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J.O. DickingsonThe Gargoyle of Male FecundityChapter 30 Conclusion
It was a hot, dry summer that year with fires raging through Yellowstone National Park and threatening the Tetons. Although the Buchanan campground was not in immediate danger, Ray and his family were on evacuation alert and the surrounding forests were closed. Even if they hadn't been, it would have been too risky to have a bunch of naked men, boys and toddlers running around with the forestry service flying overhead and liable to pop in any time of day or night with an order to evacuate the premises. Those who had attended the annual retreat in the past were disappointed as were the new members of their group who'd been told about the annual get together and had been looking forward to meeting others of their ilk but there was nothing anyone could do about it. There was nowhere else large enough or private enough to accommodate their expanding group. So, instead of going to their summer cabin and the Tetons as they'd been doing for the past four summers, Bobby and Billy took their three children to New York State and visited Nick and Kerry and their seventeen-month-old son James Ryan at the Billingsworth camp on Lake Placid. Although it was called a camp, as were all the secluded homes and properties along that portion of the shore of Lake Placid, it was, like most of the homes, a lavish multimillion dollar mansion complete with a sauna, pool, recreation/games room, gym/fitness centre, library, theatre/entertainment room and bar, two dining rooms, one for the family and a larger one for formal occasions, twenty guest bedrooms in addition to the two large family bedrooms, one for Nick's parents and one totally for himself, a dock, boat house, and separate chalet for the staff which, in that the rest of the family was vacationing overseas, consisted only of the groundskeeper, the steward who also served as the housekeeper, the boatman (in that by law there were no roads on that side of the lake and the only access to the properties was by water) who also served as chauffeur, a chef who also served as the butler and wine steward, and the boys' personal valet. They went boating and swimming, toured Lake Placid and hiked the Adirondacks and had wild, uninhibited sex together in the dense, untouched forest on the estate, on the manicured lawn beside marble statues and miniature waterfalls surrounded by terraced flowerbeds in a secluded maple grove overlooking the lake, and later alone in a king-sized Victorian era bed on satin sheets in the lavish guest bedroom under the watchful eyes of portraits of the rich and famous by the greatest masters in the art world and never seen by the public. They feasted on prime rib, grouse in orange sauce, Porterhouse steaks, and wild duck stuffed with wild mushrooms and wild rice, with New York potatoes and fresh garden vegetables from the estate's garden and lavish deserts made from local cherries, plums and pears with real cream and Vermont maple syrup, and they talked about the campground in the Tetons and the people they'd met, the awe and mystery of male fecundity and the Ancient, the joys of sex, and how Billy Bob had started it all for Nicholas with a clandestine blow job under the table in one of the best restaurants in the Midwest while dining with his parents. After a week of such luxury they bid farewell and headed on to Seaport in Maine to visit Kyle and Kevin and their children, Korby who had recently turned five and Drake now a year and ten months old, and with Jack and Randy whom they'd met the previous summer in the Tetons and their young son who was now eleven months of age. Kyle and Kevin being the first "couple" who shared their secret that Bobby and Billy had met, purely by chance while on holiday a year before they'd begun their annual camp meetings in the Tetons, Bobby and Billy felt particularly close to them and Kyle and Kevin felt the same way about Bobby and Billy. Though Bobby was almost twice Kyle's age, the two had similar personalities and a lot of interests in common, besides young boys, and had hit it off the moment they'd met. Kevin and Billy were only days apart in age and had even more in common than their lovers. The six of them with their children went sailing, beach combing, and swimming and caught up on what was going on in their lives since the previous summer. While they were alone, Billy told Kevin about his best friends Mark and Lucas and that he'd seeded the two of them, and Kevin told Billy that upon discovering he could seed other boys, he'd seeded two boys himself, a lobster fisherman's seven-year-old son who loved nature and reminded him a lot of himself at that age, and the shy nine-year-old son of an elderly, widowed carpenter who'd been raised as an orphan at Sabbathday Lake, the last existing Shaker village in the world, where he had learned his trade. Both boys, he said, had boylovers and were pregnant. The older boy and his lover, a tall, sinewy, bearded young man who had been an apprentice under the boy's father, had plans of joining the Shaker faith, with the blessing of the boy's father and of course subject to being accepted into their faith, though how they were going to reconcile the Shaker's prohibition of engaging in sex with their beliefs and practice of boy love he did not know, though he had no doubt that if that was what was destined to happen, then it would. Both Kevin and Billy had heard of far stranger occurrences in the campfire talks in the Tetons. The two boys remarked on how their own beliefs and that of their lovers were not unlike a religion, and how their beliefs and practices cut across all other faiths and all races, and how their membership was rapidly increasing. Bobby and Kyle had long, private conversations also, often while sitting in the shade over a beer. Bobby observed how lucky they'd been that Korby had drawn a picture of the Gargoyle of Male Fecundity and had unbeknownst to Kyle stuck it in the back of their Bowler, and that Billy had spotted it and he and Bobby had managed to follow the two of them until they pulled over for a break. Kyle laughed at his embarrassment and fright when Bobby had confronted him about his secret, though it was not funny at the time, and he added how lucky they all were that Kevin had met up with Michael in a gay teen chat room and had found out Michael shared the same secret as they did and that he and his lover were setting up a campground in the Tetons for couples like them. It was a great treat and relief to live their lives normally and without fear of being discovered even if it was only for two or three weeks out of the year, and to meet and share with others like themselves. Like Billy and Kevin, they marvelled at the diversity of the group and how it cut across borders and all cultures. There were many fortunate coincidences in their lives, though they were beginning to wonder if any of it was coincidence at all. Bobby confessed to Kyle and Jack that he and his wife had never had great sex and were drifting farther and farther apart in interests, and he confided that Billy's uncle Ted Marple and his wife Cheryl were finding excuses to be apart and were fighting more and more often, mainly over Ted's son Jacob by his own son Taylor. Ted and Cheryl had agreed not to have a second child after Taylor had been born so she found it an imposition raising the boy whom Ted had initially claimed was the son of a colleague who had been in a car accident with his wife and whom he later claimed had died, and she resented it even more when Ted kept finding excuses for not putting the boy up for adoption after his supposed parents' death. To make matters worse the boy was now in the infamous terrible two stage. He also informed them that John Porter, whom they all knew from the Teton Campground, was also having serious disagreements with his wife. They were childless and wanted children, which John found frustrating in that he had two sons by his boymate Aaron. The problem was that he wanted to adopt Aaron and their two sons privately, without revealing their relationship of course, but his wife was balking about adopting a twelve-year-old going on thirteen and wanted to adopt a baby instead, and of course Ted was balking at that. They were coming very close to a divorce. Jack observed that though Ted had not said anything, he had to be finding it difficult living with his wife while fucking their son and raising unbeknownst to her what was in a sense his grandson. He also said that at the Teton get together last summer he'd gotten hints about marital problems from the schoolteacher Tim though he'd never said anything specific about what those problems were. They imagined that those like Salvatore Tortellini from Sicily and Carlos Teotecpatl from Mexico would be having even greater difficulty, having to keep their relationships secret from their wives and not having a support group like they did in the Tetons. They and many others of their group corresponded with each other by Email and a number of them had even started up a Facebook account or had personal blogs, but of course they'd been wise enough to keep the secret aspect of their lives unmentioned. Anyway, it wasn't the same as being able to meet face to face over a cool drink or sit around a campfire at night. Jack also said the school counsellor Phil had not indicated any problems, but then he'd only been married four years and having sex with a boy had been totally foreign to him until five months prior to last summer. As for himself, he said he and his wife were not having any problems, and in fact after eleven years of marriage they were happily expecting their own child any day now, and his boymate Randy was excited for the two of them, and pregnant again also. Of course Jack had been affectionately nicknamed Jackrabbit by their group in the Tetons because of his sexual insatiability, and because he equally enjoyed sex with both genders and males of all ages. The wide range of marital situations from happily married to divorced, from recently wed to nineteen years of marriage, and from single to widowed, was another example of how diverse their group was. Even their reasons for marrying reflected a wide diversity. Some of them had married in the hopes that having children would replace their sexual desire for boys, others had hoped that becoming married would not interfere with their secret sexual desires, some hadn't realized those desires until after they'd gotten married, and some had married thinking those desires were in the past. One commonality they were all discovering, however, was that they were finding their boymates more sexually desirable and more fun and interesting to just be with than their wives. Knowing the special friendship that had developed between Bobby and Kyle and between Billy and Kevin, Jack and Randy offered to look after the kids so they could have some time together. They took Jack and Randy up on their offer and Kyle and Kevin took their guests by boat to a secluded cove up the shoreline where they stripped naked and swam in the ocean and sunned themselves on the sandy beach. Kyle and Kevin started a fire from driftwood and prepared them a feast of fresh lobster, corn on the cob, baked potatoes, and boiled eggs, all smothered with butter, and a Caesar salad Kyle had prepared before they'd headed out. Bobby observed that he knew of a boy back home who had ambitions to become a chef and who would be thrilled to exchange recipes with Kyle who thoroughly enjoyed cooking himself. As they relaxed on the beach, they talked about the wonders and joys of nature and of the sea and the joys of boylove and of having sons. They laughed about the Father's Day gifts Jimmy, Calvin, Bobby and Billy had received and they nodded in understanding when Bobby told them about Logan's beauty and his feelings for him. "With all the wars and fighting going on in the world and all the crime and environmental problems we have, it's nice to be able to lose yourself for a few hours with someone you're attracted to and just let love take over," observed Kyle as he glanced over at Kevin. "If our political and miliary leaders did that once in a while maybe the world wouldn't be in the mess it is in." "Jack and I were talking about that just the other day. There is a new order coming. Look how fast our group is growing and how it is expanding, and with some very influential members. Perhaps someday where there are enough of us we can make some significant changes on what is happening if not in the world then at least in our small corner of it. Jack and I are already networking with a number of environmentalists and naturalists around the world, all of whom are boylovers, many who would like to have children with their boymates, and all who want to make a difference." "That's interesting. I was talking to Calvin a few months ago and he said he'd been corresponding by Email with the Buddhist monk that Jimmy had mentioned last summer, the one in Tibet who'd been visited by the Ancient and who is a boylover. He and his boymate have a son conceived on the Tibetan New Year's Day and now is a year old. He said the monk observed that the world is changing at a tremendous rate and in some very significant ways, not just in technology and communication and our environment which are all evident examples, but in some deeper ways, changes in the very basic structure of society and in our beliefs. He also observed that the world in the future is not only going to be very different, but it is going to be a much better place." "I sure hope he is right. At the moment things certainly don't look so great. It would be something even if just the religions of the world got together and agreed on something!" "Well, there is a start. Both this monk and Bishop Gregory are boylovers with little babies and are members of our group." Kyle glanced at Billy and Kevin. "You two must be finding this conversation boring. It's fine if you two want to go for a stroll up the beach and explore or whatever," he said, a twinkle in his eyes when he said 'whatever.' "Just be careful." "No, the topic's quite interesting actually. Or is it that you want us to get lost so you and Bobby can do, whatever?" Kevin asked with a grin. "That would be hot to watch," Billy said with a smile and Kevin readily agreed. Bobby and Kyle glanced at each other. They both liked young boys, but they would be lying if they said they'd never fantasized about having sex with each other, especially after having seen each other in action with their boymates. To do something together in front of their boymates they had not considered, and the idea sent a rush through their veins, especially seeing the leers on the faces of their two boys. "What do you say? Shall we old dogs show the youngsters a few new tricks?" Bobby asked with a smile. "I dunno. It'd be pretty hot. Do you think their minds can handle it?" Kyle asked with a grin. "It might fry them." "It's a real risk, but I guess it's a chance we'll have to take." Billy and Kevin exchanged grins as Bobby and Kyle embraced and kissed. The two had had sex with their boymates in front of each other in the past, but this was the first time the two boys had ever seen their two lovers engaging in foreplay with each other and they found it highly erotic. Billy called his lover his hairy bear for good reason. At six foot four [1.93 m] and two hundred and seventy pounds [122 kg] with thick brown hair covering his thighs, calves and arms and a thick mat of curly brown hair over his chest and belly, the gentle, brown-eyed, forty-six-year-old trucker looked very much like a cuddly, hairy bear. Kevin on the other hand was almost half his age, twenty-four, and his five foot ten [1.78 m], hundred and fifty pound [68 kg] frame was trim and muscular, reflecting the physical demands of his occupation. His arms, legs and chest were also covered with hair, not as thick as Bobby's but long and jet black, and he had dark, handsome looks with his thick, blue-black hair, seductive dark brown eyes, and a permanent five o'clock shadow. As the two men kissed and caressed and fondled each other's cocks and balls they slowly began to grow erect, in part aroused by each other and in part because they were acutely aware of their young, appreciative audience. Turning around so they were facing each other in the opposite direction, they nuzzled and licked each other's large, hairy balls and growing pricks. As he felt Kyle's hot mouth envelop his knob, Bobby went down on the young, handsome, marine biologist, and as he felt the young man's cock swelling in his mouth, his own cock began to swell between Kyle's lips. He sucked on the growing flesh and slowly slipped his lips up and down the uncut cock as Kyle did the same to him until both men were hard. They caressed each other's ass and thighs, very different from the smooth, compact backsides of their boymates, who by this time were erect also and stroking each other as they watched. It was hot watching their two lovers making love to each other and they exchanged knowing grins as they slowly stroked each other's stiff dick. The two of them were two months away from their thirteenth birthday and the soft, round curvature of their smooth bodies was beginning to take on more definition as they approached puberty. Both were lean and muscular, reflective of their participation in sports and their physical activity, and both were evenly tanned from head to toe as a result of their belief in and practice of naturalism. As the breathing of the two twelve-year-olds became heavier with their approaching orgasms, so did the breathing of their two adult lovers. The two men inhaled and exhaled deeply as they sucked eagerly on each other's cock and worked their lips up and down each other's