James Stuart
the Erotic Historian
The Country Manor
Chapter 23 The Cup of Freedom
Since he knew the full name of the man he suspected was holding his eldest son, Sam assumed that it would be a quick process to discover his current address. Unfortunately, he was wrong. Discovering the town had no land registry that would list who owned what property, Sam decided to pay a visit to the local authorities, to see if they maintained some sort of a record of all the inhabitants of the area. Using Agi as the translator, he eventually got to explain what he wanted, but like all bureaucrats, the man he spoke to was reluctant to help. After stalling for some time, quoting all sorts of procedures that was necessary to gain information, Sam started losing his patience with the man. It was only after he handed over a very generous bribe, did the fellow become more co-operative. He vanished for a while, before returning with a small scrap of paper holding an address. To Sam's utter dismay, it was the same place he had visited the day before, Madir's previous residence.
Frustrated and annoyed, Sam turned next to seeing what the local postal service might know, but soon discovered that mail was handled by a handful of private courier firms, none of whom kept records of people's addresses. By the end of the day, Sam had to accept that he was going to have to wait a bit longer to get his son back, but he was not ready to give up yet.
The following two days were equally unsuccessful in his search for Madir's new address, but Sam decided to split his resources to try and pursue other avenues of enquiry. He still had to remember that Agi had only seen his eldest son, and so far he had had no news regarding the whereabouts of Billy and Jamie. Consequently, whilst he and Agi spent the day trying to find the address John was being held at, Frank, Henry and Charles were sent off to try and find some of the rich men of the area, to see if they might have some boy slaves in their ownership.
The search began with the men on the list Frank and Charles had gathered on their first day here, and having nothing better to go on, they started with anyone with Abdul as one of their names. Rather than knocking on doors and asking people, they decided to initially observe the properties of those they were interested in. As the two men and the boy settled down in a hidden corner to watch the first place they found, Charles was quite excited at the whole thing. He felt like a private investigator on a stake out. However, his initial excitement soon turned to boredom as the hours slipped by and nothing happened. Far from seeing shootouts and dodgy criminals, Charles soon discovered how boring surveillance could be. After watching for hours, and seeing nothing more exciting than a young girl leave to take a dog for a walk, the three gave up, and returned to the hotel.
On the fourth day following their arrival by boat, Sam finally got the breakthrough he was waiting for. Having got increasingly desperate, Sam had taken to touring the various markets and other places of commerce, asking anyone if they knew where a certain Madir Maaronner lived. On the whole he got shakes of the head, though occasionally he spent a while with time wasters, who seemed keen to get a small payment, though after a while it was evident that they knew nothing. Other people eyed the foreigner suspiciously, and seemed reluctant to talk to him. Sam was not surprised that the town held it's fair share of xenophobes. However, it was when he was asking one of these traders about Madir, that he finally found someone that recognised the name, and even better, knew where he lived. The man was a fruit trader, and had made a delivery to a Mr Madir Maaronner a few weeks before.
With the address in his possession, Sam and Agi met up with the other three in their group, and the five of them hired a taxi and set off to where they hoped to find John. The trip took some time, as they discovered the address was way out of the main part of the city, located deep in the outer suburbs. They left the taxi after they were within one street, and located the house on foot, so as to look less suspicious. When he had worked out exactly which one it was, Sam noted that the property was much closer to what he had originally expected than the first place they had visited was. A high wall completely surrounded the house, and only the roof of the place could be seen from where they stood. Viscous looking metal spikes poked up around the wall, and the only entrance Sam could see was a heavy wooden gate at the front. Clearly the master of this place was a man that valued his security, and had a place that served to keep robbers out, and perhaps, also served to keep captives in.
After a brief discussion, it was decided that they would not simply call on the man and try to persuade him to sell John back, if the boy was indeed in there. It was clear to see that the master was quite wealthy, and could well refuse a cash payment, afterwards moving John away to somewhere else. For the time being, they decided the best course of action would be to watch the place, and find out more about the man that owned it, like how many men he employed, and most importantly, if he had any slaves. Given the property's high walls, surveillance was obviously tricky, but Charles pointed out a tall tree, some hundred yards from the house, and suggested that they would get a better view from within it. Sam agreed, and got both Charles and Agi to climb into the tree, as at least the sight of two boys playing in a tree was not particularly suspicious. He himself took up a position close to the tree, but out of sight of the property, and Frank and Henry split off to watch the house from other places, to ensure it was well covered.
Once in position, Charles confirmed that they could see into Madir's premises, and in many places could see anyone in the grounds. After about ten minutes, he reported that they had seen two men walking round, one of whom was carrying a rifle. Sam guessed they were guards, clearly this Madir was obsessed with security. Shortly afterwards, a man was seen entering the property, and after that, Sam counted three different men, either entering or leaving the property. He began to wonder how many men this Madir had in his employ.
After this, things quietened down a bit, apart from occasional whispered reports from Charles at seeing movement inside the place. Some four hours after they had started to watch, Frank crept over to where Sam was, to suggest that at least some of them break off to get some food, as none of them had eaten since breakfast. However, before Sam could reply, there was a squeal from above them in the tree. As they looked up, they could see Charles hurriedly making his way down.
"I've see him, I've seen him," Charles said excitedly, as he reached the bottom.
"Johnny of course," and tears of joy were beginning to roll down his face. "Oh Daddy, he's alive, and here," and father and son hugged each other tight, Sam was so overcome with emotion he could not speak.
"Are you sure it was your brother?" Frank asked.
