SanibelBoysThe Taken
Chapters 16-21Chapter SixteenAlmost to the end of their trek back to the dormitory, the two slaves and Tito were showing the signs from the late hot afternoon sun. The slaves were dripping with sweat and Titos' clothes were drenched as well.Even before they had arrived at the back of the dorm, they could plainly hear shouting, laughter and banter going on. Upon reaching the designated area, Tito was surprised yet pleased with what he was seeing. The two slaves were so drained mentally and physically that all which they saw and heard made absolutely no sense to them, whatsoever. Suddenly, all went deadly quiet. Unknown to the two slaves, Ray and Aldo had arrived; bringing the festive atmosphere to a screeching halt. To set the 'mood', Aldo and Ray only stopped once they were in front of the two slaves; who now had assumed the 'present' position; their plugged holes now exposed for everyone in attendance to take notice. Justin went right to work, licking the dust and dirt from Aldos' boots. The group of men had started to gather closer to the two slaves so that they could be witness to the degrading and further de-humanizing of the brothers. Jeremy was about to begin his task of licking the boots of Ray, when Ray stepped away. Instead of allowing Jeremy to perform for the group of 'paybacks', Ray started his demeaning and evil plan into motion. Ray summoned Tito and told him to stand in front of Jeremy. Tito was aghast at what he had been told to do. Fearing punishment, himself, Tito did as told. Not only did this prevent him getting some form of punishment, but this added a tremendous amount of credibility to his place amongst the other 'paybacks'. Jeremy dutifully began licking Titos' boots. Without regard or thought to whose boots they were, Jeremy licked until the boots were fairly clean. Both of the slaves finished their tasks at about the same time, and resumed the proper position. The performance by the two slaves, also gave Ray and Aldo a certain 'rush' of power over all those around them. The 'power' trip was sure to instill a level of fear in all the 'paybacks'. Aldo moved away from Justin, but Tito remained; waiting to see if he was required to do more. Ray made some form of movement indicating for Tito to unbuckle his belt. Tito almost turned red in the face with what Ray was requiring him to do. Before Jeremy gave it any thought, he rose and like before in the field, unbuttoned and slid the shorts down; followed by the undies. Jeremy dared not to look up into Titos' eyes. He could tell that Tito didn't want to do this anymore than he did. Jeremy lined his mouth up and closed his eyes, just prior to engulfing the dark skinned and uncut dick. Jeremy froze, as the act had been completed. After less than a minute Jeremys' mouth was free of the cock. Ray beamed with pleasure, knowing that once again he held the upper hand with the slaves and also demonstrated his superiority over Tito. Jeremy did as the other, and went back to the proper position. The workers were in shock, seeing Tito 'perform' for the amusement of the wicked and sinister Ray. Any one else, other than Tito, would not have had such an impact on the workers; Ray and Aldo picked up on this quickly and moved towards the 'dormtoy' hoping to change the pace abit. The 'back yard' of the dorm area was not really any different than the rest of the vast complex. The grass was cut to look as if it had gotten a 'manicure' and the flowers and shrubs were just magnificent. One could not find any clutter or items lying about. That is with the exception of one small area in the far corner; the area where Ray and Aldo were heading. Some of the more 'aggressive' workers had taken the 'x' frame from four wheel buggy and had placed it firmly in the ground; still securely holding the dormtoy inverted. The poor guy was nearing a state of delirium. After such a long time hanging upside down, his blood flow was severely hampered. The first thing that Aldo and Ray did, upon arriving at the frame, was to admire the gapping hole which used to be the dormtoys' rectum. What ever had happened to him in the stables had had a dramatic effect on his hole. His hole now appeared to look similar to Jeremys', after he had his turn in the training room. Ray took a firm hold of the toys' cock and as he squeezed it, he also pulled on it; causing a faint groan from the nearly unconscious body. Not withstanding, Aldo performed the same scene on the toys' balls. Both brothers seemed to relish in their own form of abuse and amusement. Just to the right of the 'x' frame was a newly dug, small trench. At one end of the trench was one of those wooden stock things. This set of stocks wasn't high, but only a couple of feet off the ground. Next to the trench, hanging from a beautiful mahogany tree, were two chains. Since not all of the 'paybacks' were, how you say 'sexually driven', only the more attentive ones watched as Ray and Aldo had their fun with the dormtoy. The remainder of the 'paybacks' sort of hung together in their own little group as the others began getting a tad more anxious; hoping to see more of the madness and torment. Ray called out to those who were interested, attracting about 9 men, and had them come over and get a better view of what was about to happen. Aldo then spoke up, requiring all those who had to see the doctor that night to come forward as well. In the group, needing to see the doctor, were three from the other group, one from the horny group, and lastly the two 'closeted gays'. Six males, plus the dormtoy, plus the two slaves; the doctor was going to have a 'full plate' to deal with this night. Roughly and without a hint of humanity, Ray screamed at Tito to 'get his fucking ass over here and bring those two poor dumbass slaves'. Tito, looking sullen, got the slaves moving in the direction of the group of male flesh. As the trio was nearing Ray and Aldo, Ray was saying something to one of the others; while he was pointing to something behind the group. One of the 'paybacks' turned once around and was holding a rather large diameter hose. Not that it didn't appear to be a garden hose, but none the less it was quite large in diameter. Ray had the worker turn the handle on the water pipe and as the water gushed forth, Ray had to tell the worker to slow the flow a bit. Satisfied, Ray crammed the end of the hose into the swollen hole of the dormtoy. Everyone could see, within a minute, the skin stretching on the body hanging before them. As the 'dormtoys' body became grossly bloated, Ray had Justin straddle the earthen trench with his head towards the wooden stocks. Tito then secured Justins' wrist and head in the device and fastened it securely. Aldo moved in, to get his jollies, and spread Justins' knees apart so much that the slaves muscles instantly began to burn. With the workers glaring, Ray, without any consideration, yanked the plug and tail from Justins' hole. Some fairly audible gasps amongst the workers ensued and Ray once again had that evil grin on his face. Since the 'dormtoys' hole was belching water and slime, Ray withdrew the hose and shoved it into Justins' ass. The water and slime kept spewing from the dormtoy and cascaded down his now limp body. A few light pushes of Aldos' hand into the body, kept the foul liquid spurting out and down. Thankfully for Justin, he hadn't had any food since his morning meal. The humiliation of him kneeling and forced to be in the stocks was bad enough, but Justin was able to maintain himself, once again, with wonderful thoughts of his parents and his loving and caring brother Jeremy. The hose was removed from Justin, allowing the expulsion of the water. Ray decided to have a bit more 'fun' with the bodies. While the slave was empting his bowels, Ray took the now 'cold' running water and began to rinse off the 'dormtoy'. The chill in the water was enough to get the 'dormtoy' to regain some of his senses. He began to thrash around, best he could, all the while allowing the men watching the 'show' to bellow with laughter at what they were witnessing. Jeremy was still in his position, but he was quite able to observe what had been going on. He couldn't help but to feel relieved that he wasn't receiving the same treatment as the 'dormtoy' and his own brother. He was somewhat mesmerized watching Justins' body expel water into the trench below. He watched as Ray re-inserted the hose into Justin, and this time the hose went deeper into the darkness of Justins' body. Justin moaned loudly. Jeremy wondered if the moan was from pain and discomfort or was it from somewhere else in his brothers' mind. Perhaps the moan was from a feeling of pleasure versus that of pain? Removing the hose, and allowing a clear expulsion of water to leave Justins' body, Ray returned to his own form of 'water torture' on the 'dormtoy'. From the males' feet down to and including his balls, Ray sprayed the cold water with obvious joy and pleasure. Ray was about to rinse off Justin when his brother impeded his motions. Aldo quietly reminded Ray about the slave training which both had received and Ray turned the water away from the bound slave, just two feet [60 cm] away. No fanfare, no instructions given, Jeremy gave a sad eyed look up to Tito, before he began to move. Straddling the trench, Jeremy moved in behind his brother and did what he was trained to do. All to the cheers and laughter of others who seemed hell bent on making sure that Jeremy learned another lesson on humility and furthering to ensure that Jeremy kept on learning that he was now here, on earth, to serve and obey 'worldly men'. All the men, excluding the two gay men, moved closer to the duo of slaves. Each one lowered their shorts, exposing beautiful and lip smacking good cocks. Aiming them downwards, the rivers of piss fell on the two slaves. Again laughter and derogative comments, directed at the two slaves. Tito was not happy at what he was witnessing and the body and facial expressions he was making didn't go unnoticed. Ray waited until the group was finished and had their cocks put away, before he verbally laid into them; admonishing them for their actions. Well sort of anyway. Ray told them that they wronged Aldo and himself by not asking permission first. This lame reprimand didn't seem to help out with Titos' feelings. The previous actions had a great effect on the two slaves. Firstly, Jeremy was glad it was over (for now). He was totally shamed into his actions out of fear of being tortured even further. He was thankful, as well, that he hadn't received one of those degrading public cleanings. Since he had faithfully performed well for Ray and Aldo, perhaps he was able to find 'favor' with them. In time, even, he could hold out hope for being treated like a human again. About the time Jeremy was really getting into 'his space', cold water struck his body with great force. Ray was finding great pleasure in rinsing off the two slaves. Justin, with all he has been through, couldn't take much more. He had the same thoughts and feelings that Jeremy had, about the enemas and his forced position. He, on the other hand, was feeling sadness for his brothers' degradation. As the cold water continued flowing, Justins' temper finally let go. Justin began yelling and screaming for this water torture to cease. He yelled out for his release. Justin couldn't find enough words to even make a reasonable sentence, but managed to get the attention he needed to get