PZA Boy Stories

James Stuart
the Erotic Historian

The Country Manor

Chapter 18
Unexpected Information

"Well done, you win," Madir declared, and pushed the small pile of coins in the centre of the table over to his guest, who was seated on a low couch on the opposite side of the table. The guest, an Egyptian gentleman dressed in a smart brown suit smiled at his good fortune, and took up the cards to shuffle a new hand. He had an unusual face with a good-sized nose and small eyes, and although not ugly, was not really the kind of man you could trust. The Egyptian was not alone on the couch, as seated beside him was a young boy, his nephew, also Egyptian, with a cheeky young face and dressed similarly to his Uncle. The kid kept staring at the game, though he did not appear to understand the rules.

"Shall we increase the maximum raise to 30?" the guest asked as he dealt the cards.

"Good idea Ellmir," Madir commented, then noticing his guest's glass was almost empty, he waved a command to a boy servant that stood near by. John stepped up, and poured some more wine into the Egyptian's glass. In stark contrast to the fully clothed men and boy sat at the table, both John and Pascal, who was serving Madir, were not wearing a jot. Holding a jug of wine each the two boys were as naked as the day they were born, and as John was pouring the wine, Ellmir, the guest, took the opportunity to run his hands over the boy's firm ass. John was not in the slightest bit concerned at his nudity, never one to be ashamed of his body, he had in addition become accustomed to serving either scantily clad or nude.

In the three weeks he had been at Madir's house, serving the man food and drink had been his duty thrice daily, and whilst during the day it was normally Madir alone, the man frequently had visitors in the evenings. John had discovered that his master did not work for a living, he guessed he was so wealthy he did not need to, so the guests were not there for business reasons. Instead the visitors were present to help Madir indulge in a past time that he was as passionate about as he was with teenage boys, namely gambling. Win or lose, he never seemed to tire of cards, or any other form of chance game, so long as there was some money involved. All the same, when the gambling was over, the alternative entertainment started, and as well as being groped continuously by Madir and his guests during the games themselves, far greater liberties were taken later on. Madir was the perfect host, and had no objection to his visitors requesting a blowjob from one of his boys, or requiring them to bend over for a good fuck. Occasionally the guests brought boys of their own, and the entire house degenerated into a mass orgy. Fortunately both John and Pascal had both the temperament, and the stamina to carry out their extra duties with distinction. However on one occasion Madir had had ten rather rowdy young men as guests, and all wanting to get their cocks into the pretty blond boy, John was being buggered most of the night. It had been two days before his anus had recovered from its soreness.

"My nephew's glass is also empty, give him some water," Ellmir said to John and lightly patted the boy on the bum. John had no problem understanding the order, indeed he had understood every word of the whole conversation between the two men, as they spoke in English. Ellmir had many dealings with the British in his home country, where they were now effectively the de-facto leaders, so he was fluent in their tongue. Madir's Arabic, the only other language the men had in common, was very weak, even worse than his broken English.

John put down the jug of wine he was holding, and went to retrieve one of water, after which he poured some into the boy's glass. The child seemed much more interested in looking at John's naked body than getting some water. Taking the lead of his uncle, he also had a stroke of the older boy's backside, and also took hold of the teenager's cock, which the cheeky scamp gave a few pulls. While John enjoyed the feel of the little kid's soft hand on his prick, he did find it very humiliating to be taken advantage of by some one who looked no more than 10 or 11 years of age.

The two men played a few more hands, with the money going one way then the other, and John was taking little interest in the conversation, until Madir asked.

"So friend, you still in slave trade? How goes it?"

"Ahh not too well, the damn British will be the death of me. As you know I mostly deal in African slaves, and the English seem determined to block all the routes we use. Profit is not what it used to be, moving the slaves to the main markets in Turkey or Arabia is much more expensive than it used to be. The stupid English, they set themselves up as a great merchant power, and then abolish the oldest trade in the world. Not contend to ban it in their own country, and their huge empire, from the middle of this century they have undertaken virtually a one country crusade to stamp out slavery all over Europe and Africa. Why they can not stay out of other peoples affairs I do not know."

"They interfere in things they should not," Madir added.

"Indeed. All the same I still smuggle many slaves through, women to stock the harems, men to work the mines."

"Boys also?"

"Of course, they are undoubtedly the most profitable part of the trade. Black boys from middle Africa are always keenly sort after, they have round firm bottoms, and have the stamina to take a vigorous fuck, even at a tender age."

"You are correct, I had black slave boy once, he very nice. Did you bring more here?"

"Naturally, but I was disappointed to find that the prices of boy slaves had been severely depressed on account of a Mr Abdullah el Maskret having just arrived with a large batch of boys from Europe."

"I know, my two are from that group."

Ellmir scowled slightly at the two serving boys, as if it was their fault that his profits had been affected by their arrival. John was suddenly pricking up his ears a lot more, it was the first time he had heard their kidnapper's surname, and he kept repeating el Maskret, el Maskret in his brain to make sure he did not forget it. John knew only too well that he might have to find Abdul to discover where his brother and friend were now.

"Anyway, I paid the man a visit, I normally do when I am in the area, though he purchased just a single boy this time."

"I hear he has a big boy harem," Madir said.

"Correct, he must have well over sixty boys, and he is very hospitable in sharing them with his guests, you should visit him some day."

"That good idea, I hope man gambles."

Ellmir laughed at the comment, then his host asked.

"Where does he live? I hear it is far from the town," Madir asked.

"Oh it is some sixty miles east of here, he has a residence near the village of Ashia. John's heart jumped when he heard this, and again started committing what he heard to memory. Ellmir continued.

"I may not have sold many slaves, but we had a great time there, playing with a number of his pretty boys." Ellmir said something in Arabic to his young nephew, telling the boy they were talking about the trip the pair had made to the Abdul's place. The child said something in return, and pointed at John. Madir found Arabic difficult enough to understand, but the high pitch voice of the little boy made the whole thing he had said unintelligible. He thus asked Ellmir to translate.

"Oh nothing much, he simply said that your boy looks very much like one we played with when I was there, only a few years younger. My nephew has a much better memory for faces than I."

For a moment John was stunned, as it sunk in what the boy had said.

"What! You saw Billy my little brother," he suddenly shouted out, though from the shocked look he got in return, he knew immediately he had made a mistake.

"You must never speak without me allowing. Your serve, not talk," Madir spurted out angrily at John. Turning back to his guest the man continued. "I so sorry, he is new and needs training, I have him whipped now."

"As you please. Indeed I do not know the answer to the insolent boy's question in any case. I remember the boy my nephew was referring to was a good cock sucker, but I never bothered to learn his name."

Despite this, John was certain they had seen Billy. The kid did look a lot like a younger version of himself, and it would have been too great a coincidence if the Egyptian boy had seen anyone else that looked liked him. Madir shouted out an order to one of his guards whom was lurking in the background, and the man departed, only to return with a nasty looking bamboo cane in one hand.

"Bend over couch, bottom in air," Madir ordered. Still happy about discovering the whereabouts of his brother, John was suddenly shocked into reality that Madir intended to carry out his threat. The boy certainly did not fancy the idea of being caned, but the humiliation of the sentence being carried out immediately, and in front of everyone, made it a lot worse. Slowly he lowered himself down, as the guard stood behind him, and raised his arm for the first blow. John could see that the Egyptian boy was chatting excitedly to his Uncle, and just as he was bracing himself for the pain of the initial strike, Ellmir suddenly spoke.

