The Video Camera

Kenny N Gamera
"So, ladies, now that you are all hot and bothered, why don't I just slip out of this turtle suit and..."

"Ken, you're drooling again."


"suzee is right. But of course you are after watching us though." Katie cuddles next to suzee. "Now you just need to put on a show for us."

"No, problem-lemmo, sweet thing. Just let me..."

Ken, I don't think that you should have your tongue that close to the camera."

"Whazat, suzee-babe. I don't know what you meeee-yaaaaaaaaa."

"Cool, suzee. He is going to lick out the camera for us."

"Gee that looks like it hurts, Katie."

"Hewwwwph mah. Hewwwwwph mah!"

"No, suzee the camera is just bouncing around like that because it is getting excited."


"Wow, you're right, though. He is good with his tongue."

"I told you, Katie. But are you sure he is just giving the camera oral sex?"

"Sure, look at the way he's holding it in both hands. That is the grasp of true love."


"Wow, I never knew you could stretch a tongue that far, Katie."

"Neither could I. Gee, if he weren't a slimy guy and all, I'd steal him from you."

"He isn't slimy..."


"...I think that is sweat."

"Okay, if he weren't a sweaty guy and all, I'd steal him."


"Hey, suzee. I think that he is enjoying eating the camera."

"Well Katie, he does sound like he is experiencing something powerful."

"Let's just go upstairs and give him sometime with his lover."

"Waaaaaaaaye Waaaaaaye. Hewwwwwph mah!"

"NIght, Kenny. suzee and I will see you in the morning. I'll just turn out tha light."

"Heyhee Heyhee, Hewwwwwph mah!"


© 200* Kenny N Gamera