the water turned off. Ray would not stand for anyone, not even this slave, to disrupt, interfere with or to disrespect him. Rays' brain went into overdrive. How could he show this slave where his place in his new life is? How could he drive home to the others that he, Ray, was to be respected and feared? Ray called out to Tito, having him scamper to the house and return with a whip. Tito rushed as fast as his legs could carry him. Tito had seen Ray this way before and he sure didn't want to be the one on the receiving end of Rays' wrath. While waiting for Tito, Ray roughly yanked Jeremy out of the way and slung him to the ground landing on his back. Jeremy quickly got to his hands and knees, turned away from Ray and assumed the 'present' position. Ray hardly noticed, but be sure that Aldo took great pleasure in seeing the plugged ass nice and high, exposed to all. Ray had the males, scheduled to see the doctor, step forward. He commanded them to strip naked, which they did without hesitation. Then Ray had them kneel, in a straight line. This, too, they did immediately. Ray was now staring at one bare assed slave and seven naked backs. Justin began to fear an awful punishment for his outburst, and he would be justified in his thinking. Jeremy continued, remaining ever so still and quiet, that no one person was paying him any attention except the dormtoy who was now fully alert to what was going on around his upside down body. Tito returned, out of breath, with a menacing looking whip. The handle was thick and made of hard wood in the shape of a males cock. The whip had at least eight lengths of heavy leather swinging from the handle. Without a word, Ray grabbed it from Titos' hand and swung it swiftly, once, through the air. Tito ducked just in time as the lengths of whip flew where his head was just located. Ray surely was a madman, a maniac, a tyrant, a man possessed. In order to drive home his 'point', Ray began striking the bare backs of the males who were kneeling. Over and over again, until each one of them had small trails of blood running down their backs. Screaming, crying and trembling, but none falling over as they took the whipping. Ray turned his attention to the focus of his anger. The naked form kneeling in front of him. Without as much as a word, without wasting a second, Ray began striking the body with his whip. Screams of pain from Justin did nothing to prevent Ray from landing more strikes on the pristine body before him. Over and over the whip landed on Justins' rapidly reddening body. Jeremy was becoming nervous and scared all at the same time. He could hear Justin scream for mercy. That little voice within him, told him to be thankful that it wasn't his body being bloodied by the whip. Jeremy remained stationary, until he heard Justin call out his name. Justin was now pleading and begging Jeremy to help him. Justin continued to intersperse the pleas for Jeremys' help, with the verbiage to Ray to stop the torment. Jeremy moved like a lion, getting up onto his feet and swiftly grabbed the whip ends, just a Ray was about to land another blow to Justins' ass. Aldo was able to grasp Jeremy before he could do much more. Ray turned to face Jeremy and yelled at him that he apparently was as dumb as the other slave. Tito, seeing the reaction of Jeremy to Justins' pleading, froze in his tracks. Tito knew that this too, would bring further punishment. Ray and Aldo each taking an arm of Jeremy, dragged him to the two hanging chains. Quickly they had Jeremys' wrist cuffs linked to the chain. Jeremy was a bit wobbly as it had been days since he had stood upright. Standing upright, cuffed and feet on the ground, Jeremy was now face to face with Ray. Ray, taking notice that there was still a bit of chain hanging from below Jeremys' wrist cuffs, had two workers advance. Having each worker grab an ankle and lifting it backwards. Aldo took each ankle and fixed it to the bottom of the dangling chains. Jeremy was now, what you might call, hogtied in mid air. Ray and Aldo had amazed even themselves at what they had accomplished with the slaves body. Jeremys' chest was looking nice and the nipple rings even nicer as they dangled freely. Jeremys' cock looked beautiful, swaying rather freely, although the catheter deterred the full beauty of the appendage. The large ring sparkled in the late day sun as it too swung with the slaves cock. Ray went up to Jeremys' butt plug and began beating on it with the whip handle; the pounding brought 'music' to Rays' ears. Aldo was grasping and twisting on the slaves' ball sac. By now all the workers were watching the scene unfold. Those who had just been whipped had even dare turn around and watch. The only one who couldn't see was Justin. Aldo released the clamp on Jeremys' catheter and piss instantly flowed, flooding the earth below. Ray ceased his pounding, only to confront Jeremy eyeball to eyeball. Ray began a berating speech that one could hear all the way back at the main house. Tito continued fearing that the worse was yet to come. When Ray had finished his short and anger filled talk with Jeremy, if possible, you could have heard a pin drop. Well, all except the crying from Justin. Jeremy had a glaze over his eyes, as if his mind was attempting to stare down Ray; to win this battle without as much as saying a word. Ray could still sense the anger in Jeremy.
Chapter SeventeenAmazingly enough, the two cleanings and the whippings had only consumed less than an hours time. The brothers, Ray and Aldo, seemed quite pleased with their method of punishment to this point.All of the 'paybacks' who didn't participate in, or watch, were now inside the dormitory peering out every inch of window space they could find. The workers who had been whipped by Ray, were now standing amongst the other 'paybacks'. The caring man, known as Tito, had moved up to Justin and was inspecting his wounds, dealt to him by Ray. Tito reached beneath Justin and unclamped his catheter so that the poor youth could relieve himself. The 'dormtoy' had once again lost his ability to stay awake. Jeremy was remaining silent, attempting as well to keep himself from swinging on the chains. Aldo called out for a few workers to release the 'dormtoy' from the 'x' frame, which they did immediately; allowing the body to just lay upon the green earth, face up. Aldo took a short piece of rope from his pocket. Jeremy seeing this wondered what such a short rope would be used for. It didn't take long before Jeremy found out the purpose of the rope. Aldo wrapped one end around his own wrist, leaving about one foot [30 cm] dangling. The loose end of the rope quickly found its' mark as Aldo snapped his wrist in the direction of Jeremy. Over and over again, the rope struck Jeremys' dick; eventually leaving it quite swollen and with abrasions on it. Jeremy, just like Justin had, begun pleading and begging for the cock whipping to stop. Aldo kept right on going, up until Ray told him to cease. When Aldo stopped, both brothers turned their attention to Tito. Tito was slowly and methodically rinsing the slaves' body with the hose. To Justin, the cold water was a major relief. For Tito, the cold water was reducing the swelling on the slaves' body. Leaning up to Justin, Tito whispered, "I'm going to give you more cleanings inside now. I want you to be extremely clean for your physical. Please don't think I'm being mean or sadistic for doing it, but to have you clean will be a major benefit for all". Tito careful spread the butt cheeks a little more and slowly put the hose into Justin, allowing the water to barely trickle inside the slave. Aldo was silent, while Ray told Tito that he was doing a good job. Rays' temper had faded away and he appeared to be his 'old self' again. "I wish we could leave the one slave hanging from the tree, but father would be most disappointed; should the slave not be presented for the physical exam." "Perhaps", spoke Aldo, "We can speak to father and let him know what has taken place and he will convey that information to the doctor. Now that would be a blast if the doctor could help get this 'colt' into his proper mindset. I don't think that the 'philly' will give us to much of a problem, after the beating he just had." Neither of the brothers were ones to speak softly, which enabled Tito and the two slaves to hear every word they spoke. The three could only think, in horror, of tonight's physical exams. "Tito, when you're done with the 'philly' release him and the other one, and select a couple of the workers to help get them down to their room and get them cleaned up. I might suggest that you take two workers who also will be getting examinations tonight. That way we can be on time and father won't be upset." Ray said in his normal voice. Tito was grateful for the suggestion and even more so for the help he was getting. Ray and Tito walked back towards the house, talking as they went and on occasion you could hear one or both of them laughing. Tito left the hose inside Justin while he went to help Jeremy. Tito called out for the two 'gays' to assist him with getting Jeremy down. Carefully, yet swiftly Jeremy was released and allowed to lay on the ground. Tito gently picked up Jeremys' cock so that he could check out the appendage for damages. "I'll tend to the abrasions once we get back to your room, but for now, after I'm done with your brother, I will get you cleaned out next. We may as well get it done and over with out here. It will save time and we won't have to worry about cleaning up afterwards. Best perhaps that we get the other two done as well. Maybe, just maybe, we can all get a rest before tonight's exams." Tito did as he had said. He even left Jeremys' plug out, for now. Tito was once again concerned over the two lovers. He felt confident that the doctor would notice their holes were distended a little. Having the two workers gather up all the belongings, the two slaves crawled back to their room; followed by Tito and the other two males.
Most of the flight had been spent in silence and self meditations. The parents of the now 'lost sons' were at a total lose. As parents, they moaned, reliving the events of the last week and felt responsible for everything which had transpired. As the government jet whisked them towards Washington, D.C., they began talking and attempting to come to some conclusions, some understandings as to why, who, where, and when. As one can easily figure out, the mother blamed the father; due to his high ranking government position. Which, in response the father blamed the mother; for something which made no sense, no 'rime or reason'. Both quickly realized that blaming one an other was of no consequence and a futile waste of time. The object to this whole dilemma was to get their sons back. But how? If the government couldn't do it, if the government didn't even seem to care, how could two average citizens get it done? As the parents began glancing through and reviewing all the photos, which they had copied, they could only pray that nothing more was being forced upon their sons. Some of the photos were a little to much for the mother to deal with, but the boys' father was able to view them all, once again. The summation of trip boiled down to one thing and one thing only. The parents would seek out some private firm who could look for their sons. Expensive, yes. Worth it, very much so. They had to get them back at any cost before something worse befell the boys.