"Oh, Madir my friend, could you perhaps delay his thrashing till tomorrow. Only my nephew has requested the boy for a special task, and I would prefer it if he was unmarked tonight."

Madir looked thoroughly confused at this, but gave the order for his man to hold off, whilst he asked his guest for a fully explanation.

"I have been training my nephew for a while in the arts of sex, and he has been a most willing and pleasurable partner. The boy is a quick learner, he sucks cock so well for his age, he really does know how to please a man, and seems to love doing it as well. Anyway I think he has come of an age to receive his first fuck, but although I would love to be the one that carries out this duty, I am cursed, or some would say blessed, with a very large prick, and I am concerned I would hurt him too much. If he was just one of my slaves, then naturally his pain would be irrelevant, and I would take the pleasure of being the first in his ass, but he is my own flesh and blood, and I love and cherish him.

I have told the child that he must have a more suitable partner for his first anal experience, and I said he could be the one to choose who that was, and for some reason he wants it to be your slave. You have a fine well made boy, and I see that his prick is not very big, so he would be suitable for the purpose in mind."

John felt like blurting out that his penis was not that small, and it hurt his pride to have it thought otherwise. Still his mouth had already earned him enough trouble, so he kept quiet.

"I allow, but he good fuck also with stripes on bottom," Madir commented.

"True, but I will play with him myself, and I think a boy's bottom is more pleasing to touch when it is not marked. If you would be so kind as to lend him to us for our bed tonight, I would be most grateful."

Madir agreed, and the two men returned to their game. John was permitted to get back up, and return to serving the guests. As he looked into the eyes of the young Egyptian boy, the child gave him the most beautiful smile. This kid had saved his ass, or at least for tonight, and the knowledge that he was going to get to fuck the ravishing boy made John even more grateful to him. As the night wore on, the little lad got increasingly bored with watching the card game, and instead played with John's genitals, which this time did not bother the teenager at all.

Madir showed Ellmir to the guest bedroom, then disappeared with Pascal, whom would entertain his master alone that night. The room John was to share with the Egyptian and his nephew was sparsely furnished, just a few cupboards and a large bed, but for the purpose it was normally used for, only the later was required.

"Let's get undressed," Ellmir said, and started undoing the buttons of his jacket. Clearly this was a superfluous command as far as the completely naked John was concerned, but the younger boy just stood there, having not understood the English the man had said.

"Take his clothes off," Ellmir ordered, pointing at his nephew.

John wandered over to the boy, removed his jacket, and started unbuttoning the shirt. It seemed incredible that he was going to strip and then later fuck this young boy, when he didn't even know his name. Ellmir had not even bothered to ensure the kids were properly introduced. The young lad had not had the luxury of having some one to take his clothes off since his mother had done it when he was a little. Now he seemed to relish it, particularly as the undresser was a boy like himself, and the fact that he was already nude was an extra thrill. John looked into the eyes of the smiling youngster as he stripped off his shirt, revealing his bare chest and stomach. The boy had lovely skin. It was soft and unmarked. A pale brown in colour, it was far from the black as night skin of many African boys. His small nipples became erect as John lightly brushed them with his hands, the elder boy taking plenty of opportunities to stroke the youngster's upper body.

Ellmir had finished stripping, and sitting down on the bed watched the boy slave work on his young nephew. Eventually he became impatient.

"Take his trousers down," he ordered.

John was happy to oblige, but did it slowly and sensually, stroking the boy's flanks and legs as he worked. The youngster had no undergarment, and his small prick leapt out at full stand, which was not surprising as the older boy's touches had so aroused him. The erection was barely two inches in length, the little head poking well out showing the boy had been circumcised. His scrotum was barely visible, just a thin layer of dark skin pulled up tight to his body, with no sign of the balls that would develop there when he got older. John took hold of the small member and started to slide the skin back and forth, making the youngster shiver with pleasure. It might have been tiny, but the teenager thought it was good enough to eat, so opening his mouth he took the whole thing inside, and began lapping away at the little stick with his tongue. He had only been doing this for a few seconds when he heard a command from behind him.

"Enough of that boy, you will be fucking him, not the other way round. Come lay on the bed, and the child will prepare your penis for its entry into his anus."

John reluctantly stopped his sucking, got up and went to lie on the bed as he had been told. The young Egyptian boy looked a bit disappointed at first, but when his Uncle pointed at the teenager's prick he skipped over like a happy puppy. Jumping onto the bed, he got onto all fours and moved his head down to John's crotch. The older boy's prick had already grown to its full 5 inches just from the thought of what it was going to be getting, and the plucky youngster quickly popped it into his mouth, starting the blowjob. John soon realised the young boy was no novice to this art, and was soon writhing on the bed as the child's sucking sent waves of pleasure through his body. No part of his genitals missed out, as the kid took the entire length of his tool into his mouth, then pulled out to suck on one ball at a time.

"He is good isn't he, I taught him myself," Ellmir said, and John nodded in agreement. The Egyptian had stretched himself out on the bed, and was in a position were he could stroke both the naked rump of his nephew, and John's chest. He then bent over to kiss the older boy on the lips, before moving one of his hands to jack his own hard prick. John caught a glimpse of the man's organ, and had to admit that the man was not boasting when he had said it was big, as it was a fearsome size. Dark like the rest of the man, it stuck out from a considerable bush of hair a good ten inches, possibly longer. It had a thick shaft, and was capped with a giant head, looking all the more frightened due to it being circumcised. John could see now why the man had wished to spare his little nephew from being deflowered by that huge prick, but the teenager realised only too well that his own poor ass was unlikely to avoid it.

"That is enough, it is time for the fucking," Ellmir announced and pulled the younger boy off of John's prick. He spoke for a short while in Arabic to his nephew, no doubt explaining to the boy that this first time would be quite painful. The brave boy nodded his head when asked if he wished to go through with it, he was determined, and there is no way he wanted to look a coward in front of his Uncle. Ellmir kissed the boy tenderly, then guided him on to his stomach face down. He placed a pillow underneath the kid's loins to lift his ass into the air, and gently pulled apart his thin smooth legs exposing the child's tender parts to their fate.

Kneeling between the boy's outstretched legs, John bent down to kiss the two dark globes of his backside, looking both innocent and irresistible at the same time. Prising the cheeks apart he paused to admire the small pink hole, and the thin line that ran from it down to the base of the kid's cock. John always found the strip of skin between a boy's cock and anus incredibly sexy, so much lovelier than a man's, where it was covered in hair. He loved licking it slowly over the whole length, and from the cooing of the boy owning that adorable stretch of skin, it was clear that he was loving it as well. After this John moved onto the target itself, and began to lap at the small anus, before shoving part of his tongue inside, causing more gasps of joy from the happy owner.

"What are you doing? I want you to fuck him with your cock, not your tongue," The Egyptian commented.

"Of course sir, I just want to get him good and wet first, it will make it easier for him when I first push in."

"I have always found that a good sucking from the boy to be fucked as good enough lubrication, but very well, you may continue, my nephew certainly seems to enjoy it, no one has done that to him before," the man commented.

