SanibelBoysThe Taken
Chapters 8-10Chapter EightEven in the darkness of their room, the two brothers could sense, and almost feel the presence of Marco. They knew that all of them could not sleep in the same bed, as it was already barely able to fit Jeremy and Justin."Jeremy, why not take the covers off the bed along with the pillows; that way we can all sleep together and stay warm", Justin asked his rapidly tiring and hurting brother. "Ok, Justin, if that is what you think is best; but Marco, you better not be touching me or my brother." Jeremy responded with authority. With the bed covers and pillows on the floor, each of the boys had to deal with going from their hands and knees to a restful position on either their back or side. The hanging ball weights of Justin and Jeremy seemed to be the biggest obstacle, at first. Each movement got the weights swinging back and forth or side to side; adding more discomfort to the already increasing pains. By now the numbing agent in the grease had disappeared and the butt plugs were making their presence known, quite well in fact. The only way the two brothers could find any semblance of comfort was to remain on their backs with legs flat against the floor, providing much needed support for the weights. Marco on the other hand, did likewise, but since he had a dozen more new rings in his body he couldn't get comfortable at all. He lay, like the others but fidgeted and moaned ever so lightly. The one disadvantage Marco faced was that he didn't have a pillow; only the shared sheet and blanket off of the bed. He opted to rest his head on his own bent arm, placed beneath his throbbing skull. Jeremy attempted to make 'small talk' with Marco, but with his ever swelling tongue Marco could only make sounds that were not discernable. All three eventually slumbered into a deep sleep. Too soon, way to soon, the sound of the gate opening, the lights turned to high intensity and the voice of Tito, got the boys stirring from the night's sleep. Directly behind Tito were the two 'gay lovers', dressed in their normal attire. Tito briefly inspected the boys so he could prioritize the morning's duties. The first thing on the agenda was to allow Justin and Jeremy to use Marco as a urinal. Naturally this brought dispassionate pain to Marco. The hot salty urine, stung his two tongue rings, but Marco had no choice in the matter. Marco was allowed to climb into the shower area and relieve himself down the drain. Tito had the two servers remove the three butt plugs and clean them in the shower, while he (Tito) began preparing a special mixture in the enema bag which was to be used on Justin. Justin remained behind as the other two were led back nearer the bed. There they found two bowls of food and water to consume. Tito slid a special tube into Justins' hole and inflated two separate balloons, holding it firmly in place. Keeping Justin on his knees and hands, in the shower area, Tito slowly released the mixture into Justin. The normal and usual cramping occurred, as the bag finally emptied. Tito told Justin to try and relax and soon the pain would go away. Tito left him kneeling there as he went to check on the two who were slurping and gulping down their morning meal. Justin writhed with pain, as the mixture within his bowels seemed to be doing the job as intended. With each passing second, his normally slim abdomen with its smooth skin was becoming what felt like a boiling cauldron. The liquid, which was drained into him, was finding its' way deeper and deeper, inch by inch through his intestines. Justin was feeling like there were thousands of little stinging insects inside him. He began to tremble and his vocal outburst became louder and more frequent. Loud enough to make Jeremy turn and attempt to crawl to him, but Tito prevented such movement. "Your brother will be fine, he is just getting a strong medicated hole cleaning this morning", retorted Tito. When the two boys were finished with their meal, Tito expected to see Jeremy, willingly, clean off Marco's face; which didn't happen. Tito had to voice his displeasure at not seeing an automatic response to a dirty face and mouth. "I'm not cleaning the face of this or any other gay man, I'm only cleaning Justins' face and mouth because he is my brother and I don't want either of us to get punished for our failure to obey," Jeremy responded. Justin could hear his brothers' words, which were, in a way, disheartening. A swift, unexpected foot to Jeremys' backside, got him into a much better understanding. As Jeremy began licking the food remnants from Marco's face, Tito returned to finish preparing Justin. Justin appeared to be in some sort of convulsive posture, as Tito had seen before with his own son. Justin's mannerisms led to a full hurl of his stomach contents. Tito just smiled the smile of further success. When Justin had calmed down, Tito deflated the balloons and removed the tube from Justins' ass. No urging was needed, as Justins intestines gave up their contents, flowing and blasting all over the shower area. Tito rapidly turned on the shower to rinse both Justin and the shower clear of the puke and anal discharge. Two additional, plain warm water rinses later, Justin was squeaky clean on the inside. Tito gathered up more grease, and put an extremely large amount into Justin, followed by a rapid insertion of the butt plug. Tito called out to Jeremy to give Justin an extra good scrubbing, to brush his teeth and too clean and apply antiseptic to Justins' rings. Jeremy complied without saying one word to Tito, nor did he hesitate to get close to his brother. With Jeremy tending to Justin, Marco was having his piercings cleaned of all the dried blood and scum, which occurs with rings and bars. Bringing Justin out of the shower area, Tito wiped off the steel cuffs and collar. Marco and Jeremy were getting 'treated' to having their regular enemas by the two gay servers. "When you two are done with the slave and the boy, get the boy back to his cage and lock him in. Take the slave to the gym and allow him to do his ninety minutes of exercises." Ordered Tito. As brothers do, sometimes, each simultaneously thought of what was said yesterday and what was done so far today. Each of them had enemas, and thankfully neither one of them had to use the mouth to clean the hole. If by magic or heavenly intervention, tissue paper might just appear later today. "Hey, what about Justin?" Jeremy inquired. "Isn't he going with me to the gym this morning?" "No! He is going with me to the 'training room'. He will begin his intense and 'real' training today. You will see him later, perhaps; that is if he is not to busy or tied up with something", Tito pleasantly replied. "Well if he goes into training today, then so should I. We want to be trained together, work together and live together. You can not separate us like this. It is unfair and cruel to do such a thing to Justin and myself", blatted out Jeremy. Tito was running out of patience and feared that he would strike out at Jeremy; but instead he opted to place the leash on Justin and briskly walk himself and the slave out of the slave's room, toward the door leading to a new way of life. The two gay servers saw Jeremy begin to rise up, and quickly and methodically grabbed the slaves' ankles, bringing him back to the floor with a thud. They held on to Jeremy as he began a tirade of obscenities. Justin had never heard his brother say such things and he himself became more hesitant with his forward motion and came to a halt. Tito could see the fear on Justins' face, as Justin began pulling opposite of Tito, as if he were a dog trying to retreat from his master, fearing danger. Tito forcefully pulled Justin forward, almost sending him on to his face. He maintained his pulling and tugging on Justin until they reached the door. Tito knocked on the door, and it opened with a dominant; fear inspiring, blood freezing, muscular male standing in the doorway. The one thing about this man that really stood out was that he had on a full head and face hood; with only his black steely eyes and mouth visible. Tito handed the man Justins' leash, which the man joyfully accepted. "I'll leave you to begin this slaves transformation, and will return shortly to assist you if there is a need. But, now I must get back and put an end to all that racket." Tito hurriedly said as he strode away. "Follow me slave, and don't resist me or it will be very painful for you. Today you shall begin learning of your new life here. You will learn everything that pleases your master and everything that brings him suffering. AND, I must tell you that you don't ever want to see your master in a suffering way." The trainer spoke with authority and assurance. "When we finish with your training, you will be quite the slave. You will learn everything there needs to be learned about what it takes to be a slave to your master. You will learn all of your masters wants, needs and desires. You will also learn that there will be times, many, when your pain and suffering pleases the master. Such suffering on your part, insures you, the slave, that your master is not in a suffering way. You will be able to do things you never thought possible. You will learn how to bring sexual pleasure to your master, in many different ways. You will do things so well, so often, that you will think them 'normal' daily occurrences. Now let me show you the complete training room, and I know you will grow to like it." The trainer concluded as he began leading Justin into an enormous room, which looked as if a whole house was relocated into the catacombs of the mansion. Truly, the entire training room looked like a complete home, with the one exception. The training space which had the most complete up-to-date equipment a good master/slave, into bd/sm, could ever hope for. The sight of this not only puzzled Justin but the lack of knowledge on his part incited his brain to wanting to learn each piece of equipment and its use. Little did he know the extent of the equipment and the pain and suffering it will cause. "There will be times in your training, where it may seem mundane; such as learning how the master likes his bed turned down for the night, or what shoes the master likes to wear with what clothes. What beverage the master wants, depending on the time of day. But, rest assured you also will wish the training wouldn't be so intense. You will learn the master's body language indicating his needs sexually. You will learn how to properly bath the master, prepare his meals and much more. By now you know that the master is married and has a family including grandchildren. You must know, right here and now, that his wife accepts his wants needs and desires as the same as he must accept those of his wife. It seems to make the marriage survive and survival is the name of the game; in marriage and in life in general. As a free man or a slave, survival is the game. Your master has paid me well, to teach and to train; and I want you to know, right here and now, I don't fail, I survive!" The trainer bent over grasping Justin under his arms and roughly brought him to a standing position. The two weights hanging from the slaves' body bounced mercilessly; causing immense pain. Justin attempted to move his hands to steady the moving weights but his hands were quickly slapped away. The trainer proceeded to steady the weights himself, but then with clear intentions firmly yanked on the weights himself. Justin went white in the face as the pain shot up into his stomach region. "Ah, I see that 'we' need to work on your ability to withstand pain. Your reactions to such a minor occurrence is not uncommon, but is something that needs immediate attention" proclaimed the trainer. Silently, yet swiftly, the trainer produced two strands of leather and as before, attached Justin's balls to his steel collar. The trainer was far more advanced in his methods than any of the others; and the strength of the man was certainly more than that of Tito. Not only were Justins' balls separated well, they were almost resting on the upper part of his cock. The trainer, after he had tied them off, gave each one of the balls a flick with his finger; again sending shock waves through Justin. "Now that we have those disgusting things out of the way, let's begin; shall we", the trainer spoke with a tone of disdain. "First, always remember to walk nice and erect, which will become easier as your training progresses. Since you have a wonderful plug up your ass, you will need to practice and practice. So begin by walking around the edges of this room. The more you walk, the more you should progress to walking properly. There will be no more of this walking like a duck. Besides, the plug up your ass will, or should help to keep your cock nice and hard; which pleases your master." Justin slowly and painfully walked the perimeter of the room, over and over again. The base of the plug was large enough that he really had to concentrate on his training. Within an hour of walking the room, he was 'almost' standing properly; with a small amount of perspiration on his body and with warmed grease dripping from his now sore hole. "Well since you seem to be improving, we shall move on to something else, but you will walk each day of your training. As you Americans have that saying 'practice makes perfect'. Now we shall work on preparing your master's bed. Follow me!" As Justin was watching and then doing what he had just been shown, Tito had been busy back in the slaves' room with the others. Jeremy had been brought from being on all fours to his kneeling position, where Tito had re-attached Jeremys' ball straps to his collar. Due to the amount of complaining Jeremy had been doing, Tito had to force a small butt plug into his mouth and secure it behind Jeremys' head. Tito then proceeded to lash Jeremys' back with a small whip, which really was designed to whip cock and balls. Several slaps to his face for being obstinate was about all Jeremy could take for the moment. Tito 'attempted' to explain to Jeremy, some of what Justin was going through and that he should be glad for the time being that it was his brother, not him having to endure the 'training'. That one thought didn't register at all with Jeremy and it only appeared to make things worse. Tito had to require the two 'servers' to hold Jeremys' arms behind his back, as Tito, using the same small whip thrashed out at Jeremys' nipples and rings. Screaming behind his mouth gag, did nothing