PZA Boy Stories

John C

Paradise Island

Chapter Three
Building Trust

John felt some movement on his bed and half opened his eyes to see his dog and two cats quickly jump off. Before he could focus on what caused them to all leave at the same time, he spotted Mike standing next to his bed. He blinked his eyes several times to make sure the vision he saw was correct. Mike was standing there just in his underwear. John tried not to stare but couldn't help roving over what he could see of this 16-year-old teen. The upper torso was smooth with nickel size nipples. Even though he had not yet entered into normal puberty, the extra years allowed some definition of his pectoral muscles leading into a slightly smaller waist. The thighs and legs were also smooth and hairless. The outline he could see in the shorts indicated what the boy had told him that he wasn't much larger than a younger 12-year-old. What was also evident was the tan he saw covering Mike's chest and stomach and leading into the waistband of his shorts and continuing from each leg. Like Chris, he must have been outdoors enough in the nude to get a full body tan. John realized that he was starring at the boy's body while not inquiring of his presence.

"I'm sorry, Mike. What's the matter?"

"Matt never came in last night."

"What? What do you mean never came in? From where?"

"From the bonfire."

John's mind wandered to last night's events. The evening had started with a barbeque of steak and baked potatoes. Corn-on-the-cob was also served. Chocolate pudding was the desert and when everyone told him they couldn't eat another bite, they all went to a large fire set up on the edge of the shore. Matt and Chris kept to themselves while he and Mike talked. John thought the discussion of sex, though in a general way, went well. Being the oldest, Mike would probably understand what the man was trying to tell him without frightening the lad. As John returned to the house, he felt a step in that direction had been accomplished, as he sensed no fear or aversion about that topic. He had also told Mike that he would be open and honest about his own past and share it with the three of them. Although talks of sex at this early stage, considering the boys had only been on the island two days, would probably be considering pushing it too fast; with the Kalaukan visit just four days away, the ice had to be broken. But what Mike told him next seemed to set a serious setback to getting a least one boy to be open-minded about the idea.

"After you left the fire last night, I told Chris and Matt that I thought you wanted to have sex with us. Matt started crying and got all upset and said he would never do any sex again with a grown-up. He then ran down along the shore away from the fire. Chris and I went back to the house and I thought Matt would come back pretty soon when he got tired. I guess I fell asleep and when I woke up and looked around the house, I realized he never came back."

Oh God, John thought to himself. Where could the boy have gone? The man's thoughts went to visualizing the boy injured somewhere on the island. Although the island wasn't that big, it would take several hours covering the shore and the trails. He looked at Mike.

"Why the hell do you tell Matt and Chris I wanted to have sex with them?" he said in a louder than usual voice, then realizing he went too far. Mike took a step back and gave the man a little look of fright as maybe he had misunderstood John the entire time the topic of sex was discussed. The man quickly recovered.

"I'm sorry Mike. I didn't mean that. You did nothing wrong. It's my fault. I shouldn't have ever brought up that subject considering what you three went through and were facing. Whatever my feelings or urges were, I was selfish thinking only of myself," as John wrapped the covers around him and sat up on the edge of the bed.

Mike came over and sat next to John putting an arm over his bare shoulder. "No, you were right. No matter what I thought about sex, I should have remembered how frightened Matt was when he spent the nights with Bruce and Kevin. I shouldn't have said anything in front of him. I probably made him more scared than ever before."

John smiled at the teen. "There no use worrying about what was said last night. Our first priority is to find Matt. Go wake up Chris and when we're ready we'll go looking for our lost friend."

Mike got up and headed for Chris' bedroom while John went to the bathroom to shower and dress. When everyone met in the kitchen, it was agreed that breakfast could wait until after they found Matt. The three descended the steps to the shore. It was then that John realized how early in the day it was as the sky had yet to shed its last cover of the previous night's darkness. There was enough light to see, though, and would get brighter quickly.

"Okay, you two go in the direction you last saw Matt. Stay on the shore. I'll go the opposite direction. We'll circle the island and meet on the other side. If we haven't found Matt, then we'll start inland along the trails." Mike and Chris nodded their heads and took off. Taking a deep breath, the man began his own walk along the shore.

This wasn't the way he had wanted his association with these three boys to begin. He had dropped several hints to Mike. He may be wrong, but thought he received some positive signs that the boy was interested in continuing his education and enjoyment of sex, even with John himself. Despite his physical stature, Mike had three and four years maturity over Chris and Matt. That amounted to a lot of information and self-experimentations on the subject of sex. John had barely exchanged a few words with Chris and so far Matt had yet to mutter a sentence to the man of any substance. He knew that Mike was only repeating his conversation with him last night along with some thoughts of his own. Despite how close the three had been the past two months when first thrust together at the ranch, apparently neither Mike nor Chris expected the outburst from the 12-year-old.

A little while later John came upon the lifeboat, still beached where it had landed Saturday morning. He recalled that it was his intention sometime today to move it toward the boat dock and moor it there. Right now, it was like a beacon pointing to anyone looking for the boys that here they were. John's mind churned with the emotions he was currently feeling. He began his life on this island enjoying the peace and solitude accompanied by his three pets. Troy's weekly deliveries allowed him the occasional contact with another human being. Now here it was, Monday morning, just two days after the boys landed here and one boy had panicked and run off after the idea of sex with another adult was brought up. John would never force Matt into something he didn't want to do. But he wondered what life would be like if Mike and/or Chris consented to a sexual relationship with him while Matt was thoroughly opposed? It could create an awkward situation.

But John just realized something else. There was no groundwork for any emotional attachment. If there were no feelings between each other, then the boys would surely be nothing but sex toys. Love and trust usually comes before any sex. This arrangement was being pushed in the opposite direction. He then recalled telling Mike that today he would be open about his own past. He realized this could be the opportunity to let the three know that what occurred in years gone by was based on love and trust, not sex alone.

