PZA Boy Stories

Shakey Psyche


Chapters 13-16

Chapter Thirteen
Adam's Recovery

"How are you feeling?" I asked the boy.

"Ohhh, a little woozy, Master," he said, trying to sit up, but the past week had taken the boy's strength and he couldn't.

"Well, you look pretty good for a dead boy, Adam," I teased him.

"Dead?" he asked, incredulously.

"For almost three minutes," I told him as I put the tray with his soup down on the table in front of him.

"What happened?"

"Another mystery about you, son," I said, then realization hit him and he felt around his belly. "Don't worry, they're fine. The doctors said that the boys suffered no effects from what happened."

"So, no one knows how I just started to bleed to death?" he asked, disbelieving.

"Oh, that started because of a tear in your esophagus wall's lining, compounded by your being pregnant. As far as how that happened, no one knows. Do you?" He shook his head. "Well, I guess we'll never know, probably."

"The twins are fine, though," he said, trying to get reassurance from me.

"They're fine, Adam. Speaking of which, have you picked out names for them, yet?" I was trying to distract him from his current situation.

He shook his head, no, and then asked if it was going to happen again.

"I can see that you're not going to be distracted by the normal distractions. As far as the doctors know, no, it shouldn't happen again. To be honest, you shouldn't even be alive, Adam. I want you to stop worrying about something that you cannot control. Worrying only makes things worse; for you and the boys inside you.

"Now, the important thing is that you're alive and the boys are fine. Try to eat something and regain your strength. Our goal is to try to get you out of here soon; before the news gets around that there's a pregnant little boy in this room."

"Not so little any more, Master," he said with a sly smile, feeling his belly.

"That's what I'm talking about," I said, while ruffling his long blond hair.

"How long have I been asleep, Master?"

"Almost a week," I answered him, trying not to sound concerned. I didn't need him to start worrying again. I didn't have to think about that, as a perfect distraction was about to walk in the room.

The door opened and one of the doctors that had been working on Adam walked in the room. I introduced Dr. Clayton to Adam.

"Hello, Adam," he said with a smile. Adam wasn't too sure about him yet, but the doctor kept talking to him. "You're a very lucky young man," he said, trying to be friendly, but he was coming off condescending.

"Doctor, no offense, but I'm not five years old. I'm ten years old and pregnant with two boys. Please don't treat me like a baby."

Dr. Clayton seemed a little miffed, but continued to talk to him, leaving out the demeaning tone of voice.

"Well, okay, Adam. How do you feel, then?"

"A little weak, but fine, Dr. Clayton. When can I go home?" He did seem eager to get out of here, himself.

"We'll see. First, do you know how you first started bleeding?" Adam shook his head, as he did when I asked him. "Okay, do you know how this happened?" he asked, pointing to his belly. Adam rolled his eyes at the man. Even I was getting a little annoyed with him.

"Hm, you've spent all that time in school, and you don't know how that happens, doctor? I'd get my money back if I were you."

I couldn't help myself but laugh. The doctor now looked somewhat angry at him, but Adam cooled him down.

"Look, doctor, I know how I got pregnant. I also know that I've been unconscious for almost a week and Mr. Henderson has had more than enough time to tell you anything you need to know about me and my situation. Anything else you need to know can wait till later."

"I suggest that you leave him to me, Dr. Clayton."

"Fine," he said red faced. He marked something down on the clipboard and left the room to the two of us. Once he was gone, I turned back to Adam and we both had a small laugh, at the doctor's expense.

"What did you tell him, Master?"

"Nothing; that's the problem. He's operating in the dark on everything. You see, the hospital chief of staff owes me a really big favor, and Dr. Evans knew it. That's why you were brought here. No one on the staff knows about this, except a scant few, and they know how to keep their mouths shut.

"As for Dr. Kildare, there, all he knows is that you're pregnant. Beyond that, he knows nothing, and that's the way it's going to stay."

"Good. I don't like him, Master," he said with his arms crossed over his chest.

"He's not my favorite, either, Adam."

"Speaking of Dr. Evans, where is he?"

"He and your friends left about an hour ago. Now, before I leave you to get some rest, I want an answer to a question."

"I will if I can, Master, you know that."

"Yes, I do. What is the last thing you remember before this started?"

He thought about it long and hard before answering.

"Well, I was swimming, as best as I could, that is, and got out to dry off. I put my collar back on, and I felt some what I thought was snot coming from my nose. I wiped it off and saw it was blood. The next thing I knew was that it continued and wouldn't stop."

"What did you do before that?"

"Nothing, Master. I had breakfast with orange juice, did my quizzes, and then went for the swim. Nothing else, Sir."

I sat back in my chair and started thinking. I must have gotten a worried look on my face because Adam asked me if anything was wrong.

"No, Adam," I said, choosing my words carefully as not to upset the boy, "I'm just thinking. Look, go ahead and eat the soup, and then get some sleep. I'll be here in the morning to talk to you again."

He nodded and ate his soup in silence to let me think. I told him, good-bye, and kissed his forehead before heading home that day. He smiled and hugged me back as I left.

On the way home, I continued thinking about what Adam had told me. There was nothing unusual about what he did that morning than what he normally does on a Sunday morning. We were supposed to leave for Atlantis today, and five days ago, he suddenly almost dies? I wondered if there was a connection somewhere.

Phillip's uncle hadn't laid a finger on him in over a month, for some reason, and the boy was better for that. I had noticed that he had started coming out of his shell over the past month, and it was blatantly obvious during the week that Adam was at the hospital. He almost chewed out a nurse when she ran her hand over his large belly one time.

Horace and Karl were also worried for their friend in that they were there every evening after school to see him. I was impressed with their loyalty to Adam.

I got home, and ate dinner alone. Williams had left for Atlantis to tell them of the situation with Adam. In fact, he had left that very next morning. I was thinking about that as I ate dinner when I suddenly got an inspiration and went to the kitchen. I got the orange juice out of the fridge and sniffed its contents. Nothing seemed out of place. I put it back, but didn't drink any. As I was standing at the door to the fridge, the doorbell rang.

"Hello, Mr. Kyle," Phillip announced at the threshold of the door.

"Hello, back, Phillip. What are you doing here?"

"I asked my parents if I could stay the night tonight, since we're going to see Adam tomorrow. This way, I don't have to wake up so early."

"Makes sense to me," I said with a slight smile.

I let him in and asked if he had eaten, and he said that he had. To be honest, I was missing the conversation. Adam and I usually talked at dinner, and without him there, it was too quiet. I guess I had gotten used to him being there.

Phillip and I talked for a while before saying our "good nights" and went to our separate rooms. A knock at the door came just as I was about to turn out the lights for the night, and Phillip walked in with only Adam's collar on and nothing else.

"I was wondering if I could take Adam's place while he's in the hospital, Master," he said with a slight smile.

I smiled back and nodded towards the bathroom. He took the hint and went in to clean himself out. It took him a little longer than Adam, but soon he walked back in and slipped under the covers with me. As Adam usually does, he scooted his butt up to my chest while facing the far wall. I ran my fingers down the side of his body facing upward and he got a shiver from him. He inched closer to me and nestled his butt along the length of my growing cock.

"You're sure about this?" I asked him.

"Yes, Master. I am your slave for the weekend until Adam returns. Do with me as you please." Phillip giggled a little after that and I tweaked his top nipple to let him know the seriousness of what was about to happen to him.

"SSss," he hissed as pain went through his young chest. But he didn't push my hand away. I grabbed the same nipple and squeezed it a little harder, and he sort of hummed, hoping that the pain would lessen if he vocalized it, I'm sure. I continued to squeeze the brown tit to see when he would do something about it. After a few minutes, he still wasn't making any move to stop me, so I let up on it. I moved my hand down over his chest to repeat the process to the left nipple, and he moved his right arm out of the way to let me. Good boy, I thought. He learned fast.

I decided to leave the one other alone for now. I would get to it later. I knew better than to leave any marks on this kid, as opposed to Adam, but perhaps a little bondage would do him some good.

I reached into the nightstand with the restraints inside and pulled them out. Taking each of his wrists, I secured those restraints to them without him uttering a word of protest. His wrists were then secured to the posts at the head of the bed, with him facing upwards. The ankle restraints were applied to the proper locations on his body, and instead of tying them to the posts at the foot of the bed; I strapped them to the posts at the head with his wrists. Ten-year-olds are so flexible.

This did two things. One, it caused his legs to go outward, leaving his anal flower just begging to be taken. Two, it raised his butt up to the proper fucking height. He also had to look me in the eye as I was now on top of him, instead of behind him.

I used some of the olive oil to rub into the skin of his asscheeks. Without warning, I slapped him hard on the ass. He hissed, but his cock jumped as well. Another slap on the other cheek brought the same reaction from him. A little oil onto his anus, made his pink flower pucker a little at the sensation. I spread some of it around the hole with my finger before gliding it inside his warm bottom.

I molested his hole a few glides worth before replacing it with my thumb of the same hand. He accepted both without complaint. Two fingers were inserted after the thumb was pulled out. He hummed a little, trying to release some of the discomfort, but not a word begging to stop; not that I would. I widened my finger, spreading his sphincter apart to teach it to accept my cock as it once did.

My fingers were slid out and the head of my cock was placed at the barrier once again for fucking. He closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable to come. I pushed gently, and the hole opened as it did in the past, enduring the torment of my girth. He grunted a little when I fully buried my cock inside him.

"Open your eyes, Phillip, and watch this," I told him, but he shook his head. "Do you want me to do this harder?" Again, he shook his head. "Then open your eyes, boy. You need to see this." Actually, I wanted him to see me take him again. That was why I was fucking him like this.

Slowly, I saw his eyes crack open and look in my direction. As he looked at me, I knew that his eyes couldn't help but pass over the sight of my cock sliding into his asshole. There was no way he could have missed it. His eyes widened as he saw just exactly what was sliding into him.

