Scrub aka Simon
Davie and David
A Fictional Autobiography
by A British Roughman
Chapters 13-14
Chapter Thirteen David's School
In the morning my friend took Davie over to John's home. He hid the recording machine carefully some distance away. We wanted to test it under operational conditions, or rather tougher than operational as it would have to work from batteries. It worked perfectly. Later when Davie and I went back home, we moved it to a bed and breakfast place nearby. A man operated it for in exchange for the free accommodation. He made many recordings of David and John at home. These were mostly a waste of time. David frequently went out on his bicycle but luckily usually took the pen with him. These were his bullying expeditions. They were quite amusing although he often did little more than name calling. He particularly had it in for a fourteen year old polio victim. He nicknamed him Peg the Leg since his real name was Peter.
I might have felt some pity for David and what we intended to do to him. This wouldn't have altered my resolve as I was doing it for my dear sister. However, after listening to several of these recordings, I felt that he deserved all he was to get as he was such a nasty boy.
John also came over in a poor light. He told his son, in detail, during one meal how he had caned a boy. I even made him take his underpants right off. Afterwards he found out the boy had lied to save another boy who had just been punished. So I caned the other lad twice as hard. I made him strip stark naked in front of his friend. He was in tears even before I gave him the first stroke. I think they may be queers as he gave certain clues if you know what I mean. I made his friend strip too and he was in the same state. I soon had them both in tears although neither had cried when I caned them. I made them stand facing each other until they calmed down. They will probably need punishing again this term. I warned them, that if I have to, I will punish BOTH of them in the same way. I WILL stop them being queer.
Later I found out these two friends had been thirteen. John hadn't finished turning his son on. "Why don't you cycle down to the river where the local kids swim? There should still be a couple of little chaps around and you could have a bit of fun. Any boy who swims there must be queer as they swim in the buff."
Any pity I might have had for John evaporated. Queers indeed!
However I get ahead of myself. When Davie and my friend arrived, David invited Davie to spend the night there rather than at a dumb hotel. John warned, "You will have to share David's room."
This couldn't have been a better start. My friend left Davie there. We had to wait for Davie's report of what had happened. We also would have the tape. I have had the tape completely transcribed. The same man typed up Davie's report. I can outline the details quickly. You are lucky as the report is very long and dull if you don't know the kids. They got along like houses on fire or something. Davie had asked all the obvious questions about the teachers, uniform, other boys, punishments and games. He broke the ice by asking, "I gather we will be far the biggest boys in the form. What about us 'having fun with' some of the other boys? Would they tell tales or would we be safe?"
David's face lit up with relief as he replied, "I was in the form above this one last term. I got a number of my form mates to help me take the pee out of these little twits. Now that my mates are in the form above me, they will not dare to be my friends as that would be 'infra dig'. No. The little kids never tell tales as their lives would be unbearable if we could brand them as SNEAKS."
Davie continued to press the boy for details. He was careful to match them with stories of his own as he wanted to get the boy's complete confidence. Davie nearly always based his stories on things that he or I had done at my school. They suffered a sea change as Davie wanted to appear to be a simple bully. He left out all adult involvement. Davie also realised that David knew little about anything sexual and therefore eliminated all the details in that area but left interesting clues to catch David's imagination.
David's bullying was not consciously sexually motivated. There were naturally numerous interesting overtones. For example, near public 'debagging' was a common part of his bullying as was stressing any abnormalities a boy had 'down there'. He was aware of anything that might make a victim particularly self-conscious. Little boys had their cocks painted with various substances. They would have to clean up while all the other boys knew what they were doing. There is virtually no secrecy in a boarding school even though boys were not expected to see other boy's privates at that particular school. While any boy who had started to get hair down there, might find it removed.
David swanked particularly about how very late one night he had crept into the dormitory of the form below his own. He had got into one of his regular victims' bed. When the lad had woken up, David removed his own pyjamas and pulled their stomachs close together and then peed. He even said to Davie, "I had not peed on purpose since lunch and I had drunk as much as I could." He climbed out of the very wet bed and left the boy in sopping pyjamas wondering what to do in the morning. David added, "Since then I have always called him Pissy Pants. I have got most of his form mates, although they are all younger than he is, to use the same nickname. Some quite senior boys call him P.P. but, I think, they don't know what it stands for."
David said, "I am worried that I will have lost all my friends, who were in my gang, as they will now be in the top form. I will be a year below them. I don't think it will be easy to make friends in my new form because I, and my group, bullied them so much last year. If you will be my friend, at least I don't need to worry about them ganging up on me. We can have a lot of fun at their expense."
Davie agreed that he would enjoy having fun with the weeds and teaching them a thing or two.
When the evening came and they went to bed, there were two beds on opposite walls of David's room. Davie suggested they shared one. "We can talk more easily that way.
3; Oh! Have you got the pen as I may want to make notes."
Davie took off his pyjamas and remarked, "I hate wearing these sissy things. Don't you?"
David had no alternative but to agree and get into the bed equally nude. Davie did not move too fast so he started to ask about the boys in his new form. He borrowed the pen to make notes. When he finished, he positioned it carefully. David explained the school sleeping arrangements:
"Each form sleeps in three interconnecting dormitories. In our form there will be twenty-six boys, including us, if no one leaves. We will be in the same set of rooms that I was in last year. This will be great as I have the keys to all the doors and to the lockers where the boys keep their secret things. We will be in the middle room as I will be dormitory captain. I will be the oldest boy in the form so the head has appointed me automatically. The head told me that he almost made an exception in my case but he did not want to disgrace me so publicly. You might have replaced me but, since you are new, I got the job."
"Your family asked if you could be in the bed next to mine. I will make you my assistant although that position doesn't really exist. Officially I can use a plimsoll three times on the pyjama clad bum of any boy in the form providing I report it the next day. I will allow you to give the same punishment. We never need to report it as no boy wants it entered on his end of term report!"
Davie then said, "We could give many more than three and we can make them strip for the punishment. They won't want to sneak AND get it on their reports will they?"
David agreed and continued, "At my school, the rules against seeing other boys naked are very strict but we can get away with it. Being completely nude will be particularly shaming there. I think we should make the boys strip off as often as we can. We should make sure all the boys see each other nude! This was from a sexual unaware pre-public kid!"
Davie took over. "They should always be naked in bed. Whenever we are alone with one or two of them, we should make them take off their shorts and underpants, if it is safe for us. It would be better to make only a couple strip when they are in a group. It is so much more shaming that way. We should choose about half a dozen kids to be our regular victims. We can change them from time to time. Boys, whose cocks are different from the others', particularly dislike their mates seeing them stark naked. They may be circumcised, roundheads, that is. They may have got a few hairs down there. They may be larger or smaller. If the worst happens, we can just pretend that theirs are different. They don't get the chance to examine so many different cocks that they will be able to argue the matter."
The boys then went though the contenders for the classes' slave boys. The recording is particularly amusing if one looks at photographs of the boys concerned. They spend a long time discussing some boys. Davie was trying to find out to what extent David had circumvented the rule that other boys' cocks were not to be seen. The answer was clear. David had managed to see every cock in the year. These boys weren't even in his form or dormitory! I wondered how typical David's interests were of the rest of the school. From what I know of boys, it would be universal particularly in a repressed environment like that school.
