PZA Boy Stories
Full list of characters (in separate window)

J.O. Dickingson

The Gargoyle of Male Fecundity

Chapter 29

Billy reluctantly stopped messing around with Mark and Lucas the third weekend of December. At three months pregnant he was able to conceal his condition with oversized shirts and baggy pants but stripped naked and engaging in sex it would be impossible not to notice his belly. As much as he wanted to share the news of his pregnancy with his two best friends, he knew the dangers of doing that, and the risk it put Bobby in, and Billy Bob and Nathan. He knew his friends would never tell, but all it would take would be a comment overheard by their parents or a classmate and he and Bobby could be in very big trouble. It was for that reason he didn't even tell Aaron or his cousin Taylor. He didn't want to endanger them or the work of the Mission, or any of the others they'd met in the Tetons. Though he'd never squeal on any of the others, and he knew Bobby and Billy Bob never would either, adults had a way of finding stuff out if they figured it was important, and that he was a boy and pregnant would definitely be considered important, even more important than the big deal adults made about men having sex with boys.

The missing out on sex bothered him, but what bothered him even more was not being honest with Mark and Lucas. The three of them and Aaron had sworn to always tell each other the truth. All for one and one for all. Yeah, he hadn't told Mark he'd begun having sex with Lucas, and he hadn't told Lucas he'd been having sex with Mark for a whole month before they'd begun, and he hadn't told Aaron about either Mark or Lucas, but he hadn't lied to them about it. He just hadn't mentioned it, not being sure either Mark or Lucas wanted anyone else to know they were having sex with another guy. He knew his excuses now, he was tired, he had homework, his parents were expected home early, he didn't feel like it right then, all sounded lame, because they all were lame. He could tell that Lucas and Mark were disappointed, having thought with the Christmas holidays they'd be having more chances to mess around, and it hurt disappointing them, adding to his misery. What hurt most of all was that he could tell they didn't believe him.

Billy was right. The boys had always been extremely close to each other and they had grown even more so once Mark and Lucas had begun having sex with Billy. They knew he was lying, and that he was doing so hurt them too, but what hurt them even more were the reasons they came up with for him wanting to stop having sex with them. Mark concluded Billy was ashamed of what they'd been doing, and he was upset Billy felt that way about their special friendship and their secret, and even more upset over what that implied about himself. Yes, he and Billy were having sex, and yeah, he was enjoying it, but that was just enjoying having sex. Or so he had thought. Sure, they liked each other, they liked each other a lot, but they had always liked each other. They were just messing around, enjoying sex, enjoying being guys and having cocks. It wasn't as if they were in love with each other. Not really. Not like they were boyfriends and all mushy and stuff. Yeah, they'd tried kissing, and that had been hot actually, but it was just sex, not love. They weren't fags. Billy was evidently thinking otherwise though. Perhaps Billy was even thinking he was a fag.

Kids can be very cruel, and especially junior high kids. You had to be a total nerd not to know what a fag was or what others thought of them, or anybody who in any way acted like a fag, or more accurately how junior high boys thought fags acted. He knew a few guys who were perhaps a bit effeminate, and a few who were definitely weird, and he knew for a fact they were not having sex with other guys, but they were labelled as fags and treated like crap. There was nothing lower in the macho world of junior high boys, or in the world of junior high girls for that matter, than a fag. Fortunately he and Billy were into sports and interested in other guy stuff, like science and video games, and didn't act like fairies, so nobody suspected anything about them. Not that there was anything to suspect. Yeah, it seemed every time they were together and alone they'd been doing it, and to be honest, he'd looked forward to doing it. He knew what that meant. He'd tried not to be the one to bring it up that they mess around, but he just couldn't seem to help it, and until recently Billy had been eager to mess around, or so he'd thought. Sure, he did sometimes feel guilty about it, especially when the other guys started teasing someone about being a fairy or making comments about fairies, but when he jerked off he always ended up thinking about him and Billy, or fantasizing about them and Lucas or Aaron, even if he started off thinking about girls and tits and stuff. Maybe he was a fag. That possibility bothered him almost as much as losing Billy's friendship.

Lucas, on the other hand, was convinced that Billy's sudden loss of interest in having sex, after a marathon of doing it for three weeks, was because he wasn't enjoying it. It was all new to him and he certainly didn't know the things Billy did when it came to sex stuff. He thought back to the first time they'd done it. Mark and Aaron weren't around. That was the only reason Billy had done it with him that evening. If Mark had been around, he'd have chosen him to do stuff with. Billy hadn't come out and admitted he and Mark were doing sex, but they had to be. Mark would be a lot more fun to do stuff with. Anyone would be a lot more fun to do stuff with than him. He didn't know anything, and what he did know, was against everything his parents believed in and had taught him to believe in. Yeah, he enjoyed having sex with Billy, but he couldn't help feeling guilty about it, not after being told all his life any sex except between a husband and wife to make a baby was sinful, that sex between people of the same sex was particularly perverted and wrong, and that his dick was dirty and something to be ashamed of. He especially felt guilty when the guys at school started in dissing someone as being a fag or making jokes and crude comments about fairies. He didn't think he felt guilty while they were doing it, but maybe Billy sensed that he was. It wouldn't be much fun for Billy doing it with someone who wasn't enjoying it. He didn't even make a good fag. That was the lowest of the low. No wonder Billy had begun making excuses for not doing it.

With Christmas came the holidays and visits with family and the exchange of gifts and a momentary relief from their depression. Mark had a big family and they all gathered for the holiday from all over the country and celebrated and feasted from morning to night for days. Lucas usually went away for Christmas and for his family it was a major religious celebration with the idea of gifts coming from the three magi who came to see Jesus, not Santa. Billy's family traditionally alternated Christmases between his father's side of the family, always held at his paternal grandparents, and his mother's side of the family, which was rotated among his mother's brothers and sisters. Christmas was not a major event for Bobby and his wife, neither being deeply religious and, for the first fourteen years of their marriage, neither having an interest in children, which meant they had Christmas supper with her parents and spent the day before or after with his, and every other year they used the occasion and season's specials for a mini winter vacation at one resort or another.

Of course falling in love with Billy and having children changed things, another change in interests that was widening the gap between Bobby and his wife. Both he and Billy felt bad not being able to spend this special time with each other, and both felt guilty not being able to spend more of the holiday with Billy Bob and now with Nathan, both who celebrated Christmas at the Mission. Not being able to spend every Christmas together was one of the bad things about having to have their relationship secret. They'd gotten use to that though and squeezed in visits when they could and of course Aaron, Jimmy and Calvin made sure Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were special days for all of the children at the Mission, not just their own.

Last year was Billy's mother's turn to host the Christmas supper and Bobby and Billy had picked their own day to celebrate, December 27th. Much to their surprise, they learned last summer many of the others in circumstances similar to theirs had also picked that particular day. Calvin had observed that even more of a coincidence was that it was the day that some group in China celebrated Ta Chiu, the Festival of Peace and Renewal, which was sort of like Christmas, and somebody had mention that perhaps it was more than a coincidence that so many of them had picked that day considering the role a certain Chinese Ancient had played in their lives.

This Christmas was at Billy's Grandmother and Grandfather Carson's. All his relatives made a big fuss over Billy's mother who was now four months pregnant and again Billy could not help wondering what they'd think and say if they knew he was just over three months pregnant himself and would be due in another five weeks. He could just imagine their reaction. His mother would be immediately fussing over him about his health and the health of his unborn baby. His father would be concerned too, but being a man he wouldn't show it, and both would be surprised, but his father wouldn't show that either. His mother's parents would be totally bewildered and would immediately complain the younger generation had no respect or morals or responsibility, not like when they were young and perfect. His father's parents would love him just the same. They'd love him if he grew a tail and donkey ears and became a serial killer, and his father's father would think it was some modern trend and be cool with it, being pregnant that is, not being a serial killer with donkey ears. Of course it wouldn't come as a surprise to his uncle Ted and cousin Taylor. His aunt Charlotte would be shocked and scandalized and want him sent away like they used to do with unwed mothers. Her husband, his mother's brother Peter, would meekly agree with whatever his wife said. If he ever had an opinion he never said, unlike his father's brother Bob, who had an opinion on everything because he knew everything. He could just imagine what he'd say! It was an amusing way to entertain himself during the boring parts of the adult conversation at the supper table. When he heard his mother commenting on how huge she'd gotten carrying him, he was thankful that boys only took half the amount of time as women. He didn't think he could stand the swollen ankles and backaches and the difficulty getting up and sitting down for another five and a half months.

On the afternoon of the twenty-seventh he and Bobby exchanged their gifts at Bobby's house, Bobby's wife having gone back to work after having the Monday and Tuesday off and Billy's parents thinking he'd gone off to play with one of his friends for the afternoon. They had stopped at the Mission to pick up their two sons and they gave them their gifts as well and the two boys exchanged gifts they had made for each other and gave their fathers the gifts Billy had helped them buy for Bobby and that Bobby had helped them buy for Billy. Santa had of course arrived at the Mission on the scheduled day and the two boys, still believing of course, excitedly showed their parents the gifts he'd left. After the traditional exchange of gifts, they retired to Bobby's bedroom and stripped down to engage in what had become another family tradition.

"How are you feeling?" Bobby asked, propping himself up on his elbow and running his fingers over Billy's extended stomach as Billy laid back on his back. Billy had gained close to twenty-five pounds [11 kg], mostly stomach, and he was carrying high. He looked like he'd swallowed a watermelon whole, and his stomach felt like it too, the skin tight and his belly firm as an overinflated balloon. Bobby's cock immediately began to expand. Billy always made him horny, but there was something about a twelve-year-old with a swollen stomach and knowing inside it was your little son only a month away from his birth that was highly erotic. Having sex with him was even more erotic.

"You asking me or little Jordie?" Billy asked, the four of them having decided on Jordan for the name of their unborn son, though Nathan was just as happy with Mister Muggs, Billy Bob's impish suggestion, or Cookie Monster, Bobby's suggestion.

"Both," Bobby said with a smile.

"We're both horny," Billy said with a grin.

"Now why doesn't that surprise me?" Bobby responded. As he slowly caressed Billy's swollen abdomen, they both felt Jordie move.

"See, he's awake, and ready for some fun."

Billy Bob laid an ear against Billy's belly. "I can hear him. I think he's playing with his boner. Wack, wack, wack."

"Bahnah," said Nathan happily, reaching down and fiddling with his little cocklet. Now seventeen months old, he still hadn't gotten the pronunciation down, for which his parents were thankful considering the looks they'd get if people understood, but they knew the meaning very well, as did he.

"Looks like the kids are starting without us," Bobby said with a smile as he slipped his hand down over the curve of Billy's stomach and over his smooth pubes to his limp cock and dangling balls. He never ceased to be amazed how well hung Billy was. Nor did he ever cease to be amazed how hot he got playing with his young boymate's dick and balls. Foreplay with his wife had never been comparable and lately it had even turned him off. Actually, that was one reason he'd begun having sex with Billy in the master bedroom instead of the bed in the guest room or in the family room where they usually used to have sex. While engaging in foreplay with his wife on those now rare occasions when they did have sex, it was recalling Billy lying in the very same spot as his wife and engaging in foreplay with him that got him through the ordeal, and in fact lately if it were not for the thought that he and his wife were fucking where he and Billy had fucked earlier in the day he'd never have been able to get an erection.

Not once in their nineteen years of marriage had his wife ever touched his prick or his balls, and he knew just the thought of doing it made her cringe in disgust and she only tolerated him touching her down there because it was necessary for him to arouse her sufficiently to loosen her up so he could penetrate her with his oversized cock. Even when they fucked half the time she had a look of revulsion on her face and might just as well have been sleeping for all that she participated, not like Billy who was always eager and full of energy, and participated right along with him. It was difficult to get motivated never mind aroused when your partner clearly was not enjoying what the two of you were doing and would just as soon be doing something else. That, actually, was one aspect of their marriage that had not changed much over the years. She'd been so indifferent he hadn't even been sure she'd noticed the difference in the way he came after he'd been getting blow jobs from Billy Bob. Although she never said anything, she had eventually noticed. He could tell from the look on her face that said "aren't you ever going to stop?" Billy on the other hand was delighted how long he could cum and how much he was able to squirt.

Billy didn't hide his emotions no matter what they were and sex with him was always fantastic. He had no difficulty getting it up no matter where they were or at what time of day. Actually, doing it there in the same bed where he and his wife had sex was erotic in a perverted way. She would totally freak out if she were to walk into the bedroom that moment and find him and Billy stark naked and fiddling with each other's dicks and Billy Bob and Nathan in the bed beside them and fiddling with themselves. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, his hairy chest rising and falling as pleasure pulsated through his flaccid dick as Billy slowly worked his fist up and down it and as mop-haired Billy Bob snuggled between his legs and sucked on his large, hairy balls. Nathan, at a year and five months old, had been weaned off breast milk but at that moment was squirming with delight as he sucked on Billy's teat and fiddled with his little dicklet. It did not take the four of them long to become erect. Bobby took out the tube of KY he kept in his drawer by the bed and the three boys eagerly took care of lubing him and Billy's asshole.

Lying on his right side and raising his left leg, Billy pushed out with his abdomen as Bobby, laying on his side behind Billy, placed the tip of his stiff cock against his hole and began to push forward. Billy's hole was still tight despite the number of times they'd done it, which in the six years they'd known each other was probably three or even four times as often as Bobby had screwed his wife since their marriage. Being experienced, lubed and randy, the two united with no difficulty and Bobby sank his thick, eight-inch [20 cm] cock up Billy's hot, moist rectum until his hairs were pressing against Billy's smooth buttocks and his large, hairy balls were pressed against the back and inside of Billy's thighs and against his smooth, dangling nuts. Spying something that he'd come to prefer over Billy's teat, Nathan squirmed around and wrapping his hot little fist about Billy's stiff cock, now an impressive five inches [12½ cm] long, the toddler slipped his lips over his knob while Billy took over wanking his little dicklet. Billy Bob meanwhile sat down beside Bobby who immediately went down on the little tyke's erect dick, now as long and thick as Bobby's thumb when stiff.

