J.O. DickingsonThe Gargoyle of Male FecundityChapters 27-28Chapter 27That September Billy had three birthday parties. The first was his secret party the weekend before at Bobby's summer cottage with his boylover and their two children, Billy Bob and Nathan. As far as his parents knew, he was on a weekend fishing trip with his uncle Ted (his mother's brother) and his cousin Taylor. As for Taylor's mother, she thought her husband was taking his son and nephew and their foster son Jacob (actually Ted and Taylor's son) on a fishing trip. It was a perfect alibi for all of them. For Billy and Taylor, it gave them a perfectly good reason to be away two whole nights and two entire days which they could spend totally with their lovers and their sons. It also gave Bobby a reason to be away that weekend instead of spending it with his wife. Before they'd gotten married, Bobby and his wife had agreed not to have children, she because she wanted to be able to focus on her career with Cosmo Fashions, which included occasional trips to major cities across the United States and in Europe, and Bobby because he would be away from home for extended times with his long-distance trucking job. Besides, Bobby had figured his secret admiration of young boys would make up for the lack of any sons and had in fact feared that he might not be able to refrain from acting on his desires if he had sons. Actually, he had not anticipated ever acting on his secret thoughts and desires back in those days, and he had certainly not anticipated falling in love with a six-year-old boy and having two sons by him. When he had, his wife had reluctantly agreed to them looking after his first son, Billy Bob, thinking he was the child of some distant unwed cousin of Bobby's, provided Bobby do the looking after. Fortunately not soon thereafter Calvin Bernstein and his lover Jimmy Fields had begun their Mission For Boys and had been able to take in Billy Bob whenever Bobby was away for an extended period of time. Despite that, Bobby's wife resented having a child in the house and even though Billy Bob could charm the pants of every man and boy he met, and often did, he had no effect on her. Of course when Nathan came along there was no choice, he had to stay with Jimmy and Calvin with Bobby, Billy and Billy Bob visiting as often as they could. Bobby's frequent and often unexplained absences when he was home never really raised his wife's suspicions. Even when he said he had been asked to go fishing with a buddy of his and would be taking Billy Bob his wife was not suspicious though Bobby had never had any great interest in fishing in the past. It seemed like they were finding less and less in common and a greater number of different interests and she wondered if that was normal for couples who'd been married for nineteen years or if it was a sign their marriage, like that of many of their friends, was on the rocks. Between his absences and his time away on his trucking trips and the increasing number of trips out of the city and out of the country that she had to make, they were spending less and less time with each other. Ted was finding he and his wife Cheryl were growing apart also but the change was not going as smoothly for him and his wife as it was for Bobby and his. Cheryl had reluctantly agreed to looking after Jacob, whom she'd been told was the baby son of a colleague of Ted's who had been in an accident with his wife, figuring it was short term and that having a baby to raise would discourage her husband from wanting more children, which had been a source of contention between them. Ted and his son Taylor, on the other hand, had hoped that having a baby in the house would change Cheryl's mind about not wanting more children. Neither happened and fifteen months had passed. Jacob's supposed parents had a rough time of hopeful progress and disappointing relapses stringing Cheryl along in the hopes she'd become attached to Jacob, and when that deception wore thin and their hoped-for outcome clearly was not going to happen, the imaginary parents had a sudden, simultaneous death, leaving no family and no provisions for Jacob's care. When Ted dallied in putting the boy into an orphanage or with an adoption agency, tempers began to fray. Cheryl finally accepted that he was not going to do it but made it clear Jacob was Ted's responsibility totally, which he of course agreed to, and his agreement made her even more angry. So, to be away from Jacob and Ted she began working at the office on Saturdays, which as the newest and youngest member of the law firm she had joined did not hurt her career, and Ted found reasons to be away with the two boys on Sundays so as not to further antagonize her. He had offered to take Billy fishing, knowing his wife could not very well object to him taking his sister's son along with their own for the weekend and giving his weekend away from her more legitimacy. He had in fact extended an offer to Bobby to come along also. Bobby, knowing Ted's situation with his wife and the real reason he'd asked Billy to go fishing, offered to put him and his two sons up at his summer cabin instead. Ted declined, knowing Bobby would prefer to be alone with his boymate and sons, and he himself relishing some private time with Taylor and Jacob. The two men had, however, agreed to meet back in the city so they and their boys could collaborate on a few incidences before returning to their homes in case Billy's parents and Taylor's mother asked questions about the weekend and then compared what they'd been told. That was not likely to happen but after years of living their clandestine lives they knew it was best to anticipate all possibilities and be prepared. So, picking Nathan up from the Mission and Billy Bob at his school and heading over to pick up Billy the moment his school let out, Bobby headed for the cabin, Billy riding in the front as he usually did, Billy Bob and Nathan happily riding in the back. "So, how was school today?" "It was okay." "Just okay?" "We didn't do nothing special." "We didn't do anything special." "You too huh?" Billy replied with a grin. "Smart aleck." "We had our first sex ed lesson last period. We only get it every second Friday. It so was totally boring. We already took everything they said in elementary school." "Well, the first class is often a review of last year. Weren't some of your other classes?" "Yeah. They were boring too," Billy added with a grin. "Well, comes from being so smart and knowing everything," Bobby teased. "Yeah," Billy agreed with a grin. He thought for a moment. "Lucas isn't allowed to know everything. His parents won't let'im take sex ed. Some other kids aren't allowed either. Lucas said his parents don't want'im learnin' stuff they don't agree with." "Some parents feel that way. They figure sex should be something they should be teaching at home instead of the schools teaching it." "Like you taught me." "Well," Bobby said with a grin as he glanced over at the bright-eyed soon to be twelve year old, "not exactly like I taught you." Billy laughed. "That so is mental. Just cuz parents don't agree with something, what right do they have to stop their kids from learnin' about it?" "Well, they are their parents. They do have the responsibility for seeing to the moral upbringing of their children. They just don't think schools should be teaching their kids things that are different from the values they believe in." "That's still mental. Just cuz you learn something different don't mean you're gonna change your values. Sides, those that couldn't take the class all asked us what they missed afterwards so they're gonna know anyway, just it's from us and not from the teachers. I think they were disappointed when we told them the stuff was the same as last year," Billy added with a grin. Bobby chuckled. Kids always did find a way around rules they didn't agree with. In this case he didn't agree with the views of people like Lucas's parents regarding exposure to values different from those they held. Billy already had values which were obviously contrary to their beliefs and practices when they'd met, and he'd learned of other conflicting values and would be discovering still more through his sex education classes, but that did not worry him. He doubted very much that Billy would discard the values the two of them held, and if he ever did, he'd be saddened but that would be up to Billy. He did not feel that he, nor parents, had any right to force their values on others, including their children. If people were more tolerant about the values others held that caused them no harm there would be a lot fewer problems in the world. "And how was your day?" Bobby asked, glancing in the rear view mirror at Billy Bob. He had turned five the end of July and at the beginning of the month had entered Kindergarten at J. P. Grainger Elementary School, the school Billy had just graduated from at the end of June. "It was okay." "Just okay?" "We didn't do nothing special." Bobby and Billy glanced at each other and smiled. Lately Billy Bob had taken to copying everything Billy said and did, right down to his gestures and the tone of his voice. "We didn't do anything special." "I know. I heard you tell Billy." Bobby and Billy broke out laughing. "So what did you do today?" Billy Bob thought. "We did the weather an' what month an' day it was an' stuff, an' show an' tell, an' counted, an' heard stories, an' coloured." Bobby and Billy glanced at each other and smiled. He was right, nothing special. "An' I fucked Bradley's bum." Bobby and Billy glanced at each other again, and as one they turned and looked at Billy Bob. "I didn't seed him," the five-year-old quickly responded, knowing what his daddies were going to ask. "Have you and Bradley done this before?" asked Bobby. It was getting difficult to remember the names of all the boys Billy Bob had been messing with and he didn't always remember to keep them informed of his extracurricular activities. "Un-huh, he likes getting his bum fucked." "When and where did you do this?" "In the boy's room. Ah . . . the big hand was on the ten, and the little hand was on the two. I know cuz Bradley said he had to go pee and when he didn't come back Miss Hilroy got worried so I said I'd go see why. We told her his fly got stuck." "But really he was waiting for you," Billy observed and Billy Bob nodded with a wide smile. "Anything else happen today? Any other boys?" Billy Bob shook his head. "And what about you, little guy," Billy asked, glancing at Nathan. "How was your day?" Nathan giggled and shook his rattle at his little daddy. At fourteen months he had a vocabulary of about twelve words he recognized, and four he could say: no, dada, bye and babeba which Billy Bob insisted was Billy Bob but which Bobby and Billy could not distinguish from the rest of his babble, and he babbled a lot. They had supper at McDonald's as they usually did, having made this trip many times before, and as they continued on their way Billy nursed Nathan. Being fourteen months old now they'd started weaning him off breast milk. Billy knew it meant their little baby was growing up, but he was going to miss this part of raising a baby. Not only did he feel a special bonding with him as he snuggled up and sucked on his teat, but it always gave him a boner. Later on it became evident that Nathan had performed another natural act. That part of raising a baby he was not going to miss, nor Bobby nor Billy Bob. Arriving at the cabin late that night, Bobby and Billy tucked their two youngsters in and then sat before the fireplace and cuddled and talked, about Billy now being in junior high school, about how great it was to be able to be together, and how much they loved each other, which they proceeded to demonstrate. It was long and caring and gentle, and with Billy Bob sound asleep they knew the love they were feeling was not being augmented by him. The following morning they lazed around the cabin and that afternoon they spent down by the lake, swimming and building sand castles and playing with the beach ball. Bobby barbequed hamburgers and potatoes wrapped in tinfoil and corn on the cob, and of course they ended supper with chocolate birthday cake and singing happy birthday and presenting Billy with his gifts from Bobby, Billy Bob, and Nathan, all of which of course Bobby had purchased. About to be twelve, Billy was at that awkward buying stage where he was too old for toys but too young for adult gifts like clothing and toiletries, but with his many interests and his hobbies it was not difficult to come up with three gifts, a new space video game from Bobby, a space ship model that Billy Bob had picked out himself and promised to help make, and a new box of art pencils and art paper from Nathan. Afterward they talked about how lucky it had been that Bobby had stopped in at the antique shop of the Ancient's and then later at the hardware store, though they suspected that luck had nothing to do with it and that the Ancient would have arranged for them to have met somehow. They talked about the mystery over whom he was and why he was doing what he was doing, and about the fascinating and diverse stories they'd heard that summer and the fun they'd had at the campground in the Tetons. Mark, Zachariah, Timmy and Randy had all given birth in August and Joey in the second week of September, just last weekend, and just as Harold had said, Noah was a perfectly healthy baby. Not only that, Joey's health was continuing to improve. "Maybe everyone who has muscular dystrophy should get pregnant," observed Billy reflectively. "That would certainly make history in the medical journals as the most unconventional cure for a disease ever," Bobby replied with a smile. "Not to mention the newspapers." "Yeah," agreed Billy with a grin. "Hey, I forgot my news. Guess who's pregnant?" "Who?" Bobby asked apprehensively, glancing over at Billy Bob. "I didn't do it," Billy Bob quickly responded. "I hope not," Billy giggled. "My mom." "Your mom?" "Yeah. Mom and Dad said it was an accident. I heard Mom telling aunt Cheryl she was taking the pill and Dad was using condoms but it happened anyway. Maybe they should have been using cocoa butter lube or engaging in water sports." "I doubt that would have helped in their case," Bobby replied with a grin. "Yeah, I know, but it's fun to imagine," Billy said with a grin as he imagined his mother kneeling before his father as he pissed in her mouth and then his piss stream trickling down over her breasts and belly and down to her twat and inside it, drowning her egg and his father's sperm. "You're perverted," Bobby joked. "Maybe they should have used the hole we use then," Billy continued, imagining his mother on her hands and knees and his father fucking her butt doggy style, her tits swinging as he rocked her back and forth like Bobby rocked him. "You really have a warped mind," Bobby observed. "Yeah," Billy agreed, continuing to grin. "Would you like another baby?" "Me? I already have Billy Bob and Nathan. They're a handful as it is." "Daddy Bobby is a handful," observed Billy Bob, reaching over and groping his big daddy's crotch. "My hairy bear sure is," agreed Billy, snuggling over and stroking Bobby's thigh with immediate results. "Stop it you two!" Bobby reprimanded, but they all knew he didn't mean it. "You said once you wished you could have a big family." "True. But I'm going to be forty-six this fall. That's a little old to be having another baby." "My dad's thirty-nine. You're not that much older." "That's all Jimmy and Calvin need, one more baby from us to look after." "They wouldn't mind. And it will give little Nathan a little brother to play with." "Sounds like you'd like to have another baby." "I do." "So does Daddy Bobby's pickle," observed Billy Bob, squeezing the growing tube in Bobby's shorts. "And you'd like a little brother, wouldn't you, Nathan?" asked Billy. "Say yes Nathan," prompted Billy Bob, nodding his head vigorously. Nathan giggled and nodded his head vigorously also. "There. You're outvoted four to one." "Yeah, you're outvoted four to one," Billy Bob agreed. "There's only four of us here." "Your pickle voted," Billy said with a grin, reaching up and squeezing the now very visible bulge in his lover's shorts. When you are as well hung as Bobby that wasn't something easily hidden. "Only because you two have a strangle hold on him," Bobby replied. "Let's give him a kiss for voting yes," suggested Billy Bob, to which Billy was readily agreeable. Although he was six foot four [1.93 m] and two hundred and seventy pounds [122 kg], the hefty trucker didn't have a chance had he wanted to resist, which of course he hadn't. He let the two boys wrestle him down to the patio deck and then after pulling down his fly, pull his shorts and boxers down to his ankles. Removing one shoe, Billy helped Billy Bob, who was having difficulty, untie the other and then the two struggled to pull off his socks. As Billy Bob began to unbutton the beefy trucker's shirt, Billy helped Nathan, who was eager to help, out of his high chair and sat him on Bobby's belly. Stripped naked, he found himself being attacked by three eager boys. Billy ran his fingers through his lover's thick mat of hair covering his muscular chest and as he twirled the long, dark-brown strands he thought back to the very first time he'd done that years ago in his bed in his newly painted bedroom. He loved many things about his hairy bear, and his thick, coarse hair covering his chest and stomach was one of them. Billy Bob teased his right nipple, running his little fingers around the areola with a feather light touch and brushing the nipple with his soft lips with an expertise far beyond his years and that had come from experience, causing the teat to quickly become firm. He stuck out his hot little tongue and licked it, causing Bobby to squirm with arousal. Nathan, seeing what the other two were doing, crawled up the big man's torso and ran his little fingers through the big man's chest hair as he bent his head and fastened his lips to his other nipple and began to suck on it just as he did to his little daddy. As his other nipple became firm, Bobby's dick began to rise. Billy followed the thick treasure trail down the middle of Bobby's torso, over his ribs to where it spread out over his broad stomach. Although a beefy man, Bobby was not fat and his broad stomach, while not exactly a six pack, was firm and muscular. Billy twined his fingers through the spreading mat of hair as he caressed the man's stomach, his hands growing hotter as he approached his goal. He paused to comb Bobby's long, curly hairs with his fingers and while he did so, Billy Bob and Nathan crawled down to the next centre of attention. Billy Bob taking the lead and Nathan copying, their hot little fingers caressed the inside of Bobby's thighs, causing his growing tube to rise still higher in the air. Billy reached further down and cupping the big man's large, hairy balls in his right hand, he rolled them in their loose sack. Huge to begin with, they were double their size now as a result of Billy Bob's frequent and unusual blow jobs while he'd been growing up and together they were too large to fit in Billy's one hand. "Daddy's getting a boner," Billy Bob giggled as he looked at Nathan. "Bahnah," the toddler repeated. "No, no. Bow-ner," Billy Bob pronounced. "Bah-nah," Nathan tried. "A banana boner," Billy said with a grin. "Let's eat the banana boner," Billy Bob suggested, and his little brother and his little daddy didn't need any coaxing. Bobby let out a sigh as he felt their hot breath on his most private and totally vulnerable parts. Billy's tongue, the largest of the three, began at Bobby's large, hairy nuts, running over them and then up the underside of Bobby's now fully erect prick, following the dark blue vein up to the cleft in his blood-engorged knob, and continuing up to the pee-hole at the tip of his hot, stiff cock. Billy Bob ran his tongue around the sensitive, paler skin immediately below his knob, the smaller, pointed tongue completely circling the man's shaft over and over, causing it to ache with irritation and to wag angrily at the perpetrator. Nathan's hot breath blew against the exposed knob and he ran his tongue, the smallest and wettest of the three, over the sensitive tip and quivering opening. As Bobby's pee hole opened automatically to the hot, wet tongue, Nathan fastened his lips to the tip of his knob as he did to his little daddy's teat, but instead of sucking, he blew, and Bobby arched his back as he felt the baby's spittle oozing down the core of his rigid, swollen cock just as he'd felt Billy Bob's drool oozing down the core of his bone four years ago. As he thought about it, they were both at the same age the first time they'd sucked on his cock, fourteen months, and they'd both done it the same way. He wondered if it was some innate instinct bred into boys such as them, like the instinct to suck on a teat. "Tasty banana," observed Billy with a grin. `"Yummy," agreed Billy Bob. "Bahnah," said Nathan, lifting his head and grinning down at the one-eyed banana staring back up at him, a strand of drool extending from his bright red lips to the tip of the blood-engorged cock. "Okay, you three have had your fun," said Bobby, now let me up. "Un-un," Billy Bob said, shaking his head. "We're not finished eating yet." So saying he lowered his head and swirled his tongue around the sensitive rim of Bobby's knob, causing a droplet of baby-drool and pre-cum to ooze out of his cock. Swirling his tongue around the spongy, blood-engorged knob, the five-year-old licked up the droplet of his big daddy's pre-cum and his brother's baby drool, which was quickly replaced by a second. "My turn," Billy said eagerly, bending over and licking up the treat. "No fair, three against one," Bobby complained as another droplet formed at the tip of his cock. "We'll share," Billy Bob said, scooping up the droplet of pre-cum and baby drool with the tip of his index finger and dripping it into Bobby's mouth. As Bobby savoured the taste and texture of his slime treat, his cock twitched and produced still another droplet of the erotic mixture. "Gotcha," Bobby said suddenly, grabbing his oldest son and tickling him, resulting in wails of laughter as Billy Bob tried to break loose from Bobby's hold. Normally running about naked whenever he had the opportunity, the youngster had "dressed up" in his good clothes for Billy's birthday. Bobby pulled his shirt out from his trousers and pushing it up, he danced his fingers across the squirming boy's ribs, easily stopping him from escaping with his