"Mama, Isaac won't even look at me," whined Carmen Jones as she dropped her books on the counter and reached into the refrigerator for a coke.
"Isaac," asked Mrs. Maria Jones nee Gonzales as she wiped her hands on her apron. "Who is Isaac?"
"Moooooom!" Carmen replied as she dropped herself in her chair. "He's the new boy that just started at school. I told you about him this morning at breakfast."
Mrs. Jones flinched inside at being caught at ignoring her daughter's constant monologue about her friends and the boys that each was after. She knew herself from her own youth in her native Spain how important such things were to a young woman. She searched her subconscious for some fact about the boy.
"Is he the one with the blue eyes?"
"Yes, mama. Anyway, all the girls are after him, but he keeps blowing them off, like they were nothing. Today. At lunch. I go to talk to him, but he just sorta ignored me.”
"He's soooooo majorly cute, mama." She looked at her mother and smiled. "And he is really nice and polite too, mama. You and daddy would like him."
"Really now." Mrs. Jones smiled. "So what do you plan on next?"
"Don't know. He just, you know, blows us all off like we were fat or something. Gawd, I hope he isn't gay or anything like that."
"Now, now, Carmen." Mrs. Jones sat down next to her young daughter. "I'm sure he is just shy. He is in a new school, after all."
"I know, but..."
"Just give him some time. You'll see."
"Oh, yeah. Give him time and like watch Judy Hawkes swoop down on him. No way, mama, I want him to notice me."
"Hmmmm." Mrs. Jones studied Carmen's frustrated face. "Is he that important to you?'
"Yes, mama! He is soooooo cute." Then she added, "And nice, mama. Really nice!"
"Okay, there is something we can try. It is something that my mother taught me when I was a girl your age in Spain. It may seem to be a little gross, but it works."
"What is it, mama?"
"Well, I know that you are having your monthly."
"Well, someone is leaving their liners in the trash, and I know it isn't me." She winked at her daughter. "Now, I need you to collect some of your discharge for me."
"It gets worse. I need to bake a ham with it. Then we get your man to eat it. Then he will be chasing you like a fox chasing a rabbit."
"Mother! That is like sooooo gross!"
"But it works, Carmen. I know."
The girl looked at her mother. "How do you know that?"
"Well, my little girl, "Mrs. Jones looked away dreamily. "There was this young officer in the United States Air Force, that I met while away in college."
"You mean...?" Carmen sounded incredulous. Mrs. Jones nodded. "Daddy?"
"Welllllll, yes. " The girl began to giggle. "Now, don't tell your father. I wouldn't want him to know that it was magic that brought us together."
"I won't." Carmen got the faraway look of thought. "When can we start?"
"Well if you start tonight, I can bake the ham while you are at school."
Mr. Billy Mitchell Jones walked into the kitchen to hear his wife humming to herself. He leaned against the doorframe and smile as he watched the woman he fell in love with years ago checking the stove. She hadn't noticed him.
"Mmmmm! That smells good, honey."
The woman jumped a few inches into the air, just as she always did. Mr. Jones was proud of his wife. Not because she was a stay at home mother, but because he resisted the pressures to be anything but want she wanted to be. Maybe it was her small village background, but she had never wanted to do anything except take care of her family. He worried about what would happen to her when Carmen finally joined her brother out of the nest.
That was in the future. For now, he knew her to be happy.
"Billy! You scared me. What are you doing home?"
"Oh, I needed to pick something up before going to the airport."
"Dear, are you leaving again?"
"No, "he went over and kissed her. "I'm picking up a VIP. I wanted a few things to do while I waited"
"Good, with the war, I was afraid that the company might send you to Washington."
"Not yet." He held her tight against him. When the kids left, he would need to start taking her with him on these trips. "They won't need to start getting more bombs till later."
She started to think about what he did for a living. Reading the signs in her eyes, he quickly said to distract her. "So why are you baking a ham? Expecting company?"
"No!" Mrs. Jones said with a start. "It is for Carmen. She has something special coming up with her friends."
