Scrub aka Simon
Davie and David
A Fictional Autobiography
by A British Roughman
Chapters 15-18
Chapter Fifteen John Waits
After John's home had burnt down, he had nowhere to live and, soon after that, no job. He asked me for help.
I said "I could advance David's school fees but that is really all I should do. If I give you more than that, you would earn nothing while you are working for me. As it is, you will earn little after you repay the capital and interest on my advance."
He was persistent and said that he would need to earn nothing as it would be a full time job. In the end I sorted out a bank loan that had been secured on his erstwhile house. I lent him just enough to stop him becoming bankrupt. He would have to return all his earnings for the first two years to me! It would put me in a very powerful position when I sacked him. Possibly more importantly he wouldn't leave of his our volition. My lawyer drew up the papers and John never even studied them.
He asked if he could start early as he had nowhere to live. I said that Davie needed a break. In the end, I found him a job working on a farm. I am sure you can guess whose! My friend had to stay out of sight. It was quite easy as John was part of a gang of navvies repairing some farm buildings on an adjoining farm that he had acquired. It was three miles [5 km] from the farm itself. The workmen lived in one of the repaired buildings. My friend's foreman bought their food out every day and their money every Saturday. I felt quite sorry for my brother in law. He collected fourteen pence each week as the rest went on accommodation, food and paying off debts that he had incurred when he had bought some things that no longer even existed.
His problems did not end there as the rest of the gang teased him unmercifully because of his upper class accent and unsuitable clothing. I had offered them a considerable bonus if the man's existence was sufficiently unpleasant. On his first week there he washed out his only underwear. He had lost all the clothes that he had not been wearing in the fire. He left the underwear to dry overnight in the communal bathroom. Somehow or other they were missing in the morning. For the remaining six weeks he did not dare to wash any of his remaining clothes. Even so they had suffered. They were not the tough clothes that the others wore. Flannel is more easily torn than denim! Some men had picked fights with John and they always seemed to damage his clothing. Initially he had taken off his clothes to sleep but soon learnt that this was not wise. Even so, some mornings they were damaged. He couldn't prove anything of course. Even if he had been able to, it wouldn't have helped.
The others went out in one of their ramshackled cars twice a week they went to a local pub to do a bit of drinking and whoring. John had no money for anything. He would not have spent it that way even if he had. This got him the reputation initially of a spoilsport but that did not matter to him much.
One man then decided that since he did not go whoring and he must be a queer. The men all agreed that this must be the reason so one evening they brought an old hag back with them. They told John that if you a not a queer you can prove it by fucking this woman in front of us! John declined which proved that he was One of Those Men as far as they were concerned.
At this point, things became much worse for him. One of the men invited a very elderly and dirty man, who wore a dress, to visit our friend so you can both have a good time. They almost forced John to have sex with the man but gave up. My friend was a bit upset. He had found this really unpleasant looking man. My friend had give him quite a tidy sum to be as objectionable as possible with the queer basher that he will be introduced to.
The other workmen got less from my friend than they expected. They took their anger out on John. Amongst other things they took all his remaining clothes away and gave him a very threadbare dress. They also made to do all the unpleasant work that was around.
Unluckily for me but luckily for John, we needed him to start tutoring Davie shortly after that episode. Davie and I drove down to collect the man in his dress. He was glad to see me but I wonder if he had known
Chapter Sixteen David's Holiday
David could hardly stay at school for the holidays. On the other hand he couldn't visit his father or stay with me. I had to find a solution and stupidly John was pleased about what I arranged. A friend of mine ran a holiday camp that was deep in the countryside and without public transport or even a nearby main road. The local people regarded the kids as an intrusion and rejected any overtures of friendship the kids might have offered. The campers were unwelcome in the nearby villages partly because there had been a number of windows broken and some thefts. The camp authorities were happy that there was this antagonism, as it made the chance of the boys running away successfully minimal.
It was equally unlikely that there would be visits from their families to disturb the routine. Every Wednesday was an official visiting day. The man thought it best to avoid the weekends! There were plenty of visitors but they were all his friends. There had never been a relation of any of the kids who had made it. He did give them a map but it showed the camp some thirty miles [50 km] away. He doesn't think anyone has even tried to use it as he has never received any complaints about the difficulty of following it.
There were very basic wooden huts for sleeping and a huge old barn for eating and other such activities. The only other covered accommodation was the kitchen and his own house. Both were strictly out of bounds unless the boys were specifically taken or ordered to go there. The toilets were over an eight foot [2½ m] deep trench. Since the soil is chalk all the liquid soaks away quickly. The most unpleasant job at the camp is shovelling the solid matter into a bucket and taking it to another hole some distance away. When that is full, the boys dig another hole. The man left the toilet completely exposed open to discourage unnatural goings on in his words.
The camp was principally for boys who parents were in prison or unable look after their kids for other reasons. A few went to a boys' club in a Nottinghamshire mining town but their families were also in a parlous state. The local authorities paid generously for the kids to go there as it saved them providing something themselves. Without exception the boys were tough and very much working class. David was a real snob and I knew would hate every second he was with them.
This wasn't to be his only problem. No one was paying for him so he would have to work for his keep. While the rough kids basked in the sun, swum in the pool and had a thoroughly enjoyable holiday, David had to slave away. He had to clean the toilets, washing the pans and every other nasty job anyone could find for him. No other boy had to shovel any of the shit. All this was only a minor irritation. His hut had all rather older lads in it and they intended to enjoy having him in the hut. Any hope of him being able to stop their fun ended when they found his rubber underpants.
They initiated him sexually as fourteen and fifteen year old kids will if they have power over a twelve year old. Luckily for him the strongest boy had tried to enter his backside first but it was far too tight. The boy forbade the others the use of David's arse until he had raped the virgin backside. The camp was wired for sound. The man who ran the camp saw this older boy the next morning. He said that David's arsehole was strictly off limits but they could do anything else they wanted.
This next night my friend, as he had arranged with the bully, caught David doing a strip tease at the other boys' request and naturally he blamed David. The boy received his first public caning as a result. I had told him that he was free to beat the boy as much as he wanted. I knew that was what he really enjoyed doing to kids. He often complained that he had to treat these 'Local Authority Hunks' with kid gloves. He intended to take full advantage of my permission.
The next morning he had all the boys in the middle of the field sitting in a semicircle. He called David into the centre. The man castigated him for a good half an hour before asking a very young favourite to strip David COMPLETELY. The man encouraged the little kid to take his time. Suddenly David's underwear came into view. He had no vest as Davie had 'lost' them all but his pants caused first giggles and then gales of laughter. He was wearing the rubber pants which, Davie before he left the school, had given to Pissy Pants for David. Pissy Pants (or Proud Peter as he now insisted the P.P. stood for) had made sure that David put them on before he went on holiday. Since then, David had no chance to get rid of them.
