got home later that day, my father called me into his office. He talked to his son. Telling him the reason for the family moving and that he was sorry that he was forcing me to move away from my school and friends. He also asked me if I knew where the camping supplies were. Father had been packing up the garage, getting ready for the move. I told my father the truth, (well some of it), that I had lent it to a friend. Father was mad that his son did not ask before lending out their stuff, and told me to get the stuff back tomorrow.

After school the next day I went to the camp. Justin was just getting up when I arrived. I told Justin about dad finding the stuff missing and that I had to take the stuff home. Justin seemed to understand and helped pack up the stuff. When every thing was packed we used the last of the propane to cook up a large feast. When we were done eating I went home. I gave the camping stuff to dad and went to my room.

The next day my father made me stay home from school and help pack up the rest of the stuff in the house that was not needed. My father had gotten a lot of boxes and I worked hard with my dad to get as much done as possible. Because I was working with my father I could not get out to go see Justin.

The next day I was able to go back to school. I found out that a lot of my friends at school were also moving and because of the kids moving that this would be the last week of school. When I got to the camp after school there was a note for him from Justin saying that he would be with a client all day and he would not be back until late that night. So I went home. I told dad about the school closing down at the end of the week. He that there was no point in going back to school. I was to go to the school tomorrow morning and give back my school books and to clean out my locker.

I did as I was told the next day. I stopped at the camp the next day and saw Justin was asleep. Justin woke up with a start when he heard Cody's foot steps. I smiled a my friend but joy became concern when I saw my friend.

Justin's face was all bloody and swollen.

I came up to Justin and said, "My God Justin. What the hell happened to you?"

Justin told me about the guy he was with. Everything was turning out good at first. The man took Justin to get some nice clothes. Then they went to a show and dinner. After dinner they went to the man's room and had sex. The man was going to drop Justin off at his camp on his way out of town but instead took Justin away from town and beat him up and took his money. Justin was in a lot of pain and he knew that he might have some cracked ribs.

For the rest of the week I brought Justin food and some first aid supplies to try to help my friend recover from his beating. The next week dad told the family to pack up the rest of the house. He had found and bought a new house in Alabama and they were moving next week. I spent as much time as I could with Justin during this last week together. I acting like a nurse to my injured friend and Justin acting as a therapist to me. Two days before the Erickson family was to move, I was asleep in a sleeping bag on my bedroom floor when a loud crash of thunder woke me up. I looked out his bedroom window and saw a solid sheet of rain coming down. I became concerned for Justin. I put on my clothes and then ran to the camp. I found Justin awake huddled in his sleeping bag under the tree and bushes trying to stay dry. It was not working very well. I pulled Justin to his feet and took him back to my house. When we were in my room we were both soaking wet. Justin and I took off all our wet clothes and climbed into my dry sleeping bag. When we had warmed up we talked.

At the same time my dad was walking past my room to go to the bathroom. He heard boys talking and thought that Keith, my youngest brother, might have gotten scared because of the storm and went in his brothers room so his big brother could protect him. He opened the door to my room to make sure Keith was OK.

What he saw made him VERY mad.

There was his son with a boy that he knew was a Devil spawn in the same sleeping bag. Because the sleeping bag was not meant for two people the devil spawn was on top of his son.

We did not hear dad enter the room until we heard him yell, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY SON, YOU DEMON SEED?" We both jumped up and out of the sleeping bag. Both completely naked because of our wet clothing. Dad saw the two naked boys and his anger rose even more.

"Dad. we were not doing anything. Justin is my friend and I did not want him to become sick. We were just trying to get warm because we were all wet from the rain," I said.

My dad was so pissed off that he did not hear his son's words. Joshua kept yelling at Justin and now at his son. My father could not believe that his son would be friends with a hell spawn and knew that his son was seduced by the evil one that stood before him. He knew that there was no hope for me. He had to get Cody away from the rest of the family before he turned them also. With all the yelling the rest of the Erickson family had come to the door to see what was going on. Joshua made the boys get dressed and leave his house. As we were leaving he told me to never return. Both me and Justin left. We waited a few hours and then went back to the house. Both thankful that the rain had lessened. When both had checked that everyone was asleep we opened up the U-haul and looked for some of my stuff. All we found was one suitcase with some of my clothing in it. We did find the camping supplies also so we took them also. We went back to the field and set up the tent. We went into the tent and tried to get some sleep. But with all our stuff wet and with my crying and Justin just holding me to give some support with what just happened we had no luck with sleep. Just after sunrise the rain stopped and it warmed up. With no sleep all night both boys fell asleep in each other arms.

We slept all day and into the night. When we woke up that night we spent some time putting out our wet clothing and Justin's wet sleeping bag on tree branches to dry in the evening wind. It was a warm night so we stripped down to wet boxers and hung up those clothes also. We sat in the tent and talked. Trying to come up with a plan.

As we were talking I became depressed again and started to cry. Justin went over to his friend and held him. I hugged Justin to me as if Justin was a rope that was keeping me from falling down a cliff. All Justin could do was hold me. With all the emotions Justin could not help what he did next.

He leaned over and started to kiss me on the neck. At first I was scared at what Justin was doing. Then I let the love I felt for Justin guide me. I started rubbing Justin's back. With me rubbing his back Justin took that as a good sign. Justin pulled back and looked into my eyes. He saw love and trust in them.

Justin then kissed me on the lips. I felt Justin's tongue rubbing my lips and parted them open. Justin pushed his tongue into my mouth and explored his new lovers mouth. I felt my penis getting hard as Justin's tongue explored my mouth. My hands became a separate mind of their own and went to Justin's groin. I started to rub Justin's growing bulge in front of his boxers.

Justin felt my hands rubbing his dick and let out a little moan. Justin broke the kiss and helped me to lie down. He then pulled off my boxers. My six inches [15 cm] was a hard as steel. Justin then took my boy tool into his mouth and started to take me to a new world. I had never even jerked off before because one time when I asked my father about masturbation my father told me that it was self abuse and a boy would go blind if he did it. Well I had always been a good boy who listened to his father.

I was in heaven. As Justin blew his new love his right hand played with my hairless nuts. His left hand played with my tits. I could only lie there on the floor as these new feelings came over me. I took my right hand and pushed Justin's boxers down. I gripped Justin's 5½ inches [14 cm] and started to stroke.

I started to feel like I had to pee, so I asked Justin to stop because I was going to pee.

Justin told me it was O.K. and kept sucking. The feelings in my groin made me speed up my stroking of Justin's tool. I then let out a yelp like I had just been stung bye a bee and started to fill up Justin's mouth with my semen. As I was cumming Justin started to shoot his boy load all over my stomach. When both of us had shot off our sperm all I could do was lie there panting. Justin moved up and licked off his cum from my stomach and hand. Then he laid down next to me. Both of us fell asleep.

We woke up the next morning with a start as they heard a someone calling my name. We put on our boxers and stepped out of the tent. There was Keith standing there. My mother sent Keith to find me and to give me a note she had written. Keith gave me the note and then he hugged me good-bye and then left. The note said that my mother tried talking to my father but being who he was he would not listen. She wanted to tell me that she still and always would love me. She told me to look in the old flower box in the back yard tonight after the family left. That night with our clothing dry we went to the house. In the old flower box was a black trash bag. In the bag was my sleeping bag, some food, and a wallet. In the wallet was $200 in cash.

(Sanchez: Over the following weeks they saved almost all the money Justin earned from doing tricks on the street, (which he would not let Cody do), and put down the move in fee for a small one bedroom apartment. Slowly but surely they saved up to get some furniture and new clothing.)

One day I found out a small bar needed two boys to be waiters. We both went and applied for the jobs, and being the only ones to apply got the jobs and Justin stopped working the streets.

A few months later Mr. Jorgenson came and saw me. He told me about dad not paying the taxes for the house, and that he had bought it. He gave Cody the money that was left over from the sale of the house. That night both Justin and Cody talked over what they should do with the money and if the should buy the bar that they worked in. They decided to go talk with Mr. Jorgenson in the morning. Instead of talking to Mr. Jorgenson they talked with Mr. Marc Fogel, his General Manager. They discussed taking the money and using it to open a sports bar at the hotel the Jorgenson's would be reopening soon.

(Sanchez: I had met them after a follow up meeting to finalize those details.)

After the meeting we found Daniel waiting for us. Dan let out his anger and I apologized. We shook hands and hugged. We were friends again. Both Marc and Justin sensed we needed time to ourselves and when Daniel looked at Marc, Marc gave a little nod of his head and took Justin into his office. Daniel took me into his office. We talked for two hours. With the emotions flowing heavily in that room we made slow passionate love together. If you ever find a way to get an office desk to talk, the one in Daniel's office will have a great story to tell you. After we had finished talking and having sex, we went into Marc's office an chatted for a few minutes.

As the three of us left the conference room we ran into Mr. Fogel who asked Cody how everything had gone.

"Fine Marc, I hope people will understand us a little better."

"Mr. Sanchez, I hope you can tell parents that just because we're gay doesn't mean we're bad people," Justin said.

"If you'd care to show me your story before you submit it I can introduce you to a couple of other boys who have different stories to tell," Mr. Fogel said.

"I can't give you approval and I don't know if I have the budget for it."

"Not asking for either."

"I'll drop it off around eleven tomorrow morning then."

I took the boys to a restaurant and bought them dinner. I asked a few questions about the story so I would have all the facts straight when I wrote it. After dinner I walked them home then went back to the In-Boy Inn. I wrote out the story on paper then went to sleep. The next day I rewrote the story on my laptop and printed it out.

Sitting across from Mr. Fogel reminded me of being graded on a school paper. He smiled and handed me a stack of paper. The following two stories are what was written. I had a chance to talk to both boys and they confirmed the stories. I've taken a little more liberty with them than I did with Cody's.