With everybody down in the slave's room, Tito had the two workers begin a vigorous cleaning. From the ceiling to the floor, the workers scrubbed and wiped away any little tale-tale signs of dirt and dust. Tito was thoughtful enough to have them leave the shower area until every one was cleaned, inside and out. Since Justin was in such a terrible mindset, Tito tended to the needs of Jeremy. The two workers cleaned each other, quite meticulously I might add. The two slaves looked strange, to Tito now. They didn't have any of their cuffs on, the cockrings had been removed and the Prince Albert's were absent. Obviously the pa rings had to be removed before one could take off the cockring. More impressive, was that Justin had his spiked cock cage off as well. The absence of these items was only temporary so that a clean close shave of their bodies could be done. Since the two workers were getting a physical exam tonight, Tito had them shave their pubic and anal regions; least the doctor do it, in which case it would be a 'dry' shave. "Well, since everything is just about done, you two are clean and ready; the slaves are almost ready, I think perhaps a short break is in order. The three of us should eat our meal and it would be good to leave the slaves here, alone, so they too can eat. They have been quite good and have not spoken yet; and, I'm sure they have much to think about and to talk about." That said, Tito went to the storage cabinet and retrieved two bowls of food for the slaves. The workers had brought back to fresh bowls of water for them as well. Tito and the workers left, each to return after their meal to put the 'final' touches on the two slaves. Tito turned to look at the slaves, with a sort of sadness in his facial expression. He had no choice, no option, but to swing the bars shut and lock the slaves inside, alone. As soon as the slaves knew they were alone, they embraced like never before. Tears freely flowed down their angelic faces. Both started to speak at the same time, and neither of them relented their speaking to the other. Finally, after a couple of minutes they released their hold on the other, looking teary eyed and near exhaustion. Justin took the lead in speaking as he softly held the shoulders of his brother. "Jeremy, what is happening? Why are they doing this to us, we didn't do anything wrong. I'm sorry for screaming out there and didn't think that they would make you suffer for what I was saying and doing. How can those two men be so cruel? If dad was here he would kill them for what they did. Mommy must be going crazy, worrying about us. Do you think that they left? Do you think that they have given up? Perhaps they think we are now already dead, or something." Justin still had questions and comments and wasn't about to let Jeremy get a word in, until he was done. "I still don't understand all this talk about horses, us and why they still refer to me as a 'her'. That's so sick. And, did you get a good look at the guy that those other guys are using as a toy or whore? God, his butt hole was a mess. What do you think they did to him? Your hole wasn't that big after that man put his hand inside you, was it? How come it seems that you don't get near as much abuse as I do? Do you think that they like you a lot more than me? Jeremy, what do you know about tonight? Are they going to hurt us more? I don't think that I can hold out much longer. This stuff is killing me and even now I can't hardly eat the food they give us. Don't get me wrong, bro, but I don't mind doing what they tell me to do to you, but when I have to do it with them other guys it makes me so sick. Are you going to tell mom and dad what they made me do? I won't tell them what you did if you don't tell what I did." While the slaves had their 'free' time, Tito had gone upstairs to the kitchen for his evening meal. He could tell by all the commotion that the doctor had arrived. There were now two portable 'exam' tables set up in the great room. Several of those portable room dividers were in place, blocking what would be any chance of viewing the proceedings from the outside or the kitchen area. Several high intensity lamps were placed near each table. A dais was also set up on two sides of the room, close enough for any one sitting there or standing to watch the proceedings which would be taking place. As Tito entered the kitchen, the staff of cooks and helpers were busy cleaning up, since the master and all his family had been served just minutes earlier. Some talking was going on, but at a low volume level which made some of it difficult for Tito to hear. This would not be the first time that the staff had to also prepare a meal for the doctor, as he had been there once a year for the last five or six years. In the far corner, sat the table where Tito and others were permitted to sit and eat their meals. This night would be different for Tito. As Tito approached the table, three unknown male figures were sitting there, eating and talking softly. Two of the males had been shaved bald, while the other one had not. The shaved males were sitting there totally naked. The third male had shorts and a loose fitting shirt on. After introducing himself, Tito soon learned that the two naked males were the doctors' new helpers and the third (clothed) male was the driver of the doctors fancy new 'home on wheels'. He was also the 'muscle' of the group and muscles he did have. "So," said the large male, "you must be the one who is keeping the two slaves." In reply Tito spoke, "yes, they are in my care. They are doing very well, considering what they have been through in a week's time. I'm sure the doctor will find them in excellent health. They are slowly learning their place in their new world." The trio of men began uncontrollable laughter. Tito hadn't the faintest idea of what he had said that was funny. "You indeed are an ignorant man!" proclaimed the large male. "You have no idea what is in store for them. Tonight, yes TONIGHT will be the beginning of their new lives, not this past week. Your master hasn't told you anything, nothing at all. The doctor and your master have had a nice conversation about the two slaves. Your masters' sons have even been able to join them in their discussions. When your two 'angels' are seen by the doctor, he will begin a true transformation. A transformation, which very quickly will bring your master much money. Loads of money, in fact." "The wife of your master is even taking part in all of the discussions. She will be in attendance tonight, as well. This is truly going to be a great evening for all those present." Tito not knowing, not understanding, and feeling like a fool rose from the table (without eating) and scurried off; back down to the slave's room.
Chapter EighteenTito had reached the top of the staircase, when he stopped to regain his composure and inner strength. He knew that his current state would be seen and translated by the two slaves as one of anger and confusion. He slowed his breathing and regained his normal attitude towards himself and the job he was assigned to perform. He slowly made his way down the stairs, trying not to think of things to come.Justin and Jeremy were still making 'small talk' and had even moved their bodies so each was sitting next to each other, while resting their backs against the cool wall. Jeremy had done his best to answer all of Justins' questions, although some of his answers were tainted a little, giving Jeremy the 'upper hand' in this whole scenario. Wanting to test his own manliness now, Jeremy took his left hand and began manipulating his own cock; while slyly trying to convey a silent message to his own brother. After a short minute Jeremy found the want, need and desire to speak. "Justin, are you forgetting something? Are you not supposed to be better trained than this?" Justin was still processing all of his own comments and questions, along with Jeremys' responses to them. A light jab of Jeremys' elbow to Justins' ribcage brought Justin back to the moment. A glaring look from Jeremy, as Jeremy lowered his head to eye his own cock and balls, and Justin got the message loud and clear. For the first time, since their abduction, Jeremy was exalting his authority over his brother. Justin moved away from the wall, away from Jeremy. He turned around to face his brother and without saying a word, assumed the 'presentation' position; his head, held just above Jeremys' flaccid cock. As Jeremy began to unclamp his own piss plumbing, Justins' mouth encircled the cock and was rapidly forced to swallow what seemed to be a river of acrid tasting urine. Justin began to feel alone now, abandoned by his own brother. Left to fend for himself, although he would soon be wanting and praying for an end to this day. "Bro," Jeremy said, "your mouth feels great when you do this. I hate having you do it, but you know that we might still be on camera and they could also be listening to us. I don't want to do this to you, but you know what they can and will do to us, to you, if we don't follow all of our training techniques. Besides, you too know what it feels like when my mouth is on your dick. It is great, is it not?" Silently Tito entered the slave's room. He was greeted by a smile from Jeremy and the view of Justins' hole glaringly staring him right in the face. Tito knew that perhaps this would be a good time to put Justins' new enormously over-sized plug in and to re-attach the slaves' tail. Tito softly stroked the slaves butt with both hands. Then he ran his hands carefully down the back muscles of Justin. "Be still my dove. I have something which must be done now, and you know what it is. Stay as you are and I'll do it as gently and as rapidly as I possibly can." Tito brought over a rather large can of grease, and slowly began to put the white lube into Justin. With each bit of grease, Tito was also getting a finger inside of the slave; lightly tugging on the sides of the hole attempting to loosen the muscles a bit. More and more grease was pushed into Justin. Justin could easily feel his intestines stretch to accommodate the lube. Deeper and deeper the lube was pushed inside him with each handful from Tito. Working now, the ends of two fingers Tito swirled his hand around and around applying a steady yet strong pulling on Justins' hole muscles. Tito was now getting the hole beyond its' last stretched position and knew that the best way to finish the job was to insert the plug. He knew all to well that Justin would scream out in excruciating pain when the plug was pushed in. His only wish at the moment was that he would not tear anything to cause a showing of blood. The piss had long stopped entering his mouth, yet Justin feared reprisal from Justin and/or Tito should he remove his mouth from the now rigid, pulsing cock of his brother. Justin sort of knew the basics and wasn't concerned about Jeremy being able to deposit his seed down the throat; as this was near impractical let alone almost impossible. The new butt plug was really pretty, not to mention LARGE! The plug was made out of hardwood. The grain of the wood was very prominent and the whole plug glimmered, even in the dull light of the room. If you had to estimate the width of the plug, the best way to assume its' width would just be to look at the width of the back of ones' hand. The plug was equipped with a large stainless steel ring embedded into the base; apparently put there to attach the slaves tail. Tito held the plug up, just enough for Jeremy to see what was in store for his brother. Jeremys' eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw it. Fearing Justin might lurch forward Jeremy softly placed the palms his hands on Justins' shoulders. Titos' eyes could were welling up, knowing all to well what was coming. He put a lot of grease from the tip of the plug down to and including the small part just ahead of the base. Slowly, with slight pressure he began the plugs' journey into the darkness of the slaves' body. Half way in, the plug and Titos' hand felt the resistance of the slaves' ass muscles. A firmer grip and added pressure advanced the plug in further, as Justin began to whimper out loud. Jeremy applied a tighter grip on his slave brothers' shoulders, while he looked into the face of Tito, hoping to see any signs that all was going to be alright. Tito leaned into Justin and quietly spoke to him, saying to take a few deep breaths and exhale. On the third exhale, Tito, with all his strength, rammed the plug home. Justin released Jeremys' cock screaming as he began to fall forward, only to be stopped by the hands of Jeremy. Tito could see the muscles spasm and violently twitch. Tito twisted the plug in complete circles, assuring himself that the plug was properly secured. Tito feeling the need to assure Justin, that all was over; leaned in a gave him a small kiss right on the end of the slaves' tailbone. Jeremy remained stoic and without showing any signs of emotions. Finally Jeremy pulled the slaves head up and re-arranged his hands so that they were now behind Justins' neck. Jeremy gave his slave brother a long compassionate kiss; one that totally surprised Justin and their overseer. Once again, the actions by Jeremy had caused a flood of different emotions for Justin. Who was Jeremy, what was Jeremy? First he was demeaning to Justin then the next minute he was loving and caring. Tito swiftly attached the tail to the plug and with his fingers did the best he could to get the tail hanging straight. Justin had, by now, reduced his screams to sobs and tears. Justin had pulled himself away from the