A short time later, he came upon the glass bedroom. He wondered if the boy had sought refuge in there last night. He went up the steps leading to the entrance and opened the door. The room was sparsely furnished with a queen-size bed, a nightstand and lamp, closet and bathroom. Its use was not intended to be as a regular bedroom, but on those evenings when one wanted to watch the sunset before dozing off. Stepping through the door, John spotted Matt curled up in a fetal position sound asleep on the bed. Not wanting to startle the boy, he softly called his name. Matt jerked awake, blinked his eyes a few times, and then saw the adult by the door. He quickly scooted to the far side of the bed as he looked at John with concern.

"Easy Matt," as John raised both hands to try to reassure the boy. "You didn't come back to the house last night, so Mike, Chris and I were concerned. I started going one way along the shore and your friends went the opposite. They should be here any minute and I know they'll be happy to see you're safe." Matt said nothing, but continue to watch the man very closely.

"Matt, Mike told me how you felt when the subject of sex was brought up. After what happened with you at the ranch with Bruce and Kevin, I can understand that you might think I'm just like them, only seeing you as a sex toy. And for the most part, I'm still somewhat of a stranger to you. We've only been together on this island a couple of days. You know nothing about me and except for your time at the ranch, I know nothing about you. So we still have a lot to learn about each other."

At that moment steps could be heard as Mike and Chris entered the glass bedroom. "There you are!" both boys happen to say at the same time. "I'm sorry for scaring you last night," Mike was first to say.

"I was just telling Matt that we need to know more about each other so we can learn to trust one another. If we all want to live here together, first we must build trust. I want us to be good friends."

Mike then spoke. "That's right. John wants to tell us today about his life. Remember, he saved us. Let's give him a chance. Chris and I feel we can be happy living on this island with John. We want you to feel the same." Matt acted as though he was going to say something, but instead just continued to look at the three others.

"Come on Matt," invited the adult. "I'm hungry and want breakfast. Let's go eat and then I'll bore you with my life story."

Chris and Mike walked over to Matt and each grabbed a hand. Slowly, they got him up, and with John leading the way, left the glass bedroom and walked along the shore returning to the house. A short time later all were in the kitchen as John put together some bacon and eggs for their meal. He realized that when he made his next weekly call for supplies tomorrow, he would have to substantially increase the food quantity with three extra mouths to feed. It was a good thing the Kalauka Island trip was in two days. He worried he would run out of food before Saturday. He wondered how he would justify the increase with Troy? A bigger concern yet was how to explain the Kalaukans to these boys, especially with Matt's fragile attitude about sex. After breakfast and with the boys again offering to clean up the dishes and kitchen, John suggested everyone sit in the living room while he told them about himself.

"My parents came from Europe. I don't know, but maybe sex wasn't supposed to be discussed or talked about within the family. You need to remember that this was before the Internet and cable TV. All the shows on television were family oriented. There was never even the slightest hint of sex. So I knew absolutely nothing until I was 12-years-old and in the 6th grade," as John looked at Matt, the 12-year-old boy. "Even not counting your time at the ranch, you were exposed to sex almost everywhere you turned. Boys and girls talk about it freely at school. It's discussed on TV with kids your age and younger. Sex education classes are the norm. Good or bad," as the adult addressed the boy, "you have been exposed to a lot more sex at your age than I was.

"A classmate of mine, named Larry, gave me my first exposure to sex, if you want to call what we did, sex. He talked to me about having a secret clubhouse in the woods near our homes. We found some old lumber, set up walls and a roof and although not big, we were proud of it. Then Larry said we should have an initiation as first members. He suggested we get naked and give each other five light swats on the other's bare butt. Of course this was something totally new to me. Up to then, I never thought of my body as something to show to others. But I'll never forget that first tingling feeling in my cock by his proposal. We found an old mattress and brought it to out clubhouse. We both took off our clothes, laid on that mattress and gave each other the five swats." Mike, Chris, and even Matt smiled.

"Like I said a moment ago, today, before any kid has his first sexual encounter, he already knows a lot by his exposure to what's put out on the Internet and TV. Believe it or not, what we did that day was the most sex we ever did. We played card games and board games we brought from home, usually naked, with the loser getting swats on the butt. We never touched each other's cock or balls, never used our mouths to kiss or suck. We were ignorant of such pleasures. After a while, Larry and I decided we would try to get others to join our clubhouse. I remember we got another boy from our class to join named Ernest. And we even got a girl to join. Her name was Peggy. Since I knew nothing about girls, she was the first one I ever saw naked and to notice the difference between boys and girls.

"Right after Peggy joined our club, my family moved at the end of the school year. My parents bought a larger house about 30 miles [50 km] away to accommodate our newborn sister. I was never so miserable in my life. I was enjoying new feelings, even if it was just my cock being hard all the time I was naked. Even after all these years, I wonder what would have happened had the clubhouse continued. Would the four of us, or maybe more, have finally taken the next step and done something that could really been classified as sex? Summer vacation was upon us, so who knows? Of course I have no idea what happened to Larry, Ernest and Peggy after I left.

"After we moved, there was still three months before school was to start and I would meet new fellow classmates. I was missing my old friends terribly. For the first time, I started playing with myself as I thought back to the clubhouse. Although I had no new friends, I did have an 8-year-old brother. Before we both became teenagers, we were pretty close. When my parents decided I was old enough to take care of my brother while they were away, I talked my brother into taking off his clothes together with me. He hesitated at first, but once I was naked, he joined me. For the next three years, he was my sex partner. He watched me as I entered puberty and saw my cock and balls get bigger, hairs grow down there and some under my arms. All the time we were naked together on the bed, he just lie there and let me touch and feel him all over. In the beginning, just lying there together with no clothes really didn't make what we were doing anything exciting. I took the initiative one day by using my hands to fondle him and rub his chest, stomach, back and butt. My brother didn't object as he was getting some good feelings out of it. And I was feeling good just because my cock was rock hard. Again, this was really nothing hard-core. I still didn't know anything about sucking, using my mouth or other methods for sexual enjoyment.

