PZA Boy Stories


The Taken

Chapters 11-15

Chapter Eleven

Two scantily clad, dark skinned females set about serving the three men a healthy lunch. While in the presence of the females, the men only spoke about non essential things, not wanting to have the girls over hear anything they had no desire to become a part of the gossip and rumor mill which abounds in the complex.

Once the men had been served, Aldo harshly dismissed the girls; not even looking at them as he spoke.

Ray began the general upbeat conversation, speaking mostly to the trainer (for his benefit), about some of the areas which he felt needed more intense work.

"Father loves to see two men, bound as our slaves are. To have one eat the other is so much more gratifying to father than to beat them, although a good flogging is essential. What needs to be done with both of them is to break them away from their former selves and allow them to beg for use and pain. I think the younger one is so much more submissive than his brother, BUT we need to get the bigger one down to a level where he can't live without his body being used in some way or another. I'm sure you know why and how; so father is expecting great things from you in the days ahead."

"What, Aldo questioned, is Tito doing to the boy's room? When we came down, a couple of 'paybacks' were hauling the bed out and taking lumber inside the slave's room. Sure were making a lot of noise, that's for sure."

Responding to the question, "Tito is making the room into a more 'relaxing' atmosphere for masters' two slaves. When the room is finished, the slaves will have more room to 'relax' with each other and perhaps one or two more. After today, I am certain that neither of them will be able to use the physical exercise room without having assistance, so Tito is availing himself of my suggestions and preparing to receive the slaves this afternoon. The woodworkers in the shop are really helping out a lot; and I'm appreciative of their help."

A great deal of conversation was had between the trainer and the two brothers, as he delved into his plans for the remainder of the day and of tomorrow. Both Ray and Aldo were hoping that they could spend the day with the new slaves but with having work to tend to, they couldn't stay much longer.

"Next month when the tribesmen visit, I wonder if Tito will be able to recognize his own son. I hear they have made him over really nice, in the last year or so. I have asked them to bring the lad along, sort of as a reminder to Tito that his son is a very important part in our family business. And perhaps they will bring along their newest gift that father just gave them. It will be interesting to compare both of them with each other and also with fathers' newest slave boys." Aldo concluded his input for the time being.

Ray gave Aldo an evil glare, although remained silent on Aldos' last statement. The trainer noticed the tension begin to rise so he suggested that perhaps he return to his two charges in the training room. Ray shoved himself away from the table and left, without a word. Aldo, still smiling, thanked the trainer for attending the lunch; and he too left, without the assembled fanfare, as Ray had done.

On the way to the training room, the trainer stopped by to see the progress in the slave's room. Tito was absent, at lunch; but he could see that much had been done in prepping for the slaves later on.

Entering the training room, he saw that Justin was still buried into Jeremys' hole; but without the slurping and sucking as was apparent prior to lunch. He could see that Jeremy had been crying and did not question the slave as to the reason.

Justins' head was released from the cuffs and Justin could do nothing more than to rest his head on the floor below. Observing the color of each slaves' testicles, the trainer seemed pleased that the balls were not in any danger of being harmed.

"I'm sure you both are hungry by now, but lucky me, I don't have to worry about that today. You won't eat food until tonight, when you are in your room."

Unhooking Justin from the rest of the cuffs, "I'm sure that since you drank so much piss before lunch that you need to release all of it, so in all fairness I'll have this other slave help drain your bladder."

After getting Justin back into a normal 'all fours' posture, the trainer had Jeremy move forward a little and turn around.

Jeremy was face to face with Justin. Justins' face was covered in Crisco and ass slime. Jeremy began to cry when he saw through the filth and read the expression of surrender on Justins' face. Jeremys' eyes momentarily lowered and fixed on the large iron collar his brother was now fixed with. He could only imagine that he too, looked the same.

As the two stared into each others eyes, the trainer slammed an enormous plug up Jeremys' hole, but he did not get the expected scream from the slave, which he had hoped for. Instead the plug only seemed to meet little resistance as it slide into the darkness of Jeremys' cavern.

Without having to been commanded, Jeremy moved forward; looking at the sadness in the eyes of his own brother, he slowly began to lick the slime from the down trodden face. Jeremy, tasting the sludge, could only wonder; how his own flesh and blood could of done such a thing for the past hour. When Justins' face was clean, Jeremy leaned back just a fraction, locking eyes once again with Justin. He slowly placed his own, tear soaked lips, onto Justins' and gave him a long passionate kiss. If he could have, he would have hugged him as well.

The trainer then had Jeremy get onto his back and ordered him to keep his legs spread wide. Next he had Justin move forward, so that his body was over Jeremys'. As Justin began to move into the commanded proper position; both brothers glared at the visions before them.

Each could now clearly see the iron cuffs on the other. The thick, wide and menacing collars stuck out clearly. Justin could easily see the catheter coming out of his brothers' cock and the balls tied securely to the top of it, at the base.

Jeremy couldn't believe what he was seeing. The iron cage, with spikes encompassing his younger brothers' cock, with the smooth balls tied to each side of the cock cage. The circular ring going through the end of the cage, through Justins' cock and back out again; with the large bead completing the circle. Next to the Prince Albert was the flexible tube which had pierced its' way into Justins' body. To Jeremy, all this far overshadowed the large rings with weights which he saw dangling from Justins' nipples.

The trainer had Justin push his hips downwards so that the catheter tube was at his brothers' mouth. Jeremy opened his mouth as the trainer guided the tube into his mouth; resting the end on his tongue. Sealing the tube with his lips, waiting for the trainer to release the small clamp; Jeremy could only hope that Justin would forgive him for what had happened up until this time.

Jeremy knew, to well, that Justin had always done as he was told, by whomever he was told. He further knew, that Justin would 'walk on a bed of fire' for him; the protector. However, he wasn't sure of Justins' feelings toward him now. Now, that the brother had been made to eat out his ass. He felt as if perhaps Justin was now becoming upset at Jeremy. Perhaps more than anything, Jeremy was attempting to think of ways he could reassure his brother that he loved him dearly.

His thought process was interrupted by the slow release of piss into his mouth, before long the flow increased; and now he was more or less a receptor of Justins' urine along with the piss of others. Jeremy was almost overwhelmed by the sheer volume of piss he had to swallow, but managed to consume all without making a mess.

While the flow was ebbing, Jeremy slowly moved his arms and hands outward; bringing them upward. He softly placed each of his hands on the corresponding butt cheek of Justin. Gently and lovingly he pulled Justin closer into him; doing so to hopefully let Justin know that everything was ok and that everything would be alright.

Justin lowered his own head and with an open mouth, took the end of Jeremys' catheter into his mouth. Seeing this, the trainer smiled to no one other than himself; then released the clamp which was retaining piss inside of Jeremy.

Two, seemingly normal and healthy males; being a piss receptacle for each other; received the unspoken approval of their trainer.

While the two were still 'attached' via mouths, the trainer left and quickly returned; standing, facing Justins' plugged ass. Swiftly he removed Justins' butt plug; bringing about a rapid, high pitched groan from the slave. The trainer then began to slide a larger plug into Justins' ass. When the widest part got to the entrance, the trainer had to use considerable force to get it past the slowly weakening sphincter muscle. Justin moaned continuously as the trainer maintained constant force on the plug. Justin not once, let loose of Jeremy's piss tube.

Until the trainer released his grip on the plug, Jeremy could watch in shock and horror, as he had an 'up close and personal' view. He could watch his brothers hole expand to accept the gargantuan butt plug, painful as it was to Justin it was equally as painful to watch it disappear into his brothers body.

Once the spasms associated with such a large plug had subsided, the trainer affixed an extremely long tail to the plug. The tail had been made from horse hair and as the trainer released his hold on the tail, it fell onto Jeremys' face.

Both boys were unceremoniously returned to their kneeling positions, as Justin began now to feel the full effects of the new butt plug and the whishing of his new tail. Both slaves felt different. Different, perhaps, due to what had just occurred; different, maybe, because they wanted to be alone with each other to talk things through.

Regardless of their personal thoughts and wishes, they were directed to move towards a distant wall. Movement of their bodies brought out new feelings in each of their holes, and those feelings, seemed to lessen the degree of discomfort from the heavy rings dangling from beneath them. Near the wall they were halted in the forward movements.

The trainer brought them to a stop directly in front of a wooden "X" frame. He had Justin move completely over to the wall, while he ordered Jeremy to his feet. Slowly Jeremy complied, as he had to keep in mind the weights hanging from his body and the large plug in his ass.

The trainer fixed Jeremys' ankles and wrist to chains, which were attached to the frame. From the back of the frame, the trainer produced a remote control device; which allowed him the pleasure of pulling Jeremys' limbs further up and wide spread and the ankles painfully distant from each other.

Another button on the remote was pressed; the total frame rotated so that Jeremy was now facing the wall, AND facing his brother. Having to support the weight of his body, by the high wrist restraints was already having the desired effect on Jeremy; and that too pleased the trainer.

The trainer then proceeded to move behind Jeremy and grasping a plastic rod, pulled a vinyl covered folding wall behind him; thus making this area a room by its self.

A cardboard box was scooted over in front of Jeremy, and with Jeremy looking down, it was easy to see the contents.

Justin was told to stand up, which he did; mindful of all his adornments and his cock spikes. He was then shown a picture of a human covered in an artistic way with dozens and dozens of black clothespins. There may have been as many as a hundred clothespins arranged neatly on the body. He was told to replicate the photo upon his brother.

Justin, not really knowing the pain this would cause, leaned into the box and removed a small handful of those little critters.

Looking at the photo, Justin started on Jeremys' right arm. He began to make the three rows of pins from the wrist down towards the armpit and shoulder. With each application of a clothespin, Jeremy showed his discomfort and pain. When the first pin pinched Jeremys' sensitive armpit, he screamed out in a tearful voice for Justin to stop. AND!, Justin stopped.

The trainer told Justin to continue, to make the slave before him look exactly like the one in the photo. Justin had another clothespin ready to place into the armpit, when Jeremy pleaded with him to stop.

Without as much as a word, the trainer took a firm grasp of a medium length whip and let fly. The whip landed squarely upon Jeremys' nipples. How he missed hitting Justin is a mystery, still to this day. Being new piercings, with such large rings and added weights the pain was intense. The second blow landed right on the clothespin which Justin had placed into the armpit. The force was such that the pin snapped off the skin, making the pain that much more severe. Justin couldn't believe what he was seeing and the sound of anguish from Jeremy was making his stomach churn. Four more intense blows on Jeremys' young body, leaving beautiful raised welts was enough now for both slaves to beg the trainer to stop.

