Scrub aka Simon
Davie and David
A Fictional Autobiography
by A British Roughman
Chapters 4-9
Chapter Four The Organisation
I am pleased that you are still reading. You will find it worth while. I have already mentioned in passing the first area that I want to cover. If you remember, I showed the kids a video on Christmas afternoon. A certain organisation, I will have to leave it at that, but I am sure you can get more details, produces a series of 'educational' videos. They are mostly quarter hour sequences on a variety of sexually interesting areas. The more elementary videos are designed for classroom use, but some are very much too 'strong' for innocent kids. Some are almost too strong for me! They divide these videos into major sections:
- Heterosexual
- Homosexual (male)
- Lesbian
- Medical
- Punishment where there is no obvious sexual element.
This is further split depending on if the victims are
- Boys
- Girls
- Adults – male and female
Then each section is then categorised
Main Character |
Main Supporting |
Total Number |
Maximum / Minimum Supporting |
Supervising producer etc. |
Age Group |
Age Group |
Number of participants |
Age Group |
Age Group |
Age Group or – |
Age groups are used rather than unreliable ages. They are
- Prepubescent
- Pubescent
- Into puberty
- Young Teen
- Teen
- Young Man
- Old man
Thus CA4DAF would mean the main character is into puberty while the next most important character is prepubescent. There are four characters including these two. The oldest is a young teen and the youngest a prepubescent. The producer is a young man whose voice or body is on the video otherwise there will be a dash. In this case it must be is voice only as he is outside the range DA.
If it might be useful, 'm' for male or 'f' for female are added as appropriate. There are certain conventions even before the coding goes into more detail. If a boy is a subject of a medical, or similar, he is the first entry. Similarly if a boy is being sucked, masturbated or fucked again he is the first entry. If they also swap roles a small 'v' for vica-versa is inserted. For example CmAfv4DAF would say the main actors are a boy into puberty and a prepubescent actress. They swap roles. The rest is as before as in the previous example.
The action(s) come next. If there are several, all important ones are given with the more important (as far as this video is concerned) in capitals. In some cases, there may be a series of numbers or letters following. It is very specific and, with a little practice, it is easy to read. Lastly there is a dash '–' and a letter to denote the producer thus I am a small 'q'. A reference number follows. This shows the particular submission of that author. For example my first submission was -q1 and my most recent was -q2476:11.11. They don't distribute all the submissions they receive in the normal way. Nevertheless they will take orders such as I would like all of q's unedited work.
Finally there may be a colon and two letters or numbers. Thus :BD means the quarter-hour video has four sections (with differing actions) and this is the second. If in place of letters there are numbers split with a dot thus 12.16 means the twelfth video section out of sixteen (The total length of the edited submission would thus be somewhat over four hours – sixteen quarter hours). The organisation does not normally like this but sometime it cannot be helped. The only other point worth making at this stage is that a so called quarter-hour session is always at least fifteen minutes long but might be as long as twenty-five minutes. If you are planning a lesson do check the total running time.
Letter |
Bracketed letter |
Meaning |
E |
Medical Examination always the subject is nude for most of the session |
F |
Frontal only |
R |
Rear only |
I |
Internal can be combined with F or R if no other letter both F and R are implied. This is the normal logic. |
A |
Anus the main subject ('a' a minor one) |
B |
Butt plugs only if major involvement otherwise A or E |
C |
Cock and/or balls |
E |
Enema |
N |
Nipples or breast |
U |
Urinary test if catheters used U:C |
V |
Vagina |
A |
Anal |
I |
Intercourse I:F forced anal intercourse This :F suffix can be used whenever it is not implied or to stress the use of force. |
P |
Butt Plugs. Note: not primarily for examination or torture when first letter different. This sort of conflict is less of a problem in practice and will not be mentioned again. |
E |
Enema |
C |
Corporal punishment |
H S F |
Hands, Shoulders or Feet (bastinado) otherwise backside implied. |
C |
(Partly) Covered target area. Otherwise uncovered for most of the actual punishment. |
C n |
Cane followed by total number of strokes |
B n |
Birch followed by total number of strokes |
X n |
There are many other implements (Some see below) that are used. The total Bracket might read (CH20 C12 B6 C12 HT12) would mean initially twenty by hand on clothed backside followed by 12 with a cane 6 with a birch and a final 12 with the cane all on the bared backside finally 12 on the hands with a tawse (six on each?) |
M |
Masturbation (remember :F if appropriate) |
S:n M:n |
Self or Mutual and number of times |
X:n |
eXtra number of times dry |
P:n V:n M:n |
Prostrate or Vibrator or other Machine |
B |
Bondage |
G,H,B,M,E,P |
then: Gas mask, Hood, Blindfold, Mouth Gag, Ear Plugs or Padlocks |
R,S,C,M,O |
Ropes or cords, String, Chains, Other Metal, Other |
W U L A T P + |
then: Wrists, Upper arms, Legs, Ankles, Torso, Prick More (+) N.B. SP=W means string ties prick to wrist(s). There are a lot more letters which are used when absolutely necessary |
B F Q T U S I |
Lying on Back or Front, sQuatting, siTting, Upright, Suspended, Inverted (upside down) |
T |
Torture not including C.P. etc. |
then : Locations see under examinations or Thumbs (hands), Mouth, Skin (general), Other (X) see comment three cells up |
W P N H CI S + |
Weights, Pressure, Needles, Heat, Cold Irritants, Stretching (e.g. Anus) Other (+) |
H |
Humiliation |
C(W G Y B C D P F) D I |
then: Clothing (Woman, Girl, Young Girls, Young Boys, Child (Baby), Diapers, Plastic Pants, Lord Fantleroy) Decent, Indecent |
U=N S B F W P |
School Uniform strip to Nude etc. many other letters used such as Scout, Boys' Brigade, Football, sWimming kit Pyjamas |
B L G O P F S Y C D W T M R P U E |
Bedroom, Lounge, Garden, (private)Garden (clearlyOverlooked), Park, Football pitch, Scout hut, School plaYground, Classroom School, Dormitory, ShoWer room, Toilet (Scout), CaMp, StReet, ShoP, BUs, Empty Room |
X |
Boy says who he is: name, address, phone, school, where he can be picked up and if he is allowed to charge for his services (usually not) and what limits have been set (usually none) |
S(G B T : S P) |
Shave (Genitals, Body, Total : S shaves himself, P part shave only) |
W D M -X |
Wets, Dirties or Masturbates himself – X by others. The distinction between M(S:F) and H(M) etc. depends on the object that is to be achieved |
There are many other less common abbreviations used after H |
O |
Oral |
Sucking Cock, Forced Feeding, ditto Urine, Shit, Vomit |
/O /X /S |
Own, others (X), Others direct from Source (after F only) |
K |
Kissing etc. |
L |
Location as third item under humiliation but this refers to general set-up of the whole video |
Min |
Minutes; note all the sections are normally over 15 minutes but not much. This entry may be missing if it is Min15/15 |
/n |
Original (i.e. uncut by organisation) length available against special order. If missing this organisation did not cut it |
This is an EXTRACT from their listing that they permit other people to quote and/or use. Their full listing is over double this length. Some of the meanings have just been omitted. Their inclusion would have added little for example long lists of instruments used in corporal punishment or the parts of the body to which it can be applied. Other meanings are rather more esoteric but they all seem useful.
The organisation operates as follows. You send them your material. If they accept it, they include it on their next monthly list. Whenever anyone orders it, you get either a third of the nominal sale price in cash (They might be ordering it against a credit) or you get a credit for half a video. Thus for every two people, who buy your video, you can get a video for nothing. I automatically get nearly every video they market and still get quite an income from them. I like to see what other people do even in areas that are not really to my taste as it gives me new ideas.
If you want the version of a session as they originally received it, you must first buy their issued version. You can then buy the uncut version for the number of quarter hours it contains. Alternatively, you can buy all the submissions of a particular producer but even in this case you have to buy any cut versions as well as the original.
They encourage and always forward correspondence that people send to the makers of the videos. This has had many amusing side effects. One man, who contacted me in this way, is turned on by talking to the 'victim' on the phone as soon as a session has finished. All I have to do is to make sure that the boy tells him the whole truth. The man provides me with a copy of the recording. It has both voices on it. I like playing some of them at an assembly or when the boy is being introduced to visitors.
The organisation seems to be reliable and brings out each month at least thirty new videos each containing ten quarter hour sessions. I usually find that about a third of these videos interest me and I buy at least two thirds of them. I am not counting the ones I originated! You can buy just one or two sessions from a video but normally they group the sessions very cleverly.
Two years ago they started holding seminars that they restricted to their contributors. They publicised to all the purchasers of the goodies that they were going to do this. Unless they had sent in a video and it was accepted, they couldn't attend. It has been a great success at building up the number of contributors! There is a crèche for any boy or girl that is brought along. These kids also have an interesting time but maybe not so enjoyable. The seminars themselves are, I think, very interesting. Thus they are introducing a new subject area Bestiality. There was a seminar on the way to train pets and what makes such a video interesting. It is not my scene yet but give me time.
You must realise that their contributors have the whole gamut of sexual interests and that they are not in any way a homogeneous group. This must make their life difficult. I consider that they give us all a very fair deal. Nothing is too much trouble for them. This is wasted paper as, I expect, you are in contact with them.
They had a seminar last year on circumcision methods and there were practical workshops. I provided two subjects for these workshops. They are thinking of having a similar seminar on castration. I am not so keen but will go along to see what happens. I doubt that I will provide any subjects but there are one or two difficult older lads
They also supply AT COST special equipment that I, or other regular producers, might want. They usually have many good ideas on alternative uses for their equipment. If it is electronic wizardry they have a special team that evaluates it. There are many weird things they have asked me to try on the kids or to use in a suitable video. Many of these things are technically quite complex and I don't have the expertise to research the area myself.
