Scrub aka Simon
Davie and David
A Fictional Autobiography
by A British Roughman
Chapters 10-12
Chapter Ten School Matron
My sister said to me, "What I would really like is to keep myself very busy while the divorce is under way. No one must see me fucking around my old haunts, or anywhere else similar, in case John hears about it. I think the school here could do with some adult feminine influence maybe a matron. It blossomed when you made that long heterosexual film. We should be able to make some good videos together. Anyhow it should be fun to watch the frustration that the fags and assistant teachers will feel when they can see me but my body is completely off limits. I would dress and behave in makes to make this frustration many times worse. There could be some interesting confidences from the prefects. Some of them could do with a mother figure who would egg them on. I am not quite sure that 'mother figure' is quite the most appropriate words."
While this idea turned me on, I wasn't sure I could sell it to the headmaster. I wasn't prepared to impose anything on him. Our relationship was curious as in some ways he was still my house master. In others I was his boss. We went to see him. Once she convinced him that she would not be offended by anything she saw, he welcomed the idea at least in principle. He felt that he would need to test the water a bit. Tomorrow morning an assistant master was due for formal punishment. If she would come and help on the stage
She replied instantly, "It sounds like fun but could I see him now. I would like to plan things and I need to know 'what' I will be working on?" She went behind a screen. The head sent for the youth, who was an excellent choice, and who had been with us only a week. He was a tall willowy lad of sixteen and had been living at a Catholic Orphanage where he had a full blown affair with a local girl, Anne, a few months older but who was apparently very beautiful. The man, who ran the orphanage, had found the youth stark naked with the girl. She was just about to remove her last remaining garment, her panties. This man who was a frequent visitor to my school, had decided it would be prudent to move the boy on. The fact that the boy was clearly heterosexually inclined was, I am quite sure, irrelevant. This youth, my new assistant teacher, was now due for punishment.
He had so far been unpunished. At confession to Father B__ three days previously, he had said he hadn't masturbated himself since he had arrived. Two prefects had tested him out but he couldn't stop himself climaxing, could he? The priest had naturally got a very full confession and the youth had to say fifty Ave Maria's. Father B__ also had made the boy tell him all everything he and Anne had done together and about his feelings for her. The boy had said I have already confessed all that. The priest replied, "This is not for confession. I need to know about your past so I can sensibly hear your confessions in the future. You need have no feelings of guilty about telling me about these things as you have already confessed them."
The priest naturally insisted on knowing ALL that had transpired. Apparently the simple answer was Nothing as the head of the orphanage had arrived just in time. The boy hadn't even seen her cunt as he so crudely put it.
When the youth arrived, the head started immediately, "I have had very serious reports of what happened yesterday in your English lesson. Do you want to tell me your side of it?"
The young man must have known that it wouldn't help but decided to say something in his defence. "As soon as I went in, one prefect told me to take off everything that I was wearing and give it to him. He hasn't given it back to me. That is why I am completely naked now."
The head interposed, for my sister's sake "How old is he and how much younger is he than you?"
The boy responded, "He is eleven I think. He must be about five years younger than I am. I have to do exactly what they tell me even though they are so much younger than me. You know that."
The head interposed, "All I want is for you to answer my questions truthfully and to tell me what happened WITHOUT comment. Now continue."
"Well, I stripped and he told me to touch my toes. Another boy pushed a large candle up my backside. It hurt but it went in quite easily as, I think, the boys had greased it. They left a little of the pointed part sticking out of me and I could see it in a mirror. They warned me to keep the candle in until the end of the lesson. They wouldn't even let me push the bit that was already out back in. I had to keep bending over different desks to help the boys with their essays. After about five minutes, it slipped out. I really couldn't help it. They pushed it part of the way back but it soon came out again. Shortly after that, I seemed to lose control completely and it kept coming out. They said that I was being naughty that I could hold it in if I really tried. Every time it came out they put more grease on it. Eventually it became quite impossible."
"They put a map pointer up me. It was about the same thickness as the candle but it is several feet long. I had to stand on the teacher's desk with its other end resting against the bottom of the blackboard. They then made me play with myself. They used the epidiascope to show the photograph of Anne that I used to keep in my wallet. They made me tell them exactly what I wanted to do to her. I didn't mean to come but it suddenly happened and the liquid went over a couple of the kid's faces. I said I was sorry."
"She lived next door to the orphanage and we saw each other every day. She liked to kiss me but had never let me do anything more."
"What would you do after the sloppy kissing?"
"Nothing more. She wouldn't let me. That is until the last time when she decided to let me do her but the man came in just as she was about to take her knickers off. I have never seen her down there."
"O.K. Now tell us EXACTLY what you wanted to DO TO HER. Do not dare to stop rubbing. We want to see the shin move all the way back and forward EACH time. Now tell us what you hoped you would do together. Don't leave anything out."
"Please let me
3; It isn't right
3; O.K. I wanted to push my thing up her hole, her cunt
3; Please I don't want to say anything more."
"WE will let you leave it there today but now we want you to rub once every time we count. Each time you will put the skin right back and forward ONE TWO THREE
The head then said, "I will play you a short recording that one of the kids made. It is very high quality and we will hear all of it before we decide what to do. Do you have anything more to say in your defence before I put it on. This is your last chance?
It was clear from the noises on the tape that he getting very near his climax but he was trying to hold it back – stupid youth. There were some high pitched shrieks as presumably the cum shot out onto two sweet innocent little kids' faces.
"I see," the head replied, "You tell them disgusting stories: 'My thing up her hole, her cunt' indeed. Not satisfied with that you behave in a really shocking manner. Most of those kids are not even twelve. You will be punished at tomorrow morning's assembly. You can spend the rest of today meditating."
The boy looked very unhappy and started to say something but thought better of it. I realised that he is starting to learn. I hoped it would be a long time before he finished. I was determined to make sure that it was.
The head put a 'cuff' on the boy. This is a three foot [90 cm] long sleeve of heavy canvas that normally opens at both ends. The cuff is placed at the back of his waist and one arm goes in either end. There are cords at both ends that tie together across his chest. This renders the boy's arms completely useless. It is a painless way of keeping him helpless for an extended period. The head then put a blindfold on the youth and my sister was able to come out of hiding. She looked flushed and was obviously enjoying herself.
We let down from the wall a wide plank about eight feet [2½ m] long. This revealed a small 'cupboard' about eight feet [2½ m] high and two [60 cm] deep but scarcely one [30 cm] across. We put the boy into it. I had four of these cupboards built and they vary quite substantially in design. We take care that no boy, other than Davie, has ever seen inside any of them. The stories that circulate about them amongst the boys make them out to be many times worse even than they are. On this occasion we used neither the butt plugs nor the enema apparatus. A long wedge of wood, with its pointed edge uppermost, was raised between his legs. We locked it when it just touched the youth's crotch. If the youth started to slump down, he would be in for a rude awakening! A feeding tube had its mask-like end locked inside his mouth while the other disappeared into the top of the cupboard. We put some headphones on the boy and checked that they worked. Next we opened a slot in the wall. It was at the height of the boy's prick. We worked his prick and balls through this narrow opening. In the main school hall, the boy's equipment was exposed for everyone who passed to see or handle. A sort of metal halter thrust it all out into the public view without hurting him physically.
There was a shelf at the side of the exposed prick and the headmaster assembled various items. These included
- a small penis whip
- some sand paper
- a spray for sprains called 'heat'
- another spray called 'freeze'
- a camphor rub
- a tooth brush.
I examined the cupboard carefully as it was the first time that it had been used. I had installed it nearly six months ago. The head wrote on a blackboard above the youth's prick. He put the boy's name and
For punishment tomorrow Crime: trying to teach little boys to be rude
Note while here: Not to be made to climax – quite.
The headmaster showed my sister that another cupboard was in use. This had the name of a rather new thirteen year old fag and
Three days of six hours punishment a day – day two.
Crime: Going to toilet without permission.
Please put a tick on the blackboard every time he comes.
A cross if you give up before you make him come.
Press plunger to give 2 quart [1.9 l] enema.
There is a device to force liquid up his cock only use it if you have been shown how to do so safely.
The rest of the blackboard was as shown below – remember it was not yet lunch time.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
/ / x / / / xxxx /
/ / xxx
******** |
**** |
Penis washes
***** |
***** |
I saw that there was a microphone by the side of the boy's cock. It was obviously so anyone could talk to the youth. I made a show of switching it on. My sister saw me and winked. She then started, "That is ridiculous. He only came six times yesterday. Today he has come only twice. Now your boys cannot bring him off any more. Let me show you what a woman can do and she did."
Within a quarter of an hour the boy had had two more wet climaxes. There was one more when he dribbled a few drops, but we decided that it also just deserved a tick. She spoke to the boy again, "You like having a woman do it to you. Don't you?. You will come for me five times tomorrow evening when all the boys here think you have been completely emptied."
The boy's cock, which had been drooping, seemed to get a new lease of life. We left it to its fate especially as there were several prefects around who were watching and I knew felt challenged.
Time was getting on. She had taken only a few minutes with her main victim for tomorrow and he didn't even know who she was. She went to his microphone and said in her best femme fatale voice, "You are going to be punished by me tomorrow. Yes, I am a woman and I am THE MASTER'S SISTER. You may think now that women are weak but you have a surprise coming tomorrow."
I was beginning to have a lot more respect for my sister.
We went into the courtyard and watched the boys swim nude. From time to time she would call one over and ask the head about him. The prefects were very mildly embarrassed. The fags and assistant teachers had a much worse time of it. She put them through a washer verbally and to a lesser extent physically. These boys and young men were never allowed towels. My sister whispered something to a very small prefect. Soon the prefects made the older boys and young men stand quite still in the pool. They were shivering with cold before they were allowed to move. Their equipment was shrivelled up so it looked even smaller than the prefects'. This was her idea of course. My sister made full use of their condition and took their lack of response to her charms as a personal affront. The prefects wrapped in large fluffy towels enjoyed the show.
