Aaron 19:
Married Mark, Story 1 [ slow, inc, het, cons, M27, g11, m14 ] Reviews
Anna's Awakening, Part 5 [ fM, 1st, teen, pedo, mast, size ]
[ profile ]
Damien's profile
I encourage feed back, so please leave some...good or bad
My One True Love [ tg/b, 1st, hj, anal, inc, aunt, neph, ped ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Davide's profile
Mi piacciono le storie con bambine dai 7 agli 11 anni, possibilmente consenzienti...
Confessioni, Parte 3 [ MF, Mg, cons, pedo ]
Mom Anne:
[ profile ]
Mom Anne's profile
I am a 30 something mom who lives out her fantasy through stories. It was the stories that made me realize I still held on to the lusts of my younger days, and it is the stories that help me keep that lust down so I do not lose myself in my temptations.
Anne Remembers, Part 5 [ Ff, inc, mast, nosex ] Reviews
[ profile ]
Ndelta's profile
I am fascinated to explore my fantasies through erotic fiction but I am totally content to leave them in the world of my imagination - as should we all. I welcome feedback when offered constructively so please feel free to comment.
Rachel & Stephanie [ Mf, cons, rom, slow, pett ] Reviews
The Girl-of-the-Month Club, Part 10 [ Mg, Mf, pedo, lolita, bd, oral, anal, ws ]
Simple Simon:
Tommy, The Reluctant Prostitute, Part 10 [ Mb, MF, handjob, oral, anal, gay, het, reluc ] Reviews
Tony Vereboten:
[ profile ]
Tony Vereboten's profile
I am a college student with an eye and ear for 1980's and 90's nostalgia.
Relativity, Part 1 [ fm, teens ]
[ profile ]
dale10's profile
Dale10 has been a leading author of perverse erotica for a dozen years.
Bobby's Photo Shoot, Part 2 [ Mb, exhib, oral, anal, voyer, ws, humil ] Reviews
Laura's Family Vacation in Mexico, Part 2 [ Mf(12), pedo, rough ] Reviews
[ profile ]
luvrukids's profile
I like reading good stories involving romance and love-making between young girls and young adult men. I also like to write them. Hope you like my stories!
Little Sadie and Me, Part 1 [ Mg, cons, rom, ped ] Reviews