Bobby was aching to get one off and he had barely begun. He never ceased to be amazed how randy Billy and their two sons got him. Lying there in the bed he shared with his wife with his cock buried up the ass of the twelve-year-old love of his life, the boy being sucked by their seventeen-month-old son while his little father fiddled with his little dick, and himself sucking the stiff cocklet of their randy, blond-haired, five-year-old son, how could a man not help being as randy as a teenage boy? Bobby sighed with delight and arousal. What most people would call sick and perverted and would be hollering for him to be locked up for, he found erotic beyond description. His thick cock was being clasped tightly by Billy's asshole and was throbbing hotly up Billy's rectum, which was throbbing in time with it. It seemed the more they did it the more muscular and stronger his little pucker was getting and it was delightful the way it grasped onto his aching cock. Little Billy Bob had his smooth thighs wrapped about his head and his knees pressing against his ears as he sucked the five-year-old's stiff little dicklet, which was twice the size of other boys his age. It was as stiff as a nail and throbbing hotly between his lips, defying anyone who thought five-year-old boys did not have sexual desires.

Billy was feeling just as randy as his lover. No matter how many times Bobby fucked him he never tired of it. He loved the feeling of having his lover's long, fat sausage stuffed up his rectum and pumping in and out of his anus. His bumhole was burning and his rectum throbbing hotly and each time Bobby thrust in and out of his body his dickhead brushed against a spot up his rectum that sent shards of pleasure through his groin and caused him to twitch uncontrollably. While carrying Billy Bob they had been afraid such rough activity would be harmful by this stage of pregnancy, but according to Harold it seems the extra surge of adrenalin was actually good for the fetus, and the healthy supplement of cum injected anally was good for both the birth father and his baby.

Billy's preteen cock was throbbing hotly as little Nathan sucked on it, and anyone who has ever had a seventeen-month-old baby suck on their finger or their teat knows just how strong their suction can be. He wished he could reward the little guy with a squirt of cum just like he was still able to give him a squirt of milk from his breasts, though he knew the toddler was deriving great pleasure sucking his cock anyway, just as much pleasure as he was feeling from having his little dicklet stroked. Why parents stopped their children from pleasuring themselves, and why many adults found jerking off perverted and sinful he could not understand. Even more of a mystery was why they thought it was such a big deal they had laws making it illegal for a man and boy to jerk each other off, and thought it even worse for a father to jack off his son or a twelve-year-old to jack off a seventeen-month-old toddler. That, to him, was totally dumb. It was obvious it made Nathan feel good, and it certainly made him feel good, so what was the harm? As for a toddler sucking a twelve-year-old's cock, that was considered even more perverted and an even greater crime, which was really ridiculous. It felt great, especially the way Nathan gave a blow job, filling his mouth with spittle and blowing it up his stiff cock, and the way he was going at it, Nathan was clearly enjoying it as much as any puppy chewing a bone.

Nathan of course was still oblivious to the rules and beliefs that guided the lives of those he knew. Giving blow jobs and having your dickey rubbed were just two of the many pleasures that he had learned and that he enjoyed, made all the more pleasurable having been introduced by his two daddies and big brother whom he loved more than anyone else in the world. Billy Bob had come to learn those rules and the need for secrecy long ago, and he accepted that as willing and eager as his two daddies were to mess around and have boy fun with each other and with him and his little brother he had to keep what they did a secret, just like he had to keep his romps at the daycare, playground, and now school a secret even though the boys he messed around with clearly enjoyed and wanted to do the things that they did. He also knew the biggest secrets of all were that men and boys liked to have sex together and that boys could have babies. The lives of grownups was strange, but he knew his two daddies and his little baby brother all loved him and that was what was important.

They all loved each other, which made the pleasure they got from sex all the more enjoyable, and they worked slowly and paused frequently to enjoy and prolong the pleasure they found in what they were doing and in what was being done to them. Bobby could never tire of the pleasure of having his big, stiff cock surrounded by the hot, throbbing ass flesh and being gripped by the tight sphincter of his boymate, nor of the pleasure that came from knowing how much pleasure stuffing his cock up his boymate's rectum brought the boy. Nor could he ever tire of the pleasure of sucking a boy's cock, his boymate's or his little sons', and that he was bringing that special pleasure to a five-year-old boy made it all the hotter and all the more pleasurable, even more so considering that boy was his son.

Billy loved sex of any kind, with guys of course, and he loved getting his ass fucked more than anything else. Feeling a hard, aching cock throbbing up his rectum felt just as good as the pleasure he got from his dick, and when that cock was that of his boylover it was all the more special. He also loved bringing others pleasure, sexual and otherwise. He knew having his big cock up his ass was bringing Bobby pleasure and he didn't have to be facing him to know how much he was enjoying screwing him. He also knew Nathan loved to suck cock and having his little dickey played with and from the way he was bobbing his head and sucking on his knob and from the way he was squirming, there could be no doubt that the toddler was enjoying himself. Billy knew the type of pleasure Bobby and Nathan were feeling, having felt the same pleasures himself, and bringing two of the people he loved the most that special pleasure brought him even more pleasure than getting his ass fucked brought.

At seventeen months of age, Nathan knew what brought pleasure and what brought pain, and sucking on his little daddy's dick and having his little daddy fiddle with his bahnah definitely brought the toddler pleasure, and even at his young age, he could sense without having to rely on his special telepathic ability that it also brought his little daddy pleasure. Having his little cocklet stroked sent strange tingles of pleasure and arousal through the swollen flesh, and he knew innately that his little daddy's cock was feeling the same way as his. At seventeen months he was discovering the mysterious new tastes, odours and textures of solid food and deciding which he liked and which he didn't like. Of all the things he tried putting in his mouth, he liked the taste, odour and texture of cock the best. He also knew at seventeen months the joy of bringing another person pleasure in much the same way as a dog or cat knows when it is bringing its master pleasure. When that other person was one of his daddies or his big brother, that made it all the more special to the toddler.

Billy Bob had a lot of experience being pleasured and bringing others pleasure, and he knew the greatest pleasure of all involved his dickey or the dickey of other boys and men. Being brought pleasure and giving pleasure were one and the same for him, and part of being a boy. He had no preference if his dickey was jerked or sucked or up another boy's asshole, and he liked jerking, sucking and being fucked by other boys equally. Bringing others pleasure that only boys can know and having boys bring him pleasure were two of his innate missions in life, and he took his missions seriously. Of course when that involved his two daddies and his little brother, it was the best of all.

Despite how much they were enjoying their orgy and wanting it to last, they could not make it last forever, and nor did they want to. Bobby began to slowly increase his speed and as the pressure developed in his loins he began to pump his ass faster and with longer strokes, driving his hot, aching cock in and out of Billy's tight, moist asshole so fast it was a miracle the friction between his hip and the bed sheet didn't start a fire. His benumbed, blood-engorged cock was aching to get one off, the knob tingling and burning furiously, the shaft throbbing hotly, and his hairy nuts drawn up tight beneath his rock-hard bone. Grasping Billy's protruding stomach, he was reminded that the twelve-year-old boy he was screwing was carrying his child, and he pounded the boy's tight ass all the harder as he sucked on his oldest son's hot, throbbing little pecker. Billy Bob was inhaling deeply as his big daddy sucked hard on his aching little pickle and worked his lips up and down it from his large, hairless balls to his tingling, burning knob. Shards of pleasure cut through his blood-engorged knob and ripped through his swollen shaft with a delightfully painful pleasure as he felt himself approaching that peak of pleasures.

Billy's stiff cock was aching with the same painful pleasure as it throbbed hotly in his toddler's mouth, Nathan slipping his hot lips up and down the shaft and sucking now, sucking out the spittle he'd been blowing up the core of his little daddy's shaft. Billy squirmed with the unique blow job, wishing he had the skill and ability to suck cock the way his little son did but that was apparently limited to toddlers and preschoolers who were formed in the unique modified wombs of other boys. He wanked furiously on his little son's tiny, slender dickey, pushing the silky, almost translucent foreskin back and then drawing it back up over the little red cherry knob, sending thrills of pleasure up the toddler's little boner. Nathan squirmed with the growing irritation of his knob that he'd come to associate with pleasure, and he sucked eagerly on his little daddy's swollen cock, knowing instinctively that his little father was feeling the same mysterious, powerful pleasure as he was.

They all came so close together it would be pointless to try to figure out who came first. Billy Bob's legs tightened about Bobby's head in a scissors hold as the youngster reached his peak, his dry orgasm ripping up his swollen little dicklet and around his blood-engorged knob and causing him to squirm and twitch and buck his hips, pumping his little, tingling cocklet in and out of his big daddy's mouth. Bobby sucked hard on the little, rigid nail as he thrust his own hips forward and his cum began to squirt. Thanks to the blow jobs he'd received from Billy Bob, he would be orgasming for the next three minutes and squirting spurt after spurt of hot, thick cum up Billy's tightly clenched rectum. Grasping his boymate tightly, he pressed his hairy chest against the boy's smooth, slender back and kissed the back of his neck, his fingers splayed as he grasped the pregnant boy's swollen belly. In the daze and heat of his powerful orgasm, he was sure he could feel his unborn son moving inside his boymate's belly.

Billy wanked Nathan's little dicklet furiously as he felt his rectum being filled with Bobby's hot, thick cum, and his own stiff, preteen cock throbbed and ached as the sharp thrills of his dry orgasm shot up the core and encircled his knob, causing him to jerk and buck uncontrollably, thrusting his throbbing prick in and out of his young son's mouth. Although he was yet too young to cum, the unique blow jobs he'd received from Billy Bob and now from his youngest son protracted and slowed down each spasm and multiplied the number of contractions, thus extending the duration of his orgasm. The way he bucked and squirmed, it was little wonder that he felt little Jordie squirming in his belly, and he imagined his unborn son happily having his own little orgasm in the shower of hot cum squirting up his rectum and surely up to his womb.

Little Nathan was used to the reaction of his daddies and his big brother and the naked toddler expertly kept his hot, little lips fastened to his daddy's swollen cock as his daddy bucked and squirmed and as his own body began to twist and jerk with his own orgasm, his tiny little dickey throbbing and burning hotly in his little daddy's fingers. A hot flush of pleasure washed over the four of them, the pleasure of each of their powerful orgasms, the pleasure that comes from knowing you've caused the same pleasure in your partner, and, thanks to the telepathic abilities of Billy Bob and Nathan, each enjoying the flush of pleasure each of the others was feeling.

Over the Christmas holiday, Jimmy and Calvin had taken a well-deserved holiday, flying to Canada for a week of skiing in Banff National Park in Alberta, taking along their sons, now two years and ten months old, Jimmy's stepbrother Aaron and his son JB also two years and ten months old, and Aaron's boylover John who'd told his wife he needed some time to be alone, the two of them having been having sexual problems and arguments over adoption this past year. Unbeknownst to anyone else other than John, Aaron was two months pregnant, having slipped away with Edward who had seeded him in the Tetons that summer. Jimmy and Calvin had also arranged, through the Mission, to fly Enrique and Raimundo, the thirteen-year-old twins from Cuba, their parents, and their two sets of twins and the boylover couple the Mission had found to help look after the four eight-month-old boys to the Banff Springs Hotel for the week, supposedly as a prize from a lottery ticket supposedly purchased by the twins.

The Cubans were fascinated by their first experience with snow and freezing temperatures and the thirteen-year-old boys and Jimmy and Calvin had a good long talk and a lot of laughs about the surprise, joy, and complications of discovering they had impregnated each other, an experience the four had in common. In the evenings as a light snow fell outside, Jimmy and Calvin curled up snug in their little room with their four boys for an evening of hot sex, while next door Enrique and Raimundo snuggled together for some hot sex with each other after a day of playing with their two sets of twins. In the room on the other side of Jimmy and Calvin's, Aaron and John settled in for a hot night of sex also, John's erectile difficulties nonexistent when with his boymate, and across the hall the gay couple celebrated this unexpected perk for agreeing to look after the two sets of twins while in the room beside them Enrique and Raimundo's parents marvelled at their good fortune. By the end of the week, Jimmy and Calvin were rested up, had established two new missions, one for western Canada based in Calgary, the third mission for the country, and one for the Carribean based in Varadero, Cuba, to be managed and supervised by the thirteen-year-old twins and the boylover couple who were looking after their four boys, and had gotten married, gay marriages being legal in Canada.

Not wanting to miss any school, Billy insisted on going throughout January despite being as big as a tent. He gave birth the last day of the month. It was in the middle of the week and fortunately he was at the Mission after school playing with Billy Bob and Nathan when it happened. Knowing he was due any day, Bobby had hired a driver to take his trucking contracts for the week so he could be close by, not just for his role in the birthing process, but also as moral support for Billy and to be available in case of an emergency even though the Mission had a qualified midwife on call.

Several weeks later Billy resumed messing around with Mark and with Lucas, much to their great joy. Although they both wondered why he'd stopped for almost two months, they were delighted things were back to normal and decided it best not to ask. Billy missed having sex with them also and took every opportunity he could to make up for missed time, frequently having sex with both of them on the same day, having one of them accompany him to the Mission after school and waiting while he slipped into one of the rooms to breastfeed Jordie and then the two of them having sex before going home for supper, and then having the other accompany him to the Mission after supper where they played with Jordie and he again slipped off to breastfeed him and they then had sex, often in the same room as he'd had sex earlier in the day. It was great having sex with them again, though with his breasts filled with milk and extra sensitive, he did have to be careful they didn't mess with them too long. Why his nipples were oozing milk would be difficult to explain!