In others words, John thought to himself, the man himself had never done it, since it was likely he was the one that the kid had mostly had sex with. As John continued to lick the boy's ass, he thought to himself how little he understood the people where he now was. He considered that rimming a pretty boy's behind was a great pleasure to both parties, yet it was clear in these areas it would be a lucky boy that got this treat from an older partner. From what he had experienced of the local customs so far, the rule appeared to be that a man would never suck a boy's cock, no matter how tasty it might be, nor would he allow himself to be fucked. Most men would not even touch another male's penis, as if their hands would drop off if they tried. There were exceptions to this, one being John's own master whom enjoyed jacking off his slaves, particularly whilst fucking them, though he only did this when he was alone with them.

It seemed here, a boy was regarded as having a completely passive role, being largely incapable of gaining pleasure himself. His role was solely to serve the active partner, namely the man, by sucking his cock, then rolling over to be soundly buggered. Basically you were either a penetrator or were penetrated, never both. What baffled John about this, was that many of the boys that had been brought along for the private orgies at Madir's house, were the sons, nephews or younger brothers of the adult guests. This obviously led to the conclusion that many of the guests had played the junior role in sexual relationships when there were mere boys themselves. Thus, although well accustomed to sucking cock, drinking cum, and getting fucked, it seemed that at some point in their lives they abandoned these old pleasures to play the active role. John was sure it was mostly an honour thing, as men thought that their masculinity would be damaged if they reverted to their former roles, but it all seemed rather silly, as both sides were missing out on a lot of fun.

As he finished these musings, John noticed that the boy's asshole was now very wet and slippery. The chicken was ready for stuffing. Raising himself to his knees, he shuffled up so that his cock was next to the child's hole. John's teenage cock was like an iron rod just thinking about he was about to do now. Although part of him was screaming to jab right into the young boy, and fuck him hard straight away, he had no intention of giving in to this animal impulse. He wanted the boy to have as gentle an experience as possible for his first fuck, and although he knew it would be painful to start with, he intended to go as easy on him as he could. John had some experience with virgin boys, so he thought a slow entry would be best, even though this flew in the face of the advice one of his father's friends had once given him on this subject. He smiled as he recalled the eccentric old man saying it was better to get in as quick as possible, as he considered one long scream was preferable to a number of short yelps.

Not wanting the child to scream at all, John decided on the many yelps approach, and so he gently started prodding the boy's back hole, trying to get a small part of his cock head inside. After a few minutes he was having no success, the kid's anal muscles were automatically tensing up, repelling the invader. Ellmir started to lose patience.

"Get on with it boy, push harder or we will be here all night!"

"Sorry sir, but he keeps on tensing up, could you ask him to relax." Ellmir said something to the boy in a rather stern tone, so John was not sure if he was asking the kid to relax, or telling him to be. Either way, the nephew nodded and complied, and this, coupled with John shoving harder, caused the child's anus to open up enough for him to get the top of his head in. The boy immediately tensed up again, so John shoved hard to prevent being pushed out and suddenly had the whole head lodged into the boy. The youngster did yelp at this, and John stopped pushing any further, but paused to enjoy the feeling of the kid's very tight ass constricting his cock head.

"You're in now, shove it in all the way, it should go in easy now," Ellmir yelled, but John was reluctant to do this. He pushed in a bit further, and got more shouts from the boy he was penetrating. The young boy looked round towards him. There were tears rolling down the soft cheeks of his face, and John considered pulling out of him altogether. However it was soon clear that the boy would never allow himself to be shown a coward in front of his uncle, and John was amazed that despite the obvious discomfort, the plucky little lad was shoving his ass backwards to get more of John's cock inside him. Deciding to get it over with, John made a mighty plunge, and felt the last couple inches of his shaft slip inside. The boy let out a final loud shout, then felt silent. John started kissing the back of the youngster's neck and rotated his hips slightly to rub his loins against the smooth skin of the child's backside. He wanted to wait until the kid got used to having an invader up his backside, so John pushed his hand under the boy, and locating the small penis, he began to gently manipulate it. He was not surprised that the little piece of flesh was completely limp when he first touched it, no doubt the fiery pain in the boy's anus damping the erection he had had as John was rimming him. After a couple of minutes of playing with it, it slowly started to harden again, and taking this as a sign that the pain was subsiding, John slowly began to push in and out of the boy.

Meanwhile, Ellmir had moved to behind John and was lightly stoking the older boy's bum, watching it move back and forth as John began buggering his nephew. The Egyptian liked the teenager's bottom a lot, and was greatly looking forward to getting inside it. His nephew's bottom was undoubtedly cute, and soft to touch, but John's was more rounded, the cheeks fuller, firmer, and, in the Egyptian's opinion, it was more voluptuous, more fuckable. He wondered what it would have looked like if he had let John get whipped. He imagined the lines on that fleshy ass that the cane would have made. He momentarily considered fetching it himself, and whipping the older boy as he fucked the younger one. Yet he dismissed the idea, since despite him being a trafficker in humans, Ellmir was not an overly cruel man, who inflicted pain purely for his own pleasure.

All the same, he had a number of clients that did have a cruel vein. One he knew would always beat his slave boys with a heavy strap before fucking them, regardless of whether they had misbehaved or not. His argument was that as he slammed into their sore behinds, the pain they felt would cause them to constrict their anus slightly. The man had admitted the increase in pleasure for him was only slight, but thought it enough to justify beating the boys. Clearly the fact that this greatly decreased any enjoyment for those he fucked did not concern him in the slightest.

Yet this was not the only mean man Ellmir was acquointed with, another one, whom only purchased teenage boy's with round firm asses, would use the slaves' anuses as candle holders to light the room whilst he ate. The demon would even eat his dinner directly off the bottom of one of his boys, oblivious to the lad's yelps as his knife or fork pricked the tender rear. The man's cruelty was not restricted to just the dinner table, he loved banging his prick into one of his boy's mouths until the kid's jaw ached, and then would flip him over, use a towel to thoroughly wipe all the lubrication off his cock, then subject his victim to an agonising dry fuck.

Another of Ellmir's associates used his slaves like a portable toilet. Being too lazy to go to the latrine himself, he would pee directly into a boy's mouth, threatening to whip him should he fail to swallow one single drop. Fortunately Ellmir, like most of his clients, were not so evilly inclined, and did not subject their boys to unnecessary suffering. Yet what did make the man cruel, was that when he sold a boy, his sole consideration was his profit, not whether or not the new master was mean or kind.

Whipping John was thus not something Ellmir was inclined to do, but sodomising him was definitely on the agenda. Thus he moved round to John's head, to present the boy his prick for a pre-fucking suck. Once again John was amazed at the sight of the man's formidable cock, but he was enjoying fucking the adult's nephew too much too worry about it. All the same, he wanted to make sure he got it as wet as possible, as he remembered the man's words, and knew that his own spit was likely to be the only lubrication this rod was going to get to help it ease up his back passage. John opened his mouth as wide as possible, intending to suck the head a bit first, only for his action to be pre-empted by the Egyptian, who instantly shoved his prick right inside the waiting hole, the big head hitting the back of John's throat. Unable to breathe through his mouth, the teenager snorted through his nose, and tried to start blowing the man, though it was not easy as his oral cavity was so full he could not even move his tongue.