José's Story

My name is José Miguel Cortez de Rodriguez, but you should call me Slave José. My masters have honored me by choosing me to tell my story. Master Benjy has promised that they will let me tell my truth my way.

I was born in Puerto Rico and my Madre, mother, was a single fifteen years old. The same age I am now. I never knew my father, or even his name. We lived with my grandparents and those were OK years. When I was five my mother and I went to New York City where she had been promised a good job making dresses. She worked long hours and after school I was alone and that is when the problems began.

Like a good mama she told me to come home straight after school and stay inside because it wasn't safe outside. That winter it was easy because it was cold and dark and wet. But when spring came it was so beautiful that I started going to the park. Lots of my classmates were there along with bigger kids and grownups. It was OK when my friends were there but came supper time they left and I stayed since my mother wasn't going to be home till after eight and I didn't eat till then.

At first the older kids ignored me and then one day one of the men started walking over and three of them grabbed him and shoved him away. When he started to argue one of the boys took a knife out and the man left. From then on it was like I had a bunch of big brothers.

When school was over in June I started spending the whole day in the park. My big brothers made sure I had lunch and ice cream. Took me into the pool with them.

I felt safe with them so when one of them, Carlos, asked me to take a package to the pizza store I said fine. The guy was so happy to see me that he gave a free slice of pizza and a coke. Once or twice a week I did this for Carlos. Took packages that fit into the backpack he bought me to various stores in the neighborhood.

Of course the packages were drugs and I realized it after we talked about them in first grade that fall but I didn't care. Carlos was my friend and he and the other boys took care of me.

This went on for a few years and my mother never questioned where I got some of the toys or clothes. Between working and her many boyfriends she didn't pay attention to me anyway. I was never abused, just neglected which made me lean even more on my big brothers.

Then one summer day when I was nine disaster struck. By this time I was picking up payments and not just dropping off the dope. I had gone up to the pizza shop and we made the exchange. I put the money wrapped up like a sub in the backpack and started eating my slice on the way out. I was half way down the block when the cop cars came up the block and stopped at the pizza store. I started back up but when I heard guns I turned and ran down to the park.

When I got to the playground I saw Carlos and the others by a tree on the far side. I slowed and started walking over. Raul saw me and motioned to Carlos. Carlos quickly made the sign of the cross on his shoulder. The don't come close signal. I nodded and went to the swings. After putting the backpack directly under the swing I got on and started, but kept watching my friends. Ten minutes later first Pedro, then Raul and finally Carlos wandered away without coming near me. Fifteen minutes after Carlos left I went home and locked myself in my room and counted the money.

Ten Thousand Dollars.

I wrapped everything back up and stuck it on the shelf in my closet under my winter clothes.

The next day I went to the park after school. None of them were there. A boy who I'd seen talking to Carlos but never been introduced to came up and told me that Carlos had been arrested and had gotten word out to tell his little brother to keep the final present. The kid wanted to know if I knew what he meant. I told him that he'd given me a hundred to buy a game for my Play Station and I guess he didn't want me to think he needed it back. The kid nodded and slipped away.

I went home and stayed there for a week. One day that week my mother came home and told me she'd heard about the drug dealing at the park and reminded me to be very careful around such evil people. I bit my tongue but got real mad inside. That Sunday at church I prayed for Carlos and my other two big brothers. When I went back to the park I brought my backpack with me but stayed with my school friends, while I kept an eye out of course. Nobody bothered me though.

Skipping ahead a few years Carlos had been sent to jail and killed there. Naturally whoever Carlos worked for replaced him and after awhile I started working for Renée. Being an experienced and trusted mule I made good money.

When I was twelve my mother had her new boyfriend move in with us. He was a nice enough guy, treated me fine. Just had this habit of barging into the bathroom when I was taking a shit or showering. The lock was broken and this man who 'was so handy' couldn't fix it. Right after Christmas my grandmother died and my mother flew down for the funeral and help Gramps. She couldn't afford to take me, Pablo wouldn't pay and I couldn't say I could afford first class tickets for both of us.

So I got left with Pablo and started on the path to Peckertown.

The second day Pablo told me to be home by six but I had an extra run for Renée and didn't get home till 6:10. Pablo stood there with his wide leather belt wrapped around his fist. He told me to strip and that I was getting one lash for each minute from the time I was supposed to be home till I was naked and bent over the chair. I started to run but he caught me and dragged me to my room and punched me hard in the stomach, twice. He pulled my clothes off and threw me on the bed. I lay there catching my breath and watched him pull a rope from his pockets and tied one end around my wrists. I started pleading with him, begging him but he just spit on me and dragged me to the closet door. He placed me on the inside part of the door and threw the rope over and tied it tight to the doorknob so my feet were just touching the floor.

He left me there for ten minutes.

When he came back he had the belt again. Thirty minutes was all he said and started whipping my back and ass till I passed out. When I came to I realized he had let me down but was tied spreadeagled on my bed with my ass in the air. I wanted to cry, scream but I bit my lip because I didn't want Pablo to know I was awake.

I either passed out or fell asleep again because the next thing I knew he was shaking me awake. I was still tied and he was naked, his cock hard and staring me in the face. When he saw I was awake he climbed on top of me and raped me. I know he did it at least twice that night, maybe more, but in the morning I was loose and he had left me a message that I'd better be home by six or it would be even worse. I was home ten minutes early so he told me it would only be ten lashes and one fucking unless I fought. I just hung my head and stripped.

This went on every day until my mother came home a month later.

Why didn't I tell her? He promised to organize a gang rape and then I'd be killed if I said a word, and I believed him. So whenever my mother worked late, which was several days a week, he took advantage of me.

I thought about telling Renée but he didn't care for me like Carlos and the others did. To him I was an expendable tool. Also, I was afraid that if I told him he might think I wanted him to fuck me too.

Then Easter came last year and my mother went back to Puerto Rico to be with my grandfather. Pablo and I got home from Church on Good Friday. I skipped saying confession because I didn't feel that I should be saved. Anyway, as soon as we got home I stripped and stood waiting in my bedroom. Pablo walked in holding a hammer and long, heavy nails and headed for the wall. I started shaking, positive he was going to crucify me. I fell to my knees crying, begging for my life. He just laughed and started pounding the nails high up the wall. I was half right. When he finished he picked me up and lashed me to the nails in the cross position. Then he left me there.

The next time I saw him was Easter Sunday when he got back from Church. He cut me down and tied me to the bed and fucked and beat me the rest of the day. When he was ready for bed he untied me and reminded me I had school the next day. I crawled to the bathroom and took a bath. When he saw me coming out he fucked me again.

Salvation came the next morning. The news came at lunch about Arkansas's new law. I knew right away that a safe place waited for me there. I ran home after school and filled my backpack with all the money and as much of my clothes as I could. Wrote a note from my mother giving me permission to go to Little Rock to visit relatives.

The last thing I did was put all his clothes on the floor and set them on fire.

I roamed, and was fucked, around Arkansas till a cop told me to go to Peckertown.

When I arrived it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. And the most caring. For the first time I found I could say no to sex. Then for the first time I found I liked it. My second week one of the other boys saw my back and took me to the health clinic where they checked me out and told me about a rap group for boys like me. I went expecting to be the only one there but found three groups of about twenty each. I cried that afternoon and everything poured out. When we finally broke a dozen of the other boys, some younger than me, came over and hugged me, welcomed me. I organized a group that meets in the barracks every week now. The Jorgensons really do care for us.

So how did I become a slave? While I felt a little better about myself I was unhappy with my life. I had friends but was alone. When I saw the sign announcing the opening of the Little Leather Club and went to talk to them I realized what I was missing. I'd been on my own since I was five and I needed to be taken care of. And here these people were offering to do that in exchange for control of my body till I turned eighteen. I turned to Master Benjy and bowed my head in obedience.

I've never regretted the decision. I have a home, food, they put my tips in the bank with the rest of my money. Sure my body hurts sometimes but if a customer goes too far I can stop it, and have with no punishment. My fellow slaves have become my family and when Andrew died it was like when I'd found out about Carlos, my brother was dead.

What do I think my future will be? I'm only fifteen and really haven't thought that far. I know I'll have one though. My masters have connections with adult leather clubs in other cities and I could work at one of them or one of their other properties around Peckertown. I did good in school till Pedro started. I figure I'll have a nice nest egg when the time comes so I'll be patient and think about it.

But I know this if I had stayed home I'd be dead or in jail. Here I am free and happy.

Thank you for reading my story.

Slave José.

Lance's Story

OK, let's settle one thing right off the bat. That was our thirteenth birthday. I know Marc has trouble believing it, even when he's fucking my ass, but we are thirteen. Also my father and mother signed our permission slips, as well as Frankie's.

We were born and raised on a mid-size farm in the northeast part of Arkansas. Nothing special but successful enough to support my parents, brothers and sisters. You see I'm the sixth, Richie's the seventh, Bobby's the eighth and Frankie's the tenth and last. Mamas had seven boys and three girls.

And you don't want to know what happened to the last guy who said three boys and seven girls.

Anyhow, it was five years ago that we found out about gay sex. It was this time of year, either right before or after our birthday, and we were up in the hayloft horsing around when we heard two people enter the barn. Richie looked over the edge and told us it was Hank and Paul, two boys who went to high school with our oldest brother. They lived in town but that was the third summer they spent working on the farm. Hank was the star fullback on the high school football team. He was about 5'10" [1.78 m] and really muscular. Paul was a forward on the school's basketball team and while he was about five inches [12½ cm] taller weighed the same as Hank.