"You should let her do that herself, my little rabbit. You do too much for the kids that they ought to do for themselves."
Mrs. Jones said something in Spanish, then added in her perfect English. "I will take care of my babies, Billy Mitchell Jones. That is why the Lord gave them to me."
Her smile evaporated like the mist behind a rainbow. "Besides, it won't be long when we will no longer have them. We have already lost our Arnold."
"Dear, we have not and you know it. We will have them forever." Mr. Jones looked at his watch. "I need to go. I will be running late, but I want you and Carmen to wait for me; I owe you both dinner."
With a kiss they parted
Carmen rushed into the kitchen door letting it crash against the frame behind her. She skipped the refrigerator for the first time that she could remember. Her book bag crashed to the floor.
"Is it done, mama?"
"Yes, dear." Mrs. Jones smiled at her daughter's enthusiasm. "This must be a very special boy."
"He is mama. I was just at Jennifer's and we were talking all about how Judy Hawkes has her eyes on..."
The sound of the front door opening interrupted Carmen in mid sentence. Then they heard Mr. Jones call out their names. Carmen went to the door out to the kitchen to let him know that they were there. At the door, she screamed.
Into the kitchen stepped H. Arnold Jones, shining in his dress blue uniform. Carmen ran up and gave her big brother a hug and a kiss on the cheek. The stood half in the kitchen, holding in duffel in the hand opposite the girl...
"Hello, little rabbit." He bent down and kissed her forehead then turned to look into the kitchen at his mother sitting at the kitchen table. " Hola, Mama."
The woman stood up from the table and ran to the young man dressed in the formal blues of the Air Force. He dropped his duffel to the floor. The woman wrapped herself around the side opposite of her daughter and kissed him on that cheek.
"Mama, don't cry." He wiped a tear from her cheek. "I'm home."
With their women folk asleep, the two Jones men retreated to the den. Mr. Jones poured his son and himself each a health measure of scotch. He handed his son his drink. They touched glasses.
"It is good to have you home from the war, son."
"It wasn't much of a war, papa. Especially, for those of us in Saudi Arabia." The young officer still in his uniform. "I won't even get a ribbon."
"That is the best kind of war." The elder Jones walked to the shadow box holding the medals earned in a long career. He took a very long sip of his whiskey. "I caused your mother a lot of heartache all of those times that I was over in 'Nam. Almost left her a widow more than once."
"I know. Papa. I just want..."
"You just want to prove yourself. You are an airman and a good one from what they tell me. And like all good airmen, you want to be where the action is." Mr. Jones turned to his son and pointed his drink at him. "Let me tell you. You will get your chance before this is all said and done, Captain. You will get your chance. And when it is over, you will be glad and you will wish you could do it again. But most of all you will be glad and you will go to your grave praying with all your heart that your son will never know what it is like."
"Yes, General."
Mr. Jones laughed and Arnold joined him. Together, they drained their glasses. Mr. Jones slammed his onto the mantle of the fireplace. Arnold placed his on the end table next to his chair.
"Well, I don't know about you but I have no idea what the hell those people who complain about the large portions they serve in restaurants. I didn't get enough to eat. I think that a raid on the kitchen is in order."
"Well, I know that I would love to get some of mama's cooking."
"Well, to the fridge, Capt'n"
"To the fridge, General, Sir."
"Happy" Arnold Jones lay unable to sleep in the unfamiliar bed in the room he grew up in unable to sleep. He had spent several hours tossing and turning, but it was not the return that had him unsettled; it was the memories of his little sister, Carmen, at dinner. The image of her white smile in the dark tanned roundness of her pretty face. He could see the way her black hair broke against her shoulder with half flowing down her blouse to the suddenly large mounds of her developing breasts. His dick grew with the thought of her swaying skirt and the slim legs they displayed as she went to the restrooms. Even the inexperienced flirting that she enjoyed with their young waiter turned him on.