I saw him get turned on even more by watching it happen before him. His cock grew even harder against his stomach. I reached down to begin stroking his small tool. He was so jacked up that he almost came when I touched his dick. I tried to make it last for him, but that was impossible. He came with only two strokes of his dick. As the boy orgasmed, his sphincter muscle clinched and squeezed me like a tighter vice, sending me over the edge as well.

I calmed down and pulled out of his ass, replacing my cock with a favorite buttplug of Adam's. I untied him from the moorings, allowing him to sleep in a more comfortable position than the one I had him in.

"That felt good, Master," he said, and drifted off to sleep. I smiled and did the same.

The next morning, Phillip brought me breakfast in bed, complete with orange juice. Something told me not to drink it. I asked him if he had drunk any of the juice, and he shook his head.

"I have only had time to make your breakfast, Master. Why?"

"Good. Don't drink any. I don't know why, but I get the feeling that it may be tainted with something."

It doesn't happen very often, but occasionally I get a vibe from something. Experience has taught me to follow those 'vibes'. I didn't drink any, and Phillip got me some milk to replace the juice.

After getting dressed, I took what remaining juice was left in the carton and went to the police station. I have a friend in the detective's unit (it does pay to have friends) that would be able to analyze the contents of the carton. I left it with him to do his job and Armand drove Phillip and me to the hospital to see Adam.

After an hour, Horace and Karl joined us in Adam's room. They acted like four regular ten-year-olds when they get together, still being cautious due to Adam's condition, that is.

Just about after noon, the detective stopped by the room to talk. I left the boys alone with Adam and we went to a room for a private chat. Once in there, he handed me a manila envelope. I tore it open to see a technical readout.

"What was in the carton wasn't only orange juice, Kyle," he said, pointing to a line on the readout.

"What is it, Harry?" I asked him, not being able to notice the significance of what he was showing me.

"It's some type of poison," he said, with a slight hint of drama. "It kills anything, but slowly and painfully. We tried it on a couple of rats at the precinct and they bled out of their mouths, nonstop until they were totally dead."

"So, how the hell did it get into my carton of orange juice?" I asked, more to myself than to him.

"That's my question," he said, with a worried look on his face.

"Well, you know my servant, Adam?" He nodded. "He began bleeding from his mouth and nose in exactly the same way; he almost bled to death. The doctors said that it was from a tear in his esophagus's lining. But Adam had a glass of orange juice the morning that happened."

"But who would want to poison an innocent child?"

Then it hit me. "We do not believe in killing innocent," words came back to me in a flood. Adam was no longer innocent. He was pregnant and a danger to, according to Williams, the Atlantean people. He needed to be taken out. Williams.

I decided to keep the information to myself for the time being. I told Harry to stay on call for me and get a team ready to come to the mansion when I need them. He said he would do that. I went back into Adam's room to find the four of them engaging in a very animated conversation.

"What's going on here?" I asked in a very stern tone of voice.

"Master!" both Adam and Phillip cried when they heard me.

"Gentlemen, Adam needs his rest if he's going to get out of this hospital alive. And arguing fiercely is not the way to make sure he gets his rest. Now, whatever the problem is, we can solve it without all the arguing. Now, either stop, or I will make sure you leave. Got it?"

They all nodded and shamefacedly sat down into the chairs provided in the room. The rest of the day passed uneventful again. I think I took a little wind out of their sails by harping on their conversation, but Adam didn't need to get riled up over trivial minutia.

I took the boys home after the four of us had dinner at a fast food restaurant of their choice. We talked about what had happened to my young servant, and I didn't volunteer any information about what I knew.

That evening, Phillip stayed in Adam's apartment, per my request. He wasn't Adam, and couldn't heal as fast as he could. So, I told him, for the two of us to engage in sexual activities too often would probably be discovered easily. I went to bed alone, but woke up, not so alone. I opened my eyes to see Phillip licking my cock from its base to its tip.

"What did I tell you last night, Phillip?" I asked him as he finished a swipe of my stiffening rod.

"You said not to sleep with you because we don't want to attract too much attention to ourselves with our sex games, Master," he said with a sly smile.

"And what is this?" I asked, pointing down to my crotch.

"Um, a hard-on?" he asked, sarcastically.

I reached down fast and grabbed him and threw him on top of me and began tickling him till he cried.

"Do you know what I do to Adam when he disobeys me?" He suddenly froze. A look of shock came over his face and he nodded, slightly. "Being my slave means obedience, Phillip."

"I just thought that you might want to wake up with a smile, Master," he said, sincerely.

"I do, but I also want total obedience from my slaves. You disobeyed me, Phillip."

He nodded and quietly slipped off the bed and walked to the closet. A minute later, he returned with the belt and set it on the edge of the bed. He assumed the whipping position at the foot of the bed at one of its posts. Knowing what must be done; I got out of bed and lined up behind the boy with the belt wrapped around itself in a loop.

"You will count each one, Phillip. If you mess up on the count, I start over at one. Understand?" He nodded and gripped the bed post even tighter. I looked down and noticed he had an erection like Adam usually gets before a whipping. However, unlike Adam, it deflated once the belt contacted with his skin for the first time. He hissed loudly as the leather made its first mark and he cried, "One, Master".

The next one landed just below the first, coating the crease his buttcheeks made with his legs in red. He grunted and cried, "Two, Master". The third strike hit his buttocks above the first red mark and he counted, "Three, Master". As he counted the fourth one, it nailed him above the third, where his butt connected with his back. Having nowhere else to lay the fifth one, it landed directly on the first lick's welt. He bellowed out, "Five, Master", as I moved to his left to continue on the left cheek.

The process was repeated and the boy's bottom was well tanned when the last count rang out in the room. I dropped the belt onto the bed and walked up behind him as he whimpered against the bedpost. I casually ran my finger across the lines left by the belt. He was sniffling when my stomach made contact with his back and my hand reached around to his soft member.

"That was necessary, little slave. I demand obedience from those who serve me. Do you understand?" He nodded as he choked back the tears. "However, this," and I gave his cock a small squeeze, "is not necessary. Do you want me to continue?" He nodded ever so slightly.

I slowly masturbated his cock to its three inch [7½ cm] total length. The boy spread his legs out as he remained in his whipping position. He whispered something I didn't catch and I asked him to repeat it.

"Fuck me, Master. Please?" it was barely above a whisper. I knew where that was coming from. Adam.

But, the boy wanted to be fucked, then so be it. I grasped his cock firmly and moved him to the bed from behind. I tossed off my robe and pushed him down on the bed in one fluid motion. Not bothering with the oil this time, I lined my hard prick up to his exposed backside as he moved his legs apart for me. Leaning over him, I parted the globes of his ass one more time and shoved my cock inside him.

I felt him clench his cheeks tightly and grab the bedcovers, twisting them in pain. Good. I wanted him to hurt this time. The kid wanted to be fucked, well he was going to get it, and get it good. I lunged forward with my full weight, spearing his hole with my full length. He cried again into the bedcovers, twisting them even more. Knowing I hurt him, I didn't stop my assault on his bowels.

Using only my hips, I began fucking him with my entire cock; pulling all the way out and forcing it back inside to the hilt. I felt my hairy balls bouncing off his rapidly deflating cock under me. But I didn't care what he felt. I was forgetting the fact that he wasn't Adam and couldn't take the punishment my other slave could take.

I pummeled his ass for everything I was worth until I shot my load deep into his guts, filling him once again. Recovering my senses, I reached under us and grabbed his limp penis and began stroking it back to firmness. Now I did care about how he felt, but I wanted him to know what being fucked was like as well.

I moved us up the bed far enough for me to reach into the nightstand and retrieve the buttplug I keep in there for Adam. As I continued to stroke his dick, I slipped out of his ass and forced the buttplug inside him. He groaned as the rubber passed his torn sphincter, but made no other acknowledgement that anything was wrong. My other hand never left his ten year old cock as his dick was hard and I wanted it to remain that way. I slowly stroked him to a shivering orgasm, and then his body lay still.

"You okay?" I asked him. He nodded into the covers. "Don't lie to me, Phillip. Are you okay?" He nodded again. He moved his head to the right so I could hear him.

"I'm just sore, Master Kyle," he said in a raspy voice.

"Yeah, I guess I kinda got carried away there. But you did ask for it."

"I guess I did, Master," he said with a snicker.

With a slap to his ass, I told him to get up and get a shower taken. He asked about the buttplug, and I told him to leave it in for the day. He got a shocked look on his face, but wisely didn't challenge me about it.

We left for the hospital to see Adam alone. The other two boys had other things they had to do for the day, but for me and Phillip, it was to see Adam. As we walked in, the doctor was walking out, having just examined the boy for the morning. Harry's voice made me turn around and I saw him jogging the rest of the way to talk to me before I went in to see my young slave. I told Phillip to go ahead and go inside, but no arguing. He nodded and left the two of us.

"What are you going to do about the poison, Kyle?" he asked when we were alone in a room.

"I'm working that out right now, Harry. Why?"

"I might be able to help you, if you suspect someone, Kyle."

"I don't suspect someone, Harry. I know who put the poison in the carton. But you're right; you can help me."

Over the next half an hour or so, I told him of my plan. He knew some people that would be able to lend assistance. We shook hands and I left for Adam's room. When I walked in, Phillip was sitting, gingerly sitting, on the edge of the bed talking in low tones with Adam.

"Now what are you two talking about?" I asked them.

They both looked at each other and snickered, but didn't answer right away. I raised an eyebrow at them, and they both said, "You, Master".

"I see. Well, what did the doctor say, Adam?" I asked, turning to the boy.

"He said that if everything's normal tomorrow, I can go home on Tuesday."

"Well, that's good news," I said with a smile.

Chapter Fourteen
Adam's Journey

We stayed with Adam for the rest of the day talking about unimportant matters and left for home around seven that evening. Adam did return home on Tuesday morning after a series of small tests Mike had given him.

Phillip had taken over his duties very well in his absence, but Adam still felt like he was slacking by not doing them. I told him that being pregnant with two boys is just cause to relax some. Nothing of note happened that week until Friday evening when Todd Williams showed back up at the house. I called Harry when I saw him approach the house and we set our plan in motion.

