PZA Boy Stories

James Stuart
the Erotic Historian

The Country Manor

Chapter 13
A Long Journey

When Jamie woke up his throat was parched with thirst, but what immediately concerned him was why his body seemed to be swaying from side to side. Even with his eyes open there was no explanation for this, as the room he was in was pitch dark, and he could not see anything to explain the movement. Suddenly he remembered the last thing that happened to him, namely a strange smelling rag being shoved in his face before he passed out. Then the memories of his kidnap experience came back as well, and the 10-year-old panicked, as it dawned on him that maybe he wasn't in a dark room after all, but he had been blinded by his captors.

"I can't see," he yelled out, "John, Billy, where are you? I've been struck blind."

"It's alright Jamie, I'm here," and Jamie felt another boy's hand grip his arm. The young blond recognised the voice as belonging to John. "You're not blind silly, there is simply no light in this room," John whispered to the youngster.

"Where's Billy?" Jamie asked.

"He's beside me, still asleep, looks like the stuff that knocked us out worked longer on you younger boys, I have been awake for a while now."

Jamie relaxed a bit at the knowledge that his eyes were all right. He was also pleased when he realised that they were no longer bound and gagged, as it was obvious they had been untied whilst they were asleep. Still he knew that there was still plenty to worry about, one of which was why he could feel his body swaying from side to side, giving his empty stomach a queasy feeling with each swing.

"John, I think I'm ill, my whole body seems to be moving."

Jamie heard a faint chuckle from the older boy, and then John replied. "You're not ill, we're on a boat, that's why you feel motion, have you never been on a boat before."

"No, never, but where are we going?"

"Hmm, for some reason our host has failed to provide us with an itinerary for this journey, so I have no better idea than you."

Jamie was amazed that John could joke at this time, he must be very brave the youngster decided. Whatever lie ahead of them, Jamie was pleased that John was with them. Yet he was still very frightened, he did not know why he had been kidnapped, or what his captors wanted of him. Yet his biggest immediate concern was his desperate hunger and dreadful thirst, he had no idea how long it had been since he had last eaten, but it felt like days. His last drink had been a mouthful of spunk, given to him by one of Jack's accomplices the night before. Right now Jamie would have been grateful even for another helping of that. While he was feeling sorry for himself, he was startled to hear noises coming from elsewhere in the room.

"What was that?"

"It looks like our captors have brought along some additional guests," John replied. "I tried asking some voices I heard earlier whom they were, but I got no answer. They were probably as frightened as we are, so I guess they are also captives."

"John, before we were knocked out you seemed to recognise one of the men that approached us, who was it?"

"Well I do not know his name, but I remember seeing him at one of the Manor parties. He was a foreigner, a Turk I think, but the reason I can recall his face so well is that he had the cheek to ask Daddy if he wanted to sell us. Well it looks like he could not take no as an answer, and so he arranged to have us grabbed."

"Do you think he will kill us?" Jamie asked, his voice trembling.

"I doubt it, if he had wanted that we would be dead already. Try not to worry Jamie, we may be home sooner than you think."

Unfortunately John did not believe this himself. Given that they were evidently heading for another country, it was obvious that they were not simply being held for ransom money. Clearly the motive for their kidnap was not monetary, the Turk wanted the boys for himself, and since his presence at the Manor party showed his sexual tastes, it did not take a genius to guess exactly what he wanted them for.

A short while later Billy started to stir, and then he too woke up from his deep slumber. Once again John explained what little he knew, but even in the dark he could tell his younger brother was even more terrified about their situation than Jamie. John put his arms around both boys, hugging them tight to his body, then gently kissed each one in turn on their head. The youngsters responded by curling their arms around the older boy, and hugged him tight. John knew he had to be strong, as now he was the only one who could protect these two young kids. John's father was a long way away now, and would have no idea where they were, or where they were going.

Slowly the noises round the room became more frequent, and low whispers could be heard coming from various quarters. John was beginning to wonder how long they would be kept in this dark room. Surely the Turk had not gone to the trouble of kidnapping them if his only intention was to starve them to death. John had no idea how long he had been awake waiting, indeed for all he knew it was now nighttime, and the crew were in bed. He was just starting to consider moving round the room to try and find a way out, when he heard what sounded like footsteps coming towards the room. Then, at last, his eyes spotted a chink of light, like what would come though a crack in the door. Seconds later he heard bolts being drawn back, and then the door swung open and the whole room became unbearable light as figures carrying bright lanterns stepped inside. Jamie had to hold his hands before his face, the light hurt his eyes so much, but gradually they became adjusted and he could peer out to look.

They were situated in a fair sized storeroom, with an assortment of boxes and barrels scattered around within. It was also immediately clear that they were not the only ones taken captive, as there was a number of other boys in the room, slumped down singly or in small groups, and also blinking against the recently arrived light. Jamie estimated there had to be at least two dozen children in here with him, and they all look as frightened and confused as he was himself. When his eyes could finally look in the direction of the lanterns, he saw that six men had entered the room, two of whom were holding the bright lights. None of them had said anything yet, they simply stood smiling, as they cast their eyes over the assembled boys, no doubt admiring their catch. All of the men were foreigners, but one of them was finely dressed in black trousers, a white silk shirt, and a waistcoat. Jamie recognised him as the man they had seen just before they were knocked out. It was obvious that he was in charge, and it was he that broke the silence.

"Welcome to my ship boys, my name is Captain Abdul, but you will refer to me as master. If you do as you're told, then this journey will be much more tolerable for you, if you do not, then it will be very unpleasant indeed."

The Turk stepped back and pointed to two rings attached to the wall. Hung up besides this was an array of punishment devices, including straps, whips, and some long nasty looking canes.

"That is how I will deal with disobedience, if you me give a reason, I will not hesitate to chain any of you in place there and make you pay for your crimes."

The assembled boys stared at the dreaded spot the Turk was showing them in dismay, none of them wanted to try it out.

"OK, get up all of you and stand in a line," Abdul said, and then turned and barked some orders to his men in a language the boys could not understand. The boys slowly pulled themselves to their feet, wincing at the pain in their aching limbs.

"What do we do now?" Jamie whispered to John.

"For the moment, just do everything they ask," John replied, although he knew that he hardly had a choice.

Two of the men started yanking the boys into position to form a rough line that stretched over the length of the storeroom. Jamie cast his eyes over the assembled boys, and noticed that they obviously came from a variety of backgrounds, as some where wearing good quality clothing, whilst other youngsters was in little more than some dirty rags. They were a young bunch, probably between 9 and 14 years in age. Judged on height alone, John, just a few months short of his 15th birthday, was probably the eldest, although one other boy looked almost as tall. All the boys were very good looking, the Turk had obviously hand selected the ones to be kidnapped, and had only wanted beautiful boys. Most were blond or fair-haired, so clearly the Captain had a preference for this type.

Abdul positioned a chair at the head of the line, and stared intently at the boy at the front, who was clearly wishing he was somewhere else.

"Step forward boy," the Turk commanded, and still trembling the young boy obeyed.

Jamie thought the lad looked just a bit older than himself, his light brown hair was very dishevelled and looked in urgent need of a good comb, but then all the boys looked a bit rough after what they had been through during the last few days.

Abdul pulled a small notebook from his pocket, and a pencil. He then looked up, and simply said.

"Okay boy, strip, everything off."

The young boy looked stunned, and for a moment hesitated before saying.

"I'm sorry, what was that sir?"

"I am not your school teacher boy," the man barked angrily, "You will address me as master, not sir, and you heard what I said, unless you think a few licks of the strap will help your hearing. Do you understand?"

"Yes, s 3;, master," he replied.

Startled by this, and with the threat still ringing in his ears, the young kid started to quickly remove his clothes, although he paused before he removed his final undergarment, in the vain hope the man would say that he could leave that on. When he was naked, the hapless lad went bright red with embarrassment, as all the men and boys in the room stared at his nude form. The child held his hands over his genitals, but the round globes of his ass was open for all to see. Abdul beamed as he feasted on the smooth flesh of the attractive boy. He barked an order to one of his men, who moved over and opened up one of the crates, removing some biscuits and dried meat. This he placed on a barrel before him, and then opening a cock in the same barrel poured out some water into a wooden cup. Jamie thought it was ironic that while they had all waited in the dark, suffering from hunger and thirst, all the time they had been in a storeroom with plenty of both.