If I want something 'interesting' made up, they will normally be able to do it for me. They don't even charge – but they do expect it to be used in a film. They are going to set up a subsidiary to market these things with video demonstrations but that hasn't happened yet. I am sure it will quite shortly as they have made at least one copy of the object and, in most cases, there is already at least one suitable video.
Chapter Five Scouts
I want to mention the local scout troop. I had no intention to getting involved with the boy scout movement. However, my father and grandfather had both run the local troop. It was put to me that if I was to take up the family duties I ought to
3; The locals wanted to know what was happening at the castle. This might be a way to find out. I made discreet tactful inquiries about the two men who were most insistent. One the local Domine (schoolmaster in English terms) had lost two similar posts because he beat the boys so much. There were other rumours about him but they were unproven. The other man was the church organist and choir master. In his case I had no doubt that he had fun after choir practice with the prettier choir boys. I succeeded in letting both men know that I, not only, knew their interests but shared them. It was then plain sailing. I became a regular church goer. A few suitable prefects joined the choir. I became chairman of the School Convenors (Governors in England). This was useful protection for the schoolmaster. It gave me a duty to visit the school, to inspect the punishment book and other similar arduous chores.
The three of us restarted the scouts. Most prefects joined but we kept the fags well out of sight. The others made sure that every suitable good looking boy became a regular member. These men had power locally and were good at applying pressure in the right place. However most boys wanted to join. The troop had previously folded in the late sixties and this let us use the old uniform. It consisted mainly of a very short kilt in my family tartan. It was most of theirs also. The length of the kilt caused a number of remarks but I could appeal to 'tradition' and it was easy to win the day. It was agreed by all the patrol leaders almost at their first meeting
- that patrol leaders should wear trews under their kilts but the other scouts should wear nothing under theirs
- that scouts should come to the meetings at the castle straight from school.
This made sure that they had to wear the uniform to school. A third of the boys in school had joined the scouts. The others teased them about the uniform and this led to numerous problems that neither the head nor I did anything to dissipate.
These were their decisions so they had to enforce them. They did so very strictly. Initially we had scout meetings every Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesdays was also the day that they had sports at school, so they had to change during the day. This made sure that all the other boys knew that most scouts wore nothing under their kilts. I invited the whole school to use the pool during lunch on Thursdays! It was amusing how the weaker scouts lost their trunks so often. I soon said that all the scouts should swim nude as it was healthier. I excluded the patrol leaders from this edict for no obvious reason! There were too many scouts at the school for the uniform to make them stand out. This lessened the humiliation and made them less obvious objects for bullying. We decided to have fewer boys in uniform. We ranked the patrols each week. The bottom ranked patrol had to do chores such as tidying up the scout room. I left it to that patrol to elect two members for Mondays and two for Wednesdays. Naturally these two kids had to wear scout uniforms.
On these days there were only two boys in uniform. This was much more satisfactory. The same patrol nearly always came bottom. Soon they elected the same two kids regularly. I thought these two lads might leave the scouts. The other scouts made sure they never even missed a meeting. They enjoyed the fun just as much as I did. One boy in particular often lost his kilt during morning school. It might end up flying from the top of the school flagpole, or in the middle of the next door girls' school playground. He would remain virtually naked for the day. I was pleasantly surprised by the boys' inventiveness.
The head got tired of this scout's 'lewd displays' and started tawsing him for them. It didn't seem to help matters indeed he was even more frequently naked. Some of my prefects started to invite some scouts to spend the night at the castle. I enjoyed these evenings as did the prefects. Initially we kept the fags completely out of sight but soon the visitors enjoyed all the faculties of the castle. It was easy to explain that the pupils from the castle couldn't sleep out for 'security reasons'.
Over the years the idea of there being a special patrol blossomed. Like all things, this idea slowly suffered a sea change. It became a punishment patrol. Any scout put into this patrol remained in it until he proved worthy of promotion. The sole arbitrators were the patrol leaders of the other patrols. The punishment patrol no longer even had a leader. As well as this patrol having extra duties, I changed its uniform. The boys were not allowed to wear a sporran and they wore an all white cotton kilt. Shadows would indicate exactly what was and was not underneath. No boy in this uniform could hide an erection. The patrol leaders decided that these boys should wear the uniform every day to school AND to church parade on Sundays.
This organist was not far behind. Every choir boy joined the scouts. It was my idea that they should strip in the vestry before putting on their cassocks. The robes hung so much better without unsightly ridges from clothes. Certain boys would have difficulty finding their scout uniforms after the service! The man kept a white adult shirt at his home nearby which the boys could return when then had recovered their kit! It worked very well having my prefects in the scouts as they guided the others in those things that interested them and me. Sometimes I let the patrol leaders run a whole evening without any adult in sight. I watched through a two-way mirror and always had a video camera ready and seldom was it unused. For example there was the evening they decided that members of the punishment patrol were no longer senior enough to have body hair. There was another evening when they tested the virility of the same patrol. I can however leave such items and their camps (which had to be in the castle grounds for 'security' reasons) to your imagination.
Chapter Six Duncan
About a year before my sister's divorce Duncan came into my life. He was a small ten year old and the son of a great friend of mine. The man was another of the organisation's video makers. His ideas were often even more way out than mine. They revolved about Duncan who was only eight when he became one of the organisation video stars. The man had had a fling with a prostitute and Duncan was the result. The woman threatened blackmail unless my friend looked after the baby.
The man, deep down, hated the boy but he was fascinated by an idea. He intended to spoil the kid unmercifully until Duncan was ready for the man's revenge. The man would suddenly change Duncan's whole life style, as he would overnight become ultra strict with plenty of corporal punishment. He expected that there would be strong sexual overtones if not open sexual perversions. We had discussed making him a fag in my set-up when the time came. The man wanted personally to be involved with the boy's training so that we shelved that plan for the time being.
He expected to be a guest of her majesty for some three years. His offence was to do with some complex scheme to avoid paying tax and had nothing to do with boys. He asked me to look after the boy during that time as a special favour. I was looking for something that was fun and would keep me occupied as my scouting activities were not able to occupy me full time. My ex-housemaster was running the school and I did not want to interfere too much there. He never minded me 'visiting'. Indeed he rather welcomed it. I wanted it to stay that way.
I agreed to look after the boy myself. I didn't want the kid's needs to stop me being free to pursue anything else that caught my fancy. I was able to visit his father while he was awaiting trial. Remand prisoners have very lenient visiting rights. He knew he would get a prison sentence as eventually he would have to plead guilty. He wanted to do as much of his prison sentence as possible on remand as it was easier that way. In the end I was able to see him whenever we needed. I wanted to bring up the kid as his father wanted. I respected his philosophy so I did not want to impose mine. To be rather more honest his ideas turned me on! We agreed I would continue spoiling him while his father was inside.
I would get him a full time 'tutor' who would be completely in the kid's power and who would be an object of amusement for the boy.
Duncan would be, as it were, a visiting member of my school. So if there were no tutor and I wanted to travel, he could go there full time.
He would rank above the prefects at the school. At scouts he would be the patrol leader of the punishment patrol. His job would not involve him being like them but he would keep them in order and make sure they did exactly as told.
I decided that his first two tutors would be the two brothers, one after the other. The headmaster and I felt that they had finished their useful time as assistant masters. He had some new 'recruits' for the posts. They were completely innocent sixteen year olds that had run away from a Catholic boarding school. They had fled because of, as they put it, 'irregular goings on there'. I will not talk about these goings on or how they enjoyed their life as assistant masters, as this story is becoming quite long enough without that.
The brothers were not ideal tutors for Duncan as they had been too well broken in. On the other hand, this would be useful later. Duncan would expect his other tutors to be as obedient. He would make no allowances for their relatively straight laced backgrounds. I tried to employ each tutor for only a couple of months. After that, I feared that he would get too used to the set-up so that Duncan's and my fun would be somewhat spoilt.
I have not told you anything about how Duncan's dad had started the lad's training. His dad had started when the boy was just eight and a fairly normal lad at a fairly normal boarding prep school. A mutual friend introduced the boy's father to a twenty-two year old out of work lad. This youth's uncle had died and he was to get a large sum of money from the man's will while the rest was to go to his two cousins. There were two problems
- He wouldn't inherit until he was twenty-five or married. The boy had no intention of marrying!
- He had to be completely responsible for his two cousins.
He didn't mind what happened to the lads but he didn't wish to be associated with their initial breaking in. Later he would be only too happy to fuck the living daylights out of them. Unless, that is, his eighteen year old lover, Hamish, objected. Hamish was a poorly educated apprentice on a building site. Duncan's father and Hamish had a long talk. Far from objecting, Hamish wanted the two kids on their eighteenth birthdays to refuse to accept any of the legacy. The money would then go to the twenty-two year old. He agreed that my friend, or whomever he nominated could have a half of these ill-gotten gains. As it turned out, I got this money but that is a different story. Hamish also wanted the two cousins to spend some time in Glasgow as a guest of his motor bike club.
However all that was in the future. The first thing that Duncan's dad did was to withdraw Duncan from his school although it was the middle of a term. He told his son, "I have found a tutor for you and he is arriving tomorrow." The youth and his two cousins of thirteen and fifteen moved in the next day. Duncan was overwhelmed by all these events. The brothers would go to the local comprehensive school. Later their uncle would educate them with Duncan.
That evening the new tutor went on an extended shopping trip to Glasgow to get some school supplies for Duncan. "Don't hurry. Duncan can do with a break. There are so many different text books. I will give you your week's money. You could stay with a friend of mine or maybe you would prefer to stay elsewhere." The tutor returned some two weeks later. I don't think the apprentice did much work either.
The next morning the brothers set out for their new school. Duncan stayed at home. That afternoon, as Duncan was in the front room the front door bell went and Duncan opened it and saw the two brothers. The younger one was stark naked and his brother looked very dishevelled. Duncan called his father who lost his temper and berated the poor lads. He didn't let them dress or clean up. The man demanded to know what happened? The brothers explained that two boys had grabbed them and taken them into the park where they had undressed the younger one and done nasty things to him. Both boys stoutly refused to say more.
