John C
Paradise Island
Chapters 16-19
Chapter Sixteen The Humming Cave
Before John and Joshua headed to the glass bedroom, the man decided to take a quick inventory of supplies needed. Clothing had already been covered previously. He found out later that Chris and Joshua had combined their clothing and both agreed that either could wear anything of the other as both were about the same size. Sitting in front of the radio, he connected with his friend.
"How did the arrival of Joshua go?" was Troy's first question.
"Much better than I thought. There were a few moments of ruffled feathers, but thankfully everyone recognized the benefits and have gotten along quite well. Chalk it to the adaptability of being young and more receptive to changes."
"That must make your life easier, now having to look after four boys. They seem to have wonderful personalities."
"Among other qualities," John thought silently to himself with a smile. He then gave his weekly requirements. At the end he told Troy that when he arrived Saturday, he would share some information he learned from the rescue mission and needed his advice.
"Anything I can do to help. You know that." Ending the conversation with a thank you, John turned off the radio and went to meet Joshua, waiting on the porch. On the way there, he stopped by his bedroom and retrieved his three dildos and KY Jelly.
As he and the boy walked along the shore, bare feet enjoying the pristine sand, the 13-year-old looked at the adult. "What did you really find in that briefcase? I won't tell the others."
The man gave the boy a long look trying to decide if he should reveal what he had read and seen. "It's pretty bad, Joshua. Young boys were kidnapped from different islands and even from some countries. I saw pictures. I never thought there were men who could enjoy hurting boys. The expressions on some of the faces I'll never forget."
"What about this Kauri you rescued? Thankfully you got him before he was sent to Lam Sin."
John stopped walking and looked at the teen. "When boys are kidnapped and 'prepared' for lack of a better term, a decision is made whether they should go to Lam Sin or not. Most do, but some don't"
Joshua felt himself tremble as he asked the obvious question. "What happens to those who don't go?"
"They are left for the kidnappers to do what they want until they get tired of them. Kauri wasn't selected. As far as Lam Sin was concerned, there were no other boys on that island. Kauri was considered dead."
"If you hadn't rescued him
3;" Leaving the rest unsaid.
"Eventually they would have killed him and probably dumped his body in the ocean. No one would ever know what happened to him."
For the first time Joshua felt some fear within him. His only experiences prior to arriving here of anything connected to sex were memorable ones, of a man who treated him kindly and brought out in his young body feelings he didn't know exist. He understood the need for secrecy, but couldn't understand why, when John was arrested, everyone said he took advantage of him and tricked him into doing nasty stuff. He had to spend three years convincing his mother otherwise, but lost a father, who thought his boy, before he even reached his teens, had been brainwashed into a homosexual, proven by his refusal to testify against his molester. And although he had read in the newspaper and Internet, as well as on TV, about men who kidnapped boys and abused them, he felt safe in his little cocoon world of just he and John. But the reality was that very evil men existed and that even those on Paradise Island could get hurt.
"You asked and I told you. Do you understand why you should never walk alone?" getting a nod from the boy. "I didn't say this to scare you. Hopefully, the arms of Lam Sin will never get close to us. But until he's arrested and put away, we're not going to act foolishly. And if it helps to ease your concerns, think about this: Lam Sin is looking for Mike, Chris and Matt, not you. He doesn't know about you. And we're in a very big ocean. This island is like a needle in the haystack. You see what I'm saying?"
The boy again nodded his head. He told himself that he had waited too long to be with John once more to allow the dealings of one man to spoil this reunion. In fact, he thought, he was safer here surrounded by a vast ocean. Back home, you never knew who lurked around the next corner. "If he knew about me, would he try to kidnap me?"
John tried looking serious as he responded, "I doubt it. You're not that cute." This got a punch in the ribs from the boy as both laughed to take their minds off Lam Sin.
During the slow leisurely walk to the glass bedroom, both observed the sun getting lower in the horizon. John told the teen how the sun looked so much brighter without the dirty air of industrial smog to mar its beauty. Joshua replied how amazed he was the evening before at the bonfire of the thousands of stars visible in the night sky, something he had never seen before. The man then questioned the 13-year-old about the four years since they last met.
"In the beginning, it was very bad. I hated my brother for telling Mom and Dad what I thought was a secret between us. I later forgave him, as I understood his fears were that you were hurting me or making me do something I didn't want. But it was Dad who really made it worse. At first, he and Mom kept telling me that you were a horrible person and it wasn't my fault for what you did to me. Our family had trusted you and you betrayed us. That bad men like you belong in prison and that I should tell the police everything that happened so that you would be locked up for a long time and never hurt another boy again."
Although this was a difficult memory to drag out in the open, John knew both had to reconcile with the past so that it no longer hung over their heads. "I can imagine the shock when your parents found out. With me, the police just came to my door and arrested me. I was able to post bail, but the publicity made my home like a jail, afraid to go outside. Of course, in the beginning I had no idea what happened. Since I had been arrested, the first thoughts were that maybe you felt different about what we did than what you told me when we were together. So to stop it, you told your parents."
"No! No!" Joshua said emphatically. "I did tell my bother the sex things we did and then he told our parents. And they, especially Dad, kept asking me, 'Did John do this to you? Did he touch you here or there? Did he threaten you if you didn't do what he wanted?' I told him you never hurt me, that you were nice and that I wanted to do sex with you. That's when my Dad got furious. He told me I was just a 9-year-old boy who didn't know anything and that he wanted me to tell the police everything that happened. I said no."
"That took a lot of courage Joshua. It would have been easier to say what your father wanted to hear and forget about me."
Shaking his head as though telling the man he would have never done such a thing, Joshua continued. "The police came over. I remember they had a camera. They told me I wouldn't have to say anything about what we did in front of you and strangers in a courtroom. We could film it and that was good enough. I was really scared John. I didn't want you to be hurt. I knew how I felt inside about us. But the police, my parents, even later on my grandparents, kept telling me it was the right thing to do. I kept saying no. I remember the police telling my parents that without my testimony, it would be difficult to lock you up as long as they wanted to. That's when my Dad started beating me telling me I had to testify. My mother kept telling my Dad to stop and even my brother Donnie was yelling at my Dad to quit hurting me. Donnie kept hugging me after every beating crying with me saying 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry'. But I never said anything John, I never did. I loved you."
The man grabbed the boy and hugged him as the lad shook with tears. "I know you did Joshua. I know."
After a few moments, the boy stepped back, his tear-streaked face evident as he asked, "What about you?"
"Well, I guess my initial feelings was both scared and confused. I had no idea what my future was going to be and at that time wondering what went wrong thinking you had turned against me. It wasn't until later that my lawyer told me the prosecutors were having trouble getting you to say what happened between us and that the case they wanted to use against me was getting weaker. Although I was happy with the news, I had no idea what had happened or what you were going through. It was your email that confirmed the beatings I had first heard about. In the beginning, I thought it was some rumor. I did feel hope knowing you weren't going to testify against me. But at the time didn't know what my future held. Some friends I had, the ones who later told care of Princess and the cats, told me weeks later that they had heard your father was beating you to testify against me. Donnie had come to their home for a visit and revealed that it was he who told your parents after first promising you to keep what you told him a secret. I guess that's when I got my first feelings of how strong a bond you and I had developed and that you loved me even through the hell you were enduring.
"The prosecutors thought they still had enough evidence to send me to prison for 15 years, even longer once they got you to testify. I didn't know how long you would hold out. So when a plea agreement of three years was offered, I accepted it hoping it would end whatever you were going through."
"My Mom told me about it. Dad didn't like it, but at least felt like you were getting some kind of punishment. He hardly ever spoke to me afterwards. I started talking to my Mom about how I felt. She didn't get upset but thought I was too young to really understand my feelings, especially about sex. One time, my Dad overheard me saying that I loved you and got furious. He screamed at Mom and me saying he wouldn't live in the same house with a faggot kid. He walked out and later my parents divorced."
"That was the last piece of news I got about your parents while I was in prison."
"What was it like being in prison? Were you hating me for what got you there?"
"To be honest Joshua, I don't remember much of my early feelings. I recall being scared in the beginning after hearing and reading of things that go on inside a prison. But I stayed to myself, kept busy as much as possible and just counted the days until my freedom. I never hated you. In fact I loved you more as I realized what price you had paid. There were times I felt guilt thinking that a dirty old man like me took advantage of you, that it wasn't really love I had, but the use of your young body. But then later you said you loved me. And even though you were 9-years-old, it meant a lot to me. As the weeks and months passed, there wasn't a day I didn't think of you, wondering how you were doing. I tried to picture you as you reached your 10th, 11th and 12th birthdays. I told myself I would see you again if for nothing else to thank you for what you did. As you know, the opportunity never came."
"But we're together now, aren't we? Isn't that what counts?"
Giving the boy another hug, John agreed. "Yes, we're together again. We went through two very different paths four years ago, yet somehow they met again and here we are." The man looked at the boy's eyes and spoke a little more earnestly. "Although I'm very happy to have you here and for the chance to make up the past four years, you have to understand that Mike, Chris and Matt are my family. I love you as much as them, but if I have to choose
Joshua nodded his head. "I know. I won't try to take their place. I just want you and I to spend as much time together as we can. And I want to treat the others like my brothers."
"I think they would like that."
A moment later they arrived at the glass bedroom as the sun bid its final goodbye for the day. Joshua asked about how electricity and water was supplied.
"Well, as you know, there's a desalinization plant at the end of the shore on the other side of the island as well as solar panels to collect electricity. The original owner laid a pipe for water and a conduit for electrical power from there all the way to here."
"That's a long way."
"Yes, a lot of work and money went to building this place."
"It's so beautiful. Why did he sell it?"
"No one knows for sure. One day he decided he didn't want to live here anymore. I came along at the right time to buy this place. I had been searching for weeks, but never seem to find what I wanted."
"You were lucky this place was for sale."
John nodded his head recalling the words of Troy that the previous owner kept hearing strange noises. Although since he arrived here a year ago, he never detected anything out of the ordinary.
Climbing the steps, they entered. A couple of small lamps were turned on, just bright enough to illuminate the inside, but not glaring to mar the enjoyment through the windows of the sky above. Both sat on the bed not saying a word, each with his thoughts of how events that had first separated them had now reunited them together again.
Joshua, deep in thought, was startled when he felt John's fingers unbuttoning his shirt and slipping it off revealing his bare chest. The man sighed as he saw the hairless armpits, the two beautiful light brown nipples, the smooth chest and abdomen all the way to his navel, a couple inches above the waistline of his cutoffs. John gently pushed the boy back on the bed as he continued to gaze at the teen flesh. He looked down and saw that without being touched yet, the lad's cock was poking more and more into the fabric of the cloth.
Seeing a contented smile on the boy, the man began using his fingers to lightly touch various areas of the upper body, teasing the small nipples, watching the points react as they hardened. With one hand rubbing his stomach area, he lowered his head and began to delicately suck on each hard point resulting in a soft moan from the boy. John recalled that even four years ago, when he first used his lips on the then 9-year-old, Joshua reacted the same when his tiny nipples were licked. The 13-year-old's hands wrapped themselves over the man's head as though telling him never to stop, to continue to take as much of his boy nips into his mouth as possible. At the same time, he wanted to reach down and remove his pants, freeing the stiff boycock within.
After several moments, John ceased the attention on the nipples as he saw how his sucking had raised the area to a slight puffing, like a young girl when her breasts make their first appearance. Satisfied with his results, he reached down and began to undo the belt and button of the pants, getting a large smile from the boy looking to be totally naked and at the pleasure of the man he loved. In a moment he felt the slight ocean breeze coming through an open window wash across his nude form. He shivered, not from cold, from the excitement of what was to come, his hard cock reflecting the anticipation of being connected with John as one.
Like earlier when he woke up with Joshua in bed with him, John repeated the tender touching of the young cock and hanging balls, relishing in the soft flesh, almost feeling a pounding through the hard rod as it reacted to being fondled and stroked. He thought back when several times a week he would play with a then 2" cock and a sack that held two very small jewels. It was during these moments that he would recall the times spent with his brother when he was 9-years-old. Back then his knowledge of sex was extremely limited. He just knew that playing with his brother's genitals made his own cock very hard and even leak some sticky stuff that felt good. With 9-year-old Joshua, his experiences with Roberto helped him to enjoy a prepubescence boy more and to know what to do so that in the end, both could have their own versions of an orgasm.
Joshua was expecting the next step to feel the man's lips wrap around his teen shaft and begin the fantastic suction he enjoyed earlier this morning. But instead, John turned the boy over onto his stomach, exposing his back and ass cheeks and his very virgin anal canal. He shivered wondering how it was going to feel as the man's hard cock slowly stretched him as he was penetrated for the first time. At the hot springs, the three boys had told him that it would hurt some the first time, but felt it could have been worse had not John been as gentle as he was. And they told him that once he was totally inside and the pain eased, pleasure would take over and his ass would love being filled and pounded by the man's cock. They encouraged him by saying to wait until he feels the squirting inside his butt as John reached his orgasm and shoots a big load of cum. So he rested his head on his folded arms and waited for the occurrence of losing his cherry.
Grabbing a couple of towels from the bathroom, John placed them under the boy's hips raising his ass several inches. He then massaged the two half moons of the lily-white buttocks. "Definitely needs tanning," the man thought to himself. He slowly spread the cheeks apart feasting his eyes on the gateway to paradise. Like before with the other boys being deflowered, the opening looked so small that one would wonder how a finger could squeeze past, much less a man's cock. But he knew with patience and gentleness, he would fulfill another fantasy and make this boy his latest conquest. Since their reunion at the hotel, John's sperm had just been squirted in the cavity between the cheeks making him wonder if any ever seeped inside. In a few moments there would be no doubt. Bending down so that his head was next to Joshua, he asked, "Are you ready?" getting a vigorous nod of the head. "Okay. I'm going to loosen you up for the next hour-half with three dildos, staring with the smallest. Then I will go into you. If at any time you want to stop or it hurts too much, you tell me and I will."
Joshua looked at this friend that he loved very much and gave him a smile. Years of reading stories and seeing pictures of boys' asses being stretched by a man's cock had now arrived at the moment of truth for him. He had guessed that John hadn't tried even using a finger on him before due to his age and surmised that the man really wanted to pierce his tight opening. Now he was ready to finally deliver to fulfill the desire to couple with him. He wanted John to enjoy it and be available whenever he lusted for his ass.
After rubbing a finger across the crease of the boy's ass, he gently touched the crinkled opening, feeling it twitch to his touch. Just like all the boys he's had the pleasure of cherry popping, it seemed impossible that it could be done. But he knew it would happen. If all boys could experience losing their virginity in a gentle loving manner, John believed that the memory of that first time would be one treasured forever. And even more so, the desire to be fucked again and again by his male lover would always linger. Spreading some lube on the smallest dildo, he placed in at the opening and gently started to push, telling Joshua to relax as it would go in easier.
Joshua had occasionally used a finger to push inside his ass to try to get a sense of what it was like to feel something inside. But now he felt a foreign object, thankfully no thicker than his finger, being forced through his anal ring. When the first couple inches were inside, he felt the object go deeper than his finger ever had. The dildo was six inches [15 cm] long and soon was totally inside his virgin hole. It was a strange feeling, not unpleasant nor was there any pain, just ass muscles trying to expel the object like he wanted to poop. But he squeezed and kept it inside, encouraged by John.
After ten minutes, he let it slide out as the man grabbed it and prepared to insert the next larger lubed rubber cock inside. This time his ass had to stretch as it was receiving the largest intruder ever. Joshua relaxed as much as he could and with a pop the dildo broke the barrier. Given a moment to adjust, he then felt the now seven-inch [18 cm] invader slowly expand his insides as it snaked its way to his innermost reaches. This time, John took hold of the end and began sliding it in and out to give the boy a preview of how a cock would feel as each inward stroke stretched his insides again and again. It was uncomfortable at first, but not painful, as his body reacted to new feelings emanating from his ass. Although the sliding of the dildo in and out wasn't pushing his hips in any way, he felt his hard cock rubbing on the towel beneath and even thought he was trickling some pre-cum.
Soon, the middle-sized dildo was removed completely and Joshua embraced for the final stretching. He closed his eyes and tried not to think of any pain when he felt the largest of the toys pushed against his opening. He had expected a greater discomfort and possibly pain, but was surprised when he felt the first inch enter him. John explained that his ass was stretching and it was easier to get a larger object through his opening. Joshua breathed a sigh of relief. Hopefully that meant when the time came for the man's cock to force its way inside, it would do so with little or no pain. As the thickest toy was worked back and forth penetrating an inch deeper than the previous, the teen was awakening to the new sensations his ass was delivering. It was difficult to describe. His ass was being stretched as it never had before, yet he found it exhilarating to feel conquered, helpless, his body in the possession of someone else. What would it feel like with a real flesh and blood cock nailing him to the bed, impaling him, sending a stream of man cum into his bowels, branding him as men would brand cattle, making him the property of his master?
It was time to find out as he felt the largest dildo withdrew. He reached behind with one hand and felt an opening not yet fully closed. He shuttered. Returning his arm to the pillow, he awaited the final entry, the fulfillment of four years waiting. John asked him if he was ready and repeated that he would stop anytime the boy asked him too. He smiled again and told him he was looking forward to the man's cock inside him. His ass twitched as he felt John's fingers applying a generous amount of KY Jelly to his partially open channel. He closed his eyes as he felt the man's body leaned over him, the hard member lying in the crack of his soon to be deflowered ass. He knew the man's cock was much thicker than the largest rubber toy, but knew he had to take it. There was no thought of quitting.
John positioned his head at the opening. Four years ago he began his fantasies wondering what it would be like to fuck a virgin boy. Although he fucked Roberto many times, the boy was a veteran of man/boy sex. But John knew Joshua was too young. And he was more concerned of hurting the boy that would be obvious to his parents than acting out a fantasy. He thought that if the two continued meeting over the years that by the time Joshua was 12, it would be time to pop the boy's ass cherry. But of course events have a way of derailing dreams and fantasies. Thankfully, in this case, it had only postponed it one year to Joshua's 13th birthday. It was even more amazing when considering just a couple of weeks ago, there wasn't even the inkling of the two being together again, much less at this moment in time as the man pushed his cock head feeling the ring stretch as it never had before.