"Right boy, I am going to ask you some questions, you will answer them truthfully, and when I am satisfied, you can have a drink and some food. Are you thirsty boy?"

"Yes, master," he replied.

"Okay, come closer to me."

The boy obeyed, and when he was within arms reach of the man, he slapped away the kid's hands, telling them to leave his arms at his sides. Abdul looked at the boy's tiny cock, and turning to his men made a comment, which made them all laugh. The unhappy youngster just felt even more embarrassed.

"Okay, what's your name?"

"Ricky, I mean Richard. Richard Brown."



"Let's see, hair light brown, eyes also brown, no freckles, height about four feet." Abdul was talking to himself at this point, and jotting things down in his small notebook.

"Penis, an inch and a half," he reached over to pull the boys prick up, and then commented, "Scrotum still not dropped."

He made a few other remarks on the boy's physical characteristics, and then putting his book down, pulled the child so he was between his legs, and started running his hands all over the kid's ass, and down his sides. Most of the onlookers were bewildered as to what the man was trying to learn through this, and assumed he was doing it because he was enjoying it. Whilst this was certainly true, Abdul's true purpose was rather more subtle, as all the time he felt up the boy, he was watching the child's face for a reaction. What he saw was a mixture of confusion, embarrassment, and discomfort. It was what he was hoping for, maybe the boy had been untouched. The man leaned back, then asked.

"Okay boy, tell me, have you ever sucked a cock?"

The question came out of the blue, and the boy it was aimed at looked absolutely stunned.

"Err, sir, I mean Master, I don't really understand."

"Of course you do boy, you know what a cock is don't you," and he grabbed the kid's little penis to prove his point. Ricky nodded, he had heard the word cock used by older boys at school, but he had not ever used it himself.

"Well then, have you ever had the cock of a man, or another boy in your mouth?"

Poor Ricky was still confused, why would he ever have done that he thought.

"No, Master, never."

Abdul smiled, it was what he wanted to hear, and it was clear to all those present.

"Okay, so you haven't ever sucked cock, but have you been fucked in the ass?"

This time Ricky clearly had no idea what the man meant. He had heard the word 'fuck' before, but had no idea what it meant. Abdul read the confusion on the boy's face and laughed.

"Let me make it plain for you. Has anyone ever pushed his cock up your bottom hole." The boy looked stunned at the suggestion, then replied.

"No, never."

A smile spread over Abdul's face, the boy was either a virgin or one hell of an actor. He pulled the boy over his lap, and once more felt up his beautiful rump, before he gently prised the kid's cheeks apart, and stared at the little pink treasure within. Abdul licked his finger and gently inserted the tip. The boy yelped, and it was the final proof he needed. He pushed the boy up, then told him he could get dressed and go have his food and drink. Ricky did not need a second invitation, and quickly dressing he rushed over and gratefully gulped down the water before gobbling the food down in seconds. Now everyone was half wishing they had gone first.

"Go stand over there," Abdul commanded after the boy had finished, then he ordered the next boy forward. With the procedure established, everything went smoothly the second time round. The second boy was slightly older than Ricky, and quickly stripped to the buff. He said he had never sucked or been fucked, and was soon joining Ricky in one of the corners of the room. The third boy, who looked around 13, answered the same, though a hint of hesitance was in both answers. The fact was that the kid had been sucking his older brother for years, and had recently been weekly ass fucked by both the brother and another friend. Yet he was certain the fell Turk would be furious hearing this, so he answered no, after all, how would the man know any better.

Yet Abdul was no novice in dealing with boys, he had watched the boy's answers, and seen the rather different reaction when he felt the boy up. When he had the lad over his lap, his finger easily penetrated the boy, and he pushed it most of the way in without so much as a whimper from the owner of the violated hole. This was the final proof Abdul needed, the boy had lied.

Suddenly a wave of spanks was hitting the poor boy's unprotected bottom, as Abdul again and again struck his young ass cheeks with all his strength. The boy was soon wailing and crying but the Turk was yelling like a mad man.

"You liar, never, never lie to your master, you have been fucked haven't you?"

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry," the boy replied between sobs and shouts.

"Are you sure, do I need to tie you to the rings and whip the truth from you boy?"

"No, Master, I'm sorry."

Abdul pushed the boy off his lap, and he dropped down at the man's feet, his young face stained with tears.

"Now answer me again, have you sucked a cock."

"Yes," the boy whimpered.

"Louder, tell us all what you have done."

"I have sucked cock," the boy shouted, the humiliation of having to confess like this added to his misery.

"And have you been fucked."

"Yes, I have been ass fucked."

"Go into that other corner now," Abdul shouted at him, and the boy crawled off. He was not permitted to either retrieve his clothes or have any food and drink, but he simply sat in the corner and rued his foolishness.

The fourth boy, a blond 13-year-old beauty, looked terrified as he took his turn. When the crucial two questions came up he answered truthfully, and that was yes twice. The Turk looked a bit disappointed, but did not shout at the boy. He checked out the boy's ass, and after letting him have his food and drink he was sent to join the distressed third boy.

Thus it went on, as boy after boy was examined and questioned, and then dispatched to the relevant corner. All the boys answered truthfully, as it was not obvious if it was advantageous to be in one group or the other, and no one wanted to be caught lying.

To start with the group with the boy virgins was in the majority. Two boys, a young boy of 8 and another of 12, admitted to having sucked, but had not been fucked, so were sent to join the virgins. However nearer the end of the line came John, Billy and Jamie, all of which obviously answered yes to both of the sexual questions. The two boys following them had also been fucked, but the last of these was a little child of just 8, who looked the smallest of the whole group. He was a cute little kid, and admitted to being fucked without a hint of embarrassment. Abdul found this hard to believe, but soon discovered that he could shove two fingers into the child without so much as a wince. Abdul threw his arms in the air in frustration.

"I would have expected the sons of commoners to have succumbed to the vulgar tastes of their class, but many of these are from families in the gentry. I was hoping they would prove to be more pure. It seems that the nobility are every bit as keen on a piece of boy ass as their lower counterparts."

The captain's first mate, who was also present in the room, was also surprised that so many of their captives had already lost their virginity at such a tender age, but decided to offer his boss an explanation.

"I am sure it is because of their schooling captain. The sons of nobles attend boarding schools, in such an environment, it is no surprise that the elder boys take advantage of the bottoms of their younger peers, particularly such pretty ones as these."

Abdul nodded, then returned to his task. The conversation had taken place in Turkish, so none of the boys understood the man's frustration. The final boy was 14, he was the second eldest and biggest, after John. He turned out to be completely innocent of sexual acts, a fact he was almost embarrassed to admit, given the large number of much younger boys that had had plenty of sexual experience.

By the end, the non-virgins had twelve boys in their group, and the virgins had just 14. Abdul had hoped for better.

"Do not worry sir," Kanesh, the first mate said, "An attractive boy can give you many years of pleasure, yet you take his virginity on only one night."

Abdul agreed that it was true, he still had 26 of the most beautiful boys in England, which was a good enough reason to be happy.

With the examinations over, the boys were gathered together then led out of the storeroom. They did not go far, before reaching two doors one either side of the corridor. The virgin group were sent through one door, whilst the others were sent in the other. It was obvious that Abdul did not trust that the sexually active boys would keep their hands off his precious virgins.

Their new room was smaller than the storeroom they had left, and had a number of sacks placed in bundles, which were obviously for the boys to use as beds. Despite its smaller size, the new room had one big advantage over the storeroom, and that was a couple of portholes. At least it got some natural light, although little beyond starlight was coming through at the time, as it was dark outside.

The door was locked behind them, though the boys had hardly had time to choose a bed, and start introducing one another when the door opened once more and Abdul and his first mate Kanesh stepped inside.

Kanesh spoke no English, so the men conversed in Turkish only, but the boys could tell that they were the subject of the men's conversation.

"Well then Kanesh my friend," Abdul said. "It is time for you to receive your first payment for helping me with this venture, which of these boys do you want in your bed tonight."

"They are all beautiful sir. Since you ordered the crew to remain on board during our three days in Southampton, I have not fucked a boy since I left home. Any of them will more than satisfy my cock."

Abdul laughed at his comment. "That I can believe. Unlike yourself, many boys have been spitted on the end of my prick over the few months of my stay in England. The streets are filled with youngsters selling themselves, and it's not hard to find some mother or father that will prostitute their son for a few pennies. Britain has a reputation as a puritan state, where sex is not mentioned in polite society. Yet in private it is a different affair, they fornicate like rabbits, and every possible vice is practised."