other arm. Rolling him over on his back and pinning him to his chest, he pulled down his little zipper and unbuckled his belt, and with Billy's help and Nathan's attempted assistance, the three of them removed his shoes and socks and pulled off his trousers and briefs. "I see another banana boner," Bobby said, flipping the boy over and turning him around so he was facing Bobby's crotch upside down with his knees about Bobby's ears. Lowering his squirming, giggling son, he opened his mouth and slipped his lips over his erect little cocklet and his little hairless balls. At forty pounds [18 kg] and three foot six [96 cm], Billy Bob looked like a five-year-old in every way, a blue-eyed, curly-haired, bleached blond, cherubic five year old, except for one thing. His little, erect cocklet was already the length and thickness of Bobby's thumb, and his balls, though tiny and hairless and still in a tight, round sack, were the size of two robin's eggs, twice the size of the balls of other boys his age. The youngster squirmed and pretended to try to escape as his big daddy sucked on his cocklet and nuts, but when Bobby stopped for breath, he pumped his hips, fucking his big daddy's face without the slightest intention of escaping. Leaving his younger son to resume giving Bobby his unique blow job, which he was quite happily doing, grasping his big daddy's dong at the base with his hot little hand and fastening his hot little lips to the tip, Billy quickly shucked his best clothes which he'd purposely chosen and had also worn especially for his birthday party. Stripping down to his birthday suit, the youngster, four days from his twelfth birthday, rejoined his youngest son at his lover's crotch. Now standing at four foot nine [1.45 m] and weighing eighty-six pounds [39 kg], he still had the soft contours and smooth, hairless body of a preadolescent boy, his chest having the fullness and flabbiness of a boy of six as a result of his activated mamillary glands but his arms and legs showing the slight beginning of muscular definition, the result of his active, physical life and involvement in sports. Billy particularly enjoying swimming and track and field and his slim body and muscular arms and legs showed it. His pits and pubes were still hairless, as was his upper lip, but also thanks to his little son's blow jobs, what hung between his legs was the envy of every boy who saw him. Normally as thick as a man's thumb and a good three and a half inches [9 cm] when limp, now erect it was an impressive four and a half inches [11½ cm] and each nut was the size of a golf ball, the two of them hanging in a loose, pendant sack. He and Nathan resumed sucking and teasing Bobby's cock until the trucker was heaving his hips in the air and squirming with arousal as he sucked hard on his oldest son's cocklet and balls. His aching cock was dripping pre-cum big time. Straddling the prostrate trucker so he was facing him, Billy slowly lowered his body, reaching behind and beneath him to position Bobby's big cock. Wedging the tip in his bumhole, he opened it up and slowly began to sink down. "Are you really sure you want to do this? Have another baby I mean?" "Yeah, I do. Unless you don't want to." "No," Bobby said after a momentary hesitation. "I do." He did. He'd been wrong thinking his love for young boys would make up for having children of his own. Now that he had two, he wanted a third, more if they could. He also knew that Billy wanted another child, not just to please him because he knew he wanted one, nor just because he wanted one himself, but because he loved Billy Bob and Nathan and wanted them to have another brother. Bobby's hesitation wasn't because he wasn't sure how he was going to afford to raise another child, nor was it because he had to figure out how he was going to hide away even more of his income from his wife. Those things he would manage. "You're the one who has to go through the discomfort of carrying a child. And you know the more often we do this the greater the chance of your parents finding out why your stomach is really swelling, and who is the cause of it." Those were the reasons for his hesitation. Yes, Billy enjoyed feeling the baby inside him, but there was the morning sickness and the swollen ankles and sore back. He hated to see the boy suffering for any reason, and it was even worse when he was the cause. Even more important, he would never do anything that would put the discovery of their forbidden love at risk, not just for his sake but especially for Billy's, even if it meant having no more sons. "It's not that bad, being pregnant. Parts of it are really cool. And we've hidden the births of Billy Bob and Nathan." "It's going to be painful without lube." "We can use butter," Billy said, inspiration coming to him as he spotted the eaten corn cobs on the table. He quickly got up and got the butter and he, Nathan and Billy Bob proceeded to generously coat Bobby's cut, eight-inch [20 cm] long cock, Nathan getting more on himself, and Billy Bob joking perhaps they should just rub him on Bobby's prick. The three of them took turns sticking their fingers up Billy's rectum to wipe them off and to lube his asshole. "Daddy Bobby and Daddy Billy are gonna make us a baby," Billy Bob advised Nathan as the toddler looked on. "They're gonna fuck." "Uck," repeated Nathan brightly. He'd seen his two daddies do that before, many times, and they always enjoyed it, very much, and it always made him feel good too. "That's right," Billy Bob said brightly. "But you better not say that in front of other people." Nathan of course had no idea what that meant as he filed away the new word in his memory. Deciding to do it right there on the patio, Billy dropped to his hands and knees and Bobby, his buttered cock jutting out in front of him, knelt behind his eager boymate. Billy Bob, always eager to be of help, sat down cross-legged beside them and drew Nathan over to sit beside him. As Bobby shuffled forward on his knees, Billy Bob reached out and grasping his big daddy's long, thick cock by the base, he aimed it for his little daddy's buttered hole. Feeling the tip pressing against his butthole, Billy instantly pushed out with his stomach and relaxed. Ever so slowly Bobby's thick dickhead stretched open the young boy's sphincter. They had been fucking now for five and a half years so were accustomed to almost every position imaginable. As a result they had little difficulty uniting although despite the number of times Bobby's thick cock had stretched open Billy's sphincter and plugged his rectum, it was still as tight as the first time he'd penetrated it. The soon-to-be twelve year old had been thinking about this moment for the past several weeks, ever since he'd found out his mother was pregnant again. He hoped that she'd have a girl for his six-year-old sister, but if it turned out to be a boy, he already decided he'd introduce him to the joys of boy-boy sex and he hoped his little brother would be a man lover like himself. News of his mother's pregnancy had also brought back memories of the summer camp out in the Tetons and how happy the five pregnant boys and their lovers had been, and how happy the boylovers and the four boys who had five month old babies were. It had also reminded him how great it had been carrying Billy Bob and Nathan. He really did want another baby, and he knew Bobby wanted one too. So, he pushed open his butt eagerly. Feeling Bobby's thick cockhead pop into his rectum, he looked forward to this fuck even more than usual knowing what the result was going to be. Bobby enjoyed fucking Billy as much as the youngster enjoyed being fucked. No matter how many times they did it, it was always fantastic, perhaps not like his very first time, but damn close to it. It was not at all like sex with his wife, which was becoming less and less frequent. With her it was a duty, his responsibility as a husband. He did not really understand the pleasure she got out of it, if any-she did not show any arousal, not like Billy who twisted and bucked with his own orgasm like a little bucking bronco. She certainly did not understand the pleasure he felt, having no idea how it felt to ejaculate. Of course Billy didn't either, but he did have a cock and knew how it felt pumping in and out of a hot, moist asshole having done Bobby and Billy Bob. Billy also had an ability that Bobby did not. He could seed other boys. That ability neither of them had known until this summer. They'd talked about it afterward and Billy said he'd never felt anything like Edward or Michael had described, the aching muscles and pounding heart, the all consuming lust and powerful headache, or the feeling that someone had a desperate need for love. They hadn't talked much more about it after that. Unlike Billy Bob, Billy had a mature head on his shoulders. Bobby didn't need to worry about him running around seeding every boy he came into contact with. Bobby smiled as he imagined that, and as his knob popped inside his young boymate. He normally preferred to fuck face to face so he could see the joy on Billy's face as the boy felt his cock penetrating him, but doing it doggy style was fine too. It allowed him to not only fuck the boy but to wank his little pecker besides, though it wasn't so little anymore, and though he probably would not be spurting for a year yet, maybe two, those years would pass by all too quickly. Sinking his cock up the boy's rectum until his coarse hairs were pressing against the boy's backside, Bobby inhaled with delight. He always enjoyed fucking his boymate, but this time knowing the end result was going to be a baby made it somehow all the more exciting and all the more pleasurable. He realized that was one thing nobody had mentioned at the campground. When you fucked a boy who had been seeded there was no question he was going to conceive, not like having sex with a woman. With a woman you had to hit her cycle just right, having a two or three-day window when her egg was available. Their boymates, on the other hand, released their corresponding W-gamete each time their internal gland was flooded with the prostate-produced chemical in a man's semen, which meant each time they were fucked they would become pregnant, unless that chemical was precipitated out by artificial means like a diet of coke or of piss or using cocoa butter lube, or naturally if the boy was already pregnant. So, there was no question Billy was going to conceive this day. As Bobby slowly withdrew his cock and then slowly sank it back up Billy's ass, Billy Bob and Nathan sat there staring at the thick piston working in and out of their little father's asshole. Billy Bob glanced over at Nathan and the toddler grinned, already at fourteen months picking up the vibes of arousal and pleasure emanating from his two daddies. They hadn't needed his help guiding his big daddy's cock, as he'd suspected anyway, but the five-year-old saw something he could do now. Crawling under his little daddy, Billy Bob reached up and taking his little daddy's stiff little cocklet in his hands, he bent it down and slipped his lips around it and began to suck. Laying on his back in a sixty-nine position, that placed his own little dickey, which was also stiff with arousal, directly below Billy's mouth, and the horny birthday boy eagerly bent his head and mouthed and licked the boy's large, hairless balls and his wagging little cocklet. Feeling his lover's cock throbbing deep up his asshole as it pistoned in and out of his body, his little son's hot, moist mouth sucking on his cock, and his son's little cocklet throbbing between his lips, Billy could not be happier. As the familiar but always thrilling pleasure pulsated between his legs and up his rectum, he bobbed his head up and down, delighting in the velvet smoothness of his little son's cocklet and the musky fragrance of what made him a boy. Sensing the pleasure ebbing from his two daddies and from his big brother, Nathan reached down and fiddled with his little dicklet, something not uncommon for fourteen month old toddlers though the cause of his arousal was far from common, as was the reaction of his fathers. While other parents would brush his fingers away and begin their indoctrination that boys should not pleasure themselves, his two daddies saw nothing wrong with doing so, and often joined him. Seeing his youngest son now so engaged, Bobby paused and motioning for the boy to stand and come closer, he picked him up and sat him on his little daddy's shoulders facing him. Then as he resumed fucking Billy, he bent forward and slipped his lips about his little toddler's dickey, causing the boy to giggle and squirm with pleasure as he reached out and entwined his fingers in his big daddy's hair. Many men and women have interesting and unusual stories about where and how their children were conceived, but they would not be able to top Bobby and Billy. It was highly unlikely any couple could claim to have conceived their child while one of them engaged in a sixty-nine with their five-year-old son while the other sucked off their fourteen-month-old toddler. Billy worked his asshole in time with Bobby's thrusts and withdrawals as he usually did, finding he enjoyed having his ass fucked a lot more if he worked his sphincter along with Bobby rather than just lie there and be fucked. He loved the way Bobby's fat cock stretched open his anus, and how stuffed his rectum felt when Bobby shoved his cock all the way in, sort of how it feels when a guy has to take a really big shit. What he loved most of all though was the way Bobby was so gentle, until at the end when his lust took over and he banged him so hard he almost knocked him over. Bobby loved him, and he loved Bobby, and sex was the best when two people loved each other. He didn't need any priest or dumb sex education class to know that. He loved little Billy Bob too of course, but in a different way, like a father loves a son, but it was because he loved him that sex with him was great too. He really thought it was dumb when he learned that people hated fathers who had sex with their sons even more than they hated adult strangers or friends having sex with boys. If sex was supposed to be the most intimate way two people could express their love for each other, what better way was there for a father and son to express their love for each other than by having sex with each other? His uncle Ted and cousin Taylor had great sex together, and it was evident this summer that Owain and his grandson Dylan had great sex together also, as had Owain and Dylan's dad. What had happened to Owain was dumb, and cruel as far as he was concerned. As Billy Bob sucked on his cock and slipped his lips up and down his stiff dick, he knew the five-year-old was enjoying sucking his cock and wanted to do it because he knew the pleasure he was bringing his daddy. He also knew Billy Bob was enjoying getting his little cocklet sucked as much as he was enjoying sucking on his dickey. That was the best part about being boys. They both had dickeys and they knew how it felt having them sucked and the pleasure one felt doing the sucking. Just as dumb was the stupid adult rule that nobody should have sex with toddlers. Nathan had a dick and it felt just as good for him when it was hard and sucked as it did for him, so why shouldn't Nathan get his dick sucked, and why not by an adult like Bobby who loved him? And why shouldn't Nathan suck dick too? Billy Bob had sucked him and Bobby at that age and it hadn't hurt Billy Bob any. Course it made sense that you didn't do stuff that would hurt a little one or that he was too young to understand. If Bobby tried to fuck Billy Bob, his big cock would rip his little bumhole open. Now that would be wrong. But there was nothing wrong with finger fucking him, or at least just rubbing his bumhole, or rimming him. That brought him pleasure, and it was fun bringing someone you love pleasure. The same went for Nathan. Someone could argue he was too little to understand, but that was dumb too. Nathan understood long before he was a year old what pain and pleasure was, and what brought pain and pleasure. Unbeknownst to Billy, Bobby was thinking much the same thing. He loved Billy more than anything in the world, and he knew Billy loved him. He could cite many examples as proof. The way Billy opened and closed his sphincter in time with his fucking was one. Now that his wife never did, worked her cunt muscles that is. She laid there totally motionless, other than maybe shifting position because she was uncomfortable, or in a rare moment sighing because she was feeling good and approaching her orgasm, which was rare, unlike Billy who had an orgasm every time they did it. To her fucking was a wife's duty, something all wives did, and not something you referred to in such vulgar terms. For Billy it was fun and exciting, every time, and he called it what it was. It was hot to see him and Billy Bob sixty-nining, little father and little son eagerly sucking on each other's dicks. The inane rules about incest were long outdated and had no logic for love between two males anyway. What harm was there compared to all the good? Billy Bob and Billy were both feeling great, and making each other feel great. So what if it was by sucking each others cock? So what if one was the father and the other the son? It was bad enough knowing how others felt about boylovers. It had to be doubly bad for Ted knowing also how others felt about father-son sex, and when he'd heard Owain's story about what had happened to him he'd gotten so mad he'd wanted to punch someone. It was the same with him and Nathan. Nathan loved his little dicky getting sucked, and like Billy Bob before him, he liked to suck cock. So why not? What harm was it doing him? So what if he was fourteen months? So what if it was his own son? Sex was a way of expressing their love, a very intimate and powerful way. Billy Bob wasn't thinking any such heavy thoughts as his two daddies. As his stiff little dick itched and burned, he sucked on his little daddy's cocklet, knowing how good he was making his daddy and his dicky feel, just like his little daddy was making him and his dicky feel good by sucking on it, just as his big daddy was making his little brother and his wiener feel good sucking his little dicky, and just as his big daddy was making his little daddy feel good by fucking his ass and his little daddy was making his big daddy feel good by letting him fuck his ass. He picked up the pleasure his daddies and his little brother were feeling and added them to his own and broadcast them back out. That was what sex and life was all about. Sharing pleasure. He closed his eyes and sucked harder on his daddy's cocklet and concentrated on the numb throbbing of his own little dicky. Nathan wasn't even thinking that heavily. He just squirmed on his little daddy's shoulders as his big daddy made his wee-wee feel good, and he knew, he sensed, that his daddies and his big brother were all happy because their wee-wees were feeling good and because they were making each other's wee-wee feel good besides. And so he clung onto the hair on his big daddy's head as his little wee-wee throbbed and itched and he opened and closed his pee hole and wiggled and squirmed as he broadcast his physical pleasure and his love for his daddies and his big brother, totally oblivious that there were those who would condemn such pleasure and love and unaware that not everyone could sense and broadcast that joy. Bobby felt the pleasure he was feeling multiplying and he knew it was the influence of his older son and as it multiplied even further, he suspected it was being compounded by his younger son. That his five year old and fourteen month old sons were sexually aroused and could telepathically broadcast their arousal and pick up his own arousal and Billy's got the forty-six-year-old trucker even more aroused. It was proof that sexuality began right at birth, and that sex with love harmed no one regardless of their gender or age differences. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the hot, throbbing pleasure of his cock and of his fourteen-month-old son's cocklet and on the throbbing pleasure of Billy's hot, moist asshole, and he could imagine the throbbing pleasure of the stiff, aching dicks of his boymate and his five-year-old son. His mind throbbed in time with his heart and his hardon and in time with the pricks of his boymate and his sons. It was as if all four of them were participating in the conception of his next son, and in a sense, with each of them sporting a throbbing pecker and thanks to his two sons sharing their arousal and pleasure, they were. With a desperate gasp he plunged his cock up Billy's smooth, tight ass and began spurting. Spurt after spurt of thick, hot cum shot out of his cock, one after the other, squirting deep up Billy's hot, dank rectum, filling it not with a tablespoon of cum as most men would, but with two cups of hot, thick baby-making cream. Feeling his rectum being flooded, and knowing that this fuck he would be releasing his special gamete and that within an hour it would be impregnated, Billy shuddered with his own orgasm, his young wiener throbbing hotly in his five-year-old son's mouth as his thighs quivered and he spasmed uncontrollably. Billy Bob of course knew his two daddies were coming, and the five-year-old tyke sucked deeply on his little daddy's cocklet as his little daddy sucked desperately on his, and with his daddies' two orgasms vivid in his mind, he arched his back and began to jerk with his own orgasm, broadcasting it to his two daddies and his little brother as his little dicky throbbed and burned. Climaxing was not a new experience for Nathan, his two daddies and his older brother having fiddled with his little dicky until his little body was sent into convulsions for the past two months, but it was still comparatively new to him and he screeched with delight and bounced on Billy's back so violently Bobby had to grab him to stop him from falling off as his little wee-wee burned with a pleasure even greater than tickling. Billy's second birthday party was his family party on the day he was born, which this year fell smack in the middle of the week, Wednesday. Besides his mom and dad and his six-year-old sister Alisa, there was his uncle Ted and aunt Cheryl and his cousin Taylor who lived only a few blocks away on Elm Street, and his gramma and grandpa Carson on his father's side who were retired and visiting for a few days. His grandpa Marple on his mother's side was still working and lived too far away to come, but he and Gramma Marple phoned. It was a great party with a lot of cake and ice cream and gifts and a lot of joking and laughing and of course he was the centre of attention. As they sat there in the living room later talking about the past summer and the upcoming fall and his mother's unexpected pregnancy, he wondered what his mom, gramma and aunt would say if he told them he was four days pregnant himself, and he wondered what his dad and grandpa Carson would say if he told them it was because last weekend he'd gotten his butt fucked by a forty-five-year-old man, with whom he'd been having sex with as often as he could for the past five and a half years, or if they found out his uncle Ted was "doing" his son more often than he was doing his wife, or so Taylor had told him. He could not imagine his dad and grandpa Carson having sex with each other, or his uncle Ted and grandpa Marple, and he couldn't imagine him having sex with his dad or either of his grandpas. He loved them all, very much, but the idea of having sex with them was icky, though it had seemed perfectly natural for Owain and his grandson Dylan, and for his uncle Ted and his son Taylor. He wondered why that was and just what it was about a person that gave you the hots while you had no desire to have sex with another person, or for that matter, why some people were turned on by girls and others were turned on by guys and still others were turned on by young boys. He somehow doubted they'd be explaining that in his sex ed classes. His third birthday party, his friends party, was the following Saturday. When he was younger, he invited a lot of his friends to his party, boys and girls, and they invited him to theirs. Now he was much more selective, inviting only his closest friends. First there was his best buddy Mark who lived across the back alley and five houses up on the next street and whom he'd known all his life. Mark was three months older than he was, his birthday being in mid June. Whereas Billy was a blond with long, curly hair that reached to his collar and swept over his ears and forehead and had eyes of turquoise, Mark had thick, dark brown hair tapered to leave his ears and the back of his neck exposed and had eyes of rich dark brown chocolate. Other than that, they were the proverbial two peas in a pod, having identical personalities and outlooks on life. Both were outgoing and confident, precocious, incurably curious, and constantly getting into mischief. If one did not find a way for the two of them to get into trouble, the other did. Second was his buddy Lucas, his second best friend. Lucas had moved in directly across the street when he was four. Three months younger, he was blond and blue-eyed like Billy with fine, almost effeminate features, and in fact, was often mistaken for a girl with his long hair that he wore almost to his shoulders and combed over the right side of his face Emo style. He was the direct opposite of Billy and Mark, introspective and reserved, cautious, quiet, sensitive, and the last one to ever be suspected of wrongdoing. Their friendship was proof that opposites attract, to the benefit of both. What brashness was rubbed off from Billy and picked up by Lucas was matched by Lucas's calmness and patience that was rubbed off on Billy. You rarely saw one without the other two and they became known as the three musketeers by their parents. Aaron moved into the neighbourhood in January three and a half years ago and was in the same grade three class as the other three boys were. Initially extremely shy, sad, and insecure, he had a complete personality reversal once Billy found him a boylover and he moved out of his home where he was neglected by his alcoholic mother and stepfather and moved in with his boy-loving stepbrother Jimmy and his stepbrother's bottom, Calvin. Two months younger than Billy and a month older than Lucas, he had blue-green eyes and long, luxurious, golden-brown hair that now extended half way down his back and he had become a secure, bubbly, outgoing boy somewhere between the personality of Lucas and that of Billy and Mark. He was immediately accepted into their group which they renamed the four musketeers. Now all in junior high school, the four boys were in the same school, but to their disappointment not always in the same classroom. Going from the oldest and biggest kids in the school three of them had been going to all their lives and that they were familiar with to being the smallest and youngest in a new, larger school with new teachers and new classmates was a frightening experience so they were glad to have each other at noon and before and after school as a close and loyal support group. Billy Bob had started school also, the youngster now old enough to attend kindergarten, and although he and his classmates were the youngest and smallest in the school, it didn't daunt the precocious five-year-old. For one, many of his friends he'd made at the daycare, not just his age but older boys who'd gone to the daycare after school, attended the same school, and that included friends who he'd been having sex with at the daycare, including Kwame, Joshua, Stevie and a number of still older boys, all of whom were delighted to see the youngster there and looked after him and looked out for him as a little brother. For another, Billy Bob quickly charmed his new classmates, and his teachers, and by the end of the first week he had established a new routine for slipping away to join one or more of his friends, new and old, in the boy's room to satisfy his and their needs, and for playing with them before and after school and turning them on to other boys and on to men. "Billy Bob, this is Jason. Jason, Billy Bob," Erin introduced the beginning of their fourth week at school. Erin was nine and now in grade four. "Billy Bob is the kid I told you about that I met at the daycare last year." "Hi," Jason said hesitantly. "Hi," Billy Bob replied brightly. If Jason was a friend of Erin's, he was a friend of his. "I've been telling Jason about the things we did," Erin said in a whisper, glancing around to make sure nobody was in hearing distance. "You know, the secret stuff we did in the can." Billy Bob nodded. "Jason's interested in trying the getting sucked part, if you're interested." "Okay," Billy Bob replied agreeably, reaching up and taking Jason's hand. As Jason followed the five-year-old down the hall and into the boys room with Erin close behind, he was not so certain he was interested in the getting sucked part, or any of the rest of it for that matter. He never had been. His best buddy Erin had been very enthusiastic about Billy Bob doing it to him however and had been looking forward all summer to Billy Bob being in the same school, and to introducing Jason to Billy Bob so he could discover the secret fun Billy Bob had introduced him to. Erin had made it very enticing, and being best friends, Jason was curious and tempted to try it, but even at the age of nine he'd been indoctrinated into believing what they were about to do was wrong. He was not the type of boy to do something against the rules, but he was a boy, and rules set by adults didn't always make sense and were not always fair, and Erin was very convincing. As he stepped into the last cubicle with Billy Bob, the can fortunately being empty that early in the morning, on the one hand he wanted to experience what Erin had made sound so wonderful, but at the same time he felt guilty about to do something everyone said was dirty, which at the same time made it all the more enticing to the nine-year-old boy. It was complicated. Meeting Billy Bob in the hallway and seeing how young he was even though he had known he was a kindergartener made him all the more hesitant. Besides, there was the risk someone might find them even though they'd be in the last stall and Erin would be in the next one so nobody would notice that there were two guys in one. Still, he was curious, and he was no chicken, and Erin had done it, and Erin was his best friend. As Billy Bob latched the door behind him, Jason's heart was pounding and he was feeling even more nervous than he felt when he had to read out loud in class. Billy Bob had no worries nor reservations. Erin had talked to him about sharing his secret with Jason and Billy Bob had checked Jason out on the playground before agreeing. He was good enough looking, not as good as some boys at the school but not ugly or anything, not that looks mattered to Billy Bob. It was what he could sense inside that was important. Unlike some of the new boys he'd met, Jason did not give off an aura that he was interested in other boys sexually, and he definitely was not a man lover. Men lovers, and boy lovers, gave off a very strong and unmistakable aura. He'd never seed him, but he could show him how much fun it was for guys to mess around with each other, and eliminating biases against guys who did stuff with guys was one of his inbred missions in life. Besides, he always liked introducing new guys to the pleasure they were missing and sharing in their awe when they discovered how good sex with another guy felt. Jason, he sensed, was one of those boys teetering on the edge, and he just might push him over to the side of liking other boys his own age. Sitting down on the toilet, he waited for Jason to pull down his fly and push his pants and underwear down. Some boys wanted to just take their dick out so they could tuck it back in if anyone came in, but he preferred doing it with their pants down so he could go all the way down to their balls and if they just pushed their pants down to mid-thigh they could still pull up their pants in plenty of time. As Jason did so, Billy Bob could tell he was nervous and he sent out thoughts telling him everything was okay. Seeing Jason was uncut, Billy Bob reached out and pulled back his skin. One thing he'd learned early in his life was that not all boys kept themselves clean and if they didn't he refused to do them. If nothing else, he'd taught a lot of boys the importance of keeping their dicks clean. Jason was not one of those boys who needed a lesson in hygiene. Slipping his lips over his dick, Billy Bob began to slide them up and down as he sucked on the nine-year-old's limp cocklet, and of course it quickly responded. Like many of the boys he sucked, he did not give Jason the special blow job like he gave his little daddy and big daddy because though he might turn Jason onto other boys, he'd never become a boy lover and part of the special group his daddies belonged to, and the special abilities his spit imparted were reserved only for them. Jason of course did not know he was getting an abbreviated blow job. As he stood there with his pants and underwear half way down his thighs and ready to yank them up at a moment's notice, he could not believe he was actually getting his dick sucked. Nor could he believe how his dick was responding. It was swelling and getting hard, just like Erin said it would, just like he sometimes found it when he woke up in the morning and had to take a leak really bad. His breath shuddered as he inhaled nervously and his heart was pounding so hard he could feel it pulsating. As Billy Bob eased his lips up to the knob and sucked on it, and then ran his tongue along the rim, Jason jerked and tensed reflexively. Crap, that felt weird, and good in a strange way. It was sort of like when he squeezed his dick and pulled his skin up to squeeze out the last bit of piss, or when he accidentally brushed his fingers against his knob when he had his skin pulled back when he was shaking it off, or when he was soaping it up in the bath, except way better. The feeling was sharper and lasted longer than just a few seconds, and it was being caused by another boy. Billy Bob concentrated on sucking and licking Jason's knob, knowing that would stimulate him the most and bring him to an orgasm the fastest. There was little enjoyment in that, and even less for him, but they didn't have much time. Besides, he knew it would still be good for Jason, not knowing better, and that if he made it good for him the first time he'd likely be back for a second and third time, giving him more time to work on the nine year old's attitude and turn him on to sex with other guys. He had lots of time for that. As he sucked on the boy's stiff, throbbing dick and worked his lips up and down over the rim of his knob, he thought about how good it felt getting your dick sucked, augmenting the pleasure Jason was already feeling. He thought about how great it was to be a boy and to be able to do boy things that a girl couldn't do. He thought about how great dick tastes and how great it was to make other boys feel good, especially good friends. He thought about how much Erin enjoyed getting sucked, and how good it felt making Erin feel good. Jason could not believe how swollen his cock felt and how badly his knob was tingling and how badly it itched and how great it felt having Billy Bob's lips and tongue rubbing along the rim of his knob. It was sort of like how it was when you scratched an itch. It made it feel better, but it made it itch all the more also. It was itching so bad he couldn't keep still. He could not help twitching and jerking his hips. Erin had been right. Getting your cock sucked did feel awesome. He thought about how his dick head was burning, and how great it was to be a boy and to be able to feel something like that, something a girl would never know. He wondered what a guy's dick tasted like. From the way Billy Bob was going after his, it had to taste delicious. He thought about how great it was to make others feel good, especially friends. He thought about Erin getting his cock sucked by Billy Bob, and he thought about Erin sucking his dick and him sucking Erin's, the two of them making each other feel good. And then a bolt of electricity shot up his cock. He jerked like a puppet on a string, unable to control his body. His right thigh quivered and his legs felt wobbly and shock after shock ripped around his knob and up his swollen cock. It was like nothing he'd ever felt before. When it was over, he found he was gasping for breath. Jason could not stop thinking about what had happened for the rest of the day. How could a guy concentrate on poetry or long division or even the Aztecs after something like that? More than once his teacher had accused him of daydreaming. If she only knew that just before classes he'd had his very first ever blow job, she'd understand. Or maybe she wouldn't. Girls couldn't understand something like that. It was a boy thing, and it had been wicked. Erin knew of course, and each time his teacher reprimanded him Jason could not help but glance over at Erin, and each time from the look on his face Erin knew exactly what he'd been thinking, and from the look on Erin's face and his smile, Jason knew what Erin was thinking too, which caused him to turn a bright red. He could not stop thinking about the experience that night, or for the rest of the week. It had been the weirdest thing he'd ever felt. It was pleasurable but it was painful too, remarkably good, but frightening, especially at the end. He could not describe it, and nor could Erin, but he knew what he'd felt Erin had felt also. Every time he thought about how it had felt, his dick got swollen and hard. It had never done that during the day before, not even once, and now it was doing it several times during the day. He could not help reaching down and giving his aching dick a squeeze and a couple covert strokes when it did happen. It felt good stroking it, though not as good as having it sucked. It seemed whenever he tried to satisfy the itch Erin caught him, which was totally embarrassing, but from Erin's smile Erin knew exactly how he was feeling, and that was sexy. Each night as he drifted off to sleep, he thought about that and how great it was to be a boy as he stroked his stiff dick. "So, you got your homework done for Monday?" Erin asked that Saturday afternoon. They'd been practising tossing hoops and had gone into his kitchen for a soda. "You kidding? This is only Saturday," Jason replied with a grin. "Was hoping you had and I could get the answers," Erin replied with a smile. Jason almost told him what he could suck but caught himself in time. How funny it was that what had been a common insult before now had a totally different meaning. Practically everyone in grade four said to suck it or to kiss their ass or they gave the middle finger. He wondered how many grade four guys had ever had their dick sucked, and if any of them actually sucked dick themselves, or kissed ass, or stuck their dick up a guy's ass. Just thinking about it he popped a boner, and of course Erin had to notice. "You been doing that a lot lately," Erin observed with a knowing smile. "Yeah. Ever since that kid sucked me." "Billy Bob." "Yeah. You don't think he did something to it, do you?" "I dunno, did he do something to it?" Erin asked with a grin. "You know what I mean. It never used to get stiff like that before, except when I sometimes woke up in the morning having to take a piss." "That's cuz until last Monday it didn't know it could be used for something else besides taking a piss," Erin replied, having been told that by Billy Bob actually when his dick began behaving the same way. It made sense and was a good explanation for what was happening. It was a better reason than the one he'd come up with: that he was a fag. It made sense to Jason too. "Do you think Billy Bob would do it to me again if I asked him?" "Sure. He loves sucking dick. Though you might have to wait a week or more before he can get to you. He's very popular." "I guess! Doesn't he know what other guys say or feel about guys who suck dick?" "I don't know," Erin said with a shrug, "but he knows what guys who have had it done say and how they feel about getting their dick sucked." The two sat there silently as they thought about the contradiction. Getting your dick sucked felt awesome, but guys who sucked dick were pervs. Even though he was only five, Billy Bob had to know what others said, though there was a chance he didn't. One thing was for sure. It felt good, damn good. They both knew that, and they knew they weren't the only ones who knew that. There was another thing for sure. They also knew they didn't have to wait until Billy Bob had time for them to experience getting sucked. Unfortunately they also knew what other guys said and how they felt about guys who suck dick. It was complicated. "I wonder why he does it. Sucks dick that is." "I asked him," Erin replied. "He says it likes it. And that it makes him feel good making other guys feel good." "It does make a guy feel good." "It sure the fuck does that." They sat silently once again, both thinking the same thing, both wondering how they could say what they were thinking and how the other would react but afraid to take the chance. "I had no idea getting your dick sucked could feel so good," Jason observed. "Me neither. Or that if you got it sucked long enough it made you go crazy." "What do you mean?" Jason asked, suddenly worried. Maybe getting his dick sucked had made him go crazy, thinking about it all the time, even thinking about doing it himself. Guys did say that guys who liked guys were mental. "You know, right at the end, how it makes you twitch." "Oh that," Jason said relieved. "Yeah. That is so weird." "You ever wonder what dick tastes like?" "Not until I got mine sucked," Jason admitted honestly. "Billy Bob sure seemed to like it," he hinted. "Yeah, he has no trouble with the taste." Erin thought for a moment. He'd imagined this conversation a million times in his mind but it was different actually saying it. "You ever wonder what it would be like to suck dick?" Jason knew what the next question would be if he admitted that he had. He'd run this conversation through his mind also, though not as often as Erin had. He also knew if he lied and said that he hadn't, that would end the conversation, and that wasn't how he wanted this conversation to end. He wished he'd asked the question first. The two boys looked at each other. "We could, you know, just try it, to see what it's like," Erin suggested. He laughed nervously, his heart pounding high in his throat. He didn't know why he'd laughed. This was serious. He'd never felt so nervous, not even before a grammar test. "Yeah. Just to see what it's like." "You gotta swear you'll never tell another soul that we tried it, ever, even if they threaten to cut out your tongue." "That would be dumb. Then I'd never be able to tell them," Jason reasoned. "You know what I mean." "I swear." "Scout's honour and cross your heart and spit to die." "I swear I'll never tell another soul that we tried sucking. Scout's honour," Jason swore, raising his right hand and extending his first two fingers in the Scouting sign before crossing himself and working up a gob of saliva before realizing he had no place to spit. His lips puckered, he glanced at Erin. "Same, scout's honour," agreed Erin, giving the Scout sign and crossing himself as he glanced around. Spotting his mother's potted fern, he spat into the pot and Jason added his gob. Both boys were actually Webelos Scouts and took the scouting movement seriously. Going up to Erin's bedroom, they looked at each other self-consciously, suddenly feeling very awkward and not knowing how they should begin or even where they should sit. "So, who's going first?" Jason asked, no longer so certain he wanted to try this. "Let's do it together, to each other at the same time." "Good idea." The two boys pulled down their flies and unbuckling their belts, they pushed down their jeans and their briefs for no other reason than that was what Billy Bob had made them do. Standing there with their pants and underwear lowered, they realized they were not going to be able to do each other at the same time standing, nor sitting. It took them a moment to visualize the position they needed to take. "I, ah, guess we'll have to lie down." "Ah, yeah, I guess." They laid down on Erin's bed on their sides facing each other. That was so faggoty, laying on his bed, but it was the only position that would work. Both were semi-aroused, and as they eyed each other's dick they inhaled nervously, even more uncertain but now afraid to be the one to back out and be considered a wimp. "At the count of three," Erin said, reaching over and picking up Jason's limp cock by the base. He waited until he felt Jason's fingers slip about his dick to be sure Jason was going through with it. Crap that felt weird, being held by another guy. His cock immediately began to swell, much to his embarrassment. What