"Yes, yes, of course, it was definitely him, he was walking in the garden." Agi, who had also dropped down out of the tree, confirmed that the boy he had seen was the same as the one he had seen sold at the slave market. After Charles had calmed down a bit, he told Sam that he had only seen him briefly, but enough time to know for certain it was John. He also commented that John was naked when he had seen him, and his ankles where chained together by leg irons. As annoying the thought of one's eldest son being kept chained and naked was, Sam was too overjoyed to care about this detail. More importantly, Charles had confirmed that as far as he could tell, his brother seemed to be unharmed.
Having seen his beloved brother so close, not surprisingly Charles was all in favour of them marching right up and claiming him back, if necessary by force. Sam, and particularly Frank, were more cautious. They had seen at least five different men either entering or leaving the villa, and chances are the owner might have even more men. Using force was risky, and besides Sam did not want any guns blazing when his son was nearby. Agi was dispatched to fetch Henry, who was observing the rear of the property, and once he had arrived, the little group settled down to discuss their next move.
As they were talking, a couple of men wandered up the street near to them carrying a table. This they placed down in the middle of the road, and then left. No one mentioned this odd incident, but when the men returned with another table, together with a woman who had cloths to cover them both, Sam asked Agi what was going on. The youngster looked a bit confused, but after enquiring about the current date, he understood.
"Ahh, today is one for feasting and celebration in this area. There will be many street parties all over the city. It is a fun time, with lots of food, music, and dancing too. My old master let me attend some years."
"Great! That's all we need," Sam commented sarcastically, "A whole street full of people as we launch a rescue mission."
"Actually, it might just be the break we need," Frank said, then proceeded to explain. "Hopefully the master of the house we are watching will also come out, you know, to show that he is part of the community and such shit. If he does, then I guess that he will be accompanied by a few of his grunts, but any boy slaves will likely remain indoors. If so, this will be the chance for some of us to slip inside, grab John, then be away without anyone noticing. Any noise we make should be covered up by the general din outside."
The others quickly agreed that the American had a point, and soon a plan was trashed out. According to Agi, the street party would start late, around 8 in the evening, when it started getting dark. The group returned to the hotel to get some food and get properly equipped for the night's action, which in the case of the men, meant they got their weapons. They hired a small wagon, which would be used to smuggle John away. The plan ran as follows. Charles and Agi were to stand amongst the celebrations, watching the main entrance to the property that John was held in. Charles was to be dressed in Turkish dress, as it would otherwise look odd that a western boy was attending local festivities. Once the boys saw Madir come out, whom Agi would be able to recognise, the Turkish boy was to rush round to a street near the rear of the house, where the three men would be waiting in the wagon. Meanwhile, the English boy would keep watch to ensure they did not make a sudden return. The rescue attempt was to be launched by Frank and Sam, whilst Henry remained as a backup in the wagon. The old Scotsman was not too keen being left out, but recognised that scrambling over high walls was not clever at his age. Besides, two men would be quieter than three, and the hope was to use stealth rather than force, if at all possible. After delivering his message, Agi was to return to Charles, and they would watch Madir's moves together. They also had to watch for a signal in a side street, indicating the rescue had been successful, in which case they would both rejoin the main group, and the whole party would make it's getaway in the wagon.
The plan was simple enough, though it was clear that a number of things could scupper it, particularly the uncertainties faced by Sam and Frank once inside. In any case, the first part started smoothly enough, everyone getting into their starting positions, with Charles and Agi settling down into position amongst the rapidly arriving revellers. The party was soon in full swing, and the air was filled with loud music, provided by a rather ad hoc band playing a variety of instruments. Food and drink was brought along by many of the people that came, which was placed on the tables then eaten by anyone present, in a true community spirit. A rather amateurish Juggler was trying to entertain a crowd at one end of the street, whilst at the other end people had already started dancing, with men, women and children all taking part. Agi and Charles stood slightly displaced from the majority of the crowds in a darker part of the street, attempting to keep a low profile. Both boys were too nervous to get much enjoyment from the celebrations that were taking place around them. Their eyes were glued on the entrance to Madir's property, but it was more than hour after things had started, before there was any sign of movement from it, and Charles was beginning to worry that Madir would not make an appearance.
The gate of the residence swung open and three men stepped through, two of them burdened down with a number of bottles. Agi quickly pointed out the centre of the three men, and told Charles he was the master of the place. As he gazed at Madir, Charles was struck by the fact that the Turk did not look at all like he had imagined. He had pictured his brother's imprisoner as a large ogre of a man, with a mean looking face, and whip in each hand. Yet this man was actually quite handsome, with a calm demeanour, and dressed in fine swirling robes.
"Keep watching, I go now," Agi said, and the boy vanished into the darkness. It took him some five minutes to get to the wagon where the men were waiting impatiently, and when they had heard the news they moved fast. Taking hold of a small ladder they had purchased that afternoon, Frank and Sam vanished into the grounds of a house at the back of Madir's place. Agi ran off to return to Charles, leaving Henry alone to guard the wagon. The old man pulled out his trusty sword, and laid it across his knees.
Reaching the wall that marked the back of the property, the two men placed the ladder against the wall, and Sam ascended up in order to peer over. The din of the party in the street in front of the house was very loud even here, but the men were happy of the cover it gave them. Sam watched the grounds for a while then came back down to whisper to Frank.
"I can see two men, one is near the entrance gate, sat down. He is either asleep or resting. The other is patrolling the grounds."
Frank nodded, pulled out one of his revolvers, and said.
"Okay, I will go first."
Although both men were well armed, Sam had indicated that there would be no bloodshed unless absolutely necessary. Their weapons were intended primarily to threaten their opponents rather than shoot them. Frank, not wishing to add to the tally of men he had killed down the years, readily agreed.