to stop the punishment. Finally, while still kneeling, Jeremy had his wrist tied to his ankles; making him aware that movement would most like topple him to the ground. One of the 'servers' was made to tug, pull and twist the large plug still impaled up Jeremys' rectum; which was cause enough for the three teens to become excited and erect, like an iron beam. Regardless of what physical admonitions were being handed out to Jeremy, Tito never stopped talking to him. I mean, after all, Tito was only trying to be nice to him, comfort him and make him aware of how 'lucky' he was on this day. Little Marco could only hear and see the activities in the slave's room, as he was still 'behind bars'. Marco wanted to speak out, but feared in raising his own voice. Marco was becoming emotional as he could feel the pain that Jeremy was in, and the situation which Tito and Marco's grandfather had placed Justin added more fuel to the fire. Marco wasn't sure why the two 'servers' had not spoken up in Jeremys' defense, but endeavored to obey, silently, the word of Tito. Marco didn't have to strain the brain much to recall the treatment that Titos' own son received and the training the boy had to go through. How he was wishing that the youthful boy was still living on the grounds. The two 'servers' were instructed, by whatever means, to take Jeremy to the toilet area and use his mouth as a urinal; which they did without any questions or hesitations. Jeremy was mortified at what had just happened, what he had been forced to do. It wasn't as if the cocks in his mouth belonged to Justin. Jeremy was beginning to think that nothing, absolutely nothing, could be worse than this. Justin was just finishing up, making a 'make believe' cocktail, one which his master required everyday prior to eating dinner. Over and over Justin was made to concoct this beverage until the 'trainer' felt he had it down pat for the time being. The trainer decided that a break was in order so he told Justin to assume his proper kneeling position. The trainer, taking the leash, led Justin over to bed area, of the room, and positioned Justin into a 'proper' sleeping position. What un-earthly way to sleep. Justin had a large pillow shoved underneath him, just above his waist, making his butt stick up, so unproportionately to the rest of him. His upper chest and shoulders were on the floor. He had to spread his legs and knees so wide that the air could be felt whisping over his asshole. The trainer made sure that Justins' cock and balls were situated properly, tucked beneath his body, remaining tied to his collar. The trainer placed a wide and very heavy steel bar over Justins' shoulders and upper back. To this he attached Justins' wrist. Not finished with Justin yet, he also attached the rear collar ring to the bar. He took two leather strips and took his (Justins'), still tender, ear rings and attached them to the bar. The final attachment to the bar was the nipple rings, which brought wild screams from Justin. An identical bar was placed on the backs of Justins' ankles and the cuffs were firmly attached. "Now this is proper indeed," gloated the trainer. "The last slave I trained in this room was a lot younger than you and it was so much fun to display him in this manner. You see, someone will always put you in this position when you are required to sleep in the masters' bedroom. And, you must learn to become comfortable sleeping this way. When you are sleeping with the master, should he rise at any time, the first thing he needs to see is a nice firm youthful body near his bed. And what better way to show him a body than to have you sleeping in this position. So you rest, or sleep if you can, whilst I take a meal break.'' "Take this slave to his exercise room, and see to it that he gets going on his muscles. He will have a difficult time doing some of the machines, but make him work at it, and don't let him give up." Embellished Tito, to the two 'servers'. As the 'servers' and Jeremy were turned, heading out of the slave's room, a racket and shouting like none heard before, came from the hallway. Coming thru the doorway, from the stairs, were a handful of men and 'loudmouth'. Before anyone could even see the poor lad, everyone could smell him. What befell their eyes once 'loudmouth' was visible, was hard to imagine. With yelling, shouting and laughter the young man was presented at the entryway to the slave's room. He was covered in piss and drying excrement. His eyes were all blackened and his lips cut and swollen. There was a large round wooden object hanging out of his bleeding ass. "Aldo and Ray told us to bring this piece of garbage down here to you, before somebody ended up killing the poor thing," exclaimed one of the men. "They want you and your little gang to tend to his needs and get him ready for another night with the men in the dorms." Poor Marco could visually see and mentally feel the pain and humiliation the other boy had been put through. He remained kneeling in his cage, silent; with tears forming in his own eyes. Jeremy was getting overcome by the odor and the visual effects of the youth, and just what the men around here are capable of doing to another human being. The 'trainer' appeared to the group, staring at what was once a quiet, nice looking male. "I was just on my way back into the training room when I heard all the commotion. It looks like somebody is having more fun than I am. God, I hope I'll have time left tonight to enjoy him; at least his mouth should still work by sunset, hopefully. Perhaps I should speak with Ray, and he would let me have a go at this male before he is returned to the dorms. Man, that would be so awesome." Tito sent only one of the 'servers' with Jeremy, to the exercise room; while keeping the other to assist him. Tito knew that the first thing they needed to do was remove the object from the boys' ass; after which they would stick him in the shower for a long, warm soaking and scrubbing. Jeremy struggled through his exercise routines, none to fast. He wasn't able to move his limbs completely due to the restraints and his breathing was inhibited by the butt plug still embedded in his mouth. The trainer had returned to the training room. And, found Justin as he had expected; wide awake and sobbing. "Well, my little wallflower, you did not take my advice and give your body sleep. That will prove to be a disadvantage to you this afternoon. Now, I suppose you are hungry and want some food. I have just the meal for you today, and I know you will just love it." If Justin could of moved, he would have. The poor teen was still in his awkward position, his knees really hurting him. The trainer produced a bowl of dry dog food, moistened with warm water, raising Justins' head slightly and allowing his head to return to the bowl. Justins' head was secured in such a manner that he couldn't pull his face out of the bowl, and the gruel was against his mouth and some of it was restricting airflow into his nose. As Justin set about, eating, the trainer was dutifully preparing the 'leather' section of the room for Justins' initial training. It didn't take long before Jeremy began hearing screams and shouting from the adjacent room. Jeremy knew the screams were from his own brother. In horror he continued to listen, as his workout slowed down. Time even 'stood' still, as the training of Justin continued. It was only two hours of training for Justin and two hours of exercising for Jeremy, when both brothers appeared exiting their respective rooms. Jeremy looked in shock, as Justin appeared. Justin didn't see his own brother, kneeling within three feet [90 cm] of himself. Justin quietly moved back to the slave's room, with Jeremy following close behind. Neither of them cared about the caged youth next to the doorway as they crawled gingerly back 'home'. They knew that they had permission to speak, once in their room, but neither of them did. They didn't even raise their heads to look at each other. The trainer went over to Tito and said a few hushed sentences, then promptly left. Both boys had been through a tough 'workout'. Both were in dire need of a shower and a good scrubbing. Tito got them cleaned out and cleaned up in short order, making sure that they were 'squeaky clean' on the inside. He noticed that each of the brothers balls were finally turning a darker shade of reddish purple; knowing that he would have to release the balls and then re-attach the leather to them. After freeing the balls, he made each brother completely shave the other one. The warm shower to rinse off any remaining shaving cream felt good on their bodies (for once). Tito was noticing that any inhibitions or humiliating duties he required of either of the two, was becoming less and less visible. There were only a few remaining duties each had to perform on the other brother, but they would be coming soon enough. The only 'hang ups' they had, had been to do something to or for somebody other than the brother. Tito knew what needed to be done next, not really into doing it; but, his failure to comply would mean certain punishment or possibly worse. Tito had the one 'server' take ole 'loudmouth' down to the training room, where the 'server' knocked on the door and left ''loudmouth' just kneeling there, alone. Alone, that is, until the door opened up and the 'friendly' trainer stood there beaming from ear to ear. The servers were told to tend to Marco, who had been left alone all this time. One went to get him something to eat, while the other just spoke quietly with him. Marco had been fearing much these last 20 hours or so. He feared that his father would send him out to the dormitories or worse send him to visit with the trainer. Needless to say, poor Marco was becoming a 'mental case', in a hurry. With the slave's room now left to Tito and the two slaves, Tito breathed a sigh of relief. He finally could slow down a little and work with the two brothers. Tito did a complete visual inspection of Justins' body, looking for cuts, or bruises. Neither of the brothers had gathered up enough courage to ask the other one about what had happened. It was as if each was ashamed of what he had been through. "Very well then", stated Tito, "We need to get both of my little ducklings back to looking normal; the way master likes to see you both." Tito had Jeremy lay on his back, on the bed; as he re-wrapped the boys' balls. This time, after the nuts were tied separately, Tito placed a one inch [2½ cm] weighted steel ball stretcher between the nuts and the base of the cock. Tito didn't need to put the other weights directly onto each nut, due to the new stretcher. This would bring comfort (yeah right) to Jeremy. Tito finally adjusted the leather from the balls to the collar and that part of Jeremys' anatomy was 'good to go'. Tito worked the butt plug back into Jeremy, this time with little resistance from his pucker muscle. Tito made sure he didn't forget the antiseptic spray on the boy's new rings. As yet, Jeremy hadn't said one single word, nor showed any emotions, not even when his nuts were cinched up. With the basics done on Jeremy, Tito had him assume the 'offering' position; with his ass facing the camera, which was neatly hidden (flush) with the wall. Tending to Justin in the same manner and fashion, as his older brother, Tito was able to do a more close-up inspection of Justin and discovered that his balls and cock had gotten a severe working over in the training room. Now with both boys on the floor, offering their plugged holes, Tito was able to change into a slower gear, allowing himself time to think things through a little better. He knew that the hour was getting late. He knew he had one gay male in the training room and the other still out in the hallway, just outside of the slave's room. Leaving the brothers, he went and had the server's take Marco back into the toilet and shower area and give him one last cleaning and scrubbing before sleep was permitted. Tito could hear faint screams and pleas coming through the training room door and just knew that the poor teen was being tortured and humiliated and the hands of the masters' paid trainer. As Marco was leaving the toilet area, heading for the shower, Aldo arrived and made quick work of inspecting both of the brothers; before making any comments to Tito. When Aldo got to within reach of Marco, his complete attitude changed and he began to belittle Marco; loud enough for everyone to hear. If there was a name which belittled, Aldo spoke it. Reaching in to his pants pocket, Aldo removed a bottle of pink nail polish, handing it to Tito. "I think it would look quite beautiful if the gay boy has his nails painted pretty. I'm sure he will feel much better looking more beautiful than ever." "Yes, Aldo, he will look simply gorgeous with pink nails," replied Tito. "I'll see to it just as soon as he is bathed and allowed to dry." Aldo couldn't resist much longer before he spoke more demeaning, "Yes indeed, the queer one will make a nice bed partner for me tonight. Perhaps I shall fuck him until the sun comes up. I bet he would love that." "Let me know when he is dried and all painted, and I will let you know, then, if I desire to take him tonight. I want to be the first person up his ass, that is, unless his former father wants to pop this virgin ass. I don't think father would need him tonight, and I would hate to see such a beautiful body and ass go unused for to much longer." Tito replied in the affirmative, understanding tone that he always speaks in and Aldo turned and left the room, heading towards the training room to check on the 'progress' there. After giving instructions about the pink nail polish to the 'servers' Tito returned to Justin and Jeremy. Tito got both of them to assume the upright kneeling posture, having them now facing the television screen. Once in position, the screen came to life and the master began speaking. The short message from the master got Jeremy and Justin starring at each other in utter amazement, yet, still with total shame and embarrassment. The masters face faded, as the first of two videos began playing. In the first video, Justin was looking at what his brother had to endure; while he, Justin, was in the training room. It didn't take long before the emotions began to surface. "Oh, Jeremy, Jesus Lord, I'm so sorry. Why did Tito force you to swallow all that piss from them two. I thought it was only you and me who had to take piss from each other. It should have been me doing