would Jason think, him getting a boner from being touched by a guy? Fortunately Jason's dick was starting to swell too. "Three, two, one, suck," Erin said quickly before he popped a boner there in Jason's hand, and before he chickened out. Erin wasn't the only one worried about popping a boner. Jason had been thinking about his first blow job all week, and about trying it with Erin, and each time he'd thought about it he'd popped a boner. That had disturbed him greatly. There was a name for guys who popped boners thinking about messing with other guys. He was no faggot. He couldn't be. Yet there was no denying each time he thought about sex he thought about doing it with Erin and he got stiff, and at that very moment as they were about to do it he was getting a boner. Still, as he opened his mouth and bowed his head, he wanted to stop and the thought of putting Erin's dick in his mouth was nauseous. That was a good sign that he wasn't a fag. They were just trying it and it was natural for a guy to get excited thinking about sex. It didn't mean anything. To his relief, he felt Erin's hot breath on his dick and balls, and then his hot, moist mouth envelop his cock just as he slipped his mouth over Erin's. He'd been afraid Erin might back out, but only after his dick was in his mouth. Also to his relief, Erin's dick did not taste that bad. Actually, it didn't really have any taste at all. He sucked on his dick tentatively, afraid he might suck out his piss or something. That, he realized, was dumb. It hadn't happened when he'd been sucked. He ran his tongue over Erin's knob as Billy Bob had done to him and when Erin squirmed he knew from his own experience it was with pleasure. Seconds later, much to his delight, he felt Erin's hot, wet tongue lick along the edge of his knob and he squirmed with pleasure too. Thinking back to what Billy Bob had done, he slowly slipped his lips down Erin's cocklet to the base and then eased his lips back up. Erin copied his motions. It was totally awesome, even better than when Billy Bob had done it, because Erin was his best friend and closer to his own age he imagined, and because not only was he getting blown, but he was sucking too. That made it very different, the two of them doing it together. That they were both fags crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it. They were two good buddies. That was all there was to it. It felt good, getting sucked. So why shouldn't two good buddies do each other? That they both had boners just meant it was feeling good, that was all. Erin had the same jumble of thoughts. He hadn't really felt that guilty about Billy Bob doing him. He was just a little kid, and he did everyone. That it had felt great hadn't really bothered him either. He was a guy and sex was supposed to feel great. That was why a guy had sex. It had been so great actually he had wanted his best buddy to see how great it was, but unfortunately Jason never attended the daycare where he went after school since both his parents were working and they didn't want him home alone whereas Jason's mom didn't work and was always home. He had considered introducing Jason to sucking himself, but he had been hesitant. Two guys, the same age, sucking, now that was being a fag. Even at the young age of nine he knew about fags. So, when he found out Billy Bob was going to be attending his school, he immediately began thinking how he was going to introduce Jason to him, and to sex. He'd wanked off hundreds of times thinking of that, and thinking about maybe the two of them doing it to each other once Jason found out how good it felt getting sucked. That he was thinking fag stuff bothered him, but it got him hot, and that was good so he kept thinking it. Besides, he was just thinking it. Now he was doing it. That was different. He was sucking the cock of his best friend, and his best friend was sucking his cock, and it was awesome, even more awesome than he'd imagined. He loved the way his cockhead was tingling and burning. He loved the way Jason squirmed and sucked on his cock harder when he ran his tongue over Jason's knob. He especially loved that Jason was enjoying it as much as he was. They'd never have to wait their turn at school again, or do it hurriedly in the can. They could do it on weekends, or evenings, in his bedroom or Jason's, and they could do it as long as they liked, and he liked doing it a long time, and he hoped Jason did too. So the two nine-year-old boys lay there on Erin's bed, their jeans and underwear pushed down to mid thigh, and eagerly sucked each other's stiff, throbbing cocklet, thrilling at the still new and awesome sensations throbbing between their legs, and delighting in bringing that unique and very special pleasure to their best friend, their lust and the pleasure they were feeling overriding years of indoctrination that what they were doing was wrong. Their breathing grew heavier and heavier and they began to suck and bob their heads more eagerly. As each felt his cock throb in his best friend's mouth, he also felt his best friend's cock throb in his mouth, doubling his arousal. Soon they were gasping and panting for breath as their cocklets turned numb and seemed impossibly swollen. They sucked and bobbed their heads faster and faster as pure lust overwhelmed them. They delighted in the smell of cock and the taste of cock. Each delighted in the pleasure he was feeling and in the knowledge he was bringing his best friend the same pleasure as his best friend was bringing him. Their dry orgasms hit together, and each boy squirmed and twisted on the bed as his little cocklet throbbed and burned and his best friend's cocklet throbbed between his lips. As they both began to buck and jerk uncontrollably, there was no question that they'd be enjoying this pleasure many times in the future. It was great to be a boy and to be able to do boy things that a girl couldn't do, like have fun with your dick, and with your best buddy's dick. There was nothing wrong with two good friends bringing each other the pleasure that only a boy can know. They were not aware of it, but they were not the only ones to hold that sentiment. "So, you dressing up and going out Halloweening next Tuesday?" Mark asked. It was a cold, rainy afternoon and the two boys were stuck in the house. Billy's parents had gone shopping and Billy and Mark had popped popcorn and had gone up to Billy's bedroom to play the new adventure board game his grandparents had gotten him for his birthday. "I dunno. I was thinkin' maybe I'm gettin' too old for that sortta thing." "Yea, I was thinkin' the same." "I might take Billy Bob around." "That'll be cool." "You wanna come with me if I do?" "Sure. Maybe they'll give us something too." "My thinking too," Billy said with a grin. They may be twelve now and growing up, but they were still kids. "My aunt and uncle were visiting yesterday, and I overheard my uncle tell my dad a dirty joke." "Yeah?" Billy asked, his eyes brightening. "There were these two guys out deer hunting, and they decided to split up. This one guy came across a deer in the bush and shot it and when it fell it fell across a fallen log so its butt was stuck up in the air. Well, the hunter looked at it and wondered what it would feel like to stick his dick up its ass. He looked around and the other hunter was nowhere in sight, so he dropped his pants and underwear and shoved it up the deer's ass. It felt just like his wife's cunt and he began to fuck it and before long he was shooting his stuff up its ass. Just as he pulled his dick out his friend came through the bush. The first guy gets all embarrassed and says he knows that it's perverted, but it felt really great and the other guy should give it a try. Well, the second guy looks at the deer and thinks for a moment, and then he says, well, okay, but you're going to have to help me get that deer off the log first." Billy paused, not getting the joke at first, and then laughed. "You know the other day when we heard those two guys from high school talking while we were waiting for the bus and the one guy said he hoped his girl wasn't having her period because he was aching for a piece of tail, and his friend said that was why God made women with two holes?" asked Mark. "Yeah. That was funny too. And poor Lucas. I think he didn't know whether to tear into the guy for talking about God that way, or to be amazed at God's ingenuity," Billy chuckled. "Yeah," laughed Mark as he thought of Lucas's reaction. "You think a girl would let a guy do it to her that way, up her ass?" "I dunno. I suppose she might if she wanted to stay a virgin. Or if she was afraid of getting knocked up. But I don't think she'd do it normally. Girls aren't into sex like guys are." "I don't think I'd ever want sex that bad. You'd get your dick all covered with shit and everything," Mark observed, wrinkling up his nose. "Well, if you stuck your dick up a cunt you'd get it all slimy with cunt juice," Billy countered. He couldn't very well tell Mark that fucking ass felt great, and that a guy's dick didn't usually get all that shitty. "You think it's even possible? I mean for a guy to stick his thing up someone's asshole? Like an asshole's not a very big opening, and a guy's dick can be pretty thick." "You wanna give it a try?" "Okay, but you gotta help me move the deer off the log first," Mark replied with a grin. Glancing over at his bed, Billy reached over and grabbing his two pillows, tossed them on the floor. "There you go," he said with a grin, gesturing at his bed. "You serious?" "You wanna stick yours up mine first?" Mark thought for a moment. Stick his dick up Billy's shit hole, or have Billy stick his dick up his. "You can do me first," he offered generously. The two boys chucked their jeans and underwear without the slightest hesitation or thoughts that they were about to engage in what was considered a faggot act. Both were precocious and insatiably curious, and both saw rules as something to be tested. It was not the first time they ignored what others thought, and it wouldn't be the last. Both boys were already hard, further proof of their similar nature and attitude. Opening the drawer to his night stand, Billy took out his box of Star Wars action figures where he kept his tube of KY hidden for those occasions when he felt like finger fucking himself or those times when his parents were out and he had Billy Bob. Greasing up his stiff cocklet, he had Mark kneel before his bed and bend over and he applied a gob of grease to his anus and carefully and slowly slipped his greased fingers up his rectum one by one and twisted them. Mark could not help but wonder why Billy had a tube of KY and knew what it was for, and how to do what he'd just done. There was only one answer, and when Billy knelt behind him and told him to open his asshole like he was taking a shit and slipped his dick up his ass with the greatest of ease he figured his suspicion was confirmed. The next question that came to his mind was whether he'd already done this with Lucas or with Aaron or with both. That he wasn't the first was disappointing in a way. Grasping Mark's hips, Billy began to pump his hips to and fro, working his stiff little cocklet in and out of Mark's greased hole without realizing the gaffe he'd made. He'd gotten so used to having sex that he'd forgotten not every boy kept a tube of lube hidden in his bedroom or knew even the basics of fucking ass. He and Mark had been best buddies all their lives and had done many daring things together, but not once had they ever messed around sexually, and Billy had never even thought about it. Maybe if he'd had, he wouldn't have made the mistake he'd just made. Mark had always just struck him as the type of boy to be interested in girls and to eventually be doing it to them, and when it came to having sex he had Bobby and Billy Bob. Now as he pumped his cock in and out of Mark's tight, virgin ass, he felt a new lust growing, one that was different from the way he felt when he had sex with Bobby or Billy Bob, or with Kevin on their summer holidays. This was his best buddy, his very best friend in the whole world, and it was his very first time, and it was with him. That was wicked awesome and he so wanted this to be Mark's best sex experience ever. Reaching around and under him, he slipped his fingers about his stiff dick and began to stroke it. Everything Billy had done indicated that he was a little faggot boy, but to Mark it was only evidence that he'd done this before, and as his fingers tugged on his cock and his dick pumped in and out of his ass Mark was glad that he'd told Billy to go first. He'd have never had known about greasing up his dick or Billy's asshole, and he certainly would not have thought of wanking him while he fucked him. It felt good. Really good. His asshole burned and itched in a very arousing way, like his dick head did when his dick was stroked. It was cool, actually, having Billy wanking him. When he'd first learned about wanking from one of the older boys at school, he'd considered sharing the secret with Billy but it was something dirty and he'd hesitated. Billy was his best friend and he didn't want to lose his friendship and a lot of boys looked down on anyone who played with himself. He'd even considered doing it to Billy and having Billy do his, but that idea he kept to himself and just fantasized about doing it during his wank sessions. He'd fantasized about a lot of different things during his wank sessions, but the best ones were always when he thought about him and Billy. That Billy knew about wanking didn't come as a surprise, and that Billy had decided to do his cock wasn't a surprise either. People said they were like two peas in a pod, and it would not be the first time they'd had identical thoughts. Now it was no longer just a thought. Billy was actually doing his, and fucking his ass besides. His cock was pumping in and out of his asshole just like it was a cunt. He could feel it throbbing inside him and his rectum throbbed along with it, and his stiff, aching cock was throbbing along with both of them. It really felt great. He wondered if Billy would wank him all the way, and he hoped that he would. Billy began to breathe deeper and faster as he pumped his hips to and fro in a regular rhythm. He concentrated on the throbbing pleasure between his legs, and on the hot throbbing of Mark's slender dick in his fingers and on the throbbing of Mark's rectum. He knew it had to be feeling great for Mark too. He was so glad they'd followed their impulse and decided to do this. As the pressure began to build between his legs, he began to pump his hips to and fro faster and to wank on Mark's dick harder. He had his best friend's dick in his hand and he was wanking him off. That was so hot, and especially in that not once had he ever thought about doing it to him. He inhaled and exhaled deeply, concentrating on that erotic thought. His cock went numb and he knew any second now he'd feel the familiar twang deep in his loins that would send his body into convulsions. He wondered what it would be like to be able to fill his best buddy's asshole with his cum, and if they'd ever do this once he could squirt. He wondered when Mark jerked himself if he went all the way, and he wondered if he was as close to having his orgasm as he was. That would really be awesome, having an orgasm together. What would be even more awesome would be having a baby together. Mark carrying his baby, now that would really be wicked! That Mark might not have ever wanked off didn't cross Billy's mind. Every guy in junior high knew about wanking and did it. Well, maybe Lucas and guys like him didn't do it, but Mark surely did. Mark suddenly tensed and arched his back and then began to buck convulsively as he grunted and snorted and gasped for breath. He had brought him off! His best buddy! He felt the familiar twang deep in his loins too, but this time it was accompanied by a totally new feeling, the feeling of something racing up the core of his cock and out the burning tip, something small and hard, like a pea . . . or a seed! He just seeded his best buddy! His face was suddenly hot and his thighs felt even weaker and wobblier than they usually did and he felt such a love and longing for Mark that it made his whole body ache. He grasped Mark's throbbing cock firmly with his right fist and wrapped his left arm about his waist tightly as his body was convulsed with the hottest, most violent orgasm he'd ever felt. It was several minutes before the two boys recovered. Finally easing his still stiff cock out of Mark's ass, Billy collapsed on his back on the floor and Mark lay down beside him. The two of them could think of nothing other than the powerful pleasure they'd just experienced and their love for each other. Neither of them had ever had an orgasm like the one they'd just reached. Mark finally turned his head and glanced at Billy and Billy flashed him a wide grin, his eyes still clouded with lust. Mark returned the open-mouthed grin, glad Billy was as happy about what they'd done as he was. He glanced down at Billy's cock. It was shiny with lube. It didn't seem to have any shit on it. "You wanna try doing me now?" Billy asked. "You bet I do." As Mark greased up his dick, Billy plucked a couple Kleenex from the box on his desk and wiped off his dick, and Mark's asshole before assuming the same position as Mark had. As he greased up Billy's asshole and slipped his fingers up his rectum, Mark felt a thrill of excitement pass up his spine. When he'd decided to share the joke he'd heard he'd never imagined something like this might result! Kneeling behind Billy, he placed the tip of his greased dick against Billy's asshole. Between his youthful randiness, the KY, and Billy's experience, he had no difficulty slipping his stiff cock up Billy's rectum. Pushing it up until his smooth pubes were pressing against Billy's smooth, compact butt, he paused, relieved that he'd done it so easily. Perhaps he'd been wrong about Billy. Perhaps it was not as difficult as he'd imagined it might be. Guys did it to women after all, and to each other. Maybe Billy hadn't done it with anyone else. He could have learned what he knew from the Internet, or from overhearing older guys talking. One thing was sure. It felt great. Billy's rectum was hot and moist and squeezing in on his cock from all sides, just like a cunt probably did. And it was tight, even more proof that Billy hadn't done this before. He slowly drew his hips back, and then shoved his cock back up Billy's rectum. He soon learned just how far back he could draw his cock and quickly set up a rhythm. Slowly sliding his right hand along Billy's hip and over his belly to his cock and balls, he slipped his fingers about Billy's still stiff cocklet and squeezed it. Billy's was bigger than his, longer and fatter, and his balls way bigger. Billy was the best hung in their physical education class, and better hung than any older boy he'd seen in the pool locker room. That wasn't what made his dick feel so different from his own though. This was his best buddy's dick. He had his fingers wrapped about the stiff dick of his very best friend. Now that was hot. He wondered how often Billy wanked his dick, and if he did it as often as he did. He slowly drew Billy's foreskin back and then slowly pushed it up over his knob and Billy squirmed. One thing for sure: Billy enjoyed that as much as he did. As Mark slowly jerked his cock and fucked his ass Billy could not believe how good it was. Mark's dick being way smaller than Bobby's it didn't stretch his butthole anywhere near as wide, and it barely reached half the distance Bobby's did, but it felt just as awesome as when Bobby did him. Mark was more awkward and jerky when it came to thrusting his cock in and out of him and when it came to wanking on his cock, accenting that this was new to him, which made it all the hotter. The hottest of all though was that his best buddy was fucking his ass and wanking his cock, his best buddy in the whole world. He loved Bobby and he loved his mom and dad and kid sister, and he loved Billy Bob and Nathan, but this was a whole different type of love. Billy closed his eyes and concentrated on the pleasure throbbing through his groin, the pulsating of his cock and his rectum and Mark's cock. It was awesome. Mark was feeling the same. He could not believe how much hotter this was than wanking himself. He could not believe he was pumping his best buddy's cock and fucking his ass. It was nothing like he had imagined it would be. Billy's cock and his rectum were throbbing in time with his own cock. He concentrated on the tingling pleasure of his dickhead and recalled the unique pleasure of having had his asshole stretched open by his best friend's cock, and he knew he was bringing the same pleasure to his best buddy. As the pleasure increased, so did the pressure in his loins, and he began to fuck and wank faster. When he and Billy had reached their orgasms it had been totally fantastic, and he inhaled and exhaled deeply as he thought of that pleasure and he closed his eyes in anticipation of it happening again. Billy was breathing deeply and loudly also and Mark knew they were both approaching that mystifying peak once more. His parted lips and mouth were dry as he sucked in the air scented by two preteen boys in heat and blew it back out. He felt the pressure rapidly developing in his loins, until once again he reached that ultimate peak. His stiff cocklet ached and the knob burned as razor-sharp thrills ran up the swollen, numb flesh from his tight, swollen balls to the tip of his blood-engorged knob. Once again his body began to buck uncontrollably and the inside of his right thigh quivered. Billy began to buck and gasp with his own dry orgasm, his body twisting and jerking like he'd stuck his finger in an electric socket. Actually, it was more like he'd stuck his stiff, throbbing dick in a socket. For the two boys their second orgasm was just as awesome as their previous one, and they both knew there were going to be many more.
