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Big Brother's Shame When "taking back control" comes into force in Irving County, small
for his age 15 year old Nathan Wilkinson has the unfortunate honor of being the
first of many to be referred to the county's newly opened Juvenile Punishment
Center. Big Brother's Shame
Part 1
January 2, 2010
Big Brother's Shame
Part 2
January 16, 2010
Big Brother's Shame
Part 3
January 23, 2010
What a Boy Wants All twelve year old Trey wants is to see his ten year old neighbor
girl Kerry naked. But to make this dream come true, he first must be initiated
into Kerry's and her friend Cathy's club.
What a Boy Wants
The Control Testimonials One year after the implementation of the national "Taking Back
Control" initiative, the National Supervising Committee submits its first annual
report to the government. Of particular interest to the general public is
Appendix Three with its feedback reports from juvenile participants, their
parents, and other adults. Colloquially known as The Control Testimonials,
the appendix quickly becomes a national bestseller as eager readers are
mesmerized by the lurid accounts of the embarrassing and humiliating experiences
of the juveniles.
The Control Testimonials Part 1 The Control Testimonials Part
2 The Control Testimonials Part
3 The Control Testimonials Part
4 The Control Testimonials Part
5 The Control Testimonials Part
6 The Control Testimonials
- A Response
The Show Must Go On
By author permission, this story is set in the universe of the 2006 story
Last Boy Standing by Nialos Leaning.
By author permission, with some minor editorial changes to fit the plot of
The Show Must Go On the 1998 story Revenge on Ricky written by
Ricky Stratton under the name Doe Scott form chapters 5 & 6 of this story.
Fourteen year old teen performer Ricky Cooper brings his show to
Benjamin County. Ricky is secure in the knowledge that as an out-of-towner
in the county for no more than three days in the month he's exempt form the "all
boys ages 3 to 15 must be nude at all times" ordinance. Unless he gets in
trouble with the authorities or his mother decides otherwise. Before long
events happen that jeopardize his privilege of being able to keep his clothes on
in public. Adding to his self made troubles, his mother is determined that
"The Show Must Go On" regardless of his attire or lack thereof,
The Show Must go On Chapter 1 The Show Must go On Chapter
2 The Show Must go On Chapter
3 The Show Must go On Chapter
4 The Show Must go On Chapter
5 The Show Must go On Chapter
Adams County Takes Back Control Adams County has already taken advantage of the national "Taking
Back Control" juvenile initiative to bring its boys' behavior back in line.
Now it's the girls turn to experience the same humiliation, embarrassment and
pain as the county's boys. Adams County Takes Back Control
Born to Serve Kip thought of himself as being lucky in life. Most other
twelve year old juveniles would not have thought the same if they had found
themselves in Kip's position. Kip was a slave, he had been born a slave
and as far as he was concerned would always be a slave. Born
to Serve
Naked Revelations Three short stories based around the misadventures of three young
teen neighborhood juveniles, Ben Charles, Rachelle Dupre and Drew Greer.
Naked Revelations
The Game by Ricky Stratton & Steam Train
Three twelve year old boys plan and play a special game with the fourteen year
old brother of one of the boys.
The Game contains two sections. Part 1 consists of Ricky Stratton's
2003 story Secret Agent Game and is published here with his permission.
Part 2, The Games Boys Play, is Steam Train's 2005 conclusion to the
story, written and published with the approval of Ricky Stratton.
.The Game
During a visit to his aunt and uncle's farm, fourteen year old
Alex is unwillingly placed into a situation that reveals an embarrassing
humiliating secret to his cousins. The result is a lost of his status and power
over his younger cousin. And when he returns home, he suffers additional
embarrassment and an immediate humiliating "demotion" from his position of power
and authority over the other neighborhood kids. Demoted
The Master's Son
Due to financial difficulties, the father of thirteen year old
Brett sells him into twenty-five years of indentured servitude.
Immediately following his change of status from free citizen to legal slave,
Brett suffers a series of very embarrassing and humiliating events that affront
the young teen's dignity to the very core.
The Master's Son
The Rise and Fall of Megan Rogers
based on Last Boy Standing by Nialos Leaning, whose storyline and
characters are used by permission The story Last Boy Standing by Nialos Leaning concerns the
adventures of twelve-year-old Tyler Rogers and his two friends Freddy and
Charlie Kershaw. This is Steam train's fantasy of the same events depicted in Last Boy Standing as seen through the eyes of Tyler's thirteen year
old sister Megan.
The Rise and Fall of Megan Rogers Part 1
The Rise and Fall of Megan Rogers Part 2
The Rise and Fall of Megan Rogers Part 3 write to Steam Train