Published: 1-Aug-2013
Word Count:
The Man checked his watch. He was in the middle of shooting a film concerned about missing his "water park date" with Bobby. Still, the film he was working on was obviously his priority. It was a romantic movie about two boys who are playing together one afternoon, and their games eventually lead to sex. You see, not everything the Man shoots is sick, twisted and violent.
"Come on, you fucking pieces of shit, put some enthusiasm into it..." he shouted to his two young stars. These actors were not fresh new meat like Bobby, oh no. These boys were seasoned professionals. Dark haired ten year old Isaac had already starred in eleven films, including his latest, "Isaac and the Cops," in which four large muscular black policemen interrogate the little boy. Needless to say, it was a huge hit. Cute little blond haired Georg (no e and pronounced Gay-org) was also ten but had only made eight films so far, his most recent being "Georg and the Priest." Both boys were used to starring opposite well muscled and well endowed grown men, so doing a film with another boy made them somewhat shy. That was the capture a kind of innocence in the little sluts.
The boys had started out playing video games, and then gone on to some kind of board game, which led to playing a strip version of it. The scripts were none too original, but the Man knew that his clients didn't give a fuck about deep scripts, as long as they were kinky and got to the boy ass in the first ten minutes. Isaac and Georg were now stripped down to their underwear which consisted of two tiny thongs. Both boys were small and slender, so you can imagine how tiny the thongs were. Isaac sported a stunning silk peach colored thong, while Georg was put in a pink one. The pink of the thong matched his pretty, full, perfectly shaped cocksucker lips, and the pink was exactlyh the same shade as his magnificent little boy asshole.
The two boys stood there looking at each other in their tiny thongs, and looking away, slightly embarrassed. This was so different than being manhandled by grown men. The Man glanced at his watch again.
"All right now let's swap some spit. I want to see you two slut kissing like you have never kissed before. I want to see tongue half way down throats and enough spit to float a battleship." Little dark haired Isaac glanced at his new "friend" and then looked shyly at the floor.
"Come on, we gotta..." Georg whispered, "we gotta or we'll get punished." Georg put his little hands on Isaac's slender, smooth, pale hips and drew the other boy close. He brought his pretty girlish face in toward Isacc's. He placed his lips on the mouth of the shyer boy and the two kissed. It was better than when some of the men kissed them and almost ate off their faces. It was kind of nice, actually. The two boys kissed. Isaac brought his hands up and began to rub Georg's shoulders. Have you ever seen two ten year old boys kiss. It is a beautiful sight. An inspiring sight. The boys knew they had to keep their mouths open. The Man had taught them that real life kissing was not like in the movies. Oh no, real life kissing was much more involved.
"Come on, Fuckwads, get some spit going. I want to hear and see sloshing spit!" Neither of the ten year olds particularly enjoyed spit. It was yucky. But they had no choice. And Isaac knew that it could not be as bad as when the four big black cops in his las movie has all spit on his face at the same time. Why would the movie audience enjoy seeing four huge, mean, black men spitting into the face of a ten year old white boy? But that wasn't as bad as later, when they had all pissed on his face. And the Man had ordered him to open his mouth and drink the piss. That had been the worst. Little Isaac can still taste the piss sometimes, even though he gargled and brushed about a million times since. The taste of the black man piss comes back to him when he is sleeping. The Man had said it was one of the best movies they had ever shot, especially the part where Isaac had to swallow the black piss and lick some of the rest of it off the floor. Isaac hoped today's movie didn't include yucky stuff like that.
Isaac and Georg spit kissed. They sloshed their little pink tongues around in each other's mouths and then, at the Man's Direction, they pulled back so strings of gob connected their two little faces together. "Okay, Bitch Boys, get spit all over each other's faces. I want to see your little facecunts covered in spittle! And while you do that, play with each others' tits."
