SanibelBoysThe Taken
Chapters 5-7Chapter FiveBoth Justin and Jeremy immediately understood, by Titos' stare, what they had been doing improperly. Simultaneously both of them dropped to their knees and hands. Tito continued the short distance to the elevator, with them following behind. Tito stood next to the small door as he watched the boys back into their confining space, and then pushed the button, making sure the door closed and that neither of the boys leapt out.The boys knelt in silence, with the elevator door opening, and waited for their mentor. They could see into the large room which they were in last night when they first entered the mansion. Many people, male and female were busy, quietly, moving chairs and tables into the room. Most of them turned to look when they had heard the elevator rise and the doors open. The windows told the two boys, that it was still dark out; not that they would ever need to know what time it was. Tito came up and stood next to the brothers. He spoke quietly to those within the room, who were working steadily; as if there was a time frame for them to complete their assignment. "Good morning all, it is going to be another beautiful day here. For those of you who haven't seen or met our Masters' new slaves, take a moment to come over and familiarize yourself with them. You will be seeing them around quite abit in the days ahead. For those of you who have not been here to long, let me just say that you, along with these two slaves, have rules to follow. If you are not familiar with the rules, ask a fellow 'payback' and they will gladly instruct you." Some of the men came forward, along with two female workers. The men stood over the boys, staring at them and admiring their bodies, especially their butts. The two females got an even closer look. They were bold enough to get down on the knees, as well, and look under each boy. One of the girls looked up at Tito, as if to be asking if she could touch the boys. She then reached under Jeremy and took hold of his cock, tugging it ever so gently. She then turned her attention to Justin, by massaging his balls. Both boys became erect and their faces turned a deep shade of red from embarrassment and humiliation. Tito suggested to all of them that they should be getting back to work, which they did eagerly; talking and laughing amongst themselves. Tito moved towards the door leading outside, and the boys eagerly followed, as all the other eyes in the room followed them. Once beyond the door, Tito stopped and waited while the boys stood erect. Tito continued his way to the pool area. As they continued the walk to the pool, the boys noticed several uniformed men, with appeared to be some sort of rifle. The men were dressed in long tan pants, with the legs tucked inside their boot tops. They wore the same colored shirts, which appeared to be wrinkle free. Their faces were clean shaven and their hair was groomed to perfection. Tito took notice that the boys had seen these men and slowed his pace a bit. Once beyond the men, Tito stopped and turned so that he was facing his two charges. "The men we just strode past are our guards. They protect us from outside interference, as well as keep all the 'paybacks' from acting out. You both will become very familiar with most of them in the days and weeks ahead. Now then, my little ducklings, we are almost to the pool. There you will notice others, as well. They are paid workers and 'paybacks'. Remember your rules and everything will be just great." The pool was gigantic. It appeared to be as big as an Olympic pool, complete with two diving boards. The underwater lights shone brightly and made the whole area look like a tropical paradise. The men using the pool were all wearing Speedos and the one or two females wore very small two piece swimsuits. Upon seeing Tito arrive with the two slave boys, all the males quickly surrounded the two. They were speaking in Spanish for the most part, but an occasional word in English was tossed in. Enough English to let the brothers know that they were being well received. Hands from some of the males reached out and felt the bodies of the two slaves. Not much was missed during the hands on inspection. The slave boys even had their butt cheeks pulled apart and their holes touched and massaged. The one word that both boys heard and understood quite plainly was the word 'virgins'. Many hands grabbed hold of the slaves and dragged them to the pools edge, and proceeded to toss both of them into the warm water. They turned and saw Tito standing at the edge of the pool, with a look to remind them that they were not here to 'frolic' but to swim and exercise. The boys silently began swimming laps in the long pool, but Jeremy was tiring faster than his brother. Jeremy stopped his strokes and grabbed the edge of the pool, taking a brief rest. Justin continued his lap and only stopped next to Jeremy on his return lap. As both boys were grasping the edge of the pool, two males moved in along side of them. The men proceeded to grope the brothers and then instantly the men went beneath the water taking the slave cock into their mouths. Tito was constantly aware of everything that was going on and did nothing to stop the oral assault on the slaves. The men didn't suck on them for to long, as they had to surface for air. When they did surface, however, they looked up at Tito and in English, told him, "they have nice cocks and they will be fun to play with, when they have the time." This again brought humiliation to the two slave boys. Their faces turning red. Tito ordered the slaves out of the pool, and started them back to the mansion, erections bouncing as they slowly drip dried on the pathway. As normal, the boys and Tito returned to the basement area. Instead of returning to their room, Tito led them to the exercise room. Money had not been of concern, when the slaves saw the massive array of equipment. "This room has been provided for your use as a means of staying fit and healthy. Do not abuse the equipment within these walls. Each day you shall spend ninety minutes performing different exercises. Each of you has your own chart on the wall, describing which exercises you are to do for each and every day. Please, do not fail to do them, as punishment for failure in this room shall be quite severe. Our Master wishes you to stay happy and healthy during your stay with us, so do your very best to bring him happiness and pleasure. I shall leave you now, so you may get familiar with your gym." Tito left the two slaves to toil over their individual schedules and went back upstairs to check on the room, He stopped and removed the sheets from yesterday, putting them inside yet another small room. The slaves went slowly over their routine charts and began their exercises. Ninety minutes, precisely, Tito returned; to see the slaves toiling away on the machines with their bodies covered with perspiration. "Well done, my little hummingbirds," Tito said with pride. "Now let's get you cleaned out and cleaned up. We are on a really tight time frame this day and I don't want to be upsetting Ray or Aldo." Tito led the boys back to their room, and to the toilet area. He opened the cupboard and withdrew two small bottles of liquid. He instructed the boys to bend over and to pull their own butt cheeks apart. After applying a light coating of lube, Tito inserted the small nozzles into each hole and squeezed the liquid into the respective body." Now hold you body still, and don't let the fluid drip out, or there will be one heck of a mess." After just a couple of minutes the boys began to writhe in pain. Tito began to laugh, but not at the boys, but at the actions they were taking to maintain the liquid inside of themselves. One by one, Tito backed the slave onto the toilet and allowed him to release his bowels. After each had emptied his bowels, they were taken over to the shower area and Tito allowed them to clean each other, before he appeared with a larger nozzle, which had been attached to a hose. Again he had the slaves bend over and filled their slight built bodies with warm water. Twice the procedure was done, before Tito was satisfied that the insides were clean, at least for today. "Ok, you slaves have now had your first enemas. From now on you shall each be responsible for keeping the other slaves hole clean, ALWAYS! Now please bend over again, as I need to show each of you how much lubrication must go inside, once the hole has been cleaned out." Each boy was bent over and the hole was filled, really filled, with white grease. Each slave was made to do the last part of the lubing procedure, placing the lube in the hole with his fingers. Tito made sure that once the hole was filled, that the fingers were sucked clean by the other slave. The slaves remained silent, didn't hesitate nor did they even look at each other. Yet another form of degradation and humiliation for them; with hopes of Tito and the Master that such humiliation and degrading would serve their ultimate purpose. "Hurry now, and clean the butts off. I'll return in just a couple of minutes, as we must be quick about it." Tito barked. Jeremy looked at his brother and said," I'm sorry for this, it's all my fault." "No Jeremy, it is not your fault. It is the fault of these strange people and their wicked ways." Justin quietly assured his slave brother. "Justin, do you need to piss?" asked Jeremy. "Yes, but….. Before Justin had finished his sentence, Jeremy was down on his knees taking Justins' cock into his mouth. Tears, again, filled Justins eyes as he let go a strong stream of piss into his brother slave. This time Jeremy swallowed it all, every single drop. Justin looked into his brothers' eyes as he rose from the kneeling position, then like Jeremy he went down on his knees and tried to swallow all of his brothers' piss; but some still managed to seep out. Both boys ducked back under the shower heads and rinsed off, making sure at any of the piss and bowel fluids were washed completely down the drain. By the time Tito had gotten the slaves outside, the sun was well on its way to heating up the air around them. Tito had the slaves walk on either side of him, so he could speak to them, should the need arise. The three of them were walking at a steady pace, and after a while they came within sight of a rather large steel building. "Now slaves today will be your first day in your new lives as you have seen already. We are going into that building and both of you will make me proud, so do not disappoint me. You will see many people, doing many things. The important thing to remember is that Ray, Aldo, their children and their mother will be there as well. Nothing which they will do, or have others do will permanently harm you. Just remember that I am responsible for you and that I wish no harm to you. If you feel pain, then just endure it. It will make you a better slave in the long run, trust me." The boys looked at each other with fright in their eyes. The words 'harm' and 'pain' sent cold shivers throughout their bodies. The closer they got to the building the more different sounds they began hearing. Not knowing what was really inside the building didn't help calm the boys either. A very young boy was standing next to the door, waiting for them to reach his location. When they approached, the youngster opened the door so that they could enter without stopping. Once inside the building the boys knew by now that they needed to get into their proper walking position. So down each went to his hands and knees. When they ever so slightly raised their heads they could almost see down to the other end of the building. The boy that had opened the door for them was right there along side of Justin. Tito started to move down the center aisle way of the building, with the two new slaves following behind. The youth was still next to Justin, walking alongside, yet looking down at the slender smooth body. They went past several men working on lawn mowers, others working on farm implements and others were working with wood of some sort. All in all there were about fourteen to sixteen men inside working away. By now, the boys began to feel the course floor beneath their knees. Although it was a wooden planked floor, the possibilities of injury remained due to the rough texture. Jeremy and Justin soon learned that if they picked their knees up high, as they moved forward, the pressure was less and there was a lot less chance of getting a huge splinter under the skin. Justin was the first to hear Ray and Aldo's voices. He jerked his head so much that he was almost staring into their eyes. Jeremy caught on, only a split second later, but not like Justin, he kept his head horizontal. Tito stopped his forward movement and the slaves likewise stopped. Some conversation was being spoken in Spanish, before it changed over to English. "Take this one (pointing to Justin) and place him upon the platform." Ordered the eldest son, Ray. Four sets of hands grabbed hold of Justin and lifted him off the ground and onto a square platform. The hands which had lifted him up, spread his hands out to each corner, and then spread his feet out to the remaining two corners. The young man that had been following along side of Justin put a thick rope around Justins' neck and pulled tightly on it, causing Justin to lower his head towards the edge of the platform. When the boy had Justins head where he wanted it, he tied off the free end of the rope to a large eyebolt fixed in the flooring. "Excellent" said Ray. "Now let us all stand back and allow mama to inspect fathers new slave boy." Just before the mother began her inspection of Justin, a bright light illuminated Justins' body and his positioning. All of this was being recorded. 