Officer Sherry vs. Alecia D

{ASSD} Virtual Solstice Party 2000

Kenny N Gamera
Three women walked into the tavern. Two were dressed in plain white tee-shirts and khaki hiking shorts; they finished their outfits with ankle socks and tennis shoe. Both wore their brown hair tied into pony tails that they had pulled into the gap in their matching Detroit Tigers baseball caps. One had a natural thinness about her, the other a fit, athletic bulkiness.

The other was completely different.

Tall and blonde, she wore a policeman's top tucked into a tight blue skirt. Naturally, she wore both mirror sunglasses and black knee length leather boots. The polish on the boots was enough that if one was so inclined to check it was clear that she was a natural blonde. While short a pistol, she did have a night stick hung from her belt.

"Sherry, Kim and I are going to look for Kenny. Do you want to come with us," asked the thin girl.

"Maybe after you are through with him, Jenny," replied Sherry. "Right now, I see someone else that I'd like to come with. If you'll excuse me."

Sherry waved her two friends off. Then with dire purpose, she walled over to a group of tables surrounded by a mix of jailbait and older women (though none are older than twenty-five, Sherry thought happily). The chaperone with the cute Texan accent seemed to be busy with a real hot Brit, but this left one of the other unoccupied for the time being.

Time to cull the herd, thought Sherry.

"Excuse me, ma'am," said Sherry in he ooooh, sssooo official voice, "if you will come with me, please!"

"Officer, what in the world for," asked Alecia.

"Just come with me, ma'am," restated Sherry with the don't fuck with me tone. Sherry, then, lead her away form the table. After un statifyingly small amounts of police brutality with an unpleasantly cooperative minor imp that worked a the bar, they found an empty room furnished with just a couple of chairs and a small table.

"Oh, Officer, what-..." started to ask Alecia as Sherry checked the room for hidden cameras. Alecia lived in McN Manor long enough that she know what was going on. And more importantly, what was going to be going on.

"Quiet!" shouted Sherry as she finished her search. She had been involved with enough interrogations to know that it wasn't wise to leave video evidence. Once she was sure enough, she turned to her prisoner. "You're Canadian aren't you!" demand the police officer.

"Yes, ma'am"

"Yes, what!?"

"Yes, I'm Canadian and I'm okay," replied Alecia with all the meekness she could muster. "I fuck all night and I sleep all day."

"Sit!" commanded Sherry angerily. "You Canadians make me sick. Coming into America, passing your slug quarters around. It's getting to the point that you can't watch the shows at the porn shops anymore. And heaven forbid when Charles becomes king. His ugly face will probably break all the vending machines.

"As if that weren't enough, You go around strutting your hot little Ontario bodies around and steal all the good cock!"

Alecia decided that she should correct the officer least her reputation become spoiled. "I don't fuck with men, ma'am."

"Don't fuck men!" shouted Sherry. "The queen of Quebec doesn't fuck men! that's even worse; you go around twitching your nice Newfound-'end' around, getting the guys all worked up to the point that all a girl can do is lie there getting fucked crossed-eyed to the point she can't get any serious sex done.

"Where are your papers, you Saskatchewan Slut?"

Alecia looked at her captor, looking all sweet and innocent. "I may have forgot them."

"Well, I'm going to have to search you to make sure. Else its back to the Northwest Territories with you." Sherry studied Alecia trying to decide where she could have hidden her papers. "Strip, but leave the bra on. I don't want you using your frozen hard titties to tempt me from my duties as an American, you Novia Scotian snow princess."

Alecia complied with the command and was soon down to just the five inch spike heels and bra. With the order to grab her ankles, she spread her legs well apart and assumed the position anyone who has spent a night with Katie McN knows so well. I hope that Katie R is taping this, thought Alecia knowing that her body's charms were being well displayed.

Sherry moved behind her and assumed a catcher's crouch, giving Alecia a very good view of the promised land. Slowly she stuck one and then another finger into the prisoner's dripping snatch.

Damn! thought Sherry, she sure is wet as hell. Well, I can lie here just as well as on the witness stand.

"I'm going to have to lube you up a little to see how much Yukon be hiding in here."

Alecia knew she should be insulted at that seeing as how she had already been eaten by the invisible women and then tortured Rui Jorge to death a couple of dozen times. Still, she enjoyed the feelings of the officer's talented tongue gave her. She hoped that John A hadn't gone too far away with her "golf" bag, because she was going to have to play "a round" with this one a little later,

Sherry enjoyed what she was doing and from the sounds of Alecia's squeals so was her victim, but it was time to finish this search. In short order, Sherry add a third finger then a fourth then her thumb. Sent over the edge, Alecia screamed out in her most powerful orgasm, yet. Her spasm were so intense that a folded slip of paper fell from her bra, not unnoticed by both women, but ignored by mutual consent.

As she felt Alecia's orgasm die down, Sherry shouted out, "finish me off, you Manitoban tart!" Alecia turned quickly around and dropped to her stomach. With her own talented tongue, she brought the overheated cop off in an explosion of sound and wetness.

As she caressed, her prisoner's head, Sherry picked up and opened the paper on the floor. "I guess you can be her after all," she announced without suprise.

"Well you're not the first cop to play 'let's depot the Canadian' with me," answered Alecia.

"What makes you think I haven't played this game before, either." Sherry smiled down at Alecia. "Now get up. I have someplace else to check for contraband and I've got a few provinces and territories left to go, my little British 'Cum-lesbian'"

© 2000 Kenny N Gamera