The Devil's Advocate
Christian's School of Humility 2
The Awakening
Chapters 14-25
Chapter 14
As Janice wakes the next morning she remembers having a dream where she stole her sister's car and ran away from home. Janice's eyes quickly pop open in fear when she remembers it wasn't a dream.
"Fuck, what have I done," Janice whispers as her eyes focus on her surroundings.
The plan had somehow seemed good the night before. Now, however, it seems the worst idea she has ever had. Other than traveling south she has no idea where she is really headed. How will she make money? Where will she live? How will she stay hidden? The list of questions goes on and on.
Janice finally has to push them aside. While they are good questions, now is not the time to worry about them. She made it at least 300 miles [500 km] last night before she ran low on gas. That is a long ways but she still has much further to go before she will be even remotely safe.
She searches the car but finds no additional money. However, she does find a gas can with a couple gallons still in it. She decides it is too risky to drive the car any further. She got away with driving at night. However, in the daylight the cops would easily be able to tell she is too young to be driving on her own. Plus, by now the car has surely been reported stolen.
Janice takes one last look back at the car as she walks away. It is parked in a secluded alley behind what appears to be an abandoned house. With any luck the cops won't take notice of it for several days. Even better, maybe someone will come along and steal it.
She is somewhere in West Virginia but she doesn't remember the name of the town. It seemed a good size one though. Wherever she is, it's nice and cool. Though, she is sure it will probably get a lot warmer by noon. She raises her left hand up so she can check the time on her watch. She then remembers she cut it off with a pair of wire cutters last night because of the built in tracking feature.
Janice was smart enough to wait until she was out of town before she cut the watch off. Just in case it would set off an alarm. She removed it at a bathroom road stop and tossed it into the back of a guy's pickup truck. With any luck they will follow that truck for a day or two before they realize what she did.
As she walks through the city she realizes she is getting a bit more attention than she wants. She blames this on the long yellow dress she decided to wear. She really should have brought something a little less bright. However, she just couldn't leave her favorite yellow dress behind. Plus, the pink one in her bag is just as flashy.
The longer she walks the more it dawns on her that she shouldn't be wearing dresses at all. They will be looking for a girl. What she should do is spend her $20 on some cheap boy's clothes and ditch the dresses along with the makeup she has in her bags. In addition, she should get some scissors and cut her hair short. Her breasts are developing nicely but she is certain she could wrap them tight to her body to help hide them.
All of that sounds logical. It would drastically reduce the odds of her being spotted. However, can she really afford to do it? That $20 could buy her several meals. Plus, as a girl she might even be able to talk a boy into buying her a meal. Same goes for getting a ride.
Janice walks through back streets for at least 3 miles [5 km]. She starts to realize she should have raided the kitchen before she ran away. It isn't even noon and she is starving. She goes out to a main street and looks around. There is a McDonalds not far away but she decides not to go there. It is better that she stay away from the more popular places. It will reduce the odds of her being recognized. That is assuming of course that her picture is being distributed to the public.
Janice settles on a mom and pop store. The inside of the store looks similar to a 7-11. Only this store has no customers. It is perfect. She buys a beef stick, small soda and some gummy bears.
Janice swallows hard when the total comes to just over $4. At this rate she will be out of money by tomorrow. She decides she has to put something back. Putting the cup of soda back isn't an option. It takes her a minute but she decides to put the gummy bears back. She really wants the gummy bears but knows the beef stick will curb her appetite longer.
"Can I use your bathroom?" Janice asks as she pays for her two items.
The store clerk is an old black man. He gives Janice a dirty look. Apparently the bathroom is off limits to customers.
"Please," Janice says in her sweetest voice.
While she says it nicely, deep down she is cursing the guy. She just spent $3 and the guy is making her beg to use the bathroom? Bullshit!
The clerk thinks about it for a few more seconds and then gives in. Janice practically jumps for joy. Her seduction training is starting to pay off already. She almost goes around the counter to give the guy a hug. However, she catches herself. She isn't at school. Hugging a stranger would be inappropriate.
Janice isn't so pleased with her victory when she gets inside the bathroom. It is rather dirty and run down. She has to fight the urge to start cleaning it up. She doesn't have time for that. She has a lot to do and probably not much time to do it before the clerk comes looking for her.
She removes her dress and panties first. She also removes her cock cage and gives it a good cleaning before putting it back on. She pulls her enema bag out. She knows she doesn't really need to give herself an enema. However, after so many months of daily enemas it just doesn't feel right not doing so.
That said, she only gives herself two enemas before putting the equipment away. Even that took 15 minutes. Much longer than she probably should have stayed in the bathroom.
Once she is done with the enema she pulls out a fresh pair of panties. She decides on a pink pair. The panties go perfectly with the pink dress which she then puts on. The dress isn't full length but it at least comes most of the way to her knees.
The multi layer chiffon dress is one she made from scratch at school. In fact, it was the first one she ever made. As such, it isn't that fancy other than the material itself. While there is some sentimental value to the dress, the main reason she picked it is because it made her look a little more mature. However, it didn't go overboard.
Janice quickly touches up her makeup. She makes sure she keeps the makeup very light. She puts on just enough to emphasis her beauty without drawing too much attention.
There is more she would like to do but it has already been close to 25 minutes. Reluctantly, she puts everything away. When she goes for the door she hears movement outside. She hesitates a moment. There is a small hole in the door. She peaks through but sees no one on the other side. It isn't until she peaks through that it dawns on her that the clerk might have been spying on her.
Janice's face turns red as she leaves the bathroom and walks back through the main store. She wonders exactly how much the clerk actually seen. He must have liked whatever he seen because he gives Janice a wink as she passes by. This makes Janice blush further. She quickens her pace and leaves the store.
While she is embarrassed, Janice is also relieved. She is well aware that most men would have been disgusted to find out she is a shemale/sissy. Instead of winking at her, the clerk could have called the cops instead.
Janice finds the beef stick and soda less than fulfilling. While she was in captivity they sometimes starved her a little. However, most of the time they provided her plenty of food. It just seldom was anything she wanted to eat
3; like dog food. As she walks down the street she wonders if she might eventually have to revert back to eating dog food. If she checks enough back yards she is pretty sure she will find plenty of the stuff to eat. Janice shakes the idea from her head. It's too early in her journey to be thinking of such drastic measures.
Her instinct is to try to hitch a ride and get as far south as possible. However, she knows this would highly increase her odds of getting caught. What she needs to do is find a place to stay for a couple weeks until everything dies down.
Janice spends the next few hours roaming up and down the nearby neighborhoods looking for homes for sell. Most of the ones she finds are still being lived in. She finds a couple that are empty but these homes look way too fancy. Even if they don't have an alarm system, she suspects these homes will be toured frequently by potential buyers.
She is about to give up when she runs across an eyesore of a house. It isn't even for sale. It is simply abandoned. The grass is overgrown, a couple windows broken and boarded up from the inside, etc. It's perfect. She walks around the block and goes up the alley behind the house. The house has a large detached garage that flushes with the alley. She walks around the garage and finds a door. The door has a padlock on it. However, the latch has been ripped from the door frame. It's clear that she is not the first one to come exploring the place.
Janice takes a deep breath as she opens the door. It takes her eyes a second to adjust. She then confirms that no one is inside. She can't decide if she is lucky the place is empty or not. The thought of someone being in there is scary. However, if they had been a runaway like herself then they could have worked together.
If there was anything of value in the garage then it has long since been claimed. All she finds is a box of old clothes. Well, the clothes are more rags than anything else. None of it is wearable. However, it will make for okay bedding. They have an old musty smell but they will be tons better than sleeping directly on the concrete floor. However, with luck she will be able to find a way into the house once it gets dark.
Janice paces back and forth a bit. She then leans up against a wall for a good 20 minutes. Finally, she gives in and spreads out the clothes so she can lay down. Her little bed is surprisingly comfortable. However, she isn't that sleepy. She just lays there looking up at the ceiling. She counts 32 spots where the light is coming through the ceiling. It provides some okay lighting during the day, but she suspects it gets pretty wet in here when it rains.
She lays there for about an hour. Her belly then starts to rumble. It isn't until then that it fully sinks in that simply finding a place to stay isn't going to be enough. After a couple days, her money will be gone. A place to hide isn't any good if she is starving. She also realizes that even her dog food plan isn't really a good one. Going into people's back yards to find dog food is extremely risky. Even if the dogs don't attack her, they will bark and alert everyone.
Janice thinks about her money issues for several minutes. What she needs is a job. However, getting a job is even riskier than hitching a ride. However, she then remembers the clerk at the store. She is pretty sure that the man seen her undress and stuff. That means he not only knows she is a shemale but easily figured out she is probably a runaway. Yet, he seemed cool with it. Is it possible he might give her a short term job?
She can't risk working out front where the customers can see her. However, if the bathroom is any indication of how well the clerk maintains the place then there is probably plenty of cleaning and organizing needed in the back office or storeroom. She will be lucky to get $40 from the guy. However, he might toss in some food. And if he doesn't then she can always smuggle some out the back. Maybe drop it out the back window of the storeroom and collect it later.
She grabs her stuff and sneaks back out of the garage. She then heads back toward the store. The job idea seems like a good one until she actually reaches the store.
"What am I doing?" she asks herself.
This is a lot of risk for such a slim chance at a job. She doesn't see much choice. She forces herself to enter the store. There are no customers but she can't bring herself to approach the old man. Instead, she slowly walks up and down the isles as though she is shopping. It takes her almost ten minutes to get up the nerve to finally ask.
She blushes profusely as she gets face to face with the man. She can tell by the way he is looking at her that he indeed was spying on her earlier. He knows her little sissy secret.
"Do you have any work I could do?" she asks once she can get herself to speak. "I could clean up the bathroom and maybe the storeroom."
The old black man just silently stares at her. She tries to man up and stare back at him. However, that only lasts for about five seconds. She blushes further as she passively looks down at the counter. The man silently stares at her for only another 15 seconds, but it seems an eternity.
"I know a runaway when I see one," the man finally says.
Janice's eyes get big and she looks back up at the man. She suspected he knew as much. However, the way he just said it brings her concern. Is he going to call the cops? Her eyes dart toward the door. She is pretty sure she can reach it and be outside before the man can stop her.
"My boss would have my ass if I had a runaway working here."
Janice had assumed the man owned the place. Apparently, he is just the help. Janice frowns.
"I'll tell you what," the man says after a pause. "My house could use a woman's touch. I can't pay you anything but I could provide you food and a place to stay."
Janice quickly smiles. This is even better than her original goal. She quickly composes herself when it dawns on her that the negotiations aren't over yet. She needs more than just one or two nights of shelter.
"I need a place to stay for three weeks," Janice informs him.
At first, Janice fears she has asked for too much. That maybe she should have only asked for one week. The old man doesn't frown. In fact, his smile seems to get brighter.
"Deal," he says as he extends his hand out to her.
She takes his hand and shakes on it. The man's hand is rough with calluses. She can tell that he has done a lot of hard labor in his time.
"I can't let you wait in the back," the man informs her. "How about you hide under the counter here."
As he says this, the old man steps back and motions with his hand. It seems a ridiculous recommendation. However, Janice peaks behind the counter in curiosity. There is a curtain going across the length of the back of the counter. The man parts the center of the curtain to reveal a large void.
"I'll just come back later," Janice tells him.
Crawling into that dark space is the last thing Janice wants to do. She also highly suspects the man has more in mind than just hiding her.
"That's fine darling," the man says as he releases the curtain. "I was starting to have second thoughts about our deal anyway."
"I'll do it!" Janice quickly replies.
The man doesn't say anything. He just smiles and parts the curtain again. Janice reluctantly walks behind the counter, gets down on her hands and knees and crawls into the dark void. As she does so, she can't help but wonder how the old man will explain this when the store owner views the security footage. The place is a bit of a dump though, it is possible the security camera isn't even functional.
Janice is encased in blackness for almost a minute before the curtain cracks open again. She blushes as a large black cock slides through the opening. Everything then goes dark again. She only hesitates a moment before searching out the cock with her hands.
"Oh, that's a good boy," the man moans. "You treat Malcolm good and he will treat you good."
Janice assumes that 'Malcolm' is the man's name and not just a pet name for his penis. Her assumption is correct.
It takes her a moment to realize that Malcolm referred to her as a 'boy'. This confirms her suspicions about Malcolm spying on her in the bathroom.
Janice is rather impressed by Malcolm's equipment. His cock is a good 8 or 9 inches [20-23 cm] long and 2" [5 cm] thick. It may not be the largest cock Janice has handled but it seems pretty impressive for someone so old. Or, more to the point, it seems impressive he could get it hard so quickly at his age. Her best guess is that Malcolm is about 65 years old.
Malcolm moans with pleasure as Janice licks on the tip of his cock and then deep throats it. She starts out slow but quickly builds up rhythm. However, she comes to a quick stop when she hears the ring of the bell above the front entrance. The customer says something to Malcolm but Janice is in too much shock to focus enough to make it out.
Janice remains frozen like that for about ten seconds. Then Malcolm's hand snakes through the curtain opening and grabs hold of her head. She takes the hint and starts deep throating the cock again. She has to struggle to remain silent. That isn't easy when deep throating a 9 inch [23 cm] cock.
Several minutes go by before she hears Malcolm ringing up a purchase. She can't believe the customer is only a couple feet away from them. Her instinct is to halt the blowjob again. However, she fears this might anger Malcolm.
A minute later the door bell rings as the customer leaves. Janice would let out a big breath in relief if her throat weren't currently stuffed with cock.
"Shit, you are really good at that," Malcolm moans.
The comment is embarrassing but Janice can't help but swell with pride. Sucking cock is gross but even she has to admit that she is pretty good at it. Even 'uncle' Victor often praised her on her oral skills.