Duncan's father spoke to the younger brother, "I do not like boys, who lose their clothes or anything else, or boys who don't stand up for themselves or boys who sneak. If you had a couple of black eyes or broken arms, I would accept that you tried to stop them. I am going to punish exactly as you deserve. Return to the park EXACTLY AS YOU ARE. You will find your clothes and bring them here BUT YOU WILL NOT PUT ANY OF THEM ON. On your way back, you will call on the house on the corner. I think the boys that you describe live there. You will invite them politely to come back here. FOR YOUR SAKE I HOPE THEY ACCEPT YOUR INVITATION. If you hurry, you should be able to get to their home before their parents get back from work. The parents may not be amused if they see a boy of your age running around stark naked. NOW MOVE IT!"
The boy seemed to think about objecting but scampered off. The man then continued speaking to the other brother, "A fine older brother you are. Your brother gets stripped and you don't look as you put up much of a fight. Maybe it turned you on watching the other boys half kill him? Now you have let him go round a strange town naked. You didn't beg me to let him off or to allow you to take his place. You didn't even try to go with him to give him the moral support that he will so desperately need. I think you are much worse than him. Since he is outside completely naked, you will be the same. Don't look at me like that. Strip now! Everything! You will make yourself useful. There is a hand mower in the garage take it out and mow the strip of grass just outside the front gate. On second thoughts you may wear the wellingtons that are also in the garage. It is dangerous to use a mower with bare feet. When you finish mowing that grass, you can start to weed the flower beds by the side of the road. You better hurry as you will not come in until you have done it to my complete satisfaction."
"First, strip right off now. I am sure Duncan would like to see what a big boy looks like when he is stark naked. Duncan you DO look interested. Do you want to feel? You do? I am sure he does not mind or if he does that doesn't matter at all. Yes, he does not like his balls squeezed. See if you can make a big boy like him cry by doing it much harder."
You may wonder how I know exactly what happened. The man had set up a video camera to make a recording remotely. He sent the video tapes of that evening and many others to the organisation.
The video has a short break. When it restarts, Duncan's dad is teaching him to use the video camera. You can hear the man giving him instructions. They are by the road outside the house. Duncan is recording the older brother mowing the grass. Duncan likes making close ups of arse and cock. I can't say I blame him. He often tells the boy to stop or turn this way or that. The father orders the older boy to masturbate himself until he is dripping as that will make a better shot. Young Duncan is clearly enjoying himself. He is still too young to appreciate how the older lad must be suffering. Frequently he asks questions (without stopping the video) such as: Why does it get hard like that? He doesn't seem to enjoy being photographed does he? When will I start to get hair down there? Why is his thing is a different shape from his brothers? What is that sticky looking stuff that is dribbling out? His thing is much bigger now isn't it? Shouldn't he be proud that I am photographing his big thing? Why does he look as if he is about to start crying?
While they were making this amusing video, the younger brother returns with two rather bigger boys. Duncan does a very professional looking pan to them. They make sure than the kid does not hide himself from the video. At least a dozen boys of varying ages are following them. The younger brother is crying and Duncan has a fine close up of his face and then very slowly moves the camera down over to his crotch.
The brothers might have been slightly less unhappy if they had explored the neighbourhood. They would have discovered that the road was a Cul de Sac leading to a planned estate. The word 'planned' is critical as even today it is still an appropriate adjective. The road bends sharply just before their house so it was most unlikely that anyone would see them from the main road. However, they thought that they were on public show and nobody was likely to abuse them of that belief! It was Duncan's idea for them to kiss each other properly. He only meant a deep kiss. His father interpreted it as each brother having to take the other's cock in his mouth, suck it until it was fully erect then they kiss its tip several times. Duncan managed to catch on film his tutor taking Polaroid shots of this action. He swapped back and forth between his father and the brothers 'mouth wanking' each other.
The other boys, all of whom were from the local comprehensive, were cat calling and really getting off on the action. My friend asked those boys who were in either of the brothers' forms to put up their hands. He gave the Polaroid photos to these boys. The man said, "If they don't do exactly what you tell them to, pass the photos around your form at school! Any of you will be very welcome to come here whenever you like. Just give me a buzz to make sure that there are not too many boys on one night and none the next. If you want to spend the night, you will have to share one or other of their beds – but you can always kick them onto the floor if you wish. All I will ask you is it that my son can watch whatever you do with or what is more important to the brothers. Since you have all spent time coming here, the least they can do to thank you is to use their mouths on all of you before you go home. If any of you visits us tomorrow after school, they will be due for more punishment. I would like any of you that come, to give them three strokes each. You will learn how to give corporal punishment as, I expect, most of you have only received it up to now."
As the brothers were sucking their school mates, the tutor handcuffed the older lad's hands behind his back. A chain attached to the handcuffs ran under the wrought iron gate. He slipped the other end over a post. Once the man had closed the gates, the boy was unable to reach up to the catch to open them. He had to remain outside all night. He was not alone for much of the time. He was visited by several of his school 'pals' and some of their somewhat older friends. His brother was at least allowed to spend that night inside.
In the morning the paper boy, a junior at their school, left the gates open when he had finished having his fun. The older brother was able to release the chain and go inside to warm up.
When the boys had breakfasted, Duncan took the two still naked brothers to the corner house to get some clothes to wear at school. The younger boy imagined that he would wear the same clothes that he had lost the previous day. Those Duncan gave to the brother instead. That was little comfort to the older brother who was considerably bigger. It did not help that the socks and underwear had disappeared and the fly buttons had somehow come off the shorts. Even without that inconvenience he would have looked idiotic. The younger brother was given some old worn out clothes that Duncan had finished with. After examining several photographs, I find it difficult to know which boy was worse off!
No less that thirty-two kids turned up to cane the brothers after school. Duncan's father realised that neither boy could take 96 strokes. He persuaded some boys to fuck the brothers' arses or mouths and, in return, delay caning the boys. However the number that came on successive evenings always seemed to grow. A boy, that had caned them once, could always return the next night. Indeed the man encouraged him to do so to improve his technique. The only people that minded were the brothers and they didn't have any say in the matter. After a couple of months the numbers slowly started to decline.
Unfortunately there was no way to video what went on at the school. However, on one video, Duncan's father cross questions the brothers about the activities at school. This works very well. Once the tutor returned, and he delayed his return many times, the brothers left the school and he taught them with Duncan. The opportunities for them to learn anything were very limited. Their erstwhile class mates continued to visit. Moreover several of the school's teachers, who had been inhibited from having fun with a pupil, now visited and even spent the night.
Duncan's father regarded the things done to the two boys as a useful vehicle for training his son. The tutor's view point was different but not my concern here. Within a month of the boys moving in, Duncan was caning them for offences that he largely dreamt up. They had learnt better than resist. They stayed for just about a year.
Duncan's father decided that he needed from some new lads as Duncan was getting bored with the same arses, and cocks. (Boys at that age seem more interested in the front than the back.) I took the brothers off his hands. They joined my establishment as fags and stayed until their eighteenth birthdays. Once they had signed away their birthrights, I found that Hamish, who was now the foreman in a sewage works, could offer them unsuitable employment.
Duncan's father 'acquired' two Danish kids, one of whom was scarcely older than Duncan while the other was fourteen. They were both, the man decided, to be feminised. The older was to become a baby girl – nappies and all. The other was also to become a bed wetter but was to wear girls' clothing more appropriate to his own age. He would also wear a pair of plastic pants which had a myriad of tiny holes that would leak his pee constantly. The rest of their training was left completely in Duncan's hands.
They returned to Denmark when the man's problem blew up but he had considered that they had completed their usefulness by then.
We were able to have long discussions before the man surrendered to his bail saying that one of his sureties had changed his mind. We agreed that the next stage of Duncan's training was to be with straight young men as tutors. I would give him the same power over them as he had exerted on his other slaves. These men would not take to homosexuality and S/M as easily as young boys. The young slave boys that Duncan had worked on, still had little idea of their own sexuality.
I will summarise what really turned Duncan on and explain the psychological background as far as I understand it.
- Corporal punishment, particularly if HE was giving it. He definitely didn't like being smacked himself! All forms of Sadistic and Masochistic practises with the same proviso. His main interest was the victim's cock, balls, pubic hair, anus and tits. There were other areas of interest but they were clearly less important to him.
- Water sports and Scatological games. This again was an area where he could play a full part in spite of his age.
- He was clearly less interested in fucking unless the cock being used was too big for the victim to accept easily. He really preferred dildos to cocks as things to enter the victim's anus. He was far too small to fuck effectively but he could use dildos very effectively.
- Similar things applied to oral activities. He did like being sucked himself as he could get those wonderful tingles (his words).
- Shaving turned him on a lot as it reduced the other boy to his own 'status'. The same applied to 'milking dry'.
- He was positively turned off by Lovey-Dovey behaviour or anything remotely sentimental. In many of his activities he still did not know when to stop. Adults had to watch all his activities – for safety reasons. On the other hand we never stopped him unless it was really necessary.
Chapter Seven Duncan moves in
When Duncan moved to the castle, I gave him the whole top floor of the castle's West wing. It was one huge room with no dividing partitions. I had installed the bath, basin and toilet in the centre of the space. They were made from transparent tough plastic and all the other furniture, not fixed to the walls, was transparent. There were mirrors on all available wall space and even on the ceiling. There were six remotely controlled video cameras. Even when not manned, we could switch them onto a mode that would start them if there was any movement. They would follow the movement and stop recording when there had been no more movements for a complete minute. This saved having someone on duty all night. If there was too little light to make a satisfactory film normally, it would switch to infrared and record the images in black and white. It obtained records that would otherwise we would have missed. The electronic controlling device naturally came from the organisation! The central heating made sure that he would not need any covering on the bed. For hygiene there was a plastic under sheet securely fixed to the mattress. I was determined to eliminate any possible element of privacy from the tutors' lives.