swollen shaft. Eyes half-closed with lust, they inhaled each other's fragrance, the distinctive aroma of cock and hot, sweaty balls increasing their lust. As each felt himself approaching his climax, he knew that his partner was approaching his from his laboured breathing and from the throbbing of his cock. That was the beauty of two males making love to each other. Each knew how the other was feeling for he was feeling the same thing. Sitting in the sand watching them, the two preteen boys' eyes darted from the groin of one to the groin of the other, torn between watching their lover's cock when he began spurting or watching his face when the other came. They rapidly pumped each other's swollen cocks, both five and a quarter inches [13½ cm] long and both throbbing hotly in the other's hand. The two men held back as long as they could and erupted simultaneously. Both having had the benefit of the unique blow jobs of their little sons for the past several years, they came in long successive spurts, like cows having their teats sucked, and like young calves they eagerly swallowed the thick, tart milk of the other. It was erotic shooting one's load into another's mouth while at the same time the other was shooting his load into yours, and it was erotic swallowing the thick, warm slime knowing that the other was swallowing your slime also. Bobby allowed several spurts to collect in his mouth and baste his tongue and he savoured the unique flavour and the slimy texture of Kevin's hot ball sauce before swallowing it. Kevin inhaled and exhaled deeply as he gulped down Bobby's slimy cum, Bobby's hot, thick, eight-inch [20 cm] cock throbbing between his lips. As their thick cum oozed out of the corners of each other's lips, Billy and Kevin reached their own climaxes, the two of them thrusting their hips forward and squirming on the hot sand with their powerful, dry orgasms, their slender, preteen cocks throbbing in each other's tightly grasping fingers just as hotly as their lovers' cocks were throbbing between each other's lips. The four of them stretched out on the sand of the secluded beach and closed their eyes as they recovered, their bodies hot and flushed with post-climatic bliss, their armpits and balls damp with sweat, the ocean lapping rhythmically at the sandy shore as their chests, two muscular and hairy, two young and smooth, rhythmically rose and fell. A pair of sea gulls flew overhead, noisily calling to each other, ignoring the four spent humans on the shore. Slowly, Bobby became aware of someone curling his pubic hairs about their fingers with one hand, and curling his chest hairs with the other, and he did not have to open his eyes to know it was his young boymate. His eyes still closed, he reached over and drew the warm, smooth body close to his and gently caressed the boy's smooth, compact backside. As the small, hot hand descended from the pubic hairs to Bobby's hot, dangling balls and cupped the large, sweaty orbs, Bobby's large mitt slowly slipped across the boy's slender hip to cup and fondle his sweaty, hairless nuts, half the size of Bobby's but remarkably large for his age. They both began to swell, and as Billy reached up and began to stroke the thick, swelling tube of flesh hanging between his hairy bear's legs, Bobby slipped his thumb and forefinger about Billy's slender, smooth noodle and began to stroke it, gently pulling his foreskin back to reveal his knob, and then pushing it back up. Beside them, Kyle and Kevin were commencing their foreplay also. The two boys lay on their backs beside each other and spread their legs and their lovers knelt between their legs and slowly lowered their bodies. Their cocks lubricated with spittle and the boys' holes having been finger fucked and rimmed, they united with little difficulty, and the boys inhaled deeply with the sensation of being penetrated and they rolled their heads to the side to glance at each other and exchange happy grins. It was awesome to be stuffed with a hot, stiff, throbbing cock, and it was doubly awesome being stuffed together side by side. They both knew well the awesome feeling of having their rectums stuffed with cock, and both knew that the other knew exactly how it felt and enjoyed it just as much, making it all the more erotic. They continued looking into each other's eyes as their lovers eased their hips forward, filling their rectums with their hot, throbbing pricks, and they exchanged knowing grins as their lovers slowly began to work their cocks in and out of their rectums. It was just as erotic for Bobby and Kyle, humping their boymates side by side, knowing how much the other enjoyed having his aching, throbbing cock surrounded by pulsating boyflesh. Being a boylover can be a lonely, stressful life, which made the annual visits to the Tetons to share their special love and beliefs with others so wonderful, and which made moments like this with a fellow boylover so special. They both knew the positive side of boylove, of the immense pleasure of enjoying and sharing the pleasure of sex with someone who was pure and open-minded and untainted by society's biases and propaganda, of engaging in sex openly and lovingly with a partner who saw every day and every sex act with fresh eyes and curiosity and awe and as a joy. It was an experience no man can explain to one who is not a boylover, not even to a man who is gay, and so it was so special to be able to engage in that special pleasure with another man who saw such love as natural and healthy and who knew and believed that there were boys who enjoyed sex with men and suffered no harm from the experience. Billy and Kevin delighted in being able to share their special kind of love with each other also. With the constant bombardment in the news of men being arrested and imprisoned for having sex with boys, and the constant assertion how harmful such acts were to young boys and how perverted and sick such men were, they could not help but begin to believe they were perverted and sick for enjoying it. They knew that there were men who forced themselves on boys, or who abused them for their own sexual satisfaction, and that there were boys who were forced or tricked into having sex with men, but they also knew there was another side too, the side where men and boys enjoyed receiving pleasure from each other and enjoyed giving each other pleasure mutually and willingly. To have sex with one's lover with another boy and his lover reaffirmed that there was a positive side to boylove, a side that was never acknowledged in the media or by adults or even teenagers and preteens who did not understand, or did not want to believe, that there were men and boys who truly loved each other and wanted sex. Billy thought of that as he stared into Kevin's large, dark brown eyes, moist with lust, his long, brunette hair damp with sweat and hanging in his face, and he wondered what he looked like being fucked by his lover. He suspected he had the same look of pleasure and contentment and of growing arousal in his eyes. His asshole burned pleasantly, stretched open by Bobby's thick cock, and his rectum throbbed hotly in time with the throbbing of Bobby's hot prick. His swollen dick was throbbing also and the knob tingled and burned with that strange, irritating pleasure as he slowly stroked it while deep in his groin he felt the familiar but always awesome growing pressure. He inhaled and exhaled deeply as he concentrated on those two centres of stimulation, his asshole and his dick, the two throbbing and burning with a similar painful pleasure. Sex was awesome, and no matter how often he engaged in it, he never tired of it, nor was he ever not in awe at the way it made his body feel. He saw in Kevin's eyes the same look of awe and pleasure and flashing Kevin a flushed smile, he looked up into Bobby's half-lidded, moist, soft brown eyes and saw the same look of pleasure and arousal, and yes, of awe in his eyes. As he smiled up at his lover, his hairy bear smiled back down at him. How could such love, such pleasure, such caring be wrong? Bobby's long, thick cock throbbed hotly up his hole and he grasped it tightly with his sphincter, his own swollen dick now numb and his foreskin tight. He knew he was about to have his orgasm, and he knew from the look in Bobby's eyes and the way he was thrusting his cock in and out of his hole that he was close to his orgasm too. Having someone reach that ultimate peak of ecstasy while their cock was buried deep up your body was undescribable, and when that person was capable of spurting besides it was a pleasure like no other. Billy inhaled and exhaled deeply as the pressure deep in his loins steadily increased, his swollen cock now numb and tingling, the knob burning with sweet irritation, and his bumhole burning with the same arousal. Bobby inhaled deeply and arched his back as the first spurt shot out of his throbbing cock and up Billy's hot, moist asshole. Feeling Bobby's cum begin spurting up his ass and filling his rectum, Billy gasped for breath as he felt the familiar twang deep in his groin that announced his own sweet orgasm. This time though it was different. His balls, drawn up tight beneath his swollen cock, seemed to roll all on their own and he felt a throb underneath them where they joined his body. That throb was followed by a hot flow up the core of his benumbed, tingling cock, not unlike when you are beginning to piss, and with the same intense burning sensation as when you shoot your seed, but this was different and he hadn't been thinking about seeding and he knew that couldn't happen unless you thought it. Besides, he'd never heard of anyone shooting a seed by jerking off. As he stared down bewilderedly at his swollen, numb cock, something spurted out of it, something hot and clear and milky, something like egg white. It flew through the air and struck his heaving chest. It was hot and slimy. A second spurt followed and then a third. He was cumming! He was fucking squirting! His peehole burned fiercely and he could feel each spurt burning up the core of his cock before erupting out of the opening. His loins were numb and weak and his right thigh began to quiver and he knew if he'd been standing his legs would never have supported him. Gasping for breath, he looked up into Bobby's eyes dizzily and he saw the knowing smile and gleam in his lover's eyes. Having benefited from his young son's blow jobs also, Billy spurted slowly, as if in slow motion, one spurt following the other, and he spurted copiously, not for several seconds like a normal boy, but for a solid two minutes, lacing his hot, flushed body with streamers of watery preteen cum. He gasped and shivered and arched his back with the immense pleasure pulsating between his legs, his cock feeling unbelievably swollen and the fact that his rectum was being flooded with cum at the same time now a vague awareness in the back of his mind as he revelled in his first wet climax. His juice was so hot and sticky and runny, and squirting it out of his body was fucking awesome. He lay there in a numb daze staring at his swollen cock and the streamers of cum squirting out of it. When he was finally done, he lay there gasping and panting totally out of breath, his naked, cum-laced chest heaving like he'd run three laps around the track, his face flushed and hot, his eyes glazed, his mind spinning as a warmth flooded his groin, washing over his numb cock and swollen, tight balls and spreading down the inside of his thighs. "How long have you been able to squirt?" asked Kevin in awe and admiration. "It's my first time," Billy gasped, glancing over at his friend with unbelievable satisfaction and pride. "Fucking awesome!" Pulling out his still stiff cock, Bobby bent over and lapped up a streamer of fresh cum from Billy's chest. "Sweet," he sighed as he smiled down at his boymate, a film of his watery cum coating the big man's lips. Billy scooped up a gob of slime with his index and middle fingers and allowed it to drip into his mouth and dribble over his tongue. It was slimy and watery, as he imagined the consistency of raw egg white was, and had only the faintest of tastes, tantalizingly just beyond any description. He smiled and glanced over at Kevin and then Kyle, his eyes inviting them both to sample the first cream from his loins. The two did so eagerly, Kevin leaning over and lapping up a slimy streamer that had laced Billy's chest and right nipple, and Kyle flicking up a puddle of slime that had pooled in the middle of his chest and popping the treat into his mouth. "Sweet," agreed Kevin with a nod and a grin, his lips glistening with Billy's fresh slime, causing another droplet of his preteen cum to ooze out of his still stiff cock. Bobby spotted it and swooped down and lapped up the clear droplet, which clung to his tongue and to the tip of Billy's cock in a long, silvery spider thread before breaking off. "Cumming was wicked," announced Billy dreamily. "Fucking, fucking, fucking wicked!" That he'd come for the first time while his lover was fucking his ass made it all the sweeter. It was a great vacation. Even though he was disappointed that they hadn't been able to go to the Tetons and visit all the friends he'd made, and that they couldn't even swing by to tell Ray and Michael the news of his first spurting, it was still great having been able to spend all day and all night for three solid weeks with Bobby, Billy Bob, Nathan, and Jordie, and having been able to visit with Nicholas and Kerry and with Kyle and Kevin. Best of all beyond question was his first wet orgasm, in the presence of Bobby and Kyle and Kevin. It was, of course, the first thing he shared with the other three musketeers when he returned. "Yeah? That's fucking awesome!" said Mark, thumping Billy on the back. "Yeah, it is," agreed Lucas and Aaron, the two boys envious but happy for Billy. "You two have, well, you know, been careful, right?" Billy asked, looking at Mark and Lucas. Mark glanced at Lucas and Lucas grinned and the two looked at Billy like cats that had eaten a canary. "You didn't! But I warned you! I told you what would happen!" He glanced at his two best buddies frantically and in dismay. The two of them certainly were not worried. "Or did you want to?" "Oh, we wanted to," said Mark with an impish grin as he glanced at Lucas again. "Yeah, very much so," agreed Lucas. "Then you, you and Lucas, you. . . ." The two boys laughed, unable to carry the joke any further. "We blew each other, and wanked each other, and Lucas fucked my butt, but I didn't fuck him," said Mark with a huge grin. "He can't have any coke, it's too hot for cocoa, and I couldn't get him to drink piss," he pouted, but the twinkle in his eyes betrayed his seriousness. "We really had you going, didn't we?" Lucas asked with a laugh. It had been his idea that they pull one over on Billy. He had come a long way out of his shell since the four had begun messing around with each other. "You're buggers!" Billy said with relief, and wrapping an arm about each of them he hugged them and laughed. "So, when you squirt, is it fast, or is it, you know, drawn out?" asked Aaron. "Drawn out, and slow," Billy replied. "So, you gonna show us?" asked Aaron with a leer. "Wanna form a jerk circle?" "Dibs on your dick," Aaron said quickly. Of course having experienced the difference before and after his lover John had received the unique blow jobs of their son John Billy, Aaron knew the effect of their toddler's spit and expected the difference between Billy and Mark when they squirted. Mark and Lucas were understandably surprised, and envious of Billy's ability. Mark of course asked how he could do it so slow, and for so long and shoot so much. Exchanging glances with Aaron, Billy replied that it had to do with being able to give birth. That was true in a way. If he hadn't been able to give birth he'd never have had Billy Bob, and if he'd never had Billy Bob he'd never have had his unique blow jobs, and if he'd never had his blow jobs, he'd never have been able to cum like he did. Of course he couldn't tell Mark and Lucas that. They were both cool, but he didn't know how they'd react to knowing he'd had sex with a baby, and his own baby at that. August flew by, as it always does when you are young, and September and a new school year rolled up all too soon. The boys liked school and did well, but they were boys, and school and teachers could not compete with summer and holidays. Billy Bob was now in grade one, and the four musketeers were now in grade eight. All four were in the same mathematics class and the same language arts class, and in most of the other courses at least two and sometimes three of them were in the same class. In the elective classes the boys went their individual directions, reflecting their different interests, Billy enrolling in art, Aaron in drama, Lucas, who played trombone, in band, and Mark in a natural science course. Billy's birthday fell on a Friday that year. Normally his family celebrated his birthday on the actual date and he had a party with his friends on the Friday or the weekend after. This year his grandparents on both sides of his family were planning on visiting for the weekend so his parents decided the family would celebrate his birthday the day after instead and that Friday he could invite some friends over. As the previous year, he narrowed his invitation list down to his three best buddies, Mark, Lucas and Aaron. They had the usual cake and ice cream desert and the singing of Happy Birthday and the presentation of gifts, though Billy had said the gifts weren't necessary, and an evening of playing board games, the boys being allowed to stay up later, and concluded with a sleep over. What the boys planned on doing once the lights were out and Billy's parents were asleep had become customary among the