'Mama' began her inspection by gliding her hand down the spine and butt of Justin. "Well, I can see now why this one will be bringing much pleasure to my two sons. With a butt like this and with skin this soft, I'm sure that you will be enjoying yourselves just like the old days." She pulled Justins' cheeks apart and in a tone, of amazement, she said " ah yes, and such a pretty lovehole for your enjoyment. I suppose it won't be long before you 'deflower' this one." "Now then," mama continued, "we should get on with his decorations." Rope was tied around each of Justins calves, leaving his ankles and feet free. Hands lifted Justins' hands and lowered Justin so that his elbows were on the platform, with his forearms and wrists on the flat surface. The forearms were fastened tightly to the platform. The young boy had to loosen the rope on Justins' neck to accommodate the new positioning. This position put Justins butt higher than the rest of his body, allowing a good view and excellent access to his lovehole. 'Mamas' phone rang and she had to excuse herself and return to the house. "Alright, Marco, you wanted to be here to help out preparing the new slaves bodies, so why don't you begin by fitting this one with a nice plug." "Oh thank you father." Marco said with a gleeful tone to his voice. "I finally get to learn how to do such wonderfully nice things." One of the men brought a large shiny wooden box to the platform and placed it underneath of Justins' abdomen. Inside the box was a great assortment of butt plugs. Marco picked one up and showed it to his father. "I think my son that you can do better with a larger one." Marco picked up several others before he selected one that was quite large, especially for a virgin hole. He held it up and his father nodded his approval. He placed the tip of the plug at Justins' hole and began to slowly push it in. Justin instantly began to scream and plead, and everyone around just laughed, that is everyone except Jeremy and Tito. The screaming brought work to a halt inside the building and all the men came over to watch and see the abuse Justin was receiving. Marco continued slowly easing the plug inside of Justin, and Justin continued to scream. Marco stopped pushing momentarily and Justin's body forced the plug out and onto the platform. This did not please Marco's father. Ray took the plug and placed it under Justins' mouth and forced him to suck the grease and hole slime off of it. "Now son, watch closely. This is how it is done to a slave, not a boy." Ray placed the plug once again at the entry way to Justins' body and in one swift motion, placed the plug firmly and completely inside of Justins' butt. Justin had screamed so much that he could no longer scream; he was just barely able to maintain consciousness. Marco was amazed as he watched the muscles of Justins hole flex and adjust to the invader. Aldo roughly grabbed Jeremy under the chin and strained his neck, so that Jeremy could get a good view of his brothers freshly plugged ass. "Since you are a little older and bigger than that one, I'm sure the plug you get rammed up your ass will even be bigger than that one, slave boy," said Aldo. Jeremy couldn't even think about his plug, only thoughts of his brother in pain and all the screaming was still filtering its way through Jeremys' brain. Aldo released Jeremy, as one of the workers approached Justin. The worker went about measuring his wrist, ankles and neck. The worker left and soon returned with stainless steel cuffs and a collar. He proceeded to attach the cuffs to Justins' limbs and after checking to make sure that they fit properly, he turned to Ray seeking his approval. Ray nodded and the next thing which happened sealed the limbs within the confines of the cuffs. The worker took a metal pin, placed it through corresponding holes on the cuff and with a steel plate and hammer, struck the pin several times; causing the ends of the pin to flatten out. The only way the cuff would come off now would be if it was cut with a hacksaw or a cutting torch. The worker continued about his business, cuffing and securing the remaining three on Justins' limbs. The only thing left now was to put in place his collar and secure it. The worker held up the collar, and Aldo came forward taking it from the worker. While Aldo was making so sort of senseless chatter with his brother, Ray, the young son was playing around with Justins' butt plug. He was grabbing the exterior base, twisting it in circles while he maintained a small amount of pressure on it by pulling it outward. Justin was in immense pain and discomfort but could do nothing about it, what so ever. Aldo in the mean time had placed the collar around Justins' neck and the worker drove flat the ends of the metal pin. Justin was now, as Ray would say, 'his slave boy'. Justin was released from his bonds on the platform, hoping for some relief. But, relief was not yet to come. The same four sets of hands turned Justin over onto his back. Two of the men maintained their grip on his wrists holding them flat on the platform. The other two men each grabbed an ankle, pulling it up and back towards Justins' head. Justin was now even more exposed than before. Ray stepped up between Justins' outstretched legs gazing upon the pale cock and balls of his new slave. He reached forward taking hold of Justins' ball sac. He proceeded to slide an enormously wide cock ring over Justins' nuts. After tugging all the skin he could, through the ring, he bent and forced Justins' cock through the ring. Releasing the newly installed band, Justins cock and balls stood out at least one and a quarter inches [3 cm] from his body, almost giving the appearance of having an erection. The men released their holds on Justin and the legs were allowed to hang over the end of the platform. Now, more than before, Justins' cock and balls really looked 'out of place' but according to Ray they now 'looked normal and proper'. Ray leaned way in a grabbed Justin by one of the five rings on his collar and pulled him off the platform to a standing position. Justin never once looked up, and that was to his benefit. He could see his new cuffs and each of them had a two inch [5 cm] ring attached to it. Ray made another humiliating comment to all the workers gathered around and threw Justin to the floor. Justin regained what composure he could as the workers were hauling Jeremy up and onto the platform. Justin was just getting to his hands and knees when he was commanded to assume the 'offering' position. Justin arranged himself so that his hole was higher than the rest of his body, with the base of the butt plug visible to all. Before any attention could be paid to Jeremy, Ray noticed his son Marco once again playing with Justins' plug. Ray in a fit of anger began yelling at his son and before anyone knew what was happening, had backhanded Marco so hard that he fell backwards onto his ass. He reached down grabbing Marco by his hair and shoved his face into Jeremys butt plug. "Now since you like butt plugs so much, just stay right there and smell it all you want, you fuck'n sick little fucker." Jeremy was bound in like manner of his brother, and his torment of accepting his plug was indeed a lot worse than Justins. The plug Jeremy received was at least an inch [2½ cm] or more in circumference than Justins. The cock band was identical to Justins and like his brother he was left momentarily on his back so all in attendance could marvel how well such a band held cock and balls so available for pleasure or pain. Jeremy ended up on the floor right next to his brother, maintaining the same position as Justin. Marco still had his mouth planted on the base of Justins' plug when Ray commented to the group, " now before us are two newly taken slave boys, Americans yes, but none the less they are my slaves." "In the manner my father has set forth, all of you are commanded to welcome them to our land." Ray said with a stern voice. In just a matter of seconds there were over a dozen cocks hanging out aimed at the duo on the floor. It didn't take long after the first man released his piss on the boys that the others followed in the same manner. Marco remained motionless as the piss also ran over and down his own body. Ray and Aldo took delight in seeing Marco dripping with male piss. "Marco have you had enough of fooling around, or do you wish more?" Ray asked. Marco knew better than to answer that question when his father was in such a foul mood. "Great, I'm glad you want more. I could have guessed your answer just by looking at your pathetic little cock. You should be ashamed of yourself for having something as small as that at your age." All the workers along with Aldo laughed hysterically. "Perhaps your mother and I have been raising a slave all these years and never noticed. Well, let me say here and now, that before the week is out, we shall find out just what the fuck you really are, a man or a slave." "Now get down beneath one of our slaves and put his cock in your mouth." Ray shouted out. "Aldo get paddles for all the men!" Barked Ray. Ray returned and handed out a wide assortment of paddles to all of the male workers. "Each of you is to give my new slaves three hits of your paddle and you my pathetic son will keep a cock in your mouth until each of the slaves have filled you with their piss." "BEGIN" The paddles struck the bare skin of Justin and Jeremy to an accompaniment of shrieks and screams from both of them. Neither of the two boys had even noticed that they had literally pissed themselves as Marco had received the piss into his belly. As each man finished his turn at the butts, he handed Aldo the paddle and moved clear of the next one in line. Ray was still totally pissed at his son, and Tito could tell that the torment of Marco was not yet complete; but down deep Tito was laughing at the sight of a fourteen year old getting abused, which brought back vivid memories of his own son at that age. Glad now that the 'shoe was now on the other foot'. Ray bent over and reached for Marcos' little dick, yanking him out from underneath the slave brothers. Ray was none to gentle in his administering to Marcos. He continued to pull him by his cock until they were standing directly beneath a heavy timbered beam. A push of a button by Aldo brought two ropes with cuffs into easy reach. Marco had his wrist attached to them and Aldo raised the boy up, until his feet were free of the ground. Two ropes to the ankles tied at a distance kept the legs wide. Marco was easily in a great deal of pain, as only he knew his father could be priding himself with arranging such a punishment. Aldo handed Ray a long handled whip, which had more than a dozens strips of leather. Ray went right to work on Marcos' body. From his back down his legs and from his chest down to his cock and balls, Ray left large welts of red skin. Shoving the whip handle up his own sons' ass, Ray shouted in anger, "Clean this fucking pig up, I have to go tell his mother that we have been raising a queer for a son!" Ray turned and walked out of the building still yelling at Marco and anybody else within ear shout. The men turned to Aldo for clarification on the meaning of the term 'clean him up'. The men lowered Marco to the ground and released his bindings. They dragged him outside, taking a hose and rinsing off the boys body. They carried him back in and tossed him up on the same platform that was used for Justin and Jeremy. Warm water was carried over and more hands than one could count, smothered the body with shaving cream and another group of hands removed the poor boys hair. Marco ended up looking just like the two new slave boys, including not having any eyebrows. They wiped the boy clean and left him lay on the platform. Tito returned to his two charges, attaching a long leash to each collar. He turned, slowly moving towards the exit, while Marco remained silent, yet crying on the platform. The two brothers followed behind Tito in their proper manner. Once outside, the two rose to weakly stand erect with help from Tito. Tito again had the boys flank him as they slowly made their way back to the mansion. "My little slaves, I'm so very proud of you. You made it through that part of your day very well. Soon you will get used to your new plugs and then they will give you even larger ones; but for now it is acceptable to see you walk a little bowlegged. Outside while we walk, is the only place where one has no fear of being overheard or have his voice recorded, so I from time to time will speak to you, how you say 'for your ears only'. The boys and Tito continued the humiliating walk back, while 'paybacks' stared and snickered at them.