The trainer withheld his next strike to the body. "Now you listen and listen well, you stupid son of a bitch. I gave you an order and you failed me and you failed yourself. You fail at an order and this other piece of meat will suffer. And, likewise if he fails you suffer."

The trainer, still upset, began to release Justin from the frame. With the chains still attached to him, he crumbled onto the floor when the chains permitted. The trainer was madder at himself than the slaves. He was certain that Justin would not fail this command, but Justin indeed failed to comply.

Justin was ordered to release the body from the chains, which he did. Before either of the slaves had the slightest time to think, the trainer had Jeremy get Justin hooked into the chains.

Things had gone so fast over the last few minutes that nobody had given a thought about removing the clothespins from Jeremys' arm. Thirty pins remained in place while Jeremy finished up with preparing his brother for the frame.

The trainer handed Jeremy the remote and told him which button to push, pulling Justins' ankles to the fullest width of the frame. The next button Jeremy pushed began to lift Justin off the floor by his wrists. Higher and higher Justin rose, until Jeremy stopped the movement.

"Who the fuck told you to stop, God you slaves are all alike. Dumb, just plain stupid, non thinking little fags." The trainer screamed in to Jeremys' ear. "You don't stop until I tell you to; now get to raising this piece of dirt up and wider".

By the time Jeremy was told to stop, Justin was well off the floor; hung up looking like a deer hide set out to dry. Justin, however, remained his normal silent self, accepting his fate; whatever that may be.

Justins' new tail hung ominously between his legs, giving even more depth and justification to his newly caged cock. Justins' balls looked even nicer, cute and hairless; mounted on each side of the spikes.

"Before you begin your assigned task", the trainer began, "perhaps you would find it to your benefit to gag this poor sucker, so he doesn't scream so loud as to break your eardrums."

The trainer pointed to a small plastic box on the floor and Jeremy went over and took out the mouth gag. Looking directly into the eyes of his fellow slave, Jeremy set about fixing the gag into place.

"Since this pathetic slave didn't follow orders, let's see how well you do. You are to pin the slave, as he had been ordered to pin you. You may start by using the clothespins that you still have attached to your meatless, smelly body."

One by one, Jeremy removed the pins and relocated each one onto his friend, his brother, his fellow slave. Each pin placed on Justins' body caused a contortion on the slaves' face; displaying the pain. Like himself, Jeremy could see the pain when he set about pinning the first armpit. Justin was now thrashing in his confines. Jeremy knew that Justin couldn't take much more; nor could Jeremy continue to dish out the pain. Jeremy finished up the right arm and pit, using a few less than forty clothespins; making sure that Justin was looking exactly like the male in the photo.

By the time Jeremy had finished the left arm and pit, Justin was sweating so much that he began to give the appearance of water pouring from his body. His head was thrashing around as if in a delirious state.

Jeremy was holding back, or at least making a gallant effort to contain his emotions. His next area of torture was the chest and ribs and he simply froze in his motions. The trainer landed a hard whip stroke to Justins' butt. By the time the third stroke brought out muffled screams, Jeremy had begun to place more clothespins on Justin. Down each side of his chest and stomach; stopping at the 'tanline'. From there Jeremy made the rows from the pits, past the nipples to form a 'Y' ending at Justins' belly button.

Justin was going in and out of consciousness yet did his best to make his brother proud of him. Justins' efforts to please his brother, only caused Jeremy more anguish; seeing and knowing all to well what pain he was inflicting on his own flesh and blood.

Four rows of clothespins on each leg, from the ankles to the highest part of the leg. Jeremy was praying that the trainer would forgo the placement of the pins on Justins' bound and stretched balls.

Looking at the photo one last time, Jeremy noticed a complete area that had gone 'untreated'. For a brief moment he thought this would have been the 'saving grace', but he was mistaken. Just as he was about to begin putting the clothespins on the earlobes, he was told to finish up with Justins' balls. Looking at the 'zombie' like face of his brother, Jeremy completed the genital part of his task. Four clothespins each nut.

Three pins on each ear, three pins on each eyebrow and one pin in each nostril completed the task. Jeremy sank to the floor, mindless of the plug in his own ass; weeping openly as if he was a beaten soul. Justin had long since past out; just about the time Jeremy finished pinning his first nut.

Not wanting, nor desiring to end the day, or the excitement, the trainer left both slaves as they were; taking one hand and pulled back the cloth fabric which was covering the wall.

Releasing a pin, grabbing a handle, the trainer slid back what was a large door set into the wall. The afternoon sun filtered its way into the room, as the fresh air flooded every nook and cranny. The sweat and tears on Jeremy began to dry as did the moist soft skin on his brother.

A sting of the whip got Jeremy up to all fours. He was led over to the doorway and told to assume the 'present' position, which he did; his butt plug visible to any and all who might be passing by.

The trainer returned to Justin, still physically in another world and time. With a push of a button, Justins' body began to rotate completely around, and around and around; slowly like a mannequin in a store window.

Stepping outside the trainer reveled in his afternoon accomplishments. He lavished in delight as one by one, some of the 'paybacks' were heading back to the dorms and he stopped each of them; pointing to his 'display of flesh'.

To each of those he stopped, he offered them the choice of giving Jeremy three stokes of the whip or the opportunity to piss on his body. Some took the whip and viciously landed their three strokes, while others opted only to piss on the poor slave boy. Some of the whip strikes made for nearly broken skin, but the 'sterile' urine splayed on him brought a wonderful stinging sensation, such as Jeremy had never imagined.

Every man that abused Jeremy wandered over to watch Justin rotate; covered all down his front side with clothespins. The few whip marks given him earlier, were still visible to the onlookers. It seemed an eternity before Justin became aware of where he was and who was where. The pain in his arms was so intense that he wanted to pass out and avoid the punishment.

Jeremy was now hoping for an end to this humiliation as well. How much more could he possibly endure. Having to kneel there, with his butt in the air; allowing anyone and everyone to see his naked form. However, most of the onlookers marveled more of Justins' spike covered cock cage and bound balls. Some of them were dumb enough to even pull on Justins' catheter, not having the faintest fucking clue as to what it was or why it was there. To a man, each one of them made some sort of 'favorable' remark about Justins' new tail, mainly how pretty the slave looked with it in place.

After at least twenty of the 'paybacks' had had their fun and pleasures with the two slaves, the trainer moved Jeremy closer to his brother. The wall was closed, curtain pulled back and the whip set aside.

Justin was released from his torturous bonds and was allowed to remain slumped on the floor, until the trainer had 'tidied' up a bit. Jeremy crawled over to his brother and lay down beside him. Face to face, if only for a moment before total exhaustion set in causing them both to just enter into a deep sleep.

With the training room put back to normal, the trainer allowed the slaves to sleep while he went out, down the short hallway and into the slave's room.

Seeing Tito at work, the trainer decided to help him out with the remaining things needed to be done; giving him a good opportunity to chat with Tito while they both worked.

"So, how are the two slaves doing", queried Tito. "I'm hoping that they are meeting the masters' expectations. They seem to be doing all right when they are with me."

"Both of them are doing fairly well, 'so far', responded the slave trainer."It seems if they each have an unending love for each other, that's for sure. The smaller one takes to punishments and training a lot better than the other one does. The older one, had to be gagged most of the time, especially when he was learning to take a fist. I'm guessing that he is like most foreigners and is soft in mind and body. I've allowed them to rest now, as they have had a busy afternoon and their day isn't over yet."

"Oh, I see. I'm expecting them to not like their new room arrangement either, but that's just too bad. Now that each of them has been exposed to a little bit of all aspects of slavery, I'm going to speed up their training when I have them. I don't see any reason for delaying more exposure to their new life, after all they seem to follow orders and complete most tasks when told to do them. I was totally shocked when I saw them earlier, but now I understand what you are doing and why you are doing it."

"Glad to hear that Tito, I was beginning to think you had a soft spot for the boys, but I guess I'm wrong. Seems like the new arrangements in here will suit them both quite nicely, and I feel that the master will be quite pleased with your work and your attitude. Now, I must get back to the slaves. One of them needs a shower, as he smells of manly piss. So perhaps I can assist you after I return with the two boys."

The trainer returned to the training room, without waiting to hear if Tito had any last remarks to make.

Slapping each slave on the butt, getting them into the proper position; the trainer led them out of the room heading for the elevator. Justins' cock was swinging just enough for the spikes to continuously poke both of his inner thighs. Both boys had full bladders and were looking to a release. Jeremys' butt still had the signs of all the whip marks, as the sting kept reminding him. It was nice seeing them have to move with their knees far apart; due to the way each slaves balls were separated and tied.

Jeremy was instructed to remove all of the clothespins on Justin using only his mouth. As he did so, Justin had to help out by moving his body around to allow Jeremys' mouth to reach all the pins. When each pin was removed Justin let out a low 'ouch', and soon the ordeal was over. The two slaves along with their trainer left the room.

Into the elevator, up and out; through the large, now empty room and finally outside; both slaves inhaled fresh air in large quantities.

Each had a leash attached to the collar and they were led down the earthen pathway, towards the pool and the dormitories. As they went past the pool, the masters' wife and her 'female' companions could only stare and giggle at the boys. Some finger pointing and remarks about the cock cage and the "pretty balls so nicely gift wrapped" seemed to be the high point of their comments. If the slaves had been brought to a stop right there, the females would have had a great opportunity to further humiliate them; but the trainer knew exactly what he was doing, as he had no use for females either.

Upon reaching the dormitory, all could hear the laughter and what sounded like excitement from within. Taking the slaves up the short, few steps, the trainer could see the reason for the jovial group.

The trainer had never seen the dormitory look so clean and neat. Each bed was made to perfection, the floor looked glaring, and not a speck of dust could be found.

The workers had gotten their new 'toy' to do all the cleaning etc while they toiled away at their normal daily assignments. In half a day, the whole place was made to look pristine, including the toilet and shower areas.

Having returned from their work, in need of a shower, one by one they were entering the tiled area and their new toy ('loudmouth') was scrubbing away the days dirt and sweat. When each was getting his lower half scrubbed, the workers dick was firmly embedded into the boys' mouth. Permitting a great place to empty their bladder.