"I wish I could have experienced that," Kanesh said.

"Well you have the next best thing here, choose Kanesh, you will find that when properly handled, young English boys give one a most pleasurable fuck."

"I can't wait, but since I must choose, I will have that young blond boy sitting near the window," Kanesh pointed out the 13 year old boy that had been the fourth in the line during the examinations. "I have never fucked a blond boy before, and he is a real beauty."

"He is yours," Abdul said, and ordered the boy to approach them.

"You will be spending the night with Kanesh tonight," he told the boy, "He has not lain with a boy for many weeks, and I expect you to fulfil all his wishes and to give him pleasure. If I hear otherwise, you will be severely whipped."

The boy nodded, and then was led away by the first mate, who was eyeing the youth with unconcealed lust. Abdul went for a boy with long dark brown hair that hung to his shoulders. He remembered the boy as having had a particularly smooth and firm ass when he had felt him up during the examinations. He checked his notebook, and reminded himself of what he had learnt of the boy. His name was Joseph, and at the tender age of 12 should still have a nice tight anus. Joseph followed the man out without hesitation, but Abdul could see the boy was scared.

Joseph was impressed with the Captain's cabin, the furnishing was all of the highest quality, including the large bed that dominated the centre. Abdul sat down at a table at the far end where there was a fine spread of food laid out. Joseph was amazed when the man told him to sit down and help himself, an offer he did not refuse, as soon the hungry boy was stuffing himself. This was either a rare moment of kindness by the Turk, or else he did not like having sex with a starving boy. Joseph reckoned it was the latter, but in any case as he gulped the food down he was suddenly quite pleased the man had picked him.

Abdul remained quiet as they ate, simply glancing at the eating boy from time to time. When they had finished, he instructed the child to undress and go lie on the bed. Joseph walked over to the huge bed, and started removing his clothes. His heart was beating fast now, he knew what the man wanted, but was nervous about what he would have to do, and whether he would be good enough at it. As he laid his naked body on the bed, the young boy had never felt so vulnerable, so unprotected.

Abdul stood and looked at the boy for a short while, then walked over to a wardrobe and started to remove his own clothing. Joseph attended a boarding school, so had seen hundreds of naked boys before, but never a naked man. He stared in fascination at the Turk's muscular hairy chest, his powerful forearms, and the firm shape of his ass. The boy felt a stirring in his loins, but his fear kept him from getting an erection. Abdul put on a long silk robe, but as he span round, Joseph got a glimpse of his cock before the robe was tied up with a belt. It was still soft, but it looked huge to the youngster, and he wondered how big it would be when fully erect. Despite his fear, there was big part of him that wanted to see it hard.

The Turk lay down on the bed, and started to gently stroke the naked boy beside him, whilst his eyes feasted on the child's beautiful body. Joseph was quite small for his age, and also skinny, so that as Abdul ran his hands across the boy's chest he could feel every rib. He sensed the kid's nervousness, but that only heightened his own excitement. He leaned down and kissed the boy full on his lips, first gently, then much more forcefully as his tongue slipped into the youngster's mouth. They held the embrace for a long time, and when eventually the man pulled away, Joseph's little cock had indeed gone hard, despite his fear.

If the man noticed it, he did not say so, and he simply ordered the boy to turn over onto his stomach.

Abdul spent a long time stroking and massaging the boy's bottom. The cheeks were firm, yet still soft and smooth, just the way he liked them. Young Joseph's heart was racing at a furious pace now as he lay, his face buried in the soft sheets of the bed. He was bracing himself for what he was sure would come next, namely the feel of a long hard pole pushing between his small ass cheeks. Yet instead he felt Abdul lightly slap his bum, and told him to once more turn over. As he did so, he saw that the man was looking very relaxed, his robe was still fastened, and he was currently preparing his pipe for a smoke.

"Before you pleasure me boy, I wish first for you to tell me about the first time you were fucked. Give me all the details, and do not think about lying, you know how I deal with those who do."

Joseph thought it was an odd request, but he had no reason to lie. Obviously hearing about how a boy lost his virginity was one of the Turk's perversions.

Joseph had smelt burning tobacco before, but as smoke from the pipe started to fill the room, the smell was unfamiliar to him. Still it was quite pleasant, and it helped him relax.

"Well then, where did it happen?" Abdul asked.

"It was at school."

"I should have guessed, and did you submit willingly?"

"Not really, at least not to start with," the boy answered, and from the smile that went across the Turk's face, he could tell that that was the type of tale the man preferred.

"Well come on then, tell me everything."

"When you leave prep school at 11, and join the main school, all boys are assigned as fags to an older prefect. I was made the fag of a boy called Frank.."

"I have heard about your school system, it sounds like the prefects have a lot of power over the younger boys," Abdul interrupted.

"They do, the prefects are responsible for order and discipline in the school, and are permitted to beat the other boys when they see fit. Many abuse their power in other ways too," the boy said.

"I bet they did," Abdul added with a smile. "I spent a few years as a boy in England, which is why I speak your language so well. However I had a private tutor, though now I wish my father had sent me to a school, I would have enjoyed being a prefect."

Joseph did not doubt he would have, but wondered if he would have enjoyed the many beatings, and other tortures he would have endured as a younger pupil, before he would have had the chance to become a prefect. The boy kept such thoughts to himself, and carried on with his story.

"I had hardly been at the school for a week before Frank found an opportunity to beat me, I had slightly burnt his morning toast, the making of which was one of my responsibilities as his fag. Frank was responsible for the first years in our house, and I had already witnessed other boys being punished by him, so I knew what to expect. As first years we could only be caned by the head prefect, so Frank used a slipper on his unfortunate victim's backsides. All the same, from the howls of the boys I could tell that it still hurt a lot. For punishment boys were not required to bare their bottoms to any but the senior prefect, but Frank would always offer the offending boy less strokes if he dropped his shorts and underwear. This was an offer they invariably took up, as the flimsy garments offered little protection, and all the boys knew that mean Frank preferred spanking a boy on his bare bottom, and would hit a boy much harder if denied this chance."

"Boys should always been beaten nude," Abdul remarked, "it is the only way they learn respect for their betters."

Joseph ignored the comment, and continued. "It was not my first beating, as I been whipped many times before both at home and at prep school. Frank had already seen me naked, as he had supervised our bath night that first week, a highly coveted job amongst the elder boys. Thus when he said I could have just three hits instead of six if I bared my bum, I quickly pulled down my shorts. He made me bend over the armchair in his office, and after a short paused I heard a loud clap, and a very sharp shot of pain on my bottom. I had never felt anything so painful, and the whole school must have heard me yell. I was sure pleased I went for just three hits, as I knew I would not have been able to stand any more. The next two strokes were just as bad, and my bottom felt like it was on fire when he had finished. As I lay sobbing, he lightly stroked my burning cheeks, something I had not seen him do to any of the other boys.

After this he was actually nicer to me than before, and when I burnt his toast again I only suffered a telling off. However about two weeks later I got too sloppy, I was late getting up one day, and as it was my responsibility to wake Frank up and help him dress, he too was late getting ready. Unfortunately unknown to me he had an early lesson that day, and due to me arrived a few minutes late, for which he was caned by the master. I knew I was in for it later that day, and when he summoned me to his office, he was furious. He did not even bother to offer me to keep my pants up, but just demanded that I bare my bottom and bend over the chair. He said I was going to get thirty hard swats. I almost died when he said that, I knew how painful even three swats were, and thirty seemed an unbelievable number. I started crying and begged Frank to be more lenient, but he would not have it, I said I would do anything if he would not be so mean. He thought about this and said, he would not spank me if I gave him a blowjob. I did not know what he meant at first, but when he explained it, I was quite shocked. I had messed about a number of times with other boys my age, like feeling each others willies and bums, but I had never considered a boy taking the penis of another into his mouth. All the same it sounded much more preferable to thirty wacks of the slipper, so I agreed.