Chapter 28Until that rainy afternoon the last Saturday of October, Billy had not once thought of having sex with Mark, and though Mark had thought about the two of them wanking off together or even wanking each other off, they were jerking off fantasies and he never really expected they'd actually do anything together. He certainly had not thought they'd fuck each other's ass. Now that they had, they were both glad that they had dared to do it, and the two randy twelve-year-olds sought every opportunity they could to be alone so they could do it again. It was the first time in the history of the four musketeers that something had come between them though neither Billy nor Mark noticed that it had. Lucas did almost immediately. A sensitive boy, he was quick to pick up the little glances at each other, the furtive smiles, the gleam in the eyes. It was clear the two were sharing a secret, and wanting to be alone. Lucas also noticed it happened more often when there were just the three of them rather than the four, like right after school when Aaron was often picked up by some bearded guy who drove a Parkland Construction truck and whom he assumed was an uncle or a neighbour or something though he never picked up anyone else. Accustomed to being the odd man out and ignored by others, or even worse, unwanted, it was easy for him to jump to the conclusion why it was happening, particularly knowing how much in common Mark and Billy had and how little either had in common with him. Besides, it would not be the first time his parent's values set him apart from his friends and prevented him from doing stuff with them. So, he let it happen, not so much out of friendship and wanting his two best friends, his only two friends, to have what they wanted, as it was out of his own low self-esteem and fatalistic attitude. Mark and Billy were not totally unaware that more and more frequently Lucas had to go straight home after school or to leave early. They assumed that he was losing interest in their foursome or was developing his own interests that didn't include them, and though they regretted that as their friendship was genuine, they seized the opportunity to pursue their new common interest, unaware Lucas was sitting at home and crying and feeling sorry for himself. It was almost a month after they'd begun actively seeking to be alone that it came to a head. It was a Friday night, the last Friday of November, and Billy's parents had gone to the movies, leaving him at home to babysit his sister Alisa. Mark had been grounded for the weekend after his parents had found him behind their garage smoking, another clandestine activity that was the result of his curiosity and growing up, Aaron was spending the evening and night with his boylover John, and Bobby was out on the road for the weekend and had taken Billy Bob and Nathan with him. On their way home from school, Lucas was pleasantly surprised when Billy asked if he wanted to come over to shoot hoops and play some video games after supper. He was tempted to broach the topic of Billy's preference for Mark as a friend over him, but he was afraid he might lose Billy's friendship altogether, and even more afraid of finding out the reason for Billy's preference, so he kept quiet. They shot hoops for a while and though it was a cool evening with the hint of snow and approaching winter in the air, they were young and played hard and didn't notice the temperature. They were in fact hot and sweaty when they finally quit and went inside and re-energized themselves with sodas and a plate of cookies Billy's mother had just baked that afternoon. "Too bad Mark and Aaron couldn't join us," Lucas commented as an opening to what was really on his mind. "Yeah. Bet Mark's really wishing that right now," Billy replied with a grin. "Serves him right for doing something dumb like trying smoking, and even dumber doing it where he could get caught. At least if he was going to try it you'd think he'd have had enough sense to go somewhere more private." "Yeah, you'd think. You and Mark really like each other, don't you?" Lucas dared to observe. "Sure." "You been doing a lot of stuff together lately, just the two of you." His heart was beating as fast as it had been when he'd been outside tossing hoops. He couldn't believe he'd said that, but the opportunity had been right. "Ah, yeah," Billy replied, catching a hint for the first time that something was on Lucas's mind, and immediately on the defensive regarding why he and Mark had been doing stuff together. Surely Mark would not have told anyone, and especially not Lucas. "You and him got a lot in common." "I suppose," Billy said guardedly. He did not like the direction this conversation was heading. "You prefer being with him more than me?" There it was out. He had said it. He held his breath and stared directly at Billy. "It's okay if you do," he added as an afterthought as he glanced down at his half-finished soda. So much for being a tough guy. "Why would you say that? That I prefer being with Mark?" That Lucas was thinking so came as a surprise. That simply was not true, well except for one thing. There was still a possibility Lucas was talking about that, but that was becoming more remote. "It's just, well, that's okay, never mind." "No. Why'd you say that?" Billy persisted, speaking more firmly and raising his voice in annoyance. If Lucas knew their secret he had to know, and how he'd found out. Besides, when there was a problem he was not the type to ignore it and hope it would go away and he didn't have much patience with those who backed off with the slightest challenge. Lucas could not dare raise his eyes. Now he'd done it. He should have kept his stupid mouth shut. Now Billy was mad at him and would want to be with him even less. And if Billy didn't want to be with him, then Mark and Aaron wouldn't want to either. He was on the verge of tears. "It's just, well, when there's the three of us, you two keep looking at each other . . . like you wish you were alone." His upper lip was quivering and he was staring fixedly at his half-finished cookie but at least he hadn't choked and his voice hadn't quavered. Billy hadn't realized it had been that obvious, but he knew that they'd been doing just that. And he was no fool. He knew how that would look to Lucas, which was dumb. Lucas was a great friend. It was just that he was shy when he was with people he didn't really know, and being shy, it was hard for him to get to know people. "It's got nothing to do with you. It's just, well, we got interested in something, the two of us. It's not that we don't like you or nothing." "That's okay." Billy knew that in having to be vague about the reason they wanted to be alone his explanation had been lame. "Really. I like you just as much as Mark, honest. We're the four musketeers." Pressing his lips together, Lucas forced a tight-lipped smile and nodded as he glanced up at Billy. "So what did you take in sex ed class today?" he asked, changing the topic before he choked up. He had to talk about something else, anything else, and asking about sex ed was a good diversion. Everyone liked to talk about that, those who took the class, and those who couldn't. Besides, Billy was trying too hard to convince him, which meant he was lying. He knew about such things. He was used to people lying to him. "It was yucky. It was about girls and menstrual cycles and stuff." "Yuck." "Yeah." They sat in silence for a moment. It was only a moment, but it seemed like an hour, a long, awkward hour. "You k-," they began together. "You go f-," they tried again. "You go first," Billy managed to say before Lucas. "No, you." Billy thought for a moment, wanting to be sure he worded things right. He really hadn't thought through his idea and he didn't want to upset Lucas any more than he already was. "What would your parents do if they found out we were telling you stuff about what we learn in sex ed?" "They'd ground me. And not just for the weekend like Mark. They'd never ever let me see you anymore, or Mark or Aaron. But I'd never tell them. Not in a million years!" "You know there's other places to find out about sex. Like the Internet." "I could never do that. Our computer is in the family room on purpose so my parents can see what I'm doing, and I'm not allowed to use the computer unless they're home. Even if I did, they got a program on it that blocks that sort of stuff, and besides, they always check if I've used it when they come back home, and they make sure I know they're checking. They don't trust me." Lucas found himself on the verge of tears again though for a totally different reason, but this time anger prevented that from happening. "Well, my parents don't have any blocking programs or anything like that, and they don't have any rules about not using the computer when they're not home, and they're not home now," Billy said with a grin. "They don't check when they come home?" "No. Besides, I know how to erase the memory so they can't tell if I wanted to." "I don't even know what they check or how they do it." "I can show you. And we can look at some sex sites if you want to." "Okay," Lucas replied. It was not an enthusiastic endorsement of Billy's suggestion, and though he did smile, it was a slight one, and forced. Looking at porn sites was not something that Lucas was particularly interested in. He knew that was still another difference between him and other boys, boys like Billy and Mark and Aaron. In fact he only agreed because it got them farther off the topic of whom Billy liked better and hopefully he'd forget he'd even asked the question. Besides, it was an interest he assumed Billy had, and he wanted very badly to share in something Billy liked doing like Mark was. Actually, it was not something Billy did normally, nor that he particularly enjoyed doing. Of course he had been curious what was out there, especially what with all the talk about it, mostly by adults or in the newspaper or on TV talk shows, and so he'd looked, and quickly found there was nothing of interest to him. With Bobby, Billy Bob, the friends he'd made during his annual summer holiday to the Tetons, and now Mark, he was getting all the sex a healthy twelve-year-old boy needed, and there was nothing on the Internet that he didn't already know or couldn't ask his boylover, or his parents, about. Like most boys he was Internet-wise and knew how to find things, not that porn was that difficult for anyone to find. They spent the next half hour viewing sites of naked boys sunning themselves and posing in every suggestive pose imaginable, boys jerking themselves, and pairs, threesomes or even larger groups of boys jerking, fucking and sucking each other. Of course they could have just as easily spent their time at sites of women, or sites of men and women, but that was of no interest to Billy and after a half dozen pictures of women with big breasts and with their legs spread to reveal their pussies, which they usually spread apart with their fingers besides to reveal inside, which was really gross, he could tell Lucas wasn't interested either. He could understand that. They all looked much the same to him, just like once you saw one closeup of a guy with his dick in a woman's cunt what more was there to see? He could have found sites of older men or of any fetish he or Lucas could imagine, and many they'd never heard of, but that was of no interest to him either and he suspected that would shock Lucas even more than the pictures of pussies had. So he steered their search to sites of teenage boys, not with any intention of influencing Lucas in any way, but because that was what he found most enjoyable. Lucas's eyes were popping out of his head within minutes after they began, and that wasn't the only thing that had popped out by the end of the half hour. "Looks like someone's got a boner," Billy observed with a grin. The blood rushed from Lucas's groin to his head, but he had a lot of blood, and enough remained below to maintain his erection. It was difficult to think with his mind in shock over the filthy pictures he'd seen and with his dick demanding his attention, besides the embarrassment of Billy having noticed his condition, but he did have enough presence of mind to glance down at Billy's crotch and notice he was in the same condition. "Yeah, it does," he managed to say. "So. You wanna do something about it?" "No! I wasn't being insulting or anything, I just meant, well-," Lucas responded in a fluster, mistaking Billy's comment as meaning 'you want to make something out of it?' After Billy's angry reaction to his question about liking Mark better he was especially sensitive to Billy's comments. "No, no, I didn't mean it that way. I meant the two of us, you know," Billy explained, looking at Lucas with a suggestive leer. It was Lucas's turn to pause to think. He had seen a lot of things that guys could do together in the last half hour, things he'd never have imagined in a hundred years, and things he'd thought were just insults, not things guys actually did. The problem wasn't which one to choose, but that he didn't know if he wanted to do any of them. What he had seen had aroused him, but it had also frightened him. It was a totally new and foreboding world to him. There was also the matter of his parents. If they ever found out the sort of stuff he had been looking at with Billy they'd never let him see Billy again, and even worse, they'd tell Billy's parents what they'd done and get him in trouble besides. If they found out they'd actually done any one of the things he'd seen he couldn't even imagine the severity of his punishment, and though Billy's parents might not be concerned about what he looked at on the Internet, they'd surely punish him for actually doing any of that stuff and it would all be his fault if they found out. Besides, they were not just his parents' values but his too. He'd been raised with them. Nudity and sex were sinful and dirty and just plain wrong. Just looking at pictures and thinking about them for the past half hour had filled him with lust, and with guilt and shame besides. He couldn't possibly expose his privates in the condition he was in, and he certainly couldn't do any of those things he'd seen! "We don't have to," Billy said, seeing the look on Lucas's face. Lucas glanced at the computer screen. It had reverted back to the screen saver, a family picture of Billy and his parents. "What sort of something?" he asked hesitantly, his heart pounding high in his chest. "Anything," Billy said, trying to be helpful by leaving the choice wide open but doing just the opposite. "What would you like to do?" Lucas asked softly. Billy knew instantly what he'd like to do, and for a moment he felt just like Michael and Edward had described that summer, the dizziness, the weakness in his thighs, the overwhelming and urgent desire between his legs, the spreading of that desire until his whole body was aching, and then it was gone as fast as it had come upon him. He shook his head. Screwing each other's ass like he and Mark were doing would be wicked, but he knew Lucas was nowhere near ready to try something like that. If he suggested it he would probably scare Lucas off. It had to be something less intimate and less threatening, a lot less threatening. "You ever jack off with someone else?" Lucas shook his head in the negative. "We can try that if you want." "Okay," Lucas said weakly. He was too embarrassed to tell Billy he'd never jacked off, not ever. He'd learned long ago, when he'd been caught fiddling with himself when he was four and had his knuckles rapped, that a boy didn't touch himself down there. He'd been told what a wicked, filthy boy he was and that he'd go to hell if he ever did it again. Even before that he'd learned that his dick was dirty and a guy had to wash his hands after touching himself there regardless if he peed or not. Sure he'd sometimes squeezed his dick when he woke up and it was hard, but that was to ease the pain of being hard until he could get to the bathroom and pee and get it soft again, and sometimes he stroked it, no more than three or four strokes, to coax it to pee when it was hard like that. That wasn't the same as playing with it. Of course he'd heard other guys talking about it, mostly as something dirty and as a joke, something real men didn't do, just nerds or guys who couldn't make out with girls. There was still the hint though, despite the talk, that all boys did it, all boys except him. He was curious. It did feel great squeezing it when it was hard and stroking it the few times that he did. It would be great to jack off with another boy to see how he did it and be sure he was doing it right, and there would be nobody safer to do it with than Billy. It would be exciting besides, but it was wrong, and frightening. Jacking off was something a boy wasn't supposed to do, not ever, and certainly not in front of another boy. That was filthy. The idea of doing it to another boy, and having another boy doing his was even filthier, and an even worse sin than doing yourself, and he was pretty sure illegal on top of it. He didn't want to go to hell, and he certainly didn't want to go to jail. His parents would die of embarrassment if he was arrested for jacking off another guy. He'd die of embarrassment. Doing it to another guy was more enticing than doing yourself though, and the boys in the pictures looked like they were having fun. Everything that wasn't allowed looked and sounded like fun. Lucas didn't know what to think. He really did want to do something with Billy, because he wanted to remain Billy's friend, and because he sensed Billy wanted to do it, and because he didn't want Billy to think he was a wimp, but as much as he wanted Billy's friendship, he didn't want a friendship based on doing things that weren't right. Whichever way Billy had meant it, to do themselves or to do each other, Lucas didn't know which one he would prefer, or if he really wanted to do either even though he'd said yes. Billy didn't seem concerned about doing it. Of course Billy was a lot more daring than he was. Lucas pressed his lips together and inhaled deeply as he followed Billy up to his bedroom, all those thoughts and worries and hopes a jumble in his mind. As they pushed down their jeans and underwear and sat down side by side on the edge of Billy's bed, he still didn't know what Billy's intention was. They were both still hard and though he knew Billy was larger than any other boy he'd ever seen, Lucas was surprised just how large Billy's was when it was hard, and a bit ashamed of how small his was even if Billy didn't seem to have noticed. Billy's skin had slipped back a bit, exposing the top half of his knob. Lucas's still clung to his knob, totally covering the bulge, and he wondered why the difference. Was it because Billy jacked off and he didn't? Could a guy tell if another jacked off that way? His heart had begun racing even faster as they'd pulled down their flies and had pushed down their pants and underwear, and it was pumping even harder now. He could feel it in his chest. He'd always been self-conscious as far back as he could remember, but never in his life had he felt as self-conscious as he did that moment. It was even worse than when he had to strip down and shower after gym class. In the showers he kept his eyes straight ahead no matter what was going on so guys couldn't accuse him of checking other guys out, and so he wouldn't accidentally see another guy's privates, and he tried not to think of naked guys or sex so he wouldn't pop a boner, and he got out of the showers as fast as he could. He didn't know where to look now. He knew where he wanted to, but that would be perverted, and to just look straight ahead would be dumb. As for thinking, he couldn't think about anything else but sex, not that it mattered now that he had a bone on, and he couldn't very well just get up and leave though he wanted to. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed Billy look down as he reached over and held his dick between his thumb and first two fingers and pulled his foreskin the rest of the way down off his knob. Lucas looked down at his dick as he did likewise, relieved and disappointed. On the one hand he was relieved that Billy had meant doing it to themselves, but at the same time he was disappointed that they weren't going to do each other and that he wasn't going to find out what another guy's dick felt like, or what it would be like to have someone else hold his. He felt an ache in his heart. What a filthy thought that was. He was really a pervert and was glad Billy couldn't read his thoughts. Billy would never want to be his friend if he knew what he'd been dreading, and hoping, they'd do. Sitting side by side and looking down at yourself made it easy to glance out of the corner of your eye at the person beside you. Billy took full advantage of that as he slowly pushed his foreskin back up over his knob. Lucas had a nice looking dick, with a flanged knob just like his own. It was a lot paler, even paler than his white belly, which looked even whiter with his tan line. He wondered if Lucas noticed he didn't have a tan line. It was great being able to run around nude in the summer and feeling the sun and the wind on your stomach and your ass, and on your dick and your balls. He wasn't as fanatic about nudity as Billy Bob, who would prefer being naked twenty-four hours a day, three hundred and sixty five days a year, but he did enjoy it in the summer and especially out in the Tetons. He slowly pulled his skin back again, keeping his eyes on Lucas's dick. It was smaller than his of course. He'd checked out guys in the showers at school and at the swimming pool. Every guy his age had a dick smaller than his, and many guys in older grades too, even some in high school. Lucas's was smaller than Mark's also, probably four inches [10 cm] he figured, which was twice the size it was soft. It looked sort of cute and innocent, which was fitting in a way. Lucas looked cute and innocent too, with his delicate, effeminate features and long blond hair. His balls were smaller too, smaller than Billy Bob's, but of course Billy Bob's were special. He noticed Lucas jacked off using his first two fingers and his thumb, just like he and Mark did. Bobby liked to wrap his whole fist about his cock when he did himself, and he'd noticed a lot of men did it that way, and older teenagers too. He sometimes used his whole fist too when he did Bobby. He suspected adults and older teens did it that way because they have much bigger dicks. He was glad he'd suggested that they jack off. Lucas seemed to be comfortable with it, which was important, and it gave him a good chance to see Lucas's cock, and for Lucas to see his. He, Lucas and Mark were in the same physical education class and he noticed in the lockers and in the showers Lucas never horsed around and never glanced at anyone else. He stroked himself slowly. It was great having sex with someone new, exciting in a way. He always especially liked the first time with someone and when he was by himself he often thought about those first times as he jerked off. Now he was going to have another first to add to the others. He leaned back and concentrated on the pleasure throbbing between his thumb and first two fingers, but not so far back that he couldn't keep an eye on Lucas jerking his own dick. It was so hot watching someone else bringing themselves that special boy pleasure. Seeing Billy lean back, Lucas did likewise, copying his every movement, guiltily stealing glances over at his hand and his dick. He was so glad Billy had suggested they look at the Internet and he had agreed. He wouldn't have gotten a boner otherwise. He was glad Billy had noticed it and had suggested they do something, and he was so glad he'd agreed. Especially he was glad he'd asked about sex ed class. That was what had started it all. He could not help smiling. It was not that often that he was so content with himself and what he'd done. And to think he'd almost not asked about Billy preferring Mark's friendship. He had been so scared, and none of this might have happened if he hadn't. And to think he'd wanted to chicken out about jacking off together, and would have had he been brave enough. He'd been scared and doubtful when they'd first started, and filled with guilt and shame engaging in such a sinful and perverted act, not just in private, but openly in front of another boy. But his cock felt great. It was swollen and throbbing and the knob was tingling and itching with arousal as he slowly slid his foreskin down and off his knob and then pushed it back up over it. They had to have been doing it for at least a minute now, maybe even two, maybe sixty or even a hundred strokes, and the itching was totally delightful and totally unbelievable. Billy paused occasionally and he did too, and when he stopped his cock ached and itched so badly he couldn't wait to resume stroking it, and it felt so much better stroking it after they paused. He would never have known to do that. Billy was so smart and he was so glad he was there that he could copy and learn from him. Lucas inhaled deeply. It was so hot sitting there watching Billy stroking his stiff cock. That was the greatest part of it all, doing it with someone else, sharing something that was so secret and private, knowing they were finding as much pleasure in stroking their dick as you were, and knowing that the pleasure they were feeling was the same as you were feeling. That was totally fucking hot! Lucas grinned even wider. He never, ever swore; he didn't even think dirty words. As Billy speeded up so did Lucas, not consciously copying him but speeding up naturally in response to the increased itching of his dick. It seemed that the faster he stroked it the more it itched, and the more it itched the faster he wanted to stroke it. He didn't realize it, but he was beginning to breathe more heavily also and his desire doubled with each stroke. He could not believe how great it was. Then suddenly his cock went numb and he felt sort of a twang somewhere, maybe in his balls or deep in his loins, he wasn't sure, as if something had shifted. His cock seemed even more swollen than before, and it seemed harder to pull his skin back and push it up. He concentrated as he carefully and cautiously pulled his foreskin down and felt the same movement, though he still wasn't sure where. He immediately stopped. Had he hurt himself? Had he been going too fast? Had he done it too long? Billy was still doing his, but his was bigger. Fear and apprehension quickly replaced the intense pleasure he'd been feeling. He realized he'd been holding his breath. He released it, along with the choke hold he had on his swollen dick. "Had enough?" Billy asked, surprised, and disappointed. Lucas couldn't have orgasmed yet, though he had to be close. He was. "My pee-my dick is starting to feel funny." He almost said the baby word pee-er. That would have been totally embarrassing. "It's . . . sort of lost its feeling. And I think I felt something moving, down here." He pressed against the right side of his pubes. "That's the best part." "It is?" "Haven't you ever gone all the way?" Billy asked, so surprised he couldn't hide the disbelief in his voice. "What's all the way mean?" "When you have an orgasm." "I can't produce sperm yet." "Have a dry orgasm." "I don't think so." "Oh, you'd know if you've had an orgasm," Billy observed seriously. "How long do you normally do it?" "I don't normally do it," Lucas admitted, too concerned about what had happened to lie. "When you do do it, how long do you do it for?" "Three or four strokes, maybe six," Lucas said with a shrug. "This is actually the first time you've jacked off?" Billy asked, his eyes widening. That was an even bigger surprise than the fact Lucas had never had an orgasm. Lucas blushed as he nodded. "That's so fucking wicked!" he exclaimed. His lips curled into a huge grin. "This is so fucking hot!" "You don't have to stop." "Let's finish together." He saw the look of apprehension on Lucas's face and he understood. "It's okay," he said reassuringly. "Really, what you're feeling is what you're supposed to feel. You're gonna love what happens next. You're really gonna love it. Trust me." Despite Billy's reassurance and his trust in him, Lucas hesitated. He had no idea what to expect "next," and that scared him, but he was curious, and Billy clearly did it 'all the way' so knew what he was doing, and he'd be there if anything did go wrong. How his dick had felt had frightened him, but it had been awesome too, and it had evidently supposed to go that way. Billy knew about it. "All right," he agreed, slipping his first two fingers and thumb about his stiff dick again, his curiosity getting the best of him. It did not take long for the two twelve-year-olds to reach the point they were at before. Still apprehensive, Lucas continued rubbing his stiff cock, more slowly now, and wondered just what happened when you went 'all the way' and how you knew when you got there. Billy, finding it particularly hot that this was Lucas's first experience and that he was about to have his first ever orgasm right there beside him, went as slow as he could, but knowing the situation, he reached his climax much faster than he normally would have and he couldn't hold it back. As he felt himself approaching the end, he put his thoughts about Lucas aside and concentrated on the building pressure between his legs and the numb throbbing of his swollen cock. He squirmed in anticipation and began to pump his fingers faster as the pressure grew and he began breathing deeply and irregularly. As the first sharp pang of orgasm ripped up his swollen cock he arched his back and threw back his head with a gasp and his body began to jerk convulsively. He gasped for breath and openly and unabashedly groaned with his pleasure as his heart pumped furiously and his dick head ached with that awesome, painful pleasure. The rim of his knob burned with a fierce itch and he pumped his thumb and fingers up and down rapidly in a futile attempt to satisfy the irritation, his pleasure just as awesome as the first time he'd ever orgasmed. Billy was still in the throes of his climax when Lucas's began. Apprehensive and frightened by Billy's seizure-like behaviour, the novice masturbator would have stopped again had he been able to but suddenly a sharp, burning sensation raced up the core of his swollen dick and it was out of his control. It felt like he was going to piss and he tried to stop it but he couldn't, and nothing came out anyway. His knob felt like the skin was being pealed off and his nuts had swollen up into a tight ball beneath his aching cock. As he tensed and arched his back with the exquisite and never before felt combination of pleasure and pain, the muscle on the inside of his right thigh began to quiver and his body began to jerk uncontrollably. He inhaled sharply and began to thrust his hips to and fro, thrusting his stiff, burning cock forward and upward and drawing it back and down, furiously fucking his fingers and thumb, his arm having become paralysed by surprise and his mind instinctively finding an alternative. Shock after shock of what he could not determine was pain or pleasure shot up his swollen dick and he gasped and grunted and snorted, unable to breathe, unable to control his body. It was as frightening as it was wonderful. "Oh fuck," he gasped, "oh holy fuck!" Glancing over at Billy, he flushed a bright red as his chest heaved and fell and his heart felt like it was going to burst. Never in his life had he ever swore before, and certainly not that most vulgar of words. His long, blond hair covering his face and his slender, delicate fingers grasping his swollen, pulsating cock, he stared down at his aching cock, open-mouthed and dazed. His orgasm had been the most awesome, the most beautiful, the most frightening thing he'd ever experienced, and having experienced it with his best friend made it even better. Seeing Billy's knowing smile, Lucas flushed an even brighter red and returned the smile. He was so fortunate to have a friend like Billy. Billy easily convinced Lucas to have a sleep over and Lucas eagerly and excitedly phoned his parents for permission. His joy immediately plummeted when his mother reprimanded him for not coming home before then despite the fact they lived right across the street and it wasn't a school night, and for waiting so late to phone for permission to sleep over. When she asked to speak to Billy's mother his heart sank. He knew she'd be furious when she found out Billy's parents had not been at home and that the two of them had been unsupervised. Fortunately for the boys Billy's parents had decided to return home right after the movie, his mother now three months pregnant and though no longer nauseous still tiring quickly, and they were coming in the door at that very moment. Even more fortunately, Billy's mother, who had no concerns about a sleep over, didn't mention anything about them having been out. And most fortunately of all, Billy's kid sister had fallen asleep in the family room curled up with her Barbie dolls. The boys had totally forgotten about her! It being a Friday and for babysitting his kid sister, Billy's parents let them stay up a bit later than usual. Going down to the family room, they all played the adventure board game Billy had gotten for his birthday from his grandparents, his parents totally unaware of the adventure the two boys had just prior to their return home, and his parents let the two boys play one of his video games for a while. Finally after a snack of hot cocoa and cookies, they went up to Billy's room for bed. Stripping off their clothes and slipping on their pajamas, Lucas having run across the street to get his and his toothbrush, the two boys crawled under the blankets and continued to talk until Billy's mother called up to tell them it was time to put out the light and go to sleep. "I had a great time tonight," Lucas whispered. "Yeah, me too," Billy whispered back. "What was your favourite?" he asked with an impish grin. Lucas's blush and his wide grin and the sparkle in his eyes didn't need a verbal response. "Mine too," he whispered with a wider grin and Lucas giggled. "You wanna do it again, or try something else?" Lucas glanced at the closed door of their bedroom. "What about your parents?" "That'd be kinky, but I don't think they'd join us," Billy responded impishly. Lucas giggled and Billy joined him. "Boys! Time for sleeping!" The boys stifled their laughter with great difficulty and just when they had things under control one would snort and they had to fight the giggles all over again. They finally lay there silently, both recalling the evening, and one event in particular. Being young and healthy, their bodies responded immediately, thought alone being enough to raise their young flesh. "You still awake?" Billy whispered. "Yeah." It had only been five minutes though it seemed much longer. "What you thinking about?" Billy asked, knowing very well what the answer would be. "Guess." In response, Billy reached over and to Lucas's surprise laid his hand on Lucas's crotch. "Feels like I guessed right," Billy whispered, squeezing the solid tube he'd found. Nobody had ever touched him down there and nobody was supposed to. He knew he should push Billy's hand away, but it was outside his pajamas, and it was daring, and until this evening, he'd never really done anything daring in his life. "And what were you thinking about?" he asked. "Guess." Lucas's response was immediate and something only six hours ago he'd never ever have thought he'd ever do. "Feels like I guessed right too," he whispered as he squeezed the rigid flesh gently, unable to believe he was being so bold and acting so dirty. It felt good, damn good. Feeling Billy's fingers and thumb squeeze his stiff dick more tightly and slowly begin to stroke it from outside his pajamas, Lucas did likewise. Billy's cock felt humongous, even bigger than it looked. It was certainly way longer and fatter than his own. He wished his was that big. His heart was pumping rapidly with excitement and anticipation once again. It felt good having Billy squeezing his stiff dick and stroking it, and it was exciting doing the same to his. As they slowly stroked each other, Lucas concentrated on the pleasure pulsating through his stiff organ and as Billy's swollen cock throbbed in his fingers he knew Billy was feeling the same pleasure. Rolling over onto his left side into a more comfortable position, Billy slowly slipped his right hand up along Lucas's stomach to the elastic band of his pajamas bottoms and then under his pajamas tops. He continued up along his ribs and over his chest to his left nipple. Lucas flinched as Billy's fingertips touched his teat but he made no attempt to stop him. Billy slowly and tenderly caressed the sensitive little bud, barely touching it with the tips of his fingers, and it quickly responded, growing hard beneath his feather-light caress. Lucas squirmed with the strange, new irritation of his now swollen nipple, surprised how aroused it was getting him. He'd heard of guys playing with a girl's tits, but he'd never heard of a guy playing with another guy's. He stroked Billy's swollen cock more firmly. Unbuttoning Lucas's pajamas tops, Billy caressed his smooth, soft chest. He loved to entwine his fingers in his lover's thick chest hairs and to twirl them, but he found caressing a smooth, hairless chest was erotic too, especially when it was the chest of one of his best friends. He slowly slipped his hand back down, working down the centre of his body to the elastic band of his pajamas bottom. He slowly slipped his fingers inside the band and caressed Lucas's belly button with the tips of his fingers, causing him to squirm and whisper that it was ticklish. He continued on down over Lucas's flat stomach, along beside the rigid tube of flesh and over his smooth pubes to his thigh. He caressed it with the same feather-light touch, causing Lucas to arch his back and quiver with excitement. Removing his hand from inside Lucas's pyjamas, he reached down and taking Lucas's right hand, which had been slowly and rhythmically stroking his stiff cock, he withdrew it and then guided the fingertips under the elastic band of his own pyjamas. When Billy had bypassed his stiff cock and gone on to his thigh, Lucas had at first been disappointed, having been wondering what it would be like to have his best friend stroking his cock inside his pyjamas instead of outside them and having been looking forward to it, and then he'd been even more surprised how horny Billy was getting him by caressing his thigh. When he had stopped and slipped his hand back out of his pajamas, and then had reached over and stopped his hand from stroking Billy's cock he'd been even more disappointed, thinking Billy had enough, or worse, that he wasn't enjoying it. When he realized Billy's reason his heart leaped with unbelievable happiness, and when he felt Billy's hot hand once again slip inside his own pyjamas and over his stomach to this time grasp his swollen dick, he was sure nothing would make him happier. It was so wickedly filthy having his best friend wrap his fingers about his stiff dick and begin stroking it. Boys were not supposed to touch themselves down there, and certainly not let other boys touch them, but another boy was touching him, and stroking him, and it felt wonderful. Not only that, he had his fingers wrapped about another boy's cock, that most private and according to his parents filthiest part of his body, and that felt wonderful too. Billy's cock felt so hard, like a steel pipe, and so much longer than his own. Lucas inhaled deeply with excitement. They were stroking each other, bringing each other that forbidden, secret pleasure that adults would deny them bringing themselves, never mind each other. Billy once again removed his hand and this time began to push down Lucas's pyjamas bottoms. Lucas readily raised his hips and helped with his left hand, his right still inside Billy's pyjamas. Pushing them down to mid thigh, the two of them similarly pushed Billy's pyjamas bottoms down. Wiggling down a bit further under the blankets, and again laying on his left side, Billy skipped his lips over Lucas's smooth chest, kissing it lightly and gently as they made their way over to Lucas's left nipple. Fastening them to the sensitive bud, he sucked on it gently and ran the tip of his tongue over it, causing it to become hard once again. At the same time he reached down and cupped Lucas's damp, hairless balls and rolled them in his fingers. Rolling over on his right side, Lucas squirmed with the combination of pleasure and pain emanating from his irritated nipple, his cock twitching with a similar arousal as he caressed Billy's strong, muscular back and his smooth, compact buttocks with his left hand. Squirming a bit further up once more, Billy again took Lucas's slender, stiff cock in his hand and began to stroke it, and Lucas immediately slipped his hand around Billy's hip and took Billy's own stiff cock in his hand again also. "So," Billy whispered, his voice thick and husky, "you wanna jerk each other, or try something else?" Lucas looked over him at the closed door. "They've gone to bed. Mom's three months pregnant now and gets tired. They won't come upstairs. And even if they did, they wouldn't come in with the door closed without knocking first. They respect my privacy." Billy slipped his hand back down to Lucas's balls and cupped them once again. As he caressed them with the tips of his fingers, Lucas considered how lucky Billy was. His own parents didn't believe a kid was entitled to any privacy. When he had friends over, which was rare, he had to leave his door open, and when he had a sleep over, which was rarer yet, not only did he have to leave his door open but they set up a cot for his friend. Never in a million years would they let them sleep in the same bed. He cupped Billy's balls in his hand and rolled the tender, sensitive eggs in their loose skin. How he wished his were that big. He couldn't believe he was actually holding another guy's nuts, and another guy was holding his. For that matter, he couldn't believe what they'd done that evening, and what he'd seen guys doing with each other. He couldn't even imagine what doing those other things would be like. "Something else," he whispered, surprised how husky his own voice was, and even more surprised at his daring response. It was not like him to make snap decisions, and certainly not such bold ones. "What?" "Whatever you'd like to do." What he'd like to do flashed in Billy's mind once again, and once again he felt a tremendous surge between his legs, a lust so strong not just his dick but his entire body ached. Not only did he feel the desire deep in his balls, but in his mind and in his heart, which, like Billy Bob had described, felt like it was going to explode. It was like the moment he'd seeded Mark, maybe even stronger if that was possible. His cock throbbed with the thought and seemed to swell even more than it had already swollen, and as his blood rushed down to fill his expanding dick he felt light headed and the room spun dizzily. This was what Edward and Michael had talked about and what Billy Bob had tried to explain. Rolling over and opening the drawer to his night stand, he took out his box of Star Wars action figures and took out his tube of KY. Pushing back the sheets and blankets, Billy pushed his pajamas bottoms the rest of the way down and kicked them off. Propping his pillows up, he had Lucas remove his pajamas bottoms also and then lay on his back with his hips on the pillows. Lucas inhaled deeply as he watched Billy lube up his stiff cock, wondering if he'd been wise saying he'd do anything Billy wanted to do. It was evident what his choice was, and though Lucas had been amazed to see pictures of boys doing it and had found the idea of boys fucking each other extremely erotic, now as he was about to find out just how erotic it was, he wasn't sure he wanted to. His heart was racing as Billy told him to pull apart his ass cheeks, but instead of telling Billy he'd changed his mind he obediently did so, and he pushed out with his stomach muscles like he was taking a shit as Billy instructed. He inhaled deeply again and held his breath as he felt Billy's finger pressing against his butthole, and he was sure his heart stopped beating as he felt Billy's finger penetrate him. It felt very strange, and when Billy twisted his finger around, he had to admit it felt not that unpleasant. Removing his index finger, Billy did the same with his middle finger, and removing it he wiped his fingers off with Kleenex from the box he kept beside his bed. This was evidently not Billy's first time, and Lucas could not help wondering if he did this with Mark, and if that was why they were always glancing at each other and wishing they were alone. It made sense. He might also be doing it with Aaron, though that seemed less likely, Aaron seeming to be the least close of the four of them. Kneeling between his legs, Billy told him to push out with his stomach again. Inhaling deeply once again with increased anxiety and apprehension, Lucas did so as he felt what had to be Billy's hard, greased knob press against his butthole. It was big, way bigger than his finger, than both of his fingers together actually. As he felt it slowly stretching open his anus, he pushed out harder, trying desperately to open his anus. Like every other boy, he'd been envious of Billy's size, but at the moment he wished that he was not so well hung. Unable to hold his breath any longer, and actually, having been unaware he'd