"I met some boys in school that I tried to talk to into messing around with me, but never had any luck. As my brother approached his 12th birthday, he decided he didn't want to be naked with me anymore. That's when I found myself at night in bed playing with myself. All of a sudden I started getting this fantastic feeling inside and came for the first time. Again, even at the age of 15, I knew nothing about sex and had no idea what an orgasm was, the end result of cumming and that feeling that overcame to me. About that time, though, I did meet a fellow classmate, named Jeff, who did want to mess around. His parents went bowling every Friday night and left him alone at home. So every Friday evening when my parents let me, I would go to his place. But all Jeff and I did was fondle each other and rub against one another. Still not knowing that an orgasm was the end result of the good feelings and afraid of cumming on top of Jeff or in his bed, not knowing if that was natural, I would excuse myself, head to the bathroom and finish by jacking off.

"Jeff and I met quite a few times until we graduated from high school and then I spent the next four years in the military. The first three years there was no sex in my life. When I first joined, I did spot a fellow serviceman, named Terry. He was a baby face guy and I wanted to have sex with sex so badly. I tried to talk him into it, but he wasn't interested. I don't recall hearing the term homosexual or gay, but now that I was an adult I guess I was. And although I enjoyed the time spent with Jeff, my happiest memories I would recall was with the clubhouse gang and my little brother. Before the sale of child pornography was outlawed, you could go down to any adult bookstore and find magazines and films about children in sex. I bought everything I could that involved boys."

John paused for a moment, as he looked at the three boys to see if he could gauge their reactions to what he had shared so far. He thought Mike had a bemused look on his face. In fact, after listening to the adult tell how he went to the bathroom to get off when he was visiting Jeff, Mike figured it was the same thing when he told his story the day before and John made excuses to go to relieve himself. Chris seemed to have the look of curiosity discovering that maybe there was more to sex than even he knew. Matt's face, though, seemed frozen not showing any reaction. John tried to take it as a positive sign that the boy wasn't going to react the same way as he did last night at the bonfire.

"My last year in the military was spent overseas in Madrid, Spain. I had the rank of Sergeant. That rank allowed me to live off base instead of on base in barracks. Apartments were cheap to rent in Madrid and so I rented a small one-bedroom on the third floor. Right from the beginning I noticed a 12-year-old boy in the downstairs lobby who offered to shine shoes for 25 cents. Being in the military, you always had to have your shoes shined. There were several military people who lived in that apartment building and took advantage of getting their shoes shine each morning as they walked out the door to their base. So many mornings I would pay this boy a little extra to shine my shoes. He spoke some English and I knew a little Spanish. It didn't take long before I was looking at him as more than a shoeshine boy." Stopping, John looked at the boys and smiled. "You know where this is going, don't you?" The three nodded their heads affirmatively.

"His name was Roberto and he was an orphan. In Spain, they didn't have a foster family system in place. The churches had orphanages for those who had no one else to live with. Almost all the kids under 13 ended up there, but many would hustle in the streets selling this or that to scratch out a living. I became Roberto's best customer and tried to learn more about him each time he shined my shoes. One Saturday I went down to the lobby, took a chance and invited him upstairs. Being a weekend, business was slow for him. Some men only used his shoeshine business once a week. Of course, he was a little suspicious, but I told him he was welcome to use the shower while I got his clothes cleaned. He accepted, and after he competed his shower, he'd wrap himself in a large towel until his clothes were ready. Between our broken Spanish and English, we exchanged small tidbits of information about each other. Once his clothes were dry, he would dress and leave, despite my offer for him to sleep on the sofa. This went on for three straight Saturday nights. Looking back, I believe he was judging me to see if he could trust me. I'm sure he knew what I was after.

"On the fourth Saturday he shocked me. He invited me to take a shower with him. This was something I had never done before with anyone, young or old. It only took a few minutes to realize that this street-wise kid knew more about sex than I did being an adult. I could tell he had done this with men before. Roberto told me that when he didn't make enough money during the week, he would hustle for sex. He really didn't like it, but it was either that or starve. He surprised me when he revealed that he had spent many nights with fellow servicemen whose names I recognized. With them, he charged for the sex they requested of him. My being a regular customer and paying him extra had given him many weeks with enough money to buy food. He was able to refuse the sexual advances he had gotten in the past. He concluded I wasn't going to be rough or hurt him, so he took a chance to repay me by offering himself sexually. That night he was the teacher and I was the student. I remember him smiling at me when he realized how little I really knew about sex. That was the best night I ever had. It was the first time I had ever fucked a boy."

The three boys' expressions didn't change. They reminded John of himself as he became fascinated with listening to what the boys had gone through at the ranch.

"I saw Roberto every morning as he would shine my shoes, but I couldn't wait until Saturday night when he'd spend the night with me and we had such wonderful sex. I tried to get him to move in with me, but he wouldn't accept it. After learning how to take care of himself, he wasn't ready to lose that control. For the next eight weeks it was the best time of my life since the days of the clubhouse. Now I look back at the clubhouse as when I first started experiencing what would be called sexual feelings to having Roberto teaching me how to use my mouth, tongue, lips and hands. I would cum all over him and he would laugh and say it was another excuse to shower together.

