PZA Boy Stories

Sidney Gittler

Arkansas Vacation

Chapters 44-45

Chapter 44 (Arkansas Vacation 19)

Hi, it's Marc Fogel again and don't ask me who finally kicked my butt to sit down and write for the first time since the wedding chapter. Don't think I could list all the names but you know darn well my spouse is at the top of the list. As a result there's some catching up mixed in with current events so just bear with me.

Believe it or not it has been over a year since Daniel and I got married and if it's possible we're even more in love than before. When you get married or even a commitment ceremony something magical happens. Daniel says it's because taking that step bonds you even closer together in ways that love doesn't always do.

Okay, I know some of you still want to know about our honeymoon. We spent our wedding night at Little Rock Suites Hotel at the airport and yes we consummated our marriage. In the morning we flew to Orlando and spent the week doing the theme parks before driving to South Beach for another week. We had a great time and while we think we were recognized both places nobody bothered us. It was a drag not being able to hold hands as we toured but it's a sacrifice we're used to making once we left the state.

Truth be told my Lion could easily pass for eighteen then, only two months or short of it anyway, but why take silly chances with the clear differences in our ages. What hurt were the comments I overheard about how cool it was that a dad and son that old could still hang out and have fun together.

His FATHER!!!!!!!!

And speaking of fatherhood Aaron and Jennifer announced at Sunday brunch this week that the next generation of Jorgenson will appear with the summer solstice.

Naturally cheers and congratulations rang through the house.

Naturally when it settled down Benjy turned to Daniel, "So when you having a baby?"

The spray of soda coming out of Roger's nose not only cracked everybody up but gave the two of us the time to look at each other, shrug and nod.

"We've talked about it to be honest," Daniel said, "But given everything we decided a newborn is out of the question. Then we were down at Wayne's and ran into Tim Johnson and his boyfriend sitting with Yoshi and Jeff. They waved us over so we joined them and I asked him what was new down at city hall."

"Oh good, new gossip," Francis said.

"Some of that, but what struck us is there's been a rash of underage boys being dropped off or coming here on the bus or train. Typically they've got a letter saying `fucking bastard can whore at ten or now for that matter. What you do with him till then I don't give a damn.'"

"Bad enough at ten but younger is worse. How young?" Elijah said.

"Most are nine and close to working age for some but also some five and six year olds. Right now the city and state are putting them up at one of the farms outside of town. They have house parents and even schooling. Yoshi and Jeff started talking about one five-year-old they were thinking about adopting," I said.

"We congratulated them and we started talking about it more. A couple days later Tim calls us up and says he and Pat are going over. Did we want to join them? I said yes without even asking Marc. The place is beautiful and the boys seem happy enough. We started talking to some of the boys. One five year old in particular we've done things with and we're thinking of asking him if he'd like to be our son," Daniel said and took my hand.

"So tell me about your boy?" Francis said.

"The boy's name is Jan. He's got shoulder length straight black hair, dimples and a great smile. From Savannah and all he knows is that one day his Dad took him to the bus station, gave him envelope with letter, forty dollars and a bus ticket. Told him to stay on bus until it got to Peckertown unless they made stop someplace he could get something to eat. Hugged Jan and put him on the bus and walked away without looking back," Daniel said.

"The state's rep picked him up at terminal and took him to farm?" Benjy said.

Daniel and I nodded.

I watched my in-laws slump back in their chairs.

"Better here and definitely better on the farm than working the streets someplace else. There's about thirty out there now and a new one every week or so," Daniel said.

"Their fathers should be hung by their balls till they rip off and mothers should have tubes ripped out," Jennifer said and we all stared at her.

We agreed of course but she was the last one I'd have expected to talk like that.

"Have we been helping the town and state?" Elijah said.

"Be real Dad, where do you think the old beds from the In-Boy-Inn went?" Daniel said.

"And why the new ones were needed so suddenly," Elijah said smiling.

"Yeah, and the old linens went with them along with some other excess furniture. We're also in the process of planning a fund raiser or two."

"When you bringing Jan around?" Kristen said.

"If it's ok with him and his house parents next Sunday and please don't invite anybody else. Think it's going to be scary enough," Daniel said.

"And we promise to dress like normal people," Roger said and stared at the Head Master of the Little Leather Club.

Benjy giggled and kissed his older boyfriend and bodyguard.

Yes Roger still works as his lover's bodyguard. Yes Benjy's fourteen now and bigger and stronger than Daniel was at the same age. Between the catering business and the S&M club Benjy's thriving and his creativity on both fronts has never been greater.

Then why a bodyguard? Because there are people around who confront him about what he and the other masters do to the slave boys and some threaten to get physical with him. Some just think because he's a top master he likes violence and wants to fight all the time. The youngest Jorgenson male can defend himself but Roger who is a muscular six feet [1.80 m] two hundred pounds [90 kg] is so much better at defusing the situation.

One way or another.

Tuesday we met Dr. Howard & Dr. Mindy Booth, the husband and wife team who run the farm, for dinner at Cody's.

"Thanks for inviting us, hope you don't think this is going to make a difference," Dr. Howard said.

Daniel laughed, "No, nor the other contributions Jorgenson Enterprises has made. It's something the family has always believed in even before the law changed."

"And your decision will have no effect on our helping in the future," I said and took a deep breath, "But we do want to move on to the next step in our relationship with Jan. We care deeply about him and want to take him in, adopt him if he wants."

Dr. Mindy took a drink of her zinfandel and asked why him.

I opened my mouth but Daniel shook his head.

"When we met him with some of the other boys at first he seemed just like any of the five year olds. Not that that's a bad thing. Then the second time I came out he came over to me by himself and before he even said `hi hi' I felt a connection with him, a commonality if that makes any sense. Like if I had sex with a girl at 13 or 14 he could be my son. It's a connection that I've felt grow stronger for Jan and me. A connection that means a lot to me. I hope that makes sense doctor."

I kissed my spouse gently on the cheek and turned to the doctors at the same moment Kyle brought our orders. He's become our regular waiter if he's working. In the last year he and Cliff have moved out of our house and into a small house of their own near where Tad and Keith live. Tad's still short for his age but they've all grown in so many ways.

We started eating but after a few bites I saw the doctors were looking at me. I swallowed and wiped my mouth with my napkin.

"I wasn't with Daniel on that visit but as soon as he got home I realized something had happened and instinctively knew it was Jan. Also, growing up I pictured myself as a father but not married even though my parents were happily married till my Dad died shortly after their fortieth anniversary. Even though I knew I was gay and a boy lover I considered marriage so I could become a father but knew it wouldn't be fair to either the woman or child."

