Synopsis: Uncle Sky and Frank McCoy meet at a local bookstore for coffee and a quick game of chess, where they meet a fan.
Story: "It's your move, Sky," announced Frank even though he didn't need to. Uncle Sky was playing the white pieces, and all of the chessmen were still in place. Uncle Sky was thinking, but not necessarily about the chess game.
He was just thinking about how hard it is being a world famous writer of dirty stories. Most people didn't want to talk about such things at least in public. Frank had learned the same thing. That is why was nice for the old friends to meet once a week at the Silver Cafe and play a game of chess. They would talk about many things, like story ideas and their friends at ASSD and whose turn it was to move a chess piece.
Sometimes they would talk about girls. But not if anyone was around. They liked special girls not the kind that people their age were supposed to like. They didn't want just anyone knowing about what they like to see in girls.
Today was more of the same. Uncle Sky finally moved one of his men. It was Frank's turn this time. He stared at the chessboard. Uncle Sky looked up at the other people in the coffee shop. When he looked at the door, a group of people came in followed by a cute little girl. The grown ups were all nervous. But the girl seemed very sure of herself and grown up.
"Hey, Frank," said Uncle Sky.
"I forgot whose turn it was, Sky." Frank said as he stared at the chessboard.
"Never mind that," said Uncle Sky. He pointed to the girl at the door. "Why does that girl look so familiar?"
"Hey, I think that was the girl in that movie where they tried to take away the daughter of the retarded man."
"Yes, what is her name?"
As Uncle Sky and Frank talked about her, the girl told the people with her what she wanted. She looked at the people in the coffee shop. She saw them staring at her. She smiled at them. And then she walked over while the grownups waited in line.
"Hi," she said.
"Hello," said Frank and Uncle Sky.
"Can I watch you play for awhile?" she asked
The two men blushed and nodded their heads.
She smiled and pulled a seat over to the table. She put it between them.
"I'm Dakota."
"Dakota?" asked Uncle Sky. "Wait, are you Dakota Fanning, the star?"
The girl blushed and nodded her head.
"Wow," Frank said. "We thought you may be. What are you doing here?"
"I'm visiting to do an interview with the TV station."
"Wow," Frank and Uncle Sky said.
"What's your names?"
"I'm Sky."
"I'm Frank McCoy."
"Frank McCoy?" The girl almost jumped from her seat. "He's my favourite writer."
"What?" Frank said.
"Are you him." Frank nodded and the girl squealed. She turned to Uncle Sky. "Are you Uncle Sky?"
The girl gave a loud squeal and jumped up and down.
"How do you know about our stories?" asked Frank.
"Aren't you too young for them?" asked Uncle Sky.
"Oh, pooh. I'm a big star and I can read whatever I want." Dakota said. "And I AM NOT too young. I am very grown up for a nine year old."
She smiled and ran over to the people with her and whispered something into one of their ears. The man looked at Frank and Uncle Sky. She whispered something else to him. He nodded his head. Dakota skipped back to Uncle Sky and Frank.
"Come on," Dakota said. She grabbed Uncle Sky and Frank by their hands. "Mr Ross said we can go to the limo. We just need to close the blinds so no one can see us."
Frank and Uncle Sky follow Dakota to the big black limo in front of the coffee shop. She opens the door. Uncle Sky went in. Frank went in. Dakota went in last. She crawls on the seats and pulled down the blinds to the windows. With the windows covered it got dark inside the limo.
Dakota reached down and pulled up her shirt. Frank and Uncle Sky stared at her young chest. Dakota pulled off her white sneakers. Then, she took off her jeans. She only had on her plain white undies.
"Wow! If I knew I was going to have fun with my favourite writers, I would have worn my frilly dress." said Dakota.
She reached over to Uncle Sky. She pulled his thing from his pants and gave it a lick. She smiled. She told Uncle Sky that it tasted good. Then, she began to suck on it like it was rock candy. After awhile, Uncle Sky shot his goo into her mouth. Dakota ate it all and licked her lips.
"Mr McCoy, will you make a baby in me?" Dakota asked.
She pulled Franks pants down. She climbed into his lap. His hard thing sank into her hole. Her hole was nice and wet. No one noticed anything happening. But two people did see the limo rocking.
"Wow. I bet some big star is getting some hot loving in that limo."
Three big stars were getting some loving in that limo. Dakota got something else, too. Nine months later, all the papers told about her getting a new little sister. Uncle Sky got something, too. He got a note saying he was next.
© 2003 Kenny N Gamera