"Then one morning he didn't show up at his usual place in the lobby. I first panicked thinking I had done something wrong the night he stayed with me, but couldn't think of anything. One day turned into two, three and then a whole week without seeing him. I had a car and drove all over the neighborhood looking for him. The apartment manager told me Roberto was probably picked up by the police because of his age and placed in one of the orphanages. Having been the manager for many years at that building, he had seen boys come and go. Roberto probably just moved on. I wouldn't accept that. I checked a couple of local orphanages and Roberto wasn't there. Before I ever found him again, my tour in the military was up; I was discharged and sent back home.

"As I settled into my life as a civilian, I thought constantly of Roberto and wondered what happened to him. I relived in my mind over and over again the hours spent with him in bed. He would flip on his stomach, wiggle that ass of his and invite to slide my cock inside him. I realized all the times we spent together, I never took a photograph of him. As the years went by, his face kept fading in my memory. So most of my years was spent fantasizing with the magazines and videos I had. I can't begin to tell you how many times I jacked off looking at them and pretending Roberto was right there with me. Through these magazines and videos I associated how men enjoyed sex with boys by what Roberto and I did together. Much of what I originally read I had never done before. Only once did I have sex with a woman. Otherwise, I kept to myself in my own private little world. Except for that one sexual encounter with a woman, I never seriously considered having a girlfriend or the idea of getting married. Somehow I just couldn't stop thinking of the ways I enjoyed sex as a boy myself; the clubhouse, my brother, Jeff and Roberto. My biggest fantasies were to turn back the clock and relive those days of the past. I knew it was illegal to have such relationships with young boys in this country and that fear kept me from trying anything. I met a lot of boys over the years and I did wonder what it would have been like to get intimately close, but that was the extent of it. I just lived on memories and fantasies.

"Four years ago I met Joshua. He was nine-years-old. His father and I worked at the same company, but his Dad worked the graveyard shift, so he usually was asleep during the day when Joshua was awake. I'll never forget the day I was visiting him and his mother when I said I had to go home and take care of something. Joshua surprised me by asking if he could come and visit. I had never had a kid in my home since Spain and wasn't sure if I should. But Joshua kept asking and his mother gave the okay. When he got to my place, he wanted to learn about computers, as his family didn't have one. So I would sit on a chair with him on my lap and show him. I guess you could say we got closer with each visit. Every time he sat on my lap, I would hold him closer to me, then start rubbing his bare arms and then even slid my hand under his shirt to touch his chest and stomach. Joshua kept telling me how good that felt and how much he liked me. That should have been a warning, but instead I used it to go further.

"One visit while I was in the kitchen getting a soda for each of us, somehow Joshua came upon a gay web site. I was shocked when I came back and saw what he was viewing. I immediately changed web sites and told him he shouldn't see such things. But I underestimated his curiosity. He begged me to explain sex and what the men were doing. Again, I ignored that warning sign for not stopping right there. Here was this cute 9-year-old boy wanting me to teach him about sex. And so I did. This time I played the part of Roberto and Joshua was me as the lessons began. He was a quick learner and found everything I taught him enjoyable, as never was any force used. Toward the end of our get-togethers, he would visit almost every afternoon and all day during the weekends. The moment he walked through the door, he would strip naked and wait for me to get undressed also and to do the sex we both had been enjoying. He never seemed shocked at whatever we tried. I remember getting naked for the first time in front of him and he took it so casually, saying he had seen his Dad naked on several occasions and knew what men looked like.

"At first, I took the relationship between him and I as an avenue for satisfying my own sexual needs. I tried thinking of him as Roberto and not as Joshua. Yes, I made him feel good and he was always asking me if it felt good whenever he did something to me. It was like Spain all over again. But I got a surprise when one day he hugged me and said he loved me. I realized that in all the sexual experiences of the past, even in Madrid, love was never a part of it. And here I was naked with this little boy who said he loved me. That's when I grew to love him in return. I honestly believe the sex between us became more enjoyable now that we were pleasing each other out of love, not just to reach orgasm. In the back of my mind I thanked Roberto for what he taught me, and the many wonderful hours we spent together. But now my life belonged to Joshua and it included a love relationship also. It was a wonderful period." Again, John paused, but felt himself having trouble resuming the next part of his story. Mike seemed to sense it. "Something went wrong, didn't it?" the teen asked. He thought he saw tears in the man's eyes.

"Yes Mike, it did. Joshua spent so much time with me over the months that his parents were wondering what he did during all those visits. Once more, I should have seen the warning signs and cut back on Joshua's visits, but I guess I was blinded by my love for him. Surprisingly, he never hinted what he and I were doing to his parents. Without reminding him, he knew it was a secret just between us. But one day his mother refused his request to come over. She thought he was spending too much time with me. Joshua got upset. It was then that he confided in his older brother what had been transpiring between him and I thinking it would be kept a secret. Instead the brother informed his parents. My world came crashing down after that. His parents called the police. I was arrested and charged with sex crimes against a minor. I refused to say anything to the police and Joshua, bless his heart, refused to say anything more about his visits. I heard later he was threatened and beaten many times for refusing to cooperate; his parents telling him I was evil and took advantage of a sweet young boy. But he never wavered. I was told I was facing at least fifteen years in prison if this went to trial. I was offered a plea agreement of three years. At first, I was going to refuse. If Joshua kept his silence, there would be no evidence to convict me. But the thought of Joshua being on the witness stand and the prosecutor constantly badgering him to spill what had happened and the possible trauma by that event to him changed my mind. I loved him too much to think about my own welfare. I accepted the plea agreement and spent the next three years in prison."

You could have heard a pin drop as there was complete silence in the room. The three boys were becoming mesmerized by John's story. Mike was becoming more comfortable with his initial instincts in that John was a good man. Chris was thinking of the term 'sex toy'. Roberto had probably been John's sex toy. Maybe in the beginning Joshua was just a sex toy too. But when the man began to love the boy, that was no longer the case. And that love was proven even more when John picked prison rather than subject Joshua to a public trial. Matt's emotions were jumbled. He wasn't looking at John with the same fear and revulsion as he did last night. But having sex with the adult was something he couldn't yet accept in his mind.

