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The DANIP Stories
juvenile court ordered "Discipline and Nudity in Public"
Learning His Lesson
Thirteen year old Brad has a penchant for pulling embarrassing pranks on other kids. When he goes too far with his younger brother, his parents obtain the help of the local juvenile court judge to ensure Brad will learn his lesson. He's enrolled in a program involving much public nudity, embarrassment, and sexual humiliation, under the gleeful and merciless control of his younger brother and sister and other children he's wronged.
Learning His Lesson Part 1
Learning His Lesson Part 2
Learning His Lesson Part 3
Learning His Lesson Part 4
Learning His Lesson Part 5
Brian's Turn in the APA
Twelve year old Brain Weslo is now going through the same punishment his brother Brad did in "Learning His Lesson." And today it's Brian's turn to visit his town's newly opened Additional Punishment Area. This APA is similar to the one Brad visited in a nearby town, but also somewhat different, thanks to suggestions from Brad and some other kids. Suggestions designed to make the experience even more embarrassing and humiliating.
Brian's Turn in the APA
Kevin's Time in DANIP, Three Days in Hell
It's time for thirteen year old Kevin Adams to go through the same program his best buddy Brad Weslo did in "Learning His Lesson." No longer experimental, this juvenile naked punishment is now known as "Discipline and Nudity in Public." Retaining the hallmark embarrassment and sexual humiliation of the experimental program, DANIP adds very public spankings while providing opportunities for the victims of the misbehaving youth ordered into the program to reek retribution.
Kevin's Time in DANIP Part 1
Kevin's Time in DANIP Part 2
Kevin's Time in DANIP Part 3
Kevin's Time in DANIP Part 4
Kevin's Time in DANIP Part 5
Kevin's Time in DANIP Part 6
Brad, Second Time Offender
Thirteen year old Brad Weslo has messed up big time, having gone easy on his best friend Kevin when serving as his DANIP "guardian" and disobeying a direct order from the Judge. As a result. Brian is back in DANIP, where he undergoes further embarrassment, humiliation, and punishment. While visiting his relatives in a different county, a county where the program is conducted somewhat differently, his cousins get in on the action.
Brad, Second Time Offender Part 1
Brad, Second Time Offender Part 2
Brad, Second Time Offender Part 3
Brad, Second Time Offender Part 4
Brad, Second Time Offender Part 5
Brad, Second Time Offender Part 6
Brad, Second Time Offender Part 7
Brad in DANIP, Third Time is a Charm
Brad Weslo, soon to turn fourteen years old, manages for the third time to get himself ordered into his town's "Discipline and Nudity in Public" punishment program. Modified since his first two stints, will his third time in DANIP prove to be the charm to change his behavior for the better?
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 1
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 2
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 3
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 4
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 5
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 6
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 7
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 8
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 9
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 10
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 11
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 12
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 13
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 14
Third Time is a Charm Chapter 15
The summer he turns 13, Adam just can't seem to stay out of trouble. He finally goes a little too far, and the court places him in an experimental program involving hypnotism. His programming results in an irresistible urge to do very humiliating and embarasasing things in public whenever a certain word is spoken.
Twin Terrors
Jacob and Jordan are twelve year old twins, two non-stop terrors who wherever they go always leave a trail of havoc. While on an international tour with their all star soccer team, they cause much destruction in a foreign airport. As a condition for leaving them go home instead of standing trial in a strange country, the local authorities impose some very embarrassing and humiliating terms upon the boys.
Twin Terrors
For other stories by Aldric click here
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© 2005 by Aldric, all rights reserved.
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