The ladder was moved, so where they would cross, was out of sight of the man at the front of the house. The American ascended, and placed a leather saddle across the top of the wall to allow him to safely get past the metal spikes that jutted out above them. Had he bothered to look closely, he would have noticed that some of the spikes near by had been recently added, as they were close to the spot John had scaled in his escape attempt some weeks before. After Frank had slipped over the top, Sam again ascended the ladder and watched what was happening. He could see Frank at the back of the house, and the patrolling guard was currently walking round towards his very position. As the unsuspecting man came round the corner, the American swooped, pulling the guard down with his hand over his mouth. The guard struggled slightly, but soon stopped when he saw the gun pointing at his head.
With this done, Sam also swung over the wall, landing gently on the grass below. He made his way over to the two men, and pulling out some rope they had obtained, they bound and gagged the hapless guard. The second guard at the front had made no move, so they decided to ignore him for the moment, whilst they looked through some windows into the house, to see if they could spot John, or some additional guards. Through the windows at the back, they saw nothing but the kitchens and into a lounge of some sort. One side of the house was also out of sight of the guard at the front so they crept down this looking inside any windows. The first two were unoccupied, but Sam's heart leapt as he stared in the third. The room was partly lit by a small candle, and two boys could be seen inside lying on the bed. Both were naked, and were slowly caressing each other's pricks as they kissed. Sam knew immediately that one of the boys was John, the other, a tall dark haired boy he did not recognise. Despite his nervousness at the situation, Sam could not help feeling pleased to see that despite any abuses he may have suffered, his boy had not lost interest in sensual pleasures. Still, he was here to rescue the boy, not watch him. Sending Frank down to the corner to watch the guard at the front, Sam gently knocked at the window then dodged out of sight, to avoid startling his son with the unexpected sight of his father at the window.
There was no reaction at first, so Sam knocked again, and this time he heard movement from within. The window was opened, and Sam saw the face of his boy appear, no doubt wondering what the stupid guard outside wanted with them. He certainly got the shock of his life, as his dad suddenly popped up in front of him, and was about to yell out in joy as Sam's hand clasped down over mouth.
"Sssh," he said, "We have to be quiet," and he hugged the boy to him.
"Daddy, daddy, is it really you?" John said, his eyes filling with tears, "This must be some sort of a dream."
"It is no dream precious," Sam said, his own voice heavy with emotion.
"I thought I'd never see you again," the weeping boy said, "How did you find me?"
"It was not easy, but I can tell you later. Do you know where Billy and Jamie are?"
"I think Billy is still with our kidnapper, a man called Abdul el Maskaret, I know the name of the village he lives in. Hopefully Jamie is there too."
"Good news," Sam added, elated that finding the other two was hopefully to be easier. "Anyway, come quickly now, we have to get you to safety. Where are your clothes?"
John indicated he had none, but Sam did not really care, he was only interested in his boy, and this was no time to be worrying out his modesty. He took hold under his son's arms in order to pull him through the window, but John whispered.
"Hang on, what about Pascal, we can not leave him here." The young French boy had been momentarily forgotten, but he was also very surprised at the sudden appearance of his friend's father. Sam had come to Turkey for the purpose of rescuing his two sons and Jamie alone, but realised that it would he little trouble to take one more.
"Very well he can come, but we must leave now."
Pascal was frightened at the idea of escaping from his master, as he knew very well what the dire consequences of failure were. However, this time they were under the protection of an adult they could trust, and he quickly decided he did not want to be left behind. The French boy did have some clothing, and he quickly donned the two items he had, before Sam helped him scramble through the window to join the others. After a rapid introduction to Frank, the small group made their way back to the rear of the property for the final step to freedom. They agreed that Frank would go over first, and then he would help John and Pascal over before Sam followed at the rear. This was the plan, but just as Sam was helping Frank up the wall, a shout rang out, and they turned to see a figure with a rifle appear at the corner. Immediately the four hit the ground, Frank pointed his revolver at the man as Sam used his body to cover his son, before pulling out his own weapon. The man they had seen rapidly jumped behind the corner again, and there was an exchange of threats from both sides.
For a few tense moments all was still, before Frank spoke.
"Sam, I will try and make my way around him, cover me."
The Englishman nodded, but Frank had hardly moved before a voice, cut across gap.
"Mr Grange, Mr Grange," the voice said in English. "I have many men here, throw away your weapons and come out into the open."
Both Sam and Frank froze in bewilderment. How the hell did he know Sam's name? All the same, they made no move.
"I've no quarrel with you sir," Sam replied. "I simply want my boy back, let us leave in peace and we can avoid bloodshed."
"I think not Mr Grange, you will not make off with my possessions. Now, come out if you wish no harm to these two."
A lantern appeared at the corner, and out stepped three figures, one armed man, and two smaller figures before him. It took just a moment for Sam to see the two were Charles and Agi. The Englishman's heart wrenched when he saw them, he could not understand how Madir had known to capture them. Still it was hopeless now, he could not risk any kind of a firefight, they would have to give up, and hope diplomacy could save the situation now.
"Very well I am coming out," Sam said, and stood up, flinging away his revolver.
For Frank, the decision was not so easily made. He had been in a number of gunfights during his time as a lawman, but he had always maintained one golden rule, namely never to give up his weapons and be left to the mercy of his opponents. Yet this time was different, as stood between him and his target was young Charles and Agi. He was very fond of the English boy, and having spent the last three nights in passionate activity with young Agi, his feelings for that boy was much more than just lust. The idea of either boy being hurt was unthinkable, so cursing his soft heart, Frank reluctantly threw away his weapons and stood up with Sam.