Pain! Although he knew the visitor was going to be the largest ever, he grit his teeth as his ass stretched. John kept asking him if he wanted to stop, but he insisted he continue, but go slowly and let him get used to it. He felt the pressure and wondered if he could really accommodate the man's cock. Yet the other three boys had described similar feeling and were able to feel him fully inside. So if they could do it, he knew he could. If only his ass would stop stretching! Finally he felt the pop, as the head was inside and the man stopped. Joshua's sweat poured off his forehead as he got used to the initial intrusion. As foretold to him by the boys, the pain eased and he indicated he was ready for more. Inch by inch he felt himself skewered as his ass canal reluctantly accepted the invader. He wondered how deep within his bowels the cock would go when he felt the man's balls make contact with his ass.
"You did it Joshua! I'm fully inside you. Your cherry has been popped!"
Joshua took deep breaths as he laid their motionless, his ass fully stuffed by a man's cock. The pain was rapidly disappearing and a new sensation was replacing it. He was one with his friend, his male lover. The two had gone through so much because of their love. And it was finally culminating in the only way possible, the joining of two bodies in love and sex. John then told him he was going to fuck him. He nodded his head as he felt the cock slowly pull back until only the head was inside, and then pushed slowly back stretching him once more. This time no pain, a little discomfort, just a feeling of bliss as though having the man's cock inside him took away all the troubles of the world. He felt the pace quicken, as he knew the man was reaching his point of no return. He felt his own cock sliding back and forth on the towel underneath as each push inside him caused his own balls to begin the preparation for its release.
For John, another conquest was about to be achieved. This one was special, four years in the making, considering how impossible this seemed just a short while ago. He wondered what Joshua's mother would think if she knew that at this moment her son's virginity had vanished and his young ass was about to receive its first deposit of his cum. Well, no matter. Joshua had wanted this for a very long time and was handling it well. Hopefully, like with Mike, Chris and Matt, he too would look forward to a regular fucking by him. He felt his balls tighten up as he pounded harder. The tight warm walls gripped his manhood as though begging him to release his load. The next act surprised him as he felt Joshua's body twitch and a moaning escaped from his lips. He then realized that the teen had just had his own orgasm. That familiar feeling of the ass's reacting to shooting a load of boy cum caused an even tighter grip on his cock. With a final plunge, he emptied his balls in several strong streams, filling the insides of the boy. His cock quickly softened as it slid out, leaving a gapping opening whereupon some cum started to leak out. The white fluid contrasting against the raw redness of the anal opening was a very erotic sight.
Joshua couldn't hold back as each pounding of the man's cock deep inside him caused his four-inch [10 cm] cock to rub on the towel underneath. He finally gave in and with a moan released his young boy sperm feeling his ass tighten around John's cock. A moment later he felt as though he was being pushed through the mattress as the man gave one final shove and Joshua felt the shots of cum hitting inside the walls. He thought it would never end, as he felt more and more of the liquid filling him. As the man's cock withdrew, he knew his ass was wide open as he not only felt the breeze hitting the large entrance, but also the dripping of the white fluid from inside. Both the man and boy turned to face each other.
John smiled as he saw the wetness surrounding the boy's cock and on the towel. He moved the towel away and gave the boy a hug. "Are you okay?"
"I wondered for a long time what this would feel like. My ass is sore, but not any bad pain. It does feel all wet inside."
"Yes, you squeezed a lot out of my balls. But it was a fantastic feeling."
"Does my ass feel the same as when you're doing it with the others?"
The man thought for a moment. "I would say yes if you're talking about the sensations. But what makes it special is the boy you're doing it with. That's what I think of. If I fuck Mike, I think how Mike's ass is feeling on my cock; the same with Chris and Matt. That's where the love comes in. Otherwise, it's just sex, the desire to get off. With love, you feel you're leaving a part of you inside them, a sort of thank you for the pleasures and love they have for you by sharing their most private opening. In return, each boy tries to show their love by making it as enjoyable as they can." Joshua slowly nodded his head, his eyes showing signs of getting tired.
"Come on, let's take a quick shower and get to sleep," as he helped the 13-year-old up and to the bathroom. The water woke the teen up, and if he needed further stimulation for staying awake, it was when he felt John's lips wrap around his boy cock and suck it into another release of his young sperm, every drop swallowed by his friend. Dried, both headed to the bed. Joshua wanted to lie in front of John so the man's cock would be poking at his ass. The man wrapped an arm over the boy and soon the soft sounds of two sleeping souls were heard.
"Welcome back, Mr. Yang. I hope your trip was fruitful?"
Mr. Yang was taken aback by this cordial greeting. He had been accustomed to being treated as a low-class servant, even though he was Lam Sin's personal assistant and lawyer, a graduate from Harvard University. This was not the way he expected this conversation to begin. If anything, his fear grew, as he had no way of knowing what was inside the head of this man.
"Come, come, Mr. Yang. Don't worry. My day has started well. My accountants reported a nice profit from my businesses. And this morning I had a new beautiful Japanese boy to break in. So I am now ready to hear what your investigation revealed on your trip to Island Number Four."
The lawyer fumbled with some notes as he was gathering his thoughts. He dare not ask what happened to the boy he saw the last time he was here. It was too terrible to contemplate. "Master Sin, as you know, when Island Number Four failed to report in at its usual time, I sent men to see what was the matter, having no idea of the magnitude of what they would discover. Only when the photographs reached me did I realize the extent of what we were dealing with. By then, any evidence of who was involved was nearly erased with the men walking through the rubble and the grounds surrounding."
"So you were not able to reach any conclusions?"
"Not as many as I would have liked. The fire was deliberate, using the generator fuel drums to burn as thoroughly as it could. By the time I arrived, there wasn't much left to go through. Part of the building's walls survived, but everything that was inside was totally destroyed. The men who lived there were never found. No graves were discovered. It is my belief that their bodies were disposed in the sea."
"Why go through all that?" Lam Sin wondered. "Dead men can't reveal who their killers were."
"They might have in this case," getting a surprised look from the Oriental.
"Go on, Mr. Yang."
"Their bodies would have shown how they died and what weapon was probably used. Whoever carried this out knew what they had to do. My guess is your men were caught unawares, most likely sleeping, when they were killed."
Lam Sin was silent for several moments as he digested what Mr. Yang had told him so far. "Anything else?"
"We may have a clue. Although the men trampled all over the island searching for evidence, thankfully they had not touched the southern shore."
"You found something?"
"Possibly," as the lawyer produced more photos for Lam Sin's examination. They appeared to be footprints. "Look closely sir. That first photo shows several barefoot prints. I'm not an expert, so I can't tell how many men landed, but it can be safely assumed several. The second photo shows grooves in the sand where small boats, possibly canoes, landed. I believe there were three," as Lam Sin stared intently at each picture. "The third and final photo is most intriguing. It shows footprints of someone wearing shoes. I believe it was just one man."
"What do you make of all this Mr. Yang?"
"I believe even more that this is somehow connected with those three missing American boys."
"I'm not quite sure. Bare feet would seem to indicate men from one of the islands along with the evidence of canoes. But the nearest islands are several hundred miles away, so paddling canoes to reach Island Number Four sounds improbable. But you have the footprints of one man wearing shoes. His involvement is puzzling. Maybe he's harboring the boys and got the cooperation of some native group to destroy the island to prevent the boys from being discovered. Or the boys could be on one of the native islands. They enlisted the help of someone with a craft capable of reaching your island quickly. In either case, canoes were brought to transport the men the last part of the journey as the larger craft could have been heard and discovered. They landed under the cover of darkness, killed the men, burned the building and dumped the bodies in the ocean. Again, Master Sin, this is only a supposition."
Lam Sin looked long and hard at his lawyer. "I have grown tired of this. A lot of my money went into getting these three boys here." He paused for a moment as he reached under his throne-like chair and withdrew three photos, supplied by the caseworker in America, one each of the boys who were at the ranch, a full nude frontal shot. He stared at them. They were supposed to be with him at this very moment, providing the pleasure he had paid so much for. Lam Sin had spent hours fantasizing what it would be like having these three unique-looking boys at his disposal for whatever sexual perversions he could think of. Looking back at Mr. Yang, he continued, "Instead, I have a traitorous captain and first officer. I have an island invaded, my men killed and everything destroyed, probably by half-naked savages with spears and arrows. There's a mysterious man one way or another involved in all this. Is he somehow mixed up with the captain? I have three 'orphaned' boys with no family connections hiding on some miserable little island and 'you can't find them!'" as the man pounded the arm rest on his chair causing Mr. Yang to jump back. "Three weeks! Three weeks! All I've gotten from you is theories, possibilities, and suppositions. I don't need any more lawyer bullshit!"
"But Master Sin," Mr. Yang said with a trembling in his voice, "these investigations take time."
With a look that one would describe as coming from hell, Lam Sin leaned forward in his chair. "That, Mr. Yang, you don't have much more of. You better have before me very soon," as the man closed his eyes for a moment, "preferably naked, those three American boys or your fancy Harvard law degree will be shoved up your ass with a hot poker, courtesy of Wo Fat. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, Master Sin," as the man fell on his knees, head bowed, sweats of fear dripping from him. He heard footsteps and made sure the man had completely exited the room before he looked up. He tried to calm his body from further shaking. He knew what the man was capable of and this had been no idle threat. As he himself left the large room, he knew he was going to have to take drastic measures. Although he was a lawyer, and even working for this evil man had kept some principles, he knew he had to find those boys, and soon, no matter what the cost, even if innocent people would be hurt.
"Hey, sleepy heads, wake up!" came the voice of Chris as he stood at the foot of the bed observing the two naked bodies. Looking at the nude form of Joshua, he tried to visualize the boy's ass stretched wide as John's cock made its first entrance. Recalling his own loss of virginity, he could pretty well imagine how the first few moments felt as a man's cock slides inside and leaves its first deposit of cum, the evidence of being a part of a special connection between man and boy. Now, that Joshua had experienced anal sex, he looked forward to fucking the boy himself and feeling the newest member's young cock inside him. He saw the two stirring awake and looking at him with a smile.
"Morning Chris," John spoke first. "You're already up and around."
"Mike, Matt and I want to show you something we discovered yesterday after you two left for here."
"What is it?"
"A funny noise coming from one of the caves."
"What do you mean 'funny noise'?"
"It's hard to describe. That's why we want you to hear it."
"Okay Chris. We'll check it out today."
Chris looked at Joshua and asked him how it felt losing his cherry.
The boy gave his teen friend a smile. "It did hurt to start, just like you guys said it would. In fact, my butt is still a little sore. But when John was totally inside me, a new feeling took over and I didn't even think of the pain. It's like I wanted him to stretch my ass even more, go even deeper. And when he did cum, it was like nothing you can describe, feeling the sticky stuff inside being spread around and then dripping out of your ass when John's cock was out.
"It felt the same with me," Chris acknowledged.
John sat up on the bed and grabbed a hand of each boy. "And it was a wonderful feeling for me too. It's not all about taking your cherries. Sure, that first time seems more like a conquest for a man, to be the first. But it's also to open the door to more feelings for both man and boy in the days, weeks and months to come. It's the final step of trust, especially for the boy. He knows that it is the last sacred part of him he has yet to offer. He knows the possibility of pain exists. Yet he wants to show how much he loves and trusts the person to whom he is giving up that last doorway. I'll admit I'm a selfish man. When I cum in your ass, I feel as though you now belong to me. No matter who else, man or boy, fucks you from now on, you belong to me. I hope that doesn't upset you."
Chris reached around and hugged the man. "And we," looking at Joshua, "all four of us belong to you," getting a nod from the newest family member.
"Thanks, to both of you."
With a wicked smile, Chris started removing his shirt and cutoffs. "In fact, you need to put another load inside me now so that you own me even more," as in a moment he was naked. Joshua looked at his friend recalling two nights ago when he showered and then had sex, with Chris relaxing him and making that first evening very enjoyable.
"Do you mind Joshua?"
"No. Go ahead and fill Chris up," the boy responded looking at John. After feeling the man's cock inside him last night, he was curious how it looked as an observer, figuring watching Chris getting fucked would be like seeing how his own ass took the man's cock.
Although he woke up semi-hard, seeing Chris strip, desiring to feel him inside, finished the last engorging of blood in his cock and he was more than ready to accommodate the 13-year-old. Getting the naked boy to lie on his back on the edge of the bed, he raised the smooth legs up and placed them over his shoulders. Joshua took the tube of KY Jelly, lubing the man's cock and smearing some at the entrance to the boy's chute. Aiming his cock at the opening, he slowly applied pressure until he felt his manhood slip past the anal ring, gripping his cock in the now familiar vise-like clamp. A grunt came from Chris as he felt the first penetration, grabbing the sheets on each side with his fists. Getting a nod from the teen, John slowly pushed as his cock was engulfed. In a few moments, the man's balls signaled total entrance as it touched the flesh of Chris.
For Joshua, this was a fascinating vision. He pictured what he saw happening to Chris as the same scenario that occurred with him the evening before. His cock quickly got rock hard. Although he had seen similar forbidden videos of such acts, this was live right in front of him. He began to realize how his ass had stretched seeing Chris' ass muscle expand even more as John's rigid cock impaled the lad. It took Joshua much longer to get use to the cock inside him before telling John he could go ahead and fuck him. For Chris, it was just a moment or two and then he told John to go ahead, smiling at the man and telling him to fill him up. He asked Chris if he was feeling any pain.
"Just a little bit when he first started. But each time it's less and less. But now it's a wonderful feeling with him fully inside me. I don't want this to end," as he felt John's cock start its pounding motion in and out. Chris instinctively grabbed at his cock and started stroking it. Seeing that, Joshua pushed the hand away, laid his head on the boy's belly, grabbed the young cock and started to suck on it. Chris' toes began to curl as he grabbed the sheets again. "Wow!" was all he could shout, as he was in sexual heaven with a cock in his ass and a mouth on his stiff pole, together bringing him ever higher.
This was a new vision for John too, seeing Joshua voluntarily suck the cock of the boy he was fucking. He felt his cock get harder with the combination of Chris' ass muscles and the sight of Joshua sucking away. He felt his balls tighten up within its sack and asked himself why do these feelings have to end so soon? He wished he could fuck any boy for hours until he dropped over from exhaustion. But the body knew when enough was enough. Joshua's mouth was apparently doing its job as he felt the ass muscles grip even tighter, indicating an orgasm as he observed what seemed to be Joshua swallowing the boy's load. With a mighty shove, he pushed his cock as deep as it would go as he unloaded shot after shot of his man spunk. When he opened his eyes, he saw Joshua licking Chris' cock clean. The man's own cock softened and slowly slipped out of the teen's ass, followed by some of the milky cream deposited within its walls.
"Wow!" Chris repeated as his legs were slowly laid back on the bed. "Matt, Mike and I have done one fucking while the other sucked, but this was so different with 'your' cock in my ass and Joshua sucking me."
"Glad you enjoyed it and I'm also glad Joshua on his own wanted to add to your pleasure. It's what makes the sex even better, when one wants to do something without asking to make the other enjoy it more."
Chris wrapped his arms around Joshua. "Thanks. I'm glad you're here. We're going to have a lot of fun together."
"These are going to be the happiest days of my life. I know it!" the teen replied.
Reaching around, Chris felt cum slowly dripping from his ass. Looking at John, he said, "I guess I belong to you even more," then hugging the man.
John smiled. "We belong to each other, all of us. Now I don't know about Joshua, but I'm hungry." The boy confirmed he was looking forward to breakfast. Chris stated he had already eaten. So John and Chris took a shower while Joshua dressed and removed the soiled sheets to take back to the house to be washed. He found a clean set in a dresser and made up the bed for the next time two or more decide to come here and have some 'fun'. As they departed the glass bedroom, Chris told Joshua and John that he would go ahead and let Mike and Matt know they were coming.
As the 13-year-old disappeared from sight, Joshua looked at John. "It feels weird doing sex with Chris."
"Well, 'Jungle2Jungle' is one of my all-time favorite movies. And," the boy paused causing the man to look at him.
Gazing at the boy and taking a guess, John finished the teen's thoughts. "You fantasized about having sex with him." Joshua nodded his head at the correct assumption. "It was easy to guess that. You mentioned how you fantasized about some of the boys you saw in the gym shower. And the actor in the movie was certainly hot. Even I wondered what was underneath that skimpy cloth he wore around his waist."
"Sure. You know I'm a boylover. So any good-looking boy, whether it was you when you visited me, or some boy in a movie, always got me excited with dreams and fantasies. The day the three boys landed on my island, I knew there was something familiar about them; although I also knew I had never met them before. So the shock was even more so when it I found out that they looked almost exactly as the three boy actors in movies. What are the odds of having three boy actors look-a-like landing on your island? And although I condemn Lam Sin for kidnapping and using boys the way he does, one of my own first thoughts when I saw them, before I knew who they were, was having sex with them. The right thing would have been to see them safely back to America. But a combination of circumstances gave me the opportunity to share my past, be up front of who I was, and allow them the choice of staying or going. Thankfully, all has worked out well for everyone.
"The boys know that their appearances has put them in danger. They know Lam Sin is looking for them. I've tried to keep them from worrying by shifting their focus on sex and its pleasures. I don't call them by their look-a-like stage names or keep reminding them of that. To me, they are three orphan boys who landed on my island, needing a safe haven, thus giving me the opportunity to fulfill a fantasy of mine, having boys to love and enjoy sex with without fear of any authority. You saw how Chris has embraced it. Just look at them as three neighborhood friends you've met and have now moved that friendship to sex and love. Like you told me yesterday, treat them as brothers." He got an affirmative nod from Joshua as the house came into view, Princess barking and running up to them.
"When Chris and I showered and then went to bed together, it just felt strange. It was like I was dreaming about that boy in the movie, yet it felt like he was there with me."
"It looks like you too had one of your fantasies come true," getting a smile from Joshua as the other three boys came down the steps to greet the duo.
"We fixed some breakfast for the two of you. It's on the table," Mike enlightened, getting thanks from John and Joshua. Then Chris was seen whispering to Matt and Mike. The two smiled as everyone went inside. There was a hot meal waiting of pancakes and eggs and both the man and teen expressed appreciation for the extra effort as well as the timing for everything looked and tasted as though just off the stove.
Matt came over and stood by Joshua. "So now you're an official member of our family," getting a puzzled look from the 13-year-old. "Getting your cherry popped by the same man who popped ours means we all belong together. Now the three of us can't wait to fuck you and you us."
"Thanks Matt. Thanks all of you. I'm glad you feel this way about me. At first, I thought it was a bad idea coming here because John already had the three of you. I guess what's made it easier is that we all love John and love sex too."
Mike then stood by the adult. "I see you couldn't start your day without sliding your cock up a boy's ass," causing John to almost choke on a mouthful of pancakes.