warm soft lips of Jeremy, and without saying anything, once again consumed the rigid shaft into his mouth. The two workers appeared just as the majority of Jeremys' cock vanished into Justin. They could not believe their own eyes at the sight of the plug and tail. Tito hurriedly had the two workers double check each other to make sure they were clean and without stubbles on the recently shaved regions. Once Tito knew that they were ready for their own physical exams, he had them assist in getting the two slaves ready. Carefully and slowly the two workers backed Justin away from Jeremy, allowing them to see Jeremys' erection slid out of the moist mouth. Jeremy remained still and silent; as he watches Justin get readied for the nights activities. In the front of his mind he knew that this night was going to be a living hell. Justin had his wrist and ankle cuffs put back on. Tito also emptied the slaves full bladder. The cockring and the prince albert ring were put back on. Tito knew that there was no need to tie and bind the slaves balls, for tonight the doctor would be needing to 'feel' the life within them. From the cabinet, Tito brought out what looked like a handful of leather straps with rings and buckles. After straightening out the straps, it became clear what the leather was. Tito slid the larger leather opening over Justins' face and stopped when the strap passed behind the slaves' head. Another leather strap was passed over the head until it was on the top of his head, the next leather strap stopped on the slaves' forehead. Tito adjusted and tightened the straps, firmly assuring that they would not move. Two short straps were hanging from the strap on the forehead, which for a moment Tito let dangle. The last full strap went under Justins' mouth. Squeezing the sides of Justins' mouth, to get him to open up, Tito placed a hard rubber, one inch [2½ cm] diameter, rod against the back of Justins' lower jaw. The dangling straps were attached to the ends of the rod, and Tito adjusted them until the rod was pulling, without mercy, on Justins' jaw. In effect Justin was now fitted with a harness/halter arrangement; something similar to that of a horse. Whimpers once again filled the air. Justin was struggling to adjust himself with the new mouth bit. Jeremy looked on in total shock, as he was now seeing something he had never seen before; nor could he have ever imagined something like this ever existed. He moved swiftly from the wall, towards his brother. Cupping Justins' face in his two hands, he slowly lifted it up until their eyes met and locked on to one an other. From this angle, Jeremy could see the anguish in Justins' facial expressions. One of the workers, looking at Tito asked, "Is this what all the talk had been about? You know about this one being a 'philly', a mare, a she and her?" Tito remained silent, not wanting to answer the question, but knowing the answer. If you looked closely enough, one could see a little water forming in Jeremys' eyes. All Jeremy could do was to try and comfort his brother. The more Jeremy thought about this whole situation, they were in, the more he was relatively thankful it was Justin, not he who was on the receiving end. Jeremy leaned forward and tried kissing his brother on the lips, but the bit was far from allowing Justins' lips from closing; until he got used to the new harness. Everyone's attention was now focused on Jeremy. The workers attached his limb restraints, as Tito was attaching a long leather lead to Justin and one on Jeremy. After the leads were attached, Tito once again paid a visit to the cabinet. Strange looking, heavy leather mitts were placed on the hands and feet of both slaves. Thusly preventing the use of them, in a 'normal' fashion. "Is it true, Tito, what we've heard about this doctor?" Queried one of the workers. "Is it true that he is a sadist and does awful things to people? We've heard he likes to experiment and even torture some men. Hell, I've even heard that he has totally transformed a man into an animal." This brought about shock and bewilderment to the two slaves. Tito once again chose not to answer the question. Tito commanded each of the workers to take a lead and help the slaves into the elevator. Once again, frightened and alone, the slaves waited for the elevator to raise them up to what was the unknown, the unexpected, and the terrorizing and perhaps torturous doctor. The door opened and the two workers once again gained control of the leather leads. The two slaves followed, on their hands and knees as normal. What they all saw was a brightly lit room, filled with all kinds of items, the two tables, a large frame over each table with ropes and chains hanging down. There was a pleasant odor in the room, apparently coming from the multitude of lit candles; proudly displayed on pedestals through out the entire room. Leading the slaves closer to the area surrounding the tables, were the other men awaiting their visit with the doctor. They were totally naked, but not shaved. The two males who were the doctors' helpers were also present. They were totally naked. Being the first time that the two slaves laid eyes on the helpers, was startling. They looked exactly as the slaves did, from what they could see. Not a hair on their bodies, and a large ring surrounding each of their cocks. Something however soon appeared to be grossly different between the four of them. The slaves knew well, that they had their balls dangling down, trapped along with their cocks in the heavy binding rings; BUT these two workers didn't have any balls. They had been altered, like an animal. Another big difference noticed was the size of prince albert ring the two workers had. It was much larger than their nipple rings. The rings had to have been at least three inches [7½ cm] in diameter and the ends linked by a stainless steel ball which had to be at least one and a half inches [4 cm] in circumference. The thickness of the rings completed filled each of the 'helpers' piss slits. It looked painful to the two slaves as their eyes continued to survey the two workers. Ray and Aldo were the first to arrive in the 'great room'. Total silence preceded their entrance. Both Aldo and Ray inspected the two slaves, then moved about looking at all the implements, set about the examining areas. Ray returned to Tito and roughly spoke to him, telling him how upset he was that Tito failed to prepare the 'philly' properly. Tito scurried off, towards the slave's room and quickly returned with another heavy leather item. Ray yanked it from Titos' hands and began installing it on Justin. When Ray was finished, Justin had a leather strap around his waist, with another strap around his chest just beneath the nipples. Two straps running down the back and two straps running up to the chest strap, left Justin cinched up fairly well. Rings had been placed in equally strategic places on each strap. Two separate straps were used to connect the back straps to the neck strap on Justins' head harness. Another two straps were used going from the chest straps to the rings on either side of Justins' mouth. All the straps were then pulled tight, adjusted and this left Justin no way to either lower his head or raise it. Apparently Jeremy was prepared to Rays' liking, as no derogative comment was made. Aldo was next to come forward and do a rather casual inspection of the slaves. He was more interested in yanking and tugging on the slave's dicks and squeezing their balls than anything. Whimpers and groans accompanied each yank and squeeze of their genitals. Next to enter the 'great room' was the masters' wife, followed by her two 'attendants'. Attendants my ass. The old bitty used them for everything she could conjure up, including those nasty sexual things that two females do together. YUK!!!!! The two female attendants took up positions either side of a beautiful leather chair and ottoman. Apparently they had no need to be with their lady while she approached the two slaves. Taking, first, a notice that the two males helping Tito still had their shorts on, she bellowed like a cow in heat; commanding that the shorts be removed at once. Returning to the slaves, she glided her hands down the smoothed heads and backs. As her hands were moving down the backs of the two brothers, she raised her fingers, ever so slightly, and began dragging those feminine fingernails along the ridges of their backs. "Just think how much sex these slaves are missing out on. Instead of a fine lady such as me or my two attendants, these slaves are destined for a life of serving all males sexually. But, my husband insists that they will bring much profit to our family business, which I can't argue. They will just allow me more trips down to RIO and all of the fine shops there." "I suppose this one (pointing to Justin) is the one who every one refers to as the 'philly'. Well, I can see why. Look how much smaller he is than the 'colt'. From what I hear, it won't be long until they turn into 'mare and stallion', and I can't wait for that to happen. I'm sure that the conversation I had with the doctor will also help these two a lot." Justin began to shake and shudder at hearing those words that he had heard many times before; but now it seemed to be more 'real' than before. Jeremy remained still, and silent; knowing that they had always referred to him as the 'colt' made him feel a lot better. Although he had feelings abound, he couldn't help but find relief in knowing that Justin was the 'philly'. He just hoped that what ever happened wouldn't be too traumatic on Justin. He had no idea that he would be feeling and seeing a lot more than he could have ever imagined. The group of men entered, who were to be examined by the doctor. The last one in the line was holding a short length of rope; which had the other end attached to the 'dormtoys' cock and balls. Again came the order for the males to strip, which they quickly did. The dormtoy was a mess, but clean. The room didn't have any spectators tonight. Tonight was not the night for amusement, but for serious physical and mental work. The workers lined up against the wall, hands firmly grasped behind their backs, legs slightly spread. The two doctors' assistants noticed the unsightly hair surrounding the genital regions of the males. They knew what their first task would be before the doctor got around to the examinations. Staring at each other, knowing that a close shave, with a straight razor, without lather would be a lesson that the workers would never forget. The sound of voices laughing, caught everyone off guard. Entering the room was the doctor and the master of the slaves. Heads bowed, silent silence, not even his wife moved to greet him. Tito stood by his two charges, with a hand on each of their backs, hopefully giving them a feeling of security. Ray and Aldo greeted their father with a friendly hug, as the doctor was walking the line-up of workers, noting such things as height, weight, skin condition and size of genitals. The look of disgust was spread evenly across his face as he dare not touch those cocks and balls all covered in hair. The doctors other aid silently entered the room, standing by one of the wall dividers. His presence was more noticed by the two ball-less assistants than anybody else. You could not only see the muscles bulging from his arms and legs, but you could almost smell the manliness of his aura. The doctor glanced at him and smiled his approval to him as well. Moving quickly, with an abundance of eagerness, the doctor stood between the two exam tables. He viewed his patients before him. He viewed his prey as well. His brain began to speed up, thinking of all the possibilities which were available to him, for the owner, his wife and sons.