Chapter SixTito continued to slow down as the trio made their way back to the mansion. In the pathway ahead Tito could see one of the electric carts coming towards them. Tito led the two slaves off of the path as the cart whirred past them. The cart had three people on it; Ray, his mother and his wife. They were headed to the building in which the two slaves had just received their cuffs, plugs and piss shower."That certainly does not look like things will be going well for poor little Marco," Tito laughed loudly. "I honestly hope, the little shit, gets what's due him. When he was just a boy, he was always around watching his father and uncle abuse my son. He was always laughing at and taunting him. Maybe now he will find out just how much pain and suffering they can dish out." "Tito, are you saying that they made you watch, as they tortured your son? That's awful, truly awful. I don't think, hell, I know my dad would have been outraged by such actions; and, would have killed them both", Jeremy questioned. "I had no choice in the matter, my little one. I was being forced to watch the abuse as there was a guard always behind me, and he was well prepared to make me observe the torturous ways of Ray and Aldo." Tito said as his eyes began to swell with tears; recalling the days when his son was with him. "Gee Tito, what else did they do to him? These cuffs and painful plug up my butt are bad enough." Chimed Justin. Tito remained silent, but told the slaves to get off the pathway, as the cart was heading back towards them. As the cart closed the gap between it and the slaves, it began slowing down. Ray was driving the cart, with his wife beside him. The 'mama' was in the back of the cart, facing backwards, looking at her precious Marco. She was giving young Marco a verbal tongue lashing. Marco wasn't actually riding in the cart, but rather being pulled behind it. Marco, to be honest, looked very nice with his Latin skin all smooth and hairless. He was walking (trotting) in the same manner (bowlegged) as the two new slaves, so he must have gotten plugged as well. He was being held by a rope, one end in the hand of his 'grandmother' with the other end tied firmly around his balls. Marco tripped and fell to the ground just as he passed the three others. The cart stopped and Ray got out and kicked at Marco, striking him in the stomach and nuts. Ray returned to the drivers' seat and started up again, dragging Marco along, as he tried to get back onto his feet. 'Mama' had turned her head back facing Marco, shouting obscenities at him. The cart continued on its way with Marco back on his feet, stumbling along the way as he tried to keep pace. Tito and the two slaves continued on their way, as once again Ray was administering punishment to Marco. The brothers couldn't help but to get a queasy feeling in the pit of their stomachs. Yet, they walked past the cart, heads down. Once back inside the house, in the 'great room', the slaves could see that a lot more had been done to the room since they went through it the last time. There were no 'paybacks' working in the room either. Tito sent them down to their room, telling them to be in the 'present' posture when he arrived. As the slaves were getting into the proper stance, they finally got their first good look at each other since the 'induction' process. "Dang, Jeremy, look at all that steel on your body. Does your dick and balls hurt as much as mine do? You look like something I saw in world history book this year. Why do you think they pained us by shoving these things up our butts? Look at me; I don't have a hard on, but it almost looks as if I do. God I hate this." Before Justin could answer any of the questions, Tito arrived at the slaves' room. Tito praised, again, the two slaves for their bravery in the workshop. He told them how nice they looked, for now, with the cuffs and cock band in place. He reached up to both, taking the front ring of their collars and led them to the shower area. Tito had them shower the sweat and dirt off each others body. "Unless otherwise told, from now on you will always have your butt plugs in place, is that understood?" Tito questioned, not really expecting an answer. "Your noon meal will be here shortly, and I don't want you to say anything when it does. After you are alone to eat, you may speak, but not until then. While we await your meal, let me outline the afternoon activities for you. You need to clean the toilet and shower area along with the floor in this area. After that, both of you need to return to the exercise room and wipe the equipment down, getting rid of any body sweat from earlier and make sure you wipe down the floor in there before you leave. When all of that is finished you are to return here and assume the 'present' posture. Master has someone coming over to inspect you before tonight's activities." The slaves could easily understand the orders for the afternoon and hadn't even thought of asking any questions. The sound of the elevator door opening brought the slaves heads to see what, who was coming. They could see Marco, on hands and knees, coming from the elevator. He turned around and brought out the meal tray, which the slaves were getting used to seeing. Marco got onto his feet and brought in the noon meal. He was instructed by Tito where to set the tray, where to put the bowls (formerly plates). Marco stepped back about three feet [90 cm] and assumed his four point walking position. He didn't move a muscle, waiting to be told to leave. Something was different about Marco, and the slaves couldn't seem to figure out what it was, but in time they would. Marco was ordered to exit, which he did and left via the elevator. The slaves approached their new bowels and found that they were filled with something other than what they were accustomed to. Tito told them to put the sight and smell out of their minds and to do the best they could with the new food. Tito turned and left them to consume the noon day meal. There was no water, this time, to help wash the food down. The meal was eaten, with deliberate forcefulness; with some gagging and choking. Both of the slaves had tears streaming down their cheeks once again. Yet, another way found to de-humanize the two. After the bowls were emptied, both boys thought to sit on the floor; a sharp reminder from their plugs penetrated through each of them as they gently eased themselves down to the floor. Once situated, they began to feel their respective cuffs and the collar. The smoothness which felt cool on the outside and warm and tight against the skin. Each slave began to lift and tug and the others' rings, feeling the weight of them and thinking of what purpose they served. The collars also were inspected by one an other. Lifting and tugging on each of the five rings. Tito returned, carrying a canvas tote bag, which he placed against a wall. He had the slaves get into the toilet area, telling them that they needed to first wash down their noon meal. With a dreadful look on their faces, the slaves knew what was expected of them. Jeremy began to hesitate, but Justin saw it, and instantly got on his knees in front of his slave brother. Justin reached up, took a gentle hold of his brothers' cock and put it within the confines of his own mouth. Tito announced his pleasure at seeing such progress in such a short amount of time. Surely, Tito must have known these slaves were not the 'run of the mill' type. Jeremy had a difficult time in releasing his piss into his brothers' mouth, but finally the stream began and he emptied himself completely. Jeremy started to pull his hips back from Justin but suddenly Justin did an unexpected thing. Justin released his hand from Jeremys' cock and at the same time squeezed his lips tighter around his brothers' cock. Jeremy looked down at Justin, as Justin looked up at his brother. There was the look, from Justin, of 'I love you', in his eyes. Justin was recalling the feeling he got in his dick, when being held by the natives; when one of them held his cock tightly, such as he was now doing with Jeremy. Justin maintained his 'lip lock' on his brother and Jeremy had no idea why he was doing this. After all, to Jeremys' recollection his brother was still a virgin when it came to sex. On the other hand, Jeremy had had a girlfriend and although there had been no actual fucking goin' on, Jeremy did have his girlfriend suck his cock for a minute or two. Jeremy was in a situation he didn't know how to handle, after all this was his brother who held his cock orally. Justin looked once down to Justin and then over to Tito. Tito could rather sense the restlessness in Jeremys' mind and simply said, "Permitted, this time!" Jeremy placed his hands behind Justins head and softly held Justins' head in place. Slowly he began to move his hips forward, pushing his manhood deeper into Justins' mouth. Reversing the direction of his hips, over and over again until most of his cock was planted in Justins' mouth. "Justin, why are you doing this? Do you really want this? Do you know what you are even doing? I love you too, but this is too much for me. I shouldn't be doing this to you. This is all wrong, bro. I can't believe I am letting you suck my dick. This is not natural for us." Justin pulled his mouth off of his brother, with tears beginning to drip down. Looking up, he said; "No Jeremy, it is right. It is ok. Hey look, I know how it feels for you. I love you and I'm scared to death that you will leave me. I'm afraid of being alone ever again, once was enough. Please don't ever leave me. If I have to do this to make you feel good, then I will do it whenever you want. I understand how you feel, but you must try and understand how I feel. I'm not gay or nothing, but I have no other way to show you or to tell you how much I love you. Please just let me do this one thing for you." Tears were now accompanied by the choking back of mucus as Justin tried in vain to say more. "It's ok Justin, if this makes you feel better about us, then I won't do anything to stop you. I don't want to see you upset. Right or wrong if you need this to make you feel closer to me, I won't stop you. But, you do know what will happen if you continue and I keep thrusting. Are you prepared to go all the way?" Justin placed his hands on Jeremys' hips and opened his mouth. Jeremy softly put his cock back into Justins' mouth. Justin sucked as Jeremy moved back and forth. Jeremy went from having his hands on Justins head to having his hands grasping his brothers' ears. It was but a few more minutes before Jeremy let out a guttural moan and emptied his sperm into Justins' mouth. Justin swallowed all that Jeremy had pumped into him. "Now that is true brotherly love," Tito said. "I would not have believed it, if I had not of seen it like this. Jeremy, I hope that you take a minute or two to realize what just happened here. I wonder, in time if you will show your brother the same kind of love and respect." "No, I don't want or need Jeremy to do that for me. For now Jeremy just needs for me to rinse his meal