P ueros- Z elamir A rchive



The Taken

Chapter Twenty Two

With Tito in charge, the two brothers and the 'dormtoy' just knew that they would be alright. There was never any doubt that Tito was kind and caring.

The three recently altered males arrived safely downstairs, and into the boys training room. Safe at last, away from the doctor and all of those searing eyes. The brothers were lifted onto their bed and the 'dormtoy' was lifted onto a cot. The workers left, but not before taunting the 'dormtoy' and the other two. There were remarks made to the trio that set off one last bit of terror into their systems for the day.

Tito quickly gave each of them a pill which would help to ease the anxiety and discomforts. He began tending to each of them with fatherly pride and diligence. Soon all three of them were fast asleep, being covered by a lightweight blanket.

Over the next few days, Tito ministered to all the slave boys needs. It still wasn't easy on any of the three. Jeremy had to deal with the heavy weight now inside his scrotum as he moved about, going to the shower or toilet area; including the new 'tail' he sported.

Justin managed to finally move around some as well. The new sac position proved a small problem for him, but nothing which caused to much discomfort. His new nose ring was always getting in the way, but he learned how to drink and eat without it getting to bothersome. Jeremy would lift the ring out of the way, when he used Justins' mouth as his urinal, which made Jeremy happy. Justins' new nipples hurt less and less each day. Justin was learning the proper position which he needed to be in each and every time he needed to piss.

The 'dormtoy' was doing better than the two brothers. His stitches were beginning to itch, and that appeared to be his biggest aggravation. He was having to use one hand to hold his nose ring out of the way, to eat: but at least he was able to use a spoon or fork, unlike the two brothers who still had to eat from bowls on the floor. The 'dormtoy' was pleased that he too got to utilize Justins' mouth for a urinal.

During all this time Tito would always attempt to say comforting words to all three of them, however at times his words were more directed towards the two brothers. After all, they had been with him from the beginning of their new life's journey.

Around noon on day four, of recovery, several workers along with Ray and Tito appeared at the door to the boy's room. Ray had a few private words with Tito, then he had words with the workers.

The workers entered the room, and as quick as they had entered, they had fixed a rope to the 'dormtoys' nose ring and began leading him away like some farm animal. The 'dormtoy' remained shocked, as he did his best to walk as normal as he possibly could.

"Four days rest should be plenty for that poor soul", chimed Aldo. "At least his 'love chute' isn't to raw now, and the workers have been told to take it easy on him for at least a week."

"If you think that twenty horny men can wait a week to fuck him, your crazy Aldo", Ray barked. "They will be doing something to him every day from now until the day he dies. Let's not be forgetting the tortuous minds that some of the rogues have either."

"Now then, Tito", Ray began, "Tomorrow we will be here bright and early to take the 'mare and the stallion' to their new home. The workers have been very busy, almost non-stop building them their very own home."

Ray and Aldo turned and went back upstairs, without as much as saying another word.

"What new home?" questioned Justin. "Will you be with us too sir?" asked Jeremy.

Tito answered both questions together, "I'm unaware of any new home. They never tell me anything anymore. And, by the way Mr. Ray was talking, the new home does not include me."

The two brothers looked at each other in total surprise. Surely something is happening to cause the separation from Tito.

Just before the evening meal, the master arrived to inspect his 'prize ponies'. He fondled each of them for the longest time. He stroked their bare skin as if it was fine mink coat. He at times was so close to them that they could smell his cologne. The master missed none of the body piercings on either of them. The new ball bag on Jeremy seemed to please the master a great deal. Thankfully, he didn't cause pain or discomfort to Justins' nipples or nipple rings.

It seemed quite strange when the master got behind each of them and brushed their new tails. When finished, the tails looked nice and shimmering and smooth as silk. The oddest of all things was that the master spoke not one word the entire time he was there, with them; not even a word to Tito. When done, the master simply turned and left.

A surprise for everyone when the evening meal was delivered. All four of the newly indentured servants brought the meal downstairs. Each one of them was holding a bowl, whether it be food or the water. They looked different somehow.

All four servants had identical wide and heavy cinch rings around their cocks and balls; showing a pronounced equipment package. Likewise they all had shiny, stainless steel wide collars locked around there necks. Above the right pectoral muscle, each had a number 1 thru 4; as a means of identification. And, all of them had welts and whip marks on their backs and legs.

The servants placed the bowls on the floor, where Tito had indicated; then strangely they all four simultaneously bowed towards Tito and backed out of the room single file. Apparently, one or some of the family members have been giving classes in servant manners.

The evening meal looked, smelled and even tasted different to the boys. They weren't sure what it was, but at least it didn't taste to awfully bad. They finished the meal and drank some water without saying a word. Tito removed the empty bowls, setting them outside of the room.

Tito sat on the floor in front of the boys, and began telling them many things about himself, his family and all that he and they had been through. The boys remained on all fours, listening intently, silently.

Tito saw to the normal bedtime routine which had been established by him, but tonight he didn't lock the boys into their room. Instead, he had decided to stay there, with them. He simply sat down in a corner. Leaned against the wall and fell fast asleep.

The morning came fast. Tito hustled to get the morning duties done with the two boys, just as breakfast was delivered. As before, the servants were polite and silent. The meal was identical to last night's supper.

Soon afterward Ray, Aldo and two of the servants appeared. The servants clipped a long leash to each of the boys, as Ray spoke a few words with Tito privately.

Tito then approached his two charges and spoke softly yet with assertiveness. "Both of you have been trained to do what is expected of you. If you fail in any of your tasks, you may be assured that the punishment will fit the crime. Your master has made you both to look beautiful in the eyes of the beholder. You both know your new status here at the mansion, so I'm expecting both of you to behave yourselves and act accordingly. I will be seeing you each and every day, but not as your trainer. I'm simply going to be checking up on you and seeing how you are acclimating yourselves with your new surrounds. So I bid you farewell, my little buttercups, and I'll see you real soon." That said, teary eyed Tito turned and walked out the door and up the stairs.

A simple snap of the fingers and the servants took the first steps towards the boys new journey and life. Leading the boys out of the room that they had grown to feel secure in, into a new life. A quick glance and the room was suddenly placed into darkness and the door closed behind them.

When the elevator stopped and the slaves were led out, they once again had to traverse the 'great room'. There was not any indication in the room that would remind them of last night. It was clean and smelled fresh; furniture lined the walls and a long beautiful table and chairs was perfectly placed in the center of the room.

The instant the door leading to the outside was opened, a blast of cool air surrounded the naked bodies of Justin and Jeremy; bringing to memory the coolness they once felt while at the beach with their parents.

Down the three of four steps and onto the pebbled stone walk way, the boys made the journey to their new home. The small stones were rough on their hands and knees but they complained not. The familiar sounds of men enjoying themselves around the pool, filtered into their ears; reminding them of the last time they enjoyed, briefly, the freedom to swim in it also.

Nearly making it past the pool, without incident, they were halted long enough for those near to gaze upon the two new ponies. No more embarrassment, no more humiliation. The two brothers had had enough of the fight to maintain their stature as 'free men'.

They passed the pool and from there led onto the grass. A short walk around to the opposite side of the house they once again were made to stop. Looking in one direction, you had a clear view of the driveway leading to the front of the house. Anyone who cared to look in their direction would surely be able to see them.

Off to the right, there was a nice grassy area, surrounded by a freshly installed wooden rail fence. The boys were led over in that direction and Aldo opened the gate and the two ponies were led past Ray and himself.

There, directly in front of the two, was a three sided structure; totally open on the side which faced the driveway.

The gate closed behind them, as Aldo had the servants unleash the two boys. "Well here we are", began Ray. "This is your new home. You have all the comforts any pony would enjoy having, and then some. You can not escape this area. There are electrical charges within the fenced area which will prevent you from getting to close to the fence. Behind your 'home' you will find a freshly dug pit, the bottom covered in straw which you will use as your toilet area. We have installed a hose there so each of you can clean out the other one, each morning and each evening. You will also be responsible for washing yourselves or each other. Servants will bring your meals to you three times a day. Other than that you are free to do what ever you desire, but rest assured that you can't just sit around. You need to be active, for your own health. You need to be sexual for our pleasures and amusement. If guest come to see you, you will obey them always. Tito will visit you daily to check on you and report anything he feels important. So, get used to it, this is your home, your only home."

Ray, Aldo and the two servants left and locked the gate as they exited. Ray retrieved a small transmitter from his pocket and pushed a button, activating the electrical wiring.

"I can't wait to see the faces of our guests when they arrive and see our newest additions. What a way to show our contempt for the Americans. There is no way that anyone else would ever think to display these swine in such a way. Perhaps this will also let our guests know that we don't play around, but that business is first and foremost." Ray said with a venomous tone in his voice.