Richie couldn't hear what they were saying but could tell they were excited. Bobby and I edged up next to Richie. It was a hot day and we were down to our jockeys so it didn't surprise us when they took their shirts off and started to pull down their cutoffs.

What caught my attention then almost gave us away. They weren't wearing any underwear and their cocks were hard and standing out from their bodies. I let out a gasp but got my hand in front of my mouth in time. We were shocked. After all, nobody would take a crap inside the barn. Especially when it was their job to clean the stalls.

When they were naked except for their work boots they hugged and kissed on the lips. We couldn't think of doing that with anybody at that age but they seemed to be enjoying it. Then Paul moved his lips to Hank's hard chest. We watched him lick his way down Hank's chest and watched in shock when he took Hank's wiener in his mouth. All of it!

OK, so I don't use 'wiener' now but I'm trying to give you an idea. Now, no more smirks or you don't get any when I'm finished with my story.

Apology accepted. Now back to the barn. When Hank felt Paul's mouth hit his balls he yelped and Bobby bounced into me. Fortunately by that point the two boys were so into it they didn't notice the noise. As Hank ran his fingers through Paul's shoulder length red hair Paul bobbed his head back and forth. We watched in stunned horror when Hank suddenly pulled his wiener out of Paul's mouth and pissed on his face and chest. Of course it was cum but we didn't find that out until later.

When Hank finished shooting he collapsed on the floor in front of Paul and started licking his face clean. This really grossed us out. But the whole thing excited me too. I could feel my tiny prick getting hard inside my jockeys and I started playing with it. I looked over and both my brothers had the same idea.

Then Hank got on his hands and knees and Paul spread his butt apart and stuck his mouth into Hank's crack and started licking him. After a few minutes of that Paul stuck a finger into Hank's ass and started twisting it around. I was squirming trying to keep quiet up in the loft.

When Paul took his hard prick and placed it by Hank's ass and pushed it inside I knew I had to try it. And soon.

Once Paul was all the way in he took a breath and then Hank said those immortal words: "Lover, fuck my ass."

I turned over and sat up stunned. Hearing those four words spoken with truth changed my life right then. Even more than seeing it happen. I had heard and used them all before, even fuck. Even knew what fuck meant since Junior, our oldest brother, had used the word while we watched two of the sheep doing it.

But to hear them together, said like that was, well I hope you know what I mean since I can't say it right. Sorry.

Next thing Bobby was sitting next to me naked and putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close. As our lips met I reached for his cock. It was like a charge going from my mouth to my hand. A charge that intensified when I found my brother's tongue invading my mouth. I started stroking his cock as his hand went into my jockeys and took mine. I separated long enough to strip and we were back together.

I felt a hand feeling my back, heading to my ass and turned my head and saw Richie, already naked, joining in. We silently played with each others cocks, kissed, felt chests and butts for a long time.

Suddenly Paul screamed, "I'm cumming." You know what we thought he meant. We quickly crawled to the edge and saw him jerking off and then long streams of thick cum shot out and splattered onto Hank's chest. When Hank started running his fingers through it we figured out it wasn't piss which relieved us. At that point my father yelled for Paul and Hank and they quickly dressed and ran outside. We were disappointed that they were done but relieved that we didn't have to worry about being quiet.

We walked further back from the edge to our secret hiding place. Where we knew nobody could see or hear us. I took Richie's hand and stood him in front of me. Then I knelt and took his cock in my hand and played with it. Bobby walked behind me and rubbed my back. Finally I lowered my head and licked Richie's cock.

After a couple of minutes of this Richie said, "Oh Lance, please put it in your mouth like Paul did."

I looked from Richie's face to his cock and back again. "Promise you won't piss in my mouth."

"I promise."

I closed my eyes and tried to remember what Paul had done. While my brother's prick was a lot smaller then Hank's I figured that my mouth was a lot smaller than Paul's.

"Just do it Lance, open your mouth and pretend it's a lollipop." Bobby said from behind me. His hands gently guided my mouth to Richie's prick and instinct took over. Before I knew it my nose was brushing against his hairless crotch. A low moan escaped Richie's lip as I began bobbing my head up and down. His hands replaced Bobby's and he grabbed my hair and started moving me faster and faster.

Suddenly he grabbed me tight and I could feel him shake all over. I couldn't tell what he was feeling so I tried to pull off him but he wouldn't let me. He kept shaking until he fell onto the hay.

Bobby and I knelt at his side and nervously looked at each other over our panting brother.

"You OK?" I asked in a worried whisper.

"Oh yes, that was so great," he took a deep breath, "I can't wait to do it again."

I did Bobby and then Richie did me. When we had all rested a little bit we decided it was time to get something to drink in the house. We got dressed and walked out into the light. Hank and Paul were working in the pen right outside the door and stared at us as we walked out. I guess they realized we'd seen the whole thing and wondered if we'd say anything.

We didn't until Thanksgiving. Since they'd started working for us we had invited Hank, Paul and their families to Thanksgiving luncheon and this year after we ate the three Trips asked them if they'd come to the barn so we could show them something. The five of us walked around the house and into the barn. As soon as we were in Richie locked the door. The older boys turned and saw the three of us groping ourselves.

"We just want to thank you two for showing us the joy of gay sex this summer," I said.

"You were up there the whole time!" Paul shouted. "And you never told anybody?"

I walked over and felt his crotch. "Why, it was so beautiful and the three of us have enjoyed doing it together ever since."

Paul's hand touched my chest and I felt a tingling sensation.

"So you want to show us what you've learned?" Hank asked with a combination of nerves and anticipation. Bobby walked over and groped him while Richie started stripping.

"Well, we'd like another lesson too, only we want it to be more hands on this time," I said.

Paul started unbuttoning my shirt and I started on his pants. When he took off my shirt he started sucking on my nipples while I finished stripping myself. When I was naked I pulled his pants down and sunk to my knees. I was eye-level to the biggest cock I'd seen up to that point. I looked over and saw that Hank, Richie and Bobby were undressing each other.

"May I Paul?" Why I asked I'll never know because I didn't wait for an answer. I just took his cock in my hands and started masturbating it.

"Take it in your mouth now Lance before it gets too big," Paul said a minute or so later. I rushed to do it and found I could take most of it in my mouth and with a little maneuvering I was smelling his sparse growth of pubic hair. Up to then I had only tasted my brothers' cocks and I noticed an immediate difference in Paul's. It was a man's cock with a muskier taste. Oh forget it, as long as you're down here in Peckertown pick up some prepubescent hooker and when you compare you'll know what I mean. But he sure tasted and smelt great.

"Oh man. I can't believe you swallowed the whole thing Lance. You are one talented cock sucker. Now start sucking on it, it won't take long for you to get me off."

My jaw was too stretched to smile so I just started bobbing my head back and forth. After the second stroke I couldn't take it all again because it kept getting bigger and bigger. Paul was grabbing my hair and guiding me along. Making sure I didn't miss a stroke. From somewhere I heard the other three but couldn't see a thing.

"Oh shit Lance I'm going to cum so if you don't want to swallow it get off now."

I hesitated a second and the decision was made for me. Paul shot his load across my tongue and down my throat before I had a chance to react. I started swallowing for my life, barely aware of how good it tasted. When he was done he pulled his cock out and wiped it off on my face. My tongue leaped out to lick myself clean.

Lance sat down and pulled me on top. He brought out mouths together and his tongue penetrated my mouth and tasted his own cum there. "You sure are one fine cock sucker Lance. I'd work your daddy's farm for one blow job a week instead of money."

"I'll talk to him about it. I wouldn't mind at all."

"No, no, you can't tell him or your brothers about this at all. They'd skin me and Hank alive if they knew."

"But we didn't do anything wrong. Right?"

"There are a lot of people out there who think two men shouldn't have sex together. Your folks know about me and Hank and they're cool about it. But us with their young sons it's a whole different story. Do you understand?"

I thought for a moment and nodded. "I guess so, it's weird but I guess so. But I'll still blow you once a week if you want."

Paul brought his lips to mine and then we turned to find Hank, Richie and Bobby collapsed in a pile. I could see cum stains on both my brothers' faces so I walked over and licked them clean.

Despite my offer it turned out to be the last time the five of us had sex together. But the three of us kept going on a steady basis up in the loft.

On Frankie's eighth birthday we brought him into the fold. He was a natural and loved being fucked by all three of us. One of his favorite games was for us to blindfold him and then he'd try and guess which order we had fucked him in. He got too good at it so we made him suck one of us to make it harder for him to concentrate.

We should have started that earlier since it was our baby brother's mouth that brought us out of the closet, or the loft if you prefer. While he had tagged after us from the time he could walk it had been Jennifer, or number two daughter, who had taken care of him when mom was too busy. So naturally one day she asked her charge what was new and Frankie told her about what he was doing with the Trips. Naturally she grabbed him by the arm and dragged him over to where mom and dad were going over the books.

Next thing we knew our names were being screamed out the door. Our full names, if you know what I mean. The name that is only used at official occasions, like your execution. We didn't know what we'd done to deserve that so we raced to the house.

Frankie and Mom were crying and Dad looked this weird mixture of furious, confused and sympathetic. On the positive side he hadn't taken his belt off. The three of us looked at each other and didn't know what to do. Then Jennifer broke it open.

"You fucking faggot rapists," she spat.

Mom cried louder. Frankie screamed no. Dad started to call her name. I ran over and started hitting and kicking her which brought silence to the room except for my curses and her screams.

Dad jumped up and yanked me up by my neck and carried me over to my brothers and dropped me from two feet off the ground. I maintained my balance and fought the impulse to cover my face to protect it from the blow I expected.

Now before you get the wrong idea Dad didn't hit us regularly. It had to be something special and I figured what I'd done to Jennifer qualified.