that, not you. You are not gay or anything, and they are trying to make you gay. You are my brother, my hero, and I would do anything so that you would not have had to do that." Justin continued to watch the film as his brother was bathed, had his ass cleaning and all sorts of small demeaning things done to him. When the video of Justin started, Jeremy could only think of one thing; that being to put his arm around his brother. Jeremy was in awe, as he saw Justin bound to the steel bars, feed dog food and had his plug played with. He began to blink his eyes in rapid motion, thinking he wasn't really seeing his brother get tortured. Jeremy watched, as Justin had been bound with chains; raised off the floor in a 'L' position. He continued to watch as Justin was fitted with electro conductive pads on his nipples, abs, balls, cock and lastly on his ears. The trainer then placed a long, fairly thick dildo under Justins' hole. An electric motor started up and Justin was ever so slowly lowered down onto the dildo. As soon as the head popped through Justins' hole, was the first real scream Jeremy heard. Needless to say, Jeremy was almost squeezing his brother to death, and hadn't even noticed. Continuing to watch, as Justin was lowered more, then raised back up, over and over again. Somewhere during the impalement, the electricity began to flow into Justins' body. As the current increased, so did the duration of the jolt (s). The longer duration, meant the deeper the dildo was going into the weakening body. As if impalement and electro torture wasn't enough to endure; Justin was getting his cock and balls whipped. Sometime later, in the video, Justin puked his stomach contents out onto the floor. After he had been released from the torturous machinery, he was made to lick the floor clean of all his own vomit. Justin's initial hesitation was instantly followed by a torrent of hot piss from the trainers cock. Now Justin had even more to lick off the floor. Jeremy, still in shock, watched as the trainer talked Justin through a lesson in proper cock sucking. Justin was fortunate that the trainer didn't require him to swallow the cum (this time). Jeremy, himself, started to get a quizzy stomach as he watched the trainer work three fingers inside his brothers' hole and began twisting and turning them inside the distraught teen. The trainer then began taking fingers of both of his hands; pulling poor Justins' hole apart ever so slowly; stretching it even more. Justin was in tears as he too watched with wide open eyes. It was as if he was looking at someone else get tortured, yet feeling connected with the body in the video. Not a word had been spoken between the brothers for the longest time. Each knowing what the other must have been thinking. At one point in the video, Jeremy thought to himself about how he was glad that the body he was watching wasn't his. He, some how had distanced himself from everything and everybody in the training room. He couldn't believe that what he was watching was really true, really possible. Jeremy tried to rewind his mind to the nice warm sand and surf that just four days ago, he and Justin had been enjoying. Justin and Jeremy were so entranced by the video, that neither had noticed that now Marco, the two servers and Tito were also watching. When the video was finished, the screen went black; as Marco too, was being led back out into the hallway. Instead of putting Marco back in his cage, he was chained to the outside of the cage. Shortly afterwards, 'loudmouth' was brought out from the training room, covered in blood. The trainer left 'loudmouth' in the hallway, where Tito immediately went to his aid. Tito and the two 'servers' quickly assessed the teens body and began to clean him up; right there next to Marco. Tito left the 'servers', briefly, as he went upstairs to get some supplies and additional bedding. Tito returned with a box of ointments and bandages and swiftly began his "fatherly' duties of treating all the open wounds. Once the teen was cleaned up and his wounds treated, Tito chained him, to the cage, next to Marco. Putting down pillows and a soft blanket for them to rest upon. Tito dismissed the 'servers' for the night, as he continued fussing over Marco and his 'bed mate'. Satisfied that they were ok, confident that neither of them was to be moved later on; Tito returned to Jeremy and Justin. "Now my little ones, let's get you ready for bed." With help from the two brothers, Tito was able to get both of them into their bed without to much trouble; leaving the weights on their balls and straps from their nipples to the collars. Oddly enough, Tito kissed the forehead of each of them; bid them a good night and left. The lights in the hallway went dark, as did the lights in the slave's room. After a few moments to gather thoughts and senses, both pairs of teens began conversing amongst themselves. Unable to clearly hear, or understand what the other pair was saying, each couple just kept to themselves "Jeremy, are you mad at me? Asked Justin, "he made me do all those things. I didn't have any choice. I hated doing that to him. I was sick to my stomach when his dick was inside my mouth. I didn't mean to vomit, honest Jeremy. I tried to be strong like you but I couldn't take all the pain." By now Jeremy had his arm over his brother, rubbing gently upon his back and butt. "I know you didn't want to do any of that crazy stuff. I know you tried to be strong, Jeremy quietly spoke into Justins' ear. "Justin, I have a problem now though. I need to piss. We have to get up so that I can go." Without saying a word, Justin maneuvered his body so that his mouth was now down in front of his brothers cock. Taking his hand, grasping Jeremys' cock, Justin placed it inside his mouth. Jeremy was shocked by his brothers' actions. Jeremy didn't understand this at all. Did Justin want to do this? Did Justin feel the need to do this as a means of begging for Jeremys' forgiveness? Jeremy thought back to the video, to the place in the video where he began to distance himself from the action. Jeremy placed his hands carefully onto Justins' head, as he slowly began to release his own piss into Justins' mouth. With his piss still flowing, Jeremy began wondering if the training session which Justin had endured had actually begun to change him. Justin kept the cock in his mouth after the piss flow had ceased. Again, Jeremy was bewildered by his brothers' behavior. Mother Nature and his own feelings took over as Jeremys' cock began to fill with blood, becoming hard; within the warm moist confines of Justins' mouth. Justin began to pleasure his brother, in the way he had been instructed earlier in the day. Jeremy couldn't believe any of this was happening, the way it was happening and with whom it was happening. Jeremy took one of his hands and moved it down Justin's body, down to his plugged ass. Taking one finger, Jeremy got it between the base of the plug and Justins' hole. The finger began a circular motion around the ever sensitive. This tender moment, between the two, encouraged Justins' body to react. Justin moved in the bed and soon his cock was staring Jeremy in the face. Jeremy, himself, was beginning to mentally return to his honest and true self. Never having a cock in his own mouth, Jeremy paused taking several shallow breaths. Opening his mouth wide enough to accommodate both the cock before him and the large Prince Albert ring, Jeremy moved his head so that the cock could slide its' way in. Being the first taste of cock, Jeremy was thankful that at least the cock belonged to Justin. Jeremy followed the lead of his brother, tonguing the underside of the shaft; allowing himself to produce enough saliva to coat the hard cock in his mouth. When Justin began moving his head down and back up the shaft, Justin followed along and did the exact same thing. Justin began slowly thrusting his hips back and forth, which brought about a couple of gasping and chocking moments for Jeremy. Again, Jeremy followed the lead, set forth by Justin. Still stroking Justin's hole, with his finger; both teens moaned ever so slightly and each mouth was filled with seed from the other. Shortly there after, speechless, they met face to face. Jeremy once again put his hands onto Justins' head and pulled it towards his own. Jeremy kissed Justin, and was surprised to feel Justins' tongue enter his mouth, with the taste of his own cum still prominent. Both boys soon fell asleep, arms entwined with each others' body; still remaining almost in a heart felt embrace. Justin and Jeremy had learned a lot this day, and it would remain forever in their minds and thoughts as the days ahead of them would become even more difficult to endure; physically and mentally.
Chapter NineThe darkness of the night still remained, as Justin and Jeremy began to stir from their sleep. The silence around them was a blessing.The one thing each of them noticed was that sometime during the night their solid wooden door had been closed; leaving them in total isolation. Each of them slowly rose from the bed, paying close attention to their respective balls and the leather which kept them tight and pulled far apart. "Morning Justin, the sleepy eyed Jeremy softly spoke, we need to talk about last night and what we did. Listen, what happened doesn't mean we are gay or anything. I did what I did, because I thought you needed the affection, since mom and dad aren't around. I also did it to let you know that no matter what, I will always love you as a brother should. So we just need to put any bad thoughts behind us and continue to be strong for one another." "I know Jeremy. I just needed to feel close to you last night. I didn't know any other way to show you just how much I need you. After what I went through yesterday and then having you watch it all on television, got me to thinking that you didn't love me anymore." "Ok, Justin. I really do understand. Besides, I hope that you are feeling better now that we got some sleep." "I'm alright except for my butt hole. It really is sore. The trainer worked it over mighty hard and I hope that nothing is damaged. I just wished that we didn't have to have these darn plugs crammed up our butts. The trainer said the plugs were the 'easy' part of training and that we both would get much more than a plug and his fingers stretching us out." "Well, Jeremy started, if that trainer dude thinks he is going to shove that dildo thing up my ass and then use his hands to pull me apart, he has got a big surprise coming." "Hey Jeremy, do you think that they will ever let us go? What if they don't? Do you think things will get worse? Some of the things Tito talks about make me nervous and I don't think I will be able to handle much more." "I don't know Justin, all I think about is your safety and how we can get out of here. I try to think like dad would want me to think; trying to stay calm and keep my thought processes logical as I can." Replied Jeremy. The sound of the metal door being unlocked broke the attentive mood of their conversation. The wooden door swung open, as Tito appeared in their room. Tito turned and closed the steel barred door behind him, and only left the wooden door slightly ajar. The slave brothers were still in the dark but the hallway was lit up brightly. Tito approached the two and they instinctive went to their proper positions on the floor. "Excellent! I'm pleased to see that you are learning well and so fast," Tito spoke in a much approving tone of voice. "Now my little doves, you must listen and listen carefully to what I am about to tell you. But first, if you haven't had your morning piss, I suggest that you get to it and get right back here." Without a word, the slaves went to the toilet area and each one of them emptied their bladder into the waiting mouth of the other; returning quickly to hear what Tito had to tell them. Tito smile inward to himself as he saw how caring and careful each brother tended to the other one. "Ok, now. In a little while you may be hearing quite a commotion coming from the hallway and the two gay boys. I don't want you to get alarmed by the sounds and the noises. Your master has decided that his grandson, Marco, must leave the family. Partly because of what he is, partly because master fears that Marcos' safety can not be secured here should the 'paybacks' get a hold of him. Your master has arranged for the same tribe of woodsmen, who took my son, to also take Marco away. As for the other one, master has decided that since he is a 'payback', it will do him no harm if he stays and becomes a whore for the workers. He will be used and used cruelly by them, I'm certain. He will spend some time here with you on occasion as well." Continuing his 'lecture' Tito remained calm, cool and collected. "You must think about yesterday and also the party master had for you. If you noticed, your master did not partake in you training or even touching you. He enjoys having a personal slave for his use, but not in a sexual way. He likes to see and hear a slave in training, as well as other things. But, he is not really in to male to male sex, like his two sons are. You should never fear your master as he would never himself harm you. Yet on the other hand, as your training progresses, Ray and Aldo can become difficult to understand or to control. Them two, you have to watch out for in the weeks ahead." As Tito finished his sentence, the sounds of many men were heard outside in the hallway. Tito moved closer to the door and peered out to see what was going on. "Tito!! Open that fucking door now! I want those two punk ass slaves to watch and learn. Open that door now or I'll send you to the trainer!" shouted Aldo. Tito motioned for Justin and Jeremy to move towards the doorway, as he slowly pulled the door open; allowing the bright lights to flow into the slaves' room. The slaves where kneeling at the steel gate, the lights of their room still not on. Ray approached the two, standing directly in front of them; with only the steel bars separating them from each other. "Now you two can see what might be happening to you if you don't learn your lessons well. Since I have no son, what happens to this piece of dirt is of no importance to me. The men of the tribe know how to take care of such things and will have a wonderful time with him for years and years to come. I wanted a son to be able to follow in my footsteps, but instead my wife gave me a queer!" Ray stepped away and what the brothers could then see was no less than horrifying.