The mere image of her in his mind disturbed him. He never had such thoughts about any woman, but now to have them over his sweet little sister. He rolled to his back and stared at the ceiling. He closed his eyes to see his hard cock in her red lips. He tried to guess the shape of her crinkled anus. Sitting up, he reached for his robe. On autopilot, he put it on and walked down the hall to Carmen's room. The door stood slightly ajar.
His hand moved it open slightly more. He expected to see his suddenly sexy sister asleep on her bed. He found her awake and moaning with their father between her spread legs. Part of him wanted to take the man and throw him across the room. The bigger part wanted to be in his place. Mindlessly, Arnold walked from the door and stood next to her bed, watching the stiff cock of his father pumping into the sweet pussy.
Carmen opened her eyes. She didn't expect to be joined in bed by her father. She knew that older men liked her. It was something that she enjoyed. She even found that she enjoyed playing with their more experienced cocks versus the younger pricks of the boys she went to school with.
And a number of her friends were fucking an uncle if not their own fathers. She even shared Jennifer's dad with her friend during their last three sleepovers. I mean, she thought, the whole physics club was sleeping with at least one relative. Besides, her papa was very cute.
It was just that she never dreamed that her big brother would ever think to have sex with her. He looked at his lust filled eyes and then at his hard cock as he stroked it next to her head. She opened her mouth and moved closer to him as her papa fucked her. Arnold slid his dick into her mouth.
Arnold looked at his father as the man's dick pistoned into Carmen. The man looked like Arnold felt: in shock that this was happening.
"Son, I..."
"I know, papa. I can't help it either."
"But I thought that you would never do..."
"General, please. Don't ask and don't tell." The young man groaned before continuing, "Besides, a warm, wet mouth is a warm, wet mouth."
"God, yes. So much like your mother. So much like your mother." The older man moaned and slammed into the little vixen that he had raised. "I’m going to cum."
In spite of her few years, Carmen knew what this meant. She thrust herself up into her father's body. This let her swollen clit rub against her father's pubic bone as she twisted her body. As she felt his cock pulse with each discharge of his sperm, she lost herself in her own orgasm. She began to scream into the gag of her brother's dick. The spasms of her mouth and throat pushed the young man over the edge and he filled her face with his sperm.
After a long moment, the men returned to a more normal state and slid from inside the girl. A little streak of cum drooled along her cheek. She could feel it leaking from her cunt. She looked at the two most important men in her life and smiled. The looks of fear on each only made them that much cuter.
"Mmmmmmm! Can we do that again."
Close, but not really.
As was her habit, Mrs. Jones got up early to prepare breakfast for her family. Humming to herself as the gathered the ingredients for one of the traditional recipes of her native land, she moved around the kitchen. She also took a moment to start a pot of the strong coffee her adoring husband and her loving son preferred.
The first to enter the kitchen was Arnold. He quietly went to the coffeepot and waited as the device finished gurgling with the last few perks. He poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table.
He didn't say anything and avoided even looking at his mother as he sipped at the strong brew. Thoughts of the passion filled night danced in his head. In the background of his mind, he could hear the tuts of the guilt over what he had done. Next to it were the moans over the confusion of his feeling towards his sister.
He had never felt that way about any woman before last night. Granted, he had great affection towards a number of women -- his little sister and his mother first and foremost. But to want to ravage one, he could never believe that he could do it.
Yet he could still feel the hot wetness of her pussy wrapped around his dick. It was much better than anything he had felt before. The talent of even her mouth could not surpass that, and her mouth was the best he had ever know in all his travels around the globe.
It was your little sister, he reminded himself. Someone you vowed to protect forever.
He remembered when mama returned with her from the hospital years ago. She was so small and so helpless. He had hurt her and knew that he would do it again.
"Why so quiet, Arnold?" His mother refilled his cup with more coffee. "Didn't you sleep well."
"Oh," he thought quickly. "Not really. I guess I just have a little jet lag."
"Poor dear." She bent down and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "I imagine that papa should not've kept you up so long either."