Instead he turned to my sister and told her to quit crying because she deserved what I'd done. Then he turned to me.

"I'm sorry Jennifer," I said without being told, "I shouldn't have hit you, even with what you said. And it isn't true Dad, we never raped Frankie. We never made him do a thing he didn't want to."

"That's true Daddy. I liked them doing those things with me. Really," Frankie said from the corner.

My father sat back down and motioned us to sit on the floor.

"Now Lance, you're the oldest Trip so I want you to tell me everything."

"From when father?"

"From when you discovered gay sex."

I talked for a half hour, telling everything except about the time with Hank and Paul. When I finished Dad looked at Richie and Bobby who shook their heads. I let out a little sigh which Dad heard but let slide. I think he knew we were protecting someone else but decided it wasn't important. He never did like squealers anyway.

Somewhere along the line Frankie had crawled up onto Mom's lap and he was leaning against her chest. Into the silence he spoke.

"Dad, Mom, please don't punish the Trips. They didn't hurt me or make me do anything. I like doing having sex with them. If you punish them you have to punish me too."

"We're not going to punish anybody Franklin. The only thing anybody's done wrong is not telling their parents about themselves, and I guess at eight and eleven it never really occurred to you that this was something important to tell us."

"No Dad, I did think about it, but I was scared about how you'd react," Bobby said.

"Did you think we'd stop loving you son?" Mom asked.

A shrug in response. "You know what the preacher says."

"Reverend Fallbad only remembers those passages that he wants too, besides Jesus never said one word about homosexuality."

"Does that mean you approve?" Bobby asked.

"While losing four chances at grandchildren doesn't thrill me, yes we accept and approve your being gay. Just be careful and discreet about whom you tell and whom you have sex with. And really, you should keep it between the four of you for a few years yet," Dad said.

"Mom?" I asked.

"Just keep up with your schoolwork and chores, be careful and be happy. What more does a mother want for their children?"

We all got up and had a group hug, even Jennifer.

So if everything was cool at home why did we end up doing sex shows in Peckertown? Big Sol's our Uncle. He's my mother's older brother, and when things started changing down here the subject came up and we decided to give it a shot. We live in an apartment over my Uncle and Aunt's garage about five blocks away from the ice cream parlor and spend most of our days doing home schooling with their kids. It's part of the agreement we made with Mom and Dad. After all, how many more years do we have of this? I mean, I'm going to be gay all my life but I sure don't want to spend it being a sex object.

Well except for the right person that is.

Any questions?



Now what else do you want to do?


I won't tell you what we did. When the complete story was written I plugged in the computer to the phone line and E-mailed the story to my boss. Three hours later my boss called me and told me that it was a great story and that he was going to overnight checks for Cody, José and Lance. After I gave the check for $5000 to Cody I got on the bus and left Peckertown. But as the bus pulled away I new I would be back to write about another boy someday.

Chapter 5
Lunch Show at the Little Leather Club
(Arkansas Vacation 5)

By Nir

This story was written by an Israeli pen pal of mine for my Arkansas Vacation series.

"I give up, I give up" Caleb laughed hysterically but I went on tickling him for at least two more minutes until I was afraid he'd faint from lack of oxygen. I fell on the bed next to him.

"You're mean" he told me, panting.

"That's it, only mean?" I asked.

He moaned, "not meaner than me, that's for sure"

I didn't answer this one. After all, Caleb is a master, a slave driver, who appears in the Little Leather Club each noon and on evenings when Benjy is on vacation (and there weren't many of these). I was barely a street hooker, 17 years old, on the verge of retirement, although I still had more than enough customers.

Caleb is almost 14, amazingly beautiful, without a single hair on his body (and as opposed to me, he didn't have to shave it). He has black hair, crew cut, green eyes, a tanned body and amazing smile. He also has an 8" [10 cm] dick, but that's another story.

And he LOVES his job, and the viewers like it also according to the amount of tips he gets.

"So, you coming to the club this noon?" He asked.

"Do I have a choice?"

"No, but don't pretend that you don't like it."

Actually I really liked it. A few months ago I had never even thought about this stuff, of S&M I mean, but suddenly, a few months ago, I found myself one rainy noon standing in front of the club, and because I had nothing more important to do, I entered.

And I found out it is really hot. I got horny within a minute and my dick started oozing precum. Caleb was on the stage, doing all these things with the ropes and whips. Since then we've been together. I love him, although I'm too afraid of telling him. I'm always afraid he'll decide he prefers to have a slave instead of me.

You see I'm not a slave. I tried to be, for him, but I'm too spoiled and all the things were too painful. I'm not a master either, I just can't be tough enough (Although Caleb tried to teach me, believe me). But I do like to watch his show, S&M does get me horny, although only as a viewer and not as a participant.

"So, you're coming" Caleb said, deciding for me.

"Yeah, sure"

"Great, today the show is going to be so hot, a new boy that Benjy trained for me and really heavy stuff, so I hope you won't faint on me"

"I guess I'll survive"

"But your dick won't" he laughed.

Then I grabbed him again and tickle-tortured him for five more minutes.


I entered the Little Leather Club. The place was already full with the noon crowd. Although it was noon the place was dark. The windows were closed and a few lamps lit the tables with pale light. I sat at one of the tables that was close to the stage, a table that was usually mine, and a few seconds later Paulo sat next to me.

"What's up Matt?" He asked.

I smiled. I knew almost every slave in the club because I was there so many times, and I was friendly with most of them (as far as you can be friendly with a slave). Paulo was one of the cutest.

He was almost twelve, Ivory color skin, and one of the more serious slaves, (Which means he was sent to all of those who wanted really to cause pain, not just tie and fuck).

"I'm ok, what about you" I answered him.

"What a night I had yesterday, something amazing"

Oh, I almost forgot to say Paulo enjoys every second of his work.

"Can you tell me? We have about ten minutes until the show starts"

Now he smiled. "Ok. It was evening and I was hanging around, getting ready for the show. I wasn't supposed to be on the stage, but you know, sit on someone's lap and pleasure him. Anyway, this guy came in. Forty years old I think, tall, muscular, black hair, really hot. He asked for a slave for some heavy stuff. I didn't even have to volunteer, the manager sent him straight to me"

"Sounds nice so far" I said

"And it went on being nice. We got to his room and all the windows were closed. He asked for a room with thick walls so screams wouldn't be heard. He told me to strip, and tied my hands and legs, and then he took out of his bag a short leather strap. It didn't really look like something that will be painful, but it hurt. And it was amazing, it was much more painful than other straps guys used on me, although most of the other straps made me bleed and this didn't, it just left red marks. I screamed so much but he went on and after half an hour there wasn't a spot on my body which was left white. Every place was covered with long red stripes.

"Then he put needles in my nipples, my balls and finally into my dick also, and left me like that for two hours in which he sat, with his 10" [25 cm] dick oozing precum while I screamed and twisted in pain"

"Sounds like you enjoyed every minute" I said.

He smiled "You bet I did, you know me. Anyway, after two hours he took out a candle, lit it, and started dripping hot wax everywhere on my body that was already sensitive from the needles. On my dick, my balls, my nipples. At that point I was sooo hard and had orgasm after orgasm.

"Every five minutes I had another orgasm and I already thought I would faint but then he took out all the needles and started fucking me, his fingernails scratching and slashing my whole chest and pinching my nipples hard. He came while crushing my balls with his fist and then I had another orgasm, the strongest that night, and I fainted.

"I woke up a few hours later in the slave-barracks. My whole body was in pain, but it felt great. And almost without a single drop of blood. Not like what is going to happen here in a few minutes."


"Caleb didn't tell you?"

"No. He just told me he have a new slave Benjy trained."

"Yeah, sort of. You see, Benjy trained him especially for Caleb. Caleb always wanted something with a lot of blood and mess and fisting because he never had fisting, so Benjy trained this slave who could take a whole fist into his asshole."

I guess I looked shocked.

"Don't look so shocked, Matt. Remember Caleb had a birthday four months ago?"

I nodded. I'd bought him a thin gold necklace and he never took it off since then.

"Anyway, Benjy forgot all about it. So when he saw the necklace you bought for Caleb and asked what is it and Caleb told him, well, he was almost on the verge of tears."


"Yes, you know, he's really a good kid."

"So 3;?"

"So he promised Caleb a gift and remembered a day before a boy came to Peckertown on the bus and come to the club. So he started training this boy and yesterday they met and he gave Caleb 'his present'."

"So how come Caleb didn't take him home?"

"I guess he didn't want to hurt you by bringing someone else with him."

Then the lights went off and only the stage was lit with strong light. Heavy metal music begun, and Caleb appeared on the stage.

You should've heard the shouts ("spank him, tear him, make him bleed, make him yell"), the audience just loves him.

Caleb smiled, enjoying the attention. He wore short, tight leather pants, a leather vest that showed his smooth bare chest with two big red nipples standing in the middle. He was barefooted (He doesn't really like leather boots and prefers to feel the stage floor under his feet).

In his hand he held a whip. To be precise, he held the cat o'nine tails. I don't know if you ever had the chance to see this whip, but its one of the most painful ones. Nine thin ropes and Caleb was an artist using it.

"Bring the slave," he shouted.

Two latex-covered slaves carried inside a boy, tied with his hand and feet. They attached him to a wooden frame at the center of the stage, so he was spread-eagled. The boy had blond hair and a really white body, and he looked young. The audience saw only the back side of him, but the frame was on part of the stage that could be turned, so Caleb could turn the frame and let the audience see the slave's front whenever he wanted.

"How old is he?" I asked Paulo, whispering.

"Thirteen I think."