With Marco unlocked and moved away from the cage, the group of men began circling the boy, chanting words which one could never be expected to understand. The males of the circle aged from between twelve and twenty-two. All of them were naked, except for their body rings and flowered necklaces. All of them were devoid of pubic hair, displaying some rather large dicks amongst the older ones. Marco was made to kneel erect, when each of the men began to slap his head as they would pass in front of him. Marco began pleading with his father to stop this, but as expected the pleas for mercy and forgiveness went unheard. Two of the youngest boys, from the circle, began to sprinkle a fine powder over Marcos' head and chest each time they passed in front of him. Soon Marco was covered in this powdery substance all the way to the floor. The chanting stopped and the circle of men came to rest, as well. One by one, starting with the oldest male, they stood tall in front of Marco and pissed all over his body. After three or four of them had relieved themselves, Marco began screaming out in pain. The piss, mixed with the white powder, was causing Marcos' skin to feel like it was ablaze. Marco fell to the floor, writhing in extreme pain. Aldo stood idlely by and began laughing. Ray stood as still as a statue; motionless and expressionless, as Marco appeared in agony. Whatever the powder was, mixed with urine, enhanced the chemical reaction to allow the victim to feel and think that he was on fire. Marco writhing in pain, his fresh piercings and bound balls were taking the brunt of the torturous experience. After what seemed like an hour, Marco began to settle down. He lay there on the floor, curled up like a baby; now drenched in his own urine. Two of the older tribesmen took separate lengths of rope and bound Marcos' wrist together and likewise bound his feet. Like young Justin, a pole was placed through the binding ropes, allowing the men to lift him off the floor. Once Marco was barely off the floor, the two youngest tribesmen began to place ropes, made of hemp, from the nipple rings up to the pole and stretching the nipples upwards until Marco screamed out. The ropes which had been attached from his nuts to his neck, were now going from his nuts to his ankles. His Prince Albert ring was tied almost vertical from his body. They even went as far as tying his large earrings to the pole above. As a last bit of humiliation and torture, the two youths pulled on Marcos' tongue and grasped the rings; pulling on them, the rings were pulled taught and tied off to his wrists. With his head hanging backwards, mouth kept open by the tongue rings, was an open invitation for more humiliation. The two young tribesmen were ordered to piss into the groups' new urinal. Marco could barely swallow a third of the piss. Aldo continued to laugh and make cruel remarks, aimed at Marco. Looking closely, one could see tears forming in his eyes. Justin and Jeremy were still in shock, watching the torture of Marco; when Ray approached his own son and spit down upon the boys' face. Ray moved so that he was on the side of Marco, reached down and yanked out the large butt plug. One of the other tribesmen, looking to be about eighteen years old, produced a huge object that looked neither like a butt plug, nor a dildo. It was made of wood, smoothed by hours of scraping it on a stone. It had a large, almost perfectly round head, followed by large ridges placed evenly all the way down to the end. The teen spit on the object, as did the two youngest boys. He held it up over Marcos' head, allowing him to see it and to fear it. As the last of the torture, the wooden 'idol' was rammed into the bodies rectum. Marco was carried up the stairs, followed by his father and uncle, who went without even a word to anyone. Marco, presumably was gone from the residence, gone from his family. Justin and Jeremy were told to return to the bed, sit there and wait. Tito opened the gated door and went to the poor young adult still locked to the cage. He released him from the cage, having him assist in moving the cage over near a wall, out of the way. Tito opened a small door and brought 'loudmouth' some cleaning supplies and told him to get busy cleaning the mess up, and to make it spotless. Coming back to the two brothers, Tito could see, by facial expressions, that many questions were forthcoming. Before the boys could start firing questions at him, Tito began his explanation of what had just happened. "Seeing what just happened to Marco has brought back many sad memories for me. You see, the way those men live is far different than any other I know. The tribe supplies master with bean and leaves, which master refines into a product that he sells worldwide. Master usually pays them with food and other items they need to survive. On occasion he will give them a 'special' gift. This time, as you saw, the gift was his grandson." "The tribesmen are not the rulers of their people, the females rule the roost. The only time that a female is with a male is when she desires to produce a child. The women make the men have sex with their fellow tribesmen and should one of them be gay, so much the better. They even make them removed their pubic hair as 'homage to a higher power'. Rumor has it that the women demand that all sex acts are performed in plain view of everyone. So I'm sure that Marco will be used as an object only for sex and torture. The tribesmen have some very cruel ways with the gay ones." After Tito finished his little talk, he asked Jeremy and Justin if either of them had any questions; both boys shook their heads in the negative. "At least with Marco gone, I'll have ample time to help get you trained properly and at a decent pace. Let me see about getting you your morning meal and also one for 'loudmouth'." Using the phone in the hallway, Tito called up to have three meals sent down. Next he went over to 'loudmouth'; noting that he had done a good job, he had him dispose of the cleaning supplies and dirty rags. The meals were soon brought into the slave's room and Jeremy and Justin knelt down and ate the gruel without a problem. The third meal, just sat on the floor. 'Loudmouth' couldn't bring himself to eat like a dog. Tito didn't say a word. He simply picked up the bowl and flushed the meal down the toilet. The boy could go hungry as far as Tito was concerned. A server, followed by three 'paybacks' entered the room. The server removed the bowls as the three men grabbed 'loudmouth' and began dragging him, kicking and screaming, to the elevator; tossing him in and sending him up. With Justin and Jeremy now alone, except for Tito, the brothers internally were praying that the day would get better not worse. The screaming and yelling all gone, brought about a sense of security to them as well; but perhaps that feeling was a false one. "Ok now, let us not forget your purpose here. Your training must continue on a more regular basis if we are to get you both all primed and proper for your master." "Interruptions can be a pleasant change for all, but with Marco and the other one I feel a lot was lost in the last day." "LOST!" screamed Justin, "I have been made to do such vile things and have been violated, electrocuted and so much more; how can you say 'lost'?" "Easy slave, or else I'll have to punish you for your insolence", retorted Tito. "Yesterday was just a small sample of what can, or will happen to you and your brother. Today we need to work on the daily routine so that both of you are at ease with each others body. You will have to speed up the 'normal' part of your mornings and today we shall find ways to do just that." Tito ordered the slaves into the toilet area, and instructed them on the new enema procedure; which they were to follow to the letter. Before starting, Jeremy started in. "Tito, we just don't understand all this. You and your people have taken us from our parents. You have stolen our lives. You have taken away our pride, sense of self worth and so much more. Your people have taken away much of our humility and dignity." "Such eloquent words from such a young male as yourself. But you must accept your fate, as it appears your parents have failed to get you out of here. Both of you will be trained to take care of the masters' needs. Both of you will have to 'perform' for the master. Both of you will be taken and used by Ray and or Aldo. Just hope and pray that you are not sent to the dormitories." The boys removed each others plug, Justins' hole was still quite sore from the previous day's torture. Before they could even set the plugs down, Tito told each of them that they were responsible for cleaning the plugs. After listening to instructions, each boy slowly and resentfully began licking the grease and any ass slime from the plug. Then they tossed them into the shower area, once each was properly cleaned off. Now, each boy was given a special plug for the butt. The plugs were inserted into each other's hole and the bulb squeezed until the plug was firm seated within the dark cavern of the body. Tito not seeing any discomfort in either boy's eyes, came forward and pumped the plugs, enlarging them so much that you could see the hole stretch nicely. The brothers began to cry out for Tito to stop, but that only provoked him to keep squeezing air into the inflatable plug. Tito let each boy get accustomed to the new invader, while he knelt down and untied each of the boys balls; allowing the blood flow to resume normally. The sac weight was also removed, freeing each boy's scrotum to be free of any and all objects of training. Lifting each of the sacs, Tito told each boy just how pleased he was with the stretching progress. "Today we shall increase your weight on the sac and continue to make you look proper." Getting the hose out for cleaning, Tito had Jeremy attach the hose to the tube coming out of Jeremys' plug. Tito started the water flowing and soon Justin was kneeling there with his stomach distended. After shutting the water flow off, Tito handed Jeremy a heavy clamp and instructed him on where and how to attach it to the plug. Justin was now filled and there was no way for him to void his bowels until allowed. Justin then did the same procedure to his brother, instructed and observed by Tito. Jeremy however, seemed to begin his complaining a lot sooner than Justin had. Thankfully, Tito had the presence of mind to just ignore the pleas and moans from Jeremy. "Now that both of you are full, we shall allow the water to remain within the bodies for a time. This time will used for me to further instruct you and to further inform you on what will be expected of you boys. Just a few words about your master, which I feel will make you a bit more at ease. You see, he being a normal male does not really engage in sex with other males, but HOWEVER he does enjoy seeing a male tortured and he mostly loves to see two males working together during a …. How should I say…. A more intimate moment" "In the past, master had used my son to fulfill some of his desires, while having him tortured or abused. Sometimes he would watch as Ray or Aldo had my son perform some sort of sexual act upon them." "So you must, beyond any shadow of doubt, understand that the master himself will never harm you, abuse or torture you. He is truly looking forward to seeing you both perform for him." "I suppose the water has had enough time to work thru your insides, so what say we expel the water and discharge the contents of your bowels." Tito said with a rather obvious gleam in his eyes. Not even thinking, Jeremy got off the floor and squatted over the toilet. Tito told Justin to release the air from the enema plug and remove it rather quickly; as he was sure Jeremy was going to be flowing as soon as the plug was taken out. As expected, Jeremy let go of the water and all the bowel contents in a big whoosh into the bowl. After a minute or so, Tito told Jeremy to go and kneel in the shower area. Justin placed himself over the toilet and Tito removed the enema plug for him. Justin grunted and all that was inside him, was rapidly expelled. Justin joined his brother in the shower. Kneeling almost face to face, staring into each others face. "Damn", Jeremy spoke, that was one full stomach we had. I guess we can get used to that once or twice a day." "I'm glad you feel that way" chimed in Tito," as for sure you will get at least three cleanings a day beginning today. Now then to get you both cleaned up." The next words from Tito brought disgust to the minds of Justin and his brother. They were reminded that they were told what to expect once the toilet tissue was used up. The only thing remaining was who was going to get cleaned up first. The boys looked, blank faced at each other for the longest time. Tito broke the silence by giving them a little bit of 'saving grace'. "Ok enough stalling. Since this is your first time at cleaning up each other, I'll turn the shower on and let the water rinse each of you off a little, BUT what you both must do is to finish cleaning the other after I turn off the water. You need to learn that such an act is not vile, nor is it meant to be humiliating. Besides it is your brother that you are cleaning, and it could be worse; A LOT WORSE!" The shower was turned on, with warm water cascading over both boys kneeling bodies. All too soon the water ceased and each boy knew what was next. Justin wasted no time in his training. He moved in behind Jeremy and began to lick his backside clean. Silently he went about his task, mentally blocking out everything that he felt was vile and evil. When he was finished, he simply turned around, facing the wall; waiting ever so patiently for Jeremy to do his work. Wanting to get this over with, Jeremy did his part ever so quickly. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" chimed Tito; not expecting a verbal response. Tito once again turned the shower on and Justin went to work scrubbing Jeremy from head to toe. When he did Jeremys' groin area, Jeremy naturally became erect and his balls started to tighten up. Tito had to intervene once, telling Justin how to properly clean all of the body piercings. Justin took to the rings and got them clean and free of all the dried skin. Jeremy flinched when each ring was cleaned but he didn't seem to be in any discomfort. Jeremy scrubbed his brother, as if Justin had been his instructor; even cleaning the rings properly. Tito stood in admiration as he watched the boys complete the shower routine; feeling the bond between Justin and Jeremy made him so happy. Enemas done, showers completed, Tito had the boys apply the antiseptic ointment to each others piercings; before getting them back near the bed. Tito got both of them on the floor and again separated their balls and bound them to the collars. The boys were all set for the morning. Tito led both of them to the exercise room, where Jeremy assisted Justin in learning his routine. They worked steadily for the required ninety minutes, at which time Tito led them both to the training room door. As he did the day before, Tito knocked, turned and left the slave boys kneeling there. The door opened and both of them moved into the room. Jeremys' eyes were in awe, seeing the room for the first time. The trainer had Justin go thru the simple things which he had learned yesterday; with Jeremy looking on and hopefully learning. Justin did such things as make the bed, turn down the bed, assume several new positions, which Jeremy hadn't seen before. After Justin had completed what he was ordered to do, the trainer had Jeremy attempt to repeat what he had just witnessed. Jeremy did quite well with all of it, especially since it was his first time at it. The trainer had Justin show his brother the sleeping position, with Justin hesitating a little; trying to remember the exact position. Justin did it with perfection, pleasing the trainer, but Jeremy had a little difficulty seeing his brother prone, hole sticking up. With Justin still in the sleep position, the trainer brought over a large plug; handing it to Jeremy. He also handed Jeremy a small can of grease. "Now then slave boy, I want you to scoop the grease into your hand and pack it right on into that nice pretty hole of this here beautiful pussy boy." Knowing that the grease wouldn't cause Justin any pain, Jeremy did as he was instructed. He got the entire can of grease into the hole and with what grease was still on his hand, lubed up the plug; as he was instructed to do. Having to put the plug into Justin proved to be a little more than Jeremy bargained for. The plug was at least one inch [2½ cm] wider than what they carried around the day before. Noticing the difficulty and hesitation from Jeremy, the trainer finished the insertion by simply and swiftly cramming it into Justins' body. Justin let out an ear splitting scream but moved ever so little. Jeremy was then instructed to insert his greasy fingers into Justins' mouth and get them sucked clean. After that was complete, the trainer went to a cupboard and returned with a two inch [5 cm] wide steel ball stretcher. The stretcher was swiftly installed on Justin and the trainer was pleased with the progress the stretching had made in only a few days time. The leather straps were adjusted to further the separation of Justins' balls. Justin was ordered back to the all four's position; with Jeremy assuming the sleep position. Justin, like Jeremy, greased the hole. When it came time for the plug to be inserted, Justin didn't need any assistance. Like the trainer, Justin knew what he must do. Pain or no pain, the plug had to go in; and in it surely did. Jeremy fell forward onto the floor in pain, as his ass muscle tried to accommodate the large plug. Justin moved forward and offered his greasy fingers to Jeremy, but Jeremy refused to open his mouth. With a swift kick to his side, from the trainer, Jeremy performed the finger sucking without any further hesitation. Jeremy was fitted with his new ball stretcher as he continued to adjust to the new larger invader in his ass hole. The trainer looked on with excitement as he witnessed Jeremys' butt cheeks flexing like a runaway freight train, trying to accept the plug. Not totally satisfied with the way the slave's balls were done; the trainer had both boys get onto their backs. Getting into what seems like an easy position, for you and me, was difficult for the two newly indentured slaves. With a wide based plug, balls tied to the collar, made each movement painful and it had to be done slowly. With their feet flat on the floor and knees spread wide, gave ample viewing and working space to the trainer. Moving between each slave, grasping each pair of balls in his hands; the trainer seemed to be enjoying himself perhaps a bit to much. With the balls tied the way they were, keeping the boys cocks pulled up flat onto their stomachs, which made for an even better sight. In order for the trainer to correct the positioning of the two pair of balls, the trainer first had to be able to keep each dick out of the way. Taking a small diameter rope, he looped it through the pa ring then took the two loose ends and attached each to the corresponding ankle cuff. By pulling the rope tight, the trainer was able to have each cock in a perfect ninety degree angle from the bodies. Now, if they moved their feet they would be pulling on the large ring which shined brightly as it remained, lancing each slave's cock. The trainer was methodical with each and every move, not wanting to cause any permanent damage to the bodies. Ever so slightly, the trainer put enough pulling pressure on the scrotum to get the weighted stretcher as close as he could to the base of each cock. He then proceeded to re-wrap each slaves balls, separating them even further by looping more of the leather between each of them. Justin and Jeremy began to feel the added discomfort and soon both started sounding off to the trainer. Silently he got up, moved away and brought back two dildos, about the size of a mans dick (hum). Each boy had a dildo shoved into his mouth, just short of gagging. At least for the time being the trainer wasn't being bombarded with pleas and whimpers. Taking the loose ends of the leather, pulling without caring, the trainer got each nut to come to rest on the top of each cock. By now, Jeremy and Justin were really letting their emotions be known, as sweat was just pouring off of their bodies. With all four balls secured in place, the trainer let the slave boys writhe in pain for a few minutes as he partook of a cold beverage. If only the two brothers had known what 'loudmouth' was going through at the exact same time, they wouldn't be complaining at all. Without prior knowledge, the master had ventured down to speak with Tito, as he was busying himself in the slave's room; preparing things for later in the day. The master told Tito that he would have some of the 'paybacks' come down and remove the cage from the hallway, as he felt that the cage may end up becoming a 'safe haven' out in the dormitory for "the one who is becoming an object to desires" amongst a lot of the 'paybacks'. Now we ask you, just how sweet and caring can this master get? Tito was informed just how pleased the master was with all the work on the two brothers, 'loudmouth' and the former Marco. The master told Tito that even though he couldn't wait to be near the two boys, he felt that waiting until they were completely trained would be best for himself; and better on the new slaves. The master informed Tito, that tonight, like last night he would be showing his new slaves the training videos from today; the ones in which the two boys had 'starred'. Tito assured the master that the two would be done with their training for the day and be ready to see the video after evening meal, enemas and showers. Curiosity was beginning to show when the master asked Tito, if the slaves had learned to perform proper oral sex yet, and questioned whether or not the two had been humiliated and degraded enough yet. Tito, not knowing of last nights venture, could not honestly answer the master. The master said he would see to it, via the trainer and others that they received ample amounts of all three. Tito could only lower his head and quietly respond in an affirmative manner. Jeremy was the worst one, for complaining. Since he couldn't actually speak, he maintained a steady mumble of sounds; mostly just noises without trying to form any particular words. Justin, being a bit less 'worldly' just remained as still as he could, fearing he would do harm to his own body, i.e. rip his balls off. The master left Tito to finish up what he was doing, and silently walked to the training room. Without knocking, the master silently and swiftly entered the training room; closing the door behind himself. Past the bedroom training area, the bathing area, and the kitchen training area the master saw his new slaves. Neither the slaves nor the trainer knew he was in the room. The area where the master was standing was almost in total darkness, so it was easy for him to stand silently and just observe the training. Pleased, on his initial look, the master remained still, like a stalking fox; waiting to see and hear all he could. It didn't take long. The trainer moved up and next to Jeremy, "well, I guess it's time for you to have some more fun and then perhaps you will appreciate what this other slave went through yesterday" the trainer spoke gleefully. The trainer removed the ropes binding Jeremys' cock, but not before he gave it three hard swats with his 'penis and ball whip', which only caused Jeremy to vocalize more his hatred and dislikes. Jeremy was made to crawl over to a sling, firmly supported from the large beamed ceiling. Once Jeremy was well secured, his butt plug was removed along with the dildo from his mouth. The trainer placed the greasy and dirty plug up to Jeremys' mouth and instructed him to clean it off. "Screw You!" exclaimed the slave. The trainer wasted no time in shoving the plug into Jeremys' open mouth just before the slave had another chance to get a word out. His jaws were spread so wide that if any more of the plug was pounded into his mouth, his jaw would break. "There now, perhaps the plug will be able to get clean by the time we are done with you", the now emotionally charged trainer said. Before Jeremy could comprehend what was going on, the trainer had wheeled over a deadly looking piece of equipment. At the entrance to Jeremys' hole was a long and very thin latex shaft, perhaps as much as eighteen inches [45 cm] long. The shaft was attached at its' base to a steel rod. In turn, the rod was attached to something that resembled a motor with a weird attachment mounted on top of it. Slowly the trainer wheeled the latex shaft forward, penetrating the now gapping hole about an inch or two [5 cm]. The wheels of this apparatus were then locked in place. Moving to the rear of this equipment, the trainer was able to program a schedule of events into the machinery by entering codes and numbers on a touchpad. "Now see hear young slave, you must never swear at a free person ever again. I am here to make your training pleasurable as possible. But, you seem to still retain much of your 'free' lifestyle; which I will work out of you in little time." "In a few minutes, this equipment shall come to life, to lead you down the road to pleasing and comforting your master. You will learn much from this day, 'trust me'. Moving from Jeremy towards Justin, the trainer never looked back at Jeremy when he heard the apparatus come to life. He knew all to well the outcome, which he had programmed already. The master remained silent, waiting. He had much business to tend to this day, but couldn't resist just this once, to witness first hand how his trainer worked with slaves. Jeremy started to moan and groan as the trainer knelt down next to Justin. Justin received four good swats with the 'penis and ball' whip; before the trainer started fondling the young slaves cock and balls. "You know", he began, " I wonder if your master would allow me to have a ring placed through each of your balls so that they will forever remain on the top of your cock the rest of your slave life. And with the weight underneath, your little dick will stick straight out all the time. I think that would be just wonderful". The trainer then straddled Justin's upper chest, removing the dildo and placing it beside the slave. "I've got to take a wicked piss, so what say you to keeping up the good work and being my urinal". Scooting forward a bit more, placing his cock into Justins' mouth, the trainer let loose a torrent of hot male piss. Justin did what he knew was proper, by attempting to swallow all of it. Unfortunately, Justin didn't and he knew that some form of punishment would be forth coming. Not speaking a word, the trainer removed himself from Justins' chest and moved back over to inspect the progress being made with Jeremy. The machine was doing a fine job. The thin latex shaft was no longer 'thin'. Then shaft had worked itself into Jeremy another three inches [7½ cm] and was a bit thicker. The movement of the shaft was also doing what it was programmed to do. Moving back and forth in a mechanical fucking motion, spinning around, moving up and down, and right to left. Jeremy was no longer making his muffled protest. By looking at him, one could not tell if he was enjoying his training, or perhaps he was beginning to resign himself to his new life. The plug was removed from Jeremys' mouth and the trainer held up the last part of it, needing to see if Jeremy would tongue it clean; which he did without hesitation. A long, wide, piece of tape was then placed over Jeremys' eyes. Only a moment lapsed before Jeremy felt the trainers' fingers on each side of his mouth, squeezing hard. Jeremy opened his mouth once again, only this time something different was now inserted into it. It felt smooth, cool, solid. What ever it was had no real taste as far as Jeremy to tell. Jeremy then got a good whiff of what he knew to be sulfur. It didn't take long for him to figure this out either. With him secured into a sling, a machine stretching his love tunnel, gently rocking his body back and forth, invading his hole deeper and deeper each passing minute; may have been pleasant enough for Jeremy. The smell was from a 'stick match' which had been used to light a candle, which was almost 12 inches [30 cm] long. And yes, the candle was the smooth, cool, solid and tasteless thing that Jeremy had been forced to keep in his mouth. How long would he, how long could he, endure the candle. How long would the trainer leave it there? Only time would tell. The trainer left Jeremy to think and to feel, making his way back to the other slave. With a face full of smile, the master turned and exited, the same way he entered. Quietly, swiftly and unnoticed.