Two men came round the corner, one kept his weapon trained on Sam and Frank, whilst the other gathered up the discarded weapons. The guards then forced their captives into the house. Poor John was distraught, he could not believe that his moment of freedom had been so short, but as he came to within a short distance of his beloved younger brother, the two rushed into each others arms and hugged tight as they wept. Only a man with a heart of stone could have failed to be moved by the sight, and Madir permitted the two a short time together before pushing them into the house.
"Well Mr Grange, your plan has failed," Madir said after they were all within the main lounge. Sam was still shell shocked at the suddenness with which everything had happened, yet he managed a reply.
"How do you know my name?"
"Oh, I know many things about you. For two days I learn you looking for me, I have men watching you when I found out."
It struck Sam now, how careless he had been in trying to find Madir's address. He had asked so many people in his attempt to find out, it was small wonder that someone had informed Madir about the search. It seemed ironic that whilst he was watching Madir, he was himself being observed. Their whole venture was doomed from the start, as Madir had made his move the moment he had heard that Frank and Sam had scrambled over the walls.
"Look, I am sorry we broke into your home, but you see that one of the boys here is my son. He was kidnapped from England and I am certain that you can understand that I want him back."
"I buy boy fairly," Madir answered, "I not interested how he come here, he mine now."
"Look, if it is simply a matter of money, I can repay you what you paid for John, and I will buy this other boy from you as well. Name the price, I can pay you very well," Sam said, trying to sound calm. Although angry that any man should claim ownership of his son, he knew it was important not to annoy someone pointing a gun at you.
"No, no, I not want your money, I want boy, he not for sale."
"Look we both know slavery is illegal in your country, sell me the boy, and we can avoid involving the local authorities."
"You can tell no one if I kill you now," Madir snapped back.
"You do not look like a murderer," Sam said hopefully, "and besides, we did not come here alone, we have friends that know we are here."
Madir laughed out loud. "You speak of the old fool in the wagon, he will join us soon."
The man had barely finished when indeed Henry entered the room, followed by another man with a gun. The Scotsman was shouting a variety of threats at his grinning captor, informing the man he was an officer of her Majesty Queen Victoria, and expected to be released at once. When he spotted Sam, Frank and the others he grew quiet, and apologised for being caught.
With Henry captured too, all hope seemed gone for Sam, and he was now completely at the mercy of this Turk. A short silence fell on the room, as if each were waiting for the next move. It was John that acted first, he was standing close to Sam, and leaning over to his dad, he whispered.
"Offer him a bet, he is a compulsive gambler, and will not be able to resist."
As absurd as the suggestion of a game seemed in the circumstances, Sam sensed it could offer a ray of hope. Maybe the man was a risk taker, and the offer of a bet was more irresistible than a monetary payment.
"Why do we not decided this with a wager, with the winner taking the boys."
Madir seemed confused at first, then a small smile spread over his face.
"Why should I, the boys are already mine."
"Because this way you avoid having blood on your hands. If I lose, I promise to leave Turkey and bother you no more." Of course Sam had no intention of doing this, but hoped the man, as a gambler, assumed that all parties would honour the outcome of a bet.
"True, but you must give a stake too, a similar one, the easiest would be for you to wager the two younger boys here," Madir pointed at Charles and Agi. "If I win, I keep all four boys."
As horrible the concept was of gambling his only remaining son, Sam understood that he was in no position to refuse. Since they were all captives of Madir at this moment, the Turk was certainly holding all the cards. After all, Madir still held the option of shooting the three men, and keeping the boys, so a bet seemed preferable to Sam.
"Very well I accept," Sam said, though he saw the look of shock in Charles' face when he said this. "What is to be the bet, I propose a shooting contest." Of course Sam intended to put Frank forward as his marksman, which he hoped meant he could not lose. Unfortunately Madir had other plans.
"Hmmm, that too dull. It is big wager, and calls for the
3;" and Madir said something in Turkish which Sam did not understand. Madir repeated the words again, louder, and his men started to cheer enthusiastically, and they too chanted the words.
"Do you understand what they are saying?" Sam asked John, hoping the boy had picked up some of the local speech during his stay here.
"I think so," the boy replied. "The first word refers to a drinking cup, but it is followed by another word, I think refers to cum, male semen."
Sam was still confused how this constituted a wager, but after his men had calmed down, Madir explained.
The Cup of Cum, was a crude and almost certainly legendary tale that was commonly told at drinking parties or orgies. It concerned a king with a beautiful young daughter, whom he had promised in marriage to a local warlord as part of a military alliance. The king had assured the husband to be that his new wife was both virtuous and chaste. Imagine his surprise, when on entering her bedchamber one afternoon, he found the princess naked, and entertaining three young men, each of whom had his erection shoved up one of her external orifices. The king immediately had the men seized and arrested, and with her mouth, cunt and anus now unoccupied, he turned on his daughter. He accused her of being the greatest whore in the land, and informed her that she would lose her head. The young woman was obviously distressed, but was fortunately not stupid, and quickly seized on her one hope of saving her skin. Surely, she said to her father, if she was truly the greatest whore in the land, then she must be spared, due to her father's own decree that protected the best and greatest of everything. This decree the king had made to ensure his kingdom had the prestige associated with containing much of the greatest things in the world. Thus his lands boasted the world's biggest man, greatest swordsman, tallest tower, and even the world's most prolific liar, an accolade that had saved the head of its owner. The king was troubled by his daughter's statement, but decided to give her a chance to proof herself. He summoned the palace guards, and giving his daughter a cup, he said he would believe her claim, if she filled it with the spunk of his men within an hour. Launching herself into the task, using all her charms, skills, as well as her mouth, cunt and ass, she succeeded in the task, and was hailed the greatest whore.