There were many other devices in the room when Duncan joined me and even more before he left. He designed several of these himself. I based many others on his ideas. Since the 'tutor' couldn't ever leave the room, he would need to take regular exercise there. Eventually we installed three machines. We modified their designs frequently to incorporate Duncan's many new ideas. The final forms were:
The Bicycle Machine
This had originally been a traditional exercise bicycle. Duncan would set a certain mileage. The machine would time the cyclist until he had ridden that distance. If he slowed down too much, a bell would ring and a dildo fixed to the seat would slowly start rising. This dildo would only start to retract when he exceeded a critical speed but it did this very slowly.
The cyclist's wrists locked onto the handle bars and his feet onto the pedals. Duncan insisted that a ring was fixed on the front of the saddle. This was designed to slip over the cyclist's cock and balls. Duncan could tighten it savagely. This ring made sure the man couldn't wriggle away from the dildo. On a couple of occasions, the dildo had risen correctly but missed its target. Duncan suggested that we alter its tip. The new design had a pointed and flexible end which we inserted into the man's anus before even he started his ride. It remained in him until Duncan allowed him to dismount. While the man was within his target, this tip was only an inch [2½ cm] up his arsehole. Since it was soft and very thin, it raised no problems for the cyclist. Once the dildo started to rise, this tip guided it inevitably to its goal!
Duncan or I could adjust the pressure the cyclist had to apply to the pedals so he felt he was going up hills or even mountains. Duncan designed a series of 'routes' each with a carefully thought out topology. We even made videos of the route. We always included several steep hills of exhausting lengths.
However, Duncan could remove hills, while the man cycled. Duncan rarely did that but he often made them considerably longer and steeper. He could even insert a mountain or two if he considered the man was coping too well. He could keep the adjusted route so the routes would 'improve' as the man's fitness increased. We could make the saddle buck up and down. Duncan liked to start this once the dildo was fully inserted or when the rider had got an erection. We automated this for a couple of months but then Duncan had it nearly always on manual as it is so much more fun to be unfair!
Duncan sometimes put a further ring on the man's cock. This one was attached to a vibrator. Duncan would play with the vibrator's controls for hours. He could even bring the man to a series of forced joyless climaxes. Duncan preferred to stop just before the man had his first climax wait a couple of minutes and repeat it several times. I never knew if he was aware of the effects this had on a normal healthy adult male! On occasions he would himself masturbate the man while he was having to cycle at top speed up a 'very steep hill'. He liked to watch the man cope with the climax and having to continue to strain hard at a completely unrelated task.
Through the centre of the dildo was a narrow tube that we connected to a pressurised liquid reservoir. Duncan could control remotely a valve that would allow or rather force a measured amount of liquid to flow into the man. His stomach would instantly demand that he stopped pedalling and had a shit. He, of course, did not dare to do the one and was unable to do the other. Many riders considered this the worst aspect of the machine. Duncan kept records of the amount of liquid that the current tutor could take. He would make the man help him construct graphs to show this data in his mathematics lessons.
When you go for a real cycle ride in the country, you can get quite wet from the occasional shower. Duncan made the exercise machine mirror this. He could make it 'rain' at random intervals or even continuously. He would use anything from icy to near scalding water and indeed sometimes he used other liquids. He usually added irritants. Wasps sometimes sting a real cyclist.
There was a panic button on the handlebars in case the man's muscles cramped. If he man dared to use it on any other occasion, he would really suffer. If he pushed this button, he would instantly be released from all his restraints. He could climb, or fall, off the bicycle. He would lie on the floor until Donald and I attended him. The button also set off an alarm bell that rang all over the castle. It was always there just waiting to be pressed. Whatever agonies the tutor was going through, unless he had a Charlie Horse, he KNEW he shouldn't touch it! The temptation was always there but the penalties of giving into it, he knew, would be very severe. I have recently spoken to some men who rode the machine many years ago and they all remember
the button
The Treadmill
This is a somewhat similar device but Duncan likes his tutor to have different forms of exercise! What is more important Duncan prefers the variety. We have moved various supplementary things from one machine to the other. If they are good, they often end up on both.
The 'floor' of treadmill is a four by twelve foot [1.2 x 3.7 m] rubber belt. Duncan or I can set it to rotate and control its speed. Over this belt we have built a 'cabin'. Its floor is slightly smaller than the belt. The walls are smooth and mostly unbreakable glass. Only the 'front' can be opened – from the outside. The other short side, the 'back' has rows of sharp needles pointing along the cabin. While most of the needles are horizontal, at the base they are particularly sharp and some slope upward and are much longer.
Once the man is inside the cabin, Duncan starts the belt very slowly. The man has to start moving towards the front of the cabin to avoid his backside touching the needles. He dare not stop or lie down. Duncan will gradually speed up the belt until the poor man has to run. The little boy might the belt slow down for a bit or he might speed it up even more. Duncan likes it best when the man has to trot for long periods without a pause.
It is able to give a similar range of showers to the other device. Since the liquid can be recirculated more easily, we seldom use plain water. The cabin when complete is airtight so we can restrict the oxygen in the air or introduce laughing gas or other chemicals.
We can remove a 'slice' of the walls a foot deep [30 cm] at the height of the man's bum. Duncan has become expert in caning the man's arse while he man continues running. Indeed the boy would usually make the man sprint for the duration of punishment. Duncan has used many different corporal punishment implements in this way. On the whole he preferred to use a tawse. He said it was the most effective as the individual strokes were less severe so they were less likely to make the man topple over. In this way he is able to continue the punishment for much longer.
The boy also enjoyed making the man wear a gas mask while he was running as this would reduce the amount of air he could breathe. More significantly the man would feel that much more constrained. We used this principally, when we planned to remove the 'slice' for corporal punishment so we wouldn't be able to control the air in the cabin.
Duncan normally tied the man's arms to his sides but he wasn't averse to using handcuffs. They would frequently be looped over a rod that ran the length of the cabin. It was some seven feet [2.1 m] from the floor. It sloped sufficiently that, if the man tried pulling himself up off the belt, he would slide back onto the needles! We always used this rod to teach the man a lesson if he had tried to avoid a beating by crouching down. The boy would sometimes hang a balloon on the man's scrotum so that its weight rested on his balls. A tube that ran into the bag enabled it to be filled with water which could later be siphoned out. The boy would spend happy hours filling it, emptying it and then refilling it in a seemingly never-ending cycle. On other occasions he would let his tutor fill the balloon up. Duncan would fit a tube over the head of his penis and put the other end into the balloon. He would force the man to drink huge quantities of liquid.
Less frequently Duncan would use an enema in place of the balloon but he said, "You cannot see what he is doing so it isn't so much fun."
The Rowing Machine
Our machine was very different from the other exercise machines as we used it for 'training' rather than exercise. We could use it in two radically differing ways.
The first way was indeed as a rowing machine but with not the original maker's intentions. The sculling seat had a dildo on it and a strap so the man couldn't move his bum away from it. His hands locked onto the oars which pulled against an adjustable spring as in the original design. There were two dials. One counted the number of whole strokes. The other indicated the stroking rate. In all this, it was similar to the bicycle. Duncan would set targets and woe betide the man if he didn't exceed them!
We designed other gadgets to force the man to discipline himself. Inserted into his cock, and locked firmly onto it, was a hard rubber tube. It went about half an inch [12 mm] into his urethra but stopped far short of his bladder. This was fixed to a the plunger in an adapted bicycle pump. Every time the man moved forward about 60 cc's of liquid went into his bladder. The liquid was sucked out as he moved back again. This may not seem too bad but it would force the man's to lose control of his urinary functions. It might take him hours to regain control.
We normally attached a similar device to the dildo so a much greater quantity went in and out of his anus. The liquid in this case was inserted when the man was as far back as he could go and emptied as he moved forward. Each of his balls had an elastic cord fixed round it. One cord went to the front of the machine and the other to its rear. When fully extended they were under a considerable tension even if Duncan was feeling comparatively kind!
While all the tutors hated the machine used this way, they hated it even more when it was used in its other mode.
We replaced the seat with a sort of pouf. This was about eighteen inches high [45 cm] and two and a half feet [75 cm] across. There was an artificial vagina on its top. The man knelt with his feet at its base and his cock fucking this hole. We pinned his arms to his sides and strapped his feet to the end of the machine. He didn't have to do anything to move the machine as it was driven mechanically. He was only 'allowed' to fuck the artificial cunt once on each stroke. With each of his down strokes, Duncan would give his arse as hard a blow as he could. He would use a heavy American 'Fraternity Paddle' on the exposed arse. I would sit facing the man and each time his mouth reached me, it had to give my cock a very quick gobble. Sometimes after a bit Duncan would strap over his own small prick a monster artificial one. He would then plunge this in the man's sore backside. Thus he would control the man's fucking with his prick rather than with the paddle. Any way the man's sexuality was completely under the boy's control. We wouldn't stop the machine until I had come at least once, the man twice and Duncan got tired or bored. The man got steadily more mixed up about his sexuality that was the underlying object of the machine.
With all these machines, except when the rowing machine was used in the second way, a television set would be facing the man. The cycling machine's screen would switch from the views of the terrain to other use quite irregularly. We used these televisions to show:
- Stills and movies of the man's girl friend and other aspects of his prior life.
- A video of him as we were shooting it. He would see himself as a sexual OBJECT.
- Various videos of him, which he knew were going to be widely distributed.
- Other pornographic videos. This group would be chosen steadily to extend his interests.
Duncan would question him searchingly about these videos so he had to watch carefully. I enjoyed watching an adult having to explain his turnons to a kid.
- Unusual videos that were far away from his own taste.
Duncan would again quiz him so he had to watch carefully. The machine was usually interfering with him sexually during these videos. Ideally he would be forced to climax while the video was showing something that really disgusted him. He would know that he needed to watch it more carefully because of that.
We would often choose videos that stared Duncan and me. Duncan was fond of showing the same beating sequence daily for maybe two weeks. Each day, he would edit out some strokes and repeat others. He would like to use videos where the victim was the man himself or someone of his general appearance. The poor man knew that if he failed to spot every alteration we would punish him exactly as the character on the video had been.