After two weeks of juggling both of them along with breast-feeding Jordan, he decided it was time to tell Mark and Lucas he was having sex with both of them. Valentines Day his father was taking his mother out to a fancy restaurant and a romantic evening. Billy wondered if his father found his mother's swelling belly as erotic as Bobby had found his. For some reason his mother's pregnancy didn't turn him on at all. He'd offered to stay home and babysit Alisa which they appreciated, knowing many older brothers would resent having to stay home to look after their kid sister, and which Alisa didn't mind as he didn't boss her around and often let her have one of her friends over to play with while he went off to his room with one of his friends. His father ordered Billy's favourite takeout pizza and he was allowed to invite both Mark and Lucas over. After stuffing themselves, they headed up to his room and left Alisa and her friend in the family room.

"Oh man, I'm stuffed," groaned Lucas as he collapsed on Billy's bed.

"Yeah, me too," agreed Mark. "I couldn't eat another bite."

"That's too bad," observed Billy with a grin. "I guess I can't give you my Valentines treat."

"Treat? What were you going to give us?"

"Twenty questions."

"Is it bigger than a bread box?" began Mark.

"No," giggled Billy.

"As big as a box of chocolates?" asked Lucas.

"No. Well, maybe a small box."

"As big as a chocolate bar?"


"Is it round?"

"Two of them."

Mark and Lucas glanced at each other. Two of them?

"Are they brown?"

"In the summer."

They glanced at each other again. That eliminated what they'd been thinking. What was brown in the summer?

"What colour is it?"

"It's gotta be a yes or no question. That was number six."

"You can't count that one."

"You asked it."

"Does it taste good?"

"Oh yeah."


"Is that your guess?"

The boys looked at each other. "It could be candy," Lucas suggested.

"Would I want to put it in my mouth?"

"You sure would," Billy responded with a big smile.

"Is it hard?"

"Sometimes," Billy giggled. Mark caught on.

"Is it soft?"

"Sometimes," Billy replied with a grin, seeing the look in Mark's eyes.

Mark whispered in Lucas's ear. Glancing at Billy, Lucas began to turn red, causing Billy to grin even more.

"Does it come in three parts?" asked Mark.


"You're crazy."

"So what is it?" Billy asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Two nuts and a wiener."

"Actually, it's two nuts and a banana, but that's close enough. You win," Billy said. Unbuckling his pants and pulling down his fly, he lowered his jeans, revealing a pair of novelty underwear pattered like a heart-shaped box of chocolates and stamped "For my Valentine" with a red ribbon laced through the fly and tied in a bow. "Come and get your treat."

"You are crazy!"

"Where in hell did you get those?" laughed Mark.

"Off the Internet. Bobby ordered them for me. Aren't they great?" Mark and Lucas shook their heads as they chuckled. "Oh yeah, I got you cards too. I made them with Print Shop." He handed each a folded card with a red heart on the front and marked "For my Valentine Buddy." Mark opened his up and laughed. Lucas's face flushed as he read his card.

"Cute as a puppy?" asked Mark.

"Oh yeah. And wags his tail when he's petted," Billy replied, howling with laughter.

"I slurp?" asked Lucas.

"Oh yeah. Sclorp, sclorp," Billy answered, making loud slurping and smacking sounds. "Like it's the most delicious thing you've ever eaten," he teased.

"What does yours say?" asked Mark. Lucas turned even redder.

"Show each other," Billy said eagerly. When they hesitated, he snatched them out of their hands and swapped them. Lucas made a grab for his but Mark quickly stepped behind Billy as he read it and burst out laughing.

There's a young boy by the name of Lucas,

You never see him spit or hear him cus,

But he slurps when he sucks

And he snorts when he fucks

And he squeals when I screw his cute tokus.

"There really such a word as tokus?"

"Yeah. It's Yiddish. It means ass."

Lucas glanced at Mark's. He could not get any redder.

There is a young boy by the name of Mark,

He's cute as a puppy but doesn't bark,

He likes to eat my bone

While he plays with his own

If we don't doggy fuck he gets in a snark.

"Roses are red, and Lucas is too," began Billy.

"If he were to sneeze, I think he'd pollinate you," finished Mark and the two boys doubled over in laughter.

"Very funny, doggy Mark."

"So, you two want your treats?"

Mark glanced at Lucas and as one they turned and pounced. Knocking Billy onto the bed, they soon had the ribbon untied and after some good natured roughhousing they had the Valentine box at his ankles and were groping their treats while he squirmed and twisted and tried to get into their pants. Calling upon Mark for help, Mark readily stopped what he was doing and turned on Lucas. As Billy tried to pull down his fly, Lucas reached down to stop him and Mark reached down and grabbed his hands and pulled them away. Breaking loose, he reached down to stop Billy as Billy unbuttoned his jeans. Grabbing his hands, Billy held them as Mark pulled down Lucas's pants, and with much giggling and squirming, the two of them got their hands inside his underwear and pushed it down. Leaving his jeans and underwear at his ankles, the two of them each grabbed a leg and turning Lucas upside down, they pulled off his jeans and underwear and tossed them across the room.

"Now your turn," Billy said, turning on Mark.

Of course Lucas joined Billy in revenge, and for the pure enjoyment of it. Between the two of them, they soon had Mark's fly down and then his trousers. Though he put up a fight, it was not a sincere one. They soon had his trousers and underwear off also, along with one of his socks. Billy's jeans and underwear still tangled around his ankles, he quickly untangled them and drew them off, along with both his socks.

"So, do you want your treats or not?" he asked, sitting in the middle of his bed and spreading apart his legs.

Mark and Lucas glanced at each other, tempted but hesitant. Had either been alone with Billy he would not have hesitated. Being the bolder and more confident of the two, Mark was the first to respond, with a smile and a twinkle in his eyes. "You can have the left nut and I'll take the right, and we'll share the banana." Without waiting for an answer, he crawled over to Billy and sticking out his tongue, he lowered his head and gave his right nut a lick. He had laughed, like it was a joke. If Lucas didn't follow suit or if he made a big deal about it being perverted or sinful, he could say he was just joking around and wasn't serious. Of course if Lucas licked Billy's other nut, this could be the beginning of some really wicked fun. He was taking a big risk going first and actually really licking Billy's ball, but it wasn't as if he'd never licked it before, and the rewards were great if he was right. Besides, he figured he knew Lucas well enough by then and that he'd follow suit, if for no other reason than just to be one of the gang. To his relief, he was right. Lucas crawled over and similarly gave Billy's other nut a long lick.

It had not been an easy decision for the shy twelve-year-old. If he licked Billy's other ball, it could easily lead to more messing around. That would be wonderful, but then Mark would know that he and Billy had been doing stuff. It would also mean he might end up doing sex stuff with Mark. That would be wonderful too, and he'd fantasized about just that, him, Billy and Mark all doing stuff, but that had been fantasy. Reality was frightening. He'd seen three guys doing stuff in the pictures Billy had found on the Internet back in November, but he really hadn't paid that close attention as to who was doing what and how, and now in his excitement and surprise that he'd followed Mark's lead, he couldn't remember a thing. He didn't know what to do next, and he didn't want to look like a fool in front of Mark. Just bending over and licking Billy's other nut had been the biggest risk he'd ever taken.

Billy had taken a chance too. He had figured if his ploy did not work, like Mark he could always just laugh it off as a big joke and messing around. If one of them accepted his offer and one held back, he had suspected that Lucas would be the one who would hold back and he and Mark could both say they were just joshing him and make a joke out of it. In that he'd been having sex with both of them almost daily these past two weeks and ongoing for over the past two or three months, he'd decided to take the chance that they'd both respond positively. That was the most likely, and the result if they did was well worth the risk he was taking.

Lying back and propping himself up on his elbows, Billy watched his two best friends licking his nuts, relieved that his gamble had paid off and finding having sex with the two of them at the same time finally was a real turn on. Of course his dick, at the moment lying across his belly and pointing at his belly button, began to respond. Mark continued up from his right nut to lick his swelling dick from the base to the tip and Lucas followed, licking the left side. His dick began to swell even faster and began to rise.

"Houston, we have lift off," observed Mark, causing Billy and Lucas to laugh.

"Looks like this is going to be a three-man mission," Billy commented, glancing at the crotches of his two buddies.

"So, where are we going?" asked Lucas.

"My rocket's going to the moon," Billy responded with a grin as he patted Lucas's rump, causing Lucas and Mark to laugh.

"Then mine's heading for the Carson tonsil galaxy, Star Child," Mark announced, looking at Billy and referring to him by his nickname among the four musketeers from an old television cartoon character.

The two boys looked at Lucas. "I dunno," he said uncertainly, more concerned about the logistics than an actual act. "How are we gonna do this exactly?"

"I dunno," Billy responded with a shrug as he opened his drawer and took out his box of Star Wars action figures, "but we'll find a way."

Pulling back the blankets and top sheet, Billy stacked his pillows in the middle of his bed and Lucas laid down with his hips on the pillows. As Billy lubed up Lucas's asshole, Mark lubed up Billy's stiff cock, the three boys intent on what was happening. Kneeling between Lucas's outspread legs, Billy shuffled forward and placed the tip of his dick against his hole and Lucas pushed out with his abdominal muscles. He'd been penetrated many times before, in this very position, but he found it very different doing it in front of Mark. Being penetrated in front of someone else was both embarrassing, and erotic. Extremely self-conscious at the best of times, he was even more so under these circumstances. He was also extremely happy. Billy had chosen to fuck him over Mark. He knew that really didn't mean anything, and if tonight was going to be anything like other nights he'd spent with Billy, this would only be the first of several things they'd be doing with each other. Still, he had been chosen first, and that was something.

What with being even more randy than usual, their experience, and the lube, Billy penetrated Lucas with little trouble. "Okay. Now straddle Elf, facing me," Billy suggested as he looked at Mark, referring to Lucas by his nickname among the four boys. With his fine, small boned features and long blond hair Billy had once observed that except for not having pointed ears he made an ideal elf and the name had just stuck ever since. Mark crawled over on the bed and throwing one leg over Lucas, he knelt facing Billy with one leg on either side of Lucas's body.

"Hey, your butt is in my face!"

"Perfect," observed Billy.

"To hell it is!" observed Lucas, causing the three boys to giggle, both because of the comment and because Lucas never swore.

"Seriously, back up more and squat down." Mark did as he was instructed. "No. We need some more pillows to put under Lucas's head. Go get them out of Alisa's room, Mark. No, better not. Better get them out of the guest room in the basement." Mark side flipped off Lucas and glanced around for his pants. "Run fast Wolf Boy. Don't bother getting dressed." Having been read the "Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling as children and having seen the Disney movie adaptation, the boys had at one time been captivated by the character of Mowgli and the idea of being raised by wolves and running around the jungle like a wild animal, and naked in their version, and they'd spent many an afternoon running about their backyards pretending, hence Mark's nickname. With his dark brown hair and dark, handsome looks, he looked even more like a wolf boy now.

"But Alisa and her friend are in the family room."

"They're probably so busy playing they'll never notice you're naked."

"And if they do?" Mark asked as his eyes widened.

"Tell them . . . ah . . . we're playing cupid, and you're it."

"Yeah, right," Mark said with a grin and a raised eyebrow as Lucas laughed. Buck naked and with his fresh, smooth-cheeked face, thick, dark brown hair, and chocolate-brown eyes and feathery eyelashes, he made a very handsome cupid, which did not go unnoticed by the two boys. As he headed out the door, he grabbed Lucas's shirt and tied the arms about his waist just in case. It left his bare butt exposed but his front was covered though it was strangely, for the girls anyway if they did spot him, tented out.

"Remember the picture we saw of the guy being rimmed the time we looked at pictures on the Internet?" Billy asked once Mark was out of hearing range. Lucas looked at him blankly. "You know, the one of the guy getting his asshole licked."

"Oh yeah." At eleven-turning-twelve, every picture he'd seen that night had been a shock for Lucas and every one of them was etched into his mind. That licking ass was called rimming was something the innocent twelve-year-old had not known.

"When Mark gets back and in position again, bet it would shock the shit out of him if you did that to him."

"I hope not!" Lucas replied seriously, causing Billy to snort with laughter, which caused Lucas to join in when he realized what he'd said. They were still laughing when Mark returned with the pillows.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing," the two giggled. Mark looked from one to the other with a 'don't shit me look' which caused the two boys to snort all the harder. "We'll explain later," Billy chuckled. "If I kneel here much longer God is going to be expecting a prayer." The fact he was kneeling in the middle of his bed with his stiff dick up Lucas's ass made that highly unlikely and the idea of him praying in that condition ludicrous, causing Lucas and Mark to break into giggles, their nervousness adding to their giddiness. "Put the pillows under Lucas's head and back to prop him up and straddle him again."

Mark did as he was told. Billy knew a lot of things when it came to sex, and he fully trusted him. They'd been best buddies since birth after all. As Billy leaned forward, Mark shuffled back a bit, which placed his upright organ in line with Billy's descending mouth and unbeknownst to him positioned his ass directly above Lucas's head. Grasping his waist for support, Billy slipped his mouth over Mark's knob and clamped his lips just below his knob. Seconds later Mark felt Lucas's hands on his butt and his ass cheeks being pulled apart, and then something hot and wet slide up his crack.

"What the hell? Holy shit!"

"You better the fuck not," came the muffled reply, causing Billy, and then Mark and finally Lucas to laugh.