He would have preferred to be stark naked rather than seen in them! His problem was my friend inspected their kit every day. David could only hide them by wearing them. Just as these underpants, which had been pulled down earlier, were being removed, a very young kid put up his hand. "Please could I take pictures of this?"
The main said, "Certainly. David, dress again so that he can take his photographs from the beginning."
Poor David. It was half an hour later that those underpants were again about to be removed. The man looked at him critically, "Your privates were not like that when you were parading yourself in front of the other boys. GET THAT LITTLE THING UP NOW.
3; No. Don't touch it just think about what you wanted those boys to do to you.
3; DON'T dare turn away from the camera.
3; That's much better."
He turned to another very small boy who had put up his hand, "Yes?"
The boy said, "We are making some photos but wouldn't it be fun to make a video? Then there would be sound as well, wouldn't there?"
The man agreed and again the boy had to dress. The video started and the boy had to let himself be undressed yet one more time. On this occasion, the pants were left up and everything else removed.
The man then said, "It is time for a break there is milk and biscuits for everyone in the dining hut. David, you better stay here. Just stand up properly and face the entrance.
3; No, keep your hands out of the way. Put them behind your neck and keep them there. You may clasp your hands together.
3; Oh! It is Wednesday so it is an open day. There may be some parents, some friends of mine or just some interested locals. Be polite if anyone comes in, answer any questions truthfully and fully but DO NOT MOVE."
He had timed it very well and hardly had they all gone to get their refreshments when a couple of visitors arrived. My friend told me later that he could see them start up the hill about ten minutes before they got to the site and they would wait for a signal before appearing. The visitors that day were all his friends and quite 'safe' but David had no idea who they were.
He was reasonably decent as the rubber pants were only slightly translucent. The strangers approached him. One started, "What do you think you are doing standing in the middle of a field wearing rubber panties and nothing else? I can see you even have nothing on beneath them shameless hussy."
Before David could think up an answer, the other man pitched in, "When he came onto the field, you had your hand behind your head. There must have been a good reason so don't DARE even to think of moving them. Now boys don't wear rubber pants for fun. There are only two reasons that I can think of. You wet yourself as if you are a baby or you like wearing rubber. Which is it in your case?
3; Well, don't just look at me. Which is it? Do you wet yourself or does rubber turn you on? I am waiting and I am not a patient man."
What could the boy say? It was obvious this man was not going to be fobbed off with anything less that a full admission that he was a bed wetter or a pervert. Both answers seemed awful to David. The other kids had decided that he was a bed wetter so he thought it would be safer if he selected that.
"I have wet myself on one or two occasions," he muttered.
It was at this point that the other kids returned. My friend spoke to the two visitors. "I see that this boy has been entertaining you. I hope he wasn't rude. Anyhow, Doctor, I am pleased that you have met him. I would like you to give him a complete medical and tell me what to do with him as he is up to all sorts of tricks. Can you imagine that such a young kid as this would try to seduce the older kids in his hut by doing a strip tease? I was going to punish him just before you arrived but I will ask you to examine him first."
"I am also pleased to see you Keith. Tell me how is that boy, Jackson, I think his name was? He was sent to your reform school for organising the raid on you nephews' scout camp. He then organised a mass rape of the scouts."
"Yes. His name is Jackson. He will not yet fifteen so unless I give a good report on his progress he will be with me until he is eighteen. I don't expect to be giving him a good report. He should not have come to me as I normally don't have boys much under sixteen but I pulled a few strings in his case."
"Two officers delivered the boy to the school ten days ago. He was wearing jeans and a leather jacket. It was raining so I took the jacket off him. I didn't want it to get wet as it would make a suitable present for my older nephew when he is a bit bigger. I pushed him into the walled courtyard while we had a chat – and a drink. We watched the boy getting wetter and wetter. It was really raining very hard. I had to laugh as he tried to keep himself warm by wrapping his hands round himself."
"I let him in and said, «I don't want you getting into mischief. You seem to be putting your hands into your crotch and that it a bad habit.»"
"I handcuffed his wrists behind his back before pushing him back outside. Carelessly, as I pushed him, I must have caught his belt buckle. Anyhow, it had come undone when I next looked outside. As we watched, the zip of the jeans' fly started to slide down very slowly and twenty minutes later his jeans started also to descend."
"Eventually it stopped raining. The officers had left so I decided to get on with his induction. All the boys marched out in their smart shorts and open necked shirts. They stood at one end of the courtyard. Jackson was trying to hide himself. His jeans were round his ankles and his shirt tails tucked neatly into his wet nylon pants. These had got so wet that they were transparent. He was helpless to hide his private areas. He turned his back and one boy shouted, «Goodness! What a bum!»"
"I must admit that I smiled but Jackson seemed a bit upset. Daringly he went for the boy. It was very amusing. With his hands shackled behind his back and with his trousers round his ankles, he tried to knee the boy. The other lads grabbed him even before the blow landed. They made him stand in front of everyone while I lectured him. I managed to make him break down as I said how he, had got his mates to rape some little kids. I pulled his underwear right off and said, «Look at him, I think it must have been because he was too small to do it himself.»"
"The laughter was delightful. He was not very large for his age but being so cold, what he had, looked particularly small to the older boys."
"I did not want them to miss out on any ideas so I spun him round. Keeping his back towards them, I spread his bum cheeks and said I wonder if he is still a virgin there himself. Obviously, he was very upset but I made him tell us all if he was still a virgin or not. Of course the answer really didn't matter as either way he would know that I wasn't going to do much to save his virginity! He was struggling quite a lot although there was nowhere for him to go if he had got away."
"I decided to make him rather more amenable so I asked some of the bigger boys to give him a cold shower. The courtyard has a shower head set into one of its walls. The boys stripped him. I gave them a large pair of scissors as I have no intention of taking off his handcuffs. They made short work of his shirt and vest. It would have been quite easy for them to take off the rest of his clothes but they knew my interests well enough to use the scissors on everything. They even managed to wreck his Dr Martins! I set a bonfire going, on which they piled the soggy garments."
"Before long the had dried enough to burn brightly although they did little to warm up their recent owner. I turned my attention to him. He seemed to look so small now. His whole way of standing made him not only to look much younger than he was but very much more vulnerable. I was not happy however that he was anything like vulnerable enough. He was shivering so much that I worried that he might catch a bad chill. This would have interfered with my plans for the sod. I look everyone into the hall. I gave the senior boys a towel to dry themselves on. When they were dry, I let the boys chase Jackson round the room with their plimsolls until he was dry as well and warmed through."
"At that point I gave then some smaller scissors. For a few seconds I could see their minds work 'Why has he given us another pair of scissors we have already cut off his clothes?' I wondered if I needed to explain but one of them grabbed his 'bush' and I watched them go to work. I was pleased to see the big brave Jackson start to cry."