"Hey!" John replied trying to defend himself. "Chris asked for it. And the four of you should know right now: if any of you show those cute bare asses to me, morning, noon or night, expect some very hard man cock to be making its home inside you and leaving a receipt."
"Now I know what you mean Mike," Joshua spoke, getting a look from the 16-year-old. "He is a pervert." This got laughs from everyone as breakfast was finished and the morning chores started. The boys had devised a schedule that rotated the chores among them. Those cleaning the inside were to be naked, a definite tease to John, who despite his statement at breakfast, was trying hard not to grab, this time either Mike or Matt, and fuck them on the spot. Instead, he went to his computer and read the daily news. Half his mind was on that, the other half, with a raging hard-on, snuck peeks at the two each time they walked by. As much as he wished he were 20 years younger, he knew he couldn't fulfill his desires of having sex with the boys all day long. He had to recharge and it seemed to take longer each time. But he knew he had all the time in the world and with the boys satisfying each other, there was still sex a-plenty. When lunch was concluded, John asked about the cave the boys were talking about.
"It's almost in the center of the island on the highest point. We went there to see the sun set after you and Joshua left for the glass bedroom," Mike answered.
"I explored up here," John rebutted. "There are no caves."
"We found this one by accident," Matt put in. We were chasing a lizard and saw it go through a bush and disappear. When we got close, we could see there was a cave behind it and some noise also."
John was a little skeptical about a cave. Maybe it was just a hole in the side of a rock. He has spent his first few months on the island exploring and discovering about half a dozen caves that seem to go down, maybe to the ocean. The hot springs itself was water heated by a volcano far below to its current comfortable temperature. And if this was a cave he overlooked, it was probably the same volcano outlet as the others.
Everyone walked along the trail as it crept upward to the island's highest point, about 600 feet [180 m] at its peak from the shoreline. It wasn't a mountain of any kind, but allowed one to view the entire island as well as its solitude surrounded by nothing but water. In the early days of exploration after he settled here, John spent several hours looking out over the vast ocean. He daydreamed wondering about stories, real or not, of shipwrecked sailors and how they would feel reaching the their island's highest peak and seeing nothing but the blue Pacific. He thought of the move, "Cast Away" with Tom Hanks and the daunting challenge to survive using your own hands and ingenuity. He had smiled thinking of the vast difference where although he was on a similar landscape, he had all the comforts of home and modern communication to get a hold of someone instantly.
"It's over here, John," Matt pointed out. The man could see how easy it would have been to overlook the entrance. A large scrub had obscured or covered the entrance. The boys had pulled part of it away. John stopped and stared. It was a large cave in that the ceiling looked about six feet [1.8 m] high. At least, as far as the light reached inside, you could walk without bending over. The other caves on the island were basically holes in the ground varying from two to four feet [60-120 cm] in diameter going straight down. John had Troy bring some lumber and the pilot helped him cover the caves, mainly for fear his dog or cats might fall in. He had told the boys about the caves, but warned them to be careful. But this one was unusual. He stepped back, cocked an ear and did faintly hear some noise coming from its depths. The sounded didn't resonate up or down, but stayed constant like, a humming noise.
"It was louder earlier," Matt added.
"It's probably the way the water is rushing underneath or some very deep volcanic activity."
"Is the island going to blow up?" Chris asked.
John smiled at the teen. "No, Chris. We'd know if there was any danger. I'll admit this is a strange one. Maybe one day, we'll use rope and safety gear and see where it goes. It might be a short cave that ends just a few feet down. In the meantime, push the brush back up against it. I don't want the animals to get curious." The four boys did just that and soon one couldn't tell there was a cave unless one stepped close and could hear the strange noise. On the way back to the house, John once again thought of Troy's statements that the previous owner spoke of noises, possibly causing him to put the island up for sale. John shrugged his shoulders. Certainly the humming from the cave wasn't frightening enough to want to leave this place. It would take a lot more than strange noises to force him to want to abandon this island paradise. The cave was just a curiosity piece and was now over with.
As the five approached the house, some clouds were forming overhead, possibly indicating rain. Good, John thought. It hasn't rained here in a while. The boys may like it. And did they ever! As soon as the rain began, all four got naked, ran outside and jumped around. John took a seat on the covered section of the porch and watched with erotic excitement four beautiful naked boys having fun. It was like his own mini Kalauka Island, seeing all this young flesh before him. Joshua ran up the steps to John, the man trying hard not to reach out and grab the nude boy. "I guess all of us had always wanted to run naked in the rain. It's like we were all reading each other's minds," The boy said excitedly.
"It's a wonderful sight seeing the four of you as one going out there and enjoying yourself."
"Come join us John," the teen encouraged the man. "You're not afraid of a little rain, are you?"
"Why not?" John stripped and ran down the steps to join the others. Soon the boys were teasing the man grabbing at their hairless crotches and wiggling their asses at him daring him to grab any of them, recalling his comments of earlier in the day. Despite his year on this island, the man had never ventured outside in the rain, much less naked. His cock grew hard as he reached out to grab at the boys' also hard young shafts. The boys, of course, were faster than him and soon John threw his arms up in defeat. "All right, you win. Let's get inside."
Five dripping bodies entered the house and went for towels to dry themselves off. Matt asked Joshua to join him in the shower before dinner, which the 13-year-old eagerly accepted looking forward to his first one-on-one with the 12-year-old. The other two boys used the shower in John's bedroom. In less than 30 minutes, four partially dressed boys were in the kitchen opening up some cans of stew to prepare a quick meal. As John returned to the living room from his shower, Joshua came and sat by him on the sofa.
"I'm a little scared," the boy said looking at his adult friend.
"Why?" a little alarm in his voice thinking something had gone wrong.
"I'm afraid I'm going to wake up and this was all a dream, that I'm back home still trying to find you."
The man gave the blond-headed boy a smile. "How does your butt feel from last night?"
"It's a little sore, but it's OK."
"Well, as far as I know, you don't have sore butts in a dream," getting a smile from Joshua. "This is real. You're here, we together and you have three other wonderful friends to share in all your dreams and fantasies."
Joshua gave John a hug. It had been a long four years, but John was right. He was here living even a better dream than he ever thought possible.
After the meal, John was surprised to receive a request from Chris that all five of them watch the 'Jungle2Jungle' movie. John had tried not to bring up the subject of their resemblances in the movies as he wanted the boys to know he loved them for what they were here and now, not because they looked like a boy in a movie. But after living here for a few weeks, it appeared their look-alike appearances weren't bothering them. They were now taking it in stride and even joking about it. That was obvious as the movie began.
"Don't I look hot in that shot?" Chris began.
"Why did you have to wear that cloth?" Matt joked.
"I wanted to do the whole movie naked, but the producer wouldn't let me."
This went on the entire time, as John was amazed at how Chris led the fun acting at though it was really he in the movie and the other boys making lewd and sexy comments. He saw the look in Joshua's eyes as he watched the movie and looked at Chris, as though realizing one of his favorite fantasies had really come true. Soon, it was over and the boys paired up for the night, Joshua and Matt together, Mike and Chris sharing the same bed.
"Do you want one of us to sleep with you," Mike asked John.
"I'll be fine. I look forward to having the bed all to myself."
Soon, lights were turned off and another day ended. The sound of the gentle rain still coming down was all that was heard as five happy individuals fell asleep.
Mr. Yang looked closely at the large map of the Pacific Ocean. He was trying to come up with some plausible theory that would satisfy his master. After the meeting earlier today, he knew his life hung by a thread if he didn't produce. He thought back to three years ago when he was hired to replace Lam Sin's previous lawyer. Rumors had abounded how the earlier attorney didn't satisfy the man and had disappeared, never to be heard from again. Mr. Yang fleetingly thought of leaving and going into hiding. But he knew that sooner or later, just like the Sea Queen captain and first mate eventually will, he would be found. And he knew the pleasures Wo Fat got from torturing his victims.
At this point in time, he was grabbing at straws, not really having any concrete answers to what happened at Island Number Four, the missing American boys and if there was any connection. So he decided to make up an association somehow. His ethical feelings were taking second place to saving his life. Using the information he knew about the Sea Queen and its deviation from course, Mr. Yang took a magnifying glass and looked at the area surrounding where the freighter could have dropped the boys. Of course there was no way to know exactly where and when that happened, but details were not important right now. His eyes settled on a tiny speck of an island. Looking through some documents he had, he read that the island had been sold about a year ago to an American millionaire. Perfect! Where would three missing American boys be safer than with another American? Of course there was no proof whatsoever. But this information would keep Lam Sin off his back while he searched for the real location of the boys the Oriental had purchased. He started forming in his head a scenario that somehow connected the boys to this island to present to Lam Sin. Looking back at his documents, he saw that the new owner had renamed the island. On a tablet, he wrote, 'Paradise Island'.
Chapter Seventeen Surprise Visitors
John awoke feeling refreshed. A good night's sleep in his bed did wonders. He twisted around under the covers and saw that none of the boys had joined him after he fell asleep. The previous two mornings had found Joshua. The first was a surprise, but yesterday was fantastic having taken the boy's cherry the evening before. He sat up, stretched and went to the bathroom to wash up. He saw that the sun was shining brightly after the rain of last night. Supposedly, the boys were still asleep. Getting dressed, he headed to the kitchen where he was greeted by his dog and cats.
"Morning girls." He opened appropriate cans of food and laid down fresh water. It wasn't until he was sitting on the porch eating bacon and eggs that he realized this was the same scenario from three weeks earlier when Mike, Chris and Matt were discovered having landed on his island in a lifeboat. He closed his eyes reliving the events of having three boys become a part of a family and the sexual lifestyle everyone has enjoyed since. There was the trip to Kalauka Island, the rescue of Kauri and the addition of Joshua. He smiled thinking how for more than his first six months on this island, his solitary life had been interrupted only by the weekly stopovers by Troy.
The first visit by Aukai revealed that a nearby island contained people who not only believed in being naked every moment they could, but also engaged in a sexual lifestyle involving both genders of all ages. He recalled Aukai boldly taking the initiative, removing his sarong and inviting him to lay on the sand with him and enjoy some man/boy sex. Prior to that, pictures and stories from the Internet had been John's source of erotic excitement, usually ending in a hand-stroke ejaculation. The feeling of a young boy's body brought back all the urges and desires he so greatly missed. He associated the 12-year-old with Roberto from long ago who was at the same age as this native boy, Joshua only being nine when he last saw him. Although Aukai was of the same age and built, John quickly learned that unlike Roberto, his ass wasn't available for the man to enjoy. He not yet passed his island's traditional 'Right Of Manhood' test classifying him as a man within the Kalaukan village and then available for whomever he desired to allow entry into his deflowered opening.
The 30 days between the first and second visit and second and third were torture. When the day arrived that the boy promised to return, John stood on the shore waiting for the canoe carrying that evening's sexual bliss to come into view. The visits were just overnight, but John made the most of it and Aukai seemed to enjoy how the man's hands stimulated erotic spots on his young frame. Although anal sex was forbidden, both discovered they could please each other by sucking one another. Aukai was familiar with the taste of man cream, but for John it was like he had been deprived of his favorite soda drink for 14 years. He couldn't get enough of the Kalaukan boy's young sperm. He was grateful for Aukai's youth, as the boy seem to recharge so quickly and ready to be drained again by John's mouth and tongue. If either slept, it was the last couple hours before daylight when Aukai and his warrior company had to leave.
It was the last visit when Aukai announced that instead of him coming to visit Paradise Island in 30 days hence, John had been invited to be the first outsider to the secret lifestyle of the Kalaukan people. Not only that, but Aukai asked John the honor of giving the native boy the 'Right Of Manhood' test. The days following Aukai's last visit seemed to drag. All the man could think of was how it would feel entering a virgin ass for the first time, something he had never done or expected to do. He had fucked Roberto several times during those weekend visits, but men had used the boy for quite a while. But John could still recall the pleasures his cock felt and the ultimate explosion inside the Spaniard's still tight hole.
But everything changed so dramatically a week before he was scheduled to depart for Kalauka Island with the arrival of the three shipwrecked boys. When the time came to leave for Kalauka Island, he had taken the cherries of Mike and Chris and even Matt sucked him off in the boat during the trip. Upon return to Paradise Island, Matt's ass had felt a man cock inside him for the first time. Two nights ago he had the pleasure of fucking Joshua.
Joshua's deflowering was special in that he had known him at the earlier age of nine. Having had anal sex with only Roberto so many years before and the 9-year-old's trusting nature to allow John to do anything he wanted, the temptations were strong to enter that very small virgin hole. Yes, he read stories on the Internet of boys as young as five being fucked by men, but figured they were just stories. No boy that young could handle a man's cock without excruciating pain and surely some serious damage. At that time, thinking this sexual relationship would last many years, John was content to wait until the boy was twelve before initiating him to anal sex and the boy being hooked into it.
As the sun continued to rise in the sky, the weather was still a little cooler than usual from the previous night's rain. John returned inside to put on some warmer clothing. The four boys were waking up and soon sat the table to enjoy their meals of bacon and eggs. There was little talk of what sex they had between themselves the evening before. John figured that unless something unusual or different occurred, their nightly rituals were becoming as common as taking a shower each evening. Joshua was the only one still savoring these early escapades as he described what happened the evening before with Matt.
"We fucked each other last night," the boy shared of the experience. John was still coming to grips with the flowery language change from the 9-year-old he knew that didn't know any four-letter words, to the 13-year-old who spoke like it had been part of his vocabulary for years. "I thought it might hurt some as I was still a little sore from you, but instead it really felt great. And Matt squirted inside me too."
"I'm glad both of you had a good time. That's what our lifestyle here is all about, the love and pleasures we share among ourselves. We're the fortunate ones, along with the Kalaukans, who can enjoy sex the way we want without hiding or fear of being caught and its consequences," getting a nod from Joshua, very cognizant of what can happen when such an intimate relationship is discovered.
Being Friday, the boys asked if John had any special plans. "Well, I noticed that the schoolbooks that arrived last Saturday are still in the box," getting a groan from Mike, Chris and Matt and a puzzling look from Joshua.
"You mean we have to go to school?" the boy asked. "I'm on summer vacation!"
"Back home you're on summer vacation. Here we have school. Remember one of your Mom's conditions for you to stay with me, that you continue your education." John went on to explain to Joshua that he and the others were going to be home-schooled on the island. They would be registered with Internet online classes that would take them through the courses they normally would be taking at a public school, yet accredited so that they would receive a valid diploma. Even though the three orphans lads were to receive new identification papers, that didn't negate the need to study. "Whether you stay here all your life or move on in the world, you need to be prepared as much as possible. And we'll set days and times when you can take online classes. I only have one computer at the moment. I'll look into getting a couple more for your bedrooms. So for now a schedule will have to be drawn up to share access of what you need from the Internet to the private study time with whatever homework you're required to do." John saw a mischievous smirk emanating from Mike. "All right smart-ass, what's on your mind?"
"Does reading and looking at porn classify as a study topic?" getting the other boys to laughing. Even John couldn't resist and joined in.
"If you do well on your core subjects, I'll give you extra credit for that course," John replied still laughing. "OK, let's get the chores done." The man went to his computer to check for any email received and read the news. The world economy seemed to be the issue on everyone's minds. Stock markets were on a roller coaster ride up and down. Even his own stock portfolios being managed by those he hired to oversee his finances fluctuated daily. He had lost thousands of dollars over the past several months, but fortunately the lottery winnings were sufficient as to not cause any great concern. He knew his accountants were doing the best they could to minimize his losses.
"John! John!" came a shout from Matt as he rushed into the living room giving the man a start. For a brief instance, John thought something had gone terribly wrong involving one of the boys.
"What's the matter, Matt? Somebody hurt?"
Catching his breath, Matt answered, "No, but there are three canoes heading this way!"
Nodding his head, Matt added. "They're too far way to see who it is. Do you think it's the Kalaukans?"
"I don't know, let's go see," as John grabbed some binoculars and followed Matt. Soon the other three boys joined them as they too had seen the canoes. Several minutes went by as the five stood on the shore, the boys trying to make out who were in the canoes while John focused the binoculars on the objects floating toward them. It only took a moment for the man to smile. "It's the Kalaukans!"
"They're coming here?" Joshua asked.
"Looks like it. Guess you'll see the Kalaukans sooner than expected." John continued looking through the binoculars as the three canoes came into better focus. He was impressed and admired the men that paddled those small vessels with strong steady strokes drawing closer and closer. Knowing how the male population on Kalauka Island kept in good shape, John was sure the same rhythm had been maintained from the moment the canoes were pushed into the water. As the figures became clearer, John saw a young boy in each boat. Aukai was easy to spot and the two others looked familiar. He handed the binoculars to the other boys so they could see. It was Mike who recognized one of the youths.
"It's Fauiki!" It was the 16-year-old Mike had spent time with after the sex with the Kalaukan chief. For Matt and Chris, the third boy was recognized as one of the participants when all the younger boys were together sucking each other off.
John noticed Joshua shivering as he looked through the binoculars at the approaching visitors. "Nervous?"
"A little. I just got used to being naked and having sex with Matt, Chris and Mike. Now, there're three more. What do they expect me to do?"
"Nothing," John answered. "They treat sex as we do, whatever you feel like doing. If this is too much too soon, don't participate. I'll explain you're new here and just not ready yet to have any sex with them."
"If I don't, they'll think of me as a wimp!"
Putting an arm over the Joshua's shoulders, the man tried to soothe the boy's nervousness. "No, they won't. They will understand. And believe me, they will make you feel comfortable real quick. Ask the others how quickly they adapted and the fun they had," getting a nod from the other three.
"We'll look after you," Mike began, getting a weak smile from Joshua in return.
Soon, binoculars weren't needed as the canoes were ending their journey. The five members of Paradise Island waited on the edge of the shore as the canoes made contact with the sand. Also accompanying the three boys were Tangaroa and Takatu.
Aukai was the first to jump out of his canoe as he ran and gave John a hug. "It's good to see you again."
"Same here. What a surprise! What brings you here today?"
It was Tangaroa who offered the explanation as he approached John and gave a slight bow. "It is good to see you again, Matareka." Takatu also approached and gave the same slight bow. Joshua gave John a strange look when the man's Kalaukan name was spoken. He raised his hand before the boy could speak as though saying, "I'll explain later."
"I am honored by this visit. If I had known, I would have prepared a better welcome."
"It is not needed. We came to drop these three off to stay a few days with you," getting a quizzical look from John.
Turning to Aukai and giving him a stern look, it was Takatu who explained, "This pesky son of the chief wanted to come and see you, even though you were on our island just a week ago," getting a smile from John and a sheepish grin from Aukai.