Billy slowly withdrew his cock until his knob reached Lucas's anus and he then slowly sank his cock back up Lucas's tight rectum. At the same time he slowly slipped his lips down Mark's stiff, slender cock to his naked pubes and dangling, hairless balls and then slowly slipped them back up to his knob, continuing to suck all the while. Placing his left hand on Billy's shoulder for support, Mark reached out with his right hand and wrapped his fingers about Lucas's stiff cock. Feeling Mark's fingers slowly pulling his foreskin down and then slowly pulling it back up, Lucas began to lick Mark's butthole eagerly, determined to give him the best rim job he'd ever had or ever will have, not knowing at the time that it was his first ever rim job. From the way Lucas was licking his crack and wiggling the tip of his tongue against his hole, Mark on the other hand was sure that Lucas was well experienced at rimming, and he wondered if Billy had been the lucky recipient of Lucas's hidden talent as he stroked Lucas's slender, throbbing dick. Closing his eyes and sighing deeply with the pleasure of having his dick stroked and of having his ass fucked, Lucas tightened and relaxed his sphincter as Billy's throbbing cock pumped in and out of his hole and he eagerly wormed his tongue into Mark's hole.

Billy was ecstatic. His gamble had paid off. He was having sex with his two best buds at the same time and he knew Aaron would be an easy fourth. No more trying to juggle each of them. No more secrets, and most important of all, no more wishing that the third man out would leave. The four of them, together. The four musketeers, all for one and one for all. Or maybe that should be all in one and one in all. At the moment his cock was in Lucas's ass, Mark's dick was in his mouth, and Lucas's tongue was in Mark's ass and his dick in Mark's hand. The three of them getting off, the three of them getting each other off. It was fucking awesome. He could feel Lucas's rectum throbbing hotly around his cock and his sphincter grasping and relaxing its hold on his stiff, throbbing cock as he pumped it in and out his body, and he could hear Lucas's heavy breathing and the slopping of his tongue as he licked Mark's ass. Lucas was really getting into it. So was Mark. His hot, stiff cock was throbbing in Billy's mouth, and he was wanking Lucas's dick hard. It was the first time he'd ever held Lucas's dick, and that was wild for all three boys. Letting another guy touch that most private and precious part of your body and another guy being willing to touch you there was the true mark of friendship and just as hot as letting him suck it or sticking it up his ass.

Mark was as ecstatic as Billy, and totally amazed. Like Billy and Lucas, he'd fantasized about the three of them getting it on, but never had he ever expected it to actually happen. And not in his wildest fantasy had he ever imagined Lucas licking his ass and worming his tongue up his hole! He'd seen pictures of guys doing that and he'd wondered about it, but he'd never dared to try it on Billy, or to ask Billy to do him. He could not believe it. Elf, of all people! He was the last guy he'd ever suspect of rimming ass! And it felt incredibly hot. To tell a guy to do what he was doing was an insult. For a guy to do that to another guy willingly he had to be really randy, and really like and trust the other guy. He loosened his grip on Lucas's bone and began to stroke it with a feather light touch, just barely touching the shaft and just brushing his fingertips over his knob. He knew that drove Billy crazy, and as Lucas squirmed and twisted his hips, he knew it was driving Lucas crazy too. He knew dozens of different ways to jerk off, jackinworld.com being his favourite web site, and over the upcoming months Lucas was going to be the lucky recipient of every one of them. It was the least he could do for a guy who was willing to rim his asshole. He inhaled deeply and shuddered with the pleasure of the superb blow job his best buddy was giving him, as usual, and with the unique pleasure of being rimmed by his other best buddy, and with the pleasure of holding another boy's cock in his hand for the first time, not just the cock of any boy, but of one of his best buddies. Life could not get any better.

Lucas was of the same opinion. Mark was stroking his dick in a way he'd never imagined a dick being stroked, and it was both delightfully arousing and maddeningly torturous. His cock tingled and ached like it usually did but it also ached to be firmly grasped and stroked, aching so badly it was wagging and jerking like mad, adding to the pleasure he usually felt getting a hand job. He was going to be sure to try this on himself in the future, and on Billy and Mark. He could not believe how incredibly smart his friends were when it came to sex, or how fortunate he was to be their friend. He wormed his tongue into Mark's asshole with a furious determination to bring Mark a fraction of the pleasure Mark was bringing him and he licked at it and sucked on it as if it was a lifesaver, a butterscotch lifesaver he decided after a minute, his favourite. He could not believe that either. He was sucking ass and loving it!

He knew what that said about him, but he didn't care. He didn't care what anyone thought of him anymore, or what they discovered. He loved boys and he loved having sex with them. He loved sucking their cocks and being fucked by them and sucking their assholes. He loved being jacked off by them and he loved jacking them off. Most of all he loved Billy and Mark more than anything or anyone else in the world. He pressed his lips tightly against Mark's asshole and inhaled deeply and he concentrated on the pleasure pulsating around his anus as Billy pumped his cock in and out of his rectum and on the tantalizing pleasure of Mark's fingers dancing over his aching, throbbing, jerking cock. He knew with his long, blond hair and his fine-boned, effeminate features and his shy personality many people said he looked like a girl, and some of his cruder classmates teased him and called him a fag and an Emo boy, and he knew at that moment he was acting like a bitch whore in heat, but he didn't give a damn. He was feeling great.

All three stiff preteen cocks were aching and throbbing as the three boys worked toward bringing their partners off and as their partners worked toward bringing them off. Individually they'd each delighted in the pleasure of arousing and bringing themselves off in the privacy of their beds. As pairs Billy and Mark and Billy and Lucas had delighted in the pleasure of having their cocks jerked or sucked or buried up each other's ass and in the pleasure of brining their partner the same pleasure as they were feeling. Now, for the first time, they delighted in the mounting pressure developing in their loins and the tingling and irritating pleasure encircling their knobs as a threesome, and the awesome pleasure of bringing not just one partner but two the same pleasure as they were feeling between their legs. Star Child, Wolf Boy and Elf-it was a wicked combination!

It did not take the three randy boys long to reach their peaks and being young and eager to experience that ultimate pleasure a boy can know, they made no effort to delay it. They inhaled deeply and quivered with delight as their dry orgasms struck, ripping through their loins and causing their cockheads to burn and ache with that strange sweet pain. Billy thrust his cock in and out of Lucas madly, ramming it in so hard he drove the slim, blond youth across the bed, at the same time sucking on Mark's cock with such lust and desire it was a wonder he did not suck the boy's balls up through his swollen cock. Mark quivered with delight, his rock-hard cock aching in its futile attempt to squirt, and he gasped Lucas's dick tightly and furiously pumped it, knowing Lucas's swollen, throbbing prick was aching with the same painful pleasure as his was as the boy sucked on his asshole, and he had to wonder if the vacuum Lucas had created was going to seal them together permanently. Lucas was wondering the same thing as he sucked on Mark's ass and quivered with the explosion of pleasure between his legs, his cock never throbbing with such force ever before as he felt Billy's cock throbbing hotly deep up his rectum. It was a night none of the three boys would ever forget, and it was only the beginning.

Mid March Aaron and John had their second child, Ian Scott, which was a bitter-sweet experience. It was ironic in a way in that John and his wife desperately wanted to start a family but despite all their efforts John could not impregnate her and lately out of frustration and stress could not even get an erection whereas he had hot and repeated sex with Aaron and now had two sons by him. As happy as he was to have a second son, John was frustrated and saddened that he could not raise the child as his own. During his pregnancy, Aaron and John had long talks about John and his wife adopting Ian, without his wife knowing that he was really John's son of course. Both figuring that Ian should be with his brother JB, who had just turned three the previous month, it followed that John and his wife should adopt him too, and in that it would not be fair that Aaron be left at the Mission, especially after having looked after John Billy for the past three years, it was only right that they adopt him too, telling John's wife that they were three brothers and that it had been their dying parents' wish they not be separated. Disappointed she could not have a child of her own, John's wife was agreeable to adopting a baby, and lukewarm to adopting his three-year-old brother, but she balked at adopting a twelve-year-old boy going on thirteen. Going from no children to two would be a difficult enough adjustment, but going to three with the third almost a teenager was too much for her.

It would have been an ideal situation for John and Aaron and their two sons, the four of them living together, so they were frustrated and disappointed when she balked and even refused to meet them. Of course when she suggested they look at adopting a single child instead, John balked. It did not make much sense to adopt a third child, and to go through all the legal paper work and hurdles, when he already had two of his own that he could adopt without any hassles. Of course he could not explain his reason to his wife, which frustrated her and drove the wedge between them deeper. That frustration with each other and the almost daily arguing as the end of Aaron's pregnancy drew closer turned to anger and deeper sexual problems between the two of them. So, in the end, Ian Scott joined his brother and little father at the Mission and John and his wife exchanged heated words that ended up in talk of divorce if they could not have children and could not agree on adoption.

That upset Aaron greatly. He did not like to see John unhappy and he knew he was the problem on several counts. For one he'd really wanted to move in with John and their two sons and had pushed the idea, maybe too hard. For another, he knew John's wife would likely have agreed to adopt JB and Ian, and he'd offered to back out of the arrangement, but John would not hear of it. He also knew that the fact that he and John had awesome sex whereas John's wife saw sex strictly as for the purpose of begetting children was also a fact in John's unhappiness in his marriage and now his inability to have sex at all with her. Of course Billy had seen he was upset, and having nobody he could turn to and knowing Billy would understand, Aaron had opened up to him.

Billy pointed out that John had been just as keen about the adoption idea as he was so he shouldn't blame himself, and that John had been already unhappy with his marriage and with being unfulfilled as a boylover back when they'd first met, and he would be even unhappier without Aaron. In that John's wife was unhappy also, in his opinion perhaps it was best if they did get divorced and then Aaron and their two sons could just move in with him. While Aaron appreciated Billy's advice and empathy, he still didn't feel any better about it all and neither he nor John was any closer to a solution. Fortunately for Aaron, looking after a new baby boy full time, including nursing him and diapering him and three a.m. feedings and the fun things like playing with him and making him laugh; raising an active, curious three-year-old toddler, eager to learn and discover, including all things sexual, and now at the age where he could begin seeding other boys; and on top of all that helping Calvin and his lover, Aaron's step brother Jimmy, run the Mission, Aaron didn't have much time to dwell on their problem. Besides, now that his pregnancy was over, he was able to join the four musketeers in their more physical and strenuous activities, and that included their secret bedroom activities, changing their sexual games from a threesome to a foursome.

At the end of May, Billy's mother, whose stomach had swollen up like a balloon, gave birth to twins, a baby girl and a baby boy, to the delight of Billy and his sister Alisa, who was now seven, and of course his beaming father. In the days before she'd given birth they'd practised breathing together, and he'd agreed to be present when she gave birth, something he hadn't done at the birth of his first two children. Billy could not help imagining his father playing the same role as Bobby had when he'd given birth, and the image of his father plowing his mother's ass as their baby emerged out of her cunt never failed to give him a tremendous hardon that he had to go take care of while his mother and father glanced at each other and wondered just what it was that was making their son smile so much.

Aaron's son John Billy and his two nephews, Calvin's son J.C., James Calvin, and Jimmy's son C.J., Calvin James, were all three years and four months old that June, and like Billy Bob had been at that age, all three were rabid boy and men lovers and total horn dogs, just like their fathers Billy had joked. They were constantly together, and had been dubbed the T.T.M., the Three Toddler Musketeers by Aaron. They played together, ate together, slept together, and it wasn't uncommon to find them in a jerk circle or a daisy chain together. To give them exposure to others and to give them a break from their fathers, and to give their fathers a break from them, they'd been attending the local daycare, the same one Billy Bob had attended, twice a week, with the strict warning about not seeding anyone without discussing it with their daddies first and about the need to be discrete when it came to "play time." Exactly what they considered discrete their fathers were not sure and was a constant worry even though all three were obedient and boys to be proud of. They were attractive, inheriting their father's good looks, and they all had very pleasant personalities, always polite, well behaved, and cheerful, which charmed the adults who met them.

Rarely a week went by that at least one of the three was bringing home a new friend, a toddler or an older boy, from the daycare or from the playground or the park, and the boys they brought home were also very attractive and of pleasant personalities. Boys that age are usually open about their friendships, especially with other boys, and are uninhibited when it comes to wrapping their arms about each other or taking each other by the hand. Although they never said and their fathers never asked, the way they looked at each other and the way they touched each other it was obvious, particularly given the sexual precociousness they exhibited with each other and the sexual openness of their fathers, that the friendships they'd developed with those boys they were bringing home were more intimate than the friendships most boys developed. That of course had not been a surprise.

What did come as a surprise was the revelation by the three boys one day that the friends they were bringing home were being brought as potential boy toys for their fathers also. After getting over the initial shock and the humour of what the three boys were doing, Jimmy, Calvin and Aaron sat down with their three sons and assured them that although they were genuinely appreciative of their efforts and good intentions, what they were doing was not necessary and while very thoughtful, was highly irregular. The boys persisted despite their fathers' protests and claims that they did not have to bring them young boys, knowing what adults say and think is not always what adults mean and is not always right.

Having cute, attractive and willing boys constantly around was especially tempting for Jimmy who had always been attracted to young boys. Confused and thwarted in following his boylove instincts in his early teens, he'd turned to drugs as a result of his lack of self-worth and in an attempt to forget his perversion, and then had turned to Calvin to satisfy his need for sex, and though he hadn't realized it at the time, his need for love. Even though he and Calvin were deeply in love and between Calvin and his son C.J. and occasionally Aaron he had more than enough sex to keep himself satisfied, the now star quarterback and aspiring personal fitness trainer, having finished his freshman year of college with honour grades and having been voted the most valuable player of the year, still found preschoolers particularly attractive, as his toddler son well knew.