Eventually they stopped talking and moved to action. It was far from clear what had exactly happened and when I pressed Davie for more details he just said, "It was private. You will have to remain tantalised." Unfortunately he was as good as his word.
When my friend brought Davie back, he was very randy. The family suffered even more than they had two days previously. I will not give the details here as it would make the tale too repetitious.
It was soon time to send Davie to his new school. He had insisted on having long trousers. I pointed out that he and David could wear longs because of their age but the rest of his form would still have to wear in shorts. He just said, "I know but David and I will be in long trousers." This was something I hadn't heard them discuss and I hoped that I hadn't missed anything really important.
My sister and I had dealt with the details. It was now over to Davie. I just hoped he could manage. He was going to miss the constant sex and fun he could have at the castle. In place of this, he would have to become a normal member of society! I am not sure that boys' boarding schools are really any sort of normal society. It clearly was not while Davie was around. Some years later he told me, "I didn't want to stay the whole term just long enough to wreck David's position one hundred and one per cent." Naturally I needed him not to realise my part in ruining him. If that was his aim and not just sour grapes, he did a first class job. He didn't waste any time.
David had told Davie, "I think that the other boys in the dormitory may jump me when I am off guard. They will want to get even for my earlier treatment of them. Being dormitory captain won't help me if twenty little kids seize me."
Davie had a solution ready. "We will take the initiative on the first night of term. We won't give them a chance to get organised. They won't know where I stand so they will almost certainly wait until I am asleep. We should start a couple of minutes after the master's final round."
Both of the plotters waited excitedly for the master to arrive and almost decided that he wasn't going to behave to pattern that night. He was just a little late as he was spending time in each room greeting the smallest boys and settling them down. Most boys are overexcited on the first night of term. He knew that the extra time would save trouble later.
However, he wasn't over zealous or, maybe, he was just lazy. When he came to their dormitory he said, "Good night. Sleep well and be good boys."
He then left and never looked into the dormitory again that night. David was either very knowledgeable or very lucky. From what I know of his life since, I wouldn't call him lucky.
The moment that they waited for had come round. Davie could already hear muffled whispering from the other boys. He felt it was none too early to make their move. David and he must have discussed what they were going to do but, if so, it wasn't on the tape. David did the talking:
"You all must be wondering what it is going to be like with me as your dormitory captain. I gave several of you problems last term. This term will be different. Most of you will have a good time with me. All you have to do is use your common sense. Nevertheless a few of you may find yourselves even more in my bad books than last year. If I were you, I would try to make sure that you are not one of them."
"Davie, who is my good friend, will be my assistant. I am giving him exactly the same rights as I have myself. For example, if you deserve it, he can beat you. You CAN refuse to let him beat you. If you do that, I will give you the beating. It will be as hard as I can make it and much worse than he would have punished you. I might even punish you in other ways as well."
"That is enough about punishment for now. I am going to set up a structure in the dormitory, a seniority if you prefer. Davie and I are grade 1 boys. You all will start off in grade 2 but you can be relegated to lower grades. You grade is in the hands of all the boys currently in grades above you. You can, of course, appeal to me but I wouldn't think that it would be worth while. Anyhow initially Davie and I are the only boys in grades above you!"
"Davie and I think that it would be fun to have say six boys in the lowest grade. They would have to do exactly what the rest of you want! Davie and I could just pick the boys but we will be democratic. Tonight we will have nominations. Davie and I, as we are in charge of the dormitory, will have three times the votes of any of the rest of you. Otherwise all votes will be equal. We will each list six boys. The boy that is at the top of each list gets six votes. The next boy will get five votes and so on. I will let you know the final nominations tomorrow after lights out."
"Some of you may not wish to vote or may not wish to nominate six different boys. That is all right but any uncast votes will count as votes for yourself. Davie will come round now with pieces of paper and you will put your nominations on it. No one but us two will see your paper unless you want them to. You, therefore, can feel free to nominate whom you wish. While the voting is going on, you will NOT talk as we don't want you discussing nominations. It should be a free vote. Incidentally if you want to make sure you are nominated put down Davie or my name!"
Davie went round and gave each of them a piece of paper. Davie had carefully written the voters' names on them. Everyone voted 'secretly'. All this had mesmerised the opposition. There were no real challenges to their position that night. Steadily over the next few weeks the other boys' feelings diminished from "We must take over control by force NOW" to "Really we ought to stop them doing these things somehow." The other boys also became more cowed by the two boys' real and potential savagery.
The next night David gave the results in full. He said to start Now I want you to add up your own votes as I read out the list of votes. He then ignored any element of secrecy. He had only said we will not SHOW your slips to anyone. He gave the results. For example:
John voted as follows:
Martin |
6 votes |
Neil |
5 votes |
Brian |
4 votes |
Peter |
3 votes |
Pissy pants |
2 votes |
William |
1 vote |
This recording is one of the best we have. Both pens were on the bedside tables and they worked perfectly in unison! You could have heard a pin drop as David read out the names. Sometimes one can even hear I didn't nominate him. One boy had apparently nominated his best friend. David's forgery was too good for the other boys to believe the truth. It broke up a beautiful friendship. There was no evidence that any sex had been involved – unfortunately.
"Now I will go round the room and you will tell me how many votes you each got.
3; Oh! Two stupid boys as you heard voted for Davie or me. Their votes are naturally invalid. They have each voted twenty-one times for themselves. If they voted for you, take those marks off your score and you better get it right."
David did not say which boys had invalidated their votes and left the poor boys trying to work out how to adjust their marks. He stifled a boy who tried to ask something. "Do you understand? Davie and I have already totalled up the marks. If you say that you scored too few, I will add any difference to the totals we got – twice. If you say you scored too many that difference will also count twice."
David then said, "I think that we should devote an evening to each candidate. We should all be able to see what he would be like as our slave. Can I have some suggestions about what they should have to do on their pre-election hearing."
It quite surprised me that the little innocents had so many interesting ideas. Davie carefully avoided the thing being personalised. They just talked about the candidates without specifying any individual. The boys agreed tacitly that they would run each evening the same way whoever was that night's candidate. David and Davie just lay back. The kids started vying with each other to come up with increasingly sadistic ideas. It was usually the smallest and youngest lads who were most sadistic and they came up with ideas with clear sexual overtones! It was boys who didn't know what the word meant that wanted the candidates to wank. It was a good way to find out about it. Apparently reluctant, Davie put that one to a vote as we all could get into trouble. All these younger boys became most insistent.
Davie then asked, "Should we wank them or let them do it to themselves?"
The discussion went on for a very long time. The final agreed test was that each candidate should
- Get onto the table that stood in the centre of the room.
- Slowly take off his dressing gown and pyjamas to directions from the others.
- Give them to a boy in a bed well away from his own to look after. He should not wear his pyjamas again until after the election.
- Get back on the table. Each boy, EXCEPT the other candidates, could ask him up to six questions. The other candidates could ask him as many as the liked. He had to answer everything in a loud voice.
- Go to each bed in turn and let the kid in it fondle him. The other candidates were however not allowed to rub his cock.
- Make another tour, put his head under the covers and kiss the boy down there.