A minute passes and Janice is certain that Malcolm is getting close to cumming. Malcolm reaches through the curtain though and pulls her off his dick. He grabs a fist full of hair and angles her head such that her mouth is against his balls.
Janice takes the rude hint and starts licking and sucking on Malcolm's hairy and very large balls. It takes all her effort just to fit one of the balls into her mouth. She is pretty sure that she could get Malcolm to fall in love with her if she were to deep throat the ball and squeeze the other one in her mouth as well. She decides against it. The last time she was made to do that it had been very uncomfortable and a bit scary.
Instead, she bathes the smelly orb in her mouth until it is fresh and clean. She releases it from her mouth and starts on the other one.
She goes back and forth from one nut to the other for a good 15 minutes before Malcolm moves her back to the tip of his cock. She finds the tip dripping with precum. She licks it clean and then applies suction. She is rewarded with a couple more teaspoons of the stuff. It coats her throat as she swallows it down. She starts to work his cock again, but Malcolm moves her back to his balls once more.
Malcolm repeats this process over and over. Janice finds it exhausting. She also finds it very frustrating. She knows she has Malcolm on the verge of cumming. However, the man won't let her finish the job.
Sperm is gross and nasty tasting. However, right now Janice has never wanted anything more in her life than she wants Malcolm's cum. She isn't even sure why. Sure, sucking on his balls and cock is pretty exhausting work. However, it is more than just that. She can't put her finger on it. All she knows is that she needs his cum. It's no doubt her training kicking in once more.
She likes to believe they never broke her. However, it's times like this that she has serious doubts that her mind is still intact.
Janice quickly pushes the thought out of her head. She has debated this topic way too many times in her head before. The debate always proceeds the same. It always includes her looking back at who she was before her training and comparing that to who she is now. The change is so vast that it frightens her.
She also always concludes that even if someone could snap their fingers and make her turn back in to Jack again, she wouldn't want them to. She knows that Jack could never live with what she has been made to do these past eight months. Maybe in time she could find a middle ground between Jack and Janice. However, she knows that converting all the way back to Jack is no longer an option. No, it is better to just push these thoughts out of her head and save herself the tears.
Janice works on Malcolm's cock and balls for what seems like ten hours. In reality it was just over two. Then, just like that, the cock is pulled away. Part of Janice wants to chase after it so she can finish the job. The main thing that stops her is the humility of facing the man. Even after all these months, she still feels a great amount of humiliation when she services a man's cock. She has gotten good at covering it up, but it is still always there.
She hears Malcolm zip up and then start walking around in the store. Each time he gets near again, she receives a wave of conflicting thoughts. Part of her wants him to put his dick back through the curtain so she can finish her job. Another part of her prays it is all over and she can come out and get some fresh air.
And yet, another part of her wants to stay hidden behind the curtain forever. She would even gladly service Malcolm over and over again just so she could stay hidden and not have to come out and face Malcolm and the rest of the world.
"My shift is almost over," Malcolm says as he parts the curtain and motions for Janice to come out.
Malcolm leads her to a back door and opens it.
"Wait back here," he tells her. "I'll come get you in a little bit."
Malcolm then closes the door, leaving Janice alone behind the store. She is up wind from a nearby dumpster, but she can still smell the putrid stench of rotting food. She wants to get away from the offensive smell but that would put her further out in the open where a cop might notice her. And if she goes too far away in order to find a new hiding spot then she won't be able to see Malcolm when he returns.
Of course, that assumes he will return. It is possible he is done with her and is literally putting her out with the trash. She doubts this though. Malcolm may not have climaxed but he did a lot of moaning. She is pretty sure he wants more of her throat.
The main question is whether she wants more of his cock. When she was in the dark cubby all she could think about was swallowing Malcolm's load and finishing the job she started. Now that she is outside by herself, Malcolm's cock is the last thing she wants anything to do with.
However, leaving is out of the question. Malcolm is the closest thing to a perfect solution for her problem. Staying with him will provide her both shelter and food. Now that she has sucked his cock, the odds of him turning her in is extremely remote. More likely, he will go out of his way to help hide her from the cops.
Janice endures the stench for almost a half hour before Malcolm pulls up in an old sedan. Malcolm smiles and gives her a wink. Janice blushes but doesn't hesitate to get in the car.
They drive for about 3 miles [5 km]. Janice crouches down in her seat the entire way in order to make sure no one can see her. However, she still peaks outside from time to time to see landmarks. She also makes sure she memorizes every turn, just in case she has to later make her way back to the abandoned garage/house.
She tries to ignore Malcolm but can't help but glance at him from time to time. In particular, she focuses on the large bulge in his pants. She serviced that bulge for two hours earlier and she is certain she will be servicing it again shortly. She feels disgusted with herself when she feels her cock try to stiffen in it's cage.
Malcolm remains quiet for most of the ride. He does, however, ask Janice's first name. Janice gives a fake name at first. However, Malcolm knows she is lying and insists she give her real name. She reluctantly does. Thankfully, he doesn't demand a last name. The questioning ends there and they drive the rest of the way in silence.
When they finally stop and Janice peaks out, she can't believe how run down the neighborhood is. It is night and day compared to the middle class houses she inspected earlier. The apartment building they are at looks even more run down than the abandoned house she found earlier.
"Stay down," Malcolm tells her as he gets out of the car. "I'll be back in a minute."
Janice doesn't need to be told twice. A young white girl in a neighborhood like this would draw a ton of attention. All it would take is one set of eyes on her and the cops would have her in custody within the hour.
Malcolm returns about seven minutes later. He stands next to her door for a minute looking around.
"Quick, get in," he says as he opens the door.
Janice is stunned for a second when she sees a very large opened suitcase on the ground. It looks like she will probably fit in it. However, the fit is the least of her worries. Being zipped up in a suitcase seems a bit scary. Malcolm will have full control of her once she is in that suitcase. The thought brings about other worries in regards to what Malcolm might have planned for her once they get inside. These of course are things she should have been worrying about hours ago. The suitcase definitely had her thinking about it now.
"You can get out of the car and hit the streets again or you can get in the suitcase," Malcolm growls when it is clear Janice is having second thoughts.
It isn't much of a choice. If she gets in the case then there is probably a 50/50 chance she will end up being held captive by Malcolm. However, if she goes for a stroll in this neighborhood then she will most likely be picked up by the cops and sent back home where there is a 100% chance she will end up being held captive. And that is assuming the best case scenario. A lot worse things could probably happen to her in a neighborhood like this.
Reluctantly, Janice ducks out of the car and gets into the suitcase. Malcolm quickly shuts the case and zips it up. A second later the bag is lifted upright. Janice finds herself with her head and knees toward the ground. That quickly changes, however, when Malcolm tips the suitcase way up so he can use the rollers. Most of her weight is now on her feet and rump. She is thankful she got in the suitcase the way she did or most of her weight would have probably been on her head right now. The suitcase is uncomfortable as it is.
The suitcase is pitch black and scary inside. The darkness is filled with the vibrations and loud sound of the wheels rolling along the hard sidewalk. She feels extremely vulnerable in the suitcase. She fears that Malcolm might accidentally lose balance of the case and drop her on her side. This fear becomes 100 fold when she feels Malcolm taking her up some steps.
There are only three or four steps. The wheels then start rolling again. She is pretty sure they just entered the building and are now on the bottom floor. A half minute later and they are going up stairs again. Lots of stairs.
Please don't let me fall down the stairs! Janice prays over and over in her head.
Janice does some quick calculations of how much her and the case must weight. It isn't a lot of weight. However, Malcolm is no spring chicken. Malcolm looks like he is in shape. However, it is hard for Janice to have confidence in his physical abilities when she has so much riding on it. The only thing she is certain of is that Malcolm's rough hands will probably be able to maintain a good grip on the handle.
For the first flight of stairs, Malcolm seems to be carrying her more than dragging. However, by the second flight there is a rhythmic thud of her being dragged up the stairs. Malcolm is no doubt losing his breath. Janice imagines the man breathing heavy and her breath in turn becomes labored.
At first she thinks her breathing is just some kind of sympathetic effect. However, it becomes worse and worse. Her head begins to spin. She sometimes feels this way when she is deep throating a large cock. She is filled with fright when it dawns on her that she is suffocating in the enclosed case.
She tries to yell and bang on the sides of the suitcase but she is too weak already. She barely manages a small whimper. Janice can't believe that after everything she has been through, that she is going to die in a suitcase. Way back when she was still Jack, she sometimes wondered how she would some day die. Not surprisingly, dieing in a suitcase had never occurred to her.
Janice's head is really spinning now. Then suddenly there is a bright light and she can see a shadow of herself floating above her. However, as the spinning slows down the shadow comes into focus and she sees that it is actually a sweaty Malcolm looking down into the suitcase at her.
"Home sweet home," Malcolm says as he helps her out of the suitcase.
It takes Janice a minute to regain all of her senses. The first thing she spots is her bag next to the door. Either Malcolm went back for it or he carried it up at the same time he carried her.
The next thing that she quickly notices is that Malcolm's apartment is even worse than the dirty bathroom at the store.
It is not lost on her that this can be a good thing. It gives Malcolm more reason to keep her around other than just sex. She of course doesn't fool herself into believing she won't be having to provide a lot of the latter as well.
Malcolm doesn't waste any time either. He walks over to her and pulls back the top of her dress so he can get a good look at her chest.
"Wow, those are real," Malcolm says in surprise.
Janice blushes and pulls away. She may be his sex toy but that doesn't mean she can't be treated with a little dignity. Yeah, even Janice can't believe that thought entered her mind. The last thing a sissy ever gets or expects is dignity.
3; do you want me to start cleaning in the kitchen?"
It is a weak attempt at changing the subject. One that Malcolm doesn't go for.
"How about you do a little striptease for me," Malcolm says as he sits back in a recliner and kicks off his shoes.
Janice turns beat red. It isn't really the striptease that embarrasses her. It is more what she knows it is going to lead up to. It only takes her a moment to compose herself and start dancing. It's not like she didn't know something like this was going to happen.
She starts out a bit clumsy at first. However, the dance quickly becomes a lot more erotic. She is okay but not great. She is convinced she has two left feet. It is another reason she dreaded the dance lessons her father was considering for her. The party wasn't even the first time she had to dance. She danced for the Dean many times prior. It was always to the same song also
3; I'm a Slave 4 U. Janice likes the beat but was never so hot on the lyrics. She sings it in her head now though as she dances in front of Malcolm.
She blushes further when she sees the lump in Malcolm's pants get even bigger. She is most of the way through the song before she remembers she is supposed to be removing her clothes. Not that she has much to remove.
She slides the straps off her shoulders and her dress slowly glides to the floor as she gyrates. A moment later and she lifts her training bra over her head and deposits it on the floor with the dress.
Malcolm lets out a moan as her breasts come into view. He also unzips his pants and pulls out his large cock. Janice nibbles on her lower lip as she looks at it. She may know it's flavor and feel very well but this is the first good look she has gotten of it. The large uncut black tube of meat looks much thicker than it had felt earlier. Either Malcolm is more excited now or Janice's throat is just more accommodating than she thought.
As Malcolm starts masturbating, Janice finds she is staring as intently at him as he is at her. She tries to look elsewhere but her gaze keeps going back to the man's cock. She knows that cock will be inside one of her holes very soon. The only question is which one. The innocent girl in her wishes it is just her throat. However, the naughty girl deep inside can't wait to feel that large thing rubbing her ass clit.
Malcolm gets even more excited as Janice pulls her panties down and exposes her caged cock. It's embarrassing to expose her 'boy' parts like this. However, she is also thankful that Malcolm enjoys the view. She is well aware that many men would find her body repulsive. She is very lucky to have found someone like Malcolm.
"Everything," Malcolm says as he motions toward her cock cage.
Janice palmed the key earlier when she was taking off her training bra. She has mixed feelings as she reaches down and unlocks the device. She sometimes has climaxes when she is wearing the device. However, she is almost guaranteed to have one with it off. It isn't that she doesn't enjoy the pleasure of climax. She does. It is the disgust and humiliation afterward that she fears.
This of course doesn't keep her cock from getting rock hard once the cage is removed. Janice flinches as Malcolm reaches out with one of his rough hands and grabs hold of her cock.
At first, the fingers are gentle and feel pleasurable. However, that quickly changes. The caress goes from gentle to rough. Malcolm then stops massaging the cock and starts pinching the tip. The pinch gets harder and harder.
3; oh!" Janice squeals in pain.
"This is what you get for being such a bad girl," Malcolm growls. "Good girls don't get hard unless they are given permission."
Janice has had her share of punishments in the past eight months. However, she has never been punished for getting hard. If anything, she got punishments for not being hard. Malcolm's reverse requirement might be confusing but it doesn't take Janice long to adapt.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" she says as she tries to pull Malcolm's hand off her cock and goes to her tippy toes in pain.
Malcolm pinches for another 20 seconds before he finally lets go. Janice quickly backs away. She inspects her cock and is surprised to find there is no damage. It had hurt so much that she thought for sure there would at least be blood. However, it is no worse for wear. She still gives Malcolm an angry look.
Malcolm just stares at Janice's now soft cock as he plays with his own. Janice tries to will her cock to stay limp but Malcolm staring at it somehow makes her get hard again. Malcolm frowns and turns his head back and forth in disappointment.
"I think you need a good spanking," he says after a moment.
Janice takes a step back. Her eyes dart from her pile of clothes on the floor and the apartment's door. It doesn't take a mind reader to know what she is thinking.
"You are free to leave anytime you want," Malcolm tells her.
At first, Janice thinks Malcolm is lying to her. However, the man picks her clothes up and tosses them to her. He then walks into the kitchen. When he comes back, Janice notices that he is carrying a beer and a large wooden spoon. Malcolm goes to his recliner and sits down.
"Hurry and make up your mind," Malcolm growls. "Get dressed and leave or come over here and lay across my lap."