"I lost everything and spent the next three years of my life as an inmate. I tried telling myself that my love for Joshua was worth what I was going through. But staff and other prisoners don't look at you the same way. I was constantly reminded that I was a sick person, a child molester, and scum of the earth. I had to see psychologists who kept telling me how wrong my actions were. I was forced to take classes to learn how to have adult relationships. By the time I got out of prison, I was starting to believe I was really a predator who took advantage of innocent boys. Before I had to report to prison, the only personal items I had saved were all the magazines and videos I told you about. I retrieved them when I was released and burned them all trying to blame them for my fantasies and my eventual acts upon Joshua.

"But my punishment didn't stop there. Everyone in my hometown wouldn't talk to me or help me get my life started again. Some were very cruel saying I didn't deserve any help, that I should go somewhere and just die. I heard that Joshua, now 13-years-old, tried to come and see me, but his parents kept him on a tight leash. If I had met him, I planned on apologizing for all the bad things I had put him through. I got to the point where I sort of expected the rest of my life to be miserable. Then, by the grace of God or whatever, I held the winning lottery ticket to one of the largest jackpots ever in California history."

Mike's eyes lit up as he interjected, "Was that you? I remember seeing that on the news." The boy closed his eyes for a moment. "Your face was on TV." Mike then quipped, "Yes, you do look familiar," repeating John's similar comments when he first met Mike.

John smiled back. "Touché." Skipping many details, he concluded his narrative by telling the boys of his desire to get away from the life he was facing back home and to own his own personal island. "I hade several cats and dogs at the time I went to prison. I tried to give them to good homes. Sadly, when I got out, most were gone. I was able to get back my dog and two cats and brought them with me here."

Chris was the first with a question. "When you came to this island, did you feel the same way about sex as you did when you got out of prison?"

"Yes I did Chris. Somehow, I thought this isolation would push memories of the past so far away that I wouldn't think of them again. Besides that, there were no hot looking young boys on the island with me." The three immediately knew whom he was referring to. "But then after a while I thought to myself that reliving those memories wasn't bad. Some nights I had dreams of those long ago days. So at times I would jack off thinking of those encounters. After all, unlike in the United States, there was no one here to tell me what kind of person I was or what I could or could not do. I let my self-esteem, or self-respect hit rock bottom when I got out of prison. I decided not to let my life here be for regretting the past."

"Do you miss Joshua?" came the first words from Matt, surprising everyone there.

"It's hard not to miss him after the price I paid for our relationship. It was very special in that I learned love along with sex. I see in front of me three beautiful boys I would love to go to bed with and share such wonderful sexual feelings. But I also see three boys that I would like to love with my heart if they would give me the chance."

"You make it sound like the only way we get to stay on this island is to have sex with you," again Matt.

"No Matt, that's not it," replied the man. "Hopefully I've made it clear that I never believe in forcing someone to do anything against their will. If you don't want to do anything sexually with me or Mike or Chris, that is fine. You will still be treated as an equal member of our new family. Whatever each one of you decides, will be respected by everyone else. That means whoever wants to have sex should be respected for their decision. Can everyone agree on that?" All three boys nodded their heads.

John continued. "Wow! We've sure learned a lot about each other in the short time we've been together. Let's go have lunch. Afterwards we need to move the lifeboat off the shore and moor it at the boat dock."

During lunch, John spoke to the three boys. "I don't know if I believe in destiny. If you hadn't had a concerned Captain or if your lifeboat had drifted a few miles one way or another, we wouldn't be together today. I don't want you to interpret this wrong, but I believe this island is allowing me to catch up on all the years I was never allowed to share any emotions with young boys. I thought that first chance came a few months ago. But now I believe I've been given more opportunities with the three of you here."

The boys looked at John with confusion. What did he mean by first chance? Before they could ask questions, John spoke with a smile. "Tomorrow I will tell you of my life since I've been on this island. If you think my past was amazing, what I share with you after breakfast will knock your socks off!"

Mike's next comments made John realize that the teen was a lot smarter than he looked. "You said you felt bad about sex with boys after you got out of prison all the way into buying this island. But now you would enjoy having sex with us. Did something happen that changed your mind?"

"Tomorrow," was all John would say.

John realized that the boys had been presented with quite a story about his own sexual background. He hoped his account would show them what type of a personality he had. He didn't want them to think they were trading one lifestyle waiting with Lam Sin with a similar one on this island. He had decided before he began his narration not to get into describing more graphically the specific sexual acts he had with the boys of the past. His three visitors had not yet consented to accepting what he hoped they would want and enjoy while living here. There would be plenty of opportunities to relive those memories in detail to the three boys when the time was appropriate. He decided to excuse himself for a few moments to allow the boys some privacy to talk among themselves.

It was Mike who asked the other two what they thought.

Chris responded first. "I don't know. Would running around here naked be any worse than running around naked at the ranch? You know, after a couple days naked at the ranch, I never really gave it much thought. It didn't even bother me standing with no clothes on in front of Mrs. Janice." Mike nodded his head in agreement. "I remember guys in school telling me that they saw pictures on the Internet where in Europe families go to the beaches naked. Over here we'd have our own private beach."

"What about having sex with John?" Mike asked.

The 13-year-old shrugged his shoulders. "As long as John doesn't force me to do something that I don't want, I could handle it. I'm sure it would be a lot better than what we did with Bruce and Kevin. And if Roberto and Joshua kept coming back for more, it must have felt good."

Mike turned to Matt. "What about you?"

"I don't know," he replied slowly. "I'm confused. I just keep remembering what my parents had told me about sex being bad."