The workers who hadn't stopped to piss on, or whip, Jeremy took their turn at inspecting his body and that of Justin. To a person, they all made nice remarks about the one slaves' butt plug and the others horse hair tail.

When all of the workers had been scrubbed clean, the trainer kept the 'toy' in the shower and put Justin in there with him. Justin got a very thorough cleaning, a soft soapy cloth over his entire body; that is except for his cock. The balls were scrubbed clean and he was rinsed off well. Even his tail got a shampoo.

Jeremy was the last to get a shower and the water stung his severely whipped butt and back. When the shower was completed, the trainer retrieved some ointment and had the 'toy' cover his wounds.

Both of the slaves got their piercings cleaned once more, before the required antiseptic ointment was applied.

"I think perhaps, that the 'toy' should do all the bathing of these slaves. I'll arrange for him to be in the slaves' room when showers are needed. Who knows what else we can have him help out Tito with." The trainer said, as the room of males laughed and the group began to disperse. Most of the males went back to their bunks and flopped down onto the clean sheets, still naked; most of them having stiffys and stroking them ever so slowly.

The trainer understood well what might be next on the list for the 'toy' so he again leashed up his two slaves and exited the dormitory; heading back to the house and the slaves' room.

Returning to the room, the leashes were removed from the iron collars and the trainer told Tito that he may return later to check on any progress being made.

"Welcome home my little slaves, I've been thinking of you most all day. I bet you are both hungry, so I've had your meals brought down just a little while ago."

Tito had been so pre-occupied with his work that he failed to notice all the changes to the two boys. But when he did notice, he made quite a fuss over the slaves.

"Oh my goodness," Tito said. "What has he done to you? Both of you look so different. I don't think the new looks suit either of you."

Tito was now touching and running his hand down the length of tail hanging from Justin. He was behind both boys, so he couldn't help but notice the large base sticking out of Jeremy. Tito was soon discovering the spiked cock cage and ball placement on Justin. Then he inspected Jeremy closer and noticed how they had tied up his balls.

"This is your room slaves, so you needn't worry about speaking here. Is there anything, ANYTHING AT ALL either of you wants to say? If so, have at it. Perhaps your meal can wait, so go ahead and communicate if you feel the need." Tito said with caring reassurance.

Taking Titos' advice, the boys rose up from being on their knees for so long to just kneeling with straight backs. Each looking at the other. The first thing the slaves did was to survey each others body. As they did, each had a few comments to make at what he was seeing. Jeremy could not believe that they are now making his slave brother wear a tail. Jeremy wanted to touch the tail and see how it felt, but he was kept back by Tito. Justin wanted to inspect Jeremys' new wide cock and ball ring, but felt awkward about it, so he let those feelings go. Jeremy felt sick to his stomach the more he looked at the ominous cage surrounding his slave brothers cock. Seeing Justins' cock trapped within the steel cage, with the catheter and Prince Albert ring protruding thru the end seemed like something out of a horror movie.

Each slave told the other how he felt about the days training and how bad he felt about the others punishments and training. Tears and emotions flowed freely for quite some time. In the end, Justin seemed to be the stronger of the two, while Jeremy seemed to be hanging on to his past life of protector and being the dominate one. They moved as close together as they could and hugged each other, and gave each other a kiss on the cheek.

Tito intervened and began removing the hanging weights from each of the slaves. He paid close attention to Justins new cock cage and the positioning of Justins' nuts. Tito then inspected Jeremys' new heavy iron cock and ball ring, along with the wonderful, beautiful balls tied firmly on top of the slaves cock.

Both of the slaves began, finally, to look around their room; noticing many changes.

Closest to them, against one wall was a large wooden cabinet. Near another part of their space, they discovered a small wooden piece of apparatus that appeared to be covered in leather.

The biggest change in the room was the bed, or should we say, the absence of their bed.

Where the bed 'had' been, now was a wooden platform. The size of the platform was only a little larger than what the bed had been. A four inch [10 cm] post was on each corner, going almost up to the ceiling. The tops of each post began what could be described as 'lattice work'. There was lumber going completely across the top, from right to left; creating what some might think a canopy. From all the overhead wood hung chains and ropes, some attached to pulleys. The actual 'base' of the bed had strategically placed holes and slots. Going around the bed portion, were multitudes of large eye hooks.

"What happened to our bed?" inquired Jeremy.

"Well my little pigeon, this is your new furniture. Right now you may not think it appropriate for you, but soon you will see just how wonderful it will become."

In silence Justin continued his visual search of their room, noting the food and water bowls.

There, sitting inside a raised platform were four stainless steel bowls. Two were filled with water and the remaining two had their meal.

Justin slowly made his way to the bowls, noting the height of them. At least now he would not have to bend all the way to the floor to eat. The food looked like kernels of dog food.

Jeremy followed and he too faced his meal. Both slaves took a glance towards Tito, who motioned them to eat.

Crunching their way through the kibbles until the bowls were empty, and then slurping up some water to rinse the dryness away.

The now familiar sounds of approaching people brought the boys to an alert status, beginning to fear even more torturous training.

Quickly Tito called out to the slaves to assume their 'present position'. Justin and Jeremy put their foreheads to the floor, knees as wide as they could get them, making sure that there holes were facing the entry door.

"Geez, this is wonderful", said the excited Aldo.

"For sure, and look at the nice tail on fathers' new 'mare' " exclaimed Ray.

Ray rapidly was lifting the tail so he could get a nice look at Justins' trapped cock; which, due to the weight of the cage, hung painfully downward.

Aldo had to reach between Jeremys' legs, to grab a hold of the cock. Aldo proceeded to pull the cock down and backwards, causing Jeremy to emit the now familiar sounds of pain and discomfort.

Both, Ray and Aldo, took notice of the weights absent from the slave's bodies. Nothing was said, as they began yanking on the large nipple rings; just more moans from the slaves.

More footsteps and three 'paybacks' appeared. Each carrying a cardboard box. Ray told them to put the boxes by the cabinet and to stand next to the one wall which was barren of furniture.

The three males did as instructed, but seeing the two slaves, began to take an emotional toll on them. Each of them began getting a 'tent' in the front of their shorts, and one could even detect the punctuation of nipples showing through the thin material of the tee shirts.

Ray opened one box after another, looking for something. Finally finding what he searched for, Ray approached Justins' ass. Then he called for Jeremy to move behind Justin.

Ray handed Jeremy a large brush and commanded Jeremy to begin brushing the 'mare's tail. "Make sure that you brush it completely, from her ass all the way to the end of her hair," Ray said laughingly. "We wouldn't want any mats or tangles now would we."

Jeremy began doing just that. He slowly brought the brush down from ass to end. Over and over he brushed his brothers' new tail, all the while wondering what the words 'Mare and her' had to do with Justin.

Brushing the tail, with care, Jeremy stared over the body before him. Seeing the small red marks running in straight lines down both of the slaves' legs which had been made by the clothespins. The two beautiful globes of Justins' ass so close, able to see the whip and cane marks which had been made in the training room. The faint smell of maleness entered Jeremys' nose, and he couldn't help but come back to reality that this body was his brother.

Had the past days stripped Jeremy of all his dignity, or had the last days taken away all his pride and self esteem. Had the past days taken away all of his inhibitions, morals and family values. So much seemed to be fading away, taken away, that Jeremy began a fight within himself to get his brain thinking like a brother, like a loving member of a good family.

Satisfied that Jeremy had succeeded in pleasing Ray and Aldo, Ray had Jeremy set the brush aside and move away from the slave.

Aldo had the three 'paybacks' strip bare, then commanded Justin to move to the new bed. Justin, sullen and exhausted, moved towards the all wood bed. The three males helped Justin to mount his new bed and lay flat on his back.

Justin was quickly attached to some of the chains on the bed canopy. A whir sounded above, ever so close to the ceiling, and Justins' body was moved, via electrical hoist and a track system; so that his body was splayed wide open and his head hung over the end.

Tito came forward and attached a rope to each nipple ring and pulled them up above the body. Ray had attached another rope and likewise did the same thing to Justins' cock.

Ray retrieved a 'beginners' dildo from one of the boxes and handed it to Jeremy.

"Now slave, what you need to understand is that your master expects both of you to perform well for him, and his guests from time to time. One of the things you both must learn is the proper way to suck a human's cock.

What your task is now is to get that dildo into the slaves' mouth and work his mouth and throat; trying to get him to relax his throat muscles."

Sweat began pouring out of Jeremy at a rapid pace, and Justin mentally began to shut down. Justin was either totally exhausted or else he was hoping for an end to all of this madness.

Jeremy began his task, slowly. Ever so carefully he placed the dildo into Justin. Justin didn't close his lips around the dildo, but rather allowed Jeremy to push it in, retrieve it and repeat the process over and over again. Each time the dildo went a little deeper into Justins' mouth, until finally it hit the one spot that caused him to begin to gag; Jeremy being startled by the gaging withdrew the dildo instantly.

"The only way you can teach the slave to take a cock is to shove it down his throat and allow him to breath through his own nose. So get to it and get that fucking dildo back down his throat NOW!" shouted Aldo.

Jeremy began, again, working the dildo into his brothers' mouth. One of the workers approached the kneeling Jeremy from behind.

Putting his hands on Jeremys' shoulders, the worker spoke softly into Jeremys' ear. "Now the one thing you must understand. You have to think of this body lying before you as just a white slave, a worthless piece of flesh. A human who will be nothing more than his masters' mare. Put out of your mind that you once had a relationship with this human. Think about how great it will be when you are able to shove your own cock deep into his mouth hole. How great it will be when you can feel his muscles worship your cock. Think how great it will be when this mare can take your piss into his body without even having to swallow."

Listening intently, Jeremy was still struggling with what remained of his former self. His dick began to listen more to what the worker was saying, attempting to get stiff. Jeremys' cock looked so magnificent with its' large cock ring, catheter end bobbing about, and his dick head piercing standing out so wonderfully.

The worker continued his 'erotic' chatter with Jeremy, as more of the dildo shaft worked its way into Justins' mouth. Jeremy knew that at any moment he would be, once again, at the point where the slave before him would begin to gag.

Jeremys' mind was reviewing the events of the day, the pain he put his brother through. The feeling of having a fist up his own hole, the humiliation of having others whip him and the awesome amount of pain he had taken so far.