"No, that was fine." He thought of his father's long, thick cock sinking into Carmen's mouth, still glistening from the juices of the girl's pussy and the goo of his orgasm. "We needed to talk."
"I know, son. I imagine that it was tough for you, but I am glad that you didn't fight."
Mrs. Jones reached into the refrigerator for eggs. Moving the ham, she noticed that some was missing. She looked at her nervous son and memories flooded into her mind. The egg she held fell to the floor.
"Ave Maria."
Arnold looked into his mother's wide eyes. What he saw told him that she now somehow knew the horrible secret of last night. He swallowed and tried to think of something to say as the distraught woman mutter to herself in rapid Spanish.
It had happened again, she thought. Oh why, oh why did she do it? She knew what had happened with Billy all those years ago, but she had did it anyway. She looked at her son.
"Did you eat the ham?"
He couldn't believe that it was about the ham. Through his life, he and his father had sneaked cakes and cookies and even bits of special meals. Mama had never reacted this way before. He could not see her upset over a little sandwich. He nodded his head. She crossed herself and started praying in the rapid Spanish she used when truly upset. Arnold began to tremble in fear and confusion as his overwhelmed emotional state slipped towards meltdown.
"Son, tell me, your sister, did you...?" Her weak voice trailed off and she looked near tears.
"Yes, mama. I did."
"And your father? Did he?"
"Yes, mama."
The crying woman ran from the room. Repeating in Spanish over and over again, "What did I do?"
Before Mr. Jones and Carmen came down to share the first family breakfast in years, Mrs. Jones had composed herself. She acted surprisingly normal. Like his son, Mr. Jones was quiet and left quickly for his office. Carmen, Arnold found, was herself. Maybe, in a way, more like herself than ever before. Soon enough, she was out the door for school. With their mother's back turned, she even gave him a kiss more affectionate than brother should expect before running to jump into her friend's car.
Mrs. Jones sat down next to her son. Her mood had changed again. She looked limp and a little defeated. She sighed.
"I met your father in Spain, when he was in the Air Force. Like you he was a young and dashing officer. But he was also like you in other ways, too.
"You mean that papa liked men, too?"
His homosexuality had been an unspoken secret in the family for years. It would have been like weight lifted to finally admit it aloud after these many years, but for the events of last night.
"Yes, and I could sense this. He had a friend almost as dashing. I fell in love with the friend. He did not notice me; he was too interested in girls of much lower morals than your young mama.
"My mama told me that she could capture his heart for me. There is magic by my people, the mother bakes a ham with the flow of the monthly cycle. She baked such a ham. All she would need to do than is get the man to eat it and he would pursue only me with all his heart."
"And papa ate it instead."
"Yes, but not just your papa. So did my papa: that very night he took my virginity from me. The next night I let your papa have me. I was his first woman and he treated me so well. As did my papa. I enjoyed them both, until I left Spain forever with my dear Billy. My mama knew and told me it was the price of her crime to have baked the ham and commit the evil sin of magic.
"Now, I have brought that sin upon my house."
"Mama, no!"
"Yes, I baked the ham so that your sister could get a boy. I asked about him. He is as good and kind as you and your father. He would make your sister a good husband. I thought that by doing so I would save her from the slut ways of her friends. Give her the life I have gotten from your father."
"The boy will be here soon. He doesn't go to class until afternoon. His mother agreed to send him over to do chores for me. I am giving the ham to him as a snack."
"Oh, mama."
"And I will see if I can break this spell that I have cast on you, son."
There was a knock at the kitchen screen door. Mrs. Jones went to answer finding Isaac waiting. She gave him instructions and returned to find her son gone. She sat at the table and cried for her family.
After completing his chores in the two hours that he planned, Isaac went back to the kitchen and knocked on the door again. Mrs. Jones let him inside and handed him the agreed sum and a glass of lemonade. He sat at the table and began to sip at his lemonade. Mrs. Jones turned to the counter next the sink.
"You must be hungry, young man." She smiled at him. "Would you like a sandwich?"