Continuing, Takatu added, "Chief Haoa relented, but made conditions. Two other boys from our village had to accompany him. Fauiki and Maru were selected. The boys understand that they are guests here as long as you desire their company. Chief Haoa hopes when it's time to return them, you and your boys will come and spent a few days among our people."
It took a few seconds to absorb all this, but John quickly responded. "It's a honor to have the boys here. They are certainly welcomed to stay, even the pesky son of the chief," getting a dirty look from Aukai. "How about three days and all of us will come to your island on Monday?"
"That will be fine. We will look forward to your visit Matareka," as Takatu turned toward the canoes.
"Wait! Won't you at least stay a short while and rest before returning home?"
"Thank you for your invitation. But Chief Haoa expects us to return as quickly as possible." Soon, Takatu, Tangaroa and the other warriors were in their canoes ready to push off the shore. Turning to John once more, Takatu spoke. "Chief Haoa has given you permission to make his son swim home if he becomes too much of a bother."
"Takatu!" Aukai replied in indignation, as John laughed at the comment and the boy's reaction. A few moments later several men resumed their strong strokes as the canoes moved away from Paradise Island.
Turning to the remaining Kalaukan boys who had accompanied Aukai, John greeted them. "Welcome Fauiki and Maru. I hope you enjoy your visit here."
"Thank you Matareka," the older boy replied.
"Let's get one thing straight," John said with a smile. "On your island I'm Matareka. On my island, I'm John."
"OK, John," Fauiki replied with his own smile and Maru nodding his head in understanding.
Turning to Aukai, John made an observation, "I see you brought the cute one." If looks could kill, John would have dropped dead on the spot. Grabbing Aukai and giving him a hug, he laughed. "No jealousy here. We're all going to have fun for the next three days."
"Father chose who was to come along. It was a condition for me coming to visit you." It was then that Aukai spotted Joshua, and then looked at John.
The man motioned for Joshua to come closer. "Joshua, this is Aukai and his friends, Fauiki and Maru. Joshua arrived here a few days ago and he's staying for an extended visit. I've told him a lot about all of you and your people. If he seems a little in shock, it's because he wasn't expecting to meet you so soon."
Aukai approached the boy and gave the boy a kiss on his cheek, the traditional first-time greeting. Joshua wasn't sure what to do, so he just muttered, "Hi Aukai."
"All right. We're all heading for the house." Looking at Aukai, John spoke, "We're going to be inside. I loved what we did on the sand, but now you're going to see my home and enjoy fun with us in there," getting a nod from the 12-year-old Kalaukan native.
As everyone began the walk, John asked Aukai, "How is Kauri doing now that he's back home?"
Aukai looked at John with saddened eyes. "His wounds are healing, but now he keeps telling me he will never be a man?"
"When I last saw him before he was kidnapped, he knew how excited I was about the upcoming 'Right Of Manhood' test. This was before I asked you to do it. Although he was two years away from going through the ceremony himself, he looked forward to one day being called a man like me and our father. But what happened to him on that island makes him think he can never take the test, for he is no longer pure."
John understood what was being said. He figured the 10-year-old had been raped several times during his ordeal. In the boy's mind, his anal cherry had been taken and therefore made him ineligible to become a man in the Kalaukan tradition. "Hopefully, he will understand that what happened to him wasn't his fault. In the eyes of his village, he is still pure and can one day become a man."
"My father thinks the same way. Kauri's test is two years away. My father hopes the nightmare Kauri went through will be a distant memory and he'll feel different when it comes to his time to become a man."
"Your father is right. I also believe that in two years he will have two sons who have become men." As they continued walking toward the house, John shared recalling the memory of the boy's first visit. "I was wondering, how did you know I would enjoy having sex with you?"
"I didn't. Like I told you, you were seen walking along your shore naked a lot of times, so I took a chance that you might like being naked with me and maybe more. If you had said no or got upset, I would have left and never bothered you again."
John then asked about the boy's father.
"He is fine. He and my mother have been spending a lot of time with Kauri. Only yesterday did Kauri come out of the hut for the first time. Everyone is trying to help him forget what happened."
Soon, everyone climbed the steps that led to the porch and then inside the house. The Kalaukan boys were fascinated being indoors in such a dwelling, as the buildings on the eastern side of their island were simple structures. John allowed his four boys to show them around. Later, they asked if they could show them the rest of the island. The man thought that was a good idea, leaving him alone to gather his thoughts. He sat on his recliner in the living room shaking his head. Seven boys on his island! How was the next three days going to be? He looked forward to enjoying the sexual pleasures of the four boys who lived with him, thinking that would exhaust him enough. But now there were three good-looking youths from Kalauka Island to add to the mix. "Lord, give me strength."
Although he had a loathing for Lam Sin, he couldn't help but think of the man and his stable of boys, kidnapped and sexually abused, never given the chance to enjoy sex as it was mean to be. Yet, on Paradise Island, here were seven beautiful lads ready to participate in a loving exchange of sexual delights. In a way, John felt he had a better group of willing boys than Lam Sin could ever assemble.
He knew Troy would be here tomorrow with the weekly supplies, but would they last for seven days? Of course he was supposed to return his visitors Monday and possibly stay for a visit, so he guessed it would balance out. For lunch today, the native boys would be introduced to sandwiches.
It was getting into early afternoon when the group returned chatting away as though they had been lifelong friends. Even Joshua was smiling. John wondered what was going through the 13-year-old's mind. A week ago he was in California awaiting John's arrival hoping the man would take him to wherever he lived, never expecting it to be on an island in the Pacific Ocean and living a sexual lifestyle, including nudity, with three other boys. Now he was among boys from another island who also embraced sex as eagerly as he did.
Aukai came up to John and said, "You have a beautiful island. I knew it was so when I first saw it a few months ago. I'm glad I got to see more of it."
"Thank you, Aukai. I've grown to love this place very much. My boys have made it even more so," getting an understanding grin from the native boy. "But seeing you and the others here is a real surprise."
"Father didn't want me to come. He said you needed to rest after helping him rescue Kauri. He said you've done enough for a while, including giving me the 'Right Of Manhood' test."
Looking at the 12-year-old, John spoke softly, "It is I who owe your Father a lot. He took a risk allowing me to come and visit, the first outsider to do so. And it should have been his honor to give you the test, yet he allowed me to do so. He's made me a member of the Kalaukan family with a Kalaukan name. And he's shared you with me without any reservations, including today. I like you very much Aukai, but I don't want to come between you and your Father for any reason."
Aukai gave the man a large smile. "I see there's a lot you don't know," getting a puzzled look from his adult friend. "As chief, many of the boys want to spend time with him. It's considered an honor for a boy to spend a night with him feeling his cock inside them. And although most of us who take the test usually have it done by their own fathers, many have asked my father, as chief, to give it."
"I guess I could understand that. Being the chief does have its privileges. But I thought the one boy he would want to initiate into becoming a young man would be his own son."
"I was ready for him too. But when I asked him about you giving me the test as part of your first visit, he thought it was a good idea. Yesterday he told me he would give it to Kauri when he was ready. He said it would easier for my brother."
John nodded his head. "Your father is a wise man. After what your brother went through, it's going to be tough enough. Having a family member involved will make it a little easier." Changing the subject, John asked about Fauiki and Maru.
"When I finally got my father's permission to come see you, he said I had to take two others with me, that it wasn't fair I should have all the pleasure of visiting you. Fauiki wanted to see Mike. And I wanted to bring my best friend, Maru."
"Your best friend!"
Aukai started laughing. "I was acting jealous when you said that Maru was cute. He is cute, though. Some of the older girls have tried to get him to bed with them, but he said he's not ready for girls."
Shaking his head, John could only admire the way Aukai acted when he mentioned his 'best' friend's appealing features. "I should punish you by pounding your little ass as hard as I can."
"I hope so," giving a cheeky grin.
"I give up."
"Maru hopes you will spend time with him."
"I look forward to it," wondering how he was going to squeeze so much sex in three days.
Getting some extra chairs and putting them on the porch, everyone gathered as sandwiches and Kool-Aid was prepared and enjoyed by all, especially the Kalaukan boys having their first meal away from their home. Fauiki tried to act more adult-like, but John could tell he was excited being on Paradise Island and the fun lying ahead. Maru, though, was acting like any other enthusiastic boy chatting and laughing away. John looked at the boy's features. The eyes seem to glitter and he had an infectious smile. Yes, John did look forward to enjoying that youthful body. All the Kalaukan boys were wearing full-length sarongs and the man knew it wouldn't be long before their naked beauty would be exposed for him to see.
After the meal, the boys had suggested everyone go to the hot springs to relax. It would be the first opportunity for everyone to be naked at the same type. "Do you want to come along?" Mike asked the adult.
"Does a thirsty man deny an offer of water?" John thought to himself. Presented to him was the opportunity to admire seven boys at the same time in their natural beauty. Trying to keep his cock from tenting in his pants and the excitement out of his voice, he calmly responded, "Sure."
Before leaving for the hot springs, the three Kalaukan boys removed their sarongs and folded them in half, putting them back on to just cover the lower half of their bodies. John got a quick glimpse of such perfect form, smooth, hairless and with a golden shade of a tan covering their entire bodies. Although Mike, Chris and Matt were slowly losing their tan lines, Joshua still looked like a glass of milk, his body hardly ever exposed to the sun. He would have a long way to go to matching the others.
Although the trip to the hot springs itself was uneventful, John felt himself mesmerized by what he saw in front of him. How could all of this happen so fast? He recalled after bringing Joshua here when he asked himself if there was the possibility of too much of a good thing. But wouldn't any honest boylover feel he had died and went to boylove heaven if he could be here at this moment surrounded by not only seven beautiful boys, but willing participants at intergender sex? "Don't fight it," he told himself. "Enjoy the moment."
Reaching their destinations, everyone placed the towels brought in a pile and before you could count 1, 2, 3, everyone was naked and sitting inside a steamy pool of warm water. Aukai and Maru sat on either side of the adult. Fauiki was talking to the other boys in low whispers, and from the giggling John observed, knew that the conversation was sexual in nature.
"You are taking us home on Monday?" asked the 12-year-old Maru.
"Yes, I am."
"Good. On Tuesday is when I take the 'Right Of Manhood' test. You will be there?
"I don't know how long we'll stay, but at least long enough to see you become a man," getting a grin from the boy. "Are you ready for the test?" He got an emphatic yes in return. John had noticed that Maru was a little smaller in height than Aukai and wondered if that would make any difference as the boy felt his first cock shoved forcefully inside him.
"Aukai told me what happened with you and him, so I know what to expect. It will hurt a lot, but to be a man, you must overcome fear and pain."
All the man could do was nod his head. He could vividly recall Aukai's cries of pain and begging the man to stop. And although John felt uncomfortable in being the instrument of such agony, he was glad it was a one-time ordeal for both he and the son of the chief. He could never associate pain as a means to sexual pleasure.
Across the hot springs pond, splashes were heard and seen as the four boys were now getting sexually excited as they reached under the water to grab at each other's cock and balls, the three Paradise Island boys paying particular attention to the older Kalaukan lad. The next thing John felt were two sets of hands grabbing at his own cock, which got instantly hard as a reaction to the touch of these young fingers. The man himself used one hand to fondle the stiff rod of Aukai while the other found the also hard penis of Maru. If it were possible to measure, John would have guessed Maru's shaft to be a tad sorter than Aukai, maybe a quarter inch [½ cm]. But both felt wonderful as his fingers stroked and fondled Kalaukan boy cocks and soft ball sacks.
When it was time to begin the journey back to the house, an unusual sight appeared as seven boys and one man arose from the hot springs with cocks standing stiff and long, the results of many hands reaching around stroking one another. This was a warm-up to the first evening when those same hard cocks would travel a step further and release their pent-up load of youth sperm. Everyone quickly dried, put on what they had worn to the hot springs and headed back to the house. The sun was slowly setting to signal the end of another day. It was too late to prepare a regular dinner meal, so several frozen pizzas were brought out and heated. It was another first for the Kalaukan boys to enjoy.
Fauiki, sitting next to John, told him how he wanted to go with him to rescue Kauri. "I am 16-years-old. I am a man. I have been training for four years since my own 'Right Of Manhood' test. I should have gone along."
John looked into the teen's eyes. "Chief Haoa had a difficult decision to make. He was at a disadvantage not knowing what to expect when we arrived. Fortunately, we were able to rescue Kauri, but it could have turned out very bad," letting the boy understand the consequences. "My boat could only carry so many, so he decided to take the most experienced warriors. It was no reflection on you. When it's time for you to be called, I'm sure you will respond in an honorable and brave manner everyone will be proud of." That worked, as Fauiki seemed to appreciate what John was saying.
Soon, the meal was over and it was time for everyone to proceed to what all were really looking forward to, sex among each other. As everyone went inside to the living room, John realized there was going to have to be some adjustments to accommodate everyone. Counting himself, there were eight people to break into four pairs. "I realize everyone will want to spend time with everyone else and hopefully by the time we must go to Kalauka Island, we will have enjoyed those pleasures. But here's what I propose for the first grouping: I know Aukai wants to be with me. We'll use my bedroom. Fauiki and Mike, one of the two bedrooms and Maru and
3;Joshua in the other. In the glass bedroom, Matt and Chris." That almost got approvals from everyone.
"Wait John. If it's alright with you, Chris and I want to sleep together tonight," Aukai requested
The man was a little surprised. He quickly realized that he should have asked before deciding the pairings. "I apologize. Each of you should pick with whom you want to spend the night with, not me. So what other changes do you want to make?" Except for Chris and Matt, everyone else was happy with the one they would enjoy in bed. Aukai later told John he wanted to spend the first night in the glass bedroom, that he and Chris wanted it to be them.
Joshua felt his young cock getting hard thinking of the upcoming sex. After several days on Paradise Island so far, he had lost his anal virginity to John and now felt comfortable and enjoyed the sexual intimacy with Mike, Chris and Matt. But now he was going to share a bed with a Kalaukan boy. Taking the initiative, though, he grabbed Maru's hand and headed to the shower. Fauiki and Mike went to use the shower in John's bedroom, while Aukai and Chris headed toward the glass bedroom, the boys taking a clean set of sheets and towels with them. John and Matt waited in the living room.
"I hope you don't mind sleeping with me tonight," John looked at the 12-year-old, getting a big grin in return.
"I want to feel you inside me again," Matt announced. John definitely didn't have any objections to that.
Over the next hour as preparations were made for the Kalaukan boys to spend their first night on Paradise Island, there was a sense of awe, especially from Fauiki and Maru. Their entire lives, until today, had been spent on their native soil. On the eastern side of their island where a schoolteacher had come to educate the Kalaukan children, the closest either boy was to the world outside their home was from the textbook pictures and videos shown in class. And although John's home wasn't the palace, castle or monument they had viewed while learning about the world and its history, this was just as fascinating. The classroom was a simple one-room building with tables and chairs. This house had several rooms, had furnishings never before seen and miracles, like electric lighting to make the inside as bright as daylight.
The bathrooms were just as marvelous as pipes, which spewed water, either hot or cold, or a combination of both, only took the turn of a handle. Although the Kalaukan people were used to cold water to wash, stepping into a shower where the water was warm seemed unnatural. It took a little coaxing from Mike and Joshua to convince their respective companions that taking a warm shower was all right and that their guests should join them inside the enclosed structure. Fauiki, being the older, did his best not to let what he saw betray his fascination. Like Aukai and Maru, all had arrived wearing a full-length sarong. And he quickly removed it to join his newest friend. Both were soon laughing as hands rubbed over each other. Fauiki had trouble holding on to the bar of soap, several times slipping out of his grip falling to the shower floor, causing both boys to laugh.
In the other bathroom, it was a little different. Maru, being just twelve, couldn't contain his boyish fascination and awe at what he had seen so far. Joshua, on the other hand, was hoping that he didn't appear as such a beginner when it can to sex. He knew listening to John and the boys, that the Kalaukans learned sex at a very early age. As he got ready to invite Maru into the shower, he saw the boy remove his sarong, exposing his young body totally tanned from living outside in the nude, yet beautiful in its Polynesian texture. Compared to the 12-year-old, Joshua felt like a white sheet, just barely getting into the naked lifestyle and a definite tan line showing when he wore his swim trucks. Yet Maru made no comments and took hold of his new friend's hand as they entered the shower. It only took a moment before two boys acted as though they had been friends forever as they giggled and grabbed at each other. Each took turns getting on their knees, taking a hold of the other's cock, placing it in their mouths and sucking on it. Joshua felt like an amateur. Maru complimented his young friend when he reached his orgasm on how good he did. But when the roles were reversed and Maru's experienced mouth and tongue went to work, Joshua knew he still had a lot to learn as his legs got weak from the approaching peak and the subsequent shooting of his cum as his body shook with pleasure.
As Aukai and Chris headed to the glass bedroom, the chief's son thought about those early visits to Paradise Island. He had wanted to come inside John's house from the first day he landed here. After convincing a reluctant father to allow him to go, it was with the strictest conditions that he stays within sight of the warriors who accompanied him; their instructions to protect the future chief at all costs if anything went wrong. So on the three monthly visits, he and John had sex on the shore. He never told his new friend the real reason for this, not wanting to offend him. Aukai got tired of this restriction and to convince his father that John was a good friend and neighbor, he persuaded him to allow John to be the first outsider to visit and share in their secret lifestyle. He coupled that by announcing he wanted John to give him the 'Right Of Manhood' test. He knew John wanted to spend this first night with him, but decided he would enjoy this evening in the glass bedroom. Although he had to decline John's invitation to look inside in the earlier visits, he was curious how it would be being inside with the many windows, yet able to views the stars as though outside. As he approached his destination, he grew excited about sharing his first private evening with Chris. And even if the first night wasn't with John, he knew many hours were ahead over the next couple of days with the man he had grown very fond of.
John, being the horny man that he was, tried to visualize what was going on in the two showers. Four naked boys, two of them Kalaukans, were probably not going to finish until they all came at least once. He wanted so badly to feel his nude body against Matt's that for a moment he thought to the hell with the shower, grab the 12-year-old and take him to his bedroom. As the time went on, John wondered if there would be any hot water left. Obviously, the four boys were enjoying their first encounters in a new environment. But then Mike and Fauiki emerged from John's bedroom, scrubbed and dry, totally naked and ready to go on to the next phase of their sexual enjoyment. He had gotten a quick glimpse of the 16-year-old back on Kalauka Island when the boy asked John to pass his greetings to Mike. But this time Fauiki paused for a moment, as though allowing his host a good look at his naked body, before following Mike into their designated bedroom. John gave Matt a look.