four of them also. "Don't forget," Billy said, looking at Mark as he opened the drawer of his night table and took out his box of Star Wars action figures and the tube of Cocoa Butter Lube, "you and I gotta use this if we fuck butt." "Suppose we don't want to," Mark replied. "You have to," Billy said. "I'm serious." Mark and Lucas had told him how at the end of June they had thought maybe Billy was pulling a prank on them, especially considering how improbable his tale of boys being able to impregnate boys was, and how they'd almost fucked each other's butt but at the last moment had decided to sixty-nine instead. They said if they had not been such close friends and had such a trust in each other they might not have heeded his warning. He'd had a long talk with both of them once again, and finally nursed Jordie in front of them to prove that as impossible as it sounded, he was telling the truth. Nursing Jordie he realized he could have done the first time but he just hadn't thought of it. He'd figured that had put an end to it so Mark's comment that they might not want to use the lube took him by surprise and renewed his worries. That was short-lived. Seeing the mischievous glint in Mark's eyes and then in Lucas's, he knew his friends well enough to know something was up. "Oh," he said with a wide grin and a sparkle in his eyes after a moment, "well, you can rule me out, but if you want me to make the three of you a nice warm yellow drink, I think I can manage that." "That won't be necessary for me," Aaron observed. The three boys turned to look at him. "I'm pregnant," he said with a grin. "Again?" Billy asked in surprise. "But Ian's only six months old." "Yeah, but John and me talked about it, and we both wanted another baby. We figure by the time Ian's brother is born we can start weaning him off breast milk, and anyway, if I don't, I got two breasts," he said with a grin. "So you're sure? That you're pregnant that is?" "Not absolutely, but we're pretty sure. We decided two weeks ago and haven't used any of the ways to prevent it and I have all the early symptoms. These last few days I've been feeling real tired and John says I'm real moody, and my breasts are really sensitive, and I don't think it's from nursing Ian. Oh yeah, and I've had to piss a lot." His eyes sparkled as the thought popped in his head. "So, if Billy can't do it, I guarantee I can come up with two or three glasses for both of you," he said, looking at Mark and Lucas with a grin. "Thanks," said Mark, "but that's not what Lucas and I had in mind." "What then?" Billy asked. Mark and Lucas exchanged glances. "You two keep saying how great it is to have sons and everything. Well, Elf and I decided we'd like to try it to. To be dads that is," Mark explained. He and Lucas exchanged glances again. "We'd like to have your baby," he said, looking at Billy. "Mine?" Billy asked in surprise. "Yeah. Unless of course you don't want to." "Fuck no! That so would be awesome! The two of you carrying my sons; that would be fucking sweet! But are you really sure about this?" The two boys nodded. "Then let's get started!" Pyjamas and underwear were chucked in all directions and the four of them began to kiss, caress, embrace and rim each other. As had become their custom, they didn't pair up or focus on any specific act in particular. They were all friends and equal, all for one and one for all, so they kissed whoever and whatever, caressed each other's bodies, sometimes in a circle, sometimes three on one, and sometimes as pairs, and they fondled whoever's cock and balls were within reach, sometimes having a pair of balls in each hand, sometimes three of them finding themselves fondling and nibbling the balls and dick of the fourth Musketeer. Aaron wasn't kidding about his breasts being extra sensitive, and he was squirming and giggling and trying to muffle his shrieks of pleasure as his three buddies fondled, kissed and licked his breasts. His nipples were erect before the first minute, and his dick was quick to follow, and of course still nursing Ian, he couldn't stop his irritated nipples from leaking, nor from letting each of his friends sample his breast milk. Quick to become aroused as it was, his three buddies were sporting aching erections even faster with the taste of a squirt of fresh, warm breast milk and the smell of Aaron's milk on each other's breath. As was usually the case, there was no preset plan as to who did what with whom nor in what order, the four boys just letting things fall into place. As it turned out, Mark was the first to get his ass fucked by Billy for no other reason than he happened to be flat on his back with Billy laying on top of him French kissing him, his tongue in Mark's mouth and their stiff cocks lined up and pressing hotly against each other when they decided they'd had enough foreplay. It could just as easily have been Lucas or Aaron under him as it was Wolf Boy. As Billy's knees pushed apart Mark's legs, the two boys grinned at each other. The birthday boy was about to give his thirteen-year-old buddy a very special gift. He raised an eyebrow to be sure, and Mark nodded in confirmation. Billy had fucked Mark hundreds of times since that first time last October, almost a year ago now, but as Billy's blood-engorged knob began to stretch open Mark's sphincter they both knew this time was going to be special. Fucking just for the fun of fucking, for the pleasure of having your dick surrounded by hot, moist assflesh and the pleasure of having your buddy's hard, throbbing cock up your ass, and for the pleasure of bringing your partner the best pleasure a guy can feel was one thing. Fucking for the purpose of making a baby was something very different. Despite the seriousness with which Billy and Aaron had claimed that the boys he'd assumed were cousins were actually their sons, and the serious revelation that they both had adult lovers, and despite actually seeing Billy breast feeding and actually tasting Aaron's milk, Mark still had his doubts that a guy could actually get pregnant though it was fun to think about it, and would be even more fun if it really were possible. The milk stuff had to be a trick, though he couldn't figure out how they'd pulled it off. He could well imagine the joke Billy and Aaron would get out of it all when nothing happened, and the teasing he and Lucas would get for being so gullible. Actually, it would be a good joke and he'd likely laugh just as hard as the two of them, though he wasn't sure Lucas would take it as well. Lucas was particularly sensitive and really self-conscious, and he actually really had his heart set on having Billy's baby. That was the most convincing argument that this was no prank-Billy and Aaron would never be so cruel as to embarrass Elf that way. As Billy began pumping his cock in and out of his rectum, Mark reached down and began to stroke his stiff dick and concentrated on the physical pleasure of having his ass fucked and of having his cock stroked. Handsome, athletic and popular, nobody would ever suspect that he and Star Child were faggots. He'd never really thought of himself as a fag until recently. Previous to that summer he'd just thought of what they were doing as messing around, of having sex with each other because it felt good and because it was something they weren't supposed to do and because girls weren't as willing nor as eager to do it. Over July though, while Billy was away, he realized just how much he enjoyed doing it with Billy, and, yes, how much he loved him. That was the difference between just having sex to get off and being a fag-love. Of course he enjoyed doing it with Aaron and with Lucas too, as did Billy, which made it a little more complicated and a little more confusing. When they'd returned to school and the guys all talked about how some of the girls in their classes had changed over the summer, some of them having grown boobs over the past two months and many looking more like women than girls now, and about how hot some of the girls made them and how they'd like to make out with them, Mark realized that he hadn't really noticed the changes, and that doing it with a girl didn't really have that much appeal to him. At first he chalked it up to the fact that he and the guys were having sex almost daily the past month whereas the other guys were having no sex at all other than with their hand so of course they were randy and aching to make out. However, as the guys continued to talk in the locker room and before and after school about girls and dating and making out, he realized he had no interest to even date. That of course bothered him. Guys were supposed to be interested in girls and dating, and there was supposedly something sick about guys who liked to have sex with other guys. Whenever he thought about Billy and the others and the fun he felt being with them, not just because of the sex part, instead of feeling good like he used to feel he felt guilty and depressed. He was sick, perverted, effeminate, weird, unnatural, a geek, any one of them, all of them. He seriously considered not engaging in sex with the guys anymore. But each time he had to make a choice, he decided he'd do it just one more time, and while they were doing it he felt wonderful, and when they were done he felt great. There was nothing greater than sex. There was nothing else that a guy could do that brought a guy such pleasure, physical and mental, and nothing else that a guy could engage in to bring his best friends the same pleasure as he was feeling. There was nothing sick, perverted, effeminate, weird, unnatural nor geeky about what they were doing. Well, thinking he was going to carry Billy's baby, that was a little weird he thought with a smile. Seeing Mark's smile, Billy smiled down at him. Right from the moment they'd begun kissing and caressing he'd felt different knowing that this night he was going to impregnate his best buddy. Now as he pumped his swollen cock in and out of Mark's asshole and felt the pressure developing in his loins, all he could think about was spurting up Mark's ass and his sperm swimming up his rectum to fertilize the W chromosome gamete he'd be releasing. It would be his first son that he didn't bear himself, and it was fitting that Mark be the first to bear one of his sons. That he loved his best buddy and enjoyed having sex with him and wanted to have a baby with him was not strange in his eyes, just as he didn't find it strange that he liked to have sex with an adult older than his father. He didn't think in terms of straights vs faggots or boys vs adults. That he preferred assholes to cunts and boys to girls and equally enjoyed having sex with six-year-olds as thirteen-year-olds as forty-six-year-olds was just the way he was and he saw no difference between himself and guys who preferred girls or guys who only had sex with guys close to their own age. Well, he thought, there was one difference between him and guys who liked girls. As his stiff, aching cock throbbed hotly up Mark's hot, moist asshole and Mark clenched his sphincter about it, he knew that Mark knew exactly how he was feeling, having had his own swollen cock up a guy's rectum plenty of times himself. Not only that, as he felt the pressure reaching the peak and the twang in his balls that announced the release of his cum, he knew that Mark knew how it felt to squirt also. Two years from now, after getting the unique blow jobs from his little son, he'd know how it felt to squirt like Billy did too. No, not his son, their son, Billy thought as the first of his cum spurted out of his aching, throbbing cock and as Mark arched his back and laced his naked body with his own fresh, hot juice. That was so hot, the two of them cumming together. Beside them, totally forgotten, Lucas and Aaron trembled and gasped with their orgasms, the two twelve-year-olds having decided to sixty-nine. The four of them lay back and stared up at the ceiling dreamily as they floated in that post-climatic bliss that follows, each of them recalling the pleasure they'd felt and the pleasure they'd brought their partner. Being young and healthy, they did not take long to recover. With Mark lying on his left and Lucas on his right, Billy rolled over and gently and lovingly ran the tips of his fingers along Lucas's smooth, sweat-damp chest and as Lucas turned his head and smiled at Billy, Billy reached up and brushing Lucas's long, blond hair out of his eyes, he leaned over and the two kissed. It was a long, tender kiss, followed by a second and a third. Mark meanwhile crawled around the two and he and Aaron began to kiss and caress also, Aaron delighting in the Wolf Boy's fine, silky, early teen moustache. The caresses soon descended from smooth, muscular backs to smooth, compact boy backsides and the kisses from sweet, soft lips to pert, hard little nipples. As Billy lay on top of Lucas, he nibbled on his ear and whispered into it, checking that Lucas still wanted to go through with having a baby, and Lucas assured him that he did. As he spread his legs and felt Billy's knob begin to wedge between his ass cheeks, it felt very different knowing they were about to make a baby instead of just having a bit of fun. He inhaled deeply, fully aware of the commitment he'd made as Billy's cock began to penetrate him. He'd thought about it long and hard ever since the day Billy had revealed his secrets to him and Mark and Aaron. There was no question in his mind about wanting to have Billy's son. To bear his child would be an honour and a delight and he could think of nothing that could be so intimate between two guys. He knew what guys, and girls, were saying about him behind his back, calling him an Emo boy, even worse, calling him a fag. If he was one, then so were Billy, Mark and Aaron. He was not alone. And, considering how happy he'd become since becoming one of the four Musketeers, and especially since the four of them had begun having sex together, if that was what it was like to be a fag, Elf was happy he was one. He was used to being teased about his fine, long blond hair and the style he liked to wear it in, knowing that for each person who teased him there were two who envied him and wished they had long, silky hair like him. He was used to being teased about his effeminate looks and mannerisms. There was nothing he could do about that. That was how he was. If he could, he'd willingly be Billy's wife in every sense of the word. Bearing his child would sort of be like being his wife. He knew there would be problems. How he was going to be able to hide being pregnant from his parents who were constantly watching him and constantly treating him like he was still a child he did not know, but for Billy, he'd find a way. The talk about morning sickness and swollen ankles and sore backs, and of giving birth, frightened him. It frightened him a lot, but he'd face anything for Billy. When Mark had announced their decision that evening, the look on Billy's face had filled him with a joy like he'd never felt before, a joy that had to be equivalent to the joy one feels upon accepting Christ in his heart. Or so he imagined from what his parents and their friends and their friend's kids who were totally and completely dedicated to their faith and the kids who attended summer Bible camp said. Although he believed and accepted and followed many of the doctrines they all did, being shy and introspective, he'd never been as fervent or as fanatical in expressing his faith as the others, and he had never really felt part of their group, not like how he felt being one of the four musketeers. Billy had been delighted they wanted to have his baby, not just Mark but him too. The look in his eyes then, and the look in his eyes when he'd just now confirmed that was what he wanted, told him that Billy wanted to make a baby with him. That was something! He'd seen the hesitation and the concern in Billy's eyes when Billy had whispered his question in his ear, which showed just how much Billy cared about him and that Billy would never do something he didn't want Billy to do. He'd also seen the hope that he hadn't changed his mind and the desire, proof beyond doubt that Billy wanted to have a child with him. A son, their son-that would be so wonderful. He could already imagine the things they'd do with him, the things they'd teach him, and the things that he'd never do to him, things his parents had done to him. All those thoughts and more ran through Lucas's mind as Billy mounted him and began to fuck him. Gradually, the pleasure throbbing up his backside drew his attention back to the actual act of making a baby. He inhaled and exhaled deeply with the unique pleasure of having a hot, hard cock throbbing up your rectum and he constricted and relaxed his sphincter in time with Billy's thrusts and withdrawals. Mark had lain down beside him on his back also and Aaron had mounted him, so excited to be sticking his cock up Mark's slimy hole, his rectum having been flooded with Billy's hot cum. Mark glanced over at Lucas and grinned. He was already impregnated by Billy and now Lucas was about to be. Lucas returned the grin, the two knowing exactly what the other was thinking. That was what it was like to have a real friend. As Mark reached down and slipped his fingers about Lucas's stiff cock, Lucas reached over and took Mark's erect dick in his hand. And so, as the two boys lay there getting their asses fucked, they jacked each other off. If Lucas's parents had had any inkling what their twelve-year-old son was thinking and planning on doing that night they would have locked him up in his room and forbidden him to ever see Billy or his other friends again. If they had actually seen what he was doing they would have hauled him off home and called in an exorcist to drive out the demon that had evidently taken