- Get back on the table and wank himself as the others counted to two hundred. If he failed to keep in time, he would get one stroke from David and one from Davie each time it happened. The count would begin from scratch again. If the boy came he should still not pause!
If the boy hadn't come, David would either nominate some boy to wank him or do it himself. This other lad would try to make the candidate cum. He could take up to five minutes and all the boys would shine their torches on the relevant area.
David and Davie had had many discussions on how many boys to have on the short list. They clearly needed more than six but not so many that they could form a clique and revolt. The boys that were nominated were usually the weaker lads. Although their powerful voting power had selected a couple of boys who might have challenged David for control of the form. The only other potential challenger had apparently put David's name down! The two D's decided that anything over ten boys on the list would be foolhardy. On the other hand they wanted to have fun with as many as possible. They settled on ten candidates. They had manipulated things so they were exactly those boys they wanted nominated. David then read out the final list of candidates.
All the other boys felt out of danger. They 'improved' this initiation almost without encouragement from the two D's. They started competing with each other to find more and more way out things for the candidates to do. As Davie said much later, "They became worse than David or even me!" Even though they might have a friend, who was a candidate, there were nine others! A few boys tried to stem the tide. They were unable to do much without being labelled as Spoil Sports or Cowardly Custard which are two epithets that boys particularly fear. Once a boy is so classified, it takes him a very long time and a great deal of effort to get rid of the title.
Davie updated me later. Not so much later either. He had an identical pen to David's that he could have given to David to replace his if it had been necessary. He used it from time to time to give us an update of things that he couldn't put in letters. He was a poor letter writer anyhow.
His first report explained, "I am having trouble holding David back and I am even pretending to be a bit of a prude. I know you will find that hard to believe. We are working on the principle Divide and Rule and it seems to be working very well. David used his fists once and I have squeezed a couple of sets of balls but none of that was strictly necessary. We have generated a lot of ill feeling between the boys. They keep on asking each other 'Why did you nominate me? I thought you were my friend.' David did change a couple of names to give some close friends a problem but he was careful not to overdo it. We altered a name to mine on one form and to David's on another."
The Two D's held the first of the candidates' shows the next night. They were great fun according to Davie. They got steadily more and more 'strenuous' as the other boys got more and more sure of themselves. Towards the end Davie and David just let it all rip and did not need to force the pace. David had kept the tougher candidates to the end. He thought correctly that the other boys would have shed their inhibitions by then. He was so right and those sessions were some of the most successful. The last slot David held for Pissy Pants and everyone really went to town on him!
The treatment of the candidates was still very mild compared to what Davie had been able to do at my place or to Bill at my friend's. To keep him sane, I took him out on a number of weekends and spoiled him rotten. We also had fantastic sex on those occasions. The boy told me, "I am enjoying myself at the school so frequently that it must have been true. Those kids are all so innocent," he would add.
David's father met Davie and me on numerous occasions. I made a fuss about all sorts of little things that were going on at the school. I said, "I am not happy and maybe Davie should have a tutor and live at home." I said this in a matter of fact way without it really being more than a general moan but hopefully I had sown the seed.
Just after half term, John's school received an anonymous letter about his misuse of the cane. There was sufficient truth to make the exaggerations seemed to fit in. John was powerless to do anything other than to offer to resign. The school equally was forced to accept the resignation as the letter contained threats of adverse publicity. The headmaster let him serve out the term and put him under no pressure to do anything precipitate.
He found it difficult, more accurately impossible, to find another teaching post. I had a certain amount to do with it but the school was not over keen to risk giving him an excellent unqualified reference. They feared that the writer of the letter might follow it up. He would be seen in a very poor light if he had helped him do the same elsewhere.
The holidays were quite near before John really started to worry. I cannot think how it happened but his house burnt down one day while he was at school. As it happens so often, he wasn't insured. The police said they suspected arson but there were no clues to follow up.
Davie timed things very well at the school. More precisely, there was a false fire alarm set off (secretly by Davie). In the mêlée, the housemaster saw Pissy Pants in the nappies and rubber pants that Davie had 'given' him for his birthday. Davie had made sure he wore nothing else to bed from then on! Davie took the blame as it was part of his master plan and David was not to suffer – yet! Davie was asked to leave the school. It would be wrong to say he was expelled but, if I hadn't withdrawn him, that is what would have happened. He nobly kept David's name out of it although many members of the staff had their suspicions.
Davie was able to have long talks with various members of the form before he left. Pissy Pants was particularly keen to get his revenge on David. Davie also spoke to several boys who had been in David's gang last year. By the time he had finished, he knew that David would find himself on the receiving end for a long time. Davie gave Pissy Pants another set of nappies and rubber pants but "not for you to wear."
Davie had a stroke of good fortune. He had to pack up his things while the others were having sports. This was to save long Good byes in the words of the headmaster. He was on his own. As well as his own kit, he packed all David's underpants and pyjamas. He had brought with him when he arrived some old shorts for any such occasion. David and he had planned to get one of the other boys into them as they were so short and tight. He was able to substitute them for David's spare long trousers. His own sports kit was in the changing room. This gave him the chance to go there and swap David's only remaining long trousers for something very different. I felt a bit sorry for David when Davie told me what he had done.
I immediately contacted John and talked to him about tutoring Davie. It was easy as John needed a job so badly. I said, "If everything goes well, David could join us. You would then tutor him alongside Davie. I would like to delay that for a term. After this mess, Davie will need to work hard for a bit. It would be a distraction for him to have his friend there."
I said to John, "Think about it and let me know within a week or so. I have to decide what to do about Davie."
The man made immediate positive noises but I said that I wanted him to think carefully about it. I added, "Please don't discuss this with your son because I don't want it getting back to Davie. If it cannot be worked out, he would be so upset."
I knew that the man would agree to keep silent. This was exactly what I wanted and what happened.
We heard from P.P. that the headmaster had addressed the form a couple of hours after Davie had left. We do have the recording from David's pen but it was not very clear. The head had said.
"As you know a rather nasty boy left the school today. I am grateful that none of you were such bullies but only a boy who had just come to the school. I will not tolerate any sort of bullying. It is the dormitory captain's duty to stop it and, if necessary, to tell the housemaster or myself. I cannot completely exonerate the current holder of the position. Traditionally I have always given it to the oldest boy in the form. David was appointed as he is nearly a year older than the rest of you. You will recollect that he was in a more senior form last year. He will no longer be dormitory captain. The next oldest boy will take his place. I find it interesting and somewhat gratifying that the new incumbent will be the boy that David so obviously failed to look after."
"I am pleased to see David is now wearing his old shorts as it symbolises rather well his new status. I trust he will be not tempted to wear his long trousers again this year. I would suggest, David, that you write to your father for some new shorts as those are rather old and threadbare."
It was lucky that P.P. intercepted the letter and sent it to me. As a result, a tailor friend of mine contacted the school matron two days later. He said to her: "David's father has asked me to make some new kit for his boy. He said that he was keen that it should conform to the general style of the other boys. While you have a uniform, he wanted it to stress subtly that the boy was back into sort pants. I will need to take his measurements. Ideally I would also like to see the kit that the other boys wear. I don't think it would be good for the boy's new clothes to look too new or smart. His father considers that he is back in shorts as a sort of PUNISHMENT."