been holding it, he exhaled and quickly inhaled deeply again as Billy strained to insert his cock. It hurt, but if Mark had been able to take it, then he would too. They were the original three musketeers, one for all and all for one. Panting and grunting, he closed his eyes and concentrated, pushing out harder and harder as he felt his anus stretching wider and wider. Suddenly the stretching stopped and lessened, not totally, but less. Billy's knob had popped inside him. He could feel it just inside his rectum, like a big, hard turd. Billy paused and gasped for breath. Lucas had been tight, tighter than Mark his first time, but they had succeeded and he knew the most difficult part was over. He waited, allowing his breathing to return to normal, not just out of fear his parents might hear, but more to allow his desire to subside so he could fully enjoy what he was about to do, and so Lucas could fully enjoy it too. He remembered the first time he'd gotten his ass stuffed, and how awesome, and how overpowering, that had been. Of course that had been with Bobby's big fat monster. His was nowhere near that size, but still, he knew how big his must be feeling for Lucas. After what seemed like forever, he slowly sank his cock the rest of the way up Lucas's rectum until his thighs and balls were pressing against Lucas's smooth backside. He looked down into Lucas's deep blue eyes and smiled, and a curl slowly curled Lucas's lips as he smiled back. The fine-featured, blond-haired twelve year old could not believe it. Billy had stuck his dick up him, right up as far as he could, farther than his longest finger, and it felt great! He released his breath and inhaled deeply again. Billy had penetrated him with his dick, like a guy penetrates a girl-well, not exactly like a guy penetrates a girl, but it was the same idea. To his surprise, he did not mind that, not at all. As Billy slowly pulled back, his anus burned with a stimulation similar to when he did number two but stronger, and when Billy shoved his cock back up his rectum his anus burned even more. Billy whispered for him to clench his anus shut whenever he drew back, and to relax when he shoved his dick back in. Lucas was surprised at the difference that made, how much better that felt. He wondered where Billy had learned these things. As Billy slowly pumped his cock in and out of asshole, Lucas lay there clenching and relaxing his sphincter. They were fucking, the two of them. That, he'd been told, was the most intimate act a man and woman could engage in, an act so special it was to be engaged in not only just by adults but only by a husband and wife, and only for the purpose of making a baby. This had to be the most intimate and special act two guys could engage in also, even more intimate than fiddling with each other's dick and balls, and he'd willingly and happily have Billy's baby if he could. That would really be wicked! Lucas shook his head. He could not believe how perverted he'd become! He inhaled and exhaled deeply as Billy ever so slowly pumped his cock in and out of his asshole. It felt so huge, so hard, and he could feel it throbbing deep inside him. His rectum was throbbing too, in time with the beating of Billy's stiff cock, in time with Billy's heart, in time with his own heart, in time with his own stiff, aching cock. It was totally awesome, even more awesome than jacking off. His head spun. This was a night for awesome experiences and he wanted it to never end. He reached down and slipping his index finger and thumb about his swollen dick, he began to stroke it just like he'd seen guys doing while getting their asses fucked in the pictures he and Billy had looked at on the Internet. He was having sex just like the guys on the Internet! That was so fucking hot, and felt so fucking great! He really was a perv. The no longer so innocent twelve year old shuddered with never before known pleasure as lust coursed through his veins and throbbed through his cock and his pounding heart. He clenched and relaxed his anus in time with Billy's thrusts and withdrawals, and as Billy gradually began to speed up he clenched and relaxed faster too, his own arousal and excitement growing. This was no new act for Billy, but it was his first time with Lucas which made it special, and knowing it was Lucas's first time ever made it even more special. He remembered so long ago the first time Bobby had fucked his ass and how hot it had been, and how hot Bobby had been. He'd banged him so hard they'd moved his bed! And now, he realized, he was banging Lucas just as hard. He was ramming his aching cock up his ass as hard and as far as he could, and drawing it back as far as he could too so his next lunge would be as long as he could make it. This had to be how Bobby had been feeling their first time. And Lucas was constricting his anus and relaxing it in time with him just as he'd told him to. He had to be enjoying it just as much. Not only that, he was jacking himself off totally on his own accord and for only the second time in his life. That was so fucking hot. Billy inhaled and exhaled deeply, his body beginning to sweat with his arousal and his exertion. Life was wonderful, and sex was fucking beautiful. Lucas was sweating too, and gasping with the pleasures assaulting his mind. His cock was swollen and itching again like when he'd jacked himself off and he wanked on it furiously and desperately as if trying to satisfy the itch ringing his knob but only succeeding in making it all the itchier. His anus was burning with the same itch, a ring of fire about Billy's thick, pistoning cock. His rectum was throbbing hotly in time with Billy's swollen dick, and there was a spot somewhere inside him that was sending sparks of arousal to his balls each time Billy's knob brushed against it, once on the way in and once on the way out. It was wonderful. Billy was banging him furiously now, pressing him down into the pillows and mattress and drawing him back to the edge of the pillows as he withdrew. The harder he was fucked the more his anus burned, and the more his anus burned the harder Billy fucked and the harder he wanked on his erection. It was as if they were racing to be the first to have an orgasm, his anus, his cock, and Billy. In his mind the three merged as one, his cock, his anus, and Billy's cock, all throbbing as one, all aching and itching. For some reason, in the middle of it all, he wondered if this was how his mother felt when she was getting fucked, and he concluded that it was not. There was no way she would enjoy sex this much. There was no way any woman could. His breath coming in short pants and grunts now, Lucas felt the pressure escalating in his loins once again, but this time it was accompanied by a throbbing pleasure pulsating out from his anus and his rectum also. Tighter and tighter he was being wound and he wanked desperately on his throbbing, now benumbed, cock, aching to bring himself off again, aching to experience that mysterious, powerful, frightening peak of pleasure and pain once more, at the same time clenching his anus shut and opening it as if desperate to have the same orgasm up his asshole. He ached so badly for it his entire body was on edge. Tighter and tighter he felt himself being wound, so tight he felt like a bomb about to explode. His climax struck him just as suddenly and unexpectedly as the first time, and if possible, it felt even more awesome and more pleasurable. His body jerked and thrashed uncontrollably as it struck, ripping up the core of his swollen, aching cock like a rip cord was being pulled through it. His peehole burned as he opened and closed it, feeling like he had to piss but his bladder was empty. The rim of his cock itched as if the skin had been pealed from it like one peals the skin from a grape, and it felt just as raw. His anus burned with the same intensity as deep up his rectum he felt Billy's hot, hard cock throbbing and suddenly something shoot out of it and penetrate even deeper up his rectum. He thrust his hips upward and crashed them back down, bouncing so hard on the bed it was a miracle it did not break as Billy rode him as a cowboy might ride a wild bucking bronco. It was sweet! Billy could not believe how hard Lucas bucked and thrashed about and he clung onto his twisting, heaving body as Lucas thrust his hips up and sank back down on the pillows with his powerful orgasm, his second that night. Billy's own orgasm struck while Lucas was still in the midst of his, and as Lucas bucked and thrashed below him he rammed his ass with his aching, throbbing cock, sometimes thrusting forward as Lucas thrust up, causing them to crash against each other, sometimes thrusting down as Lucas sank down and pushing Lucas even further into the pillows and mattress. And in the midst of their two orgasms, he felt the mysterious twang deep in his groin and the strange burning sensation as he felt something race up the core of his aching, throbbing cock and shoot out the burning tip and he knew it had to be his seed! His thighs were weak and quivering and he teetered on his knees dizzily, his head spinning as Lucas and his bed and his bedroom blurred and began to spin and to throb in time with his swollen cock. It was like he was one big throbbing cock, or inside a hot, pulsating rectum. It was the weirdest and wildest sensation he'd ever felt and an orgasm like none he'd ever had before. Life was mysterious, and very, very good. The two lay side by side for the longest time, neither able to speak, neither able to remember separating, only one cataclysmic event imprinted on their minds. Their thin, smooth chests rose and fell as they gasped for breath, their moist lips parted, their eyes glazed, their entire bodies seeming to pulsate in time with their hearts. "So," Billy said a long time later, "you wanna try doing me?" Do it again? How many times could a guy orgasm in a night? in a life? Do it again, this time with him fucking Billy's ass? He'd never taken a dominant role in anything in his life. This was the most unbelievable night of his life and it just kept getting more and more unbelievable. His brain and senses frazzled from his last orgasm and still a long way from recovery, Lucas nodded in a numbed daze, unable to speak, unable to believe any of this was really happening. He squeezed out a dab of KY and applied it to his limp dick, which quickly stiffened in response to his touch and in anticipation of still another new adventure. He had never been so hard so frequently for so long in all his twelve years. Billy assumed the same position as he had on the pillows, which Lucas numbly realized were still in the centre of the bed. The same position as he had taken-somehow that struck him as remarkably significant but his mind was too numbed at the time to catch it. He stuck first one greasy finger and then the other up Billy's eager ass. The inside of his ass was hot and velvety smooth, and in a minute he was going to be sticking his dick up it! His stiff, lubed dick jerked as if nodding in agreement and excitement and the thought of it agreeing with him caused him to giggle nervously. This wanking and fucking had obviously driven him insane. He'd heard that it would. Wiping off his fingers on Kleenex tissue, he had enough presence of mind to notice they were not coated with shit, much to his relief. Inhaling deeply and nervously, he knelt between Billy's outspread legs and shuffled forward. Billy reached down and helped guide Lucas's greased dick. It was a lot smaller than his own, and his hole was accustomed to taking Bobby's big sausage, with the result they united on their first attempt as if Lucas was a pro. Of course he was not, and knowing this was his very first time made what they were doing even hotter for both of them. There was something about engaging in an act for the very first time that made it extra special, and when it is between two good friends, even more special yet. As Lucas excitedly began to pump his hips to and fro, Billy concentrated on the pleasure of having his slender dick pumping in and out of his asshole and he reached up and began to stroke his own cock. He knew how Lucas was feeling at that moment, not just the unique pleasure he was feeling having his dick surrounded by hot, moist, tightly gripping ass flesh, but the pleasure of fucking someone for the very first time, the sense of achievement, of fulfilment, of being totally and completely male. The irregularity and speed of his strokes belied his inexperience, but that just made it all the more erotic. Lucas worked his swollen cock in and out of Billy's asshole in a daze. He could not believe it. He was actually fucking! He was performing that most intimate, and according to his parents most sacred, act, and he was performing it not with a woman but with a guy, and not with any guy but with his very best friend. He was fucking the ass of his very best friend! His cock was stiff again and throbbing and the head was burning and itching but fucking was nothing like jacking off. His cock was totally surrounded by hot, pulsating, moist flesh from the very tip to where it joined his body and it was being squeezed and released in time with his thrusts and withdrawals just like Billy had told him to do. This wasn't at all how he'd imagined fucking a cunt would be. It was better, a lot better. He'd heard guys talking in the lockers and to be truthful sticking his dick up a hot, hairy cunt dripping with twat juice had not exactly turned him on, and after seeing the gross closeup pictures on the Internet tonight, the idea had totally turned him off. An asshole was totally different from a cunt, and different from what he'd imagined also. It wasn't gross at all. He inhaled and exhaled deeply with pleasure as he sank his cock deep up Billy's ass and withdrew it. He couldn't imagine a girl working her cunt along with him like Billy was working his asshole. Actually, he couldn't imagine any girl spreading her legs for him at all. He wasn't a jock, and he wasn't popular and important, and those were the guys girls put out for, the type of girls guys were hot for anyway. Girls didn't put out for guys because of their brains. Actually they ignored him, or made fun of him, some of them because he looked more like a girl than they did. But he was no girl. He was a man, with the needs of a man, and he didn't need them now, none of them. He was fucking without them. He was fucking someone who wanted to be fucked, and who was enjoying it. He was fucking his very best friend, who had the looks and personality that made girls hot for him but he wasn't interested in them. Billy had chosen him! Billy could not help notice the look of contentment on Lucas's face. The best part of fucking in this position was being able to see the face of your partner, and from the look on Lucas's face, he was enjoying this immensely, and Billy knew it wasn't just the physical pleasure. He was enjoying it too, and not just because of the physical pleasure either, though that was a large part of it. He always enjoyed being fucked, and being fucked by one of his best friends was as good as it could possibly get. As he stroked his dick, he closed his eyes and concentrated on the pleasure of being a guy and of having a stiff, throbbing cock, and on the thrills that shot through a guy's knob when he stroked it, and as Lucas pumped his cock in and out of his asshole he concentrated on the pleasure of having his asshole stretched and of having his rectum stuffed with hot, hard, pulsating dick. He thought of the pleasure Lucas was feeling, pleasure because of him, and the pleasure a guy felt knowing the pleasure he was bringing another guy. When that other guy was one of your best buddies, it felt even better. He wasn't sure why he'd seeded Lucas, but it had been awesome and he was glad that he had even if Lucas never had a baby or ever had his ass fucked by a guy who could squirt. Lucas was beginning to breathe more heavily and irregularly and Billy knew what that meant. His eyes were half closed and his fine, long, blond hair had fallen forward and over his face. His lips were moist and parted, and his naked body was feverishly hot and damp with sweat. He had fine-boned, effeminate features, and they were accented even more in his nakedness. Billy was breathing heavily too and his body was hot and sweaty also. He inhaled deeply and the scent of hot boy flesh and sweat heightened his arousal. He threw his head back and concentrated on the pure pleasure of having his ass fucked, fucked by a no longer so innocent buddy who had lost his prune this night and was about to lose his virginity, both to him. He knew that despite all their bragging the loss of their virginity was not something many of his classmates could claim, and even fewer could claim they'd lost it to another boy. That was their loss. As he thought about that and about how lucky he was and how his dick and his rectum were pulsating with a pleasure many boys would never know, he reached his orgasm, and seconds later Lucas was jerking and groaning with his own. The two of them arched their backs and gasped for breath as their bodies were jolted with that most exquisite of pleasures for the third time that evening. Lucas thrust his aching cock in and out of Billy's hot, pulsating rectum in a mad frenzy as if it would quell the fire burning around the rim but only exacerbating it. Billy likewise wanked on his swollen cock as it throbbed and tried desperately to squirt what he was yet too young to make. It was a sweet pain, the aching of their cocks, an addicting pain, a pleasurable pain they would never tire seeking and experiencing. They looked into each other's deep blue, lust-glazed eyes and as Lucas thrust his cock up Billy's asshole, Billy wrapped his arms about him and pressing his smooth, sweating, heaving chest to his own, he raised his head and their lips met in a long, hot kiss. Sexual curiosity and experimentation, death, and taxes were not the only things that were certain in the world. Elementary school Christmas concerts in December were another, and at J. P. Grainger Elementary School the man in charge was Derry O'Dell, one of the grade four teachers and the school's drama and art specialist. Just like in all schools across the country, the weeks leading up to the final performance were filled with frustration, worry and stress as the teacher in charge fought with other teachers for rehearsal time, argued with administration over budgets that were never enough, and struggled with untalented prima donas and their parents, students who would rather be doing anything else but rehearsing, and the multitude of childhood illnesses that forced constant recasting and rescheduling. Of course in the end everything went off successfully, if not always smoothly, and in the process the teacher did get to work with and to know some very talented individuals. One such individual was Byron Shelley, a curly headed grade two student whose recital of "The Night Before Christmas" and singing of "The Little Drummer Boy" charmed the most heartless Scrooge. He certainly charmed Derry O'Dell, but he also added to the young teacher's stress. Derry O'Dell was a closet boylover, a frustrated, unfulfilled, married boylover with a five-year-old son and a three-year-old daughter. While he admired Byron Shelley's talent and stage confidence and singing voice, he admired the boy's preteen beauty and body even more, and dressing him up in fuzzy pajamas and bunny slippers for his recitation, and as a peasant shepherd boy for his song, made the thirty-year-old teacher lust for him all the more. Byron would have welcomed the teacher's attention. His father was a mechanic and former high school jock. He held little value in education and had absolutely no interest in artistic pursuits like drama and music and art, all of which his son excelled in. He on more than one occasion had been heard to remark, in the presence of his son, that such things were for sissies, and that his son might as well have been born a girl. There was one person who knew Derry O'Dell's secret, and who knew Byron Shelley's hurt: Billy Bob. As he stood there with the rest of his kindergarten class waiting their turn to rehearse, he could sense Derry O'Dell's lust for the button-nosed, curly headed boy and see the desire in his eyes just as clearly as one can sense and see a starving man's hunger. Derry O'Dell was a very hungry man, yet Billy Bob could also tell he was no threat to the boy. Accompanying that lust was a sense of warmth and gentleness, a sense of caring. He would never force himself on the boy, nor capitalize on his innocence or use his position of authority. As for Byron, the young grade two student had overheard his father's comments many times, including the latest before Derry and several others. Mike Shelley did not care who heard his opinions because he was right and anyone who disagreed had to be a fag or a fag lover. Derry had not needed Billy Bob's special skills to know how Mike Shelley's comments hurt his sensitive and impressionable son. He also knew to speak out against the man would only get the man angry and he would take his anger out on the boy. As the teacher watched the boy perform now, he recalled all that and more and the impulse that he'd had to take the boy in his arms and protect him and tell him just how talented and special he was when he'd heard the boy's father verbally abusing him returned even stronger than it had been that day, and along with his ache to reassure the boy that he was worthy and his talents were to be praised was an ache to strip him naked and engage in wild, uninhibited sex with him. He had lusted after young boys before, but never with such a passion as he felt at that moment, a passion that was all-consuming and pushed every other thought from his mind. As he finished his song and glanced first at his teacher and then at Derry O'Dell, Byron knew that both had been pleased with his performance. He could also sense Derry's compassion and caring just as a puppy can tell if a person can be trusted or if he intends him harm. There was also something else, something stronger, something deeper, something deep in the pit of his groin, something he could not understand but that drew him to the man. Only Miss Phillips, the Kindergarten teacher, saw the fierce concentration on Billy Bob's face which she mistook to be in regard to the skit he and his classmates were about to perform. "Useless. Schools should stick to reading, writing and arithmetic and not waste time on things that are unimportant. Nobody asks what you did in the Christmas concert when