This erotic little story had always amused Madir, and he had heard rumours that others had attempted the feat, though he had never witnessed himself. This he wished to rectify, as both the proposed wager, and as a highly entertaining spectacle in itself. Now clearly the group contained no princesses, but Madir was happy for all four of the boys to fill her role. After fetching a very large glass, he filled it with water, then using a pair of scales, determined the correct weights that would balance the scales with the full glass on the other side. He poured the water out of the glass, and informed Sam he would win if the boys filled the glass with enough semen to tip the scales in its favour. He added a couple of additional rules himself. Firstly the man juice must be dropped into the glass directly from the mouths of the children, and secondly they must drink it down within the time allowed if they succeeded in filling it. They would also have to drink it as a forfeit if they lost. As he was a fair man, he claimed, he would allow the boys a full two hours.
Now Sam found this entire wager preposterous in the extreme, but concerned himself with deciding if it was actually winnable. After getting Madir to agree to allowing the boys to milk both himself and his five guards, Sam tried to estimate if the man cream of the nine men, plus the lesser loads of the four teenagers, would be sufficient to fill the glass. Clearly this was not an easy task, and he also had to consider that semen was heavier than water, so in fact it would tip the scales before it reached the top. He had seen men shoot their loads countless times, though he had never actually measured its volume.
Realising that Madir would now never agree to another, more ordinary wager, and understanding only too well that his opponent still had all the guns, Sam accepted the bet. Madir beamed in delight, and ordered one of his men to bring a large hourglass. This he put on the ground near to the scales, telling Sam he would turn it over when his boys were ready to start. The sand would be allowed to run completely through once, after which the hourglass would be turned over again, and the time would be up when the last grain had trickled through again.
Gathering the four boys before him, Sam apologised that things had come to this, but urged them to do their best. The youngsters, still shell shocked with the whirlwind of events that had happened in the last few minutes, assured him they would, and it was perhaps the fact that the situation was so surreal that helped relax them.
The four boys decided to start on each other, so the three that were still dressed began stripping off their clothes, and Madir turned over the hourglass as the time began. They got into two pairs, with Charles and John together, Agi and Pascal making the second twosome. As a time saver they would do each other in parallel, thus they got into a 69 position to allow each boy to work on his partner's prick. Agi rather ashamedly admitted that he was still incapable of producing sperm, so there was no need for Pascal to suck him. The French boy dismissed the idea, saying the least he could do was get the kid into the mood for what they would be doing later.
They started sucking on each other very quickly, and in seconds the four lads had healthy teenage erections bobbing in and out of their mouths. Despite the danger of their situation, as well as the knowledge of the dire consequences of failure, the boys managed to shut these thoughts out and concentrate solely on the pleasure growing within their bodies. Both Charles and John shoved a couple of fingers up their brother's anus as a further stimulus. Normally the boys would take things at a steadier pace, in order to prolong the enjoyment, but at the moment, the emphasis was on shooting their load as quickly as possible. Therefore the coupling of the four boys was at a frantic, almost animalistic speed. John climaxed first, spraying his load into Charles's mouth, which the 13-year-old was careful not to swallow, as much as the temptation was to taste his beloved brother's seed once more. Charles waved to Sam, who fetched him the glass to allow the precious liquid to be deposited inside. The action continued and soon the smaller loads of Pascal and Charles were also added to the glass. The whole process had taken a little over five minutes, a testament to how quickly horny young teenagers can shoot when required. However their combined juice had done little more than fill the bottom of the glass, so it was to be hoped that the fully-grown men would be able to produce a more bountiful yield.
"Come on, we are next," Sam said to Frank and Henry, and started to undo the belt on his trousers. Frank did not move at once, but commented to Sam.
"I thought I had been employed as a hired gun. Yet so far all I have done is to give up my weapons without firing a shot. I don't recall you mentioning the buying of slaves, or engagement in sexual acts as part of my employment conditions."
Sam had no wish to waste time arguing with the American about the finer points of employment law, yet simply pointed out that this was hardly a situation he had anticipated. Shoving his trousers to his knees, Sam pulled out his prick, and told John to get on with his work. As Frank watched John slip his father's prick into his mouth, he was still a bit reluctant. Although he had engaged in man-boy sex with both Charles and Agi recently, it had always been done in private, and the idea of performing in front of an audience did not appeal, as if it was an affront to his masculinity. Yet the decision was made for him, as young Agi walked over to him, the child's beautiful naked body glistening in the light of the room. Dropping to his knees before the man, the Turkish boy soon had the American's prick out of its coverings and into his own mouth. The feel of the boy's soft mouth on his sexual organ soon had Frank warming to the job.
Henry was also a little reluctant about giving a public performance, but the old Scot was a man bought up on the concept of doing one's duty, regardless of the severity of the conditions. Summoning both Charles and Pascal to him, he lowered his trousers, hoping the attentions of two pretty boys would help to bring him off quicker.
Madir and his men watched the show with amusement, laughing amongst themselves when they pointed out the strained expressions on the men's faces, as they concentrated on reaching orgasm. Fortunately the four youngsters whose soft mouths were helping them in this endeavour, were all expert cock suckers, knowing very well the correct art of bringing off the suckee as quickly as possible. They were more used to using their skills to prolong the pleasure for the cock owner they worked on, stopping when they thought the climax was approaching. Yet now there were no such pauses, as they frantically jacked the men with their hands, running their slippery tongues all round the swollen purple cock head, concentrating on the sensitive slit at the top. Still the boys did not push things too fast, it was important to ensure the men had an intense, as well as a fast orgasm, as this would produce a greater quantity of sperm.