him over. He was laying there stark naked in the middle of his friend's bed, his butt raised on a pile of pillows and being savagely ravaged by his supposed best buddy while another of his best buddies was lying beside him also with his ass in the air and being fucked while he and Lucas masturbated each other and exchanged kisses. Not only that, the boy appeared to be delirious with pleasure. Truly a demon had to have taken possession of him. Lucas was delirious. His stiff, aching cock was pounding as Mark gripped it tightly with his jack off hand and stroked it. His rectum was pulsating just as forcefully as Billy's cock pumped in and out of it, causing his anus to burn with that delightful painful pleasure. He could feel Billy's cock pulsating deep inside him and he knew the pleasure Billy was feeling, a pleasure that he was the direct cause of. He'd also seen Billy spurt and he knew that soon his rectum would be flooded with that hot, watery slime, and, hopefully, Billy's sperm would swim up his rectum to fertilize him and in the months to come he'll be carrying Billy's baby, a physical reminder of this night. Besides his and Billy's, there was a third cock throbbing just as hotly, Mark's stiff, slender thirteen year old cock in his fist. He was using his left hand, which made it totally different from doing himself, and it was always different holding someone else's cock anyway. And of course there was a fourth cock, Aaron's, which was pumping in and out of Mark's slime-filled asshole, his cock sliding in and out through Billy's slick cum. From the look of joy and strain on the faces of the four boys they were all evidently possessed. If there was any doubt, there could not be a few minutes later as for the second time that night the bodies of the four boys were raked with that ultimate sexual pleasure a boy can know, his orgasm. Billy quivered and closed his eyes with delight as he began to spurt with just as much force and just as copiously as the first time, shot after shot of slime shooting out of the burning tip of his cock and up Lucas's asshole. Shot after shot filled his plugged rectum, sending thousands of sperm on their journey up his shit chute to find the gamete that he'd be releasing as the result of Billy's slime filling his rectum and the one particular chemical being absorbed by his blood. Lucas quivered with the unique sensation of having his rectum flooded with hot, watery slime and he arched his back and whimpered with sweet pleasure as his own orgasm hit him, raking through his groin and causing him to buck and jerk uncontrollably, his empty nuts drawn up tight below his aching, throbbing cock. The cock he was similarly jerking was throbbing too, and shooting, Mark's hot slime spurting out of his aching bone and flying through the air to strike him in the chest, spurt after spurt erupting with delightful pleasure and lacing his naked body and Lucas's fingers. Mark quivered and arched his back also as the pleasure of ejaculation flooded his mind and his groin while at the same time Aaron grasped him tightly and thrust his stiff cock in and out of his slime-filled asshole as he also reached his orgasm, dry but just as painfully pleasant and overpowering as if it had been wet. Once again the four boys fell back, two with cum oozing out of their assholes, two with cum pendants hanging from their stiff cocks, one with his body laced with his cum, one with his fingers sticky from his buddy's juice, and one with his stiff young cocklet smeared with one buddy's shit and ass slime and another buddy's cum. All four young boys lay there on Billy's bed, their thin chests rising and falling with exertion and pleasure, their naked bodies glowing warmly, their cheeks flushed. All four sucked in the night air laden with the scent of fresh early teen cum, all four glad to be boys and to have the opportunity to do what only boys can do. Two thought about their cum-filled rectums and upcoming pregnancies, one thought of his pregnancy and his lover and the joy of having another son, and one thought of the two sons conceived that night, his birthday night, and of the satisfied, fulfilling feeling one had knowing he was carrying the child of the one he loved. As he thought about the latter, an idea popped into his head. "Do you think you can squirt a third time?" Billy asked some time later, looking over at Mark. "Fuck. I'm feeling so hot I could squirt all night," Mark replied. "Why do you ask?" "Because I'd like to have your baby," Billy said, looking into his friend's eyes. He'd never realized before how sexy they were, a rich chocolate brown with long, feathery eyelashes. Mark's eyes brightened and a smile slowly curled the corners of his mouth. "That would be fucking awesome!" So once again the four boys began to kiss and caress and fondle each other's cocks and balls. They were young, twelve and thirteen, and knew no limits. Their parents were all asleep and blissfully unaware of what their sons were doing, none of them suspecting for one moment that their sons were sexually active, never mind cock-loving faggots. The air in the small bedroom already heavy with the scent of cock and sweaty balls and spent cum, was once again refreshed with the scent of boy. Once again four young, slender cocks grew stiff and ached to be touched and four naked boys were aching to be pleased and to please each other. This time Billy was on his back with his butt up on his pillows and Mark's dick up his ass and with Aaron's stiff in his mouth while Lucas's dick was up Aaron's butt. Billy loved being fucked as much as he loved sucking cock, but this time knowing what the result of getting fucked by his best buddy was going to be made all the difference in the world. Sometime next February he'd be having his best buddy's baby, and two of his buddies would be having his! Now that was totally wicked! Reaching down and stroking his aching cock, he sucked on Aaron's stiff dick and closed his eyes and concentrated on the pleasure of having Mark's hard, pulsating prick pumping in and out of his ass. A cock in his hand, one in his mouth, and a third up his ass, life could not be more pleasant. That there were those who felt sex between guys was sinful or something dirty and to be snickered about evidently had never had sex with another guy before, and certainly not with someone they loved. Those who thought twelve and thirteen-year-old boys were too young to be having sex or to know what love was all about either hated kids and wanted to keep the pleasure a secret and for adults, or they didn't really know kids at all. There was no pleasure greater than to have a throbbing, aching cock, and to be able to share that pleasure with another person was the greatest bonding experience two people could have. That was what made sex between two guys so much better than between opposite sexes, and when it was between guys who loved each other and took as much pleasure in bringing another guy pleasure as he did in his own pleasure there was nothing greater in the world. Well, except for four guys sharing that pleasure together. Billy's rectum throbbed hotly in time with Mark's stiff cock and Aaron's swollen dick and his own pulsating cock, and he knew Aaron's rectum and Lucas's cock were throbbing with the same pleasure. Four cocks throbbing in time with each other, four cocks swollen with lust, four boys pleasuring each other. Billy inhaled and exhaled deeply and was suddenly aware of the laboured breathing of his three best friends. His thin chest rose and fell as he sucked deeply on Aaron's swollen cock. His mouth filled with saliva and he swallowed the cock-flavoured spit eagerly, causing his own cock to throb with arousal in his fist. Aaron was panting loudly and Billy knew he was feeling the same pleasure as he was, the pleasure of having a hot, hard cock up his butt. He could hear the heavy breathing of Mark and Lucas also and he knew his two best friends were feeling the same pleasure, the pleasure of having a hot, moist ass enveloping their cocks and a tight asshole gripping onto their swollen boners. He was panting heavily now, his breath blowing hotly out his nostrils and over Aaron's smooth, hairless pubes. He could feel Mark's curlies pressing against his smooth butt each time Mark thrust his throbbing cock up his ass. Any moment now Mark would be shooting his stuff up his ass, initiating the release of his special W chromosome gamete in time for one of Mark's lucky sperm to fertilize it and begin their baby. It was with that thought that he felt his groin twang and his cum race up the core of his cock. It spurted out in a high arc to land on his heaving, naked chest, followed by a second and a third spurt that laced his breasts. And then Mark was spurting up his ass, his thin, watery cum spurting deep up his rectum. Aaron trembled and threw back his head with his dry orgasm, his body and his swollen cock jerking uncontrollably as Billy continued to suck him, and seconds later Lucas grasped Aaron's hips tightly and rammed his aching cock up Aaron's ass with a groan of pleasure as he reached his dry orgasm also. All four inhaled deeply, sucking the cum-scented air deep into their lungs, the musky scent of fresh cum and hot cock and sweaty balls as delightful as the fragrance of freshly baked bread in their young minds. The end of the next month Billy and Mark took Mark's two younger sisters and Billy's sons Billy Bob, Nathan and Jordie, even though Jordie was only nine months old and could not yet stand on his own, out trick or treating on Halloween. Being in grade eight, the two boys figured themselves too old for dressing up and going door to door but nonetheless were delighted when they were also given treats, which most people did in that they only went to the homes in the neighbourhood and everyone knew them and they knew everyone. "Do you think all this sugar is good for our little son?" Mark asked as their young charges ran ahead of them to the next house. "I'm sure it won't hurt him," Billy advised. "Good, because I sure could use the extra energy," Mark responded, opening up his fifth mini chocolate bar. "How have you been feeling?" "Tired, pukey, my nose is running, and my face is all broken out in zits, and at school this morning I got dizzy in science class and thought I was going to faint. Having a baby is the shits." "No, giving birth is the shits," Billy said with a grin, having explained what would be happening after four and a half months. "Funny," Mark replied, wrinkling up his nose. "Wait until you start gaining weight. Then you'll really tire fast, and your ankles will get all swollen and your back will ache like a bastard." "Gee, thanks. I can't wait." "Well, you're the one who wanted to have a baby," Billy said with a grin. "Actually," he said, getting serious, "you don't have to come along. I don't mind taking your sisters along with Billy Bob and Nathan and Jordie." "No, that's all right, but thanks anyway. Besides, this is my only chance to stock up on chocolate bars and candy. Mom and Dad have cut me off of all sweets on account of these freaking zits. Dad thinks it's because of puberty," he said with a grin, "and Mom thinks my stuffy nose is because I've caught a cold. Why do all these things happen to a guy when he gets pregnant anyway?" "I dunno. It has something to do with your hormones or something." "How are you feeling? You're just as pregnant as I am." "I'm okay. I'm sortta used to this pregnancy stuff. This will be my fourth son," the thirteen-year-old said with a grin. "That's so fucking awesome." "Yeah, but our son is going to be extra special in that he's yours and mine-but he won't be treated any different from my other sons. That wouldn't be right." "Yeah, it's not right when parents favour one child over another. I sometimes think my sisters are treated different because they're girls, and they both think I get special treatment because I'm the oldest and the only boy, but really, I think my mom and dad treat us all the same." "Have you thought any more about a name?" "Lots. But I can't think of any that I like. Maybe we'll have to be like Tarzan and just call him Boy," Mark observed with a grin and Billy laughed. Billy paused for a moment and took several deep breaths. "You sure you're okay?" "Yeah, just a little tired and light headed. This is our last street anyway." Actually, their young charges convinced them to do two more streets. On the way back they separated, Mark heading back home with his sisters and Billy taking his sons back to the Mission where they were living. Dumping out their "loot" he sorted through the candy to make sure none of it looked like it had been tampered with. Having gone to the local houses that was highly unlikely but it was not something you'd take a chance with. "Okay, you can pick two things to eat before bed," he advised. "Twenty things," Billy Bob said impishly. "I'm not negotiating. Three, and that is it. If you had twenty treats you'd have a sore tummy." "And I'd puke, like you and Mark," he said with a grin. "Yes you would." "If I had a baby in my belly then I could have six treats, three for me and three for him." Billy laughed. "Don't you dare think about getting pregnant so you can have double the treats," he warned, knowing how Billy Bob thought. "Besides, you're too young to have a baby." "How old were you when you had me?" "Six." "I'm six." "Okay . . . I was six years and . . . six months." "I'm six years and two months." "There, see, you're too young yet." "I'm not that much younger," Billy Bob protested indignantly. He wasn't actually. Billy hadn't realized Billy Bob was almost the same age as he'd been when Billy Bob had been conceived. Of course at the time he'd gotten pregnant neither he nor Bobby had known that what they were doing would result in a baby. "You're still not going to get pregnant just so you can have more Halloween treats." "I'd like to have a baby son anyway. I'd like Mark's son." "Mark's? You mean the Mark we were just with? Wolf Boy?" Billy Bob nodded. His son and his very best friend having a baby together. That so would be cool. And Mark was already having his baby, and he was having Mark's. That would actually be wicked hot if Billy Bob got pregnant with Mark's baby. "Are you sure about this?" Billy Bob nodded again. "Really sure?" Billy Bob nodded even more vigorously. "Well, if it's all right with Mark, and with Bobby, okay?" "Kay. Can I have four treats?" Billy smiled. Who could resist those big blue eyes? "Four. And that's final." "Kay," Billy Bob replied. Getting up he walked over to where Billy was sitting on the floor and gave him a big hug. "Love you." "And I love you too," Billy replied, returning the hug and giving him a kiss, not on the forehead or cheek like most fathers would kiss their sons, but on the lips. Bobby wasn't working on Saturday and as usual when he wasn't on the road he spent time with Billy and their three sons. He was initially shocked when Billy told him what Billy Bob had said and instinctively against it, as to be expected considering how he'd been raised and the sexual expectations of his generation even though he was a boylover, but when Billy pointed out that he'd only been four months older when he'd gotten pregnant, by Bobby, Bobby could see how inconsistent his thinking and beliefs were. Six years ago the mere thought of having sex with the impish six-year-old blond who had flirted with him in the hardware store had given him an instant erection, and he'd thought about that a lot, and he'd gotten wet dreams when he'd dreamed about it at night, which had happened almost daily too. Now his own son was six and wanting to have sex, and with someone older too. Mark was thirteen, not an adult, but it was the same idea, and it wasn't as if he didn't already know of teenagers and preteens who were having sex with six-year-old boys or younger. Besides, Billy Bob had been having sex with his fathers and with dozens of boys of all ages from the time he'd begun to walk. Mark was just as surprised as Bobby when Billy told him of Billy Bob's request but the thirteen-year-old agreed much more quickly. Him and his best friend's son having a baby together was hot, and that he was having his best friend's baby and his best friend was having his baby made it all the hotter. They went directly over to the Mission that Sunday afternoon to tell Billy Bob the good news. "Cool!" he said, his big blue eyes widening and a bright smile lighting up his face as he got to his feet. "Let's go to my room and do it right now." He reached up and took Mark's hand. "Oh. I gotta put my toys away first," he said, squatting back down and beginning to pick up the Lego blocks he'd been playing with. Mark and Billy hadn't thought about just when or where Mark and Billy Bob would go about making their baby and Billy Bob's spontaneity caught them off guard. Uncertain how to respond, Mark glanced over at Billy. Having sex with his six-year-old son had sounded hot and they'd both agreed, but faced now with actually doing it was a much different matter. It was his best friend's son, and he was only six. "Go ahead," Billy said to Mark and Billy Bob with a smile. "Don't worry about the toys. Nathan and Jordie and I will put them away for you." Standing and taking Mark's hand again, Billy Bob flashed his little daddy a grateful smile and then lead his daddy's best friend down the hall and proudly showed him his room. Most of the boys who stayed at the Mission lived in large dorm style rooms that had several bunk beds or in smaller double occupancy or two double-bunk bedrooms. Billy Bob being one of the first residents and being there on a permanent basis was one of the few who had his own room. It was small, barely large enough for a small, narrow bed, a little desk and chair, a small three-drawer dresser, a toy