"I had special plans for the boy. First problem was to dress him. I got two of the heaviest lads to hold him firmly as I expected him to struggle when he saw his uniform. I had been right and several other boys had to help. I had got from my younger nephew an outgrown scout uniform. It had been his first uniform when he had joined the scouts at eleven. Most uniforms are passed on but his was too small for any other scout. I put the shirt on the boy first. It would have looked quite smart with all its badges and it was not badly worn. Unfortunately Jackson was so much too big that it looked stupid on him. There was no way that I could do up the shirt. Indeed if it had not buttoned the whole way down the front, I don't think it could have been possible for him to get it on at all. The area round the arm pits looked as, if it would split even more than I had already split it. It was amusingly short. The waist was about half way down his chest while the bottom of the shirt tails was level with his waist."
"The only other garment, that I was prepared to bother with, was the scout shorts. When I put then on him, I couldn't get them above his knees as they were so small. I decided they could stay there and tied string from one side of the flies round his testicles and to the other side of the flies. They didn't hang right until I filled the pockets with quite a number of lead weights."
"I wanted to make sure that he wouldn't be able to be violent. I didn't want any of my big boys hurt by a stray punch or kick. Kicks would be rather unlikely with these shorts round his knees but for safety I locked some ankle irons onto him. The shorts made it difficult for him to open his legs wide enough for me to fit the bar between his feet. I squeezed his balls until he co-operated fully."
"I wanted something more permanent than the handcuffs so I folded his arms behind his back and tied each wrist to the opposite elbow. I used quick drying Plaster of Paris to cover his arms from shoulder to shoulder. I used the modern bandages that are impregnated with the substance."
"They enabled me to untie his wrists quite safely after the first couple of layers had dried. Once it had all set, I applied several coats of varnish to avoid it getting damaged by water or other liquid. I have to replace it or, more commonly, add another few layers every month or so because it slowly softens due to damp. He will stay with a cast on until he leaves my establishment. It will be interesting to know to what extend the muscles will have wasted away and if he will ever again be able to use his arms normally."
"I had to punish him quite severely for his struggling and earlier attempts to kick. I showed the boys how suitable his constraints were for corporal punishment. I know some of them would check on this themselves. I always leave canes in all the classroom and dormitories as a constant reminder that I will warm their backsides if they step out of line. I think every one of these has seen service since the boy arrived. I allow the boys to carry out this training without bothering me every few minutes."
"I did explain in detail to all my boys exactly what he had done to those poor defenceless scouts. I didn't finish that first evening until I was sure that none of them would feel misplaced sympathy for him. After this, I let them all go and play. My men and I can see exactly what is going on but we don't normally interfere. The kids know that we can see and the more senior ones even try to make sure we can watch easily from our limited view points. They are of course the only ones that matter."
"Anyhow enough of that. He is in the back of my van and I will bring him round to meet you. I would especially like the younger members of your camp to spend some time with him. They would be about the same age as the scouts. He is slowly learning that it pays to be co-operative. I will leave a cane and some other similar instruments in case your boys have any trouble. I am not worried about him running away."
My friend said, "Exactly how long are you thinking of him staying here? Don't get me wrong I am more than happy for him to stay indefinitely and I hardly think the boys will object, particularly young David here. I saved him from a fate worse than death last night. The other boys will find that his arse hole being off limits is increasingly intolerable. Jackson will take some of the pressure off him but not too much I trust."
Keith replied, "I will be coming over next week we can see how he is getting on. My boys are wearing themselves out with him and I would like him to learn what boys the age of the scouts can do to him. No part of him is off limits. Nothing at all."
David was listening in amazement. He didn't know how to react but at least the attention was off him for a bit. Jackson was then frog marched to the group. David could not believe his eyes. Everything had been done to the youth that the man had said and more. David saw the Plaster of Paris enclosing his arms. His arms were encased from shoulder to shoulder. There were just some swellings to show where the youth's hands must be. David was not the only person looking at this yellowish mass. The headmaster spoke again, "The Plaster of Paris has three advantages.
- It weighs a lot so the boy has to be careful not to topple backwards as he cannot put out it arms to save him. This is even more true now as he has just had a second set of layers added as they were looking less than perfect.
- When I or any of my boys cane him, his hands are well out of the way both during the punishment and afterwards. He cannot rub his backside better however much he may want to.
- The medical authorities warn that, after a short time with him unable even to wiggle a finger, his brain would start to get false messages. These suggest that these limbs are no longer there. It does not matter that he knows there are. These messages are physiologically very upsetting especially as he cannot check physically that they are not true. Who knows I might have drugged him and cut them off for real one night! It will be interesting as the reports relate to a period as short as a week and he will be wearing the 'sleeve' for years. I may decide to put him to sleep each time before I change his bandages so he cannot see his arms even then. The problem is not so much that he cannot see his arms as he cannot give his muscles any command that they can obey."
The next thing that David noticed was the youth's cock. The weights in the scout shorts' pockets pulled the lad's balls down to a remarkable extent. His cock was hard and long but pointing down. There were several shiny metal rings fitted tightly round it. These were part of a Seven Gates of Hell device not that David had seen one before. As well as a bar between Jackson's ankles, there was another one between his knees that held them wide apart. At the sides of the knees, there were a pair of Angled Splints. These stopped his bending or straightening his knees. This forced him into a very uncomfortable position. All this made standing up properly difficult let alone walking but that, David knew, would be no excuse. Indeed later Jackson was put through some very vigorous Swedish Drill type exercises. This wasn't the end of the youth's tribulations. He was in need of a good clean up. The other boys had used every available inch of his body for felt-tip highly pornographic drawings. There were drawings of
- A cock half in his bum hole
- Teeth chewing one nipple
- A match burning the other
- A hand round his cock
- A cock entering his mouth.
David didn't examine the others. He wanted to see what more had been done to the youth as it was turning him on. What is more important it had taken the pressure off him.
Unfortunately his reverie was broken as my friend said to the doctor, "I wonder if you would do me a favour. Before I take Jackson on I would be grateful if you could give him a complete medical. It would be a good idea if you could do it at the same as you examine David as you promised to do. The examinations should be interesting as this little kid is making a video. If you have no objections, I am sure the other boys would like to watch."
Unfortunately for David, the doctor not only agreed but he invited that the other lads could help. It soon became clear that the medicals that he envisaged were nothing like any that David had suffered before. The doctor spent a limited amount of time on normal examinations. He used most time on in-depth psychological examinations. Any hopes that David or Jackson might have had of keeping anything secret were dashed. He gave them injections of Sodium Penathol which is a sort of truth drug. It works by lowering the ability of the recipient to resist mental pressure. It makes the present much more important that the future effects of saying anything.
Neither lad was able to keep anything back from the doctor – or the other campers. Even his fantasies became public property. Indeed the need to please can become so strong that a boy will even make up quite convincing tales. The doctor eventually went on to examine both lads' sexual equipment. This involved using catheters, enemas and their like before making David show his favourite ways of wanking himself and then of wanking Jackson!