Tito busied himself by emptying the boxes, and putting their contents onto shelves inside the large cabinet. He appeared to study almost everything he held in his hands. Most every butt plug he saw was larger than anything he had seen his two slaves take so far. He hung the whips and floggers on small hooks, which had been mounted inside the cabinet doors.

Ray and Aldo continued to watch, as Jeremy slowly moved the dildo in and out of Justins' mouth. The worker behind Jeremy was massaging his shoulders maintaining a constant barrage of encouragement, albeit rather disgusting for Jeremy to listen to.

One of the three workers had removed himself, so that he could avail himself of the toilet; sitting there taking a much needed dump. The third worker remained standing next to the wall, stroking his now painfully hard cock.

Justin could do no more than to remain bound as he was. His eyes closed, he was trying not to think of what Jeremy was being forced to do. He was not even attempting to concentrate on the dildo going in and out of his mouth. His brain was occupied by thinking of the good old days, when he and his brother would be playing together, hanging out in the mall, going to different places with his parents.

Justin, as was Jeremy, somehow still believed this was not happening to them, that this was a nightmare or something.

Neither of them had any idea of their parents struggle to find them and set them free. Nor did they have the faintest idea of what lay ahead.

Chapter Twelve

Time all but seemed to be standing still as Jeremy continued his task of raping Justins' mouth with the 'anal probe'.

Justin continued to gag each and every time the dildo went further down his throat, but the violence shown at the onset was much less. He was not retching as much, although mucus was still bubbling from his nostrils. Jeremy was performing well, to the pleasure of all the males in attendance; but none of them paid much attention to Jeremys' facial expressions.

Jeremy was dutifully obeying, but he had transfixed himself into a state of nearly being a zombie. Doing the physical part required of him, yet not knowing, not feeling, nor understanding what was going on. His eyes were locked onto the face and body which lay before him. A body, that seemed not to be controlled by a brain. The body bound and secured, remained still, silent, expressionless.

Tito had finally finished arranging the boxed items in the cabinet and stood silently observing the proceedings. He knew that anything he might say at this point and time would most likely bring about anger from Ray or Aldo. He could only hope that the two brothers would soon be free of Ray and Aldo.

"Think of the dildo as one day being your cock" whispered the one worker to Jeremy. "Think how nice it would feel as the mares' throat milks your slave cum. And if you like that feeling, imagine the great feeling of having your slave cock up her tight ass."

As Jeremy was in the process of withdrawing the dildo, Aldo grabbed his wrist and pulled it away from Justins' mouth. Justin took several huge breaths, trying to get his lungs full of air.

"Get over here and get your ass cleaned up!" shouted Aldo, pointing to the one slave who seemed to have the biggest erection of the 'paybacks'

Aldo told Jeremy to move back from his fellow slave, as the worker approached. Aldo put his hands on the workers' shoulders, turning him around so that his ass was just above Justins' head. Aldo then had the worker 'squat' down over Justin, so that his hole was gently resting on Justins' lips.

Without a word, Justin began his duty; which he already knew what was to be done. Likewise, for the first time, Jeremy was staring at the 'paybacks' dick; which he knew, from Tito, that he was required to put any cock in his mouth if it was near his mouth.

Not one word was spoken by any one in the room. It seemed that they were all in agreement that the two new white slaves knew their place; at least for now.

"ENOUGH!" shouted Ray.

"Tito has much to do, as do I, and these slaves will need much rest, as tomorrow will be an even busier day for them."

"Indeed", chimed Aldo. "We all have things to do before we sleep and I for one have a need for some release. Perhaps we should check up on the 'dorm toy' before we finish for the night."

The three 'paybacks, along with Ray and Aldo, departed the slaves' room without as much as saying another word.

With Jeremy remaining on his knees, Tito quickly began releasing Justin from the chains which had been used to expose and bind him.

"Now there, that wasn't so bad was it?" inquired Tito.

Neither slave answered, and Tito didn't press for a response.

Jeremy helped Tito to get Justin off the bed, and then Tito went about his business of tidying up a bit.

Jeremy nearly in tears spoke to his brother. "Justin, I'm so sorry. I would have never done such a thing to you, had not they forced me to do it. Are you alright? If I hurt you, please, PLEASE tell me."

"No brother, you have not harmed me. I just feel like dying right now. These guys are making us do the most awful things. I don't know how much more of this I can take, before I find a way to kill myself. Better to die than to let these men have fun with us. And now I suppose we will have to sleep on this wooden bed from now on. Geez, what we they think of next. My dick hurts so much, and I hope Tito takes these spikes off soon. My balls are killing me, but looking at yours way up on top there seems to make my pain little compared to yours. At least they didn't stretch your tits, like they did mine. What the heck is this bit about calling me a 'mare' and a girl? I'm a boy, not some girl! Do you think they will take the dick rings out soon? I sure hope so, because the darn thing weighs a ton.

"Jeremy is it true what they said about you? Did they really stick their hands up your butt? Is that why you have such a large thing up there? Why did they do that to you? Did it hurt a lot? Does it hurt a lot now?"

"Look Jeremy, over there. They have taken away our toilet. Look at these other things in here. What the heck are they for? I hope not us!"

"Justin! Settle down a minute, will ya!"

"Sorry Jeremy, I'm just so tired and my mind isn't working like it should. I'll be alright in a little bit". Justin sheepishly replied.

Tito had been silently working away, all the while listening to the two slaves. He felt now would be the best time to explain what had been going on today.

"Well my favorite rosebuds, I think now is as good a time as any to explain more to you, as you both seem to be bursting with questions with no answers.

First you must understand that I cannot undo anything that your master or his sons has ordered for you. So far you both have done fairly well with your new training and new lives. Yet, you both have such a long way to go before your initial training is over.

Jeremy, today you were exposed to some small amounts of pain, a lot of humiliation and a tremendous amount of self-degradation.

When you were bound, and men were fisting you, it was to acquaint you with the fact that you no longer own your body. The fisting was to open up your butt so that whomever decides to insert something into you, that you don't scream and cry out. Your master likes you with a loose hole and until your hole actually begins to puff up, will he reduce the amount use your hole gets.

You failed the training when it came time for you to receive your clothespins, yet you were fine with inflicting pain and suffering on your own flesh and blood.

You did well in the enema session and soon they will become second nature to you.

The smaller things you need in training will come within the next few days or next week.

I was pleased that you remembered to open your mouth and take the 'paybacks' dick. However, I noticed that you didn't suck on it, nor did you clamp your lips tightly around it. In this area you will need much work, such as you gave your brother tonight.

As far as your room goes, you both will be sleeping on your new bed, or the floor. I had the toilet removed, as a good slave never needs a toilet. Some of the larger items in the room will be demonstrated tomorrow. Many strange items I have put away for now, into the cabinet; some of them even I don't know their use.

As for your balls, they shall remain on top like that forever; which makes them easier targets for whipping and such.

Tomorrow you both shall be given a new plug for your hole, and Justins' will continue to have the tail. This, by the way is your responsibility to keep groomed for him. If, as your master has stated, Justin should be the mare then he needs the tail all the time and his hole shall become the largest one opened between the two of you.

And Justin, you did well today also. You took the degrading situation in the shower training room. You did well accepting your brothers' pinning you from head to toe. And you did quite well for your first lesson in accepting an object down into your throat. Tomorrow you shall have a lot more of that training.

The master of you slaves is anxious to have you both perform for him; as do Aldo and Ray. But, with Aldo and Ray you will be doing more than just performing. They intend to use you both quite a lot, once you are near the end of your initial training.

Now before I forget, when you are permitted to release your bowels, you must strive to get all of it down the four inch [10 cm] hole in the floor. If you don't, we'll have to train you even more to make sure the floor is clean after you are done.

Another thing you should know is that the man who pierced you a few days ago will be here tomorrow. I don't know what he has been scheduled to do, nor to whom.

If I understood your master earlier, tomorrow you most likely will be separated for training; as it will be long and intense, designed to help get your mind working properly.

Also, I can tell you that the family physician will be arriving late afternoon or early evening. I believe he will be giving both of you a complete physical and inoculations. I must tell you that he is a good doctor, BUT when he is here, he can be a very cruel and vicious man. I have seen many a man become a victim of the doctors' work. The doctor and Aldo can devise many things between themselves and none of them good for a man; or in your case a male.

Depending on how many workers the doctor needs to see and tend to, will determine how long he will stay on property.

You know, sometimes I fear that he has gotten his hands on my son and has turned him into something far worse than a mere slave; but what can I do, what could I have done."

As Tito finished speaking, you could see his eyes begin to water a little; as he was once again thinking and speaking of his own son.

"Ok now off with you both to the hole, empty yourselves then clean yourselves inside and out."

Tito had not bothered, this time, to remove the butt plugs from his to slave boys. He intended for them to do that for themselves. As they moved, the weights swung and tugged at the nipples. Justins' spiked cock cage continued to keep his teen dick straining towards the cold floor. The tail swishing, as intended, like a horse. Jeremy followed his brother into the cleaning area, trying not to think of anything, except getting this over with and getting some much needed sleep. Looking at Jeremy from the rear it was nice, in a different way, not to see his young male balls hanging down. With his balls tied to his cock, Jeremy moved along quite well.

The slave brothers did their best, over the hole in the floor. Almost making it into the shower area, before Tito came over and put a halt to their forward movement.

"I see how well you both are adapting to your new life, but have you not forgotten something? Have you not forgotten to clean each others hole, before you get washed up?"

Justin was the first of them to move. He moved behind his brother and proceeded to lick the hole clean, and Jeremy followed suit. Neither said a word, but both wretched while they performed their duty to one another.

"I'm so glad to see that you have done well. I thought there might have been some hesitation from one or both of you, but I see where I was mistaken."

"Sir", Justin called out, "I need to pee. Is there a way for me to relieve myself?"

Tito replied telling Justin he had to wait until later to piss, and likewise the same applied to Jeremy.

The shower session went quite well, both getting their insides clean along with a soft gentle washing of each others body.

Tito made both of them "shake" off most of the water from their bodies, before allowing them back near the bed area. Tito was becoming more relaxed around his two charges, seeing them move on their hands and knees. When the two slaves neared the new bed, Tito once again halted them.

Taking Justin first, Tito had Justin climb up on the wooden bed like a dog might do. He had Justin lay flat on his back, before he began preparing Justin for sleep.