It had upset the matron that Davie had been using clothing to humiliate P.P. She considered clothes to be HER domain. She KNEW that David was at least as much to blame as Davie but she had no hard evidence. For these reasons, she was only too pleased to help the tailor cut David down to size. She was a wily old bird and she said to him, "If you ask me, not that any of the staff here do, Davie was innocent but took the blame to get David off the hook. I wish I knew why anybody should help that brat. Do try to make the clothes as unpleasant for the boy as you can. It might help if you were to meet the boy that they had been bullying. You can then see what a pleasant polite lad he is."
The tailor said, "I think that I could persuade David's dad to give THAT boy the long trousers that I had just made for David. I happen to have them with me. What do you think?"
The woman replied, "That would be marvellous but make sure that BOTH boys know that they were intended for David. I will then make sure the rest of the year know. It will be a bitter pill for David to take. You can phone the man from my office."
That was sorted out with a call to me! The tailor saw both boys. He suggested that David takes off his flannels but the woman said, "Not in front of any other lad at this school."
David, being well aware of his missing underwear and possible trouble from that Witch, said, "Could you measure me in private, PLEASE?"
The man agreed and they went into a side room. He said to the abashed lad, "Right. I have done you a favour. Remember that! Now strip off completely to save me time.
3; Now listen carefully to me. I know your Dad very well although I have never met you before. Your father has got a lot of problems as you know only too well. He misses having a wife, his home has been burnt down and now he is finding it difficult to get a new job. The last thing he wants is trouble from you. I was at school with him. If you have any problems, please tell me about all of them rather than him. If he takes the job tutoring your friend, which he has been offered, things will become easier for him. You should try to avoid worrying him until then. Do you understand?"
The boy apologised for everything even for existing. The man was pleased so far and continued to berate the now nude boy. "Why on earth are you not wearing underwear?"
The boy blushed and said, "Someone stole it. I have looked for it everywhere."
The man put his head out of the door and asked matron if he could speak to the boy's dormitory captain. P.P. arrived and went straight into the room. The man invited him to sit down. David, who was standing up stark naked, looked very uncomfortable. The man spoke to both boys, "I am nothing to do with the school. I don't want to get anyone into trouble. What is said in here will not be reported to the school staff. I need to understand exactly what is going on. Now, David has said that someone has stolen his underwear. I would like to ask you as you have no axe to grind. Could any other boy at this school want to hurt David, to get his revenge or something similar?"
P.P. answered, "I won't sneak but most of the form feel that way about him. If he were to get more underwear, it would almost certainly disappear tomorrow."
The man took over, "It seems to be that to give him more would be a waste of time. Am I right?"
P.P. agreed. The man went on, "I will make you, David, a new grey flannel suit with two pairs of grey flannel shorts. I will make one even shorter than the other and it will be up to this senior lad which you wear. I will also make you a replacement set of P.E. kit and a new sports kit. Is that the lot?"
The man caught P.P.'s eye and the boy got a good idea of what was afoot. He said, "He also should have new swimming trunks."
The man then asked P.P. to help him measure the boy. The measurements started off normally but at one point the man asked "Which side does your penis hang?" Then later he asked "Does your penis get much longer than that? It would help if you could get it hard as then I can see what your clothes have to hide."
Somehow David didn't break down into tears and surprisingly his cock erected quite involuntarily. David tried to cover himself but the man told him, "Don't be stupid. I need to see it."
The boy started to cry as he saw P.P. smiling and knew that everyone would hear about it in the dormitory that evening.
The man then left with the boy's clothes. P.P. came out with him. The tailor said, "Wait there I will be back."
He asked the matron to leave David there 'for a bit' as he would be back. He wanted to look see how the other boys dressed. What he wanted to do was to talk to P.P. The tailor said that he was no friend of David's father but a friend of Davie and I know everything that went on in the dormitory. "I will send you anything you require. I think the new clothing that I will make for David should help." He went on to explain the unusual elements of the boy's new 'uniform':
The shirt would be without tails but it would have an elasticised waist like a girl's blouse.
The stockings would need garters but there wouldn't be any.
The jacket would have all its pockets sewn up. The button holes would be enlarged so the jacket wouldn't keep done up.
The 'decent' shorts would be very short and wide in the leg. When the boy is standing, even if his penis is erect, he would just be decent but the shape of the penis would be easy to make out. If he is sitting with an erect penis, it will stick out under the hem of the shorts. When he is seated but not excited, the tip of his penis would still be visible to any boy who is sitting and facing him. In addition the shorts would have
- All their pockets sewn up.
- The fly buttons replaced by press studs. The clip at the top would be completely missing.
- The shorts would have no belt loops and no buttons for braces.
The 'punishment' shorts would be as above but
- The trouser legs would be one inch [2½ cm] shorter still.
- The pockets would not be sewn up rather their bottoms completely removed.
- About one third of the press studs would be missing from the flies.
- The waist band would be two inches [5 cm] too loose so that the shorts would continually slip down if he does not keep his hands in the bottomless pockets.
- In the area between his legs and near his anus, there would be would include some horse hair in the stitching.
- The material would be slightly bleached round the flies.
The P.E. kit would be very thin and slightly translucent.
The Games kit would be tight around his 'interesting' areas.
The Swimming Trunks would be made of a material that became somewhat transparent when wet!
The man said that he would bring the new kit in two days. He would like to give them to P.P. to look after but he would need to collect the clothes that were being replaced. P.P. said that he saw no problem in helping there. He then added, "There are a couple of things that I would like that Davie couldn't give me before he left."
The man promised that he would bring them and added I will give you my phone number so if you ever want anything else just phone me. You can reverse the charges.
Before he left he said to the two boys, "Your matron has asked me to speak to you, David, about a problem she has with your bedding. It is a subject that women find very difficult to talk about even to young boys like you. Even I find it somewhat embarrassing. I have asked your dormitory captain to be here as he should know what miserable boys like you get up to at night. When she collects your sheets to go to the laundry, she has noticed what she calls snail tracks on them. David, do you know what she means?"
David obviously did if one judged by his scarlet cheeks. The next ten minutes he spent having to explain to P.P. and the tailor what he understood the phase to mean! The man got every iota of fun out of the situation. David broke down in tears on several occasions. The man then said, "There are two common solutions if a boy cannot control this filthy practice
- They could lie naked on the top of their bed to play with themselves so they shot over their body. They could then rub it into their bodies and continue to lie there until it had all dried. This way it would not get on the sheets and could be showered off in the morning.
- They could masturbate in a sitting position and climax into their other hand. They could then lick up the mess. Provided they were very careful to lick up every drop they would not embarrass anyone."
The man reminisced. "When I was at school about your age there was a very small lad who couldn't leave himself alone. He would lie on his bed and come all over himself. We would use the fact, that he had to wait to dry off, to use his mouth to get rid of our own emissions."
According to the man David's face was a picture. He hoped that P.P. would think about that imaginary boy.
Two days later the man returned and David found his worst fears confirmed. I do not know what the man said to the matron but she replaced his sheets with rubber ones. PP decided that the boy could often sleep nude rather than in the baby wear. David never knew exactly what was going to happen each night after lights out. All he did know was that it wouldn't be pleasant for him.