"I think he's looking forward to having sex with you," Matt surmised. To John, this was a new avenue. All his sexual life, it had been with young boys. Mike was an exception being behind on the growth spurt stage. Although 16, he still had the body of a 12 or 13-year-old. But Fauiki was much closer to being a man. Although hairless by tradition, he spotted a good 6½ [16 cm] cock with low hanging balls. He knew he would fuck the boy. But how would it feel with the largest cock ever in his own ass?
Finally, with showers done, Matt and John were finally in bed. The adult was slowly enjoying the soft skin of the boy as his hands and mouth felt and tasted the freshly cleaned youth. Matt laid quietly, the occasional sharp intake of a breath the only outward indication of what he was experiencing. John was taking his time starting at the neck and working downward, stopping to spend a few moments on each nipple, sliding his tongue inside the belly button. He skipped over the boy's genitals to massage and enjoy the flesh of the thighs and legs. Getting the boy to turn over, he continued rubbing down the back. Reaching the ass cheeks, he looked at the creamy globes, so perfect. Spreading them slightly apart, he saw the gateway he would soon enter. Using his middle finger, he worked it slowly, ever coaxing the tight orifice to open just a little, to see the pink entryway. Matt's hole twitched in reaction and the boy let out a small moan of pleasure. John then reached underneath to fondle the balls in its silk compartment.
Matt got excited as the man asked him to turn over on his back again as he saw John's head make its way to his raging hard-on. The boy wanted to start stroking his own cock, but John wouldn't let him, swatting his hand away. He was desperate to feel John's mouth engulf his boyhood. And soon he got his wish as the man's mouth and tongue started its expert work. The boy grabbed the sheets in tight fists as his body twisted and his voice moaned. He wanted this to last forever, but knew the end was fast approaching, that the man anxiously awaited his reward of boy cream his young balls were about to produce. Unable to hold back any longer, he raised his hips, shoving his young cocklet as deep into the man's mouth as he could as he felt several small shots erupt into its waiting receptacle.
Although receiving the sweet tasting cream of a young boy's orgasm was the end reward, John also enjoyed observing the reactions of a boy's body as it slowly worked its way up to that ultimate moment. It was so erotic seeing eyes squeezed shut, fists clenched, body twisting in spastic delight. This is what sex was meant to be. And although he had to pay a price to introduce a 9-year-old boy to that pleasure, John could never understand why any boy should be denied such an experience just because he wasn't of 'legal' age. Years of exquisite sexual bliss in youth are lost forever because boys have been brainwashed that sex is bad. There was just no comparison of a boy's sexual experience to that after becoming an adult.
As Matt's breathing slowed, he opened his eyes to see John looking at him, a large smile on his face. "Should I assume that you enjoyed it?" the man asked. Matt responded by sitting up and hugging the man.
"Now, you lie on your back," the 12-year-old instructed, grabbing the lube from the nightstand. John sighed knowing what the boy proposed to do. There would be no preliminaries, just straight to the point. His cock was ready. No 2x4 piece of wood was stiffer than his cock was at that moment. He felt the boy's hand coat his cock. A moment later, Matt straddled himself across the man lower abdomen. Facing John, he grabbed the hard cock and guided it to his puckered opening. With a slight grunt, he pushed himself down on the head until he felt it pop through the anal ring. Stopping for a moment, he continued to slide down the hard pole until his ass cheeks made contact with John's body. The boy smiled, looking at the man, glad he could fit the entire cock inside, feeling his insides stretched to accommodate its visitor.
"That feels wonderful Matt. I love the way your ass is gripping my cock. Take your time. I want to enjoy every moment of this." The boy then slowly began to raise his hips slightly and come down. The next stroke, he rose a little higher before engulfing the man's cock. After a few more such attempts, Matt had gotten into the rhythm of raising up to just keep the cock head in and then slamming back down again. John decided to help by matching the boy's movement, raising his hips upward on each downward push from the boy, seeming to feel his cock go even deeper in that taut channel of boy heat.
"Please John, fuck me harder," as the 12-year-old Matt impaled himself as deep as possible on the man's cock.
The men settled into chairs in the conference room of the Barstow Police Department. Five men were inside the closed room, including the Chief of Police, Captain Hardwick and Lieutenant Joseph Longner. The fourth man was the FBI agent who had been working with the Barstow authorities investigating the explosion at the ranch and the disappearance of its former occupants. The fifth man was unknown to the Chief, Captain and Lieutenant. It was the FBI agent who spoke first.
"Chief, I want to start this meeting by thanking you and your men for their cooperation in regards to our inquiries into the circumstances surrounding what occurred in your jurisdiction three weeks ago," getting a slight nod from the chief. "Because of the unusual nature of this investigation, my superiors have asked Homeland Security to get involved. Gentlemen, I wish to introduce you to Mr. Peter Ashton."
Before the new man could speak, the police chief spoke up. "Homeland Security? It was my understanding that this was in no way connected with any terrorist threat. Why are you involved?" directing his question to Peter Ashton.
"Chief, you are right. We are not investigating this as an act of a terrorist. Nor is it my intention to interfere within your department. I believe as you do that this was some sort of well-financed, well-planned act to kidnap the three boys who were living on that ranch. The concerns we have are the chemicals involved in that explosion, something not easily obtainable. Who was responsible and had access? And if this is something that can be done once, can it be done again, possibly against a larger target, a city, a military or industrial complex? You may be right that this was some sort of rich sick person wanting these three boys for his sexual pleasures. But the fact that he went through such an elaborate scenario makes us question if he could be involved with others whose intentions may not be sexual, but political against this country."
It was the Captain who spoke next. "With all due respect Mr. Ashton, this sounds likes you trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. If this person was in any way connected to any terrorist group, why risk exposure for a simple kidnapping?"
"That is what we're trying to find out. We can't risk overlooking anything. 9/11 taught us that."
"All right," the chief injected. "I respect your position and concerns. If we can help in any way, just ask. But for us, we're looking for conspirators involved in what is being considered a kidnapping as well as the three boys who are now being classified as victims in this case. So far we have very little to go on."
Peter Ashton looked at the FBI agent who nodded his head as though giving approval for what was about to be shared. "What I'm about to tell you stays in this room. For the time being, you three are the only ones who will have access to what I'm about to reveal. Is that understood?" getting nods in return.
"Have any of you ever heard of a man named Lam Sin?" getting negative responses. "Not surprised. He's one of the richest men in the world, supposedly worth over 45 billion dollars."
"I've looked at the Forbes list many times," spoke Lieutenant Longner, referring to the publication that ranks the world's wealthiest individuals. "I've never seen his name."
"That's because he keeps all his wealth spread out under so many aliases and corporations that individually doesn't make him appear that rich. But combined, his wealth is vast. The CIA has monitored him for many years. But nothing ever came up that suspected him of anything outside his home area of Singapore."
"What's he involved with?" Captain Hardwick asked.
"He owns various shipping companies, real estate as well as control over several large corporations. He's also suspected of drug smuggling and prostitution. But as I stated, he keeps it close to home, so the CIA and Homeland Security doesn't consider him a threat, but we watch him closely." Taking a deep breath for effect, Mr. Ashton revealed the next aspect of Lam Sin. "It's also suspected he's a pedophile who keeps several boys around for his own pleasures."
"Are you suggesting that he's the man with the resources to stage this kidnapping?" the chief asked.
"It's possible," Joe Longner cut in. "I reported my suspicions to the Captain here that someone with money had to be involved."
"I didn't suggest anything. I only wanted you gentlemen to understand what we may be up against in this investigation," Peter Ashton clarified.
"What about the authorities in Singapore?" coming from the Chief of Police.
"With 45 billion dollars, Lam Sin has just about everyone in his pocket. The CIA sent inquiries and was rebuffed at every turn. Their response is 'Mr. Lam Sin is a respected citizen whose contributions to his country cannot be measured'."
So how do we connect the kidnapping to him, if that's possible?" wondered the Lieutenant.
"Lam Sin does not have the boys," Ashton pronounced.
The chief gave a hard look to the Homeland Security agent. "And how do you know that?"
Giving a slight smile, the agent responded. "Two days ago, we got a report from our embassy in Hong Kong. Two men asked for asylum. They claimed to be the captain and first mate of the Sea Queen, the freighter that left San Diego the night of the explosion at the ranch and disappearance of all the individuals who lived there. Three boys were placed in the captain's care for delivery to Lam Sin. He identified them as your three missing victims. But he also claims the boys were not on board his vessel when they reached Singapore." As the Homeland Security agent enjoyed seeing the puzzled looks of the three across the table, he reached into a briefcase and pulled out three folders. All had the same information and were passed to the Barstow attendees. Each quickly looked at its contents.
"I don't understand," spoke the police captain. "What does a criminal record of a convicted sex offender have anything to do with the three boys on that freighter?"
"I'll get to that. But first, let's go back to the Sea Queen captain. "I told you he stated that although he picked up the boys in San Diego, they weren't on his ship when it arrived in Singapore. He tried to convince us that although he smuggled contraband for Lam Sin, he never was involved in any slavery, sexual or otherwise, especially involving children. He was aware of Lam Sin's lust for young boys, but had heard they were obtained locally. When he was told that the three boys being delivered to him were for Lam Sin, he claimed he couldn't bear seeing them become the property of someone else. The captain wasn't aware that they were orphans, so he assumed family were now looking for them. So he and the first mate plotted a way to get the boys off the ship."
"What does that have to do with this?" the chief asked waving the folder in the air.
"I'm getting to that sir. The captain decided one evening to deviate from course and steer to an island he had heard was occupied by an American. He figured once the boys were there, the American would alert authorities and the boys would be sent back home. He knew he was betraying his employer, and as the freighter approached Singapore, he and the first mate abandoned ship. They spent three weeks hiding and working their way to Hong Kong and our embassy."
"How did he get the boys off the freighter?" asked the Lieutenant.
"He put them in a lifeboat."
"By themselves?" the chief asked disbelievingly.
"The captain couldn't put a crewman with them. He knew the tide was coming in on that island. So he figured the boys' best chance was in the lifeboat and hopefully within a few hours would beach at that destination."
"Do we know if they made it?" again the chief.
"We don't have positive proof, but our experts say the odds were very good that the boys made it."
"So why haven't we gone out and checked?" the captain wanted to know.
"That's where the man in the folder comes in," this time from the FBI agent. Getting a nod from Mr. Ashton, he picked up on the story.
"Four years ago the man in that folder was arrested for molesting a 9-year-old boy. He plea-bargained for three years, did his time and was released. Shortly afterwards, he won a $100 million dollar lottery."
"Yes, I remember," Joe Longner recalled. "You mean this guy was the winner."
"It was. His past didn't become an issue with everyone wanting to be his new friend. So shortly afterwards he purchased an island in the Pacific Ocean." The realization of what had been revealed dawned on the Barstow men.
"You mean the island the captain aimed for is the same one owned by this man?"
"Yes chief, it was. We didn't mention the owner's past to the captain and he wasn't aware of it. His intentions were to keep the boys from Lam Sin and safely to an American who could help them."
"My Lord, from one sick pervert to another," the captain commented. "Has anyone made an attempt to rescue them?"
"We can't. The island is 100% owned. It's not in the jurisdiction of any government. In essence it is it's own private country. Technically we'd be invading a sovereign nation."
"What about a covert operation?" the lieutenant asked.
Both Peter Ashton and the FBI agent shook their heads. It was Mr. Ashton who answered. "This may sound cruel, but we're talking about three orphan boys with no family whatsoever. No one misses them; no one is looking for them. No agency is going to authorize any action to rescue those boys."
"But they are underage boys and they are Americans! You mean there is nothing we can do?" the chief asked not believing what he had just heard.
"For the moment, no. There's no positive proof they are on that island. If they are and somehow get a message out asking to be rescued, there might be something considered. Right now, Homeland Security figures Lam Sin is the bigger issue here. So as of this moment, the Barstow Police Department is no longer involved with the search for these three boys."
"Jesus!" It was the Lieutenant summing up everyone's thoughts. "If the boys actually did land on an island ruled by a convicted sex offender, what horrible things could he be doing to those boys? Is he torturing them sexually? Are they being forced to do acts against their will? Could the boys be right at this moment begging the man to stop what he's doing to them?"
"Please John, fuck me harder," as the 12-year-old Matt impaled himself as deep as possible on the man's cock.
Chapter Eighteen Secrets Revealed
"Are you sure about this Mr. Yang?" the questioned stabbed directly at the Oriental attorney. "You certainly came with up all the pieces very quickly since our last conversation."
"I recognized the urgency of getting answers to you, so I worked on this for nearly 24 hours straight. I know how badly you want those American boys."
"And how did you arrive at this conclusion," Lam Sin asked, still skeptical after reading some of the outlines on a document given to him by the attorney, accompanied by a verbal presentation.
"Eliminate the improbable, what's left is the truth," Mr. Yang replied, then seeing the look from the man on the large throne chair quickly added, "An old Chinese proverb."
"Well, your old Chinese proverb better be right or Wo Fat will be teaching you new sayings I'm sure you won't find as comforting." He got a quick nod of understanding from the attorney who was trying his best not to shake in fear in front of this man. "Now, one more time let me see if I understand this. Your analysis of the photos you showed me points to this one island of natives that were involved."
"Yes, Master Sin. Only these people have the savagery to kill your men in their sleep. Their bodies were never found, thus I believe they were unceremoniously dumped at sea, probably because of the local sharks. What little information I could find out on these people is that they are very secretive. No outsider is permitted. Rumors have it that they practice some pagan type of sexual rituals on their young boys."
"Sounds like my kind of people," the Oriental spoke out loud wondering what the rituals were and if he could incorporate them to enhance his own enjoyment of the boys in his current harem. Mr. Yang ignored the comment. After a moment, Lam Sin asked, "And this American?"
"I'm not exactly sure, but I think after he had possession of the boys, he became aware of your island and wanted to make sure your men somehow did not find out about the their location and have it reported to you. The American was, or became, friendly with these natives. What deal he made with them I can only speculate. You have had a few boys from that area sent to you. So maybe this was a way of exacting revenge for that as well as to keep the boys' location a secret, sort of a mutual temporary alliance."
Lam Sin closed his eyes digesting the information Mr. Yang presented to him. It wasn't 100% convincing, but by now he was ready for any clues that would allow him to take the initiative. He wanted those boys! The longer this search dragged on, the less chance he would ever have of getting his hands on them. He had fucked all the young boys brought to him, all anal virgins. But this lust consumed him as he thought of his fat cock plowing into the cherry asses of these white-skinned foreigners. Looking at his attorney, he dismissed him. "Thank you, Mr. Yang." That was it, nothing else. When the Oriental exited the room, another man was summoned to the presence of Lam Sin.
"How many men are currently there on Island Number Four?"
"There are six at the moment sir. Once Mr. Yang no longer needed any further information for his investigation, I believe they were getting ready to bring a construction crew in to start rebuilding from the fire."
"Hold that for the moment." The man was given the document outlining what Mr. Yang had put together regarding the fire, the involvement of natives and the current location of the American boys. "Do you think your men could find this native island?"
"I am confident that they can."
"Have them go there and do whatever is necessary to find out if they took part in the murder of my men. Make sure, involved or not, that the people there know to fear my name." Pausing for a moment, the Oriental added, "And bring a few of the boys back to me." Lam Sin would question them to discover what sexual rituals the natives were practicing on their young boys.
"I will so instruct them, Master Sin. And what about this American on Paradise Island?"
"Have your men report to you what they found out on that native island and present it to me personally. I will then make a decision what to do with the American."
"It will be done, Master Sin," as the man bowed and left the throne room to relay the orders to the men on Island Number Four.
Lam Sin leaned back on his throne chair, closed his eyes again and made a deep sigh. At last, he told himself, he was going to get answers, even if innocent people were hurt. His lips curled into a slight smile. He was feeling confident that very soon three beautiful boys would be standing naked in front of him.
In a half-lit bedroom on a top floor suite of an expensive hotel in Thailand, the 13-year-old gritted his teeth as he slid his cock down the shaft of the man below him. He tried to ignore the pain, concentrating instead on the payment he would receive when this was over. The rich foreigner was known for paying double and triple the rates for boy flesh, coupled with a generous tip. It was the thought of such money in his pocket that helped take his mind off the stretching his ass had never felt before.
News had spread quickly three weeks earlier when this foreigner arrived in Bangkok, supposedly from America. He put out the word he was looking for young teen boys to fuck and he was willing to pay handsomely for such pleasure. The man rented the most expensive suite in the city and wore clothing and jewelry to signify his wealth. It didn't take but a day before he was taken to the underground brothels where underage boys were available. The man's eyes would nearly pop out of his head as he viewed the choices of 13, 14 and 15-year old boys with the smoothest skin and most without a hair to blemish their bodies. All the available boys would shake their cocks and wiggle their cute asses hoping to be the lucky one chosen for that evening.
But then rumors began to arise how the foreigner bragged to the boys he had each night of being friends with Lam Sin. The boys were aware of Lam Sin's reputation for boy sex. Occasionally a young boy would disappear never to be heard of again. Whether the infamous Oriental was responsible for the kidnapping was never proven. But it was enough to cause fear whenever the name was mentioned. During the first week the foreigner took a boy to his hotel suite, another boy would be close by to insure nothing would happen. After a while, the boys became relaxed as they figured the man was either a liar or had no real close association with Lam Sin. They surmised the man was just puffing himself up to enhance his already inflated ego brought on by his wealth. As long as he was a generous patron, he could claim to know God personally if he wanted.
The other item talked about among the boys was the size of the man's cock. In length, it was average, about 6½ inches [16 cm]. But the 2¼ inch [5½ cm] width across was the awe and fear of many boys. Those who had seen it called it 'the sausage'. In the beginning the first boys to spend the evening with this foreigner talked of the pain associated with their small asses being stretched like never before. After having experienced being fucked by such a monster they were so sore they were unavailable to other customers afterward for several days. Some of the other teens would poke fun at their younger associates teasing them for being such pussies. But a few days later they too would return with the same story of how they thought their ass would rip open as this huge cock made its entry. Despite the stories of such pain, many of the boys were willing to spend the night with this foreigner and endure whatever discomfort they would feel. The money was too much of an inducement.
It was one such boy who was making his second visit. For some reason, he was the only boy specifically requested by the foreigner for a return visit. After the previous encounter, he had allowed his ass to heal taking on no other customers until he felt he was ready. He had been in a boy brothel since he was 8 years old. He was saving every baht (Thailand currency) hoping that he could go home very soon with enough money to help his family. He felt fortunate that he only had to serve men for five years while many were there ten years until they turned 18 and could then work as bar boys.