Justin had his nipple weights removed, with his nipple rings being attached to chains overhead. Justins' earrings were next to be attached and pulled tightly up and outward.

Tito picked up one leg at a time and bent it at the knee, until each of Justins' feet were flat on the bed. Next Tito placed a steel bar between the ankles and attached it to the ankle cuffs. Another steel bar was installed between Justins' thighs and attached to his newest iron cuffs. His wrist cuffs were also attached via rope to his thigh cuffs. The final arrangement was to attach an odd looking mouth gag onto Justin. The gag was made of hard rubber on the inside and had two tubes on the outside.

Tito then took a clear vinyl tube and attached one end of it to one of the two tubes on the mouth gag. The opposite end of the tube was attached to the 'outflow' end of Justins' catheter. Tito released the small clamp on Justins' catheter and piss began to flow into the slaves' mouth at a steady pace. Justin had no choice but to swallow the piss as it filled his mouth cavity.

Tito prepared Jeremy just like he had done to Justin, except that Jeremys' head was opposite that of his brother. Further more, when the tubing was connected to Jeremys' catheter, the other end was attached to the remaining tube on Justins' mouth gag.

"Now then my little dove", Tito said, "I am going to release the clamp from your brothers plumbing and you will have to recycle his piss as well as your own."

With the clamp removed from both slaves' cocks and piss flowing, Tito knew all to well that Justin would not sleep much, if any, this night.

Tito stood next to the bed, watching the flow and checking to make sure he hadn't forgotten anything.

"Well there we have it", Tito said with a slight smile. "I guess I should let you two get some rest, the best you can. I'm not sure if you need to discuss anything, but as it appears only one of you will be doing all the talking. So have a peaceful night, and I'll be back early in the morning to get you started."

Tito exited the room, locked the gate and closed the outer door. As the door closed, the room fell into total darkness; for the first time since the slaves had arrived.

"Hey Justin", came the soft spoken words from Jeremy, "we need to talk man. About today, bro, I'm so sorry for you. I don't know what they have planned for us and I'm more scared for you now than ever before. I hated what they did to me and I hope that what they did never happens again. God it was painful and so degrading. I just don't understand how anybody can get their jollies by stuffing my ass with his fist. I'm ashamed of myself for having to inflict pain on your body today, and I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. But, I think, they intend to train us a lot more in the days ahead. I hope that they don't make me hurt you any more."

"I wish that I could find out if mom and dad are coming for us. I thought that they would of rescued us by now, but maybe we are being held for ransom and they can't raise the money. I just don't know what to think! I'm going to find a way out of this place and then we can escape and get far away from these mad men."

Being a one way conversation, Jeremy fell silent with his words and allowed his mind to recap the day's events. Soon he fell into a restful sleep, while Justin remained vigilant, swallowing urine which by now had already passed through him at least once. Every time Justin thought he could sleep, piss trickled into his mouth and he couldn't get to comfortable because the spikes surrounding his dick were resting themselves on his skin.

Once again, morning came too soon for the sleeping Jeremy yet not soon enough for Justin.

Lights on, doors being opened, got the attention of both new slaves. Tito arrived, glaring over both slaves, speechless yet with a broad smile on his face.

Tito released the hands of both slaves, but kept the spreader bars attached to their respective body parts. All the bindings were removed from the body rings, which brought needed relief to both slaves.

Jeremy had his catheter clamped off again, and the tubing removed. Justin was left with his tubing in place, for what was an unknown reason.

Tito helped the slaves off of the hard bed and allowed them time to get used to having the spreader bars remain in place.

The light coming thru the doorway, briefly dimmed, and when the slaves looked in that direction they could see why.

Standing just inside the door, was their master.

Chapter Thirteen

It was as if ice water began flowing through Justins' veins, the moment he realized that his master was in the room. Justin, through obedient training, turned away from his master and assumed the "presentation" posture; allowing his master to see his butt elevated with the nice plug and pretty new tail.

Jeremy, on the other hand, was quite slow in understanding what he was to be doing; but in the end he too assumed the proper position; showing his master the wonderful plug mounted so nicely between his ass cheeks.

There was no need to wonder if master had observed Jeremys' slow response to his presence. Jeremy would soon learn all to well that he had moved to slow to please his master.

"Good morning Sir", spoke the slaves mentor.

"And a good morning to you as well", was the response.

"I've just gotten them up to begin their morning routine and that doesn't take to long Sir. Is there something that I or they can do for you?" questioned Tito.

"No, you may continue with their routine, as I just wish to observe and perhaps make a few comments along the way".

Tito began removing the bars, which were used to keep their legs and ankles spread wide. He knew that this would be the best way for them to use the hole in the floor and for proper cleaning.

"Ah, I almost forgot about you, my little sunflower", Tito spoke to Justin. "I'm guessing that by now your little body wishes to drain all the pee from within".

"Tito, why worry about that now, just wait until he is in the shower so he can amuse himself with his hot piss and perhaps the other slave will be of some use for that as well."

"Yes Sir, what you say is best for him, I certain".

Once the slaves were free of all the spreader bars they proceeded to move in the direction of the hole in the floor.

"Tito, I've noticed over the last day or so that the 'mare' is much farther advanced that the 'colt'. I suppose the difference in their ages is the reasoning behind that; although I'm not one hundred percent sure".

"It is so good to see the progress in both of them. I've been truly amazed that they are so easy to 'break'; but then again most young ponies don't take to much persuasion."

Both Tito and the slaves' master continued chatting 'small talk' while closely observing the slave's actions.

The slaves, being at the hole in the floor, couldn't really speak; so one would sort of have to take the lead. With a flick of his head, Jeremy motioned for Justin to go first.

Justin turned his butt towards his brother, so that the plug could be removed; which it was, with some difficulty. Justin began to feel the pain as the largest part of the butt plug began to stretch open his muscle. With a loud 'plop' the plug came free and Jeremy tossed it onto the shower floor.

Justin did his business, quite well, not leaving anything on the floor surrounding the hole.

Justin returned to his 'all fours' position and remained firm in his location.

What seemed like an eternity, neither Jeremy or Justin moved; Justin waiting for what he knew was to come and Jeremy not wanting to come to grips with what he knew that which he was required to do.

Tito and the master only stood there, silent and motionless; watching and waiting. Tito could see the river of tears begin flowing down Justins' face; as well, he too could see the red begin to appear in Jeremys' face while the facial expressions also began to change. Even Jeremys' hands went from the 'flat on the floor' posture to tightly clinched fists.

Justin was hoping that his slave brother would just get on with it, and avoid any punishments which might be handed out for his lack of spontaneity. Justin knew that as long as they both were held captive that neither of them had a choice nor say in what happened. He knew, he felt, he was changing but how or why were the two questions he couldn't answer just yet.

Finally Jeremy moved to Justins' butt and began his required function. He attempted to hold his breath and also to mentally block out what he was doing. Jeremy had to use both of his hands to hold Justins' cheeks apart while he rimmed his own 'flesh and blood'.

Jeremys' mind began to focus on all the little things which he had heard over the past few days. He slowly began to realize that his master wanted to turn him into a more 'dominate' person; at least when it came to being with and using his brother to bring pleasure to the master and others. If that is what his master wanted, then Jeremy would do his very best to comply from here on out; regardless of his slave brothers feelings and level of pain handed out to him.

Jeremy more or less conceded to the wants, needs and desires of the situation and began to complete the hole rimming with all he could muster. When he was finished he simply backed away from Justin.

Justin moved his position to allow Jeremy access to the hole in the floor.

Justin again moved so that he would be able to remove the plug from the slaves hole, but he was shoved aside as Jeremy removed his own plug.

Jeremy got into the proper position, which was now exposing his upper body more and was allowing his cock to dangle down between his legs; the prince albert ring and catheter in plane sight for all to see.

Justin, too, saw the dick before him. Not wanting either to be chastised, he moved in and took the dick into his mouth. He went slowly and carefully so as not to have the ring strike his perfect teeth. The tears never ceased as he held the cock firmly between his lips.

The master had an enormous smile on his face by now, watching first hand, one slave engulfing the others penis.

Jeremy was keeping his eyes closed, trying to concentrate on empting his bowels down the drain while at the same time be consumed with the feeling which Justin was surrounding him with.

Without thinking, Jeremy raised his hands to the back of Justins' head and simply pulled the head further down the blood filled, throbbing young adult cock. If Justin would have had hair on his head, Jeremy certainly would have been grabbing and holding firmly onto it.

Although Justin never really 'sucked' on his slave brothers' dick, he did however move his tongue around a little; but only as a reflex reaction to the cock in his mouth. The one time Justin had the cock in his mouth late one night, he had never really considered that 'sucking'; rather just a brotherly showing of affection.

Jeremy, not knowing that achieving an orgasm would not be so easy with the catheter shoved up his dick, held firmly to his brothers' head and began swaying back and forth.

Mother Nature took control of Jeremy, ever so briefly, as he maliciously shoved Justins' face completely down, placing the cock as far down the throat as possible. What he hadn't realized was the fact that the ring was also playing an important part. Justin began to gag and wretch. Justins face began turning a light shade of blue, from lack of air. Jeremy didn't seem to mind that he was choking the air from his brother slave.

A loud sharp word from Tito was the only thing that entered Jeremys' head; but it was enough so that he released his hold on Justins' head and withdrew his cock. Justin leaned a little forward and continued inhaling large volumes of air, as color returned to his body.

Both were commanded to finish up and then tend to the in and out cleaning.

Jeremy turned his body so that his butt was directly in front of Justin. Justin did as required. As too, he had done for over an hour in the training room earlier.

The enemas went well for both slaves and Tito released the clamps on each of their catheters, draining the bodies of their urine.

The showers, also, went 'normal' and it didn't seem like such a chore or humiliating thing to do anymore.

Even during the shower, Justins' tears never ceased, although and most important, he didn't whimper. He could only assume that his prompt response to his duties would not be any cause for certain punishment (s).

Tito re-clamped each tube as the slaves exited the tiled area of the shower.

Now both slaves remained on their hands and knees, awaiting a command or a direction given by Tito.

Tito approached and set a large can of grease on the floor, and the slaves knew what they had to do.

Justin, carefully and quite tenderly, placed a small quantity of the grease into Jeremys' hole. Jeremy not wanting Justin to replace his plug, grabbed it from the floor and shoved it into himself, with a slight sound of pain.