Ten year old boys don't have properly developed sexual drives as of yet, so much of what they had to do simply felt awkward and gross to them. Still, the men seemed to love it. If the Man was pleased, that was all that mattered. Georg hoped that after the shoot, the Man wouldn't allow the cameramen to fuck them. He sometimes did that, I guess as part of their pay. The one cameraman, Clay, was a really handsome young dude who sometimes starred in some of the films with the boys, and he was okay. He had a really big cock, but he was nice and fun and the boys liked him. But the other man, Otto, was old and fat and very nasty to the boys. Georg prayed that if the cameramen were allowed to fuck them, that Otto get Isaac. Sometimes, the lighting dudes got to fuck them as well. Being a young Model and Actor was not an easy job. "Still, someday I might be famous," thought Georg. The little boy didn't know how famous he was already in certain circles.
In fact, the Man had big plans for Georg and Isaac. He was currently planning a film called "Georg and the Ape," in which Georg has sex with a large trained Ape. The Man couldn't wait to see little ten year old Georg sucking on ugly black Ape Dick! Making little boys suck animal dick is a big seller. Watching all that animal spooge covering the sweet innocent little boy face, watching the boy lap at black leathery animal scrotum. So Hot. Seeing the little boy of ten lick out and suck on an animal's asshole. Men pay big bucks to see that. They enjoy the sight of a big gnarled black animal pizzle fucking in and out of a sweet young boy's tender asshole. At only ten years of age, the boy himself has been reduced to a fuck crazed animal.
The Man had made a film just the year before of a seven year old boy fucked by a German Shepherd. The film was claled 'A BOY AND HIS DOG.' and you can imagine how well it sold.
It was touching and warm when the little seven year old tongue kissed the doggie. It was erotic and passionate when the seven year old licked leaking dog prick and balls. And it was thrilling when the dog got his knot stuck inside the tiny boy's fucked asshole and dragged the boy around the room that way. If there was one thing the man knew, it was that there was an audience out there who wanted to see films about boys of all ages doing every perverted act humanly possible, and a few that were impossible.
The boys' faces now glistened with spit, gobs and drool hanging from their cute little pug noses, lips and chins. "Okay, boys, now lick the spit off each other's faces, and while you do it, rub your little pecker mounds against each other. I want to see little boy stiffies in those pouches. Holding on to each other for support the ten year old boys began to lick each others' faces and neck, ears and even naked shoulders where some spit had dripped. At the same time, they rubbed up against each other, grinding their tiny pecker lumps into each other.
"Holy Fuck, this is hot..." one of the lighting guys commented, and he wasn't referring to the lights.
"Isaac bend down and suck on Georg's titties. Really chew and suck on those tit nubs. In order for Isaac to do this, he had to thrust out his sweet fuckable little ass. The ass globes were not covered by the thong and they stuck out sweet and tight and smooth. Boys of ten had to be checked every single day for hair around the dick, on the sack and around the asshole. the poor embarrassed boys had to undergo a thorough inspection of hole and genitals every morning before filming. A single ass hole hair suddenly sprouted as the boy spun into puberty could ruin and entire film. The Man's customers did not want boys who had entered puberty. They were useless to them.
Once a boy began to develop pit and ball and dick hair, may of the clients were disgusted and revolted by them. They felt the same way once the little boy cocks started to grow. The Man knew his market. When a boy showed signs of entering puberty, he was switched to another department, a place where films were made that catered to men who liked older boys...boys of twelve to fifteen say. Everything was different about those films, although the untrained eye might not realize it. The Man was an expert. For example. One could make a film of shaving and plucking a boy of fifteen.
At that age, he will feel extreme degradation at having his hair removed. He is proud of his manhood, and will feel total humiliation at being "plucked" in front of a camera. One might also dress a boy of this age as a girl to fuck him. Anything to emasculate him. The little boys don't feel such sexual shame yet. For a fifteen year old to suck dick is very different than for a ten year old to do it. A ten year old might be frightened and disgusted by the act, but the fifteen year old will feel like his masculine self-esteem is being stripped from him, which it is.
Next, the Man ordered the two little ten year olds to strip off their thongs. Soon they were totally bare assed naked in all their ten year old glory. The camera moved in lovingly for close-ups of their little fuckers.