Frank told me to get down on my knees, and he lowered his trousers, and underpants. His penis was much bigger than any I had seen before, and after he had pulled on it for a bit with his hand it got real hard, and even bigger. He said I had better do him good or he would whip me anyway, so when he demanded I start licking his rod and balls I did it straight away, and tried to make him happy. He soon started moaning, and telling me to open my mouth he shoved his hard tool inside and told me to suck on it. It tasted real strange, but I sucked as hard as I could, and he started to moan a lot more. Frank then began shoving himself in and out of my mouth, getting faster and faster. My jaw started to ache, and it was getting difficult to breathe. Yet it did not last long before the prefect screamed and I felt some thick sticky liquid pouring into my mouth. Frank demanded that I swallow it to avoid making a mess in his room, which I did. The taste was rather strange, but no worse than the awful milk pudding the cook made us eat at school.

After that day, Frank always seemed to be finding excuses to want to beat me, and each time would make the same offer, which I would invariably accept. Pretty soon, he was demanding that I suck him almost daily, even when I had done nothing wrong. I did not mind, as blowing him was not too bad, and I got quite good at it. Also I wanted him to be pleased with me. Often we would both get completely undressed, and he would get himself hard by rubbing himself against me, which I found very enjoyable, but it always ended with him exploding in my mouth. Anyway one day I screwed up bad again. This time I had ruined a tea party he had organised for some of the other prefects, when I forgot to order the cakes. When they had all left Frank pulled out the slipper, and demanded that I strip and bend over. I said I would blow him, but that was not going to work this time, as he knew he could get that anyhow. Instead he said the only way I could avoid a slippering is if I let him fuck me. I had no idea what he meant, but I knew it would be something to do with sex, which sounded preferable to a beating. After I had accepted his terms, he told me to get undressed, and he went to lock the door of his office.

When we were both naked, we went and lay on his bed, and he started by rubbing himself on me, which I really enjoyed. I could feel his thing had gone very hard, and mine was the same too. After a few minutes he told me to lie on my belly, and then he lay on top of me, and I could feel him pushing his hard prick between the cheeks of my bum. It was very pleasant, I thought, if this was fucking it was real nice. Anyway I could tell by his gasps above me that he was getting very excited, and then Frank got off me, and pulled my waist up, so that my bottom was stuck up in the air. He then pulled my cheeks apart, and I felt the head of his penis up against my rear hole. When he started trying to push inside, I finally realised what it was he wanted to do, but I still thought nothing off it. He had no success to start with, and I could hear him swearing behind me. So he got a lot rougher, pulling my hole apart with his hands whilst he rammed his hard rod with all his strength. Finally the head popped inside, and I screamed with the pain. He ignored my cries, and just began to batter his pole further up inside me. It was agony, my poor ass felt like it was being ripped in two, and I started to sob, but Frank just got more excited and started to bugger me with force. I don't remember much after that, it was pretty painful, but eventually he shot his cum inside me and pulled out.

He had loved the experience, and not surprisingly a couple of days later he wanted to fuck me again, although I begged him not to do it. Yet he said that he had found out what he had done wrong last time, and that was that he had not used a lubricant. He also said that it did not hurt as much a second time. I still refused, but he threatened me with 100 hits of the slipper, so I had no choice. Even with the cream he used to lubricate his penis, it still hurt some, but not nearly as much as the first time.

After this he fucked me about once a week for the rest of the school year, and after a while it did not hurt at all, and sometimes he pulled my own small prick whilst he fucked me, which I loved. It finally stopped when I became a second year and was no longer a fag. He got himself another fag from the new first years, a cute little boy with fair curly hair. I heard that it was just a few days before he started fucking that boy."

"And you never reported Frank to any of your teachers?" Abdul asked.

"Of course not!," Frank said, looking rather shocked at the suggestion. "The golden rule of all school boys is that you never tell on another boy. If I had done that, no other boy in the school would have ever spoken to me again."

Abdul smiled, only a bully would invent such a rule, as clearly it was the victims that suffered under it. Still it served some purpose, as it helped instil a sense of honour in the boys at a young age, something he knew was very important to the English aristocracy. The Turk bent over and kissed the boy long and hard. Joseph had proved to be a good storyteller, and when the man pulled open his robe to reveal his rock hard cock, it showed how much he had enjoyed the tale. Joseph stared in amazement at the large tool, it was the biggest he had ever seen, a lot bigger that that of his old prefect Frank. He guessed it was 8 or 9 inches in length, very thick, and curved gently along its length, like a scimitar. Abdul enjoyed watching the boy's expression as his eyes locked on to the weapon, his prick twitching with the thought of the pleasures to come.

"You claim to have become a good sucker boy, we shall see if this is true, suck me now," the Turk demanded.

Joseph gulped, he was once more getting nervous, but at the same time very excited, and he was curious to know what it would be like to suck on the grown man's large cock. He slowly made his way down the Turk's body, and he felt Abdul shudder when his soft boy hand took a hold of the hard pole. Opening his mouth as wide as possible Joseph managed to get the head and a few inches inside, and he started blowing the man using all the skills he had picked up during his year and a half at his old school. Abdul leaned back and let the boy work, revelling in the feel of the child's soft lips and tongue working on his sensitive organ. After about five minutes, the man grew impatient to feel his cock deeper inside the boy's mouth, so he started pushing Joseph's head down. This got in another inch or so, but there was still a good part of the Turk's thick cock left outside. He pushed again, but this time Joseph choked, and pulled his mouth off, coughing. Abdul was not pleased.

"How dare you stop without permission," and poor Joseph immediately started sucking again in an attempt to placate the man. Abdul kept on trying to push further of himself into the boy's small mouth, but each time, the boy gagged and started coughing. Eventually, Abdul gave up, and told the boy to stop.

"In my country we expect a boy to take a man's penis completely into his mouth. You must learn to let it slip down your throat, and breath between each suck. Still I have no wish to teach you now, get on your hands and knees boy, I will fuck you now. At least in your ass I will find a hole capable of taking in my entire prick."

Joseph was not too sure about that, he gulped when he thought of that huge prick buried inside of him, and wondered how it would feel. He had not been fucked for several months now, and he actually missed the sensation of being joined so intimately with another person. The thought that he was to experience that again both excited and frightened the boy. Slowly the youngster moved to the centre of the bed, and assumed the position he had been told to. Abdul shuffled into position behind the boy, his large erection sprouting out before him. He pushed down on the boy's shoulders so that his face was buried in a pillow on the bed, leaving the youngster's bum thrust obscenely in the air. He then pulled the boy's knees far apart, leaving him further exposed. Abdul stroked the child's soft ass cheeks, and lets his hand run down the curved back before him. He enjoyed the sight of the beautiful child for a short while, before prising apart the cheeks to gaze at the small pink hole that was to provide him with relief that night. The anus easily opened up, showing the boy was no virgin, but he had little doubt that such a young kid would still prove to be a tight fuck. Abdul's prick glistened with the boy's saliva, which would provide the only lubricant for the penetration. He knew of men that deliberately dried their penis before fucking a boy, enjoying the sight of the agony a dry fuck would inflict on their victim, but Abdul did not do this. Not out of consideration for the boy, he simply found a wet fuck more comfortable. As he lined his penis up to the lad's beautiful bumhole, he had just one more instruction for the boy.

"When I fuck a boy, I expect him to be silent. If you feel any pain, then you should keep this to yourself."

Young Joseph lay waiting for the fucking to begin, his little heart pounding at 100 miles per hour. He knew this was going to be more than a bit uncomfortable. He had certainly been fucked before, but that had not been by a cock of the kind of dimensions of that currently lined up to his anus. Also it had been June last year when he had last felt a hard prick inside him, when Frank had buggered him vigorously on the final day of term, before the boys departed for their summer break. During his second year he had messed about with some boys of his own age, and even sucked and been sucked by a few, but no one had screwed him. When the slick head of the man's cock started slowly easing into him, Joseph felt his anus being stretched like it had never been before, and as the huge battering ram progressed further on its route the boy bit down on the pillow to try stop himself from crying out.

Abdul of course felt nothing but sheer pleasure as the child's tight fuck tube constricted his straining prick. He watched with satisfaction as ever more of his long prong disappeared into the boy's rectum. After about six inches, he encountered more resistance as the natural tightness of the lad resisted further penetration. Yet Abdul was determined to get all the way into the boy, and after a few strong shoves, the resistance was broken and his loins smashed into the boy's rump as his hard cock was buried inside to the hilt. The man paused to enjoy the ecstasy of the moment. He had fucked many boys before, but he never tired of it, and took particular pleasure in the initial penetration. He could feel the pressure building in his balls as they strained to release their load, so he stayed still for a short time to allow his passions to cool. This at least gave Joseph a short while to become accustomed to the feel of the huge object inserted in his anus. Eventually the Turk began a slow fucking motion, pulling his long prick out so that just the tip remained inside before he rammed it home again. His breathing increased as he picked up the pace, and after some minutes the loud slap of the man slamming into the boy's ass could be heard once a second. Abdul was yelling out in excitement. It appeared that although he liked his boys to remain silent, he was happy to make as much noise himself as he pleased. Suddenly he went completely still, his body tensing up, before his cum gushed out from his prick, and started filling up the boy's insides. The Turk collapsed on the bed, with the poor young boy squashed underneath him.