Again, Jeremy was overwhelmed with a sense of dominance, or even perhaps a streak of 'ill temperament'. Before him was a slaves' hole and he seemed as if he wanted to control it, command it and abuse it. He didn't consider anymore, other than it being a hole to work with.

Scooping out a large handful of grease he began working it into Justins' body. First with one finger, then with two. Another handful of the grease and this time he shoved in it with two fingers directly.

Tito nor the master seemed to mind, as they intently watched the 'colt' control the 'philly'.

With a copious amount of the lube up Justins' butt, Jeremy began prying the slaves hole open; using two fingers from each hand. Stretching the hole and then relaxing his grip on it. Over and over Jeremy pried the hole open, and each time the hole seemed to open more and also more easily.

In the foreground of Jeremys' mind, was the torturous dilemma he had found himself in only the day before. He was behaving towards his slave brother, as if he was attempting on getting some sort of revenge. Surely, Jeremy could not be finding Justin at fault for the attack on his own butt yesterday?

Tito, being rather a wise person, soon put a halt to Jeremy's rampant assault on Justins' hole. Tito went so far as to insert Justins' plug and tail himself, fearing Jeremy may attempt to cause damage during insertion.

In a polite sort of way, Tito handed Jeremy the brush from the night before and had Jeremy brush Justins' tail out.

Tito let the brushing continue until he felt that Jeremy had regained some of his composure and was not a threat to Justin.

The master could be described as exuberant as he continued to watch the two slaves and how each was reacting. He was also quite pleased with the way Tito was attending to the slaves only when he had to, and allowing the slaves to display what teachings they had learned up to this point in time. The master knew that Tito was good for and good to the slaves; for which he was most thankful. God forbid, the master allowing Ray and/or Aldo to teach the basics or even tend to the slaves most basic needs. It would surely be a 'recipe for disaster' had that been allowed to occur.

A chirping sound was heard, which turned out to be the masters' cellphone ringing.

"Yes, oh great. Awesome! See to it that you send that signal down to the slave's room immediately. I'm sure that they too will like to see."

The master moved back into the sleeping area of the room and had Tito and the slaves following quickly behind.

The television came to life and on the screen were the parents of the two slaves.

Two sons were still missing. Two sons were hopefully still alive. Two sons, whose video was playing on a screen behind the parents, watched along with the master and Tito.

The mother and father both spoke, asking for their children's release and showing some family photo pictures.

Any and all graphic scenes on the video, were made to look fuzzy, but one could easily tell the boys now looked nothing like the boys in the photos the parents were holding up for the television cameras.

As the television broadcast continued, the master was paying close attention to his two slaves; making mental notes of any facial or body language that was being made.

The broadcast ended, without either parent saying such things as 'we won't stop looking for you' or 'you'll be home soon'.

The two newly enslaved boys hung their heads down and allowed all the tears to pool on the floor beneath them.

The television monitor in the slave's room went silent then went to black.

A worker appeared, with the morning meal for the slaves. He was shown the new stand, where the bowls were to be placed. The worker also refilled each slaves water bowl with fresh water.

"Well, Tito, you are doing a most marvelous job with the new slaves. However, they still need sunlight, to rid them of that awful skin color. How is it that Americans are so pale skinned compared to the rest of the world. Besides, I despise tan lines all together. After their meal, see to it that they are both taken outside for a good dose of sunlight."

The master turned and began walking out of the room and headed for the stairs. He chuckled to himself as he was thinking of the next situation that he was going to put the slaves in. Even Tito had no idea what lay ahead, after the morning meal, outside.

In some ways, Tito was pleased that the slaves still had the strong connection of family; yet, he also knew that the sooner the slaves let go of their former life the better it would be for them.

Chapter Fourteen

The two slaves remained very somber as they proceeded to eat their morning meal and lap up the water. They ate, while keeping the fresh images of their parents in their thoughts.

For the better part of a week each of them held on to the hope that they would be rescued from these people. For the days which had past, they did as they were told; regardless of how degrading, painful, humiliating it was.

With their eyes swelling with tears of despair, they finished the meal, crunchy as it was. Before Tito had them head up and outside, he made sure that Jeremy brushed both his and Justins' teeth, and brushed out Justins' tail.

Tito gave each slave the 'once over', making sure that they were properly prepared for the morning. Tito debated whether or not to re-install the spreader bars on them, which he finally relented unto himself and placed the two bars on each of the slaves.

"Alright then", Tito began, "I have no real idea of what your morning will be, except that your master wants your skin to be darker and without lines. Just remember your positions, your manners and all which you have learned so far. You Jeremy, seem to be lagging in your eagerness, so perhaps you should strive this morning to be more attentive to the needs of others."

That said Tito led the slaves to the elevator. Now, with the spreader bars in place; the slave's moved a lot slower than ever before. Tito was again waiting for his 'charges' upstairs, noticing a number of workers in the 'great room' cleaning from the ceiling to the floor.

After the slaves had arrived on the main floor, Tito led them outside to fresh air and sunshine. The sun light, glaring so much that the slaves had to squint their eyes for a minute or so until they got accustomed to the brightness.

The air smelled so fresh and clean. After days without sunlight and fresh air, the slaves felt a sense of being alive and with purpose.

Tito was kind enough, this time, to allow the slaves to move on the grassy areas instead of the hard, and course, walkway.

The slaves, moving slowly, soon got to within view of the swimming pool area; where as before, some of the workers were either laying on the pool lounges or splashing about in the crystal clear water. The two slaves felt as if this was a form of mental torture, as they couldn't use the pool.

By all appearances, the slaves thought they were being led back to the workers dormitory; but after a brief pause at the pool, for the inevitable nasty comments and a couple of groping hands, the slaves were led back towards the house.

Tito had the two brother's move in a different direction, short of reaching the residence. The slaves began to feel the stress being placed on their knees, the heat of the morning sun and the need for a cool libation to quench the thirst. Tito brought them to a halt under a beautiful shade tree with soft velvety grass beneath it.

Tito could tell that the spreader bars were making the two boys work extra hard with their forward movements, therefore he allowed them a short break. The exercise was good for the two slaves, which Tito was going to continue.

Knowing the slaves were secure and safe, Tito left momentarily; only to return with a bucket of water. The slaves wasted no time sticking their faces into the water and sucking up all the water they could reach.

Soon after drinking copious amounts of water the two slaves seemed refreshed enough to notice the sounds of voices approaching.

On the pathway, leading from the stables and the workshop, came two workers; wearing no more than skimpy shorts.

As they approached Tito and the two slaves, greetings with Tito were exchanged. Tito seemed pleased to see these two workers. Justin and Jeremy could only glance at one an other, wondering if they had seen these two before.

"Sure looks like you two have been working your butts off", exclaimed Tito.

"Yes", came the reply in unison. "We have been working since before sunrise up at the stables. We got our daily assignments changed because the guys in the workshop were getting suspicious of us," replied the taller of the two.

Without much more thought, the two brothers now remembered where they had seen these other workers. They were the two who 'came out' to Tito on that fateful night downstairs. The two workers were nothing shy of being one hundred percent muscle and bone. In a sense they could have been taken as some sort of Spanish Gods had it not been for their tattered shorts and dirty bodies. Not to mention the odor of horse on them.

The two workers continued with small talk, all the while staring at the two slaves. It didn't take long before the entire conversation was focused on the brothers.

Tito felt comfortable enough with the two workers, to tell them everything that had been going on since the last time he had seen and talked with them.

With the two workers now standing over the slaves, Tito invited them to get a closer look and to feel free to inspect the slaves; saying 'such inspections are good for the slaves'.

The shorter and younger of the workers took the invitation to inspect the slaves as a personal invitation to get quite personal with the two bodies.

"Damn, will ya look at the size of this plug up this slave's ass! This must be the one that got fisted yesterday by the size of this thing in his hole. Holy almighty! I've never seen one so big."

With a bit of laughter in his voice, Tito told the worker that there were larger ones back in the slaves' room waiting for the proper time to shove into his love hole.

"And the tail on this one is awesome! What the fuck is all this about? We heard rumors that they had sort of nicknames. Is it true? I guess this one with the tail is the 'mare'. Oh my God! Will ya look at this slaves cock. It is covered with a steel spiked cock cage, DAMN! You mean to tell me that they both have piss pipes stuck up their dicks? When do they piss? Who lets them piss? What have you done to their nuts? Damn they look like they must hurt like hell. You going to have both of them nutted or what?"

The questions finally ceased and Tito was quite relieved that the worker had finished asking the barrage of questions.

Instead of verbally answering the questions, Tito took hold of Justins' ear and led him around so that he was 'head to head' with Jeremy. Both slaves were still on their hands and knees when he (Tito) told Jeremy to rise.

Jeremy was somewhat relieved that he was being told to kneel erect. As soon as he (Jeremy) was kneeling properly, Justin moved closer and lowered his head to accept the naked cock before him. Tito quickly removed the clamp from Jeremys' catheter and Justin went directly onto his slave brothers' dick. A smile of relief came of Jeremys' face and Tito knew that the piss break was warranted indeed. In fact, Tito got the impression that Jeremy was starting to enjoy having a mouth around his cock, sucking and swallowing his piss.

The two gay workers looked on in amazement, noting that Jeremy had his eyes closed and had a look of contentment on his face. "What happens when the other one has to piss? Surely nobody could put that spiked cage in his mouth?"

Tito simply had Justin back away from his slave brother and lay on his back, the cool grass sending pleasant memories through Justins' thought process. The weight of the cock cage, combined with the thick ring lanced through Justins' dick, caused the slaves cock to land with a slight thump onto his abdomen. Tito simply knelt down, unclamped Justins' catheter and the piss began to fly up his stomach, past his chest and began splattering onto Justins' neck and face.

Neither of the two workers said a word. Neither of the two workers even moved. They were in awe at being a witness to what one person can do to another.

The sounds of loud voices and laughter caught everyone's attention.

Coming from the direction of the dormitory, Ray and the trainer were riding in one of the many motorized carts. Behind the cart, led by a medium weight chain was the 'dormtoy'. The poor young man could barely keep up with the carts speed. Blood was drying on his face and he appeared as if he couldn't walk properly what so ever.

The cart stopped and Ray came over to Tito, observing the situation.