Sam was the first to cum, yelling out loud as he shot into his son's mouth, placing his cock so it was just at the entrance, to make it easier for the boy to accommodate the load. Sam had always been a man that produced a good quantity of sperm, and it was a fair sized stream that tricked out of the boy's mouth as he held it over the glass. Frank followed soon after Sam, and Agi proved to be just as able at storing the American's cream, holding the precious substance in his young mouth until it could be dropped safely into the glass. Sam examined the level, and noted that it had only risen slightly off the bottom. It was a start, yet there was a good way to go yet.
Since Sam was fairly certain that Henry would require a bit longer, he decided to get the two unoccupied boys starting on Madir and his men. Madir insisted that only two of his men could be done at the same time, as that way there would still be four guns trained on Sam's party, ensuring they did not try anything stupid. Advancing on the two closest guards, John and Agi fumbled with their clothes to get access to their pricks. Both men were already hard, being already aroused at the sight of the hard poles pistoned in and out of their young mouths of the ravishing nude boys. Thus the two horny teens could get straight to work, and start trying to bring the men off. Of course Madir's men were in no hurry to climax, quite content to enjoy the blowjob they were getting for as longs as they could, so it was entirely up to the boys to get the job done.
Eventually Henry too managed to shoot, depositing his spunk into Charles' mouth. The boy let the white liquid trickle out of his mouth into the glass, then Pascal and himself went off to help their friends, Sam standing near by holding the glass with its precious contents. With two boys entertaining each man, the task of bringing them off quickly was made easier. Each pair had one doing the sucking, whilst the other one kissed and stroked the adult, encouraging him to run his rough hands all over their soft warm bodies, the feel of their silky smooth skin arousing him even more. Charles worked alongside his brother, and they succeeded in getting their man to climax first, with Charles doing the sucking at the time it happened. Rather than pulling his cock slightly out like the other men had, the guard rammed his full length into the teenager's mouth, blasting off directly down the kid's throat. This meant young Charles was forced to swallow at least part of the first squirt, though he managed to pull his head pack a bit in order to save some of the remaining juice squirted into his mouth. Sam was annoyed when he had observed what the man had done, and was sure he had acted on Madir's orders. Even so, Charles still succeeded in milking the man dry, and added to the sticky load currently occupying the glass.
The two Grange boys moved onto another guard, as Agi and Pascal continued to work on their man. With the elder French boy sucking, they brought him to orgasm shortly afterwards, but the man thrashed around so much as he came, his cock popped out of Pascal's mouth, and shot some of its load over the kid's pretty face. Agi painstakingly scrapped off what he could from the cum covered mug, and deposited it into the youngster's mouth, before what had been saved was dropped into the glass.
The work continued on the remaining men, in a like fashion, and eventually both Madir and all his men had had the cum extracted from their balls, and deposited via the boys' mouths into the glass. With the task done, Sam placed the drinking vessel onto the scales, but the balance did not drop in its favour. Sam noted in frustration that the glass was not yet a quarter full, perhaps just a fifth. He had hoped that the seed of the many males present would have yielded more, but the glass was large, and it was obvious that however skillful the boys were, it was inevitable that some of the precious liquid had been lost. Clearly a fair quantity of the sperm had ended up inside the boys' stomachs, particularly any pre-cum, but even some of the main load as well, since emptying one's mouth completely of the sticky stuff was impossible. The uncooperative actions of Madir and his men had not exactly helped matters either.
Whatever the reasons, the reality was that this left Sam chances of winning the bet in dire circumstances. A glance at the hourglass showed that about two thirds of the sand had trickled through of its first pass, so with some hour and twenty minutes to go, time was not the problem. Although the teenagers were probably ready for a second run, the inferior recuperative powers of the men would mean it taking a lot longer to coax a second load of sperm out of them. Even if the boys succeeded, the yield of white cream would be undoubtedly lower, and even with double what they had collected up to now it would still be insufficient. It dawned on Sam that he had no hope of success, a situation he was certain Madir had planned all along, the Turk obviously choosing a wager he could not lose. The room fell silent, as the reality of the situation seemed to set in on those present, and for a while only the distant sound of the music being played in the streets outside could be heard.
It was the sound of this external activity that suddenly gave Sam a thought.
"You never actually said in the wager, that I was limited to using the people within this room," he said to Madir.
"Err, what, no, are you mad?" the Turk stammered, when he realised what the Englishman was getting at. He was not the only one that had grasped Sam's point, young Agi also understood that Sam intended to tap the source of manhood currently celebrating outside, so he shouted.
"Sir, I fetch men for you," and he leapt off towards the door. Still recovering from their orgasms, none of Madir's men moved quick enough to cut the boy off, who was soon near the exit. The only way they could have stopped him now was to shoot him, and had it been one of the men trying to escape, they may have done just that. Yet a young naked boy, particularly one with such a cute bum as Agi's, was not something even Madir's hardened men would take a shot at, so the child disappeared unhindered from the room.
"Stop him," Madir yelled at one of his men, and the hapless man ran off after the kid, still adjusting his trousers following his recent pleasures. The remainder stayed within the main lounge, wondering what would happen next, and after a nerve wracking wait the sound of approaching voices could be heard. Agi led the way into the room, followed by five new men chatting excitedly and in some high spirits. The guard came after them, shrugging helplessly at his master. Clearly his efforts to keep out the unwelcome guests had come to naught.