"Can we stop there for a second," Dr. Howard said, "Is it safe to place a five-year-old with you?"

"Doctor, Marc would never," Daniel said but I put my hand on his arm.

"It's OK; to be honest I'd be disappointed if they hadn't asked. This isn't a choice I take lightly. First if you'd been here as long as I have, well over four years now, you'd know the Jorgenson family and I have insisted on strict and serious enforcement of both ages of consent. Secondly and more importantly when I say I'm a boy lover I do care for boys of all ages but I'm not sexually attracted to prepubescent boys. The idea of anybody having sex with a five, even seven year old is repugnant, after that if two boys in that age range want to have fun together in private I can understand, and I do mean private.

"Does that mean I will want to have sex with Jan when he gets to be, say fourteen?"

"My age when we met," Daniel said.

"I didn't think Marc picked it out of thin air," Dr. Mindy. said.

"I have never and would never force any boy to have sex with me, no matter how hot I thought he was."

"Besides," Daniel hooked his arm in mine, "He's got me."

"True, very true," I said.

"Very good, now back to why Jan?" Dr. Mindy said.

"First because of how my love feels about him, couldn't imagine not picking him. Not wanting him if he's that special. Secondly he's a smart and aware, far beyond what I imagined an eight or ten year old could be much less five."

"Third he's a little quieter than most of the other boys which for somebody your age is a plus," Dr. Howard. said.

I smiled and shook my head, "Not really that, more that he listens and follows better. Working with Daniel, Benjy and the other boys who work for Jorgenson Enterprises keeps me younger and spryer than most of my peers and I know some of them probably have grandkids Jan's age. Most importantly too is that he's taken a piece of my heart and filled a hole I didn't even know was there. Hole I still can't really describe. All I know is that I, that we want Jan to be our son and if that doesn't work we're not going to walk away from him like his parents did."

I took a long sip of my Ganymede Beer and prayed.

"You know Marc, fatherhood takes lots of energy so you'd better eat your dinner," Dr. Mindy. said.

I raised my head, opened my eyes and looked into her beautiful smile.

"Thank you, thank you," Daniel said with tears in his eyes.

The four of us decided it would be better for Daniel and me to wait to Thursday to talk to Jan and give the doctors today, Wednesday, to feel him out about how he feels about us and being adopted.

Zeus just finished telling us about the party Yaz and Toby threw for their friends before they left last Friday. It sounded great and the events leading up to it definitely left a positive energy throughout town and especially with the other whores.

It's funny but they prefer that word over "working boys" because they feel all the boys who work in town could be covered by that and don't want the visitors to think all the boys sell themselves. In fact in a recent survey only sixty percent of the boys consider themselves full time whores. Another twenty percent do it part time along with a regular job and the rest don't do it at all. The working boy population, which is 97% from out of state, now stands at 2,753 and is seventy-three percent of the population of Peckertown proper.

Many if not most of the working boys who were here when I arrived four and a half years ago have moved on. Some went to other places in Arkansas which focus on older teens and early twenties men as whores. Others left the state with their boyfriends to make new lives for themselves. Those who stayed now work in the various businesses in and around Peckertown.

Those facts combined in a really cool way last January. When the laws changed the first boys arriving were mostly street kids or from deep poverty families like Paulo with little or no education and the same amount of interest in getting one. The reopening of the school was our idea and was designed to teach basic skills.

As the years passed the demographics of the boys changed. Many were still street kids who decided to move down to someplace safer to work. Others are like Ethan, Zack and Toby who you met in `Yaz's Story.' Boys kicked out of their homes because they are gay. Yes I know its October 22, 2003 but I guarantee every day in this country at least one gay boy or lesbian girl is getting kicked out of their home because of it and their parents don't care if their ten or twenty.

During last years Christmas party they got to talking and at the next town council meeting they talked to us. You shouldn't be surprised that Ethan was their spokesman^Å

"Before we get to the agenda we'll have our usual time for public comments. I see a contingent of our young citizens. Welcome and if any of you have something to say please come forward," Mayor Jeffers said.

Ethan walked up dragging Zack behind him.

"Your honors," he started.

"We're not judges, nobody up here is going to yell or be mad at you so take a deep breath and relax," Councilman Daniel Jorgenson said.

"Thanks, my name is Ethan and I'm one of the whores here like my boyfriend Zack here and most of the others here. But there are a few who work in the stores and some of your properties Mr. Jorgenson. One thing we do have in common is we all go to Peckertown High. We appreciate all the hard work Mrs. Thorpe and the rest of the faculty do to give us a basic education and for a lot of the boys in town that's more than they ever had before."

"But it isn't enough?" Mayor Jeffers said.

"Not any more. You see a lot of the boys like myself who are coming here now have that education and spend more time in the advanced and vocational classes so we can get a job when our whoring days are done. But one thing is missing. When we finish the program we don't have a degree or certificate of any kind. We know getting the school certified for a regular high school diploma may be a bit much but how about a GED program so we at least have that?"

"That would be so cool," Daniel said, "That's a great idea. As most of my fellow councilmen know I don't have my high school degree. I was about your age when the law changed and the schools closed because no teacher wanted to be labeled a pedophile and so many families left town. And it would mean a lot to me to get even a GED. I move that we look into what it takes to get a GED program in place."

"One of these days you'll learn how to make a proper motion, but I second," Councilman Chamberlain said.

"No need for that, I've got the information you need and we can have a program in place by March and have our first graduates by June," Mrs. Thorpe said rising from her seat, "Some of my boys came and talked to me about it a couple weeks ago and I took the liberty before it came this far. It will cost the school about $5,000.00 to set the GED program up and then the ongoing expenses should be about $20,000 a year. Frankly I think it's an investment that will keep the brighter boys coming to Peckertown and we all know that has helped our community greatly."

"Thank you Mrs. Thorpe. Now Mr. Chamberlain will you please make the motion properly so I can second it?" Daniel said and everybody laughed.

Chamberlain did, Daniel did and it passed the first reading. Despite the need to be voted on and passed again at the next meeting Mrs. Thorpe was instructed to start preparations.

"And let me know when the first class is getting set up," Daniel said.

So now, if all goes well with Jan both of his fathers are high school graduates. OK, so I have a MBA in Accounting but my Lion could have had that too under different circumstances.

There was a message on our answering machine from Dr. Howard. when we got home asking us to be out at the farm by 9:00 AM. I called and left a message for Margaret at the office that we'd be late and out of touch except for emergencies.

We pulled in through the farm's front gates at 8:50 and this small figure darted up from the front steps and was at the driver's door before I'd turned off the engine.

"You, you, you really want to adopt me?" Jan said jumping up and down.