Later she and I we spent some time having a personal conversation.
She said, "I find your sadistic interests very much turn me on particularly as the sufferers are just the age I like best. I am proud to have started you off along this path. Now I have to make do with more adult partners and quantity has to make up for quality. Eventually after my divorce is finished, I will leave you to your fun and games here and have my fun and games elsewhere. I would like very much to share your nest until then. I know it is a lot to ask but I would try to add a little bit of variety! Even when I am single again, I would be overjoyed if I could visit quite frequently and have some of your sort of fun. I would naturally be happy to have you and or Davie stay with me and I would set up some fun for you. While I am here I think the best role for me would be as the matron of little, and not so little, boys' nightmares."
We had left Davie for long enough and we joined him for lunch. He talked about everything except his plans. After lunch we went to his room where there were two youths waiting for us. There was Arthur whom we had expected but also one of Davie's recent tutors. He had been great fun as he was so clearly one hundred per cent heterosexual. They were both to make videos of the action. The younger lad was naked and unencumbered in any way.
The ex-tutor was dressed in a weird set of clothes. Davie had used them to make him an object of ridicule and their detail escapes me. I remember a used child's nappy and some rubber pants arranged that they hid nothing of importance. The centre of his being, his cock, was in deeper trouble. It was inside a clear plastic cylinder, rather like a large test tube. A cord tied this cylinder to the poor youth's balls. It was both wide and long enough to take his flaccid penis. If he got even partially erected, circles of thin short needles would attack the cock from all sides. There were also several terrifyingly long needles pointing straight down the cylinder from its end. While he was soft they just touched the skin of his 'crown'. His feet were held very wide apart by an iron bar that went through a metal loop bolted to the floor. His hands were chained to his neck but he had enough freedom of movement to operate the camera. However he was quite unable to interfere with his clothing below waist level.
Before he starting making the video, Davie gave my sister and me masks to wear. He said I am sure you will want to circulate the video. I immediately put mine on but my sister said she didn't care. She was proud of her good looks and they would improve the video. What could I do but take mine off! Davie was already nude. He was a natural nudist and just liked to show off his beautiful body and who could blame him. I stripped off quickly to join him. It was odd to strip in front of a woman and even more so as it was my sister. Then Davie asked her to strip as sexually as possible. I didn't look at her but at the ex-tutor was going through the tortures of the damned! Davie then put a French letter onto his own cock. It was a plastic finger stall as that is all I can find to use on little kids. He remarked, "I don't want to waste my first come." He then put over this a large cock extender So that your sister knows that I am a real man he said to me.
He whispered something to her. She went over to the poor young man and pulled down his plastic pants. She sprayed some SLOcum into various holes in the plastic tube. She slowly seduced the helpless man. Before long she had to apply the spray several more times. Suddenly she reached behind him and pulled out Kotex from his arse. "You are not a real man. You want to have periods as if you are a woman. I won't soil my hands with you."
Soil her hands was beautifully appropriate as he was soiling his rubber knickers. I don't know what sort of enema Davie had given the man but there was plenty of it and he had little or no control over it.
Davie turned to me and said, "I would like you to wear this when you fuck me."
He handed me a sizeable cock extender. As I may have mentioned before, my equipment is well above average and I never use an extender on a kid unless I really want to hurt him. My natural size means that I normally have to be careful not to damage the goods permanently. For those of you who are size queens, it measures nine and three quarter [24.8 cm] inches along the top when it is hard. More significantly it is seven and a half inches [19 cm] in circumference. I pointed this out delicately to the boy but he had felt my prick up him before so he knew what he was doing.
"I want to make sure that I have more than enough stimulation to give me the exciting first come of my life. Please don't spare me. It is more important for me to have this exciting experience than to avoid a little pain." These were not his exact words which were a lot cruder and would be out of place here.
The video went to plan – his plan. I will not give many details as, if that sort of video interests you, you will have seen it Davie went straight up my sister who grabbed him to her bosom while I mounted him. It was quite a struggle but, as soon as I was in, Davie started the action. I didn't have to move as he violently fucked my sister and himself! What is more important he came quickly.
The whole set-up clearly turned her on. She went over the top within a split second of Davie's climax. The first I knew was the boy's muscle contractions. The first one did the trick for me. After this virtually simultaneous eruption, we lay still for several minutes. Davie was the first to recover surprisingly enough. He shouted I actually did it. Not many people have had their first one like that and we have recorded it so I can watch it whenever I want! The boy jumped up. He was impaled on a pole but that didn't stop him nor did my sister's quim. He indicated to the cameramen to take close ups. He peeled off his cock's coverings and revealed a creditable quantity of liquid. He hadn't finished being a film mogul as he called the young filmmaker over. He took over that video as the other boy mounted my sister and fucked her arse. It was only a small weapon but the surprise and the situation did the trick. They both came in double quick time.
That was the end of the session. We got dressed except for Davie who decided to remain nude. We left the room. Oh, the tutor remained still tied up although, on her way out, my sister removed the camera and gave him a little kiss and squeezed his balls – very hard. He was still there that night. When eventually my sister left the castle, I gave him to her. He is her devoted slave. She occasionally repays him. Last year she told me she let him wank himself six times and come on one of them. I said she is spoiling him.
We went down to tea. Davie said, "I have an idea. It should be great fun. Will you listen to it all before saying we can't do it. I need a new tutor but I want someone special. I want John!"
My sister interposed, "My John! You have never even met him. Oh! My God! Sorry Do carry on."
"I intend to break him completely and have a general plan that should work. I will need to join David's school next term. Before that I will need to meet David socially so he can tell me about the school. This will make it easy for me to become his special friend. I gather from his mother that he has few friends at the school."
"I want John to lose his job during the term. This should happen in some way that will make it very difficult or impossible for him to get another one. I will leave the school after one term. David will decide to join me for tutoring by his dad after another term. We also need to make as many recordings of David speaking as we can. If you can get me one, Unk, I will place a small radio transmitter on him when I meet him and replace it if necessary while at school with him. We will need to have a mobile radio receiver to pick up and record any speech."
An aside:
The organisation provided a suitable recorder that was even more effective than Davie's suggestion. They didn't charge me a penny. The main part was a rather handsome pen. It has a transmitter in it which worked constantly. It got enough power from being moved around. Its battery was only flat for a few minutes when David got out of bed. The receiver was no problem either. It could be five hundred yards [450 m] away and still work. I got a man a live-in job as a gardener at the school. He kept the receiver in his room and he could leave it working constantly. It only operated when there was something to record. Indeed it could be set up not to record at certain times of day such as during lessons. All this significantly reduced the amount of tape that we had to scan.
"When John comes here, he must have no idea initially that you are his brother in law so your sister must not be around. She can have copies of all the videos that we produce. This will be even more important when David arrives. You can work out the other details of my plan for yourselves! There are bits and pieces to be thought about such as what happens here. We can decide that when we have got that far. I don't think we should have too detailed a plan because it will have to alter as circumstances change. We must look at the problems one by one."
"Can you get by without me, Unk? Can you get me into the school?"
ME: "No difficulties there. I will get the headmaster to write a suitable letter."
This was duly written, much amended and eventually sent. It read
Dear Sir,
David Prescott
The above boy has been at my school for many years. He has been a credit to me and the school. His parents want him to go to one of the great English Public Schools. They feel it would improve his chances if he were to apply from a great prep school, I have suggested yours.
He is normally very clever but has found the idea of changing schools and losing his many friends here a mental strain. I would recommend that the first term with you he should repeat his current year. Most English schools' Syllabuses are so different from the equivalent Scottish ones. He might eventually need to miss a year but that is obviously your decision.
I gather he will be meeting David before he joins the school. His parents would like it if they could be in the same form, dormitory and house as it would help their boy to settle down. If you take the boy I am sure he will be as much credit to your school as he has been to mine.
If you want any more information please ask. I enclose copies of his recent report for the last year.
ME: "You'll have problems in living in such a school?"
DAVIE: "Great Art demands sacrifices! What about me meeting Davie?"
SISTER: "No problems there. He won't even know that I am involved. I am very friendly with enough of Davie's relations. I can get him to meet a new boy to his school and tell him the ropes. Most boys like to show off in that way. I'm sure that David is no exception. He is to remain in his current year next term. The divorce and so on have interfered with his work and he has fallen far behind the rest of his class. He is lazy anyhow. He won't have many friends in his new form as he bullied the boys in that year in the past. His few friends in his existing year will not continue to associate with a boy who is now in a lower form. If we could get you, Davie, into that form it would be ideal."
The other difficulties seemed to disappear once Davie turned his mind to them. I felt we ought to check with his father. The man's solicitor looked after that. Davie's father was vastly amused when he learnt that it was all his son's idea. He gave it all his blessing and was only sorry not to be able to take part in the grand scheme that his little son had dreamt up.
Suddenly Davie turned to my sister, "Could we go to bed together NOW just the two of us with no 'extras' or anything?"
My sister replied, "I would like that DARLING."
I was staggered. My sister was reacting to him as to a lover not an eleven year boy. I felt the first pang of jealousy but the kid turned to me and whispered, "Don't worry. I want to have normal fun with you tonight. When you are slightly angry you are so much rougher."
So he thought my kind of fun was normal. The jealousy had gone only to be replaced with scheming. I would have sweet revenge but that could wait.
"Oh! Can your sister use some of your stuff tomorrow as I want her to put on a good show?" he added and I agreed naturally. As usual he really could twist me round his little cock.
I wandered downstairs to see how the boys in the cupboards were getting on. The youngster's chart was now
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
/ / x / / / xxxx /
/ / xxx / / x / / / / / xxx
******** |
************ |
Penis washes
***** |
********** |
I felt the boy had undergone enough. He still had another day to survive so the head and I released him and put him in a special coffin shaped box. It has a silvered glass top so everyone can look in but he can only see out if the interior light is off. There are straps at the sides for his wrists that keep him from touching himself. We have developed this coffin idea in many ways since then. I may describe some more recent types later on.