The newcomers feasted their eyes on the three naked western boys within the chamber, and their cocks started to harden as they contemplated the pleasures that Agi had clearly promised them in order to attract them inside. Dispensing with the preliminaries, and not even bothering with formal introductions, each of the four boys chose one man each from the new guests. Helping him down with his trousers they quickly swallowed their chosen partners' swelling prick, and commenced blowing him. Madir was not surprisingly fuming, he was never one for having the neighbours in his house, and the fact that they were helping his opponent did not increase his feelings of hospitality. He placed a man at each entrance, with strict instructions not to let the young Turkish boy outside again. As annoyed as he was, Madir was sure that the seed from these five men would still be insufficient to hand victory to the Englishman. He made the decision that neither himself, nor his men, would be milked any further.
With all the delays, Sam noticed that the hourglass had virtually completed its first pass, and as soon as the last few grains of sand had trickled through, Madir immediately turned it over again to start the second and final hour. It had only just started when the first of the new men, the youngest of the group, gasped out in delight, and emptied his seed into Charles' mouth. He was rather stunned to see the youngster not pull off his cock in disgust, but he did quite the contrary, opening his mouth even further, in order to collect all the sticky fluid the man ejaculated. The young man was even more surprised when he saw the boy let the cum dribble out of his mouth into a glass held by Sam. Grinning at the bizarre sight he had just witnessed, the young Turkish man had hardly started to pull up his trousers when the fifth man, who had up to then been simply a frustrated spectator, pushed him out of the way, to offer Charles his own straining erection.
Having had his release, the man that had finished then headed off towards the door. Although the guard at the door had been ordered to stop Agi, or indeed any of Sam's group, the person trying to leave now was not a prisoner of Madir's, and could thus not to kept in against his will. The man blocking the door looked frantically at Madir, who nodded back to indicate that he should let the young man pass through, being pleased to see the back of him.
The sucking of the remaining four men continued, and their various pants and groans became the main noise in the room. The one that Pascal was serving shot his load, and the French boy dutifully collected the seed. Unlike the first man, this one wearily sank to the ground and continued to watch the remainder of the show.
Happy as Sam was at the additional source of spunk production that had arrived, he was all too aware that it was not going to be sufficient to fill the glass to the point were it could tip the scales. He was frantically wondering how he might get more, when all of a sudden the main door burst open, and the young Turk that had left came back in, followed by a veritable hoard of additional men that poured into Madir's lounge, eager to see what was going on.
Sam's heart leapt with joy, as he watched this flood of manhood sweep into the room. Not surprisingly Madir's face had gone white with shock. Now Sam knew he had all the sperm production capability he needed, but a glance at the clock showed him that lack of time might now prove to be his undoing. The glass was still less than a third full, and more than half the time had elapsed. Clearly things would have to be speeded up. As he was pondering over solutions, young Agi approached Sam, his little mouth crammed with sperm, and the man held out the glass to let the Turkish boy relieve his mouth of the contents. Taking advantage of Agi's presence, he got the boy to explain to all the new men present, what was going on, and what was needed for him to win a bet. A lot of excited shouts went out when they realised that the wager concerned a cup of cum, and it was obvious that some of the audience had also heard the tale concerning the princess.
Now whilst Sam had been relieved of his weapons, he had remained in possession of his wallet. He thus got Agi to explain to the men that if they managed to shoot into the boy's mouths quickly, he would reward them handsomely. He came up with a system of bonuses, depending on how many minutes they would take, the shorter the time, the higher the bonus. The Englishmen also arranged the waiting spectators into some sort of an order, selecting the younger, stronger ones to go first, in the hope that they might be able to shoot quicker. Amongst the crowd was also a number of teenagers and boys, and although Sam was well aware of the sexual capacity of younger males, and their ability to climax quickly, he wanted to ensure they would actually yield something at the end. He thus demanded to inspect the assets of any youth joining the queue, and unless his balls had completely dropped, and he had some sort of a bush over his cock, a disappointed looking boy would be dismissed from those waiting.
As Sam was organising the men, he noted that Henry was also not idle, as he was serving the men at the front of the queue drinks of water. It had become quite hot in the room with so many bodies inside, and whilst Henry's act was a commendable one in most circumstances, Sam asked him if their was any other motive to his act.
"I'm putting a wee drop of some magic liquid into each glass. I discovered the properties of the stuff during me times in India," the Scot explained. "It's some local compound that helps a man cum more quickly."
Sam didn't disapprove, although unsure if the stuff really worked or not, he had nothing to lose by using it. All the same, Sam gave Henry an odd look, wondering why the old man was carrying the stuff around. Henry recognised the puzzled look, and knew what his friend was thinking.
"Dinna look at me like that Sammy, at my age, a man needs all the help he can get!."
With things better organised, the proceedings took on a more factory line like production system, as one man quickly took the place of another that had fired his load. Cheers rang out as the waiting crowd urged on the four men, each of whom were vigorously fucking one of the boys' mouths. Steadily the glass was filling up, and when it passed the half way mark, Sam placed it one the scales, but there was still no movement. Semen is heavier than water, but not by much, and Sam was painfully aware the glass would have to be almost full if it was to tip the scales in his favour. Looking down at the hourglass, time was running out, Sam reckoned there was only around half an hour remaining. There was another problem too. He could tell that the four boys were flagging, and it was obvious their young mouths had to be very tired by now. A fit boy can keep a gentle suck on a lover's cock for hours if necessary, but clearly this kind of vigorous sucking was taking a toll. As sorry as he felt for them, Sam could do little, and given the lack of time, the youngsters really needed to work harder if possible.
John was not blind to these difficulties, and winning this bet was just as important to him as it was to his father, as he had no wish to remain a slave. His jaw and mouth were so sore they had started to go numb, but the boy was too pumped up with adrenaline to notice the pain. Things needed to be speeded up, and John yelled out to his dad his suggestion.