I welcomed him home and Adam sort of waddled in the room to greet him.

"It looks like you've weathered your captivity in the hospital well, Adam," he said looking at the boy. "And your eyes are almost totally red. I'd say that you have just less than two months to go."

"Yes sir and I can't wait till it's over with," he answered with a smile.

Williams told us of his trip back to his home and the report he made to his superiors about Adam's condition. We made our way to the den to continue talking and Phillip served the three of us drinks. He stayed to help Adam with anything he needed and to wait on the two of us as well.

I delayed his leaving by stalling him by coaxing out the story of his journey homeward and back. A signal light above the doorway told me it was time for the next phase of our plan. I motioned for Phillip to take Adam out of the room. I didn't need them around. Not to arouse suspicion on the part of Williams, Phillip just asked Adam to help him with something.

"Todd, do you have an answer for what happened to Adam?" I asked him.

"Why would I, Kyle?" he asked, nonplussed.

"Because I thought you might have one, since a very unusual poison was found in our orange juice carton. It was found to have been aquatic-based in nature. Since science isn't your forte', I'll bypass the particulars and get to the fine print. You poisoned Adam, and I want to know why. Right now."

Before I could do anything, a very unique weapon was produced from Williams's pants and he brandished it in my face. There were at least seven different ways I could have taken him down from the position I was in, but I never got the chance. A shot rang out and the weapon flew across the room. Blood flowed from his hand where the bullet went through.

"Nice shot, Harry," I said to the cop as he walked in the room.

"Thanks, Kyle," he answered, smiling, still holding his gun on Williams. Another cop walked in behind him, also with his gun drawn. Adam and Phillip ran in the room next, both with worried looks on their faces.

"I'm fine, boys. Phillip, take Adam back upstairs. I'll tell you both what has happened later."

"Yes, Master," he said and led Adam out of the room.

"Now," I said, turning my attentions to Williams. "You're going to tell me the truth about Adam and where you really come from. I don't buy the 'Atlantean' story." He didn't move or speak. It was actually Harry's partner that spoke up.

"Oh, he's telling you the truth about that, Mr. Henderson." Both Harry and I turned to him. "I'm Atlantean as well. You see, we've had a problem lately in our society, and I apologize that you've become involved in it." He moved to the sofa and sat down, still bearing the gun down on Williams. "If you move, Toddston, I will shoot you."

Turning to us, he began his explanation of everything.

"We've created a society that has shunned the surface completely. Recently, there's a growing movement among our people to rejoin the sun's world. We sent scouts out to investigate."

"We know that already," I interrupted him.

"Yes, but what you don't know, Mr. Henderson, is that Toddston, here, is one of the hardliners that don't want the change. You see, the movement to rejoin the surface world is very strong. The hardliners don't want to rejoin the surface world. They think that you aren't ready to accept us or our way of life. And to be blunt, most of you aren't ready, from what I've seen."

"So, what he told us is true?" I asked incredulously.

"What's he talking about, Kyle?"

"I'll fill you in later, Harry. Go on, Mr. 3;?"

"You may call me, Fisk, Mr. Henderson; Fisk Saunders. I believe he extended an invitation to you to visit our society. I'd like to extend the same curtsey."

"Mr. Saunders, one of your people tried to kill my servant, and just tried to kill me. Forgive me, but I don't exactly trust any of you right now."

He sat down and removed his hat he had been wearing. He was as bald as Williams, or Toddston, or whoever he really was.

"I understand your feelings, Mr. Henderson. I share them. Right now, I wouldn't want to go anywhere near our society. We've had our eye on Toddston, here, for quite some time. He's not what you would call one of our more upstanding citizens. He does have a history of violence that, quite frankly, we abhor greatly.

"I would ask, though, that you give us a second chance. Adam could help our two peoples understand each other. We might be able to bridge the gap with his assistance."

"I'll leave it up to Adam to do that. What are we going to do with Williams, or whatever his real name is?"

"We will take Toddston back with us. He'll be tried before our courts. I would also ask you to give testimony to the events also, Mr. Henderson, and Adam, if he's willing."

"There were three other boys that were willing and anxious to visit your society, Fisk."

"They are also invited as well."

"Let me discuss it with everyone and I'll get back to you on that."

He nodded and took his prisoner away with him and Harry. I called Adam and Phillip into the room to discuss the evening's events and the offer still made by Fisk. Both boys were still excited to go on the trip. I called and made arrangements with Horace and Karl's parents for that weekend after clearing it with Fisk. I had never seen Adam so excited (nonsexually, that is) before.

Friday evening arrived with Horace and Karl staying over for the night. The three boys slept with Adam in his apartment. We were already packed for the trip, so the next morning was pretty smooth as we headed out to pick up Fisk and Williams.

Williams was in handcuffs as he was led to the car by Fisk. Armand drove us to the small airport where my plane was kept. As we arrived, the plane was fueled and ready to go. I told my pilot where to fly and we left for Eastern Europe. The flight was uneventful as Williams was secured in his seat by his cuffs. Fisk enjoyed talking to Adam and the boy seemed to like talking to him also.

We set down in Athens, Greece. The airport already had a car waiting for us. I looked at Fisk, and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I like to be thorough, Mr. Henderson." I agreed with that philosophy.

We loaded ourselves in the car and headed to a port on the outskirts of the city. Waiting for us there was a very unique boat. It wasn't a submarine, but it easily could be one. The front of the boat was open, but was able to be enclosed by a touch of the button. It certainly wasn't something we were able to do with our technology. Fisk saw my reaction to his vessel and smiled.

"You still were unsure I was telling you the truth about us, were you, Mr. Henderson?" he asked, still smiling. I nodded, still staring at the craft. "I understand. It is a large story to swallow."

All seven of us boarded the vessel, and it was already running when we stepped on board, so we got underway in a matter of minutes. The boat sped out into the Mediterranean, and within mere minutes, land was out of sight. A button was pressed and an energy shield was put into place over the opening. It was like something out of Star Trek.

The craft pitched downward and the shield held its place without so much as a waver. As I looked out into the water, I saw a great deal of things I thought I would never see in my entire life. Fisk walked up to talk to me as we headed towards his home.

"There are some things we do need to discuss, Mr. Henderson," he said from my right side.

I nodded and he continued.

"First of all, you five are the first to visit our society. I must iterate strongly that whatever is seen down here must be told discretely. Secondly, there are some things you might find strange about how we do things down there."

"Like what?"

"Well, for instance, the differences between how the leaders and the breeders are taught in our schools. Most breeders are separated from the leaders a few years after they are born. Leaders are taught skills to lead our people in different areas, such as politics, science, art, music, agriculture, etc. Once the skills are discovered, they are given concentrated courses geared towards their particular skills.

"The breeders, on the other hand, are given a more general education. Most of them don't advance beyond their roll of breeding. There is the occasional exception, of course. For instance, our Premier is a breeder, and he's an excellent Premier."

"What form of government do you have?"

"It's very similar to your American form of government. We call it a Multi-layered form of a Republic. I'll explain more about that as we get there.

"The education system is second to nothing what you have on the surface, Mr. Henderson. I'm sure you've noticed how well Adam has done at his academics while he's been with you."

I hadn't thought about that in a while, but now that Fisk mentioned it, Adam was uncommonly bright for a ten or eleven year old boy. He always says that my quizzes needed to get tougher. He seems to be especially gifted with his piano playing, and I mentioned that to Fisk.

"Would he be able to go to a class specially suited for musicians?" I asked him.

"Even though breeders that are gifted in skills are rare, we do give them the benefit of the doubt and allow all that is available for them to learn. If Adam is gifted, we will be able to help him. I thought that he would return with you to the surface, though, Mr. Henderson?"

"You might as well call me Kyle also, Fisk." He smiled and nodded. I looked back to see where Adam was, and he was enthralled with the sights and not paying a bit of attention to us. "As far as the boy is concerned, I only want the best for him. He's been a real treat to have at my mansion and if he can learn from you all there is to learn, then he belongs down here with you."

"We'll see, Kyle. He would be well protected down here. We have a very effective penal system."


"Yes. Our crime rate is almost nil. The criminal in question is brought before a council and his memories are displayed on a screen for the council to see. A vote is then taken on the appropriate measures to take to deal with said criminal. The system is foolproof, Kyle, and no one escapes punishment."

"What is punishment?"

"In very few instances, capital punishment is carried out, but that is only for those who commit or attempt to commit murder. Our murder rate is only about one or two per year. No appeals are granted, as the criminal's own memories are displayed and reveal his crime.

"As far as lesser crimes, well, there are different degrees of punishment for different crimes. The reality is that criminals get away with nothing in our society, Kyle. I hope one day your people will be able to achieve this level of technology. But, you aren't ready for it right now. Too many of your people are worried about too many others' rights being violated to implement such a system.

"Greed, hunger, disease are also eliminated from our cities. It is something that we are most proud of, Kyle. I think even you will be impressed by our way of life."

I smiled and we both went back to watching the ocean in front of us. Lights were now lighting up the area surrounding the ship. Fisk left me alone with my thoughts as we continued to descend into the depths of the ocean's floor.

Adam walked up beside me and leaned against me as I put my arm around him. We watched the ocean's dark swallow us whole. It was like being inside a large animal and it was digesting us slowly.

After what seemed like forever, the ship glided towards a small mount of rock. I got more nervous as the ship moved closer and closer to the rock and didn't slow down. I turned to the helmsman and he smiled back at me. As I turned back around, the ship went into the rock.

"Hologram," Fisk said to my other side from Adam. I jumped as he said it. I wasn't aware that he was around me.

The ship glided further into the image of the rock and we settled onto a platform. A tube was raised out of the platform and secured itself to the side of the ship. The five of us passengers and a few of the crew left the ship through the tube. As we descended the through the tube, we came to the end where it seemed a committee was waiting for our arrival.

Fisk walked up to the man in the middle and bowed smartly.

"Premier Shall, allow me to present our guests to you," he said. The man nodded and smiled back at him. He introduced me first and I shook the man's hand and the premier nodded back at me with a kind look on his face. I took in his characteristics as I shook his hand.

