April was a good month for me as a writer. Even though, I posted only two stories to alt.sex.stories.moderated. Everything else I wrote was what I call a burp, a short story I type out as a reply on a thread in alt.sex.stories.d. Sometimes, someone means suggest a story. Other times, it is just something sparks an evil thought. In any case, I take several minutes to write out a flash story or a part of a larger story. It's fun and keeps my head and hopper cleared of story ideas, too.
Thank You and Good Day,
Kenny N Gamera
Brake Pipe Overhaul
- This comes from oosh's series on ASSD called the Power of Cliche. In this discusion series, she does a search in Google on some cliche phrase in porn. In the second installment, she examines nipples. Amoung the things she found was "...nipples ... About 13 1/2 inches long fitted with 7/16" 24 TPI male nuts at each..." Now, before you get too excited and ask for pictures, it was "from a site specializing in brake pipe overhaul." So my imagination comes up with this story.
The Ham and the Spanish Girl
- The story was inspired by another of Fr. Ignatius's contributions to ASSD. The thread discussed what strange items individuals may have learned while researching stories. He mentioned a spanish tradition where a girl's mother will bake a ham using the girl's menstral blood. The ham is then fed to a young man who the girl has a fancy for but doesn't fancy her back. Now, everyone knows what happens when dad finds something in the fridge that mom baked for the kids.
Minnesota Twins
- This story was written to the same rules as "A Story Quickly Writen in Hotmail" and posted to ASSM. It was, however, inspired by ASSD and a discussion about baseball (in particular about how bad the Detroit Tigers were doing). Now, I thought about what sort of person might be cruising Google and find something posted by me, but not the sex story he was looking for. My imagination found a frat boy. Ick!
Officer Sherry, USMCR
- For those of you who didn't know, Sherry is an officer in the Marine Corp Reserves. Like many patriotic americans, she has been called up for Operation Iraqi Oil-whoops-I mean Iraqi Freedom. While standing guard at a checkpoint, Sherry and her lovely sargeant run into a shady character, with whom they have some fun.
Variation on a Old and Bad Joke
- There was a thread declared to be about the "Worst Fuck." Well, this brought to mind a joke. The joke is old. The joke is bad. But I have Sherry in this version, so you might like it. No real sex though.
The Video Camera
- Somehow, Katie McN challenged me into writing a story about me, her, and my lover/editor suzee. Not really, she challenged me to come up with a way to do a video camera. This scene is the best I could do. Sorry.
With Fred in a Sportsbar
- A scene inspired by oosh's Power of Cliche II. In particular, I was inspired by a discusion on comparing nipples to pencil erasers that was similar to the one that Ken and Fred have in the scene. Yes, it is the Ken and Fred from the "Kenny and the Fluffer" series. Fr. Ignatius proclaimed it as the thread of the week because of the last line.