The doctor had a final idea. Everyone other than David greeted it with enthusiasm. He put similar plaster cast onto David. The rest of the camp was not QUITE so bad from David's viewpoint as he had a fellow slave. Neither he nor Jackson could do much work. The other boy's body was available so the sexual demands on David decreased. A job shared is a job halved. David was even able to keep his anal virginity. One awful night the other lads put him in the toilet trench and removed the ladder. The sweet course that evening was dried figs and prunes. All David had done, was to fall asleep when he was meant to be working.
The boy returned to his school for the start of his next term. The plaster cast was removed once he left the camp. The term started off badly for him and became steadily worse. He didn't have just P.P. to contend with but also matron. At one point matron decided he had mumps and confined him to the sick room where she had him on his own. No one else visited him there as they didn't want to get infected or carry the infection to the rest of the school.
There was one regular visitor, however. The tailor visited almost daily and gave the woman various medications to made the boy's glands swell and keep his temperature high. He brought plenty of equipment to wash him out and to create or increase his so-called enuresis problem. The man also explained to her that the best way to stop the infection spreading to the sexual glades was to keep them empty. He showed her numerous way of doing this.
I have reason to believe that she may have had sex with the boy but I have no proof and matron never said anything to the tailor. The only clues that I have are when the boy under hypnosis and similar drug treatments has claimed that he has had carnal knowledge of a woman. I don't want to make him say it when he is fully conscious as he has given every indication of being proud of the fact. It is however something he has buried and it is better left alone. I do know that she caned him on numerous occasions. She was not averse to doing it in front of the tailor indeed his presence seemed to turn her on.
David's clothing, while he was in the sick room, consisted entirely of a nappy and rubber pants. He slept and rested on a rubber sheet and she only covered him with a top sheet when the doctor was due to visit. When he wet the nappies, she caned him. She would put back into the wet nappies until she decided it was time to change him. There was no way he could avoid wetting them as he was NEVER allowed to go to the toilet. He soon learnt that his punishments for being out of bed were very unpleasant. It involved a complete series of enemas to wash him out followed by being plugged and caned. It was better to use the nappies as the punishment for that was so much less. Eventually he had to be allowed back to the main school. Unfortunately for him P.P. had not wasted his time. Night after night new activities would centre on humiliating him. David had no one to turn to. His letters 'home' were quite delightful to read but the replies didn't help him much. I can't think why. I was tempted to show some of them to his father. I couldn't find a suitable way without jeopardising everything in the master plan.
Eventually he couldn't take any more of P.P.'s increased demands and he tried to run away. When he was caught twenty minutes later, the school decided that they had enough trouble from him. I organised that he should stay with my friend that ran the camp. We agreed that David should be treated differently as I didn't want him broken too soon. We encouraged him to bully some other boys. He went to the local school and attended the youth centre that my friend ran. He enjoyed himself thoroughly and his psyche was somewhat repaired. It is strange how youngsters can forget unpleasant things that happen to them so quickly. He was living in this mining village in the Nottingham coal field and he would the blows to his snobbery as difficult as anything else to take.
Chapter Seventeen John Travels North
Davie and I were in no hurry to collect John. Davie had two slaves and he was now playing one against the other and enjoying himself. His ideas were becoming even more amusing and he was getting delightfully big headed. We had been to a seminar of the organisation. You should have seen some of the faces when David Prescott was introduced to the audience. While he was there, he proved that he was indeed a video producer. An elderly man had thought I was just inviting a 'friend' along and invited him to film a scene between his male and female slaves. The man was, I knew, a bit too kind on the couple but they and the man learnt that Davie was not of the same ilk. Davie, and therefore I, had numerous invitations following the seminar but we had too much to do at the castle.
I was as keen as Davie, and indeed my sister, to delay John's arrival as the accounts of his problems were so amusing. My sister was staying and she would have to leave before he arrived. She wanted man to get the full benefit of each stage of suffering.
Eventually I drove down with Davie to collect the man. Even when we got to my friend, we delayed and spent a few days there before driving over to the building works. This was useful as the other men were able to play more games with the frock dressed man. I was getting hot off the press reports. I will not tell you about the fun that Davie and I had while we were there, as I have already devoted so much time to an earlier visit.
I had agonised over the best way to take over John's soul but had failed to find a solution. My sister and Davie were unable to see the problem. Indeed in one way, there was none as all I had to do was use a bit of force. My worry was this would have left intact his image of himself as the greatest man alive. He pictured himself as a completely heterosexual man who was able to hold his sexual instincts in check and remain unsullied outside marriage. The heinous sins of his ex-wife had led him to divorce her and bring up their son alone as a similarly honourable God fearing man.
This image of his family had survived untarnished the recent unfortunate events. He even saw his life as the butt of the other navvies to be similar to Jesus' temptations in the desert. If I just used force, he would be able to picture himself as a modern day Job. Whatever Davie or I did would at least in his own eyes add to his own stature. We could do things to him physically but that would leave his moral superiority apparently untainted.
He had to see me initially as a righteous punishing angel as otherwise he would have too many mental reserves. All this had also to be fun for Davie and me. I also wanted a record for my sister and maybe many others to see.
I had not finished working out my plans when we arrived at my friend's place. While relaxing watching some interesting swimming training, everything fell into place. When I discussed it everyone thought it a giggle but, I felt, did not understand at all the psychological implications. They were happy to agree with it and that was all that I actually needed from them. It took me a couple of days to set everything up.
I cannot remember why it was a school holiday but the boys had the day off. I arranged the other navvies to leave early that morning, taking ALL of John's clothes, except for the dress, with them.
They locked all the upstairs rooms so he could get nothing else to put on – not even a sheet. They nailed up the bathroom and toilets' doors so there was no way he could go through them. On the other hand they opened the front and back door and then locked the dead locks on them. This had the effect that John could shut neither of them. They took all the keys with them. They left giving John instructions to tidy up the place and wash the dirty crockery.
John was not sure what do. He didn't know that I was coming to collect him and he only had a thin dress to his name. He luckily made himself a cup of coffee. The milk that they had left behind was laced with a combination of drugs. I had asked the other men, living there, to replace the normal bottle of milk with this concoction. The drugs were not easy to detect either by taste or by examining the appearance of the milk. They would have a number of effects: One of the drugs was a strong aphrodisiac. It would work comparatively slowly. He would not become a raving sex maniac but his sexual drives would markedly increase. While it would increase his desires, it would lower his abilities. If he masturbated himself for example, he would find it almost impossible to achieve a satisfactory climax in a reasonable time.
It contained
- My favourite drug, Sodium Penathol. I have mentioned it before. It is sometimes called a truth serum. It lowers the person's inhibitions and gives him an overwhelming need to please at all costs.