When the man finally rolled off Joseph, the big prick came out with a loud plop, and some cum leaked out of the gaping hole. Abdul remained silent for a while, slowly stoking the skin of the motionless boy.

"You were a satisfactory fuck boy," the man said at last, "You will need to learn to manipulate the muscles of your anus more, to help increase the pleasure of the man that fucks you. There is much you must learn now boy, for your former life is passed, and you will not see England again, or at least not for many years. For now your chief function will be to provide sexual gratification to men, be it a single master, or to many if you end up in a brothel. You must understand that when a man and boy have sex, the pleasure of the man is all that is important. If the boy does, or does not get enjoyment, is completely irrelevant. You must use your whole body, and particularly your mouth and anus to maximise the enjoyment of the men that lay with you. Skill in this art will be something that you will learn. Sleep now boy, and recover your strength. In the morning I will teach you to suck me deeper, and after that I will fuck you again. Only it will not be the easy time you had tonight, I am always more active in the morning, and the fuck will be more vigorous and in several positions."

With that said, Abdul lay down and was soon asleep. For Joseph sleep did not come so easily, even though he was exhausted. It was not the burning sensation that still ran through his ass keeping him awake, nor the thought of what he had to face in the morning, but what the man had said at the end. Ever since Joseph had been kidnapped outside his old school just a few days ago, this whole adventure had seemed like a bad dream, and he still expected to wake up, safe in his own bed. Yet now he knew this to be false, he was destined to be a sex toy to foreign men, far from his home and family. He would simply be used by the men, without consideration for his own pleasure. This was exactly what the Captain had already done, Joseph could not recall a single occasion when the man had even touched his own small boy cock, even though it had surprisingly gone hard on a few occasions. The boy realised that he may never see his mother or father again, or any of his school chums, and he was having to fight back the tears as these thoughts entered his mind. Yet he knew he had to be quiet, or else the captain would get angry with him. It was Joseph's fear, and a boy's natural self-preservation instinct that won over his emotions, and stopped him from breaking out into uncontrollable sobs.

When Joseph was escorted to the room containing the other boys he found them already awake, and having just finished breakfast. It had been a relatively uninteresting meal of bread, dried meat and some water, but the hungry boys had gulped it down very quickly. Fortunately Joseph himself had already had a far superior breakfast in the captain's own quarters, though the boy felt he had certainly earned it. His jaw and throat ached from the practice of deep throating the Turk's large cock, and his ass was very sore, as the man had been as good as his word in the way he had fucked the boy that morning. The other boys looked relieved to see that Joseph had returned safely, they had all been worried that the evil captain may have murdered him, yet now they could see that he was in reasonable shape, with no visible bruises or other scars. However from the awkward way the youngster walked, there was little doubt as to what the captain had been doing with him.

Joseph noticed that the boy who had gone off with the ship's first mate was also back. For the other ten boys the night had been less eventful. Shortly after Joseph had left, another, somewhat scruffier, crewmember had come in and pointed to one of the boys. The chosen lad came forward, and it was looking like all of them would be departing that night. However rather than taking the boy with him, the man had simply dropped his trousers and with some pretty crude gesturing, was clearly demanding a blow job. After he had shot off into the boy's mouth he pulled up his pants and left. Clearly crew other than the captain and first mate were limited to just a suck. About 20 minutes later another sailor popped in, and was surprised when a boy immediately walked up to him and offered his mouth. The delighted man, was only too happy to accept, and ten minutes later filled his sucker's mouth with a good quantity of sticky sperm. The boy greedily swallowed this down, and the man laughed at the sight, muttering something the boy did not understand. The boy in question had been the one that had been spanked during the inspection, and having missed out on the food and water the others got, had been so thirsty he was willing to drink anything. Much to the still thirsty boy's disappointment, that was the last visitor the boys had all night, and so they all got some sleep.

When the sun had come up, the boys finally were able to see their fellow captives, and John had got each one to tell them something about himself, so that they should at least be properly introduced. Once Joseph had rather gingerly sat down on the sacks provided, John got him to do the same, and then he introduced the boy to all his new companions.

"My name is John, I am 14, and this is Billy my brother and our friend Jamie. They are both 10. We were all grabbed together and brought here." John thought it important to mention everyone's ages, as it helped remind all the boys that he was the eldest, and thus the undisputed leader.

"Going round, we have Danny, 13 years old, he used to work in a Hotel before being kidnapped. You may remember that Danny had the misfortune of being the first mate's companion last night." Like Billy and Jamie had, Danny raised his hand to Joseph as he was introduced. Joseph noticed that the pretty boy lay on his stomach, so he guessed his ass was pretty sore as well. It was through Danny's work as a Hotel bellboy that he had run into Abdul, as the Turk had stayed in the hotel during his time England. Many of the Hotel's guests had fallen in love with the stunning youth the moment they saw him, and noticing these attentions, Danny had started a very lucrative side line in selling sexual favours to the men. He was so successful, the income derived through this dwarfed his wage as a lowly bellboy. Unfortunately when he ran into Abdul, the Turk purchased the boy's ass for the night, then decided he was so attractive, that he was worth kidnapping, despite the fact that the man knew he was no virgin.

"The two in the corner," John continued, pointing out two boys sat close together, "Are 13 year old Patrick, and his little brother Timmy, who is 9. They are the sons of a London merchant, and were kidnapped whilst out with their nanny." It was easy to see the pair were brothers, as they looked quite alike, with light brown hair, and large brown eyes. Joseph noticed that the younger boy, Timmy, looked terrified, and was sitting very close to his older brother. He was obviously taking this situation hard.

"Next is Andrew, 12 years old, and the son of a doctor," John said, pointing out the boy who had been unfortunate to get himself spanked during the examinations the night before. Andrew was a little happier now he had had some food, and a drink of water, which quenched his thirst rather better than a mouthful of spunk, which was all he had had the night before.

"The imp you see there," John said, pointing out the youngest of all the boys, "Is only eight years old, and like me is also called John, so to avoid confusion we will call him Little John." The young lad pulled a face at John, but did not really mind his new name. He was easily the cutest of the bunch, with soft curly blond hair, shiny blue eyes, and a bunch of freckles crowed round his tiny button nose. All the boys wondered what such a young kid was doing in their sexually experienced group, but the truth was he had had more sex than most of them. His parents died when he was just two, and he and his six elder brothers went to live with a rich old Aunt in the country. Without parental restraint, and in a rather boring environment, the eldest boys learnt about sex from the boy-chasing gardener, and they quickly passed this on to their younger brethren. With the golden rule being that an elder brother always got to fuck a younger one, John had been getting buggered for as long as he could remember. He had grown into quite a little catamite, and liked nothing better than a thick cock in his rectum.

"That's Tony, next one on from Little John. He's 12, and is a gypsy boy, he used to work in a circus." The boy also had the dubious honour of being the only one that had not been abducted, since his mean Uncle had sold him to the Turk. Tony cut quite a contrast from the other, mostly blond or fair-haired boys. His hair was jet-black, and his skin quite dark, giving him a Mediterranean look. His beauty lay in his wild, untamed sexuality, and his piercing green eyes that seemed to hide a mysterious side. Of all the boys, he looked the least scared.

"Stephen is the boy on your left," John said to Joseph, referring to a young brown haired cutie. "He is only 11, and is the son of a Vicar." Joseph was sure the Captain would be fascinated to hear how the son of a man of the cloth had lost his virginity.

"Lastly comes Nicholas, the boy on your right, he is also 11, but has declined to give us any details about his background, so we can only guess he is some sort of a prince or something."