Ellmir did the work for him, pistoning his prick in and out of the kid's hot mouth, enjoying the feel of the soft lips as they ran up and down the length of his cock. A couple of minutes later the man was sure he was ready, so pulled out of John's mouth, and moved round back for the main course. Ellmir did not intend to take the time to get into John that the teen had used to penetrate the younger boy. Locating the hole, he noticed that it was already fully open, no doubt due to the rather large number of pricks that had travelled that way during the last few weeks. With a strong shove the huge cock head widen the hole even further, then with a second thrust, he had it inside. John certainly felt the initial penetration, but it was not as bad as he had expected. However, as the battering ram continued to move forward in one continuous motion, the teenager could feel his ass catching fire. It was his turn to let out a yelp, as more and more of the large pole was pushed into his tender parts. Just when the teenager thought it would never end, he felt the man's pubic hair brushing against his ass cheeks, and with a final thrust to get the last bit inside, Ellmir grunted in satisfaction in achieving complete penetration.

John had never felt so full, he could feel his anal walls stretched to the limit. The pain was enormous to start with, but then came the pleasure of relief, as his ass slowly became more comfortable with its occupier. The only comparison being the pleasure felt as an initially incredibly painful muscle pull, turns into ecstasy as the agony eases away. Contrary to the reaction of the younger boy on initial penetration, John could feel that his prick had actually got even harder. However he was unable to fuck the boy he was embedded in anymore, being incapable of movement, due to the weight of the man sandwiching John between his loin's and the little kid's rump.

"You have a hot tight ass," Ellmir whispered into John's ear, as he paused to enjoy the feel of the whole length of his cock encased in the boy. John did not answer, if he had the words would have come out as a high pitched shriek. All the same he thought the man's comment was rather stupid, after all with a cock of his dimensions, it was hard to believe that anybody's ass would not feel tight.

When the man started to fuck, it was immediate and sudden, pulling right out then rapidly shoving the whole length back inside. John felt the air pushed out of him with the first thrust, and his ass once more set alight, but there was no rest period as Ellmir started banging in and out of the teenager's ass at some speed. The man was soon at full lust and buggered the English boy for several minutes, until feeling the cum started to raise in his balls, he stopped to allow his passions to cool, leaving himself completely embedded in the boy. When he started again, he held firmly onto John's hips, so that the boy moved with him, the man's cock remaining deeply rooted within him. This had the effect of pulling part way out of the younger boy before Ellmir thrust back again, crushing John's loins against the soft rear of his nephew. As he repeated the action, it was as if the man was fucking the younger boy rather than John, though obviously using the teen's hard prick to do the job. For John, the feeling was incredible, as his prick ran in and out of the boy, whilst his rear passage remained filled to the brim. The combination of the two drove the horny teen wild, and after a few minutes of this, he could hold back no longer, and blasted his load into the younger boy's ass.

Ellmir detected the boy's orgasm from the contractions of his anal passage, and showered the teen's neck and shoulder's with kisses. As John slowly recovered, he knew the man had still not cum, so braced himself for what was likely to be a long vigorous battering of his insides. Yet this did not happen, as the man pulled out of the boy, then pushed him to one side so he could see his nephew. Lying next to the younger boy, he spoke softly to him, licking away the tears on his soft face, whilst saying how proud he was of his favourite nephew. To the child, such a compliment, from a man that was the head of his large extended family, filled his heart with joy, and he wept again.

John was being ignored at this stage, but he just laid back and relaxed, his anus feeling very empty now the man's prick had deserted it. John was surprised that the pain had largely vanished, but he knew that he would certainly be very sore the following morning. John watched the two lovers for a while, before he noticed the man asking the boy something, at which the youngster nodded and smiled. Slipping his young body down, the boy started to suck on the large swollen head of the man's still fully erect cock. John was amazed at how much of that demon cock the young boy managed to stuff in his mouth, his pretty thin neck bulging as he crammed it down his throat. The Egyptian was soon quivering in delight as his nephew's expert mouth worked its magic, whilst the child's small hand's wrapped round the part of the shaft that still protruded from his mouth. Still excited from fucking John, Ellmir did not last long before he was shooting his sperm down the youngster's throat. With a pair of balls that matched the size of his cock, the quantity of cum was more than the boy could handle, and large quantities of white cream could be seen leaking passed the child's cute lips and running down the shaft of the ejaculating rod. When the fountain had finally ceased, the boy did what any dutiful nephew would, and licked up all the precious cream he had missed, cleaning up his Uncle's prick till it was shinning clean.

Pulling the boy up to him again, Ellmir showered his face with loving kisses, then laid him down to sleep. As the child slowly drifted off, the Egyptian gently rubbed his back, before his hand wandered down to caress the boy's small soft bottom. How much he was looking forward to the day when would be able to enjoy the youngster's ass himself. He knew he should wait till the boy was older, and more experienced at being fucked, but the man was impatient, he was not sure he could resist for long.

Ellmir and his nephew departed early the next morning, so the man had no time to give John another hard fuck. The boy was rather relieved about this, as his asshole ached so much he could barely walk. His bottom received a further let off when Madir failed to carry out the whipping that John was still due because of his out burst the night before. John guessed the man had either forgotten, or from the strange way the teenager was walking, it made him decide that the boy's poor ass had suffered enough. Yet it was neither of these lets off that occupied John's mind, his thoughts were on the news he had heard from Ellmir. He was elated to know that his little brother was still alive, and what's more, exactly where he was. He could not be sure, but he felt certain that Abdul would have kept Jamie as well. If the man was into 10-year-old blonds like his brother, then clearly Jamie, whom was even more beautiful than Billy, would fit his bill. Still, as comforting as this information was, he still had to get his own freedom before he could launch a rescue attempt of his own. In some ways, the soreness of his anus was a blessing in disguise, as John realised that he would need a couple of days to recover before he could make an escape attempt. Thus he had time to make a plan, rather than rushing into anything rash.

"I've decided, I'm getting out tonight," John announced to Pascal as the boys were cleaning their master's room. The French boy looked shocked and glanced around the chamber to ensure they were really alone.

"Are you mad, he will kill you if you fail."

"Well I will have to ensure I will not fail. Pascal, I have a fool proof plan, will you come with me?"

The boy gave his friend a sullen look. Somehow he had feared the English boy would do this ever since he had found out about the whereabouts of his brother some two days earlier. His face remained passive for a while, as he agonised over his reply, but then his head dropped down in shame.

"I can not, I am afraid, please do not make me."

John had half expected the answer, but he was disappointed. The idea of running away together was more appealing, but he would go alone if he had to.

"Do you really wish to remain Madir's slave for the rest of your life?"

"No, of course not. But John, remember our master's old slaves, those two that left a few days after we arrived. He told us that he let them free, and if we served him loyally, he would free us to. We are both fourteen now, probably when we are sixteen or seventeen he will not fancy us anymore, and will lets us free. Two or three years here is not too bad, it has certain attractions," the boy added the final part with a sly smile.

"Perhaps, but I can get just as much sex when I am free. Besides, we do not know if master was lying that he freed those last two, he may have sold them to someone else."

The two argued for some time longer, but it became evident that neither would budge from their position. Eventually, Pascal, seeing John was determined tried a last plea.

"Please do not leave me here alone, I could not stand it here without you."

It was the one argument John found hardest to counter, and walking round to where his friend sat, he put an arm around him, and kissed him tenderly on his forehead.

"Don't worry, I won't forget you. Look, it now seems certain to me that slavery in this place is illegal. If not, why have we never been taken anywhere? Why do we not follow our master in chains as he walks the streets? Why is he so carefully that no one but his servants and his friends see us? When I have escaped, I intend to alert the authorities of what is going on, and when I have, I shall return here with the police and free you too. Then we can go get my brother and friend from Abdul, and ensure that devil gets stuck behind bars."