- A drug who action is akin to alcohol. It relaxes the man's mental restraints so he will be more inclined to do whatever he wants. This works even if normally he would resist the temptation if it were socially unacceptable. There is no memory loss as may occur with alcohol and no rosy coloured spectacles' effect.
- A large dose of Spanish fly which would cause a persistent erection once the person peed.
- A very strong diuretic that would make him need to piss frequently. He might pee quite involuntarily if he didn't take action straight away.
- A drug that would give him a nearly unquenchable thirst. Drinking would only assuage the need for a few minutes.
- A drug that would lower the ability for the brain to analyse problems. Indeed he probably wouldn't even recognise that there even was a problem.
- A strong muscle relaxant. It doesn't stop his muscles working but he would need to make a huge mental effort to control them. They react much more slowly to messages from the brain. Once I watched a sixteen year old boy, whom we had forced to take a large dose of the drug, in a staged fight with a twelve year old. The older boy didn't have a chance. The youngster was even able to strip the boy completely without the older boy getting in a single punch. Once the little kid had him naked, he had other fun with the boy but that is a different story.
These drugs would take a couple of hours to act fully but we could leave him on his own until then.
I had no problem in recruiting a team to help me in my plan. I did have a lesser problem as half the boys from the school wanted to join in. Adam took my troop of young allies in my friend's land rover while I drove Davie over in my car.
We all sat drinking unlaced coffee and watching for signs that he had taken the medicine. We hid ourselves under a clump of trees. Eventually the door opened and John looked out carefully before coming right outside and peeing down a drain. He hurried back inside.
The final team consisted of members of the school swimming team, mostly about Davie age but with three older lads, Adam, Daniel and Edgar apparently in charge. They walked up to the house and rang the front door bell. One of the youngsters shouted: "We are carrying out a school project. Could you please help us? We are to take videos of as many as possible of these old farmer worker's cottages. We also want to ask the people, who live in them, some questions about what they are like. We want to make these recordings before the current work makes it too late
3; Hallo, is anyone in?
3; Someone look through the window and someone else try round the back.
3; No, not you, Smith, you must keep the camera recording just in case you miss something.
3; What's that? There is someone inside and it looks like a man in a woman's dress? Pull the other one. Well, if there is someone inside, he hasn't told us to go away. I suppose we could go in."
They went in both by the front door and the back. John shouted at them, "Get Out! At once! Get out!"
They pretended not to understand. The original video shows his expression clearly.
One older lad spoke, "I am sorry, Sir err Miss, if we are disturbing you but
3; Are you all right or should I get a Doctor? You look very red in the face."
John said, "I will be O.K. once you get out of here."
"I am not sure," the boy replied, "if you would be. I think we better stay until you have calmed down a bit. Johnson! Make the man a hot sweet cup of coffee. Put in plenty of milk."
This one sided conversation continued as they just ignored whatever John shouted. Slowly the overwrought John cooled down.
Adam returned to the fray, "These boys are conducting a survey. While you are getting better, could you answer some of their questions. I have agreed to come round with them. Once they start, I and the other senior boys have promised not to interfere in any way. I would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation."
John gave up and said, "O.K. You win. I will answer their questions."
During the next hour or so the younger lads had to remind him of this promise several times. Once after such a reminder, the camera catches Adam looking at the man. Adam is shrugging and mouthing, "There is nothing I can do. Sorry. It is a very clever shot."
The little kids start off by asking questions about their 'project'. They keep plying the man with coffee. John seems to have given up any resistance. Once, when he goes outside to pee, one of the kids goes with him.
On their return the kid said, "He is hard down there. Can you believe it? He has nothing on under his dress."
From that point on, the project is forgotten. The other boys decide to see for themselves. Adam holds the man firmly. The drugs make his resistance futile and rather funny. Even the smallest kid could have stopped the man's struggles. They did not need to be too violent as the drugs were clearly working. They used more force than they needed to, however.
It would be useless to elaborate what happened during the rest of the session. John was forced both physically and by the drugs to do whatever they told him. He did everything with the little boys that you can imagine. That is he sucked, wanked and fucked them while they did the same to him. The video records all this. It also recorded the older lads having their turns with him. One good touch was when the cameraman had them tear the dress at the front from the hem to well above the waist. It not only gave better video shots but it would give John many problems later.
I had to edit the video carefully. In spite of the drugs, it originally portrayed John's reluctance to do anything sexual. What the man was being forced to do was, in his eyes, taking part in:
- Extramarital relationships
- Various disgusting homosexual activities
- All sorts of sexual activities with minors.
I thought that I might have no video left after deleting the sections that showed him mentally or even physically resisting taking part in such activities. In the end there was plenty left. The final video made him out to be a very willing participant. I have enjoyed many times since then playing both the edited and unedited videos to close friends. He and David have never seen the unedited video and indeed they will never know of its existence.
Davie and I entered quietly. We stood watching without him seeing us. We waited for an instant when he was finding the activity particularly humiliating him. Immediately we discovered him misbehaving. He, in spite of the drug, was climaxing over one small boy's face. As he came, we made him aware that we were there.
John was horrified when he saw us. Not as horrified however as we appeared to be. I said, "We have just come to collect
3; but I don't know. I better get the police." I broke off. I wanted to give John a chance to make his befuddled brain work. As far as he was concerned, I paused because I was too shocked to say anything.
John managed somehow to get his act together. He tried to talk himself out of an impossible situation.
"I just don't know what has happened. I am not like that. I have never done anything like this before. I know I deserve to be put away for a long time. Oh! My God! Please help me! There is nothing I can say that makes sense to me. I need help rather than to be put away. Forgive me everyone PLEASE."
He would have continued but there was little point so I started to talk, "First, I will ask the boys as they are the ones you have hurt. Do you want me to call the police on my radio phone?"
Adam replied, "I for one don't want my parents hearing about this as everyone at school would think me to be a queer. They would say that we must have encouraged him. We didn't but no one will believe us. Could you forget what you saw?"
"I don't see how I can. I might be guilty of hiding a criminal, withholding evidence or whatever. I could be in as much trouble as he, well nearly as much. I suppose I could check with my solicitor. He might be able to come over as he only works about ten miles away."
I went out to the car and rang the man up and said, "Everything is going to plan. Can you come over?"
He said, "I will be with you in half an hour."
I went back inside. We all had coffee but only John's had the special milk. I said, "My solicitor has several ideas but he does not want us to talk about anything to do with what happened today until he gets here."
He walked in as we were finishing our coffees but John had another one to keep the man company. The solicitor asked each person to say what he had seen happen. He said, "I am not interested in what you think happened but only in what you SAW. Opinions are hearsay and are not valid in court. Don't be worried about saying anything as you won't be in trouble. Oh! It would be convenient if you could video this as it will save me taking notes."
We will start with the youngest. "Please let whoever is talking say his piece and don't interrupt him."
An hour later it was John's turn, who said that he didn't remember much but he thought the others had told the truth and he was very sorry.
My solicitor said, "Too late for that now."