We managed to get out of the car and over to our jumping bean.

"Yes we do," Daniel said and was rewarded by a big hug.

After a couple moments he switched over to me and the hug reminded me of the hugs I got from my nephew Orin when he was that age.

"Oh, I'm supposed to take you to docs as soon as you get here," Jan said.

"Then you'd better lead the way son," I said.

The smile and joy on his face doubled when he heard me say son.

He raised his arms, "Carry me Dad."

I bent at the knees and lifted him easily. Jan wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. A kiss I gladly returned, on his cheek.

The meeting with the doctors went smoothly and quickly. We agreed that he would continue going to school at the farm and stay after school till we picked him up after work. They offered to let him stay overnight if we were tied up on business.

"With my Mom?" Daniel said, "She'll be willing to baby sit whenever we need her, for another decade or so. And I guess she, Dad and the rest of the family will be able to pick you up once you meet them."

"How many brothers and sisters do you have?" Jan said.

"I have an older brother Aaron and his wife's name is Jennifer, a younger one named Benjy whose boyfriend is Roger and the youngest is my sister Kristen."

"Does she have a boy or girlfriend?" Jan asked.

"Not yet, she's only twelve and our parents think she's too young to start seriously dating. Her arguments about my dating at her age don't seem to make a difference."

I decided to ignore Benjy's age altogether.

"When do I go home with you?" Jan asked.

"Anything at the office we can't push off till tomorrow?" Daniel said and we pulled our PDAs out.

"I've got Kevin at 3 at the Inn and the apartment managers at 5," I said.

"I'm clear. Can you push them back or cancel?" Daniel said.

I opened my cell and called the office and told Margaret to clear both our schedules for the rest of the week and reschedule what had to be for Monday.

"You did that for me?" Jan said awestruck

"Sure did son, so let's go get your things and head on home," Daniel said.

There was a frown on his face that he didn't hide quickly enough.

"I think our son wants to do something first before we head out. A little show and tell first?" I said.

"If it's ok Dad," Jan whispered.

"Very OK, we'd love to meet your friends and teacher," Daniel said.

"Let me tell his teacher first, this is going to be a little disruptive to normal day," Dr. Mindy. said.

Ten minutes later we walked into a classroom and were greeted by fifteen cheering five year old boys. In seconds Jan was swarmed over and the others were around Daniel and me.

The teacher, Mr. Pearlman, tried regaining order but to no avail. I looked at Daniel, "Roar my love. Roar my Lion."

He smiled, shook his mane and roared his lion roar.

The room fell silent instantly.

"Again, do it again," one of the boys said.

"Only if you sit down at your desks and settle down," Mr. Pearlman said and glanced at Daniel who nodded.

All sixteen boys, including Jan, ran to their desks.

"My name is Daniel Jorgenson but my nickname is Lion as you may have guessed. This is my husband Marc Fogel and we are adopting Jan. He will still be your classmate and your friend."

One of the boys raised his hand.

"Yes Tommy?" Mr. Pearlman said.

"Will we be able to visit him at your house?"

I looked at Jan who was nodding and then at the doctors who nodded as well.

"It's very possible, probably not for a couple of weeks or so until Jan's settled into his new home but we will work something out."

"You promised Lion," another boy said.

Lion shook his mane and roared a long happy lion roar.

We hung around for another ten minutes and after Jan gave a bunch of high fives, and a big hug to Tommy we headed to his room and quickly packed his few clothes, toys and books and headed out.

Jan sat quietly in the backseat looking out the window as we made the drive back into town and home. We pulled into the driveway and he waited for me to open his car door before getting out. Insisting on carrying his bags it seemed he was going up the stairs to the big house instead of his new home.

When we got to the porch I picked him up and walked over to the couch and sat down with Daniel on the other side of Jan.

"What's wrong son?" I asked.

"Nothing Sir."

"Sir? What happened to Dad?"

"That was for the doctors and my friends, knew that's what you'd expect in front of others but not alone Sir."

"I don't understand Jan," Daniel said.

"A good son is quiet and obedient at home. Does his chores, homework and stays out of his parents' way. He eats his meals in the kitchen while the adults and girls eat in the dining room. When he goes out he acts like a happy loving boy, a boy whose parents love him. Did I pass the test Sir?"

I looked at Daniel and saw the shock on his face.

"Remember Cody and his family? What his parents put them through?"

Daniel nodded, "Same but different."

"I failed didn't I? I'll walk back," Jan said and pushed off my lap.

I grabbed him and had him back on my lap before he could take a step.

"No you didn't fail the test son. You passed your old parents' test without any problems," I paused knowing the next part was going to be very hard on Jan, "But those aren't our rules. We like being around the happy, active Jan. That's who we adopted, who we want to be with, come home to after school and work."

As expected I saw confusion mixed with fear and even distrust on his face and in his eyes.

Suddenly Daniel leaned around and licked Jan's cheek then started tickling him. Jan started bucking and giggling. His smile broke through again. Daniel kept tickling him until Jan gasped for breath and begged for him to stop.

"Old rules no more? Really?" he said when he caught his breath.

"Well, you do have to do your homework and keep your room clean," Daniel said.

"And there may be times we tell you not to come into our room or someplace else in the house," I said.

"Like when you're making love," Jan said and it was definitely not a question.

"Like then. Now are you ready to see your room, put your things away and then figure out what you want for lunch?"

"And after lunch we can go swimming," Daniel said.

"Too cold," Jan said.

"Heated and enclosed," Daniel said.

"No bathing suit," Jan said.

"That's right," I said.

It took a moment for Jan to get it and his smile got even bigger.

He slid off my lap again but I grabbed one bag and Daniel the others before he could and led him upstairs to the bedroom next door to ours. The one Orin and Bruce usually used. It's a little smaller than the other two guest rooms but has its own bathroom and figured closer was better for our new son.

New son, how great is that to say?

Friday morning we took Jan clothes shopping and believe it or not we started at Cliff's. Yes his designs are sexy and any place else I would say inappropriate for a five-year-old but this is Peckertown and Daniel and I felt it was important he dress like a normal Peckertown boy and a lot of residents brought their young sons to Cliff's for shorts and shirts.

Kyle was working the cash register before he had to go to work at Cody's so we introduced Jan to his new cousin. Kyle screamed in delight and Cliff ran over to see what was up and got introduced as well. Jan told him he liked his clothes which got a beaming smile in return along with a free package of Cliff's new line of boxer briefs designed to go with his trademark shorts.

After that we went to some more stores in the mall and got other things he needed and things he wanted as well. Did we spoil him? Hell yeah; but we also made it clear that this kind of shopping spree was the exception and not the rule.