down, as you have commanded us." Justin said, as he stood up and Jeremy knelt down and took his brothers piss into his stomach. "Right then, my little ducklings, lets get over to the bed. I need to get both of you ready for tonight's party. A party by the way is being held in your honor." Tito had Justin lay on the bed, on his back, with his legs hanging over the end. "Get that bag there Jeremy and bring it to me" Tito said, now with a lot more authority. Reaching into the bag, Tito brought out two lengths of rope. Each rope was attached to his ankle cuffs and then brought up and put through rings on the respective sides of his collar. One by one, each ankle was brought back, far and wide and tied in place. Again, Justin was totally exposed, now even to his brother. The base of the butt plug was obscene, even to look at. Tito produced a length of leather cord and after grasping Justins scrotum began to wrap it around, trapping the nuts at the bottom. Another piece of leather was used to wrap the balls apart from each other. Tito kept wrapping the cord as the balls spread further and further apart. Finally, Tito had made two loops in the cord, one for each ball and when he was done, each orb had its' own loop hanging beneath it. Tito was so intent on doing his job right that he failed to notice Jeremy grasping his brothers hand with his. Now that Justins' balls and scrotum had been wrapped in accordance with the Masters' instructions, Tito released the ropes holding Justins' ankles up. Tito and Jeremy helped Justin get back onto his feet. With his cock and balls held captive within the band, jutting out; the balls were actually separated more than enough to be on either side of his cock. Tito performed his last bit of work on Justin by taking separate ropes and fixing each to one of the loops on each ball tied the balls to each side of his collar; pulling tighter and tighter until the balls were horizontal with Justins' cock. The throbbing was bearable for Justin, but was extremely uncomfortable. Jeremy was ordered onto the bed, and before Tito had a chance to pull his ankles up, Jeremy had raised his own legs to expose himself like Justin was previously. Jeremys' scrotum and balls took a little more wrapping than his brothers, but the end result was the same. The slaves looked down at themselves and at each other, with sadness in their facial expressions. Tito had them both get down onto their hands and knees. This proved to take a little more time, as they both had to get used to the new positioning of their nuts; most movements causing a rapid pulling on the balls. Each slave had a weight attached to their respective nuts. The weights adding strain to the skin and the ball within it. Moans from both slave boys was expected and heard distinctly. "I'm saddened that I have had to bring you pain, my little sparrows. Master and his wife feel that a well formed slave should have his testicles stretched as far as possible; therefore the weights will not come off unless someone other than you removes them. Unfortunately, your exposed balls will now become objects of pleasure for Ray and Aldo. Furthermore, the leather bindings will shrink once they become wet and allowed to dry, which will add even more pain to what you are already experiencing." "I would suggest to you, that while you are currently positioned properly, that you swivel your hips around slowly to get used to having the weights on your balls. Later on, you won't have such an opportunity. Tomorrow, perhaps, while you are acquainted with your 'training' room the weights may be temporarily removed. I don't envy you one bit; when you are trained extensively tomorrow, but for now we won't dwell on it. Let's just concentrate on today, the moment and the upcoming party." The brother slaves, slowly, ever so slowly moved their hips about; causing the individual weights to begin their rotating motions. When the slaves raised and lowered their respective hips, the weights followed smoothly. After many minutes of this, footsteps and voices were heard approaching. The elevator door also opened. Aldo and Ray accompanied by a rather tall man, well dressed in casual clothes, came into the room; and Marco was being led in behind them on a leash. "Ah, thank you Tito, it looks as if you have completed father's wishes well and on time. I'll be sure to mention your good work to him." Aldo praised. "Tito, don't you think that our newly discovered gay boy would look good if he too were fitted like fathers new slaves?" Ray asked in earnest. "Yes, Sir, the gay one would look most handsome if his nuts were done in like manner as the slaves Sir." Tito responded. Ray yanked on his sons leash and forced him to the ground. Yelling and kicking Marco until the boy was on his back. Aldo grabbed hold of Marco's ankles and pulled them up and held them firmly to the boys' shoulders. All could see the terribly large butt plug base which was impaling the son. Ray lightly kicked his sons' scrotum, bringing screams of pain from Marco. "Ben, I would be honored if you would do the ball cinches for us." Ray commented. Without a word, the new man took the bag in hand and brought forth a hand full of ropes and leather. First he took a plain white cotton rope and bound the scrotum with it, handing Ray the free end; asking Ray to pull as tight as he could. The rope was placed between the legs of Ben so that Ray could actually sit on the floor behind Ben and maintain a constant firm pressure on his sons' nuts. The distance that the human skin can stretch, was very obvious to all present. With the orbs pulled painfully away from the body, Ben began wrapping the scrotum with the leather. Jeremy looked over at Justin and both boys knew exactly what the other one was thinking; a slight grin on each boy cemented that thought. After wrapping the scrotum, Ben took control of the rope and removed it from Marco. There had to be at least one and a half inches [4 cm] of separation between the balls and the base of the cock. Ben took more leather and separated each ball. The separation was a little bit more than the two slaves. Strangely enough, Marco was not making a single solitary sound. Once Ray had smiled with his approval, Ben fastened the free ends of leather to Marco's collar. This was done a little different than that of the slaves. Each ball did not have that loop, as Ben had made the separation of each nut with separate leather strips long enough to reach the collar. "I want them tighter than that" Ray said. Ben untied the leather and yanked hard on each one, until screams finally emitted from Marco. "Now you're talking Ben, the tighter the better." Aldo released the boys' legs and all now got a good view of the separated nuts. The nuts were actually, almost on top of the cock. Ray smiled, Aldo laughed and Ben just kept his intent expression, focusing on all three of the naked bodies in the room. After the laughing stopped, Aldo said that they should forego the weights for the time being. Ray looked puzzled but finally agreed. The three men moved away, out of range of the slaves hearing the conversation. Some laughter and some disagreements between the men ended with them all coming back to the slaves and Marco. Ben had Tito get the slaves onto their backs, the same as Marco. Ben released the ropes on the collars of the slaves and swiftly had Justins' and Jeremys' nuts tied, painfully, the same as Marco. The only difference was that the weights remained on the two slave brothers. Ben then excused himself, leaving the room. Ray and Tito had a field day with the three males on the floor. Making Tito lift the legs of each boy, Ray and Aldo went about kicking the base of each butt plug; sending pain, nerve wracking pain throughout the bodies. Slapping the tightly pulled separated nuts; continued to add insurmountable pain to the already increasing agony of all three boys. Ray and Aldo then began to pay close attention to Justins' body. Each had taken a nipple in between their fingers and squeezed firmly, bringing shrieks of pain from Justin. Pulling on his nipples, holding with an even firmer grip. "Man oh man, his nipples will look much better once they are stretched to look 'normal' ", Aldo commented. "Yes indeed" responded Ray; "Perhaps tonight would be a good time to start the stretching process. We could use Marco to suckle the nipples of both of fathers' slaves. I'm sure that his mother and grandmother would love to see that happen. After all, they are responsible for our upbringing and they should be able to tolerate the 'fruit of their labors', laughed Ray. "But Ray, you know that they are saddened by the outcome of Marco. They think it is disgusting that the boy is gay. I'm sure that they had hoped for a sadist boy rather than gay one. 'Mama' is ill to her stomach over this whole situation, and I don't think she will be at the party tonight, if Marco is there. Nor will your wife be there, as she is falling into a deep state of depression over this whole affair. Besides, two of the female 'paybacks' are tending to them as we speak. And, you know how they like the attention they get from being serviced in ways you and I don't tend to give them." Just then, Ray's cellphone rang, with him answering promptly. "Yes father. Yes father I understand. Yes. Completely father." "So Tito, your Master tells me that you allowed one of his slaves to have an orgasm this day. You know that your Master frowns on such activities without him being present. He saw the action earlier when he was working hard, in his office. Why would you ever do such a thing, after being so obedient all these years?" Ray was screaming now. "I'm sorry Sir, I must have gotten caught up in the moment of the two slaves sharing their love for each other, SIR" responded Tito. "So are you telling me that one or both of fathers' new slaves is gay? God help us. We are being invaded by queers! Holy fucking shit! " "No SIR", Tito said resoundly. "Just that one of them needed to feel better about himself, his brother and the whole new world which you are opening up for them." "That's all well and good, but the result remains the same. You allowed such behavior without your Masters permission. Your punishment will be forthcoming, TRUST ME! Barked Ray. Ben returned, bringing with him a large expensive looking suitcase. Ray brought him up to speed on what had just transpired with the three boys and also about what Tito had done. Ben seemed happy with everything, mostly happy about Tito's transgression. Aldo suggested that Tito's punishment be carried out immediately. Ray and Ben agreed, and had Tito strip naked right then and there. Titos' body was a work of art, with muscles toned, thin waistline and strong arms. Tito maintained all of his manly hair, which added to his beautiful naked body. Aldo caught a glimpse of Marco, as he had gotten an even firmer cock now. "OH MY GOD! The fag boy is getting a hard on, from seeing Titos' body. You sure got one hell of a son here Ray." On hearing such remarks from Aldo, Ray could do nothing but remain silent and saddened. Not wasting any time, Aldo grabbed hold of Tito and moved him to the shower area; placing his hands wide and far apart on the tiled shower wall. "It's a shame that we have to mark you now Tito", said Aldo. Aldo kicked the legs apart, causing Tito to lean in towards the wall, exposing his butt and legs even more. Ben brought in a finely made whip, asking if he could have the honors of administering the punishment. Given permission Ben wasted no time in criss-crossing the body with red welts. Not once did Tito cry or scream. In his mind, Tito could only think of his son at a time like this. Such thoughts totally encased his mind so that the outside world was non-existing. Tito received his twenty five lashes in total silence; then allowed back to the slaves and got his clothes back on. It didn't take long before a couple areas of fresh blood were seen soaking into Titos' shirt.. "Now that sort of activity really refreshes me," said Ben. "We must get with the rest of the program here, as we don't want to be late for the festivities tonight" Ben quipped. "Who goes first here, Aldo?" Ben asked. "Well, if Ray has no objection, I feel that Marco should go first. Since Marco has been keeping secrets from his family, he should be first to be prepared for the party tonight. Besides, the queers' grandfather may be watching and he would enjoy seeing the boy fixed up nice and proper; don't you agree Ray?" Again silence. "And besides, maybe