At first, Janice is positive she wants to leave. However, she remembers what awaits her outside. Even if she makes it out of this neighborhood, she doubts she will last but a couple days before she gets so hungry that she has to turn herself in.
3;you won't hurt me too bad, will you?" she meekly asks.
"I'll hurt you as much as you need to be hurt."
It is hardly the answer she is looking for. Reluctantly, she drops her clothes back to the floor. She studies the wooden spoon closely as she slowly inches her way over to Malcolm. It is similar to the one her mother uses when stirring soup at home. It is about 14 to 15 inches [35-37 cm] long. The spoon part itself is pretty wide but not that deep. It is clearly designed just for stirring and tasting. Well, she is pretty sure it has one other use. One that she is about to experience first hand.
Janice is blushing and shivering in fear as she positions herself over Malcolm's lap. She scrunches her face up in disgust as Malcolm brings one of his rough hands to her face and pushes three large fingers deep into her mouth.
"Mmmph!" Janice yelps around the fingers.
The hit hurts like hell. What concerns Janice is that it wasn't even with the spoon. It was just Malcolm's bare hand.
Janice lets out a long continuous protest around the fingers as tears drip to the floor below her. Malcolm simply uses the opportunity to bury those fingers even deeper.
Her ass feels like it is on fire as the last hit lands. She braces herself for more but none come. Instead, she feels Malcolm rubbing her rear end. The man is being gentle but his rough hands feel like hot sandpaper on her sore rump.
Then, Malcolm does something that catches Janice off guard. The man leans her back slightly and grabs hold of her dick. Janice's half soft dick quickly goes stiff again. She hears Malcolm give a grunt of disapproval.
These hits are a ton quieter but hurt ten times worse than the prior ones. Janice doesn't have to look back to know that Malcolm is using the spoon on her.
Even Malcolm's large fingers have trouble muffling her screams of pain. Janice has received worse punishments than this in the past
3; but not much worse. At least not in the arena of spanking.
As Malcolm leans her back and grabs her cock again, Janice concentrates hard to will herself to stay soft. Her tears double when she feels herself getting hard yet again.
"You just don't learn, do you?" Malcolm growls as he pulls his fingers out of her mouth and pushes her off his lap.
Janice lets out another yelp as her sore rump hits the floor. She lets out another yelp when she gets up on all fours and brings her hand back to try to rub the pain away. The rubbing only seems to make it worse, so she quickly pulls her hand away.
Her eyes get big and she starts to crawl away when she sees Malcolm go to a closet and return with a very large board. He has something else in his hands but the board grabs all of Janice's attention. The board is about a half inch thick, 9" wide and 2' 6" long [1½x23x75 cm]. In the middle of the board she notices a small round hole about 1 inch [2½ cm] wide.
"I think I have just what we need to fix your little problem," Malcolm says with an evil smile.
3; that will kill me," Janice says in fear as she backs into a wall.
"I'm not going to hit you with it, silly," Malcolm says with a chuckle. "Now get over here."
Janice holds her ground. Technically, Malcolm hasn't lied to her yet. Still, she doesn't trust him.
Malcolm ignores her for a moment as he fiddles with the board. There is a small latch on one end and a hinge on the other. He undoes the latch and the entire thing opens up like a movie set clapboard. He then looks back to Janice.
"You have my word that I won't hit you with it," Malcolm says. "Now get over here before I change my mind!"
Janice holds her ground for another moment. Her cock is still hard and she knows this angers Malcolm. The board looks menacing but it doesn't look like a spanking tool. At least not one she has ever seen before. Shivering, she crawls back to Malcolm.
"Oh!" Janice lets out in surprise as Malcolm grabs hold of her nuts.
Malcolm pulls her nuts until they are tight in her sack. It is uncomfortable but not that painful. Janice then feels a thin piece of leather being wrapped around her sack behind her nuts. When he finishes, her balls are in a big balloon of scrotum flesh.
Janice tries to crawl away when she sees Malcolm pick up the large board. Malcolm just gives her ball balloon a small tug to keep her in place.
Janice can't see much of what is going on behind her. She feels the board against her thighs and can make out that Malcolm is closing the two halves of the board back together again. It isn't until the board is latched that it dawns on her what is going on. Her balls are trapped on the other side of the hole in the board!
"Ugh!" Janice grunts in pain as she tries to stand in order to get away.
The maneuver pulls her balls away from her body and she quickly goes back to her hands and knees in order to relieve the pressure. She is about to protest when a gag is placed in her mouth.
The gag is made of three racquetballs strung together. It has a foul rubber taste. She gags as the back two balls force the lead ball into her throat. She reaches up to try to pull the thing out but Malcolm is already tying the gag in place. Once Malcolm backs away, Janice's hands start working on the knot securing the gag.
"Hands off!" Malcolm growls as he gives Janice's half exposed rump a slap.
Janice takes the additional two slaps before she calms down and starts breathing through her nose.
"Good girl," Malcolm tells her. "Now comes the good part."
"Mmm!" Janice tries to protest when she looks back and sees Malcolm picking up a thin 1" [2½ cm] wide leather strap.
One of Malcolm's rough hands reaches under Janice to make sure that punishment is still needed. Sure enough, she is as hard as a rock. The hand retreats and a second later there is a high pitch whistle-like sound as the leather strap cuts through the air. It is followed by the loud slap of leather hitting flesh.
"Mmm!" Janice yelps as the strap hits her exposed butt.
The pain isn't as bad as the spoon but it still makes her try to jolt forward. This in turn gives her balls a hard tug.
Janice has to struggle to keep from trying to escape the blows. She balls her hands up into tight fists and bites her lower lip hard. Her whole body quivers as she struggles to withstand the pain. The large board holding her nuts protects her lower buttocks. That means all the hits land in the same general area on the upper part. Each individual hit is not extreme but the pain quickly builds.
"I'll be a good girl! I'll be a good girl!" Janice tries to yell around the ball gag.
Malcolm's rough hand goes under her only to find that Janice is still being a very naughty girl. She is even harder now than before. Malcolm lets out a growl of disapproval. However, inside he is smiling. It isn't often he runs across a male partner that can stay hard under such punishment. To him, this is an even greater aspect of Janice than the fact that she is so young and a shemale. Not that these aspects of Janice don't turn him on also.
"Hmm," Malcolm says as he lets go of her cock. "I guess there is only one way we are going to get that thing soft. Reach under and jerk yourself off. You better hurry though because I'm not going to stop until you finish."
Janice can't believe that Malcolm would expect her to be able to masturbate while in such pain. However, as soon as the strap hits again, she reaches under and starts trying.
The hits come every five to ten seconds. Janice does her best to block out the pain and instead focus on the pleasure coming from her dick.
Janice is surprised that after just one minute she is nearing a climax. Malcolm isn't going to let her off that easy though.
"MMMM!" Janice screams around the gag as the strap lands on her vulnerable and all too sensitive balls.
The hit isn't as hard as the ones on her rump but it is enough to cause extreme pain. The hit is followed by two more. Then the hits start landing on her rump again.
These hits on her ass feel like love taps compared to the ones that just landed on her balls. She quickly nears her climax once more.
"MMM!!" she screams as three more hits land on her sensitive balls.
This process repeats itself four more times before Janice is finally able to climax. Malcolm switches back to her balls as Janice's cum starts shooting against the linoleum floor. He doesn't let up until the last drop drips from her cock.
For Janice, the experience is a horrifying mix of pain and pleasure. It is also very exhausting. She doesn't dare fall forward though. Not with her balls still secured behind her.
"Much better," Malcolm says as he grabs her cock and finds it finally softening.
Malcolm positions Janice so her face is directly over the pool of cum on the floor. He then removes her gag. Janice knows what is expected of her and leans down and starts slurping her cum up. She tastes the sweet taste of her sissy cum but surprisingly very little dirt. It makes her wonder how many other boys Malcolm may have had licking this floor before her. Heavens knows the man clearly doesn't know how to use a mop or broom.
Janice let's out a sigh of relief as Malcolm unlatches the board that is holding her nuts captive. After the board is remove, Janice feels Malcolm fiddling with the leather strap around her ball sack. At first she thinks he is untying it. However, it quickly becomes clear he is up to something else. She looks under herself to see Malcolm tying the leather strap to a 5 pound [2 kg] dumbbell.
"No," Janice protests. "I don't want to do any more. I want to leave."
"Shhh," Malcolm tells her. "Don't worry sugar. We are almost done for the night. Now be quiet or I will have to put the gag back in and take the strap to you again."
At that, Malcolm releases the dumbbell. Janice's balls are yanked down hard. Janice's rump quickly drops down as well to relieve the pain. She doesn't stop until the dumbbell is laying on the floor. There is just enough slack in the strap to allow her to stay on all fours. Though, she does have to spread he legs a little bit.
As she is dealing with this, Janice feels a wide leather belt go around her neck. Malcolm feeds the end of the belt through the buckle and pulls it until it is tight around Janice's neck. He then wraps some of the excess around his hand. He uses his free hand to apply some lube to Janice's asshole.
Janice then feels the head of Malcolm's large cock against her hole. A second later and that cock is deep inside her.
"Uh!" Janice lets out in response to the sudden thrust.
Malcolm doesn't start fucking her. He just remains motionless. They stay like this for almost 30 seconds.
"You better get moving if you know what is good for you," Malcolm finally growls.
At that, Malcolm starts pulling on the end of the belt. This in turn cuts off Janice's air supply. It also cuts off the blood to her head. Her instinct is to back up in the direction the belt is being pulled. However, she knows this is not what Malcolm wants. Reluctantly, she pulls forward instead. Sure enough, Malcolm starts to ease the pressure and she can breath again.
While moving forward might give her air, it also gives her a great deal of pain as she is forced to drag the weight across the linoleum floor by her balls. She goes until only the tip of Malcolm's cock is in her ass pussy. She then reverses directions. The back stroke goes well for the first few inches. However, the strap connecting her balls to the barbell tightens and she has to drag the weight in the opposite direction about 5 inches [12½ cm]. She moves forward again but stops when the strap connected to the barbell tightens once more.
"Please!" Janice begs. "It hurts too much!"
"That's the point."
Malcolm thinks it but doesn't actually say it. Instead, he just tightens the belt around Janice's neck until she starts moving again.
"Ugh!" Janice lets out in pain each time she reverses directions.
The pain to her whipped balls is extreme. Every couple pulls the pain seems too much and she stops. Yet, all it takes is the belt tightening around her throat to get her moving again each time. Malcolm smiles as Janice struggles between the need to breath and the need to relieve the pain.
Malcolm is extremely experience at this and would never let Janice suffocate to death. However, he sure as hell will take her close to the brink if she makes him. He highly doubts she will do that though. Even the men Malcolm plays with are not strong enough to overcome their instinct to live. No way a sissy like Janice will be.
Janice's grunts of pain are a bit loud but if you listen closely you can just barely make out the sound of the barbell sliding back and forth on the floor.
She tries to lower her rear end a few times in order to give the tow line more slack. Malcolm responds each time by pulling her rump back up and giving it a smack.
The frequent choking, blood restriction and pain has Janice's head spinning in agony.
About three months into her training, Janice started to give up all hope and was on the brink of completely breaking. In her desperation, she made the mistake of kneeling next to her bed one night, putting her hands together and saying a silent prayer. When the Dean seen footage of this he required that Janice start saying a prayer out loud each night thanking God for allowing her to become a sissy. She was also required to thank God for each individual load of cum she got that day to include a blessing to the person that deposited it. Needless to say, what little religious belief she had quickly dissipated.
Her short time with Malcolm is quickly refreshing those beliefs. Or at least it is generating a lot of prayers. Spinning around in her head with all the pain is a repeating prayer for it to all be over. To be specific, she is praying over and over to receive Malcolm's load of cum. She has never wanted anything more in her entire life. She even promises never to ask for anything else as long as this prayer is granted.
As bad as all of this is, it soon becomes worse. She suddenly realizes that mixed in with all the pain is a touch of sick pleasure. Her tears increase as it becomes clear to her that her ass clit is working against her. Janice gets a small jolt of pleasure each time Malcolm's cock bumps into and slides across her ass clit. It isn't long before her grunts of pain are replaced with those of pleasure.
Janice's cock starts shooting it's sissy load all over the floor again. Her anal climaxes are often animalistic and scary. This one, however, is mixed with a ton of pain and is a creature all it's own. The vastly conflicting feelings cause the human thinking part of her brain to shut off for almost a full minute. During that time she becomes little more than a wild animal as she viciously slams her ass back and forth on Malcolm's wonderful cock. Her climax feels as though it will never stop. She feels like she has shot her entire load and is now tapping into an additional reservoir of cum she never knew she had.
Malcolm chuckles as he watches Janice cumming on his cock. His play things always hate him at first. However, after a few days of climaxes like this one and they almost always fall in love with him. Within a week, Janice will be begging for his touch just like all the others.
Of course, his boy toys quickly become boring once they fall in love with him. He usually stops seeing them after that. It always seems funny to him how they go from practically being his unwilling captive to begging him for 'dates'. Some even offer him money. He accepts their money but seldom grants them more than a few additional dates before locking them out permanently. They nag him for a few more weeks and then move on to some other dominant's cock.
That said, this toy is clearly special. Malcolm can see maybe keeping Janice for several months before locking her out. Even then, he probably won't just kick her out. He will probably give her to one of his friends to play with. They in turn will pass her on to another friend after a month or two. Malcolm suspects Janice will get passed around for at least a few years before she is truly let go. He is certain though that she will probably enjoy every minute of it. Well, most of it anyway.
Malcolm waits until Janice's climax ends before he tries to have one of his own. He doesn't want her to be feeling any pleasure when he gives her his nut. He wants to make sure she is only feeling pain and humiliation.