"They're still taking too long, get some of those waiting to fuck our asses to warm themselves up. They can then indicate to us when they are ready to shoot."
Sam agreed, and Agi communicated to the men of the change in tactics. The four at the front of the queue were just as keen at the idea of fucking one of the ravishing boys' lovely bums, as they were on a suck. Thus they quickly rushed behind the kids, and pulled out their already hard cocks from the confines of their clothing. Using their own spit as a lubricant, the four were soon well lodged up each of their respective boys' behinds, and started buggering them for all their were worth.
Now that eight men were being brought to climax simultaneously, the yield of cum crept upwards, and Frank, who was now in charge of the glass, was constantly rushing from one boy to the next to collect more of the sticky substance. The entire scene became a blur of moving bodies, as eight men banged in and out of the mouth and ass of the four nude boys. Unfortunately one of the ass fuckers got excited too quickly, and discharged his load into Charles' bowels before he had had chance to pull out. As he withdrew, the sight of spunk rolling down the insides of the boy's thighs showed to everyone what he had done. Boos and shouts of derision were directed at the offender, who quickly slunk off looking embarrassed, only too aware he had blown his chance of a payment from Sam.
Fortunately this was an isolated incident, as the rest of the men had enough control to ensure the bulk on their load was squirted into one of the boy's mouths. Their motivation was as much to avoid the disapproval of their peers watching, as it was to pick up the monetary bonus. Yet oblivious to all their efforts the sand was slowly running out, and Sam realised that the eight men currently being served, would probably be the last time would allow. The six men served by John, Agi and Patrick suddenly shot their loads within a few seconds of each other, and with this sudden stream of cum deposited into the glass, its level rose to well over four fifths. Frank dashed over to the scales, and placed the glass on to it. The scales wobbled, and the crowd cheered, but it settled back to its originally position. They were close, very close.
Pulling the man fucking his ass out of him, Charles tried to suck both cocks at the same time whilst yanking on them to get the men to cum. With yells of ecstasy they did just that, and Charles tipped his head back to collect the double load of sperm. One of the men, a huge brute with balls the size of oranges, just kept on cumming, and aware his younger brother could not cope, John rushed to his aid to collect as much as possible of the bountiful stream. With the faces of both of them covered in goo, they staggered over to the scales, and dumped what they had gathered directly into the glass. With an agonisingly slow movement the scales finally started to tip, and as they came down on the side of the glass, a huge roar erupted in the room.
Still the bet was not yet won, as Madir quickly reminded them they now had to drink the contents of the glass, and as the sand accelerated out of the top part of the hour glass, the four young teenagers knew they had little time in which to do this. In normal circumstances the boys were all quite partial to a tasty drink of sperm, but at this moment, they were hardly in the mood. They had inevitably already swallowed a fair quantity of the stuff during their labours, and the way the creamy liquid in the glass had set into a thick, sticky goo did not make it look particularly appetising. Still they had no choice, the conditions of the wager could not be changed now, so taking hold of the glass, Pascal took a quick swallow, screwed up his face in disgust, and handed it to John. The boys passed the glass in a circle, each taking a drink before handing it to on. The level of the glass began to slowly descend, but when John could see there was just seconds remaining, he grabbed the glass, tipped his head back and started to drink down the contents in a single gulp. As the final drop slipped down his throat, he slammed the glass down, a very queasy look over his face. The final grains of sand slipped down into the lower chamber of the hourglass, but it was too late, the boys had won, and they wearily raised their arms in triumph.
Sam, Frank and Henry, rushed over to the boys to hug and embrace them, and the watching crowd went wild with joy. Sam glanced over to Madir, and could see he looked a lot less happy. At the start, the Englishman had wondered if his opponent really intended to honour the wager, even if he lost, but conditions had changed well beyond either of their control since the time the bet was made. Even after they had cum, Madir's uninvited guests had remained to watch the show and see the outcome of the bet, and with so many witnesses, there was little the host could do now. If he had gone back on his wager, word would have spread quickly around the town, and his days as a gambler would be over. As bitter as the prospect of losing his two handsome slave boys was, he had to accept it. Fuck he thought, I can always buy some more. He shook his head, and a resigned smile settled on his face. If nothing else, he had witnessed the most unbelievable spectacle of his life.
Sam wasted little time getting the four boys dressed, using his own jacket to cover John who had no clothes of his own. He demanded the key to John's leg shackles from Madir, and the Turk reluctantly handed it over. Frank reclaimed his weapons, and those of Sam, from the guard holding them, and the whole group left the room followed by their chanting following.
It took a while for Sam to extract himself and the boys from the exuberant crowd, who clearly wanted to continue to party, but he did so as diplomatically as he could. They made their way to the wagon, and in no time were riding off towards the hotel. On arrival, they divided the four boys between them, determined none would be left alone. Sam got John and Charles, Frank kept Agi, and Henry took on Pascal. The hotel made no comment on the growth of guests in the three rooms, indeed a day before, when a maid had noted that a boy had moved into Frank's room, she simply enquired if he would be needing an additional towel.
After cleaning the dried cum that covered their pretty faces, Sam immediately put the exhausted children to bed, and they rapidly dropped to sleep. It was a tight fit to get two growing boys and himself into his bed, but he was too happy to care. Sam was also tired, but he spent a long time staring at his beloved boys, gently stroking the hair of his recovered eldest son, who lay in the middle of the three. The two boys were facing each other, their naked bodies pressed close together. For Sam, he wished he could freeze the joy of this moment forever. Yet he still had work to do, one down, two to go.