the boy could get a little more than the slaves get, how cool would that be? The smile on Bens' face got wider and wider, the more Aldo spoke. Ben took his suitcase and laid it on the bed, opening it up; making readily available anything and everything that would be needed for preparing all three bodies. "We get them all fitted out for the party and it is to bad we can't take them into the training room before hand, but I'm sure that tomorrow you guys will enjoy that bit of pleasure yourselves." Said Ben. "Now let me get right to the 'nitty gritty' and we will be done in no time at all." Rays' cellphone rang once more. "Yes father, I'll tell him, Yes Sir." Putting the phone away Ray spoke, facing Ben; "Father wishes you to know that he enjoyed seeing Titos' punishment, as he feels you did an excellent job. Father also wishes that the slaves and Marco not have their mouths gagged while they are 'fitted out'. He desires to hear any screams and whimpers should they happen." Without saying anything, Ben set about getting ready to fix up Marco. He nodded his head and Aldo, again, took the ankles and brought them forward. Ben grabbed hold of the butt plug and swiftly removed it. He forced Marco to lick it clean before he set it on the floor next his head. Ben shoved a metal object into the butt hole and began turning a hand crank. The more he turned the crank handle, the more the hole opened up. Marco began pleading with Ben to stop. Ben cranked so much that you would think the skin would tear, but Ben, with his experience knew when enough was enough. "Nice and pink in here, but there isn't much grease, so we will have to remedy that before we are done." A few more turns of the crank and Marco was writhing in pain. Tito was commanded to help maintain Marco in a 'workable' posture, which Tito was more than happy to assist with. The hole was finally to the point that Ben was comfortable with. For such a small framed boy, having the hole gapping open over three inches [7½ cm] was quite a feat unto itself. Ray looked at the boys hole and seemed more than satisfied, in fact, wondering why Ben didn't take the hole wider. Marco continued to scream, which was really getting Justin and Jeremy nervous; as they couldn't really see what was happening in their current positions. Ben handed Ray a set of forceps and Ray quickly clamped both of them onto the tongue of Marco. Holding out the forceps didn't prevent the sounds from emitting from the boy, but did give Ben plenty of room to pierce the tongue and install two half inch [13 mm] rings into it. The forceps were then clamped onto the nipples and Ben laughed out load. "God, I've waited months to try out my new sharper needles. I'm going to start him off with bigger and thicker rings than one would normally get." The needles he used were really thick and the amount of flesh he had to skewer brought blood boiling screams from Marco. Knowing that the Master was watching, Ben retrieved two large thick rings from his suitcase and each of them had the most ominous bead with them. He held them up, so that the Master might be able to see them before he installed them on Marco. Ben lubed the rings and pushed them in, as he pushed the needles out. With a snap and a squeeze from a pair pliers the nipple rings when installed; and would take a lot of abuse if the need arose. Ben started to move over to Jeremy, when the phone rang, yet again. Ray answered but quickly handed the phone to Ben. Ben never said a word. Closing the phone and handing it back to Ray, Ben went back to his suitcase, retrieved a few things and returned to Marco. He looked up at Ray, and Ray knew that his own father was controlling the situation at this moment. With all that Ray had mentally been through today, he was in no condition or position to argue with his own father. Ben clamped each of Marco's ears and likewise installed 'matching' earrings. Now little Marco had four rings all the same thickness and diameter. Ben made a snide remark about all girls should have such pretty jewelry dangling from their ears. Delaying the next piercing, Ben moved to check on the stretched hole of Marco. Being pleased with the progress, Ben turned the crank handle two whole turns, again achieving his objective of making the hole 'normal'. The next piecing caught everyone by surprise. Ben clamped and lanced another large hole between Marco's bound sac and his stretched ass hole. Now Marco had FIVE matching rings. Aldo busted out laughing, so much that Ray got annoyed with the whole scene. "You know Ray, said Aldo, that with a ring that large, your son will never be able to walk upright ever again. There is just no way that he will ever be able to close his legs ever again. The ring will keep his legs so wide that his ass hole will be permanently visible to everyone. I can't get over how awesome it looks Ray. Can't wait to see the boy on his hands and knees, all those rings hanging down, swinging and stretching. God how great!" Ray began to come out of his self induced stupor and started to take notice of what was once his loving son. Ben continued with the fittings. He was able to get enough skin clamped on each of Marcos' balls and fitted with rings, the same size which had been installed on the tongue. After installing the scrotum rings, Ben took a moment to wipe the blood from the fresh piercings on the body and spraying each with antiseptic. When he had finished with that little project, he seemed to hesitate just a minute or two, remaining silent. Ben, apparently, was hoping the phone would ring again; rescinding the orders that Rays' father had previously given him. The phone never rang, as Ray looked up, hoping that one of the cameras would catch his expression of distain. Ben leaned over the teens face, his smiles of delight all but gone. Marco, still in disbelief from all the piercings, looked into Bens' eyes and could see a slight glimpse of remorse for what was about to happen. Ben could never imagine how one relative could despise one so young as this teenaged boy. But, he also knew that after serving the Master all these years that his thoughts and feelings mattered not. Ben looked up at Aldo, still holding the ankles out and wide, with the light reflecting off of white teeth with that familiar grin on his face. Turning his gaze to Ray, the expression was the complete opposite. Ray was ashen in color without any facial expression. Retrieving yet more supplies from his suitcase, Ben set about piecing the eyebrows with four rings each, two rings on the upper lip and two rings on the lower lip. With the exception of Marcos' earrings, all the other facial rings were identical. Aldo was making comment after comment on all the needle pokes and rings. Perhaps Aldo was a lot like his father, but again it may be too early to assume anything. Two 'paybacks' appeared at the entrance to the room, carrying one of those canvas type, collapsible stretchers. They leaned the stretcher against the wall, ever so gently. Then they both proceeded over to Marco, kneeling on either side of his chest. Ben looked at each of them, and knew precisely why they were here, and with a stretcher. The 'paybacks' placed their hands on to Marco, holding him firm to the floor. Ben wiped off the entire length of Marcos' cock and paid special attention to the head and the area right behind the head. Producing what appeared to the untrained eye, to be something just shy of a miniature harpoon, he quickly lanced it through the piss opening and sent it out the bottom of the boys cock, just behind the head. A 3/8" by 3" ring was pushed thru the gapping hole and a one inch [2½ cm] bead was used to complete the circle. Without pausing, Ben took a smaller needle and forcefully pushed it into the side of Marcos' cock; and the screams, attempted thrashings, and tears continued to flow, until the poor teen passed out. Once the needle was protruding out the opposite side of the cock, Ben placed a ring completely through to the other side and closed it off with a bead. This ring was identical to the ass and earrings. Rising to his feet, Ben wiped the sweat from his own face. He glanced down at the teens butt hole and quickly and decisively removed his specially made hole spreader and rammed a 4" diameter plug inside the pulsing flesh. There was no need for grease to install the plug, but Ben knew just how awful it would feel when the plug was taken out. The two 'paybacks' quickly got Marco onto the stretcher and removed him from the room and back upstairs to who knows where. Aldo was still rambling on about the whole scene with Marco, as Ray was coming to terms with all the rings, their placements and the reasoning his own father had for having it done. Tito was still standing flawlessly in the same position as when all the 'fittings' began. Justin and Jeremy still on the floor, staring at the ceiling, oblivious to what was going on anymore; as they somehow had found a way to block out the noise of screaming and pleading. Ray could only vaguely understand the reason or reasons behind his father's wishes. Aldo could care less; he was only interested in the screams and body modifications on his nephew. Hell, he was already dreaming of ways to use the newly implanted body rings! "Whew, that was intense, commented Ben, now to finish up with the new handsome slaves." Ben stood for a moment before he left to use the toilet. After washing hands he returned to his tasks at hand. This time Ray held the ankles of Jeremy. He greased up the spreader and swiftly removed Jeremys' plug and inserted the spreader; cranking it open until the youthful screams began to spew forth from Jeremy. Paying close attention, Ben opened Jeremy up just as he had done to Marco; leaving the spreader in place. Aldo was down on his knees, keenly making mental notes of what he was seeing. Jeremy got his nipples ringed, and then he too got an ass ring installed and finally got his 'prince albert' ring. All four rings were identical; being 00gauge by 3'' [7½ cm] in diameter with the customary one inch [2½ cm] bead to close the ring. Ben cleaned off the piercing sites and applied antiseptic spray to each of them. The spreader was removed, and yet another four inch [10 cm] diameter plug was planted into Jeremy. Jeremy was still shedding tears from pain, as Justin underwent the identical 'ringing' and plugging; but with a lot more screams and choking back on saliva than had Jeremy. The ringing complete, Ben folded his suitcase closed and remained silent, standing there with a certain amount of pride; for he had done a perfect job on all three male bodies. Ray had finally released Justins' ankles so that he (Justin) could relax, if that was possible. Ben made sure he had left plenty of antiseptic solution along with special soap for all the piercings which would have to be cleaned at least three times a day for the next three weeks. Tito, Justin, nor Jeremy had said a word or looked into the eyes of any of the three free men the entire time. They were just glad that this part of the slave's new lives was over with. The Master phoned down to Ray, wishing to speak to Ben, who readily answered. The Master was exceptionally pleased with his work on Marco. Apparently the 'paybacks' had taken the teen up to his grandfathers' office after they left from downstairs. While Ben was conversing with Rays' father, he and Aldo were discussing how nice it was going to be to see the slaves learn to swallow each others piss with such large rings installed in their cocks. Aldo hadn't failed to mention, either, that from now on the slaves would find it near impossible to walk like a human again. Ray brought up the subject of nipples and how fast they would be stretching with the heavy rings running through them. All in all, the slaves were soon to be discovering how thankful they were not to have all the piercings which Marco had to now carry with him. The time had swiftly escaped the three men, and Ben had to bid his farewells, after Ray handed him an envelope containing his fees for poking holes and for the rings and plugs. Aldo and Ray accompanied Ben back upstairs and left Tito to tend to his two charges, seeing to it that each of them was ready for tonights party, being held 'in their honor'.