The session was one repeated before. First, the boy would lean over the side of the bed as the man's cock made its first entry, slowly worming its way inside, the boy grunting and trying not to yell in pain. After a short fuck, the man would have the boy on his back; legs raised and again plow the monster inside the tight boy ass. Finally, in the last position whereupon the man would shoot his massive volume of cum, the boy would sit on the foreigner's cock and ride it like a stallion, the foreigner's eyes tightly shut, occasionally grunting his enjoyment. He was in this position in the semi-lit bedroom when the boy looked up and saw two burly men standing at the entrance to the room. He froze, his ass sitting on the man's groin fully impaling the visitor inside. One of the men silently made a motion with his hand to the boy to get off the man, pointed to the door and gestured for him to leave quickly. Without a moment's hesitation, the boy jumped off the bed, the foreigner's rigid cock freed with a pop from the ass's grip. Dashing into the darkened living room, the boy searched for his clothing. He didn't even bother to get dressed as he searched for the door and prepared to leave. In the meantime he heard the foreigner shout, "Who the hell are you? What's the meaning of barging in here?"
The 13-year-old heard one of the men reply, "Lam Sin doesn't appreciate you mentioning his name in public. Your services as a caseworker was appreciated and you were well paid for it and to keep your mouth shut." The boy heard no more as he ran out the suite, still naked, to an elevator and pushed a button several times for one to arrive. Fortunately, no one else was in the hallway as he got dressed. As the door to the elevator opened, the boy was relieved to see it was empty, for he still feared that more men would be nearby to kidnap him and take him to Lam Sin. The elevator door began to close as the teen heard a sound he would never forget, the blood-curdling scream of a man being murdered.
If someone were to tell you that on a tiny island in the Pacific Ocean, one man and seven boys awoke on this Saturday morning having had a good night's sleep, your response would probably be, "O.K, Nothing wrong with that." But if you added that the sleep occurred after all eight residents had enjoyed raw naked sex among each other, your reply would probably be, depending on your outlook about man/boy sex, "That's disgusting," or "God, I wish I was there."
Yes, it may seem hard to believe that such a concentration of youthful flesh engaged in such perverted acts that are only whispered in today's society actually exists. But one would be very naive to say such things don't occur. These eight represented a very small percentage of the boy sex that goes on all over the world. In the more industrial nations like the United States, authorities try hard to clamp down on any suspicion of adult/boy sexual activities. Sadly, the prisons are full of such men who only wanted to expand their love of a boy in a more intimate sexual way.
In many other countries, although on the surface it may seem that such sex is against the law, the reality is that it occurs. Many Asian and European nations have existed long before America became a country and tried to impose its morality upon others. Within many borders such acts are tolerated. It existed for hundreds of years; it exists today and probably will exist for years to come. Publicly, governments denounce such associations, but again, in reality, they know it takes place. As long as there was no harm of any nature, there was no interference. Several countries had been slowly lowering their ages of consent pushing it as far as they could without some outcry from America, for instance. If boys could have more control over their own bodies and with whom they wish to share it with, life would be better for those involved.
The boys who landed on Paradise Island feared sex. What happened at the ranch and the knowledge of what was to happen once they arrived in Singapore instilled a dread of exposing their bodies to others and what might be done to them, assuredly against their will. It took a few days to convince and show them that sex was a beautiful thing if done right. Interacting with the Kalaukans reinforced that belief. Now, being naked whenever they desired and pairing up to experience sexual delights had become a norm. So as John and the boys on Paradise Island gathered for breakfast, It was John's fervent hope that at any point all over the world, men and boys who truly love one another were showing that emotion to their partners in the most cherished way possible.
With the meal concluded John announced, "even though we have visitors, the daily chores still have to be done." Gesturing to his own boys, he added, "You guys can explain how things work here and what your responsibilities are."
"Do we have to, today?" coming from Chris.
"It's OK," Fauiki put in. "We all have our duties to perform on a daily basis on our island. It's part of learning responsibility, especially after the 'Right Of Manhood' test. It's not all just learning to be a warrior." John looked at the teen impressed with his maturity. "We'll help you," Fauiki added, getting a nod of agreement from Maru and Aukai. Soon, everyone went their ways. And with the Kalaukan boys help, chores were completed quickly and everyone returned to the house.
It was still a couple of hours before Troy was due to arrive. Maru had wondered why Lam Sin wanted Mike, Chris and Matt so badly when it was known he grabbed local boys unfortunate enough to stray away from home. Mike went to the cabinet where the DVDs were stored and pulled out three. He showed the covers to the Kalaukan boys who stared at the pictures of each boy. "You are movie stars?" asked Maru getting a laugh from the three boys.
"No, we look like them. That's why Lam Sin wants us," Mike explained. Apparently, out of respect for the privacy of the boys, the reason for Lam Sin's obsession wasn't spread around the Kalaukan village. The chief and elders had kept the information pretty confidential, only divulging that the boys were on their way to Lam Sin and had been rescued. Mike looked at John and asked him if it was all right to share what led them to their current situation.
"That's up to you guys." Even Aukai was curious, not knowing all the details of how the boys landed on John's island. So most of the next hour the three original family members of Paradise Island shared their past from when they were sent to the ranch until they landed on this island. John was happy to see that the boys could talk about what they went through without the nervousness and possible shame of what they had had to endure. It was a big change from that first day when the memories of what they had gone through were still so vivid. Halfway through the narration, John's radiophone rang and he answered it.
"Hi John, it's Troy. I'm running a little behind schedule, so I'll be there closer to 1:30."
"No problem Troy. Take your time. I'll see you when you get here."
When the narration ended, the Kalaukans were fascinated with what the boys' lives had been recently. It was Fauiki who summed up their feelings. "You were very fortunate to land here."
The three boys easily agreed. "John has been very good to us," added Matt. "And he's taken the bad memories of sex at the ranch and showed us the wonderful fun side of it," as his ass twitched still recalling the man's cock in him and the sperm that had filled his innards the evening before.
The Kalaukan boys' attention then shifted to Joshua and how he ended up with John. The boy looked at the man, wondering how much he should share. "I met John when I was 9-years-old. Then he had to move away for a while and I didn't see him for four years. I finally found out he had his own island and asked if I could visit him." The boy looked at the man and got a smile and nod in return. Both apparently agreed that the prison part of the separation didn't need be shared at this time. John then picked up the narration.
"When I moved away, I thought I had said goodbye to Joshua forever. But I was surprised when I heard from him that he had been searching for me for a long time. He's grown up a lot, but he's still the same Joshua I remember from before." The 13-year-old then asked John the meaning behind the Kalaukan name he was called by the others.
"The Kalaukan people wanted to say thank you for helping rescue Kauri. They made me an honorary member of their village and gave me a Kalaukan name." The subject matter was changed when Chris asked Maru about his upcoming 'Right Of Manhood' test.
"Aukai has helped me understand what is going to happen. I know it will hard the first time." Looking at his Kalaukan friend, Maru added, "I remember you telling me how it hurt." Aukai didn't say anything, but John cringed thinking of the pain he had to inflict to follow an age-old Kalaukan custom. He was happy that it was over with and vowed never to do that again. Maru continued, "But it happens just one time and then you're a man."
"It's very important to you to be a man in your village," John commented.
It was Fauiki who shared his thoughts. "It is John. Our customs are very old. And Chief Haoa has told us that most of the world would not agree with our lifestyle living naked and especially our customs regarding sex. But if we stop our customs and traditions, we stop being who we are." John was glad the Kalaukans were steadfastly holding on to what 99% of the world would frown upon. Maybe the rest of society would condemn the Kalaukan lifestyle and sexual traditions, but how many of those spouting morality could claim no violence, no disease and a wonderful harmony among all its people? John felt fortunate to have met these people and become a part of them.
"That's why my father is trying very hard to keep outsiders from our village. Except for you, others would try to change us, make us like them." With sadness in his voice, Aukai added, "Father thinks we don't have much time left before we are forced to change. Outsiders will come and we will no longer be able to be Kalaukans."
There was quietness for a while. There wasn't much anyone could add. There weren't very many places left where man hadn't ventured and changed the culture of the indigenous people. Just as in America, John thought, Indians were either slaughtered or forced to change to the white man's way. History is full of conquerors that forced the people to accept changes, regardless of their consequences. Histories and cultures were lost forever. Wanting to change the atmosphere, John spoke up. "Hey, that's a long ways off and we have today. Troy is going to be late, so we have some time for a little fun." He explained to the visitors how Troy, someone all the Kalaukan boys knew from his supply runs to their island, was due today to deliver weekly provisions. "So Aukai, want to go to my bedroom?" The 12-year-old gave a big grin. "The rest of you do what you want. But meet here at 1:00." This got a nod from everyone as young cocks started twitching in anticipation of some sexual fun ahead.
It took less than 30 seconds before both the man and the Kalaukan boy had stripped their respective garments and were on the bed hugging and holding each other tight. "I can't breath!" John was laughing as he felt the grip of the boy.
"I missed you," was the reply as the grip was loosened and the boy lay on his back next to the man.
"I missed you too, but it's only been a week," as John admired the beautiful form of the native boy. Somehow it seemed different this time. After making love on blankets on the beach or mats in a hut, seeing the boy in his bed made the sight more erotic, more exciting. He began to run his hand down the chest of the dark sun-tanned youth, recalling the times before as Aukai sighed in contentment as the fingers lightly brushed his nipples. As he worked downward, he once again wondered how the native boy could have such soft skin being exposed naked to the elements all his young life. The boy's cock was awaiting the man's touch, proud and hard.
In another bedroom, the 16-year-old Fauiki was also slowly exploring the smooth chest and nipples of Chris. Maru had told the 13-year-old that many of the Kalaukan boys enjoyed having sex with this teen because he could make them feel like they were floating on a cloud. In the short time in this sexual lifestyle, Chris had enjoyed the nude companionship of his fellow ranch brothers as well as with John. Losing his cherry to the man has been the ultimate experience. It opened the door to a new sensation that he found he desired as much as possible.
He, Mike and Matt had secretly told each other how the feeling of the man's cock stretching their asses and filling them with his cum was something they wanted as much as possible. But they also understood that John wasn't a machine and that no matter how badly he wanted to fuck each boy multiple times every day, it just wasn't possible. But now, he was enjoying the pleasures given to him by Fauiki. He though back to the night before when he slept with Aukai. Both boys had been eager to please each other. Mouths had been filled with boy sperm and young cocks had invaded tight channels leaving their seed inside. They had finally fallen asleep, arms wrapped around each other.
As Chris felt Fauiki's mouth wrap around his boy cock, he thought back to a few moments earlier when the Kalaukan boy asked if he could have the pleasure of sliding his teen cock inside the boy's ass. Chris had eagerly said yes. He recalled Mike telling him that how, the previous night, Fauiki never seemed to get soft, even after coming inside him. A few moments later the Kalaukan boy, still inside, had been hard once more and again began the piston movement.
Mike shared how it had been a new feeling being fucked with an ass already full of cum and shortly later getting another deposit. So as Chris anticipated the same experience, he concentrated on the lips and tongue working on his teen shaft. The least he could do was give this visitor the biggest load of his sweet nectar.
No one had had any objection to Joshua's request to have sex again with the young Maru. For some reason Joshua felt comfortable with a boy younger than himself. But he did look forward to time with the Kalaukan chief's son and the older Fauiki. Maru, after getting over the awe of the house and its modern day marvels the evening before, was ready to show the newest arrival to Paradise Island how much he knew about pleasing other boys in anticipation of his upcoming 'Right Of Manhood' test. Although Joshua couldn't slide his stiff prick inside the boy's ass, Maru promised him he could be one of the first after he passed his test. To make up for it, the 12-year-old expertly sucked on Joshua's cock. As he felt Maru's mouth stimulate the nerve endings, especially on the mushroom head, he thought back to a long time ago. The teen couldn't recall much of the sensations his young shaft received when John sucked on him as a 9-year-old and his body's reaction to dry orgasms, except it made him feel like he never felt before. It was something he wanted to experience again and hopefully on a regular basis. Four years later in that hotel room in California, his long-awaited dream came true. And as his back arched and his young spunk squirted inside Maru's mouth, he again told himself he never wanted these feelings to ever end as he got ready to reciprocate for the younger boy.
Back in John's bedroom after delivering a nice amount of his sweet boy juice to his adult friend, Aukai squeezed his eyes shut as he felt his ass muscle slowly widen to welcome his friend's visitor. John's cock would always have a special place in the Kalaukan boy's memories as the one who helped him change from boy to man. He had quickly got over the pain from that test, as most young boys do, and couldn't wait to feel the man inside him again, this time on a pleasurable plateau. Soon, the pressure stopped and he knew the man was totally inside him.
As John paused to allow Aukai to get used to the invasion, a thought entered his mind that almost caught him laughing out loud. Before Aukai's first visit, Internet porn was the stimulation and his hand was the tool for getting off, his spunk wasted. But ever since that first night of the boys' landing when he jacked off thinking of the boys in the adjacent bedrooms in a sexual manner, he had never had to use his hand again. He slowly began the rhythm of fucking the boy as he realized that he had four beautiful boys who were more than willing,
3; anxious actually,
3; to feel his cock inside them. And for a little dessert, there were the hot-looking Kalaukan boys who were brought up on the concept of sex and pleasing one another.
By 1:00 all the boys were back in the living room. John could see by flushed faces that sex was the cause, wondering how the pairing went and what sexual activities were enjoyed. Good sex was sometimes exhausting, but it lifted the spirit. But with these youthful boys standing in front of him, John knew they would go at it again if he told them to. "All right guys, listen up. Troy is due here soon. I hope our visitors from Kalauka Island won't be upset, but right now I don't want to have to explain why you're here. He knows I've been to your island, but that's all I've shared. I have enough on my mind at the moment."
"We understand," Fauiki put in.
"Thank you Fauiki. Why don't all of you go and spend some more time at the hot springs like you did yesterday," getting grins from some of the boys. "Don't come back to the house until you hear the helicopter flying away." Everyone understood the instructions and went to retrieve towels before leaving for their destination.
Fifteen minutes later, John heard and then saw the approaching helicopter. He instantly recalled the previous week when Troy had brought him and Joshua home and the icy reception he had received from the three original boys. Thankfully, and quickly, there was understanding and after just one week the four boys were acting like age-old friends doing everything together. Sex has a wonderful way of bridging any number of emotional gaps between people. The vehicle set down and John greeted the pilot. "Hi Troy, good to see you again."
"Same here John. How are all the boys getting along?"
"Thankfully all has been working well. I guess boys find things in common with one another and that helps bond friendships. In fact, they told me to tell you hello as they went to the hot springs."
Troy started handing the supplies to John as it was loaded in the cart. When it was time for the pilot to depart, John asked, "Do you have a few moments Troy? I want to talk to you about what I found during that rescue mission."
"Sure," as both headed away from the helipad. Reaching the house, John unloaded the cart and placed everything away. A few moments later, both were in the living room. John prepared some coffee and handed Troy a cup. He brought out the briefcase opened it. He then allowed Troy to read the printed copies of the email exchanges. He was silent as he flipped through each page. The laptop was opened and the email copies with the picture attachments were shown. John thought he saw his friend's face tighten when the pictures of the kidnapped boys were viewed. He wondered if this was bringing back memories of what he had endured as an 11-year-old with Lam Sin as he awaited his father to come and get him.
"Troy, I'm sorry. I'm being insensitive. I should have known seeing this would bring back painful memories."
"It's all right John. It was bad, but at least I didn't have to spend any time on one of these islands being 'prepared' before going to Singapore. Lam Sin came directly himself to get me. Probably the only time I know of when he left his home. And I did get back safely to my father. The others
3;" as Troy closed his eyes, "never did." John nodded his head in understanding.
"There were seven of us boys there who lived in the same bedroom. Where we were staying, it was called it 'The Palace', was nice. We were well fed, but we couldn't wear any clothes. I remember when I arrived, Lam Sin undressing me and slapping my hands away if I tried to cover myself. The other boys, who were a little older, maybe 12 or 13, had been there a few months. They told me that Lam Sin just wanted to do anal sex with us. It was very painful and he never was gentle, but soon you got used to it and never cried out." Troy paused and closed his eyes again.
"You don't have to say anything Troy. I know those memories are tough to recall."
"No, I need to share this. Even after my father came and got me, I never told him what Lam Sin did to me. I'm sure he knew, but was just happy I was home safe and sound." Taking a deep breath, he continued. "That very first time he entered me, I remember screaming and begging him to stop. I felt like I was being torn open. When he finished there was a lot of blood coming from me. One of his assistants took me, cleaned me up and gave me something for the pain. I was given a week's rest before Lam Sin wanted me again. The other boys told me to just block the pain from my mind and let him do what he wanted. Since there were seven of us, he would take a different boy each night. So for six months, I figured he used me about 25 times. After a while, I was so used to what he was doing to me, I never felt anything anymore"
"What about the other boys?" John asked.
"Over those six months, four of the boys went to Lam Sin's bedroom and I never saw them again. No one would tell me what happened. But shortly afterward some new boy would arrive." Looking at John, Troy stated, "I heard over the years that the boys 'disappeared' after Lam Sin got tired of them. As far as I know, I was the only one who ever got out of there alive." John could only shake his head. "And I see from these exchanges that some kidnapped boys don't even make it to Lam Sin. They disappear too. This Kauri you rescued is probably the only boy who escaped a death sentence."
There was silence for several moments before John then spoke. "It's hard to believe such a person exists. It's bad enough when the occasional crazy person kidnaps a boy and kills him. But this man has been doing it on a regular basis for years. And no one's ever stopped him! Based on the emails, at least 19 boys have been sent to him just in the past nine months! And it would be 22 if my three hadn't landed here."
"I told you he's a very evil man. He's extremely rich. People can turn their backs on such rumors of atrocities as long as there's money put in their pockets, or fear of death should they try to betray him."
"Troy, I asked you to look at this to see if it was possible to turn this over to some authority that might help stop this man?"
The helicopter pilot thought for a moment and shook his head. "It would be very risky. Lam Sin has spies everywhere. Even I'm careful what I say to certain people. If Lam Sin knew someone was trying to stop him, he'd used every resource to find out who it was and eliminate him. Based on these emails, he's still hunting for that captain of the Sea Queen who put the boys in the lifeboat. Turning this information over would give Lam Sin a lead on who invaded and destroyed his island. I'm sure he's pretty pissed about that right now. You may think acting anonymously might be safe, but I wouldn't count on it. I know you want to do the right thing, John. But you have four boys here you must consider, three that Lam Sin wants very badly. That man has survived a long time. He's not going to be easy to stop."