He was a little shorter than myself with long light brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. He was the only one in the group with hair on his head, indicating the only breeder in the group. His eyes were blue, but not as light as Adam's eyes were before he got pregnant. I guessed that they changed as he grew older. He had a kind face with a warm smile. Shall's frame was slight, and he showed signs of wear; probably due to childbearing. He was dressed smartly, almost clinically, in a light yellow color of suit.

"And this must be Adam," he said, speaking for the first time to the boy. Adam nodded as he took the hand offered to him. "You've caused quite a stir amongst us down here when we lost track of you. It seems you've found a just person to be with and breed with."

"Yes Sir. Master Kyle has taken very good care of me," he answered back.

"Master Kyle?" Shall asked and looked at me.

"Yes Sir," Adam said, bringing his attentions back to himself. "When I ran away, he bought me from myself, sort of."

Again, Shall looked to me in question. I took the opportunity to explain Adam's arrangement with me. He nodded that he understood. He went back to the rest of the boys and was introduced to each of them in turn. After meeting all of us, Shall and his entourage turned and he beckoned us to follow him off the platform. A large vehicle was waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs we descended. It took us, minus Fisk and Williams, through the city.

We traveled through the city he called, Menasurath. It was the Atlantean capital city he explained to us. I looked up and could see the ocean and its currents swirling above us. Instead of the light coming down and lighting the city, it seemed that the very rocks had a luminescent quality about them. Light was coming from the very buildings themselves. The whole culture seemed almost futuristic. It looked like something you would see out of a sci-fi flick.

As we traveled, I noticed things that were almost American in nature. It appeared that these people also thrived on commerce. It didn't seem to be as unstable as our own crude way of commerce. Everything seemed to flow almost rhythmically, harmoniously.

I also noticed the two different types of men in the city. The breeders did seem to have longer hair, almost like our women, though I didn't see any that were pregnant. They were dressed in loose fitting clothing. They weren't dresses, per se, but almost oriental in nature. I saw that the material of their clothing was also luminescent.

The leaders of the city were dressed smartly or professionally. Their clothing also gave off the similar glow of light, but was a little more formal. As I watched them, I thought I could tell their skills by the clothes they wore.

We arrived at a tall, simple building with only a marking of a crown above the doorway. Shall ushered us in and we took his lead, Adam in front next to the Premier. Entering a very contemporary elevator, we rode to the top floor. It was apparently his office floor. His entourage left us the moment we arrived at his floor. Shall sat behind his desk to address us.

"Mr. Henderson, I have been thoroughly briefed on you and your culture. Now, allow me to extend the courtesy of us and our culture to you and your boys."

"Thank you, Premier Shall. Fisk told me of your laws and punishments for violating them, and I can assure you, there will be no problem from our end." He nodded at that.

"I appreciate that, Mr. Henderson, and I'm sure there won't be any problems from you. You are our guests here for as long as you like. We have a room set up for the five of you in the building adjacent to this one, and you will find that your things have already been taken there.

"While you are here, all expenses will be taken care of by the state. If you wish to purchase something, use these cards." He handed us five cards a little smaller than a credit card. "All I ask is that you use a little restraint and not take advantage of us and our good will."

"That won't be problem, Premier Shall," I said, and stressing it with the boys.

"Good. Now that that's settled, I would like to talk to Adam alone, if that is acceptable?"

I looked to Adam, and he nodded. We were shown out and to our state rooms in the building next door. They were very luxurious. Each of us had our own room and bath. About a half an hour after getting to our rooms, the three boys walked into mine and wanted to go scouting around the city. I told them it would be better to wait for Adam and we could all go.

Chapter Fifteen
Adam's Patriarchs

Adam walked into my room about an hour after that conversation, telling me that the premier just wanted to find out some specific things about him and his pregnancy. He told Adam that the doctors should have a look at him, and I thought it was an excellent idea.

Adam was a little tired after the journey down here, so he retired to his room for the evening. The four of us went on a scouting trip. A vehicle was waiting for us outside the building with a driver. He took us on a tour of the city, pointing out different structures and sites along the way. After an hour of sightseeing, we were getting hungry and he dropped us off for a meal at a local restaurant. He left us to do something and we walked inside.

It was almost like being in a place back home. A waiter (breeder) was there to take our order. Believe it or not, there was even a salad bar, which we did use. The items were not your normal items, but not unpleasant, though. When we sat back down at the table, Horace had a sulky look on his face.

"What's the matter, H?" Karl asked him.

"I don't like the way these guys keep looking at me," he said, gesturing backwards.

I turned to look at what he was pointing out and he had something to be concerned about. It seems that most of the men in the place were ogling all three boys. I smiled at his concern.

"Well, H, you have to realize, that to them, you're a breeder. It's kind of like women back home being gawked at. To them, you're attractive."

"Well, just as long as they don't get the idea that I'm gonna be taking anything up the ass by them," he said, still sulking a little.

"You know, that's probably exactly what they're thinking, H," Phillip butted in. Karl and I had to snicker at the look on his face after that comment.

"Fucking faggots," he muttered under his breath.

"Whoa, right there!" I pounced on him. "First of all, H, these people have been living like this for untold centuries. And it's not up to you to judge their way of life. Second, the thought of fucking someone up the ass didn't seem to bother you when you were doing it to Phillip or Adam."

"That was different, Mr. Henderson. I wasn't on the 'taking' end of it."

"If you don't want to do it, H, then don't. The way Fisk said it, was that rape up there is rape down here. If a breeder doesn't want it, then he doesn't have to take it. And the punishment for such a crime is castration of the offender. He told me the last rape that occurred here was over ten years ago.

"Now, relax, H. Besides, now you have a little taste of what women go through back home."

Horace relaxed a little bit, but was still nervous until we left the restaurant. We decided to walk down the street to take in the sites instead of waiting for our ride. The four of us did get a few looks, but no one bothered us really. A few breeders even looked my way, but I chalked it up to my short haircut.

Horace continued to dislike the looks he was getting, but I certainly can't blame the Atlanteans for taking a liking to him. Karl seemed to not be bothered by the looks, but thoroughly enjoyed the sites. Phillip was the only one who liked getting ogled at by the others.

After an hour of seeing a few things and sites, we rounded a corner to come face to face with a very peculiar site. It was a free-standing building with some strange markings on the front of it. I looked at the map that Shall had given me and it wasn't labeled. A leader walked past and I asked him politely what the building was.

"Oh, you must be the surface people that I had read about," he said, and I nodded. "The news said that you would be paying us a visit." He was looking at the boys, but not in a lascivious manner. He shook his head to bring him back to his thought to answer my question. "Anyway, that building is called, 'The Breeding Grounds'. It is a place for breeders."

"We're not 'breeders'," Horace said, nastily to the man. I was put out by the boy's attitude, but the man seemed nonplussed by it.

"My apologies, young one. I meant no insult to you," he said to Horace, then turned to me. "You might go in there and see what's to see." He was smiling at me in a non-threatening manner. I nodded and he went on his way. I turned to Horace.

"Let's get one thing straight, H. We are going to be here for an entire week. You can either spend this week in your room, or you can spend it out here with us, enjoying yourself. If you offend one more person while we're here, it'll be the first option. Got it?"

"Yes Sir," he said, looking down at his feet.

"Good, because I don't want to have a problem from you again." The boy was starting to irritate the hell out of me.

I realize that this was a totally different culture from the one he had just left, but to be this hostile towards it was unlike him at all.

We made our way to 'The Breeding Grounds' building, with Horace bringing up the rear, slowly. When we walked inside, there was a leader at the front desk reading a flat screen in his hand.

"Welcome to The Breeding Grounds V, breeders," he said with a smile as we walked up to him. I heard Horace make a snort from behind me. The leader's smile faded slightly before continuing. "What can I do for you?"

"Well, we're not breeders, sir," I started.

"You're the surface dwellers, aren't you?" he asked enthusiastically. I nodded and his smile returned to its original full strength. "Well, I was told you might pay us a curiosity visit. I was also told to show you the place. So, if you will, come with me."

He introduced himself as Mola, and we followed him out of the lobby and up a flight of stairs to the second level of a ten story building. I asked him about the name of the building, and why it was called, five.

"This is the fifth lounge in this city dedicated to the wellbeing of our young breeders. In this city, there are seven such lounges catering to their wants and needs.

"This level is devoted to breeders who are in the final stages of their bearing time. They come here for company and relaxation," he said as we stepped off the top step.

"I have a question that has eluded me whenever the topic comes up," I began and Mola motioned for me to continue. "Do breeders enter into monogamous relationships? Or marriages?"

"I'm not familiar with the term, 'marriages', but as far as monogamous relationships, it does happen from time to time, sir."

"Call me Kyle," I told him. "So, there's no jealousy among breeders?"

"Oh, no sir," he said, and then added, "Kyle. Jealousy is forbidden here."

We rounded a corner to find a large room with a wall dividing it from the outside made of glass half way down from the ceiling. The bottom of the wall was metal. You could see into the room easily. It was filled with pregnant boys, ranging in age from about seven to about thirteen. Some of them had small children of their own, either sleeping in cribs next to their benches or playing in a pen off to the side with other boys their own ages. All of them seemed to be enjoying themselves and relaxing.

As far as I could tell from where we were standing, they all had red eyes and were appearing ready to give birth.

"By this stage of their bearing time, most of our breeders prefer just to be left alone," he explained. "There are times where they do get a little precocious, but usually, they like it here, not to have anything to do with sex."

"Weird," Karl commented and Mola smiled back at him.

"From what I hear about you and your women, this might seem weird to you, breeder," he said then looked at me as to how to address him properly.

"We call them 'boys', or 'children'," I explained to him. "Usually, we just use their names."

"Understood, sir," he said and led us back to the staircase.

As we approached the third level, he told us that the next two levels were devoted to the care of the breeders. Mainly their health during their pregnancies and the health of the children inside them. A good supply of doctors was on staff at all times.