The last comment was not really very kind, as from his dress the boy was clearly from a poor background. His trousers were grubby and had holes in them, and his shirt had seen much better days. His long blond hair was quite dirty, but it was still possible to see that there was a gorgeous young boy under all the muck. The fact was that young Nicholas had been embarrassed to reveal anything about himself, since he was just a street boy, having run away from his employer some six months earlier after one savage beating too many. His life on the streets had been fun at first, as he made friends with a lot of other boys in the same position. However he soon learned the downside, of hunger and cold. Shown by another boy that he could earn anything from a penny to half a schilling giving men blowjobs, he started doing this. Desperately hungry just three weeks ago, he had agreed to sell his ass to a tradesman for no more than a hot meal, and a warm bed for the night. Poor Nicholas was in the same boat as Jamie, in that he had not been the original target of the Turk. Abdul had decided he did not want any street boys, though his task would have been a lot easier and cheaper if he gone exclusively for this type. He was sure that street boys would all be dirty, unhealthy, possibly diseased, and almost certainly non-virgin. Thus the man that had abducted Nicholas had actually been assigned to grab the son of a wealthy London aristocrat. However the man's attempt to do this had failed, and so he had searched the streets looking for a homeless boy that looked similar. Nicholas fitted the bill, and so was lured to Southampton on the promise of great riches, and delivered to the Turk. Abdul had seen through the ruse immediately, but it was too late at that stage to get the original target, and since Nicholas was so beautiful, he had accepted him.

"Pleased to meet you all," Joseph said when John had finished, the friendliness of the other boys were making him feel better already.

"Tell us what happened between you and the captain then Joseph," Tony the gypsy boy said. Thus they sat and listened to Joseph tell in some detail what had happened to him that night. As the Turk had discovered, Joseph was an excellent storyteller, and most of the boys had hardons by the time he had finished.

"Sound's like you had it easy," Danny said, which rather surprised Joseph, as that would not have been his description

"The night I spent with the mean ship's first mate was much worse. I certainly did not get a tasty supper or breakfast. He spoke no English, so never said a word to me, he just gestured to show what he wanted. Soon after getting in the room, he had me strip, then he demanded a quick suck, before he got on to what he really wanted, namely to fuck my ass. When the captain told me the man had not fucked a boy for a while, it was easy to believe, as it seemed like he wanted to make up for what he had missed. The chap must have buggered me for close on an hour before he finally climaxed, and pulled his big prick out of my very sore hole. Yet I had hardly started to drift off to sleep, when I felt his cock, once again hard, pushing against the cheeks of my bum. Thus he started to fuck me again. It went on for most of the night, I lost count of how many times that demon had his prick inside me. What's more he was one mean fucker, pounding into me with all his strength, and he liked to bite my ears or neck as he fucked me, or he painfully twisted my nipples, or scratched my chest. When buggering me from behind the man seemed to gain great pleasure in spanking my poor butt at the same time. I tell you, I would gladly sleep with the captain each night if it meant I avoided that devil.

The other boys looked pretty shocked at this description, it was clear that they all wanted to have nothing to do with the man.

Joseph had not yet told them about the final thing the captain had said to him before they went to sleep, but after what Danny had said, he thought he had better get the bad news over with now.

"There is something else," the 12 year old said. "The captain told me that none of us are going home, and we are all going to become the sexual playthings of men, when we finally get to where ever we are heading."

"I had already guessed as much," John said, "If the Turk had intended to ransom us back to our families, then we would never have left England." Young Timmy seemed particularly shocked at this, and looked like he was ready to burst into tears.

"At least we will get a life of sex," John said, trying to cheer the boys up, "It seems preferable to being put to work in some mine or something."

"Maybe," Joseph replied, "But the captain told me that any sex is done purely for the men's pleasure, we will not be permitted to have any fun at all. We will suck and get fucked, and that's it."

"Well he can forget that," John said in disgust, "I always have fun in sex, and I enjoy sucking a cock, or getting fucked."

"You might not enjoy getting fucked by the captain," Young Joseph commented, "His cock was huge, maybe 9 inches in length," and the youngster spread his hands to demonstrate the length. "It hurt like mad to start with when he put it in me."

"I have had bigger than that up me," John returned, "You're still little."

"Well I'm even smaller," Little John piped up. "I've been fucked by all my elder brothers, and the gardener, and his cock must have been 10 inches." The other kids looked in amazement at the cute 8-year-old, it was hard to believe such a little kid could have accommodated a pole that length.

"That's nothing," Stephen, the Vicar's son yelled, taking up the fun "I once had a prick that must have been over a foot in length up me, maybe bigger." This was an exaggeration, but the boy did want to be left out.

"That's nothing, small fry," Tony the gypsy boy replied. "I was once fucked by an elephant, it had a five foot prick, and the head of it came out of my mouth." The boys all started giggling at this tall story, which was the first time any of them had laughed for a few days. The elephant story, whilst obviously false, was based on an actual incident involving the gypsy boy. His mother died when he was just eight, and since no one knew who his father was, Tony went to live with his Uncle, who worked as an animal trainer at a travelling circus. The Uncle never wanted the boy, and always complained that he cost him too much to look after. The man was not into boys himself, but he noticed that some other men had quite an eye for the attractive child. He saw a chance to make money, and offered the boy for sex to any man willing to pay the price. Thus young Tony learnt to suck at a very early age, and shortly after that became accustomed to getting butt fucked. On one occasion a man paid to watch the boy being buggered by one of the dogs his Uncle trained, so whilst he hasn't had sex with an elephant, an animal cock had been up his bum.

"Well if the men are not going to give us any fun, then we will have to provide that ourselves, anyone game?" John said.

"What now?" Joseph said, looking very surprised.

"I don't see why not, unless someone has anything better to do?"

Clearly none of them was going anywhere at the moment, but there were still a few that thought the suggestion seemed a bit crazy.

"What if one of the men come in?" Patrick asked.

"I doubt we will see them till lunch, assuming we get a lunch that is," John replied. "Besides even if they do, we can just say we are practising so as to learn how to pleasure them better."

A number of the boys laughed at the obvious cynicism in John's voice. They were all feeling a bit happier now that they were talking amongst themselves, and none of the mean men were around.

"Well count me in," the gypsy boy said, "All this sex talk has given me one hell of a boner."

"Me too, nothing like some sucking and fucking to cheer us up," yelled Stephen, not something you would have expected from a Vicar's son.

"Ok then, sounds fun," Joseph said, "Only no one's fucking me, I'm still too sore."

"That goes for me too," yelled Danny, "but I am up for anything else."

"Nobody has to do anything they don't want to," John announced.

With the decision made the boys fell silent, and there was an awkward pause as they all waited for something to happen. John had suggested the idea, so he knew he had to make a start.

"Since our glorious host did not properly look after young Joseph, then come over here and I will do it for him. Billy, you do the same for Danny."

"Aye, Aye Captain," Billy said with a grin.

Joseph's eyes sparkled as he wondered what was to follow, but he shuffled over to where the John sat, and waited for the older boy to take control. John told the lovely lad to stand up, and then undoing his belt, lowered the kid's trousers with one tug. Joseph's little erect prick leapt out. It couldn't have been much more than 3 inches long, and the boy's balls had still not dropped, so John realised he was unlikely to be getting any creamy boy cum. All the same it still look tasty, so the older boy engulfed the whole thing in to his mouth and started to gentle suck it whilst he massaged the boy's bum.

Joseph quickly started cooing in delight, and was soon forming a duet with young Danny, who had dropped his trousers and was having both Billy and Jamie lapping away at his prick and balls. The others kids just sat and watched for a while, as they got increasingly turned on. Wondering who was to move next, they were all a bit surprised when the 8-year-old, Little John, got up and completely removed all his clothes. The boy's cocklet was very tiny indeed, but it still stood up proud, and he had a lovely little bottom. Little John got onto his knees and crawled over to his namesake, who was still sucking Joseph. John felt someone trying to pull down his trousers and he lifted his bum to help them achieve this. His cock was already hard, and the teenager was astonished when he looked down from sucking Joseph to see most of his six inches of boy meat had vanished into the mouth of the youngest boy in the group, who was sucking eagerly at it.

Nicholas the street boy had played about a bit with the other homeless kids he hung out with, but most of his sexual experience had been with the men that paid for his service. Consequently he was used to others taking the lead. Fortunately the boy closet to him was Stephen, the vicar's son, whom had had sex with most of the choirboys in his parish, as well as some of the men working there. He slid up to Nicholas, and starting removing the youngster's tattered clothing, a quick job as the poor boy wore nothing but his shirt and trousers. That achieved the two 11-year-olds started deep kissing and feeling each other up. Tony the gypsy boy had had plenty of experience with the other boys that worked at the circus, as well as the men that his uncle sold him to. He crawled over to the nearest unoccupied boy, who was Andrew, the doctor's son. Tony had seen how expertly the boy had blown the crewman the night before, and when he pulled down his trousers to release his 12 year old prick, he was not disappointed as the pretty doctor's boy got straight down to giving him a blow job.

