erotica by Kenny N Gamera


I have a few series that I have been working on. I think most writers get lazy like this and start to recycle characters, expecially characters they like. Why? Well, writers are lazy creatures, otherwise they would work for a living instead of trying to type for a living (that they don't live doing is besides the point; it's like trying to be a rock star). Also, a good character is like a good friend, you want to keep them around. In ways they are better than friends, they do what you want more often

Thank You and Good Day,
Kenny N Gamera


My Daddy

My Daddy's Slave - this story started out as an evil idea from a spam story called "Daddy's Slave." My story is not what you might expect, however. If Daddy/Daughter incest is a squick, I think you may still enjoy it. Originally, I wanted to do this a little differently than I did, but when I changed a few things with Daddy, the codes made sense yet saved the surprise.

My Daddy's Little Sports Ho - I have writen other stories as Kendra Gamera, but this series is my favourite Kendra storyline. I plan on playing with Kendra,Daddy, and George for awhile. In fact, I hope to do one a semester until Kendra graduates from college.

A Present from My Daddy - The third in the series. Typed this one right after Thanksgiving while waiting to go to an appointment. Stole the title from a spam story that had floated around at the time ("A Gift from Daddy"), but the idea had been floating around for a while.
One thing I feel I ought to point out is punctuation or the lack thereof.  It was tough to keep it up through the whole story. The series depends on leading the reader down the very wrong path for effect .  Each are therefore imitations of the daughter seduces daddy type of spam stories, not just in apparent content but hopefully in style as well.  In short, the errors are there on purpose to help trick the reader.  And that is the story I’m sticking to.

My Daddy's Graduated Cylinder - Kenny is waiting at the Biology Building and wanders into her father's lab. His assistant George is on the computer, but he is not getting data ready for the big conference. He is looking at gay porn. What is Kendra to do.
I posted this one a little late in the semester. Okay, it was in the summer. Still, I think it was a good story, and as always fun to write.

My Daddy's Naughty Little Girl - Just a piece of fluff. Not very good really. Kenny tortures George a little more.



Double Celeb Meeting - Warning! Adults having sex with very a minor minor! If you might get upset with this as a theme, please skip this story.
I know that nine year-old girls do not seduce adult men. And you know it. And Uncle Sky and Frank McCoy know it. But some adults like to read stories about nine year-old girls seducing adult men. Some adults like to have their significant others dress as nine year-old girls and seduce them. And some adults like to write stories about nine year-old girls seducing adult men. And when I see these same guys complaining on ASSD about the lack of groupies, wellllllll...
Also, during a conversation with Ray earlier that day, I mentioned the chance of a celeb being a secret fan of a sex writer. The two ideas went 'round and 'round and came out...not quite jazz, but...

Free Minor Repair - Ideas for stories can come from anywhere at all. This one was born after seeing a sign outside a dry cleaners. Katie McN's Katie R series is amoung the funniest on the web in my opinion and Claudette of the North is a way cool character. Then again, Katie McN is a way cool character.

Kenny's Ticket to Austrailia - Katie McN is 1) one of my favourite people in the world, 2) the major reason that I continued to do write past the first few segments of "Beggars" 3) a lovely person, and 4) pretty damn cool.
Shortly after I started writing, she went into the hospital for a significant period of time. When she came back, I wrote and posted this in celibration. She was SUPPOSED to get angry, and then I would write and post a story about my adventures as an ausie street walker during the summer Olympics. She loved it instead; though she claims not to actually sell people into white slavery, that it is Katie R who does that. Surrrrrrrrre.

lagadum, lagadum, scoobiedoobie - I started this one during my first year of writing and finally finish it during my fourth year. Go figure. This story has its roots in a Limelighter's song called "Madeira, My Dear" that Denny Wheeler (curmudgeon and editor) was quoting on ASSD a lot at the time. Naturally, with Denny being a dirty old man and all, I casted him in the lead role.

Sherry vs. AleicaD - The first appeareance of Officer Sherry was at the summer solstice event at ASSD in 2000. She might be my favourite character of all those I write. Her opponent is AleicaD, a hardcore BDSM writer of some note. I did this one twice.The first time I had typed it, the computer ate it when I went to post and I hadn't saved the @#$%&* thing. I was late for work and had to rush out what I did post. Sigh! A nice exchange between Jenny and Kimmy got the axe.

The Video Camera - Somehow, Katie McN challenged me into writing a story about me, her, and my lover/editor suzee. Not really, she challenged me to come up with a way to do a video camera. This scene is the best I could do. Sorry.


Kenny and the Fluffer

Untitled Gangbang - This was my very first Write Club contribution, and my opponent was Mr. Slot,one of the best humour writers on ASSM. The judge was Hecate , one of the best Write Club judges in my opinion. She liked big words and extra rules for the writers. For this story, she wanted a romance without humour. She claim to be trying to force each of us to stretch ourselves. Slottie did very well, writing one of the best tragic stories I've read. I lost because I couldn't write something not funny.
By the time I finished this, I knew I would someday write other stories about them.

Fred Bags a Pornstar - Fred is Fred from the above story. This story happens sometime after the pornstar gangbang in "Untitled Gangbang".
I like leading the readers off in the wrong direction and then suddenly pulling a surprise on them. I think that I succeeded with this story. At least one person wrote that she had thought Fred had kidnapped Rhonda up to the ending. Nope, something else happens entirely.

Watching Shelly [9,10,10,10] - I finally revisit the couple. Kenny is waiting at a bar for Shelly who is going to be the porn star who some lucky amateur is going to fuck for Dick Hardsteel's website FukPornPoon.com. Except the rent is endangered when the loser guy doesn't show. Rent is saved by Fred and his new friend Krystal.
I thought about calling this "Fallen Angels," but suzee (my new editor/proofer) liked the working title better. Plus, another story came out with the same title. Though, I reserve the right to repost it to alt.stories.erotica as "My Best Friend Fucked my Girlfriend on FukPornPoon.com"

With Fred in a Sportsbar - A scene inspired by oosh's Power of Cliche II. In particular, I was inspired by a discusion on comparing nipples to pencil erasers that was similar to the one that Ken and Fred have in the scene. Fr. Ignatius proclaimed it as the thread of the week because of the last line.


Alan's Week

Alan has a problem and her name is Shelly. Shelly controls minds. Unfortunately for Alan, he intrigues her from the Friday night they meet. This is a week of days where Shelly plays with Alan and the new girl in his life, Heather. I'm not writing these in order, but I'm trying to make that unimportant, so that they can be read in any order you like.

Saturday in the Park
Tuesday Morning, Please Be Gone