Chapter Eleven The Punished Teacher
I had no idea what my sister and Davie had planned for the assembly. It was so important that it worked well for them and so it was just as important to me. All I knew was that she had asked if a male friend, Ian, of hers could come over later to 'help'. She assured me that he was quite safe.
I was as nervous as a mother before her daughter's first date. I was worried that my adult sister wouldn't perform adequately! I had done as much as I could but that really was very little. I had tried to prepare the assistant teacher. After he had spent most of the previous day in the cupboard, I had moved him onto an 'ironing board' for the night. This is a table rather like a monster ironing board. It has straps to hold a body completely immobile. It does allow the victim's ears to twitch! I did put some drops in his eyes, however. These stop the lids closing other than an occasional blink and make it almost impossible for the person to focus his eyes. We had drugged him to keep him awake until after his punishment but I did not want him to get bored. I set up two video recorders to play through one T.V. screen. He had continuously to watch it to the extent that his eyes let him. When he was not erect, he would see hard core heterosexual material from the one recorder. Once he got hard, the video players would switch over. He would then have to watch some of the more severe punishment sessions that had taken place at the school. When he lost his erection, back it would switch! The whole thing operated remotely even to changing the tapes so I could leave him 'in peace'.
Once everyone had assembled in the hall, the head introduced my sister saying briefly who she was. He announced that she was thinking of becoming school matron for some while. However he continued, "I don't want any of you to think that you can get out of any sort of difficulty by reporting sick. She has kindly consented to show us all how she would deal with such malingerers. She will demonstrate on an evil youth that is due for punishment this morning. I will make some other announcements later but I will now pass you straight over to her."
My sister had dressed carefully. She was wearing a cross between a nun's habit and the uniform of a children's nurse. It was made from rubber some white, some pink and some nearly transparent. The onlooker couldn't know for sure if he was looking at skin or rubber. The effect must have been very telling as most of the kids there had had nurses when they were young or been to convent schools.
The assistant teacher was still strapped to the ironing board. Davie had angled it before everyone came in. The man was facing the audience as if he leaning back against a stepladder. The drops that I had put in his eyes had left the eyes a bit watery. There were no less than three video cameras in use. The man could have spoken but there was nothing that he could usefully say and he knew it. Normally the kids sit or stand in rows with the youngest some five feet [1½ m] from the platform. My sister invited them to sit all round the victim and as near as they liked.
She then began, "Although I am just a weak woman, your headmaster has asked me to punish this miserable creature. He apparently thinks that he is a tough man. He has fantasises about having intercourse will a young innocent girl. Never in these day dreams of his does he spare a thought for her feelings. It is only fitting that I will not spare his feelings either. I had asked for him to be handed over to me completely nude. He isn't and he still has a lot of privacy. He has hair on some parts of his body. While the hair under his armpits may hide nothing that you might want to see, it might conceivably make him feel a big man. To start with I will have to prepare him by removing all this stupid hair. There are many different ways to do this. They have advantages and disadvantages as this table shows."
She produced a blackboard, which she put behind the young man. Everyone, other than him, could see it. She discussed the contents in detail. The blackboard had the following on it
Action |
Speed to do |
Effectiveness |
Length lasts |
Other |
Scissors |
fast |
low. stubble |
short |
Itches |
Shave electric |
very fast |
low |
short |
— safety |
fast |
medium |
medium |
Itches |
— cut throat |
fast |
good |
good |
Itches when grows out, fear provoking |
Electrolysis |
very slow |
eventually perfect and permanent |
Needs many very painful treatments but with each hair become steadily finer |
She went on talking so long about the different ways of removing hair that some of the younger boys started to get bored. Suddenly without changing her voice she continued (The boys woke up instantly).
"I will demonstrate each method on this criminal. There are a number of places on his body that I could choose. First, I will use the scissors on his left arm pit. I am using very small nail scissors but, even so, you can see how difficult it is to cut off every hair and I expect that I have left some stubble. Now I will use an electric shaver on his right arm pit. It is much easier and gives a smoother effect today. In a week or two, however, it will need to be repeated. A safety razor is next on my list and we will shave that hairy patch on his chest. It is lucky he is so dark and coarse haired. Isn't it? He seems nervous and that makes it more difficult. I might nick him. Oh dear! How careless of me I just did, but then I don't use a safe razor very often. Later I will use a cut throat razor and I have never used one of those before. Well, let me use one now. He has quite a thatch above his cock. I will just shave a piece like a slice of cake on the left side. I am not using shaving soap because although that makes it easier to do it doesn't make such a good video. Good that's done. I only nicked him twice with that razor, not bad for a beginner."
"Now for the electrolysis, I will do a similar shaped piece a bit further down on the same side. He will end up looking very lopsided. That will be fun won't it? As you see it was a very slow process and he made a lot of noise. I don't know why he got an erection. I didn't tell him to."
The boy interposed, "You had your hand on my cock and
She replied, "Who spoke to YOU? You better learn to control your lip! Also the only name you may ever use for that dirty thing that you have stuck on your stomach is MY USELESS DIRTY MALE APPENDAGE. Do you understand? What do you call it?"
3; useless
3; dirty
3; male
3; appendage, but it ISN'T."
"It isn't 'dirty or it isn't 'useless' or
"It isn't useless. It isn't both. Oh! Please, leave me alone."
"Well, that IS interesting so you do have a little sprit. I still think it is quite useless."
"It's not. IT'S NOT."
"I am always fair. I will give you a chance. If you can fuck me with your useless dirty male appendage, I will consider reducing your punishment to half a dozen strokes. If on the other hand you fail, you will have to agree that it is indeed your useless dirty male appendage AND take the full punishment. Do you want to take the risk?"
The youth stupidly didn't expect a trick. Even, if he had, there was no way out. She untied him and stripped herself below the waist. I wasn't sure what she had in mind. When I saw the effect her semi nudity had on him, I thought that she might have incorrectly estimated his reaction. There was a sofa bed already on the stage and the youth almost threw her onto it. She handed him a condom saying, "I don't want a baby especially from a half man like you."
I had a vague idea what her plan might be because I knew she was on the pill. He tore off the green and blue wrapping and I saw its name. What a sister! These rather special condoms are sold as 'sex aids' which is the last thing that they are. The name however is most appropriate Safest Sex. They are a double sheaf. Between the two layers round the crown are a large huge number of microscopic pins all pointing inwards. They are coated with a substance that causes blood vessels to dilate virtually instantly. The most turned on man will lose his erection within three seconds of him pushing his cock against anything. He won't know what the problem is because the pins are so tiny that he will not even feel them. These pins are covered with a powerful analgesic that will kill any sensation of being pricked even before he could analyse the feeling. He will be just as turned on mentally as he was, but all physical manifestations will disappear.
Before the man can get a further erection, he has either to wait at least twenty-four hours or he has to know what has happened and what to do about it. First the penis must be washed very well preferably with alcohol to remove any remaining chemical. Then there must be sufficient time for the chemical already in the penal tissues to work into the bloodstream and be dissipated. This normally takes some forty minutes.
I had never before seen these condoms used but soon saw how effective they were. My sister had done everything to turn the unsuspecting young man on. He launched himself into what looked as if it were to be a full scale rape. Moments later only to stop as he became soft. My sister did her best to coax him into another erection but ten minutes later the completely deflated youth gave up and burst into floods of tears.
She tied him back on the board and gave the kids a short break. She had not even smacked him but clearly he was unlikely to forget that morning.
Before the assembly broke up, the head spoke: "I told you that there are a couple of other announcements. They concern Davie. Will you come up here and stand by me. Yesterday he had his first real climax which in itself is enough to be worthy of congratulations. In this case he came while satisfying this woman. What this poor specimen, who used to consider himself so butch, couldn't do, Davie did on his very first attempt. I am declaring the rest of the day to be a holiday. The punishment that our new matron is doling out will occupy much of the day. All of you except the prefects will be expected to be here. Any prefect, who would prefer to do other things, hold up your hand." It was no surprise that every hand remained down. He continued, "Davie is getting some other presents. Matron is giving him this woman's examination table which I have adapted for use on males. He and she will use it this afternoon. Her brother has persuaded me to make him head boy of the school. This will give him a status above every one else other than the three of us: that is the owner, matron and me."
"From now on, he can punish even the prefects if he thinks you need it but that is unlikely. More significantly, he will hold a daily prefects' meeting immediately after breakfast to plan any special 'events'. From what I know of Davie neither the fags nor the assistant teacher will enjoy these events."
While the boys were having their break my sister's friend arrived. There was no time for long introductions. I wasn't sure what the kids thought about the morning's performance. I knew that it had been more effective than any normal corporal punishment.
During the interval, I gave the victim another injection to keep him completely obedient. I also gave his 'dirty, useless male appendage' a clean up with the chemical from the Safest Sex Condoms. The boy was still as randy as ever, except that his cock was out of action.
Once these drugs had been given a chance to work, my sister untied him. He wrote the following letter to his ex-girlfriend at my sister's dictation:
Dear Anne,
I am sorry not to have written for so long but I cannot get stamps here. I am even more sorry to be writing this letter in my present circumstances. I hope you will help me but I will quite understand if you decide not to. The only thing I BEG you is not to tell anyone in case the police get to hear about it. If they do, I am QUITE sure I will be killed.
Last night I played cards for money. Initially everything went fine and I thought I could win enough to leave this awful place and even buy a house for us. I then had such a good hand that it absolutely couldn't fail to win. Soon I had all my winnings on it. To play the hand I had also to put up every penny that I had. As you can guess, someone had an even better hand. When I came to pay up I didn't have anything like as much money as I thought I had, although I had checked it earlier. I don't think anyone would have opened my wallet and I only left it a moment when I went to the toilet.