The music stopped. Caleb stood in front of the slave's back side, in a way the audience could see him and also the slave, and sent the cat o'nine straight to the boy's ass. You could hear the whip in the air, then the scream, and then nine thin trails of blood appeared on the boy's ass. Caleb went on working on this area for five more minutes. You could hear the shouts very clearly in the hall. Finished he moved a few steps away, letting the slave calm down a bit, and the audience could see the boy's-butt in all its glory, covered with long stripes of blood.

For the boy's back he used the bullwhip. It was amazing. You could hear the screams all over the hall. The audience was already hot and some of the screams came from the private slaves the people in the audience had.

Paulo noticed I was also very hot and horny and sat in my lap.

"Please," he whispered, "I'm yours."

For the rest of the show I filled Paulo's chest with scratches as I raked it with my fingernails. His nipples got close attention. Meanwhile on the stage the slave's back was already covered with blood but Caleb kept him conscious. I saw that Caleb himself was already very hot and his huge dick could be seen through the leather pants. Caleb threw the bullwhip and turned the frame so now we could see the slave's face and front. The blond hair, the blue eyes, and the expression of pain on his face. But the boy's dick was hard, almost five inches [12½ cm].

Caleb lifted the cat o'nine and started working on the boy's chest. Not too strong so no permanent damage will happen, but strong enough to draw blood. At some stage you could barely see the boy's tiny nipples.

The show was close to its climax. Caleb took a tiny whip, which he used to work on the area of dick and balls, and gave this area a red color. Meanwhile the slave stopped screaming and just whimpered quietly.

Then Caleb threw the tiny whip and I knew now is the grand-finale. He whispered something in the slave's ear and the slave nodded. Then he turned the frame so the slave's profile was to the audience. His face and ass were seen. Caleb kneeled behind him and put one finger in the boy's hole, then another finger, then another one, then four. He took out his fingers and closed his hand to make a fist.

Then he pushed his fist into the boy's ass. The whole fist went inside and also a little of his arm. His arm impaled the boy's ass. He started twisting his arm inside. I expected to see blood pouring out of his ass but not a single drop spilled out. The boy's face wore a mask of pain, but then Caleb grabbed, with his other hand, the boy's dick and started jacking him off.

The boy couldn't stand it for more than a few seconds and came with a loud scream, shooting cum all over the stage. Caleb took out his fist in one motion. Within a second he untied the boy's hands from the frame, letting him fall on the stage. In the next second he already got rid of his pants, letting his 8" [20 cm] monster that was oozing precum pop out. And then he grabbed the slave's blond hair and lifted his head until the boy's mouth was in front of his dick and the boy started sucking.

Caleb held the boy's head in place by his hair and all 8" [20 cm] were swallowed in the little red mouth. Caleb didn't last for more than a few seconds, and came screaming. The boy was laying on the stage, panting and bleeding, but he had a smile on his face.

The crowd cheered and shouted for what seemed like hours.

It was great. Caleb smiled and ordered the latex-covered slaves to take the bleeding boy away.

"This was Terry!" he shouted and whipped the stage a few more times, showing off his skills in using whips. Then he jumped off the stage and walked around, collecting money. When he finally reached my table he could barely hold the money.

"I don't make so much money in a whole month," he said, panting.

"You were amazing," I told him. I took a bill and gave it to Paulo.

"Thanks," Caleb said as Paulo slipped away.

"You give some of the money to the slave right?"

"Sure, he earned it."

"What's gonna happen to him now?"

"In 3-4 days he'll be up and running, ready for the next show."


We left the club and started walking down the street. It was already 4 o'clock and it was chilly outside.

Caleb was exhausted from the show.

"You enjoyed Matt?" He asked.

"Yes, it was fun, really hot."


"Caleb 3;" I started saying.


"I 3; I want to ask you something."


"Do you like being with me?"

"Wow, why are you suddenly asking?"

"I just saw you at the show and how much you enjoy being a master, and you know I can't be slave, So I was thinking, wouldn't you enjoy more being with a slave. Like Benjy who always walks around with a slave at the end of a leash."

He stopped.

"Look Matt. Yes, this thing with being a master really makes me horny, and this thing I like most about sex. You know, being a master. To feel all this power, to control someone, his body, even to cause him pain. But you see Matt 3;" he stopped to breath and then continued. "this is only the sex stuff, of fucking someone – of cumming. But I can't just have a chat with slave, just to have fun with or laugh. I couldn't tell a slave all the things I'm telling you now because he would just nod and say nothing. I need someone to talk to, to laugh with, just to go out and have fun. A slave would've never tickled me 'til I could barely breath, and that's fun too, a different kind of fun, but something I really enjoy doing. So don't feel I'd prefer being with a slave, that's what the club is for."

"So I'm ok for everything except sex," I told him, but not with anger, because I just couldn't get mad at him.

"I enjoy having sex with you Matt, I just enjoy it more with a slave. I'm sorry."

"Don't be, that's ok."

"Matt, I really, I 3;" and then he said quickly, "I love you."

"Can you say it again Caleb?" I asked.

"I love you Matt."

"Me too Caleb, I love you too."

Chapter 6
(Arkansas Vacation 6)

The following story is 100% fictional, hell after the Starr report anything I write couldn't live up to the truth. The whorehouse in NYC is 1000% fictional.

Justin, Cody, Daniel and I are sitting around the conference table waiting for Mr. Jorgenson. Elijah and I are going to New York tomorrow to try removing the last barrier to reopening the hotel. You see several years before Arkansas changed all its age of consent laws, Mr. Jorgenson signed an agreement with one of the large hotel chains to put their name and advertising support on the hotel. Unfortunately, when the law changed they were able to close the hotel. Arkansas no longer fit their family image.

As we're waiting Cody said he had something to tell us.

"Go ahead, my father's going to be another ten minutes," my lover and assistant said.

Cody ran his fingers through his blonde hair and his smile lit up the room. There are times I'm glad he and Daniel had a falling out, otherwise Justin and I might be out of luck.


"Justin and I wanted to go out last night for some fun. We looked though the local paper to see if there was anything new in town. We saw an ad for a magic show playing at the BIG-LICK ice cream shop. We took a shower and got dressed. We walked down the street hand in hand, happy to be with each other. We entered the BIG-LICK and got a table next to the stage. We each ordered a hot fudge sundae, mine with extra nuts. As we are eating the show starts.

"Big Sol climbs the stage and explains that the Olsons have taken the week off, but we are in for a treat.

"Yeah, Lance told me they were going home for a week, but Frankie's not coming back. Everyone agreed that he was too young to do this full time. As much as a slut as Lance can be he was uncomfortable with the advances his baby brother was getting," Daniel filled us in.

"I'm glad, I really hate seeing some of the real young kids whoring out there," Justin said. "Back to you dear."

Cody leaned over and gave Justin a quick kiss on the cheek.

"OK, Big Sol takes a deep breath and shouts, 'Gentleman. I'm proud to introduce Boydini and his twin brother Ninja-boy'."

"The lights dim and a spot light shines onto the stage. A flash of bright light and smoke and then standing there is a boy about 14 years old with short blond hair. He is wearing tight red leather Speedos and a matching red cape. Music starts to play and Boydini starts doing a jig. As he's dancing he grabs his cape and whips it off. Boydini then throws his cape up in the air. The cape just hangs there until another, almost identical boy dressed all in black like a Ninja walks up and grabs it and walks off stage.

"Boydini starts to make like a mime and pulls on a invisible rope. A large box comes on stage like it's being pulled by the rope. The box is made of glass and there are two statues of nude boys holding their penises in their hands, like they're going to pee. As the boy is pulling on the rope lasers and mist start to play along the stage. When the box is in the center of the stage Boydini walks around the box tapping it to show us that it's all solid glass. When he walked all around the box, he stands in front of the box with his arm extended out. Ninja-boy then walks up and puts hand and ankle cuffs on Boydini. Ninja-boy then lays Boydini down on his stomach and puts another set of chains on him connecting the wrist and ankle cuffs together. A chain is lowered down from the ceiling and Ninja-boy puts the hook on the end of the chain on the chain connecting the cuffs. The chain lifts Boydini from the floor and then lowers him into the glass box. When Boydini is all the way inside the box, Ninja-boy closes the top and the boy statues start to pee water into the glass box.

"When we see Boydini is fully underwater and the statues have stopped peeing, Ninja-boy pulls a black tarp over the box. A minute passes and Ninja-boy pulls the tarp away. We see Boydini still chained up and struggling to get free of his chains. Ninja-boy pulls the tarp back on. We can feel the tension rising as the seconds pass by like hours. Ninja-boy then pulls the tarp away again and Boydini is gone. We can see the chains still on the bottom of the glass water filled box. Everyone in the BIG-LICK starts clapping. As we are clapping, Boydini comes onto the stage doing back flips. I admire his body as he flips onto the stage. The red Speedos, wet body and hair making him look very sensual. Boydini stands in the spotlight and takes a bow.

"After he takes a bow Ninja-boy comes up to him and pulls off his Speedos. Boydini has a nice small patch of light brown pubic hair above a nice three inch [7½ cm] cut dick. His balls are pulled up tight to his body from his little dip. Ninja-boy jogs off stage and comes back pushing a dentists chair on wheels. Boydini sits in the chair and puts his feet in a set of stirrups. With Boydini sitting in the chair with his feet in the stirrups we get a great view of his boy hole. Ninja-boy then comes back on stage with a VERY large 12 inch [30 cm] long, 6 inch [15 cm] wide pink dildo. Ninja-boy lubes up the dildo with some KY jelly and then slowly pushes it into Boydini's hole. When the dildo is in all the way, Ninja-boy takes a step back. We can see the base of the dildo just inside Boydini's hole. Then Boydini stands up, puts two fingers into his mouth and pulls out the dildo. To show us that it's the same dildo he turns around and bends over and spreads his cheeks. We can see the dildo is in fact gone. Everyone starts to clap again.