you apply for a job. Singing and art are for sissies. Might as well be a girl." The cutting words echoed in Derry's mind just as loud and just as cruel as when he'd first heard them. There was nothing he could have said or done at the time that would have changed the man's mind, and there was nothing that he or anyone else, not even the boy's mother, could do now or at any time in the future that would stop the emotional abuse the father was inflicting on his son. He couldn't tell the boy how wrong his father was, not in front of the man, though he could tell him now. He could tell him not everyone had the opinion of the arts his father had, and in fact only an ignorant few did. Well, he couldn't exactly say that, but he could say something to encourage the boy, to tell him his talent was valuable, that Christmas concerts and Easter pageants were important, that singing and art were not for sissies, that he was a boy and should be proud to be a boy and there were many things a boy could do that girls could not, like pee standing up. Derry shook his head. Like pee standing up? Now where had that thought come from? Where had any of them that had just passed through his mind come from for that matter? He couldn't set the boy against his father no matter how much he wanted to, even if the father was wrong. Of course the father shouldn't be allowed to verbally abuse the boy either. That was illegal. As a teacher he had a responsibility to report such things. Not only that, he was the art and drama teacher. What sort of man was he to just stand there and do nothing about the comments insulting what he loved the most from an ignorant jock prick? And speaking of love, the boy needed some love, badly, love from a man, from a proper male role model like himself. "That was perfect, absolutely perfect," Derry said at last, aware that he'd just been standing there and everyone was staring at him. He'd always been a bit of a drama queen, pun intended, and had always been prone to daydreaming, even as a child, but this had been different. The thoughts that had been running through his mind accurately reflected how he felt about the matter, but not the type of person he was, nor the language he customarily used. It was weird, as if someone else was in his head. "I ... I'd like to have a word with Byron after the next performance, if that would be all right?" Byron's teacher saw no reason why it wouldn't. The last class of the day was printing practice, and Byron had excellent printing. The kindergarten pantomime was done especially well, though to be honest, even if it hadn't been, everyone finds the youngest students in the school cute no matter what they do or how well they do it. As he thanked Miss Phillips and praised her and her students, Derry realized that he hadn't really heard them. During their performance all he had been able to think about was how he had to assure Byron Shelley that singing and art were just as much boy things as anything else, how he had to make sure the boy felt good about himself, how it was very important the boy feel good, how it was very important he make the boy feel good, how good the boy could make him feel, and how there was nothing wrong with a man and a boy feeling good together. They were all thoughts that he'd had at one time or another, though not so sexually blunt and never so simply stated. They were actually somewhat childish and disjointed, and had mixed his personal sexual desires with his professional beliefs as a teacher, something he'd always been careful to keep separate until now. He certainly had never thought them so passionately, but then he did have the flair for the dramatic, and he was under a lot of stress. Locking the stage door after the Kindergarten class left and hoping nobody would come into the gymnasium, physical education classes having been cancelled for his rehearsals that week, he took Byron behind the curtains and crouched down so he was eye level with the fifty-pound [23 kg], three foot eleven [1.20 m] grade two student. Reaching out and placing his hands on his shoulders, he drew him to him and kissed him. The boy's lips were so smooth and so hot and sweet, and his breath so fresh and clean. The first kiss was as much a surprise to the boy as it was for Derry, the second he was prepared for, and the third Byron initiated. Filled with unbelievable lust, Derry unbuttoned the boy's shirt and kissed his smooth, fleshy chest. He kissed his pert little nipples and licked them and sucked on them until they were hard and the boy was squirming with their arousal. Gone was the fine speech he'd been thinking of making, all the words of praise and the reassurances that regardless what his father said and despite his interest in the arts he was very much a boy. There was only one sure way of reassuring him that, and that was by doing something with him that only could be done with a boy, a very special boy thing. As he looked into the boy's deep brown eyes, he saw only trust and innocence and a doe-eyed desire. The boy had not objected to his kisses, nor to his caresses. Continuing to look into those captivating eyes, he pulled down the boy's tiny zipper and slipped his fingers in his open fly. As he gently ran his fingertips over the tiny, damp bulge in the pocket of the boy's briefs, the boy made no attempt to draw away or to stop him. He saw only desire and eagerness in his unblinking, deep brown eyes. Unclasping and spreading open the boy's trousers and slowly pushing them down to his ankles, Derry resumed kissing him, starting again at those delicious, sweet lips and slowly heading down, over his softly contoured chest still padded with baby fat to first one nipple and then the other, pausing to kiss and tease them with his tongue, and then on down to the elastic band of his underwear. Slowly easing his tight, white, Y-front briefs down to mid-thigh, he continued kissing the boy, gently kissing his flat stomach, his smooth, hairless pubes, and his little uncut pricklet and tiny, hairless balls. Taking the boy's little, limp noodle into his mouth, he sucked on it gently. It was so milky white and felt so velvety smooth. He allowed his spittle to fill his mouth and baste the delicious, tender boy cock and then swallowed the dick-flavoured spittle, causing his own man cock to begin to rise. He felt the boy's little cocklet begin to rise inside his mouth also. He was glad the boy was finding his experience pleasurable. The boy deserved all the pleasure he could get, and Derry was determined to make this the most pleasurable and memorable experience in the boy's life. As he sucked on the growing flesh, he unbuckled his belt and drew down his fly and unbuttoned his trousers and opened them. He worked his lips up and down the boy's slender noodle, continuing to suck on it all the while until it was stiff. He slipped his lips off and the little pecker stood straight up, the milk-white foreskin still encasing the boy's knob and forming a little turtleneck beyond the tip. He slowly reached out and carefully slipped his thumb and first two fingers about the boy's little erection as if it was made of fragile porcelain and he ever so slowly and gently pulled the boy's skin down, exposing his cherry-red knob. He bowed his head as if in prayer of thanks for the precious, sweet treat and ran his tongue over the exposed knob, causing the boy to squirm and draw back with the sharp irritation. He glanced up, afraid the boy had found it painful, but he saw no fear in his eyes nor sign the boy wanted him to stop. He smiled at the boy and the boy smiled back. Cupping the boy's small, smooth buttocks in his hands, Derry bowed his head again and gave the stiff little lollipop another lick and the boy squirmed again with the sweet pain encircling his little cherry-red knob and he pressed his buttocks back into Derry's hands, but again he gave Derry no indication he wanted him to stop. Derry slipped his mouth over the stiff, upright little dicklet and resumed sucking on it. The boy reached out and slipping his fingers through Derry's hair he grasped the teacher's head to steady himself. Derry's mouth quickly filled with spittle and he again swallowed the delightful dick-flavoured spit. Derry finally stood and as he did so his suit pants dropped to his ankles. His blue and white striped boxers were tented out and there was a large wet spot where his pre-cum had soaked through. Slipping his hands under the elastic band, he stretched his boxers out in front to clear his throbbing, aching cock and he pushed them down to mid-thigh. His stiff, cut cock, the knob sticky and glistening with pre-cum, jutted out from his body at a ninety-degree angle above his hairy, dangling balls. He was about to kneel again when Byron stepped forward. Wrapping his hot, slender fingers about the base of Derry's erect cock, the doe-eyed youngster squatted down and slipped his lips over the man's sticky, blood-engorged knob. He sucked on it gently, as Derry had done to him, the seven-year-old tasting cock and pre-cum for the first time in his young life. Derry could not stop the next droplet of pre-cum from oozing out of the tip of his stiff cock and had no time to warn the boy or push his head away. Feeling the warm slime against his tongue, Byron drew his head back, slipping his lips off Derry's stiff cock. A clear, slimy thread of spittle and pre-cum connected the boy's pursed, cherry-red lips and Derry's red-hot, purplish knob. Another clear droplet oozed out of the tip of Derry's cock. Taking a deep breath, Byron bent forward again, sucking up the thread of spittle and pre-cum through his pursed lips and lastly the droplet of fresh pre-cum as he once more slipped his mouth over the tip of the man's hot, spongy knob. He slipped his lips further down this time, down and over the rim so Derry's entire knob was in his mouth. Still holding Derry's cock by the base, he sucked on the fat knob as his mouth filled with saliva. Allowing it to baste Derry's knob as the teacher had done to him until his mouth was full, he sucked up the dick-flavoured spittle and swallowed it. He eased his lips further down Derry's shaft. The teacher was slender and on the short side and had an average-sized dick, just under six inches [15 cm] and not as thick as most. The boy did his best to go all the way down to his pubes and balls as Derry had done to him, and managed to go almost two-thirds down. He slowly drew his head back up until his lips slipped over the rim of the man's dickhead and he then began to bob his head up and down, continuing all the while to suck on the now hotly throbbing flesh. The seven-year-old hoped the teacher was not disappointed he could not go all the way down his dick like he'd done to him, and that he was still bringing the teacher as much pleasure as the teacher had brought him. Derry could not believe the pleasure he was feeling as he stared down at the curly-haired, doe-eyed cherub squatting before him and eagerly slipping his lips up and down his stiff cock. His eyes were half-closed, the long, feathery eyelashes fluttering as he bobbed his head, his smooth cheeks were sunken in as he sucked, and his hot little fingers were grasping the base of his cock as if he was holding a popsicle. The blood pulsated hotly through Derry's cock and he quivered with the erotic pleasure as the pressure quickly developed in his groin. He had dreamed for so long of a moment such as this with a young, prepubescent boy, and these past four weeks with this particular boy, and the reality far exceeded his greatest expectation. He could not believe how incredibly hot he was feeling. After looking at child porn pictures and reading man-boy erotica on the Internet for a couple hours, he was always quick to shoot but never had he gotten this aroused this fast. He knew that if he didn't stop the boy, at any moment he'd be filling the boy's mouth with his cum. Placing his hands on the boy's shoulders and reluctantly stepping back and slipping his stiff, aching cock out of his mouth, Derry glanced around desperately, and spotting an old wooden teacher's desk against the back wall of the stage, one of the props for one of the grade six plays, he extended his hand and helped Byron stand and the two of them shuffled over to the desk, their underwear and pants about their ankles. Having the boy grasp the desk, Derry squatted down behind him and pulling apart the globes of his smooth, compact, little ass, he bent forward and began to rim his little pink pucker. It was delightfully smooth, and to his delight, it tasted of boy rather than soap. He wormed his tongue into the little hole, and then pressing his lips tightly against it and withdrawing his tongue, he worked up a mouth of spittle and blew the spit into the boy's rectum. He rubbed the bubbly saliva over the pucker gently with the tip of his middle finger, and then ever so slowly inserted his finger to the first knuckle. He twisted it around and removed it and then blowing another mouthful of spit up the boy's rectum, he inserted his middle finger once again, this time to the second knuckle, and again twisted it around. Standing behind the boy, the five foot six [1.68 m], hundred and thirty pound [59 kg] teacher flexed his knees and crouched down until his cock was aligned with the boy's hole. Placing the tip of his pre-cum slicked knob against the boy's spit-slicked anus, he grasped his smooth, narrow hips and pushed forward. Ever so slowly his knob wedged open the boy's anus, stretching it wider and wider until it popped inside. Feeling the boy's anus slip over the rim of his knob, Derry paused to regain his breath and allow his desire to subside and to allow the boy a few moments to get used to having his anus stretched open so wide just as he'd read in countless man-boy erotica stories and was now finally experiencing firsthand. Unable to wait as long as he knew he should, he slowly sank his cock up the boy's hot, moist rectum until his hairs were brushing against the boy's smooth bottom and his balls were pressed against the boy's little hairless nuts. He inhaled deeply, relishing the sensation of having his aching cock encased by the boy's tight, throbbing rectum, and then slowly drew his hips back, the boy's tight asshole clamped about his shaft. As he sank it back up the boy's hot hole, he reached around and finding the boy's stiff little dickey, he began to stroke it. His little dickey was incredibly hard, and incredibly hot. What the two of them were doing was unbelievably hot, hotter than he'd ever imagined it would be, hotter than any story can adequately describe. Byron had no idea that the things Mister O'Dell was doing to him had names and that there were stories on the Internet about such things, nor that there were people who found such things disgusting and would throw his teacher in jail for what he was doing, even worse if they could. He had no idea what had prompted the teacher to do what he was doing nor if he did these sorts of things with other students, but he was glad that he was and that he was doing them with him. It had felt good having him suck on his dickey and it had made his dickey itch in a very strange and exciting way, and he'd sensed that the teacher had found as much pleasure when he'd done the same to him. He certainly had the same warm, good feeling sucking his dickey as he'd felt when the man had sucked his. Sucking each other's dickey had been fun, and he'd especially enjoyed making his teacher feel good. He liked all his teachers, but he especially liked Derry O'Dell. He taught his class art twice a week, last period Tuesdays and Thursdays, and he'd taken an immediate liking to him, and not just because he always praised his work and took a real interest in his drawings unlike many adults who just glanced at his work and said "that's nice" and didn't mean it. He was the type of teacher that made learning fun and that really cared about kids. Everyone liked him, even those who could not draw. Having him lick and then stick his dickey up his poop hole was an even bigger surprise, and though it had hurt a bit at first, it felt good now, really good actually. His poop hole was burning and itching in a strange and pleasant way and so was the end of his dickey as Mister O'Dell rubbed it with his fingers. Why Mister O'Dell had decided to do it, and why he'd chosen him to do it with, he had no idea, but he considered himself lucky that he was the one and he figured it must be some special reward Mister O'Dell gave just to those who did especially well. He had done especially well singing today he thought. He'd particularly wanted to please his teacher and Mister O'Dell. Byron had no idea just how much he'd pleased his two teachers, and just how much he was especially pleasing Derry O'Dell at that moment. The man was breathing heavily with his lust and his exertion and his cock was itching like it had never itched before. This was nothing like jacking off or like fucking his wife. He could not believe how hot his cock was throbbing and how irritated his knob felt, nor how horny he was feeling. It was totally out of this world, just like the best writers of man-boy erotica described it. And, from the way Byron was squirming, he was clearly finding it just as stimulating and just as pleasant. That was the best part of all, knowing that the seven-year-old boy was just as sexually aroused and getting just as much pleasure out of what they were doing as he was, and knowing that he was the cause of the boy's squirming and his pleasure. He had always believed that those who said boys his age were too young to have sex or to derive pleasure from sex, particularly man-boy sex, were uptight, righteous prigs and full of bullshit. Now he knew he was right. As he pumped his hips to and fro, the pressure in his loins rapidly increased again, and with the increase in pressure he began to work his cock in and out of the boy faster, and the faster he pumped his cock in and out of his hot, little ass the more the pressure increased. The rim of his cockhead was burning and his cock had never felt so numb and swollen. He could not believe how incredibly hot the boy's asshole was, nor how it was throbbing in time with his cock. The boy's little dickey was throbbing too and he could feel his hot blood pulsating through it. That a boy so young could get so hard and feel the pleasure that he himself hadn't discovered until his junior high school years was amazing, and particularly erotic. That a seven-year-old boy could enjoy sex was not just a fantasy in a porn writer's mind, it was a reality. Whenever he paused, to catch his breath and try to prolong his pleasure or give his wrist a rest, the boy did not. He pumped his little body to and fro, working his stiff little dick between his thumb and fingers and riding back and forth on his stiff cock. That was the final and undeniable proof that the preadolescent not only found enjoyment in sex, but desired it. Driven now by all consuming lust, he began to thrust his cock in and out of the boy in a final, desperate surge of energy, each thrust and each withdrawal doubling his pleasure. He pumped the boy's tight ass so hard he banged the desk against the wall with each thrust forward and drew it back across the floor with each withdrawal. Totally unaware of it, he was wanking the boy's little cocklet in a frenzy, drawing his foreskin back and forth as rapidly as he could as the pressure built and built until at last he reached his peak and with a desperate thrust he threw back his head and groaned as he felt his balls twitch and his cum come racing up the core of his cock. It spurted out the tip and flooded the boy's rectum and as he drew back and thrust forward again it continued to spurt. As the thirty-year-old teacher grasped the boy's ass and pumped his hips to and fro in a mad, blind lust, his throbbing cock slucked in and out in the hot, thick lube spurting out of his body and filling the boy's asshole. And then the boy began to buck and twist with his own dry orgasm. It was like nothing young Byron had ever experienced. His little dickey felt like it had caught on fire, as had his asshole. His dickey itched and throbbed with the sweet pain of his first orgasm and his bumhole burned and throbbed pleasantly as he was aware of something hot and wet and thick filling his rectum and oozing out his bumhole and down the inside of his thigh. At the same time his body was jerking uncontrollably and razor-sharp jolts were ripping up his tiny, swollen dicklet and up his stuffed, cum-dripping asshole. He had no idea what was happening, but it was the most delightful thing that had ever happened to him, and from the way his teacher was gasping and snorting, it had to be the same for him. It was. Crouching behind the boy and grasping his slender little dicklet, no longer and thicker than his little finger and hard as a nail, his own cock shoved up to his pubic hairs up the boy's hot, cum-filled rectum, their pants and underwear about their ankles, the boy's shirt unbuttoned and open and Derry still in his suit jacket and tie, Derry inhaled and exhaled in long, deep breaths. It had been totally unbelievable, and he had been unbelievably lucky nobody had come into the gymnasium. As Derry glanced at his watch, he was surprised to discover the forty minute period was almost over. They'd been having sex for practically forty minutes, more than twice as long as the longest he and his wife had ever had sex, and four times as pleasurable. Billy Bob smiled as he quietly slipped out the stage door, having watched the action back stage from behind the heavy curtains from beginning to end. He had picked up the pleasure the two of them were feeling and he had not needed to enhance their pleasure nor their lust, as was always the case when a true boy lover and a true boy man lover met, which was what he'd sensed Derry O'Dell and Byron Shelley were. As he headed down the hallway the five-year-old youngster smiled happily, filled with the glow of accomplishment with another mission successfully completed and filled with the happiness emanating from the man and boy he'd just brought together. He knew he would not be needed anymore, unless at some time they wanted to have a baby, in which case he'd be happy to help. As he approached his classroom, his little dickey stiff and tenting out his pants, he hoped Miss Phillips had not been too worried searching for him, and that she'd believe his story that he'd stopped for a drink and had gotten lost on the way to their classroom. J. P. Grainger Elementary School was a big school. And there were a lot of boys who needed a little help.