The tailor saw the school secretary. He gave her a new address for John, David's father, now that his home was burnt down. He also gave another address to David as his father would be travelling once the term ended. Both addresses would mean that I would get the letters and could vet what John heard about and from his son. The dormitory captains gave out the post to the boys in their forms and P.P. promised to intercept all letters from John and substitute ones that I had forged. We were thus able to control all communication between father and son. This I had regarded as a major hurdle.
The tailor and matron got on very well together and he became a frequent visitor to the school. He slowly influenced the woman in interesting ways. After a few weeks, there must have been a good half dozen kids in clothes he had either made, or specially adapted. The tailor was careful not to do anything to humiliate other lads in David's year. However any other kid that matron wanted humbled was fair game. It was matron who suggested that David's old form might like him to spend a couple of nights a week in a spare bed in their dormitory. This was an idea that was immediately implemented and, at P.P.'s suggestion, a boy from the more senior class spent the night in David's bed.
Another idea of matron led her to talk to P.P. "It seems to me that David was the real culprit of your humiliating dress rather than Davie. If he were to have a wet bed on two or three occasions, I could have him wear the sort of things that he made you wear."
David's bed was wet on the next two mornings. David was not only in nappies and rubber pants every night from then on but he slept on plastic sheets with another transparent sheet as his only covering.
Chapter Fourteen Going Home
Davie needed to be rewarded. Before we went home, my friend invited us to stay for a couple of days. I felt sorry for Bill, although he had left school and that saved him some of the constant bullying. Although Bill, Edgar and Derek had just left school, they continued to go to the swimming training sessions four times a week. After a few of the other boys had left, the evening's character would change significantly. Usually more people arrived than left. Some of these were men but others were kids. One regular visitor brought his two kids: twins of nine, a boy and a girl. The little kids were becoming very expert with a cane. Occasionally Bill would find he was not the only slave there. That would have its own problems as they would be expected to put on a show together. Eventual the meeting would end when Bill would either walk home straight away or first spend much of the night with the instructor. Since Derek was now working full time at the farm he would bring Bill's clothes back with him in the morning.
As a 'Thank You' for his help, I had given the farmer an electrolysis kit for hair removal. The man had continued Davie's lopsided treatment of Bill and the little hair that still grew on the right hand side of the boy's body was now very fine and sparse. I said in another six months, you will not have to use the machine every day. He said I think that I might then work on the boy's right eyebrow. I didn't make any further comment but wondered if Adam and Colin were safe from the machine.
I need not have worried about Colin, as the man had a surprise for Davie. We had spent several days there. When the time came to depart, my friend said to Davie, "How would you like Colin as a personal servant? He would belong to YOU not your uncle."
Davie naturally was overjoyed at the idea. Although I could foresee problems when John arrived, I kept quiet. No one asked Colin his views and he seemed to be very upset. He begged my friend to reconsider.
The man just said, "I can hardly retract my offer can I?"
I had a very different surprise for Davie. I told him that I had submitted the video he had taken of the father and four boys to the organisation. They had accepted it as being the work of a certain David Prescott. He was now a contributor to the organisation in his own right. They had no idea of his age and it would be fun when he went to his first seminar! I think my present pleased him even more than my friend's. I hadn't even told him how rich the video had already made him!
The journey back to Scotland was uneventful. Davie sat with Colin in the back of the car. I found their goings on made my driving quite difficult. I had pointed out that, when the man had given him Colin, he had not given Davie any clothes for him. I didn't feel like spending money on Colin. Davie had no intention of lending him any clothes. When we parked for refreshments, I did lend him some handcuffs and if the car was in a very public place, I considered it prudent to throw a travelling rug over him. Davie would always buy him some food and drink. I don't know why he always selected baby food and made him drink milk through a straw. Colin found it all as difficult to take as Davie intended.
En route we stayed with a couple of my friends overnight. Davie enjoyed these stopovers as much as I did but Colin seemed unhappy about meeting new people. Davie is very generous with his things. This made it more difficult for Colin. Davie always has liked to thank his hosts in practical ways.
There was one amusing incident when Colin seemed to be about to refuse to do something or other. It was not a serious revolt as he would have succumbed to a little pressure as I and almost certainly Davie realised. He had just said "No! I won't." In Davie's book that was very serious. We were driving though some wild countryside at the time as I dislike driving on dull motorways if I can help it. Davie asked me to find somewhere to stop. Once I did, Davie taught the boy never to say "No!" again. Davie called this his obedience training. Davie, armed with a willow switch, made the poor boy do anything that caught Davie's fancy. Some of the things made me realise how young the two kids were. For example Colin had to
- lie motionless for two minutes in an icy stream.
- roll in a patch of stinging nettles. Pick some and stroke various parts of his body with them and eat some of the more tender leaves.
- collect some slugs and then swallow them still alive. These made him sick. He had to lick the mess off the grass although there was dirt mixed into it.
When we arrived back, Davie wanted to see how things had changed while he had been away. The main addition was The Dungeons. The castle had always had some so-called dungeons. I was never sure why they had been built. The castle was far too modern to have had any real use for them. I think the original idea had been a folly as you find so often in the U.K. These were built to make the place look as if it was something that it never could have been.
Whatever was the original reason for the dungeons, they looked very realistic even before I did anything to them. They had been 'improved' in the sixties when a small film production company used them as a set for a cheap television movie. I don't think the company ever completed it. Anyhow, I never heard of it being screened. I would love to get a copy.
I had been very much in two minds when deciding how to adapt the dungeons. They had an aura that I was determined no to damage. My interests didn't really include medieval tortures but modern derivations from them. It would be tricky to carry out these in the antique environment without harming the atmosphere. I had delayed doing anything until two months before. Now several of the dungeons had been completely updated. I hoped that I had managed to keep the atmosphere of a period where torture was common and comparatively straight forward. I had carefully hidden all the modern elements: plumbing, artificial lighting, emergency medical facilities, video cameras, etc. I had even to eschew mirrors as I couldn't make them fit in. Although there was artificial lighting, I used it only when absolutely necessary. When I was forced to use it, it came through the same small barred windows as did the little daylight that filtered in.
There was a potential problem with the temperature. The stone walls were very cold and modern man cannot safely survive in the Scottish climate without sufficient clothing and heating. I had initially thought about using braziers to supply the heat. I used them for a couple of weeks. It was far too much work to heat such large areas this way and I was worried about their inherent danger. Initially the windows were unglazed so there were plenty of draughts! This was impractical and I was worried about the health of the prisoners. If they fell ill or died, one had to put off further non medical treatments. Now the windows had double glazing but it was quite invisible from inside. There was an efficient central heating system but well hidden away from sight and NEVER mentioned to the prisoners. The atmosphere made them feel cold even if I turned up the heating in the room to an almost unbearable level! The braziers were still there with branding irons lying around. No prisoner ever complained of feeling cold!