Chapter NineteenKnowing that the master, along with all the others, had spoken to the doctor, made Tito quite nervous.When his own son was taken, the same scenario was 'played out' but he, Tito, was not allowed to attend the physical examining of his own flesh and blood. Tito wondered if he was going to see things, hear things, that would make him think that these same atrocities happened to his son. Tito said a silent prayer, asking and begging for the strength to survive this night. The doctor, with a searing look in his eyes, commanded his aides to prepare those awaiting their exam. The aides and the doctors' helper began moving towards the male figures which lined the wall. The helper brought forth a small aluminum stool, of sorts, placing it on the floor in front of the 'paybacks', and then he silently stood there with his arms folded in front of him. The look on his face was one of extreme authority and yet it had a slight hint of joy tossed in. One got that impression by the occasional smirk which showed up around his lips. The two assistants, without any type of formality started at the far end of the line and brought the 'payback' to the stool. The 'payback' was told to lie across the stool, on his upper back and shoulders, so that the males' genital region was firmly placed on the flat surface. They helped him into position and there was no doubt in anyones' mind that they had done this many times before. The devoted worker reached into his front pocket and removed an item, which he deftly handed to one of the assistants. One of the assistants grabbed a hold of the 'paybacks' cock and held it away from the body. The other one flicked his own wrist, which produced a shiny, mirrored, cut throat razor. The light from the candles flickered against the cold sharp steel, and appeared to all as if it were a 'star' shining in the room. Dragging the blade across the skin, taking pubic hair with it; the assistant maintained a steady rhythm with the blade and in no time the 'payback' was smooth and not a single stubble could be found. The poor worker didn't know what to think nor expect when he saw the blade coming. He even thought that they would remove his manhood. But he was soon relieved of his worries, and his hair. One by one all the 'paybacks' had their 'shave. When their shave was complete, they once again took their position against the wall; now showing everyone in the room the 'new look'. The 'dormtoy' was dragged forward, and since he was in such a tormented physical condition, he was allowed to lay on the floor on his back. Finally the doctor approached the human form, sprawled before the whole room. The doctor glanced towards the master, seemingly looking for confirmation, that indeed this one was, in fact, the 'dormtoy' which they had discussed earlier. A firm nod of the masters' head told the doctor all he needed to know. The doctors' aide stretched out both of arms, fully extended towards the two assistants. Each of them was given a new straight razor, and without any command from the doctor, began their next task. Each raising a leg began the dry shave. When the legs were completely void of hair, they followed by smoothing the chest and abdomen. The dormtoy was flipped over and his back, already without hair, was scrapped along with his butt. One male spread the dormtoys' cheeks and the other deftly made quick work of devoiding the hole region of hair. The doctor, once or twice, had come closer to look at the abused hole and could do nothing but smile and chuckle. Putting the dormtoy, once again, on his back, they made quick work of smoothing his genitals. One final razor was given them, which they used to turn the handsome dormtoy into a bald figure of a male. They even removed the eyebrow hairs. Satisfied with their work, they stood over the broken male and smiled to each other, signaling to one an other that the job was done and done well. The 'paybacks' along the wall were even impressed by the look of their dormtoy. All of them were sporting an erection of enormous proportions. This, too, was noted by the doctor. "Can you believe that?" the masters' wife asked, "those bastards have erections! What on earth is this society turning into? One man getting aroused by another man makes me ill! If men weren't needed to make babies, I'd rid the planet of them, that's for sure." The slaves' master sat, stoic, speechless. He had learned, years ago, not to comment on something like what he had just heard his wife say. In his own mind he knew that what was happening was only the 'natural' order of a male and, in fact, he was beginning to get aroused himself. He looked around the room, and could see all the red lights on, denoting that the video cameras and sound system were functioning properly; getting every small detail of the proceedings on tape. For the two slaves, who until now, were still on their hands and knees, the room began filling with a sense of fear and an odor of manliness. The scent of the candles seemed to have been over shadowed by the proceedings thus far. Tito, picking up the leashes of the slaves, led them over towards their master. Getting them into position, he had them assume their 'presentation' posture. Now, not only was their master afforded a beautiful view of the butt plugs and the one tail, but the masters' wife as well. Tito knew that in this position, the two slaves would not be able to see anything that was about to happen with the others. Tito was trying in vain to spare the slave brothers any undo stress, until their time came. The doctor had the two assistants help get the dormtoy into the farthest exam table. While this was being done, there was the sound of a door closing and in walked the 'ringmaster'. Approaching the master, standing facing him, yet with the slaves between him and the master the 'ringmaster' apologized for his tardiness. The master accepted the apology without any hesitation, saying "at least you got here before your absence would have slowed down the nights proceedings." The 'ringmaster' then acknowledged the wife and once again offered his sincerest apology. She didn't seem impressed, not one single second, with his apology. "You know dear, all the times this man has helped us out, I've never seen his cock. I'm not even sure he has one. He gets to poke holes in people and ring them. He gets to brand them and I've never even seen him naked. I think he should be naked like the others on the floor, which is except the three who are permitted to be with clothes. I surely don't need to see the doctor, his aide or Tito naked. They do nothing for the female urges to dominate." Looking at the master, for direction, the 'ringmaster' saw the look of agreement from the master. Not ashamed of his body, the 'ringmaster' stripped naked. Standing there was a fine specimen of maleness. A hard and firm body; showing years of a strict diet and exercise. There was not one ring or bar piercing his perfect skin. His pubic hair was neatly trimmed, giving ample view of his low hangers and his thick cock. Within moments, Jeremy was bringing his head up, engulfing the cock before him. Thinking that this would be him some favor during the evening hours. In fact, his actions had the reverse affect. The master was appalled by this action of Jeremy. He swiftly and firmly let his leg extend outward, striking Jeremy squarely in the butt plug. Jeremy fell over onto his side, in agony from the kick. "How fucking dare you! You worthless SHIT!" the master yelled, getting the attention of all those present (except the dormtoy). Are you not the 'colt'? Tonight of all nights you should be thinking like a 'colt' not like a 'philly'." Instantly, Justin moved a little to his left and took hold of the 'ringmasters' cock. Jeremy managed to get himself back into the 'presentation' posture without saying a word. Jeremy was once again tossed into a mental hurricane of thoughts and images as his brother suckled the 'ringmaster'. Most of those in the room were now able to watch several things going on, all at the same time. Those watching Justin, reliving the days prior when their 'dormtoy' was performing oral copulations on them and the spectacle of seeing the 'dormtoy' prepare upon the examination table. The masculine figure standing in front of Justin now had a raging hard on, and was beginning to thrust his blood engorged shaft farther and farther into the slaves oral cavity. He knew better than to put his hands behind Justins' head and hold him close; instead he put a finger through each of the slaves earrings and steadily pulled him closer. "This one is learning well, and you should be quite pleased at his progress. It won't be long now before he will be able to suckle the entire length of a mans cock down his throat without choking", commented the ringmaster (beaming from ear to ear himself). "I'm not that interested in seeing you men make sexual use of other men. To me that is rather distasteful! I want to see the suffering and pain that a man can take or not take which ever the case may be", piped up the masters' wife. For Jeremy, this was really the first time that a female had been present during his humiliations and training. For Justin, after being held in the forest for a day, a female voice didn't appear to even phase him; as now, he had to really concentrate on his breathing technique.
Chapter Twenty |
Author's noteThis chapter concerns itself with what the two brothers must endure, while under the hand of the diabolical doctor. The brothers become witness to what this man is capable of doing, not to mention what is in store for them.. If reading about an insane physician is not your 'cup of tea', perhaps you may wish to abstain from reading this chapter.***
Since Marcus and Billy have been reprimanded for transgressions, this chapter is the sole workings from Trey. |
With the 'dormtoy' secured on the exam table, looking like a female, his legs spread high and wide, his entire body was secured by cuffs and leather straps, including his head. He looked petrified and the sweat was pouring off him like water going over Niagara Falls. The masters' wife knew all to well the reputation of the doctor. She always enjoyed it when he made his 'house call'. The doctors' reputation was well known in this part of the world, all knowing that certain governments would like to get their hands on him, for his role in torturous and experimental procedures on human forms. The doctor had always provided his 'clients' with some of his latest techniques and equipment. This visit would prove to be no different than all the others. Justin was still sucking on the cock before him, while the doctors' naked assistants began rolling several trays and other items over to the 'dormtoy'. Jeremy was continuing in his 'glory' that he was not being harmed or used, at this stage of the evening. The slaves' master was still seated next to his wife and her two attendants. The 'aide' to the doctor was slowly making his way to the line of 'paybacks'. Grabbing the first one in line he grabbed him by the arm and led him to the vacant exam table; telling him to hop up and get ready for his physical. Tito was still standing to the side of Jeremy, maintaining a firm grip on the slaves' leash. Not that he wasn't enjoying himself, but the doctor had better things to do than to get a blowjob. He forcefully landed a fast firm hand to the back of the 'philly' and retrieved his cock; stuffing it back behind the zipper. Justin returned to Titos' side on all fours. "Well, let's see what we have to work with tonight," exclaimed the doctor with a sinister sound to his words." I think perhaps that we should make absolutely certain that this poor excuse of a male is totally cleaned out inside. That way I can show you one of my latest inventions. Then while his body is being flushed, I can begin my routine exam of your workers, that is… if it is alright with you. You're the one paying the bill." "By all means doctor, please proceed. Your expertise in such matters far exceeds our humble attempts at perfection," proclaimed the master of the house. The doctors' aide lifted off the cover of the cart nearest to the 'dormtoy'. A large array of items was neatly arranged on all three of the shelves. The bottom shelf contained what appeared to be some sort of electric motor and a large steel container. The center shelf was arranged with coils of assorted sizes and lengths of vinyl clear tubing. The top shelf had three or four metallic/clear plastic cylinders. The aide set a stainless steel container to the side of the end of the table, nearest to the 'dormtoys' butt. The second cart was uncovered, revealing countless items which one might find in a 'normal' doctors office or hospital emergency room. As the doctor began examining his equipment, the two attendants were making sure that the first male to get examined was properly prepared. They made quick work of assuring that no body hair was left on the body from the neck to the thighs. There was absolutely no need to restrain any of these 'paybacks' just for a physical exam. As the payback lay flat on his back, waiting for the doctor, all he could do was stare at the blank ceiling or close his eyes and try and forget what he was hearing and what he was about to hear. The doctor began preparing the 'dormtoy', explaining to all present, what he was about to do each and every step of the way. Ever so slowly Justin raised his head just enough so that he could get a view of the proceedings. Jeremy continued his vigil of observing, thanking his lucky stars that he was not bound to the table. He was also trying to 'pray' that he would not end up on one of the tables, but rather he began hoping and wishing that his own brother would take the brunt of abuse from this seemingly diabolical doctor. Jeremy was well aware that any doctor knew how to inflict pain and suffering and at this point he didn't seem to care one bit if his brother was tortured and screamed his lungs out; just as long as he was spared the agony. "Now then," began the doctor, "what we have here is a new design for cleaning out the lower and upper intestinal tracts of the human body. First thing is to insert this cylinder into the rectum." The cylinder was not too large in diameter, but large enough to create pain and possibly some muscular damage. "As you can see, the cylinder has two clear lengths of tubing running the length of the cylinder on the inside. One of the tubes is used to infuse the body with our patented cleaning solution, and the other tube is used to extract the waste material within the confines of the intestines. You will notice that during the course of the cleaning each tube will automatically advance through the bowels, reaching deeper and deeper depths of the males' intestines. The machine will pump approximately ¾ of a gallon before the pump shuts down temporarily. After 5 minutes, the suction side of the pump automatically comes on and evacuates all of the waste which has been reduced to small pieces by the strong solution." As the doctor was explaining this 'first phase', the aide was hooking up the hoses. From the pump and tank on the bottom shelf and from the cylinder to the steel tank sitting on the floor. Once the hoses were properly connected, the aide proceeded to tape the 'dormtoys' cock and balls out of the way. Again the doctor began to describe his actions. "Now all I have to do is to inject a small amount of Novocain around the