"Crap. You beat me again, Gunny."
"Sorry, sir."
"And don't 'sorry, sir' me," answered Sherry as she
gathered up the cards for her deal. "You're a marine. You
are supposed to try to win."
The two were the only marines awake in the fighting vehicle
as it was buffeted by the wind of another mild sandstorm.
The card game kept them occupied. Between games they each
would check outside. As Sherry shuffled the cards for the
next hand, the Gunny looked out through the periscope.
"Damn sand, sir," she said as she scanned the Iraqi desert.
"I can even feel it getting into my pussy. Sir."
"So can I. And I wish you wouldn't mention it. Each time
you do I get uncomfortable."
"Sorry, sir," they said together. Sherry added, "And can
the 'sorry, sir' shit, Marine. You sound like a swabbie."
"Stick it in your ass, sir."
"Now you sound like a marine."
"Sir, we got an incoming car. Heading right down the road
towards us. Should I wake up the guys, sir."
"Nope, they're too exhausted. I think we can take care of
a car by ourselves. I used to do it all the time before my
call up."
"You aren't a cop no more, sir. And this ain't no city
street neither, sir."
"Same thing. Hell, these guys aren't as well armed as some
of the gangs back home. Can't shoot as straight either."
"Very good, sir."
They wrapped up their faces with scarves and slipped on
goggles before they stepped outside. The black luxury car
speeding towards them began to slow down. It came to a
stop when the Gunny pointed her light machine gun at it.
It slid slightly past the fighting vehicle. The bumper had
stickers saying "Give Peace a Chance" and "No Iraqi War."
Sherry walked over to the driver's side and signaled the
driver to roll his window. It lowered with the slight hum
of an electric motor and revealed a stoutly built man with
a thick black mustache. He wore an olive uniform with a
matching beret and red rank insignia. Sherry leaned down
to the driver.
#Can I help you,# asked the man in Arabic and with a
nervous voice. #Is there a problem?#
#Can I see your license, sir?#
The man fumbled with his wallet. #I realize that I was
going a little fast, but I was on the way to
the...uh...hospital. I...uh...hurt...uh my...leg.#
#Oh, sir? And what happened? To your leg?#
#I had an accident with a...a...a tomahawk.#
#Okay, Mr...# Sherry studied the license. #...Mr.
Hussein. Can you step out of the car?#
The man stepped from the car. His leg wore a slightly
bloody white bandage. He stood rather motionless, but his
gaze shifted between Sherry and the Gunny. His hands
#Are you carrying any weapons, sir?#
#No,# he answered in a sharp voice as he shook his head.
#No weapons. No weapons at all. I am a peaceful man.#
#Do you mind if we search your car to make sure, sir?# The
man swallowed quickly, but before he could say anything,
Sherry signaled to the Gunny. "Search the car."
As the marine started to go through the car, Sherry
continued to question the man. #Why the uniform, sir?#
#I was at a...uh...costume party.#
#Very good, sir,# Sherry said mindlessly as she studied
the license.
#Yes, Mr. Hussein?#
#I'm in kind of a hurry, you see. Lot's of things to do.#
"Sir," said the gunnery sargeant,"No weapons. Just a bunch
of files. Mostly chemistry stuff."
"I see." Sherry turned back to the man. #Well, sir...#
#Listen...what can I do to get you to let me go?#
#Well.# Sherry looked at her sergeant. "Gunny, grab my
toy. We're going to have a little fun."
"Yes, sir."
#Listen up. Me and my sergeant haven't seen any action
since we got here. We are a couple of horny little women.#
The man began to smile. #And I feel like having some
action right now.#
#I think that I can help you.#
#Oh, I am sure.# The Gunny came out of the fighting
vehicle carrying a double-headed dildo that had a sharp
bend in the last three inches so that it was shaped much
like the hebrew characterlamedh or the number two without
the base. #Bend over.#
Sherry twisted the man around and pushed him down against
the hood of the car. With a yank, his pants were brought
his pants down to his knees. He heard the zipper of
Sherry's fatigues. He turned around to see her insert the
short end into her pussy. Sherry shoved his head hard
against the car's hood. He felt something press against
his puckered anus.
#No! No! Not there!#
With a sudden motion, he felt the thick toy press into his
body. He closed his eyes against the pain as it slid deep
into him. When he re-opened them he found himself looking
straight into a pussy covered with several day's stubble .
Gunny grabbed his head and forced it down.
"Eat me, sir."
#My sergeant wants her pussy licked. So start licking
The man ran his tongue over the coarse hair around the lips
of the female marine's pussy. The pain in his ass
decreased. In a few short minutes, it dropped enough that
he could feel the pressure against his prostrate gland.
Soon his moans joined those of his captors. Then it
happened, Sherry could feel the man spasm beneath her as he
humped the hood of the car and smeared his seed on its
"The bastard came, Gunny," shouted Sherry.
This set off the sergeant. She shrieked out as an orgasm
overtook her. Finally, the little stub inside her pussy
made Sherry orgasm herself. Behind them, the three heard
the cheers of a squad of marines.
#Okay, beat it buster.#
The red-faced man quickly pulled up his pants and nodded.
In short order, he was in the car and driving down the
road. In a heartbeat, it was lost in the dark.
"Do you think we should've let him go, sir? There might be
some trouble."
"Oh, don't worry, Gunny." There was a distant thud in the
night. Sherry smiled. "There won't be any problems at
© 2003 Kenny N Gamera