box, and a corner closet, but it was his own, and decorated with his personal treasures, photographs of his two fathers and two brothers, a photo of all of them by the castle-like building on the top of Whiteface Mountain in the Adirondacks from the past summer, some sea shells he'd collected on the coast of Maine, a few drawings of dinosaurs he'd done in school, having inherited his little father's interest in art, a large Tonka eighteen wheeler that he played with constantly, wanting to be a truck driver like his big daddy, and a small stuffed teddy bear that went everywhere he did. Mark sat down on the bed self-consciously, not knowing how to begin. "Let me undress you and get you hot," Billy Bob said brightly, standing in front of him and beginning to unbutton his shirt, saving Mark the problem of what to do. Sitting in a six-year-old's bedroom and having him undress you was surprisingly hot and by the time Billy Bob had Mark stripped to his boxers they were sticking out. He of course had no idea at the time that Billy Bob had been having sex with Billy for years. "My little daddy said you were a horny bugger," he observed as he looked at Mark's tented boxers. "Really?" Mark asked with an embarrassed chuckle. "And what else did your little daddy say about me?" he asked, not sure he was going to like the answer but too curious to pass up the opportunity to find out. "That he loves you a bunch, after me and my big daddy, and Nathan and Jordie of course." Mark smiled. That answer was perfectly fine. Reaching out, he unbuttoned and removed Billy Bob's shirt, and then unzipped and unsnapped his jeans and pulled them down. "Looks like you're a horny little bugger too," he observed somewhat surprised as he glanced at the bulge in the youngster's tight white briefs and the six-year-old giggled. He'd had no idea that six year old's could get erections. As he eased down Billy Bob's underwear, he was surprised at the size of his stiff little dick, Billy Bob having inherited his big daddy's genes in that regard. He had to be close to three inches [7½ cm] long and as thick as his thumb. Sitting down beside Mark, Billy Bob gently caressed his breasts. Mark now a month pregnant, his breasts had begun to fatten up and had begun to feel heavy. It felt surprisingly good to have them caressed. He suddenly jerked with the sharp pang that shot through his swollen and overly sensitive nipple as Billy Bob gently brushed his fingertips against one of them, the slight touch sending ripples of painful pleasure through the irritated teats and causing his stiff cock to jerk. "Now, now," Billy Bob scolded, shaking a finger at it. "You just wait your turn." Mark laughed and Billy Bob giggled impishly as he returned to Mark's teats. He brushed his smooth lips against them, causing them to burn with irritation and causing Mark's stiff dick to wag again, and then pressing his open mouth over one he gently sucked on it, causing the teenager's cock to jerk all the more. Purposefully ignoring Mark's dick, Billy Bob licked his other teat and then sucked on it, and then kissed Mark's chest and his belly button and his flat stomach. Mark caressed the boy's back and smooth, compact backside and could not resist cupping and rolling his extraordinarily large balls and stroking his stiff little dickey. Billy Bob continued to ignore Mark's aching, wagging dick, caressing his thighs and brushing his lips against them, and then brushing his lips against the thirteen-year-old's dangling nuts. "You know, it's all right if you want to touch my dick," Mark advised in a tight, strained voice. "Unh-unh," Billy Bob replied with a shake of his head. "I'm punishing him for being so greedy and not waiting his turn." "He's sorry," Mark advised. He'd never felt so tense and in such need to have his dick stroked. "Are you?" Billy Bob asked, bending over so his face was an inch away from Mark's straining dick. He could feel the youngster's hot breath against it and it jerked excitedly. "He nodded yes," Billy Bob said, glancing up at Mark. "I think he's really, really sorry." "I think he is," agreed Mark, about to scream "Okay little dick, here's a kiss." Billy Bob slipped to the floor, and squatting between Mark's legs, he kissed his exposed knob, his foreskin having long ago slipped off the blood-engorged head. Mark's dick immediately wagged. "I think he liked that," Billy Bob observed, looking up at Mark. "Oh, he did, trust me," Mark replied breathlessly. "How do you and my little daddy like to do it?" "How?" "Un-huh," Billy Bob said with a nod. "Facing each other, on your hands and knees like doggies, on your sides, standing?" "Oh. Ah. Anyway I guess. What do you like best?" "Anyway too," the youngster said with a bright grin. "How 'bout me on my hands and knees on my bed and you standing behind me on the floor? My bed's sortta small for both of us." "Sounds great to me," Mark replied. He couldn't believe he was having a conversation about favourite sexual positions with a six-year-old. Still squatting on the floor, Billy Bob grasped Mark's aching cocklet by the base and bending over, he began to drool over it until it was slimy with spit. Hopping up on the bed and kneeling on his hands and knees, he wiggled his backside. "Com'on little bone. Your doggy's waiting for you." Mark eagerly got to his feet and stood behind the youngster. Placing the tip of his knob against Billy Bob's eager hole, he grasped him by the hips and slowly pushed forward. With their experience and eagerness and Billy Bob's spit, Mark's bone disappeared into the waiting doggy with surprising ease. Burying it as far as he could until his freshly grown curlies were brushing against the six-year-old's smooth backside, he slowly drew it back out. To his surprise, other than the smallness of Billy Bob's butt, there was not much physical difference between fucking him and fucking Billy, Lucas or Aaron. His rectum was just as hot and moist and tight, and his asshole gripped his cock just as firmly as he withdrew his cock and relaxed just like he was used to as he sank it back in. The youngster clearly had previous experience and Mark wondered with whom. The mental difference on the other hand was tremendous. He was fucking a six-year-old, and not just any six-year-old, but his best friend's son, and the boy's daddy knew it. As he reached under his slim body with his right hand and slipped his fingers about the boy's little cocklet, the slenderness of his little dick emphasized his age, though his cock was twice the size of that of any other six-year-old. Slowly stroking his little cocklet while placing his other hand on his smooth, compact butt for balance, Mark eased his stiff cock in and out of the six-year-old's ass and closed his eyes with the physical pleasure of having his cock surrounded by hot, moist assflesh and the mental pleasure of knowing he was fucking his best friend's son. He was not just fucking him, but they were making a baby. As a result of this five minutes of pleasure he was going to have a son, a second son, the boy's father also carrying his child. Now that was fucking hot, the son and the father both carrying his child. The thought caused his cock to ache and he had to stop and will away the impulse to shoot. He'd only been squirting for four months, and to delay that delightful, exquisite experience was still difficult despite the fact he knew how much greater it would be to be able to enjoy the pleasure of having a hot, throbbing cock for a little longer, and how much more explosive and how much more pleasurable it would be when he came. Billy Bob was fully aware of why Mark had paused, and he drew forward until his sphincter was just below Mark's knob and he clamped down hard on the throbbing bone, knowing the pressure would help delay his ejaculation. As Mark had observed, the boy was not inexperienced, though this would be the first time he'd ever been fucked by someone who could cum. Bobby's monster cock was still much too large for him to be comfortable, and Billy had been careful not to fuck him all the way to the end since he'd started coming. None of the other boys he messed with could squirt yet. When Mark resumed his pumping and the tugging on his dick, Billy Bob relaxed and enjoyed the dual pleasure, the pleasure of having his itching, aching cocklet stroked and the pleasure of having his ass fucked. His sphincter burned with a pleasant irritation just like the rim of his knob, and his rectum throbbed in time with the stiff thirteen-year-old cocklet pumping in and out of it. As the two reached their peaks a second time, neither made any effort to delay their orgasms. Both enjoyed the end too much, and in this case, it was going to be a new experience for Billy Bob. Mark was breathing heavily as he thrust his cock in and out of Billy Bob's young ass, his blood pounding in his ears as well as through his stiff. He grasped Billy Bob's backside tightly with his left hand and he wanked on the boy's little, rigid dickey madly. His body was hot and flushed and his armpits, with their fine tufts of newly-grown silky hair, were damp. He could feel sweat trickling from his pits down his sides as he madly thrust his hips to and fro. Both of them were inhaling and exhaling deeply and with unabashed lust as Mark drove his cock up Billy Bob's rectum, practically knocking the six-year-old over. He withdrew his cock as far as he could without slipping out before driving his hips forward again, causing the small, narrow bed to creak and bang against the wall as Billy Bob was rocked back and forth. As he felt the familiar twang in his loins and the contraction of his still practically hairless balls, now drawn up tight beneath his cock, Mark threw his head back and grunted as he drove his cock forward with all his might. His early teen cum spurted out of the tip of his benumbed cock, causing the tip to burn with a pleasant pain. It spurted deep up Billy Bob's rectum and was quickly followed by a second and third spurt. His thin, watery cum flooded the boy's plugged rectum and as Billy Bob felt his asshole being filled with hot cum for the first time in his young life, he trembled and jerked with his own orgasm, dry but just as wonderful and as powerful as Mark's. He inhaled and exhaled deeply as shock after shock of orgasm ripped through his groin and up his rigid little cocklet, his asshole burning with irritation and his rectum throbbing hotly as it was flooded with thousands of sperm from the handsome thirteen-year-old boy, one of which was going to make him a baby. Bobby's birthday fell in the middle of the week that month. His wife worked late, likely on purpose he figured considering their deteriorating relationship, and didn't even mention it was a special day. It was just as well. He was finding it just as difficult pretending to be happy as she was, and he avoided situations where they had to put on a false front just as often as she did. He went to McDonald's with Billy and their three sons. Billy had boughten him a present, a new wallet, and the boys had each made him a birthday card. Stopping by the Dairy Queen, they bought an ice cream cake, and returned to the Mission to enjoy it and share it with Jimmy, Calvin and Aaron and their sons. When he returned home that night his wife made no mention of his birthday and didn't ask where he'd been. That night he made his decision about Logan. Any weekend he wasn't on the road he'd been spending with Billy and their sons and he'd often invited Logan along with them. Over the past five months he and Logan had been having sex frequently, sucking and jerking and finger fucking each other, but he'd refrained from anal sex, wanting to be sure in his mind that he wanted another son and one from another boy, and more importantly, that Logan wanted to have a baby and understood, as well as any six-year-old could understand, what it was like to have a baby and to be responsible for it. That was one reason he'd invited Logan along on their outings, so he could see that having a baby wasn't just having a little doll boy-child to play with but was dirty diapers and teething and the terrible twos, the stage that Nathan was now in. The other reason was because Logan had no other opportunity to be with a man and looked so much to being with him, and of course, he looked forward to being with Logan just as much, and not just because of the hot sex they had with each other. Thanksgiving was the Thursday of the week following his birthday. Normally Billy spent the day with his parents, Bobby and his wife spent it with either his family or hers and Billy Bob and his brothers spent it with Jimmy and Calvin at the Mission with Billy joining them for an hour in the afternoon or early part of the evening if he could. This year was the year that Bobby and his wife normally would go to his wife's brother's for the family gathering. Monday Bobby came down with a cold that got progressively worse during the week and he encouraged his wife to go without him, which she happily agreed too, suspecting that the sudden cold was not as severe as Bobby was letting on, if he even had one. Pretending that they were a happy couple and everything was all right at the Thanksgiving at his parents the previous year had been just as difficult on him as it had been on her, and she suspected this was his way out just as much as it was for him as it was for her, probably more for him, but she was not about to raise that issue. She was of course right, and the moment she left his cold disappeared. So early that Thursday morning he picked up his three sons and Logan and they headed out for a drive. Logan's mother, who worked day shift as a waitress, had the opportunity to work that evening also, and it being a holiday meant being paid time and a half. Though she hated being away from her son, it did mean extra pay, which she greatly needed, so when Bobby offered to look after him for the day and overnight she was very grateful, though not as grateful as Bobby was for her agreeing to let him do so. It was a chilly November day with a hint of snow in the air. They headed west on the Interstate to Pine Lake. The gain in elevation was gradual and it was a scenic drive through the aspen parkland. Arriving at the lake, they went for a hike along the shore, enjoying the fresh air scented with pines and aspens and the solitude and each other's company. Starting a fire in one of the pits in the picnic area, Bobby roasted wieners which they had with hot spiced apple cider. They spent the afternoon there at the lake and on the way back home they stopped at a roadside restaurant Bobby knew of that put on a fabulous Thanksgiving supper with turkey and all the trimmings and pumpkin pie. Bobby said a quick prayer of thanks, not because he was a religious man, but because it was the customary thing to do on Thanksgiving Day. As they dug in, all of them ravenous after a day of hiking and playing outdoors, he glanced at Logan concentrating so hard trying to transfer the fork of peas from his plate to his mouth without spilling and trying to be so grownup, and at his three sons happily stuffing their mouths and chatting at the same time, Billy Bob taking it upon himself to look after his two younger brothers, and he thought back to the day he'd seen Billy in the hardware store and the lust he'd felt for him. So much had happened since then and he had so much to be thankful for. Top of the list would be having had what he'd thought at the time was a chance encounter with the Ancient but which he was convinced now had been carefully planned by the mysterious old man. Had it not been for him and his Gargoyle of Male Fecundity he would never have met his boymate Billy, who was next highest on his list of things to be thankful for. The boy was a treasure in all ways. He was high-spirited, daring, and outgoing, everything you'd want in a boy; he was intelligent, kindhearted, and diligent, everything a father would want in a son; and he was caring, open-minded and loved sex, everything a boylover would want in a mate. Of course if it had not been for all three, the Ancient with his suppositories, the Gargoyle, and Billy, he'd not have the three delightful, loving sons he had, which he sincerely loved and was thankful for. And had it not been for Billy and Billy Bob, he'd not have his other love, Logan, who by the end of the day would be carrying what would be his fourth child and Logan's first, and for whom he was also thankful. He was thankful for having met Jimmy and Calvin and for being the first to support them in their initiative, the Bernstein-Fields Mission For Boys, which had grown to become an internationally renown support group for boys, and in secret, for boylovers and their boymates, and personally had been essential in helping him raise his children. He was thankful for the chance encounter with Kyle and Kevin which had resulted in becoming a member of the close network of like-minded friends he'd met at the camp in the Tetons without whose support and knowledge he'd never have managed. There was so very much to be thankful for. He closed his eyes and gave another prayer of thanks, a longer and more sincere one, to God, to the Ancient, to Rana Anshar, to the Gargoyle of Male Fecundity, to whomever was responsible. When he opened them again, he found Billy Bob staring at him intently with a wide smile and a merry twinkle in his eyes and a dab of cranberry sauce on his nose. Returning to his house, he tucked Nathan and Jordie into their beds and getting Billy Bob into his pajamas and leaving him in charge of his brothers in the guest bedroom, Bobby retired to his bedroom with Logan. Billy Bob of course knew why Logan was going with his daddy to his bedroom instead of going with them, and he was happy his father was enjoying his Father's Day present. Logan, accustomed