John then asked, "Can I go outside and have a pee?"
The lawyer said, "You must stay as I want to summarise what I have heard and I will want your comments. There need be no question of an accessory after the fact."
"My friend has behaved quite properly and advised his solicitor and made sure that the criminal stayed on site. He could have called the police at once but this is just as legal. The boys wish to avoid any publicity was sensible."
"The man needs punishment. If everyone involved feels that we have dealt with the man properly, that should be sufficient. I should report it. If everyone agrees that the criminal has received his just deserts, I, for one, suggest that we don't do that. I cannot see who would gain."
"My friend is in a different situation as he is was about to employ the man in a 'sensitive area'. The man would be working with a young boy: One of a similar age to those here."
"If everyone here, including the criminal, agree, my friend, as an independent adult, should be the 'judge'. He will listen to all your ideas of what would be suitable punishment and combine them to a single 'treatment'. John could either elect to accept that or to be handed over to the police."
"If my friend is still prepared to employ him, it should be on a different basis namely, My friend should let John work for him on approval. This trial period should last for the next nine months. During this time John MUST not be paid anything as that WOULD make my friend an accessory. John must be charged the full commercial interest rate on any loans. He must also pay for his and his son's, if he moves in, food and accommodation. Note I had gone into the finances and he would never be able to earn enough to pay the interest on my loan after all this! I saw no reason to point this out to John."
"John would have to be supervised all the time. Davie should deal with any problems himself or report them to my friend for him to deal with. John should sign a document entitling my friend, or his representatives, to punish him in any way that was thought fit."
"These crimes were with boys of his own son's age. He should sign a document that he should give to me that 'resigned his rights of paternity'. This would in effect mean that the court decision could be laid aside and the boy would be available for adoption without court order."
Everyone agreed with this. John was only too keen to go along with anything and he agreed with celerity as he thought he was getting away lightly. Well, anyone can be an idiot. I gave sheets of paper to the kids to write down their ideas for punishing the man whom they had seduced. The sheets make interesting reading. Half of them suggested corporal punishment of one form or another. The others had a more sexual punishment in mind. We discussed them all. We agreed to combine all the corporal punishments but the other punishments presented more of a problem.
John, who had been asking in vain to be allowed to go outside to pee, suddenly let fly. We all had a good laugh as the puddle lay in the middle of the floor. A couple of boys asked for their scripts back and added something.
The lawyer took his time and then said, "The boys have decided what punishment they should give you. Any that your prospective employer may exact are in addition to these. You realise that you can now refuse to accept these punishments and go to the police. Once you have signed that you agree to abide by them you will be bound to accept the whole package. I must stress this since one or two elements of the proposed punishment are illegal. Any court of law would only blame you for the greater crime. Do you understand and do you want me to list the details of your proposed punishment?"
We all heard a whispered "Yes."
The solicitor then said, "The punishment proposed is as follows
- Lick up the puddle you have made.
- Bend over a wooden chair and receive a dozen strokes of a cane that one of the boys will provide.
- Stand against the wall and masturbate yourself in front of all the boys. Collect all your spend in your idle hand and lick it all up.
- As before bend over for another dozen cane strokes.
- Remain over the chair so any of the boys, even the older ones, can use you as a woman. Thank each one that climaxes inside you.
- As before masturbate yourself and swallow all your seed.
- As before bend over for the third dozen strokes.
- As before masturbate yourself and swallow all your seed.
- Bend over so the boys can again use you as a woman.
- The boy who was videoing this morning will continue to take a video of your punishment. Your future employer will have the completed video and you will sign a Model Release so he can do whatever he wants with it.
Right that is all. Personally I think it is hardly sufficient. Now we will have a half hour break as I have to draw up a number of papers for you to sign. Oh! I am assuming you are accepting this punishment rather than go to prison for a very long time. Are You?"
Again there was a barely audible "Yes."
Half an hour later, the solicitor gave John various documents to sign. I started to hurry John up but he was in no mood to read the documents carefully anyhow. Once John had signed them I witnessed them.
The solicitor said to John, "I could only prepare one copy of these documents but I will send you photocopies of them when I go back to my office." This meant that John had no record of what he had signed. We could make any additions before we got round to giving him the copies.
The solicitor had even left appropriate spaces for this purpose! The punishment session was great fun. It is very difficult to describe yet another punishment in a way to make it stand out from the other such sessions that occur in this account. The unusual points of this particular punishment were the man was a prude. On the other hand, he was a schoolmaster whom I knew had enjoyed giving corporal punishment and humiliating at least two of his pupils. This enjoyment may have been partly because he believed them to be homosexuality inclined. He had tried to excite his son by recounting the incident.
The people carrying out the punishment were all either young kids or youths such as Adam.
He was 'dressed' in a damaged woman's dress and nothing else. It wasn't decent but anyway it was soon removed.
The cocktail of drugs would lead him to accept the correction from the kids. It would do nothing to make it any less humiliating or painful.
The drugs would give him a very powerful and persistent erection. They would at the same time make masturbation very difficult and lengthy. They would do nothing to lessen the humiliation of doing this normally very private action under the control and watchful eyes of some very young kids.
The whole 'show' was being videoed.
In a sense this summarises the punishment. I will add a few interesting comments. John like nearly all bullies turned out to be a coward. After just five strokes, he started to cry and beg for forgiveness, AND for the punishment to stop. It made no difference but maybe he encouraged the kids to hit harder as they knew they were getting through to him. They shared the strokes out between themselves without too much difficulty or arguing. The boys frequently passed the cane from one to another. This slowed down things very nicely.
When the man was not looking Adam peed into the puddle so the man had much more to lick up. The floor was made from stone slabs so virtually no liquid soaked away. The man was sick during this part of the punishment but the boys insisted that he licked that up as well. When it came to the third, and final, masturbation, John was clearly never going to be able to climax. The boys 'offered' to give him another two dozen strokes instead. He started to turn down the offer but I reminded him that the other workmen would be back soon. I didn't even know that Adam and Bill, who were by far the strongest, intended to give them all. The kids really enjoyed themselves.
The punishment was finishing just as the other workmen did arrive back and they had a good laugh at John's suffering. I wasn't risking him either peeing over my car seats or bleeding on them. I just happened to have a completely transparent pair of child's plastic pants. He had to put them on as well as what remained of the dress. He was still not very decent but we set off. I was driving a two door car so I was quite happy to imprison John in the back. Davie rode in the front with me. As usual we made many stops. I usually chose busy truck stops and left John on his own. Every time he wanted to pee, I made him go to the toilets rather than just hiding behind a lorry. Several men saw him and had a good laugh with me about the sissy.
The first night we spent in a motel. Since I wanted to have some fun with Davie, John had to sleep in the car. I added a nappy to his other clothes. I locked his feet round the back support of the passenger seat and put him into handcuffs. I even put a gag onto him as I didn't want him disturbing our 'sleep'.