On Father's Day, C.J. brought home a new boy, Cassidy, a fresh-faced five-year-old with long, curly, honey-blond hair and wide, innocent, blue eyes. Looking up at his father with all the innocence of a three-year-old, C.J. introduced him as Cass and observed that he loved football and had a really cute ass and wanted to try sex stuff with someone old like Jimmy, and that he was Jimmy's Father's Day gift. Jimmy stood there in surprise and amusement, at a loss what to say to an introduction like that. As his son turned and walked out of the family room he still hadn't found his tongue. He and Cassidy stood there looking at each other awkwardly. "So, ah, how long have you and C.J. known each other?"

The boy shrugged. "A while."

"Where did you meet?"

"On the playground at school. Me and Billy Bob go to the same school, J.P. Grainger Elementary School. We're both in kindergarten but not the same classroom. We met at recess. Sometimes C.J. and J.C. and J.B. come with Aaron and some other boys to pick up Billy Bob after school and sometimes we play together until my mom picks me up."

"I see." That was lame, but he didn't know what else to say.

"C.J. says you like boys. Young boys."

"Yes, I do," Jimmy replied as warning signals went off. What exactly had C.J. told the boy, and what was C.J. telling others? He'd have to have another word with him again.

"In a special way," Cassidy hinted.

"Have you and C.J. being doing special things together?"

Cassidy nodded in the affirmative. "A few times. In the boys' room at school. But we gotta be fast and we don't see each other that often. Not as often as we'd like to."

"So you like doing those special things together?"

Cassidy nodded in the affirmative again. "C.J. said we're not supposed to talk about it because adults don't understand and would stop us if they found out, but he said it's okay to talk to you about it because you understand. He said you and J.C.'s daddy do it with each other, a lot, and you do stuff with him too 'cept for fucking."

Jimmy had to smile despite his growing concern and his prick twitched in his underwear. It was hot hearing a five-year-old use dirty words. "And did he say anything else?"

Cassidy rolled his eyes to the top of his sockets as he thought. "He said to tell you not to worry about fucking me if that's what you wanna do cuz he hasn't seeded me. I don't know what he meant 'bout seeding but he said you'd know."

Jimmy smiled again. He was raising a responsible, obedient little son even if he was excessively horny. "Do you really want to try doing the sort of thing you and C.J. have been doing with someone my age?"

Cassidy nodded once again. "C.J. says yours is real, real big, and he can't wait until he's old enough for you to fuck him, but he figured my hole was big enough, especially since he's been stretching it and so have I with my finger, and Billy Bob has been too, and his is real big."

The boy was no virgin, that was for certain. "And do you really have a cute ass?"

"Wanna see?"

How could he resist? The boy was cute as hell, clearly knew what he was getting into, and wanted it. It had been five years since he'd had sex with a boy his age, back when he was fourteen, and it had been great, for both of them, until adults found out about it and messed everything up. Taking the boy by the hand, Jimmy lead him to one of the empty bedrooms at the Mission. He knew he was taking a big chance, but things were different now, and he was a lot wiser than when he'd been fourteen.

Totally unbeknownst to Jimmy, Calvin was being presented with his Father's Day present by their son J.C. in the kitchen where he'd just put a roast in the oven for their supper. The introductions by his three-year-old son were even briefer than C.J.'s had been, but just as to the point.

"This is my dad. This is Sal. He likes to cook too, and do sex stuff. He'd like to try it with someone old like you. Happy Father's Day." With a satisfied smile, J.C. turned and walked out of the room, leaving Calvin and Sal staring at each other awkwardly just like C.J. had left Cass and his father Jimmy.

"So, ah, do you really like to cook?" the ten-year-old asked, glancing about the kitchen.

"Yeah. I enjoy it. I enjoy it a lot," Calvin replied, looking at the door through which his son had left, bemused and bewildered. He likes to cook too, and do sex stuff? Happy Father's Day?

"Have you always liked to cook?"

"Yeah, I have." His father was a tailor and his mother a seamstress and they owned their own store. They both worked long hours. When he'd lived at home, in the morning he helped his mother prepare their lunches, and when he came home from school he prepared their supper so it would be ready when they came from work. His parents didn't make much money so their meals were pretty basic, but they did eat properly, and doing the cooking was his contribution as an only child to the family. He wasn't smart and he wasn't athletic or handy with his hands, but he could cook. Even in junior and senior high where his poor English, coming from an immigrant family who could barely speak English themselves, and his weak academic ability added to his insecurity and the downward spiral of his grades, all of which turned him to drugs, the one joy he had was cooking. Then he'd met Jimmy in his grade twelve year and the two had fallen head over heels in love, and then their two sons had come along, totally unexpectedly, and his life had changed. He'd kicked his drug habit and with the success of the Mission he'd become more self-confident and secure. Cooking was still a responsibility, now to feed Jimmy and Aaron and their sons and to feed the boys who stayed at the Mission, always cooking a little extra to send over to his parents. It had also become his specialty, his contribution to their marriage as Jimmy was busy with his studies and with his football and hardly had time to cook and his contribution to the operation of the Mission, and as a result, something that he thoroughly enjoyed and was proud of. That was a lot to explain to a ten-year-old boy, especially one you'd just met. "J.C. said you like to cook?"

"Yeah. Always have. I'd like to be a chef when I grow up."

"That would be a cool job. What do you like to cook?"

"Everything. Deserts, main courses, appetizers."

"That's quite a range. What's your favourite main course you've cooked?"

"Tarnegolet Bemitz Hadarim."

"Chicken with kumquats. That's a traditional Israeli dish."

"Yeah, well, I have traditional Israeli parents," the boy said with a lopsided smile. "My name's Salomon Heine."

"Well, my name is Calvin Bernstein, and so are my parents," Calvin said with a smile also. He was quickly warming up to the boy. He had a self-deprecating manner, and a subtle sense of humour, not unlike Calvin himself. Besides, he was not bad looking with his shaggy dark black hair that he combed over the right side of his face, dark brown, seductive eyes, a silly, crooked grin, and a distinctive, sharp, thin nose. "Just how did you and J.C. meet?"

"At the Eastside Park baseball diamond. He was there watching the game with some other kids. One of them, a few years older'n me, J.C. said was his uncle, who he said was the stepbrother of one of his fathers."

"That would be Aaron. J.C. said one of his fathers?"

"Yeah. He said he had two fathers, and they got married in the winter. That true?"

"Yeah, it is," Calvin admitted, immediately wondering and worrying what else J.C. had revealed.

"I didn't think gay couples could marry in this state."

"We got married in Canada actually. I don't know if it's recognized here, not that it matters."

"That's cool. So is J.C. your son from when you were married, or is he your partner's son?"

"He's our son," Calvin replied, "Jimmy's and mine." He had no intention of getting into how that was possible, but he wasn't going to lie either. He'd learned long ago that one lie just leads to another and sooner or later they get you in trouble, just like taking drugs.

"That's cool," Sal said, obviously assuming Calvin was making the point that under their relationship they were considering J.C. to be a son of both of them. "So, do you really like getting your butt screwed?"

Calvin snorted. "J.C. told you that also?"

"Yeah," Sal said honestly with a shy, lopsided smile.

"Well, I do," he admitted.

"That's cool. You don't strike me as an Emo boy."

Emo boy. One who was sensitive, emotional. Often considered effeminate and weak with low esteem. Often considered gay, often self-mutilating and suicidal. An Emo boy he was not, though he realized they did share some characteristics, especially in his life before meeting Jimmy.

"And what else did he tell you?" Calvin asked, afraid what the answer might be but having to know.

"That's about it. Other than he wanted to bring me home as a Father's Day gift to you."

"Because, I assume, because you like to screw ass."

"You are so right," Sal said honestly with that crooked smile.

"And just how did the two of you end up talking about screwing ass?"

"Well, I'm not into baseball, but there's this dude who plays at the Eastside Park ball diamond that is really hot. I guess you've figured I like older guys." Calvin hadn't but he nodded anyway. "Well, watching him always gets me hot, so I went to the can at the park to jerk one off, and that's when J.C. discovered me. He said he likes jerking too and asked if I wanted to do each other. That's a cool son you have," he observed with a chuckle.

"Yes, it is."

"Well, at first I wasn't going to. I mean, he's only what, three?"

"That's right."

"But then I thought about it and figured I like older guys, and if he liked older guys too then I must be older to him, so why not? Besides, adults are all screwed up when it comes to jerking off and sex between guys of different ages, and I want no part of that. So, we did it, and it was real hot. I told him about the ball player whose ass I'd like to screw and that's when he told me his dad liked to get his ass screwed, and said that you were really hot-looking and he bet I'd like you if I got turned on by older men, and suggested bringing me to you as a Father's Day gift. I thought it was wicked funny actually, and decided to kid him along. But he was right, you are hot."

"Hot enough to fuck?" Calvin asked with a smile.

"Oh yeah."

Salomon Heine was a hot-looking kid himself and the idea of him fucking his ass did turn Calvin on. He'd never been a boylover like Jimmy. He hadn't been even gay, but once the two of them had begun having sex together and had gotten pregnant, and then had begun going to the campground in the Tetons and had started up the Mission and had met other boylovers, he'd readily accepted that he enjoyed having sex with another guy, having always been of the opinion if that was what turned a guy on that was up to him, and he'd begun wondering what it might be like to have sex with a young boy himself, even if for no other reason than to try to understand his lover better. One problem was that he was a bottom and most boylovers he knew were tops and he didn't really have any interest in being the top in a relationship with a young boy. This was an opportunity he could not pass up, and he had to admit he was surprised and impressed how perceptive his three-year-old son was. There was plenty of time before he had to add the vegetables to the roaster. He took Sal to one of the bedrooms in the Mission, but was surprised to find the door closed and locked. Fortunately they had more than one vacant room and he took the boy into the adjacent one.

Having been in on the plans by his two cousins to present a boy to each of their fathers as a Father's Day gift, John Billy had thought that would be the ideal gift for his two fathers also. However, before he could decide on an appropriate boy his little father Aaron had mentioned that his lover and John Billy's other father really needed a new wallet, and that his best buddy's lover could pick one up on his next trip and J.B. could give it to him for Father's Day. That was fine with the three-year-old toddler and he changed his plans to just give his little father a boy he could have sex with. A few days later his little father's best buddy's lover dropped his son, Billy Bob, off at the mission as he always did when he had a long-distance trucking job. J.B. was delighted as he and Billy Bob liked a lot of the same things and played for hours with each other. That night, as they snuggled together after Billy Bob had screwed his butt, he mentioned his idea of a Father's Day gift and Billy Bob thought it an excellent idea. In fact he said he knew just the right boy, Logan, who went to Kindergarten with him and whom J.B. knew because sometimes he came to the same daycare as his daddies sometimes took him to. Billy Bob had suggested Logan could also be Billy Bob's gift to his two fathers, and that the three fathers could share so Logan would have three times the amount of sex. Sharing was good, and so was sex, so John Billy quickly agreed.

So Billy Bob and J.B. suggested that Aaron and Billy Bob's parents take them for a Father's Day picnic at Riverbend Park, which was near where they lived and one of their favourite parks because it had fun playground equipment and a water park and hiking trails where one could slip away for some privacy. Aaron's lover, John, was spending the day out of town with his brothers and sisters at his parents. Logan meanwhile convinced his mother to go for a picnic at the same park and being a single, unwed mother, she felt guilty him not having a father and so could not deny him the treat. It was, besides, his favourite park so not an unusual request. Of course as soon as they saw Logan, J.B. and Billy Bob invited him and his mother to join them and their parents and J.B.'s little brother Ian and Billy Bob's brothers Nathan and Jordan. She at first declined, but Logan was eager and evidently knew the boys and so she relented. Besides, as Bobby observed, with seven boys already, one more was certainly not going to be a problem. As the boys played and entertained themselves, Bobby got to know Logan's mother. He could not help be attracted to Logan, a good-looking, dark-haired, blue-green eyed youngster who had recently turned six, and he was immediately sorry for the boy when he learned his father was a deadbeat drug addict whom he'd never known, the guy having skipped out on Logan's mother upon learning she was pregnant.

Taking Bobby, Aaron and Billy aside under the pretext of wanting to show them a "neat" spider they'd found, knowing Logan's mother, like most women, was squeamish about such things and wouldn't join them, J.B. and Billy Bob presented Logan as their gift to their three fathers, figuring, as Billy Bob had put it, that since he didn't have a father to spend the day with they figured they would give him three fathers. Bobby was bemused that the two boys were presenting a six-year-old boy to them as a Father's Day gift and that they figured it was quite all right for the three of them to "share" him. He was also touched by their tenderness and concern for the boy and their willingness to share their fathers with him on this special day. When Billy Bob also observed matter of factly that he and J.B. had taught Logan "all about" dick fun and he was looking forward to having some "fun" with the three of them, Bobby and Billy were not surprised considering Billy Bob's past behaviour. Nor was Bobby surprised by J.B. and Billy Bob's offer to look after "the little ones" while their fathers and Logan went somewhere to "have some fun."

As tempting as that was, the boy obviously having been primed for this afternoon and expecting to engage in sex, Bobby thanked Billy Bob for the gift but passed on the opportunity, saying he'd stay with them and look after the babies while Billy and Aaron took Logan somewhere "for some fun" as he'd put it. Billy Bob was clearly disappointed his big daddy didn't want to go with Billy and Aaron and in his innocence, and given the way he'd been raised, saw no reason why a forty-six-year-old man shouldn't join two twelve-year-old boys in having sex with a six-year-old. Seeing the boy was hurt thinking he didn't like his gift, Bobby assured him that it was very thoughtful but having two big boys like Aaron and Billy was going to be a big enough adventure for the six-year-old. Billy Bob of course did not agree with that, and he was supported by both Billy and Aaron who's imagination and arousal had been piqued by the idea of the two of them joining Bobby in some dick fun with the attractive six-year-old. Both boys were, as their sons had observed, boylovers themselves though they themselves had not yet realized it.

