Nudie Juvie Story Guidelines

A "Nudie Juvie" is a child who is ordered by authority of a
juvenile court to unwillingly be naked in public places for
a period ranging anywhere from a few hours to a number of
days or weeks.  "Nudie Juvie" programs are primarily
intended for minor offender youth ages 8 to 14 as a
deterrent to graduating to more serious misbehavior.
Authors are not limited to juveniles 8 to 14, but that age
group must be a major focus of the story; Nudie Juvies ages
5 to 7 and 15 to 17 can also be included.  

Beyond the mandatory nudity, what else happens to the "Nudie
Juvie" is at the author's discretion.  As is likely in real
life, "Nudie Juvies" must find their experience to be
embarrassing and humiliating.

The nudity order can come from a juvenile court judge as
part of a disposition (sentence) in a case before the court;
a court intake officer deciding to impose nudity and
humiliation instead of sending the case to court; or upon
written approval of either the judge, court intake officer,
or other court authorized person of a parental or school
request for such punishment.

While not a requirement, authors may wish to keep their
juvenile legal proceedings as close to actual life as
feasible, unless the story provides a basis for deviation,
e.g., change in the law.  For a good overview of these, see
my Nudie Juvie story By Order of the Court.

Other than as modified above, all my usual
story submission guidelines apply.

Stories are not exclusive to Nialos Leaning Presents,
authors may also post anywhere else they wish.

Please submit stories to and please note
that it is a Nudie Juvie story.

Nialos Leaning
"A red face, a red bottom,
a lesson well learned"