"What do you suggest?"
"Keep a low profile. In three weeks you'll have the documents to disguise the true identities of the boys. I'm sure Lam Sin will eventually give up his search. It's not like he's lacking boys for his sexual pleasures."
"I guess you're right. Oh, by the way, did you see who signed these messages? Does Lam Sin use the name Mr. Yang in his correspondence?"
"Lam Sin never communicates with anyone directly. He has a lawyer, I believe, who handles a lot of the legal matters of his businesses. This Mr. Yang might be it."
John gave some thought to what Troy had told him. It seemed like Lam Sin was going to be a part of what he had to avoid at all costs. But so far, there didn't appear to be any evidence that he knew where his boys were. "Have you heard any inquiries from anyone looking for the boys?"
Troy shook his head. "You must assume he's looking and using his contacts to see if anyone knew or heard anything. You must protect the boys and yourself from this man. You may have your own island, but against him you're just an ant to get stepped on and squashed. Since you are not associated with any country, there's no protection or resource you can call upon." John understood. He invited Troy to stay for lunch and the man accepted. Sandwiches were quickly made and small talk marked the meal. Troy asked about the Kalaukans.
"I am going to visit them Monday. Not sure how long, so I don't know when I'll call you this week."
The pilot nodded his understanding. "You're very fortunate to be allowed among them. I've spoken to several people, especially missionaries, who want to break through that secrecy they maintain. Do you know John that there are rumors that the reason for the secrecy is that the boys are sexually abused? They are forced to go through some painful rituals."
"Oh really?" John trying to act surprised at such talk.
"After Lam Sin, I can't believe that a group of natives are another version of that man. Those that I do meet on the western side are polite, honest people. Plus they are very interested in seeing their children get educated by the schoolhouse they built and the trips by teachers to their island."
"I can assure you Troy that the Kalaukans are not like that. They have customs they're afraid will be lost forever if forced to change by others, like missionaries. So they're trying as hard as possible to keep as little outside influence as possible from infecting their lifestyle. I've been in their village. They don't sexually abuse any boy. In fact, the bonds with their boys are so close you forget that recently they risked their lives to rescue one of their own. I wouldn't have risked mine if the rescue was for the purpose of returning another boy home for sexual satisfaction."
Troy gave a long look at his friend. "You really believe in these people, don't you?"
"They treat their boys as I treat mine," John realizing how vast that statement encompassed, but hoping Troy would just accept the simplicity of his words.
"I understand John. As I said, these were just rumors. And I could tell how much you cared for the Kalaukans as well as those who landed here and with Joshua."
"God Troy, just go," John thought to himself before he had to continue weaving more ambiguities about the Kalaukans and his own and boys' real lifestyles.
Thankfully, Troy stated he needed to go as both headed for the porch. "Tell the boys I said hello and I'm sorry I missed them."
"I guess they're staying at the hot springs longer than I expected," John replied, glad that they were doing that. He didn't want to explain the Kalaukan boys' presence at this point in time after what he had just spouted to Troy.
"Well John, take care of yourself and I'll hear from you again when you can next week. If I hear anything regarding the boys I'll
3;" as Troy stopped in mid-sentence and stared at the sight approaching the house. John looked to see what caught the man's attention and his heart seemed to stop right there. Along the shoreline seven naked boys were drawing closer, laughing and talking, not aware who had just spotted them. "Isn't that Aukai, Chief Haoa's son?" the pilot asked in a voice of disbelief.
It was at that moment that Mike spotted Troy on the porch and gestured to the others who froze in their tracks. For John, the only words that came silently to his mind were, "Oh, shit!"
Chapter Nineteen Close Call
It seemed like time had frozen. On the beach of Paradise island, seven naked boys, three of them from Kalauka Island, stood staring at the two men standing on the porch. It was with the realization that a well-kept secret had just been revealed. They had, per John's instructions, stayed at the hot springs. They awaited the noise of the helicopter taking off and leaving the island. What they didn't know was that Troy's stay was longer than usual as the pilot was inside the house talking to John about Lam Sin and the contents of the briefcase retrieved from Island Number Four. As time passed, the consensus among the boys was that in the interior of the island at the hot springs, the noise of the departing flight could not be heard. After all, more than enough time had passed for the supplies to be unloaded and the pilot to leave. So everyone felt it was time to head back to the house. The afternoon was getting late anyhow. They were leaving after spending time splashing in the warm water and fondling hard cocks aroused by the touch of others or just the excitement of being naked among other boys. Stories were exchanged about earlier that day when they chose partners for a wonderful session of sexual enjoyment. Chris echoed Mike's experience of having the 16-year-old Fauiki cum twice in his ass without ever removing his cock. Aukai added that a couple days before they arrived he too felt the fullness of the teen's cock and the sensation of having so much cum inside afterwards. The boys asked Aukai how it went with John.
The 12-year-old paused and thought for a minute. "I guess John will always have a special spot with me as he took me through the 'Right Of Manhood' test. I think he felt bad for hurting me and has tried ever since to be gentle each time he's inside me. He wants me to feel good. And I do my best to make him feel the same."
"Aukai, can you tell the difference of each cock that goes in your ass?" Chris was curious.
"Oh yes! I bet you could tell the difference between John and Fauiki."
Chris nodded his head, looking at Mike. "Fauiki doesn't get soft after cumming the first time. He keeps at it and fills you again," getting an sheepish grin from the older Kalaukan teen. " John gets soft right after he cums."
"That's because he's getting old," Mike put in.
"You're always picking on him," Matt threw back.
"I'm just kidding. John knows that. And I hope Fauiki won't get offended, but I enjoy having John fuck me anytime he wants. I love getting stretched inside," getting a consenting agreement from Chris, Joshua and Matt as well as from Aukai.
It was Fauiki who then spoke. "You have learned very quickly how those of us on my island feel about sex. We start at a very young age. My father started sliding his fingers in my ass when I was six years old, and between him and the other men, kept doing that until I was ready for my initiation. I'll never forget when I was little enjoying the feelings my young body went through when my cock was sucked. Unlike Aukai here, I couldn't make any sperm until I was thirteen. That just added more to the enjoyment. I wouldn't trade the past ten years for anything else. There is no greater feeling than having someone pleasure you and you doing the same in return.
"I have gone to the schoolhouse for many years and read books about other nations. There is a lot of sex that happens between men and boys. But it's illegal in every country and what 'is' done has to be in secret for fear of getting caught and going to prison". Joshua nodded his head recalling how he and John were a perfect example of when such love is discovered and its consequences. "In my home and I know here on Paradise Island, the real true way of enjoying sex is done and that's with love," the teen concluded, getting nods from everyone.
Joshua had been silent during all this, taking in what the 16-year-old native boy had shared. Although he was nine instead of the young age of six, as opposed to the Kalaukan boys, he recalled vividly the new feelings John introduced to his body. His little imagination couldn't grasp the concept of his young immature cock being the lightning rod of so much pleasure. It was those feelings and the expectations of new ones John had promised that developed into the bond he shared with the man and his stubborn refusal to testify against him. He had to wait four years before he could resume his sexual lessons and adventures with his adult friend. Even though he was apprehensive and somewhat disappointed at first that other boys shared in John's love, the week spent so far on this island had erased all doubts and fears as he saw the others as brothers who enjoyed the same sexual feelings he did. And after the time just spent with the Kalaukan visitors, he was realizing that no matter what part of the world boys came from, the love of sex is the same. Given the freedom to choose and experience these new pleasures without fear or repercussions, no boy would ever want those experiences to end.
The ending at the hot springs took to sucking some cock and tasting sweet boy cream. Maru was hoping he would soon produce the same honey he tasted from the others. His body still reacted the same through every orgasm, but he desired the addition of his cock shooting his own liquid nectar that he knew others, especially men, would savor. Fauiki asked Matt if they could have sex later and the 12-year-old quickly agreed, wondering what the feelings would be like getting back-to-back shots of cum from the teen's cock.
It was after all this that the seven in the hot springs decided that enough time had passed for Troy to leave, even though they never heard nor saw the helicopter leaving. Thinking John was alone, they did not dress and proceeded to cut across the island to the shoreline and onward to the house. As they approach the beachfront residence, Mike looked up and saw both John and Troy standing on the porch. Even at that distance, he could tell Troy was in shock seeing seven naked boys, three of them from Kalauka Island. He shouted to the others who halted. Since there was no point in running away as they had been spotted, Mike told everyone to get dressed, as the Kalaukan boys put on their sarongs and the other four boys their t-shirts and cut-offs.
Like Mike, the other three of Paradise Island, Chris, Matt and Joshua became nervous at the fact that they had been discovered naked in full view of Troy. In addition, Joshua was afraid his short time with John was coming to an end and that he would have to go back to California. All the boys could also see the disbelief in John's face also. How was all this going to be explained?
Fauiki, Aukai and Maru faced a different set of concerns. Was the secret of the sexual lifestyle practiced on Kalauka Island in jeopardy? For the other boys, it was the possibility that their own way of life on Paradise Island might end. There was nothing anyone could do now. After getting dressed, the seven closed the final distance between them and the house.
On the porch, John's mind whirled with many explanations that he could give to Troy to explain the sight he was witnessing. The last thing he wanted to share was that he and all the boys approaching the house were involved in a very heavy man/boy sexual lifestyle. And, of course, he couldn't betray the secret he had about Kalauka Island and their customs.
It was the two 16-year-old boys, Mike and Fauiki, who saved the day. As the Kalaukan teen approached Troy on the porch, he began. "I don't know if you remember me, but my name is Fauiki."
"Yes, I've seen you before. I'm sorry I couldn't recall your name."
"Chief Haoa, in appreciation for John's help in rescuing his youngest son, asked that Aukai, Maru," as the youngest visitor was pointed out to Troy, "and myself to come here to visit and be a part of their life here."
"Yes," Mike cut in before Troy could respond. "Remember John, you told Chief Haoa that anyone from his village could come over anytime they wished?" The man just nodded his head, trying to follow along with what was being said to satisfy Troy.
"We have no way of communicating with John, so we came and surprised him yesterday with our arrival," Fauiki continued, then looked at John as though saying 'it's your turn.'
"I apologize Troy from keeping their presence from you. As Fauiki stated, they did just show up yesterday and I'm returning them Monday. I decided to keep their visit here a secret. But now that you know, I hope I didn't offend you. I asked them to stay at the hot springs until you left." Looking at Mike, the man added, "But I never said anything about running around naked."
Mike cast his eyes down. "It's my fault. I brought up the idea of skinny-dipping. Then I remembered that maybe our visitors are more modest about such things." John tried desperately not to express any facial emotions. The last thing the Kalaukans were, were modest, he thought to himself.
"I told Mike we swim in the ocean many times without our sarongs, so it was nothing new to us. We wanted to be good guests and agreed to
3;skinny-dip," the Kalaukan teen explained.
"We decided to let the sun dry us on the way back," Mike continued. "We figured it had been long enough for Troy to leave and we thought we just couldn't hear his helicopter from the middle of the island."
If awards could be handed out for acting, Fauiki and Mike would have won theirs today. But John knew he better close this before a slipup would reveal holes in the story. Fauiki spoke once more. "We apologize for embarrassing you in such a manner," addressing Troy.
"No apologies are necessary Fauiki. You just caught me by surprise. I've never seen any of you except on the western side of your island, so seeing you here at John's home is quite a shock. As for, ah, skinny-dipping, I did that a lot too when I was a young boy." Troy then turned to John. "You have indeed gained the Kalaukans' trust to have Chief Haoa allow these boys to spend time with you. For a moment they looked so out of place, having only observed them on their island."
"Matt, Chris and Mike made many new friends when we were there," John put in. "Boys are the best ambassadors for cementing friendships."
For the next several moments, small talk occurred as Troy became more comfortable with the story given him about the naked boys. Fauiki even sounded more plausible as he explained that there were strict rules on Kalauka Island about dressing properly, so it was more of a youthful adventure to accept Mike's invitation to enjoy the hot springs nude. He capped off his performance by asking the helicopter pilot, "Troy, please don't mention this to Chief Haoa or anyone else. Besides it being embarrassing, we may never be allowed to visit John again as it would seem we have dishonored him and ourselves by what we did."
Troy patted the teen on the shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry. As far as I'm concerned the setting sun played a trick on my eyes." Stating he was way overdue to leave, Troy, accompanied by John and the seven boys, returned to his helicopter and in a short while waved as he lifted off and headed back home. When the copter was out of sight, John turned and gave Fauiki and Mike a big hug. "You guys were fantastic! What a performance!"
"I hope our presence here didn't cause any trouble between you and your friend," the 16-year-old Kalaukan teen sounded concerned.
"I don't think so. Even if he suspects something else is going on, he's polite enough not to say anything. My biggest concern was exposing your private traditions," as John shared what Troy has said about rumors of boys being sexually abused.
Fauiki nodded his head. "We know there are those who think so. They think we are little boys who don't understand anything about sex and let the men treat us like toys. The 'Right Of Manhood' to an outsider would probably be thought of as us being tortured."
"Times have changed Fauiki, sadly, not for the better. Many wonderful past cultures had customs considered barbaric by those people who thought of themselves as more civilized. Many traditions were lost and people absorbed into societies that are today ten times worse than the customs outsiders tried to change. Your people are among the very few left that have not let go of what makes you what you are."
"But we 'are' slowly changing," Fauiki answered John. "We use more of the outsiders' tools to make our life easier. It won't be long before our traditions will be replaced by those who change us."
"Conveniences to make life easier is one thing. Having a lantern instead of a torch for light is progress," John continued. "Fauiki, you tell Chief Haoa not to worry about outside tools to make life better for everyone, but to hold on to those traditions and customs that define the Kalaukan people. There will be no way to replace them once they are gone." Turning to Mike, he added, "Thank you also. That was quick thinking on your part about the skinny-dipping. Although I imagine skinny-dipping wasn't the only thing going on at the hot springs," getting grins from all the boys on the porch.
"It was just the first thing that popped into my mind. I'm sorry we came back too soon. We thought Troy had gone."
"That's all right Mike. It's my fault. We talked longer than I anticipated. I wanted him to leave, but didn't want to seem impolite. I owe him a lot. He helped me in negotiating for this island and getting me settled in." Then a thought came across the man's mind. "Didn't I see seven naked hot-looking boys just a few minutes ago?" getting smiles from everyone. "Well, I'm going to get my camera and take lots of photos of you like that," as John went inside and the boys removed their clothing. By the time the man returned, he was just a few feet away from the sexiest boys anyone would want to see. Telling the boys to go down to the beach, the photography session began.
It began as a simple photo shoot as he took pictures of each boy standing alone. Then he had them paired with various others and then together in different groups. Seeing their smooth youthful bodies, some with partial or full erections, got John excited and he decided to take the next step. He got close-ups of each boy's genitals, their beautiful shaped cocks and smooth hanging balls. The boys started getting into the picture taking by making it more erotic, bending over and having their asses photographed and then spreading their cheeks to show the tight young holes, many whose warmth and grip John had already experienced. It then turned into more and more of a porno show. Chris started it by grabbing Aukai's cock and sucking on it. The other boys quickly caught on and soon it was a revolving door as each boy spend a few moments on a different cock as John fingers were pressing the shutter button as fast as possible, hoping the camera's memory card didn't get filled before he had taken all the pictures he wanted. His own cock was leaking like mad and he was sure the bulge could be easily seen in his pants.
Seeing he had not run out of memory, the boys insisted that John have pictures taken of him. He agreed and stripped naked. So the seven boys took turns using the camera as the man stood with each boy, arms over their shoulders, his cock as hard as it could be, but not concerned in the least. The pictures didn't get sexual, but John now had a photographic memory of this wonderful day on Paradise Island.
After dinner, everyone went to the computer in the living room as John uploaded the photos from the camera to the hard drive and each shot came on the monitor. It seemed like eight people were talking at once as comments were made, especially on the more erotic scenes. It was John who summed everything up. "No matter what happens in the future, we'll always have these pictures to remind the eight of us of the time we spent together today."
It was now time for everyone to prepare for bed, so as pairings were made, John asked 12-year-old Maru to spend the night with him. The boy eagerly agreed having heard from Aukai how much fun and pleasure it was having sex with the man. They were the last two to shower and John enjoyed soaping and washing this native boy. Maru was still fascinated by the warm running water and his little three-inch [7½ cm] cock was like a nail as the man's hands stroked the tube stick and played with the small pearls in its silk sack. But soon it was time to head to the bed.
In the dim light of the stars and the moon coming through the windows, John's hands tenderly traced their fingers on the smooth flesh of the young native visitor. Through half-closed eyes the boy just watched the man, enjoying the tingling sensations as the fingers traced over the nipples, down his chest, over his stomach and finally to gently caress the child's stiff little rod and feel the balls in his sack move within as thumb and forefinger gently rotated the undeveloped pearls of future delight. Maru then felt the man's hand continue across the thighs and down the legs, even tweaking the toes on each foot, which caused him to giggle. Told to turn over, the Kalaukan lad felt strong hands massage his back and as it reach his pre-teen ass it was grabbed, one cheek in each of the man's hands, squeezed and played with like a lump of clay. He felt his cheeks spread as John observed the on-so-tiny pink entrance that in a couple of days would stretch like never before as the boy's father took him through the 'Right Of Manhood' test.
Maru felt a finger slide along the crease of his ass and stop at the virgin entrance. Thinking that the finger would start probing inside, he braced himself. But surprisingly, the finger just rubbed over the crinkled opening and that was it. A moment later he was on his back staring at the man. "You wanted to put it in, didn't you?" the boy asked outright "You could have. That's allowed before the test."
The question caught John by surprise, but he quickly recovered and answered. "No, Maru, I didn't. I want to wait until you pass your test and then feel its tightness. Right now, that honor belongs to your father. Maybe one day you will allow me the pleasure."
Maru grinned at the man. "After the ceremony I want you to enjoy me whenever you want." Getting a thank you in return, he saw John lower his head to the boy's cock and slowly engulfed it as he gave the Kalaukan lad a ride he would never forget.
Sunday morning was bright and cheery. The residents of Paradise Island awoke and met at breakfast with tales of the sex they had enjoyed the night before. It was obvious that despite being two different cultures, a common ground existed in everyone's love of sex. Each boy shared their experience of cocks being sucked and asses filled with youthful boy cream. Again, Fauiki's talent of keeping his cock hard after cumming and then unloading another load of teen juice inside one of the boy's ass was spoken with awe. The Kalaukan boy was feeling a little embarrassed.
