ZelamirProfile: Zelamir has written a large number of stories describing the experiences of young slave boys. The stories range from the historical, "A Roman Holiday", "Sejanus", "Helot", contemporary such as "Out of Africa", "Into Care", extreme fantasy "The Village*", and "Tribute Boys*" written in collaboration with Scrimshaw.He writes his stories from the point of view of the abused boys. Having suffered a traditional and expensive English education he writes in part at least of what he knows. He takes his name from one of the boy victims in De Sade’s 120 days 'Zélamir was thirteen years old: he was the only son of a gentleman out of Poitou who had been bringing him up with the greatest care.' * These more extreme and violent stories are on Dembster56's website Dark & Extreme Boy Stories on the Tor Network, at [at present unavailable, will be back soon] (If you don't have Tor, you first have to download the Tor Browser Bundle from https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html) Contact: feedback form (please type Zelamir in the subject line). Addition by Céladon: And he is the 'Z' in PZA and the reason I adopted the name of one of the other boy victims in De Sade's 120 days, 'Céladon was the son of a magistrate of Nancy; he was captured at Lunéville, whither he had gone to visit his aunt. He had just attained his fourteenth year.' |
Toby a firm disciplinarian and a boy loving employee of an NGO stationed in S.E. Asia is home on leave for the first time in five years. He finds that his nephew Tim whom he last saw as a scrawny 8 year old has developed into an attractive but willfull 13 year old. Against his better judgement he sets out to seduce him with the intention of having him come out to stay with him for a long holiday after his return to the East.
Non-consensual Story Story codes: Mt – non-cons mast – spank humil 42,500 words (85 pages) |
Helot: The Adventures of Ayas the Slave-boyAyas, a helot boy, dreams of helping his father to free his people from the Spartan yoke. A rising is planned once the harvest is gathered meanwhile Ayas has to work in the fields and where he witnesses and experiences the cruelty of his Spartan Masters. |
Hist. Boyslave Story codes: Mtb bb – Slave anal oral – humil spank tort ws castr 172,000 words (344 pages) |
Into CareContinuation of the Nicky series. Nicky's stepfather is accused of abusing him en Nicky is sent to Ovingdean House Secure Boys Home, where he is forced to do hard labour and become the sextoy of one of the patrons. |
School or Camp Story Story codes: Mb – Mdom Fdom anal oral – enema spank 18,500 words (37 pages) |
NickyIn the first three episodes, Nicky's New Dad, The man in the House, and Nicky's New Brother the new life of Nicky Roberts with his stepfather is described. He is beaten for every mistake he makes. Continued in Into Care. |
School or Camp Story Story codes: Mb – nosex – spank 10,000 words (20 pages) |
Out of AfricaDavid is kidnapped in South Africa and transported with a group of black boys to be sold as a slave. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mb – oral – humil spank interr 14,500 words (29 pages) |
A Roman HolidayThis story is a fantasy set in a fantasy Roman Empire. I do not pretend to historical accuracy. I would say however that deeds of manumission did, in the later empire particularly, sometimes have a provision by which the freed slave was obliged to hand over his eldest child to his old master as a slave on the child attaining a specified age - usually some what younger than that specified in the deed in this story. |
Hist. Boyslave Story codes: Mb – Mdom anal oral – humil spank tort 112,000 words (224 pages) |
Dit verhaal spelt zich af in het Romeinse Rijk en is gebaseerd op fantasie en niet helemaal historisch correct. Ik wou toch vermelden dat het vrijlaten van een slaaf, vooral dan in het latere rijk, soms als resultaat had dat de vrijgelaten slaaf zijn oudste zoon als slaaf aan zijn oude meester moest geven wanneer die een bepaalde leeftijd bereikt had, meestal wel wat jonger dan deze in dit verhaal.
Hist. Boyslave Story codes: Mb – Mdom anal oral – humil spank tort 112,000 words (224 pages) |
SejanusThe Roman magistrate Sejanus had three children. After his treason, two were executed the fate of the third is I think unknown. One was a young girl and she was raped by the executioner before being strangled because virgins could not legally be executed. The story describes the life of the younges son Marius, who was sold in slavery. Over all this is a fantasy story set in a fantasy version of the early Roman Empire. |
Hist. Boyslave Story codes: Mtb – Mdom nc anal oral – humil spank tort – castr 110,000 words (220 pages) |
Slave Boy HunterFifty years have passed since the introduction of the Tribute Boy System. Its original simplicity and purity has been corrupted by the passage of time and the ill considered efforts of liberals and do-gooders. Standing out against this trend is William Warwick and his colleagues in the New Order Property Recovery Unit. However when Warwick steps outside the rules complications and difficulties arise. |
Extreme story Story codes: Mtb – Slave mast anal oral – violence torture humil spank bond best ws deaths mentioned & described 154,000 words (308 pages) |
Tragedy in BlackYoung Cassius fantasises about being kidnapped and shipped to the Southern States to work as a slave. He discovers that his mother and white step father have similar fantasies and asks to be allowed to join their 'game.' Soon the boundaries between realty and fantasy become blurred and Cassius learns what slavery really means. |
Boy-slave Story Story codes: Mb Fb MF – Mdom mast – humil interr tort spank 30,500 words (61 pages) |
The Traitor's Son
with Pueros
This is an adapted version of Zelamir's story Sejanus. |
Hist. Boyslave Story codes: Mtb – Mdom nc anal oral – humil prost spank tort 173,000 words (346 pages)
Links to chapters |
TwinsThe two sons of a baronet appears to be illegitimate. 1st chapter of an unfinished story. |
School or Camp Story Story codes: Mb – nosex – [unfinished 1st chapter only] 4,500 words (9 pages) |
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