"Well Tito, it looks like the masters' slaves are doing well this morning. I see that two workers are getting introduced to them as well. That should help remind the slaves that they are owned and have no right to humility. Since you are working with the slaves until the doctor and the ringmaster arrive, the trainer and I are working with the 'dormtoy'. You should have seen him being worked over by the guys in the dorm. They were using him like a punching bag, and I suppose that is why his face has a few cuts and bruises. His ass is even dripping slime and male slop from all the fucking they gave him."

"Now, Tito I won't keep you from your assigned work; so you may continue on. Besides, we need to get this other piece of flesh up to the stables. The trainer wants him to witness, first hand, how our horses mate. Who knows, perhaps in time these two slaves will be able to witness such as well."

That said, Ray hoped back onto the cart and once again the 'dormtoy' struggled to keep pace with it. Before the cart had gotten a hundred feet [30 m], the 'dormtoy' stumbled and feel face first on the pathway. Not stopping, the cart continued on; dragging the man behind, until he was able to regain his senses and scramble to his feet.

Once the cart was out of sight, Tito and the two workers returned their attention back to the slaves.

"So tell me", Tito began, "how is it that you two have kept your little secret for so long?"

Both workers just shrugged their shoulders and remained silent for a moment.

"I guess because we are extremely careful when we want to be together", said the older of the two.

"I would be very careful around here the next couple of days. As you have heard, the doctor is coming today as well as the ringmaster. And, I know that both of you know how much the doctor would love to get his hands on two gays. Besides the amount of pain the ringmaster will cause you if master allows him 'free reign'."

Tito stopped his banter of personal opinion and ordered Justin to position himself as Jeremy was. Cautiously Justin rolled over and pushed his body up so that he was now on his knees.

Tito then asked the two workers, to slide their shorts down and remain still. The shorts went down to just above the knees and to their amazement the two slaves moved directly in front of them and engulfed each of their dicks.

"How the fuck did they know to do that?" That is awesome! It feels great, that's for sure. A naked cock doesn't stand a chance with these two slaves around", said the young one.

"You see, they are being trained to never let a bare cock go un-serviced. They know that a cock needs a warm mouth." Tito said. "But I'm not going to allow you to unload in them today. They have much to do before the doctor arrives, as I'm sure that both of you do as well".

After a brief and un-fulfilled knob job, Tito had the workers remove their dicks from the moist mouthholes and slide their shorts back into place.

Tito sent the two workers on their way and had the slaves assume their proper posture for moving about.

"We have more ground to cover and more sunlight to get onto your skin. I'm proud of both of you for the way you behaved in front of Ray and the two workers. You are learning well, my little doves."

That said, Tito commanded the slaves to move and they continued their 'stroll' through the grassy areas of the estate; exercising their every muscle group, while the sun began working its magic on the skin.

Screaming could be heard, ever so faintly coming from the direction of the stables, but that didn't startle the slaves as they continued on in total silence.

Several more workers could be seen walking the pathway back towards the dormitory, indicating that perhaps the time for their noon meal had arrived. They were not close enough to actually get a good look at the slaves nor to speak with Tito without shouting, so they simply continued on their way.

As Tito and his two charges neared a slight downward slope, leading to a pristine babbling brook, Tito commanded the slaves to stop.

"Now I want you both to listen very carefully to what I'm about to say. We are going down to the water and I'm going to release you from your bindings; so that you may enjoy the freshness of the cool water. I don't want either of you to get stupid on me and try to take off or anything even remotely like it. I need to speak to you both now that we are out of eyesight, camera range and don't have to worry about anyone hearing us."

Both, Justin and Jeremy indicated to Tito that they had understood. The three of them proceeded to the edge of the stream.

Tito removed the spreader bars and both boys flexed and stretched their respective legs; getting the soreness of the muscles to diminish some. The nipple weights and the weights dangling from their ears were removed.

Tito unclamped each slave so that they could empty their bladders, which once again was a welcome relief; along with not having to swallow it.

"Now go slowly into the water and soak for awhile, as I speak you shall listen. Do not fail to heed what I am about to say, nor should you dismiss what I'm going to tell you as not being important. What I tell you is for your benefit, your best interest and most importantly for your own safety."

The brothers crawled into the water and sat on the sandy bottom. This was indeed a relief. This had been the first time that either of them could not expect some form of abuse or humiliation. They sat side by side, flesh to flesh, looking back at Tito; who was now, himself, sitting at the waters edge with his feet getting a gentle massage from the cool water passing over them.

The water acted like a whirlpool as it massaged both of the slaves holes, which by now were quite sore due to all the 'walking' which they had done so far. Justins' tail floated to the top of the water and looked so wonderful swaying back and forth as the water cleaned away any and all the dust and grime was had accumulated. Even the discomforts from the piercings and the ball placements seemed to fade. Each of the slaves thought process slowly turned into a very relaxed state; allowing them to forget, momentarily, the past days and what might lay ahead.

"You both look so comfortable sitting there. You remind me a lot of my own son when he was here and younger than the both of you. But, that is not the purpose of our being here, at this moment in time, this turning point in your lives."

Chapter Fifteen

Tito continued to make a smattering of small talk with Justin and Jeremy; attempting to get them comfortable and also to gain some level of trust between the three of them.

After a few minutes, the two slaves turned more in the direction to which Tito was sitting. They adjusted their positions so that they were sitting on the soft sandy bottom of the creek, in somewhat of an 'indian style' position.

Without prompting, Jeremy moved his hand, still beneath the water, and took hold of Justins' hand; maintaining a rather tight grip. Justin accepted this action by his brother as one of caring and brotherly love.

The sun was high enough so that the days heat was warming their exposed skin quite rapidly. Both of the slaves sort of adjusted their bodies so that they were more or less leaning back into the cool water; resting the weight of the upper body on their elbows. In this position they didn't have to move their head in order to look directly at Tito.

Tito maintained his conversation, while watching the two slaves adjust themselves to a point where they felt comfortable; which was a good indication that Tito could get down to more pressing matters.

With most all of the bindings off of them, the slave's balls were freely moving with the streams' current, while more or less 'floating' freely. Tito enjoyed seeing that very much, as he was pleased that although short term, at least the slaves had a little self worth restored.

By the time Tito had finished with his small talk, getting the boys attention, he knew that now would be the only time he had in which to lay out before the slaves what may or would lie ahead for them.

He began by complimenting both of them, as he had already done several times prior to today. But, he continued on into the depths of reality.

"As you must have figured out by now, your master is in the 'commodities' business. Americans are a hungry lot for your masters' drugs; which he supplies on a regular basis. And you two slaves are also something which your master 'trades' in.

You see, your master loves to watch males being used, beaten, tortured and sexually molested. You both are being groomed for such occasions. Your master has already shown you that he can video tape and record your every movement and sound. You can be assured that the tapes which have been sent to your parents are also being edited; so that he can sell them to a long list of buyers around the globe. Your master has, in the past, made millions of U.S. dollars on such videos and he has no plans to stop such a production anytime soon. Besides bringing him a lot of pleasure from watching, he also gains many dollars from what will be more pain and suffering of both of you.

His son's on the other hand, could care less about the videos and the money. They have grown up around so much violence and abuse that they both get their jollies from inflicting it or commanding someone else to do the torturous deeds which they come up with. Ray especially can be very dominate and sadistic. Aldo will take you mentally to places that one would never think of. If you think that you are incapable of doing something, Aldo will prove you to be very wrong.

The visit from the doctor, which you have heard about, is an annual occurrence around here. He comes by to check on any new 'paybacks' which have arrived since his last visit; and to do any doctoring which may need to be done to anyone. He is truly a weirdo! He is an old man from some European country, where I believe he had to leave or else face certain punishments or even death. In the past he has done some wonderful things to help the workers maintain good health and on the other hand he has done some strange things to others; which one might consider to be, how do you say….. 'Experimental'. Truly a strange individual he is, indeed.

He is one man that you don't want to get mad at you, while he is here. Your master has never told him no to anything which he wanted to try out on one of his workers. I know that for certain, he will do a complete, and I mean complete physical on both of you.

This now brings me to my next thought. As you saw this morning, the workers were cleaning the large hall. The doctor will be doing all of his work in there and there will, most likely, be most of the family sitting or milling around watching him and they will also be inspecting their 'paybacks' in a most personal manner. Therefore I don't want either of you slaves to even think about flinching or making a single sound; I hope I've made myself clear on this point!

Both of you will receive a thorough cleaning this afternoon. Your insides must be clean enough for physical exam and for anything else which may take place. Your exterior bodies must also be spotless and without the slightest trace of stubble; which means you, Justin, will have your spiked cage removed along with your cockring and the same goes for you Jeremy, your cockring shall be removed before shaving this time. But unfortunately all must be put back into place prior to your examination."

The two slaves, who had a momentary smile on their faces, soon went back to a look of disappointment and dismay. The grasping of hands, between them, was firmer now than before. The slight erection Jeremy was obtaining from the 'good news' soon subsided and his dick went limp; floating as it could in the coolness of the creek.

The refreshing feeling from the water was doing wonders on both their bodies. The redness from the clothespins and the slight butt slapping redness had disappeared. Their muscles seemed to much more relaxed and the tension they had felt for days and days was subsiding as well.

Both brothers, each in their own way, knew that perhaps even more torture and degradation lay ahead of them, but still they remained silent. They had not been given permission to speak, nor to ask questions. Both still intent on hearing the words of their mentor, Tito.

Tito once again began to speak, and as is his normal way, his words never carried with them the tone of someone in charge, some one dominating, some one who didn't care.

"I have no idea why the ringmaster is coming tonight, but we shall find out together; that is for sure. The trainer had this morning off and this afternoon as well, but he will be in attendance tonight.

I'm not one hundred percent sure of what they are doing at the stables with the 'dormtoy' but whatever it is, it can't be good.

If you two slaves feel as if you've had enough time soaking I think perhaps we should get out of the water and get prepared to head back to the house."

The two slaves looked at each other, seeking a look of agreement; and they slowly rose up onto their hands and knees and crawled out of the creek. Once they reached the grassy part of land they looked back at the water and wondered if they would ever see this place again, let alone be able to soak in its' wonderful water.

Tito opted not to place the spreader bars on them, nor did he bind their balls. Knowing about the upcoming cleanings and shavings he didn't feel the time well spent to bind them.

The slaves felt so good now, having their manhood dangle beneath the cocks; free except for the wide heavy cockring.