Having succeeded in getting Danny very wet and hard, Billy ripped off his own trousers and underwear, and getting on his back before the boy, pulled his legs up to either side of his head, clearly offering his ass to the blond teenager. Danny was amazed, his only experience had been with the men he had met in the hotel where he had worked, and whilst some of those had sucked him, the boy had never fucked anyone. The bell boy gazed down at the inviting hole shivering in excitement, but following an impatient wriggle by Billy he got the message, and soon had his teenage prick embedded into the young child's ass.

This left young Jamie a bit left out. So the pretty blond child stared a while at the orgy around him. He noticed that the two brothers, Patrick and Timmy were the only ones that had not started anything yet, and so Jamie wandered over to join them. The two brothers were both excited at what they had seen, but were just too embarrassed to start anything in front of everyone else. Their only sexual experience was with each other, carried out in the privacy of their own home when their nanny was not around. The pair had found an erotic book owned by their father, which was lavishly illustrated with pornographic drawings. Although they only showed sex between men and women, there was still large sections on both oral and anal sex, so the two children had tried it all out with each other. Jamie knew none of this, and when he reached the two he started pulling down the trousers of both of them, and they, out of a mixture of fear and excitement, did nothing to impede him. Patrick was the normal height for a 13-year-old, and Jamie found out that the boy had started his journey into puberty. There were a few tuffs of hair over his young cock, and his ballsack had dropped, the two marble sized testicles could be seen hidden with in. In contrast Timmy's genitals were tiny, his cock just a little thin tube, and his balls were no more than a bit of skin drawn tight to his body. The differences made no difference to Jamie, who started licking and sucking each in equal measure.

The orgy just got wilder, as more clothing got removed, and the boy's cries of pleasure got steadily louder. Most of the pairs were soon in the 69 position, each boy sucking away at his mate. Joseph was gasping very loud now, and John could tell that he was close to cuming. He himself was enjoying the attention of the soft tongue and mouth of Little John, and was a bit disappointed when this suddenly stopped. He assumed the boy had moved on elsewhere, but was very surprised when he felt his prick suddenly encased in something much hotter and tighter. The plucky youngster had impaled himself on John's prick, and was now happily lifting up and down enjoying the ride. From the ease that the 8-year-old had done this, it was obvious to all that he had certainly been frequently fucked before.

The action went on for the next couple of hours as the boys swapped partners and positions. Sometimes one or more of them would take a quick break, particularly after cumming, but thanks to the fast recuperative powers of the young, they were soon back into the fray. When they had finally all finished and lay panting round the room, they were all much happier than they had been since their ordeal began. Their problems, albeit temporarily, seemed far away.

Sex brings on both hunger and thirst, and the boys were happy when they did indeed get served lunch, even if it was another tasteless affair. Shortly after this a sharp faced man they had not seen before entered the room. He was carrying a stool in one hand, and a small blackboard in the other. The man sat down on the stool, and then speaking to the boys in very poor English, announced that he was to teach them some Turkish and Arabic. Thus over the next few hours the boys were given a language lesson.

Those boys who had had language lessons before, be it Latin or French, soon realised that the subject matter that they had to learn was very different from standard schoolboy lessons. Normally they started by being taught how to say their name, or how to ask for the time. Yet here the emphasis was on learning to understand commands, particularly sexual ones. Thus they learnt what would be said if a man was demanding that they remove their clothes, or get on their knees to suck him, or the command to roll on to their stomachs and offer their bums to be fucked. They also learnt terms of gratitude and servitude, like 'Thank you Master,' or 'at once Master.' The man would get each pupil to repeat the words, and if he was unhappy with a boy's progress, then the offender would be summoned forward for punishment. This consisted of the boy dropping his trousers, then draping himself over the teacher's knee. About four quick spanks would rain down on the offending boy's bare behind, after which the man stroked the victim's bottom for a while, and sometimes would push his hands between their legs to fondle their cock and balls. The blows were ridiculously light, and to young boys used to harsher chastisement, hardly hurt at all. However, being spanked like a little boy in front of the others was obviously very humiliating, particularly to the older boys, so they all tried their hardest to avoid it. Needless to say the man loved it, and so would summon them for punishment over the lightest of offences. When he had finished the day's teaching session, he picked out Stephen, and told him to strip completely. He felt the boy all over until his own prick was hard, he then got up, dropped his shorts, and in Turkish, commanded the boy to blow him. This young Stephen did, and a few minutes later he had to swallow a good quantity of sperm, as the man emptied his balls down the child's throat.

Having received his payment, the teacher departed, and the boys were left wondering what was to come next. This was nothing at all for some hours, but as it got dark outside, there was a creeping sense of anxiety amongst the boy as they realised nighttime was approaching. They knew that almost certainly the captain, and possibly also the first mate would be coming down to pick his fuck boy for the night. They were all a bit nervous about being picked, particularly by the mean mate, though the idea of a night with the captain did not seem too bad if they got to share dinner with him. They were all hoping that only the captain would be entitled to a boy each night, but these were dashed when Kanesh the mate entered the room. He picked out Andrew, and reluctantly the 12-year-old got up and moved over to the man, though it was clear the poor boy was shaking. Andrew thought he had suffered enough with his spanking that first night, but Kanesh obviously thought differently, and grinned as he led the boy off. John was surprised that the captain chose himself when he entered some minutes later, as his observations of the man during the examinations had led him to believe that the captain preferred younger flesh. Although he was correct in this assumption, Abdul knew that during the journey he intended to spend the night with each of the boys, and would spread the enjoyment of the younger meat through out. In addition he thought that if he could instruct the eldest boy on the need for obedience, this may rub off on the others too.

John's night followed much the same agenda as Joseph's had the night before, except the captain had an additional surprise for the older boy. The small bush of fine hair above the boy's cock had to go, and so the man fetched a razor, and shaved the skin smooth. Poor John, he was quite proud of his cock hair. It had been steadily building up for more than a year now, but was cruelly removed in just a few seconds. When the teenager told the man how he lost his virginity, he decided to lie slightly. It had occurred when he was 10 years old, and his father was the man who first fucked him. John told the Turk how much he had enjoyed every bit, as he guessed this was not what the mean man wanted to hear. The reality had been somewhat different, as despite his Dad's attempt to be gentle, it had still hurt John that first time. Whether he enjoyed the story or not, the Turk did not say, but he definitely enjoyed fucking the boy afterwards. John bore the none to gentle buggering a lot better than the younger boy had the night before, and in fact was starting to enjoy the erotic feeling as Abdul's large prick drove in and out of his body. The teenager started wanking his own hard cock in time with the strokes, but he felt the man pull his hand away.

"Concentrate on my pleasure alone," Abdul had said, "and besides, I don't want you messing the sheets."

On his return to the group the next morning, John discovered that apart from him and Andrew, the remaining boys had just had to suck off two crewmen, like they had the night before. They mentioned it was two different men, so it looked like the captain had set up some sort of rota for the rest of the crew to at least get an occasional blowjob. Andrew confirmed how violent the first mate was with the boy's he fucked. The young boy moaned about his sore ass, but he had had an easier night than Danny, on account of the man's tiredness due to being awake most of the previous night buggering the blond bellboy.

Like the second night, the second day ran to the same schedule, with the boy's playing with each other in the morning, and receiving a language lesson in the afternoon. All too soon nighttime came again, and with it the anxiety amongst the boys of which two of them would be the playthings for the night. Abdul was the first in this time. Having fucked the eldest boy the night before, he was in the mood for a young one, so picked out Little John, shivering in excitement at how it would feel having his prick embedded into such a small child. The youngster did not seem over anxious about being picked, and followed the captain out of the room without complaint. The first mate had observed his leader's choice, but had some duties to perform before he too would pick his boy for the night. After he had completed these, the man came to the decision that he too fancied a younger kid tonight, one that would give him an exceptionally tight fuck.