John walked back into the kitchen at that moment. "I heard that last statement Matt, and I can understand how you miss your family and wish to honor them by obeying what they taught you. But they are gone now. You have to start living your own life. Have you ever been told to do one thing and wanted to do something else?" Matt nodded his head. "So you were already exercising your desire to be independent, to do what you want. Most kids don't get to do what they want until they're 18 years old. Despite your personal tragedy, you're getting an opportunity to be your own man at the age of twelve. Sure there are rules and the need for common sense here, but otherwise you can explore what's really inside you.

"Now let's talk about sex. You were told it was wrong and it seemed that was proven to you by what you had to do at the ranch. Now let me ask you something. Do you like chocolate ice cream?" Matt smiled and told John yes he did. "Suppose you were going to taste chocolate ice cream for the very first time today. Instead of putting a bowl of ice cream in from of you and letting you try it to see if you like it, I kept filling bowl after bowl and forcing you to eat it. Do you think you would like chocolate ice cream after being forced to eat so much it probably made you sick?" Matt shook his head. "So your introduction to sex at the ranch was probably a lot like being forced to eat too much too soon. You didn't get a chance to try it, to learn slowly at your pace. That doesn't mean sex is bad. It was the way you had to start learning it.

"Look, we've talked enough about sex for one morning. You three have been through more in the past two months than even some adults in their lifetimes. I believe that your experiences forced you to mature a lot faster than other boys your age. So despite all we've share about each other over the past two days, I know you can handle it. You're not innocent little boys anymore. I'm not a pervert trying to twist your mind or trick you into doing something you feel uncomfortable about. I want you to give careful thought about how you want to live on this island." As the dishes were cleaned from lunch, John continued. "We need to go and move that lifeboat. I don't want it spotted and be known to anyone that you're here, right?" The boys nodded their heads.

"Okay, one more piece of news to give you. I told you that on Saturdays I get my weekly supplies flown in by helicopter. I call in my week's needs the Wednesday before. So the day after tomorrow I'll have to make my requests. I'll increase the food supply for sure. But I also need to get more clothing for you. You can't wear what you have on now forever. After dinner, I'll let you look at some clothing catalogs I have. You can pick a few items to start your wardrobe collection for me to order. I'll get exact sizes from you and by this weekend you'll have some news clothes."

The boys were happy to hear that and stated they were looking forward to wearing something different. Although no one was saying anything, John wondered if unconsciously they were associating what they were currently wearing with the ordeal of abandoning ship and drifting alone in a lifeboat.

John continued. "I don't know about you, but I'm going to put on a pair of cutoffs and walk barefoot as we go get the lifeboat. How about you?"

Chris replied, "We can go barefoot, but we have no cutoffs."

The man walked to a small table, pulled out a pair of scissors from a drawer and answered, "Why don't we make the pants you're wearing cutoffs?"

The boys agreed to that. John had each boy stand in front of him as he marked off with a piece of chalk where he would make the cut, just above the knees. He asked each boy to remove their pants while he used the scissors to trim the jeans they were wearing. He was somewhat surprised when even Matt removed his pants without hesitation. Of course all the boys were still wearing their under shorts. Just like his two companions, Matt's legs also revealed the time spent in the sun. Of the three boys, only Chris' lower legs had slightly darker blond fuzz. John guessed the boy was getting closer to entering puberty. It wasn't long before the boys had put on their new cutoff jeans, removed their shoes and socks and were ready to go.

After John changed into his cutoffs, all four left the house and walked down the steps to the shore. "Mike, Chris, I want you two to go to the lifeboat and wait for me there. Matt, you come with me and we'll get the Bayliner and drive around to where the lifeboat is." Everyone voiced their acknowledgment and the group split in two. John turned to Matt, "Let's go back inside and go out the back door to the boat dock." The boy replied with an okay.

At the dock, John helped Matt on board. He watched the 12-year-old carefully to make sure that being on a small vessel would not elicit any negative reaction, based on his lifeboat experience, as was last night when the subject of sex was brought up. But the boy didn't exhibit anything but curiosity as he observed the adult going through the motions of checking all gauges to insure the craft was ready to go. After making sure there was a rope in order to tow the lifeboat, John reached down and grabbed two life jackets, handing one to Matt. The boy froze, not making any movement at taking the life jacket from John's outstretched hand.

"Matt, I know the last time you wore one of these you went through a very bad experience. But this is different now. We're only going a short way off the shore. The island will always be in sight. And I'm right here to make sure nothing will ever happen to you. And God forbid you fell off the boat, this will save your life." John approached the boy and assisted him in putting on the life vest without any resistance. After putting on his own life jacket the man announced, "Alright, let's go."

John fired up the 190HP motor, made sure the mooring line was released and stored and slowly eased his Bayliner Deck Boat out of the dock. He went straight out about a mile [1½ km] so that Matt could get a view of the island. The few times John had taken this craft out, he had always stayed within sight of the island. Even though the Bayliner and yacht had top of the line navigation systems, he wasn't familiar with their usage. He knew if he got into trouble he could use his radio, but so far had found no reason to take more than just joy rides circling the island. This Friday, though, he was going to make his first real journey away from Paradise Island as he navigated the 45 miles [72 km] to Kalauka Island.

Matt became more animated as John made a turn and headed in the direction of where the lifeboat was beached. It wasn't long before Matt spotted Chris and Mike and started yelling and waving his arms. The two on shore saw the approaching craft and hollered their greetings in return. John got as close as he could to the shore without beaching the craft itself and killed the motor. Grabbing the rope, he tied one end to the stern, jumped into the water end and threw the remainder of the rope towards the boys on the sand. Mike and Chris quickly went into the water and retrieved their end of the rope. Following the adult's instructions, the two boys got into the lifeboat and found a spot on its stern to tie the rope. Hoping not to get the same reaction as he had from Matt, he instructed Mike and Chris to get into the lifeboat and put on a lifejacket. Fortunately, the older boys seemed to have gotten over their trauma of a few days ago. They hopped on board, don life vests and yelled they were ready to go.