to adults making the decisions, especially of things he didn't really understand, hadn't questioned why he was joining Bobby in his bedroom instead of going with the other three boys. Besides, he was enamoured by the big man and would spend twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week with him if he could. Bobby looked down at the boy as they sat down on the edge of his bed. The idea of he and the boy having a son was a tremendous turn on, and the fact that it was possible because of Billy Bob bringing them together as his Father's Day gift to him and Billy and because Billy had seeded the boy as his Father's Day gift to him made it all the hotter and all the more precious. He'd never considered having a baby with anyone other than Billy, and he found the idea of having a son with another boy surprisingly erotic. Taking Logan in his arms, he kissed him and the boy returned his kiss with the same desire and eagerness. Removing the boy's shirt, Bobby kissed and caressed his smooth chest and ran his fingers over the boy's slender back while the boy struggled with his buttons. Opening his shirt, he ran his fingers through Bobby's thick, coarse chest hairs just like Billy liked to do. Bobby removed the boy's pants, caressing and kissing the boy's thighs as he removed his jeans along with the boy's shoes and socks. Unbuttoning and unzipping his own pants, he removed his shoes and socks and stepped out of his trousers. His boxers were already tented out with arousal and the boy immediately pulled down his boxers and sat there staring in awe at the man's huge, erect member. Having the boy stand, Bobby drew down his monster truck print briefs, evidently new as he'd never seen them before, and helped the boy step out of them. "You like monster trucks?" "Yeah. They're the coolest." "Some weekend I'll take you to a monster truck rally." "That would be cool." From the look of admiration in the boy's eyes Bobby was ready to get dressed and go find a truck rally that very minute. He reached out and played with the boy's little tiddler. It was so smooth, so soft. As he fiddled with it, the little cocklet began to swell. Slipping off the bed, he spread the boy's knees and bowing his head, he took the boy's little dick in his mouth and sucked on it gently. As he felt it swelling in his mouth, his own dick twitched with arousal. He swirled his tongue around the boy's slender dicklet and basted it with spittle and then swallowed his saliva, delighting in the hint of the taste of boy cock. He slipped his lips up and down the slender noodle and continued to suck on it until the boy was hard and squirming with arousal. He then stood and had the boy sit on the bed. When he asked the boy if he still wanted to make a baby, Logan knew immediately that this was not going to be like their usual love making and his heart leaped with joy. This had already been a very special day, and it was about to become even more special. He of course immediately replied that he did. Billy and Billy Bob had explained what was involved long ago and he'd been patiently waiting for this day. Taking the tube of KY he'd purchased for the occasion out of his grooming kit and opening it up, Bobby greased up his middle finger and then having Logan turn around, he slowly inserted it up the boy's rectum and twisted it around, lubing up the boy's asshole and loosening him up. The boy wasn't a virgin, having been screwed by Billy Bob and J.B. numerous times and once by Billy when Billy had seeded him just a month before Billy had begun squirting. The thought that he was going to be sticking his cock up the same hole his boymate and his young son had stuck their cocks caused Bobby's cock to jerk with arousal. Applying a large glob of lube to his broad knob, he spread it over the blood-engorged bulb. Stacking up his pillows in the middle of the bed and covering them with a bath towel, he had Logan lie on his back with his hips elevated on the pillows and his legs spread. Kneeling between the six-year-old boy's legs, he placed the tip of his lubed cock against the boy's hole, and telling him to push out with his stomach, he slowly pressed forward. As he felt the boy's anus slowly opening, he told the boy if it hurt too much to let him know. It did hurt, a bit, but not that much, and Logan was eager to find out what it would feel like having a big cock like Bobby's up his butt. It had felt great having Billy's up his ass, and Billy's was a lot shorter and thinner than Bobby's, and it always felt great having Billy Bob's or J.B.'s dick up his bum, but theirs were even smaller still. He pushed out desperately and inhaled and exhaled deeply as fraction by fraction he felt the large, fat knob stretching open his bumhole until at last he felt it pop inside. His anus was delightfully stretched. He inhaled deeply again as the man slowly pushed his cock further up his bum, inch by inch until his coarse hairs were tickling his little balls. The man smiled down at him and he smiled back up. As Bobby began to draw his cock out, he tightened his bumhole like Billy had told him to, and when Bobby inserted his cock back up his ass he relaxed. His bumhole burned with stimulation. Reaching down, he began to play with his little cocklet and he squirmed with delight as the knob burned and itched just like his bumhole. Bobby worked slowly so as not to hurt the boy and to thoroughly enjoy the delight of having his cock up the boy's hot, moist, tight asshole. He could not help thinking back to the first time he'd fucked Billy, and how hot it had been, and how much Billy had enjoyed it. From the look on Logan's face and the way he was squirming, it was evident he was enjoying it just as much. It was so hot fucking him for the first time that try as he could, he could not hold back for long. As he increased his tempo, his hefty frame caused the bed to begin to creak as he drove Logan's body into the stacked pillows and the mattress with each forward lunge. It reminded him of his first fuck with Billy in Billy's bedroom except this time it was in his bedroom, in the same bed as he slept with his wife and at one time, which seemed like a very long time ago, in which he had fucked her too. His swollen cock was throbbing and his knob itching and the pressure rapidly building in his loins. He closed his eyes with ecstasy as he let the pleasure take over his mind. Faster and faster he drove his cock in and out of the boy until at last he felt the familiar twang deep in his loins and he began to spurt, shot after shot erupting out of his throbbing cannon and shooting deep up the boy's rectum. Plugged by Bobby's thick cock, his rectum filled with the copious load of hot cum and he could feel it oozing further up his rectum as Bobby's cock continued to throb. Bobby sighed with pleasure, and he wrapped his arms about his slender six-year-old partner and kissed him, his swollen cock buried up the boy's ass and awash with his thick, hot cum, his sperm already swimming up the boy's shit chute in search of that special gamete that the boy would soon be releasing. The beginning of December Bobby and his wife decided to separate. It was a quick and amiable divorce. Although they still cared for each other, they had grown apart. Initially they'd thought that theirs was the ideal marriage. Bobby with his long-distance trucking job and her job with Cosmo Fashions kept them apart, Bobby being on the road for extended periods and she needing to frequently fly to meet designers or attend fashion shows across the country, which meant settling down with both parents at home and raising children was out of the question. She genuinely was not interested in being an at-home mom and having children, and Bobby, with his secret interest in young boys, thought such an arrangement would allow him to continue his secret passion. They loved their jobs, and they had other similar interests, like spending time alone at their summer cabin, touring vacations in their motorhome, and fine dining, and they had similar beliefs about religion, family and values and yet they had enough differences, her and her ballet performances and he and his sports, that they were not on top of each other. They truly did love each other. They'd had a lot of good times together, and still loved each other really, but things had changed. He still liked the open road and being behind the wheel of his eighteen-wheeler, but he also treasured his time at home and being able to spend time with his boymate and their sons, and that included lazing about with them at the summer cabin and going camping and of course going to the private campground in the Tetons. His wife liked her career just as much as she ever did and the social life that came with it, and the independence that Bobby and their marriage allowed her, but not having a husband available to accompany her at the functions related to her job or who had the same comfort at the social gatherings that had become more and more a part of her life did make her social life lonely. They had simply grown apart. Now she had the opportunity to take over the branch office in Los Angeles, which would mean moving, which Bobby adamantly did not want to do understandably, and which would mean even more of those business functions and social evenings where having a spouse to share in those occasions would be nice. Bobby wanted to spend more time with the young loves of his life, which was impossible having a wife at home. Their interests and priorities had changed, and having no dependants or commitments, getting divorced had more pros than cons. In that regard he was lucky. He knew that there were others in the same situation as he was who were stuck in marriages they could not get out of, which made living their secret lives difficult for them, their wives, and their boymates, which made all of them miserable. There were also others who were going through bitter divorces, in some cases the antagonism between spouses having been there long before the men had met their present boymates and had begun raising sons, and in other cases the realization of their secret desires and fantasies being the major cause of the conflict and breakup of their marriage. He and his wife were not separating in anger nor bitterness and fully intended on keeping in touch. For that he was thankful because he truly loved her, though not in the same way as he loved Billy and now Logan. That New Year's Eve was very different from those of the past twenty years spent with his wife as a married man, and from those of the twenty-seven years before that spent with friends, none of whom he'd seen now in years, or with his family. Billy's parents now having a pair of seven-month-old twins to look after were staying home and had given Billy permission to have a sleep over with Aaron, as had Mark's parents and even Lucas's parents, the four boys constantly together and each of the parents almost considering them family. Lucas's parents had been the most difficult to convince, but knowing the good Christian work the Bernstein-Fields Ministry was doing, and to which they'd even made donations as had their church, and that Aaron's stepbrother had taken him in because of his situation at home, they had relaxed their rigid control. Besides, New Year's Eve was not a religious event, and spending it at the Ministry added value to the occasion. Of course the four boys were not spending the night at the Ministry, but at Bobby's house instead, Jimmy and Calvin ready to cover for the four of them if needs be. They were joined by John Porter, whose upcoming divorce was one of those messy ones, he and his wife having failed to come to an agreement over adoption, and for which unfortunately Aaron still felt responsible and was miserable over. Also joining them was Logan, Bobby having offered to look after him, to which his mother had agreed upon being told Billy Bob and J.B. would also be there. She had few occasions to party and was grateful for the opportunity, and for not having to pay for a babysitter. Nathan and Jordan and John and Aaron's youngest son Ian rounded off the party. As Bobby looked about the living room, he had to smile. It was certainly a most unusual New Year's Eve party. Billy, three months pregnant with Mark's child and showing every pound, was sitting on the sofa, his shirt opened so he could nurse their son Jordie. Now eleven months old, he was beginning to walk, albeit unsteadily and having to hold onto things, and was learning to feed himself, usually getting more on himself, his highchair, and the floor than in his mouth. He would soon be weaned off breast milk, just in time for Billy to begin nursing his and Mark's son, though Billy was confident he'd be able to handle both of them and from the looks of his breasts he was probably right. They were swollen with milk, looking more like the little titties of a thirteen-year-old girl than of a boy thirteen and three months old. Playing cars and trucks on the floor in front of him was their son, Billy Bob, now six years and four months old and driving his eighteen-wheeler, and Logan, six years and eight months old and driving a monster truck, a Christmas present from Bobby, over the Lego blocks Billy Bob had just delivered. Both boys were pregnant, Billy Bob at two months also with Mark's child, and Logan at one month carrying Bobby's child. Beside them laying on his belly and looking at a picture book, also a Christmas present, was Billy Bob's younger brother and Bobby's second son Nathan, now two years and five months old. He was strong-willed, like his two fathers, and determined to be independent. Whoever named the stage he was going through the terrible twos must have had a child like him. Thankfully tonight he was in one of his agreeable moods and at the moment laying quietly, rocking back and forth as he looked intently at his book. Obvious to everyone there that the toddler was engaging in a common form of masturbation, none of them took any notice and neither of his parents tried to stop him, all of them seeing the behaviour as perfectly natural. Sitting in the sofa chair across from him was John, the bearded, two hundred and ten-pound [95 kg], thirty-three-year-old construction worker that Billy and Aaron had picked out to be Aaron's boylover, reading to his and Aaron's oldest son John Billy, now three years and ten months old and cuddled up to his big daddy in his lap. Looking at the cute, innocent, brown-haired toddler, you'd never have guessed that both he and Billy Bob had been engaging in jerking, sucking, and fucking with young six-year-old Logan, and several other boys, for most of the past year. Sitting on the other sofa chair was JB's little daddy, Aaron, having turned thirteen last month and now three months and three weeks pregnant with his and John's third child. Their second child, Ian Scott, was now nine months old and currently being breast fed by his very pregnant little daddy. Mark and Lucas, Mark now thirteen and a half and Lucas having just turned thirteen that month, both three months pregnant by Billy, were sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table playing checkers and happily munching alternately on dill pickle and ketchup flavoured potato chips. By mid-April there would be six more babies to raise! Aaron was due in January with his and John's third child, and at the end of the month or early in February Billy would be giving birth to his fourth son, this time a stepbrother to his other three sons, and Mark and Lucas would be giving birth to their first, which would be Billy's first two sons as their father rather than as the birth-father, the two boys being the result of his sperm instead of his W chromosome carrying gamete. Come March Billy Bob's baby will be his first and Mark's second, which would make Bobby and Billy grandparents! Sometime around mid-April Logan would be giving birth to his first son, which would be Bobby's fourth son and a stepbrother to his other three sons by Billy. As he thought about it, Bobby mused that perhaps there was going to be a need in the future for new terms for family relationships to distinguish stepbrothers as the result of one parent and stepbrothers as the result of the other, like his son by Logan and Billy's son by Lucas, and to distinguish between sons who resulted from their parent's sperm and those who resulted from the same parent's W gamete. Or, perhaps not. Perhaps they'd all just be considered sons and brothers. Two summers ago Bishop Gregory and the Polish dockworker turned shipping entrepreneur Thaddeus Wojciech and his boymate Klaus Wojtyla, who claimed to have had a vision from God saying he'd some day be one of His Disciples, had observed that they were witnessing a repopulation of the earth with a new species of human. They had also observed that they were also witnessing a social restructuring of the family. From his own small part of the world that was certainly true. "Why so pensive?" John asked, interrupting Bobby's thoughts as he got up to get another beer and JB joined Logan and Billy Bob on the floor. "Counting my blessings, and wondering what the future will be like for our boymates and our sons." "We do have many blessings to be thankful for, and from all the bulging bellies many more to come," John observed, glancing around at the pregnant boys. "You ever wonder if we are influencing our children as to their sexual orientation? That if maybe we weren't so open about our sexual preferences some of our children, or grandchildren, might be interested in women? And if that should be, you ever wonder what they'll think of us?" "Interested in women? I doubt that. They were born with the spirit of Rana Anshar in them and will be guided by Him throughout their lives. So there's nothing to wonder about," he concluded with a shrug as he opened up his