We went to dinner at Cody's that night and Jan was surprised when Kyle turned up as our waiter. We'd just ordered when Yoshi, Jeff and Tommy walked in. Jan jumped out of his seat and ran over to his friend and hugged him.

"If you give me a minute guys I can arrange a table for six," Kyle said.

"Do it," Daniel and Jeff said together.

"You're adopting Tommy?" I asked.

"Yes," Yoshi said with a big smile, "The doctors came out and visited the compound a couple of times and met with everybody singly and as a group before agreeing. We had to agree to either bring along a caregiver or leave Tommy with somebody here when we go on tour.

"We'd prefer to take him but depends on how long tour is and school. Doctors said he could stay at the farm if we didn't take him with us," Jeff said.

Daniel looked at the two boys talking, "Or he could stay with us."

"Gentlemen, your new table is ready," Kyle said and he led us to the rear of the restaurant.

Cody and Justin came over to meet the kids and by the time they left I could see a look in both their eyes. They recently bought a new house a few blocks from us. Cody's brother Keith has taken over some of the administrative duties and would take more on if Kyle's steady customers were willing to let him be the captain. I keep telling them to do what's best for the business and if they make the move Kyle could give every customer a bit of his special attention along with training the waiters.

Sunday brunch came very quickly after that and I really believe it was a three-way photo finish as to who was more nervous as we got out of the car at my in-laws. We'd told our son he could wear whatever he felt most comfortable in but he insisted on shirt and slacks with regular shoes so we matched him.

As soon as the car doors closed behind us the front door burst open and Francis ran out followed by the rest of the family. Jan jumped into my arms so quickly I almost dropped him. Daniel stepped up and hugged his mother slowing everyone down.

"Hi Mom, Dad, everybody. Marc and I want you to meet our son, Jan."

"Say hi Jan," I said.

"Hi," Jan said without moving his head off my shoulder.

Francis walked up and touched his face with a couple of fingers. "I'm your new Grandma and you look just like your Daddy at your age. Except your hair may be a little longer."

"Roar," Jan said and everybody laughed.

"Can I hold you?" Francis said and Jan reached for her.

"Easy Mom, he's a little heavier than a newborn," I said.

"You know Marc, that's the first time you've ever called me that, and though you're a little old to be my child I like it."

I smiled and kissed her cheek, "Me too."

Francis carried him in and once everybody was seated told him who everybody was and their relationship to him.

"Benjy, you Benjy of Little Leather Club?" Jan asked.

Benjy looked at his older brother who nodded.

"Yes I am, it's one of the family's businesses and one of the two I run. How did you hear about it and me?"

"Daddy told me, not Marc or Lion but old Daddy as he drove me to bus station. Told me word was that it is a hard life for boy there but you take care of your boys so I should go there. They took me to farm before I could."

Benjy collapsed back into Roger with a look of total shock on his face. He really hadn't been any older when he found the magazine in the woods that led him to realize his true nature but the idea of a father suggesting it to his son was a shock to the youngest Jorgenson boy.

"Your old Daddy was right," Roger said after putting his arm around Benjy, "But you would have ended up at the farm anyway until you were adopted or legal and we usually don't take ten-year-olds in anyway. Think my love would use his whip magic on any man who wanted to torture a youngun like you anyway."

"Damn right," Benjy said.

"Glad you're my uncle and not my master anyway," Jan said.

He slipped off of Francis' lap and walked over to Benjy and after climbing up on the couch hugged Benjy and Roger.

"You know, if you need a babysitter give us a call," Roger said.

"Everybody's offering," Daniel said, "Yoshi and Jeff are willing to trade with their new son."

"My friend Tommy," Jan said.

"Also Cody and Justin, think Kyle and Cliff wouldn't mind giving it a shot and I can't wait till Zeus meets him. Of course I tell all of them that his Grandma will probably want most of the chances," I said.

"If not all," Grandpa Elija said and motioned Jan to come over.

When Jan arrived Elija rose and took his hand, "Now Grandson, it's time to stop yakking and start eating. How does that sound."

"Great Pop-Pop," Jan said.

That's it for now, especially since my son wants me to read him a bedtime story. I promise not to wait so long before the next chapter but you'll also be hearing more directly from the newer boys in town. Boys like Ethan and Zack who are making this their home as well as the place they work.

Take care.

Chapter 45
Jaggar 3: Jaggar's Christmas

By Michael B.

Michael's Mother:

It cost me one thousand dollars to find my oldest son. It was my fault that he was not home in Chicago anyway. I should have stopped my worthless two timing husband but I was afraid of him. So I said nothing thinking he was better off being a faggot bitch to someone.

God was I wrong I knew how badly they were hurting him. That is why I started drinking to forget about it for a few hours a day. I was driving along route 65 heading southeast looking for a town called Peckertown. It was a two hour drive from the airport at Little Rock I looked over at my youngest son Marco who was my favorite of all my sons.

He had not said a word sense we left Chicago. I know he was still in shock over the other night and the death of his father. The next town I came to happened to be Peckertown I was wrong in thinking that this was going to be just a lot of boys standing on street corner selling themselves it was a real town with store and other types of businesses.

I stopped at a place called the Tasty Buns it looked to be a clean restaurant and I was right from the moment we walked in the door. The waiters were a shock but it was ok when our waiter took our order I was going to ask if he knew Michael.

"Hello, I am going to be your waiter my name is Christopher. The special today is turkey and gravy for three dollars," he said with a smile.

"Alright, we will take two of them and two ice teas. Oh do you happen to know my son Michael he moved here a couple mouths ago he would be in his mid thirties brown hair and blue eyes?" I watched this child turn ghostly white.

He did not say another word just left the table walked toward the kitchen at almost a run. A few minutes later a woman walks out of the kitchen looks our way before coming over to the table.

"Hello, I am Frances the owner Christopher said you were looking for Michael? May I ask why you are looking for him?"

Her voice sounded tired but it infuriated me that I was getting questioned.

"WELL, if it were any of your business I would tell you but it isn't so I won't," I said with a little more of a hiss then I intended. It was at the point we were playing stare down with each other. I had to admit this woman was good and was not backing down.

"Well I guess we don't know of any Michael in Peckertown or any where else for that matter?!!!"

I wanted to hit this woman or pull out my weapon but I had to admit again I have respect for this women. I relaxed knowing that if I kept this act up I could blow my chances of ever finding him.

"He is my brother and her son, we need to talk to him really bad madam," Marco said. It was the first thing he has said sense we left Chicago.

Francis looked at both of us before saying another word. I knew she was a mother also but she did not know me and was protecting Michael.