It wasn't long, minutes actually, before Aldo returned with a video camera and began filming the two slaves aa they were walking around, looking at whatever there was to see. Aldo called out to them to come closer to the fence, so he could get a good photo of their faces. Then he had each of them rear up on their knees, so he could get a lot of film of all their modifications. Aldo filmed for about ten minutes and then left, again pushing the transmitter button.

"Jeremy, I have to pee. What are we supposed to do?" Justin whimpered.

"Follow me and I'll release the clamp on your catheter, out back so they can't see you", replied Jeremy.

Behind the building, Jeremy reached under his brother and released the clamp, causing Justins' piss to flow, rapidly into the pit.

"This sure looks funny Justin, with you having a new place to piss from. But, I think it looks good on you, since you're now the mare of the family." Jeremy beamed with delight. "Now, I've got to piss, so here you go. Get over here and do what you are trained to do."

Justin looked devastated. "There is nobody around, so why don't you just piss into the straw 'bro' ?

"Why should I! You have been trained to swallow, so take my horse cock down your throat and suckle my piss into your gut, you whiney little girl!" Jeremy gloated.

Without another word Justin complied with his brother and completed his task.

"Listen to me Justin" Jeremy quietly spoke, "If they catch us, either of us doing something wrong or not doing what we were trained to do, they could punish us like they have done before. We don't need any more pain just because we didn't like doing something. So get it in your head to always do what you're supposed to do and we both will be ok. I love you Justin."

"Thanks Jeremy, I thought that I had pissed you off and now you were mad with me. I couldn't stand seeing you punished any more, so I'll do my part and be a good brother to you. I love you too, Jeremy." Justin said while choking back his emotions.

Going back around, they entered the stable area, where they both slowly lay down in the straw; Justin snuggled into the strong arms of his brother.

"Jeremy, do you think mom and dad will come for us? Do you think that they still love us? Do you think that they will like us they way we are now?" Justin inquired, as he inhaled the manly scents of his brother.

"First off Justin, mom and dad will find us, sooner than later I hope. They will always love us and I bet that when they see us they will be so happy that they won't notice to much at first. And if they can, they will have you back to normal in no time. But, right now, we have to be good and obey. So get some rest while you can, my little love bug." Justin replied with a solemn tone in his voice.

With that, Justin placed his arm over Jeremy and took a soft, loving grasps of Jeremys' fuck stick. Softly kissing Jeremy on the lips, Justin began to fall into a much needed sleep, as Jeremy lay there thinking of their next move; all the while his cock was firming up beneath the hands of his own brother.

Chapter Twenty Three

by billy and trey

The two boys continued sleeping well into the late afternoon, until they were woken by the sounds of a helicopter landing nearby.

Both boys seemed startled, at first, until they discovered that the arriving guest were there to visit the master.

They saw four well dressed men, in suits, being greeted by Ray and Aldo; then they were politely ushered into the mansion, via the front door. Two men remained at the helicopter, each holding some sort of large weapon.

Jeremy and Justin got up onto their proper walking positions and began walking around, to stretch their muscles. It wasn't long before they noticed one of the visitors staring out at them, from an upstairs window.

Immediately, without a word, Justin took Jeremys' cock into his mouth. He was awake enough now to remember his training. A naked cock belongs in the 'phillys' mouth. Jeremy couldn't believe his own brother, being so attentive. Jeremy began to kneel erect, so his brother wouldn't have to suckle the rigid member from beneath him. Jeremy, lovingly, put his hands on the back of the 'phillys' head and began to talk 'sweet nothings' to him.

Justin was only holding this dick in his mouth, not actually suckling it. He wasn't sure if Jeremy needed release or not, so he didn't want to create any discord between them.

The window above was now filled with both visitors, who appeared to be talking amongst themselves.

Not long after, Tito arrived. This time Tito brought them their evening meal. Tito was pleased to see them, but saddened and ashamed once he saw the boy's new living conditions.

"I'm happy to see that the sucking of cock continues", Tito said, breaking the quasi trance the two brothers were in.

Placing the bowls down, until he had pressed the button, he never left his eyes move from the upstairs window. Through the gate and Tito went and set the bowls down just outside the boys' shelter.

"Your water will be taken from the hose that they have supplied you with, so don't expect a bowl for that." Tito informed the two.

Tito watched as the two hungry boys consumed their meal. "You both should know that there is some sort of drug, a mild one, in your meal tonight. I only learned of that myself, by accident. I don't know what the drug is or what it's supposed to do."

With sad puppy dog eyes, they finished their meal. Justin still was unable to eat as easily as Jeremy. The nose ring was becoming more and more of an irritation to him then anything else.

When they were done, Tito suggested to them that perhaps they should clean themselves out, so they wouldn't have to worry about doing it should darkness fall.

Tito gathered up the two empty bowls, exited the boy's area and once again pressed the transmitter button. He didn't return to the mansion so fast, this time. He walked around back of the shelter, and silently watched as the two ponies squirmed and yelped as they each attempted to remove the horse haired butt plugs. Jeremy did his own cleaning, not wanting his brother to do it. When he was finished, getting his insides squeaky clean, he forced the nozzle up into Justin and allowed the water to flow almost full force. Justin cried and struggled. Poor Justin couldn't understand how or why his brother could one minute be so kind and understanding and the next minute he was a cruel and punishing thug.

"Where is your grease?" Tito quietly whispered.

The boys hadn't even thought of that. Tito quickly walked back into the house and returned at the same time that Jeremy was finishing up with Justin.

"Here is some grease, enough for at least tonight". Tito commented. "I'll arrange for a daily supply for you first thing in the morning."

"Thank you SIR", came the reply from the two brothers.

Tito watched as Jeremy laid the nozzle away, the saw him turn and place his hole up in the air. Justin moved forward and grudgingly lapped it clean and dry.

Jeremy smiled inside so much that he almost burst into laughter.

Rescued or not, Jeremy was thinking how nice it might be to always keep Justin under control. He had never been treated so nice by any of his female friends and he was beginning to think that he could handle this sort of sexual attention more and more.

Jeremy released Justins' clamp so his bladder would drain, while they were still hovering above the straw lined pit. From that action, Justin knew what was coming next.

Once Jeremy had re-filled his brother, he greased up his own plug and wiggled and squirmed to re-insert it. Kindly enough, Jeremy took some grease onto his fingers and forced them up inside of Justin, and then with great force rammed the plug into his brother; causing Justin to lunge forward and then begin to cry.

They both began to stride around their 'pasture' area, slowly getting a look outside the fence at anything that they could see, as the sun began to set.

A blinding light instantly began to illuminate the pasture and the two brothers. There wasn't one inch of space that the light didn't cover. Aldo and Ray came out, leaning on the fence to observe the two new additions.

Some commotion was heard coming from behind Ray, which turned out to be several workers. The gate opened and the workers came in carrying three separate items. Each item was large and made of wood. Placing them under the direction of Aldo they left as left just as quickly as they had arrived. The air was silent, the light shone enough so that the area outside the fence was blocked from view.

Lucky for the boys, that once again Justin was the 'savior' from punishment, as he had a firm lip lock on Jeremys' dick.

Seeming to be satisfied, Aldo and Ray removed themselves from the fence and returned to the house.

The light remained on the entire night, affording the brothers no real darkness for sleeping, although they managed to have a decent rest.

When Jeremy woke, he found Justin between his legs, once again sucking on the semi rigid shaft. Jeremy held his brothers head and released his morning piss. Kindly enough, Jeremy released Justins clamp, over the straw, soon afterwards. The whole mansion still seemed to be asleep, as the sun was just now rising and the light from above also went off. A few threads of artificial light could be seen emitting from several lower windows in the mansion.

Up above, from that same window as last night, there was a shadow of a man. It was hard to tell who it was or if he was staring at them or just looking outside.

The morning routine was established by the two brothers, and all went well. Soon after, the morning meal was delivered but this time, the servant who brought the meal, didn't wait around for the empty bowls. He left as soon as he had placed them on the ground.

By the placement of the bowls, each of the brothers knew that people could and most likely were watching them eat. They cared not, as they were hungry enough not to give a damn. Justin quietly asked his brother, "Do you think they have drugs in here again?"

"I don't know Justin, just eat it all and what ever happens, happens" retorted Jeremy.

By the time they had just about consumed their morning meal, there were quite a few 'payback's leaning over the fence, watching the two new ponies.

Aldo appeared at the gate and entered the 'pasture'. He was agitated that the two brothers weren't behaving as they should. He removed a small whip from his back pocket and began to whip the bare butts of the two boys.

His language was sharp and foul. He spoke to them as if they weren't human at all as he continued his whippings.

The screaming and yelling, add to by the cheers and rantings from the 'paybacks', brought out more people to witness the punishment.

Ray was joined at the fence rail by the two men who had been the guest of the master, the two men who were left standing by the helicopter and the four new naked servants. With Rays' appearance the 'paybacks' instantly quieted down.