Chains and rope were in evidence together with many large padlocks and pulleys. I had left the basic sewage system well alone. It consisted of open ditches running down the centre of the dungeons. Now these could be swilled down with clean water, disinfectant or, more usually, the waste from the school's toilets. There was no other obvious running water but there WAS a well. The old sewage channels could be diverted to fill the well up to its brim. If we needed, we could get mains water easily from a stand pipe hidden in one of the walls. I replaced all 'modern' things like canes with the ancient common instruments of correction. These included natural items like switches from apple or silver birch trees and bunches of nettles. There were also man-made things like quirts, pony and horse whips.
There were other instruments of indeterminate date such as birches and tawses. I did not display them in the dungeon as they mostly looked out of place. There were more severe instruments but they were mainly for show. There was a valuable collection of cat of nine tails, knouts and many other curious instruments from Russia, Africa and the Far East. Most of these I would not dare use as much from the safety aspects as because of their value. I was trying to get replicas made so I could experiment with them to discover what damage they could do. I disliked having things around which I had never used and had no intention of using. Nevertheless there was an Iron Maiden but I didn't want to get rid of it! The scold's bridles on the other hand I found to be quite useful as was a ducking stool. Mind you. I had nearly to flood the sewage system to fill the well enough to use it.
I never allowed prisoners in the dungeon to wear clothing. That would have spoilt the atmosphere if it had been modern or created a sense of unreality if it had been in period. It was different for the guards who normally wore sufficient untreated leather garments to make them somewhat 'decent'. Some preferred to show off their bodies and I would let them if they were well enough endowed. Any garment they wore had to be easy to remove should that be desirable. The contrast between the nude tied up prisoners and the partially clothed guards was visually exciting. I saw the dungeons to some extent as an extension of the school. Fags and, more frequently, assistant teachers were withdrawn from the school to spend time in them. However many other prisoners in the dungeon never even knew of the school's existence.
I would at times have only a single prisoner in the dungeons. At others, I would have two or more captives in full view of each other but prohibited from talking. This prohibition might simply be a verbal 'request' with an implied threat. Alternatively it might lead to the use the scold's bridles or even worse. It was most effective, however, to put them in different dungeons where they could hear each other suffer. If they really wanted to communicate, they would have to shout. This would give me an excuse for some very severe extra punishment! I normally restricted using this type of training, with two or more prisoners to when I got hold of lovers or brothers.
Only three days before I went to England to collect Davie, a new prisoner had arrived. He had now been in the dungeons for over a week. He had been regularly fed but he was bound and was lying on a straw pallet. He had not been able to move off it since he had arrived. He had no other bedding. He smelt and the pallet needed to be burnt. One particular jailer had fed him and he had seen no one else since I had gone South. The jailer had to spoon feed the prisoner. His hands were chained to either end of a wooden beam and his feet were similarly chained to another beam. These beams were pulled apart by chains attached to their centres. He was spread-eagled on his back but could be rolled over onto his front very easily. On the other hand, he could not turn over without help.
His guard was instructed NOT to talk to him and to leave, if the prisoner tried to speak. He could return later to finish feeding the boy. I better explain who this boy was. A certain man had been a 'great friend' of mine when I was at school. He had lived in the nearby village and made his house available to me and entertained me there. He was the first man I had seen punish a young boy for purely sexual gratification. He had two sons one nine years younger than me, and the other two years his junior. Now they were fourteen and twelve. It was the older one, Freddie, whose bottom I remembered being beaten, who was the prisoner.
He had written letters to various authorities saying that his father had, for the past six years, beaten him regularly in front of strangers. He was always stripped stark naked and often some man would masturbate him afterwards. The letters continued that now his father was treating his brother the same way. The father had recently started having the younger brother sleep with him. Luckily my friend had intercepted the letters. He had held the boy safe until I had collected him. The man wanted him to learn that he was to do whatever he was told. "However long it takes you to teach him that lesson." I asked him exactly what he would like from the remodelled boy. He took him some time and quite a lot of my whisky. After he formulated his thoughts with my help, he summarised them
- He should do whatever he is told, without hesitation. This absolute obedience should be to anyone I nominate including all younger lads such as his brother.
- He should accept corporal punishment for whatever reason, or none! Both I and his little brother will punish him regularly. I may want to invite others to do it for us.
- He should be ashamed of his body. He should feel that he would like to keep it hidden but this will not effect his complete obedience.
- He should be cured of any wish to masturbate. When anyone orders him to do it especially in public, he should do it but find it very shaming.
- He should be available for his brother, or anyone else, to use to get his rocks off. Fucking a boy's arse or face is so much more healthy than wanking.
- Maybe you could make him permanently incontinent as that would make him less likely to try to run away. Cleanliness has always been very important to him. We could exploit this so he finds his condition particularly humiliating.
- Most importantly he should continue to feel that homosexuality is very wrong. Nevertheless, his constant feeling of shame about his body should make any normal heterosexual activities impossible.
I discussed these ideas and said there was no reason why I couldn't achieve them quite quickly.
The man interrupted me. "There is NO hurry. If he learns slowly and a bit more painfully, it would serve him right."
I asked him about making and publishing a video.
He replied, "It might be useful especially if you have a copy to show to his future acquaintances!" That way he would never know who has seen it. He should know that it was going to be given to many people. It would be great, if he has seen it and it really cut him down to size. Maybe he could even meet some strangers who have got the video.
I said, "There is no problem as many of the purchasers of previous videos of mine have contacted me." In the case of this video, I would simple pass the names onto him. I would also put a comment on the video's introduction saying that contacts would be possible.
I mentioned Davie and said he was about his younger son's age. If the man agreed, I would put the main training in Davie's hands once he arrived home. It should help the boy learn that he is inferior to boys that are his brother's age. I also suggested that he and his younger son would be very welcome visitors. He said that once school holidays had started he would like nothing better and he was sure his son would agree. "That is my younger son as I don't care what the other one thinks," he added.
Well, Davie couldn't wait to see the new acquisition or the dungeons but they were just things. He put on a bearskin mask and slip. I dressed somewhat similarly and we went to visit the boy. The door was behind his head so we could see him through the bars without he seeing us. His current jailer went in to feed him while we watched. He undid the chain stretching out the boy's legs and tied it above his head. The boy was now curled over with his arse directly over his face. With his arms and legs wide apart, he couldn't even roll onto his side. The man 'forgot' to feed him and just left.
Ten minutes later Davie asked me to introduce him to the boy. We went in and stood over the boy. I said, "This is my nephew. He has just been expelled from his school for bullying. I want to see how good he is at it so I am making him your jailer. He is about the same age as your younger brother so it will be very suitable. I hope you will be very happy together but somehow I doubt it. I would advise you to do EXACTLY as he wants as he has a bad temper. Before I leave do you have any questions?"
As I expected he decided that any questions he might have were better unasked. Davie wasted no time and I hardly got back to my view point in time.
He said, "My uncle makes me sound wicked. Doesn't he?"
He paused and the boy felt compelled to answer, "Yes."
Davie continued, "Well he knows me quite well so he may be right but you will have to judge. I will ask you from time to time if I am really wicked or if he is a liar. I would advise you to think carefully before you answer such a question because I don't like being called wicked any more than he would like being called a liar."
Now Davie continued, "I think you want to go to the lavatory. Do you?"