"The next three levels are devoted to the breeders' sexual needs during their first three to four months of bearing. It's during this time that they are at their most aggressive in their sexual desires."

I smiled, knowing what he was talking about. Adam was definitely hyped up during his first few months.

We rounded the first corner after the staircase to find another room like the one on the second level, but not as large. It was still separated by a half-glassed wall so a person could easily see into it. I heard Horace gasp when we saw what was inside. And I have to say; even I was a little taken aback.

A boy, about the age of seven, was strapped to the wall. His whole body was flat against the wall with his arms stretched up and outward. The boy's legs were simply pulled straight outward and his ankles held to the wall by two metal clamps. His tiny balls were encased in a faux-leather chute strung to a mechanism on the floor designed to pull his balls downward and not let up. The poor child had angry red lines covering his whole body. He looked to be in a great deal of pain, but his small cock was sticking straight outward.

The adult in the room had a whip in his hand and was bringing it down across his body again as we walked up. As there were no livestock in the society, I'm sure that whip had to be made of something equal to leather. It sure sounded like it as it cracked across the child's body. The young lad screamed, but begged for more and the adult was obliging.

Horace stood there with his mouth gaping open. It was more torment than what we had done to Adam in his presence. He was surprised as ever that the boy wanted more of it. What had been done to Adam was not as extreme as what this boy was going through, but it was close. Karl was licking his lips while he watched the torture take place before our eyes. Phillip was also watching the show with enthusiasm, and like Karl, he was getting a small chubby as well, but for a whole different reason.

Mola smiled at the boys' reactions while they watched the proceedings. This is the normal reaction from the breeders, he said, pointing out the reactions of both Karl and Phillip.

"Most leaders have the same reaction as you do, Horace," he said, nodding to the redhead.

"Why do they react like me?"

"Generally speaking, leaders don't have the stomach to take the torture. Myself personally, I don't see what breeders get out of it," he said smiling at him. For the first time, Horace smiled a real smile.

Thinking back on it, it was only Phillip and Karl that had gotten involved with Adam down in my chamber. Horace just watched from the sidelines. As we were watching the boy continue to take the punishment from the adult in the room, he yelled out a word I was unfamiliar with.

"Frug!!!" he gasped out into the room.

"Frug?" I asked Mola.

"Just watch," he said, smiling.

The man put down the whip and walked up to the youngster. With a cock that was very firm and large, he skewered the boy as he yelled out the word again. We watched the boy take the endowed cock without a problem. In fact, I watched his body shake as the adult invaded his bowels.

"Frug means 'fuck me'?" Horace asked, shocked.

"I guess so," I said, amazed at how the boy was able to take the stiff prick, and still enjoy it. I pointed this out to Mola and he smiled.

"A breeder's anal barrier stretches very well, Kyle. Why don't we move on, hm?"

I nodded and he led our posse further down the aisle, leaving the two lovers to their fun. The next room was empty, but the third was not. A breeder about the age of the boys with me was strapped to a sawhorse, already being corn holed very effectively, and begging for more.

Phillip went to the window to get a better view of the show. Mola walked up behind him and whispered something in his ear. Phillip turned to him and nodded, shyly. I looked to Mola for an answer and he gave one.

"He wants a room of his own," he explained.

Phillip seemed a little embarrassed about it, but Mola was not affected by his decision, neither was I. Leaving those two also alone, we traveled down the hall to find a vacant room for Phillip. A few of the rooms we passed were occupied with young boys in various stages of bondage. One eight-year-old was taking a paddling. Another boy a year older was getting caned, on his balls of all places. I could tell Phillip was getting turned on even more the further we walked down the hallway.

The last room on the floor was empty, save an adult Atlantean in the office at the far end. He also sported long medium brown hair and a well toned physique. The breeder got up from his desk when he saw us walk in and greeted us warmly.

"Tagger, this is Phillip," Mola said, introducing the boy to him. Both shook hands, but Tagger was looking down at the boy's crotch and the tent his erection was causing. "Please take care of him." The adult nodded, and Mola ushered us out of the room. Phillip waved at us as we left him to his breeder.

"Don't worry, Kyle. If my instincts are correct, he'll have the time of his life."

"I'm more worried about any scarring of his skin, Mola," I told him. I didn't need to have to explain it to his parents. It would be difficult, that's for sure.

"Again, don't worry, Kyle. When our ancestors began our society, they used their science and resources to come up a solution to that. When they found out about the breeders' sexual desires and how violently they wanted to be treated, they created a healing remedy. It comes in the form of a pill.

"After a breeder has undergone a session like these," he said, pointing out a ten year old breeder being whipped by a very large bullwhip. "A pill is ingested and in two day's time, the marks are totally evaporated, leaving the skin perfect again for another session. Since our skin make-up is generally the same, then I see nothing stopping your youngster from having his fun with Tagger."

"And Tagger having his fun with Phillip," Horace put in, sort of smiling also. Mola snickered and nodded to Horace.

"The medication did have another benefit. It eliminated all stretch marks in a matter of a week after birth."

"Now, that is handy," I said, amazed.

By the time Mola was finished explaining everything to us, we saw that Phillip was totally nude and ready to begin with Tagger. And to be honest, I was ready to see what he had in store for the boy. A blindfold was put over his eyes before anything else was done. A very unusual ball gag was placed in his mouth. It had studded spikes on the part being forced in his mouth, making his tongue also available to torture.

"I must remember to get one of those for Adam before we leave," I thought to myself.

Phillip's wrists were bound in front of him by metal cuffs about two inches [5 cm] wide, with a fur lining. A steel cord hung from the ceiling and the link in the cuffs was attached to that cord. Tagger pushed a button on a remote and the cord took out the slack and suspended Phillip by his wrists. His feet were just barely off the floor.

A chute like the one on the first boy was added to Phillip's balls and they were also about to be pulled downward to the floor. I warned Mola about our balls being very sensitive, and he nodded. He opened the door to tell Tagger to take it easy on his balls and the adult breeder nodded that he understood. The mechanism pulled Phillip's balls downward, but not as much as it could have. The boy was in obvious pain, but also just as obvious was his excitement.

Tagger attached similar cuffs to the boy's ankles and slightly thicker cables were clicked on to the cuffs from the opposite walls. Another button was pressed and Phillip's feet were pulled in opposite directions until the boy began begging Tagger to stop. The boy was in even more pain now, but also enjoying the attention.

Tagger ran his finger along the skin under his feet, causing the boy to squirm in his bonds at the tickling. He reached over and took a thin, pointed metal rod and ran it along the length of the soles of his feet. The boy continued to squirm at the sensations. This guy was definitely a pro at this.

The five of us watched as Tagger went to his next stage. Before doing anything, though, he walked to the door to address me, of all people.

"Can he handle his nipples being tortured?" he asked when he stuck his head out. With a motion of my hand, I told him to do as he pleased with the boy. Tagger returned to his work. The two boys with me snickered at what Phillip was about to experience.

"Why did he come to ask, Mr. Henderson?" Karl asked.

"Because our breeders' nipples are very sensitive, Karl; especially during their bearing time," Mola told him.

Tagger picked up two alligator clips and attached them to his nipples, sending the lad into fits of pain. He shook his chest, trying to dislodge the clips, but Tagger had put them on too well. The adult let him alone till he died down enough to continue the torment.

As we were watching what was about to happen next, Mola jerked his head up and excused himself, talking to an earpiece. He returned as Tagger was about to bring a paddle across Phillip's defenseless buttocks.

"Excuse me, Kyle," I tore my attentions away from Tagger and Phillip to acknowledge Mola and he continued talking. "Are you expected somewhere?"

"Not that I know of, why?"

"Because I was just notified that Premier Shall is looking for you," he said with a worried look on his face.

"Is there a way I can communicate with him?" I asked, not know how to ask for a telephone. He showed me a screen in a room off the hallway. He told me how to use it. All I had to do was say who I was and who I wanted to talk to; very convenient.

"Oh, Mr. Henderson," Shall said as he appeared on the screen. "We weren't sure where you had taken off to."

"Worried, Mr. Premier?"

"Only a little that you might get lost, sir. I see that you've found one of our city's Breeding Grounds. That was quick," he said with a smile.

I had to smile back as I told him how it happened. I told him we would be returning to our rooms when we finished here.

"No rush, Mr. Henderson. I just was curious where you had gotten off to, as Adam might need you."

"Understood, Premier. Thanks for the concern." I switched off the screen and made my way back to Phillip and his ordeal.

When I arrived, Karl and Horace were standing there with their hands over their mouths and pointing to the glass. I saw what they were looking at and it was Tagger's cock. The thing was enormous. There was no possible way that was going to fit inside Phillip's young rectum. I pointed this out to Mola.

"Just wait and see, Kyle," he said, reassuringly. "You see, an ointment was applied to his rectal area while you were talking to the premier." Also, while I was gone, Tagger had removed the studded ball gag from the boy's mouth.

The four of us stood there and watched as Tagger slowly fed every inch of his monster cock to Phillip's reddened ass. The boy took it better than I thought he would. He did scream as Tagger's cock penetrated his outer barrier, but had no choice in accepting the rest of it as the adult fed it to him.

When Tagger was fully embedded inside him, he reached around the boy to his front and began stroking Phillip's stiffy. As the elephantine cock plowed into the eleven-year-old, Tagger stroked his dick in perfect rhythm to his thrusts. After some time, I saw Phillip's body shake in clear signs of his orgasm. Tagger's cock was gripped by the boy's sphincter muscle and he also bellowed out his orgasm into Phillip's innards.

Both man and boy calmed down and he was let down from his bondage. I walked in the room and up to Phillip as he sat hunched over on the floor. Tagger, his job being done, smiled and left the room to return with the pill Mola was talking about. He fed the pill to Phillip and then left us again. The two boys had followed me into the room, but at a distance.

"How do you feel?"

"Like I've been fucked by a telephone pole, Master Kyle," he said to the floor. I think he was looking at the gaping hole in his backside that the cock had left in its wake.

"You have," I answered back and smiled. He looked up and also smiled. The boy had definitely come a long way from the scared little kid that didn't even want to engage in playing with the other three boys earlier that year.