Chapter Eight Tutors
Gentle reader, I owe you an explanation. Who were these men and how did they come in my power? The answer is simple. I put advertisements in The Times on several occasions. The actual wording varied each time as I got more experienced. The first read:
Tutor. Interesting post in a historic setting. An 11 year old boy, whose medical condition keeps him indoors, but is otherwise a normal active kid, needs a youthful tutor, keenness is more important than qualifications. Please reply, with photo, to box
I interviewed a large number of candidates – many more than were strictly necessary. However, I might as well have my money's worth and anyhow it was very good fun. Duncan enjoyed the videos that resulted too!
I tried to make sure that the successful candidate:
- was completely heterosexual. Ideally he should have had no homosexual experiences. Provided he was deeply ashamed of any such experiences that he had when he was much younger, I wasn't too worried.
- was without any family, inquisitive girlfriends, etc.
- had deep rooted objections to all types of corporal punishment. Ideally these should be based on personal experiences.
- had a strong moral background. His actual religion was unimportant provided it had a particularly tough attitude. It should be unrelenting even over the most minor sexual peccadilloes.
I carried out the interviews in London where I hired a rather special set of rooms. The organisation had constructed similar room in several European cities. They had video recorders hidden behind suitably placed mirrors. I knew the furniture quite well from videos that other people had made there. Although the organisation would have been happy to make a secret video, I had the main interview recorded quite openly while I recorded the medical and other elements of his time there. I explained to the candidate, "I would like Duncan's views on his prospective tutor. After all, his opinion matters. I will obviously edit out anything that is inappropriate." It is amazing how some people believe anything! The interviews were are quite dull. I had to check on many things and some would need careful verification. I had to make sure that his 'employment' wouldn't cause any complications for me.
It was followed by a much more interesting medical given by a good friend of mine. He trained to be a doctor but never practised as the police got interested in some of his activities. I explained to the candidate, "You understand that I need to make sure that you are as nearly germ free as possible. For this reason the medical will be exhaustive. You will have to provide many different samples. The doctor will just give me the result 'He is suitable' or 'He is not suitable'. I am sure that you will understand. You will hear from me within two weeks. I will say 'Good-bye' to you now as there is another candidate waiting."
The poor unsuspecting young man goes next door where he fills up the usual questionnaire on childhood illnesses, operations and so on. The 'doctor' comes in and says, "I am sorry that this has to be such a detailed examination but my client has to make sure you can't infect the boy. I am sure you understand. We nearly had a serious problem when one applicant's own doctor to carried out his medical. That is why the post has been re-advertised."
"Shall we start? Will you take off your shoes and socks so I can get your accurate height? Thank you."
"Now I need your weight. Could you undress completely? You can go behind that screen if you wish."
No candidate has ever asked to dress again but, if he had, the doctor would have pointed out, "There are just the two of us there. You will have to strip again shortly."
The doctor continues not hurriedly but without undue pauses with such things as
- Chest expansion
- Touching toes without bending his knees
- Repeated press ups with legs wide apart. They do after al give a good view of the body.
- Running up and down a couple of stairs fifty times. He measured the effects on the man's pulse and heart rate (and prick).
Such tests on the naked young man typically took at least half an hour. Then the 'doctor' started taking samples: blood, saliva and urine to start. Sometimes the candidate asks to go behind the screen for the latter. Then comes the interesting one, "I need a sample of your sperm. I can friction your prostate but most people prefer to go next door and masturbate. If you choose that, Please lock the door properly. Also do try to get all the ejaculate into the test tube as we need a total sperm count." Very few candidates asked the doctor to do it. It would put them out of the running.
If the candidate went next door, the doctor gave him a large unsealed envelope of various types of pornography as some clients find the medical atmosphere here unhelpful. The next door room had an easy chair, a bed and a lavatory pan. It is always interesting which the young man chose to use! A casual glance at the contents of the envelope will reveal just the softest of heterosexual material – playboy and its ilk. Any candidate who sifts though the pile to the homosexual material will not get offered this job.
Three candidates found the well-hidden boy porn material. They came to the castle as assistant masters – two without pay but the successful candidate never got paid either as it turned out! The third man is now a trainee medical safety officer. The organisation offered to send him to medical school. He has enjoyed every minute of his time at the castle. It amuses him to think about what might have happened if he had not worked his way down to the bottom of the pile and opened the brown paper covered book. He is a great friend of Duncan's and they enjoy discussing and trying out new bits of apparatus – on others!
The first successful candidate was a young man of just seventeen. He had gone to a well-known public school. My private detective found out quite easily that he had been 'asked to leave'. He had been caught in a police raid on a prostitute's house. In return for him being effectively expelled, the police had kept the school's and his names out of the press. The lad followed this episode with an affair with his rather older stepsister. It was more difficult to find out about this but a burglary of his home netted his diary. The private detective disturbed nothing else and just left the young man to wonder where he had put it.
An hour after the young man had left home to work for me, his stepsister was approached. She agreed tearfully to pose for some photos to keep their parents from finding out about their relationship. The photos got much more explicit and pornographic as the session went on but I am sure you don't want the details. Now if she had been a boy
The ways, that all these tutors travelled to the castle and learnt their duties, have been very similar. I will therefore just tell you about this first young man. He travelled by night sleeper to Edinburgh, all very luxurious. This is as you will realise a very odd route to the castle as Edinburgh is not in any way a sensible point to leave the train except, maybe, if you are coming from Aberdeen. I had no intention of letting him know where the castle is. My address, as he knew it, was a poste restante address also in Edinburgh and the telephone number also belonged to that city.
He travelled all night by train. I picked him up and we drove for another four hours in a hot stuffy car so it was not surprising that he became sleepy. The knock out drops at the final coffee stop might also have helped. He woke eighteen hours later in a pitch black room. He soon discovered that his arms were in a Plaster of Paris caste and he would have deduced that he was naked from the air blowing across his body. Without entering the room, I switched on a very bright spotlight. It focused on his crotch. Duncan had placed a mirror carefully so he had to look continually at the reflection of his 'privates'. He tried to wriggle so the light was not so embarrassing. There was a noose round his neck and Duncan had tied his feet tightly to the bottom of the bed. He was able to get the light shining elsewhere but as soon as he relaxed, the light would catch his prick again.
We left him alone until the morning. His screams did not disturb anyone although both Duncan and I spent some time listening to him begging. In the morning, Duncan operated the remote video and I went in and turned on the light. I thought he had screamed enough so, when he started again, I got up as if to go out. He quietened down at once! He became very obedient. He winced as I fondled his cock and balls but said nothing. He was biting his lips to stop himself swearing at me. His cock was erect because I had given him no opportunity to use a toilet since he arrived in Edinburgh about twenty-four hours previously. I had told him he could not use Waverley station's toilets because they are dirty. I had arranged that, when we stopped for coffee, the lavatories were closed for decoration. He tried to explain that he was hard because he needed to pee. I continued to fondle him and just said, "Why don't you piss then? I will hold it for you." He seemed upset and unwilling so with my other hand I took up a jug of water from the tray that I just happened to have with me. I poured some water into a glass then I poured the water back into the jug. I hadn't even finished doing it for the second time when his pee jetted out. I directed it in a beautiful arc so most of it landed in his face. He screwed up his eyes and closed his mouth. I left it at that as after all there would be plenty of time later.
He needed a drink quite badly. I had given him an injection of strong saline solution and his mouth had been open for a very long time. I gave him a series of baby bottles of milk. He objected at first. I explained that lying down like that it was the only sensible way to give him liquid. I had to tell him off (squeeze his balls) when he tried to bite the teat but soon he was sucking it as if he were a real baby. The liquid he was drinking was largely milk but it did contain certain medical drugs. They would
- weaken his resistance to mental pressure.
- keep him awake for the next twenty four hours
- relax the muscles round the penis. He would quite suddenly need to go to the toilet and then, within seconds, he would lose all control.
Spanish fly – the old dependable that once the subject has peed keeps him erect for at least six hours without giving him any clue as to the reason. He can have multiple climaxes but they don't help it soften. It does nothing to increase the available liquids so most of these climaxes will be quite dry.
He thought that I was just a dirty old man who had kidnapped him. He even dared to say so much. I didn't argue with him but explained, "You will soon meet the boy Duncan." I didn't want to disturb Duncan just then as he was having fun videoing everything. I don't know if the man believed me and didn't much care. He did shut up and for that I was grateful.
When I was ready, I helped him stand up and painfully, and very slowly, walk to Duncan's floor. He found it very difficult to move, both because of the heavy plaster caste and because he hadn't used his muscles for so long. He must have thought of putting up some kind of resistance. This weakness would mean that he would have realised the futility of such behaviour. Duncan was already in his room so someone else must have taken over the videoing. The young man's name was Peter but I made a mistake and introduced him as 'Petra'. I cannot think how I could have been so stupid. However Duncan called him Petra from then on.
These formalities were soon completed. The man had to modify his ideas about introductions when Duncan decided he wanted a feel of the still hard prick. I told Duncan, "Your new tutor has a caning due for calling me a 'Dirty old man'. I don't mind the sobriquet 'Dirty' but I object to 'Old' particularly as I am not much older than him."
It was his first session so we weren't too hard on him. Duncan and I took turns. One of us stood on either side. We gave him a round dozen each. I used a senior school cane while Duncan, being weaker, used a rather longer and heavier implement. He already knew how to give a caning and I think his caning hurt the tutor more than mine did. I know that it would have been more hurtful psychologically but I think it was also true physically.
Duncan was in fine form and asked me to fuck the man. The man was far too old for me but I can always put on a show for Duncan. I decided that I would make quite a performance of the loss of the man's cherry – not that I have any ambitions to go on the stage. My cock is well over average proportions but I put on a special sheath that has many advantages. This is especially true when I am with a virgin: It comes to a point even more than most uncut dicks do. This helps me to force an entrance through the clenched splinter muscles. It transmits the feeling to me however quite adequately.