"I'll call out to his place and see if he wants to see you. But from what he has told my family and I don't count on him seeing you."

Her icy tone said she met what she was saying.

"Please if you call him and tell him we are here he will not want to see us. I made a lot of mistakes with my oldest son and he is very bitter over it. Please just tell me where he lives so I can go there and make my pleas to him in person??"

"Ok, where are you parked?"

"Right out front of the building." I looked at the front door I not sure why.

"Ok go down as far as the fire station turn left, it is at the end of the road there is a gate that you are going to have to talk to the intercom before entering," Francis said with a smile.

"Thank you so much Francis I owe you one," I said as I extended my hand to her. She shook it before we left the road to Michael's was long and winding.

"I pushed the button for the intercom it took a moment before someone answered.

"May I help you madam?" the voice on the other end said to me.

"Yes I am Michael's mother and I would like to speak to him. If you ask him he will tell you he has no mother so please let me in," there was a long pause before he said anything else.

"Alright, you and your son check out please come to the front door I will be waiting there for you," there was a click and the gates started to open. As I drove up the tree lined drive I seen one person dressed in black with what looked like an AK 47 plus three or four cameras.

Once the house came into view I was impressed. Before we could knock at the door it opened there stood a boy maybe thirteen or so, he looked like he could be a football player.

"Please come in both of you while I go tell Michael that you are here. If you will follow me to the study would you like anything to drink while you wait? My name is Andrew," he said while we sat down on the sofa next to each other. Both of us shook our heads no so he left us alone closing the door behind him. I knew me were being watched but I could not tell where in the room the cameras were. Jaggar:

I was unable to sleep after the long loving making session with Quentin. In the last mouth he's changed and I don't know what to do about it. He has come up missing where no one seems to know where he is. It was to the point I asked if he was whoring and he became VERY mad and said NO.

Last week Andrew and Shawn came to me and said that Quentin had what looked like whip makers all over his body. The night before was one of those times he disappeared. The next morning he said he fell asleep downstairs in the den.

I closed my eyes and next thing I knew there was someone in our room. I opened my eyes and saw Andrew as he neared the bed. He bent down as if he was going to kiss me.

"Michael, your brother Marco is downstairs as is your mother. They are in the study waiting for you," he said with a smile.

I looked at him thinking that he was kidding with me but I knew that he was not. I thought for a moment before answering him.

"I told you that my family is dead to me. Did you run a check to make sure who they are," I asked knowing that he would have done that before coming up to get me leaving them in the house alone.

"Yes, I did a background check as well as the airport check and called into town to see if anyone had dealt with them. All of it checks out so you need to get dressed and get your butt down to the study," Andrew laughed as he walked toward the door.

I picked up a pillow and threw it at him. I thought for a moment before getting out of bed, as to why the wicked witch of Chicago would be here. I got my naked body out of bed pulled on jeans and a shirt to go downstairs. I left Quentin sleeping knowing that mother would eat him alive if he came downstairs with me.

Shawn was sitting at the top of the stairs with headphones on with a laptop on his lap. He was getting the feed from the study he weapon was lying next to him. I was as proud of him as of the whole Team.

I stood outside of the study for a moment I looked up at Shawn who nodded yes. I opened the door waited for the tiger to attack me. Mother sat next to Marco with a tissue in her hand. Both of them stood as I entered the study. I had my earpiece on so I could hear everything The Team was saying to each other as well as what I was saying. I kept at open mike so everyone could hear what was happening behind closed doors.

"Hello Mother, hello Marco, May I ask how the hell did you find me here. I made sure that no one would find me here?" I wasn't mad but I was not letting my guard down either.

"I had to hire a private detective to find you here. I came to tell you that your father passed away Saturday night at home. I would like to you come back for the funeral and the reading of the will?"

Mother was beginning her Oscar winning show. I had seen it so many times I could jump in a play the part as well as she could. Mother had trained all of us very well.

"Before we go any further on this matter I need a drink. Mother I take it you are still drinking your martinis? Did you want anything to drink Marco even if you are only what fifteen?" I looked at both of them before I made them both drinks.

Before saying anything I sat down across from them putting their drinks on the coffee table.

"Twenty-five Michael and thanks for the drink," Marco said and drained his glass.

"So Mother, beside father passing away why the hell you are here. Do you think for one moment that I would go to that man's funeral? After what he did to me, for The Night raids as I called them. Mother, he would wait until you passed out each night come down the hallway to my room once inside he would lock the door walk over to my bed his dick would be hard he would force me to suck it to deep throat him," I could not go any further as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"How could you say that about your father, your lying he would never do something like that. God rest his soul!" Mother said but I could tell she knew it was a lie.

"Mother, I was seven when this started he made me wet the bed until I left home because it turned him on. The first time that he put it inside of me I wanted to die. I thought about it and I was only seven at the time. By the time it was my tenth birthday I tried to tell you what was going on and you hit me across the face and told father what I had said about him. Remember we left for awhile he told you that we were going to the store and stop at the restaurant because he forgot my gift?"

Mother was now crying as was Marco. I looked at both of them hoping this was as hard on them as it was for me.

"I remembering the two of you leaving and that you were gone for a long time."

"He got me in the car he pointed a weapon at me and said if I ever tried that again he would kill me. He made me suck him all the way to some warehouse where he took nude pictures of me then he had three teens fuck me mother while he made a movie. It was the first of many movies he made before he sold me. That night after everyone went to sleep he woke me up he was mad at Daman he told me to dress and to come with him. I was two days for being eleven. He made me kill Daman that night in an ally downtown Chicago. I have never forgotten that but it gets worse that was the same night he sold me I forget the guys name but both of you knew him. He used to come to the house," I was crying.

"Michael, I have to admit I knew it was happening to you. I knew when you started doing you own laundry that it was happening. I could hear you crying some nights so I would go get a bottle of liquor so I would pass out. I am so sorry but I couldn't stop him or at least I did not think I could. That is one thing about being Italian you learn to look the other way when you can't stop what he going on. Oh yah your father left you this envelope it is written on it to open it when you are alone," " she was crying so hard now I could not but feel sorry for her.

"I have now forgiven you but as far as us being a family again we are going to have to work on that. It isn't going to be something that happens overnight," I was glad that it was out in the open and she knew what happened.

"Michael, Kristen just called from the Tasty Buns there are two FBI agents there along with Whitey. They are trying to arrest Christopher saying he tapped into some computer in Washington DC.,"

"Tell Kristin that we are on our way. Please call a code red I will need everyone with me on this matter," I got up moving toward the door.

"Mother and Marco please make yourselves at home. I have an emergency to deal with I will be back as soon as I can.