After a few more minutes of Aldo whipping the two boys, Ray entered the area and from all appearances took charge of the situation.

Ray had Justin crawl over to what appeared to be a 'miniature' sawhorse. Justin was quite able to just crawl over the top portion of the sawhorse with ease.

Once Justin was in place, Ray sadistically yanked, twisted the

phillys' butt plug until it popped out. The plug was then licked clean by a weeping Justin.

"Now we'll have no more laziness out of either of you." Ray bellowed "From now on all we ever what to see is pure horse action including a lot of studding."

Ray forcefully kicked Justin back legs apart, then proceeded to fix his wrist to the front legs of the sawhorse; causing Justin to be more into a forward leaning position; with his chest resting firmly on the wooden frame.

"Now mount up here, you lazy assed 'stallion'. We've given you a mare who is constantly in heat and needs your horse cock slammed into her pussyhole." Ray proudly proclaimed, as if he wanted to show off his authority.

Jeremy moved in, and inserted his eighteen year old dick into his brother. In less than two minutes his actions had once again brought displeasure to the group.

Ray had Aldo hold Jeremys' tail out of the way, as he took the whip to Jeremys' altered nutsack. The whipping seemed to go on forever. The whip struck the steel balls and the natural ones; Jeremy screaming with each strike of the whip. But, the whipping had its' intended affect; as with each strike, Jeremy rammed his cock completely within the lovechute of his brother.

"Now that's how horses fuck, you lazy son of a bitch." Yelled Ray. "From now on that's how you're to be doing it, and you'd best be fucking this hole at least four times a day, unless you want more drastic steps taken towards you."

In a matter of minutes, Jeremy let out a primeval scream, and everyone knew he had just planted his seed deep inside of Justin. A thunderous applause automatically erupted from all of the 'paybacks'. The visitors just stood by, quietly observing.

Jeremy leaned forward and rested his chest on Justins sweating back, panting and heaving from all the whipping and sexual exertion. His nutsack red, swollen and enlarging by the minute.

Justin remained his withdrawn self, hoping that this would end soon.

Ray and Aldo left the pasture and closed the gate behind, leaving the two interlocked bodies, in a quandary to assess their next activity. All the 'paybacks' were ordered to return to their work or the bunkhouse. The two visitors remained behind, staring and attempting to weigh the situation they had just witnessed.

Uncoupling, the two teens moved to the cleaning station and as before, cleaned themselves out; Jeremy making sure that Justin was squeaky clean, since he (Jeremy) didn't want to get turds on his dick. The holes lubed up and Jeremy again drilled Justins' plug back into place, then gently inserted his own. The two visitors witnessed this whole procedure as well, silently; without emotion, without speaking one word.

Both boys meandered back toward the front of their dwelling, surveying the remaining two wooden forms which made no sense to them what so ever. The small talk between the two didn't reveal any hint or indication that either of them knew what these things were. But, they both knew that it wasn't a good thing.

Laughter and shouting began to rise up from the area of the dormitories. Justin with his keen interest to learn more, slowly made his way towards the fence. Almost to close, but Jeremy shouted and Justin stopped just short of getting an electrical charge through his knees and hands. All Justin could do was to listen for any indication of what might be occurring there.

The sound of a motor soon filled the air, over-shadowing the sounds from below.

Jeremy saw that not one, but four vehicles were approaching the front of the mansion.

As before, the men were greeted by Aldo and Ray, with at least four men remaining behind at the cars. The newly arrived guest were ushered into the mansion without delay.

The helicopter started its engine and within five minutes the bird lifted off, turned and headed back in the direction from which it came. The helicopter didn't carry any passengers, just the pilot. The ponies chatted quietly, wondering why the two first men didn't leave with the helicopter.

The four naked servants appeared through the front entry way, each talking to the drivers of the vehicles. Soon the servants and drivers were seated in the vehicles and all headed in the direction of the maintenance buildings. Within ten minutes all eight of them were seen walking back towards the mansion, servants ahead of the drivers, who were delighting in the view of four smooth butts in front of them; two of the drivers, vigorously groping their respective crotches.

They all went past the front entry and proceeded in the direction of the pool, or perhaps they were going to the dormitories.

The two visitors, all the while observing Justin and Jeremy, and the activities surrounding the arrival of the vehicles, leisurely walked behind the mansion in the direction of the dormitories.

As the visitors went out of sight, Justin began to suckle his brother, yet again; a seemingly simple task but one that surely had become a standard procedure for him. Jeremy just closed his eyes and relished in delight at the warmth of the tongue, the softness of the lips, the moisture of the cavernous mouth.

Jeremy lost himself in private thoughts. Who were these new people, these visitor? Why did it seem as if everyone was heading for the dormitories? Perhaps they were all going to the pool. They must be going to spend the night, because I saw the large dining table set in place yesterday. Why are they all here?

Jeremy was not even attempting to answer these adult, grown up, questions. He just wanted out of this place, with his brother. A brother who was bringing him much pleasure and one who would continue to serve him.

Chapter Twenty Four

The aroma of a BBQ waved past the pasture, where Justin and Jeremy were quietly coupled, mouth to dick. The thoughts of each of them drifted back to their home and the nice cookouts they had there.

Just the idea that someone was cooking outside upset Jeremy. Jeremy swiftly withdrew his cock from with Justin and ordered him to the sawhorse.

Justin pleaded with his brother to not mount him again, but Jeremy would have none of that sort of talk.

Justin quietly crawled over to the sawhorse and remained still as his brother clipped his wrist cuffs to the frame. Jeremy adjusted Justins' back legs wider than the first time, giving a nice view of the 'sweet spot'. Lastly he removed the tail from his brother and kindly offered it up to him to clean with his tongue.

The 'raping' of his brother was exactly that, a rape. Jeremy seemed to once again be in another world. Had these diabolic sadists turned him into a sex crazed young adult?

After releasing his sperm into Justin, Jeremy didn't rest this time. He simply withdrew is softening cock and replaced it with the butt plug; then he forced his way into Justins' mouth for a good cock cleaning.

Applause and laughter abound behind the house. Something really special must be going on thought Jeremy. Again, infuriated by the sounds of delight and freedom, Jeremy was not in a good frame of mind.

All of the guests were gathered around the pool area, enjoying plenty of refreshments and food. Some were seated at lavish tables, while others preferred to stand and mill about.

There were ample topics of discussion going on in each of the small groups of men. So were talking business while others were commenting on the mansion and all that was going on around them.

The first two guests, who had arrived by helicopter, seemed to be the only two who were attempting to make conversation with just about the entire group.

Ray and Aldo remained together, allowing their guest to mingle amongst themselves or include them in the conversation.

The four new servants were busy serving the mixed drinks and walking about with trays of scrumptious food. More than one guest was busy getting a good feel of man ass or a curt grasp of the servants cock and balls. The guests knew of Ray and Aldo's want and need for sexual deviations from time to time and they assumed that these naked servants were fulfilling that desire.

Just outside the pool area, the workers had congregated and were busy abusing and torturing the 'dormtoy'. The laughter and taunting would always divert attention towards them, from the guest.

The workers had been told by the master, to do their fun and games there. He wanted the guest to enjoy a bit of entertainment during their visit to the mansion.

The 'dormtoy' was standing tall. His ankles had been tied to a huge wooden plank; his cock and balls exposed for all to see. There was a thick and heavy pole behind his neck to which his wrist we likewise fixed to.

A huge bucket of clothespins sat nearby, and the game underway was for each worker, one by one, to take a single handful of them and put them any where they wanted on the 'dormtoy'.

The obvious areas were quickly covered, then slowly, painfully the rest of the body began to be swallowed up by the clothespins.

The ground beneath the 'dormtoy' was saturated with his piss. Twice, so far, he hadn't been able to control himself and had no other choice.

He couldn't speak, as his mouth was stuffed with a wad of dirty underwear. His ass was doing no better.

Behind him was an angled wooden form, which held a three inch diameter wood dowel stick. The stick was implanted into his newly expanded hole. Each time the 'dormtoy' would move forwards, backward, up or down, the dowel stick would send searing waves of pain throughout his body.

It wasn't long, before a second bucket of pins was needed and the delirious man continued to maintain himself, as best he could.

From a second floor window, the master and "momma" observed the seemingly festive atmosphere below.

The servants were pleased that the 'dormtoy' was the object of abuse, lest it could have been them.

The five bodyguards remained a safe distance from the group, but all of them had erections, bulging their pants; as they too were served drink and food by the servants.

One of the guest inquired of Aldo, why the workers had been permitted to wear clothing. Aldo had no ready, reasonable explanation, and with a little prodding from other guests, he (Aldo) demanded that they all strip naked.

Now the 'playing field' had been leveled and the majority of the guests seemed pleased, if not excited.