The men became very nasty and have said that I am to stay here. They checked my wallet and found your photo. They told me that either I will become their slave for two years or you will agree to whatever they want to do to you for twenty-four hours. They haven't told me what they would do but they have promised me that they will not make you pregnant. They won't even promise that you will remain a virgin. At first I refused to write this but they will give me no food or water until I do.
Yours in sorrow
As soon as everyone had returned, my sister untied the youth and told him to lie on the 'woman's' examination table.
"On your back idiot!"
She asked Davie to help her as it was an opportunity for him to learn to use most of the bits and pieces that were parts of the table. "I will point out everything even those things we won't use today. I will give you and the rest of the boys here a complete guided tour of the table. We will start at the head and work down."
"The boy's head rests on this shaped cushioned piece of wood. I usually adjust it so he is forced either to look down at his navel or up into the skies. When he looks into the air, I try to have an angled mirror on the ceiling. His means that if you want him to, he can see whatever you are doing to his body. This head rest is covered in a heavy plastic so that it can be sponged down with disinfectant. The rest of the table can also be disinfected easily."
"This metal band straps round his forehead so he can't lift his head, even slightly, off its rest. I would STRONGLY recommend its use as it greatly reduces his ability to move at his own volition. This is a vital first stage to killing any residual feeling of independence."
"These rods that are mounted on the sides of the table can be moved towards his head or feet. Once you have positioned them correctly, this knob will fix them in position. They can also be opened up like a telescope. There is another knob to lock this movement. You now have these horizontal rods that also work as if they are telescopes and can be similarly locked. Adjust them so their tips rest snugly against the very sensitive fleshy part of his cheeks. They have sharp pins on them so don't prick yourself. Do remember to sterilise them every time you put someone different on the table. If you adjust them so they press into the skin like this, they should not puncture it unless he makes a violent movement. He will soon learn."
"This odd shaped thing is called a snood. It goes over his chin. You should choose one carefully from this box because the shape of people's chins varies a lot. One end of this rod fixes to the snood. The rod then goes through this ring on the band round his forehead. Now we use this hinge to fit the other end into this hole at the table top. Now as I turn this screw the rod becomes longer and it forces his mouth to open as much as you want. BE VERY CAREFUL AS IT IS VERY EASY TO DISLOCATE HIS JAW BY ACCIDENT. I have done it so I know. Should it happen, just relax the pressure a bit. You mustn't force the mouth open after that. I will take it off him now. Today we will want him to speak from time to time and maybe to scream a bit."
"We come to some additional devices that I will not use today. They are designed to block his hearing, his sight and the use of his nose. You can play music, or anything else, at any sensible volume through the ear plugs however there is an automatic control to avoid any permanent hearing loss. You COULD turn the control off but you shouldn't do so normally. He never will know if it is on or off."
"These drawers at the head of the table hold a number of different devices.
- This one contains various chemicals for giving orally or by injection. I will go through them with you privately later. Don't use them until you understand all the possible problems that can arise. Some you can use once you understand all the potential dangers but for others you always need to have a doctor around.
- This drawer contains apparatus for forced feeding and forced vomiting and a gas mask. The same remarks apply.
- There are some interesting gas cylinders mounted below the drawers. They are quite clearly marked.
- This toilet seat can be mounted over his face or any other part of his body.
- Lastly there is this apparatus for the so-called Chinese water torture.
I am sure you will add to this collection of mine. I look forward to seeing what you do."
"We need to secure his arms. First put his hands into these things that look a bit like a cross between boxing gloves and ski mitts. The cords at their tips can be tied together. I usually knot them quite tightly underneath the head rest. It pulls the elbows right out and lets you squeeze the taut muscles in the upper arms! I like using a little hammer on his 'funny bone' but don't hit too hard or you could break it. Yes, that's about right. It isn't quite as painful a position as it looks once the person learns to cope with it. One advantage of having the forearms right out like this, is that it leaves his surprisingly sensitive arm pits available. Beware there are some very fragile bones there."
"When you are securing a victim, he may suddenly panic from this point on. It is so stupid as they always leave it until it is too late! We now come to all these straps. They all buckle across his body. You will never NEED all of them. I find it is good psychologically to use as many of them as you can. Sometimes you will need to remove some to allow you to get to certain parts of his body. Starting from the top we have straps that
- go under the arm pits and across the upper chest.
- go over the nipples. Note the holes in the straps should be aligned with the nipples themselves. You can then push things through these holes if you wish.
- go over the ribs. THIS ONE MUST NOT BE PULLED TOO TIGHT AS YOU COULD EASILY BREAK A RIB AND THE BROKEN BONE COULD EVEN PENETRATE THE HEART. I would advise you to do this up very lightly, if at all. You should however make its danger known to the victim. It encourages him not to struggle!
- go just under the area of the ribs. Boxers call this area the solarplexus. (How did my sister know that?) If you do this one up really tightly, it will limit his ability to breathe deeply. It can be painful but not dangerous. For greatest effect use it on top of this specially designed cushion as it spreads the pressure over the whole area without decreasing it.
- go where his belt would normally be. This is the most only important one and it must be done up. It can be worn with a shaped piece of metal that puts the intestines, bowel and bladder, under some extra pressure. It all cases this belt must be tightened FULLY. However, AFTER liquid is inserted into the victim it should not be further tightened."
"This tube runs horizontally between these vertical poles at the sides of the table. Start with it about one foot [30 cm] above his stomach. Now fix each leg to it. This strap goes just below the knee. No, the thighs go under the tube and the lower legs over it. Good. He looks quite uncomfortable. Now if you turn this wheel it will pull the knees apart along the tube. Don't worry. They always make a bit of a fuss. Ignore it. Now this other wheel moves the tube towards his face. Go on until his arse is right off the table. You may need to raise the tube a little more as well."
"Now the table splits into two like this. We can remove the part below his waist as we no longer need it. This exposes all his areas you might want to 'examine'."
"These are several devices for stopping the feet from moving but we will not bother with them today. Sometimes I simply tie a string from one big toe round his balls and then up to the other one. Once that is really tight, he keeps his feet still. Today we will leave him that bit of freedom."
"Now I will show you that he is quite helpless. You see those nails sticking out of that wall. I will release the brakes on the wheels of the table. Now I give it a good push. You see he couldn't stop his bum becoming a pin cushion. However enough fun. I need two volunteers. Only two of you. I can't have you all helping at the same time. Well, I will have to choose you myself. I think it would be fair to pick the two lads that the man dirtied yesterday. Will you come up here please. The man needs a clean up. Here is a bowl of hot water. Be careful as it is very hot. I will put some disinfectant in it."
"I suggest you put on these rubber gloves as the disinfectant may sting your hands. There are some nail brushes to use to clean him. The areas you should concentrate are His Dirty Useless Male Appendage, in particular his balls and under his foreskin."
"When you have done that, work on his bum and the crack round the bum hole itself. Don't be worried about scrubbing too hard as I want it absolutely clean. Spend time on him and ask your mates up to help but only have two working on him at the same time. If there are too many of you he won't appreciate what you are so kindly doing for him. I will leave you to it for half an hour or so. If he should erect, now that BOYS are touching him, make sure we all know."
"There is some orange juice for the prefects. Incidentally I am sorry the toilets have been closed since breakfast. If any prefect wants to pee, he should use a fag's mouth and fags can use the assistant teachers'. The assistant teachers will have to use this bucket on the stage. If any of you wonders why the pee has a very pungent taste, you had asparagus soup with real asparagus in it last night. It won't do you any more harm than normal."
"I am going to punish this miserable youth soon. You don't need to worry that I am going to let him off Scot free. Oh! He IS hard. I THOUGHT that he was interested in boys. Now he has proved it."
"I am not going to use a cane or birch. They are instruments that need more force that a dainty damsel should have. I am going to use instead a quirt or what you may know as a whale bone switch. I will explain how I made it while the boys prepare the victim. What a noise! Inside it is a length of plastic. They were originally made from whale bones but these days plastic, which is much better, is normally used. Here is a piece of the plastic. As you see it has a round cross section. It is rather thicker than a pencil where I hold it but the other end is only the thickness of a knitting needle. It is two and a half feet [75 cm] long and so pliable that I can easily bend it into a circle, like this, without damaging it."
"It is very strong. You will see on the table an apple, an orange and a large turnip. If I bring the switch down like this, this and this, I have cut all three perfectly in half. I haven't squashed the orange, skinned the apple or got stuck in the turnip."
"However, while this is all right for demonstrations, I would have too much blood to clear up afterwards. What is more important, it isn't comfortable to hold. This is solved by taking lengths of very fine calf leather. Each strip is as long as I can get it but only three eighths of an inch [9 mm] wide and of about the same thickness. Here is a typical strip. Would you pass this strip and the plain length of plastic around, while I continue. We use the leather strips to plat round the plastic. We start by making a comfortably shaped handle and then cover the plastic all the way down with one thickness of soft leather. At the working end we can either just finish it off like this one with a sort of swelling or we leave two lengths of leather loose each about three inches long. This other one is a good example. These 'ticklers' are only two inches [5 cm] long. I use a thicker, harder leather for them. They each end in a special knot that has been pulled until it is very hard."
"Beginners shouldn't use quirts as they demand very great accuracy. Remember that the centre core is tough. Though the leather is very soft, it has very many edges, each of which can make an interesting mark or even break the skin. O.K. Pass those round while the boys finish washing the teacher. Be careful. You can try a SOFT stroke on you flat hand if you like. If you do it too hard it will hurt. If you want you can each give ONE proper stroke to an assistant teacher.
3; No, don't all choose the same one.
3; Well, O.K. then but the others will get off lightly!"
I had looked at many quirts before but never seen one used. I had no idea that my sweet sister had even heard of them. I was now as excited as the kids. The washing concluded, my sister turned to the now erect lad. I think he had been too full of his own immediate problems to see the demonstration or hear her description.