Chapter TenCommanding Justin to turn over and get on to his hands and knees, while the trainer began adjusting another piece of equipment.Justin slowly rolled onto his side first, knowing that his cock was still tied to his ankles. Each time his feet moved his dick was pulled down towards them. He had to remind himself not to attempt to stretch out his legs. Finally he was able to get himself into the required position, but with a considerable amount of difficulty and pain. This was also the first time that Justin was able to actually feel the large rings dangling from his nipples and ears. It felt weird, yet it also felt nice and sort of erotic. The feeling he was receiving was a sure indication that the piercings were healing well, and without any infections. Justin was able to turn his head just enough to witness the mechanical fucking that his brother, Jeremy, was receiving. He could not, however, see the amount of fluid wax that had dripped down onto the mouth and hairless chest of his brother. "Ok, now my little slave, it is time for your next lesson, or should I say lessons. So move over here, to me, and I want you to kneel with your chest erect." Justin knew that moving would be difficult, if not painful, but he managed without to much trouble by concentrating on his knee placement. When he arrived at the spot indicated to him, Justin began to bring his chest up. He never thought that this simple movement would cause him pain in his teen dick. As he began to posture himself more erect, the dick was pulled further downward. Justin struggled through the discomfort of all the stretching and pulling and finally arrived at the required body posture. "My, my, how fine your cock looks with your two balls resting on top of it. I'm hoping that you appreciate all of my work towards making you into a good and proper slave. I think that the addition of your scrotum weight adds a lot of worth to your new life. Wouldn't you agree? Now, we need to work on posture. So I will be moving you about and getting your body into proper posture." The trainer completed his sentence then proceeded to outfit Justin. The first thing the trainer did was to release the rope bindings on Justins' cock; which allowed the poor appendage to somewhat swing up and a bit freer. Next, the trainer brought forward a strange looking piece of dark stained wood. The wood appeared, to Justin, to be split into two equal halves, with a large round hole near one end. Taking the piece of wood, the trainer began attaching it to Justins' body. The wood, although split equally down the middle, was hinged at one end. Taking the hinged end (bottom) he opened it up wide enough so that he could trap Justins' cock, balls and scrotum weight on the outside of it. The trainer closed up the device and latched it closed on the opposite end. Quickly he attached leather strips from the device to the sides of Justins' collar. The trainer leaned backwards a little, allowing him to 'size up' the installation. After making a few adjustments to the collar straps, Justins' cock was sticking straight out from his body, and the device, being long enough, also prevented Justin from lowering his head. "Great, just fantastic", the trainer exclaimed. "I was hoping that my estimations of your body length were within an inch or two [5 cm]. I had this made just for you. The 'paybacks' in the shop worked many hours through the night to get this ready just for you. Hell, they even said that they wanted to see just how nice you look in it, so I told them that I may call upon them later today. Won't that be nice?" "Something seems to be missing and I'm not quite sure what that could be" queried the trainer. "Ah yes indeed, I know what it is. Let me remedy that right now." He stepped away for a minute or so, rummaging through one of the many built in closets that surrounded the room. Returning, the trainer placed a sixteen ounce weight on Justins' Prince Albert. Winching with pain, yet remaining silent, Justin endured the situation. A six ounce weight was attached to each of Justins' nipple rings and he couldn't remain silent any longer. He let out a horrifying scream. His screaming caused Jeremy to toss his head in Justins' direction, flinging hot wax onto his own arm and onto the floor. About the same time as Justin got his screaming under control the training room door opened up. Through the door came Ray and Aldo. "Jesus, we could hear the screams all the way out into the stairwell. What did you do, fuck the poor slave?" embellished Ray. "We thought you might like some company and a couple extra pairs of hands for your training today. We even brought a camera so we can take pictures of them slaves and send a copy of the prints to their parents. How proud will they be, seeing their sons being so appreciative of their new lives?" Aldo said sheepishly yet with an evil tone. "I'm pleased to see both of you. You are just in time to help out with this slave's mouth training." Said the trainer. "The slave needs to learn, that if a cock is placed at his mouth, he needs to open up and accept it inside himself. He needs to learn that anyone's cock needs his mouth, for whatever purpose. But first, we need to finish his posture preparations." The trainer had Ray and Aldo bind Justins' wrist to the back ring of his collar. With that done, a round wooden pole was brought out and treaded through Justins' arms so that his elbows were now straight out from his body. A spreader bar was then installed on his ankle cuffs bringing even more pain and discomfort. "Perhaps we should allow the slave some time alone, to adjust to his situation and meditate on what he has learned so far and what he has felt." said the trainer, just as Ray and Aldo had begun slapping the nipple and dick weights around. Without wasting time, Ray moved away heading towards Jeremy. By now, the machine had been working away for almost an hour. The grease within Jeremys' body had begun to liquefy due to the friction being applied by the latex shaft. There was a small pooling of grease beneath Jeremys' ass, and a small amount of blood could be detected on the outer lips of his hole. By now the shaft had increase in diameter to almost three inches [7½ cm] and the length inside of Jeremy estimated to be around ten inches [25 cm]. Small dabs of cum were drying on his abdomen, as a result of the mechanical fuck working his love button buried within his ass. "Do you intend to also teach them that an ass in front of them needs their immediate attention as well?" questioned the ever mean Ray. The trainer replied that was also on his list of things to teach today. "With Tito requiring three enemas a day, it won't be long before these slaves have no more worldly urge to take a dump" informed Tito. "We also must rid them of any need to feel the urgency to take a piss. So if you'll excuse me, for a moment, I'll prepare for this slaves piss control functions." While Tito was away, Ray and Aldo took up standing either side of Jeremy, looking down with amazement at the wax droppings on the body. An evil, mean and torturous look befell Ray as he eyeballed the body swaying next to him. He grabbed at the candle, yanking it from Jeremys' mouth, wax flying everywhere. He focused his gaze on the two beautiful balls bound onto the teenage cock. Ray began dripping the hot molten wax onto the two bald nuts. Screaming now prominent, within the confines of the training room. Justin wanted and needed to look in his brothers' direction, but was being forced to remain perfectly still. While the wax was flowing, Aldo began to attach ropes to both of Jeremys' nipple rings, feeding the rope through two eyebolts in the ceiling. Aldo went over to speak with the trainer for a moment, then returned with one pound weights. He attached these to the free end of the rope and as each was tied he simply allowed the weight to drop. The pain was so bad that screaming did Jeremy no good. Only to pass out would lessen the pain, as the body swayed from the fucking machine, the weights also moved in a free flowing rhythm. The machinery stopped, just about the same time as the trainer returned to Jeremys' side. "I think it best if we leave the shaft buried in the slaves' ass for the time being. It may help out some, while I get his piss under control." Everybody seemed to agree with that, as the trainer placed a sterile wrapped tray on Jeremys' abdomen. He had Ray hook a plastic bag with tubing, to the webbing on the sling; while he began to unwrap the tray. Putting on sterile gloves, opening up two separate wrapped items, the trainer was all ready to do his work. He applied a liquid antibiotic all over Jeremys' cock head. "In time, with proper work, the slave will be able to take a much larger tube down his cock shaft, but for now, this will do great". The trainer applied some sterile lube to the tip of the catheter and began shoving it down Jeremys' cock. Jeremy was still in pain from the fuck machine, the wax and the nipple weights to even notice that the tubing had passed his piss muscle, arriving into his bladder. A push of the plunger and the retaining balloon was inflated with sterile saline. Rather quickly, the trainer attached the catheter to the tubing leading to the plastic bag. Urine began flowing instantly and the bag was soon filled to almost half capacity. Ray and Aldo, not ever seeing this done, stood in awe of what they were witnessing. Aldo took his camera and began taking dozens of pictures of both Justin and Jeremy. "Now then slave, as you have most likely overheard, your master does not want you to have any control over your bodily functions. Such functions could interfere at the most delicate of times and that would not be good for you at all. So I have installed your permanent plumbing." "Hey Ray, shouted Aldo, "I have an awesome idea here." Ray went to see what Aldo was referring to, and in a matter of a couple of minutes they had Justins' ankles tied up to the bar that was resting on his shoulders. With each of them supporting Justin under his armpits, they carried him over to Jeremy. There was Justin, kneeling next to his brother, eyeball height to the bag still filling with urine. "I think, said Aldo, that this slave needs to empty the piss bag." Ray lifted the bag from the sling webbing and placed it in front of Justins' mouth. Aldo released the drainage tube from its small strap and just as soon as the tube was in front of Justins' mouth, he opened up, leaned a little forward and got the tube in his mouth. Aldo released the clamp and the now cooling liquid went rather fast into Justins' mouth. When the bag was drained, Aldo took the tube, re-clamped it and placed it back onto the side of the bag. Ray put it back on the sling. "I got some great shots of this, exclaimed Aldo. We will have one hell of a scrapbook, thanks to these two slaves." Jeremy was regaining some of his senses, if not all of them. He knew that his ass hole would never be the same; he could feel the weights putting undo pressure on his nipples. The one feeling he still had, was one of an urgency to piss. He was unaware that any new catheter installed, caused a 'phantom' desire to pee. Jeremy felt the tape pull his skin as the trainer removed it. He blinked, adjusting to the light above his body. Turning his head, side to side, he focused in on Justin who was kneeling there, trussed up like a Thanksgiving Day turkey. Aldo once again had a 'brain storm'. "Ray, help me move this slave one more time. I think this will be most exciting to witness. Mr. Trainer, once we have the slave off the ground, please withdrawn the fucking machine, if you would be so kind." Lifting Justin again, the trainer pulled the machine out of the way, completely withdrawing the latex shaft from poor Jeremy. They 'parked' Justin so that his mouth was within an inch of Jeremys' gapping hole; grease dripping out at a steady pace. Not one word was spoken, not one, and Justin began to lick and suck at his brothers ass hole. The three grown men, stood in silence, smiling. They watched as Justin not only tongued his brothers' ass, but began sucking out the 'slop' from within. Jeremy wanted to say something to Justin, but fear reprisal from any of the three. He decided to wait until they were in their own space where speech was allowed. "Perhaps", began Aldo, "we have another gay boy on our hands. I suppose only time will tell." Jeremy nor Justin liked the sound of that, and just as Justin was starting to pull his mouth off of his brother, a loud whoosh and snap was heard; followed by a scream from Jeremy. Ray had taken good aim with a whip and landed a hit across both of Jeremys' bound up legs. The second and third strike of the whip, landed on Justin, causing him to fall forward, attempting to move his feet; adding some much more additional pain to that of the whip. Aldo moved in and raised the two weights on Jeremys' nipples and again allowed them to fall mercilessly. Justin was in an odd position, to say the least. He had ended up with his head on the floor and his butt hole staring at the three men directly behind him. Ray took the opportunity to give Justin a couple more hits on his once pretty and beautiful butt cheeks. Aldo thought this action by Ray, deserved to be a 'Kodak moment' and snapped several photos of each slave getting the whip. While the whip was still flying through the air, the trainer had gotten his hands on one of those dildo things that have large balls spaced out on it. The black latex balls were as big as the shaft that had been removed from Jeremys' hole. Seeing the dildo, Ray held up on his administrations of the whip; watching the image get sucked right into Jeremy, clean up to and including the last bead. Jeremy remained in pain from everything and now the weight of the dildo beads made life that much more complicated. One could only hope that this session of 'learning' was soon to be over. Ray looked over at Aldo, and then towards the trainer. He motioned the two of them off to an area out of hearing range and began speaking softly. "I think we could have a lot of fun with the little one there on the floor. Why don't we take him into the shower training area and really show him a good time. Besides he has to learn how to properly give his master a good bathing, so why not start today." Ray exclaimed with a determined glee in his voice. "It sounds all good, but I had other things planned for the two slaves today, but if you insist, I can work around your ideas," retorted the trainer. "Ok then, what I have in mind won't take all that long anyway, but it should prove to be very interesting