It seemed a simply plan to the French boy, but he was still afraid. There were too many uncertainties about life here, everything was still alien to them both. With the discussion seemingly at an end, the two made love on the floor of their master's room, not knowing if it would be their last time. Madir was out, so they were able to take their time, and say goodbye properly.

Even though the two boys inherited the room of Madir's ex-boy slaves, they very rarely slept in it, as they mostly spent the night in their master's bed, or in a guestroom with one of his friends. Occasionally however, their master was away himself, no doubt gambling as a guest of some friend, and if they were as good hosts as Madir, getting to lay with some other pretty boy. Tonight was indeed to be one such occasion, and John realised he might have to wait a while for another such golden opportunity. Apart from Pascal and himself, Madir had two adult servants, plus three guards. One of the latter always accompanied his employer, as a kind of bodyguard, and one of the servants did not sleep in Madir's home. This left one servant, an elderly harmless man who did the cooking, plus two of the guards. The former always went to bed early and would cause no problems, but one of the guards was supposed to remain awake during the night, to ensure nobody broke in, or out. However John had once seen the man whom carried out this night shift snoring happily on a chair by the door. This had happened when one of the guests had taken the boy outdoors as he wished to make love under the stars. John was countering on the man falling asleep on this night as well, and thus would not interfere with his escape plans.

This still left the tricky problem of getting through the locked gate, or over a tall wall, topped with some rather nasty looking metal spikes. Since John had no way of getting the key to the gate, he had little alternative but to go over the wall. Since Madir allowed the boys to wander the grounds when not needed, John had had plenty of opportunity to check out the whole of the wall. He had discovered that at one point a few spikes were missing, and it was at the rear of the property where there was the lowest chance of being spotted. John's plan was simply and effective. Wait until the guard is either sleeping or dozing, then carry a table to the wall where the spikes were missing, and scramble over.

As easy as such an escape seemed, John was still very nervous as night fell, and the moment of its execution drew close. He sat nervously in the boys' bedroom, waiting till everyone was asleep. Pascal was already undressed, and lying in the only bed within the room, though he could not sleep. The boys had barely spoken in the last couple of hours, as both were caught up in their own thoughts and anxieties of what lay ahead. Eventually the whole house was deathly silent, and John mustered up his courage, and decided it was now the time to make a move. Pacing quietly over to where Pascal lay, John gently kissed the boy goodbye, though the French boy was too upset and ashamed to return his embrace. As he tiptoed out of the room, John heard the words "Good Luck", softly spoken behind him.

Checking first on the rooms of the cook and the off duty guard, John was pleased to hear that both were quiet. Then he crept over to one of the windows at the front of the house, hoping that the night guard would also been in the land of nod. His heart jumped with joy when he saw the figure of the man outside, slumped down in a chair, his head on his chest. The chair had its back to the main gate, obviously the man felt that in this position he would awaken if for any reason Madir were to return. John stared at the peaceful figure for a while, until he was sure that he was definitely asleep, and not just resting, but he did not stir at all. Realising that he might not have long before the man did awake, John swung his plan into action. Retrieving a light table from the main lounge, the teenager carried it outside through one of the rear entrances. He located the part of the wall he had chosen to scale, and placed the table alongside. The wall was almost 10 feet in height, so with the table being 3 feet high and John being about 5 feet tall, he still had to stretch his arms to reach the top. He grabbed onto the top of the wall, carefully placing his hands where the metal spikes were absent, and started to haul himself up. John managed to get his chin up to the top of the wall, and using his feet he tried to scramble further up, but he lost his footing, and came crashing down again, none to gently, onto the table. Cursing like mad, John braced himself for the sight of the guard rushing round the corner to see what had made the noise. He waited paralysed, but no one came, it seemed the man was quite a heavy sleeper.

Seeing that he had to get up higher, John slipped off the table and returned to the house for a stool. With this on the table, he managed to get his head above the wall, although the whole thing was swaying a bit as he stood on the stool. Getting a good grip on the top of the wall, John heaved himself up using all his strength, then using the agility natural of a boy, he pulled up his leg so that his foot touched the top of the wall. Wasting no time, he effectively vaulted over the top, and started falling down the other side, having no idea what lay beyond it. Fortunately he landed on some sort of animal pen part way down, which helped to break his fall, as he rolled off this and ended on the floor. The chickens within the pen began to make quite a din, and John not wishing to hang around, looked round for his next move. It appeared he had made it into some other home's backyard, but fortunately this one had no high wall around it. John ran through the yard, and got to a dirt road at the front of the property, whereupon he turned quickly in a direction leading away from Madir's house, and ran as fast as his legs would carry him.

John had no idea how long he had been running when he finally slowed then sat down by the road, whizzing like mad, his chest hurting from the long run. As he slowly recovered, he had a look round. It was very dark all around him, with little more than the moon and starlight for illumination. He was still in the city, and it was obvious that he was in a residential area, being small buildings crowded together. He was not sure what time it was, he guessed it was the early hours of the morning. Not a single sound issued from anywhere to break the eerie silence. John decided there was little point continuing that night, he had to contact the authorities, but it was plain no one would be around at this time. The best course of action was to find somewhere he could rest for a while until morning. Scanning around he located a small clearing which contained some high grass and a few bushes. Lying down under a thick bush, he made himself comfortable, and for the first time in hours tried to relax. He was not planning on sleeping, he intended to simply rest until it started to get light. However the long night and the stress of the escape had taken its toll on the boy's young body, and soon after his eyes were closed, he drifted off to sleep.

When John awoke, he was seized with a moment of panic. He could tell that the sun had risen well into the sky, and it was obvious he had slept for quite a length of time. In contrast to the silence of the night, the neighbourhood he was in now was buzzing with the sound of activity. He could hear dogs barking, children yelling and crying, and a steady thud, thud, as something was worked on with a hammer. Standing up and stretching his aching limbs, John retraced his steps back to the road. Now it was light, he could see he had run to an outlying area of the town, and from what he could make out, it looked like a very poor neighbourhood. An old man was steadily driving a few unhealthy looking cattle up the road, a couple of women were washing clothes in bowls outside their houses, and children ran around playing. John headed off in a direction towards the main part of the town, and was soon conscious that he had no idea from which direction he had come last night, and was worried he may be retracing his steps.

He became more anxious when he realised that everybody was staring at him as he walked down the road. John became all too aware of how different he looked to the others, with his blond hair, paler skin, and blue eyes. Even his clothing made him stick out. John had on the only clothes he possessed, the garments given to him by Abdul on the ship. Madir had never bothered to get the boys any others, preferring them to roam the house nude. Whilst the clothes he wore were not made from a particular expensive fabric, their were brightly coloured, with his trousers in red and his tunic blue and yellow. This set up was very different to the drab colours of the simple clothing the inhabitants of this area wore, their dirty threadbare garments being mostly grey or brown.

Children ran around John as he walked, and he became very worried when a man working in a small shop started beckoning to him, shouting out "Boy come", John's knowledge of Turkish being good enough to recognise these words. Getting very nervous he increased his pace, and tried to avoid looking at anyone, in particular getting eye contact. On one occasion a young girl of 6 or 7 years of age, started following John saying something to him. She was dragging along with her hand an even smaller child, a small boy of 3 or 4, naked from the waist down. Both children were grubby, thin and obviously hungry, and John could see they were begging him for money, but he had none to give. Looking around the wretched inhabitants that lived here, it was obvious to John that his master lived in a different world. His was a life of good food, fine drink and endless pleasures. Even John and Pascal had been better off than these people in some ways, whom although free, had to worry about what they would feed themselves and their children each night.