"I take it that Quentin is not coming with us?" the look on Andrew face said everything. I knew what he was thinking. I was letting Quentin off again because he was my lover but that wasn't the case or at least only partially the truth.

I knew The Team didn't treat Quentin the same but when he came home with the whip maker all over his body they were more understanding. I also knew that the boys had followed him and asked around town if they knew what was going on. I didn't ask them about it in all hopes that he would tell me. I ran back upstairs to change.

As I dressed Andrew spoke into the headset. He was becoming a team leader along with Jeremy who I hadn't spent much time with in the three weeks he has been here. He was a kid that Whitey had called and asked if he could drop him off. I briefly looked at his report the night he arrived and been impressed.

"Truck one is outside with the motor running. Shawn is the only one that we are waiting on, he was taking a morning swim," There was a pulse I knew that Shawn must be talking to Andrew.

Within moment Shawn was running up the stairs dressing. He looked at me as if I was going to yell at him.

"Glad you could join us Shawn." I said with a smile. I was not mad nor did I mean anything bad by it. I ruffled his hair to lighten the air.

I got behind the wheel of the Suburban made sure everyone was buckled in before speeding down the drive. I knew what CD would be in the changer and track one would be Rolling Stones- Gimmie Shelter. I decided to run with the red light on which meant we'd be in town in about three minutes. I pulled up in front of the Tasty Buns and left the motor running as we all got out.

"Michael, what is going on these men won't tell me anymore then they are arresting Christopher?" yelled Whitey as he came out of the Tasty Buns, as he walked toward the Suburban. I looked at him wondering how I was going to handle this.

"Let me try talking to the two agents ok?" I walked toward the door wounding which agents were here and if I could deal with them or not.

"I heard steps behind me and knew that it had to be Daniel and Marc but it was also Elija.

"What's going on?" Daniel yelled as he neared.

I walked to the door knowing that everyone would take their place outside. The only person that followed me in was Andrew.

I walked in to find Smith and Wesson standing there with a blond boy sitting at one of the tables.

"Smith and Wesson, what is the call for this? Don't you know this is a small town and these boys will not run so put your DAMN weapons away!" I yelled at them. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Benji and Roger enter behind me.

"Michael it is good to see you but if I remember you are no longer on payroll so you can't tell us what to do," Wesson said in his smart ass tone.

"So ok let me make a phone call and we will see what happens," I dialed the number as if it were my own.

"Mr. President, I have agents Smith and Wesson here in Peckertown trying to arrest a child saying he broke into a computer. Would you please speak with them before I set Benji loose on them," I said with a laugh.

Wesson handed me back the phone it was at that point he seen Benji standing next to me.

"I think we need to talk this over someplace more private then here. Daniel and Marc would you please put some tables together at the catering office, upstairs will do also call Jake and have him whip up what he can for me," Benjy did not lose eye contact with my Wesson.

"Listen here punk freak, kids your age don't dress in all leather unless there is something wrong with them!" Wesson hissed staring at him.

Everyone watched to see what Benjy would do. If you were not staring at him you would have never seen the whip being unsnapped from his side.

"I may be a freak, but I do not hurt people with my words or actions. I have two reputable businesses here as do my family, who owns most of the town. We help a lot of people with jobs. Some of the working boys gave up the streets to work for us. As for my leather I am Head Master of the Little Leather Club," it was that moment that Benjy decided to show some of his whip action. He took Smith's hat off, turned cut a paper a man was holding in half turned again and snapped a glass in half without breaking it into small pieces. Once he stopped he handed the whip to Roger who rolled it back up.

We caravanned down to the Benjy's catering business. Once everyone was upstairs I looked at the boy for the first time. He looked kinda familiar to me.

"Please everyone sit down before everything gets cold," Jake said looking at Benjy.

"Ok Smith what is the story here today?" I asked as Smith looked at his paperwork in the folder. He handed me the folder I looked through it before saying anything else. When I got to Christopher mother name I about died. This child was no longer just some kid to me 3;.

"Ok here the deal gentlemen, you are turning him over to me that I will close the case. If there is a problem with this Wesson you can talk to Benji and his whips," I said with a laugh. I signed the paperwork and Smith and Wesson left I put file into my briefcase. I was sitting drinking a cup of coffee thinking about everything that happened this morning when Benji walked over and sat down next to me.

"Michael, I hope you are not made at me?" Benjy asked.

"Benjy, I have no idea what you are talking about?" I watched the rest of the group stop at the door. The look on my guy's faces said they knew something they were not telling me about. When I looked at Marc and Daniel there faces said the same thing.

"I think we need to have a talk alone. Marc can you make sure The Team gets home ok or can Andrew drive now?"

"Andrew can drive now so he can take The Team back and I will call for a ride when I am finished here," I looked at the boys all of them hanging their heads.

We walked next door to The Little Leather Club, the place was empty but Roger was standing up on the stage looking up at the light rigging with a look of confusion on his face.

"Michael, please do not get mad at me I know I should have told you before now but I was hoping Quentin would have told you," Benjy said just above a whisper.

"Benjy I would never be mad at you, so what is going on?" I had an idea but I wanted Benjy to tell me himself. I looked into his eyes but all I saw was fear.

Roger walked over to where we were sitting. He looked at the two of us before he sat down.

"Love, did you tell him what happened with Quentin?" he kissed Benjy on the cheek.

"No, I have not worked up the nerve to yet. I just hope Michael doesn't get mad at me. I only did what I thought was right at the time that it was starting," Benjy now begin to cry.

"Oh HELL, I'll tell Michael what happened if he hits me I'm used to it. Quentin came to Benjy the other night and asked if he could be whipped until he bled. Well we don't do that type of show here anymore so Benjy told him no 3;"

"Roger, I can take it from here. Quentin wouldn't take no as an answer and told us both that if we didn't do it for him that he would find a john to do it to him. I knew that the two of you love each other so I broke and said that I would do it to him. Well he told us that he wanted it done on stage so everyone could see it so I called Marc and Daniel to get it cleared with them so the both came to make sure that is what Quentin wanted," Benjy began to cry again.

"I went into the office and called out to your place I talked to Shawn and then Andrew how told me that if it was what Quentin wanted then do it. But about twenty minutes later Andrew and Jeremy and Shawn showed up to make sure that it was what he wanted," he looked at me to see if he should continue.

"So let me get the straight, my Team knew about this as well as your people! So the only one that didn't know what was going on was me. The person that loves him and would do anything to protect him yet I am sitting here with egg on my face," I looked at both of them for a moment before I said anything else.