She turned to the youth, "Those two little kids that have been washing you, have really excited you, haven't they, you queer? Maybe, I am wrong and it is the idea of being beaten with these pretty little things that is turning you on. Do let me know, which it is. Is it the idea of being beaten that is turning you on or the idea being played with my such beautiful little boys?"
I was amazed that again she had put the boy in an impossible situation. Although the other boys mightn't realise it, any corporal punishment paled into insignificance compared to her mental torment. She forced him to answer. He could only choose the least bad of two awful things. He clearly was not yet prepared to accept that he was 'queer'. Of course he was really quite straight! The boy whispered, "The beating." He wasn't allowed to get away with that and had to shout. The idea of getting a heavy beating with a quirt is really turning me on.
My sister then said, "I don't want you to like being beaten. First I will have you fucked by one of the little kids that you seem to love so much. If you should come, you will feel the beating so much better and you will know you really are queer. I think that young Davie might like to do the honours."
I wondered how much of this had been planned. Davie returned to the stage and, with his back to the audience, he picked up a sheath that incorporated a vibrator. It was a special toy of mine and I could locate the victim's love button with it to bring him off. I had used it on Davie to give him dry cums. Only the people on the stage realised what Davie had done. He drove into the youth. It didn't take long and they climaxed in unison! I saw that my sister had taken, what turned out to be, a brilliant still photo and the videos naturally were also recording the scene.
Davie climbed off and my sister gave the young man no time to recover before, "You can't pretend any longer that you are not just as queer as a two pound note! All I need to do now is to decide how many strokes to give you. Yesterday the kids counted to twenty-two before you disgraced yourself. Maybe they could have counted the same today. That makes forty-four strokes. You said the idea turned you on so I should increase it again to sixty-six. That really does seem to be too many. I have never found a full grown man who could take that number from my quirt. I will be kind and reduce it to a round sixty. All you have to say is 'I thank you very much for reducing my punishment to sixty strokes as I know I deserve much more'."
The boy was in tears already. He managed to get out the shaming request, "I thank you very much for reducing my punishment to sixty strokes as I know I deserve much more."
At long last the punishment started. I find corporal punishment difficult to describe adequately. She picked up the quirt without the ticklers. Then she started the punishment. She didn't hurry rather the reverse. Each Thwack as the instrument landed was followed by a noise from the youth. A few seconds later there was a chorus from the kids, who counted out the strokes. Then silence except for noises from the youth who tried to get his mind together. The required I am ready. A slight pause so he was not quite so ready. The next stroke landed. She gave the first ten at about minute intervals all from the left side and equal spaced down his bum. Much to my surprise, she gave them all backhand. She just flicked the wrist which hardly moved. If you think that strokes given that way would not be hard, you should have seen the effect they had on the target area.
Suddenly I realised that my sister was just as experienced in giving corporal punishment area as I was. Unlike a cane, each quirt leaves a single line on the target. It isn't of equal thickness all the way along. It swelled to maybe double the thickness every quarter inch or so. I realised this was caused by the edges of the platted leather. The strokes were all nearly parallel and a draughtsman would have been proud of them.
After admiring her handwork for several minutes, she walked round the other side and gave a repeat performance. For this set of ten, she didn't work down the bum. She seemed to be striking all over the place. At the end of the set, each of the earlier pairs of strokes was separated midway by a new line. Half way through this batch, the boy's moans changed to howls and it took him longer for the "I am ready." She warned him quite coolly, "If I hit before you say I am ready, I will not count the stroke."
He shouted the phrase in double time after that! I wasn't sure how she could continue as the whole of the bum was lined like a school writing book. Alternate lines were heavier at the right or the left. In the position he was tied in, his legs were so far apart that the strokes carried on almost uninterrupted across the central cleft. Indeed the line just became slightly thinner there. I also noted that this part of the punishment had lasted seconds less than half an hour.
The woman addressed us all. "We will have a short break as I want those to sink in before I give him the rest. During this time can you do some more peeing as I want those buckets filled to the brim. There is more orange juice for the prefects if that helps. Oh! Please remember there is a boy in one of the cupboards who needs some more attention."
I spent the break talking to Ian. He was a six foot eight [>2 m] giant of a man and a navvy. He was obviously hot as there was a big bulge 'down there' which he made no effort to hide. My sister gave him a huge whiskey and said to me, "It always slows him down a bit."
We went back into the hall there was a crowd of youngsters standing round the table admiring her handiwork. They might have been doing things to the boy but I didn't mind as he had already been drained.
Before the next twenty strokes, my sister told everyone about the letter he had written to his girl friend. "Voluntarily, maybe hoping that I might go easily on him if he 'sold' her but she said I can only despise a so-called man, who is so disloyal, and will punish him harder rather than less hard."
She then took two woman's sanitary towels and worked them right up the youth's anus. When they had disappeared, the boy's arse hole stuck out and 'pouted' most attractively.
She gave the next twenty from the left side. She used the instrument with the tickler. My sister worked round an imaginary clock face from about twenty-seven minutes to until 2 minutes to the hour. She missed out a few strokes near quarter to the hour that would have run along existing lines. Each stroke cuts previous ones and about half these intersections broke the skin. However any bleeding quickly stopped. She wiped it away with a tissue "so I can see what effect I am having." The real damage was done by the ticklers, which landed every time on the youth's pouting ring. It had been sore looking even before from the scrubbing. Now it was clearly the source of his most severe pain.
This batch took twenty-five minutes and I really thought the last twenty might do him a permanent injury. She had another break 'for lunch'. Nobody thought of feeding the boy. When we reconvened the last time she said I am only going to give ten of this lot in the same way as the last batch. The other ten will be given as follows:
- Two across the back of each thigh
- Three on the inside of each leg, one near his balls the others working down the thigh.
I am not sure it was any sort of kindness especially as she gave these much harder. EACH one broke this skin.
I thought the youth had received quite enough and that my sister had excelled herself. She became solicitous and said, "There will be a short break but you haven't had any food or drink today. Food doesn't matter so much but you ought to have something to drink. I know there are some buckets of stale pee, I am sure you would like a glassful. Wouldn't you? Well, wouldn't you?"
The youth was now so broken in that he muttered, "Yes."
That was not enough. He had to shout out, "Yes. I would love to drink some of that stale pee. Please give me some."
I was impressed with how easily she made him say it. All she had done was to pick up one of the quirts and say what he was to do. He even drank it without any further encouragement. In the video close ups you can see that he had difficulty to keep it down. I had noticed that my sister had added a little while powder that I recognised as Spanish Fly. I almost said to her 'I think he has had enough,' but I decided to leave it to her.
The youth still tied on the table was wheeled to the swimming pool and given a short 'cooling off' swim. It was really a soak as he was unable to move at all. He was cold and shivering but much more conscious of his surroundings when he was bought back onto the stage. Once the excited kids had trouped back, he was introduced to his next torture.
Ian was an obvious sadistic exhibitionist and my heart warmed to him. He stripped very slowly making sure that the half conscious youth realised what he saw was real. While he was massive everywhere, his sexual equipment was out of this world. It was thicker than my ankle. He told me afterwards that hard it measured fourteen inches [35 cm] along the top. I consider that to have been a conservative estimate. Its most frightening feature was the veins, which stood out as if they had been carved from stone. He allowed me later to take a plaster caste of it and I have had many dildos made up from it.
Once he was naked and being admired, he turned to the bound figure. The youth's fright, and the cold bath, had brought him round quicker than I would have thought possible.
The giant said to the youth, "I have been told that I can fuck you twice. Now I don't like grease on my cock but I don't mind spit or cum. You have a choice. You can just suck it so it is damp which won't help your sore arse much. Alternatively you can suck me off. It won't take long as I am quite hot. Then I will let you use your tongue to spread the cum over my cock. The fucks will be a lot easier on you but, since I will have already come once, they will take longer. I would recommend that choice especially, since many queers like you are pleased to have a chance to taste my come. Incidentally if you spill any, I will dry off my cock and fuck you dry. Oh I suggest you pee whatever liquid you have in you as it will make more room for me. Oh! I will hold your cock while you do so. Don't dare close your mouth."
The broken lad did just as he was told and the man aimed the youth's tool. Most of the pee ended up in his mouth and he swallowed it without even being ordered to. Ian had rubbed the youth's prick a bit while he was directing the stream. He now pointed out that the youth was now hard again, "Just because a man like me holds his cocklet!" It was of course the Spanish fly but only my sister and I knew that.
The main action did not start at once. The youth had first to suck the man off as he had naturally chosen this option! Since he couldn't move his face he could only use his tongue and lips. The man was content to let the youth do the work. Although he was "Very hot" as he had said, he took his time.
My sister pulled out the sanitary towels from the young man's arse. She whispered to me. They have been impregnated with pain killers and muscle relaxants. These chemicals should have acted by now on the whole area including the ring itself. They were slow acting initially so they would not have made my beating any less severe. While all the kids' eyes were on her, I noticed that the man had put some lubricant surreptitiously on his cock.
I won't waste your time recounting how the youth was successfully fucked twice in succession. There are so many accounts in the literature that do the subject more justice than I can. Maybe I should just quote the names of some of these works and relevant pages! The boy spent the night, and many hours after, tied to the table. His mouth was held open and a bag suspended over it. This bag had a small leak and dripped continuously into his mouth so he had to swallow the accumulated liquid every couple of minutes. He was tied in such a position that he was quite unable to spit out anything. The bag, as you will have guessed, contained the contents of one of the buckets.
In the morning he had another visit from Ian giant who was somehow still going strong after a night with my sister. As he rode the boy he explained, "I told your matron not to treat your sore places this morning with antiseptic or pain killers. At least not until I have finished with you as I don't want any gunk on my prick."
A number of the prefects watched this final humiliation session of the youth. The fags were busy elsewhere.
The youth spent the next couple of days in the sanatorium with 'matron' looking after him like a mother hen. He didn't want to have anything to do with her but his views were of no moment.
