Nialos Leaning Presents
Story Submission Guidelines
(revised September 17,
At its sole discretion, Nialos Leaning Presents may for any reason, or for no reason, decline to post submitted stories. Only stories submitted by the original author or with the verifiable permission of the original author will be considered for posting. Authors must be 18 years of age or older; this site does not accept submissions from minors. All submitted stories must adhere to the following content guidelines and restrictions unless at its discretion Nialos Leaning Presents makes an exception as noted below.
Stories must depict in the presence of others the forced non-consensual nudity of preteen and young teen boys, ages 8 to 14. For story purposes, nudity means that at least the genitals and buttocks are exposed. As is likely in real life, it is preferable that the victims find this nudity to be embarrassing and humiliating. Children ages 6 and 7 and teens ages 15 to 17 and the occasional adult are also acceptable as victims if the number of victims within the 8 to 14 age range is greater in number than the "out of age range" victims. In no case can there be victims under age 6; non-victim characters can be any age. Girls may also be victims, provided that boy victims are equal or greater in number than girl victims. At its discretion, Nialos Leaning Presents may make exceptions to the above age and gender restrictions, especially when the non-conforming story, chapter, or installment forms part of an otherwise conforming ongoing story or series of stories by existing site authors.
Subject to the restrictions in these guidelines, stories can be as extreme or mild as the author wishes. Spankings and forced sexual activity, especially when these are non-consensual, are always acceptable and preferable, but are not necessary. Anything not specifically prohibited by these guidelines is permissible, including non-consensual intercourse and the infliction of pain ranging from mild to very severe anywhere on the body other than the head.
When performed either as a punishment or for the pleasure of either the tormenter or others, stories may not depict intentional or unintentional death, lost of body parts, more than minor permanent body damage, permanent lost of functionality, broken bones or any injury or illness requiring medical necessity treatment beyond basic first aid and home style pain relief remedies. For story content purposes, "medical necessity" is any treatment that in real life would be required to actually save life or limb, to restore long term functionality, or is essential for healing or recovery to occur. Circumcision is an absolute exception to the "loss of body parts" restriction. At its discretion, Nialos Leaning Presents may make exception to the "no loss of body parts" restrictions for government sanctioned and authorized punishment castration and penectomy.
If life, limb, and long term functionality aren't jeopardized and external appearance not significantly adversely affected, any medical or dental procedure performed with the deliberate intent of causing pain and suffering is specifically permitted. This would include, but is not limited to, things such as without benefit of anesthesia suturing (stitching) wounds, making incisions, drilling teeth, or doing body cavity work. Such procedures should, however, be performed by characters trained and skilled in their use.
Deliberate intentional disfigurement is prohibited. Since each person's body, and areas of their body, differ in susceptibility to scarring, inadvertent unintentional scarring is permissible, if limited in scope and not extensive. At its discretion, Nialos Leaning Presents may, other than to the face, allow some minor disfigurement to be depicted, especially if in inconspicuous body areas or areas normally not seen by others.
Subject to the "no serious injury" and "no major disfigurement" rules, non-life threatening piercings, pricks, punctures, and lacerations anywhere below the neck are always acceptable, and need not be consensual. However, body jewelry piercing and/or insertion anywhere but the ears, nipples, and genitals must be by non-coerced consent only. Use of clamps and clips are not prohibited by this restriction.
At its discretion, for stories set in an actual historical era other than the present, Nialos Leaning Presents may make exceptions to the above death, serious injury and major disfigurement prohibitions. Such exceptions will only be considered if the depiction is accurate for the era, is not the major focus of the story, and constitutes only a small portion of the overall text.
Stories that contain scatology are never acceptable; however, enemas and "water sports" are always acceptable. Stories may not include food deprivation as a punishment.
Please submit all stories as SEPARATE, not in line, attachments in Word, WordPad, WordPerfect, or plain text format with the subject Story Submission. Please use 12 point Courier for your font, with left and right margins each set to 1.25 inches or some other combination totaling 2.5 inches. Stories submitted in this way can be very quickly formatted for posting to the site, in both plain text and HTML (web page) versions. The more time and effort it takes to format a story, the less likely it is to be posted, and if posted, the longer the delay in getting it up.
For an author's name, Nialos Leaning Presents strongly advises using a pen name (pseudonym) and not the author's real name. Additionally, authors wishing to include a feedback email address with their stories are strongly cautioned to use an email address that doesn't reveal their real name and that can't be tied to their real name. While Nialos Leaning Presents will always honor an authors' requests to remove their stories from the site, neither Nialos Leaning Presents nor our site host, ASSTR, have a way to have such stories removed from search engine results or other Internet page archives and caches.
Thank you, and I hope to see your story soon!
Please send your submissions to
Nialos Leaning
"A red face, a red bottom,
a lesson well learned"