can. Anshar, the ancient Babylonian warrior god and god of fertility, the male principle born of two serpents, who themselves had been the offspring of the primordial ocean and the sea, the first gods, had been the father of most of the other gods of the Babylonian pantheon, sort of a Greek Zeus. His role was later assumed by Asshur when Babylon was conquered by the Assyrians and their gods replaced those of the Babylonians. Everyone in their secret clan was knowledgeable in Assyro-Babylonian mythology though little was actually known about Anshar. Even less was known about the grotesque six-legged Gargoyle of Male Fecundity, and not even Calvin nor Jimmy had been able to find out anything about the mysterious Rana Anshar Ministry which had initially funded and supported them. The Iraqi archaeologist Rashid al-Faisal and his boymate Kareem had been unearthing numerous artifacts in the hills to the north of the ruins of Nineveh where the two had met and where the Ancient had told him to go, but they had found nothing about a Rana Anshar. Rashid had observed from other tablets they'd found that the Babylonians and Assyrians had believed that inanimate objects could house earth spirits, believing that lamps and rings for example were the abodes of djinn and like spirits. Following that line of thinking, he'd suggested that perhaps the Gargoyle of Male Fecundity housed the spirit of the male principle, Anshar, and that it was the spirit who guided boylovers to their mates, or boys to boylovers, by the glowing of his erect penis. It was a farfetched idea, but then again, no more so than the Catholic belief that sacramental wine and communion wafers actually turned into the blood and flesh of Christ when consumed. As Billy and Kevin had noted that summer, their group crossed all faiths and included also those who had no faith and those who professed mankind could know nothing about the existence of God. John Porter, like his wife, was a strong, practising Anglican, but with the church in turmoil over the role of women in the church and the issue of gay marriages, two issues on which he had very strong and opposing views to most members of his congregation, he'd ceased going to church, and like a number of boylovers in their group, had begun to take more than just an academic interest in early Assyro-Babylonian mythology to the point where he'd begun to refer to Rana Anshar as an actual god. "I suppose only time will tell," observed Bobby, who like his parents and his wife had not been deeply religious and who was not sold on the concept of earth spirits or the idea of Assyrian gods influencing modern day humans, but wise enough to know not to get into such a discussion with John who could talk for hours on the subject. "Even if our sons or their sons were interested in women, women are doomed. Our sons and their sons all have sperm with either the W or Y chromosome so can only produce more WY males, and if they did mate with women, a W sperm and X egg can't join, so Harold has concluded, which means the X egg can only join with a Y sperm, which means even mating with women will only result in males. Women are a thing of the past." Bobby hadn't considered that. Of course there could still be female offspring, from XY males like himself and John mating with women, or if those XY children of their children mated with females, but he didn't point that out. John had become very bitter about women, all women, and could talk for hours on that subject also. "Hey, you guys look way too serious," observed Billy as he and Aaron joined their two lovers, having finished breastfeeding their babies and put them down in the playpen hopefully to go to sleep. "You look like you need cheering up." "And just how do you propose to do that?" Bobby asked, glad for Billy's interruption. "Oh, I think we'll find some way," Billy said with a grin as he glanced at Aaron. The two thirteen-year-old boys giggled as they snuggled up to their boylovers. The two were wearing only a pair of extra large shirts, which they'd unbuttoned to nurse their babies revealing their large, milk-filled, sensitive breasts, and their lover's boxers, having pooched out too much to wear boy-sized underwear comfortably anymore. That alone was enough to distract the two men from their conversation. They reached out and gently stroked the swollen abdomens of their two boys. Both boys were huge and carrying their sons high and their bloated stomachs were firm. Even though the baby inside Billy's belly was not Bobby's, the man was just as turned on by his evident pregnancy, perhaps even more so than if it had been his baby. The two kissed and Billy began to unbutton the shirt of his hairy bear and soon the two forgot all about John and Aaron and the others in the room. Nathan had fallen asleep on his blanket despite the declaration he planned on staying up to welcome the new year, and Mark and Lucas, having finished their game, had joined Billy Bob, JB and Logan and were happily playing cars and trucks with them and building homes and garages out of Lego blocks. Slipping down onto the floor, Bobby lay on his back and Billy, now five foot one [1.55 m] and a hundred and twenty-four pounds [56 kg], twenty-five [11] of that being because of his pregnancy, straddled him and sat on his hairy belly, the long hair on his abdomen tickling the thirteen year old's smooth backside. Grinning down at his hairy bear, he entwined his fingers in his chest hair and both thought back to almost seven years ago and the afternoon they'd first made love. A lot of things had changed since then, but a lot had not either, their love for each other and Billy's delight in his big hairy bear's body being two of them. As he caressed Bobby's chest, Bobby reached up and stroked Billy's protruding abdomen, and as he did so he felt his baby move inside. "I think Huey is saying quit the playing around and get down to the fucking," Billy said with a grin. "Horny, just like his birth father," Bobby replied with a smile. "Look whose talking. I don't think that's a pickle prodding my backside." Bobby had gotten partially aroused, and his big cock was starting to rise and bump against Billy's buttocks. "Better not talk too loudly or Billy Bob will want it and you'll be out of luck." Both thought back happily to one of their oldest son's first words, pickle, and he wasn't referring to the cucumber kind. It had become a euphemism for them ever since, just like Nathan's "bahnah" for boner. In response, Billy swung around, as well as a twenty-five-pound [11 kg] overweight pregnant boy can, and half laying and half sitting on Bobby's chest, bent over, as much as boy entering his trimester could, and picking up Bobby's semierect cock by the base, slipped his lips over the tip and sucked on it. Easing him back a bit, Bobby spread apart his smooth, compact ass cheeks and ran his tongue up his crack. As Bobby wormed his tongue into the thirteen-year-old's bung hole, Billy swirled his tongue around the knob of Bobby's swelling cock. He delighted as much in the taste and smell of his lover's cock as Bobby delighted in rimming his boy hole. Both caused their mouths to fill with saliva, which Bobby blew up Billy's rectum and which Billy drooled over his lover's growing cock, causing it to swell all the faster. The two took their time, Bobby enjoying rimming his young boymate and having the thirteen-year-old lick his now rigid, eight-inch [20 cm] cock, and Billy enjoying being rimmed and licking his forty-seven-year-old lover's love pole. They had all evening to make love, and they knew this was only the beginning of what was going to be a very hot evening. As he rimmed his boymate, Bobby reached around his swollen stomach and caressed it again. He loved the slenderness and the flat stomachs of young boys, and now that Billy had entered his teens, the beginning definition of his young muscles, no longer soft and gently curved like a boy, but far from hard and angular like a man. He was at that stage between the two, and that made Bobby just as horny as he'd been when Billy had been six. Of course at that moment the boy's waist was far from slender. It had disappeared all together, and his stomach was far from flat. It was more like a nice sized watermelon, and just as firm. Bobby found that even more erotic, and although he and Billy had three sons together, he never ceased to marvel that there was a little, growing baby inside his boymate, six weeks away from his birth. His cock jerked with the thought and a dollop of pre-cum oozed out the tip. Billy eagerly licked up the delightful, unexpected treat and savoured it. He knew of nothing that had the taste and texture of pre-cum, and there was nothing that turned him on more. He knew he should smear it over his lover's blood-engorged knob to make it slicker and easier to penetrate him, but he also knew there would be many more dollops, and that his spittle alone could do the job. He loved sucking cock as much as he loved being fucked by one, and he especially loved sucking and being fucked by his lover's eight-inch [20 cm] monster. He loved his best buddy Mark and he loved the idea he was having Mark's child too, but it was a different type of love than what he felt for his hairy bear. Most of all, he loved that he was able to have both of them in his life. As he swallowed Bobby's dollop of pre-cum, he felt Huey move and he imagined the baby anticipating tasting Bobby's pre-cum as it made its way to his intestines. Huey wasn't his real name, just as Louie wasn't the real name of Mark's baby and Dewey wasn't the real name of Lucas's baby. Unable to come up with formal names yet, as they'd begun to feel their babies kicking in their bellies and hiccuping, they'd jokingly given them their nicknames after the three nephews of the cartoon character Donald Duck and the names had stuck, just like the nicknames they'd given each other years ago. As he crawled around to face Bobby in the same direction as he was lying again, Billy noticed that Aaron was lying on his back with his butt raised on a sofa cushion and that John was kneeling between his legs and plowing his ass. Aaron had gorgeous, thick, golden-brown hair that he still wore down to the middle of his back and which had earned him the nickname among the four musketeers of Simba after the lion cub in the Disney movie the Lion King. He had his eyes closed and was clearly loving the screwing he was getting from his big, bearded lover. Turning his attention back to Bobby, Billy smiled down at his lover and then slowly backed down on his stiff, spit-lubed cock. As it wedged between his ass cheeks, he pushed out with his stomach, causing Huey to roll over "You sure you want to do it in that position?" Bobby asked, concerned. "You're carrying a lot of extra weight." "Yeah, it's okay. It'll rock Huey to sleep, and it's a lot easier on my legs than packing him around all day." That was true. It was actually a relief to have the weight on his knees and not on his ankles for a change. He slowly continued to ease back and strained as he felt Bobby's big knob stretch open his sphincter wider and wider until at last it popped inside his rectum. He paused for breath and then continued to sink back, delighting in the sensation of that initial penetration and in the unique sensation of having your asshole stuffed with a thick, hard cock. Bobby did have a monster, at eight inches [20 cm] in length and with a shaft over three fingers thick, and Billy delighted being stuffed with it. They had to have fucked a thousand times at least by now, and he found it just as delightful now as he'd found it the first time they'd done it. He eased all the way back until he felt Bobby's coarse hairs brushing against his backside. He paused again to relish the sensation, and then contracted his leg muscles and slowly drew his body back up and forward, almost the entire eight inches [20 cm] before relaxing his sphincter and sinking back down. Developing a rhythm, he placed his palms against Bobby's hairy chest for balance and closed his eyes and concentrated on the pleasure pulsating up his rectum. Bobby exhaled and inhaled deeply with pleasure also as the horny thirteen-year-old boy rode him. Billy could control the depth of penetration and the speed, which relieved him of the worry of harming the fetus in his belly, though after having had three children, they both knew that was not easily done considering some of the violent humping they'd done during past pregnancies. The sight of Billy's huge belly bouncing up and down as the boy rode his cock was erotic as hell. He reached down and cupped Billy's large, sweaty balls and gently stroked his stiff dick. Both were exceptionally large for a boy his age, his cock now just over five and a quarter inches [13½ cm] in length and each of his balls the size of a hen's egg, but hanging beneath his bulbous stomach they looked small. He'd just begun to sprout hairs and they formed a silky, golden patch above his dick with a few strands now decorating his balls. Bobby slipped his fingers about Billy's dick and squeezed it so as Billy rode his cock he also worked his own dick in and out of Bobby's fingers. He could feel the stiff, slender dick throbbing between his thumb and index finger and he thought back to the joy of when he was thirteen and entering puberty. Lost in the pleasure they were feeling and the joy of bringing pleasure to their partner, the two were oblivious of the pair fucking beside them and of their children and Billy's closest buddies who had stopped playing cars and trucks and were watching the two couples making out on the living room floor. The four of them were breathing heavily with arousal, their bodies flushed and sweating. Their blood pulsated through their veins and through their swollen cocks as they inhaled and exhaled deeply as they approached their orgasms and the four of them concentrated on that blissful peak. Bobby arched his back and threw back his head as he felt the twang in his groin and the first of his cum race up his benumbed cock and squirt out the burning tip. Spurt after spurt shot up Billy's rectum, and then Billy began to spurt also, his watery, early teen cum spurting out of his numb, swollen cock and lacing the naked body of his lover, lacing his hairy chest and his nipples and spraying his face with hot, fresh boy slime. Shot followed shot, filling Billy's plugged rectum and lacing Bobby's flushed body. It took the two of them several minutes to empty their balls, both shooting close to a third of a cup of cum. Turning to Logan sitting beside him, Billy Bob wrapped an arm about him and the two six-year-olds kissed. Pregnant now for one month, Logan was experiencing the joys of morning sickness, dizziness, a stuffy nose, and having to piss it seemed every five minutes. Two months pregnant, Billy Bob had gotten past his nausea but found his stuffy nose had gotten worse and he was sweating more. He had developed a dark line running down the middle of his abdomen, which was now beginning to bulge, and his breasts were swollen and sensitive and his areola had turned darker. Of course except for the babies and toddlers, everyone there was aware of the signs of pregnancy and that the two six-year-old boys were carrying was obvious, and highly erotic, especially to see the two naked, curly-haired, pregnant cherubs kissing and caressing each other. JB, who had taken it upon himself to look after Bobby and Billy's son Nathan and take him under his wing, joined his two fathers with the toddler, who had just woken up, in hand. Gently fondling his big father's balls, he bent over and licked his limp dick that only minutes earlier had been up his little father's asshole and was now slick with Aaron's ass slime and a thin film of spent cum that had been churned up the thirteen-year-old's asshole. Nathan meanwhile turned his attention to Aaron's dick, picking it up in his hot little hand and eagerly licking it just as he was used to licking his little daddy's dick. It was slightly shorter and more slender than his daddy's, but it responded the same way and just as quickly to the two-year-old toddler's tongue. Aaron squirmed around to take his own toddler son's dick in his mouth, which left John to complete the daisy chain by taking Nathan's little balls in his mouth and sucking on them, aware that the toddler's two fathers were watching. Their attention was short lived as Lucas, urged on by Billy and Mark, approached Bobby. As the big man and the recently turned thirteen year old began to kiss and caress, Billy and Mark did so also. Also three months pregnant, Lucas was almost as big as Billy was. Actually, being underweight by ten pounds [4½ kg] to begin with, Lucas had gained thirty pounds [14 kg], putting him only five pounds [2¼ kg] lighter than Billy. Being also the shortest of the four musketeers, his additional weight had been the most noticeable of the four of them. It was impossible for his parents, who kept closer watch on him and his older brother and sister and younger brother than most parents keep watch over their children, not to notice his weight gain and his other health issues. Despite having four children, they did not associate the changes with the obvious with him being a boy. Again, Billy's uncle Ted, his mother's brother, was called in as a specialist in adolescent boy stomach disorders, and with the reputation of the mission for the services it provided besides wanting the best for their children and worried about Lucas, his parents fell for the ruse. That he was kissing one of his boymate's best friends and that the boy was heavy with his boymate's child was a major turn on for Bobby, and despite having just shot off a load ten minutes ago, his cock began to rise with arousal. Always quickly aroused by young boys, and these past six years even more so