There were plenty of visitors mostly the prefects. Matron always welcomed them especially when they had interesting ideas. The youth was not so pleased to see them. In some ways nevertheless he preferred it, to having her undivided attention. There were other patients for some of the time but she almost ignored them, except to use them as unwilling onlookers and helpers. Much of his time was used in making a video in which he had to explain the importance of being honest with oneself. He had to explain, with many demonstrations that he had only ever pretended to be heterosexual. My sister used the special condoms regularly but sometimes used the chemicals on their own! She started a carefully planned system to control every aspect of his sexuality. He never was unsupervised. She started a long series of aversion therapy treatments. Soon seeing a naked woman even in a photograph would lead to his erection disappearing, while being seen naked by boys, particular very young boys had the reverse effect. This second effect was achieved by making him climax in such situations and giving him other similar rewards. His whole sexuality was under her control and she varied the number of climaxes she allowed him from a dozen a day to a week without a single completed one.
Ian was a frequent visitor. It was made clear to the youth that the man only fucked him as otherwise the woman wouldn't let him into her pants. Once she decided she needed a holiday and visited the woman who ran the Brownies. She took the youth with her but he was locked into a straight jacket not only for the journeys but for the whole time he was there. That was his only item of clothing that she took with them. He was blindfolded whenever the little girls were present and never saw a single one of them even fully dressed. This fact helped him stay erect but in no other way. The boy eventually was able to return to a normal part of the school life. When my sister left the place, she took him with her as a sort of servant or slave. The 'relationship' outlasted many normal marriages but that is a story which doers not concern us here.
She got on well with the prefects. She established a weekly prize for the boy who organised the best show. She was good in her work as a matron and in dealing with all kids' problems. The prefects at least adored her and would do anything for her which was lucky as that is exactly what she wanted.
Chapter Twelve Davie in Charge
It didn't take long for me to arrange for Davie to go to David's school. The headmaster even suggested that he came at once rather than wait for the new term. My sister found it equally easy to set up the meeting between the boys. Davie's 'uncle' had to come South to some business conference and it would help the boy if he could meet a future school mate, particularly one who would be in the same form. She arranged that this 'uncle' would deliver Davie to John's house. He would have to leave him there for the whole day while he was at the conference. He would pick him up from a local hotel about twelve o'clock the next day. I couldn't be the 'uncle' as it would endanger Davie's plan spoil things if John or David were able to recognise me later.
Davie and I went up to London a couple of days early. We had a busy time as Davie was just as keen to meet some of my friends as they were to meet him. The evening before he was to spend the day with John and David, I organised a very special treat for him. In the end he put at least as much into it as he got out. He knew what was the object of the exercise and he was very interested in taking part. He made a condition that we should allow him to 'develop' the scene as he wished provided we considered it safe.
The set up was somewhat different to mine. Since this involves someone else's security, in all matters concerning the farm I will have to be less frank than usual. I have made a number of changes to make sure that you cannot identify the people concerned. These changes do not alter the fabric of the account. My friend has vetted those parts of this autobiography, that took place there. He said that I have made more changes than he felt were necessary.
This friend employed some 'agricultural workers' on his farm in the home counties. Among these workers was a particular man who was bringing up his three sons on his own. The oldest lad was a huge eighteen year old, Adam, who built like his dad and worked for him. The next brother, Bill, was fifteen, and was still at school but he also worked on the farm. He was to work full time when he left school in a couple of months. He was going to be even bigger than his brother when he has finished growing and had made a good start so far. The youngest brother, Colin, was only twelve and was as puny as his brothers were bulky.
My friend had caught the man and his two older boys 'misbehaving'. They had got hold of a boy, Derek who also was in Bill's form at school. This boy wanted to work for my friend. They had promised to organise it. In return, he would have to let Adam, Bill and their father fuck him. My friend knew that this was to happen and he was watching hidden when the sex started but he kept out of sight until all three had raped the boy who wasn't really so unhappy as he appeared. My friend had taken a few instant photographs. When he 'discovered' what was going on, he was able to lay down his own conditions. Otherwise he would report the family to the police.
My friend was mainly interested in Colin but first he decided to get complete control of the whole family. He felt if they just sacrificed the boy, the score would be even in their eyes. I had suggested that a video might be fun and then, with Davie coming South, the whole plan fell into place.
First the father and older boys had to sign all sorts of papers. They had no idea what was in them but they were all correctly witnessed. Most of the documents were blank paper, when the family signed them. My friend could write in later when he decided what he wanted them to have signed.
My friend locked Colin in a windowless room but no one molested him in any way. When Davie arrived, my friend introduced them. They had a long talk about everything and nothing as boys of eleven and twelve will do. Since Davie was only slightly younger and he is such a forceful character, he was able to talk Colin to do exactly as he, and all of us, wanted. Davie knew they were being videoed and where the cameras were hidden. He sat on the bed next to Colin so they were ideally positioned. Poor Colin thought it was late evening although it was early afternoon but he had not seen daylight for a couple of days. He was to share the room and the bed with Davie 'that night'.
Colin was clearly embarrassed when Davie stripped stark naked. He was even more put out when Davie sat down on the bed again – still completely bare. Davie, on the other hand, made no effort to conceal his body from the boy's covert glances. Indeed he started to play with himself. They were facing a mirror so Davie could easily watch the other boy looking at him.
Once Davie thought the other boy was hot, he said, "Why don't you strip off and play with yourself like I am doing. It is great fun and I am sure you are not a sissy."
Davie talked him into it gradually. Since Davie was in no way a threat and was so clearly enjoying himself, Colin eventually also stripped off and took his own prick in his hand. He was still very small but his balls had dropped. His prick was as hard as it could possibly be. As we had hoped, Colin tried to copy Davie's motions. This was clearly a novel experience for the boy as he clearly had no idea what he was doing. Eventually Davie had to show him and then get the boy to practise on him.
Davie said afterwards, "It was easy to get the boy to do whatever I wanted but my problem was I didn't want to come myself as it might have spoilt everything. That WAS difficult."
Davie was now having wet climaxes and he felt this would put the other boy off. Davie decided to fake a dry cum. He really hammed it up. He achieved what he wanted as the other boy was keen to have the experience that Davie had apparently enjoyed so much.
It was now Davie's turn to become coy. He would continue but only IF the boy would suck him. Reluctantly(?) he agreed that, if the previously innocent boy sucked him, he would do the same. The neophyte soon had, what we were sure was, his first ever cum. Davie assured us later that it was damp. Davie, almost physically, forced the boy to continue and moments later he came in the boy's mouth. There is a lovely close up of Colin's face seconds later as he tries to spit out the unexpected liquid while Davie just stopped him by keeping his prick in place. Colin burst in floods of tears.
The video continued without a break. This made the point that Davie gave the child no time to recover. His dad and two older brothers, as naked as the two younger kids, came in. Davie still nude directed the action as they had to rape their little brother or son. Davie had no intention of a simply letting them each taking their turn at the kid's well-greased arse and then leaving. He said that each of them had to come at least three times. Once, they would come up the boy's arse and once in the boy's mouth. The first climax, however, would be from masturbating each other over his body.
Davie knew that in a such highly charged situation the first climax is often too fast for a really good video. He wanted to show off the three men's huge cocks. They were even larger than the rest of their massive bodies might lead you to expect. As far as videos are concerned Davie is a perfectionist. He is highly inventive and enjoys looking through my videos for novel ideas to exploit. He is as interested as me when I get a new batch from the organisation. Often he insists that I get certain new videos. I am careful not to say or do anything to stop his imagination developing and not to impose any limits. I am less than happy when he shows any interest in fannies or such but I keep these feelings to myself.
It was a new experience for him to demonstrate his talents in front of strangers. He had often enough worked on strangers. This was different as he was trying to impress my friend and the camera men. He thought of them as masters, so they were important people to impress. Like most young kids he liked to show off anyhow. This was even more so since he had so recently produced real juice.
He planned first to make Colin touch these large cocks and then to kiss them all. Colin was terrified when Davie explained part of what he planned. It did not help the novice that the three video cameras were now not only in the room, but often only inches from his face.
Davie now turned his attention to the other three. "I will want to see your big things really work over your little brother but all that hair gets in the way so first you will shave that stupid stuff off your things. I have a cut throat razor for each of you. I intend to get an excellent video of the shaving scenes, so I have banned all shaving soap. Daddy! I want you to shave Adam's cock but only on the right side."
I though the man was going to object but he eventually started. Adam froze. The boy's father was, however, quite proficient. I decided that he had used a cut throat razor before. Davie set a high standard and several times made the man remove the odd stray hair. Eventually he completed the half shave to Davie's satisfaction.
Adam then had to shave Bill's cock on its right side. Adam was nothing like as good with the razor as his father had been. Luckily there were few serious cuts. This was partly as Bill still had comparatively little hair. It made a good video as his hairs were quite coarse for his age and they were very visible as they were a shiny black.
Next Bill had to shave his dad on his right hand side. I wasn't sure who was the more frightened. When the boy cut his dad, as he did several times, luckily it was never in dangerous places. A styptic pencil eventually stopped the bleeding.
At this point the video cameras concentrated on Colin's face which had gone as white as a sheet. The boy seemed about to faint but pulled himself back into full consciousness with a visible effort. I thought that it was lucky that he was not doing any of the shaving.
The father now had to shave the rest of Bill's cock. This was easily the best done. Davie made the man shave his son's balls as well although they were almost hairless anyhow. The strain got to Bill just as his father finished. The boy suddenly broke down and cried like a two year old. Davie let him cry for about half a minute then asked him what the fuss was about. Davie insisted on having an explanation and the boy eventually gathered his wits enough to answer.
He explained, "I am in the swimming team at school and we always train in the nude."
Davie just said, "Well?"
The boy went red in the face and after a pause it came out in a rush, "Maybe, you will punish me but there is a new boy on the team. He is Scandinavian, I think. Anyhow he is blond and has got very fine blond body hair and very little of it. I have been leading a group from the team that makes him prove after each training session that he is old enough to be a member of the team."