He didn't wait for an answer but carried straight on, "I know you do. First I would like to watch you wank yourself. Most boys, of your brother's age, like to see big boys play with themselves. Do you do it for him? Never mind, you will if he wants you to when you go home. Sorry I should have said IF I let you go home. Are you left or right handed? Don't bother to answer. Unk has told you not to talk. Just twiddle the thumb you usually wank with.
3; I see, well let me see how you get on with your left hand. I will untie both as I have something else for your right hand."
"O.K. I have undone them. Now reach up with two fingers of your right hand and work them up your bum hole. Good, now wriggle them around inside as you start to play with your cock. Isn't that nice? Just think when you have come you will be able to go to the lavatory. It is at least a week since you have been allowed that luxury. You are getting hot."
"Let me try something. I will put my weight on the small of your back like this. Now you must pull up your head. Good. Now stick out your tongue and lick the tip of your cock. Don't stop licking until you have come. I WANT IT ALL to go in your mouth."
As with most kids of that age, it doesn't take them long whatever the conditions were. As soon as he came, Davie tied up the boy's hands again. The boy was sufficiently drained not to struggle. The boy almost spoke but though better of it.
Davie said, "Yes! You don't need to remind me, I said you could use the lavatory when you had wanked yourself and you can NOW."
The boy thought of objecting but his body took over. Just as it was all starting, Davie sat down again on the boy's lower back. This forced it down again and made sure that his face was in the firing line!
I will organise a bath for you in the morning if you are good tonight as you really stink. Davie said as he left the room closing the heavy door and noisily locking it.
He and I had a leisurely bath together. We then got in my big bed together. It was a long time before either of us was ready for sleep as we had so much to 'discuss'. We overslept in the morning.
I had made a hole in the floor of the central room in the dungeon area. It could be heated and drained. This would not be visible to anyone who was put into it. It was filled from a holding tank using the sewage trenches which ran through the victim's dungeon. In this case the liquid was
- 40 % boys' piss
- 50 % water
- 9 % colourless, odourless and tasteless disinfectants
- 1 % additives to increase the smell and colour of the piss.
The liquid was heated to the temperature of a hot bath. At the side of the bath, some turds had be piled on the floor.
When everything was ready, Davie dressed as he was the previous night went into the dungeon itself. The boy was still tied in the foetal position. From the state of his face, he had obviously messed himself yet again. He looked pleased to see someone although he must have known that Davie being there would not be the harbinger of anything pleasant.
Davie DID untie him and help him stand. The boy found standing very difficult after so long lying down. He still found it difficult to accept the proffered hand. Davie led him to the bath and silently indicated that he should get into the smelly liquid. The boy was about to say something, possibly to object, but Davie put his finger to his lips and the boy kept mum. He was learning. He got into the bath. When Davie indicated, he lay full length in it.
Davie then placed a metal grid over the top of the bath. He locked it in place. It was only about three inches [7½ cm] above surface of the liquid. This allowed the boy to breathe but kept his whole body submerged. Lastly his wrists were handcuffed through the grid so he couldn't do anything naughty. Davie smiled and did that naughty thing for him but stopped seconds away from his first climax since he had been with me. Davie remarked to me, "Those handcuffs will be necessary."
Since the object of the bath was to ease the boy's muscles, some bath salts were added. These had been selected not to mask the lavatory smell. Davie left the boy to soak. The temperature of the bath could be controlled from outside the room. It was steadily increased. This was NOT to damage the kid but to open his pores so that his body would absorb more of the odour of the liquid. It also helped the antiseptic to treat his body after his long contact with the soiled pallet. Any mental effects would naturally not be treated!
Davie was amused. All the boy would be able to see from the bath was the enigmatic pile of turds. Davie knew the boy would be fascinated by its threat as many snakes fascinate their prey. In fact they were not real but made out of mud and similar constituents but they had the appropriate odour and feel. There was no way that the poor boy would ever know that they were artificial.
Davie wanted to visit the school to resume his prefects' meetings and to find out what had happened there. He was eager to reassert his influence and to set up the day's activities. We decided the boy soaking in the unpleasant bath would come to no harm for an hour or so. Eventually Davie returned to the dungeon area. He undid the boy's handcuffs and then the grid.
He said to the boy, "You have been in silence for long enough. You can talk and people will talk to you from now on. If, however, you don't do EXACTLY as I want, you will be back in Coventry and this time it will be for a whole month. I am sure you don't want that!"
The boy had got so used to being in silence that he just nodded his head violently. Davie had to remind him that he could talk!
The boy said, "I will do anything but please don't put me back into silence. It is awful. You have no idea."
Davie smiled but said nothing.
Davie enjoyed the moment. He paused to let the boy realise what he had promised. Davie then said, "Right. You see that pile of shit. Stand up and take a handful of shit. I will tell you what to do with it.
3; Oh! Remember your promise.
3; That's a nice large lump. Now rub it all round your prick and balls.
3; O.K. Rub the shitty cock a bit. It's bigger than mine when it's hard like that but you ARE older than me.
3; Now rub some of that nasty stuff on your legs.
3; Now push some up your bum crack. I KNOW it's not your own shit but no one else will. They will think you have shitted yourself!
3; Now take another handful and rub it into your chest.
3; Yes, coat your nipples thoroughly.
3; Don't forget to smile happily for the cameras.
3; Now move to your arm pits really cover any hairs you have there.
There is a lot of shit left. Isn't there? Have you any ideas about what you could do with it all?"
Davie paused and waited. The poor older lad suddenly broke down and started crying. He clearly didn't dare to say anything. Davie wasn't letting him get away with that and said, "I'm waiting!"
The boy sputtered and said, "My face?"
Davie just said, "And?"
Davie was being very clever. I would have covered the boy's face before this conversation and the camera would have missed the boy's red cheeks and horrified expressions.
The boy eventually muttered, "My hair but
All Davie said, "Remember your promise. And?"
The boy said, maybe honestly, "I don't know."
Davie had won enough game points and just said, "You will find out. Now put that undamaged turd on the side. Take a good handful.
3; Good, rub it into your hair. Pretend you are shampooing it.
3; That's perfect. Make some tufts stand up.
3; Are you a comic? You look like one.
3; You are being a good child. Remember keep like that. It will save you many problems.
3; Move onto your face. Use plenty and rub it so it won't just fall off.
3; Now stuff as much as you can into your ears. You will still be able to hear.
3; Now your nostrils. I'm sure you don't want to smell your own stink.
3; Now say 'Thank you for letting me stuff shit up my nose'."
Davie waited and eventually the boy said the required "Thank you for letting me stuff shit up my nose."
Davie had him shout it out and told him he would be saying it again later. He better remember the sentence. Davie then said, "That last turd. Any Ideas?"
He didn't press for an answer this time although the boy obviously had a good idea. "O.K. Pick it up. Bite a bit off the end. EAT it."
Twenty minutes later it had all been eaten. The boy wasn't actually physically sick.
Davie put the boy back into handcuffs. This time, in the traditional way, he fastened them behind the boy's back. The boy was having trouble with the bits of muck still in his mouth but Davie firmly told him, "You have had all the shit to eat that you are going to. Don't be greedy."
The boy was led upstairs and into the school hall where everyone had gathered. Both the headmaster and I left everything to Davie. We were as interested about what would happen as the kids were!
Once Davie had quietened the pupils he made his victim say loudly yet again "Thank you for letting me stuff shit up my nose."