indeed," responded Ray. Ray, accompanied by Aldo went up to Justin and brought his face off the floor, allowing him a bit of comfort, although not for long. Picking him up once again, they more or less half dragged him to the shower area. Before anything else happened, the trainer told them that he should first get Justins' piss plumbing installed. The brothers agreed with the trainer. Justins' ankles were released from the bonds and he was able to get some of muscle tension released, and the blood flowing a lot better. Ray and Aldo got Justin over onto his back. They did not, however, release his ankles from the spreader nor did they remove the ropes going to his Prince Albert ring. With his feet planted flat on the floor, the coolness of which was some minor relief to Justin, the trainer once again laid out the now familiar tray on to the slaves' stomach region. Ray had to release the ropes on the ring in Justins' dick head so that the catheter could be installed properly and safely. Ray got up and went about gathering items he would need for this next phase, while Aldo remained to observe the impalement of the slaves cock. The trainer, began as before, and when the catheter was down the shaft he could feel the slight resistance of the bladder muscle. He stopped, momentarily, withdrawing the tubing an inch or so. Looking up at Aldo the trainer gave him a big smile, then shoved the tube straight into Justins' bladder without as much as blink of an eye. Justin let out with a soft groan as his muscle was forced open. The discharge side of the catheter was quickly clamped shut, and the retaining balloon was fully inflated. The trainer grasps the tray, stood up and walked away with the remains of the insertion supplies. Justin was now in a dire need to piss, but was unable to do so. His only thought, his only hope was to be allowed to drain himself very soon. Justin remained still and quiet upon the cool floor as his ears allowed him to be aware of noises and movement behind him. "Nice looking cock there, if I say so myself", chimed Ray as he returned to the slave. "I am beginning to see the need for piss control and I'm sure I will make good use of both of these slaves's plumbing in the weeks and months ahead". Justin didn't know what to make of that statement. He had begun to resign himself to just following orders and being obedient, as he had been at home with his brother and his parents. Aldo wanted to remove the board still attached to Justin, but the trainer strongly advised against it. "The board is there to teach proper posture and to teach the slave that his cock and balls are no longer his to do with. Whatever you wish to teach the slave, it should be done with his board still in place." Hearing that, Aldo appeared a tad upset and proceeded to lift the nipple weights away from Justin. "I guess these can stay on as well" as Aldo yanked them upwards, bringing screams from Justin. Ray had the cock weight in his large hand and yanked it firmly vertical before releasing it. All this attention to Justin only instilled more fear in the newly enslaved teen. Ray suggested that the fuck machine be programmed again, so that Jeremy wouldn't feel left out of any training. The trainer agreed and returned to Jeremy to do just that. Without a word, the trainer took hold of the handle on the dildo beads and began slowly removing them from Jeremys' hole. One by one, slowly, while watching the slave wince, each large bead was extracted from the slaves' body. Before he set the machine in motion, the trainer reached beneath the machine and brought out a length of vinyl tubing; which he abruptly shoved into the slaves gapping and pulsing hole. A flick of a switch and from beneath the table top, a motor whirred and grease began to be pumped into Jeremys' body. Ninety seconds later the pump was shut off and the trainer seemed satisfied that approximately three pounds of grease had been filtered into Jeremys' ass and intestinal tract. The shaft was once again inserted just moments before the machine began its' maniacal duty. Ray and Aldo had once again gotten Justin onto his stomach and had re-attached his ankles back up to the shoulder bar; in essence bending him almost in half. This time they didn't even attempt to lift his body. They were satisfied with just dragging him like a sack full of potatoes. They dropped Justin just short of putting him onto the tiled shower area. A whir and some metal to metal sounds alerted Justins' senses that something was going to happen to him; and he was sure it wouldn't be that good. He was already in enough pain and suffering without having to think about more coming. He pleaded with the three men to stop, but that only brought about some harsh words from Ray. Two cables had been released from their place, tucked nicely away near the ceiling of the shower. The hooks on the cable ends were attached to the bar holding Justins' ankles and arms in their current position. A push of a button and the cables began to retract, raising Justin slowly into the air. The strain on Justins body was near excruciating but Justin was determined to beat these men at their own game. Jeremy was engulfed in pain, pleading and begging for relief. The three men seemed to revel in his pleading, thinking that they were doing what the master desired; and what they wished to do. With the shaft getting larger in diameter than before, Jeremy thought his hole was about to split wide open. The shafts depth into his body was further than before. It seemed to feel like it was pounding a lot of the grease even deeper into his darkest regions. Aldo was methodically taking pictures of the two boys, not missing any of the action or any of the facial expressions of the slave boys. Rays' cellphone rang, and at the same moment there was a knocking at the training room door. Ray moved, again, out of hearing range, while the trainer went to open the door. "Yes father", Ray started, "Yes, I understand. No sir. No permanent harm will come to them father. Yes sir. Yes father, some one is at the door now, sir. The slave in the sling; yes father. I will see to it immediately, yes sir." Turning towards the entry door, Ray discovered three 'paybacks'; one of which was carrying a wooden box. Ray recognized these males from them working out in the shop for many years. "Thank you, my father just called and said you would be arriving." Ray spoke in a pleasing voice. "You can set the box down over there next to the one in the sling." The three males did as instructed, noting with eagerness the white body in the sling getting his insides stretched by a menacing piece of equipment. One of the shop workers couldn't resist the temptation to feel the body next to him; as it squirmed and fidgeted in pain and agony. He went so far as to lift the suspended nipple weights and allow them to drop to the fullest extent which the rope would allow. Aldo was still enjoying the sight of Justin, hanging semi-inverted, helpless to do much of anything. His nipple and cock weights doing what they were intended to do. Aldo had managed to work two fingers of each hand into Justins' hole, tugging and spreading it, slowly. The trainer came over and told Aldo that he (the trainer) needed to continue his work. Aldo simply stepped out of the way, watching as the trainer connected a flex pipe to one of several water spigots. The other end of the pipe had a stainless steel rounded knob attached to it. The water was turned on, adjusted for proper temperature and most importantly for water flow. Proper temp and flow rate adjusted to just more than a fast trickle, the trainer slammed the knob into Justins' ass hole. "There, that should fill him nicely. It should take about 20 to 25 minutes before we need to stop the flow. Then you and Ray will see something quite nice. I use this technique to strip away some of a slaves humility and embarrassment." As Justin wiggled, adjusting to the feel of steel in his butt, the weights were swinging unconstrained. The 'excitement' brought on by the position of the body, the knob in the ass and the water ever so slowly filling him up, Justin really needed to piss. Ray spoke with the slave trainer and told him of the conversation which he just had with his beloved father. The trainer, a little reluctant, agreed with the masters wishes. Ray had one of the shop workers go down to the slave's room and tell Tito that he is needed in the training room. He was also to tell Tito what he needed to bring with him, to help out in this next phase with the slaves. Waiting on the arrival of Tito and his supplies, most all eyes remained fixed on Jeremy. They watched as he struggled against the butt hole invader, they laughed and commented on how nice the slaves' nipples looked; becoming so elongated. The trainer, glancing towards Justin could see how nicely his stomach was beginning to bulge out from his small frame of a body. He could also tell that Justin needed a much desperate bladder drain. Along with Aldo, the trainer positioned himself to the side of Justin. Reaching over the slaves' body, he forcefully pushed the slaves cock downward, towards the face. Aldo released the retaining clamp and urine began flowing like a faucet. The trainer had Aldo move the cock around so that most, if not all, of the piss went onto the slaves' body. The piss went on the shower floor, Justins' upper chest and his face. Justin was capable of understanding the situation well, and managed to close his eyes moments before the piss started drenching his entire face. When the majority of the piss had been expelled, Justins' cock was set free from Aldos' hand. Piss was at a slow trickle as the two men once again left Justin to his personal misery. Tito entered the training room behind the shop worker. He was carrying a tray which held a large bowl of hot water, shaving cream and an old fashion straight razor. The trainer had busied himself, first by turning off the fucking machine, then unwrapping Jeremys' balls. Finally the trainer took an odd looking pair of pliers and removed the two inch [5 cm] Prince Albert ring from Jeremys' dick. The closer Tito got to where most of the males were standing, he could see one of his 'charges' in the sling. Once he could tell it was Jeremy, he became quite upset, but not able to display his emotions. He could see the now grossly extended and enlarged love chute on the new slave. He had never been allowed in this room during his own sons training, but could never have imagined what and how things were done in here. Not even his own son had ever told him what went on, mostly out of shame and of being so humiliated. Titos' eyes focused on the slaves cock, noting the catheter shoved deep into the boys' body, now slowly filling the collection bag. "Now then Tito, the slave's master wants you to shave this one's cock and balls 'baby butt' smooth. And also you need to do the same to each of his legs from the knees up to his ass." Ray demandingly stated these directions. Although the slaves' body was shaved just the day before, not much if any stubble could be detected. Tito said nothing; he just set about doing what he was ordered to do. While being attentive to his job, Tito did manage more than once to look into Jeremys' face, noting the expressions of sadness, depression and shame amongst others. Whether or not Tito had even thought about or even noticed Justin, wasn't evident to anyone. The only one paying any attention to Justin was the trainer; who had gone over and shut the water off; so that Justin could just remain hanging and allowing the water to settle as far into his body as possible. After spending a minute or two rubbing Justins' stomach region and jerking the poor slaves cock around, the trainer returned to proceed with Jeremy. Opening the box, Ray brought forth a very large and heavy iron ring. He slid Jeremys' balls thru the ring, then disconnecting the slaves' piss tubing he started to get the cock through the ring; which wasn't the easiest thing to do. Ray actually had to grab a hold of the cock head and pull it through. Once the balls and cock were held captive by the new ring, Ray continued moving the ring closer and closer to the base of Jeremys' dick; until it was firmly seated in place. Ray reconnected the catheter to the tubing. The ring had to of been almost an inch and a half [4 cm] wide, 3/16 of an inch [½ cm] thick with a diameter of almost two inches [5 cm]. "You see now why my father wishes this slave to be ringed in such a manner", began Ray. "Such a marvelous thing we see before us. A white mans cock, cinched up looking so pretty and sticking straight away from his body. In this manner, his master will always know where the slaves' dick is. And, it will make it a lot nicer when it comes time to play with it. Unfortunately, with his cock all plumbed up, the poor slave will almost never be able to shoot an American load of cock snot." Ray then proceeded to replace the Prince Albert back into Jeremys' dick. Then to most everyone's surprise, Ray took the thin leather strips and once again used them to separate Jeremys' balls. This time, due to the new cock ring, this was not as simple as before. Jeremy could feel the sharp pains returning to his balls as the strips were wound around and around each ball. Ray handed each end of the strips to the shop workers; who were getting turned on by all this activity. He told them to steadily pull on the leather so he could see just how much of the slaves' balls he could get to rest on the top of the cock, like it was before. Dismayed, Ray had to settle for each ball to barely get to the sides of the slaves' cock. But after thinking, Ray seemed satisfied. After all, it had only been a couple of days since the sac stretching started. At least the balls were not hidden under the dick anymore. The ends of the leather were finally tied together, keeping the nuts in place. Ray sniped off all of the excess leather, making a much neater appearance and assuredly a much more desired presentation of the organs. Fishing through the box, Ray produced two, three inch [7½ cm] wide, iron bands. Each band had two extremely large rings attached to it. Ray had Jeremys' legs released from the bindings on the sling; telling the two shop workers to grab the ankles and pull the legs apart as far as they could. The muscle strain was way too much for the new slave boy and he began a constant verbiage of pleas and cries for mercy and release. Not knowing what was truly happening to his new charge, Tito began