As we are clapping Ninja-boy pulls the chair off the stage and brings a table with a small box on it, onto the stage. Boydini walks up to Ninja-boy and pulls on his Ninja pants. The pants pull off like a stripper's pants and Boydini throws them off stage. Ninja-boy then stands in back of the box and Boydini pulls Ninja-boy's penis though the box. He then rubs Ninja-boy's penis until it reaches its full 5 inches [12½ cm] of hardness. When it's fully hard, Boydini puts a clamp onto it so Ninja-boy can't pull it out. Boydini then pulls out a short sword from under the table. He uses the sword to cut along the back of the box and Ninja-boy. After he finishes his cut, he throws the sword into the air and it lands and sticks into the floor. Boydini then pulls the box to Ninja-boy's right side. Like he's taking it off of Ninja-boy's body. Then moves to the left side of the table where the floating penis is. To show us that it is a real penis Boydini jerks off the penis. Ninja-boy lets out a yelp and cum shoots out of the penis in the box. Boydini puts the box back in front of Ninja-boy and then removes the clamp. Ninja-boy pulls back and Boydini pushes the table off stage. When the table passes Ninja-boy we see his penis is still a little hard and that its red from a rub job. There is still a little cum dripping from it to show us it's the same cock that shot off.

"Boydini then walks off the stage and walks through the crowd watching the show. He comes up to our table and takes my hand. He pulls me up out of my seat and walks me up on the stage. When we are on the stage he snaps his fingers and my shorts and boxers fall to the floor. Ninja-boy walks up to me and drops to his knees. He takes my penis into his mouth and starts to suck it. My dick fills up to it's full 6 inches [15 cm] in no time flat. I start to moan as Ninja-boy's tongue rubs the underside of my cock head. My hips thrust in and out and my butt tightens as I feel my cum start to boil in my bag. Just before I shoot, Ninja-boy pulls off and then strokes my dick. My cum shoots out in long thick ropes of boy cum. But none hit the stage. When all my cum has shot out I can see none on the floor. Boydini then opens his mouth and shows me and then the audience that my cum is now in his mouth. Boydini then walks up to me and gives me a big kiss. We share my cum between us. I pull my shorts back on and go sit down.

"Boydini and Ninja-boy pull a bed on wheels out on the stage and Boydini gets on his hands and knees on the bed. Ninja-boy then rubs some lube on his dick and without any warm up he just shoves it to the hilt up Boydini's ass. Ninja-boy then starts a wild fuck feast on Boydini's ass. As Boydini is getting fucked, he starts to jack off. His hand is flying so fast that all you see is a blur of motion. This goes on for a few minutes and then Ninja-boy pulls out. They both stand facing the audience and jack each other's cock. They both spray cum out towards us. But the sperm turns into pure white birds which fly over our heads. Boydini puts out both his arms and the birds fly and land on them. With the birds still on his arms, Boydini and Ninja-boy take a bow to us.

As they are bowing all the lights turn off for a minute. When the lights come back on they're gone. The only thing that's on the stage is a sign that reads 3;"Be kind to each other, and to us." Under the sign is a large basket that is overflowing with money before Justin and I go home for the night."

"Oh shit, we've got to see them tonight, Lion," I said.

"Sounds good to me, maybe Benjy, Shawn and Chris can come too."

"I had an idea," Justin said.

"Yes Justin," I said.

"While Cody and I want to keep our restaurant sex free; if you want to have entertainment in the lounge, this might be a great act."

"Very good idea. If they're interested we'll talk to them."

At that point Elijah walked in and we got down to business. An hour later the five of us walked out of the room with the contract on 'Cody's Sports Bar and Grill' signed and sealed.

"Now if everything works out tomorrow we'll open in three months. While Marc and I are gone the three of you go to the hotel and figure out what we have to do to open up. Cody, Justin pick your space from the three restaurants and bars that were there before. Dan figure out which of the others should be the coffee shop and which the lounge. We'll be counting on a lot of trucker business where the sports will come in handy but the In-Boy and the Ass-Tease are usually full so Peckertown needs the extra beds. Dan take mom over and go through the rooms, see how much we have to replace right away and what can be delayed till after we open."

"How many rooms are there Mr. Jorgenson?" Justin asked.

"Two hundred-twenty rooms with three hundred-sixty twin beds and forty king-sized beds. Televisions, dressers and mini-refrigerators in each one. It was a class hotel."

"We'll make it that way again dad. Is the elevator running?"

"Should be; now I've got to get back to the restaurant. I believe you two have work to do. Cody, Justin if you want to use the conference room to plan or for anything else, well almost anything else, just call to reserve it."

"Thanks sir," Cody said blushing and the two of them walked out.

Elijah turned to me, "Make sure that grill works out for them."

"Don't worry, we'll watch out for them. Where should we meet in the morning?"

"I'll pick you up, and make sure Dan's awake when I get there. You know how teens love to sleep in."

"Dad," Daniel groaned. "I'm going over with you for a minute, I want to ask Shawn and Chris if they want to go out with us tonight."

Father and son left and I turned back to my office.

Fifteen minutes later Lion walked into my office, put a can of diet root beer on my desk, walked around, sat on my lap and kissed me.

By the time he let me breath again my cock was straining and leaking. "Now look at what you started lover. Don't you think you should finish?"

Without a word Daniel locked my door, stripped and proceeded to unzip me and pull my hard-on out of my pants. Slowly he licked the precum off my cock head and spread it up and down my rod."

"You sure you don't want to wait and party after the show. I already have reservations for the five of us."

"Benjy was able to get Caleb to sub then?"

"Yeah, they wanted to have Caleb do his new act at night anyway and this gave them the perfect excuse."

"Oh shit", I moaned as he stroked my growing rod. "I don't want to wait so get those sensuous lips onto my prick please."

"What manners." Before I could respond those lips were on my prick and slowly sucking it into a very talented mouth. It didn't take long before I felt his lips touching my pubic hair. After Lion took a moment to catch his breath he started bobbing his head up and down. Quickly at first but slower and slower as he felt me getting closer to the age. Looking down I saw his fist busy around his cock.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, work it love, work it. I'm getting close, oh so fucking close, oh yeah, oh yeah, I'm cumming." With that I shot my load down his throat and felt his sperm on my legs. When I was done he licked me clean and sat back down on my lap.

"Now did you want to see me about something boss?"

"Couple of things. First, the sports bar is a terrific idea but do you think Cody and Justin can make it work? I mean working in a bar doesn't mean you can run one."

"I know, I watched mom and dad sweat over details to make the Tasty Buns work, it wasn't always easy before the law changed. Just hiring staff, ordering the right food and cooking is a lot of work."

"Getting staff should be easy, there's got to be a lot of boys out there who would love a chance to stop hustling. Even some boys from the Little Leather Club that aren't working out there."

"Good idea, remember Benjy was saying he had more applications than he needed new slaves?"

"You think Billy Ray Bob would be interested in moving over as head waiter?"

"If Benjy can spare him we'll ask him. Who's going to cook?"

We went back and forth for another hour, thinking and outlining way to make Cody and Justin's job a little easier. Besides, we had another restaurant and a lounge to staff and run as well.

After we dressed I stopped Daniel as he headed for the door.

"One more thing."

His puzzled look meant he'd heard my nerves. "Yes, Marc?"

"This is a little hard because I don't want you to get this wrong. I love you more than anyone I've ever been with."


"No buts about that, but back in New York there's a whorehouse that specializes in boys that I went to. There was a Chinese boy, Wang, he's thirteen now, who was my regular whore for the last four years."

"He started when he was nine?" I could hear the shock in Daniel's voice.

"His parents sold him then, I think they were selling him on their own even before then, but he wouldn't talk about them. Anyway, I want to see if I can buy his freedom and bring him down here. See if he wants to hustle, the club or hotel."

"He'd stay with us until he got settled?"

"If that's alright with you."

Daniel walked back to me and hugged and kissed me. "Yes, I love and trust you. Feelings like this for the boys here are one of the things that made me fall in love with you. I don't want you to change."

After a nap, shower and supper we picked Chris and Shawn up at their one-bedroom apartment and Benjy at the family's home behind the Tasty Buns. Chris and Shawn were dressed in gym shorts ripped up the sides and tank-tops that opened enough to reveal well muscled chests. Benjy was in full leather of course, without his boy-dog. I guess it's time to tell you the truth. The boy-dog is not just an affectation, he's Benjy's bodyguard. Given his role, visibility, age and wealth he makes an inviting target so Elijah handpicked one of the slaves to serve as Benjy's bodyguard. The dog bit is strictly an act and he usually walks at the end of the leash.

The show was everything Cody had promised, except tonight Boydini fucked Ninja-boy's ass for the finale. And yes, they picked Benjy for the disappearing cum trick. Now remember Benjy is not quite eleven so when his shorts fell and his monster prick sprang to life Ninja-boy was surprised, but deep throated him nicely.

After the show Chris and Shawn invited the three of us up to see their apartment. Of course we said yes. The boys are hard workers who not only keep the tables clean but the customers happy. Their tips had let them rent the apartment and Shawn didn't have to turn tricks to make ends meet.

Their living room and kitchen were sparsely furnished. The bedroom had a king-sized bed and a 32" [81 cm] television set on the dresser.

As we turned to leave the bedroom Chris and Shawn blocked the door and shook their heads. In unison they took their shirts off and dropped their shorts and stood there in hairless beauty. Shawn walked up to Benjy.

"Master Benjy, I've wanted to be fucked by that cock since the first time I saw it."