Janice's climax finally ends but she is a good girl and keeps dragging the barbell back and forth. Malcolm listens to her grunts and sobbing for two more minutes before he has mercy on her. He grabs her now red ass cheeks and starts pounding into her asshole with all his strength. A minute later and he is filling his new toy with cum.
Malcolm spasms for almost a minute as he makes his deposit. It is one of the stronger climaxes he has had in a rather long time. Janice is white, young and a shemale. Having just one of these elements in a toy is a luxury. Having all three in a single toy is an all but impossible dream come true.
Malcolm gives Janice's ass one last hard slap as he pulls his cock out of her. He then leans back against the side of the couch as he catches his breath. He closes his eyes and thinks about how great the next few months are going to be.
Malcolm's eyes shoot open when he hears the barbell being dragged. His fear being that Janice might be trying to unleash herself from it so she can attack Malcolm with it. It wouldn't be the first time one of his new toys has tried something stupid like this. He is pleased to see, however, that Janice is just repositioning herself so she can slurp her mess off the floor.
Janice blushes when she realizes Malcolm is watching her perform her cleanup duties. She doesn't dare stop. She licks the floor until it is spotless. She then slowly inches her way over to Malcolm so she can lick his cock and balls clean as well. The man hasn't ordered her to perform this task but the last thing she wants to do is piss him off. Better to go above and beyond than to risk further punishment.
Malcolm rests on the floor for a good five minutes. During that time he has Janice lick most of the sweat off his body. He also loosens the leather strap tied to her ball sack. The new knot is a lot more comfortable. However, it is still tight enough that it will hold securely as Janice drags the barbell around.
Ten years ago, Malcolm would have one or two more goes at a new toy. Now days he can barely manage one round per night. So, he reluctantly gets into his recliner and watches tv for the rest of the night. He keeps the barbell attached to Janice's nut sack though. He does, however, check her from time to time to make sure her nuts stay a somewhat healthy color. He usually does these checkups each time after sending her to fetch him a beer.
Each trip to the kitchen and back takes Janice a good seven minutes. She only manages to drag the barbell about 3 feet [1 m] at a time before she has to stop and let the pain in her balls subside. Her pace is completely unacceptable. Malcolm is positive that with a little encouragement Janice can cut that time down to only one minute each direction. He decides to ignore the issue for now. It will give them something fun to practice tomorrow night.
When bed time comes, Malcolm fits Janice with a pair of fist mitts. They are a special pair of gloves that force her hands to stay bunched into a fist. He also checks her nut sack one last time. He is kind though and at lifts the barbell for her so she can crawl into the bed. It is the least a gentleman can do.
He positions Janice at the foot of the bed. He then crawls into bed himself and lays face down with a couple pillows under his waist so his ass is raised a little.
"Spread my cheeks and start tonguing my hole," Malcolm commands. "I want you to keep at it all night long. There will be hell to pay if I wake during the night and find you slacking off."
Janice only hesitates a second before using her mitts to pry the old man's cheeks apart. She scrunches her nose up in disgust as she lowers her face to the crack and starts licking. She has had to perform this task many times before. This is 100 times worse though since Malcolm didn't even bother to bathe first. His crack is dank. It has a slight earthy flavor mixed in with the salty taste of sweat. She sticks her tongue deep into his hole and vigorously wiggles and licks around.
"You can slow down a bit," Malcolm says with a chuckle. "You have all night."
"Oh, yeah, that's perfect," Malcolm says a moment later when Janice switches to a nice slow erotic tonguing.
This is Malcolm's favorite way to go to sleep. It also has the additional purpose of providing good training for a new toy. You have a toy worship your hole for seven hours a night and it won't be long before they are worshiping you. That's Malcolm's theory anyway. A theory which so far has proven true every time.
The really nice thing is that the nightly task also puts the toy on a new sleep schedule. They sleep while he is at work and are wide awake when it comes play time. This way the toy spends almost every waking moment in Malcolm's presence.
Malcolm enjoys Janice's tongue for about an hour before he finally dozes off.
Chapter 15
Malcolm wakes the next morning to find Janice's tongue no longer in his hole.
"Fuck!" Malcolm growls when he turns to find that Janice isn't even in the bed.
He doesn't have to search further to know she has run off on him. He looks around anyway just in case. Sure enough, she is gone. He also finds the money in his wallet gone. Thankfully, he only had $7 there.
Malcolm chastises himself for not putting Janice in stricter restraints. He could have at least put a lock on the mitts instead of just strapping them. He would have done so had he thought she had the guts to actually attempt an escape. She clearly had a lot more nerve than he gave her credit for. Not only did she attempt the escape but she had the balls to even steal from him.
"I'm slipping in my old age," Malcolm thinks to himself as he gets ready for work.
As Malcolm is driving to work, Janice is just starting to settle back down in her temporary garage home.
Janice is proud of her escape. However, she is also deadly scared that Malcolm will somehow find her. Just the thought of it makes her balls hurt. She can only imagine how pissed Malcolm is. Not only did she run away from him and steal his money, but it probably won't be long before he discovers she also took a dozen or so cans of food. She even snagged his hand held can opener.
Janice sits in the dark shivering in fear for almost two hours before she drifts off to sleep.
Janice ends up staying in the garage for ten days. She tries a couple times with no success to break into the house. All of the windows in the house are boarded up. She is certain she could knock the boards out to gain access. However, she is too scared the noise might draw attention. It simply isn't worth the risk. Odds are the place is completely empty inside anyway. All she would gain is a slightly softer floor to sleep on.
Her greatest challenge is finding a place to use the bathroom. The first couple days she uses the bushes outside. She is too scared to venture far from the garage. It isn't until the third day that she convinces herself it is safe enough to explore a bit. She finds a park about a half mile [800 m] away that has a public restroom. It is only open during the day but that is fine since she knows Malcolm is at work during this time.
The nice thing is that the bathroom not only has toilets but sinks and running water as well. This allows her to clean her clothes, maintain her appearance and even continue her enemas. There is only cold water though which makes the enemas less than pleasant.
She only has enough food for one meal a day. However, it at least is a good meal with real food. She even finds a way to heat the soups and vegetables. She thanks her math class for that. She got lucky and found a large round metal pan in the back yard. She suspects it was being used at one time to hold water for a dog. The pan has seen better days, but it still has its shape. It isn't quite a perfect hyperbola but it is close enough to turn it into a solar heater. Simply put a can of unopened soup or vegetables in the center and let it sit in the sun for an hour. It doesn't get boiling hot but at least it gets warm.
Using a solar heater may sound like a bore but it actually becomes one of her more exciting parts of her day. It gives her something to do other than sit in the dark.
Of course, her most exciting part of the day is always going to the park. She doesn't dare play on any of the swings or anything. However, the danger in being noticed is quite exciting. Not really exciting in the good sense of the word. In fact, it is damn scary. However, it at least breaks up the boredom.
Janice has a couple close calls with cops driving near her hide out or when she is going to or from the park. Once she sees a car that looks just like Malcolm's. That really got her heart pumping. There are also a couple men walking in the park that seem to eye her. She isn't sure if they are just innocent men or perverts. Regardless, she makes sure she stays clear of them. Just like she stays clear of everyone else, even other children.
She spends Malcolm's $7 on additional food items, to include a large bottle of water which she later refills each day at the park. She saves about $15 for emergencies. Like things could possibly get worse.
Overall, her stay in the garage is rather uneventful. In fact, it becomes rather damn boring. Hour after hour of just sitting there doing nothing. There is some light coming it but it is still too dark to even draw on the concrete with rocks or make some kind of game. By the tenth day she is almost wishing they would catch her.
The truth is that she has enough food for another four or five days. She tells herself she needs to hit the road now though. That she will need the food during her journey. However, it is really the boredom that gets her moving.
As bad as the boredom was, it did at least gives her time to not only build up courage but to come up with a plan as to how she will travel.
She heads out in the morning. About an hour later, Janice finds what she is looking for
3; a truck stop. She hides in the shadows as she surveys the place.
Several days back, her original plan was to jump on a train like she often seen in the movies. She could even hear the trains in the distance sometimes at night. However, she quickly realized that even if she finds the tracks she is pretty sure she would have to follow them to the next station. She knows that jumping on a moving train wouldn't be as easy as in the movies. And the train station would surely be keeping an eye open for people illegally getting on their trains.
No, the truck stop is a much better option. Or at least it seems so. If she can sneak into the back of a truck then she can probably get a long ways on just one ride. That said, she is pretty sure the odds of getting caught are much higher. However, with luck it will just be a single person she has to deal with and not a whole security force from the train station. Okay, maybe her boredom has caused her take on more risks than she really should. That said, it still seems a better option than hitchhiking.
There is a sidewalk that goes up next to a long line of parked trucks. She walks up the path, paying close attention to the license plates. In particular, she looks for Florida and other southern states. It seems logical to her that if they have those plates then eventually they will make their way back that direction. Of course, the products they are shipping matters as well. If it is corn or something like that then odds are the truck is headed south and not north. Okay, most of it is just speculation. Still, traveling any direction is better than staying put.
Janice finds a truck with Florida plates and covertly walks around it. There is a company name on it but not one Janice has ever seen before. There is nothing else on the vehicle to help identify what might be inside. She decides the only way to find out is to open it up. When she gets to the back of the truck she discovers the flaw in her plan. The back door is securely locked.
"Idiot," Janice mumbles to herself.
Of course it is locked. What trucker wouldn't lock the back of their vehicle? Janice starts walking around the other trucks just in case. If one of them is empty there is a chance the trucker never bothered to lock it up.
Janice smiles as she goes behind one of the trucks and finds there is no lock on it. The truck even has Florida tags. She looks around briefly and then tries to open the back door. The handle refuses to budge. At first she thinks she just lacks the strength. However, after a minute she takes a closer look and sees that the handle has a key hole. It is locked just like all the rest.
"What are you doing back here!?"
Janice almost pees herself when she hears the deep voice. She spins around and finds herself looking at a rather large white man. She can tell right away that the guy is a trucker. Hat, flannel shirt, unshaven, somewhat pudgy
3; just like on TV.
3; I wasn't doing anything!" Janice quickly replies.
"Bullshit," the man growls. "I seen you trying to open that door. You were trying to steal something!"
"No! I was just
3; I was just trying to get a ride to Florida."
Telling the truth is very risk since it gives away that she is a runaway. However, she doubts the trucker would believe anything but the truth.
The man calms down a lot when he hears this. It is not the first runaway he has come across. He looks Janice over. She is a bit young but might still make for good company on the long trip.
"Riding in the back of a truck is very dangerous," the man informs her. "Ride up front with me."
Janice notices that the comment seems more of an order than a request. She isn't sure getting in the cab with this man is a wise thing. Malcolm seemed somewhat harmless also until she got alone with him. However, she realizes she doesn't have much in the way of alternatives. It is this or keep on walking. And the longer she walks the greater the odds of being caught.
"Okay," Janice whispers.
"I'm Earl," the man says as he escorts Janice around the truck.
At first, Janice fears that Earl is escorting her to ensure she doesn't take off running. When they get to the cab door, however, it dawns on her that the door is rather high off the ground. Earl helps her up. She takes special care to ensure Earl doesn't get a peak under her pink dress.
A few minutes later and they are out on the highway headed south. As they drive, Janice does her best to slouch down out of sight. It isn't that hard to do considering how high the cab is.
"Aren't you going to tell me your name?" Earl says after about 20 minutes of silence.
It isn't until after she gives her name that she realizes she should have made one up.
"Well, Janice, you do realize this ride isn't free, right?" Earl says calmly as he gives his crotch a squeeze.
3; I can pay you $10," Janice quickly informs him.
Janice has over $15 but wants to hold on to at least some of it. She would have offered him only $5 but didn't want to insult him. From Earl's laughter is seems the $10 offer doesn't impress the man much either.
"We've already burned through at least twice that in gas," Earl says with a chuckle. "I had something else in mind for payment."
Janice swallows hard when she hears Earl pull his zipper down. She looks at Earl's lap just in time to see the man pull out his cock. The cock is pretty thick but not too long. Janice's guess is that it is about 7.5" [19 cm] long and 2.25" [6 cm] thick.
"Slide over here and get to work," Earl growls. "Or would you prefer I pull over and let you out?"
This is similar to how it all started with Malcolm. That said, it's not like Earl could do much to her while driving. Plus, it isn't much of a choice. They are out on the highway in the middle of nowhere. If she got out here then she would be forced to hitchhike or walk cross country. Both options are out of the question.
3; I'm not really a girl," Janice manages to tell Earl.
Janice blushes but forces herself to look Earl in the eye. She isn't sure how Earl will take this news. There is a good chance it will get her kicked to the curb. The consequences would probably be much worse though if the man found out later.
"Bullshit," Earl chuckles.
Earl has had a few girls give some crazy excuses in order to get out of paying for their ride but never anything like this. Janice seems rather serious though.
"Show me your tallywhacker," Earl finally says as he gives Janice a curious look.
Janice hesitates for a moment and then starts pulling her dress upward. Once her dress is hiked all the way up she pulls her pink panties down slightly. Earl practically runs off the road as he stares in disbelief at Janice's caged cock.
"I'll be damned," Earl says with a chuckle.
Earl has seen a few porn videos with shemales but never really seen any in person. Sure, he has seen a few men dressed like women but they still looked at least 90% male. Half of them hadn't even bothered to shave their legs let alone take hormone pills.
"Are those real?"
It takes Janice a moment to realize Earl is referring to her breasts. When she nods her head, Earl reaches over and gives her left breast a squeeze.
"I'll be damned," Earl says again.
They ride in silence for a couple minutes as Earl evaluates everything. It isn't a hard decision to make though. It's not like Earl hasn't received his share of blowjobs from guys in the truck stop bathrooms.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Earl finally tells Janice. "Get over here and earn your ride."