perimeter of the rectum so that the insertion of the cylinder won't be too uncomfortable." The doctor let a menacing laugh explode from deep within himself. Justin caught sight of the syringe and needle and instantly felt light headed, with sweat forming on his own head and body. Jeremy remained mesmerized by the proceedings and didn't even blink or flinch as the first injection was made into the tender skin surrounding the anus of the 'dormtoy'. The muffled screams from the 'dormtoy' began to fill the room. Fill the room with fear and shear terror. Six injections later, with the doctor not wanting to wait for the meds to take effect; he lightly lubed the cylinder and handed it to the aide. The muscular mass of the aide made the insertion of the cylinder a simple procedure. The 'dormtoy' let out a blood curdling scream as his hole was forcibly entered. A small mark on the cylinder was the point at which the aide knew where to stop; but the mark was so far up the cylinder that six long inches [15 cm] were impaled into the body before the aide released his iron grip on the cylinder. The doctor set about connecting the final ends of the tubing to the apparatus with little fanfare and without speaking, turned on the pump. Instantly, all within the viewing area could see the blue liquid fill the tube and travel into the restrained body. Moments later the liquid ceased its' journey. The pump went quiet for the five minutes and then came to life once again. This time the suction side of the pump was in action, draining what it could and depositing it into the stainless steel can on the floor; which thankfully was tightly sealed. Being pleased that the system was again functioning, the doctor turned his attention to the first male on the other table. "Ah yes, a routine physical here I believe. I only wish that all males had their hair removed all the time, as I think shaving is a total waste of time. What say we try out some of my newly designed body wash on this one? Yes, I think that each shall get a special wash when I'm done with their exam, and perhaps their kind 'owner' would like all his males to be hairless. We shall see to it, if time permits." Now most of us readers know what a 'typical' exam consist of, right? Well it appears that the kind doctor has his own 'typical' exam. Lifting the scrotum of his patient the doctor delighted in the size and shape of it. Grasping the cock the doctor spoke," Does the master of the house wish this worker skinned like the others? It would seem a pity if the workers here began to be able to retain their foreskin." The master nodded his head in the affirmative and the doctor ordered up his special tray for the simple procedure. Not wasting a moment of his time, the doctor moved over to the 'dormtoy' and inspected the cleaning procedure. "Ah, it is good to note that the infusion tube has worked its' way into the body to the second mark, which is twelve inches [30 cm]. It is truly sad that a penis is not up there rather than this small tube, but in time I shall see to it that more than a mere cock impales this youthful body." With the cutting tray ready, the cock wiped down with antiseptic, the doctor crudely grasped the workers cock in one hand. With the other hand he simply attached a weighted set of forceps to the foreskin. The forceps were heavy enough to gently pull the skin forward and at the precise moment the doctor simply used surgical scissors and removed the skin, amidst the screams and bantering of the worker. None to clinical, but very effective when time equals money. Swiftly a large catheter was implanted into the worker and inflated. Piss flowed immediately into the small leg bag which had been attached. "I'm certain that this nectar will come in handy before I'm finished here, so it's best that we keep it totally available and clean." The doctor, without using gloves (cost cutting measure) began his rectal exam, but with such vigor. One, two and finally three fingers made their way into the cavity which most of us love to have filled. The doctors' aide held out a chunk of what appeared to be frozen grease and the doctor swiftly took it and implanted it within the anal cavity of the worker, followed by a small ( not that small ) butt plug. "As you will soon witness, the worker should soon begin to feel an abnormal amount of heat within his colon. The grease we are experimenting with today has been blended with a special ingredient which I hope will not only heat up the inner tissues but also to cause spasms of the intestinal wall. Such spasms, I hope, will allow for further stretching of the area which so many males enjoy filling with their tuberous cocks." The doctor glared over to Justin when he finished his explanation. "Now then, from what I have been told, this human form (pointing to Justin) has been designated as a 'philly' and my further understanding is that the other American male as the 'colt'. When we are finished here sometime tomorrow, both white bodies will be forever changed. Changed physically and mentally." Going back to the 'dormtoy' and inspecting the cleaning process, the doctor seemed pleased that the procedure was working perfectly. "It appears as if the cleaning has done well and one last purge should complete the process." Little did anyone know that the final 'purge' was to be controlled by the doctor. Turning some of the valves this way and that, the doctor began his next series of explanations. "You should notice that this males' body will begin to appear bloated. I've slowly begun to fill his cavity with the final cleansing solution manually. But I don't want anyone to think that we can't make more as we go along. When full I shall leave the solution in longer than the machine did and the final results will be a squeaky clean intestinal tract and bowel." As the solution flowed, the doctor slowly applied a small amount of pressure on the vinyl tube, pushing it further and further into the 'dormtoy'. Tito tugged on the leash, bringing Justin to an upright position; but still remaining on his knees. Now Justin could see all what his brother, Jeremy was seeing. The stomach began to swell and the struggling moans from the 'dormtoy' started to fill the air. One of the two helpers began to gently massage the abdomen of the 'toy' to help him through the final cleansing. The other helper was preparing the second 'payback' for his physical, long before it was time to hop onto the table. The first one, still on the table, began to squirm about, shortly after the grease and plug were inserted. The doctor observed his actions, as did the others, but didn't feel a need to comment about the reaction (s). The small leg bag was almost filled to capacity with the warm piss from the 'payback' as he continued to manipulate his body in a vain attempt to comfort his insides. Little did he know that the chemical solution in the grease was designed to make the intestinal tract flex as if doing physical exercise. The goal of the chemical (s) was to soften and expand the intestine and the anal passage muscles. No one, except the doctor and his 'aide' knew what else was in store for 'whomever' else was to experience the tainted grease. The leg bag was drained into a clean container and the first 'patient' was allowed to push the plug out of his own ass. The 'physical exam' was over for this worker as far as the doctor was concerned. "Ok young man, hop off the table and be quick about it, we've got more of you men to check on. I'm leaving the catheter in you until everyone has had their physical. Try and hold the grease inside as long as you can, and if you must drip do so and wipe it up immediately." The first worker got down off the table and quickly got back in line. He was given a small handful of paper towels to clean up any accident he may have. The boy's master was doing all he could to conceal his raging erection from his wife's' view. He knew how much she now despised the male sex organ and that she would rant like a stuck pig if she noticed it. The wife was not to be outdone while watching the proceedings. Her attendants were taking good care of her, massaging her on every conceivable part of that female structure. (YUK!) The master broke his silence by addressing the two brothers. "I'm assuming that you both are taking in all the sights and sounds. You both will have your 'physicals' when all the others are completed and they have returned to the dormitory…. That is, except for their dormtoy! You should both be thinking about, meditating on your roles as 'stallion' and 'mare'. You will no longer be just a 'philly' and a 'colt'. I know that neither of you are dumb and you should begin to think about, in a natural sense, about horses; your new life will be much easier on each of you." Jeremy was still in his own world. Still thankful that he has been spared the pain and torturous ways of the doctor. Kneeling so he could see the examination, the master and his wife and now Justin. Jeremy couldn't help but to think about being called a stallion, as it was, in school the girls and the gay boys referred to him as a stud. Jeremys' dick was hard as could earthly be, without any help from his hand or that of an other. Could it be that Jeremy would come out of this experience better than all the others, even his own brother? "Some great training there!" Bellowed the wife. "I've seen better responses from half dead dogs. Two unrestrained slave boys and nine exposed dicks that should be receiving some form of service!!" "All the bull I've listened to for a week about how good they are and how well they are taking to their training and look at them! Useless if I say so, for certain. Tito should be flogged within an inch of his life for allowing them to just kneel there. Perhaps Tito should receive some training himself! This whole scene is making in ill." The doctor was tending to the 'dormtoy' and doing his initial visual inspection of the second worker while listening to the loud babbling from the 'lady of the house'. The 'dormtoy' lay perfectly still and quiet, fearing some sort of torture should he even twitch. The doctor turned off the infusion machine and for a moment all was quiet. Another twist of a valve and the suction side of the apparatus took over. Copious amounts of the colored liquid rapidly flowed into the closed container and the 'dormtoys' abdomen returned to its' normal shape. "It seems to me," the doctor started, "that this 'dormtoy' has had many sexual encounters just by me looking as his rectal muscle. One could speculate that he will be in for much more of the same?" "Yes, that is a correct assumption." Replied the master. "It appears that without having females available for the workers that they are taking advantage of having a gay man in their company. Today they even took him up to the stables for the morning and it was a complete success if what I was told is true." "How convenient for the workers, I'd say," retorted the doctor. "Perhaps if you'd permit me to further the males' education and appearance, your workers might end up working harder for you and improving their own attitudes towards their indenturment to you and your family." "Doctor you have so much to do already, that any further work on him may only delay your next appointment and I wouldn't want to be responsible for that. Perhaps on your next visit you can further him, but for today let's just concentrate on what you have already designated for him." Master spoke firmly. The doctor appeared instantly saddened by that statement, but knew better than to 'bite the hand that feeds you'. "Very well then," exclaimed the doctor, "I'll stay with the original program, for now." The second male was lying on the table, shaved and ready for his exam. After seeing the 'dormtoy' and the first exam, this worker began to sweat just thinking about what may be ahead for him. The doctor wasted no time in clipping the foreskin, implanting a catheter and finally putting in a dose of chemical laden grease. The doctor sent an evil grin in the direction of his aide, knowing well that the aide had supplied the next level of grease; which shortly, would create even more heat and contractions than the first worker received. Again the workers' leg bag began to fill as the doctor continued with his exam. "I've some concern here; that this worker has one testicle lower than the other. In my medical opinion, I recommend that he have a reconstruction of his scrotum, in order to have both testicles at the same level." The master simply replied in the affirmative and the doctor and his aide went right to work. "I haven't the least bit of concern for this workers well being, as I've noticed the way he and the others have all been looking at their 'dormtoy'. I'm under the impression that each of these males has used the 'toy' over and over again and have relished in their abuse and torture of him." With the workers' insides now starting to burn and itch, his intestines undergoing violent spasms, the doctor began his 'minor' surgery. Only a light aerosol spray of some form of nerve deadening agent was applied to the workers scrotum, and the doctor was well on his way. The aide held the scrotum up and away from the body with forceps as the doctor made a simple incision on the front and back side of the sac. The worker, none to happy was pleading and begging for this to stop. The doctor then, with sharp surgical scissors, sniped away a small vertical section of skin from the front and back. Four stitches in the front and four in the back of the scrotum, realigning the nuts and the simple task of leveling the sac was complete.