It did not take a lot of convincing given Logan's good looks and his evident sexual awareness and willingness, reminding Bobby of Billy six years ago. Telling Logan's mother that Billy and Aaron wanted him to take them for a hike, Bobby offered to take Logan with them if Logan's mother would look after the other youngsters for a half hour. Needless to say Logan's mother was hesitant letting her son go off with a man she had just met and barely knew.

"Please Mum? Please?" Logan pleaded.

No mother could deny the look on that innocent face nor the hope and the eagerness in that voice. Besides, even though she'd only known Bobby for an hour, she could sense that Bobby genuinely liked kids, and he was after all looking after seven boys all who seemed very happy to be with him. If she had known just how much Bobby liked kids, and in which way and of which gender, she'd never have agreed, and if she'd known why the seven boys were so happy to be with him she'd have had him arrested. Fortunately for all of them, she was naive and trusting, which was why she'd had Logan in the first place, and gave in.

So Bobby and the three boys headed off on one of the lesser used trails that laced the park, an older steeper and more difficult one. The four musketeers had explored it before and knew of an old branch that had become overgrown and forgotten that lead to a very picturesque and secluded viewpoint of the river. The hefty truck driver easily carried the six-year-old up the steeper portions, and even packed the two twelve-year-old boys across the more difficult terrain and dead fall once they left the main path. It was an awesome viewpoint at the top of a rocky ridge and looking across the valley, but there was something of even of greater beauty that had their attention.

While Billy introduced the six-year-old to the finer techniques of kissing, Aaron pulled down the boy's jeans and underwear and applied his oral skills below his navel while Bobby did likewise from the rear. Billy Bob and John Billy were both experienced and skilled in the art of foreplay, but of course could not compare to the skills and experience of their three fathers. Logan had never quite seen the point of kissing, but now as Billy pressed his lips against his, sometimes gently and lovingly, sometimes heatedly and passionately, sometimes briefly and sometimes for over a minute, his dick began to rise and he realized that kissing could be very exciting and a lot of fun all in itself. Of course having another boy, one twice his age, eagerly sucking on his tiny, hairless balls and licking his soft but growing dick like they were made of candy was certainly fun too and helped speed up his arousal. Having a six-foot-four [1.93 m], two hundred and seventy-pound [122 kg], forty-six-year-old man pulling apart his ass cheeks and running his hot, wet tongue up his crack and worming it in his bumhole was something totally new, and totally exciting to the six-year-old. Billy Bob and J.B. had been right about him having a lot of fun. It did not take long for him to become erect, nor the two twelve-year-olds and the forty-six-year-old adult.

Aaron got to his feet and dropped his jeans and underwear, revealing his eager, erect preteen pecker. Placing his hands on the older boy's hips, Logan bent over and took his knob in his mouth, eager to give him the same pleasure as Aaron had been giving him. Aaron's cock was a lot bigger than J.B.'s, J.B. and Logan often engaging in a sixty-nine in the boys room at the daycare, but he had no difficulty going down on the twelve-year-old's four and three-quarter inches [12 cm]. Logan loved getting sucked and he loved sucking and he was determined to please the older boy. As he slowly worked his lips up and down the smooth, throbbing shaft, he wished he had an older brother he could mess around with, assuming that J.B. and Aaron were brothers and that J.B. had mistakenly referred to Aaron as his father. J.B. was after all only three and still learning the language and he had been excited. That he was actually sucking the cock of J.B.'s father would have come as a surprise to him. The fact that he had sucked and was now being sucked by the same boy as his son had sucked and been sucked by did not escape Aaron who found that especially erotic. That and having sex with a six-year-old boy with Billy and with Bobby was getting him far hotter far faster than he'd gotten in a long time.

He was not the only one who was finding the situation highly erotic. That he was messing around with the same boy as his five-year-old son had been messing around with, and that his lover was at the moment rimming, had not escaped Billy either as he pushed down his jeans and underwear, releasing his stiff, aching prick. With Aaron's dick in the boy's mouth and Bobby's tongue up his ass, Billy wasn't sure what he was going to do with his dick as he reached down and squeezed it. As if he'd read his mind, Bobby sat up and smiling over at him, he gestured to Logan's backside as if offering it to him before ducking under the bent-over boy and taking over where Aaron had left off. As he shuffled around and behind the six-year-old boy, Billy wondered if Billy Bob and the boy had engaged in anal sex. The boy's bumhole already lubed with Bobby's spit, Billy placed the tip of his stiff dick against the boy's tiny, spit-slick pucker. When he felt it instantly open up to him, he knew that the two boys had, with Logan being the recipient at least. Grasping the boy's slender hips to balance himself, he slowly pressed forward. Though his cock was much bigger than his five-year-old son's and much bigger than other boys his age, he had relatively little difficulty penetrating the six-year-old boy, thanks to Bobby's spit, Logan's past experience and Billy's skill. Shoving his stiff preteen cock all the way in until his smooth, hairless pubes were pressed against the six-year-old's smooth, compact butt, he delighted in how hot and tight the boy's ass was and he paused to enjoy the throbbing of his assflesh surrounding and grasping his stiff cock, now five and a quarter inches [13½ cm] long. That his cock was up the same chute as his five-year-old son's dick had been, probably frequently, and coated with his lover's spit, had Billy feeling as randy as Aaron.

Bobby was just as hot as the two twelve-year-old boys. He could not believe this. Never in his wildest fantasies had he ever imagined that he'd be in the bushes in Riverbend Park engaging in sex with a six-year-old boy along with his twelve-year-old boymate and one of his boymate's best buddies. He sucked on the spit-soaked little wiener, acutely aware that the spittle coating the boy's little dickey and now filling his mouth was the spit of the horny twelve-year-old boy currently being blown by the randy little six-year-old. That he was sucking on the velvety-smooth little dicklet that his five-year-old son had likely sucked many times in the past, and that his twelve-year-old boymate presently had his stiff, throbbing cock shoved up the ass of the six-year-old and that it was basking in his spittle that he'd blown up the boy's rectum, was hotter than any fantasy he had ever had since becoming aware of sex as a young teen. The forty-six-year-old trucker reached down and eagerly pulling down his zipper, he reached inside his fly and pulled out his monster cock and clamped his fist tightly below the blood-engorged knob to stop himself from shooting off a load.

As Logan's mother played with Billy Bob, John Billy, Ian, Nathan and Jordan, she kept glancing toward the path her son had taken as she began to worry about how long her son was gone and wondering if she'd been wise in letting a total stranger take him off into the woods. In that he was a father, Billy Bob having referred to him as his big father and the father of the other two boys she was looking after, and in that he'd gone off with two other young boys, it was absurd to think that her son might be in danger. Looking after seven boys, all who evidently loved him and had no fear of him, he couldn't be a murderer or a paedophile. She glanced at her watch for the tenth time. Two minutes had passed by since the last time she'd looked. She realized they hadn't been gone that long. She was being foolish. They were probably enjoying the scenery and Logan was probably in seventh heaven being in the company of an adult male. They were probably on their way back and would be appearing out of the bushes any moment.

Logan was in seventh heaven being in the company of an adult male, and two very horny twelve-year-old boys, but not in the way his mother was thinking. She would have been horrified if she'd found out that at that very moment her darling six-year-old son had his pants and underwear about his ankles and was bent over and eagerly sucking on the stiff dick of one of those twelve-year-old boys as he slipped his lips up and down the boy's rock-hard cock, and that the boy had pushed up her son's shirt and was caressing his chest and playing with his nipples. She would have been horror-stricken to know that boy's best friend was at that moment savagely fucking her son's ass and that her darling six-year-old son was thoroughly enjoying it, and had been enjoying getting his ass fucked and sucking cock with two of the youngsters she was presently looking after. And if she'd known that forty-six-year-old man was at the moment sucking on her darling son's little dickey, and that it was hard as a nail and her son was randy as a goat and thoroughly enjoying his first foursome experience she would have been appalled and in total denial.

Logan was not the only one who was horny as a goat and thoroughly enjoying himself at that particular moment. So was young Cassidy as he was being ravaged by Aaron's horny nineteen year old step brother Jimmy. Jimmy's first sexual experience had been with a five-year-old boy when he was fourteen and though he'd had plenty of sex since then, the muscular college football player still fondly remembered his first experience and the pleasure it had brought both of them. He recalled frequently those pleasurable times they'd had together before the boy's parents had found out and ruined everything for him and their son. Now he was again fucking the ass off a five-year-old boy, something he'd dreamed about doing but had figured he'd never do again, and from the way the boy was gripping his thick cock with his sphincter and then releasing it the boy was clearly enjoying being fucked, and clearly had been fucked before. Of course Cassidy had told him that. That he was fucking the same boy as his three-year-old son had fucked was particularly erotic, as was the fact his son had given him the boy as a Father's Day present. Now that was not something many fathers would be given by their sons!

Of course he was unaware that his beloved and birth father of his son J.C. had been given a boy as a Father's Day gift also and at that moment the twenty-one-year-old was flat on his back in the bedroom beside him and being royally screwed by his son's Father's Day gift. Ten-year-old Salomon Heine had been fantasizing fucking the ass of a man for the past several months but had never thought he'd ever have the chance. There were plenty of men who wanted to screw the ass of a hot ten-year-old boy, but not that many who were willing to be screwed by one. To his delight, it was even better than he'd imagined it would be. Lately life was full of surprises. When J.C. had discovered him jerking one off in the can he couldn't believe a three-year-old toddler could be so sexually knowledgeable and aggressive, nor that he'd enjoy being jerked off by a three-year-old and enjoy fiddling with his little dicklet as much as he had. The boy's observation that his father liked being fucked was another surprise, though given the boy's sexual precociousness, that he'd have a flaming faggot father and know that was what he was had made sense once he'd thought about it. There he'd been wrong. The twenty-one-year-old he was humping was no flitting fairy. He was actually someone he could get to know and like, an adult who enjoyed sex with kids, and who enjoyed taking the passive role.

In the adjacent bedroom Jimmy was now furiously fucking his Father's Day gift, five-year-old Cassidy, ramming him into the mattress as he plunged his thick, throbbing seven inch [18 cm] cock in and out of the boy's tight asshole. Cassidy's face was contorted with the sweet pain of his approaching orgasm as he wanked on his stiff little cocklet. The knob was itching and burning just like his stretched asshole was and the harder he tugged on his cocklet the more it itched. Inhaling and exhaling deeply, he worked his asshole in time with Jimmy as the five-foot-eleven [1.80 m], hundred and eighty pound [82 kg] college football star rammed his long, thick cock in and out of his body. His chest, heavily matted with curly black hair, was rapidly rising and falling as he gasped for air, sweat beading on his forehead and trickling down his sides as he plowed the young boy. His sex with Calvin was great, but nowhere near as hot as it was with this five-year-old. As the pressure quickly developed in his loins he wanted to delay it and prolong the pleasure, but he also wanted to get one off. Deciding that prolonging it would be too rough on his five-year-old partner, the latter won out. Inhaling deeply, he tensed as he felt his nuts twitch and his cum race up the core of his cock. As it spurted up the youngster's rectum, Cassidy thrust his hips forward and trembled with his own orgasm, acutely aware his ass was being filled with hot, thick slime.

In the bedroom beside them, Sal was rapidly pounding Calvin's ass also as he approached his peak. Finally, arching his back, he lunged forward as the first jolt of his dry orgasm ripped through his loins. Calvin, his chest rising and falling with his own arousal and exertion, furiously wanked on his stiff, aching cock as he felt his ten-year-old partner tremble with his climax and he groaned with pleasure as he felt the first of his cum gush up the core of his cock. It struck his smooth, muscular chest just below his chin and was followed by another and still another. Sal had witnessed an older boy come once, a boy who was showing him and a couple other boys the secret of masturbation and the miracle of cumming. Calvin's ejaculation was therefore no surprise, but the slowness with which he shot and the amount of time it took and the amount of cum that he produced was. His cock burning and throbbing deep up the boy's hot, pulsating rectum, he sighed deeply as he watched the twenty-one-year-old lacing his chest and stomach with his hot juice, proof he'd enjoyed being fucked as much as Sal had enjoyed fucking him.

Not that far away, Calvin's lover's stepbrother, Aaron Watson, was trembling with his own orgasm. Standing there with his trousers and underwear about his ankles, the twelve-year-old grasped young Logan's head for balance as his orgasm struck and he jerked and gasped and pumped his hips to and fro, fucking the young boy's face. He'd been sucked off hundreds of times, by his lover John and by his best buddies Billy, Mark and Lucas, and each and every time had been hot, but for some reason being sucked off by this sweet-faced six-year-old beauty had him jerking and squirming like it was the first time he'd ever had an orgasm. He openly and unabashedly groaned with the delightful pleasure pulsating through his cock, and despite Aaron's erratic jerking, the young cocksucker managed to keep his lips tightly wrapped about the twelve-year-old's throbbing dick.

As Aaron stepped back, his irritated dickhead unable to take any more, Logan straightened up and glanced down at Bobby, who had been half sitting and half laying under Logan and sucking the youngster's slender little pricklet as the boy had been sucking off Aaron. The boy watched the hefty trucker suck his little tiddler for a moment before sweeping his gaze over the big man's body to his crotch where he was tightly squeezing his monster cock jutting out of his fly. He'd never seen anything so huge, and he'd never imagined a guy's wiener could get so big. He looked back at his little tiddler in the man's mouth and when their eyes met he glanced back at the man's huge cock and then back at Bobby. Reading the unspoken question in his eyes, Bobby got to his feet and presented his monster cock to the boy. It was almost twice the length of the twelve year old's dick and three times the thickness, but young Logan didn't hesitate. He immediately reached out and grasping Bobby's thick, eight inch [20 cm] cock by the base, he ran his tongue up the shaft and swirled it around the knob like it was an ice cream cone. Bobby of course oozed out a droplet of pre-cum. Curious, the boy stuck out his tongue and flipped it up and savoured it as another droplet emerged to replace the first. Delighted with the first droplet of cock nectar, Logan eagerly flipped up the second droplet with his tongue.