A worker produced a small box containing candles, and the hot wax treatment of the 'dormtoy' was underway. From the neck down, the male endured what seemed to be endless pain. Wax dripping where there wasn't a clothespin. Wax dripping on the clothespin and skin, bonding the two as one.

Several of the guests, without prompting, also participated in the waxing game. Others just seemed to gather closer to the activities for a more 'in depth' look.

Ray and Aldo remained firm in their location. Simply observing the guests as they went about. Ray was making mental notes as to who did what and what seemed to stir the hidden passions in each of his guests. Aldo just looked as if he wanted to join in, but he knew better. His function at the gathering was to control and direct the four servants.

As the waxing and clothespin festivities began to wind down, some of the onlookers began to remove their clothing and make use of the sparkling clear waters of the swimming pool. It wasn't long before six of the eight were butt naked in the pool, frolicking about like little kids. Booze does that at times, turning even the most dignified person into a little tike.

The remaining two guests seemed to be in deep discussion with Ray and Aldo. The 'dormtoy' remained immobile, like a statue.

When the servants weren't busy, they were being kept occupied by the bodyguards. They were getting their cocks played with and playing with the now exposed cocks of the bodyguards.

If one were to be a "fly on the wall", you could easily hear "momma" complaining to her husband about all the illness and sickness in the world while she watched the males below having unabashed sexual release.

Back in the pasture, Jeremy and Justin were just finishing up their noontime meal. Jeremy instructed Justin to follow him to the shelter, as he wanted to rest.

Once settled in, Justin began talking to Jeremy as he had never done before. Jeremy listened intently, with interest and with determination.

"You know Jeremy, something strange is happening to me, to us. I don't know what it is. I seem to be getting used to being a slave and you seem to be turning into a bully at times. What gives?

I'm doing what I need to do, so that we don't get punished and you seem to lay back and take whatever they hand out. It had to hurt when they whipped your nuts. I know you didn't like that. And then there is this hard ass pounding you're giving me, just like I'm gay and I love it. You did this before when you were whipped into doing it downstairs but now, why are you doing this.

I'm not a little kid you know. You just can't be pushing me around and ordering me to do things that you feel like doing. These people can, but you shouldn't be doing the same thing they are doing. I just don't understand it anymore."

Jeremy thought for a minute or two and then began his reply.

"Justin you just don't understand what is really going on here, do you? These people took us away to prove a point. Some sort of political statement or something. Now that we've been tortured and abused, they seem to be enjoying us more and more. Why do you think just you and me are out here in this pasture. Why do you think they have made you look like you do? To them, they think it's cute to have two human ponies. They have everything they need or want that money can buy them. Well money couldn't buy us, so Ray decided to make us himself. Why do you suppose they stuck steel balls inside my nutsack? A boy horse and a girl horse, is all that Ray wanted with us, ever since the government wouldn't give in to their demands. We are pawns in a political arena. I learned that much in school.

No matter what happens here, Justin, I'll always love you, I always have. But now, I'm feeling as if I've failed you; failed you in ways that you can never imagine. So, what say, before anybody else shows up, we get some rest; you never can tell when these buttholes will show up and want us to perform."

The words Justin heard seemed to make sense. The one word that really hit home was the word "love". Jeremy seldom if ever said that to him.

"Justin, you've done so well during this whole fucking thing. You went through a lot even before you got here. I'm just trying to hang on to the last bit of humanity that I can muster up. Mom and dad would be proud of me for that; not that they wouldn't be proud of you, but since I'm the oldest they look at me as being sort of a mentor to you. And you know what a mentor is. He teaches others.

So come on, let's get some rest. We both need it. If Ray comes back, he'll most likely bringing some of them guys with him, just to show us off again."

That said, Jeremy pulled his brother's head onto his own chest, gently stroking Justins' bald head. As Justin settled in, Jeremy took his other hand and began to rub the edges of Justins' new nipples, bringing a sudden jerk reaction from the poor boy.

"Sorry Justin, I thought that my rubbing them would make them feel better."

"That's ok Jeremy, do what you think is best, but they are still tender and sore, so if you'd go a little easier and slower it might make it better," Justin replied.

Jeremy lifted the nose ring out of the way and gave Justin a very passionate, soft kiss.

Forgoing the nipple area, Jeremy just took his hand and slowly rubbed Justins' butt cheek until his brother had fallen into a deep, restful sleep.

In Jeremys' mind, he kept going over and over the recent exchange of words that he and Justin just had. He thought, now, for sure his brother was becoming just what these bastards wanted of him; but he was going to fight off this transformation as long as he could, regardless of what pain, humiliation, degradation that might thrown at him.


As Justins' mom was sitting at her home computer, composing and preparing to send another email to some government official, she got the ever ominous 'DING'; alerting her that she has new mail.

The instant she saw the mail header, she was just about to hit the Delete key when she thought otherwise.

Sender: Unknown

Subject: Unknown

The double click opened the email.

Instantly she noticed that something was being downloaded. She feared it was a 'virus' or something worse.

Her eye caught the first, one and only sentence of the email, it read:


The downloading continued for some time. When completed, she had ten digital, grainy, small photos to look at.

What she saw, caused her to scream, to weep, to become nauseated.

Just under the last photo was yet another sentence……..


Chapter Twenty Five

The afternoon went on, without a lot of attention to the two brothers. An occasional onlooker would stop by and lean on the fence; to observe the two, slumbering away in the shelter.

One of the guests, who was accompanied by Tito, also visited the pasture area. They just looked on with blank expressions on their faces, as they made quiet small talk.

As the gathering at the pool began to wind down, more and more voices were heard heading towards the pasture. One by one, two by two, the guests bellied up to the railing to gaze upon the two human figures. It wasn't long before the naked workers were pulling the 'dormtoy', by his nose ring, towards the fence. From his ears to his toes, you could see the little red marks where clothespins once had been in place on the suffering body.

Ray and Aldo, along with their father and 'momma', made their grand entrance. They were followed, close behind, by the four male servants and the two female attendants for the old 'hag'. Thankfully the females were covered up in all the right places. 'Momma' didn't want any of the guests thinking that these women were there for a round of 'entertainment'.

"Gentlemen", Ray said with a shit eating grin, "It appears that everyone is getting along nicely and our family is appreciative of your paying us a visit. It's always good, at times, to mix business with pleasure and from what we've seen today, that today was one of those days."

Aldo and his father exchanged a few words, before Aldo opened the gate.

In a swift stepping manner, Aldo went over and woke the two sleeping beauties.

Aldo had Jeremy take Justin behind the shelter and clean out both of their insides. As normal Jeremy did Justin harshly, and then himself; having Justin tongue dry his love tunnel entrance. The grease and plugs were similarly reinserted.

The enemas didn't go un-noticed. The two first guests were once again observing the process, not withstanding seeing and hearing the pleading from Justin, for his brother not to be so rough with him. One guest smiled as the other could barely look on without showing distain.

Jeremy was the first to proceed out front, to the guests, master and his two sons. With his blinders on, he could only see directly in front of himself, and was not aware of the magnitude of onlookers. Justin followed directly behind, just as a good mare should.

Justin became quite nervous, seeing all the males at the fence. Some of their faces were locked, looking and laughing at him and his brother. He knew what he had to do, although not totally 'broken' yet where it would eventually become a natural instinct.

Ray was standing at the end of Justins' 'sawhorse', so without prodding or prompting Justin feebly moved into position. Wolf whistles and cat calls abound as the guest got a first hand view of his plug, tail and swollen 'anal lips'.

Ray took out a small diameter rope, and attached it to Justins' nose ring, under the sawhorse and body and the loose end was attached to his Prince Albert ring. Ray pulled on the rope so tight, that Justin let out a yelp. The nose piercing wasn't fully healed, nor was it any comfort to pull on his dick with the balls now attached to the top of it. Justin was in no way shape or form going to be able to free himself from this position or the forthcoming torture and abuse.

Justin felt the buttplug being ripped from his ass. As before, he was made to lap the grease off of it, before the plug was placed on the ground directly under his chin. He thought for a brief moment that Jeremy was going to have to perform his anal assault, but Justin was in for a bitter surprise.

Jeremy was being led to one of the other wooden devices, and made to place his legs either side of a plank of wood, which was slanted downward, head first. This left Jeremys' ass with an upwards angle of some degree.

Jeremys' tail gently, slowly, swayed in the light breeze which continued to filter across the open pasture. He was bound by his limbs, so that he too was trapped without means of eluding his tormentors.

The 'dormtoy' was brought in and his ankles and wrists were attached to ropes on the ground, as he lay there face up. Ray, grasping a wooden handle, began to crank the body upwards, lifting the 'dormtoy' off the ground about thirty inches.

All three human forms were now, motionless and silent; each in his own world. A world that a slave would only be privy to.