I thought the laughter would never die down. Davie held the letter the boy had written and ordered the boy to read it:
Dear Policeman,
My name is Freddie. I live 24 Station Road. I am 14 years old. I have a brother Jim who is eleven. We live with our Dad. I cannot member my Mum.
I want to tell you sumthin real important like. On my eighth birthday Dad told me I was now a big boy. I had a birfday party with all the boys from my forme at skool theire. We had nice food and Dad got a magic man to come. Then everythin went rongg. I fink my dad suggest it but the other boys decided I should be in my birfday suit for my birfday. We had a magic man and he made me come up and help him He said if I didnt he might magic my thing away and he kept on makin nasty remarks about it.
When the other kids left, I couldn't find any of my cloaves. The magic man said he had magiced them away but he had left me my thing. He made me thank him. Dad had a second birfday party for me with his oune freinds. The men teased me for being naked and the magic man sat me on his nees and played with my thing. I got a nice tickle down there many times. Dad told be he was giving me more interesting cloaves and said he had given all my old ones away. My new cloaves were all very thin and there were no 'unnecessary' cloaves as Dad putted it. I have never had no underwear since. They were very bright kolors and I liked them. now I alwaise stand out in a crowed. All the other boys at skool wear jeans or longs but I have to wear these stupid shorts. They have elastic and not a proper beilt and other boys pull them down and every one laufs when they sea my tinkle.
The next weekends the magic man and several other mans stayed. I had to share my bed and I know never had kno pyjamas. I had to learn how to give myself that tickle in front of them all. One of the men was my headmaster and he told my Dad that I was not working proper at skool. Dad bent me over in front of everyone including my little brother and spanked me. This has happened nearly every weekend since. There is a nearby public boarding school and a lot of those boys like to see me spanked or even spank me themselves. Even when there are no visitors, I was asleeping in Dad's big bed. When there are visitors I sleep in the middle and they do awful things to me. When I went to my Secondary modern school my old headmaster wrote to my new one and said that I had been doing sports in the nude as I was always forgeeting my kit. I still do sport class naked although the tenness courts are by a public footpath and some of dad's freinds walk along it when I have games. They often take fotos of me.
I am used to this but now Dad has given me my brother's room and my brother sleeps with him. It is unfair. I dount like sleeping aloune.
Davie didn't just make him read it out. He questioned about everything in it. Long before the boy had finished reading it, he was in tears. Davie then asked for volunteers to take the boy to the swimming pool and clean him up. He gave the four smallest prefects wet suits to wear. Incidentally the pool has a very effective filter system so the water would soon be clean again.
When the wet, smelly but cleaner boy returned, Davie wasted no time:
"I am sure you realise that you need to be punished. Your letter shows
- You are jealous of you little brother. You feel upset, now that your father spends some time with him instead all of it with you.
- You tried to get your own father into trouble.
- You object to your teachers trying to teach you some self discipline.
- You seem to think that your body is something that is shameful.
- When older boys and some friends of your father kindly spend some time with you, all you can do is to criticise them."
"I could go on but there is little point is there? You seem to have been caned by your father so I will do the same. I am only young so I will give you three strokes on each of the five points that I have just made. You will get fifteen strokes from me each week until you go home."
"From your letter you seem to be quite experienced in the ways of the world but I am going to test you. Now I am sure that you would like some nice clean food. I know that you haven't had much tasty food over the past week. I will make it interesting. It will let me see how well you have learnt your lessons."
Davie called the fags and assistant teachers onto the stage. He told those of them that were wearing anything to undress, They then had to play with themselves until they were hard. He lined them up by the size of their erections. The boys that were still quite small down there were at the front.
The first boy stood on a chair and Davie put some honey onto his small pubic bush. He explained to the boy being punished, "You will take this boy's cock in your mouth. You cannot touch him with your hands as they are still handcuffed. You will swallow his thing all the way down your throat so that your lips can get to the honey. You may not get the honey except by swallowing his cock. You will suck the cock until it shoots to thank him for giving you the honey. You can the swallow the cum and the honey."
This way he got a full meal. It took him most of the day before he had 'deep throated' all the boys and young men. Davie wanted more than that from him. He selected certain fags for the boy to give a second turn to. Davie ordered some of the assistant teachers to fuck the lad. Davie being Davie was still scheming and he whispered something to some prefects who wanked two fags until they were exhausted. Naturally Davie selected these for the boy's final partners!
Eventually Davie decided that it was time to give him his punishment as he had eaten enough! He made a big show of it with everyone watching. He started "You have to get fifteen strokes a week. I have just realised that no one punished you last week. So today I will give you thirty strokes. I consider that to be too much for your bum so you will get some of them elsewhere."
The thirty strokes were given as follows
- 12 in the traditional way across the bum.
- 3 on the bum but at right angles to the first dozen.
- 3 on the back of the thighs.
- 3 on the inside of each thigh – 6 in all.
- 3 across the fronts of the thighs.
- 3 on his erect cock which he had to hold in the flat palm of his left hand. However he moved several times as the strokes landed so Davie repeated those strokes.
I was pleased that he was still so accurate. I had feared that after his stay at the school he would be out of practice. He had so little opportunity there to cane other boys. I didn't consider the dormitory activities significant.
Davie asked to boy if he still felt dirty. The poor lad had no idea what answer Davie expected. He knew that the only way to answer such questions is guess what answer was wanted. Whether he felt dirty or not, was quite besides the point.
He decided to play for time and said, "Yes. Just a bit but I don't really mind."
Davie said, "I think your problem is that you have such thick hair. If I shave it off, you should be able to clean yourself better. Don't you agree?"
Again the boy was trapped. He knew not agreeing would result in a lot of pain and then Davie would just ask again. He muttered, "Yes."
This was all that Davie wanted to hear. Half an hour later the only places where the boy still had hair were his eyelashes and inside his nostrils!
That was more or less the end of that day's punishment. Freddie slept that night in the dungeon. When Davie woke him the next morning, the boy seemed to want to stay where he was. Davie decided to ask my sister to see if he was O.K. He gave Davie no more problems. At the prefects' meeting, Davie said that any boy or boys who wanted to use a camp bed in the boy's dungeon had just to ask.
I can still remember when Freddie's father and brother first visited us. Davie had a party for them. Freddie was the entertainment. The boy had to re-enact that bath he had after his initial incarceration. Everyone crowded into the central room of the dungeons as he had another smelly bath. Then as before there was a pile of artificial shit. Freddie hardly put up a struggle as Davie had really broken him in. Once the boy had pushed shit up everywhere that he could, Davie spoke I am feeling kind. "You won't have to eat it this time as your brother has some that he has saved especially for you."
I felt a bit sorry as the boy lay willingly on the floor as his kid brother squatted over him to shit in his mouth. Poor Freddie thought he was getting off lightly by have a youngster's new shit rather than the stale ever smellier stuff. Little did he know that the smelly stuff was harmless imitation.
Later on that day, he had Freddie, whom he called Fredericia, marry Colin and they publicly consummated the marriage!
Davie did a lot of other things (or boys) before John arrived to tutor him but space is limited and they are somewhat repetitious. I will, therefore, close this chapter at this point.