Chapter SevenTito ministered to the slave's new body piercings, wiping away any remaining signs of blood and also to their mental state; which was becoming more fragile as the day progressed.The slaves feared even moving their bodies, with the balls tightly stretched and tied to the collar. As if the body jewelry wasn't enough, each had to contend with his balls being treated like the slave was less than human. Tito remained seated between the slave's heads, speaking almost angelically; trying to reassure the slave brothers that all would be alright. "There is such little time before your party. Just remember that if you have to piss, make sure your brother's mouth is opened as wide as possible, so that your new ring does not chip a tooth going in. I am going to leave you both for just a minute or two, so that I can get some warm water and wipe your bodies down; as they both are beginning to have a faint odor of sweat on them." Tito up and left the brothers to their own selves. Lying ever so still on the floor, each turned his head towards the other. Each glancing best he could to see what the other brother looked like. They began taking their hands and exploring their own bodies taking mental note of the size and weight of such things as their nipple rings. When they explored their own balls, they were surprised as to the amount of stretching the leather had been doing to them. Justin took his right hand, reaching out for Jeremy; who offered his left hand to his brother. Jeremy tried to straighten his legs out, but soon found out that doing so caused extreme agony in his groin area. Tito returned with a large basin of warm water and a soft cloth and began wiping each slave down. Tito made sure to apply ample water to the leather cords, which were on their scrotums. Tito knew well, that when the leather dried, the leather would shrink and also become tighter on each boy. After wiping each of them, Tito began the slow process of turning each slave over so that he could assist him to get into his proper position. Justin was first to feel the total effects of the sac bindings and the weight of the rings as he was turned over. The hanging weights on his balls didn't help either, as Justin let out a loud yelp once he was fully onto his hands and knees. Now his balls were being pulled upward towards his neck at the same time the heavy weights were pulling them in the opposite direction. Justin informed Tito that he had to piss, so Tito slowly guided him directly over Jeremys' face. With a little help on hip placement and making sure that Jeremy had his mouth wide open, Justin lowered his body just enough so that Jeremy wouldn't spill any of the golden juice. Tito helped Jeremy, in like fashion and all was ready to proceed to the party. Before they got to their rooms' door, Justin looked at Jeremy and told him to be brave and not to worry about a thing. Justin was in some way trying to prove to his older brother that he was becoming as brave as him. Jeremy of course knew a lot better than that, but played along with Justin, giving Justin a sense of security. When the elevator door opened into the 'great room', the boys could see at least twenty males there, along with the wife and the mother. Also in attendance were two female 'paybacks' who perhaps the ones whom attended to the 'ladies' of the house. The master was seated at the far end of the room and on each side of him were Ray and Aldo. The other guests were scattered about either sitting in chairs or leaning against the walls. Young, scantly clad boys were passing amongst them, with silver platters of food and drink. The volume of voices began to silence once they noted the presence of the new slaves kneeling behind Tito. Tito reached down, attaching new leashes to each collar and proceeded to lead the boys to their master. As Tito got closer the master rose from his chair and accepted the leashes from Tito. He smiled at him and nodded his approval. Tito retreated to the nearest wall and stood erect and firm, hands clasped behind his back. The master lowered himself towards the floor in a squatting position. He raised Jeremys' chin, so that he could look him square in the eyes. "How does it feel my slave, to have such a loving and caring master? Who else would be so kind as to give you shelter, good food and such beautiful jewelry?" With his other hand he grasped one of the bindings on Jeremys' balls and gave a short yet fast pull; causing Jeremy to flinch. He let the head fall back as the hand slowly felt its way down the back of Jeremy until he got to the butt plug. He tugged, twisted and tapped on the plug; assuring himself that in fact Ben had selected the proper size for the slaves' hole. Reaching a little further he hefted the ass ring noting its' large diameter and weight. Not forgetting, he also felt the ring attached to Jeremys' cock head and the nipple rings. Being satisfied, so far, he invited his guest to do their own inspection of Jeremy, while he did his initial inspection of Justin. The guests were not as gentle as the master and Jeremy had difficulty remaining silent, but he did quite well. Justin on the other hand, moaned when the master tested his butt plug and also when the guest where manhandling him. The master noted this and gave Tito a look, as if to say tomorrow this one gets extra training. Aldo and Ray remained standing in their places, as this was their fathers gathering not theirs; besides, they already had their pleasures with the slaves earlier. The two ladies came forward, closely doing a visual inspection of the masters new slaves. They looked but did not touch. Rays' wife leaned over and whispered something into the masters' ear and the master praised her for her suggestion. The ladies turned, bid their farewells to the entire guest and retreated to other parts of the mansion; followed closely by the two female 'paybacks'. Master spoke loudly and the young attendants appeared with more food and drink. Passing amongst the guest, the young boys were frequently fondled and tapped on the ass, causing each of them to have erections. With little fanfare, the master took an already lit candle from it's' holder and began dripping hot wax on Justin's bare back. Justin maintained his position, yet squirmed when the droplets landed. After countless drops began to cover Justins' back, the master moved the candle to Jeremys' body and likewise began dripping wax. One of the guests came forward, asking permission to use the candle and the master politely relinquished the candle. He moved the candle so the wax was now dripping on Jeremys' smooth head and ears, covering him almost completely in a very short period of time. The candle was passed to yet another guest who began dripping the molten wax on Justins' raised butt cheeks and his thighs. Again Justin let go with a screech and a yelp. The man holding the candle leaned down and with his free hand pulled the butt plug out ever so slightly, just enough so that there was a small space between it and Justins' hole. He held the candle over Justins' hole long enough for him to begin crying as the hole was encased in the candle wax. Again the candle was passed to another guest, who delighted in covering the soles of both of the slaves with the hot substance. Once the feet were covered, the candle about gone; the flame was extinguished. Everyone applauded the performance. One of the attending youths carried in two funnels and stood before his master. The boy received his orders, and diligently placed one of the funnels in each of the slave's mouths. The master delighted in telling his guest that if any of them needed to relieve themselves that the urinals were now in place. Tito stood transfixed to what was going on, hoping and praying that neither of the brothers spilled any piss out of their mouth. It only took a few minutes before one or two of the guest needed the urinals. There was never the 'mad rush' as one might of thought, and the boys did quite well. Tito could see the disappointment in the faces of Ray and Aldo. He knew all to well that they desired to take part in the festivities. Another attending youth brought forward a leather paddle and held it up for the master to receive it. The master thanked the youth for being so diligent and dismissed him for the time being. The paddle was offered to the guest, for their enjoyment and pleasure, to be used on Jeremy and Justin. One by one, each guest just had to have a 'crack' at the new slaves. Some of them swung the paddle hard and heavy and others only swung it so as not to allow the others to feel as if they were cowardly about hitting a naked body. All in all the paddling went on for about thirty minutes before the master retrieved the paddle. More food and drink was brought out, but this time the attendants were totally naked, except for what little hair was naturally forming on their bodies. Tito was having a difficult time holding back his emotions, as he began recalling the same exact events he was forced to witness with his son being the 'guest of honor'. When the attendants passed by Ray and Aldo, each of them couldn't refrain from grabbing a bouncing cock and squeezing it as well as yanking on it. One of the boys nearly dropped his tray full of drink, when Ray attempted to ram a finger up the boys' ass hole. The master caught a glimpse of it and gave a stern look of disapproval to Ray. The master could tell that his guest were getting a little boisterous with their speech and manners and knew that he would soon have to end the party. One of the guests, being either bold or just plain stupid, said something to the master about the rumor he had heard concerning his grandson. The master became some what furious when he was asked about Marco, and more so aggravated that someone in his house had spoken of it. The master became red in his face as his fury and distain rapidly increased. The guests who had broached the subject, inquired again about Marco, and master lost his composure completely. He reached out and grabbed the man by his throat, throwing him instantly to the floor. The master called for several of his guards, who appeared in the blink of an eye. The obnoxious guest was removed from the festivities and all the other guests mostly stood around in silence; or were just whispering amongst themselves. "Yes, it is true. Only today we discovered the sexual habits of my grandson. He has been severely punished because of his ill ways. The boys' mother and father are distraught over the whole incident and wish to express their apologies to all of you, for birthing such a son." Master spoke as if he was, himself, saddened over the whole situation. "Now to dispel any further rumors which any of you may have, I shall arrange for Marco to be transported to us. That way, with your own eyes, you can see for yourselves what a poor excuse of a man that Marco 'was'." The master turned and spoke briefly to Ray and Aldo, who in turn spoke to Tito. Tito left the party and when he returned he was followed by four of the younger attendants. Each attendant was hefting an end of a long pole, which had been threaded through a cage. Inside the cage, of heavy steel, was Marco. Tears and sobs came from Marco, and gave the two slave brothers the impression that he hadn't stopped crying from his previous experience. The attendants lowered the cage to the floor and removed the poles. Master stood next to the cage and offered all his guest a good view of Marco. Marco had indeed changed since the two brothers saw him last. His entire body was covered with whip marks and welts, some of which were weeping a little blood. Even Marco's feet were swollen and appeared that he had received a good beating on the soles of his feet. Marco's mouth was hanging open, with drool dripping from the corners. On close inspection you could see that the tongue had swollen, mostly due to the piercings; which really is a normal occurrence. All of the guests were in total shock, some having a difficult time to even recognize the human form as that of Marco. Ray stood silent, being somewhere between being sad and wanting to punish his son even more than the master had already done. Aldo was standing next to the backside of the cage with his evil grin on display. "Now that all of you have seen Marco, I hope that this matter is put to rest. If any of you ever mention his name again, I will personally see to it that you won't speak another word or take another breath. That goes for anyone else that I hear of speaking about this boy." "The festivities are now concluded, over, finished; so please leave immediately and remember what I have told you." The guests silently and quickly left the mansion and headed to their respective homes. Marco was carried out of the great room, the