"Well for the midnight show I chained him up I worked on him for a long time biting his back and nipples hoping he gave me the stop sign but he didn't so before I started I walked around and looked into his eyes one last time and he told me to start. So I picked up a cat-o-nine and started hitting his ass and the back to both legs. They were both bright red by the time I stopped. So I picked up a 4 by 10 which means that it is four inches [10 cm] thick and ten feet [3 m] long 3;"

"Ok, I don't see that you did anything wrong so far," I knew that my voice was breaking because I was trying hard to hold back tears myself.

"Well I dropped the whip unbuttoned my leather pants and proceeded to stick my dick up his ass. I have a nine inch dick I didn't even care if I hurt him or not I just did it to him. I proceeded to rape him I started to bite his back I was all but ripping his dick off I was jacking him so hard. I not only cum inside him once I cum inside him twice before pulling it out," Benjy got up from the table walked over to the bar gabbed a bottle of Jack Daniel's and two glasses before coming back to the table.

"Michael, I have never seen Benjy act like he did the other night. He was like a monster like a father raping a child that just can't stop himself until he does damage to the child. I know I should have gone out on stage and stopped him but I was afraid he might turn on me," he reached over to hold Benjy's hand but Benjy pulled away.

"Michael, I wish I could tell you what happened but I was locked into the feeling on stage. I picked up another whip that will draw blood and proceeded to beat his back for forty-five minutes before turning to his front the only area I did not whip was his private area. I was horny again so I dropped the whip walked around to his backside stuck my dick back inside his and rode him hard three more times before pulling out. I then licked the blood off his back down to his ass where I sucked out as much of my, cum as I could. I have never done that to a slave before 3; Oh I just lied I did it to Paulo one night, but that is not all Quentin now wants to become a personal slave to me so I can do it to him all the time," a look of horror on both of their faces.

Oh my god, I thought knowing that Quentin and my stories were so much alike so I knew that he was slipping back into the past. Just thinking about what Benjy and Roger had just said I wanted them to do it to me also. It must be the Christmas holiday for him also.

"Michael the bad thing is I promised the other Slave Master's that I would never do a show like what happened the other night. I lost my mind as a master when I raped him repeatedly not to say that I didn't whip him to the point of death. I showed my other Master's that I could not control my feelings, my secret love for Quentin. I have let everyone down and disappointed and disgraced my family and lover. So when the other Master's arrive today I will be stepping down as head Master and leaving the profession all together," Benjy got up ran for the front door and disappeared.

"I have never seen Benjy like he was the other night. He was like a monster, the other Master's there were afraid to try and stop him. I think this has pushed him over the edge. I think that if he doesn't get help like right now he could end his life."

I watched Roger sit there and say that statement. If it had been me and Benjy just did what he did I would have been out the door right after him but he didn't do it.

"Roger, call Marc and have him call everyone else tell him we have a code RED and that it is Benjy but not to page it off on the pagers. You need to go to the house and see if Benjy is there. Is there any other place that he would go?" I got up and was moving toward the office area forgetting I had my cell phone.

"Michael, call Paulo and tell him what happened so he can be on the look out for him his phone number is on the list by the office phone. If he is going to go anywhere it will be to Paulo I just hope it isn't to late?"

I called Paulo and everyone else I could think of, I even called The Team and told them to have Quentin call Benjy's cell to see if he would answer and to talk to him.

Roger decided that he wanted to go home alone in case Benjy was there and had did something he wanted to be the one that finds him. I left The Little Leather Club walked down the street to Jorgenson's Office where Daniel and Marc worked to see if they knew where Benjy might away to when he was unset.

As I walked in the door Margaret looked at me did not say a word to me just yelled into the intercom for Daniel and Marc to get to her desk. Both of them from the sound of it ran down the hall to where I was standing.

"So what happened with Benjy?" Daniel asked as he neared.

I was not sure if Daniel and Marc were mad at me or not.

"He told me what had happened with Quentin that night and how he had promised the other Masters he would not ever do a show like that again. He was very upset at the time and he got up and ran out of the building saying that he was no longer a Master that he was quitting 3;" I watched as both Daniel and Marc got out there cell phones flipped them open.

"Roger and I called Paulo and everyone that we could think of to call to see if he was there or had contacted them. I'm sorry this happened Daniel and Marc I didn't know what happened that night until Benjy said he was sorry," I could no longer hold back the tears.

"We should be the one to be saying that to you being that we all knew what had happened and you did not. Marc I will call Benjy's cell then I will call Capitan Morgan give him a brief update and see if him calling Benjy will help," Daniel said.

I was so upset with myself at the moment I didn't know what to do. I just wanted to go home and get drunk. Having been down that path before I knew that if I started drinking this time I would not stop for anyone no one, even my boys, so I changed my thoughts to what Daniel was saying on the phone 3;

"Captain, its Daniel Jorgenson we have a big problem here," the look on Daniel's face was a smile.

"Sorry sir, the problem is Benjy. No he is ok well we think he is we had a friend of ours go to Benjy early this week and ask, Benjy to whip him half to death like his Master used to do to him every day until Christmas 3;"

I could hear this person yell 3;

"And did Benjy do this to this person???" yelled Captain Morgan. Daniel looked at Marc before answering the question. It was then that Elija walked in stood silently listening.

"Yes sir he did 3; He called Marc and I and also The Team. Marc and I went to make sure everything was ok it was one of the worst shows Benjy has ever did. I love my brother and while he was doing this he wasn't Benjy. Now today he told the lover and said that he was no longer a Master and ran out the door. Do you think you could find time to give his cell phone a call and talk to him?"

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN HE DID IT ON STAGE?" Daniel holding the phone away from his ear, as Capitan Morgan yelled.


"Capitan Morgan, nobody could have stopped Benjy until he was done. I think he really needs help but I don't know if he will listen to any of us. The Jorgenson family would be grateful if you could call him," it was then that Elija reached for the phone.

"Daniel, for your family I would do anything," he had lowered his voice.

"Capitan Morgan, this is Elija Jorgenson. If you can find my son and talk to him I will be in debt to you," he said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

"No Elija, your family is part of mine and will do one better. After I hang up I will call the airport and will fly down there this afternoon. So in return you get to fix us Christmas dinner.

"Thanks Capitan, I will have Daniel and Marc pick you and your crew up at the airport. It is the least I can do for you and the help that you are giving Benjy," a look of fear crossed over Elija's face.

The yelling began again which I felt sorry for Elija.

"Elija, after I make contact with Benjy I will call you back."

Roger walked into the office looked at everyone but said nothing. I guess no news is good news when it comes to this. I was beginning to feel guiltier that this happened even if I had nothing to do with the events up till now. The office phone rang and everyone turned to look at Margaret.