Thinking about that, reminded John that he was still a runaway, and as he got further into town, the streets became busier, and the stares at him more frequent. He started getting paranoid that some of the men might recognise him, as maybe they had once been a guest of his master's. He was also aware that it was well into the morning now, and it was quite likely that Madir had discovered that he had gone, and already had his agents scouring the city to track him down. John knew only too well how easy he was to spot. He had to act fast, he needed to contact the authorities, the police, before he was found. Yet he had not the slightest idea what a policeman even looked like, or even if this place had a police force. Somehow it seemed unlikely he would spot the friendly sight of a British Bobby walking down the street, with his blue uniform and tall oval helmet, a wooden truncheon by his side. No, he guessed the police were probably more like a local militia, raised by the authorities to uphold the law, yet what these looked like he did not know.

In the part of town he was now walking through, the streets were thinner, tall buildings crowded together on either side of the road. John was looking at each building, to see if it might have an official role, be that a police station, or a local government office. Yet he saw nothing that suggested this, just lots of small open shops and private homes. Eventually he made his way into a square, and within this a busy market was progressing. By now John was starting to panic, the whole place was filled with people, and not one would pass by without looking at the attractive blond boy. Many stopped and tried to talk him, a few would even touch his arm, or run their hands through his golden hair. John ignored all this, striding quickly forward until his followers disappeared into the crowd. Finally he spotted something that looked interesting. At one of the market stalls two men were arguing, whilst a third stood nearby trying to sort it out. This third man had a rifle over one shoulder, and John was convinced he must be some sort of an official, as he had not seen anyone else carrying arms.

John made his way over to the group, and when he stopped amongst them, the men stopped talking and stared at the unusual looking newcomer. Ignoring the two arguing men, who looked like street traders, John addressed the man with the gun, asking him in English if he was a policeman. The man looked at him in bewilderment, and after saying things slower and simpler, it became obvious the man knew not a word of the tongue of the British Empire. Realising this was so, John resorted to what little Turkish he knew. He knew the word for help, the word for boy, and the word for slave, and with these, a few others and some basic gestures, he tried to get the adult to understand his plight. The man was a grim faced sort, and listened patiently, but seemed annoyed at the boy's poor grasp of Turkish. The other two men, who were listening to it all, seemed a lot more amused, and had momentarily forgotten their own petty squabble. One of men started pawing John, but whether that was in sympathy with the boy's situation, or for his own pleasure was not obvious. The three men began an animated, high-speed conversation after John had finished, which John was completely unable to understand. It ended when the man with the rifle, nodding, and gestured for John to follow him.

His heart beating like mad, the young teenager did as he was bid, following the man closely to ensure his assistance should someone suddenly grab him from behind. The pair did not walk very far, just out of the square, part way down a street, and then through a small wooden door into a building. John had seen no real marking on the outside of the place to suggest what it was, he would have never been able to find it himself. Inside the pair walked down a short corridor and entered a large room, which held a number of men seated round a table chatting together, their rifles propped up against one wall. The conversation ceased when the pair entered. The man with John pointed to a chair against one of the walls, then went to talk with his colleagues. John went over to sit in the chair that he had been shown, and watched the talking men anxiously. A Turkish boy, whom looked about John's age, was slowly sweeping the floor, and when he looked at the new boy he smiled at him. John smiled back, but kept looking over at the table. He understood very little of what the men were saying, so he tried reading their thoughts using the expressions on their faces. The men stared at him often, some with looks of suspicion, others simply curious, others smiled at him. Yet they were not like the smiles from the sweeping boy, which was warm and genuine, these were more condescending, more smirk like, and in some cases were rather lecherous smiles.

Eventually the talk came to an end, and a large bearded man walked over to the boy and looked at him for a while. He babbled something, which John did not understand, then repeated it more slowly. John caught the word meaning chief, and then another word meaning out or away. Realising that he meant their leader was not present, John nodded, obviously the men were not going to act until he returned. The man took the boy's hand, and then led him off down the corridor to another room. This one was small, with just a table and a couple of chairs, a small high window providing the only light. John sat down in the chair, and the man said something he understood to mean wait, before he left and closed the door behind him.

Still nervous, not knowing how things would work out, he was pleased that at least so far the men had not been hostile, chaining him up and throwing him into jail. Yet as well as fear, John felt a kind of elation, the feel of someone whom has finally acted after a long wait. Ever since Jack had grabbed him and the others, several weeks before, John had done nothing but let events flow past him. Throughout all the cruelties and injustices he had seen, including the breaking up with his brother and friend, John had not acted. Now he was taking things into his own hands, he was showing that he still had the will to act for himself, to defy his orders. Who knows, if things moved as quick as he hoped, the police may even raid Madir tonight, and he would be reunited with Pascal after less than 24 hours.

John was waiting at least an hour before the door to his room opened again. The man that came in John recognised as being one of those he had seen in the large room, so he knew immediately that this was not the chief. It was one of the smaller men, cleanly shaven, with a wide smile on his face when he looked at the boy. He was carrying a cup of water, and a small plate with some bread on, both of which he set down on the table before John. John was thirsty, so he quickly downed the water, but his nervousness had taken away any appetite, so he did not really want the food. Still he did not want to appear rude, so he started nibbling at it.

The man remained in the room, pulling the other chair so it was right next to that of the boy, and sitting down upon it. John found it off putting as the man watched him eat, and this was made worse when he started stroking the boy's blond hair. I'm not a dog, was what John was thinking of saying, but he did not want to upset the man, so he smiled at him, and let him continue to paw him. Seeing the boy smile, the man took that as an invitation, and was soon feeling other areas of him, as he touched the boy's face, then started to rub the inside of his thighs. To John, this was all seemed innocent enough, though his eyes widened when he noticed that the man's trousers were well tented out. Seeing John spot his erection, the man smiled a lot more, then looking deep into the kid's eyes he nodded once, then not getting a reaction, he touched the boy's lips before transferring his same hand to the top of his cock. John knew immediately that the man was asking for a blowjob, and was surprised how quickly he got to the point, no pretence of a little foreplay before hand. With his initial thought being to tell the dirty little man to piss off, John stopped himself. He needed the police on his side, he wanted them to like him, and help him. Seeing that he had already told them he was a boy slave, it was hardly surprising they knew what slaves did for their master's, what they were good at. This man was simply an opportunist, seeing a pretty boy that needed help, he planned to take advantage of the situation.

John nodded to the man that he would do it, and a look of complete joy took the adult's face. In truth it was not a task John resented performing, he had lost count of the cocks he had sucked over the years, and actually quite enjoyed the job, though he preferred tasty boy cocks. However at this moment he was not in the mood, being more concerned with the situation at hand, and the prospect of helping his friends. The man had no such worries, and standing up, was soon pulling his trousers to his knees to present the boy with his adult cock at full stand. It was long and slender, circumcised like all others round here, and some pre-cum was already leaking out of the top, such was the man's excitement.

Presenting his cock to just in front of the young teenager's mouth, John opened up and let it slid inside. He had intended to give the man a long relaxing suck, to show him what an expert he was, but it was soon clear that the Turk was looking for an early release, as he started fucking the boy's face in increasing excitement. In no time at all he was shooting spunk into the boy's mouth, which John swallowed down to avoid the cum dribbling all over his clothing. No sooner had his balls been emptied, and John had cleaned up the softening cock, than the man pulled out of the boy's mouth, yanked up his trousers, then departed the room without so much as a thank you.