Davie pressed, "And how can he do that?"
The boy was not sure what to say. This was more difficult than ever as Davie was three years or so younger than him and hairless! He realised he had to answer, "We make him wank off in front of the whole team."
Davie realised he could make full use of this. "Well," he started, "I am really beginning to think you are not a very nice person. LISTEN VERY carefully. Tomorrow after school there is going to be new applicant to join the swimming team. I don't mind how you do it but you are going to get him onto the squad. He will attend tomorrow night's practice. You are going to do EXACTLY what he and the Scandinavian guy tell you. You must be completely obedient from the point when you enter the changing room until everyone has left it properly dressed. Even then you will wait until they tell you that they have finished with you for the evening. Do you understand? WHATEVER they tell you."
The boy muttered, "Yes," but Davie made him shout it out as if Davie were a Sergeant Major drilling a recruit, "Yes! Sir! I understand, Sir! I will do whatever they tell me to do. Sir!"
Davie then made Bill guess, who the new member of the swimming team would be. Of course, Davie intended it to be Derek whom he and his family had raped. Davie then looked Bill up and down critically. He said half to himself, "I can see, with all that dark hair on your chest and under your arms that the shaved area is rather highlighted. I don't think you will enjoy the swimming sessions for a bit. Maybe I should be kind and remove the rest of your body hair then your shaved crotch wouldn't look so obvious. O.K. Thank me for being so thoughtful. Put your hands on your head. I will try to improve matters. Maybe it will give you a sporting chance tomorrow. Now say Please shave my body as my family shaved my crotch. I will be eternally grateful."
The boy was completely defeated and made the shaming request. He even knew better than to whisper it. Ten minutes later, Davie had completely shaved the boy's right hand side from his neck down. This included his right leg and arm both of which had been covered with a hairy mat. Davie turned to me, winked and asked, "Do you think that is an improvement?"
I said I am not quite sure. Davie then said, "In that case, I will leave it like that. He does look a bit lopsided especially his legs and arms but he will have to get used to that. However at least his other side is still as it was. They don't wear uniforms at his school. In my bag, I have an old pair of my school grey flannel shorts and a short sleeved shirt. I will lend him them for the next couple of days so he can wear them to school. They will be very tight but it really will serve him right and they will show up what I have done to him quite nicely."
Five minutes later the boy was dressed in his own plimsolls and Davie's shorts and shirt. To say he looked indecent would be a huge understatement. He looked obscene.
I was worried that we would have to modify Davie's plans. The idea of a lad going to a normal school like that was completely earth shattering. I did not want interfere particularly as he was doing so brilliantly. However Davie himself did what was necessary. He again started talking as if to himself.
"It would be a pity if he were arrested on the way to school. It would spoil his mates' fun. Let me consider carefully how he looks. That shirt is tight but he does not need to button it up. He can't possibly anyway. You can see his chest with its right half shaved and with the left still left with its hair. The whirl of hair left of his belly button is interesting especially as half of it is missing. I will cut off his shirt buttons so he can't be tempted to hide these interesting things. Yes, I will split the shirt right down the front to be even safer. It has as elastic waist which I can cut through. There are no shirt tails to conceal things. The sleeves are very short on him. They are pulled so tight that they have become nearly transparent. You can just make out one interesting hairy arm pit and the other is clearly as hairless as if he is a little kid. Hold up your arms a moment. Yes. That's really fun. The part of the one arm below the sleeve is completely smooth and the other is so hairy."
"We cannot have him revealing his cock and balls like that even though they are completely hairless. Even a six year old knows better than to show off his private parts. Some string round the waist should hold the shorts up. It must be long enough to span the gap over the open flies. He is much fatter than I am. It still leaves too large an open triangle in the critical area. If I let him use a man's handkerchief, it should be just about enough while he is standing up. It won't help when he sits down or if his prick gets hard but that would be his own fault. He will have to watch that no one grabs the handkerchief as he will not be able to tuck much under the string and still have it going low enough to cover everything he has got. He will have to sort that one out for himself. He will have fun."
"Turn round a moment. I want to see your arse. You will have to undo the string before you sit down. Otherwise, you will be liable to tear the seat of your shorts. That doesn't matter. You can walk the seven miles [11 km] to school rather than go on the school bus and I don't want you to cycle at all. You will have to walk home after the swimming practice but it will be getting dark. Even if the other lads don't give you all your kit, you should be able to make it. The other boys will have to undress you, if they want to fuck you at break or lunch time. There will be so many kids waiting for a turn we must make it easier. I will make a tear over his hole at the back. The only problem is that the boys might not realise that there is an entrance there. Stand still or I might cut you. It is at least four inches [10 cm] long but it still hardly shows. I can't make it any longer. Ask your Daddy to fuck you through the hole. I am sure he has fucked you before. No, don't bother to lie as we can all see how easily it goes in."
"Now, Daddy, you will come right up his arse. That's right. It should slowly seep out so the hole will get stained and much easier to see.
3; No! That isn't enough. I think his big brother better fuck him as well. It is only fair and the extra cum will make a the entrance even easier to see. Well, we must not forget little brother after all that, must we? You can keep those clothes on as you might stain them interestingly at the front before the day is over."
"Before we continue, I better invite the person outside, to come in. The family may have guessed you were there but they ought to know for sure. You will want to do more than watch in a moment."
Derek came in and he was smiling. He started to talk, "So now the boot is on the other foot. I don't feel sorry for any of you. Particularly, Bill, you deserve all you get. I'm going to have fun with you tomorrow at school and at the swimming session afterwards. My! How those clothes suit a sissy like you."
He continued bating the boy for some minutes until the boy took a swing at him. It was a dumb thing to do but the boy's jibes had got to him and he just had to do something. Davie however took the opportunity. "Derek, I think you should punish him for that yourself said the little boy. Would you like to beat him or fuck him? Maybe you should do both. Good! It is better to beat him first because he can then feel the strokes as you fuck him.
3; What's that?
3; Yes, of course, it will be a marvellous idea. How long will it take him to come over? Well, phone him anyhow."
The lad went next door and came back grinning all over his face. He will get his father to drive him over. He should be here in five minutes. I explained that we weren't inviting his father as well. "That's correct? I know the man never canes his son. Once when I was there, he said that it was a barbaric practice."
He had invited over, Edgar, the Scandinavian member of the swimming team. Davie took him on the side but still with the video camera on him. Davie lowered his voice so the family couldn't hear, "I am making a video of the complete mental destruction of this family. I am sure that you agree they deserve it. We will make a video of them to make sure that they cannot recover. It will always be available for us to show to their girlfriends or anyone else. I gather that Bill has been making your life a living hell. Would you like to help us? Are you prepared to revenge yourself in front of his family and the cameras. You will have to agree to be filmed naked. I think that you will get off on 'training' Bill and maybe some of the others. You would have a copy of the video later."
Edgar replied, "Don't worry. I can't think of anything I would like better. The idea of getting my own back on that bully really turns me on. If it also involves the rest of his family, I am sure they deserve it just as much. In spite of what he said about my body, I am proud of it. I like nothing better than having the chance of showing it off. Watch me and you will what a handsome body it is."
He started to strip in as sexy a way as he could. He was a very good looking lad in the first flush of his adolescent sexual development.
The stage was set and now Davie moved into the action. Colin may have felt that we had forgotten him. Something I was sure he would have welcomed if it had been true.
"Colin, fold your hands behind your head." Davie started to speak, "Move so you are lying on your back. Lie right in the middle of the bed.
3; No! I want your head at the foot of the bed.
3; I didn't tell you to move your arms.
3; Look down at your puny little cock. It is a lot smaller than your brothers'. Isn't it? ISN'T IT?"
There was a barely audible, "Yes."
Davie now turned his attention to Bill. "Knell over your little brother, little in every way that is!
3; No, I want your bum at the very end of the bed and your prick pointing straight down at Colin's face.
3; Now spread your knees as wide apart as you can. The tip of your cock can rest on your brother's lips if you try.
3; Now SPREAD those knees really you can do better than that."
Davie spoke to the boys' dad next, "There is a bowl of water and some household soap over there. You will wash Adam's cock and balls carefully and then dry it off with that towel. I wonder if he will get hard, as he is as queer as you are.
3; Good. Well, done! I thought it would harden up. That IS quite a weapon.
3; Now, Adam do the same to your Dad. You better make sure you get him just as hard as you are. Those two poles will make a good video. Just stand still so we can get a good close up of them.
3; Now Adam you can go first. You will go straight up Bill's arse.
3; No! Just dry as you are.
3; No! Don't use your hands. Try hard and your hard will go in. (Sorry I shouldn't make puns but you should all laugh at my unfunny jokes. That is if you know what is good for you.) Good you are well in."
"This instrument is normally used by musicians. They call it a metronome. It makes regular ticks and you can adjust their intervals. The army sometimes uses it for getting the timing of a slow match just right. You will go in on alternate clicks and come right out on the next click. You will go NO faster and no slower. You may find it difficult to keep such a steady speed BUT YOU BETTER MANAGE TO.
3; Now you are getting hot. Take it out for a minute and let your Dad go in.
3; Edgar splash some of that iced water over his cock as we don't want an accident. It doesn't look so proud now, does it? Dad, keep in time with the metronome.
3; Now swap again.
3; Dad, ask Edgar nicely to put your cock in the ice and water.
3; DO remember your manners. Say 'Thank You'."
It was a lot later when Davie said, "O.K. Just before you come, pull it right out. I want all the liquid spilling over the hole in his shorts."
The man and Adam both came copiously in the same way and within moments of each other. Bill, on the other hand, looked dead beat. He was really crying as if he was a baby.
Davie now hurried on. "I want the three of you standing round your little Colin and I want you to rub each other until you all come over him.
3; Colin, if you close your mouth or they miss it or even if you spit anything out, that cum won't count and they will have to start again."