With the motor fired up again, John slowly eased the throttle forward and pulled the lifeboat out of the sand and into the water. He then instructed the boys to untie the line on the stern and retie it on the bow. With everything secured, the slow leisurely trip to the boat dock began. As in the beginning, John went out about a mile [1½ km] before turning landward. The slightly rougher seas caused the lifeboat to bounce more on the waves causing its passengers to get soaking wet. Rather than associating that feeling with the experiences of the past, Mike and Chris just laughed and screamed. Matt also took great delight seeing his friends get soaked. Everyone was having such a good time that John decided to pass the dock and make another complete circle around the island.

Soon, though, they were approaching the boat dock and John eased the 21' [6½ m] craft to its mooring. Then everyone pulled the rope bringing the lifeboat in and secured it under an overhang that hid it from prying eyes. After removing their life vests, everyone proceeded back to the house. It was still a little early for dinner, so John suggested that the boys entertain themselves however they wanted. He was going to spend some time in the hot springs. There was some ice cream in the freezer if the boys wanted.

When John arrived at the hot springs, he removed his shirt but left his cutoffs on. After being naked so much when alone, he decided not to be caught as such while the boys were contemplating their future living situation. He hadn't told the three visitors about being nude during most of his residency on the island so far. In fact, if he stood naked in front of them, they would see that he also had a tan from head to toe, as he was now sure they had.

The formation of the hot springs in eons past included a couple of jutting rocks underneath the water that made perfect seats. As John sat down, the water reached about halfway up his chest. It was a shallow hot springs, only about three-and-a-half feet [1 m] deep. It was small in diameter also as the widest part was only eight feet [2½ m] across, just perfect for one person. When he first stepped into the warm water several months ago, he wasn't sure if the bottom rock floor would be too hot or if there were vents spouting hot steam. But neither was the case and John concluded the heat must come from very far below so that by the time it heated the water, the temperature was just right.

The man closed his eyes and thought about the revelations everyone had shared about each other. A more perfect set of opportunities couldn't have presented itself. Coming to this island to live like a monk, purging all the evil inclinations of being sexually involved with a boy had reversed itself. He was sure that the three boys would soon enjoy the life of love and sexuality. Love. John knew that this was a totally different situation from years past. These boys would depend on him. How they emerged from their teenage years into adulthood would surely be influenced on how their experiences on this island evolved. If they grew up thinking that sex was all there was to life, their futures would be bleak. A path had to be set for their futures as adults.

But it had been four years since he had enjoyed the soft tender flesh of a young boy when Aukai and his tribe first visited his island. The fact that the Kalaukan tribe believed in a lifestyle that involved a lot of intergender sexuality gave John the opportunity to relive the old days of being a 100% boylover. But he had only seen the native boy a couple of days each month when the tribe came to visit him. Now he had three beautiful boys on his island to love and hopefully enjoy a sexual relationship with. The warm soothing water caused John to slowly close his eyes. How long he was asleep he didn't know when he heard footsteps approaching the hot springs. Looking up he saw Chris standing at the edge.

"I thought you were with Mike and Matt?"

"They wanted to go back to the beach, I decided to find you."

"Well come on in. I think you'll like the water. I try to come here as often as I can. It's one of my favorite spots on the island." John realized that Chris could see that he wasn't wearing any shirt and was probably wondering about the rest. He stood up. "Don't worry Chris. I'm still wearing some pants." The boy smiled, removed his shirt and stepped into the pool of warm water that continued to emit some steam.

"I wasn't scared that you might be naked," the 13-year-old spoke more to assure himself.

"You being scared was the last thought in my mind. After what you've been through, I'm thinking more of a boy with a lot of courage." John noticed the boy was pondering a question he wanted to ask. "Go ahead and ask whatever's on your mind. If we're going to be family, we need to be open and honest with each other."

Family! That was the second time today that John had spoken of all four of them together as family. "Can we really be a family?" Chris asked.

"Why not? I realize it's going to be an adjustment after losing your own parents and what happened at the ranch. As for myself, I guess being alone after Joshua had made me forget what love is like. Up until I met him, I just wanted to relive the past. It took a boy's love to make me realize that it was more than just sex. If I hadn't loved Joshua, I know I wouldn't have made the sacrifice to go to prison rather than fight the charges against me. And as I told you earlier, for a moment I forgot about that when I first saw the three of you and viewed your arrival as my own new sex toys. But I believe, as we grow closer, we'll have more feelings toward each other. Then sex will be an extension of those feelings and more enjoyable for everyone. And that's how we'll be a family."

Chris nodded his head in understanding. Then for the next hour the talk was of sports, favorite teams and players. Chris told John how he enjoyed sports and even played on a little league team. He shared some information on his parents and how they worked hard every day. They were hoping that his mother could soon stop working and add another child to the family. About 18 months ago his mother and father were invited to fly with some friends of theirs who owned a small plane to Las Vegas for a weekend. Chris was left with a babysitter. When the weekend ended and the small craft took off from the airport, the engine caught fire and the plane crashed killing all aboard. After the funeral, it was discovered that his parents were very deep in debt. No relatives could be located or for some reason couldn't take the orphaned boy in. There was nothing left for the boy and therefore he was placed in the foster system. He lived with one family for a year before they decided they wanted to retire and move overseas. His next placement was at the ranch.