"Marc or Daniel, it is Paulo on line one," she said with a smile.

Without saying a word both of them disappeared down the hall toward there offices. It was my turn to receive a call and when I looked at the caller ID I knew who it was. I walked down the hall toward the conference room closed the door behind me.

"Yes Quentin," I was not sure which direction this was going so I listened more then talked.

"Michael, Andrew just retuned home and said that Benjy told you everything. Please don't be mad at him it was me that went to him and begged- blackmailed him into doing it to me," he began crying.

"Quentin everything will be all right but right now we need to find Benjy, after he told me what happened he said he was no longer a Master and walked out," I was hoping that Quentin had a answer for me.

"Michael, I will call his cell phone other wise he will be at Paulo's that is where he goes when he wants to feel the whip. If that is the case they are in the basement and there is no phone down there. And if Benjy is there Paulo has told his staff to not interrupt what is going on. I don't know if there is any help but I hope so. Michael I just needed to feel the whip again because I forgot what it felt like," his crying became hard now.

I didn't know what to say so I just listened to him cry. I did understand what he was saying sense I have been here and seen Benjy's show. Maybe deep down I needed to feel the whip again also.

"Michael, I will come into town and help do what ever I can. I will have Andrew drive me in 3;" there was a silence and the dial tone so I disconnected. I stood in the middle of the room staring at my cell phone.

I thought for a moment why is this happening now it was so long ago that I walked away from the whip. I knew deep down that I should be in jail for murder after killing Master but what he put me thought was nothing to what I did for him. He was so drug induced at the time and when he asked me to free base the cocaine for him I did it like I had so many times in the past. I filled the syringe with the drug shoved it into his vain pulled it out filled it with air shoved it back into his arm pushing the plunger back in. Within moments he was dead I sat on the couch for a moment. I even remember every word I said to him.

"Well Sir, you can't hurt me any longer what you did to me was not what you did to a slave I could take the whipping and the other abuse. It was when you starting letting the dogs fuck me and the night you planned the party to fuck me to death. You thought that I was asleep but I wasn't 3;"

A knock at the door pulled me out of my thought as I stood there crying. Daniel opened the door looked in at me I could not stop and I knew it. He closed the door behind him stood in front of me I don't know why I let him hold me but I did. The feel of his young firm body I could even fell his hard-on which turned me on.

"Michael, I just wanted to let you know that Paulo has not seen Benjy or at least that is what he is telling me. I do believe him as to he was a Slave for many years for my family deep down he is like another brother to me. It is not your fault Michael we all knew what was going on we didn't stop Benjy that night not that we could have anyway," he stepped back looked at me for a moment before saying anything else.

If I didn't get out of the this room soon I was thinking about doing something or at least trying to do something to Daniel not that it would solve anything.

"Daniel, I would like to thank you for you kind words and for holding me but if you don't let go I may try something with you that is not needed right now," I looked deep into his eyes but didn't like what I seen.

"It ok Michael, you need me right now and I am not taking no as an answer," Daniel whispered.

I watched as in one moment he took his shirt off and had mine half unbuttoned. I was upset at what had already happened all I wanted for him to stop. I ran my fingers through his long black mane has he unbuttoned my pants out falls my hard cock, in which he sucked up all the way to my pubes hair. He brought me close to cumming several times then would back-off. I started to pull out of his mouth so I could unbutton his pants and see what Mr. Daniel Jorgensen was made of. Falling to my knees I unzipped his jeans to find he did not wear underwear either. An eight inch cock was already leaking pre-cum like a fire hose. As I sucked it in I began playing with his ass running my finger along his crack finding his hole I began to play with it.

The foreplay lasted for what seem like along time but I knew that it was only a few minutes. I wanted to fuck his ass and at this point I was not taking no as an answer. Pulling him to his feet kissing him, before he went over lay on the table with his legs up in the air as I entered him it was a feeling that I will never forget as long as I live. Within moments I was giving him my seed so I traded him places so he could have the same feeling of lust. He did not have to be asked if he would do it to me. His thin body moved with the grace of an angel in flight. I closed my eyes hopping that this would not stop but within moment at the rate that he was making love to me I knew that it would be finished. Shooting his seed deep into my body the moment before he fell on top on me I held him until a knock at the door brought us back to life 3;

Marc stuck his head in the door looked at both of us before entering. I could not move due to Daniel lay on top of me or I would have dove out of the window.

"Well did the two of you have a good time?" Marc said with a smile.

I did not know him that well to tell if he was mad or not.

"Captain Morgan just touched down and so did Samurai Inc. Your father asked if we would take one of the buses and go pick everyone up. Oh yeah, Michael I don't know if Daniel told you but we normally don't do that type of thing. I'm not mad at Daniel or you just surprised. But Daniel has to stop playing for now so we can pick up our guests," this time Marc smiled at us.

While we were getting dressed Marc watched both of us. I needed to ask Daniel something to the point of why did this happen.

Standing in the outer office was Whitey the sheriff who looked rather mad about something.

"I have had calls about Benjy he has purchased a bottle of liquor, a new kid in town was working the counter while he was slow getting Benjy change so Benjy threw a bottle at the kid. The kid is not hurt just shaken. And then the ambulance was out-bound and Benjy decided he was going to pass it running it off the road," Whitey answered his radio at the same moment the pagers went off.

"Whitey, I know Roger has their car so who's car is Benjy driving?" asked Daniel.

"Yours Daniel, I hate to admit it but that car of yours is very fast or I'm getting slow in my old age."

I was on call for the ambulance and so were Daniel and Margaret. We ran for the door Margaret drove to the ambulance barn. Daniel cell phone rang and what I got out of Daniels end of the call it was Paulo telling Daniel that Benjy had showed up there, he was ok but not doing well.

By the time we got to the scene the ambulance call was cancelled so we returned and Daniel took off for Paulo's. I stood with the door opened watching it snow it was the first time that I really seen the decorating Peckertown did all around town.

Andrew picked me up took me home. For the first few miles we traveled in silence.

"Michael, just to let you know your mother and brother have been at the house all day. She did some decorating for the holiday season," smiling at me. His hazel eyes sparkled when he was in a mood of mischief.

As we walked in the door the Christmas tree was in the foyer with gifts under like our home used to be. I smiled and it looked even better. The gifts were from the boys to each other. There were even some from Mother and my brother for me.

I walked over to the envelope mother gave me picked it up looked at it I decided that I would open it later.

I looked at the Santa near the top that Greg had given me the first time I went to the amusement park 3;.

NOTE: The next chapter with start filling everyone on what The Team is really for plus you will find out what happens to Benjy and Quentin and why Christopher is special to me.