"And her nipples were like two pencil erasers..."
"Number two or the big ones that that we used in the first grade?"
"You know, were they like the ones at the end of a yellow number two pencil, or were they like the big ones one the end of a big little kid's pencil?"
"Ken, what are you talking about?"
"Well Fred, they are two different sizes, aren't they? And it is a really big difference, too. To be honest, I really wouldn't be impressed if they were only the size of that little stub at the end of a number two pencil."
"Well, they were about that size. Anyway, I had her knees up and legs spread..."
"Or what about that little thing inside the metal cap of an expensive mechanical pencil. That would be about the size of mine, but I'm a guy after all and we shouldn't expect much... but I have seen a few pictures on your computer that had girls with little nipples like that. Wait, are you sure that you have been downloading things from strictly legal sites, Fred?"
"Keennnnnnnn! I had her knees up and legs spread and I was sticking my tongue down her throat and...."
"What about those little cap things that you put on the end of a pencil when you wear out the eraser? Those would be pretty darn impressive on the end of a pair of breasts. Well, not literally. Except maybe if you were into kinky stuff, but then you might as well just twist on a pair of 7/16" nuts with 24 TPI. But a nipple that size would be interesting to see, not the shape of course, because it is pretty odd."
"Ken, I am trying to tell you about the girl I met last night."
"Oh yeah, I know, but what is this fascination with pencil erasers, anyway. It's not like anyone still used the damn things anymore. I mean, look at the way you laugh at me when I write with one of those cheap mechanical pencils and a legal pad.
"You might as well be talking about chalkboard erasers, though those would make pretty odd looking nipples. Not that anyone knows what a chalkboard is anymore. You would be better off saying dry erase board erasers. That sounds funny though..."
"Ken, will you shut the fuck up. I'm trying to tell you a sex story."
"Oh, I'm sorry, Fred. Please continue."
"Anyway, I got her knees up and legs spread and..."
"Speaking of which, did you see that the Congress is trying to extend the period of copyright another twenty years..."
"Ken, what the hell does that have to do with sex?"
"God! If you can't figure that out, there is no way that I can explain it"
© 2003 Kenny N Gamera