Just prior to reaching the top of the small knoll, the sound of horses' hooves could be heard coming in their direction. Once on top of the knoll, all of them could see a beautiful stallion approach, being ridden by their master.

Tito and the slaves stopped their forward progress as the horse came closer. The two slaves knew better than to look up at the magnificent horse or the rider.

"Tito, I've been looking for you. Nobody knew where you had gone off to and I began to worry a bit. I'm glad to see that you and the slaves are getting along so well. I remembered that you used to take your son here to swim and soak years ago, so I figured that you might be down this way". The master completing that last sentence dismounted his horse and stood firm staring at the slaves.

"You're aware that it is after twelve and these bodies need to be prepared by four o'clock?" asked master.

"Master, I'm aware of the needs but was not aware the hour was so late. I shall have them move at a faster pace and get them down to their room and get prepared". Tito responded.

"Well, since you have these two slaves and Ray has the 'dormtoy' and there are still five others who need to see the doctor, I've decided that all the interior cleanings will be done outside behind the dormitory. Then, after your slaves are cleaned out you can take them downstairs to their room and prepare them. Besides, I think they will enjoy their cleanings outdoors today". Master said with a slight chuckle in his voice.

For the first time since they had arrived, the master approached the two slaves so that he could touch them if he so desired.

The two slaves finally realized that they had forgotten something. In an instant both slaves had turned away from the master and assumed the 'presentation' position. Tito felt some relief seeing that both had performed well, although a might slow.

Tito remained silent, his hands full of the spreader bars and his pockets bulging with the ball, nipple and ear weights. Tito knew better than to speak, unless asked a direct question. The masters' unexpected inspection of the slaves was nerve wracking enough without Tito making the situation turn from bearable to torturous.

"The plug in this one looks rather nice and the tail on the other one looks exceptionally near perfection. I'm sure that you will have the little 'philly' in a much larger plug when you present her to us tonight."

Not thinking Tito responded to the masters' statement. "The next size plug for the 'philly' is quite large sir. I'm not sure she can take it just yet."

"I don't care what you THINK, I expect the new plug in and that is final. I don't give a shit if she bleeds, I want the plug in!" screamed the master.

Tito responded in the affirmative, and remained motionless.

Once again Justin began to tremble as he heard them talking about his butt plug. And he wondered why they kept calling him a 'philly' and also why he had just heard them twice refer to him as a she or her.

Jeremy, on the other hand, upon hearing the conversation started to get upset over them speaking about his own brother in such a way. But just as fast as he had gotten himself all worked up, he had a fleeting thought about them talking about Justin and not himself. This seemed to reduce Jeremys' inward anger quite abit.

"Tito, before she gets her hole cleaned out, she needs to be fitted out by the shop workers in the leather department. They wanted to make her something special for tonight and I have given them permission to do so. Two of the workers will met you at the dormitory and make any last minute adjustments for her."

"And also Tito, Aldo will be there to supervise the cleanings of all those who will be seen by the physician and knowing him, he will enjoy that part of his day very much."

The slaves' master knelt down next to Justin and for the very first time laid his one hand upon Justins' back; while the other hand found its' way underneath the slave and began yanking on the Prince Albert ring and rubbing the slaves balls. Removing his hand from the slaves' lower back, the master proceeded to 'fluff' out the tail. Soon the master was running his finger between the base of the butt plug and Justins' hole; which again brought fear to Justin.

While massaging the poor slaves' skin with one hand and rubbing the smooth balls with the other, the master once again began to speak.

"Did I mention yet, that the parents of two missing American males has left our country and headed home? It seems as if they feel that their own government has all but abandoned the search for the missing boys. Surely the fortitude of Americans is much stronger than those parents display. If it were my sons missing I would move heaven and hell to find them. I wonder if they have given up hope of ever seeing them again. Only time will tell."

Had this been a lie or was what the master said true? Regardless of the correctness to the comment, both boys had felt now as if the whole world had just swallowed them up, never to been seen or heard from again.

"I keep playing all of the slaves tapes over and over again and find them most interesting. Many parts please me a great deal and I'm having the studio work on the tape so that it has a 'nice flow' to it, unlike those cheap cheesy American porn films. I am hoping, Tito, that you continue to work them well so that they no longer hesitate as they did a few minutes ago."

In a manner unbefitting Tito, he moved over to Jeremy; grabbing hold of his shoulder he had the slave change his position so that the slaves were 'head to head'. Tito then pulled Jeremy up so that he was kneeling erect. Instantly Justin raised his head off the ground just enough so that the cock in front of him was level with his own mouth.

Tito removed Jeremys' clamp and Justin moved right into place, mouth wide open, accepting the large pa ring and his brothers cock into his mouth. Piss flowed, Justin swallowed and the master had been pleased.

In his mind, Tito, knew that what the two had just done so well was for his benefit; allowing the master to see that there was no hesitation and hopefully now the master wouldn't think Tito had been slacking off. Tito was proud of his to charges, now more than ever.

Had Tito struck a cord with these two? Had Tito somehow impressed the slaves so much that they feared reprisal? Or, perhaps the two slaves had begun to 'bond' with their mentor.

Regardless of the reason (s), Tito was inwardly smiling to himself and beaming with delight.

When Jeremy had emptied himself into Justin, Tito pushed the slaves apart, re-clamping Jeremys' piss plumbing.

"That's more like it!" the master retorted.

"I'm thinking of something extra special for tonight regarding all this piss plumbing, catheters and the like. I won't know for sure if what I'm considering can be done, until I speak with the doctor once he arrives. But then again, I have many things I need to discuss with him. So, Tito I would also further recommend that perhaps if time allows, you could give these two a couple hours of rest before they come up to the 'great room'. I am so excited about tonight that I wish we were already there starting in on all the physicals and the like. God, how I love to watch these things, but tonight might just turn out to be extra special."

That said, the master mounted his horse and rode off at a steady gallop, leaving the two slaves and Tito to make their way to the dormitory.

"Thank you very much for saving my skin," Tito said with a lightened heart. "If not for you acting so quickly, your master might have had me whipped severely; just for the fun of it.

With Tito leading the way, the slaves moved quickly, all heading back towards the dormitory.

Laughter filled the air as the three were at a steady pace. The laughter was mixed with vulgar language and the sound of one of the 4-wheel units approaching.

Halting all forward progress Tito turned in the direction of all the commotion. Coming at a fast pace, down the lane, was Ray and the trainer.

On the back of the four wheeler was a wooden 'X' frame. Attached to the frame was the dormtoy, but he was securely fastened INVERTED! YIKES! The machine came to a stop about six feet [2 m] in front of Tito and the slaves.

Ray hopped off of the seat and stood there, appearing to be more menacing now than ever before. Ray scanned the scene which lay before him. He then moved, slowly, toward the trio.

The slaves rapidly assumed the proper position, which pleased Tito immensely. Ever so close now, to the slaves, Ray took hold of the 'phillys' tail and tugged on it. Turning to the trainer Ray told him how pleased he was to see such an animal.

Moving to the heads of the slaves, Ray planted one foot in front of each of their heads. Instantly the slaves proceeded to lick the boot in front of them. This pleased Ray even more, and once again he relayed his elations to the trainer.

Without as much as a word, Ray unbuckled his belt and removed his hands. Tito began to wonder if the slaves had been taught by the trainer what to do next.

The trainer had done his job well. Perhaps too well, in some cases.

Jeremy lifted his face from the boot and proceeded to unbutton the top button of the pants, and then he continued on by slowly pulling the front of the pants down and far enough apart to expose a bright blue pair of tight undies. With trembling hands and fingers, Jeremy carefully pulled the undies down far enough so that Rays' gonads were exposed along with his huge endowment of male meat.

It was then, at that moment, which Jeremy decided to resume his 'presentation' posture. He wasn't going to go any farther with this humiliating situation. He opted to let his brother continue with it, should he so choose to do so.

Justin did just that. He rose from the position and placed his mouth around Rays' flaccid cock. Justin was not sure if he was going to be swallowing piss or what to do next. He remained still, motionless; while his young heart felt as if it would pound its' way out of the smooth chest. Rays' cock began to stiffen slightly within the confines of the moist cavern of Justins' mouth. For the third time, Ray praised the teachings of the trainer.

As Justin remained fixed in his position, not thinking, just there; Jeremy was reliving the moment which he had just had. He began to display a slight smile on his face, being glad that it wasn't he who had a cock inside his mouth. He was glad that Justin was doing what was expected, in order to prevent a beating or worse, a whipping.

Tito was glad to see the slaves perform so well. He had not been privy to a lot of the teachings of the slaves, so this was a first for him.

Ray backed away from Justin, pulling his now stiff cock free. It appeared that Ray was having a 'bit to much fun' at the time.

After Justin returned to his position, Ray got down and looked underneath both slaves, observing their free hanging balls and the nice cock rings, etc.

Ray stood up, not yet fastening his pants, allowing his cock to soften up.

Ray hooked one of his fingers into a ring on Jeremys' collar and pulled him erect, once again. Likewise he did the same to Justin.

The look on Rays' face changed to what you might call an 'evil grin'. Ray put Jeremy in a position, such, that Jeremy was now starring at Justins' caged cock.

Ray reached down and, at the same time, unclamped Justins' piss tube while he carefully pushed Jeremys' lips to the exposed discharge part of the tube. Jeremy began, in earnest, to swallow everything that flowed into his mouth.

Ray then reached down and released the clamp on Jeremys' tube, allowing his piss to mostly empty on to the earth below.

Ray called to the trainer to come and join him, as he let loose with a hot torrent of his own piss all over Jeremy. The trainer would never let such an opportunity pass, so he too released his stream of salty juice all over Jeremy, mostly striking him in the back of the head and side of his face.

"Perhaps this 'colt' will learn a lesson here," Ray said, "when he starts a job he needs to finish it. He should have been the one to suckle my dick, not the 'philly'. Hopefully this one mistake will fix any possible problems in the future."

Indeed, Jeremy heard those stern words, and vowed to himself to never again fail to complete what he, himself, is required to do. Little did Jeremy know, his self imposed vow might have severe ramifications in the hours, days and weeks to come.

Finished, both of the men put their dicks away and strode back to the four wheeler. Poor 'dormtoy' had witnessed what he could see and hear, but that was nothing compared to what he had been subject to in the stables.

The engine resumed its roar, as it sped away towards the dormitory.