In the morning I was really kind. I let him come inside to shower and wash his clothing. Davie was only too happy to supervise the man's ablutions. We had breakfast brought in and John ate well. He also drank much of my special coffee.
We stopped for lunch at a motorway cafeteria. John may have thought it was just one of those coincidences. I saw a woman at the next table looking hard at John. This wasn't unusual as John caught many people's eyes. Quite honestly I couldn't blame them as he was quite a sight. John was looking unhappy but that wasn't unusual either. Davie was enjoying making the man look more of an idiot than he was.
Eventually the woman came over and looked at me. "Is your friend John ___ by any chance? I was married to such a man but he didn't dress like that."
It was my sister of course. Everyone other than John enjoyed this 'unscheduled' meeting. At the end of it, neither Davie nor I knew who she was, At least as far as John was aware! We both left the table for twenty minutes and watched secretly as my sister sat down with John and started to comment on what he looked like.
We stopped for the night with another friend of mine. I explained that John was ill and unfortunately he had lost control of his 'plumbing' hence his clothing. The man is into babying adult males. He was able to indulge to his heart's content with John. I do not know the full story of that night as Davie and I retired early to a huge room with a canopied double bed. The room was said to have been the honeymoon suite for a member of the Royal Family. Our use of the bed was rather different.
We didn't have far to go the next day so we didn't emerge until nearly midday. I have never seen someone look so happy to see me as John. He was dressed as a complete baby. He even had a bonnet on and was sucking a dummy which was secured so he couldn't spit it out.
The man said, "Your baby won't need changing until tonight. I changed him early this morning. He was very messy then. I have put him into a large liner, a double nappy and rubber pants. Make sure he drinks the six bottles of juice that I will give you."
I enjoyed the change of pace even if John missed out on his change. (Sorry puns are not clever!) It was the next morning before Davie changed him.
When we got to the castle, I suggested that Davie should look after him. I had much business to do as I had been away for so long.
I said "You may be able to teach Davie academic things but I will not put him in your hands in any other way. For all I know you would be fucking his butt or something. You will do exactly as he directs. He has all the authority that a teacher normally would have. If he oversteps the mark, you should do what he tells you but you can tell me later about it if you want."
Davie took him into a large room just below his own floor and made it the school area.
I didn't want John writing letters to his son for the first two weeks. Davie, naturally, continued to write letters regularly to his pal. The first letter contained the passage "Your father cannot write to you because nearly as soon as he got here he fell over. He didn't hurt himself in any way except he sprained his wrist. The local doctor put his arm in a sling and ordered him not to use it."
John did not write any letters for the first couple of weeks. By then he wrote EXACTLY what we wanted
Chapter Eighteen Lessons Restart
Told by Davie
We arrived in the evening and John was still wearing baby clothes. He was a baby that needed changing badly. The first thing that I had to do was to establish MY control of the man. Unk could control him easily. It was different for a fully grown man to take directions from a young boy. This was especially true as he used to teach much older kids than I am. The first thing I decided was that I would always call him John. He still had no name for me although he knew I was called Davie. He seemed to think that Davie was a nickname but I had told him that I was NOT David as that was his son's name. I did not say anything else then. Unk and I just avoided telling him whast to call me.
That evening I told him he was to call me 'Sir'. I can still see his face. He didn't dare object but he didn't call me 'Sir' either. By that time, I knew he was in a blue funk. He would do as I wanted without too much difficulty if I was firm. I decided to use the fact that he needed his nappies changed very badly as the opportunity for me to get him to use 'Sir'.
It took him a long time to get up courage to ask me to let him take the wet things off. I just said, "I didn't hear you. What did you say?"
He replied, "Please can I take these wet things off?"
I repeated, "Please can I take these wet things off WHAT?"
He tried, "Please can I take these wet things off. Please?"
and "Please can I take these wet things off, Davie?"
and "Please can I take these wet things off, David?"
and "Please can I take these wet things off? I promise that I will
I lost count of his wild promises.
Following Unk's habits I remembered every promise that he made for future use. I just kept mum. Eventually I said to him "How would your pupils have asked you?"
He said, "Please can I take these wet things off Sir?"
I just said, "Well??"
He knew what I required him to say but he couldn't bring himself to say it.
It must have been twenty minutes later that he started to take them off without saying anything. He was looking at me and I shook my head. He continued so I picked up a cane. He stopped and red faced said "Please can I take these wet things off Sir?"
It came out in a rush and I said, "Is that how your pupils spoke to you?"
At last he actually stood up as if he were standing to attention and made the request as he knew I required. I have never felt so good! A teacher not only calling me 'Sir' but saying it as if he meant it and hating himself for saying it! I had to remind myself not to relax my grip. I set about doing my best to tighten it.
I started "In that cupboard you will find a large plastic washing up bowl. Take it out.
3; Now take off you dry clothes.
3; No keep the mittens on until I tell you to talk them off.
3; Try a bit harder, John, you can undo the bonnet's ribbons if you really try like a big boy.
3; Well Done! John. You are a clever little boy. Put the bonnet on that chest over there.
3; Now do the same with the bootees. Aren't they nice and fluffy bend over and give them a kiss.
3; If you really cannot undo the straps you will have to ask Sir politely to help you."
"Please Sir can you undo the straps of my shoes for me as I cannot manage with these mittens on?"
"Babies don't give reasons. Just make the request. On second thoughts you can add 'As I cannot undo them on my own.'
There was no hesitation this time before the request came back.
"Please Sir can you undo the straps to my shoes for me as I cannot undo them on my own?"
I undid them but had to remind him. "What do you say when someone does you a favour?"
"Thank you
3; Sir"
I had rather hoped that he was going to forget.
From then on it was plain sailing. He put the dirty clothes in the bowl, Showered himself with cold water. I might want the hot later. He then washed out the dirty things. He didn't object although it was quite chilly that I neither gave him a towel or any other clothes.
Unk had given me a locking baby's cot and he got in without a miurmer. I kissed his cheek and turned out the light. He said without prompting "Good Night Sir." He didn't point out that he had nothing to eat since leaving Unk's friend. I left him to sleep although it was not yet seven o'clock. Unk and I had a pleasant meal before going to bed.
In the morning, when I had finished breakfast I went to see how John getting on. He was awake and looked bored. When I came in he shouted something at me but I chose not to hear it. I just touched my lips and he quietened down.
I said to the naked teacher, "Good morning John."
When at first he didn't saw anything I cuped my ear and he went bright red and replied, "Good morning, Sir."
I decided to forget the noise he had masde earlier, at least for the time being. I put the dry baby clothes away before I let him get up and gave him breakfast. I was dressed in holiday type clothes but I didn't give him anything to wear. I let him use the bathroom normally – except the door stayed open and I stood watching him.
I said, "We ought to plan our lessons."