Janice isn't hot on the idea of sucking the man off. However, she is greatly relieved by Earl's reaction. The situation could have turned out much worse. As she slides over to Earl's side of the cab, Janice decides she will give the man the best blowjob she can muster. It will be her way of thanking him for being so understanding.
Earl's cock is drooling precum already. She is a little sickened by the sight. However, part of her is also comforted by it. While in sissy training, she seldom spent ten hours without a cock in her mouth or ass let alone ten days. The sissy part of her brain welcomes the return to something familiar. The rest of her brain is a tad concerned she might have some kind of perverted addiction to cock.
She leans down and gives the head of the cock a tender kiss. She then parts her lips and lets the cock slide into her mouth and down her throat.
Janice is surprised to find that the cock doesn't smell or taste bad like Malcolm's did. Sure, there is a strong manly smell and flavor to it but for some reason she expected it to be much worse. She decides that overall she probably got the better end of their little deal. Especially if Earl takes her most of the way to Florida. She isn't naive. She knows Earl will probably expect at least one or two more blowjobs between now and then. It's still a pretty good deal.
"Oh, my!" Earl moans as Janice goes to work on his cock. "You really are special."
Janice blushes, but deep down she is smiling. Victor taught her well. She is barely using half of her skills at the moment. She decides it might be best if she doesn't dial it up to full. If she did that then Earl might accidentally drive off the road.
As they drive, Earl shifts positions slightly this way and that in order to give Janice better access to his cock and balls. It becomes pretty clear to Janice that Earl has done this many times in the past. She can't help but wonder how many of those blowjobs were from adults and how many were from kids.
"Oh!" Earl moans after a couple minutes. "Here it comes sugar!"
A second later and Janice's mouth and throat are getting coated with Earl's thick jizz. Janice is happy the ordeal is over. Yet, at the same time it just doesn't feel right that Earl would finish so fast. Most of the men she has sucked off in the past lasted much longer. And Malcolm sure as hell lasted longer.
Janice swallows Earl's load and continues gently sucking until the cock stops drooling. She blushes as she backs away from the cock and gently tucks it back into Earl's pants.
"Good girl," Earl praises.
The comment makes her blush further but she still manages to reply with a "Thank you.".
The two ride in silence for several minutes before Earl speaks up again.
"How would you like to make a little money," Earl asks her. "There are a few truckers that would pay for your services."
Janice turns bright red at the suggestion. She is very embarrassed but also rather angry. She is a proper lady, not some whore! However, she then remembers how little money she has.
"How much?" Janice finally whispers as she looks down at her lap in shame.
"Well, most of the money would go to me," Earl quickly points out. "I'm the one that will do serious jail time if we get caught. I'm thinking your cut could be about $5 a customer."
"Five dollars!"
Janice doesn't scream it in anger but she is definitely thinking it. It is bad enough to be pimped out. However, she isn't going to be some cheap $5 whore. Okay, maybe technically the customers will be paying more than that. However, from her perspective she would be a $5 whore.
"Ten," Janice counters.
Janice frowns at Earl's quick and excited reply. Something tells her that she just got played. That Earl would have settled for a much higher price.
Earl immediately gets on his CB. Earl is using so much CB code that it is over five minutes before Janice realizes that the man is advertising her services. Even then she can only manage to decode bits and pieces. Earl keeps referring to her as a 'bubblegum buffalo'. The 'bubblegum' part obviously is referring to her age. She can only make a wild guess that 'buffalo' means 'sissy' or 'prostitute'. All she knows is that it better not mean he thinks she looks like an actual buffalo.
Janice also manages to make out their destination. They are headed to a place called, 'pickle park'. She isn't sure if that is code or an actual name of a park. Earl includes a number in the name which Janice is pretty positive is an exit number. She watches the exit signs closely and sees that they are counting down toward the number indicated.
On the bright side, they still have 52 exits to go before they reach their destination. Or at least this seems like the bright side. As the exits count down though, Janice becomes more and more nervous. The butterflies are flapping around in her tummy as she starts wondering what types of men will be using her. Will they be ugly and smelly? Will they have big cocks or small ones? Will they just want blowjobs or much more? And of course there is also the fear of a cop overhearing the advertisement.
It is almost an hour before they arrive at their destination. As it turns out, 'pickle park' isn't much of a 'park' at all. It's just a large rest area on the side of the highway. After thinking about it, it only makes sense to her that the spot wouldn't be far from the main road. She can't imagine the place has an actual name. So, the 'pickle' part still confuses her a bit.
"Get in back and take your clothes off," Earl orders as he parks the truck.
At first, Janice thinks Earl is referring to the actual back of the truck. However, the man reaches back and parts a curtain directly behind them. Behind the curtain is a very small cabin area with a bed. Janice swallows hard. She can't believe this is actually happening. She is really going to be pimped out by Earl. Well, technically, Ray already did that to her. Still, this somehow seems more real and raunchy. It won't be taking place in a huge fancy mansion this time. She will be providing her services on a small mattress in the back of a truck. Janice frowns but still obeys the order.
Janice's hands are shaking as she removes her clothes. It doesn't help her nerves any that Earl is staring at her while she does it. Earl watches her until she is down to only her cock cage.
"Leave it on," Earl says as Janice goes to remove her cage.
The way Earl sees it, there will be less mess on his covers if Janice keeps her cage on. Plus, if Janice cums she might start rethinking their deal. The last thing he needs is a uncooperative buffalo. It wouldn't stop him from continuing to pimp her out. However, it would make things harder than they need to be.
Janice folds her dress and panties nicely and puts them on a shelf at the foot of the bed. Earl then has her lay down on the bed in a somewhat seductive pose.
Earl gets back on the CB and spits out some more cryptic code. A minute later the passenger door opens and a man climbs in. Janice blushes profusely as the man stares at her.
"Holy shit!" the man says. "You weren't joking. Where did you find him at?"
"Don't worry about that," Earl growls. "It's $50 for a blowjob and $100 for anal."
Janice's face manages to turn even redder. However, only part of it is due to embarrassment. The rest is anger. She is only getting $10 and Earl is charging $50 to $100!
"That's awfully steep!" the man protests.
"Take it or leave it."
"Fine," the man says after thinking about it for a bit. "I'll pay $50 for a blowjob from him but I expect to get a discount the next time we do business."
"I'll consider it," Earl says as he counts the money.
As Earl gets out of the truck, Janice wonders what was meant by the next time they do business. Does Earl pimp his rides out often? Or worse, has he told these other drivers that he plans to keep Janice long term?
Janice's thoughts come back to the present as the trucker kicks his boots off and then climbs into the back with her. Janice scrunches her nose up in disgust as she gets a good smell of the guy. He smells like cigarettes.
The guy is a lot skinnier than Earl. However, Janice still has to move to the end of the bed in order to give the guy room to lay down. The guy immediately unzips his pants and pulls his cock out.
Janice smiles when she sees that the man's cock is only 7" [18 cm] long and 1.5" [4 cm] thick. One of her fears was that she would be having to service very large cocks. A cock this size she can handle in her sleep.
"Oh, Pickle Park," Janice says to herself when she gets that 'pickle' is probably a reference for 'cock'.
Janice crawls back up the bed between the man's legs. She then sucks the full 7" [18 cm] of his pickle into her mouth and throat.
"Oh!" the man moans.
A second later and Janice feels the man cumming deep in her throat. She can't believe that the man didn't even last as long as Earl had. She isn't sure if she should be flattered or insulted.
The man came so fast that Janice thinks about asking if he wants to go again. It seems only fair for the price he paid for her mouth. The guy doesn't give her a chance to ask. He quickly puts his cock away and zips up. Janice can tell the man is disgusted at what he just did with her. Janice is very familiar with this look of disgust. She just isn't used to seeing it on the face of men. She is more used to seeing it when she looks in the mirror.
The guy has his boots on and is out of the truck in less than a minute. Earl is back in the truck shortly after that. He is joined by her next customer. They quickly negotiate a price. The man wants a blowjob as well. Earl leaves once more and the man hops in the back.
The entire process is basically a repeat of the first. This man even has the same size cock. He lasts at least five minutes though. The man leaves the truck and Earl enters with another customer and it all starts over again.
Janice ends up doing nine blowjobs in a row. Some cum quickly but most last a good five to ten minutes. She is embarrassed throughout the ordeal but she also becomes excited by how much money she is making. One of the men even gives her a $10 tip. That means she has made $100 already! It is still a lot less than Earl's $360. However, $100 for less than two hours work seems pretty damn good to Janice. That is more money than she has ever had at one time. On top of that, she isn't starving anymore. She now has a tummy full of cum.
"We're closed," Earl tells the next trucker to approach the truck. "We'll open up shop again down the road once it gets dark."
Janice is actually a little disappointed by the announcement. Not only could they make a lot more money here but she hadn't cum yet. While the idea of being fucked by one of the truckers is disgusting, the anticipation of having her ass clit massaged by a cock has gotten her a little hot and bothered. Yet, all the truckers bought nothing but blowjobs.
There is a chance that some of them might fuck her ass later tonight. However, she isn't sure she can wait that long. Okay, she can easily wait that long. What she is really scared of is how aroused she will be by that time. Or more to the point, what she might start begging them to do to her.
"Is it okay if I
3; if I take my cage off?" Janice whispers from the mattress as Earl starts the truck.
Earl looks back at Janice in confusion. He knows what she is asking. It is just confusing why she would bother to ask. Sure, he sometimes trains his 'passengers' to be obedient. And yes, he plans to do the same with Janice. However, that is a ways down the road. First, you get them addicted to the money. Then you start training them. You go too fast and they will run off on you or worse. However, Janice has clearly already received training.
The more he thinks about it the more foolish he feels. Just look at her. It is highly doubtful she got the way she is by herself. In addition to feeling foolish, he also starts to get a bit concerned. Someone has invested a lot of time into her training. Not to mention the expense of turning her into a shemale.
Earl chastises himself for not thinking about it earlier. Seriously, what are the odds of running across a non trained young boy wearing a dress who has been given female hormones?
Earl's concern of course is what will happen when her original owner comes knocking. Earl frowns when he realizes his business relationship with Janice will need to be a lot shorter than he originally hoped. In fact, every fiber in his body is telling him he should just drop her off at the next exit.
"You can take your cage off but don't make a mess back there," Earl tells her as he pulls out of the parking lot and heads down the highway again.
Janice closes the curtain and fetches her key. She blushes when Earl's hand reaches back and opens the curtain back up. She freezes for a moment as she debates how badly she really needs to be milked.
Janice's face gets redder as she reaches down with the key and unlocks her cage. She can feel Earl's eyes on her despite him not actually turning back toward her. She looks up and notices that there is a rear view mirror inside the cab. She quickly averts her eyes when she sees Earl looking into the mirror back at her. She isn't sure why she hadn't noticed the mirror before. It is rather out of place if you think about it. It's not like you could see anything with it.
She is pretty certain that this mirror serves the same purpose as the one in Ray's van. It's there so the driver can peek at their passengers. Janice somehow manages to become an even brighter shade of red. She wonders how many other people have laid in this bed and provided Earl with a peep show?
Despite the embarrassment, Janice's cock has no problem getting hard. It is at full staff almost immediately after the cage comes off. Janice lays back on the mattress and starts playing with her cock. Part of her is tempted to turn to her side such that Earl can't see anything. She decides not to. Earl has been good to her. Plus, she doesn't want to do anything to ruin their business relationship.
While her right hand plays with her cock, her left hand snakes between her legs and starts playing with her hole.
"Mmm," Janice moans as two of her fingers slide inside her ass.
Janice left her plug and beads at home. It has felt good being without them all day. However, at the same time the emptiness has been nagging at her. After eight months of being plugged it just doesn't feel right not having her hole stuffed.
Janice pushes a third and then a fourth finger inside. She then gets a very naughty idea. The idea is so wicked that it makes her blush further.
Slowly, she pushes her thumb in along side her four fingers. She tries to push her whole hand inside but the angle just isn't right. However, getting into the correct position will give Earl more of a show than Janice is comfortable with. Yet, the thought of her hand inside her hole massaging her ass clit sends yummy naughty tingles through her tummy.
Janice looks up at the mirror. She sees Earl still taking brief glances back at her. She quickly averts her eyes again. She nibbles on her lower lip as she gives in to the desire for a better angle. She turns over and gets up on her hands and knees. She then reaches back with her left hand again, only this time from the back.
She gets her fingers and thumb back in her hole very quickly. Getting her full hand inside, however, is a different story. The widest part of her hand isn't any bigger than her beads. However, the angle makes it hard for her to push it inside. She arches her back so she can get a slightly better attack.
"Oh! Daddy!" Janice moans as her hand pops inside.
A wave of shame washes over her when she realizes she said 'daddy' out loud. However, the shame doesn't keep her from pushing her hand in even deeper. She doesn't stop until she is all the way up to her wrist. The angle prevents her from going any further.
"Oh!" Janice moans as she wiggles her fingers.
The tips of her fingers feel good against her ass clit. What she wouldn't give, however, to have the thicker part of her hand deeper against it. This will have to do though. As her fingers wiggle deep inside her, her other hand goes back to playing with her cock.
"Holy shit."
Janice blushes, yet smiles inside, when she hears Earl's comment from the front seat. She is being so naughty! It sends a special thrill through her body.
The naughty thrill becomes ten fold when she realizes Earl is pulling off the highway. They've only been on the highway for a few minutes. There is no doubt in her mind why Earl is pulling off. He is going to play with her.
The thought of Earl possibly breeding her hole brings her close to orgasm. Her only wish is that Earl's cock were bigger. What she wouldn't give to have Robert's huge cock inside her right now. As she fantasizes about it, it dawns on her that Earl has something even bigger than Robert's cock. If she asked nicely, maybe Earl will use his fist! The thought of Earl's huge fist forcing it's way inside her pushes Janice over the edge. She quickly removes her hand from her cock and cups it under the tip.