I picked him up and he slumped back to the ground. This time I picked him up and slung him over my shoulder. Horace and Karl grabbed his clothes and we turned to the doorway. Mola smiled at us.

"That often happens with first timers. Don't worry about being seen in public with him over your shoulder like that. There are many young breeders being taken home by older ones after their first time to a 'Grounds' complex. It's normal."

"Well, we'd better skip the rest of the tour, Mola, and head on back to our rooms. To be honest, I'm also a little tired."

"I understand, Kyle. I'll show you out."

He walked us out and as we left the building, our driver was standing by the vehicle waiting for us. Apparently, Shall called him and told him where we were. The driver smiled when he saw Phillip passed out on my shoulder and ushered us inside and drove us to our building.

We got inside and I laid Phillip down on my bed and went to check on Adam. He was still sleeping noisily but peacefully. The boys were stripped and getting into bed when I checked on them and I made my way back to my room for a good rest.

After the length of the day's events, I was very tired. I did have a problem, though; an erection from hell. With a willing receptacle right beside me, I figured, why not? As Tagger's semen was still inside him, it made a nice lubricant to allow my cock to slide inside him. Phillip accepted my dick without complaint or comment. He must have been really knocked out.

I slowly pumped his ass for a few times, enjoying the feel of a boy's rectum and I heard Phillip whisper something. I put my ear closer to hear him again.

"Harder, please," he said again, a little louder.

Being the giving person I am; I gave him what he asked for. I rolled over on top of his back and pushed him with me to lie on his stomach, where I made him feel every inch of my cock. I pounded into his ass as I had done on one other occasion. At the same time I screwed his ass, I made sure he felt pleasure from his other side. Phillip ate up the pain as I laid into him nonstop.

He came after stroking him for a few minutes, and as he did to Tagger, he clenched his sphincter and sent me into orgasmic pleasure as well. We got cleaned up and back into bed for some real rest.

The following morning, I guess, we woke up together and had breakfast in the lobby of the building. I guess I could call it a hotel, for lack of something better, but since very few Atlanteans seem to travel, hotels are superfluous.

I asked about the visit to the Atlantean doctor, and he said that the premier had it all set up for the day. They had a twelve hour clock on the wall, and I set my watch to it. His doctor's visit was scheduled for about three hours from then. Phillip suggested the 'Breeder's Grounds' to pass our time before the visit, and it was Horace that agreed with the idea. I was shocked at his turn around of attitude. We all agreed and left the lobby for the vehicle waiting for us with a different driver. Before we climbed inside, I pulled Horace aside from the others.

"Why the all-of-a-sudden change of heart, H?" I asked him suspiciously.

He shrugged and said that he saw how much Phillip seemed to enjoy it the day before. I wasn't totally satisfied with his answer, but accepted it for the time being. I told the driver to return us to the fifth complex of 'grounds' and he knew what I meant.

A different leader greeted us as we entered the structure. He eyed Adam especially close and we followed him up the stairs. As we got to the room for 'late termers', as he called them, Adam wanted to join those already in the room, and I nodded that he could.

"Could we see the fifth floor again, sir?" Karl asked. A tent was forming in his pants again.

The new leader, Stytle, smiled and nodded to him. I was beginning to think that Karl was going there for ideas to try out on Adam later. I wasn't too off the mark with that thought. It turned out later on, it was for his sister he was storing up information. More on that at another time.

Anyway, we rounded the turn at the top of the flight of stairs leading to the fifth floor and the boys almost ran ahead of me and Stytle. The leader and I smiled at each other and walked up behind them enjoying a scene with what looked like a nine-year-old with flaming red hair taking a real beating from his adult breeder. He was strapped to the wall similar to the breeder the day before. The only difference I saw was that the boy's dick was pointed straight to the ground by the cable and his balls were being pulled down and backward just as painfully. A large buttplug had been inserted into his anus, also.

The boy's butt, upper legs, and lower back were already a very dark red, but he was crying for more from the cane. I saw two broken canes on the floor and looked to Stytle in mild shock.

"That's pretty much normal around here. We usually go through about twenty of those a day." Now that did surprise me. "Of course no permanent damage will ever be done to a breeder, but they do seem to like it a lot."

We continued to watch the show as the boy took even more from the abusive third cane. A nasty crack was heard and that cane was also broken, but the boy shuddered through what appeared to be another orgasm. It didn't appear to be his first of the session, as his whole body was drenched in sweat. The caning breeder gave him a drink to replenish what was spent and while we were still watching, he lined up behind the boy and continued the assault with yet another cane.

"May I have a room, sir?" Phillip asked Stytle. I was a little shocked after the previous day's events, but the adult nodded to him and we walked down the same hall to another room. Another adult breeder was reading his screen when we walked inside and introduced himself as Tyke'.

The two shook hands, and Stytle led us from the room so Phillip could enjoy another bondage session with yet another adult. When we left the room, Stytle turned to us and addressed Karl, the one whose pants were tenting outward.

"Would you like a room, Karl?" Stytle asked the boy, pointing to the tent in his pants.

"Yes Sir, but I don't want to take it. I want to give it to someone."

"Is that okay with you?" Stytle asked me.

"It's okay with me if it is with you, Stytle," I said, nodding to him.

We headed upstairs to the next floor, where Stytle said that this floor was designed for young breeders to have fun with each other. No adults were permitted to join in on the sessions. Stytle ushered us to a room with a young breeder of about six years old. His belly was protruding just a bit, telling us of his condition.

"Karl, this is Efan, and back," Stytle said to both boys and they shook hands.

The differences were apparent between the two boys. Karl was heavier, older and his hair was slightly darker. The younger lad took him for another breeder, as the skin color was close enough to make the mistake. Stytle lead us out of the room to give them their space. Horace and I watched the show together while Stytle ran a quick errand. I stood behind the boy and wrapped my arms around him just below the neck and he returned the gesture by placing his hands on the forearm on top.

He explained that even though it's not unusual to have more than two breeders in a room, most prefer the one-on-one intimacy. We watched as Karl took charge of the proceedings right from the start. He began the session by applying a blindfold to his eyes and a studded ball gag to his mouth.

Efan's wrists were wrapped with the same metal cuffs we saw the previous day. But Karl put straps on the younger boy's arms just above the elbows and linked the cuffs to them behind his back. Another strap was wound around both of his forearms to secure them even more tightly.

Karl placed a collar around the six-year-old's neck made of a shiny metal, and tightened it down, but not tight enough to cut off air supply, of course. The boy was led to face the wall, where Karl pulled the cord down and linked it to the strap around Efan's forearms. It was pulled up, causing Efan to bend over at the waist. The youngster's arms were pulled upward enough to pull him off his feet and leave him hanging. Another cable was attached to the collar and the slack was taken out of that as well. Karl knew what he wanted to do to the lad; that was evident.

Efan's feet were spread apart and tied to the floor via ankle restraints and two more cables. Karl took the lad's balls and gave them a welcoming squeeze and pull. Efan groaned in both pain and ecstasy. The chute was added and his gonads were pulled down to the pulley, effectively putting them in considerable pain.

To the boy's cock, he wrapped a free strap around the head and cinched it to the collar around Efan's neck. I was hoping he remembered not to play with or torture Efan's nipples, and he seemed to, because he left them alone. The rest of the boy's body was open for harassment, though.

"He does seem to be enjoying himself; doesn't he?" Horace commented.

"Which one?"

"Both," he said, and then added, "I think."

I chuckled. If Efan's cock had not been so stiff, I would be worried for him and the amount of torture Karl was about to unleash. But as it was as stiff as a board, I wasn't worried. A buttplug was inserted into the boy before Karl went to the next phase.

Horace and I watched as Karl took up the paddle first and delivered a resounding swat to the youngster's upturned ass. With each vicious swing, the paddle connected with the buttplug. Karl delivered thirty swats to the youngster's buttocks before grabbing a cane for the next round. Thirty more were delivered to him with the cane also. I watched the boy cum at least twice with each instrument, even though his cock or balls were never touched.

"What's going on, Master?" It was Adam waddling up to us from the top of the stairs. I motioned for him to join us and he saw his friend begin whipping Efan with a long bullwhip. "Ouch," he said, squinting at the sight.

"You didn't seem to mind," Horace interjected.

"He has a point, Adam," I told him.

Adam shrugged and asked where Phillip was, and I told him one flight down with an adult breeder. The three of us now watched as Karl continued to rain down lash after lash upon the helpless child's backside. We saw him shudder through another four orgasms before Karl let up on him. By the time he was finishing up with the young breeder, Phillip and Stytle were joining us at the window.

He untied Efan and the youngster dropped to the ground, exhausted. Karl helped him ingest the pill and helped him to his feet. The two hugged like they were old friends then separated. Karl joined us and Efan sat down to relax for a spell.

"The top three floors are for breeding purposes," Stytle said as we mounted the stairs again.

We skipped the next floor and headed up to the levels he was talking about. On the eighth floor, we came to a long room with the same half-wall, half-glass. It was open and the most bizarre sight assaulted our eyes. There was a row of sawhorses on the side of the room closest to the outside windows. The room across the hall was also set up the same way. I counted twenty sawhorses to each room.

Each sawhorse bore a child about the age of six or seven tied to it by the ankles and wrists. The children's cocks were fed into a hole in the horse and stretched downward by a pulley. I asked why the dicks were being pulled so extremely.

"It helps with opening the birthing valve in the esophagus, as well as heightens sexual pleasure in the ones being bred," Stytle answered.

We watched as each child was being force-fed a cock by a different adult breeder.

"Do any boys get bred away from 'The Grounds'?" I asked him while we watched.

"Oh, certainly, but here, it's more enjoyable for everyone. And that's including the one's being bred."

As each of the older breeders finished inside the younger one's mouths, I expected them to be untied. Such was not the case. Each young breeder was given at least three mouthfuls of cum before being let up. Stytle explained that even though everything might work properly, many times it takes at least ten rounds of cum-swallowing before they become impregnated.