same way he was brought in. Master spoke for some time with Ray and Aldo about the party, Marco and his two new slaves. Tito was summoned to the master's side. He stood silent, erect and with his hands behind the small of his back. Master spoke calmly, yet decisively to Tito, telling him of his wants, needs and desires. Not speaking, Tito nodded his head in an affirmative manner and returned to the two slave boys. Master handed Tito the two leashes, which Tito took and slowly removed the new slave boys from the masters sight and back down to their room. Within the confines of the room, Tito praised the two slaves for their bravery and obedience during the party. He removed the cords from the collars that had been straining the boy's balls. Tito knew better than to remove the heavy weights which still hung obscenely from each nut. As if on queue, both boys informed Tito of their need to pee. Tito smiled down at them and granted permission. Having already removed the extra nut bindings, the boys could move around a little bit better, yet still slowly (at this point). Each brother looked at the other, before Jeremy spoke. "Oh Justin, are you alright? God that was so awful up there. My ass hurts so badly from that paddling that it's still burning. And what's up with those other boys? Walking around all fancy pants and acting as if we weren't even there. And that look on mister Aldo's face, always grinning and staring at us both. And Rays' son, God what a whipping he got." "JEREMY, STOP! You're scarring me," choked out Justin. "Damn Justin, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you bro. Please oh God, Justin forgive me." Jeremy pleaded, crying. There seemed now to be a stronger bond between the brothers. They seemed to be more caring and loving than before, or had those feelings always been there. Sometimes we have feelings which we can't or won't express to anyone, keeping them buried deep inside. The brothers had always gotten along, never even having the 'brotherly fights' or anything more than minor verbal altercations. There had been times that Jeremy had forgone a date with his girlfriend, just so that his brother wouldn't be left alone. Justin had given up some of his after school activities so that he could spend more time with Jeremy. "Listen Justin, I have to let my piss go before I bust," Jeremy said, "but if you need to go really bad, then you go first." "No, I can wait. Go ahead and let's get this over with." Justin lamented. After the boys had completed their urinal duties, they returned to Tito, thanking him for allowing the release. "So, I'm glad that you two are accepting each other. I'm positive that the master will be instructing you on other acceptance training. I noticed, Justin that you were able to swallow all of your brothers' piss and not spill any or choke on it. That is very commendable. And both of you were careful not to bang the others teeth with your new rings. You realize of course that unless the rings are removed, neither of you can pleasure the others cock." Justin looked dismayed, as he glanced at his brother. Jeremy, not yet having or wanting to suck a cock, didn't seem to care one way or the other. The sound of the elevator door opening broke the thoughts of the slaves as all turned to see who or what was coming. Coming through the door first was one of the young servers from the party. He was carrying the meal tray. "The master has mentioned that neither of the slaves has had his evening meal, and ordered me to bring it down". The server said directly to Tito, without glancing at the slaves. Tito told him where to set the tray, and where to place the bowls. Just as the tray was set down on the floor, more servants arrived at the entry to the room. Tito noticed the large poles, he had seen earlier, upstairs. Four servers had brought Marco down to Tito. "The master has ordered us to bring this 'form' down to you, and has instructed me to tell you that he wishes this body to be cleaned up. He wants the body cleaned inside and out and also wishes you to tend to the markings on the body. You are permitted to keep as many servers down here to help you with 'it' and his two slaves." "Indeed, I will most certainly need the added help tonight." Said Tito. "With having to get the two slaves cleaned and fed, among other things; having to tend to the needs of 'him' (pointing to Marco) will take a lot more additional time." "Shhhhh, don't start crying now, Marco." One of the servers said quietly. Quietly, yes, but not so quiet that Tito heard it. Tito turned and exited the room. Keeping his voice down, Tito asked the server what was going on "Tito, look what they have done to Marco. This is all wrong. Just because he is gay, they punish him, disown him and banish him from his own place in the mansion. What kind of people are they, to do such things?" The server quietly asked. "My boy, what difference does all this make to you? Why should you or any of us care about this boy?" This was Mister Ray's son, but now he is just another gay man without a family, without a world." Tito stood firm, waiting for an answer from the server. Two of the four servers, left Tito with the remaining two servers; they went into the slave's room. "Oh man, will you look at this nice room. They got everything they need down here. This is awesome man. Such a great room for two slave boys. And look at masters' two slaves, looking so pretty there on their hands and knees. I want a chance at them if I can." Said the older of the servers. Tito left Marco and the other two servers outside the room, swiftly making his way to the 'loud mouth' server. "You will do only that which I ask of you and nothing else, you arrogant piece of shit" shouted Tito. "You even attempt to harm the masters' slaves and I personally will dish out your punishment." Looking at all three servers, Tito instructed them too gently and thoroughly bath the two slaves. "And I want the plugs removed from them, so that we can get their insides spotlessly clean". "But first they must eat their evening meal, so just relax a minute or two and then we can begin" instructed Tito. The brothers quickly ate the meal before them. They hadn't eaten since early on in the day and they both were famished. When each boy had finished, he dutifully cleaned the others face and lips. The three servers stood in silence, yet in total amazement at what they just witnessed. Without being told to do so, Justin and Jeremy made their way to the toilet area. "Damn, will you look at that. The two slaves are already trained like a couple of little puppies" said the loud mouth. "SILENCE! You moron, shouted Tito (again). "Place the bowls on the tray, cover it and set it outside the door, against the wall." "You two, carefully remove the plugs from my little sparrows. Gently pull and twist at the same time and they will do the rest," ordered Tito. The plugs were none to easy to remove, Justin and Jeremy doing a lot of mind over matter, trying to push as the servers twisted and pulled. Finally the plugs came out and were quickly tossed over into the shower area. Tito came over and instructed the servers on the proper method of enema cleanings and left them to do their job, as specified. For the 'loud mouthed' one, Tito had him strip naked and prepare the shower for the two slaves. The server was a little embarrassed about being naked in front of others. He removed his clothes and placed them on the bed, quickly moving into the tiled shower area. "While you are waiting for the slaves, take those two butt plugs and get them squeaky clean, you dumb fucking asshole, Tito said abusively. "Will you look at mr. big man. Not so big now that he is naked, showing everybody his little pecker now is he. And look at him cleaning the turds off those plugs," remarked the shorter server who was standing behind Jeremy. "I bet he won't be so fucking bossy after tonight, since he is getting the good jobs down here." Tito noted that all was going fairly well with the enemas and the plug cleanings, so he returned to the boys out in the hallway. "Now then, where were we? Is there something going on that I should know about, or is it something that perhaps the master does not need to know about? "Tito, Sir, please. If we tell you, you must promise not to say anything to master about it. If he finds out, God knows what he would do. You see, me, Raffy and Marco are gay. We didn't know about Marco until last year, honest. Marco was out riding one of the horses and came upon us down at the pond, and he seen us kissing. The rest was history." The server said with his head hung down. "Me and Raffy have been together for five years and no body knows nothing. Well that is except now for Marco and you. Marco has nobody to be with, so we are with him every chance him or us gets. He is really a great person Tito, honest." "Now you three boys listen up and listen real good. I don't care who is or who isn't gay. I've learned after all these years that a cock is a cock, and a hole is a hole. Piss is piss and shit is shit! I've seen more in the last six years that I wouldn't know worldly love if it hit me in the face. I have a job to do, and I try to do it well. I get punished just the same as you do, so we are equal males here at the mansion. I don't give anyone trouble and I expect the same treatment and respect in return. It is none of my business if you three are sucking and fucking your brains out. Just keep in mind that beyond that doorway are cameras and microphones. You never know when somebody may be observing or listening to you in there. When the slaves are out of the shower, I'll have you two take the boy in, and clean his hole and shower his body. You do know how to give enemas, don't you? So stay here, keep your voices down and I'll be back shortly" Tito concluded his lecture. Tito went back to check on the two slaves. The enemas were just finishing up and the butt plugs were cleaned. The one server was still standing naked in the shower area, observing the hole cleanings but remained silent, wisely. "Was the last discharge clean", asked Tito. Getting an affirmative answer, Tito had the two slaves back up so that their butts were just inside the shower area. "Now, let's see. Take what is left of the tissue and give it to him, referring to loud mouth, so that he can wipe them clean. And you, go under the bed and bring back the little vinyl bag for me. And you there, step into the shower so that you can help get the slaves bathed properly. The one server returned with the vinyl bag, and was swiftly instructed to return the meal tray to the kitchen. After wiping the holes clean, the servers started the water flowing in the shower. After getting last moment instructions they began to careful and gently washing the slaves. Tito remained there, observing. He had to prod the two servers a little bit when it came time to wash each of the slaves butt holes. Even more prodding when it came time for them to wash the cock and balls of the slaves. After completion of the showers, Tito had the slaves remain there while he opened the vinyl bag and brought out a can of grease. After liberally applying grease to the first plug, Tito put some inside of Jeremys' hole. Instructing Jeremy to breathe deep breaths and gently push, Tito slid the plug in with little resistance. The mouths of the servers dropped wide open in amazement. Justin was plugged with the same amount of ease. Little did anyone know that Tito had prepared the grease in advance, adding a large amount of a numbing agent to the mixture. Returning the slaves to the bed area, Tito had both slaves kneel upright. He then asked if any of the three servers needed to piss, of which only two did. The first server to step forward was the 'loud mouthed' one. Tito said that he could choose which slaves' mouth to use. Being arrogant and rather dominate by nature, he chose Justin, mainly because of his seemingly younger age. Justin began to tremble, as he turned his head and eyed Jeremy, who was watching expressionless. "Oh fuck yes, this is going to be awesome," proclaimed the server. "I've seen this done before and now I get to do it. This is going to be so great! Let's see if the slave can swallow my hot piss as fast as I can give it to the little shit. Now open your mouth boy, before I piss on your face!" Justin faced forward, opening his mouth but closed his eyes. Marco along with his two gay 'paybacks' could clearly see into the room and watched the action intently. The other server