I then behaved exactly as if he was tutoring me and was fully dressed. I still insisted he called me 'Sir' and I called him 'John'. I enjoyed the situation but he found it difficult actually to teach me. I admit the circumstances were rather unusual but I wasn't putting up with any nonsence about false modest from him. I had to warn him twice before I told him "You will be punished this evening. Every further fault you make will add to the punishment but I won't interfere with the lesson to point them point to you."
He was on his best behaviour but I would decide how hard to punish him by what I thought he needed at that point in his training rather than by his mistakes.
I had set up a school room table. It was flat topped with room for two along its broad side for two chairs. I had one straight backed narow upright chair for John and a wooden low arm chair for me. This sort of chair is very commonly the 'teacher's chair' in a classroom while the other was unmistakedly a pupil's chair. I had the low one one John the other. I feel that such small things define our rôles most effectively.
There was a more significant point. The seat of my chair was lower than his so that I could just idly play with his sexual apparatus while he was teaching me. It took him a long time to accept not only that I had the right to do this but he had to continue teaching as I did it. For a long time it was great fun as his face would become scarlet and he would stutter. This was the point that I would ask him exactly how I did this sum or to mark my work. He soon learnt that he had to do exactly as I wanted and it was fun as I learnt to keep him on the verge for what seemed like hours.
I was also interested in quizing him on his own sexual experences and again he learnt that absolutely nothing was secret and he had to answer any question that I asked and he had to hide nothing from me. On a couple of occasions I said to Unk "This tutor refuses to answer my questions. How can I expect to learn?" John never enjoyed the results of these innocent questions of mine.
It was about a week after John had arrived that Arthur came to spend a lot of time with us. He was about my again but was already a very able video camera man. He had a good idea what would make an interestying scene. He fully realised that the speech was as important as the visual element. I was enjoy knowing he was filming as I made the man tell his most intimate secrets.
One thing that I found particularly interesting was that if he was going to be punished he prefered me to do it rather than Unk. I slowly altered my punishments so he would get a choice not of one dozen from Unk or one dozen from me, but three dozen from me or one dozen from Unk. It made no difference he still prefered my punishments. I thought that maybe I wasn't hitting as hard as Unk so I used more powerful implements and even got Unk to be less severe. It was difficult to persuade Unk to do that! He still prefered my punishments. Arthur filmed my punishments but not Unk's. That made a little difference and for a bit Unk did the honours. I then saw something that I had missed before. John erected when I punished him but he didn't when Unk did.
I was still spending the nights in Unk's bed while John was locked safely into the crib. This was convenient. Unk and I had long discussions about how things were going. I wanted to take John to my floor so I could exercise him properly but I did not want to move too fast. Unk and I decided to move him upstair but I asked Unk to be around as I expected a violent reaction to the first sight of his new home. I was pleased that Arthur was also hard at work as John's reaction was quite over the top. It wasn't as if he knew what machines were for or I had even suggested that he tried them out.
An hour after he went into my lair he was much calmer. This was in part due to him being strapped in a straight jacket. I decided to leave it on him for a few days just to make sure he gave me no more trouble. That was the only rerason – honestly. He was upset at the toilet arrangements especially as Arthur was to sleep with him and the lad always had his camera at the ready. John knew that there were hidden camera arround but he could ignore them mentally. Arthur had no intention of ever being ignored! I made short work of his complains about the toilets as I produced his baby clothes. Although he said he would behave he soon was in nappies and rubber pant sucking a bottle and Arthur filming the whole process.
I decided to keep him in nappies for a bit. I made him behave as a baby in every way. He couldn't suck his thumb because of the straight jacket but I gave him a dummy instead. I even made him use baby talk except for when hew needed specific technical type words during my lessons. He did his best.
I had another idea that I developed. Since he was wearing nappies, he HAD to use them for the purpose they are intended for. About twice a day I would check, if he were wet I would change him usually after two or three hours. I would take the nappies off and wash the whole area througherly with strong carbolic soap. I would then dry it properly and wipe over the sensitive areas with alcholol. This made sure he was quite clean but it also removed all the natural oils from the skin. I would then put the nappies back on. If they were only wet I would use the same ones as it is a pity to waste things. I would wring then out over his face as a rule. After a couple of days he was starting to get a nappy rash and long before the nappy treatment ended, the rask had become quite severe.
This rash served another purpose as he started his running to nowhere exercises and the sore area caused him another dimension of suffering. He would only wear the straight jacket, nappies and rubber pants for his twice daily run. Arthur enjoyed watching as much as I and Unk did. He asked if the other prefects could also see the fun. We put a blindfold onto John and invited the kids to visit.
Nick asked, "Can I use his nappies as a toilet?"
I agreed thinking he just wanted to have a pee but when I found out that he had more on his mind I just let him go ahead. John could hear children's voices but he did not know even if they were boys or girls! My aunt was also there and she enjoyed the show.
She suggested that babies should not have hair. I didn't want to hurry this process but very time I changed him, I pulled out some hairs from down there. I made sure he knew what I was doing without letting him see the damage that I had done. It was going to take a long time but he needn't know that.
He was so embarrassed by his wet nappies that I had another idea. I had a long chat with Unk's doctor friend who explained some things to me and gave me the required supplies. I inserted a sound into John's prick. I slowly pushed it in until it was just into his bladder. It is quite easy to know when it gets there as the resistance suddenly stops. I marked the end just at the point it came out of his crown. Then I withdrew it and the doctor provided me with a special Foley type catheter. This went right in to his bladder and then a small balloon suyddenly inflated. It would only lose its air if a special instrument was pushed down the tube. The tube was very thin and just allowed a constant dribble of pee to come out. John had absolutely no control. There was another nice side effect he couldn't cum as the the catheter blocked where it come out. It was quite heathy and could stay in for as long as I liked. It was quite easy on the other hand to take out and put back in. That is if you had the special instrument, the Deflator. It always seemed such a good name as it deflated it mentally for me to have such control over him. The tip of the catheter was hidden by his foreskin and no-one would know that he was just not a sissy baby.
I had another peice of fun with him. With the aid of a mesmeric drug, he was very easy to hypnotize him. I had a number of films on the subject of hypnotism and I found that if I made him think that I was his doctor he would tell me all his secrets. He even ignored Arthur and his video camera. I got his whole life history out of him. At least everything that I found interesting. My aunt in fact was unset at his openess about what he used to do with his wife in bed.
Unk suggested to me that I might like to write this chapter. He has told John that it is to be a schoolproject and he is to help me with it, correct the grammar and so on. John doesn't seem to like the idea of this being published but I explained that Unk and I will decide not him.
He has not seen, and will not see, this introduction. I should explain that references to My Aunt are to his ex-wife and he had no idea that she is involved. More accurately he had no idea when he corrected my draft. There are a few other comments which were not shown to him but I hope to make them clear as I go.
I kept this diary about a month in arrears so John never knew why certain things were going on until well after they were completed.
The End ?