"OH! OH! OH!" Janice moans over and over as she shoots her load into her waiting palm.
"Oh!" she moans one last time as she pops her left hand out of her asshole.
It takes her a few seconds to catch her breath. She then brings her right hand to her mouth and sucks and licks the cum from her palm. Once her cleanup duty is done, she falls to her side on the mattress and bathes in the afterglow of her climax. It is several seconds before she remembers her audience and the show she just gave. That, coupled with the fantasy she had, makes her start crying in shame.
Janice swallows hard when the truck comes to a stop and she remembers she still has to satisfy Earl. She prays that Earl doesn't plan to do to her what she just fantasized about. Having Earl's large fist up her ass is the last thing she wants.
Lucky for her, it turns out all Earl wants is another blowjob. The man doesn't even last full three minutes.
Chapter 16
Janice and Earl drive the following couple hundred miles in silence. Janice thinks about asking to turn the radio on but decides it is best not too. There is a chance her parents might be offering a reward for her return. Considering what the two have done together, it is unlikely Earl would turn her in. There is still that small chance though.
Instead, she settles for listening to the chatter on the CB. Thankfully, none of the truckers are talking about a missing girl or rewards. That is not to say they aren't talking about her at all. From time to time there is mention of the cute little bubblegum buffalo at the pickle park. The chatter embarrasses Janice a bit. However, the compliments she is getting makes her a little proud at the same time.
The chatter is also good advertising. She is a bit surprised that Earl isn't responding to any of it in order to drum up more business for later tonight. Earl doesn't even respond when they call out to him by name. He just focuses on the road.
The sun sets but they drive another 100 miles [150 km] before Earl finally pulls off the highway. They drive on a small side road parallel to the highway for about a half mile [750 m]. It isn't until Janice sees their destination that she realizes why Earl hadn't bothered advertising her services earlier. Ahead of them is a huge adult video and book store.
Butterflies flap around in Janice's tummy at the thought of all the horny customers she will probably be entertaining tonight. She smiles at all the money she will make.
Earl stops the truck and immediately unzips his fly. Janice knows what he wants and slides over and pulls the man's cock out. A couple minutes later and Janice is swallowing Earl's load once more.
"Wait here," Earl says as he zips up and opens his door.
Earl is out of the truck and walking toward the building before Janice thinks to ask if she should undress or not. She doesn't want to appear too eager so she decides to keep her clothes on. It's not like it takes long to remove her dress anyway.
The butterflies in her tummy go crazy as the minutes tick by. As she waits, Janice counts all the vehicles in the large parking lot. There are six large trucks and at least ten passenger cars. There are also vehicles coming and going every few minutes as well. They are definitely going to make a lot of money here tonight.
Almost 20 minutes pass before Earl steps back out of the building. Janice frowns when she sees a very fat man walking toward the truck with Earl. She doesn't bother to jump into the back. It is clear this man is too fat to climb up to the main cab, let alone fit inside the back. She will need to service him in the bushes or something. She feels a bit ill at the thought of trying to find this man's cock inside all those layers of fat.
Earl opens Janice's door and helps her step down. He then has her do a slow turn so the man can get a good look at her. He then has her lift up her dress briefly so the man can see her caged cock.
"Not bad," the man says after a moment. "I'll give you $300."
Janice's eyes get big. That is a ton of money. After this trick is over she plans to renegotiate her contract with Earl. She should get more than $10 if the tricks are paying $300 a pop.
"Come on Big John," Earl responds in an annoyed tone. "You will make at least ten times that."
"I'll go up to $400," Big John says as he gives Janice's left breast as rough squeeze.
"I'll take $600 and not a penny less," Earl insists.
Big John thinks about it for a minute and then pulls out a large wad of cash and starts peeling $20 and $50 bills off it.
Janice is confused and concerned as the man counts out the money. Earl sees her confusion and puts his hand on her shoulder to help calm her.
"Big John owns this place," Earl informs her. "He's going to set you up inside so you can get more customers."
3; will I still get $10 each?" Janice says after thinking about it a moment.
3; of course," Earl replies with a smile.
"I guess it's okay," Janice finally decides.
Janice isn't too hot on the idea of leaving the familiar safety of the truck. However, the money makes it worth the risk. Besides, how risky could it really be? The more she thinks about it the more she realizes that it will actually be a lot safer than servicing clients in the back of a truck.
Big John hands the cash over and Earl quickly counts it.
"Come with me, sugar," Big John says as he offers her his pudgy hand.
Janice ignores the hand and climbs back up into the truck and grabs her bag of stuff. If she gets as many customers as she expects then she will eventually need her enema bag and occasional touchups to her makeup. She is thankful that neither of the men ask why she is getting the bag.
Janice jumps back down and reluctantly takes Big John's hand. She gets a bit worried when she looks back and sees Earl climbing back up into his truck. Was he planning to sleep in the truck while she is doing tricks? She would feel much safer if Earl stayed closer by.
Big John leads her around the side of the building and to a door near the very back.
"Is he leaving!?" Janice asks in alarm when she hears a truck start up in the distance.
There are other trucks in the parking lot but that engine sounds like it is coming from Earl's direction.
"Don't worry, sugar," Big John assures her as he nudges her inside. "Big John will take good care of you."
Janice's instinct is to run. However, Big John is already in the doorway behind her. The man barely fits through the door, there is no way she can squeeze past him.
Running deeper into the building is an option but not necessarily a good one. She is in a long hallway. If all the doors are locked then all she will manage to do is piss Big John off. Plus, even if she made her way into the main store all she would accomplish is grab the attention of a bunch of people. If one of them doesn't call the cops then Big John would have no choice but to do so. She doubts that whatever Big John has in mind for her will be anywhere near as bad as being turned over to the cops and returned home.
As they slowly walk down the hallway, Janice's fear is joined by a wave of anger. If Earl really did take off then that means he took the money he owes her with him! She chastises herself for not asking for the money earlier.
"This will be your room for the night," Big John says as he opens a door near the end of the hallway.
Janice peaks inside and is surprised to find a fully decorated bedroom. For some reason she had expected nothing more than maybe a mattress on the floor. This room, however, has a full bed, a dresser, portable closet, rugs, study desk, etc.
Janice can't tell if the room is meant for an adult or a kid such as herself. The bed is queen size and there are nude pictures on the walls. These aspects are clearly adult. However, the colors and designs look like they were picked out by a kid. A little girl to be exact. There are polka dot sheets on the bed; butterfly pattern on the curtains; lollipop trees and balloons painted on the walls; etc. There is even a small doll house in the corner of the room. Everything looks nice by itself but put together the room looks pretty cheesy.
Big John nudges her inside.
"Pull your panties down and lift up your dress," Big John orders. "I need to get a photo for advertising purposes."
Janice blushes but she does as ordered. She even manages to put on a smile. The better the photo the more customers she will get.
Big John snaps a shot with his cell phone. He puts the phone back in his pocket and then goes to a 20" Disney Princess TV sitting on a nightstand and turns it on. He then hits play on a DVD player. A second later a porn shows up on the screen.
"This is one of our more popular DVDs," Big John says as he steps away.
Janice's eyes get big when she sees the characters in the video. One is a large black man and the other is an 11 or 12 year old boy. There isn't much in the way of plot. The man pulls out his impressive cock and the little boy starts playing with it.
Janice has seen tons of 'kiddy porn' in the past eight months. However, this video still shocks her. She has only ever seen a few where it is a man and a boy having sex. Sure, she has seen tons of men and sissies but hardly any where the boy actually looks like a normal boy. It not only looks wrong but also rather revolting.
As she watches the boy struggle with the man's large cock, it suddenly dawns on Janice that when Big John said this was one of his popular DVDs that he might actually mean he filmed it. She turns to ask Big John but the man is already out of the room and closing the door.
"Wait," Janice manages to say before the door completely closes.
Big John doesn't wait though. Janice swallows hard when she hears the door being locked from the outside. She rushes to the door but can't open it.
All kinds of thoughts go through her head as she stands there. Is she now a captive? Does Big John plan to make films of her? Will he pimp her out? Will he do much worse?
As scary as these thoughts are, short of being tortured and killed, Janice can't imagine what Big John could possibly have planned for her that would be worse than going back home. Still, she doesn't enjoy the idea of once again being a captive in a small room like this.
"Ow! Ow!"
The sound of pain draws Janice's attention back to the TV. On screen, the black man is pressing the tip of his huge cock against the boy's asshole. It is like an accident on the highway. Janice wants to look away but just can't. She just has to see how that huge cock is going to fit up that boy's little hole.
Of course, the video would seem considerably more horrifying if Janice didn't already know she personally could easily handle the black man's cock herself. At 2.5" [6 cm] thick and 9" [23 cm] long, the black man's cock is huge, yet still child's play for Janice. So, the possibility of them having this man fuck her is hardly that frightening. In fact, she feels her cock trying to harden in it's cage at the thought of that black cock rubbing her ass clit.
There was a time when just the thought of touching a black person, even a female, seemed wrong and kind of gross to Janice. Ray put an end to that. The large black man visited her in the secure area at least two to three times a week.
Even after eight months, licking Ray's armpits still humiliated and grossed Janice out. However, for some reason she almost looked forward to it. She didn't understand why but her cock would get extra hard during Ray's visits. She tried to convince herself that it was just because of the anticipation of having Ray's huge cock rubbing her ass clit. However, deep down she knew it was more than that.
Janice chastises herself for getting turned on while watching the boy in pain. However, she forgives herself a little bit when the cock pops inside the boy and sinks deep. It becomes clear to her that this isn't the boy's first time. He easily takes the full length of black pipe. Within a minute, the boy is even moaning in pleasure. Yeah, right. No way that boy was anywhere near virgin. He was just acting for the camera.
While Janice is a bit relieved, she is still rather concerned about her situation. She didn't run away from one hell just so she could visit another.
Janice checks the window only to discover there is no window. The curtains cover nothing but solid wall. There is another door in the room but it only leads to a small bathroom.
Janice paces the room for a bit and then finally sits on the bed. As she calms down she starts noticing a few things. The first thing is that the room in the video is nothing like the room she is in. Even the height of the room seems different. This is a good sign that maybe Big John didn't make the DVD after all. Maybe he just sells them under the table to select customers.
Janice also notices the room is full of weapons. Or at least items that could easily be used as weapons. There is a glass vase that could be broken and turned into a knife. There is a pen on the desk that is just begging to be used as a stabbing instrument. There is even a wooden chair that could be broken down and turned into a blunt weapon. Either this room wasn't meant to keep people captive or the person that set it up is a complete idiot. They didn't even have a surveillance camera. Or at least not one that she could see. Maybe she wasn't really a prisoner after all. That said, she still starts planning an escape.
This place is a joke compared to the secure area at the school. It doesn't take Janice long to come up with a plan. It is a rather simple one. All she has to do is play along and get Big John to let his guard down. Then in a few days she could maybe turn the sound off on the TV and when Big John comes in she tells him it might be broken. Then all she has to do is run for the door once the big man gets past her. Once she is past him then his gigantic size will work in her favor. She will be down the hall and back out the side door before the big man even makes it out of the room.
Of course, she may not actually need to implement the plan. If Big John just plans to pimp her out then there is no reason not to play along. As long as he actually forks over her cut each day then there won't be any harm in staying for a few days.
Heck, she might even decide to stay for a few weeks. It would be a good way of not only building up a lot of money but also waiting out any hunt that might be going on for her. After all, Big John will have a vested interest in keeping her hidden from the cops. Even if the reward is high he would risk too much by turning her in. Of course, he risks a lot by letting her go also. So, there is still a chance the escape plan may be needed eventually.
Janice puts her bag near the side of the door just in case she needs to use the plan sooner rather than later. She also puts the pen under it in case Big John actually manages to catch up to her somehow.
Once satisfied with her plan, Janice starts searching the room in more detail. She finds that the dresser contains mainly sex toys and various female items like panties, stockings, etc. The panties look nice but they also gross Janice out a bit. They may be clean but she doubts they are brand new. Others have probably worn these in the past. She notes that there are a variety of sizes. Some of the items look even too small for her. Janice can't help but feel a bit sad for some of the younger kids Big John has apparently pimped out.
Janice finds no male underwear but she does find some male clothing in the closet along with the female stuff. They aren't normal clothes though. They are costumes. There is everything from a sailor uniform to ballerina outfit. Again, there are a large variety of sizes. The larger sizes seem of higher quality. The smaller sizes look more like cheap Halloween costumes.
Janice spends the next 20 minutes searching the rest of the room. She doesn't find anything of interest. Unless you count the jar full of condoms on the nightstand. They are clearly for all the customers. Janice has never seen a condom in real life before. She is tempted to open one up and inspect it. She decides against it. She does note, however, that there are a few different types in the jar. One of the types says it is ribbed. Janice has heard rumors about the ribbed ones. Her ass clit tingles at the thought of a customer using a ribbed one on her. She nibbles on her lower lip as she rearranges the condoms so that all the ribbed ones are at the top.
Once her search is over, Janice grabs some makeup from her bag and goes into the bathroom and touches everything up. She doesn't have much to work with. She only brought a hand full of makeup items. It's not like a ton of makeup is needed for a girl her age for normal everyday use. However, if she decides to do more prostitution in the future then she will need to buy a larger makeup kit. She hopes that her customers will be satisfied with the more conservative look.
After she is done, Janice goes back to the bed and waits for her first customer. She watches the porn video as she waits. She is watching for over a minute before it dawns on her that while it is the same boy in the same bedroom, the man fucking the boy is different.
At first, she thinks she just missed the end of first video and this is a different shoot. However, a line of black men comes into view as the camera moves around for better angles. The men are naked and playing with their hard cocks as they wait their turn with the kid. Janice puts her hand over her mouth in shock as she tries to count all the men. She gets to ten before the camera changes angles again. Her estimate is that there were probably close to 20 altogether.
