Variation on a Old and Bad Joke

Kenny N Gamera
Sherry stepped from her car and stepped up the mint condition 1988 Olds with the Texas plates. She motioned to the driver to lower his window. He did to expose an old balding man with a brimmed dress hat. He was withered bent over his wheel like a first grader.

"Can I see your license, sir?" Sherry said in a bored voice.

"What!" said the man in a very loud voice. "What?"

"It's a cop, you stupid bastard. She wants to see your license."

From next to him, she looked over the withered old lady in the passenger side. Her blue tinted hair done in a tight curl, she wore a pillbox shaped hat held in place by a large ornate pins.

"Oh, okay," said the old man. He reached to grab his wallet.

"Do you know how fast you were going, sir?"


"She said, you were speeding you moron." The old woman shouted into the old man's ear. "I told you that you were going fast."

"Oh. Okay."

The old man handed over his license. Sherry looked at in and noted the birthday very close to the one before the last century. She also noted the address. Damn, she had been there, Shelly thought.

"You from Texarkana, sir?"


The woman shouted again, "Forget it you simp!."

In a more quite voice, she said, "Yes, Officer. We're from Texarkana."

"Oh," said Sherry. She added in a quiet voice. "The worse fuck in my life was a guy in Texarkana."

"What?" said the deaf old man on seeing Sherry's lips move.

"She said," answered the wife in his ear, "That she has met you before."

© 2003 Kenny N Gamera