It didn't take long but I was a bit distracted when Edgar pulled me to the side, "Could you speak to the swimming instructor for me? He has been encouraging the rest of the swimming team to molest me. He ALWAYS watches. Then I have to stay so he can fuck me on his own. He threatens that, if I don't do EXACTLY as he wants, he will tell my Dad that I have been getting boys on the team to fuck me. He has treated other boys like this. I am sure he would be happy to select Bill from now on. I have the telephone number of the man's home – unfortunately. He only works afternoons and evenings!"
I promised to chase it up in the morning as it was too late then. Edgar begged me not to forget. "Only if I find him another victim, will he leave me alone."
I realised that Derek and Edgar might be in trouble if they didn't stay over. They rang up their respective homes and arranged to stay. Once we had settled these administrative matters, Davie got back in the riding seat. He decided that Bill could now take off his school 'clothes' so he didn't get them dirty! He was now as naked as the rest of the family.
"Stop rubbing your own cocks. Grab the one on your right.
3; Now rub it in time with the metronome. Don't dare pause even if your cock cums or if the one that you are rubbing does. You will carry on rubbing until I tell you to stop. That won't be until you have all come at least once." After a couple more minutes, "Now swap over and starting rubbing the one on your left. Don't dare hide anything from the cameras."
It was amusing to watch them wanking each other backhandedly. Davie made them carry on until they had all come twice. Bill was well on the way to his next come but then he had climaxed one time less than the others. Davie stopped them all and Bill was left hanging.
Davie set up the next scene carefully. He stood at the top of the bed. He had a bowl of ice and water in front of him. Colin lay on his back across the bed. He had to grasp his knees and pull then up over his chest. His crotch overlapped one side of the bed while his head overlapped the other. I had pulled the bed well away from the wall as Davie had asked.
To start with the boys' father stood by Colin's bum, Bill at his head and Adam beside Davie. The boy director gave Derek an oversized table tennis bat and positioned him behind his father. Edgar stood similarly behind Bill. He had picked up a seven tailed tawse that I knew was a particularly vicious instrument. Then Davie started things going. He set an electric timer to 'ping' every three minutes. Each time it 'pinged' the family moved round one position from Davie who was busy using the ice cold water to deflate their cocks, to Colin's arse and to his head. Colin was having to suck as fast as he could, while he was being royally fucked. Both Derek and Edgar walloped the arse in front of them. Now you must remember that the father and Adam had already come three times that evening and even Bill had had two climaxes. Davie explained that without the iced water they would have come too quickly but I wasn't sure about that. Anyhow the whole family was exhausted before Colin had got the required three loads up his arse and three more loads in his mouth. We sent Colin to bed so he could get a bit of rest before Davie and I joined him in bed.
I was about to give Davie very high marks when I found out he even hadn't finished. It now became a completely different type of session. Bill was to be Davie's victim again. Davie allowed the boys' father and Adam to watch as he had finished with them since they were too old to turn him on.
Davie started harmlessly, "Enough Bill. Are you left or right handed?"
Bill replied, "I am mostly right handed. Why?"
Davie continued, "I am asking the questions. Which hand do you wank with?"
The boy paused but realised he would gain nothing by staying silent. Blushing he said, "My right hand."
"O.K. Hold out your right hand. I am going make your next few wanks not quite as much fun for you as usual."
Davie used the same heavy tawse that Edgar had used on the family's backsides. It was really far too heavy for the traditional hand punishment but Davie didn't care. He continued bringing the tawse down until the boy refused to hold up his hand any more. Both Edgar and Derek were only too happy to hold it in place for another half dozen.
Davie explained that he was going to beat the boy's bum until the boy had received 'enough'.
"You will show that you have had enough by coming. You can wank as hard as you like once I have started your beating.
3; Oh, I wouldn't use your left hand. It will suggest that you lied to me. In that case your left hand would get the same treatment as your right has received.
3; Oh! I nearly forgot. Once you have come the rest of your right hand side will receive its punishment. It will last exactly as long as I will have spent on your bum. Now is your last chance to ask me any questions. I will give you up to five minutes."
The boy must have had many questions. He couldn't find any way of asking them without risking annoying Davie. He spluttered for the whole five minutes but he never managed a single question. I spent the time watching his hand swell up so much that his two hands looked as if they belonged to different people. I had never thought of punishing just one side of a youth but, after that night, I have used Davie's Method quite often. Corporal punishment makes a very impressive spectacle when given this way. During these five minutes, Davie wasn't idle but first laid out some corporal punishment instruments. He carefully washed Bill's cock and balls with the remaining icy water. He stopped Bill touching himself down there with a "You wait until I start the punishment or I will double it." I smiled because I knew he wouldn't object to keeping his word about that.
Davie started with a quite heavy American 'Fraternity' paddle. It had numerous holes. Normally it would hang on a wall to put fear into the hearts of pledges rather than pain into their backsides. Davie wielded it with as much force as he could muster. He aimed all the blows at the just the one cheek and that was all that he hit. I was watching Bill trying to wank. He could get a boner without too much difficulty but as soon as his sore hand touched the cock it softened. I saw him wince as the sore skin of his hand suffered from the slight pressure from his cock. He knew he had to continue to play with himself – however painful that 'game' was. Davie could, and would, go on hitting the boy indefinitely.
The heavy fraternity paddle had reddened the boy's arse with the holes in the paddle giving interesting colour effects. Davie next picked up a 'rod'. It was thicker than a cane and hardly at all flexible – more like a thin rod. He swung it as if he was using a cane. He was careful that the strokes only hit the one cheek. He slowly moved round the boy. The mark that each stroke left changed from the standard 'straight across the butt'. Davie now introduced an important new element. He brought the rod down at differing angles to the flesh. Partly this was to give the effective 'Glancing Blow', but he was also able to hit areas that a normal caning cannot reach. He gave a number of strokes along the crack. He angled them to catch the delicate flesh at the side of the bum hole. He avoided hitting the dangerous areas like the ring itself. These areas can be hit but not with that instrument.
He switched instruments quite frequently and sometimes even came back to one he particularly liked using. He tried all the time to bruise the skin rather than to break it. He gradually moved to rather lighter but more flexible instruments. The ground work had been already been done.
The boy was having no luck with his masturbation and when Davie has punished the arse cheek to his own satisfaction he said, "You are a baby. Fancy not being able to make yourself come. I better do you a big favour. I will first punish that useless thing of yours. Then you may ask one or other of your school mates to do it for you. I would expect them to want you to do something for them in return. They will decide what later. I am sure they will let you know."
Davie picked up a leather motor cycling mitt and put it on. He then held the boy's cock in it. He left exposed the right side of the tool but carefully protected its left side as well as the balls. He peeled down the boy's foreskin with his other hand. He held it down with his leather covered thumb. He picked up a miniature cat of nine tails. Its total length might have been a foot [30 cm] but it was definitely no more. It consisted of maybe a dozen leather shoelaces fixed to a small handle. Each shoelace ended in a tight knot. He gave the cock about six strokes with it. Bill was screaming before Davie had finished. There were thin red lines all along the still erect prick. They were particularly noticeable on the knob. Ten minutes later, the prick had as lopsided an appearance as the rest of his body. Davie just slapped the right ball a couple of times as We cannot let that off completely.
Bill was soon having to beg his enemies, "Please wank me off and I will do whatever you want in return."
You can imagine how they enjoyed hearing him make this shameful request. Davie would give his arse a few more blows as he considered "That Bill wasn't begging hard enough." Eventually Derek and Edgar took it in turns to rub him for a few seconds. Finally the sweating lad produced the few pearly drops that Davie had demanded from him.
Davie now told the boy, "Stand up and put your 'shorts' back on."
The boy's right thigh was the next object for my dear little monster's attention. He used a thin cane that, we both knew would leave long lasting marks. He laid seven neat parallel lines along the front of the thigh. The top one he positioned "So the bottom of your abbreviated shorts will just catch it whenever you move." The bottom one was as low as he could make it and still be on the fleshy sensitive, and safe, part of the thigh. At the back there were eight strokes in similar positions. He left his favourite part of the tight until the end. This is the inside of the thigh, which is particularly fleshy and delicate. He let Bill put his sore hand over his cock and balls for safety's sake while he gave a few strokes as high up as he could get them. Bill was pleased to cover himself however painful his hand and prick felt. Steadily Davie worked down the thigh. I wasn't counting. When I tried later to count from the video, I had already edited it so I don't know exactly how many there were but there were plenty! The bottom stroke was lower than the corresponding ones at the front and back as the inside thigh has even more flesh. I was surprised that Davie managed to get so many on this part of the boy's thigh without significant overlapping.
That was the end of the boy's corporal punishment for that night. Davie used some fluorescent felt-tip pens to write messages on the boy's body. Some were visible even when he was fully clothed. Well, as fully as we allowed him to be. Others would need the clothes to be removed or 'adjusted'. I remember the inscriptions included
Please rub this baby prick for me as I may not do it myself.
Enter here at my peril.
All faggots have tits like these.
I will suck anything, anywhere, so just ask.
In case of complaint, report me to my mentor.
Anyhow we were all tired. Except for Adam and his father, we all 'slept' in a single big bed. We made these two put on a short show.
In the morning we overslept. I had to drive the younger kids to school or they would have been very late. Colin was to miss school that day. In the end Derek and Edgar were in good time. I kept Bill in the car until what I felt was the ideal moment. All the boys were on the other side of the playground standing smartly in lines. He had to walk across it alone in his outlandish garb!
I got back in time to wish Davie all the best before I watched my friend drive him off. Since I had very mixed feelings, I needed to find things to do so I rang up the swimming coach as I had promised. This led to us having lunch together. Later I went to that afternoon's swimming session but that is another story.
Davie returned from his meeting with David and we stayed a couple more days. Nothing happened that is particularly relevant to this story and I will leave the details to your imagination. I included this chapter as it gives important clues to Davie's development.