By now most all of the men were commenting on the three slaves. Some of the comments would turn your stomach if you had been there to hear them. All of the workers had raging erections and most, not all, of the guest were in a similar situation, as Ray began to address the group.

Ray informed the group that all three of the slaves were now positioned for their use and self fulfilling pleasures. Furthermore, Ray informed them of any and all things that they could not do to the slaves. This was probably the kindest Ray had been towards the slaves since their arrival and transformations began.

The workers began acting like a pack of starving dogs, but knew that the guests had first 'crack' at the boys and the 'dormtoy'.

The guests needed a little prodding from amongst themselves, and of course 'momma', before they slowly disrobed and proceeded to avail themselves of the six holes bidding their attention.

There was ample fucking and sucking going on. When some guests had tired of the slaves, they simply aimed the cocks onto or into the slave and let loose a torrential stream of hot piss. "Momma" seemed most pleased with this as she vocalized her approval.

The onslaught of pain and pleasure continued as the workers made quick work of ravaging the three bound bodies. "Momma" added a little flair to the excitement at hand, by tossing a whip into the midst of the workers.

Understanding her approval and her delight, each of the slaves was severely whipped on most ever inch of available skin visible. The shrills, shrieks and crying continued for some time after the whippings had ceased.

Tito entered, and with him he brought warm water, soap and a strong disinfectant which contained a numbing agent. He tended to the 'dormtoy' first, then set about taking care of Jeremy and finally Justin, who needed the most tending too.

The workers, released the 'dormtoy' from his bindings as a large roar of applause erupted from the workers and "momma".

Jeremy was the next to be released but not until his tail had be pushed back in, holding within him the copious amounts of manseed.

Justin was still being cleaned up, as Jeremy crawled properly to him. Justin was in a state of delirium, but recognized his brother. Tito was still swabbing the blood away from the mares' asshole, as Jeremy rose up on his knees and offered his ringed cock to Justin. Justin carefully took it all into his mouth, his gag reflex long since overcome. Justin could feel Jeremys' Prince Albert rubbing the inner parts of his mouth. Justin was in no condition to perform any manner of oral sex on the cock, so he just held in firmly and lovingly in his mouth, as Jeremy let loose of his bladder and filled Justins' belly with golden nectar.

Tito knowing the discomfort Justin must have been in, reached beneath the slave and released the clamp on the plumbing, in order for Justins' bladder to likewise drain. It seemed like an 'endless' stream of urine, but finally it dwindled down to just drops. Tito left the catheter unclamped during the remainder of his time with Justin.

There wasn't a word said, but most of the guest and workers began to filter their way back to either the pool or the dormitory. All appeared satisfied, sexually, that they had had enough for the time being.

The 'dormtoy', however, was left behind; to freely roam within the confines of the pasture.

"You know, Jeremy, that all the punishment and abuse your 'mare' went through, I would think you could have been a bit more understanding and not have forced yourself on him. After all, my little butterfly here has taken so much and so many up into his body that most males would of passed out or died from the pain. If I were you, I'd be finding some way to make it up to him." Tito said in his normal calming tone of voice. "Your brother has been fisted so much that his opening has been ripped and is bleeding. The lips are beginning to swell, and all you can think about is getting his mouth around your dick. You should be ashamed of yourself. Perhaps I'll find a way to encourage some humanity in you."

Jeremy said nothing, but kept his eyes focused on his brothers head and mouth. He never contemplated removing his cock from Justins' mouth until, from behind him the 'dormtoy' pulled him backwards, landing once again on his buttplug; causing him to yelp.

With the sun waning, and being almost finished with Justin, Tito began gathering up his supplies; hoping for a little more time with all three slaves.

The ointment Tito used on the slaves was doing a great job of deadening the pain and discomfort. The 'dormtoy' finally sat down on the soft grass, leaning up against the frame that once held his body. Jeremy was sitting in front of and to the side of Justins face, finally showing signs of exhaustion.

Tito removed the bindings from Justin and gently eased the 'mare' off of the wooden sawhorse.

As Tito began to get Justin to the ground, he noticed that one guest had returned to the fence railing.

"You need help with them?" questioned the man.

"No thanks, I've about got it all under control. But thanks for asking anyway. These men have certainly had a rough day to say the least." Tito replied.

"Yes, I couldn't help but notice how brave they all were. I'm not sure if you noticed, but I wasn't among those who did any of this. Man sex is not in my life style. And, for me, personally I don't see what they get out of inflicting pain and suffering on another human being for simply no reason at all." Said the man. I hope your little 'butterflies' will be ok without any lasting mental of physical damage."

Tito listened intently, to the man. Word for word was being digested in his brain and thought process.

When he turned to say something to the man, the space was empty. Tito looked the entire length of the fence rails but the man had vanished into the twilight of the day.

"Butterflies" clamored Tito….. How did he know….who is he… and why is he here. Tito went into defense mode as he tried to put the puzzle pieces together silently, without showing alarm to any of the three boys.

Tito instructed all three slaves to the fact, they all three would be spending the remainder of the day and night together. It was intended that way, to give them ample time to rest and recuperate. As Tito was leaving the gated area, three servants came with the evening meals.. Two bowls for the brothers and one plate of decent food for the 'dormtoy'.

For the last hours, the who, the where, the why, the when, was being tossed around by the parents of the 'stallion' and the 'mare'. They hadn't heard anything in over a month, not one word. All they knew was that they kept sending money to an agency who was attempting to locate the two brothers. The email was not traceable, not even to 'dads' inner sanctum. No one had the right answer; some not even a single suggestion. Had the agency found them, had the agency subcontracted the job out? If only they could have at least one answer.

The three slave boys finished eating as the bright night light once again became the obvious.

There was no need for a late night enema, nor any 'tom foolery'. All the boys lay gently on the bed of straw, side by side, skin against skin.

"Justin, are you forgetting something?" questioned Jeremy.

Justin placed his sore, aching mouth around the flaccid cock and fell fast asleep.

Chapter Twenty Six

By trey, marcus and billy

As the morning drew near, Justin was the first to stir from his personal 'dreamland'.

The sun had yet to begin its' accent, and the night light was still beaming rays of brilliant beams, covering the pasture and shelter.

Due to Justins' early awakening, Jeremy also woke. Noticeably upset about being disturbed, Jeremy quietly belittled his brother. Then being the 'stallion' that he was becoming, Jeremy began his new found morning ritual; filling Justins' stomach with a collection of nighttime piss.

The 'dormtoy' hadn't felt nor heard either of the brothers, as they trod off to the 'pit' for their morning enemas. With the enemas finished, holes greased and plugged, both slave boys returned to the shelter just as the 'dormtoy' was beginning to stir.

Justin startled the 'dormtoy' the second that he (Justin) wrapped his mouth around the semi-rigid cock.

"Damn boy", began the 'dormtoy', "you sure can suck a cock. I guess they have given you plenty of lessons, as they have me. It finally feels good to have my dick worked on, instead of having a nasty and dirty cock shoved down my throat."

Seeing the delight in the 'dormtoys' face and the excitement in his voice, Jeremy told him to let his piss go. Without a single breath of hesitation, a hot steady stream began to fill poor Justin.

"Jesus boy", exclaimed the 'dormtoy', "sure looks like you have more experience in being a piss hole than anybody I've ever heard of."

Jeremy instructed the 'dormtoy' where the 'pit' was, and soon the 'dormtoy' left to evacuate his bowels. Upon returning, Jeremy instructed, once again, Justin to lick clean the hole.

Justin decided, right there and then, that he would never question his brother, ever again. He felt defeated, not only by his captors but by his own flesh and blood. He gathered up enough courage so that not even a single teardrop did he shed.

Jeremy and the 'dormtoy' took up conversing with each other about many things that had been going on at the mansion, i.e. what training that he and Justin had been forced to undergo, what humiliations and degradations that they had to endure, and why they were actually here.

The 'dormtoy' in like fashion went about describing his situation to Jeremy, knowing well that Justin, too, could hear the conversation.

Neither of the two opted to include Justin in any of their conversations. Once again, Justin felt left out and all alone.

Both reveled in the fact that finally Justin had to get fisted the day before. Jeremy had experienced it in their training room only once, but that was enough. "Dormtoy' was exuberant in knowing that he only had one or two workers who enjoyed that vile form of debauchery. But knowing that Justin was subjected to five such forceful openings was quite a spectacle to witness. Each of them could not understand or accept the fact that Justin remained totally silent during the prior days' 'festival of flesh'.

Had Jeremy finally stepped over the line? Had Justin become just another one of the masters' animals of passion?

Cutting the conversation off was the arrival of the morning meal. The servants were followed by Tito and the one guest who, least of all was intriguing.

In silence, the two men watched as the three eagerly consumed their respective meals.

No sooner had the meals been devoured, that a small group of workers came and swiftly removed the 'dormtoy'. He left screaming and kicking, as he was led away by his nose ring; getting a multitude of strikes from leather belts as he protested in vain. Both, Tito and the guest were not impressed by such a display so early in the day; but thankful now that only the two brothers remained behind.