Janice can't believe all those men plan to fuck the boy. Janice got fucked a lot during her training but nothing like this. Janice's cock tries to get hard in it's cage when she realizes that Big John might plan to arrange a similar movie starring herself. The thought is frightening, yet makes her ass clit tingle at the same time.
Janice watches as the boy services one man after another. She is so fascinated that she almost forgets that she is waiting on customers of her own. An hour passes almost unnoticed. Janice is getting tired and decides to close her eyes for just a minute. Before the minute is over she is deep asleep. It isn't long and she is having sweet sissy dreams. The sound from the TV acts as director for her dreams. Only instead of the boy from the video servicing all those black dicks it is Janice.
Janice is woken by the sound of the room's door shutting. She wipes the sleep from her eyes and does her best to focus. Standing there is Big John and another man.
"Good morning," Big John tells her.
At first, Janice doesn't believe it's actually morning. However, she remembers the dreams. She can't remember them in great detail but she remembers there being a ton of them. She also realizes that she is no longer sleepy.
"What time is it?" Janice asks.
"Stand up and give Jack a good look see," Big John says, ignoring her question.
Janice frowns but does what she is told. She stands and does her best to brush the wrinkles out of her dress. She then slowly turns so Jack can get a good look at her.
As she turns, she can't help but wonder if Jack is the man's real name. The man is an ugly looking Mexican. It seems an odd name for a Mexican. Plus, part of her doesn't want the name to be 'Jack' since that was her name before she became 'Janice'. And this large and manly guy certainly highlights exactly how big of a sissy Janice has become.
That said, the man's name is hardly her biggest concern. Jack is pretty big but unlike Big John the man looks rather fit. He looks plenty strong and fast enough to catch her if she were to make a run for the exit.
Janice finishes her turn and waits for her next command. Big John simply motions toward Janice's waist. Janice gets the hint and lifts the dress up and pulls her panties down so Jack can see her caged cock.
"Nice," Jack says with a smile.
Jack tries to hide most of his excitement as he reaches out and gives one of Janice's small breasts a squeeze through the thin dress material. This is a find of a lifetime. Over the years, Jack has acquired a variety of little boys and girls. However, this is the first shemale.
"Two grand," Jack says after a moment.
If it were anyone else, Big John would have kicked the person out of his establishment for making such a low first bid. However, he would never even think of doing such a thing to Jack.
"That seems a bit low," Big John says as nicely as he can. "I was looking for more like 15k."
Jack is un-phased by the counter offer. If anything, he was expecting an even larger number.
"Five," Jack replies.
"I could come down to maybe 12."
"Seven is the highest I will go," Jack says after thinking about it a minute. "I'll also give you a name you can give to whoever comes looking for him."
Big John was hoping to make a bit more. However, he has to admit that it is a fair offer. Especially the part about the name. If anyone is looking for this kid then there is a massive trail leading right to him. When they come knocking it would be nice to have a name to give them.
"Plus 10 percent off the next shipment of DVDs," Big John counters.
He knows he is pushing his luck but he also knows that the 10 percent doesn't really come out of Jack's pocket. Jack doesn't distribute the kiddy porn DVDs. Jack is more of what you might call a talent scout.
"Fine," Jack finally agrees.
The 10 percent really isn't a big deal. He knows that the distributors will be more than happy to provide the discount. Especially if Big John doubles or triples his normal purchase in order to take advantage of the deal.
Janice is shaking in fear during all of this. With Earl she was able to convince herself that she was a business partner. With Big John she seen herself as an investment, yet still possibly a business partner. However, with Jack she is pretty sure she has become nothing more than property. She isn't so hot on the idea of being anyone's property, let alone that of an ugly, mean looking Mexican like Jack.
Janice makes a dash for the door. She manages to get the door open a few inches. However, it is quickly kicked shut by Jack. The next thing she knows, Jack has her hands pulled behind her. A few seconds after that and they are tied with rope. A ball gag goes into her mouth before she even thinks to scream. She is brought to the floor and her feet are quickly bound.
This is not Jack's first rodeo. He has had plenty of practice roping young kids. And of course, no roping would be complete without a proper hogtie. He runs a length of rope from the hand bindings to those at her feet.
"Mmm!" Janice grunts through her gag as Jack pulls the rope tight, forcing her into a backward 'C'.
Jack pulls a small container from his jacket. He opens it and pulls out a syringe. Janice tries to struggle as Jack brings it toward her. She is completely defenseless though. She lets out a small grunt as the needle sinks into her rump and deposits it's contents.
"Box her up."
It is the last thing Janice hears before she goes under.
Chapter 17
Janice wakes several hours later to the sound of two men talking. At first, she thinks she is still in the room with Jack and Big John. However, she realizes she isn't tied up anymore. She is also naked and can feel cold concrete under her. She opens her eyes a crack and sees that Jack is indeed there. However, the other man is not Big John.
Janice doesn't have to listen long to discover the other man is a doctor. She doesn't hear his name. The truth is that Jack doesn't even know the doctor's name. Everyone just calls him doc. Or at least that is what they say to his face. Behind his back they usually call him the vet. Because that is his actual profession
3; veterinarian.
Janice notices the doc holding a needle. She prepares to resist but then realizes the doc is putting the needle away. Apparently he already administered the shot to her. She doesn't feel like she is going to pass out again. In fact, whatever they gave her seems to be making her more alert.
Once the needle is away, the doc picks up a couple vials of blood and scribbles something on the side of them.
"I'll put a rush on these," the doc says. "I'm sure the boss will be anxious to get him
3; um, her, in front of the camera. We should know within a day or two what sexual diseases she might have."
"I don't have any diseases!" Janice growls before she can catch herself.
She chastises herself for speaking up and letting them know she is awake. However, the accusation that she might have sexual diseases is insulting. Who do they think she is?! She isn't some $5 street walker!
She blushes when it dawns on her that this title isn't far off the mark. Her prostitute career might have been extremely short, but it had occurred. The more she thinks about it, the more she starts to fear what the tests might reveal.
This isn't her number one concern. In fact, the thought of going back and becoming Big John's $5 whore doesn't seem so bad right now. Of significantly higher concern is that she doesn't know where she is or what they plan to do to her.
"Come with me," Jack commands.
Janice is still a little groggy but she manages to stand and follow. They go down a long hallway. There are doors on both sides of the hall every 10 feet [3 m] or so. Janice feels ill when she notices that all the doors are solid metal. She is pretty sure these are prison cells of some kind.
Janice is caught by surprise when three naked girls enter the hall from one of the doors. One of the girls looks to be around 15 years old and the other two are maybe 11 or 12. All three girls are caught by surprise as well. However, the older one seems to recognize Jack and has a great deal of fear in her eyes. She quickly ushers the other two girls down the hall.
Jack chuckles as he watches the three girls scurry away. He knows the younger girls will soon have fear in their eyes also when the older one tells them how close they came to meeting the Jackal.
In addition to being a 'talent scout', Jack also holds the title of 'trainer'. Well, technically he also holds other titles like 'cameraman', since he records a lot of his training. Of course, most of his titles are just polite ways of describing his true duties. His not-so-polite titles would be more along the lines of child abductor, pedophile, rapist, and much worse.
What scares the children the most is Jack's 'training' duties. If a kid gets out of line or simply performs poorly then they are sent to a trainer. The organization Jack works for has a variety of trainers. However, only the extremely naughty children go to Jack for training. That is because Jack's training is rather extreme. Kids sent to him for training will quickly find their heads shaven and crawling around on the floor barking like a dog. Jack not only treats the trainees as dogs but breeds them with real dogs as well.
Jack's training program also lasts much longer than most. Kids are kept under his care for a minimum of three months and usually for six or more. By the time they leave, most of the kids are absolutely convinced they are real dogs. It often takes months before they convert back to any resemblance of their former self. However, they never truly fully recover.
Three to six months is a long time and time is money. Therefore, Jack keeps detailed video documentation of all the training. Every few weeks he splices together the best parts and sends it to one of the organization's three studios. They fine tune it, burn it to DVD, and then ship it out to various distribution sites. Jack will usually put out a good five to seven videos on each of his 'puppies'. The videos sell like hotcakes also.
Needless to say, the children have good reason to fear Jack.
He does all of his training in Arkansas, some 900 miles [1500 km] away. Therefore, they never see the man unless he is picking up, dropping off, or both. It is the Jackal, not the boogieman, that the children here hide under the covers from when they hear a bump in the middle of the night.
Jack and Janice stop at the door the three girls just came out of. The door buzzes. Jack opens it and ushers Janice inside. The room is a bathroom with several toilet stalls. There are also showers along the wall opposite the toilets. Jack leads Janice to the showers.
"Uh!" Janice lets out and then jumps back when Jack turns a knob and a shower of cold water engulfs her.
Jack gives her ass a hard slap that echoes through the room. He gives her two more before she finally bites her teeth together hard and steps back into the cold spray. Her body feels like it is being pierced by a thousand needles. Janice shivers as she quickly washes up.
Jack grins as he watches Janice suffer through the cold shower. What he wouldn't give to take her back to Arkansas with him. Lou, the head of their little organization, would never allow it though. Movies of the boy being turned into a puppy would sell like crazy. However, in the same amount of time, Lou could arrange for the boy to star in 20 or more videos. And any video of a cute sissy like Janice is going to sell well. Jack understands the business logic of it. He can still dream though. With luck, maybe the boy will try to escape and be sent to him for 'training'.
"Pick a stall," Jack growls as Janice finishes her shower.
Janice goes to grab a nearby towel so she can dry off but Jack grabs her by the hair and pulls her toward the toilet stalls. Goosebumps raise all over her body and her teeth clatter from the cool air. Despite being underground, the facility is kept at about 65 to 70 degrees [18-21° C]. That air feels a lot cooler though when it is blowing through the room from the vents. Especially if you are dripping wet.
There are no doors or side walls on the stalls. However, there is a metal frame where these things would normally be attached. Each of the stalls has an enema bag hanging from the metal support above where the doors should be. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what is about to take place. Sure enough, Jack orders Janice to give herself an enema.
Janice gets the bag down from it's hook and takes it back over to the showers in order to fill it. Janice frowns when Jack tells her to only use cold water.
The facility has hot water. In fact, the children are allowed to use as much hot water as they want for enemas and showers. Jack is just being a dick. Even as he gives the order, Jack realizes that it might be counter productive. His hope is to one day have Janice as one of his puppies back in Arkansas. About the only chance of that happening is if Janice does something very bad like trying to escape. However, Janice will surely hear all the horror stories about the Jackal. By being such a dick, all Jack is doing is helping to confirm the authenticity of those stories and thus help ensure Janice doesn't do anything bad enough to be sent to him.
It is a nice little piece of logic. However, odds are Lou wouldn't send Janice to Jack anyway. The kids whose movies sell well are usually given a ton more leniency when it comes to punishments. It's all about the money. And taking an obvious future movie star like Janice away from the studios for three to six months would cost them a ton of money.
So, Jack figures he might as well get his enjoyment out of the kid now while he can.
It takes Janice some effort to get the enema hung back up. Back when she was Jack, she could have easily jumped up and snapped the hook on the high metal bar. Her weakened sissy muscles prevent her from doing that now. To get the height that she needs, she not only uses her legs to jump but has to also use one of her hands on a side bar to pull with. Even then it takes her four tries before she gets high enough.
Janice blushes when she realizes Jack plans to watch her perform the enema. She has done this with a live audience before. It is always embarrassing though. It is doubly so doing it with a stranger watching her.
The enema kit is clearly shared by others in the facility. The thought is a bit icky. However, it doesn't stop her from licking the enema nozzle for lubrication. She doesn't taste anything foul, which is a good sign they at least clean them occasionally.
She brings the nozzle to her rear door and slowly pushes it inside. As Janice does this, she steals a quick glance at Jack. She notices a large bulge that wasn't in the man's pants a moment ago. The sight, along with the insertion, for some reason makes her own cock get hard. This not only embarrasses her further but also surprises her a bit. She wouldn't have thought it possible to get hard while you feel so cold.
Janice lets out a short girly squeal as she releases the clamp and cold water shoots into her hole. She goes to her tippy toes and does a little dance as the cold water works it's way deep inside her. It feels like her insides are being turned to ice. On the bright side, at least her cock goes soft again.
"It hurts too much!" Janice pleads as her insides cramp up.
"All of it!" Jack growls when Janice goes to clamp the hose.
Janice's fingers hover next to the clamp for a few seconds before she can will herself to pull her hand away.
"Be a good girl! Be a good girl! Be a good girl!"
Janice says it over and over in her head as the cold water zigzags it's way through her insides. The cramps become so extreme that for a moment her body almost manages to stop the flow. The bag is too high though and gravity is a bitch.
Her insides fight for almost two minutes before the white flag is raised. Resistance gone, the remainder of the cold water quickly drains into her. As the last drop enters her, Janice is gripping the stall frame tight in order to help keep from falling down in exhaustion.
"Good boy," Jack praises. "You can remove the nozzle and expel the water into the toilet."
Janice's trainers at the school were very good at remembering to refer to her as a girl and not a boy. However, there were still very rare occasions when 'boy' would slip out. There was a time when Janice used to grab on to these slipups like a drowning person would grasp a life preserver. Anything to keep from forgetting the non sissy Jack she used to be. However, as time went on, any reference to her prior manhood confused her more than anything. When she would hear a slipup she would fear she was not being sissy enough? Did they not find her pretty?
At this moment, however, she barely notices the word. Instead, she focuses on the word, 'good'. The praise fills her with a warm glow. It stands out in stark contrast to the icy cold water in her bowels.