Chapter Twenty One |
Author's noteThis chapter 'wraps up' the whacko doctor and a new start for many of the males.Written by all three of us 'happy campers'. |
The 'dormtoy' remained bound to his table as one after another of the workers went through their physical examination. He could sense that the doctor would soon be tending to him vigorously, as all but one worker was left to do. All in attendance remained transfixed on each and every procedure. The doctor knew it and was 'in his glory'. Without comment, the doctor was always eyeing the two brothers. Jeremy on all fours intent on watching the proceedings, while all of his large weighted body jewelry dangled beneath him. Justin in like position as Jeremy with the exception of Justin showing signs of fear and intimidation. The doctor liked the look, a lot. The catheters on the workers were performing properly, filling the containers to near full. Some of the workers managed to get erections, whether watching the tables or looking lustfully at the two brothers. Tito remained, standing tall and silent, holding the two leashes of his two charges. He had already witnessed such treatment before and nothing up till now surprised him. The master and his entire family remained seated. All watching intently and silently; except every once in a while 'momma' twitched in her chair, biting her lip, wanting to say something. During all of the physical exams the doctor's two helpers kept busy shuttling the workers back and forth, and occasionally Justin and or Jeremy would get a brief look at their genital areas, beneath the cute little loincloths they wore. The two brothers were finally able to discern that these two helpers didn't have any scrotums. They were eunuchs. This brought on tremendous thoughts in their young minds. The doctors aide, kept busy as well; seeing to it that the doctor got what the doctor asked for and keeping a ready available supply of items close at hand. Turning to the two helpers, the doctor told them to begin clamping off all of the catheters and disconnecting them from the collection containers. The helpers set about this task immediately. The workers were pleased with the 'special handling' the helpers were doing as each cock was firmly grasped at some point in the process and an occasional scrotal rub given. All of the containers were swiftly taken to the doctor's assistant whereby he began filling the enema tanks with the golden fluid. With that job completed, the doctor ordered the two helpers to deflate the catheter bulbs and remove them from each of the workers. Like lightening the helpers began their tasks. As the catheters were removed, the workers felt like men again, not lab animals. Justin's mind went into training mode, wondering if he was supposed to crawl over to the workers naked cocks and suckle them. Jeremy didn't even begin to think of that, as he was mentally now in another place, another time zone. Tito could sense, and feel the leash on Justin begin to move a little, so he bent down and unclipped both Justins' and Jeremys' leash from their metal collars. Tito was pleased that Justin remembered his training. As Justin began moving toward the row or naked workers, the doctor spoke up, demanding to know what was going on. Ray answered him promptly, explaining that a naked cock is always without fail, to be tended to immediately; suckle. The doctor was pleased with the explanation and turned his attention towards poor Justin. All the large piercings were swaying back and forth and the base of the large black butt plug made for a nice show. The doctor seemed aroused by the youth's training and pleased. Glancing at Jeremy, the doctor inquired as to why he wasn't moving as yet. There was no ready answer, as all eyes cast their glare at the youth. Tito took his foot and nudged Jeremy, in the soles of his bare feet and Jeremy began to move, slower, a lot slower than Justin; but at least he was moving. Jeremy feared the pain of any torture or punishment at this junction in his life. Jeremy was slowly getting irritated at Justin for being so attentive, which now, meant that he (Jeremy) would suffer further humiliation and embarrassment. Justin arrived at the first worker, staring directly into a fresh shaved cock and balls. Slowly he opened his mouth and began his task of pleasing the male cock. The worker took both of his hands and gently placed them on the back of Justin's head. Justin felt ok with his task, as the pressure from the hands on his head slowly brought more and more of the male flesh into his mouth, almost to the gag point. On the other end of the row, Jeremy began performing his duties. Not as tender or slow as Justin was doing but at least he was doing it now and not being punished. The worker noted Jeremy's lack of patience and began thrusting his hips forward and backwards, each time sending more and more cock into the warmth of the teens mouth. As Jeremy began to gag, the worker held his cock deep into the throat, feeling the muscles flex on his cock. Jeremy got the worker to climax and was on his way to number two, while Justin was still working over his first one. The whole room watched, some in awe, as the brothers completed their assignment. When they were finished, Justin had brought 4 to a mind shuttering climax and Jeremy had completed 5 run of the mill blowjobs. As Jeremy began his crawl back towards Tito, Justin began crawling to the other end of the line of workers, to begin again. Everyone in the room noted Justin's desire to be a good slave, whereas Jeremy did what he had to do and no more. By the time Jeremy had returned to Titos' side, Ray was there in a flash, swinging a 9 strand all leather whip. Landing strike after strike upon Jeremy, venting his anger towards the new slave boy. Jeremy fell to the ground, writhing in pain, screaming, kicking, and crying like a newborn baby. When the first sign of skin tearing appeared, Ray ceased his ferocious punishment. Not withstanding, Justin continued his known assignment, although he could hear the commotion and silently wept for his brother, all the while pleasuring the workers before him. Ray casually returned to his seat, without uttering a single word. 'Momma" on the other hand found this to be the best chance she would have to voice her many opionions. She ranted and bantered on about Jeremy and all his short comings. She voiced her displeasure with the slave and wanted the doctor to come up with something to reinforce Jeremy's slave status. Justin received praise from her without one word in the negative being said. Again, she set the doctors mind in motion, telling him that he 'sure as hell better have something nice for the "little philly". After her titrate over the two new slaves, she informed the doctor that he best be getting on with his work with the 'dormtoy'. She grinned that evil demonic grin, which only she could display. Aldo then took up his 'soapbox' speech. He was telling his mother and father that he thought it would be a 'nice touch' to have four of the freshly shaved 'paybacks' as servants in his and Ray's part of the mansion. He stated many reasons, some good and some selfish, but in the end the good out weighed the bad; the parents gave their consent and told Aldo and Ray they could choose whichever four they wanted, only after the doctor was completely done and on his way. But firmly, she said, that which ever four that were chosen, that she never wanted to see them wearing any clothes or footwear. She was quite unwavering about keeping them naked and in full view of any one who came upon them. Finally, the old man, the Master, got everyone to settle down, to quiet down and to sit down; as he too wanted the doctor to continue. Jeremy had finally calmed himself down enough whereas he could return to the proper position and remain still, silent next to Tito. Tito glanced towards the Master and with a nod of the Masters head, Tito knew that he should leash Jeremy; since his whipping negated the need for Jeremy to return to the line of rigid cock. The trauma of a whipping caused Jeremy a dire need, a distress, to empty his bladder but since his catheter had been clamped shut, there was no outlet for his piss. Making slow body movements, to alert Tito of the need; Jeremy finally won out and Tito lead him over to his brother. Again the doctor was amazed at such training methods used by the family. Not withstanding all the attention 'momma' was getting from the two girls. Poor Justin seemed doomed. He began to think, to feel, that he and he alone was carrying the whole burden of work that was meant for the two of them. Justin dutifully swallowed the now pungent piss from his brother and returned to his assigned duty. Justin, briefly, wished his brother was either not up here with him or that Jeremy would have received a more severe punishment. While all this was going on, the helpers and the doctors' assistant had been busy at their own work. The one empty exam table was cleared off and disinfected and sanititized. The assistant had removed much of the supplies and equipment used for the exams and scrotal levelings. In place of the prior equipment were two new stainless steel carts containing trays of sterilized items. The doctor quickly and quietly went about his task with the 'dormtoy'. Without fanfare or explanations, an IV was started on the young man and soon he was sound asleep. When the doctor had finished his minor surgery, the 'dormtoy' had a monstrous nose ring thru the septum. It was so thick that he had to use a battery operated drill to open a hole in the cartilage. The ring had to have been an easy four inches [10 cm] in diameter. The rectum was surgically operated on as well. The doctor had opened up the entrance to the 'fuckchute' by slicing open and thru the muscle which controls what comes out and what could go in. Awesome. Only the two procedures were done on the man, allowing him in time to be fastened by his nose, thus allowing 'freedom of access' to all parts of the body. The rectal procedure was done, obviously to allow not only cock, but fists and anything else that someone wanted to shove inside the dark cavern. The helpers slid the unconscious man onto a gurney and wheeled him over next to his 'friends' who were still standing tall, naked and hard. The aide was in high gear getting the exam table ready for the next 'victim'. The doctor began changing his clothing, as it had become soiled and smelled; not wanting to get either of his next, and last two, patients some type of infection. During this 'lull' of activity, Ray and Aldo strode over to the nine naked men. They began inspecting them, one by one, trying to decide which of them would make the final four. The men were looked at from head to toe. Their teeth were checked, their muscle structure was noted, and the cock and balls were hefted up and out. When they went to inspect the man, who was having his cock serviced by Justin, they simply pushed Justin back, causing him to fall backwards; pounding the plug base hard against the poor boys anal opening. When they were finished with the inspection, Justin resumed his activity. The two brothers had made up their minds, but as 'momma' had insisted, they didn't make any comments on who the four would be. All nine of the men knew right then and there that four wouldn't be returning to the bunkhouse dorms anymore. Tito began to think back to the two 'closeted' gay men in the dormitories. He was thankful that they had not been discovered, and that they were as happy as possible under these demanding conditions. Jeremy was beginning to think about his parents. Had they abandoned their sons? Did they not love them anymore? Was there nothing they could do to find and rescue their two boys? Jeremy became very despondent and stoic. A snap of the fingers, from Tito, got the attention of Justin, who immediately disconnected his mouth from the rigid cock in his mouth. He turned and crawled slowly back to Tito; accepting his leash once again. The two female workers tending to "momma" were busy doing things that aren't mentionable here, but nonetheless, the old hag was smiling and quiet (for once). The master of the house had been either making or taking notes on his little pad of paper. Occasionally looking upward, to the beautiful domed ceiling, in the 'great room'. He prided himself on this room; as much, if not all activities of importance is done here. The room brought back memories of many functions, all good, and he smiled outwardly as he recalled the time when Titos' son was starting his transformation into slavery. He remembered the silent tears on the face of Tito, as his boy was being modified and trained right in front of him. A conversation had begun between the doctor and his aide, along with the two helpers. The doctor was outlining the next and final phase of their visit; which was about the time that the master rose and went over and handed the doctor a small piece of paper. The sinister grin resurfaced again, as the doctor read the paper. He called his aide over and sent him off, back to the motor coach to get a few more needed items (from the paper). The time had come for the two brothers to take their places on each of the tables. Tito led each of them, one by one, and the two assistants simply and carefully picked him up and placed him on the table; allowing each to remain in the proper kneeling position. Titos' eyes began to water as he stepped away and maintained a safe distance, yet kept his eyes totally focused on the two mature teens. The doctor was eager to proceed, which he did by first walking around each of them and doing a quick survey of what he had to work with and what he had planned. To each of the brothers, he lifted up the large ring dangling from just above their pleasure hole. He tugged and twisted each of the enormous butt plugs. He didn't fail to tug and admire the rest of the large rings dangling from the two tanned and firm male figures. The doctor had each of them open their respective mouths so he could check the teeth and tongue. The doctor was rapidly getting an erection, be it from the thought of things to come or just from the sheer delight of hairless young adults kneeling before his very eyes; to do with as he pleased. Confirming with Ray, with what he already knew, that being which was the colt and which the philly. The doctors aide returned just as the doctor went to the rear of Jeremy, grasping the edges of the black plug. "What we have here, is an incomplete transformation