Published: 1-Aug-2013
Word Count:
Sarah got up from her bed and went to the kitchen a few minutes before Mia arrived home. It was Friday night, so Mia was expecting movie night. They were planning on watching Born Free, one of Mia's favorites. Normally, she would come home right after school on Fridays as a result. Today she was over an hour late. Sarah was not worried, though, because this was not that rare. On other afternoons she often stopped at one of her friends houses on the way home.
Sarah heard the door slam, and suddenly Mia appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, ran over to give her mother a kiss, and then ran to her room. Sarah heard the door slam and then it was quiet.
When dinner was ready about 20 minutes later, Sarah went and knocked on Mia's door.
"I need just another few minutes, Mom." Mia said breathlessly. Sarah immediately knew what Mia was doing and was tempted to peek into the room. She didn't, and instead told Mia to come out as soon as she was done so dinner did not get cold.
Twenty minutes later, Mia and Sarah were eating dinner at the table. Sarah looked at Mia and asked, "So what made you so eager to have private time as soon as you got home?"
Mia blushed. "Well, Lyn had found some pictures on her parent's computer and she showed them to me."
Sarah knew the Coopers. They seemed like a nice family, and they went to the same church. Greg was always polite and appropriate and Molly was also kind. They were a friendly couple. "What kind of pictures," Sarah asked. She could guess, but she wanted to hear Mia's explanation.
"Well," said Mia, and then she paused and blushed a deep red. "They were of Lyn's mom and dad. They we naked in a lot of them and doing sex in a lot of them. And it wasn't just with each other; there were other people in the pictures doing sex too."
Mia was talking faster and faster, and seemed to be getting excited as she continued.
"There were pictures of them naked and they were kissing privates and some were like girls kissing girl privates and boys kissing boys privates. And some even like had sperm on tummies, and boobs, and butts, and even faces."
Sarah's thoughts immediately went to the pictures and videos in the box. What if Mia saw those? Would she show Lyn? Would they excite her enough to run in her room to masturbate? Would she lose the mother/daughter relationship she had work so hard to build?
"Tell me, Mia, what do you think you did wrong?"
She thought for a moment and said "I look at things that were private without permission"
"Yes, that is what you did. I understand you were curious, but the Cooper's expected those pictures to remain private and you and Lyn looked at them. Now what should we do about this?"
Mia looked scared. She knew the right answer but was afraid to say it.
"I should tell the Coopers I saw the pictures and apologize."
"Yes, that is the right thing to do. The problem is though, that they might be more embarrassed to find out you and their daughter had seen them. I think we should think about the best way to handle this."
They sat eating silently for a few minutes, and then Sarah asked, "So do you have any questions about what you saw?"
She thought for a moment.
"Do married people do sex with others a lot?"
"Some married people do, Mia. Sometimes they both enjoy being with others, and that is called swinging. But if a married person does it without their partner knowing, that is called cheating. It can hurt the other very badly, so it should never be done."
"Have you done sex with a group of people? With girls and boys?"
Sarah took a deep breath. She had always been honest about sex with Mia. She could not bring herself to lie now. She looked at Mia and she was eagerly waiting for her mom to answer.
"Yes, I have been in a group, Mia, when I was younger. And I have been with both women and men. But just because that was right for me, does not mean that it is right for you. You must only do what you are comfortable with. You must never do anything that you are not sure you want to do."
"I know that mom. I never would. Did you get pictures?"
"Yes, Mia, there are pictures, and no, I do not think it would be a good idea for you to see them at this time."
"I knew you would say that. So you put your mouth on a penis and a vagina?"
"Yes, I have, and to answer the next question, they both taste fine. You will decide when you are older what you like best." Sarah looked at Mia who was moving in her seat, obviously excited. "You are excited again, aren't you?"
"Yes", Mia replied.
"Do you want to masturbate again?"
"I would, but I want to keep talking with you about this too."
Sarah was torn. A part of her wanted to watch her lovely daughter touch herself as she listened to her mom talk dirty, but she hesitated. Even though she was brought up that way, she was not sure she wanted to cross that line with Mia. Sarah took a deep breath.
"Well, I have to do the dishes. If you want we can talk while I wash, and then you can dry. Or you can go masturbate. It is up to you."
As they got up from the table, and cleaned off the plates, Mia said she would dry. Sarah had hope she would chose instead to go to her room. She took a deep breath and started the dishwater.
They had an interesting talk while doing dishes. Mia was wondering about the taste of men and women, asking if they tasted like pee, how many people her mom had sex with, when she lost her virginity, if it hurt, if pictures of people having sex made her excited and when she last had sex. Sarah responded honestly, and kept stressing that everyone was different and different things turned on different people. She noticed Mia trying to be discreet in rubbing the front of her jeans as they talked. Even though Sarah had cum four times already, seeing her daughter so aroused by her confessions made her aroused again.
Sarah had been able to answer all the questions in such a way that she did not reveal that she was involved with her mother and her cousins at a young age, but Mia now knew that she lost her virginity at the same age Mia is now.
"If you haven't had sex with someone in a long time," asked Mia, "when did you last masturbate?"
"I masturbated today while you were at school." Sarah said honestly.
"What got you excited?"
"Just thinking of some sexy times in my past."
"Boys or girls?"
"Well, both."
By this time, Mia had stopped drying dishes, and while she didn't realize it, she was rubbing the front of her jeans quite openly.
"Were you naked, or did you just pull your pants down?"
"I was naked. I always find it sexier to masturbate completely naked." "Where were you?"
"In the living room and my bedroom." Sarah looked at Mia. "You really are horny, aren't you," she said with a little laugh.
Mia realized what her hand was doing and quickly pulled it away from her crotch.
"It's ok, honey, why don't you go and finish masturbating. I will finish drying."
Mia ran to her room, pulling off her clothes, and did not shut the door completely in her haste. Sarah finished drying as she heard Mia starting to moan. Sarah was drawn to the sound like a moth to a light bulb. She walked quietly to her daughter's doorway and looked in.
There was her beautiful little girl, eyes closed and mouth partway open. One hand was rubbing her budding little breasts, while the other was moving rapidly between her legs. She could tell by the look on her face that Mia was close to cuming. She continued to watch as Mia pushed herself over the edge, making the cutest little squeeking sounds over and over again. The she collapsed. She opened her eyes and noticed her mom. Without a pause, Sarah went over to her daughter, pull her naked, sweaty body close to her and said, "You are the most beautiful girl in the world. I am the luckiest mom because I have you for a daughter."
Mia hugged her back. Hard.
Julie Van01
sex writer
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