by pregnant young boys, the lust coursing through his veins was not a surprise. He gently caressed the bulging abdomen of the thirteen-year-old boy, and squatting down, he kissed it reverently, and both he and Lucas felt little Dewey respond. He continued on down, kissing the young boy's smooth, hairless pubes and his limp, danging cock and balls. Not having had the benefit of baby and toddler blow jobs as Billy had, Lucas was hung like most boys his age, his balls closer to the size of large walnuts and his limp dick close to two inches [5 cm] in length soft, four inches [10 cm] hard, so they looked even smaller hanging beneath his bulbous stomach. They took their time at foreplay, again not being in any hurry and having the time to enjoy the pleasure of becoming aroused and of arousing another. Spotting Billy and Mark sitting side by side and watching them added to the eroticism for Bobby, and that he was making out with an adult, and his best buddy's lover, and being watched by two of his best friends, had Lucas sporting a boner even faster than usual for the perpetually horny thirteen-year-old. The four of them had talked about boylovers and having sex with men frequently, and Billy and Aaron had assured him and Mark that having sex with adults was neither sick nor wrong as everyone else claimed. They both swore that their boylovers loved them and were not taking advantage of them, and they swore that sex with an adult was totally different but just as great as the sex between them was. He was now about to find out as he lay on his back with his hips raised on the sofa cushions and Bobby kneeling between his outspread legs just like he'd seen John and Aaron. Bobby had generously lubed up Lucas's asshole with KY, and his huge cock. Lucas figured if he put the sight of it out of his mind and didn't think about how humongous it was, it would go easier, but as he felt the lubed knob press against his butthole the sight of that thick, eight-inch [20 cm] monster returned vividly in his mind. He pushed out with his abdomen just like he always did, and strained to accept him, frightened what it might feel like, worried he might not be able to take it, and eager to find out if it was really as good as Billy said it would be. Bobby had told him if he was too large and if there was any pain, or if he felt little Dewey squirming around, to let him know immediately and they could do something else, and he had told him there was no shame backing off, especially if the comfort and health of little Dewey was in danger. Gritting his teeth, he enduring the pain as his sphincter stretched wider and wider, wider than it had ever been stretched before, and when Bobby stopped and asked he assured him that everything was all right. He did not want to disappoint Bobby nor Billy, and as if realizing that, little Dewey had ceased moving. Maybe, Lucas figured, the little bugger in his belly was just holding his breath in anticipation of the fucking they were going to get. Ever so slowly, fraction by fraction, he felt his hole being stretched, and then Bobby's large knob popped inside and his sphincter snapped shut around it. They both paused to regain their breath and to allow their arousal to subside, and then Bobby continued to push forward and Lucas felt himself slowly being penetrated until Bobby had sunk his monster cock up his asshole to the hilt. As Bobby began to fuck the thirteen-year-old, Lucas reached down and began to stroke his swollen cock and Billy and Mark glanced at each other and grinned. It was so erotic seeing their best buddy being fucked by the big, hairy trucker and stroking himself, especially considering how innocent and religious Lucas and his parents were, and especially with his belly swollen with Billy's baby. Reaching for each other's dicks, the two boys began to jerk each other. Billy Bob and Logan had meanwhile formed a sixty-nine and the two six-year-olds were happily and eagerly sucking on each other's little cock, as they'd done frequently in Kindergarten and had been doing in the boy's room at school and at the daycare over the past four months now that they were in grade one. JB meanwhile was eagerly sucking the cock of his big father as John sucked Nathan's little tiddler, both boys, being the sons of boys, having been born with dicks and balls considerably larger than normal babies. That he was sucking the little dicklet of a toddler only two years and five months old and that the boy was thoroughly enjoying it John found erotic, and even more erotic was knowing the little boy's two fathers, Bobby and Billy, were fully aware of what he and their little son were doing. Although he'd just shot off fifteen minutes ago up his boymate's ass, John felt the pressure and pleasure in his groin increasing once again. Little Nathan was feeling the same pressure and pleasure despite his young age as he happily sucked on Aaron's stiff cock, the toddler accustomed to sucking the dick of his thirteen-year-old father, Aaron's best friend, and Aaron eagerly sucked on the little dicklet of his little son, JB, now three years and ten months old, who'd been nursed on his breast milk and his lover's cum and who already was old enough to begin seeding other boys, which he said he had not yet done because he hadn't found any with whom it "felt right." Aaron had been engaging in sex with his little son from almost the moment he'd been born, fingering his little dickey to an erection while nursing him, introducing him to the taste of cock and his lover's cum at the same time he he'd introduced him to solid food, and more recently introducing him to the joys of being rimmed and having his little bum finger fucked. He knew the youngster was already engaging in anal sex with Billy Bob and other toddlers, and it would only be a matter of time before he'd be sticking his own dick up his little son's butt. Unbeknownst to Aaron and the others, Ian and Jordan had woken and at the moment were sitting up in the playpen and eagerly watching what was going on, their right hands unconsciously fingering themselves, the two babies having managed to push off their diapers, already preferring to go naked. In this crowd you learned about the joys of sex at a very young age. As he felt his orgasm approaching, Lucas began to wank on his cock more furiously, rapidly pumping his thumb and first two fingers up and down his swollen dick. Billy and Aaron had been right. Getting fucked by an adult was awesome, and way different from doing stuff with guys your own age. As his orgasm began, he arched his back and threw back his head in ecstasy, delighting in that forbidden pleasure all boys engaged in despite efforts by adults like his parents to discourage them, and delighting in a pleasure that most of society condemned and found revolting. Seeing the look on the boy's face and knowing the pleasure he was feeling, Bobby thrust his cock forward and threw his head back also as his aching cock began to spurt out his juice, flooding the pregnant thirteen-year-old's rectum with his slime. Billy and Mark glanced at each other and grinned, knowing exactly what was going on. The sight of the big trucker filling their close friend's ass brought the two thirteen-year-old boys to their peak, and turning to face each other, they began to blast off their load, Mark spraying Billy's protruding stomach with his hot, watery slime and Billy lacing Mark's bulging abdomen, thighs, dick and tightly contracted balls with his ropes of cum. Oblivious to what was happening to those around them, Billy Bob and Logan began to twitch and jerk on the floor with their dry orgasms, their little dicklets throbbing and aching in each other's mouths. Beside the two six-year-old boys, Nathan, a month shy of being two and a half years old, trembled with his own dry orgasm, his little noodle throbbing hotly between John's lips. Aaron grasped the toddler's head and groaned with his own climax and as Nathan eagerly sucked on his throbbing teenage cock, the thirteen-year-old sucked at the same time on his little son's stiff dicklet. JB's dick throbbed and ached in his little daddy's mouth as the boy quivered with his orgasm and at the same time his big daddy's big cock began to spurt in his mouth. The toddler began to swallow each squirt of his big daddy's hot slime like a little calf nursing at his mother's teat. John inhaled and exhaled deeply as he began to spurt into his little son's mouth while he sucked deeply on Nathan's little, throbbing noodle. It was one fucking fantastic way to end the old year. As the countdown for the new year began, the two men and ten boys felt silent, some thinking of the year coming to a close, some looking forward to the year ahead, some thinking of the pleasure they'd just felt, and some thinking of pleasures yet to come. With six of the boys pregnant, it was impossible not to think of the mystery and delight of male fecundity and of the upcoming brood of babies. As the midnight hour struck they blew their noisemakers and cracked open the Chinese firecrackers, eager to discover the toy inside and to read the messages revealing their future. Bobby had laid out a midnight spread of crackers, sausages, cocktail wieners, Swedish meatballs, cheeses, pickles, chips, tacos, dips, and assorted pastries, enough to feed an army. After their physical exertions of the evening, and in that six of them were eating for two, they all dug in with gusto, Ian and Jordie being nursed by their two little fathers at the same time. Exhausted, the two babies fell asleep in their father's arms and were soon returned to the playpen. JB and Nathan quickly dropped off also, falling asleep beside the coffee table with happy smiles on their faces, their breaths smelling of dick and banana cream pudding. The four musketeers were sitting in a circle on the floor discussing their pregnancies and their plans and hopes for their soon to be born sons as they refuelled and washed down the snacks with sodas. Mark and Lucas asked for the umteenth time about what it was like to give birth and just what they had to do, and Billy and Aaron told them once again and assured them it would be an awesome experience. Billy held Lucas's hand reassuringly and bent over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, a kiss of love and reassurance. They were so looking forward to the birth of their baby. Mark reached over and put an arm around his best buddy Billy, and the two friends grinned at each other and kissed also, a kiss of love and on the lips, the two boys heavy with each other's child, Mark's silky new upper lip hairs tickling Billy's upper lip and causing his dick to twitch with arousal. Aaron, sitting between Mark and Lucas, put an arm about both, and the two, glancing at each other and exchanging the same thought, dropped their hands and fondled Aaron's dick, anxious for their own sons to grow old enough to give them the unique blow jobs that caused a guy to be as well hung as Aaron and Billy. That initiated more passionate kissing and caressing by Billy and Aaron. Despite the number of orgasms the four randy thirteen-year-olds had already experienced that evening, their young slender cocks began to swell and rise. Mark and Billy paired up as did Lucas and Aaron and soon the four were sporting erections. Laying on their sides, Mark snuggled up behind Billy and Lucas behind Aaron with Billy and Aaron facing each other in opposite directions head to crotch. With their bulging stomachs it was not easy but the four boys were young and agile and their limbs flexible. Raising a leg here and propping oneself up there, they managed to unite, Mark's stiff dick up Billy's asshole and Lucas's dick up Aaron's with Billy's dick in Aaron's mouth and Aaron's dick in Billy's. Crawling over to John, who was sitting beside one of the end tables in one of the sofa chairs, Billy Bob pushed apart his hairy legs and took one of his large, hairy eggs into his mouth and began to suck on it. Logan glanced up at Bobby, who was sitting in the other sofa chair by the other end table, and when the big trucker smiled over at him the youngster happily got to his feet and joined him in his lap on the chair. Cuddling the happy, naked youngster and drawing his warm body close to him, Bobby reached down and began to fiddle with his little cocklet as the boy reached down and began to fondle the big man's cock which, despite the number of times he'd cum that night, began to rise again. Among the many blessings he'd received upon being loaned the Gargoyle of Male Fecundity was having been granted the virility of a teenage boy in his prime. Glancing over at Billy Bob happily going down on John and stroking himself, Bobby had to smile at his horny little son. John was far from inexperienced, but the burly construction worker was going to get a blow job of a lifetime from the six-year-old cockhound, a fitting beginning for the new year. Bobby had to smile at himself. There were few fathers who would witness their six-year-old sons sucking cock and be proud of them, but then he was far from a typical father and Billy Bob was far from the typical son, though, if Jimmy and Calvin and Bishop Henry and young Klaus Wojtyla were right, maybe he and Billy Bob were typical of the fathers and sons of the future. Turning his attention to the four pregnant thirteen-year-old boys hotly going at it again in the middle of the living room, his smile broadened as he glanced from one to the next fondly. He'd seen the love in their eyes as they'd sat there eating and talking, and the tenderness and love in their kisses and caresses as they'd begun their foreplay. They were so fortunate being so young and so in love, having their entire lives ahead of them, lives that were going to be challenging but so exciting, and they were going to have each other for support. It was so erotic that Mark and Lucas were carrying Billy's babies, and that Billy was heavy with Mark's child. He could see the three boys getting married and living together, raising their sons and many more to follow, maybe even a marriage among the four of them. That Aaron would join the other three at some time in the future was quite possible, just as he knew that Billy at some point in his life would be leaving him to be with his friends, and likely even further into the future to find a boy of his own. He and Billy would still love each other, and still have sex together. He would always be the boy's hairy bear and the love and lust he'd felt for the boy seven years ago in the hardware store would be just as strong thirty years from now as it had been back then. Glancing down at the naked, tousle-haired angel in his lap, he leaned forward and kissed the boy. His lips were so smooth and soft. His breath smelled of dill pickle chips and honey cakes. He gently caressed the boy's stomach, just beginning to bulge out with their son, as he slowly stroked the boy's now stiff little organ with his other hand. The boy smiled up at him and releasing his hot little grip on his swollen cock, he rose and straddling him, he sat down on his own stiff, throbbing organ. As he felt his cock slowly sinking up the boy's hot, moist rectum, he sighed with delight and the boy looked up at him in adoration and smiled with the pleasure of having his rectum stuffed with his lover's monster cock and with the pleasure that comes knowing the pleasure he was bringing and about to bring his lover. Such was the way of life for boys who loved men and men who loved boys.
The EndAuthor's NoteThis story began many years ago, the result of a reader of my stories writing to share a favourite fantasy of his, of having wild, passionate sex with a six-year-old boy and impregnating him. That initial story of twelve chapters entitled Making A Baby has been reworked and expanded to thirty chapters and re-titled The Gargoyle of Male Fecundity. Its purpose is pure fantasy and escapism, but it is also intended to promote the positive side of boylove, the joy, the love, and yes, the lust, that men who love boys feel for their boymates, and yes, the joy, love and lust that boys in turn feel for their lovers. It is also intended to raise questions of right and wrong, of morality, and of consequences. It is a story of one man's fantasy, but it is also a story of how as a result of unfettered feminism and the escalation of domination by women, the degradation of men on television sitcoms as weaklings and fools, and the infiltration of women and girls into what were once the domains of men and boys, Anshar, the male principle, the god of masculinity, decided He could take no more and began a revolt.And what of the future for Bobby and Billy? The straight population, and particularly the female component and the moral right, and even the gay population itself will surely lash back once they realize what is happening. A battle surely looms like no war ever seen on earth, the morality wars, the battle between the followers of Rana Anshar and all others, but that is another story for another time. Will the moral majority win, driving the evil of boylove back underground, or perhaps eliminating it for all time, or will the boylovers win, resulting in a repopulation of the earth and a new hope and a better society as Bishop Gregory, the Geshe Monk Tonpa Nyigay and Karlos Wojtyla have predicted? That too is perhaps another story. For now we close this final chapter of the first book in the saga, The Gargoyle of Male Fecundity, as somewhere out there in the real world a man dreams of an innocent, sweet-cheeked boy to fulfill his dearest desires and a bright-eyed, smooth-cheeked, stiff-dicked boy dreams of a man to fulfill his, and an ochre statue of a leering, six-legged frog with an exaggerated erection smiles as its knob turns a cherry red. |
© J.O. Dickingson
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