After three good meals, including their morning meal of this day, the two brothers seemed to be getting sleepy and less energetic. Had, in fact, their meals have been laced with some form of drug?

Jeremy was struggling to fight off the effects of his being sleepy so soon in the morning. He spoke a few quiet words to Justin and they both strode back and into the shelter.

"Justin", Jeremy softly began, "I've been doing some thinking last night and today. You know I love you. You know I'd do anything for you if you asked. And, you know that I've had a good girlfriend that has been so good for me. But, what I'm getting at is, she is no where as loving and caring as you are. The love you have shown me and given me ever since we were old enough to understand is awesome dude. I never want to be apart from you. We are brothers, a team. I know that sometimes I've been mean to you, picked on you and even blamed you for things that were my fault; and you never ratted me out and you took the punishment for my bad ways.

Ever since we were taken, I've grown to love you even more. Mom and dad never explained to me, probably not you either, about real true love. Now, I think that I can better understand the meaning and feelings of true love.

I know that you've only had a 'social' girlfriend and not one where you were in a serious relationship with. I guessing that these past few weeks are the only real sex that you've had. Boy to girl sex is great. Boy to boy sex is not so good, BUT, man to man lovemaking seems to be really something else. The only time that I've felt complete is when I'm around you, with you and inside you. Justin I love you so much that it is starting to hurt."

Tito and his guest seemed to be in a trance, watching as the two slaves kept their positions and by all appearances were having a conversation. Tito remained silent, not commenting nor questioning. It was as if he was seeing the real bonding that two males can have. He was getting a warm feeling in his heart for the two slaves. He was happy, for once.

The guest, now resting one foot upon the lower fence rail, maintained his vigil as well, as the two slaves slowly lowered themselves down upon the straw. The 'stallion' and the 'mare' were now prone, facing one another. He witnessed the 'stallion' laying his youthful arm across the torso of the other.

What he and Tito saw next was, to say the least, very emotional and heart warming.

"Justin, I want, I need, I desire to kiss you." Jeremy proclaimed with a sincere tone in his voice.

Slowly Jeremy moved his face to that of his own brother and gently gave Justin a kiss directly on the mouth. Justin then, took his own arm and placed it over that of Jeremy; locking them together as one.

Again and again Jeremy lovingly kissed his 'mare'. Intermittent words, sentences, fell between each and every exchange of building passion.

In a sense, Jeremy was the first person to ever kiss Justin; other than his parents. Justin began to reciprocate the advances being made by his brother. It wasn't long before the two males were in a tight embrace, exchanging each of their tongues in what you could feel as not only a 'lesson', but a loving commitment to each other. Justin was flooded with emotions, questions, and thoughts.

Each time he thought he understood his brother, Jeremy seemed to shatter everything with some new twist to life. Justin began to wonder, to think, if Jeremy was being honest and sincere. If not, could Jeremy be setting him up for some other dastardly bit on dominance? Over the past weeks, Justin had all but forgotten the good times, he and his family had experienced. He had become something or someone else. Yet, he still struggled to maintain his mental balance and physical well being.

Jeremy removed his arm from Justin and put the palm of his hand on the cock and scrotum of the 'mare'. Slowly, Jeremy lowered his head to the left nipple of Justin and began licking the area around it. The sensation Justin received was new to him. It felt good, it felt great.

For the next few minutes, Jeremy continued to bath Justin with his love and affection; then all too soon both of the slaves broke their hold from the other and fell to sleep. Sleep seemed odd, being that they had only been awake for a few hours.

While the two brothers slept, there was plenty of activities going on outside and inside the mansion.

Behind the dormitory, the workers were having their way with their 'dormtoy'. Hung up on the big tree; like a freshly killed pig. His hands tied to distance beams and one by one, the workers made fast work of their own personal degradation and pain. The poor soul was bathed in torrents of hot piss and semen. His flesh was covered in raised red welts and some even re-attached handfuls of skin biting clothespins. When they tired of the poor male, they left him hanging there; perhaps for the next group of workers or just out of meanness.

Inside the mansion, Ray and Aldo were instructing the new servants on the proper manner of bathing another male. These four servants were astounded by the brash and bold manner with which they were being spoken to. None of them seemed pleased to be 'talked down' to. At times it seemed as if, at any given moment the servants would mutiny and that would be the end of the two so called 'heirs to the throne'.

A great deal of business was being conducted in the office portion of the mansion. With the master sitting behind his large hardwood desk and sitting rather 'lordly'; as others either sat or stood. If a stranger was to hear any of the conversation, they would or could, only assume that everybody in attendance was dealing in some form of a commodity. Besides the illegal buying and selling of drugs, a certain portion of the chat was about the 'dormtoy' and the newly acquired 'pony boys'. Some even went as far as to offer up a tidy sum of money to buy them, separately or as a group. The lone guest standing far away from the desk, seemed only interested in what the others were saying; more directly who was selling and who was doing the buying.

"momma" arrived some time after the meeting was well under way. She, as always was followed by her attendants. She muttered a few words to her husband, and with a smile on her face turned and left the men to continue.

The morning hours continued with discussions, and story telling, but all to soon Aldo entered the room and he too, spoke with his dad. Another group of men had arrived and were out at the pasture. They had brought several mules laden down with 'goods'.

Excusing himself, the master made quick work of getting out to the pasture. There he saw about a dozen of the tribesmen, in their normal attire (nearly naked); tied to the fence were the four mules.

Sitting opposite the mules, on the ground was a wooden cage made out of heavy stalks of sugar cane and bamboo. Within the cage was what looked as if at one time it was a human, but now without a closer inspection one could not be certain.

After greeting each member of the group, all the attention was turned to the shelter, still harboring the two sleeping 'ponies'.

Ray turned off the electric wiring and moved rapidly over to the shelter. Hovering above them he swiftly and with malice gave each of them a swift kick in the leg.

Startled, the two brothers woke simultaneously. Seeing Ray, and then to hear him before all their senses were alert.

"Alright ladies, let's see your proper positions and keep yourselves that way the remainder of the day, no exceptions." Ray barked. "We have some visitors this day who have heard of our new bred of pony and have come to see them in action. So perform well, and maybe, just maybe, you won't feel the pain of the whip.

Somberly, Justin moved into position over his sawhorse; knowing well that his 'ability' to be taken by Jeremy was part of the 'show'.

As Justin wiggled himself into his stance, several of the tribesmen moved in for a much closer view. Jeremy was about to take his hands and remove the plug, when Ray commanded him to remove it by using his mouth.

With his teeth firmly embedded into the plugs' base, Jeremy began to withdrawn the oversized object, which he had, not to long ago, rammed into this same piece of slave ass. Once the plug was out and set aside, Jeremy moved in and mounted the 'mare'.

One of the tribesmen proceeded to lift up Jeremys' tail, in order to get a better view of the stallions nutsack banging away beneath the 'mares' love chute.

As Jeremy slowly, mechanically and lovingly entered Justin, he leaned forward enough so that he could whisper into Justins' ear. "Justin, I love you. I'm going to go slow this time just so you will know how much I do love you. I want you to be mine forever and ever." With a slow steady rhythm, Jeremy began his sex act on Justin. He never stopped whispering into his brothers' ear; not even as he was dumping his seed deep within the confines of Justins' honey hole.

Completing the act of copulation, Jeremy dismounted the 'mare' and then proceeded to relocate to Justins' mouth, wherein Justin opened up and suckled the softening member until it was clean again.

A huge round of applause from the tribesmen and other onlookers erupted and that pleased Ray quite a bit. Too much perhaps, as he then instructed Jeremy to locate his body under the same frame which was used the other day on the "dormtoy".

Ray, with the aid of several workers placed Jeremy on his back and rigged him up exactly as they had done to the 'dormtoy'; then he was in like manner raised off of the ground. Spread-eagled, swaying about thirty inches off the ground, Jeremy remained silent, but not from his training; silent rather, out of fear and intimidation.

Ray carefully replaced Justins' tail, before he unceremoniously yanked the tail/plug from within its' dark and moist cavern of Jeremys' body.

He motioned for one of his naked servants to come forward; which he did, as he was carrying a large tub of grease.

Ray began conversing with all the guests, as he liberally greased up his own hand and forearm. It was as if he was giving them instructions on the proper method or prepping ones' hand prior to insertion.

Ray leaned over Jeremy's bound body, staring him right in the face. "Do you remember your training, downstairs? Well I sure hope so, because today is going to be your lucky day."