"All right boys, start to frig each others' dicks. Keep tongue kissing." The film moved. Unlike many boring porno films that take forever to go from one sexual act to another, the Man kept his films going at a furious clip. That way, repeated viewings could constantly yield new treasures.
The naked ten year olds were not on the floor sixty-nining each other...dicklets in mouths, sounds of wet slurping. The Man observed everything with great care. The boys had been warned they better put their all into this film, as they were the only stars. Each little ten year old sucked as hard as he could, spit and dick leak everywhere. They licked each others' tiny, as yet unfilled ball sacks. They arched their backs and wiggled their ten year old toes. They were both adorable boys.
"All right while you are sucking each other's clits, stick some fingers into each others' assholes. Notice the Man said fingers...plural. The boys asscunts had both been stretched so large by adult male dick, that no concern need be taken to; stretching the sphincters. These ten year old boy pussies were elastic as hell. Isaac and Georg each stuffed three fingers into the others' asshole, working them into the soft, moist, yielding rectums. The boys had been taught that their asses no longer belonged to them. They belonged to the clients.
They had to give up their asses for their careers. Neither boy had been adult fist fucked as of yet. Georg had had a rather large crucifix shoved up his rectum when he made "Georg and the Priest," And the every talented dark haired Isaac had had two large billy clubs shove up his asshole when he made the cop film. But neither boy was quite ready for fist fucking yet. The Man thought that perhaps he might make a film where the two ten year olds fist fucked each other. Surly they were ready to take little boy hand up their cunts. It might be really cute to watch the pain on their faces as they worked their slender little arms up each others rectums and bowels.
Upon orders from the Man, the little boys were not fucking each others' ten year old assholes with their fingers. You should see how their little toes curled at that.
"Okey, enough useless dicklet sucking, I want to see you eat each others' assholes. And it better be deep. I want to see those tongues come out brown!" Both Isaac and georg hated this the most. They hated it much more than getting fucked, even though getting fucked hurt terribly and this didn't hurt at all. They hated the fact that they could taste shit when they sucked ass, they hated that their tongues and mouths and faces ended up all covered with ass slime. They hated how it smelled and how it tasted. And they hated the fact that the camera would then take close-ups of their shit streaked faces. They would have to stick out their ass juice covered tongues for the camera.
Neither boy could figure out why any man or women would want to look at that. What could they possible gain from that? When Georg had had to eat the Priest's ass in his last film, the Priest obviously had not cleaned himself at all. And when poor cute little Georg had his face coated with ass crap, the kindly priest had turned around and pissed the mess off the boy. He had pissed on the boy's face to clean it. But then, all the shitty ass slime and piss covered the floor, and George had been ordered to kneel down and lick it all up. the Good Father had kindly pointed out to the ten year old where he had missed a spot or two. The taste was so revolting that little Georg had been perilously close to puking several times. But he knew he would only have to lick that up as well.
The Man watched the two little tykes eating out each others asses with gusto. Their pale smooth bodies twisted together, face between legs, buried in asshole. Neither of the boys had been allowed a bowel movement that morning, so the film might have a very "special" climax. The Man loved working with boys. He found it so much more rewarding than working with adults. His dick lurched and dribbled a bit in his trousers as he thought about making little Bobby into his next star.
The boy was so naive, so innocent, and he would soon be so thoroughly corrupted. He imagined how Bobby would feel the first time he had a thick veiny male dick in his mouth. How he would react to having his twelve year old asshole opened and stretched with strange men watching. The Man couldn't wait to force the boy to masturbate on camera, his most private, intimate acts being put on display. The camera would watch him piss and shit. The camera would watch him learning how to lick scrotum. The camera would watch his first anal fucking Taking a boy's fresh, young ass for the very first time is always very special and very beautiful.
The Man loved nothing in life so much as opening up a little boy's asshole for the very first time. How tight and round and puckered and perfect the little fuckers' sphincters are. Soon, they would be hanging open like ripe flowers in full bloom. By the time he was thirteen, Bobby's ass lips would be swollen and red and turned out and hanging like an old fucked whore. And that is in fact what he would be by thirteen, and old fucked whore. But it is the Journey that matters, isn't it?
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