It enables me to grease up as much as I wish and then decide separately to what extent, if at all, he should be similarly helped.
It has a non-return valve on its end. When you come, all the sperm goes into him, without getting you messy. Indeed if you like having a pee directly afterwards
It has a number of bulbous shapes along its length and there are many exaggerated veins to give a greater impact both visually and later painfully! This is the most important element in its construction. It has a number of short tough plastic hairs along its length. All these lie along the length of the artificial cock. Their loose ends point away from the corona. This makes withdrawal much more difficult and painful than entry. This is even true in the case of a virgin. When I finish, I can pull out of him but leave it in situ. If I push a special artificial cock (supplied) into the sheaf, it stretches the hole even more. Once it is fully in place, it can be locked in. More significantly this 'cock' spreads out the hairs on the sheaf like the feathers on a shuttlecock. Without the key, or quite extensive surgery, nothing can be removed.
The sheaf adds very substantially to the girth of my tool and to a lesser extent to its length.
Sometimes the person fucking loses his erection between climaxes and he does not want to give the anal canal this rest period. The sheaf does the trick. This is not a common problem for me.
I put some SLOcum lubricant on me before I picked up the artificial prick. It slid on and it felt very comfortable. I let him lick its outside to give it a little but quite insufficient lubrication. I then drove slowly but steadily into him. He was very voluble but he just made Duncan laugh. Somehow or other the man managed to shut up. Once I was fully in, I gave him a moment to get used to the physical invasion. I knew that he wouldn't even start to absorb its mental implications.
I gently started a 'pumping action'. I resisted hurrying but it never takes long enough even when I use my special lubricant. Just before I came, he shouted out something. I don't think Duncan realised it was different from the fuss he had been making previously but I clearly heard, "Please I must go to the lavatory, It is urgent
3; Oh! No!" I just smiled to myself.
When I had recovered from a very powerful climax I released myself from the sheaf and painfully stood up. I rolled the man onto his side so we could see the pool that he was lying in. The pressure on his prostrate and the Spanish Fly had given me an automatic erection. He didn't know about these things and this was the last straw in his self degradation. He broke down and cried in shame. I didn't know if it was because he was being anally raped, wetting himself, being so exposed in front of a kid or his erection. I didn't care why but just felt that we had got to first base.
Duncan took over. He helped his future tutor stand at the foot of the bed and ordered him to lean over so his face was in the pool. The man was so drained mentally that he didn't even object verbally, although his expression showed to some extent what he was going through. The young boy flogged the man until he had licked all the liquid up. "I have to sleep in that bed and what you did isn't very nice is it?" He also commented on the man's erection belittling its size. He even said, "You are obviously turned on by being fucked." What could the man say?
He didn't understand his apparent excitement but it was purely physical wasn't it?
He was as revolted as ever by the idea of anything remotely homosexual, wasn't he?
He was being forced to do all these disgusting things, wasn't he?
Once the man had licked up the mess to the boy's satisfaction, the boy said, "Seeing how much you liked it when my uncle fucked you. I will do you a favour and follow in his footsteps as well."
He put on a second sheaf on himself to bring him up to a reasonable size. He inserted this into the big one that was still inside the man. The boy couldn't produce liquid yet but like most young boys nearing puberty he enjoyed the feeling. Since there were no physically effects, he could get this feeling many times without being exhausted. The man was in tears again, long before the boy had finished having his fun. When Duncan finally had enough, he turned to me and said, "I had a lovely pee when I finished." The man went into hysterics and I thought he would never stop.
Duncan had a cure for that. He set the man on his very sore backside on a hard wooden bench and the boy then sat down beside him, "I know what will help. It helps most people I know. I usually do it myself when I am upset." He then started frigging the man who redoubled his crying. This new humiliation was really getting to him. The fact that he was getting turned on made it many times worse. The boy was expert at knowing the instant to stop and when to restart. It was a good half hour before the man climaxed. However, he made up for the delay in the quantity that he produced. Duncan's cupped hand was virtually full. The man's resistance was obviously low and the boy didn't really have to squeeze the man's balls all that viciously to get him to lick up the stuff.
It was getting late and although the drug would keep the man awake I inserted the lockable plug into the man's sore rectum. The man's cock looked sore so I spread some embrocation on it and left the bottle in case Duncan wanted to apply any more. I suggested that it was time for Duncan to go to bed. He got into bed and cuddled the man up close. I left them knowing that the man wouldn't dare move in spite of his stretched backside. The drug would make sure that he couldn't get a wink of sleep. Duncan was tired and he slept solidly for eleven hours. I let him sleep late. I did look in several times to see if he was stirring but he was dead to the world. His head was on the man's check while one hand had grasped the man's still rigid tool. The man was of course wide awake and looked very unhappy!
The last time I went in, I saw that the boy was awake but the man couldn't see the boy's face and didn't realise that he was. Duncan winked at me and mouthed ten more minutes. I went out and started the video. The apparently sleeping boy rolled over until his face was touching the man and his hand started idly rubbing the tool. The man froze but couldn't help responding and as he came Duncan said, "That WAS a pleasant way to wake up. You did enjoy it didn't you?"
The poor man dared not say anything but "Yes" before he collapsed into yet more tears.
I brought the boy his breakfast in bed. On the tray were more baby bottles of milk for the man. He was learning because he didn't even object but started to suckle them one after the other. The liquid was similar to that the previous day but it had a strong sleeping pill instead of the upper. It would knock him out within ninety minutes.
Duncan took the plug out of the man's rear warning him not to let anything else come out while he did twenty deep knee bends. Unfortunately the man succeeded and we put him on the toilet. We then put him on the bicycle.
We told him that he had to ride one hundred and eighty miles [290 km] before he could dismount. Duncan then tied some elastic cord from the man's balls to the pedals and put tit clamps on him. The man couldn't hold the handlebars with the plaster caste on. I put a loop of leather under his arms and tied it so that he was upright in the saddle and suspended loosely from the ceiling. The area was floodlit and the man gagged. The boy set the machine in motion and we 'left the room'.
An hour later the man suddenly slumped in a stupor as the drug took hold. The boy and I moved the man onto the bed. I removed the Plaster of Paris as I felt correctly that the man was already sufficiently cowed. I gave the boy a conducted tour of the unconscious man.
When the man woke up he was quite broken in. I had him pose with Duncan for both still and video shots that showed the man abusing the boy. I even 'let' him fuck the boy for the first and only time. This was 'for insurance'. Those photos and video (with its conversation) would convict him of child abuse if they went astray. He was shown them and we knew he would never want them seen by the police!
While Duncan had enjoyed what we had done a lot, he decided to have some real fun at the man's expense and shave his whole body. He wanted to use a straight razor and with some trepidation I agreed. He did very well as he had never even seen a cut-throat razor before. There weren't that many nicks and a caustic pencil dealt with them all. Much to my amusement, he decided that the right hand side of the man's cock should have a narrow strip of hair. This he later bleached and dyed a mixture of pink and green. I took the video of the shave quite openly.
There are some shots of which I am particularly proud. They show the man holding himself absolutely rigid to try to save his cock. I had explained that Duncan was less likely to make a serious error if the cock was erect, but try as he might it just wilted. The only area I stopped the boy shaving was the man's scrotum and we made the man pluck out those hairs using just his fingers.
The man needed a change of pace. All the recent activity had been physical and he had a comparatively easy time mentally. I showed him the video of his 'medical' including his masturbation 'in private'. I think Duncan enjoyed the man's discomfiture as much as the video itself. It was several days before we showed him the videos we had made especially for him.
The first group were of the prostitute that he had met as a schoolboy. There was some very interesting action both with a man and a girl friend. It had been well worth the money.
He was even more distressed with the other group that starred his stepsister. Duncan wanked him off several times on the first time I showed it to the man. This didn't help him come to terms with the fact that a strange man had been able to do so much more with her than he had ever tried.
The man remained Duncan's tutor for some six months and surprisingly Duncan worked very hard for him. This may have been that I had carefully selected and modified some of the material that he learnt. The syllabus included:
English Literature Prose |
Swinburne's Leslia Brandon |
Poetry |
Swinburne's Poems |
Mostly the beating ones |
Drama |
Earl of Rochester's works Marlow's Richard III |
French |
de Sade's 120 days
3; |
Extracts only |
Geography |
Sexuality in primitive societies |
Margaret Mead's works, etc. |
History |
The uses and abuses of corporal punishment |
Using various texts |
While he was Duncan's tutor, neither of them wore a stitch of clothing. For all that time, the man had not, been out of the castle. He had only met a single woman. The man had met (in every way) a large number of men and boys. When Duncan got tired of the man, the man chose to stay at the castle and has taught very successfully at the school.
He was the first teacher we employed as opposed to the assistant teachers who earned nothing. He got peanuts compared with what he could have got outside. I think he hopes that he can straighten out his sexual problems here but he won't if I have anything to do with it. Well! I should be honest. It is strange that this is the first time I have not told the whole truth in this tale. There was a certain episode that explains exactly why he is staying here. Consciously I had excluded it as irrelevant to my main story. No, the real reason is that I am not exactly proud of it.
A woman contributor to the organisation had got to know me very well. She considered my set-up to be near prefect and my videos very fine. She was not interested in boys and men but in girls and women.
Every time I produced a video she tried to mirror it but using females in place of males. She had an adopted girl six months younger than Duncan and employed a series of governess' for her. She did not run a school unfortunately. She operated some very successful brownie and girl guide packs that consisted solely of girls from a nearby orphanage. The warden of this girls' orphanage encouraged her to take these girls even further than I took the fags at my school. The only thing that was missing from her set up were the older element corresponding to my assistant masters. She thought that one governess was sufficient.
From time to time we compared notes. The organisation wanted us to produce a video that starred the two kids, the tutor and the governess. The organisation didn't specify what they had in mind as they knew us better than that. We wanted to give them something to outsell everything else they had ever handled. If the truth were told, I think we really wanted to shock them a bit too.
