Brake Pipe Overhaul

Kenny N Gamera
Kristy drove her car into the open garage and stopped with a lurch that sent her car rocking for several moments. She was glad to have somehow gotten it there without killing someone. She never thought much of the car that her aunt had given her when she had left for college. Even without the teasing of her sisters at the sorority house, the age of the car meant that the repair always concerned her. When the brakes started to give out, she almost panicked.

When the car stopped shaking, she opened the door and stepped out, one long, clean shaved leg at a time. Once she stood, Kristy smoothed out her mini-skirt. Then, she straightened her blouse. She hoped the owner would like the way she had dressed and that she could get a discount on the brake job like a friend had hinted.

She hadn't the money to pay for it, but she had used her body to get her a lot less than car work since she got to college. So what if she traded a piece of ass to some greasy mechanic if it kept her car from get wrapped around a tree.

"Hello?" Kristy turned to look at the source of the voice and found a large woman in dirty coveralls. The woman was wiping her hands in a red coloured rag. "Can I help you?"

"Yes. I'm looking for Joe."

"I'm Jo."

"No! Joe! The guy who owns the garage."

"Listen, honey. I'm Jo, the GAL who owns the garage."


Kristy was mildly shocked. Her friend said that the owner had done a repair on her car in exchange for a little sex. She told her specifically to ask for Joe. But Jo turned out to be a woman with short blonde hair and hard brown eyes [I don't think of brown eyes as hard, they're softer, like a deer's - gray, maybe as in steely gray]. That meant that her friend had sex with a woman! She shook her head.

"What can I do you for?"

"Uh, my car...well needs brakes...and I..."

"Spit it out college girl."

"My friend said..."

"Said what girly?"

"That you would...well...I can't really afford to get it done right now."

The woman smiled and gave Kristy a long look up and down. Kristy had been on the receiving end of that look often enough that she knew what it meant. She swallowed.

"Listen, there has been a mistake. I need to go."

"'Fraid not, girly. I saw you pull in. You ain't going anywhere in that car. It is unsafe."

"I can't..."

"Sure you can. You were all ready to just a second ago when you thought it would be some guy that would be doing it to you. You can do it just as easily with me."


The woman named Jo pushed Kristy against the wall and reached beneath her mini-skirt.

"Mmmmmm! No panties. I like that in a bimbo."

"I'm not..."

"Oh, yes you are. Who else would give a stranger sex for a brake job?"

The woman moved her mouth over Kristy's made up lips and made rough contact. Her tongue pushed its way into the young girl's mouth. Kristy attempted to push back. The woman stepped away and slapped her hard across the cheek.

"Fuckiing college bitch!" She grabbed the stunned girl and dragged her over to a work bench. "I'll teach you."

She took her rag and bunched it up before sticking it in Kristy's mouth. The girl was then pushed down onto the bench. The burly female mechanic strapped her down and reached for a pair of locking pliers. Pulling away the sides of her blouse so the buttons popped off, the woman pushed Kristy's breasts over the side of the bench.

Jo put the jaws of the pliers over Kristy's left nipple and locked it in place. The weeping girl shrieked into the oil covered rag that gagged her. Jo then let the pliers drop. The weight of the tool stretched out the nipple to a length of almost a foot. Then the older lesbian pick up a nut and started to twist it over the of nipple not caught in the pliers.

"This will keep you while I fix your car. And when I am done, you will eat me college girl. Then maybe you'll find out that you ain't too good for pussy."

© 2003 Kenny N Gamera