It took just ten minutes before another of the policemen came inside, also with a glass of water. This was a rough looking man, somewhat bigger than the last, with the kind of face you could never trust. He put the water down, stood in front of the boy, and pulled down his trousers to reveal a fair sized prick, even though it was still limp. John did not even have to ask what the man wanted, and he should have expected it. No doubt his last visitor had returned to his colleagues reporting that the attractive blond boy in the other room would give you a blowjob for a glass of water. John had pretty much walked into this, by giving in so easily to the first man, thus seeing he had little option without making the new comer wonder why his cock was not good enough. Thus he set about blowing the new man without delay.

It was a more difficult job, the cock ballooning into a fearsome size when it was fully hard. The man seemed keen to get all of his cock down the lad's throat, and liked to leave it there for a while, enjoying the feeling, forcing John to breathe through his nose, as it was tickled by the man's pubic hairs. John lost track of how long he sucked that large prick, but the man lasted much longer than the first, before his sperm also ended up in the boy's stomach.

John had barely rubbed some feeling back into his sore jaw before a third man arrived, dutifully carrying his glass of water. Over the next hour of so he worked his way through what must have been half a dozen men, and although his jaw ached at the end, at least John hoped the place was now filled with grateful policemen, willing to help him. It must have been two hours later that he finally got to meet the chief, before which the boy was getting very anxious about the long wait. The new man greeted the boy with just a nod, and after barking some orders left. A few minutes later John was escorted to the chief's room, and sat before the man's desk.

A dirty little office, that befitted the rather grubby looking chief, it had little more in it that a few chairs, a large desk and some cupboards. Despite his appearance, the man had obviously not shaved that morning, the chief did have an aura of authority around him, and his men looked dead scared of him. Unfortunately his education did not match his leadership prowess, and the man knew little more English than his men. John was frustrated, why could the bad guys like Abdul and Madir speak English so well, and yet the good guys, he hoped, were completely ignorant. If he considered for a moment that the former where well travelled rich aristocrats, whilst the latter were just local officials, he would have understood why this was so.

In any case it was left to John's poor grasp of Turkish, plus a combination of gestures and drawings for John to tell his whole unhappy tale. He told the man he was taken from England, brought to Turkey, sold to Madir, then escaped. The man appeared interested, and wrote down a lot of what he found out, though as John could not read the language, he could not check the validity of what was written. When John gave him Madir's full name, the chief wanted to know the address, which unfortunately John did not know, but he knew approximately which part of town he was in. With this information, the chief left John for a while, and the boy hoped he was giving orders for them to locate the place where he had been held as a slave.

On his return, the chief was in a jovial mood, and started chatting away to the boy, even though John understood only a fraction of what he said, but he kept nodding at what he thought was the right place. Despite his appearance, the man was growing on John. He looked like someone who knew his own mind, someone that could act, rather than just talk. From a large high window the man had in his office, John could see that the sun was getting low, it was obviously late afternoon, and he realised he had been in this building for hours. The chief shouted out, and one of his men came running and took an order.

Some thirty minutes later it was evident he had ordered for some food, as a man entered carrying a tray of various stuff, some of it steaming hot. The tray was sat before the chief, who then invited John to join him in the feast. Since his appetite had returned a little, John managed to eat some of the food, though not as much as the man, who wolfed it down hungrily. The man that had brought them the food stayed, and chatted with the chief. John understood enough to realise they were talking about him, and at one time the man said something, which caused the chief to stare at the boy, then burst out laughing. John was a bit embarrassed, and he wondered if the man had told his boss how he had sucked off all his men, dutifully swallowing their cum like a good little boy. Whatever had been said, the boss looked at the boy in a different way after that, and after the food was over, he ordered the other man to take it away and leave.

Nothing was said for a while, as the chief slunk back in his chair, and stared at the boy, as if deciding his next move. It was almost dark outside, and the man lit an oil lamp on his desk before looking once more at the boy. The youth appeared even more beautiful in the dim light of the lamp, the yellow light reflecting off the teenager's fair skin. John was getting a bit nervous, and this feeling got a lot worse when the police chief got up and walked over to lock the door. He then moved round to the window, pulling the shutters so they were nearly closed. Returning to his chair, the chief pushed it right back so that he was no longer sitting at his desk. Now his eyes eyed the ravishing youth before him with unconcealed lust, and raising his finger, he commanded the boy to approach him. Both nervous and excited, John knew he had to obey, not just because he needed this man's help, but he was pulled by a kind of magnetism of command the police chief possessed. Now John realised that he was wrong to give in to the desires of the common men, this was the only one he needed on his side, the others were just phelps that did their boss's wishes. John should have saved himself for this man alone, his earlier actions having just gone to make him appear like a little whore.

The chief pulled his trousers down to his ankles, but remained sat on his chair, his partial erect cock lying between his hairy thighs. John did not wait for the man's order to blow him, he sunk to his knee's and took the dirty smelly organ into his mouth, the feel of the boy's soft lips on it soon sending blood surging into the pole. The chief moaned in delight, running his hands through the boy's soft blond hair as the kid sucked, gently pushing down to get more of himself into that delicious mouth. John's expert tongue flicked around the head and shaft, heightening the pleasure of its owner even further. The more the man groaned, the more John intensified the sucking, until he could feel the man's balls tightening, so he prepared himself to drink another sticky load that day. Yet he did not receive it, as the chief chose this moment to pull the boy off his prick. Indicating for John to stand up, the man seized the top of John's trousers, yanking the garment down to his ankles. The man then pointed at the desk, and John knew what he had to do. He should have realised that if he sucked off his men, the boss was likely to want to go one better. John draped himself over the desk, then reached back with his hands to part the cheeks of his ass. Standing up behind him, the man did not even bother to spend some time stroking the boy's soft behind, but instead impatiently shoved his raging cock straight into the offered hole. Given the massive size of the last cock he had up his behind, the chief's more normal size quickly ran deep into the boy innards, whereupon he began a gentle fucking action.

As the cock pounded his ass, John too began to get more and more aroused. The anal invader kept brushing past the boy's prostrate, which soon had the teenager's cock rock hard. John gripped it with his hand, and yanked it in time with the thrusts up his ass. He knew he would not last long, and in no time he was shooting his teenage seed onto the floor under the desk, which was fortunately so grubby he was sure it would make no difference. The spasm's of the boy's anus as he came was enough to make the chief cum, as he fired his cream deep into John's anal passage, were it would make even less of a mess.

The chief remained in position for what seemed like a long time, his full weight crushing the boy onto the desk. He waited until his passion had completely cooled, then he slowly got up, pulling his limp prick from the buggered hole. John tried to get up as well, but he was pushed back down, and so he stayed where he was. The police chief sat down, and stared lovingly at the boy's beautiful naked rear, the anus still open. They remained like that while the time passed, no one speaking, and John wondered if the man might be waiting for his strength to return so he could enjoy a second ride. However, before that happened, there was a light knock on the door, and the chief pulled up his pants, indicating for John to do the same. John moved to sit back on his chair, and all was as it had been when the chief opened the door and had a quick conversation with the man that had knocked.