Continuing to grasp Bobby's stiff cock by the base, the boy opened his mouth and slipped it over the burly trucker's knob. Closing his lips about the shaft beneath his bulb, he began to suck and Bobby quivered with arousal at the sight of that pretty face sucking on his hard, thick cock. The boy's spittle quickly filled his mouth and as the boy swallowed his cock-flavoured spit his little noodle jerked with arousal. Bobby had not felt so horny since the early days when he and Billy had begun to have sex and his cock ached to shoot off a load. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to calm himself as Logan swirled his tongue over his knob and continued to suck.

Squatting down on the forest floor between Bobby and the boy, Aaron slipped his lips about the youngster's little dicklet, intent on bringing him the same pleasure as the boy had brought him. Young Logan trembled with delight as the twelve-year-old began to work his lips up and down his throbbing, stiff little tiddler and he sucked hard on the plum-sized knob in his mouth, unable to do much more than take the bulb in his mouth. Meanwhile the boy behind him was thrusting his hips to and fro so violently it was all the six-year-old could do to keep on his feet. Billy Bob and J.B. had promised him he'd have a good time, but never had he imagined it would be as good as this.

Pumping his hips to and fro faster and faster as he felt his climax approaching, Billy thought it was so cool that J.B. and Billy Bob had decided to present the three of them with the six-year-old boy with the idea that they could share him sexually. As unlikely as that might actually happen, that was exactly what they were doing. His best buddy was sucking the youngster's little cock while the youngster was sucking Bobby's large prick and he was fucking the boy's ass. As they'd hiked up to this secret hideaway he'd seen the way Bobby had looked at the youngster, and as the four of them had begun having sex he'd seen the gleam in Bobby's eyes, the same gleam he had when the two of them had sex, and the same gleam he'd had the day they'd first met. There was no question his lover was hot for the boy. That, to him, was so hot. As he thought about it, the idea of his lover and the boy having a son popped into his mind. That would really be wicked. He knew Bobby would like more sons, and he could make it possible.

The more he thought about seeding Billy Bob's Father's Day gift and Bobby impregnating him the more he liked the idea, and he knew Bobby would like it too. He could just imagine Bobby's big, fat cock up the same hole his stiff cock was at the moment, spurting out his baby-making juice just like when he filled his rectum. That was so wicked! As he pictured his hairy bear and the six-year-old boy locked together, his cock went numb and he felt the twang deep in his groin followed by a burning sensation up the core of his cock that meant he was going to shoot his seed!

At the same time Bobby felt his cock go numb and he warned the boy he was about to cum, and quickly told him he could finish him off with his hand, catch his stuff in his mouth and spit it out, or swallow it. The boy continued to suck and whether he understood what was about to happen or not, it was too late. Grasping the boy by the shoulders, Bobby inhaled deeply as he felt his cum racing up the core of his cock. As the first squirt of hot, thick cum spurted into the boy's mouth, Billy practically knocked the youngster off his feet as he thrust his aching, throbbing cock as far up his rectum as he could. He shuddered with the sharp release of his seed as his body was raked with his own orgasm as his lover arched his back and filled the boy's mouth with his hot, thick cum. Tasting cum for the first time, Logan eagerly drank Bobby's juice, the memory of drinking his mother's warm breast milk coming to mind, and as the six-year-old began to jerk and spasm with his own orgasm he felt something shoot up his rectum.

When the four of them finally emerged from the woods, Logan's mother was relieved. The beaming face of her young son was worth her needless worrying. "Did you have a good time?"

"Oh yeah! It was awesome!" he said with a wide grin, his breath still smelling of cock and cum, his blue-green eyes sparkling.

"I'm glad you had a good time. Thanks," she said, looking over at Bobby gratefully. "I hope he wasn't too much trouble."

"No trouble at all," Bobby replied

"Well, we've imposed on you enough. We really should be going anyway. It was really nice meeting you. And thanks for your advice earlier about Big Brothers."

"It was nice meeting you also. As I said, I think Big Brothers of America only takes boys seven years and older, but I'd check them out anyway. They may know of a group that offers adult companionship to younger boys."

"Billy and Aaron are great companions, Mum," observed Logan. "Maybe they can be my big brothers."

"I think they already have little brothers," his mother said with a smile. "Anyway, I was thinking of someone older, an adult."

"Bobby could be his big brother," Billy suggested. Logan's mother was surprised to hear Bobby called by his first name by a twelve-year-old and she didn't hide her surprise, and, Billy could tell, her disapproval. He wasn't used to using his lover's last name and calling him Mister. That seemed silly considering their relationship. In the Tetons all the boys called their lovers by their first names, except for Joey who referred to his lover as Bishop Gregory, but that was only natural in that was how he'd known him his entire life before he'd become his boymate. In public, Billy had seldom had need to call Bobby by name.

"Actually, I could," Bobby agreed. "I am, as you can see, already looking after a brood of boys. One more wouldn't be any trouble."

"That would be great," Billy observed. "You'll never find a man who is more fun to be with, and who is a great role model.".

"Please Mum, please? Couldn't he?"

"Logan, we've only just met. I couldn't impose-."

"It would be no imposition. You have a marvellous son there. I'd really like to see him again." He smiled down at Logan and Logan smiled back up at him. The boy would like to see him again too, many times. Fortunately for them, his mother had no idea what they were thinking. "At least for the time being, until you can check out the Big Brother's program or the Boys Club of America." Even if she did check them out, Bobby knew that Logan was going to become part of his life. Looking down at her son's hopeful face, she could not turn down the offer. As Logan and his mother headed to the parking lot, the hefty trucker gave Billy Bob a big hug and kissed him for his very special Father's Day gift.

At the end of that month the four musketeers celebrated the last day of school and their completion of grade seven, all of them with honours standing, with a backyard barbeque and sleep over at Billy's. Already hyper over their good grades and the praise from their parents, their energy level soared even higher as they fuelled up on hot dogs and potato chips and sodas and celebratory cake and chocolate chip cookies. When the boys finally retired to the tent they'd set up in the back of Billy's yard, Billy's parents were exhausted after keeping up with four hyper junior high boys and trying to keep them in check, and although the boys had shut off their flashlights as they'd been told, Billy's parents were under no delusion that the four boys would be drifting off to sleep soon. Although they had every intention of staying up and keeping an eye on the boys, that proved to be easier said than done. The boys waited for them to settle into bed, at least ten minutes, which crept by at a snail's pace in their minds, before they began their own private celebration of the end of the school year and the beginning of summer.

In their special relationship, there were no favourites nor preferences when it came to who partnered with whom nor what act they engaged in. They enjoyed each other equally as they enjoyed each act equally. It was more a matter of chance that Billy and Mark were laying beside each other and so began to kiss and strip each other, just as it was strictly by chance that Lucas was on the other side of Mark and so helped Billy strip Mark just as it was by chance that Aaron was on the other side of Billy and so helped Mark pull off Billy's clothes. Both Lucas and Billy kissed and caressed Mark, getting him stiff along with each other, and both Mark and Aaron kissed and caressed Billy, one pair of hands fiddling with his milk-filled breasts and tender nipples and the other with his large, sensitive balls and then alternating, first a stiff cock lined up with his own and pressing hotly against his stomach and then another stiff cock lined up along his ass crack as Aaron kissed the back of his neck and tweaked his erect nipples until dangerously close to leaking, Billy pulled away.

As the boys' desire began to throb hotly through their veins, and their stiff, young cocks, Mark and Billy turned to face each other and Mark flipped around so his head was at Billy's groin and vice versa. That left Lucas, who flipped around to be in the same direction as Mark on the outside and Aaron in a corresponding position behind Billy. Billy had the foresight to smuggle a tube of KY into the tent along with the flashlights, extra sodas and the midnight snacks, but the boys didn't really need it. Mark eagerly went down on Billy and Billy went down on him, and after a little finger fucking and rimming Lucas mounted Mark as Aaron mounted Billy.

Oblivious to what was going on in the back yard, Billy's mother and father were already sound asleep. Billy sucked on Mark's dick and worked his lips up and down the shaft from his pubes, which had to Mark's pride and the envy of the other boys begun to sprout some fine, dark hairs, as had his upper lip, up to the tip of his dick, which despite not having the toddler blow jobs that Billy and Aaron had was an impressive size for a boy having turned thirteen only two weeks earlier, making him three months older than Billy, five months older than Aaron, and six months older than Lucas who would not be thirteen until the second week of December. Mark at the same time eagerly sucked on his best friend's dick as he slipped his lips up and down its length also after having teased the tip with the fine hairs on his upper lip, something which had become a favourite of all the boys once Wolf Boy had sprouted his lip hair. Billy's dick was now five and a quarter inches [13½ cm] long, almost three quarters of an inch [2 cm] longer than his own, and thicker. They knew exactly as the four boys had been measuring every week and comparing their results. Mark closed his eyes and inhaled deeply through his nose. He was so glad he was a boy and had a cock. He loved everything there was to love about a cock. He loved the taste and the smell and the way it hung between your legs and the way it rose up when you were horny. He loved to suck cock and he loved the eroticism of having a guy's dick, that most special and ironically for many people dirtiest part of a guy's body, in his mouth. Most of all, he loved knowing the pleasure he was bringing his best friend, and that the knowledge that he'd be bringing his best friend the best pleasure a guy can feel, an orgasm.

At the same time he was having his ass plowed by Lucas. He loved getting his ass fucked too, and it was particularly erotic having Lucas fucking him. Who would have ever thought that shy, timid, innocent Lucas would turn out to be such a horn dog. Lucas loved sex, any type of sex, and not only that, he was good at it. There was nothing hotter than kissing with Lucas and looking into those deep blue eyes. He had a beautiful face, almost like a girl's with long, silky eyelashes and gorgeous blond hair which he combed Emo style over his right eye. As he sucked deeply on Billy's thick, throbbing cock, he concentrated on the pleasure of having Lucas's cock pumping in and out of his asshole and the burning of his anus and throbbing of his rectum. Sex was wonderful, and so was life.

Lucas would have fully agreed with that sentiment had he known Mark's thoughts. His fine, silky hair fell across his face as humped Mark's tight ass, delighting in the pleasure of having his dick surrounded by hot, moist ass flesh. His was the smallest of the four boys, almost an inch [2½ cm] shorter than Billy's at just under four and a quarter inches [11 cm], but none of them minded. He knew for a fact Mark was getting just as much pleasure having his ass fucked by him as he did getting fucked by Billy. He had said so. As he pumped his cock in and out of Mark's ass, he reached around and fiddled with Mark's teats, quickly getting them hard and causing Mark to squirm with the erotic irritation. He'd learned a lot on how to arouse another guy, from Billy mostly, and from the Internet. He was still closely monitored by his parents of course, but he'd learned how to erase his search history, and how to bypass the nanny programs his parents had installed thinking they would prevent him from searching for sex sites. He didn't do it often, and when he did, it was with a purpose, like looking for new techniques that he could try on his best friends. Best friends. That was a wonderful word. Two words. There was no question Billy, Mark and Aaron were his best friends. And they were all having sex together and it was wonderful. Life was wonderful, and he had no guilt about what he was doing. He knew his parents so would have been totally shocked to know that at the moment he had his dick up another boy's asshole and was fiddling with his nipples, but parents, he knew, were not always right.

Aaron eagerly humped Billy's ass and he thought back to when he'd been so depressed and lonely that life hadn't seemed worth living until he'd met Billy. A lot had happened since then. He was in love with a wonderful, caring man and they had two happy sons, one three years old and the other three months. He loved having sex with his lover John, and with his oldest son J.B., and with Billy and his other friends. He was only a couple weeks older than Lucas and the two were close to the same height and weight, but he was worlds ahead when it came to sexual experience, and they had totally opposite parents. His mother and stepfather were alcoholics and could not care less about what he was doing or where he was. He'd moved out of their home and had been living with his stepbrother and his beloved for over three years now, and although only twelve, he was taking a big part in helping them run the Bernstein-Fields Mission for Boys that his stepbrother and his beloved had established.

And so the four boys happily and eagerly pleasured themselves and each other, and soon their young, stiff dicks were throbbing and aching with their approaching orgasms. Mark and Billy eagerly sucked on each other's dick, each knowing the building pleasure and pressure he was feeling he was also bringing the other. Lucas and Aaron furiously humped Mark and Billy, their own dicks swollen and aching and the pressure similarly building in their own loins, knowing the pleasure they were feeling was being felt by their two partners, and that along with the pleasure of having an erect dick and about to have an orgasm was the pleasure of having their assholes fucked. Aaron inhaled deeply as his orgasm struck and he jerked and quivered uncontrollably as it ripped through his groin. His dick, the second largest of the four boys at four and three-quarter inches [12 cm] thanks to the blow jobs he'd been getting from J.B., throbbed and burned and ached as he savagely pumped it in and out of Billy's ass. Lucas did likewise as his orgasm struck, and he grasped Mark tightly as he rammed his cock up his asshole and quivered and gasped as jolt after jolt of that sweet pain ripped through his groin and passed up the core of his stiff, benumbed young cock.

Billy and Mark felt the tight grasps of their two partners and knew that they had reached their peaks and were orgasming, bringing the two boys to their peaks also. Mark inhaled sharply through his nose as a sharp twang snapped in his groin and he sucked deeply on Billy's stiff, throbbing cock. Billy at the same time arched his back as his orgasm struck, sending pangs of sweet pleasure through his groin and up the core of his cock like shards of glass slicing into it. He sucked deeply on Mark's stiff cock as it throbbed hotly and his mouth was filled with a hot, thin stream. Squirt after squirt filled his mouth, thin and watery and tart. His mind numbed by his own orgasm, he clasped his lips tightly about the stiff throbbing cock of his best friend, his eyes flying open with surprise, and with realization. Mark gasped for air as if the breath had been knocked out of him. His loins felt weak and rubbery, as if he'd run a lap too much around the track, and his right leg jerked out uncontrollably as he felt something race up the core of his cock and spurt out the tip. Spurt after spurt erupted out of him and he trembled and gasped as his eyes also flew open, also in surprise and realization, and with unbelievable joy.