After he had entered the room containing the captive boys, Kanesh took a while to survey the flesh on offer. Either Jamie, or Billy looked a good choice, both were small and very cute. However his eyes then fell on little Timmy. As Little John was away with the captain, the small nine-year-old was now the youngest boy in the room, but it was the fear in the youngster's eyes that attracted the mate, and he decided that was the boy for him. Kanesh gestured for the boy to approach him, but little Timmy didn't move, he was too scared. Patrick his older brother looked horrified at the thought of his younger brother being carted off by the brute and blurted out.

"Leave him alone you big bully, if you want a boy, take me instead." The other boys were surprised at the outburst, but Kanesh did not understand a word the kid had said. He walked up to the corner where the brothers sat, in order to claim his chosen prize, but Patrick stood up, and blocked the man's path. Kanesh roughly pushed the boy aside, but as he stepped forward to grab Timmy, the man suddenly yelled in agony, as young Patrick sunk his teeth into the man's leg. Kanesh jumped back in pain, and the plucky boy kicked him in the shin, before standing to face him, his fists raised for the fight. It was an uneven match, the large man against the 13-year-old before him, but Kanesh was a bully, and a coward. Concerned he might get hurt, or worse if the other boys joined in against him, he beat a hasty retreat and left the room. In fact none of the other boys had moved, they were so stunned by what they had seen. Now they were all terrified, they could not believe that the mean man would accept what had happened, and simply go to bed.

After what seemed like an eternity, but was in fact just ten minutes, footsteps could be heard in the corridor outside, and moments later, Abdul, Kanesh, and four crewmen burst inside. The captain had been pulled away at the very moment he had just penetrated the tight ass of Little John, and was clearly furious. Kanesh pointed out Patrick, and two men ran forward and grabbed him, quickly overpowering the brave boy's hopeless attempt to drive them off. The remaining boys just froze in fear, as young Patrick was bundled out of the room, and led down to the storeroom where they had all been examined. One of the crewmen stayed with the other boys, and their door was left ajar, so they could hear everything, no doubt a deliberate ploy.

The boys heard a lot of shouting at first, and the occasional slap, and a cry from the boy. The unmistakable sound of clothes being literally ripped from a body, before a rustle of chains as they all realised that Patrick was being chained to the whipping wall the captain had shown them on the first day. The boy was already crying, even before the first strike was heard. It was a horrible sound, a large slap as a heavy leather strap struck the naked teenager. All the boys jumped, and a loud howl was heard from down the corridor. Timmy was already in tears, as was Billy and Nicholas. John stared at the ground, his teeth and fists clenched. He felt that he should of done something, he was the eldest and strongest of the boys, but he had just sat there and done nothing, like a frightened little child. Jamie could see the anguish in the teenager's face, but hugged the boy's arms, and told him there was nothing he could have done.

Abdul applied the strap expertly, whipping Patrick's back, naked bum, and the back of his legs. Every now and then he stepped back slightly, and swung the strap so that the end of it fell between the bound boy's widely stretched legs. This struck the sensitive inside thighs, and the cruel man was rewarded with a particularly loud scream. When the boy's body was an even crimson colour, the Turk stopped the whipping, and dropped the heavy strap. He let the sobbing boy calm down a bit, whilst he and the other men discussed what tool to use next. Walking over to the wall where various punishment implements were held, Abdul selected a long, vicious looking cane, and pulled poor Patrick's head around so that he could look at it.

"Now then boy, we will have a short question and answer session. If your answers are satisfactory then you will not receive too many cuts of this. Do you understand?"

"Please, sir, 3; master, I'm sorry, please don't hit me anymore," the young teen sobbed, but then howled when the man slashed his raw ass with the cane leaving a thin weal across the smooth skin.

"Just answer the questions. Now then boy what are you now?" Patrick paused for a while, trying to think what the correct answer, would be, but the impatient man struck him again, then yelled.

"You're a little whore, a boy prostitute born to serve his superiors, what are you."

"A whore," Patrick cried back.

"Good, and you will suck and take it up the ass whenever we wish it, not when you feel like it. Repeat that," Abdul yelled, and the boy repeated it between his sobs.

"Now then boy, what is your little brother?"

Patrick did not answer immediately, and was thus punished with two rapid cuts of the cane, until the boy yelled out.

"Timmy is a boy whore too."

"That's right, and what must he do when we wish it?"

"Suck and get fucked," Patrick whimpered, desperate to say anything to avoid the agony of further strokes of the cane.

"Good boy, I hope you have learnt a lesson, will you behave now?"

"Yes master, I'm sorry."

Abdul cut the boy twice more as a reminder, but was satisfied that the criminal had repented. They had brought in a wild, disobedient youth, but the whip had broken that spirit. He admired the work he had done, the sore skin and bruises caused by the strap, and the six thin weals marking where the cane had struck his body. The whipping had been severe, but Abdul was skilled in the art, and had ensured that nowhere was the skin broken. He wished for no permanent scars to damage his pretty property. Patrick collapsed onto the floor after he had been untied, but Abdul told him to get up or feel the lash again. The naked youngster obeyed, cupping his hands over his genitals, but seeing the disapproval in the captain's face, he dropped them down to his sides. The men laughed when they saw the boy's young prick standing up erect, and they proceeded to mock the kid over his small assets.

"Now apologise to the men for disturbing them," Abdul demanded, and Patrick complied.

"That's not enough, I think you should suck them all, don't you agree?"

"Yes," the boy said, knowing that was the answer he had to give to avoid a continuance of the whipping, and sucking the men seemed far preferable to that. Abdul said something in Turkish to his men, and with a whoop of delight, the three crewmen present stripped off their trousers. Their pricks were already half hard, and they soon stroked them to full mast as they waited for the boy to start. Patrick sucked as best he could, trying to please them, as he went from one to the other. He was not skilled enough to swallow the adult pricks completely, but from their gasps of pleasure he hoped he was doing all right. Abdul however was unimpressed, the boy was clearly a novice in the oral art.

"Pathetic," he shouted, "since you can not properly satisfy them with your mouth, let's see if you can with your ass. Go bend over that barrel boy."

Patrick's heart sunk when he heard he was going to get fucked, particularly given the sorry state of his rump, but he knew that he had no choice. He staggered over to a barrel that lay on its side, and he draped himself over it.

"Legs well spread, and pull your ass cheeks apart and wiggle you bum to show them how much you want it," the captain commanded, and the men howled in laughter when the teenager did what he was asked. The first of the crewmen stepped up, and lined his large erection against the youngster's pretty pink bumhole. It took the man a lot of time and effort to get the head in, much to the boy's discomfort. Patrick had only ever had his brother's diminutive penis up his ass before, so he was practically a virgin. That was soon lost as the man roughly pushed through the tight muscle of the boy's anus, and started to insert his long prong inside. The sailor rammed himself in to the very hilt, ignoring the wails of the kid he was penetrating. He paused a short while, then began to bugger the boy properly, soon picking up to a rapid pace. Poor Patrick had the twin agonies of a big prick ramming up his tight hole, and the pain as the man slammed into his sore butt with each forward stroke. The crewman suffered none of these discomforts, but was loving every second as he fucked the young teen mercilessly. He could not last long, and froze as he shot a heavy discharge deep into Patrick's bowels.

No sooner had the boy felt the relief of the big pole being pulled out of his rectum, when it was replaced by another, as a new sailor took his place. Fortunately due to the boy's enlarged hole, and the lubrication of the previous man's sperm, the initial penetration was much easier than before. The excited man also started fucking at a good pace, and Patrick could do no more than lie there and pray that his tormentor would come quickly.

It was a good half an hour before the last man pulled out of the youngster, he being the man who had been guarding the other boys, but had been replaced so that he could also enjoy a piece of boy ass. Patrick's rear was on fire, and he could feel cum dripping down the sides of his thighs as he was manhandled back to the other boys. He was roughly thrown in amongst them, along with the rags of his torn clothing. He watched helplessly as Kanesh went to claim his little brother, picking the young boy up in his arms then walking out. The only crumb of comfort the elder brother had was the sight of the bastard limping on the leg where he had been bitten. The door was locked, and in the darkness only the fresh sobs of Patrick could be heard. The other boys crept over to the prone figure, and tried their best to comfort him, Jamie cradling the youth's head in his lap, as he gently stroked his hair. Yet there was no disguising the horror they all felt at what had happened that night, and they were determined to do nothing to incur the wrath of the captain again. There was little doubt that the spirits of the boys reached an all time low in the darkness of that night.