The other man came into the room, and the chief left, shutting the door behind him. John recognised the newcomer as the small man that he had sucked off first earlier that day. The man appeared rather wretched for some reason, staring down at his shoes, refusing to look at the boy. John was a bit surprised at this, as the man had earlier been all eyes for him, but now he looked shifty, withdrawn, as if he was ridden with guilt over something. John assumed it was what he had asked the boy to do earlier in the day.

The wait was long, and as the minutes slipped passed, John wondered if the chief had left, maybe to go and arrest Madir. That idea appealed to him, but he wished he had been told so first. Eventually he heard footsteps in the corridor, and the door swung open. The police chief entered first, but John nearly died when he saw the next man come in. It was Madir. He was not in chains, or surrounded by armed guards, but just by himself, an incompatible mixture of calm and extreme rage written on his face. He glanced once at John, then turned to the chief, and the two men exchanged a few words. Although John had started shaking like a leaf, he noticed Madir hand the police chief a leather pouch, no doubt laden with money. It was a payoff, he had been betrayed. John's heart sank to the depths of his soul, after all he had done, after the pleasure he had given them, the bastards were handing him back for money. Oh how nave he had been, to think that a lowly paid official would choose to help a poor foreign boy, rather than receive a handsome reward.

One of Madir's guards then entered the room, carrying some handcuffs, a gag, and a mask. John was still too stunned to resist as the gag was shoved into his mouth, and as his emotions overwhelmed him completely, he fainted before the mask was even pulled over his head.

John remembered little about the journey back to Madir's home, and once there, how he was physically dragged into the lounge, his clothes ripped from his body, then tore up before his eyes. Even when they tied him to one of the pillars he hardly seemed to react to what was happening. It was only when the pain of the first cut of the cane sliced into the flesh of his bottom that he was brought back to his senses, and he rejoined the land of the living.

Madir himself applied the cane, and once he saw that he had the boy's attention, he lectured him between each stroke. Madir went on how he had been kind to John, how he had fed him, and tolerated his errors without punishment. He reminded the boy how much freedom he permitted his slaves, not putting them in chains, allowing them to roam the house and its gardens at will. He ranted on about how disappointed and angered he was that John had abused the trust he had given to him, and committed that worse of all sins a slave can make, runaway. Of course John could have countered all these statements, pointing out to the man that he was not a slave by choice, how the man permitted them certain freedoms, but they were still imprisoned within his walls. John could have mentioned how the man took his pleasures with him, whenever he willed, without caring if his boy slaved wished it or not. Yet John said none of these things, as it would have done no good, and he was too busy yelling and screaming each time he was struck with the cane.

Both man and boy lost count of how often the cane had descended onto the teenager's bare buttocks, but when they had turned into a purple pulp, Madir transferred his blows to the victims back and thighs. John screamed at each stroke, but he was not crying, unlike Pascal who had been made to witness the punishment, whose tears rolled down his face as he watched his friend being whipped. John yelled how sorry he was, he begged for forgiveness, he insisted he would not try again. Yet deep down he was still determined, he had learnt from today, but he would survive it. He knew now that if he got out again, he would be on his own, never again would he trust his fate to a stranger.

Madir laid down the cane, and pulled the boy's face around to look at him. He could see the pain of the whipping written on the kid's face, but he looked harder, right into the boy's eyes, and he saw that deep determined side of the youth still there. He had failed to break the boy, he had not forced him to submit for always to his master's will. Madir knew only too well that a further application of the cane would not succeed in this either, the child was too strong, he needed another idea, and he knew only too well what that was.

Stepping back from the boy, he yelled at two of his guards, and when he gave them his orders, a wicked smile passed over one of their faces. This was the night guard, the one who should have been awake to stop John's escape, and who had suffered a beating from his employer himself, as well as a large loss of pay. Madir left the room whilst the two men untied the bound boy, and then pushed him to the ground, where they flipped him over onto his back, then held him in a sitting position. Holding an arm each with one hand they then pulled his legs far apart and into the air, leaving the child terribly exposed.

John did not know what to expect, but on Madir's return he started to panic when he saw a small knife in the man's hand. He did not understand, was the man going to kill him after all, did he wish to slit his throat and watch him die. Madir walked up to the little group, and stared fiercely into John's eyes.

"You think you can escape me, you think I am too weak to stop you. You are wrong boy."

Madir knelt between the boy's outstretched legs, and took hold of his balls, that small crinkled sack that hung below his cock

"When I take your manhood away, then you will understand the futility of escape, that you can never be a man, that you sole purpose will be to serve the pleasures of others."

He slowly started to lower the knife towards that precious sack, and utter panic seized poor John, when he realised that he was to be castrated, and he struggled fruitlessly to break away from the men that held him.

"Please master, please, I will not run away again, please don't do this, I promise I will not try again, Pleease 3;"

John looked down helplessly at his balls, stretched far away from his body by his master's hand. The horror struck him that he would never again have the pleasure of feeling his cum rush through his penis, never to see it gush in a stream as he came. He would become a eunuch, a plaything of others, incapable of siring his own children. John begged and begged Madir as the knife was placed into position for the cruel cut, and Madir looked up once more into his slave's eyes. This time he saw no determination, just utter despair, and noted with some satisfaction that tears were finally started to roll down that previously determined face. Almost any other master would have gelded John at this moment, but Madir hesitated. Seeing the genuine fear in the boy, he knew the threat of castration would be more effective than the shame once it was done. He could see that John was the type that valued that precious sack that hung between his legs as much as he did his life. Besides, Madir was a cum lover, not actually drinking it, though he had done so when he was a youngster, but he still loved the sight of it blasted over the face of an attractive youth, or being licked off his fingers. He had no wish to lose the pleasure of seeing his boy shoot, he would give him a final chance.

"So boy, you want to keep your balls. Well I will think about it, but firstly swear that you will not escape again."

"I swear I swear," John shrieked, "Please master, forgive me, I swear I will not escape again."

Madir could see that the boy's cries seemed genuine, he looked truly sorry for what he had done.

Moving his own face to within inches of the boy, he hissed "Okay, I give you another chance, but you escape again, I cut off your balls, your cock, and your feet, understand?"

"Yes master, thank you master, thank you, I will not, I will not."

Madir got to his feet, and ordered his men to release the boy. The night guard looked disappointed, he so much wanted to see the boy lose his balls. Given the slave's role was to suck and be fucked, he could see no reason why the child needed them. When they let go of him, John got on his knees before his master, and grovelled for his forgiveness. Madir smiled in triumph, he had succeeded in breaking the boy's spirit, he would become a true slave now. He did not think the kid would be foolish again.

As Madir's final act of the day, he ordered that chains be placed on to John's feet, to show him how he needed to earn his master's trust once more. Then, telling him he was unworthy to lie in his master's bed that night, John was thrown into a small storage cellar, the large iron door being bolted behind him, as he lay naked on the floor.

As his emotions overtook him, John started to weep, his tears flooded down his cheeks like they had not done since he had been a little boy. Ever since he had been seized by Jack and his gang, John had never cried once, he had bottled up his emotions to be strong, to think not of himself, but of Billy and Jamie. Yet now it all hit him at once, the whole nightmare seemed more real, he final understood that this was not a game, or a challenge, he had become a slave, and that is how he would stay. The tears that John shed now were not for anyone else, they were for himself alone, as he wallowed in his own self pity. Looking up through the one small barred window in the room, John could see the stars twinkling in the distance, but they were so far away, and cared nothing for the plight of one young boy. As his tears continued to flow, John's lips moved as he cried out loud.

"Daddy, daddy, where are you? Help me daddy, please."