"No, ma'am." His reply was made in a polite voice. "I am fine."
"Oh, I insist that I make you something, after as hard as you worked."
"Mrs. Jones. I heard you before I knocked. I like your daughter, but I can't have that sandwich. I'm Jewish, so I can't eat pork. Besides, it would be unclean from her blood.
"Also, while I like your daughter, I would never want to date her. You see, I noticed your son and I thought with him being..."
"Isaac, you are..."
"Yes, ma'am. I'm a fag."
She slapped him across the face. The smack echo in the now silent room and the print of her hand left its shape on his cheek.
"You will not speak even indirectly of my son like that, young man. He is not a 'fag'," her scorn emphasized the word "so nor are you."
The boy bowed his head. "Sorry, ma'am."
"And I think that we could help each other." She walked over to the boy and felt his crotch. "Just close your eyes and think of him."
Mrs. Jones dropped to her knee and undid the boy’s denim pants. His cock sprang free and hit her in the face. She looked at it for a moment. It was nice, but not the size of her husband or of her father. Maybe Carmen deserved better, she thought as she opened her mouth and accepted it inside.
It felt warm and smooth. With the practiced ease of a mature woman knowledgeable in her arts, she began to bob her head. Isaac felt the hotness of her breath around his prick and moaned. For a woman, she was very good. Better than any boy his age. He hoped that her son had inherited talent from her. He only wished he knew what she was up to.
The woman adjusted herself on her knees. If she had known that she would be servicing the young man she would have worn slacks, but thinking that she would need to lower his resistance she had dressed in a light summer dress. The hose she wore gave her little comfort as she sucked on the cock before her.
She bobbed her head quickly; this wasn't for pleasure. This was to make him come. She hoped that what she had heard of young boys was true. It was not, she learned.
Or least for this boy, it was not. After several minutes, her jaws began to ache, but at last she felt the warning signs of his impending explosion. She released it from her mouth and grasped it in one hand pumping as quickly as she could. Her free hand grasped a glass from the table. The other thing that she heard seemed true, and the boy filled it with his jism.
The boy opened his eyes and looked down. It was almost good enough to give up guys for, except he had the promise of Carmen's beautiful brother. The woman looked at him and smiled. She reached beneath her skirt and felt the liner under her panty hose.
"Now, I have two hams to bake. And tomorrow will shall see if Spanish magic works for boys."
Carmen ran into the kitchen thinking to find her mother. She was gone though. A note said that Mrs. Jones had left with Arnold to run an errand. They would be right back. Carmen was excited. Isaac smiled at her and said that he had visited to help her mama. She hoped that her mama's plan had worked.
She ran to the fridge for her soda and found that part of the ham was gone. It had worked, she cheered to herself. Judy Hawkes would be so sorry tomorrow. Next to it was two other hams. Carmen felt a little hungry. Like always, her salad hadn't been enough.
She took a knife and cut a bit off one of the extra hams that she guessed would be tonight's dinner. She thought for a moment that she might take a bit of her magic ham, but decided against it. She giggled at the thought of being unable to resist jilling herself off. Maybe, that is what happened to that fat cow, Monica, she thought with a smile.
She popped a piece of one of the hams in her mouth. It tasted like none her mama had baked before. She tingled with something unexplained. It was very good. With her soda in hand, she bounced to the table to start some homework and wait for her mama and brother. As she sat down, she caught a hint of perfume.
Mmmmmmm, she thought. That was the scent her mother wore. Again, she felt her body tingle.
Mrs. Jones and Arnold entered through the front door each with armloads of groceries. She placed her packages down on the table next to the coat hooks on the wall and returned her keys to her purse. Arnold walked down the hall to the kitchen.
Entering the kitchen, he started to the counter. Seeing Carmen studying at the table, he felt the urge to go over and kiss her neck. He shuddered as he fought to resist the compelling force. Even though he knew the cause of his sudden desire, he felt it just as strong and left him with a sense of powerlessness. He put his bags down on the counter.