"Please, it is nothing to praise me about. I'm glad I can continue providing pleasure. And I enjoy doing it almost immediately."
"Well today, Fauiki, I want to enjoy a double dose of your teen nectar," John began. "I love the boys' young cocks when they are inside me, but a man-sized one will give me a good filling."
"And I look forward to you fucking me good too," the Kalaukan boy replied.
It had been a crowded dining room with eight people, but everyone enjoyed their breakfast and helped in cleaning up. John realized how quickly the food supply was dwindling. Two months ago, he was only feeding himself. Now he had four more mouths to feed as well as the occasional surprise visit, like the visitors from Kalauka Island. He thought he might have to purchase a large freezer to hold more frozen food.
As John's boys and the Kalaukans prepared to go and do the morning chores, all seven youths decided to start the day naked. The man certainly had no objections, as any real boylover wouldn't pass up such opportunities to see such beautiful flesh. After making sure the pets were fed and watered, he went and sat out on the porch. Occasionally, one or more of the boys walked past him and his cock grew rigid at the sight. Mike and Matt were slowly losing their tan lines and soon they would be evenly burned. Chris was pretty much tanned all over. John recalled seeing the boy's backside the first evening the three were on the island and being surprised at the head to toe tan. The boy later explained that when they were forced to be naked all the time at the ranch, he spent the most time outsides, therefore getting more sun than the other two. Joshua was as white as a sheet all over. He had a long ways to go, but seeing the 13-year-old's love of being naked in the sun, John figured it wouldn't be much longer before his body showed signs of darkening. As for the three Kalaukan boys, what could one say? He still marveled that the effect of being naked most of their lives hadn't resulted in their skin being dry or rough from the exposure. One thing he recalled from Aukai's first visit was how soft the flesh felt as he rubbed his hands over the pre-teen body. It was even more astonishing when the boy revealed their nudist lifestyle.
John tried hard to control the impulse to grab one of the boys as they walked by and to take him to his bed and slide his raging cock inside a tight chute. He knew whichever boy he chose, they would welcome feeling the man's shaft filling their ass and the squirt of cum. John had read stories on boylover web sites of boys becoming sluts and a slave to cocks. Although they were just that, stories, he hoped he never ever thought of the boys he had pleasure with of being sluts. Fucking or being fucked was just one aspect of sexual satisfaction between a man and a boy. Mike walked past him again and for some unknown reason the man had the urge to go to bed immediately with the 16-year-old. He called the boy over and whispered in his ear, "Let's go to my bedroom." This got a large grin from the teen.
As John's hands once again enjoyed the soft flesh of the boy, tweaking each nipple, causing the boy to squirm as the sensations rolled over him, he asked how he felt about the Kalaukan visitors.
"I like them a lot, but
"A problem?
"No, no! I am happy with just our family. I'm having fun with Fauiki, Aukai and Maru, but am just as happy if it's always just the five of us."
"Even Joshua?"
"He's a special exception. I know about the past between the two of you and what it cost. And I know both of you are happy to be together again. And he's really tried to fit in."
"But do you feel the same about him as you do Matt and Chris."
Mike thought for a moment before answering, as he felt John's mouth lick and work his way toward his stiff boy cock. "Just like you and Joshua went through your own personal nightmare, the three of us went through our own. So I guess there's a special bond between us."
"Fair enough. The bottom line is that all of us are here away from our demons of the past. We're learned to put it behind us and enjoy what we really want from one another. And as long as that cements us together, nothing will ever come between us," John replied as he was ready to slide the boy's penis into his mouth.
"This time with you and the others are the happiest days of my
3;owww! Why did you pinch me?"
"Hold out your hand." The teen held an open hand and watched, as John seemed to put something in it. He looked closely at his palm when he spotted a ½-inch [12 mm] black hair. "Congratulations, your first pubic hair. Looks like your hormones are finally kicking in." Mike starred at the tiny follicle for several moments, then gently blew on it, seeing it float away and onto the floor. "What's the matter, Mike?"
"For three years I wanted so badly to have hair down there so I could be like the other boys I saw in the gym shower. Now, I really don't want to see any." Looking up at John, Mike quickly added, "Don't worry, I'll shave anything that grows there. I know you like us hairless."
"Hold on Mike. Yes, I like boys that way, but," as John gently placed a finger on the boy's chest, "this is your body. I have no right to tell you whether you can have hair or not."
"But now that I've been here with you, I like acting like a little boy with no hair anywhere."
"That's up to you. I'll love you no matter what you decide. Now shut up and let me get a drink of your sweet boy cream," as the man wrapped his lips over the stiff and beautiful tube of boy flesh. Mike leaned back on the bed with a smile on his face. A few moments later he was moaning as his orgasm approached. His eyes squeezed shut, his back arched, toes were curled, and he gripped the sheets tightly, as his young balls produced the nectar the man was eagerly waiting for.
As Mike slowly came down from his orgasmic high, he asked himself, "Why does each time seem to feel better than the last?" It probably wasn't true, but when your cock is twitching and shooting cum, it always seems that way. He opened his eyes and saw a smiling John, apparently satisfied with the results his mouth had tasted. Then he saw him reach over to the nightstand and grab the tube of lubricant and knew what the man wanted in returned. He turned over on his stomach as he felt the cold lube get rubbed around his puckered hole and a finger slip inside. Acknowledging John's query if he was ready, he then felt the now familiar stretching as the man's cock slowly pushed itself inside.
John knew that no matter how long he lived, he would never get tired of feeling the warmth and tightness of a young boy's ass. Before Joshua, he recalled the sensations he had when Roberto allowed him the pleasure of fucking him. But so many years had passed and he was afraid to try anything with another boy. Even when 9-year-old Joshua came into his life and eagerly embraced the new feelings his young body produced, he thought of how tight the boy's little chute would feel. Every time he squeezed those tiny cheeks, spread them opened and saw the pink entrance, he wondered if he would ever enjoy that virgin ass. Joshua got accustomed to see John ejaculate, so several times the man rubbed his cock in the boy's crack and filled it with his cum. He never imagined that he would be at this point in time be having all the boy sex he could possibly desire, but also to finally take the cherry of the young boy he fantasized so much about four years earlier. The man's eyes were closed as he savored the grip the teen's ass was giving his cock. He then heard the boy moaning, realizing that Mike got just as much pleasure having his cock sucked or his ass filled with the man's flesh stick.
Ever since the first man penetrated a young boy's ass, the same desire was there to want to make these great feelings last as long as possible. But to every man's regret, a peak had to be reached. And John felt his, the balls tightened as the fight began between two forces; one trying to hold back as long as possible, the other needing to release the molten lava destined to fill the cavity of the 16-year-old. Of course the latter won as the man gave one last shove and shot stream after stream of his own precious nectar into the waiting receptacle.
Mike never thought he would enjoy being fucked by a man as much as he did now with John. At the ranch, with the unspoken understanding that their new 'owner' was going to make he, Chris and Matt his sex toys, he knew that their asses were going to be ravished by the Oriental. And even when they thought they had sanctuary when they landed on Paradise Island, the hints given by John when he shared his past, made the boys feel they had just changed owners. The end results were going to be the same. But John had opened their eyes to how sex should be enjoyed, even between a man and a boy. Instead of being apprehensive when they knew John wanted to fuck them, they eagerly looked forward to it. Mike felt the more rapid harder pounding his ass was getting and knew the man was close to cumming. Sure enough, a few stroke later, he felt the warm liquid hit his inner walls as the space was slowly filled. Then came the now familiar sound of a man's softening cock exiting the boy's ass with a plop, shortly followed by a stream of the white cream slowly flowing from his now gapping hole. He loved it! He only wished he could feel that stretched, full feeling from John more often. No words were spoken as John spooned Mike and rubbed his hand over the boy's chest. Each was with their own thoughts as both enjoyed the post-orgasmic bliss only two lovers can experience.
It was John who noticed how late the afternoon was getting. Getting out of bed, he thanked Mike for the love they just shared. In return the teen gave the man a hug, pressing as much of his body against John as possible. The man grew envious of the young boy feeling the lad's cock grow hard, ready for action once more. He told Mike to gather the others and for the final night before going to Kalauka Island in the morning, they would have hot dogs at the bonfire. Mike stated that it was a great idea. He went into the bathroom to clean his butt and then dashed out to inform the others and get the fire going. John took an extra couple minutes before getting dressed and putting on some cutoffs. He smiled recalling the just recent copulation with Mike. He looked forward to tonight, and inviting Fauiki to share his bed.
The night was a little chillier than usual for this summer evening, so everyone was dressed with the Kalaukan boys wrapping themselves in their sarongs. No one was really cold as the bonfire heated the surrounding area with its crackling consumption of the fuel provided. Long sticks held hot dogs to the flames. Buns were available as well as potato chips. Again, all this was new to the visitors. To end the evening, John brought out some Twinkies he had stashed away.
"You never told us you had those," complained Chris.
"And if I had, how many would we be sharing with our visitors tonight?" was the reply from John. Maru seemed the most fascinated seeing the creamy filling inside. Mike, as usual, had to turn even a Twinkie into a sex joke.
"Pretend the cake is your ass and the cream is John cumming in it," getting different looks from around the fire.
"Thanks, Mike. We really needed to hear that," John admonished.
"That's okay, John," Aukai spoke up. Looking at Mike, he spoke, "In that case, I hope to be John's Twinkie whenever he wants," gets shouts of approval from the others.
As the evening drew late, partners for the evening were selected as John asked Fauiki if he would spend the night with him. The teen graciously accepted. After the fire was put out, everyone proceeded to the house and used the two showers to prepare for a final evening of naked fun before tomorrow's journey to Kalauka Island. Fauiki was lying in bed in the man's bedroom as John entered from the shower. As he crawled into the bed and dimmed the room light, he studied the form of the native boy as Fauiki looked at John and quietly.
The man's preference had always been for prepubescent boys. He knew he enjoyed sexually those in the early stages of puberty before the changes were very apparent in their bodies, usually by the ages of 14 or 15. Mike had been an exception at sixteen because his hormones hadn't kicked in yet. But with the discovery of the first pubic hair, it was now a matter of seeing how the boy's body would change over the next few months. Would it accelerate to make up for lost time?
John looked at Fauiki. Despite being an older teen, he had to admit he was a beautiful specimen of young manhood. The boy was muscular from his working in the fields, yet not showing the ravages yet of daily exposure to the sun. The skin was the familiar coconut brown enjoyed by all the Kalaukan people. Totally smooth he was without a single hair anywhere. His cock stood proud at 6" in length. He wondered after feeling nothing but a young boy cock inside him, what the stretching of his own ass would feel. He lay down next to the lad. Usually he was the active one when it came to rubbing his hands and exploring a nude body. But he was surprised when Fauiki began to explore the man's flesh.
"You feel good John," as the teen then lowered his head to lick and suck on the man's nipples. This was a new sensation for John as he closed his eyes and let the boy rub to his heart's content. His cock was hard as a nail and pre-cum was beginning to flow. Fauiki continued, his hands going over every square inch, the eyes examining the 40-year-old adult. It was several minutes later when the mouth made contact with the rigid pole and lips encircled it and welcomed the fleshy tube to the warmth and comfort of the teen's mouth.
John had been sucked many times, beginning with Roberto. But this was something else. This was a boy who at the age of six was introduced to the pleasures of sex and had spent the past decade learning how to please other boys and men. And it showed. Yes, he had enjoyed the feeling of a small boy's mouth as it wrapped its young lips over his cock. And even if the job was amateur due to little or no previous experience, it was always enough to set the man over the edge and empty his balls. Fauiki, though, was taking his cock through different phases of sensations. It was as though the head was worked on until he could sense John was drawing close, then along the shaft with a tongue that gently licked the entire length. Coupled with it all, the sucking motion gave the sensation of riding on a wave of erotic pleasures. Despite the Kalaukan's expertise, the inevitable moment had arrived as John gave one last groan and shot a good size load of cum into the teen's mouth, the boy eagerly swallowing all he was offered, then slowly releasing the softening pole and licking the last few drops that dribbled out. Looking up and giving John a smile, he concluded by saying, "You taste good too."
"That was wonderful Fauiki," as John's breathing returned to normal. "I envy all of you on Kalauka Island." He brought the lad's body next to him and gave him a tight hug. "Your people know how to make sex the pleasure it should be." He gazed into the eyes of the boy and then asked, "Being sexually active for over ten years now, you never get tired of this?" Fauiki gave the man a puzzled look as though wondering why such a question should even be asked.
"Of course not! Why should we get tired of something that feels so good? Every night I can't wait to spend time with one of the boys or men to share our bodies and bring pleasure to each other."
John felt a little embarrassed realizing that it probably was a dumb question considering the history of those people and what he had seen and enjoyed in the previous visits to their island. "I'm glad you and the others came here. We share so much alike, it's like one big family spread over two islands." Fauiki smiled. John then went to explain that he now wanted Fauiki to fuck him, but that all his life, he never had a cock larger than a boy's inside him.
"I will be gentle and both of us will ride the waves together." John pointed to the KY on the nightstand. He turned over on his stomach. A moment later he felt one of the teen's fingers slowly slip inside him, working its way around, getting John accustomed to its invasion. After several moments, a second finger joined the first. The man was now experiencing his anal opening stretching somewhat. It was an unusual sensation feeling fingers inside, but there was no pain. But shortly thereafter he gave out a grunt as Fauiki slowly inserts three fingers. "Are you okay?"
John turned his head and looked at the boy. "I'm fine, just getting used to this new feeling." After several minutes of having his ass stretched to a three-finger width, Fauiki announced it was time. Spreading the man's legs, he rubbed his teen cock along the crack of the ass teasing the hole as it passed by. John tried to mentally prepare for the boy's cock to make its push. He smiled to himself as he tried to picture this as sort of his own 'Right Of Manhood' test.
And then he felt the weight as Fauiki positioned his cock and slowly began to apply pressure. John relaxed as much as he could as his ass resisted the largest organ ever to want admittance into his chute. The Kalaukan boy knew what he was doing. Ever so slowly he worked the head further in. When the head broke the barrier and entered, John hardly felt any pain. Fauiki gave the man a few moments to adjust to the stretching and then slowly worked his way further in. A few moments later he was lying on top of the man, John feeling the boy's hairless balls against his ass.
"I am inside you completely John. How are you doing?" John replied he was okay and urged the teen to continue. The in and out motions began slowly as John felt the cock almost slip its anal grip, only it fully impale him once more. The pace gradually quickened, as the desire to release its youthful cum became an urgent task for Fauiki. John felt no further pain and embraced the sensations his ass muscles provided as the largest cock ever inside him rode him. Both grunted with each piston cycle. Then the faucet opened and the man thought the boy was urinating in him as so much cum seemed to shoot out. After several strong jerks, the boy stopped and it was quiet in the bedroom. Neither said a word, but John did notice that the Kalaukan boy's cock was still rock hard inside him. Was this what the other boys say was true? The 16-year-old could cum twice back-to-back?
John got his answer almost immediately as Fauiki slowly began to pound the man's ass once more. This time, there was an audible addition as the squishing noise from the first ejaculation was heard as the teen cock floated in an ass already filled with cum. It was like déjà vu with the clock turning back and reliving the pleasures both received from the first fucking. Now it repeated itself as Fauiki, sweat pouring off his body, worked up to another mind-blowing explosion.
The rule applies that you can't pour two cups into a one-cup container. John's ass was already full. As the boy exploded a second time, he felt the liquid heat push past the enclosed teen cock and start running out his ass, wetting his thighs and dripping onto the sheets. A few days earlier, each of the three original boys had slid their young cocks into John and released their small volume of cum. But it was nothing compared to what John was experiencing. As Fauiki withdrew his still semi-erect cock, a river of cum seemed to flow out of his ass.
"That was amazing!" as John turned to lie on his back, feeling the wet sheets underneath.
"Did I hurt you? Should I have cum twice?" the boy asked with a little concern.
"No, there wasn't any long-lasting pain. Once I got used to you inside, it was a fantastic ride. The boys had told me you could cum twice, but it was something to experience it. Thank you."
"It is I who should thank you for allowing me the honor of sharing this intimacy with you. When we wake up in the morning, I want you to fuck me,"
John gave the teen a kiss on his forehead and told him they should shower and change the bedding. Despite being sucked off and fucked, John's cock showed some signs of life again as his hands caress the smooth skin of Fauiki as the warm water cascaded over them. Sheets changed, the two climbed in bed, up tight against one another. It didn't take long before John fell asleep, the Kalaukan teen smiling at his friend before he too closed his eyes.
"Mr. Yang?" came the voice a few feet away from his desk. Lam Sin's lawyer looked up and saw his young intern, Chin Lee.
"Yes, Mr. Lee, come sit down. What can I do for you?"
"I thought this would be of interest to you. But I must ask that you not reveal where this information I'm about to share with you originated from."
A smile creased Mr. Yang's face. "A sort of inner-circle client-attorney confidentiality?"
"This is serious sir." Chin Lee hesitated as though thinking it was a bad idea coming to his boss and started to get up.
"Sit down Mr. Lee. Whatever you wish to reveal to me goes no further than this desk."
"Thank you. I happened to be walking by the throne room (as everyone was calling it) when I overheard Master Sin talk to one of his men."
"Go ahead."
"I didn't stay long as I didn't wish to be caught as though spying on Master Sin. But I did hear the man say that he and his men had just returned from the island you told Master Sin participated in the destruction of Island Number Four and the disappearance of the two men stationed there."
A lump formed in the throat of Mr. Yang as he recalled reporting the morning before of which indigenous native group was responsible for the attack, led by the owner of Paradise Island, whom he felt was harboring the three American boys. "Continue."
"The man said he tortured the village chief and two elders before killing all three of them. He also brought back five of the island boys for Master Sin's pleasure."
Sweat was beginning to form on Mr. Yang's forehead. He hadn't expected Lam Sin to act so quickly. He was looking for more time to continue his investigation. "Anything else?"
"No. I left quickly. I felt this was information you should know."
"Thank you, Mr. Lee. I appreciate you bringing this to me and I will honor the secrecy of this exchange."
As the young intern turned and walked away, Mr. Yang began to wonder what information the men sent by Lam Sin had gathered. He had no idea yet if this island and its people were involved in what happened at Island Number Four. He selected it due to its proximity to Paradise Island. Had he made a lucky guess? Right or wrong, the island had paid dearly by the death of its leaders and the abduction of some of its boys. And was Lam Sin now sending his men to Paradise Island?