Untitled Gangbang

Kenny N Gamera
I stood at the bar in a Nevada whorehouse with a bottle of near beer watching a camera crew do their pre-shoot duties. I wondered how in the hell I ended up in this situation for maybe the millionth time since my friend asked me to tag along with him. I didn't belong in places like this waiting to be part of a live studio audience to a pornstar gangbang.

Just be thankful, Gamera, I reminded myself, you could be part of that imbroglio.

Which is what Fred had wanted in the first place.

"Come on Ken, it'll be a blast," he proclaimed. "Besides, you need to get laid."

"No, I need to get off my ass and write that damn article on white-tailed deer for _Field_&_Stream_ and then maybe see if I can sell something else to pay the rent. Besides, I not so hard up that I need to pay a grand to get sloppy seconds from some bleach blonde bimbo with an eating disorder and a bad tit job."

"Rhonda Casabas does not have a bad tit job!" he protested to me as he had done before when I have questioned the quality of his favourite slut-for-hire's surgery.

"Anyway, I'm not going to go to fuck some porn slut. Especially when it is getting taped. My father watches those things and so does my sister and her boyfriend. If they see it, they'll..."

"...be glad your getting a piece," Fred finished for me. "You haven't gotten any since Julie left you last year."

"That's beside the point," I shouted at him.

"Nope, it is the point." He took hold of my shoulder in a brotherly way. "You're going nuts. A little bit of Rhonda will help settle you down and get the edge off."

"Or get a case of fugacious genitalia," I said snidely.

The argument began after he returned from the dictionary. It continued for most of the night. In the end, we compromised. He really needed me there as moral support, not because he was worried about my developing blue balls. He worried about that, too, but he was happy that I agree to come along without actually participating in the orgy. I was glad to get him off my back even if it meant my watching a few hundred men assembly line fuck a woman with more plastic in her than woman.

Things were done with more class than I would have thought given my general impression of such things. The beer was something other than "Cheap Local Lager" even if it was 'merician. The stuff I was drinking could have almost passed as real beer, which is better than most brands. The company doing the buffet had done an excellent job with it. I had a chance to enjoy some of the best salad bar that I had had in a long time.

Still, it was a pornstar gangbang. The male participants were walking around in at most a tee shirt with the words "Rhonda Casabas: All-star Gang-bang 2000" on them. Others wore just their socks. Some had just what mother had given them for their birthdays. Though, one guy had a photo-realistic picture of Rhonda Casabas tattooed on his chest. Other then the shoot crew, who looked about as excited as a group of shell shocked POWs, I was the only one dressed in a normal manner.

The guest of honour was missing, but I could see a group of women dressed in shorts and plain white tee shirts standing at the far side of the room. There were about ten or twelve of them. The majority was blonde or a reasonable facsimile of one. Three were Asian including one of the blondes. One was black. The last three dark haired white girls.

I scanned them for awhile, mostly because I couldn't stand watching the aging motorcyclists and brain-dead frat boys any longer. Not a one appealed to me. I got bored of the large breasted skinny girl back when I first started sneaking my father's a _Playboys_ when I was in junior high school. Also, the first girl to perform a cardioectomy on me had bodacious tits.

The girl who helped pick up the pieces was a cute little redhead with champagne saucer breasts. Hugging her felt like I was hugging her, not fighting her for a couple of basketballs stuck between us. Since then, I've looked for the petite girls without a lot up top. Being picky has maybe cost me a little, but I have felt it was worth it.

Fred, however, likes them big. He found me again, just as the emcee announced the entrance of the star of the show. He nudged me in the side, a little forcefully.

"Look at those things," he whispered to me as he pointed, rather rudely, at the flesh spilling from her halter-top. "God, I can't believe I'm going to get to slide my sausage between those things."

I didn't tell him that I couldn't believe he'd want to. Instead, I said, "A dream come true."

"It's not too late, Ken."

"You mean I can go home now?"

"No, you asshole, I can still talk the producer into letting you join in. He is a friend of mine."

"I rather go home," I said with a smile, "but you go ahead and have your fun. I'll watch."

"Your loss."

With that he began to get into line. I got another NA and leaned against the portable bar. I wished that someone had brought chairs, but no one had real expected a non-participant to be around. Fred's buddy had gotten me into the show. I think that Fred and he were convinced that I would have jumped at the chance to join in after it had started, but they thought wrong.

I merely watched (feeling like tits on a priest)as the guys formed up into a single file leading up the dance floor of the bordello. Rhonda Casabas lay back on a table in the middle. Above her, the disco ball hung lifeless from the ceiling. The neon moon was off. A thicket of cables had been taped down to the wooden dance floor. It was as stimulating as dad's slide show.

The girls I had noticed before went over to the men at the front of the line. One by one, each dropped to her knees and took a limp, semi-hard, or ridged penis into her mouth. With a talent developed from hours of working at burned out studs, they began to get their assigned studs to a point where they could do the job to the main attraction with the minimal amount of time.

I got another pseudo-beer from the bartender.