"It only took once with me," Adam said, looking over his belly and to the floor. I reached over and hugged him closely.

"Well, that is unusual, but not unheard of, Adam," he said ruffling his blond hair a little.

We toured the other two floors, finding the same scene as on the first breeding floor. On the top floor, though, were older breeders on the sawhorses. Most of them were about twelve to thirteen years old. Stytle explained that this was probably their last chance at childbearing before changing into adulthood.

Chapter Sixteen
Adam's Decision

We left the complex so Adam could see the doctor that the premier had lined up for him. Also we needed to talk to Fisk about Williams, or Toddston I should say, and give our testimony about what happened to Adam. The five of us reached the doctor's office and he showed Adam and me into the room to examine him. After an hour of tests and viewings, Adam and his boys were determined to have no complications.

"Birthing rooms are down two flights if you wish to see the finishing stage," the doctor offered. I looked to Adam and he nodded.

So we headed downstairs to the indicated floor. Even the other boys were interested in seeing the finished product, so to speak. We got there, and what must have been a nurse, took us to a viewing room outside of the delivery room. As we walked in the room, we heard a scream of pain coming from the room on the other side of the window.

What we saw, was a nude boy in the throws of delivery, but he wasn't in the position I had expected. The young Atlantean was lying on a bench with a hole cut out for his belly to fit through as he was lying on his stomach. His feet were hanging down off the bench and were in stirrups, for lack of a better term. He gripped a set of handles below the bench and bellowed out in pain as another contraction took him over.

From our vantage point, I could see down and between his legs. His cock was fit in a hole under the bench, and it looked to be squeezing the small digit. His balls hung free unhindered.

The boy was only about seven or eight years old and in some extreme pain. Tears were rolling down his red face and another wave overtook him and he yelled again.

"You're doing very well, Crag," one of the men in the room told him while wiping his face of sweat and tears. The boy smiled back, but only complementary. Yet another wave of pain hit him and he yelled again and gripped the handles even harder.

We watched as a small mound of flesh began inching its way out of the boy's rectum, as the baby was making its presence known to the world. One of the techs grabbed the boy's balls and squeezed them. The boy bucked his hips and arched his back in pain, but more of the head came through the passageway. He squeezed the almond-sized nuts and the mound became even more predominate and we saw more of the head.

"Why are his nuts being squeezed?" I asked the Atlantean nurse.

"The pain helps push the offspring's head through the passageway. And the tube squeezing his penis allows a little pleasure for him. He will experience at least one orgasm while on that table."

Several agonizing minutes later, and the mound became a head and we saw the face pass through the barrier. The boy's body shook in orgasm as the largest of the body parts was through his body. As the rest of the child was pulled out of his body, the boy flopped back down to the bench after passing something as large as a softball through his anus, he needed a respite. His young body did shake a little from coming down from his orgasm, but I was sure that he was happier that the first kid was out of him.

The first baby was a breeder, as hair covered his small head. I also noticed that there was no afterbirth, and the baby was only about two or three pounds. Concerned about the small size of the child, I asked the nurse.

"We have a pod set up to care for the offspring while he continues to grow. As far as any 'afterbirth', I don't know what you mean." He wasn't being sarcastic; he just didn't know how we did things.

Another scream from the room brought us back to the boy in labor. The second child was emerging from its womb, as the process was repeated. My sympathies were with the boy as more pain wracked his young body, but a second and possibly a third climax also assaulted his young frame. The second child was removed in the same manner as the first. Fluid was drained from his lungs and he began breathing on his own while the man cleaned him off.

Some blood, actually a lot of blood, was covering the boy's butt and legs. The doctors wiped him off and gave him a solution to drink, as well as a pill to swallow, while he recovered. As most of his energy was spent, they had to help him turn over and see his children for the first time. From there, it was like our women when they see their children for the first time.

"Okay, that's it. I don't want to do this anymore," Adam said, and ran from the viewing room. I ran after him, leaving the other three boys behind. I reached him as he was turning the corner of the hallway. Being almost fully pregnant made him incredibly slow at running.

"Adam," I said as I turned him around to see me, "you can't back out of this now. It's too late."

"I'm scared, Master," he almost yelled. He was trembling, shaking, crying, and hopping up and down on the balls of his feet. I didn't doubt his statement. The boy was terrified at what he was going to go through in a couple of months. I guess ignorance really is bliss.

"We should never have come here, Adam," I told him. He had just come to grips with his situation and to tolerate being pregnant. Seeing what he just saw reinstituted those early fears he had. I reached for him and hugged him close while he grabbed onto me like a life preserver.

We stayed like that for what seemed like hours before the other three boys and the nurse came looking for us.

"Is everything okay, sir?" the nurse asked.

I pulled apart from Adam to look him in the eye, and he nodded. I dried his tears and nodded to the others that everything was going to be fine. We left the area with a very troubled little boy on our hands. The five of us ate dinner and headed to our rooms. Phillip, Horace, and Karl wanted to go to The Breeding Grounds again, and I checked with our guide, and he said that they were open all night.

"Okay, you may go, but return no later than midnight, guys." They cheered like they were let loose on Disneyworld, or something. "And guys," they stopped cheering at my tone, "don't do something you'll regret later." That went in one ear and out the other.

The three boys left with our guide and I retired to my room for some peace and quiet. Until Adam walked in, that is.

"Master?" he said from the doorway. Apparently he had brought his metal collar, because he was wearing it around his neck, and nothing else.

His body was getting large with the two boys inside him and his eyes were definitely red, but he was willing to have a little fun. We had to be careful, of course, but I figured, why not? I nodded to him and he walked to the bedside and put his hands on it, sticking his butt out in the traditional 'punishment pose'. Without bothering anything else, I took my belt out of my suitcase and stood behind him.

SWAT! "Uh, one, Master," he grunted. And so it began.

His dick got harder than when he first walked in the doorway and he inched his right hand downward to it.

"Touch it, and I'll double it, slave," I told him. I didn't think that it would stop him, and it didn't. He grabbed his hard dick and began stroking while the belt continued to slap his ass. Well, if he was going to enjoy it, then he was going to enjoy it fully. "Squeeze your balls, slave."

With a smile crossing his lips, he reached down further under his swollen belly and grabbed his almond nutsack and squeezed hard as the eleventh swat landed. After the next three landed, his body shook in the throws of orgasmic pleasure. But that realization was not stopping me from completing the full measure with the belt. He still had about twenty-five to go.

The next six landed in quick succession, sending him into another round of pleasure. We were half way through, now. The next one struck just below the curve of his widened ass, landing more on his legs than his butt. He slid his legs open a bit and allowed me to continue assaulting him. I saw him move and knew what he wanted. Another swat doubled the last one, but his hand had moved away from his balls, and the belt connected with them.

"Twenty-two, Master," he hissed out.

Undaunted by the redness of his skin, I belted him again in the same place. The belt made contact just where it did previously and an angrier red welt was forming along the bottom of his balls. I wanted to see just how far I could push this, so I moved around to stand directly behind the boy.

"Move your legs out further, slave," I commanded and he obeyed.

With his legs now out of the way, the twenty-fourth lick landed square on his balls as I swung upwards with the belt. His head and back arched up and he bellowed out the correct count in pain. His hand was on his cock again, and he was stroking it furiously as another one landed on top of the last swipe. The next five landed there also, sending him over the edge once more.

Ten more licks to go. For the next five, I came down with the belt across his ass, vertically, instead of going up with it. And the final ones were across his swollen balls again. He had two more orgasms before it was over with, but I wasn't through with the boy yet.

"Don't move," I warned. The whipping made my own cock hard as a rock and I took up a spot in front of him. "Open," I told him and he obeyed without question again. I inserted my hard-on down the tube of his throat. I felt him reach up and begin massaging my balls. I grabbed his hair and really began to fuck his mouth.

After having to wait for this while pummeling his backside with the belt, it didn't take me long to cum down his throat. I sat down on the bed after cumming, and he followed my cock with his mouth, swallowing every drop I gave him. With my softening cock still buried in his mouth, he reached around my hips and hugged me, pulling me in deeper into him.

I reached down and began rubbing his back and sides while he and I calmed down. I moved backwards, up the bed, and he followed me while still keeping his mouth around my dick. When I got to the head of the bed, I lay down and allowed him to continue to clean me off. When I was sure I was clean enough, I pulled him up to lie next to me while we drifted off to slumberland together.

The next morning we were woken up by three eleven year old boys running into the room, naked. I smiled at the sight of three preteen cocks bouncing along next to my bed. They wanted to visit the lobby's swimming pool before breakfast, and I didn't see any reason why not. I woke Adam up and we headed downstairs, the four of them nude and me with trunks on.

They swam and I enjoyed the site, and so did some curious Atlanteans sitting by the side. I think someone even dropped something as they were passing by us. They swam for about an hour or so then had breakfast.

The rest of that day was built around site seeing the capital city. We were tired when we returned to our rooms for the night. Phillip paid me a visit just as I was sliding down for a good night's rest and I got a little tail before dozing off.

Williams was convicted of attempted murder and poisoning by the council and was sentenced to death. Apparently, they don't have a long judicial system as we do. He was dead before we were to leave the city by the end of that week.

For some reason, Adam was moody the rest of that week. He seemed to be brooding a lot. For a while, I thought it might be Williams's trial and conviction, but his mood didn't change after it was over with. The rest of us tried to cheer him up, but failed miserably. I was coming to realize that he was thinking about a heavy decision.

The boys made several trips to The Breeding Grounds before we left the city. It was only on Friday evening that Horace joined in on any of it. Believe it or not, he was on a receiving end of it from another young breeder about his age.

We arrived at the fifth complex that night as normal and were greeted by Stytle again. We informed him that this would be our final time being here, and he nodded that he understood.

"Then I suppose we'd best take extra good care of you, eh?" he said, picking up on some of our lingo. The boys nodded and we headed upstairs.

Adam went to second floor with the rest of the people in his condition, and wished us well. Phillip was dropped off at the third floor with strict instructions to not get too beaten up by his adult breeder. Karl raced us up the next few flights of stairs to meet a waiting Efan all trussed up. His cock was even hard in anticipation of Karl's entrance.