from a colt to a stallion", he said, "and today will be a glorious day as we all witness the change from puberty to adult." With the aide standing next to the doctor, box in hand, the doctor raised the lid and took out a large clump of what appeared to be hair. He said something to the aide who set the box down and brought out a battery operated drill. With the aide now grasping the edges of Jeremys' butt plug, the doctor started drilling a half inch [13 mm] hole in the base of the plug, buried in Jeremys' ass. When the drill bit was nearing two inches [5 cm] inside the plug, the doctor told the aide to release his grip. The butt plug spun around slowly at first then began to speed up, as the doctor continued the steady pressure on the trigger device on the drill. A loud, obnoxious sound of laughter came from the doctor. Jeremy didn't understand what was happening to him. He could feel the plug rotate and that also was sending vibrations through his muscles coursing down his back to his neck. Jeremy wasn't keenly aware, yet, that his young man cock was getting rock hard. The doctor had the aide resume his grip on the plug, as the doctor withdrew the drill bit. With the aide holding up the ass ring, the doctor inserted the clump of hair into the freshly drilled hole of the butt plug. A little liquid cement applied, the ass ring released to lay on plugs' base and Jeremy now had a horse hair tail. The doctor made sure that the ring was still able to move freely and that the hair was aligned properly with the plug. The doctor then had one of his other two helpers brush out the new tail. The soft hair flowed down, just short of the table, allowing it in the days ahead to bring pleasure from all who saw it. The hair felt strange to Jeremy, as he had yet to see what had just happened, as the hair slid across his bare skinned ass cheeks. Next, Jeremy was fitted with a fine grained leather head harness, which was fastened not only behind his head, but too his collar as well. The harness had small eye blinkers on it, so that Jeremy could now only look straight ahead, which brought a few tears to his reddening face. Justin could only hear bits and pieces of the activities, as he hadn't move his head to see the transformation; whether out of sheer fright or his minimal training, his head was horizontal to the table, eyes down. The doctor then retrieve a small box from the bigger one, and beamed a joyful look of sadistic pleasure from whatever was inside this smaller box. He took the box over to Jeremys' master, for his viewing. The master reached into the box and began moving his hand around. Soon enough the hand came out and the master slyly handed the doctor, that which was in the palm of his own hand. What had just transpired was, the master had be given the opportunity to select by himself what size of surgically stainless steel balls were to be implanted into Jeremy to further his transformation. Beaming with delight, the doctor returned to the table where Jeremy was mounted on all fours. Holding the large balls in his hand he told Jeremy what he was about to do. Jeremy turned ash white, with indications from within that he might vomit. Justin could only hear the conversation, and that alone began to make him tremble. The aide and the two helpers along with the doctor, grasps hold of Jeremy and flipped him over onto his back, without to much effort. Fixing Jeremy into the correct body placement on the table, including the normal leg spread routine was quickly and efficiently done. A leather strap was threaded thru his nipple rings and then tightened beneath the table. Likewise a strap was placed thru a ring on the collar and down to the colts' Prince Albert ring; cinched tight so that the colt cock was in no way going to interfere with the 'minor surgery. The doctor along with all the other family members were going to be treated to sounds of Jeremys' vocal profanity for sure. He was not to be gagged or silenced in any form. This made "momma" very happy. With four injections into the colts' scrotum, all that was left to do was to wait at least until the numbing started to set in. In the meantime the doctor was softly stroking Justins' body, complimenting him on how soft his skin was the beautiful naked tan, and Justins' many body rings. The doctors' aide was applying warm moist cloths to Jeremys' ball sack, making it more pliable and able to withstand the upcoming procedure. The nine stiff cocks were being stroked as they saw what was happening, let alone, they all had a most excellent view (still) of Jeremys' finely tailed butt plug and youthful ass. "Momma" finally noticed the behavior of the 'paybacks' and had Aldo go over and put an immediate halt to their manipulations. Justin continued his silent weeping from fear and anxiety. He knew that his brother would be changed; changed forever unless they were suddenly rescued from this mansion of pain and pleasure. Every time he heard Jeremy scream and/or cuss, he became more frightened because he had no clue as to what was going to happen to him personally. With the painkillers working now, the doctors aide set about wiping antiseptic all over the ball sack and surrounding areas. The typical surgical cloth was put in place, so only the balls were showing on top of the cloth. The doctor had washed up again and had new clean gloves on by the time he walked between Jeremys' legs. He glanced towards the family of onlookers and got the nod from the master. "Momma" decided she wanted a close up view, and went and stood alongside Jeremy; where she had an excellent view of everything. In no time, Jeremy had two one and a half inch [13 mm] steel balls riding free inside his scrotum. They were not attached to anything and had "free roaming features". They were even banging up against the two testicles given him at birth by mother nature. The doctor made certain that Jeremy was not to move from the table for at least an hour, allowing the 'stallions' skin to stretch even more due to the weight of the implanted steel. The aide, kindly, took a clear vinyl length of tubing and attached one end into Jeremy's catheter and the other end he shoved down his throat, taping it firmly in place. Releasing the clamp, Jeremy was soon chugging down his own urine. Soon though, the catheter would become a thing of the past, not the future. What really set off the whole appearance thing was the fact that Jeremy still had the wide cinch band around the base of his cock and ball sack. Now when he would be kneeling his sac would take the full brunt of the steel balls and the look would be like no other. Truly, he would have a set of 'low hangers'; yet tight, firm, just like a true stallion. A fresh pair of gloves and sterile instruments, the doctor turned his attention to Justin. "Momma" relocated her fat ass so she could stand between the two slaves, eyeing the finished product and the new procedures as well. Titos' own son hadn't been subjected to this much transformation, and he didn't know where any of this was going to stop, but something told him that Justin would bare the brunt of the doctor. "Momma" turned towards her attendants and one of them promptly came forward, kneeling in front of her, and then sticking her head beneath the loose fitting clothes of the old hag. God above, how sick is that! This abomination of sexual deviates seemed not to faze the master or that of his two sons; however, the nine 'paybacks' were enjoying the display of sexual freedom. Tito swiftly yet quietly moved over to Justins' face and whispered to him, "be strong my 'little daisy', it will all be over soon. Just think of something nice and pretty and the hurt won't be so bad. Be a brave little 'philly' and when they are all done with you, you will be a beautiful mare; one like has never been seen in these parts before or ever again." Tito leaned in a bit further and kissed the tears off of Justins' face, then returned to his spot, where he could observe yet be out of the way. Justin was turned over onto his back, just like his brother before him. His legs were spread much wider than Jeremys' were. A leather strap was placed over his abdomen and pulled tight. Another strap went over Justins' forehead and likewise tightened. His arms and hands were secured, all the while Justin remained fixed in terror and sheer fright of the unknown. Noting the expression on Justins' face, the doctor found a nice vein in the slaves' arm and injected him with a mild sedative. The doctor, decided likewise to administer the same sedative to Jeremy, knowing that the pain killer would be wearing off soon and he didn't want to have to deal with Jeremy if he was in the middle of a procedure with Justin. Waiting for the sedative to take effect, the doctor went over and checked on the 'dormtoy', who was beginning to wake up from his chemically induced sleep. Removing a thick pad which had been covering the love tunnel, he looked closely at his work. The ass lips were still swollen from the surgical procedure but looked fine and the doctor stated that his tunnel opening would heal perfectly. Flicking the new snout ring, the doctor got a jerk reaction from the 'dormtoy', indicating that the large hole he had drilled into the septum was really going to be quite tender as well, for at least a week. Back with Justin, hovering above the chest area, the doctor began wiping each of the nipples and nipple rings. Two small injections around each nipple and the doctor went to work. When he was done with Justins' nipples, they were now at least an inch [2½ cm] longer than previous. The doctor had inserted, beneath the skin, a nylon filament which allowed for the tit expansions. Both nipples were identical in all respects. The doctor was in his glory, with his own diabolical, sadistic, and life altering work. "Momma" seemed quite pleased, as she had made a comment about the nipple extensions being just like a mares'. Her tone of voice indicated that she couldn't wait to see what else the doctor had planned. A little more sedative was administered and the doctor set about on his next venture of mutilation. The genital area, including Justins' cock was numbed heavily. When finished, this area, the doctor showed he was pleased with his work, to this point. Justin now was a changed man for sure. Justins' new way of pissing was thru a small hole made above his love tunnel and beneath his scrotum. A new catheter was in place until the healing process was complete. Justins' scrotum was now 'semi-permanently' relocated to the top side of his youthful cock. Small incisions had been made on each side and the sides were stitched together forming a completely new scrotum on the top versus the bottom. The ball sack looked tight and firm, and a few taps from the doctor, and "Momma", affirmed that Justin still had normal, painful, feelings in his nuts. Justins wide cinch band was still left in place, along with his Prince Albert. But, now when Justin was on all fours, no one would ever see his nuts dangling down. The doctors' plan was to leave Justin 'whole' so that he would always have that constant reminder of once being a 'normal' male. The drill was once again brought out and Justin ended up with a tail, like Jeremy, except the hair was many shades lighter than that of Jeremys'. Taking a short break, the doctor proceeded to tell Tito how to care for each of the new slaves, along with the care of the 'dormtoy'. Tito acknowledged that he understood completely. Justin then proceeded to receive a nose ring, like the 'dormtoys', but it was not quite as thick or as large in diameter; none the less, Justin was doomed to live with it. The doctor had his aide deflate the balloon inside Jeremys' bladder and remove the catheter and tubing from Jeremys' throat. The two workers raised the head of the gurney so that Jeremy could look around, get his bearings and start to get used to his new head harness. The first place he looked was at his new stallion balls. The whole sac was black and blue from the surgery and a bit swollen. The doctor laughed aloud, knowing what must be going through the stallions brain just about now. Little did the two brothers know, but once they were healed up enough, that they would have a new home. Their new home was to be a soft grassy fenced in area, with their own little stable; where people could come and admire them, use them, and even abuse them. They were to be segregated from the others, to become cohesive with each other as horses are and do. Jeremy turned his head in Justins' direction, and saw what the doctor had done to his brother. He was initially thankful that he wasn't Justin, before he thought of Justin as his brother; but now, Justin was his mare. The four workers were announced to those in attendance who were to become personal slaves of Ray and Aldo. The five remaining workers breathed a huge sigh of relief as the four others were ordered to step forward. Being a slave to Ray and Aldo didn't seem to be a 'tough' job, just the fact of those two being cruel and abusive at times was enough to instill a bit of fear and intimidation into their being. As far as everyone knew and understood, the four were not to be used sexually. Used only as butlers, cooks, personal servants; catering to every single whim and demand of Ray and Aldo. Both of the doctors' helpers came forward, having the workers kneel. At which time the four heads where clipped and shaved smooth, along with the rest of any and all remaining hair. Now they were beginning to look proper! Not seeming to care, at the moment, Ray and Aldo fussed over their four servants as the three freshly modified males were wheeled out of the room and taken downstairs. Tito was in a mental quandary, not fully understanding all of this just yet. Here was a 'dormtoy', two newly indentured horse slaves, and two closeted gays amongst the regular 'paybacks'. Marco was out there somewhere, along with his own flesh and blood.
Author's noteWould anything happen to change this entire situation? Will the two Americans be rescued? Would Tito be seeing his son ever again? Will Marco re-surface when the tribesmen show up again to do business with the master? What will happen to Tito, should this whole organization go under or get busted?Damn exciting to find out now, ain't it!!!! Makes us get three stiffys just thinking about the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed reading the story so far and we are always up for comments… good or bad…… did we say 'bad'? Hugs to all, marcus, trey and billy