"Thanks for sharing that Chris. I know that wasn't easy reliving those events. Nothing will ever replace your real family, but maybe the four of us will be the next best thing." The boy nodded his head as John continued. "I think we're wrinkled enough. Let's get back to the house," as he threw Chris one of the towels he had brought with him. Despite what the man had say moments earlier about love preceding sex, he couldn't help but admire the boy as he stood up, got out of the hot springs and began to dry himself off. The water has caused the nipples to shrink to tiny little points on the boy's chest and John thought how sexy they looked. The cutoffs had clung to his midriff so that the outline of Chris' cock and balls could almost be made out in the outline.

Chris shocked him with his question, "Do you think I'm sexy?"

John was caught off guard and for a moment couldn't answer. Chris laughed at the man's momentary embarrassment. "That's okay. I think you're sexy though."

Recovering, John responded, "Thank you Chris, and yes, I do think you're sexy."

"You don't have any hair under your arms," the boy observed.

This was moving really fast. "No, I shave what few I have there." Taking a chance he went a step further. "I also shave my pubic hairs. Even though I'm an adult, I always wanted to think of myself as a young boy from my old days, so I keep myself hairless as much as possible."

"Cool," as the boy raised his arms showing his armpits. "I'm hairless all over too, although I guess I'll be growing some soon." Only extreme willpower prevented the adult from challenging the boy to show him that he was indeed hairless all over.

Once again noticing the slightly darker blond hairs on his lower legs, John replied, "Yes, you'll be showing signs soon of changing from a boy to a teenager."

Abruptly, the conversation ended as the two turned toward the house. Upon entering, they found Mike and Matt on John's computer playing some games. The man went to the kitchen to fix dinner. This time the three boys offered to help prepare the meal. As they ate, Chris mentioned his enjoyment at the hot springs but for some reason said nothing of the sexually themed exchange he had with John.

Later, the boys wanted to watch a video from John's collection. He reminded them to look at the clothing catalogs to get some idea what new clothes they wanted. This gave the man the opportunity to seclude himself on the porch with pad and paper to determine what to order for the larger family the next time he spoke to Troy on Wednesday. The time passed quickly and before John knew it Mike had come to the porch.

"Chris and Matt are going to take the two bedrooms. Can I sleep with you?"

Caught by surprise, all John could mumble was, "Sure, I'd like that very much," wondering what the boy had in mind.

After he showered and waited for Mike, he fed his pets. The cats had made themselves scarce still not accepting the new intruders. Princess, his dog, was becoming friendlier and was even allowing the boys to pet her. As he reached down and scratched her head he told her, "I don't mean to ignore you girl. It's just been hectic these past three days."

John sat on the edge of his bed as he waited for Mike. He decided to wear boxer shorts. He wasn't sure if Mike sleeping with him was going to produce anything sexually, but didn't want to imply sex by greeting him naked. He tried to keep his thoughts in neutral so as to not get hard and show an obvious bulge when the boy walked in the door. He got a pleasant surprise when Mike walked in just wearing briefs. Although the most interesting parts were covered, seeing the rest of the boy's body was an erotic sight. It was hard to believe this lad was 16-years-old. His package outlined in his briefs showed a probable four-inch [10 cm] cock and balls that could be seen hanging in its sack. Mike quickly hopped on the bed and got under the covers lying on his back. Lacing his fingers across the top of his head gave John another set of hairless armpits to drool over when the time became right. Playing it by ear, John turned off the lights in the bedroom and soon it was plunged into darkness. Gradually the lights from the stars outside could be seen through the half-opened window and a soft sea breeze flowed in. The man could smell the shampoo and soap the boy used and resisted the urge to turn and start running his hands over the teenager's smooth body. Instead, he lay on his back, but with his arms by his side.

"John?" Mike broke the silence.

"What is it Mike?"

"Do I really look like that boy in the movie?"

"Why? Did you want me to start calling you Romulus?" referring to the character name in the movie.

The boy turned to face John and lightly hit him on the shoulder. "No, I mean I know I look like him, but wondered if you thought so too?"

"You could be twins. But remember, he is he and you are you. Other than looking alike, each of you has his own personality, his own life experiences. That's what makes you special Mike. If you two were to meet, I bet you would find you have nothing in common with each other except appearances. Others only saw the outside of you and wanted to exploit that. I want to know the inside of you too," as he gently poked his finger on the boy's bare chest. John looked at the teenage face and could tell he was contemplating another question. "What else is on your mind?"

"If Chris, Matt and I live here with you and only have sex between the four of us, does that mean we're going to grow up gay?"

John thought carefully how to respond to this. "Have you had sex with a girl?"

The boy shook his head no. "I messed around with some guys I knew several years ago. But I've been curious how it would be with a girl. Would I ever get that chance living here?"

"Is it that important to experience sex with a girl?"

Mike gave another shake of the head. "I was just wondering."

"Don't let the title 'gay' lock you into one sexual lifestyle. In the U.S., I would be classified as a pedophile. I let that bother me for many years. But today it doesn't mean a thing to me. I do what I do because I enjoy it. Hopefully whoever else is enjoying sex with me is experiencing the same good feelings. None of us know what the future holds for us. I don't want to make you into a gay person or something else. Over time I know you will have the opportunity to enjoy sex with girls and maybe other men. I bet also you, Chris and Matt will find different parts of sex are more enjoyable to each of you than other parts. It's what you find pleasure with that determines the type of sex you desire, not whether what you do is gay or not."

Abruptly, Mike turned his back toward John and said goodnight. It surprised the man, but figured the boy was tired and had already assimilated a lot of information today. John knew that tomorrow when he told them about the Kalaukans they would really be in for a surprise. Whether it moved things forward sexually or created a roadblock was unknown. He scooted his back as close to Mike's without touching. As he was about to fall asleep, he felt Mike turn and press himself against the man's back and drape his right arm over his chest. John could feel the boy's now hardened cock pressing against his own ass. He grabbed Mike's hand and gave it a slight squeeze. Smiling, he fell asleep. Better a half naked boy in bed with him than none at all.