"I wont if you say it like that."

Disappointment covered Shawn's face for a long moment, but was replaced by a smile and a nod. "Benjy, you're gorgeous and hot and I want that monster cock inside me."

Benjy brought Shawn's mouth to his and they kissed passionately as Shawn tried to strip the young boy.

"Marc, Lion," we turned towards Chris, "it's sandwich time and I'm the filling, or should I say filled."

Daniel and I looked at the stunning youth before us and started taking our clothes off.

"Can Lion fuck me? Aaron's told me how Daniel got his nickname and I want to hear it myself."

"Fine with me," I said.

And my was it fine. The shy little hitchhiker we'd picked up on the way back from New Jersey was a very hot sex machine who kept both of us under control until he wanted us to shoot. And he swallowed every bit of a very huge load at the same time his ass was being filled in unison to Lion's roar.

Being the showman Benjy waited until we were lying on the floor and dragged Shawn in front of us and started pounding his ass while stroking the boy's cock.

"You ready, Shawn?"

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, fill my ass."

"You got it, I'm going to fill that tight ass of yours with a gallon of boy cum."

"Oh yeah, oh fucking yes. Do it, Benjy."

With that Shawn shot all over his and Benjy's chests and Benjy howled as he thrust his hips into the small firm buttocks and shot his load deep into Shawn's bowels.

The next morning Elijah picked me up and we headed to the airport. The whole way to New York City we discussed strategy. We got to their office early. When the time came a tall, dark complexioned man came out and I smiled. He recognized me as well and his shoulders sagged. I suggested a quick private meeting and by the time we were done everything was settled at even better terms than we'd dreamed of.

You see, this vice president of family values hotel had been a fellow guest at the In-Boy Inn, even been at my birthday party. Elijah couldn't believe it when they not only agreed to release us from the deal and pay our expenses for removing their signs but also handed over a hundred thousand dollar check to make up for lost profits.

As was his custom Elijah was in bed by ten, since the Tasty Buns opened at eight for breakfast. I headed out into the night. I headed down to Greenwich Village, some things hadn't changed. After hitting some familiar haunts and seeing some old friends I walked to a dark building overlooking the docks and gave the password.

Inside the brightly lit entrance there were thirty naked boys from nine to fourteen lounging around. Some were already with clients. Those waiting perked up when I walked into the living room. I looked around but felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hi, Mr. Fogel, long time no see."

I turned and took Wang into my arms and kissed his smooth oriental features. "I'm glad you're still here."

"Your usual I see, Mr. Fogel."

I handed two hundred dollars over my shoulder. "Yes, Mr. Coates, and I may want to talk to you afterwards."

"Just ask for me."

Wang had grown to a very thin and very talented five footer [1½ meter]. I followed him up to his room on the third floor, passing rooms with clients and one or more boys tending to their needs.

We got to his room and drew the curtain.

"How have you been? They treating you OK?"

He nodded and smiled as he started unzipping my pants. "I'm fine, they treat me good but you know."

Naked I took him in my arms and kissed him while my arms felt his chest and around to his back and ass. I slowly stroked the long rat-tail that ran down between his shoulder blades to the middle of his back. I could feel the strap marks. Marks that shamed him not because they came from clients or employers but his parents. Slowly he knelt and took me into his mouth and my cock responded to the familiar warmth.

"Wang, oh Wang suck my cock, use that talented mouth." I sat on the bed and the hairless boy never missed a stroke. I reached over and rubbed his ass, found his crack and slipped a finger up his experienced hole. When I felt I was close, I stood him up and took his six inch [15 cm] uncut rod into my mouth and licked the head and sucked on him while I put first two and then three fingers into his ass. I caressed his prostate and sucked him until he had a powerful but dry orgasm.

When he recovered he took a condom from the table, put it in his mouth and put it on my cock. I had him stand on the floor with his hands on the wall and I rubbed his back and cheeks as I slowly inserted my throbbing cock into his tender ass. I let his ass muscles contract around my cock, letting Wang do all the work while I played with his nipples.

Slowly I started humping his ass as he said all the right things that whores are trained to. After a few months in Peckertown I knew the routine as well as he did but I truly liked the boy. I speeded up my strokes and was soon filling the rubber with my semen. After Wang dumped it I pulled him onto the bed and kissed him again.

"You stay much longer and Mr. Coates makes you pay more money."

"I pay him for extra time already. I have a question for you – a serious question."

He nodded and didn't resist as I pulled him closer. "Then I will answer honestly."

"I now live and work in Peckertown, Arkansas. Have you heard of it?"

"Some of my customers have told me about it. Aren't you a little old to be chicken meat?"

"Much too old, I work for a man who owns some restaurants and hotels there. In fact his son is my lover."

"Cool. I'm glad for you and hope he doesn't get angry because of this."

"He won't, I told him I was coming to see you. But here's the question. If I can arrange it with Mr. Coates, will you come with me to Peckertown to live and work there? Get some skills besides being just a sex toy."

"You will be my pimp instead of Mr. Coates?"

"No, we don't have pimps there. The residents look after the boys and, if you don't want to work the streets, I can arrange for a different job."

"But this is my home."

"This is where you live and work. But how long before they kick you out because your too old or used up? What do you do then?"

"When I turn fifteen I must leave. If I go will you watch over me and help me if I need it? I don't know what its like out there."

"Of course, you can even stay with Daniel and I while you get started."

"Daniel, nice name. Is he my age?"

"Fifteen, several inches taller and long black hair. In fact his nickname is Lion."

"Does he roar like a lion?"

"Oh yes. What's your answer?"

"I will go."

I dressed and took his hand and we went back downstairs. I knew where the bosses office was and knocked on the door. I heard a click and opened it. Brian Coates was sitting on a couch with a pair of identical nine year old twins straddling his knees.

"Hi, Marc, what can I do for you? Wang, go back outside and wait for your next customer."

"I want him to stay." Brian nodded and pointed to a chair. I sat and Wang sat on my knee.

"As you've probably noticed I haven't been around for the last few months. That's because I finally got a job working for a hotel and restaurant company and moved away. When I got sent up here on business I decided to stop by."

"I'm glad, its always good to see old friends again. But I don't think this is a social call."

"No, I've become attracted to Wang and I want to take him with me. With your permission he's agreed."

"Is that true, Wang? Are you unhappy here?"

"No sir, but I like Mr. Fogel and after four years 3;" He let his voice tail off rather than say the wrong thing.

"How old are you Wang?"

"Thirteen sir."

"Do you promise to take care of him Marc? He's been a good boy and worker."

"Yes, as I said I've become attracted to him and want him to have a better life."

Brian Coates got up and walked over to his desk and started working on his computer. "Over the last four years you've spent four thousand dollars on Wang. Two thousand more and he's yours."

"Check or credit card?"

"Card, and when will you be taking him?"

"Now if I could," I said as I handed over my platinum card.

Brian nodded as he left the room.

Wang turned and kissed me as we waited. The two boys on the couch started to sixty-nine.

Fifteen minutes later Brian came in followed by a much larger version of the twins carrying a bag and some clothes. I stood and walked over to his desk to sign the slip. We shook hands, Mr. Coates nodded and the boy handed the bag and clothes to Wang.

Wang dressed and picked up the bag. As we started to leave he put the bag back down and walked over to Brian.

"Mr. Coates, I want to thank you for taking care of me when my parents didn't want me anymore. It has been an honor working for you."

Brian shook Wang's hand, "It's been a pleasure having you here. Take my card, if you ever need me just call." Then he hugged the boy.

"Take care of him, Marc."

I nodded and we headed uptown to my hotel. I had taken the bag and Wang never let go of my hand once we'd left the building. Watching him as we walked over to 6th was like looking at the proverbial hayseed spending his first day in the big city. In this day and age probably even more so since today's hayseeds are wired as much as any city dweller. Except for out calls I doubted Wang had left the whorehouse in the last four years. We grabbed a cab and he huddled against me.

Across from the hotel there was a MacDonald's and he insisted we go there first. He ordered two Big Macs, large fries and a large chocolate shake. I had a quarter pounder plain, medium fries and a large diet coke. He finished my fries.

The first thing I did when we finally got into my hotel room was call the airline and add him to our return flights. I used my personal credit cards, I knew Elijah would have agreed to pay but this was my call. The only blessing was that I wouldn't have to lie my way through why I was taking a Chinese boy back home.

When I got off the phone I turned to find Wang naked again and looking down at the bag.

"What's in it?" I asked.

"Don't know, maybe the clothes I was wearing when my parents brought me there."

"Open it."

He shook his head. I walked over and lifted it onto the bed. "Sit here," I patted the bed, "next to me and we'll open it together."

Silently he sat and watched as I unzipped the bag. On top was his birth certificate. His full name was Wang Tse-Tung. Next to it was a current photo id from the New York City Board of Education. Underneath was a copy of the New York Daily News from three years earlier telling of the murder-suicide of the Tse-Tung family. Underneath that were the clothes he had been wearing four years earlier. He threw them in the garbage.

Then we looked again. There was a large brown paper bag with a note attached. We pulled it out and I read it aloud.

"Dear Wang;

I am glad you are heading to a better life. You were a good worker not only by faithfully servicing your customers but by helping break in the new boys. You will be missed.

Inside the bag is the money you earned the last four years. Have Mr. Fogel put it someplace safe for you so you'll have it when you need it.


Brian Coates."

I turned to Wang and saw him smiling at the kind words. A stern hand had probably been the only thing he had seen from his boss before tonight. He opened the bag and emptied it out on the bed. We started counting.

"Six thousand dollars. That's everything you've spent on me. You should take it."