"Better take it easy on those, buddy," he said in mock seriousness. "Another hundred and I'll have to cut you off."

"Ha, Ha," I answered with boredom dripping from my voice. "Do these often?"

"Yep, I don't care for them myself, wrong side of the fence for me, but part of the deal is that my staff gets to take part. Most think it is a nice fringe benefit."

The first stud had taken his spot at the cunt and began to thrust into her pussy. He got to stroke himself maybe a few dozen times, moving like a bunny before he announced his impending release. As the next guy took his place, stud number one moved to the girl's face. Barely removing his condom in time, he released a surprising amount of cum onto her face. The first few spurts actually streaked her face.

"I'd like to have a chance with him." He looked at me as I watched the next man, a large black man who violated the old rule, pounded away at the shaved mound before him. "So what are you doing here?"

"Watching a bunch of losers prove it to the world." I took a pull from my beer. "Really, a friend of mine couldn't do this by himself; he talked me into lending moral support. Also, I think he wants me to join in."

"Why don't you?" He wiped away the ring of moisture that my bottle left behind. "Wrong side?"

"Nope, I just don't like porn sluts." I put my beer down and added, "it's not your lucky day."

"Guess not, but it was worth a try." He shrugged and smiled.

"No harm done. Better luck next time."

He wandered away, and I began to watch the line. Fred had finally made it to the girls at the head of the line to receive his. He got the blond Asian, who went to work at his slightly larger than average meat with a vengeance. Next to him, another blond was lick the shaft of a black man who had something that people would expect on a member of his race.

She was beautiful. I was kind of far away, maybe a third of the way to the pitcher's mound, but I could tell that her face was soft and rounded. Not a sharply angled look, but an innocent look. Her nose was the little upturned nose of a cheerleader.

She wore no shirt by then. I could easily see her breast. They were small handfuls topped by small pink caps. I stared a moment too long; she caught me watching.

She winked and began to work at the man in front of she with a passion as opposed to the routine way she had gone about it before. The whole time I studied her face and the changes in its shape as she swallowed the penis in her hands. Finally, the man left to put on his condom and join the ranks of those who had fucked Rhonda Casabas. An aged hippie walked in front of my girl, blocking her face with his pimply ass.

"Yep," said the bartender, "I'm out of luck. Want another beer?"

I looked down and found that I had finished the one I had. I shook my head not trusting my voice to break. He brought me the refill and took the empty soldier away.

I watched the gangbang continue through the mirror, until Fred came up. I turned to see him whisper something into Rhonda's ear. She nodded to his question, and he climbed up onto the table.

As he placed his dick between her breast, Rhonda closed them around the shaft. The mobile cameraman walked up for a close shot of Fred's tittie-fuck of the pornstar. The Asian girl had done her job well and soon, my friend began to shoot all over her chin and neck. I applauded as he walked away and another black man went between the outstretched legs of Rhonda.

I turned to the bar and at my side was the girl from the line. She was down to just her panties. In her hand was a glass of water.

"Hi," she said to me as the bartender went to the very far end of the bar.

"Hello," I answered, wondering what else to say to a nearly naked girl with eyes the colour of summer haze.

"I'm taking a break." She sipped some water. "Lonely?"

"A little."

"Your Fred's friend aren't you?"

I looked at her, a little surprised. "Yeah, I didn't know that you knew Fred."

"I met him at a party Wally threw a few years ago. When Wally said he was here with a friend, I thought that meant you were joining in. I was shocked to find out that you weren't."

"Not my thing."

"What is your thing?"

"Nature writing." I shrugged. "I did a thing on the destruction of the habitat of the anaconda for a naturalist magazine and a few other things."

"Was that in _Discover_?"

"Yes, it was." I looked at her in surprise again. "You read it."

"Sure, I study science at UC Berkley," she answered. "When I'm not sucking cock on tape."

"You like that?"

"Science? Yes." She then shrugged her shoulders. "Doing porn? It's a living."

"You go to Berkley?"

"Yeah, I'm a native Californian. The tuition is cheap relative to what it could be. Scholarships help. Porn keeps litter in the litter box."

I sighed, "yeah, that's a full time battle isn't it."

"Sure is." Wally made a gesture at her. It wasn't angry, thank God, just a can't-you-hurry-it-up wave of the hands. She looked back at me and said, "I got to go now. It's been nice talking to you."

"What's your name?" I spurted before she could put her glass down.


"Can I see you again sometime?"

"Sure," she paused to think, "Ken. Here's my number."

She quickly wrote out her number onto a bar napkin. I shoved it into my shirt pocket as she walked away. She moved her slim ass in a very purposely seductive way. I took a pull on my beer.

"Well, I may not have been lucky, but you sure were," said my friend the bartender from behind me. "Congratulations."

"For what," asked Fred. He now had on a pair of brief and the gangbang tee shirt. "I miss something?"

"Yes, I'll tell you about the vicissitude that just occurred on the way home."

Fred turned to the bartender. "Could I get a bud? And while you're at it dig up a dictionary, too.

"You and your god damn big ass words, you asshole."

© 2001 Kenny N Gamera