The woman was very keen for me to 'produce' the video as she almost hero worshipped me. I was a bit intrigued by the idea of moving out of my traditional area. I also wanted to muddle up the young man's psyche even more. He still seemed to retain his belief in his heterosexuality. He must have had a myriad of questions about his sexuality that he needed to ask but no one to ask them to. I know my opposite number had similar views about the governess.
Everyone in the video was dressed reasonably at the start. I wanted to introduce a clothing theme. I had Duncan in a cub uniform (of a non-existent pack). The tutor was dressed as his pack leader. This was before the days when nearly all packs are run by women or senior scouts. The young girl was a brownie and the governess the Brown Owl or whatever they call the woman who runs the brownies. These uniforms were correct for English scouts rather than Scottish ones. I knew that short shorts were attractive to even more people than the kilt! While the clothing was decent, it was as daring as it could be while still being technically 'decent'. Remember this was the sixties when things were much more possible than they are today. However then you just had to go that little bit further to raise the onlookers' eyebrows in exactly the same way.
Everyone, except for the tutor and governess, knew what was to happen in the video. These two, on the other hand, had to play it for real. They knew that they were going to star in a video. They must have had their suspicions but they didn't know more than that. The opening shot was over a man's shoulder – all that was ever visible of me!
A voice off was saying, "Well. So you are people responsible for the kids that let down the scout movement on the St George's day parade. This is the big event in the English Scouting calendar. All scout troops, of whatever age or sex, attend their local church in full uniform. What have you to say for yourselves?"
Not knowing what we wanted them to say, they stayed silent. They looked just as bewildered as I wanted them to look.
I then turned to Duncan, "So you were the boy concerned. Tell me your side of the story. Don't worry. It is the pack leader's responsibility to see you were property turned out not yours."
Duncan stuttered for the first time I had ever heard him. I would have given him an Oscar if it had been in my power to do so. "When I got dressed that morning, my parents had left for the day. They were visiting my cousins in Dundee. They left my breakfast and my clothes ready for me. When I put on my shorts, the top fly button shot off. The shorts are very tight but they were the only ones that my pack leader had given me. I THINK he likes to see us in very tight shorts. I couldn't find any cotton to sew it back on again. I am sure I told the leader about it when I got to cubs but he was in a hurry. It really wasn't his fault."
I took over, "Well, we have heard the lad's story. He even TRIED to get you out of trouble. Can I assume he told the truth or do you want to call him a liar?"
I gave the tutor ample time to reply but, since he didn't know the story, he remained silent. I then turned to the governess, "And what is you story?"
She, like the man, made no comment.
The girl explained for her, "I was tidy and neat at the guide hut but on the way to church another brownie bumped into me. Some water from a muddy puddle splashed onto my leg. I DID point it out to Brown Owl. She was talking to a journalist and she said 'Go Away. I am busy. Just hurry up or we'll be late'."
The woman had no more comments to make than the man had. I gave her plenty of time as her face made a very powerful photograph.
I took over and spoke to the two sinners, "I find each of you as guilty as the other. 'Just hurry up' indeed. Before I decide your punishments, I will check on the examples that you, yourselves, set. Are you both dressed in your correct uniforms? Think carefully before you answer."
There was a deathly silence. Eventually the tutor muttered, "I think so," and the woman made a noncommittal grunt.
I continued, "I think so indeed. You are meant to make sure the kids dress correctly. You don't even know if you are in correct kit yourselves! Well, we will check. You!" I pointed at the woman, "stand on that footstool and face me." I addressed the girl, "Will you please check under her blouse and tell me if she is CORRECTLY dressed? No. On second thought it would be better if the boy does it. It will be more interesting for him and less pleasant for her."
The boy reported, "She is wearing, what is, I think, a bra under her blouse but that's all."
That was all I needed. "That is not on the list of uniform requirements. Will you ask the boy to remove it? He will find it easier if he first removes your blouse. I don't think he has ever even seen a bra. First ask him if he will please take off your blouse. Well, he seems to have understood you but do stop snivelling like that. OK. Now you should be a good cub and fold the blouse up neatly as she won't be wearing it for the next hour or so. Do exactly as she tells you and the bra will come off easily. Throw it on the fire as she shouldn't have been wearing it. Yes, we will have a short break so you can play with her tits if you want. Try chewing them
"We better get on will you please give her twelve on her backside with this thin cane. You should know how to use it as I know your cub leader gives it to his charges often enough! No, put her over the ARM of the settee and pull up her skirt. So she has on those non-uniform silky knickers. Pull them right off and put them on the fire too
3; and her tights. I can see faint marks of a previous caning. You can hit VERY hard as she must be used to it. Give her one dozen for the bra and a second dozen for the knickers and a third for the tights. Take your time because I want them evenly spaced and all equally hard
3; Well done! Only three strokes and she is in tears. Only thirty-three more to come so be brave and it will all be over eventually."
Time precludes me from giving a blow by blow account. I then turned to the man and asked the young girl to check his clothes. I made sure they were only a couple of feet from the woman who was now standing facing them. Remember it had been months since he had seen even a fully dressed woman! He was soon quite nude. The girl was better at undressing a man than the boy had been undressing the woman. She had some trouble in getting the underpants over the hard thing at his front! The man received his beating with a horse whip – quite a small one as the girl was still quite young and couldn't have controlled a full sized one. A more accurate description for it would be a pony whip. I was impressed with how she had been trained to be so accurate.
The man received
- 12 for his vest
- 12 for underpants
- 12 for a non standard belt
- 24 because when he was being prepared for the punishment he gave a 'shameful display.'
When she had finished, the lines across his backside were nicely and all became more or less equally inflamed after a few minutes. There were very few that were not parallel to the others. With sixty strokes, there had to be some overlapping but she had covered the whole of the target area very evenly.
When the man stood up, facing the nearly nude woman, the shameful display was quickly back in evidence but I ignored it. The woman was wearing just her scout scarf as even her shoes had been removed when the boy took off her tights. However the young man was still wearing his scout stockings and garters besides his scarf. This time I had the woman kneeling down in front of him to remove the extra garments and then to put his shoes back on. The youth was not allowed to help but had to stay steady often standing on one leg. Both of them found it very difficult to concentrate with her face so close to his prick. The simple job seemed to take forever.
I looked at the man's shorts and said to Duncan, "How many buttons were on your shorts at the parade?"
He checked his flies and replied, "There are only four fly buttons on them normally so only the three bottom ones were left."
I continued, "Well there are seven on his shorts. I think you should remove the extra ones and just leave him with 'only the bottom three'. Don't forget the clip at the top and you might as well remove the belt loops as we have burnt his belt!"
I then gave the woman a condom and told her to put it on the youth. She had obviously never seen one before. Moreover she never seen, let alone touched, a hard prick. I am very pleased with the close up photography that resulted.
She also begged, "Please! I am still a virgin. Don't let him rape me."
All I did was to make her spread her lower lips and show me her unbroken hymen. The video, that the organisation sent out, extended this still shot as they said Virgins are rare on our films.
I just continued, "We are not go to let him rape you. We are going to MAKE him rape you."
We had a short break because I wanted to make a few stills. I won't go through the actual fuck as it really isn't my scene but it was too short for the video to do justice to the Rape of a Virgin. After that, I showed the two children the liquid in the end of the French letter. I cut the tip and made up a slide from a little of the juices that flooded out. You can see the small things swimming about. I continued the sex lesson for five minutes or so.
I then made the man fuck 'his young lady friend' again but made him keep the ruined condom on! They both made such a fuss and I wasn't even hurting them. I decided to put that to rights. Every time his arse came up, he received a heavy cane stroke to help it go back again.
I had them dress in their remaining clothes. However I gave the girl a present a very sheer blouse to wear in place of the one she had on before. I gave the old blouse to the man to wear in place of his shirt. Everything the girl had on top showed through the new blouse nicely and the other blouse didn't even reach the man's navel.
"Now you will wear just what you have on to work tomorrow. I will get someone to visit your offices to check. When any stranger comes in, you will stand up. You are both lucky to have private offices at your ages." I turned to the young man, "When the visitor comes in, you will make no attempt to cover yourself. You will make sure your shorts slide down to your knees." I then addressed the girl, "Once you get to your office, you will tuck the bottom of your skirt into the waist band. Your cunt will remain exposed until you leave the office at five o'clock."
The resulting scenes are well done on the video.
I continued to explain that after work they should go straight to the scout hut where I would arrange a combined meeting of their cubs and brownies. "Don't worry I'll be there and I'll have your keys." The 'meeting' was some twenty-four hours later as I wanted their backside to have time to get to the appropriate hue! I don't want to repeat myself more than I need but at the meeting the sex education continued but now with not just the two kids but some twenty eleven year old boys and girls watching – and helping. According to the video, we had daily meetings for the next week. In fact the film making extended over the best part of a month. During the series of meetings, one hundred and one 'standard' sex coupling positions were shown to the kids. We encouraged them to demand that some were repeated.
The young girls shared the prefects' dormitory. For good order I insisted that each bed contained three kids namely a prefect, a girl and a fag. I think some of the fags may have enjoyed it more than I intended. As soon as the woman's 'safe period' approached, we enlarged the areas of interest far beyond the prick to cunt sexual acts. I also invited several other men to join us, if they would allow us to include them in the photography. Since they were encouraged to wear masks, it was easy to find such men. There is an amusing scene when I ask the tutor and governess, if they would like to get married, or if they want their kid to be a bastard! The first part of the marriage service was a straight forward registry office affair and was not part of the video. I was somewhat nervous that they might say something untoward but the drugs may not even have been needed. The church marriage service is very good fun. The man wears a morning suit above the waist and nothing below. The bride's dress was cut in a 'V' shape at the front that came right up to waist level. Her cleavage ended three inches [7½ cm] higher! She is not wearing any underclothes. There are also the beautifully sung solos sung by equally beautiful naked choir boys. There is of course a full coverage of the wedding breakfast but I digress.