Slowly Ray began to abuse Jeremy, all the while talking vulgar, mean things to him. Ray wanted to cause Jeremy more embarrassment than pain. He located Jeremys' prostate gland and began a gentle fingering. In no time at all Jeremys' cock became rigid and swollen, as he tried to fight off the discomfort of his cinch ring as the ring began restricting the 'outflow' of blood. Jeremys' body began to buck and thrash about as the primal instincts and the bodily desire to ejaculate seemed inevitable. Ray instantly ceased his manipulations, which created an atmosphere in Jeremys' brain of frustration. Ray teased his captive 'stallion' over and over again; each time stopping in advance of the semen's involuntary purge.

All the on looking tribesmen seemed well pleased at the 'show'. Everyone of them was sporting a stiffy. It was suggested, if they desire, to strip naked and get comfortable; as it may prove to be quite a day.

As the morning became noon time, Jeremy had been worked over by no less than five different males. Some of them were workers and others were tribesmen.

Two servants arrived at their prescribed time, bringing the two ponies their noon meal. Ray informed everyone that they could proceed to the back of the house as lunch had been prepared for them there. Just before everyone turned to leave the pasture area, Ray instructed the tribesmen to take their cage and set it down inside the soon to be electrically charged area. The cage was brought forth and Ray opened the small door at the front. Out came a long, very long, haired male image. He was disgustingly filthy, with a foul body odor to match. He spoke not one word, nor did this 'thing' stand totally erect. After being caged for who knows how long, the best he could do was to remain hunched over. The long finger nails were another indication that who or what ever he was, he had been left uncared for over a long period of time.

There were smooth wooden sticks, poking through several areas of his body. A sizable stick was running horizontal thru the cartilage of his nose and his nipples had sticks lanced through them as well. His ears had some sort of a green vine like substance running through them, forming large circles dangling beneath each of them.

Ray decided to leave Jeremy trussed up during the lunch time break, therefore allowing (should he choose) the caged male to eat Jeremys' meal.

Justin could only look on in horror, as Ray exited the pasture and activated the electrical system. Justin quickly moved over to his brother and began talking to him, attempting to get Jeremy to relax the best he could.

While talking with Jeremy, Justin kept one eye focused on this newcomer. It seemed as if this man was not that old. Perhaps, even, a young adult as Justin began thinking the age might be around twenty or twenty one.

Jeremy convinced his brother to eat his noon meal, which he did. While Justin had thoughts of his brother going without a meal, he noticed that the caged man had picked up the bowl of food and was hand feeding Jeremy hanging, still, in the precarious position.

As soon as Jeremys' bowl was empty, the man went directly to work at Jeremys' love entrance. Carefully the man was attempting to sooth the pain from the ravaging it had endured. Softly, smoothly, with two fingers he massaged the puffy skin surrounding the entrance. The bright redness of the sphincter muscle was clearly visible to the naked eye.

Justin knelt silently, observing the attention that Jeremy was receiving. Justin seemed internally pleased that his brother was finally beginning to settle down; yet silent tears still flowed down his cheeks and fell to the ground beneath him.

The strange boy, next, began to rim Jeremys' butt. A refreshing and most delightful task, indeed. Justin crawled over to the stranger and began his trained duty of sucking on the naked cock.

Moments later the familiar sound of an automobile engine was heard. After the motor had been turned off, the sounds of several men, shouting a top their voices could easily be heard. All to soon the voices were at the fence and Tito was amongst the men.

The gate was opened and two of the newcomers entered; pulling behind them a naked slave, on a long chain which was attached to his ever so large nose ring. They attached the free end of the chain to the fence rail and locked it in place.

After several minutes of conversation, they too, went to the opposite side of the house. It was now becoming obvious that all of the visitors, this day, had their own slave, pony, or play toy.

Tito was the only one who remained behind, standing just outside the gate. He looked upon a pasture that was now holding four males in captivity. He gazed with pride, yet sadness, in his heart and soul.

As he watched Justin and Jeremy, trained so well in a short time, banded and ringed beyond the imagination, his mind traveled back in time to all those who he had seen before. Some stayed on as workers, others sold, traded or given to others. He thought of the four new servants, tending diligently to every need and desire of Aldo and Ray.

His eyes went to the mansion, staring at it, as it seemed to be staring back. He noticed the one guest glaring out the upstairs window. Tito blinked his eyes and the guest was gone, as fast as he had appeared in the window.

Tito turned his attention back to Justin and Jeremy, thinking about how sore Jeremys' butt must feel, even with the strange man licking and sucking on the love chute. He wondered, too, if Justin had become a mindless 'fuck object' as well.

Tito glanced over to the newest arrival, who by now was sitting down in the soft grass, head in hands, and bawling like an infant. Something seemed strange, yet familiar with this one. Tito couldn't put his finger on it, but knew something was very wrong.

The stranger quietly and suddenly appeared standing next to Tito. Both men, staring into the others eyes as pleasant greetings were exchanged.

"It sure is strange seeing humans behaving in such a manner," the guest began. "I wonder if they ever got back to society if any of them could change back, you know, return to being normal men. I seems sad enough, but they look so young, so virile. They all look as though all of this had been whipped into them and none of them like it. Look at the two brothers, they seem ok now, but what they have gone through must have been torturous. The rings in the one boy are nice looking, but to what degree does 'nice' turn into slavery."

"Well", began Tito, "The slaves you see here are all taken, not be choice, I'm sure. The two brothers have been under my care since the day they arrived. The dirty one, I'm not sure of and the crying one I can't tell."

Once again the stranger spoke, this time with more of a cryptic tone and yet one of assuredness. "What if, just 'if', you could help one of them, would you? I mean, if you could only help one of them would you or would you want to help all of them. I don't mean in a training or torture sense, I mean in a way so that he would be set free. If you could buy one of them or all of them would you, just to set them free. You see, what I'm getting at is, that there is more here than meets the eye. I have a fondness for the two brothers, yet I'd like to help all four of them.

My employer has spent a lot of money and valuable time just to get me this far. I'm not sure, but near enough sure, that my employer wouldn't mind considering all four, not just the two. Do you know anything about the other two, like where they came from, who took them, who owns them?" the stranger fell silent, as he looked straight into Titos' soul.

Tito began to gather his thoughts, as well as his emotions. He looked away from the stranger, gazing once again at the four tortured souls. Before his mouth could utter a word, Tito froze; he froze in place, with his body rigid but his mind began racing.

Staring directly into Titos' eyes was the last of the four slaves, the one sitting on the green earth. Could it be, is it possible? Titos' eyes darted away, looking at the other three; still engaged in their sexual delights. Instant courage brought Titos' eyes back to the one that stopped him in his tracks.

Silent tears continued flowing down the slaves' face. A look, a pleading, a begging befell the facial expressions of the severely abused slave.

Sitting on the ground was Marco. How could he have become such a frightening sight to Tito? Marco was marked, heavily, by what appeared to have been whips and canes. His body rings were caked with dirt and lord knows what else. He had been kept free of body hair, but his skin was no longer the soft, delicate texture as it was went he was taken away. The slaves' rectal opening was defiled beyond imagination. The lips bruised and swollen, but the eyes told the whole story.

Tito raced through the gate and knelt before the boy. With his hands on Marcos' shoulders, Tito tried to comfort him. Tito looked back at the stranger, and simply said to the man, "all four of them". Returning his attention to Marco, Tito began firing off question after question. He didn't wait for answers, as he already knew them. The questioning continued for a few minutes, as the man came forth and put one hand on Titos' shoulder and uttered, "soon". The stranger turned and left the pasture, entering the mansion via the back door.

Tito ran off and returned with a pail full of cool, clean water and sat it down next to Marco. Some of the water, Marco consumed, while most of it was splashed on his face and torso; rinsing off dirt and debris from the journey.


Back in Maryland, another email was waiting to be read. There was no specific information in the email…….. Just the word … "soon". Two additional photos were embedded within the email, showing the two brothers; one photo of them sleeping just prior to being kicked into reality and the other one was of them embracing each other. Later, when the email was read, emotions ran high, as the father began making phone call after phone call.

The late lunch and business talk consumed most of the afternoon for all of the family and guests. Some even taking advantage of the crystal clear waters in the pool, to relax. All of the workers had been either at their assigned work programs or inside the dormitory. There had been no screaming or yelling from any of them which was a good indication that the 'dormtoy' wasn't being abused.

By now, Tito had brought several more buckets of water, soap and face cloth so that Marco could clean himself off. Tito was absent minded as to the legitimacy of his actions, tending to Marco. Tito had all but forgotten about the other three. Consumed with anger and sadness over the condition of Marco, Tito continued talking to the disheveled slave.

Softly, yet struggling, Marco spoke. "Thank you Tito, for your kindness. You will be in great danger should my owners discover that you have helped me."

"Never mind me, Marco. I'm just so glad to see you. I can handle anything they throw at me, at this point in my life." Tito replied.