He took the handful of steps to the table and leaned over his sister. She looked up and smiled at her brother. He couldn't believe that she could smile at him after last night. She did however, and gave him a lover's kiss this morning.
"Hi, Arnold."
"Hi, Rabbit. Whachu doin'?"
"Studying." She made a face. "I got a calc test tomorrow. And I have to read a poem in front of my Literature class, too."
"Calc?" His hand obeyed his mind and didn't reach down to take hold of her appealing breasts. "Why are you taking calc?"
"I'm going to become an engineer and work with daddy at the missile plant."
Carmen licked her lips. Arnold felt his penis began to swell. He turned his eyes away and coughed.
"Carmen, I..."
"Arnold, will you help me with these bags?"
"Yes, mama." The young man rushed over to his mother and took the bags form her. As he took them from the counter, she went to the refrigerator and took out the closest ham to the door, which she had marked with a toothpick.
As Arnold put away the boxes of snack foods, Mrs. Jones cut off a piece of the ham and placed it in two slices of the bread they had purchased. She handed the sandwich to her son, who took it and ran out of their room. She gathered up the things she had used for the sandwich and started to put them away.
Opening the refrigerator, she leaned down and noticed that a piece of the ham she had made for her husband was gone. She stood in shock trying to figure out where it had went. She squealed in shock when she felt two hands grasped her breasts. Those hands moved and turned her around forcefully, and she found herself looking into the face of her daughter.
That was all she could say. The young girl brought her lips against those of her pretty mother. Lips touching, she slid her tongue inside the older woman's mouth. They held the kiss for many moments before Mrs. Jones pushed Carmen away.
"Mama. I don't know why you baked that ham, but I really don't care. And I bet that Arnold and papa ate mine."
"Mama. I think I like that."
She brought her mouth back to her mother's. Her hand slid up the skirt of her mother and felt the outline of the liner beneath her hose. Carmen moaned in disappointment, but she lifted her hand up to her mother's blouse and started to undo the buttons. Pulling away the blouse and pushing the bra's panel away from her mom's breast.
She broke the kiss and leaned down to take the nipple she knew well from her early life. She took it into her mouth. She sucked it hard as her hand fondled the other breast.
Arnold walked back into the kitchen having finished the sandwich. As he stepped through the doorway, he saw his sister sucking on his mother's breast, and he could tell that his mother began to respond. His dick hardened as he glanced at the denim covered ass of his sister and listened to her moaning.
He looked at his mother. He knew that she was attractive. He heard enough of his friend's crude comments about her. He couldn't look at her and feel any excitement, but when he turned his head down to take in Carmen, he could only imagine he mouth around his gay cock.
The new ham did not work, he thought as he escaped the kitchen to the patio. He still wanted his sister in spite of the counter spell. He stood near tears with his cock getting harder just at the thought of screwing her.
He turned to look at the boy. His cock got harder and grew in his pants. It was Isaac, whom his mother had mentioned. He suddenly realized that the ham did work, but not to break the old spell.
"I'm Isaac, Your mother sent for me."
"On your knees, bitch."
The boy looked at him in shock. Arnold moved to him and grasped his shoulders. With a firm pressure, he shoved the boy to his knees.
"Listen, mama told me about you and you are going to get your wish."
Arnold shoved his loose sweatpants down to his knee. His dick sprang up and slapped the boy in the face. The boy took the cock in his hand and began to jerk at it. After a few strokes, he opened his mouth for the head of the shaft and closed his lips around it. The boy was nice and submissive as he bobbed his head around Arnold's prick in time with the pumping of his fist. His other hand played with the young officer's balls as he tried to suck the cum out as quickly as he could.
The boy was good and his type, Arnold thought. He looked behind him and saw his sister making out with their mother. He knew that he wanted them both, and smiled when he realized that he could have them.
As his come filled his sister's classmate's mouth, he said, "I leave in a week. Until then you are mine, little boy. After that you will take care of my sister for me, while I am gone.
© 2003 Kenny N Gamera