"No, you earned every penny of this money and Brian's right. One day you will need it. The Peckertown Bank is used to protecting the working boys' money." I didn't want to know how much for each blow job and fucking this came out to.

Wang and I met Elijah Jorgenson in the hotel's coffee shop and I introduced them, explaining to my lover's father that Daniel knew and approved of my bringing Wang down to start a better life.

"So you've been working since you were nine?" Elijah asked.

"For Mr. Coates, my father was selling my services in the basement of his restaurant since I was five. When he lost his lease he sold me." He hung his head and started crying. I took his hand and gave it a squeeze. "I'm sorry, but my father always told me he did this because I was unworthy of being his son."

"Wang, that bastard should have been castrated at birth," Elijah almost screamed. "No child does anything to be treated and used the way your father used you. He's the one who dishonored the family name. When we get home you take the time you need before you start working, and you decide what you want to do. You hear me?"

Wang looked at me and I nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Jorgenson, Mr. Fogel. One thing I would like is some schooling. I can't read or write."

"Which brings up something Daniel, Cody and Justin have talked about," I said.

"Reopening the school?"

I nodded. "Let's face it, if we want to continue attracting boys and keep them working in Peckertown then we have to treat them as residents and not as commodities. The mental and health clinics are big successes but if want to enhance our reputation as the most boy friendly town in Arkansas then giving them some schooling can't hurt."

"We've got the building and books, but how about teachers?"

"My neighbor, Mrs. Thorpe, used to teach and is willing. Big Sol's wife has been home schooling her kids and nephews, the Olson triplets, so she might be willing. Mrs. Thorpe said there are a couple of other former teachers around who might be willing. We're only thinking about basics at first so the boys have a better chance of succeeding when they move on with their lives."

"Council meeting one week from next Monday. Prepare a plan and have Maple and any other willing certified teachers with you. Now lets eat and get to the airport, we've got a plane to catch I don't think any one of us wants to spend another night in this town. Right, Wang?"

"Yes, sir."

Naturally, the planes were behind schedule so it was late afternoon before Elijah dropped us off at the house. Even though it was early September it was still hot and the note on the front door said 'pool.' We dropped our bags inside and I led an awestruck Wang through the house and out the backdoor. Lion, Benjy, Justin and Cody were swimming in the pool. Benjy's 'dog' was sitting along the edge and began to move as soon as the door opened.

"It's OK, Ralph; its my boyfriend," Lion said and Ralph sat back down. "Hi, lover, how was the trip?"

"Fantastic, went even better than we'd hoped for. I hope you guys were busy yesterday and today because we open in three months."

"Yes!" Cody screamed and hugged Justin. "Yes, yes, yes."

Benjy and Lion got out of the pool and walked over. I bent my mouth down to meet my lover's and we kissed. Benjy walked over to Wang who looked curiously at the nude younger boy.

"Are you going to introduce us to your friend, Marc?" Benjy asked.

"Yes, this is Wang Tse-Tung from New York City. This youngster is Benjy and this is his older brother, and my lover and best friend Daniel, also known as Lion. The blonde in the pool is Cody and the brown haired boy is Justin."

"I see they are lovers too. Who is the boy at the side of the pool?"

"That's Ralph," Benjy replied, "we aren't lovers but let's say we take care of each other."

The slave master's choice of words interested me but it wasn't the time.

"Benjy, take Wang down to the pool and get him into the pool and introduce him," Daniel said as he took my hand.

Benjy nodded and smiled as he took Wang's hand. "Wang, I think we'd better start by getting you into your swimming clothes."

"I don't have any."

"Well then you'll have to swim naked like the rest of us." Benjy started unbuttoning Wang's shirt as Daniel and I walked away.

"Miss me?" Daniel said.

"Every single minute. Wang may be hot and a nice kid but you're the one I love and hate being apart from. I lifted him and really kissed him.

Over sodas Daniel and I filled in each other on the two days business accomplishments. Daniel finished his and looked me in the eye.

"And what about you and Wang?"

"I went to the whore house, we had sex. I completed the business transaction with the guy who owns the house. We went back to the hotel and slept. And I mean sleep, we haven't had sex since and we wont again if it bothers you. You are the one I love."

He smiled and roared. "I know my love, and I guess as long we follow our rules then neither one of us can be jealous."

"I'm not even going to touch that one. Now go back out and see if Wang is successfully taking care of your baby brother."

"Aren't you coming?"

"No, the trip wore me out. Come get me when your ready for supper."

"You OK?"

I stroked his cock. "Just saving my strength for later. Now go."

I climbed the stairs and went into our bedroom. As I stripped I looked out the window and saw Wang going down on Benjy while my love stroked the oriental's back. I knew he wouldn't go further. When we'd moved in together we promised that we would never have sex with anybody else in our home, and the enclosed backyard counted. I closed the blinds and took a nap. God do I hate flying.

A kiss accompanied by water dripping on my face woke me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the love of my life bending over me with a towel tied around his waist.

"Have fun love?" I asked as I untied the towel.

"As much fun as you can have watching sleepyhead. Now get up you have six hungry boys to feed."

"The Tasty Buns or the In-Boy Inn's restaurant?"

"Cock Suey, Wang's hasn't had Chinese food since his parents sold him."

"I hope he's forgotten what real Chinese food is like," I said as I got up and stretched.

Lion's hand found my cock and it sprang to life. He stroked it a couple of times, let it go and smiled. "That's my dessert."

"Tease, but I'll save it for you. Now get some clothes on. Did you show Wang his room?"

"Yeah, he was amazed at that much space just for him, and a door he could actually open and close when he wants."

"I know, they don't let the boys have any privacy when they're not with clients. We'll have to give him the tour tomorrow and buy him some new clothes."

"I gave him a couple of my gym shorts, basketball jersey and sandals. The shorts ride a little low on him but they make him look sexy."


Daniel smiled and kissed me long and hard. My cock got hotter with each second our lips and bodies met and if he'd touched me I would have shot but he didn't and somehow I held off. My eyes never left him as he got dressed. We held hands as we walked down the stairs were we met the other boys.

"Marc, can you drop Ralph and me off at the club?"

I nodded as I noticed Ralph had put his leash and collar back on. "You sure you don't have time?"

"Master?" Ralph said when Benjy hesitated.

"Yes, Ralph?" I said. He remained silent till Benjy nodded.

"Master, I think you should discuss this with Daniel and Marc. It is important and you have to be sure you are doing the right thing."

Daniel took his brother's hand. "Talk, little brother."

The youngster looked at all of us and nodded. "I'm sorry, Wang, but Cock Suey will have to wait until tomorrow. I do need to talk this over with friends but I need someplace private. Marc, can you call the inn and have them set up a private room for us?"

"Sure, I'll just be a second." As I walked into the kitchen I heard Benjy say to Daniel, "I am not your little brother, I'm your younger brother."

A half hour later we were sitting around a table in a private room at the inn eating off huge platters of chicken wings, mozzarella sticks, hot dogs and fries.

Benjy finished off a hot dog and wiped his hands. I caught his hand moving towards Ralph's.

"OK, here's the problem," he started, "I've."

"We've 3;" Daniel interrupted.

"I know it's 'we' but the slaves are my responsibility. I was at the club today during the lunch show. Scotty did a great warmup and Caleb had the audience eating out of his hand. The show went fine, everybody paid and left good tips for the boys. That was when the fight broke out."

"Who fought?" I asked sitting all the way up.

"Two of the boys started, Roger and Ahmed, but others joined in. Caleb, Scotty and I needed to crack the whip to get them in line. Five of them needed medical attention and bunch have some nasty bruises."

"What were they fighting over?" Justin asked.

"Another slave, one of the new ones, Alvin. He's thirteen but can easily pass for ten. Been very popular with the customers but it seems Roger and Ahmed both want him for their own."

"A lover's triangle?" Cody asked, "how romantic."

"If I may, Master?"

Benjy nodded to Ralph.

"When a new slave comes into the barracks he can be claimed by one of the older boys as his personal slave. The new slave will do all the older one's chores as well as any sexual act demanded, whenever. If claimed by two, they fight. The boy remains a slave until he wins freedom by beating up his master or his master takes new slave. Roger won the fight but Ahmed did not honor victory and continued to fuck Alvin. Tension has been building for days."

"I'm faced with a bunch of problems here. Do I – can I – stop this practice? In either case I have to punish Roger and Ahmed and I'm not sure how."

"How do you usually punish them?" I asked.

"Usually five lashes, but we've never had anything like this before. I've got to maintain discipline."

"One time Mr. Coates, the man who owned the whorehouse, had the same problem," Wang said. "He chained the two boys together and hung them from the rafters in the attic. While we all watched he and Rasheed whipped the two boys into unconsciousness. The rest of us had to spend the night standing and watching their hanging bodies as a lesson. There was never another fight."

"Sounds good, but I would also free Alvin and forbid either boy from having any slaves in the future." I said.

"You would let them keep doing it?" Cody asked.

"How do we stop it? It's been going on for a while now without us knowing about it. No, our concern is maintaining discipline and control."

"How does that sound to you, Benjy?" Daniel asked.

Benjy turned to Ralph who nodded. "OK, but I'll order twenty lashes and have Scotty and Caleb do it while everyone else counts. I'll stop it at fifteen as a sign of mercy."

"Good idea, younger brother."

Benjy smiled. "Thanks guys for helping."

"I've got one question Benjy." I said.


"When are you going to take Ralph's collar off and free him and really become boyfriends?"

Benjy blushed and Ralph laughed before answering. "Three months ago, I wear the collar because I'm still his bodyguard and it's easier if we maintain the illusion."

"You fucking dog, congratulations brother. Now get going, you've got to get to work."

"Yeah, I fuck my dog and my dog fucks me and even when we're not we get along great."