The stranger reappeared and handed Tito four small vials. "You make damn sure that each of these men drinks a vial each. Wait until after their evening meal before you give it to them, no sooner and no later. The two ponies will feel the effects long before the other two. I've been putting a little in each of their meals over the last day and a half. Once again he turned and left, this time going to join the others who still were in high spirits around and in the pool.

Tito briefly looked at the vials before sliding them into his pocket. He too left the pasture area, heading towards the pool area. Once there, he sought out the owner of Marco, and politely asked permission to clean him up and get him some rest. The owner agreed and handed Tito the key to the padlock, which was keeping Marco fastened to the fence rail.

Returning, Tito quickly released Marco and led him into the shelter, where he told the young man to get some rest. Tito focused his attention on the other three, who were by now nearing exhaustion.

Jeremy lay suspended with the cock of the unkept slave in his mouth. Justin was working diligently on Jeremys' rock hard dick.

Tito began speaking; telling all three that they too needed rest. Justin released his vacuum like grip on Jeremy. The other slave withdrew his cock from Jeremys' mouth.

The slave looked at Tito, seeing something in the man that looked vaguely familiar, but slowly made his way to the shelter; taking up a position next to Marco. Both slaves lay on their backs, legs wide spread; giving anyone ample access to their cock and balls.

Tito lowered Jeremy to the ground and released his restraints. Tito made no mention of re-inserting Jeremys' butt plug. Both brothers made it to the shelter and side by side they lay next to each other; on their sides, arms draped over each other. An affectionate kiss between the two and they fell into a slumber.

The air was turning cooler as all four slaves began to rustle awake. The sun was nearing sunset, as the evening meal was brought out to them.

Jeremy didn't, nor couldn't, think about the required enemas, the urinal, or anything other than wanting to eat.

Along with the three others, Jeremy greedily consumed his meal. None the wiser, after eating, Jeremy decided that he best tend to his trained responsibilities.

Following Justin and Jeremy to the back of the shelter, the two other slaves watched in earnest as both boys cleaned out their respective insides. Decidedly safe, they also followed suit and administered their own enemas. No sooner had they been cleaned, Tito arrived at the back fence and gave each of them the vials. He instructed, without comment, for them to swallow the contents and to bury the empty vials in the excrement laden straw; which they did.

Justin and Jeremy, having been slowly consuming the drug for the last two days, felt the effects first. Both boys began to wobble around, with Tito observing the rather rapid effects. Tito told the two to go back and lay down for a while, as well he mentioned the same instructions to the other two.

The other two, only now being introduced to whatever was in the vials, started to become melancholy. They followed pursuit and returned to the shelter.

Unaware of time, the slaves were startled when all the voices seemed to be close at hand; with the beam of artificial light the only illumination into the pasture and shelter.

Every one of the guest, Ray and Aldo, along with "momma" and the master were present. The workers in attendance were all stripped naked, anticipating another go at the four slaves, fucking, whipping and fisting which ever was available. Tito, as well, was in attendance; but had kept himself separated from the group.

Tito watched in horror as Ray deactivated the electrical security and opened the gate. The workers rampaged their way into the pasture and began kicking and pulling the slaves from the shelter. The guests seemed amused by all the action and the screaming and crying.

Tito maintained his composure, under these trying circumstances and had noticed that the stranger was now slowly making his way towards Tito. The glare between the two men went unnoticed, as all four slaves now had all their body cavities filled; causing an even louder uproar from the guests. "Momma" stood silent, observing the festivities, seemingly well pleased at the proceedings.

In an instant, the whole scene went from festive to chaotic. Ten, perhaps more, loud bangs were heard; followed by clouds of dense, suffocating smoke. The sounds of motors coming up the drive were followed by the sounds of aircraft overhead. Everyone seemed dazed and was having difficulty breathing, including the four slaves, Tito and the stranger.

"Follow me!" shouted the stranger, as he entered the pasture area. "You carry one, and I'll carry the other" he commanded; as he swiftly scooped up Jeremy.

With both men running out the gate, struggling with the weight of the two brothers, Marco and the other slave followed close behind the best they could. The stranger led the small group to an area, clear of smoke and confusion just as two large helicopters were landing.

Justin and Jeremy were loaded into the fist copter that landed, the other two slaves climbed into the second. The stranger stayed with the brothers as Tito hesitated momentarily, before he jumped aboard the second whirly bird

As the first helicopter was about to lift off, a tall naked figure came running towards them. It was the 'dormtoy'.

In a single, life saving lunge, the 'dormtoy' made the effort to get aboard, safe and sound.

Both helicopters rose from the earth, in unison, turning north and disappeared into the night sky.

On the ground, the vehicles had come to a rapid stop and the deployment of troops had the entire group of people completely cut off from escape; as a second group of armed military began sweeping through the mansion.

The naked workers were herded into a separate group, away from all the others. The guests and the 'family' were soon held firmly on the ground, all of them 'hogtied'.

Copious amounts of drugs and money were being carried out of the mansion and loaded onto a large truck. "Momma" never gave up, continuing to swear and squirm as each and every person was picked up and tossed into any one of the several trucks awaiting them. The workers could only stand by and observe the hectic and heart racing actions of the uniformed army of men.

The workers could sense the pending freedom. But, each and everyone of them knew that their past could not, nor would not, ever leave their respective memories.

As the helicopters continued the journey north, the stranger could only stare at Justin and Jeremy. Emotions swelling up inside him, as his eyes began to water. Justin and Jeremy sat facing each other, still holding on to one an other.

In the other helicopter Tito, still in shock, was looking out the small window into the night sky, when he heard what seemed to be a word, or was it.

"D, Da, Da, Da-e, Dad, Daddy". The long haired, disheveled slave was looking directly at Tito, attempting to gain Titos' attention.

Turning towards the voice, Tito saw tears of joy running down the boys face. Again the words emitted from the slave, as Tito leaned forward on his seat.

Taken by surprise, Tito found himself receiving a strong and loving hug from the slave. Now, face to face with this unkept and dirty slave, Tito could see what the commotion was all about. In his grasp, was his own son, Jorge. It had been so many years, that Tito couldn't begin to think of how his son would of looked.

Tito, close to fainting, held firmly onto Jorge. Jorge stumbled for words to say, as he hadn't been permitted to speak for some many long years. His Spanish and English had taken a huge setback. But, he found enough simple words to let Tito know a little more.

After a few minutes, both Tito and his son seemed totally drained and could barely maintain themselves; so they both just held each other and sat in silence for the remainder of the ride.

The 'dormtoy', safely away from harm's way, felt comfortable in talking with his rescuer, as the two brothers faded into their own world. Likewise their ride became a quiet and peaceful one. Prior to arriving at some unknown destination the brothers did however, manage to thank their rescuer and talk some with 'Manuel', the former 'dormtoy.

Once both aircraft had landed, all of the boys were placed on stretchers, loaded into medical vehicles and taken to a near by military hospital.

There the Jeremy and Justin were able to talk on the phone to their parents. The parents assured the two that they would be arriving within twenty-four hours.

During the next few hours, all of them were given complete baths, and then they were given their hospital gowns and placed into beds. By request, all four of them shared the same room, along with Tito.

The next day consisted of being examined by doctors, interviewed by government personnel, the removal of all the body piercings and most important the long awaited reunion of parents and sons.

Tito and his son spent every waking moment, talking and re-acquainting themselves. Tito felt shame when he disclosed to his son, how he was forced to train Justin and Jeremy; and how he felt about Marco and Manuel. Jorge assured his dad that everything would be ok in time.

On the second full day Justin had his testicles repaired, and a surgeon repaired any damages done by the large rings on all of the young men. The toughest part was yet to come.

Days and weeks went by, during the healing process. Hour after hour of psychological testing was done along with counseling.

The two parents, as well, had much to learn about the ordeal of their sons. None of which was pleasant.

After six weeks, all had left the hospital.

After three months, a great deal of changes were made. The parents talked more between themselves, understanding more and accepting more.

Manuel was now employed by the parents, as an all around sort of person, cooking and cleaning etc. He lived in a small apartment over the garage.

Marco was living in the spare bedroom, going to school and doing well. Helping out wherever he could.

Tito and his son we set up in an apartment not to far from the house. Likewise, Jorge was enrolled in school, absorbing knowledge like a sponge. Tito was hired as the handyman/caretaker at the house.

Life for the new immigrants could not have been better. Weekends were spent together and most of the time an evening meal was prepared for the whole group. Skinny dipping with Justin and Jeremy was now an excepted practice, in the secluded and heated pool.

Mom and Dad were finally accepting the fact that their sons had changed, perhaps for good. Only time would tell.

But they would never stop loving their sons, even as they watched the two of them sleeping….. side by side… arms overlaying one another.

The End

Author's note

We enjoyed writing the story, for us; and if you liked it as well as we did, that's good. Five chapters of yet another story are completed and may be posted to the group some time in the future. Our thanks go out to the two authors in the group that have encouraged us to keep writing.