to go to Jeremys' head, to settle him down; but before he could reach out to him, the trainer landed two vicious hand slaps to Jeremys' face. Tito had no other choice but to retreat without as much as saying a word. Silently he stood by, watching, shameful that he couldn't bring aid and comfort to the slave boy. With Jeremy reduced to tears and whimpers of non descript words, Ray placed one of the iron bands around Jeremys' upper right leg, just below his butt cheek. With a click, the band was secured. Using a hex wrench, Ray was able to adjust the tightness of the band, making sure that one of the large rings was on the inside portion of the slaves leg. The same wrench was used to make the final click (s) on the band to affirm total security. Satisfied with the installation of the first band, Ray mirrored the installation of the second band on Jeremys' left upper leg. The two legs were then re- attached to the sling in proper fashion. The new bands were now almost touching ring to ring on the inside of the legs and the other two rings were perfectly aligned facing forward on the front of each leg; and yet Ray hadn't mentioned the purpose for these bands. Everyone just remained silent, watching and learning; yet with building interest in both of the slaves and hoping that they would soon get to relieve themselves, somehow, using one or the both of them. So that all the bands matched, Ray removed Jeremys' collar and replaced it with a wider, thicker and much heavier iron one. Two additional bands were placed on Jeremys' biceps. Rings aligned and securely fastened down, in place. The new bands were also placed on his ankles, replacing the ones made of lighter stainless steel. Ray took his foot and pushed the wooden box out of the way and proceeded to walk around the slave, admiring 'his' handiwork. "Tito, please tend to the slaves whip marks, and make sure they are cleaned and treated so that the slave will not have to live long with reminders of his earlier transgressions. I'm sure that he will be getting many more such marks, all of which will be harder and will cut much deeper." Ray laughing commanded Titos' attention. "Now let us tend to the other slave, who sadly has been waiting all this time without much attention." Hearing those words, Tito realized that he had all but forgotten about poor Justin. He cranked his head in time to see him hanging in the shower stall; before losing sight of him as the males surrounded the neglected boy. Slowly, Ray began to work with Justin; releasing just enough of his body so that his shoulders were barely touching the cool tiled floor. "So slave, how did you like having all of your stinking piss cover your body? I hope you liked it, because you will have many more opportunities to enjoy such a treat. Now, I suppose you want me to help you empty your body of all that nice warm water. Ok, not a problem for me, and I'm sure you will enjoy it just as much as you did your piss." Ray took a half step backwards; reaching in with his hand he grasped the steel invader and with a swift yank removed it from Justins' ass. The relief of having the enema pipe removed was like a gift from above. Short lived, for sure; as the water and ass slime began dribbling out of his body and down his back and chest. Ray had the two shop workers, strip naked and get into the shower area with Justin. Each was told what to do and how to do it. The main objective was to get all of the water and slime out of Justin, which, within fifteen minutes that had been accomplished. Covered in his own filth, Justin wept non-stop. Ray knew that this slave was going to be a lot easier to break than the older one. Aldo just stood there, with a gleam in his eyes, as if someone had just given him 24 karate Hummer H-2. The trainer, on the other hand knew where this was all leading too, and why; but he remained silent and just let Ray run the show for now and have his fun. Taking hold of the small control box, Ray pushed the button causing Justin to rise up and become completed suspended upside down; with his arms dangling. When Justins' mouth was level with the first shop workers cock, Ray released the button, to stop the motor. Without one word to Justin, and without hesitation on Justins' part, he just opened up his mouth as he had been trained to do. Silence still surrounding the group of males, the shop worker took one step forward towards the open mouth and Justin closed his lips tightly around it. The smell from Justins' body wasn't even noticed, due to the high level of 'horniness' amongst some of the males. The shop worker proceeded to fuck Justins' mouth and within minutes, the workers cum was filling the slaves' mouth. Justins' body was swung around so that he could service the other exposed cock. Justin began to feel defeated, no matter how hard he tried to maintain his dignity and self worth. Having the two workers step back from Justin, but remain in the shower, Ray lowered Justin completely to the floor. The workers had to adjust their position so that the young slave could get flat on the floor with them straddling his youthful, hairless body. The two slaves began raining down torrents of hot piss onto Justin. Aldo, Ray and the trainer stood at the edge of the shower space and exposing their cocks, also began unloading their hot nectar on to the slave below. While the five males were finishing taking their piss, Tito was about done with Jeremy and could sense a strong feeling of remorse for both of the brothers. The two pairs of eyes locked, staring into each others soul. Aldo reached over and grabbed the enema pipe and steel knob, then turned on the water. He didn't seem to care that he had only turned on the cold water and not the hot. All three bodies in the shower were rinsed down and then the two workers were instructed to clean the slave up, nice and pretty like. Aldo and Ray began a non-descript conversation, mostly about business; while the soaping and scrubbing continued. The trainer left and went about rummaging through a few more cabinets; as if looking for something which would be needed later on. With the shower completed, Ray had the slave removed and dragged back over to where Jeremy was. Ray had Aldo remove all the cuffs and the collar from Justin. Justin felt free, at last, even though it was only a temporary reprieve. Aldo also clamped off Justins' catheter. Ray asked the two shop workers if they needed to leave or if they wanted to stay. They said they wanted to stay, but Ray knew better. Raising his voice, Ray ordered them back to the shop so that they could continue the work assigned to them. Aldo chimed in his two cents worth and made the shop workers leave without their shorts or shirts; leaving the clothes in a pile by the shower. Aldo told them to finish the day naked, as a just 'reward' for allowing them the privilege of pumping their seed into the masters' slave. "And you, Tito, have you finished your work getting the slave's room rearranged and prepared as you have been instructed," barked Ray. "No Sir, I've still work to do and time is short" Tito meekly answered. "Well then leave us, and you best be ready by the evening meal or you know what will be the consequences if your not," yelled Aldo. One last look to Jeremy and one long lasting look into Justin's expressionless, disheveled face and Tito went on his way. "Damn, I'm glad their all gone," exclaimed the trainer. "I hate having crowds around during training as it seems to slow down and hinder progress." "Now then, let's have a bit of fun" sounded Ray, rather cheerfully. Before the 'fun' began however, the trainer pulled Justin close to the fucking machine; leaving him remaining flat on his back, though only for a minute. The trainer had Ray and Aldo pull Justins' ankles back towards the slaves head, exposing the beautiful hole. As he had done with Jeremy, the trainer inserted the grease tube and flipped the switch; filling Justin with grease in just under two minutes. Justin was again fitted with his heavy and fat butt plug. With a deep inhale and exhale, Justin took to the plug with little outward signs of agony. Jeremy couldn't see what was going on, but knew that for now, he was safe from further torture. He almost began down that same train of thought that he had yesterday, concerning his brother; but today seemed a lot different. He was thankful for the break in pain, yet he was filling with emotions towards Justin. He knew if he spoke, pain would be inflicted on him, without question. He also knew that if he didn't speak, Justin might get the feeling he was happy for being left alone. Should he speak out in Justins' behalf, should he remain silent; his body was responding to the freedom from pain and his mind was telling him different. Jeremys' emotions were now in total chaos. Ray knelt down next to Justin and began running his hand, slowly over the slaves cock, balls and upper legs. "We won't have to shave this one, there is no stubble. Being young has some advantages I guess." Laughed Ray and he leaned over and dragged the box back to be within easy reach. Aldo and the trainer, pulled Justins' legs out wide and Ray installed the new bands on the thighs. Ray then put on the ankle cuffs and bicep cuffs. Satisfied that they were positioned properly and the fit was tight, he proceeded to tighten them in place. Still not even hinting as to the purpose for the new iron bands and cuffs, Ray brought forth an extremely wide and heavy collar and placed it on Justin. The cock and ball ring was about to go on Justin when Rays' cell phone rang, once again. "Yes father, I understand. No, father I don't think so. Yes father. Yes. No, I'm sure that your conclusions are correct father". Ray put the cell phone back into his pocket, returned the cock and ball ring to the box and momentarily paused. "Father has decided, or should I say, he has concluded; that this slave is to be trained to be the more 'submissive' slave. This slave shall have additional training due him in the days and weeks ahead. The nicest thing about this, is that the older slave will willingly become the more dominate slave." Ray reveled in his words. From the box, Ray produced something that looked medieval. Ray took this item and slid Justins' balls through the thin ring at one end as he pushed Justins' cock through the rest of the 'cage'. He carefully pulled the catheter through the end of the 'cage. Justin now had his balls in a ring, free from the 'cage'. His cock however was surrounded by an iron cage, with rows of sharp spikes on the outside, preventing any further use of the cock. Once the cock was adjusted inside the cage, Ray was able to replace Justins' Prince Albert; now 'formally' locking the poor cock inside this coffin of iron. Smiling and with an occasional chuckle, Ray began wrapping each ball as he had done likewise to Jeremy. "Now let me tell you, when we stretch these beautiful balls out and secure them, I'd be willing to bet that this cute slave will scream like a scalded cat when they touch these sharp spikes. But if we're lucky, OH HELL, if we are just too nice, we can stretch them so far that they have to rest on top of his cock out of harms way from the spikes. What will it be gentlemen, spikes or stretching?" Ray roared with laughter. Simultaneously, the trainer and Aldo said to stretch them. Ray agreed and they set about applying a steady pressure on the balls, while Justin screamed out in pain, tears flowing and with him feeling like his guts were being ripped out. Soon the balls were back on top, resting at the base of Justins' cock. Ray tied them together and snipped off all the excess leather; again, leaving a great presentation. Seeing Jeremys' piss collection bag about full, again, Aldo removed it and brought it over to Justin. Seeing the bag left Justin no hope of not having to swallow his brothers' piss. The three males laughed heartily as the last of the piss went into Justin's pretty mouth. What little movement Justin could muster, he raised his head just enough to be able to see what they had done to his cock and balls. Deep inside, somewhere, Justin began to think that he would never escape these men or this place. He was beginning to feel like he was in a living hell. He could move his eyes, so that he had a fairly good view of his brother, still attached to the sling; wondering if he was ok, wondering if he too was beginning to weaken under the stress and strain of these evil men. "Now then, it's almost lunch time and the ladies are preparing us a wonderful meal today. But before we leave, I think now would be a good time to show you why the new cuffs are on fathers' new slaves. Help me get the slave off the sling and we can get the fuck outta here for a little while." After not so gently removing Jeremy from the sling, they got him into the 'sleep' position. They clamped off his catheter and tossed the piss collection bag aside. Jeremy looked so cute that way, with his cock and balls ridged, pointing directly to the floor. His knees spread wide and his new gapping hole starring up for the entire world to see. Aldo had the pleasure of ripping the butt plug from Jeremys' abused ass, leaving it wide open and inviting; grease slowly working its' way to the entrance. Ray grabbed a hold of Justin and brought him to his knees and hands, telling him to move in behind his brother. After just a little additional positioning of Jeremy, Ray shoved Justin's mouth directly onto his brothers dripping hole. "Lunch is served!" Shouted Ray. Ray pulled out two large clips, from the box; attaching the clips to Jeremys' thigh cuffs and the other ends to Justins' collar. Now the two brothers were attached and inseparable. If Jeremy moved, Justin had to move with him. Two lengths of medium weight chain were produced and Ray attached Justins' ankle cuffs to his thigh cuffs; leaving his ankles raised up off the floor with the knees now bearing most of the body weight. Next and lastly, the slaves had their wrist cuffs attached to each other. One last look, a little laughter and the three men left for lunch; leaving the two brothers to once again ponder their current situation, and dealing with tons of emotions. Jeremy couldn't wait until he no longer heard voices; he needed to, he had to, he must talk to his brother. Justin felt the same way, but sadly for him, his mouth was being filled with grease and ass juice; as he was coping with and learning to breath in a whole new way. Justin knew that Jeremy loved him still, and he loved his brother even more.