needing to piss stood silently while he fondled his own cock. The server not needing to piss had stepped back from getting a clear view of the urinal work, but that was partially due to his embarrassment of obtaining an erection. The cock, placed on Justins' tongue, began to leak the first drops of piss. Justin knew the flood was coming, so he closed his lips around the shaft, tightly. "Oh shit, man! The slave is squeezing my dick and it feels great. I wonder if this one is gay like the 'caged one'." Here comes the flood, pisslover." The server relaxed his muscle and piss flew out and into the waiting mouth. Justin swallowed it as fast as he could, and to everyone's surprise not a drop was wasted. "Tito why are you doing this to us?" pleaded Jeremy, "why do we have to drink 'servers' piss? Are you mad at us? We aren't gay; we shouldn't be doing these things. We are just regular guys, who do regular things Tito. Please stop, oh please stop" begged Jeremy. "Well slave, it seems as if you have forgotten your brothers groans and moans during the party tonight. You fail to remember that both of you were told not to speak, nor to make a sound. In my book a groan and a moan are sounds. Would you rather abstain from the urinal training now, and receive your punishment tomorrow, while your brother gets to watch you suffer, even more?" asked Tito. "And besides, the master needs you proficient in urinal work as fast as possible." Hearing the words of a more severe punishment, Jeremy remained silent. "Hey did you hear that, these slaves have to be trained in piss drinking. Man oh man, Tito; what else do they have to learn. Can we help train them too?" Justin was still holding the 'servers' cock in his mouth, and the cock was beginning to stiffen as the 'server' was thinking about all they might do to the two slaves. Justin began to gag on the cock and pulled his head back, to release the rigid shaft. Tito noticed this easy enough and told the 'server' that 'the slaves' mouth is not ready to learn oral gratification just yet'. The second 'server' approached Jeremys' mouth, but Jeremy refused to open up. Tito reached in and gave Jeremy a hard slap to the back of his head, almost sending Jeremy to the floor. Justin was mortified at what just happened, thinking that Tito didn't have a mean bone in his body. "Tito, sir, there is no tissue for the boys' ass wiping sir." One of the gay servers called out. "What shall we do?" "How wonderful, ah yes, yes indeed.' The now smiling Tito replied. "Perhaps you would care to use your mouth to clean him up, or you could place the boy in the shower and wash him down while you also give it the bathing." The two servers looked at each other with a sense of disgust in their eyes and opted to shower the boy. "Tomorrow will be a glorious day here. With no paper to wipe with, our new slaves will enjoy learning the art of becoming a true 'asswipe', laughed Tito. "Damn, you mean starting tomorrow the slaves have to use their mouths to clean the ass of each other?" How great, can it get any better? Jesus, in one day they look like slaves, drink piss like a slave and now tomorrow they get to mouth clean butts. I mean to tell ya that has got to be one hell of a thing to see." Loudmouth said. Turning his attention back to Jeremy, Tito asked if he wanted another head slap, or was he ready to swallow. Jeremy just remained silent, and opened his mouth. Taking the next cock; swallowing all of the acrid piss. Tito noticed that the one 'server' still had his erection and asked the lad what he intended to do about such a thing. The 'server' was at a loss for words. He didn't know what to say, although he knew, well, what he wanted to say. "Well, a young male, such as you surely needs some relief. What say you whack it off, for the amusement of your fellow 'servers'? The loudmouth said. "In fact, you could jerk it off over there; in the gay boys face." The 'server' left Tito and the others, silently and embarrassed, moving in front of Marco. He closed his eyes, and did what all young males do. When he had completed his orgasm, laughter erupted from the two 'servers' nearest Justin and Jeremy. Tito said nothing, as he knew that the activities were being watched from above. A sharp buzzing was heard just outside the rooms' entry way. Tito knew well the sound. He went to the doorway, reached around the corner and slid back a flat paneled small door. He picked up the telephone handset that was inside the little compartment. "Yes Sir, I understand Sir. Thank you Sir. Yes Sir. Sorry Sir. No Sir. I was not aware of that Sir. Really Sir, thank you for telling me Sir. Yes Sir." Tito hung the phone back onto the cradle. Tito went and inspected the wash job on Marco, all seeming to be in order and just about completed. "When you are finished with him, return him to his cage, where it is fitting he should stay 'for now'. Tito gently began to run his hands over the smooth heads of Jeremy and Justin, but maintained his gaze on the 'loudmouth'. "Look how nice these slaves look without body hair, isn't it just wonderful," Tito asked. The master has been observing all of the proceedings and listening to each of you. The master feels that perhaps there is one among you, which is hiding something from him and his sons. Is there one of you that is gay and that is hiding his love for his fellow man? The master has a good idea who it is. Even his mother and wife have been watching and commenting about such a thing. Damn, how many gay men are there in the world? Tito said with such conviction, that the 'servers' were totally caught off guard. "The master is not upset with the one additional gay man, just that he wants him to come forward. Now which one of you is it? Tito asked. The three 'servers' looked at each other in what appeared to be disbelief. The loudmouthed one pointed his finger at the one who had just finished masturbating on Marco and accused him of being the gay one. In turn, that one, accused the 'server' who had remained silent throughout the entire time he had been in the room. The poor 'server' was feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders now. He knew he wasn't the one, but he did know who was. He fought back his emotions and desires and remained silent, tears now running down his face. "Perhaps, Tito continued, "the silent one is covering up for the real gay male. Perhaps, it is YOU", pointing his finger to 'loudmouth'. "You are real keen on making fun of, and trying to humiliate the masters' two slaves, that perhaps you are the gay one. You seem to be the only one here that has said more than anybody else. It is like you have built yourself a fairly nice defensive mechanism, to hide your love of men. You seem way too pushy and bossy when you are around your friends, more so than would seem appropriate. So much that perhaps you force yourself on them, to give of themselves in ways that you desire; fulfilling your immediate needs." "In fact, the master feels the same way. So, why don't you just go over to the corner there, get down and kneel like the slaves are doing but I want you facing the wall. JESUS! What a day this is! DAMN!" Tito stepped back a little to allow the two 'servers' and Marco to pass, on their way back to the cage. Tito commanded the two slaves to back up so that there was more space available in the center of the room. Justin and Jeremy did as commanded. Tito went over to the cage, and as Marco was backing in, he (Tito) rubbed his head and gave it a gentle pat. As the body was finally completely inside the cage, Tito took a lasting look at the two gay 'servers' standing before him. Not speaking Tito turned and returned to the task (s) at hand. In like fashion, Tito approached the last two 'servers' who were still shaking from the recent turn of events. Tito put his gaze upon the two. From head to toe he looked, shaking his head. Jeremy and Justin, looked on; but now it was a relief that someone else was in the 'hotseat' for now. Both Justin and Jeremy started to squirm, wiggling their respective butts. "Jeremy, my butt is starting to hurt. It really hurts." Justin softly said. "Yes Justin, mine too is beginning to feel like it did when they first shoved the plug into me," replied Jeremy. Tito went to the slaves and re-attached the cords from the balls up to the collar. So tight were the cords, this time, that any movement what-so-ever would cause the level of discomfort to be higher than ever. The 'server' kneeling in the corner, soon became uncomfortable; as he was not accustomed to being on his knees on tile flooring. "Tito, sir, may I get off my knees? Hearing the request from ole 'loudmouth', Tito went to him, grabbing his hair and pulling him backwards. The 'server' landed on his back, and Tito eased the boys head to the floor. "Stay there, and not to move," Tito barked. "Perhaps, if you are the gay one, the rest of the 'paybacks' would like to see you look more like a slave than just a 'server', spoke wise Tito, as he handed each of the two other 'servers' shaving cream and razors. "Now, the master wishes this boy's male hair removed at once. The only hair to remain is that which is upon his head. Get to it and get it off." Tito, being a patient man (mostly), gave the 'servers' plenty of time to shave the body, giving advice where needed. He had them stand 'loudmouth' up so they could do the back of his legs and then bent him over to smooth his butt crack and hole. The only hair left to remove was his pubic and scrotum hair. Neither of them wanted to remove it and hesitated. After Tito barked at them they set about applying the shaving cream, which brought an iron like erection from 'loudmouth'. Both shavers laughed and giggled. With the erection, shaving was made a lot easier. Tito had them take the now shaved boy to the shower and rinse him off. "How great is this. A gay one; in amongst the other 'paybacks'. I bet they will just love to get their hands on him tonight and every night. With no females in the sleeping areas, they will surely find a couple of holes to relieve themselves." Tito said light hearted. "Ok, take him back to the dorm room and introduce him as the new 'payback' named "pussylips". Surely they will find amusement with the name and his two pussy holes." The three 'servers' left, passing by Tito and the others outside in the hall. Pussylips could only walk, swiftly, with his head facing the ground below. "Whew, I'm glad that is done," exclaimed Tito. "At least we have a little more room now. Oh, Justin, have you ever known a gay boy? And how about you Jeremy, do you have friends that are gay? I don't think so; at least not by the way you are reacting to today's festivities. Follow me, and I'll introduce you to one," Tito continued. "Both of you hurry up and get out here!" Having Justin and Jeremy kneel next to the cage, in the proper position, Tito made small talk about Marco. Nothing bad, just talking about watching him grow up. Tito had the two remaining 'servers' go and clean the toilet and shower areas. While they were gone Tito continued speaking, softly. He told Justin and Jeremy about the newly discovered 'gay group'; knowing that neither of the brothers would ever say anything about it. Tito had no problem telling them that he was filled with happiness while he watched Marco receive all of his body adornments. He also mentioned his excitement on seeing Marco brought into the party for all to see. But, now he was beginning to have different feelings towards Marco. Good feelings, for sure; but feelings that he thought he would never expect to have. Tito confessed to the three teens listening, that he was now experiencing feelings of happiness. Happiness in a good way. Even though he would never see his own son again, he now had Justin, Jeremy, Marco and the two gay lovers. The secret of being gay, the secret of happiness, the secrets to come; would be forever just that, secret. No one else on the property would ever find out. When the two returned from their assignment, Tito told them to bid their farewells for the night to Marco, as he told Jeremy and Justin to get back inside before they were missed. After the two lovers left, Tito released Marco from his cage and brought him back into the room as well. Tito told the three boys to get as comfortable as they could, anywhere they could and to get some sleep. Tito turned and walked out, locking the steel door behind. The lights went totally dark this night. The three boys were alone at last, with no worries until the morning.