Nialos Leaning
For Adults Only!

Nudie Juvie Stories

A "Nudie Juvie" is a child, usually between 8 and 14, who is ordered by authority of a juvenile court to unwillingly be naked in public places for a period of time. What else happens to the "Nudie Juvie" while naked is at the author's discretion. As is likely in real life, "Nudie Juvies" find their experience to be embarrassing and humiliating.

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For Nudie Juvie Stories by Aldric click here

Stories by Steam Train now on their own page

Nathan Wilkinson Is Taken Back Under Control
by Steam Train
When "taking back control" comes into force in Irving County, small for his age 15 year old Nathan Wilkinson has the unfortunate honor of being the first of many to be referred to the county's newly opened Juvenile Punishment Center.
Nathan Wilkinson is Taken Back Under Control Part 1 May 14, 2009
Nathan Wilkinson is Taken Back Under Control Part 2 July 28, 2009
Nathan Wilkinson is Taken Back Under Control Part 3 September 28, 2009

Tiffany Anson Exposed
by Steam Train
Tiffany Anson and her friends first appeared in Stories 4 and 15 of Steam Train's series 'Exposed'. Now in this Nudie Juvie story it's Tiffany's turn to be humiliatingly exposed along with a whole host of other boys and girls.
Tiffany Anson Exposed

Last Boy Standing
by Nialos Leaning

Three boys, ages thirteen, twelve and eleven, make a weekend visit with their parents to the town of Edwardsville in Benjamin County.  To their disbelief and shock, the boys quickly learn that "little boys shouldn't be so modest" is county law.  A law that their parents wholeheartedly agree with.  A law that's strictly enforced with very painful, embarrassing and humiliating court ordered punishments for those boys who dare not to be bare in public.  As a result of  their refusal to undress in a public parking lot, the court sanctions the three boys to seven days of Public Nude Juvenile Punishment and along with a fourth boy to take part in a show designed to literally determine who will be the "Last Boy Standing."
CAUTION! while within this site's guidelines, this story tends toward the extreme side and may be too intense and/or graphic for some readers.

Last Boy Standing Part 1
Last Boy Standing Part 2
Last Boy Standing Part 3

The Milk Farm
by Blackdog

Twelve year Taylor is in trouble with the law.  Judge Finch offers him an alternative to his county's newly adopted Naked Punishment protocol, thirty days at the county Juvenile Milk Farm.  Taylor eagerly accepts, believing working outdoors on a dairy farm to be a much better choice.  He quickly learns he's made a terrible mistake, discovering upon arrival that he'll be naked the entire time and then a little later that the "milking" at the farm has nothing to do with cows.
The Milk Farm

Florida Justice
by Conor
Moving into Florida with his mom, twelve year old Tyler notices a billboard at the border promising that "the rules are different here."  When he gets into serious legal trouble at school, he quickly and embarrassingly learns that is the literal truth, as he's ordered into the Florida Nude Alternative Program for juvenile offenders.
Florida Justice

Sibling Medical Exam
by Rachel Cummins
Thirteen year old Brian and his eleven year old sister are in court for shoplifting at the local mall. The judge places them into the "Naked Truth" alternative community program developed by a local pediatrician and his wife.  To their dismay, they discover the program involves a many hours long embarrassing and humiliating naked all the time medical exam, in front of witnesses.
Sibling Medical Exam

Twin Trouble
by Verity
The community elders declare that for their misdeeds thirteen year old twins Paul and Charity must undergo a "section seven" punishment involving embarrassing and humiliating public nudity and spanking.
Twin Trouble Part 1
Twin Trouble Part 2

Public Property
by Nialos Leaning
Three boys, two fourteen and one thirteen, pay the price for their wild rampage at a theme park, a rampage that caused havoc, damage and injury. As punishment, the judge declares their private parts public property, their sentence to be served at the park for the entertainment of attendees.
Public Property

Mother's Helping Hand
by Big Paul
Twelve year old Andy is spoiled rotten by his doting mother; in her eyes he can do no wrong.  The court disagrees, putting him in the "Mother's Helping Hand" program. A program designed to give mothers a helping hand in correcting their wayward children.  Andy quickly learns that his family's helper takes literally her oft repeated homily that "little boys go around naked all the time" and that he no longer has any privacy.
Mother's Helping Hand

Humiliation Day
by Rosie Red

Dawn, age 13, is caught shoplifting. The judge puts her in a program that in front of an audience in a theater uses nudity, embarrassment, humiliation, forced sexual activity and spanking to deter participants from committing any more offenses.  Written as Dawn's follow up report to the court on her experiences with the justice system and the program.
Humiliation Day

First Adult Decision
by Y. Lee Coyote

This entry into 2004 Soc.Sexuality.Spanking Summer Story Contest is about fourteen year old Ken who knew what he was in for missing his curfew as his parents had told him many times. Since they were out by the time he got up on Saturday, going to the Juvenile Punishment Center would have to wait at least a day and that meant being starkers for the big game on Wednesday evening. But, there was a way out -- if he could be adult about it. And with the bonus of impressing his parents.   External link, with author's permission.
First Adult Decision

Timmy's Terrible Saturday
by Nialos Leaning

Twelve year old Timmy loves disrespecting and playing pranks on females. Finally, mom has had enough and enrolls him in a special court approved public two hour "Saturday Intensive" naked punishment session at the local high school gym. A session featuring nudity, spankings and forced sexual activity, all designed to be so embarrassing and painful that afterwards the unwilling participants won't even begin to think about ever misbehaving again.
Timmy's Terrible Saturday

By Order of the Court
by Nialos Leaning

Five preteen shoplifters become their town's first Nudie Juvies. They're sentenced to five days of being naked and two public spankings.
By Order of the Court

Alex Loses His Pants Forever
by Nialos Leaning
Poor twelve-year-old Alex may not have been convicted of any crime, but his parents and his school have both petitioned the court to impose punishment for "non-criminal juvenile delinquency."
Alex Loses His Pants Forever

For Nudie Juvie Stories by Aldric click here

write to Nialos

The stories accessible from this page copyright © 2001-2009 by their respective authors, all rights reserved.

This site copyright © 2000-2009 by Nialos Leaning, all rights reserved.  Distribution of the stories contained on this site is subject to the copyright restrictions contained in each individual story.  Some material on this site, including but not limited to stories, graphics and site design elements may be the work of authors other than Nialos Leaning.  All such material is used with the permission of the author, who retains copyright.