Horace and I watched a few minutes as Stytle excused himself back downstairs for another guest. Karl was really getting into being the Dom of the relationship.

"Mr. Kyle?" Horace and Karl had started calling me that since we arrived here.

"Yes, H?"

"Can we go to see if there's a room somewhere?"

"You mean you and me together?" I was shocked.

"No sir, I mean get a room with another kid and me," he said, looking at the fun Karl was having with Efan.

"I think that can be arranged, H, but why the change of heart all of a sudden?"

"Well, this is our last night here, sir, and no one here knows me, and the others won't say anything, so I figured, why not?"

"You're worried about what people are going to think about you back home. Aren't you?" He nodded. "Well, then come on. I think we can find one room to satisfy you in this entire place."

We went to the floor above and found a room being filled by a young boy about Horace's age. Horace was a little reluctant, but the other boy was quite confident in his role in things. The two were actually close to each other in appearance it was almost spooky. The only difference was the other boy had no freckles, and, by the look on his face, liked Horace's a lot.

"Hello," the young breeder stated, holding out his hand. Horace took it, still a little reluctant. "I'm Irishan," and Horace introduced himself as well.

"You okay?" he asked, noticing Horace's nervousness.

"Uh huh," he said, "just a little nervous; that's all."

"You must have been bred by now, H," he said, casually, and Horace shook his head. "No? Really?" Irishan was excited at the prospect of a new person with him.

It was funny, really. Normally, Horace was the undesignated leader of the group. Now, he was being sort of outclassed by Irishan. I had to sort of prod Horace along to go in the room with the expert.

"I'll be right here, Horace. Go and enjoy yourself." He didn't go immediately, but with Irishan pulling him, he walked into the room.

"Don't worry, H. Everything will be okay," Irishan said to him, still trying to convince him to lighten up a little and relax.

"It's not you I'm worried about, Irishan," he said with a fleeting smile.

"Then what?"

"When I go back to the surface," he started, but never finished his sentence. Irishan took over and badgered him about what life was like above the water. It was some time before Horace took the conversation back to why they were there in that room. Irishan didn't flinch, but leaned forward and kissed him square on the mouth.

Horace was shocked by the move at first, but relaxed into the more experienced boy's probing tongue. Irishan removed Horace's shirt skillfully, and just as skillfully, pinned his arms behind his back while his lips pressed against Horace's. With the skill taught to him by at least five years of experience, the Atlantean tied Horace's wrists together without breaking the kiss. As the scene played out before my eyes, I watched as the freckled boy gave in to his partner.

A collar was placed around Horace's neck and he was led away from the middle of the room to the side wall. Another rope was tied around Horace's upper arms, forcing his chest out and making sure his arms were pinned behind him. Irishan then undid the rope around his wrists and retied them in front of his body. Even his fingers were tied up.

The cord coming down from the ceiling was linked to the back of the collar around Horace's neck, keeping him in an upright position. Irishan reached around and undid his victim's jeans and pulled them down his legs. Shoes and socks were taken off and his pants were slipped off as well. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of Horace's undies and whispered in his ear.

"Are you ready for this?" He asked and Horace nodded; not that the boy had any other choice in the matter. I got the feeling that Irishan would proceed even if Horace shook his head. With the confirmation being given, the practiced one of the two yanked the garment down and off his legs.

Irishan spread Horace's legs apart to be tied to two eyebolts in the floor. As he grabbed Horace's balls and began to pull downward, I butted in before it went too far.

"Uh, Irishan, remember, this is his first time. So, go easy on him, or you'll be dealing with me." It was a warning, but he took it as an invitation.

"Why don't you join us?" he asked with a sly smile.

I did think the idea had merit, and Horace was in no position to argue. So, I shed the clothes from my body while Irishan continued to make it more impossible for Horace to move at all. When I was finished undressing, Irishan saw that I had some body hair and was fascinated by it. It didn't register with me until right then that all Atlanteans were without hair, totally. Except breeders getting hair on their heads, all of them were totally bald.

He began running his hands over my chest, totally captivated by the sensation. I heard a grunt from Horace and we turned back to him. We had totally forgotten the boy. Irishan had put a studded ball gag in his mouth (and yes, I did pick one up before I left), so he was unable to get our attention any other way.

Irishan tore himself away from me and we returned to our prisoner. Horace's balls were being pulled downward in the usual Atlantean manner and his cock was tied to the collar also. I walked in front of him and rubbed his nipples to get them hard. I pointed out a couple of small clips to Irishan and he got them for me. He explained that they were supposed to be used for his balls later. I told him of a different idea.

Once each of them was mounted to Horace's nips, he screamed into the ball gag as loud as I have ever heard a scream. Irishan kept rubbing his chest, getting the idea of them out of his mind. I motioned for the paddle next and he got that idea just fine.

"Not too hard, Irishan," I told him, and he nodded.

While the young breeder smacked Horace, I rubbed my hand along the length of his cock, allowing him to feel everything. As he got close to cumming, I would stop stroking; frustrating the boy even more. His hands were tied too far up his body to reach the hardened member, not that he tried. I resumed stroking as the count rounded over fifteen, and just as the final twentieth one landed, I allowed Horace to climax.

I untied his hands and unclicked his collar from the cable above him to let him collapse. I told Irishan that it takes a little longer for our young people to recover than his. He understood and offered his backside to me while we were waiting for Horace to recover from his ordeal. All he did was walk up to me and turn around and face away. I got the message.

I bent him over at the waist, and guided my stiff prick inside his warm anal passage. It was like entering Adam again, though Adam was a little bit tighter. Irishan squeezed his buttcheeks tighter to grip me better. He reached down and grabbed his ankles while I gripped his hips tighter to fuck him properly. I pounded into him like I do with Adam after a few fucks and he took it in stride. I think even Adam might have had a problem with what I was doing to the young breeder, but he wanted it even harder.

I pushed him to the floor and began ramming my cock into his ass without caring about the damage I was inflicting upon him. As I continued to corn hole him, Horace untied the rest of his bonds and walked around to kneel in front of Irishan. The breeder opened his mouth to accept Horace's restiffened cock. Horace and I reamed the boy from both ends until we came inside him, and the three of us collapsed to the floor, exhausted.

Horace pulled his cock from Irishan's mouth and lay beside us while we recovered. A few minutes later, Adam waddled in.

"Having fun, Master Kyle?" he asked, with a slight grin.

The three of us sat up and got dressed. I was reluctant to leave this place. After all, where else in the world are you encouraged to fuck a young kid in the ass? We left Irishan after hugging him and saying our good-byes. We picked up Karl as he was finishing thrashing a second Atlantean's buttocks. Both boys looked worked over. Sweat was running down Karl's face as if he had run a marathon. Efan and the other young one were just as worn out as well as marked up across their backsides.

Phillip was just getting dressed after his session with Tagger. He hugged the boy and told him he would miss him terribly. We said good-bye and left the complex for our final time. We arrived at our rooms and said good night to each other. Adam looked like he was losing his best friend.

"Adam," I called to him before he went to his room.

"Yes, Master?"

"Come here, please. I would like to talk to you for a minute." He nodded and followed me into my room. I sat at the edge of my bed and pulled him to me.

"Is something wrong? You look like you've just lost your best friend." He shrugged and looked down at the floor (he couldn't see his feet). "You know that's not an answer. What's wrong?"

With tears welling up in his eyes, he struggled with what he was about to tell me. I gave him the time he needed to tell me. He kept shifting his weight from one foot to the other, like kids do when they've been caught doing something wrong. Finally, he blurted it out.

"I don't wanna go, Master."

"I had a feeling that was what was bothering you," I said with a smile. "You're thinking about what's happened over the past few days as well as your pregnancy." He nodded. "Well, let me think about it over the night and we can discuss it in the morning."

"But Master, there's nothing to discuss, remember? You own me. I know what that means. It means for the next several years, I can't leave you." He was now crying steadily. To say that I was not affected by his crying would have been lying. I, too, was getting a little choked up about this. "Besides, Master, I love you. But I love being here also."

I pulled him into a heartfelt embrace and he hugged me back. I let him stay with me that night, and he cried himself to sleep worrying about his situation. I have to say, I was also contemplating the problem.

The next morning came too soon for me. I wasn't ready for it. Nor was I ready to tell Adam my decision. The other three came to the room and all of us headed downstairs for breakfast. It wasn't exactly a festive meal, but we made the best of it. All five of us were very reluctant to return to the surface. Even Horace; his attitude being much better than what it was at the beginning of the week.

As we were leaving, Premier Shall walked up to us to bid us farewell. He rode with us to the turret and walked us up to the shelf as we left. When we were about to board the sub to leave, a voice at the back stopped us.

"Master, may I stay here?" Adam quietly asked. It was the test I was waited for. If he didn't ask, I would never bring it up, but as he did ask; it was time to talk.

"It's your decision, Adam," I told him as I knelt down in front of him. "If you stay, I release you from your contract of sale right now. You owe me nothing more."

"But Master," he began again and the tears stopped him from finishing. I hugged him once again and unlocked the leather collar around his neck.

"He will be well taken care of, Mr. Henderson, and he will be accepted," Shall stated with a little emotion in his voice as well. "You don't need to worry about that." I nodded to him and turned back to Adam. He sniffed his nose and turned to his friends. Each of them gave a tearful farewell before each of them turned to walk on the sub. I was last to see him and board the boat.

"You be careful, Adam," I told him and hugged him again.

"I will Master Kyle. I will miss you and thank you for everything you've done for me. I love you, Sir," he said, still crying his heart out.

"I love you too, Adam," I said and turned my back as Shall walked up and put his arms around the boy. I couldn't turn back around; it would do me in.

As they took the four of us back up to the surface, I thought about Adam and the choice he made. He was right in his decision. He was finally home.

The End

Author's note

As many of you who have enjoyed Adam's story, I thank you for reading. As far as right now is concerned, I have no plans to continue it. But, you never know.

Shakey Psyche.