The last episode of the video has the naked man delivering the baby boy. The doctor was present in case of complications but he didn't have to put in an appearance. A couple of days later you see the baby suckling on the woman's paps and then the man's cock. The very last shot shows the baby has been successful in getting nourishment from the latter.
EDITOR NOTE: I was told I couldn't write normal heterosexual porn so
The next tutor, that Duncan had, was only with us a week as he got off on the action. This was not a problem I found no difficulty in getting applications to my advertisements. Indeed I was only too happy to be able to advertise again. I did wonder if The Times might even query the advertisements' frequency but they never did.
It seemed that there was an exhaustible supply of potential tutors for the boy. The only problem was careful handling of the situation when they left us. I always made some photographs that showed them fucking a young teen. This was an important element of my 'insurance' but, even so, the police might decide to visit the castle. I knew that my status in the community compared to a sacked ex-tutor would render that unlikely. Nevertheless I remained a bit concerned. There was another problem that raised its head when Duncan said to me It is no longer so much fun as they are too easy to break.
Chapter Nine My Sister
Duncan made that comment at the time that my sister's marriage was coming to its end. She came to stay with me and Duncan went to the local school for a bit. It was his idea as he knew nearly all the boys from scouts. I was pleased as, although my sister knew as much of my sexual high jinks as I did of hers, neither of us wanted to thrust our own kinks down the other's throats.
Duncan looked very like my nephew. He was just eleven days younger than him. In spite of these similarities they were very different characters. Duncan presence and genuine sympathy helped my sister come to terms with her problems. They got on famously together.
One day Duncan said to me out of the blue, "Could I change my name to David? I think your sister would like it."
I was sure she would. Still I hated that damn nephew of mine (sorry about the language) and hardly wanted Duncan to remind me of him every time I used his name. The solution was easy. My sister used to call David Davie but I had always thought of him as David.
I was quite happy for Duncan to change his name to Davie. We did it in a very legal fashion. His father was going through a dark patch. His sentence was going to be much tougher as other things have been found out by the damn accountants. It would not be until the boy was fifteen that he now expected to be able to resume his parental duties. He would do anything to make it up to the son and me. He said, "I had never liked the name Duncan but my wife insisted."
His own preference had been for Donald but Davie would be fine. "I want that to be his actual name as I think David is such a sissy name."
The new name was a wild success as far as my sister was concerned. It lifted her straight out of her depression. She got on so well with the boy that I hardly saw them for days on end. I wasn't jealous of my sister. I really wasn't. It gave me quite a turn, however, when, quite by accident, I turned on a remote video camera and saw them both naked on a bed. They were having every sort of sex that a keen pre-pubic boy can have with a naked woman. I, honestly, didn't mean to turn the recorder on but I just wanted to adjust the focus and
3; Well, I better be honest it was getting me hot rather than jealous. I went down to my school and
3; Well, you can guess what some unfortunate boys found themselves getting
3; I better resume the story.
A couple of days later, all three of us were having breakfast, when Duncan (Sorry Davie) said, "I think, if you both help me a bit, I could produce some liquid. Can we try after breakfast?"
Well, I think my sister was as surprised as I was. When I managed to speak I spluttered, "What sort of question is that for this time of the morning, or any time come to that? I don't
My sister interrupted, "Of course we will but what exactly do you have in mind Davie?"
The boy answered her, "I would like to lie on the big bed in Unk's room as we do sometimes. All three of us should be completely starkers. We would watch the video of
I started to interrupt but my sister said, "Don't be stupid, Brother Dear, Davie has shown me all his favourites and they turn me on as much as they do him!"
Well, I know when I am licked. I wasn't sure that I liked the idea of my sister watching my videos in front of me. She had already seen many of them so what could I do but accept the inevitable. Davie had said that they had not upset her but rather the reverse. It wasn't yet nine o'clock in the morning! Oh dear! I thought we were just going to have a family breakfast.
If the boot had been on the other foot as normal, I would have been 'suggesting' things for him to do. He would have been arguing against doing such dreadful things. Now I would have to give in to an eleven year old boy but, quite honesty, the situation was turning me on. What is this? He hasn't finish talking, "I would like Arthur to make the video, yesterday he showed me he can now come. He hasn't told anyone else yet. He is after all your youngest prefect."
Well! Yes! O.K. I might as well be shot for a
3; My mind questioned that. The authorities would indeed want to shoot me as I was about to engage in
- Carnal Knowledge of a minor
- Rape of a minor
- Incest (I think but it is a nice point)
- Producing pornography
- Abusing a position of trust
Oh! What the heck! It will be fun! Yes! YES! YES! I will just leave it to the kid but what a kid. I thought he had finished and I wanted to get my breath back but he continues his 'requests'
He wants to have the morning free Yes
He wants to use his recent tutor Yes.
He wants
3; Yes whatever he wants
I really don't mind but I must put up a bit of a fuss for show. I realise than my sister is behaving exactly as I am. We give him until shortly after lunch to organise everything. I make sure the headmaster will also co-operate as he will lose pupils and staff. He doesn't mind he has plenty of both and plenty of time.
Davie, almost rudely told my sister and me to, "Go away until I am ready for you. I will have everything set up for us to start filming by midday. I also have an idea to make you both happy but we will talk about that after we have made the film."
My sister and I kept out of his way. We had a long chat which we needed to do anyhow. She repeated to me exactly what Davie had told her about my set up. She told me even what turned me on – according to Davie and he turned out to be very perceptive, the observant bugger. He had spilled the beans – completely. I didn't really mind and it had turned her on. He had been cleaver about it too and only told her enough at each stage. He was already a brilliant manipulator! I realised he could twist anybody round his little finger It was a curious mixture of charm and APPARENT naivet.
We spent some time reminiscing. She said, "We are brother and sister but we have had little to do with each other since we were kids. I know we have somewhat similar sexual interests and there is nothing that I would like more than to try to develop some of our interests together."
"Do you remember when I got that fourteen year old neighbour boy. I stripped him and taught you to wank him? You can only have been nine or ten as it was a year before John came into my life. After that I made him do whatever either of us wanted. If he had refused, he knew I would have told his rather prim and proper how he put on an indecent show for us. He wouldn't be able to deny it. I had seen a pimple on the underside of his cock and how else would I have known that he had it! You took him on a camping trip about a year later. Neither of you would tell me what happened. I was so annoyed."
What did happen? I told her that I made him suck me to my first ever wet come. As a 'reward', I had tied his thumbs together behind his back with twine. I then looped the ends of this string round his balls and pulled it quite tight. I had taken him, naked except for a macintosh, about a mile from where we were camping to some unlit toilets. They were at a parking place by the main road. We had been dropped off there when we had arrived for the weekend. Many all night lorry drivers used them which was a stroke of luck as far as I was concerned but maybe not from his point of view. I put him in one cubicle and went into the only other one. I took his mackintosh with me. The only light came from the moon shining through the small grubby window. I watched through a hole in the wall as two burly men with beer bellies fucked him. Back at the camp I made him write a letter and sign it I can remember to this day exactly what it said.
To Whom Ever so Ever it may concern
Let it be known that I, Martin Jones, was fucked in the arse on the night of 14 July 1964 by two men whose names I do not know. I didn't struggle or put up a fight. If anyone else wants to fuck me, just tell me where to go to.
I live at _______________________________
and my telephone number is ______________
I am 14 years 2 months and 3 days old.
Martin Jones Esq.
In spite of its juvenile wording, he was genuinely afraid that I would give it to someone at school or elsewhere. From then on, I had even more power over him than you did. Once I made him fuck his girl on his bed without drawing the curtains so I could watch from my bedroom. I lied and told him that I had taken photographs.
He was head of my house and the captain of the school swimming team. His main swimming discipline was diving which gave me the idea. Three nights before the school's inter house swimming gala I made him shave his crotch completely. We used to swim nude and nearly every boy and master at the school must have seen his shame.
He had to spend the whole gala, when he wasn't on one or other of the diving boards, collecting boys from our house for their different events and trying to inspire them. I had prohibited him masturbating after he shaved himself until after the end of the gala. Whenever he caught my eye his cock would instantly uncoil into its sizeable erect state. It took him some time to become flaccid again unless he could get into the water. He made his winning dive from the high board with a boner! That evening I told him he was to put on a show fucking his girl while I watched hidden behind his curtains.
Unfortunately for him it was her period. I told him he could either use her arse or mouth. Somehow he persuaded her to let him butt fuck her. She left quite early as her parents enforced an early curfew. As soon as she had gone, I butt fucked him exactly as he had done to her less than an hour earlier.
A couple of weeks later I took my patrol camping about eight miles [12 km] from our village. Did you remember I was a scout patrol leader? Although he was not a member of the scouts, I told the patrol some of my plans. We 'invited' him to visit the camp one evening. He had to cycle to the site from his home. However, first he had to visit the scout hut. Once there he had to strip off and then find and put on a pair of my P.E. shorts that I had long since outgrown. I don't know how he got them on! Just wearing them, he had to cycle to the camp. I made him put on a show for the patrol. I remember it included kissing all their cocks. Most members of my patrol were still too young to come. I then showed my power over him. I cut a switch from a nearby silver birch tree. He bent over and let me apply it to his naked backside without too many protests. I had not had much practice then and I broke his skin several times. Finally I let him go but I kept my outgrown shorts. The youngest boy in my patrol whispered 'Can I let his tyres down?' I told him to remove the valves! The poor boy had a long naked walk back to the scout hut in bare feet but at least his sore butt didn't have to contend with his saddle!
When I returned from that camp, I gave him back his letter and told him that I had never taken the photographs. It was a pity that I hadn't taken them but how could I have printed them? He was so grateful that I nearly made him 'do other things'. I did make him arrange for his eleven year brother to come camping alone with me but he was quite happy to do that as he didn't like his kid brother. I was bored with him as I was already more interested in lads younger than me – like his brother.
The next term I was to become a full time boarder at school rather than come home each weekend and my interests moved to school 'activities'.