The two boys in the centre separated and the two behind them pulled out, unaware of what had happened. Mark and Billy twisted around, their naked bodies sweating, their still stiff cocks still throbbing, and their faces hot and flushed, a thin trickle of slime looking like half-cooked egg white oozing from the corner of Billy's lips, a streamer of the same clear slime hanging from the tip of Mark's still erect cock.

"Oh fuck!" Mark gasped. "Oh fuck!" He stared at his dick, and then at Billy. "I ... I'm sorry!"

"What happened?" asked Lucas, confused and worried as he looked at Mark and then Billy in the dim light of the single flashlight they'd dared to keep turned on.

"Holy fuck! Did you cum?" asked Aaron in wide-eyed wonder, noticing the trickle of slime that had oozed out of the corner of Billy's mouth and quickly glancing down at Mark's dick and seeing the pendant hanging from the tip.

Mark nodded, in pride, in awe, and in distress. "I ... I'm sorry," he repeated. "I didn't know-."

"Sorry?" Billy asked in a mumble, trying to keep his lips closed. More slime oozed out from his lips. He swallowed the mouthful of slime before he grinned and more spilled out. "Sorry?" he asked again, finally able to smile. The film of early teen cum clinging to his teeth shone in the light of the flashlight. "That was fucking awesome! Was that your first spurt?" Mark nodded, his chocolate brown eyes glistening in the dim light, a huge smile on his face. "Holy fuck! Your very first?"


"Sweet! It tasted fucking awesome! And right in my fuckin' mouth!" Lucas and Aaron glanced at Billy, at the slime that had oozed out of his mouth and was hanging as a pendant from his chin, and then the two glanced down at Mark's cock, still stiff, a long pendant of slime hanging from the tip.

"Holy fuck! You popped your cherry! How did it feel?" asked Aaron. "And how did it taste?" he asked, looking at Billy.

"Find out for yourself," Billy said, jerking his head at the pendant hanging from Mark's cock.

Aaron didn't need a second invitation, and he didn't wait for Mark's permission. He swooped down and sticking out his tongue, he caught the end of the pendant on his tongue and scooped it up. "Ahhh, yeah! It is fucking sweet!"

Mark reached down and squeezed his stiff, benumbed cock between his thumb and index finger and another glob of cum oozed out the tip. Drawing his fingers up to his knob, milking out still another glob, he caught the slime between the tip of his thumb and the tip of his index finger and bringing it to his mouth, he tipped his head back and dribbled the slime into his open mouth. He grinned. "Yeah, sweet, real sweet," he pronounced. Staring down at his dick, he milked out another droplet, hesitated, and then glanced at Lucas.

Lucas grinned in appreciation of the offer and wiggled down to face his crotch. Mark's first squirt! He'd never seen a guy's juice before, not for real. It was different from the pictures on the Internet, not so white, more watery. Mark and Billy and Aaron had all tasted it, and Mark was offering him a taste, a taste of Mark's first ever squirt! He stuck out his tongue and licked up the droplet. It was slimy, and almost tasteless, and it made him quiver and his cock jerk. His first taste of cum!

"And you got a mouthful of it!" giggled Aaron, looking at Billy. "Lucky dog!"

Billy grinned as he wiped off his chin with the back of his hand, and then sucked up the slime. "So how was it?" he asked, looking at Mark.

"Yeah, how did it feel to squirt?" asked Aaron again

"When did you realize you were going to?" Lucas asked.

Mark's head was still spinning in surprise and in delight that he'd just come, and with the attention of his three buddies. "I had no idea I was going to, not even right up to when it happened," he confessed. "My dick felt just like any other time, you know, all numb and tingling like when your arm or leg goes to sleep, and then right at the end feeling really numb and swollen, and then, you know, the sort of, I dunno, shock or something that goes up the middle, like when you're pissing but you're not pissing, but this time there was like a twang in my groin too, and I felt something move, I dunno, my balls or my guts or what was that gland we learned about in sex ed, my prostate, or something anyway. I don't know now. It so was a surprise and like unexpected. And then I felt a gushing feeling up the middle of my cock again, like when you start pissing, and I thought for a moment that was what I was doing. Then I realized it was spurting, not a stream, shot after shot after shot, and I realized it wasn't piss. My cock was fucking hard and really throbbing, and each time it throbbed I could feel my stuff spurt out, and I realized what was happening, and I thought, 'oh crap, I'm squirting in Billy's mouth' and realizing that was so hot but I was embarrassed too, and worried that he'd be mad, you know?" He was flushed and his face felt hot and his heart was beating a hundred times a minute as the words came tumbling out.

"Well, I'm not mad Wolf Boy. I'm honoured to be the first to taste your cherry juice," Billy said with a grin, and on impulse he leaned forward and kissed Mark on the lips.

"Your breath smells like dick . . . and cum, my dick and my cum," Mark said with a giggle, and they all laughed.

"So, which one of you wants to be the second one to get a mouthful of fresh cum?" Billy asked.

"Anyone have any idea how long it takes to refill?" asked Mark. "Or how many times a guy can cum?"

"Bobby usually waits half an hour, or more," Billy observed, "and before Billy Bob-." He stopped abruptly, realizing what he'd just revealed.

"Bobby?" asked Mark.

Billy looked at Aaron, startled and worried, and then at Mark and Lucas. "I got a secret," he said softly. "A big one. The biggest ever. You so got to promise to never tell anyone what I'm going to tell you. Never," he said emphatically and firmly. "You can't write what I'm going to tell you down or text it or nothing, don't even talk to each other about it unless you are totally absolutely positively sure you're alone."

"Wow. That big?"


"I promise," said Mark, "on the musketeer oath all for one and one for all and on Scout's honour too, and cross my heart and hope to die if I tell."

"So do I," Lucas said.

"Me too," said Aaron. Though he knew the secret, he couldn't let on that he knew.

"Bobby and me are lovers."

"Lovers?" asked Mark in surprise. "You mean, like, you know, sex type lovers? Like . . . with a pedo?" He wrinkled up his nose. He could not imagine anyone wanting to have sex with an adult, and especially not his best buddy.

"Yeah," said Billy, aware of the look of disgust and disbelief in Mark's face. That hurt, the disgust part, but there was no going back now, and Mark was so wrong. "You could call Bobby a pedo. Him and me have been having sex since I was six."



"Did he like, force you to do it or something?"


"Then why?"

"Why did we just have sex?" Billy asked.

Mark had been asking the questions. He and the others thought about that. For Mark and Lucas that someone would do it with an adult for the same reason as they were doing it was a totally novel idea. "You like it with him?" Lucas finally asked in disbelief. Of all the things his parents had told him were wrong, sex between a man and boy had to be the worst. Everyone felt that way. Whenever it was reported in the paper everyone was outraged.

"Yeah, a lot. It feels great and it makes him feel great, and I like making him feel great."

"Well . . . as long as you like it, and want to do it with him, so what?" said Mark with a shrug, as Billy had suspected, and had hoped, he would, though he knew how much everyone hated pedos and that there had been a chance Mark had been brainwashed into thinking that way too.

"Yeah, right," agreed Lucas. If Mark was all right with it and that was what Billy wanted, it was all right with him too. Who was he to pass judgement? That was what the Bible said.

"That's not all."

"There's more?"

"A lot more."

"Okay, so?"

"Billy Bob, Nathan and Jordie are our sons."

"Your sons? Yours and Bobby's?" Mark asked, raising an eyebrow.


"Okay, so which one of you is the mother?" joked Mark, a twinkle in his eye. Damn that Billy was good. He'd had them all believing him!

"I am. I gave birth to them."

"Yeah, right," Mark laughed. "Sorry, I've seen what's between your legs, and it's no cunt."

"He's telling the truth," Aaron said seriously. "I have a secret too. John is my lover and J.B. and Ian are our sons, and I gave birth to them, just like Billy gave birth to his sons," Aaron confessed.

"Yeah, right. Com'on you guys, this is the end of June, not the first of April."

"Scout's honour," said Aaron.

"By the oath of the four musketeers," added Billy.

"Spit to die if we lie," they said together.

"But that's impossible," Mark said, staring at one and then the other. Scout's honour and the musketeer oath were serious, and not something any of them joked about.

Lucas and Mark listened silently to the story about the ancient oriental and suppositories and seeds and a summer camp of boylovers and their boymates and children, about the Rana Anshar Ministry and the real purpose behind the Bernstein-Fields Mission for Boys, about a strange ochre statue of an ugly six-legged frog with an erect dink and that was called the Gargoyle of Male Fecundity, and about giving birth to babies through your asshole. It was all too impossible to be real, but their two buddies were dead serious and convincing, and they had noticed both of them getting big stomachs back in December, and Billy and Aaron were talking to two boys who loved Star Wars and believed in the possibility of flying saucers and aliens and the impossible.

"And there's one more thing," Billy said.

"There's still more?" Mark asked incredulously. This was really pushing the limit of their disbelief.

"I seeded you. Both of you." Mark and Lucas glanced at each other. "I don't know why. I just did it. It just happens. You get this sense that it's something you should do and you just do it," Billy said with a shrug.

"And you just thought to mention that fact now?" Mark said suspiciously.

"It didn't matter until now. I figured neither of you were going to be getting fucked by someone who could squirt. That's different now. Now you can't let anyone who can squirt fuck you, unless, well, you want their baby, or, well, there's this lube you can use that acts like a birth control, Cocoa Butter Lube, or you can prevent getting pregnant by drinking a lot of Coke or cocoa before having sex, or piss."

"Piss," Mark said flatly. Billy was a bit of a jokester. He and Aaron had to be putting them on, and, he had to admit, they were doing a good job of it. They were going to have a good laugh when they revealed they'd been pulling their legs.

"It's complicated. There's a doctor from England that camps in that campground I told you about that explained how it all works. There's something in piss that stops this chemical or whatever in cum from working and that prevents a guy whose been seeded from getting pregnant. The same thing is in this special lube, and Coke and cocoa work the same way. There's something in them that stops the chemical in cum that makes a guy release the other gamete a sperm has to join with to make a baby from working."

"And just when did you seed me?" asked Mark.

"The first time we did it, had anal sex. And the same with you," Billy said, glancing at Lucas.

"The first time we did it," Mark said slowly as he thought back to that time. "I had thought I felt something shoot up my ass. It was just that one time and everything was so new, and everything was burning and throbbing, I just thought it was my imagination."

"Same here," said Lucas.

"Guys, I'm really, really sorry. I just wasn't thinking. Well, actually, I was. You can't release a seed unless you think about it. I was just thinking how great it would be if you both could have babies like I did."

"So what's it like to be pregnant, and to give birth?"

"Great," said Billy.

"If you don't mind puking every morning and having swollen ankles and a sore back and being unable to bend over," added Aaron. "And if you don't mind your asshole feeling like it's going to split open when you're giving birth."

The boy's descriptions of their pregnancies were just as unbelievable as the rest of their stories, but they were told so seriously, and under the most binding oaths the four boys had ever sworn, it was difficult not to believe. Billy even promised to get a tube of Cocoa Butter Lube from Bobby to prove his point. It was just all way too thought out and complex to be a prank, and they had definitely felt something shoot up their ass that very first time Billy had screwed them.

"I did think you were getting fat around Christmas time," Lucas observed.

"That's cuz I was three months pregnant. And that's why I had to stop having sex with you guys. You'd have noticed my belly for sure with my pants and underwear off."

"So, how does this lube stuff and drinking Coke work again?" asked Mark. "Not that I'm planning on having anyone who squirts fuck my ass."

"You gotta promise me you won't, or you'll have their baby."

"Don't worry. I don't want to spend my mornings puking in the crapper, or to be walking around looking like I swallowed a watermelon." The boys all laughed. "So, way more than half an hour has gone by. Who wants the next mouthful of fresh cum?" Mark asked with a grin. Lucas and Aaron immediately shot up their hand, and before the night was over, Mark happily met both of their wants and shot a fourth time directly into his own mouth.

With summer and the end of school came family vacations and summer activities. Aaron took off the next week with John, and Billy, his parents thinking the last half of July he was at summer camp like the previous five years, headed off with Bobby in his motorhome. Lucas was looking forward to heading off to Bible camp as he did every summer. Some of the others at the camp were pompous, others insufferably naive, and some bigots, but most were fun to be with and it was something he enjoyed and looked forward to.

"It's gonna be lonely with everyone gone," observed Mark.

"Yeah, but we got all August when we all get back."

"That's true. And we still got almost a week before you leave."

"I suppose we can find something to do without the others," Lucas said with a grin.

"You believe all that stuff that Billy and Aaron said? You know, about boys being able to have babies and all that stuff?"

"I dunno. He and Bobby do see a lot of each other, and so do Aaron and John, and they both swore, Scout's honour and the musketeer oath and everything."

"Yeah, they wouldn't break that," agreed Mark. "It's just hard to believe, and you know what jokesters they are, especially Billy."

"Yeah. Maybe they just didn't want you fucking my butt while they were away."

"I can understand why Billy would want it all to himself," Mark said with a grin, giving Lucas's compact tush a love tap.

"Well, I'm not drinking no pee," Lucas observed.

"We don't have any Coke around the house. Mom says it's bad for you."

"Well, there's other stuff we can do. Or we could take a chance," Lucas suggested, feeling his dick stirring. "I mean, a guy having a baby? Com'on!"