Janice removes the nozzle and turns around so she can sit on the toilet. As she turns, Jack gets a good profile view of her slightly extended stomach. This makes his cock get extra hard. He unzips his pants and pulls his dick out. Janice blushes and nibbles on her lower lip as she eyes Jack's 8" [20 cm] long and 1.5" [4 cm] thick cock.
As Jack steps toward her, Janice wets her lips in preparation. A second later and she is tasting Jack's cock. Janice can't help but imagine the taste of every male she sees. She finds the flavor and smell of Jack's cock to be very similar to what she had envisioned. It is a very manly smell and flavor.
Janice immediately deep throats the cock. However, Jack grabs a hand full of her hair and pulls her back until only the head is in her mouth.
"This should help warm you up," Jack says after a brief pause.
Janice blushes and her eyes get big when she realizes what Jack plans to do. Her instinct is to pull away. However, she forces herself to hold her ground. A second later there is a hot stream of piss entering her mouth. Her potty training kicks in and she loosens her throat muscles so the piss can shoot straight to her tummy.
The hot putrid fluid, shooting across the taste buds on her tongue and down her throat, is a huge contrast to the icy cold water shooting from her asshole. She has to admit that it does help warm her insides a little.
Jack pisses into her mouth for almost a full minute before his stream begins to taper off. He pulls his cock free of her mouth near the end and lets the last of the piss spray Janice's face and body. Believe it or not, the golden shower grosses Janice out more than drinking the piss. Her potty training contained a few golden showers but not many. Mostly they just made her drink it. She concluded a long time ago that the reason the golden showers probably bother her more is because they contradict her training to always stay clean and pretty.
Jack can tell that Janice has been potty trained. Janice looks upset, embarrassed and grossed out. They are the same things you would see if she hadn't been potty trained. However, Jack has done enough potty training to see subtle differences. He also notes that she isn't turning as green as a beginner would. Knowing she is potty trained turns Jack on even more. It takes all of his willpower to put his cock away and zip back up.
He would love to get his dick inside the kid but Jack knows he wouldn't be satisfied with just that. For Jack to truly enjoy himself his lovers need to be in lots of discomfort and full of humiliation. It is one of the reasons he breeds them with dogs. Pissing on Janice is a good start, but he would want to put her in a lot more discomfort and humiliation than just that. It would take too long and the kid might not be in the best condition when he was done. That in turn would surely piss Lou off.
"There's no toilet paper," Janice says once she expels the water.
The enema came out pretty clean but it isn't lady like not to wipe afterward. Though, considering she is dripping in piss, wiping does seem a little pointless to even Janice. Jack just chuckles and orders her to refill the bag and repeat the process. Janice does as ordered.
As the water fills her the second time, Jack kneels down in front of her. For a second, Janice thinks the man plans to suck her cock. The thought of someone so manly sucking her cock grosses her out a bit. Thankfully, Jack doesn't do so.
Janice's eyes get big, however, when Jack brings a chunk of metal into view. Janice easily figures out that it is a cock cage. Not just any cock cage though. This one has a long metal rod that goes down the center. She has worn something similar to it before and she wants nothing to do with it.
Janice begs but she does not back away. She knows better than that. The only response she gets is a smile from Jack.
The cock cage works just like any other. However, unlike most, this one has a long enough tube enclosure to allow the person's cock to expand. The tube is curved downward slightly but it makes no real attempt to prevent erections. Well, technically anyway. You see, in order to get hard your dick has to impale itself on the metal rod going down the center. The rod isn't sharp or anything, but it still hurts like hell as it slides through the urethra.
Janice begs louder and takes a step back when she gets a better look at the metal rod. It looks a bit thicker than what they used at the school. What really concerns her, however, are the large balls along the length of it. Some look well over a quarter inch [5 mm] in diameter. They aren't metal though. They look like some kind of rubber. The worst part is that they have what look like small spikes covering their surface like some kind of medieval chain and ball. Even if the rubber is somewhat soft, Janice is pretty sure those balls are going to hurt like hell.
"Please, I'll be a good girl," Janice pleads once more.
"Oh, you will be a good girl alright," Jack replies with a chuckle.
Janice cries as Jack continues to put the cage on her. It isn't that painful. She is completely soft and thus only an inch or so of the rod goes into her urethra. None of the balls go inside her but the head of her cock is pressing against the first one. No, these tears are for the pain she knows will eventually come the next time she gets hard. There are five balls total, spaced about 1 inch [2½ cm] apart. Janice can tell that her 7" [18 cm] long cock will easily swallow them all once she gets hard.
Janice is so concerned with the cock cage that she barely notices the half gallon [~2 liter] of cold water working it's way into her bowels again. The last of the water drains into her just as Jack is locking the cage in place.
"The rod is hollow," Jack informs her. "You can pee while wearing it. Just make sure you are sitting when you do it."
Despite how cold she is, Janice still manages a blush as Jack gives her a wink and smile. Sitting on the toilet to pee was a requirement at the school. It even feels natural to her now. However, Jack knowing she will have no choice but to do it somehow makes it worse.
Her blush gets worse as she sits on the toilet and realizes she actually has to pee right now. Thankfully, the sound of the pee is drowned out by the sound of her enema escaping.
Once the enema is expelled, Jack has her shower off again.
Three more naked girls enter the bathroom just as Jack and Janice are exiting. Like the last set of girls, there is an older one and two younger ones. The older girl gasps in fear when she sees Jack. The two younger ones are focused more on Janice. One whispers something to the other and they both giggle. Janice does her best not to look at the girls. The last thing she wants is to get hard.
Once they are in the hall, Jack reaches down and grabs Janice's ass.
"Oh!" Janice lets out as the man's middle finger worms it's way inside her.
The finger doesn't hurt. In fact, it is the opposite. The outburst is one of pain though. That is because her cock starts to get hard and swallows the first ball on the rod in her cock cage. She has to focus hard to keep from getting harder. The head of her dick is pressing against the second ball before she can get control of herself.
Jack uses his middle finger to guide Janice down the hall. At first, Janice thinks they are headed back to the doctor. However, they stop about half way down the hall at one of the metal doors. There is a buzz and Jack opens the door. Janice swallows hard when she sees the first door only gives access to a small four or so [~ 1¼ m] foot long cubby/hall with another metal door on the other side. This confirms for her that these are definitely holding cells of some kind.
Jack wiggles his middle finger around in Janice's asshole for several seconds. He doesn't stop until he hears Janice let out another "oh!" as the second ball forces it's way up her urethra. Jack chuckles, pulls his finger out and gives Janice a rude push into the enclosure.
"Have fun," Jack says as he steps back out into the hall and shuts the main door, enclosing Janice alone inside the small space.
Chapter 18
Janice shivers in both fear and cold as she waits for the second door to open. She almost jumps out of her skin as the door buzzes. She steps back in fear. The door doesn't open though. The buzzing stops.
"Openz da fooknz door," a voice tells her.
The voice has a thick Russian accent but when the door buzzes again she realizes what was said. She reluctantly reaches out and opens the door. She blushes as she looks inside and sees several kids. She only freezes for a moment before entering. The man on the loud speaker already sounds pissed. She doesn't want to upset him further.
Janice's shivers get worse as she lets the metal door close behind her. She doesn't have to check it to know she is now locked inside.
There are four naked kids in the room, not counting herself. There is an older girl about 17 or 18. There is also two cute identical twin girls about 10. Most of Janice's attention, however, goes to the fourth kid who is a boy. He looks to be just a hair younger than herself. Maybe 12 or 13. He is also a shemale like herself. Or at least a shemale in progress.
All four of the kids are lined up at attention when Janice first sees them. However, once they see it is just her, they quickly relax.
"You must be Janice," the older girl says. "Welcome to main storage. My name is Susan. That's Lacy and Rachel. You can tell them apart by their nipple rings."
The chests on the two young girls are flat. However, each girl has one of their tinny nipples pierced. Both small, golden nipple rings are identical. It takes Janice a second to realize that the piercings are on opposite sides. Lacy has hers on the left and Rachel on the right. It takes Janice only a second longer to realize that the first letter of 'left' and 'Lacy' match. Same for 'right' and 'Rachel'.
"That's Denise," Susan says as she motions toward the young boy. "You two will be bunking together."
Janice and Denise blush as they stare at each other. The twins giggling doesn't help matters. Susan gives the twins a mean stare and the giggles quickly end. The twins chastise themselves. They know better than to tease Denise in front of Susan. Denise and Susan are brother and sister after all.
"You must be freezing," Susan says when she notices Janice shivering. "Why don't you and Denise cuddle up for warmth."
Most of the children in the facility have long since gotten used to the cool air circulating in the rooms. However, Susan remembers all to well how cold it felt when she first arrived. Not only will cuddling help warm Janice up but it will also help break the ice between the two boys. After all, it won't be long before the two are required to do more than just cuddle.
Janice doesn't have to be told directly that her and Denise will soon become more than just bunk mates. Denise's blush tells her all she needs to know.
As Janice gets a better view of Denise, she is reminded of her neighbor and best friend, Laurence (Laura). While both of them are cute, their faces aren't that similar. However, their bodies are. Both have small frames that look as much male as female. Unlike herself, Laura has not been under the influence of the estrogen for long. Janice suspects Denise hasn't either. Denise has a tiny bit of breast development though, so she is pretty sure the girl is being drugged. Either she hasn't been taking the drugs for long or the stuff they are using isn't as good as what the school has.
Thinking of Laura sends a wave of sorrow through Janice. Prior to running away, Janice had convinced herself that being turned into a sissy was what was best for Laura. Now, however, she realizes she was just telling herself that in order to make her own escape easier. Sure, Laura has an interest in boys. However, it is very unlikely she will enjoy having sex with the men at the school. And she is pretty positive Laura won't like having sex with her own father. And there is no doubt that Laura's mother will make sure plenty of that takes place. If Janice could do it all over, she would have waited longer and come up with a plan that allowed both her and Laura to escape at the same time. Or at least that is what she likes to believe.
Janice's sorrow is quickly replaced with embarrassment as she sits on a cot with Denise. For a few seconds, the two just sit next to each other. Then slowly they put their arms around each other. Janice isn't sure if they are supposed to just embrace for warmth or if more is expected of them. She decides to just follow Denise's lead. Thankfully, Denise doesn't make the embrace romantic or erotic.
The embrace may not be erotic but it still makes Janice's cock start to harden in it's cage.
Janice bites her lower lip in order to try to quiet her groan of discomfort. Her cock had softened earlier. Now it was eating up the balls along the rod once more. It swallows three of the balls before she can get herself under control. It is clear to everyone in the room though what is happening. The twins struggle not to but still let out a few giggles.
Denise is wearing the same type of cock cage and is all too familiar with what Janice is going through. There was a time when thinking of cock made Denise sick. Now, for some reason, it often makes her get hard. It isn't long and she too is moaning in discomfort. This in turn makes Janice get harder and moan louder. The feedback loop continues until they are both fully hard with all five balls deep in their urethras.
Susan has mixed feelings as she listens to the two boys moan. It upsets her that her brother is in pain. Yet, it pleases her that her brother now gets aroused when in the arms of another male. She isn't happy that her brother is made to have gay sex but at least now he seems to enjoy it a little bit. Or at least a lot more so than when they first arrived.
Built into one of the concrete walls is a monitor and keyboard. Susan walks over to it and starts punching keys. As a cell leader, her job is to provide daily updates on all the kids in her cell. This information is used to help ensure all the kids are well trained and in good health. It also helps them to determine which kids like doing what. She will definitely input that Janice enjoys the company of other boys. First, however, she has a ton of blanks to fill in for the boy since he is new.
Susan starts rattling off a series of questions. The questions range from basic things like age to more important things like possible medical conditions. There are also several sex related questions that make Janice blush. She answers most of the questions truthfully. However, there are a few she fibs about a little. Susan easily picks up on most of the lies and enters what she believes the truth actually is. For example, when she asks the question about sexual orientation, Janice says she only likes girls. Susan inputs, 'gay'. She thinks about it for a moment though and then changes it to 'bisexual', just in case.
While the questions are very detailed, no one really expects accurate answers this early with a new kid. For example, most new arrivals are to shy to admit they are anything other than heterosexual. That's assuming they even know what they prefer. Most of the kids had never even thought seriously about sex prior to their 'recruitment'. Even the few that are raped by their relatives and then later sold to the organization don't really know for sure what type of sex they prefer. All they know is that they have hated all the sex they've had so far.
At one point, Susan grabs a cloth tape measure and starts measuring Janice. Janice almost smiles when she hears her waist size has gone down an inch [2½ cm]. She frowns, however, when she hears Susan mumble "AAA". She is at least a 'B'! Okay, maybe not. But she is definitely bigger than a 'AAA'.
A simple fitness test of pushups and sit-ups is given. Janice only manages five sit-ups. She almost cries when she discovers she can't even do one male pushup. She manages six female ones though.
It is a good 30 minutes before all of the blanks are filled in. The questions are rather embarrassing, but at least it becomes clear to Janice that they don't know who she is. Since her arrival, Janice has been fearful that this place belongs to the school or maybe one of it's sister schools. They would know most of the answers to these questions if this were the case.
Once Susan finishes with the questions, she goes to a different section on the computer's network and reads Janice the standard orientation briefing. The briefing explains where she is at and what they plan to do to her.
She is currently in their storage facility. Apparently, every so often they will ship her off to one of the organization's private studios where they will use her in kiddy porn videos. None of this really surprises her that much. Though, she has to admit that the operation sounds significantly larger than she expected. The briefing mentions they have over 100 kids.
She has mixed feelings in regards to the number of kids. She feels bad for them of course. However, deep down she feels a sense of comfort that she is not alone. With luck, the vast number of kids will reduce how often their captors play with her.
Yet, the number of kids is also probably a direct reflection of the level of security they have. The Christian School of Humility had some pretty good security. Yet, they only really kept one or two kids 'captive'. Janice had been one of those kids and found escape from the facility to be near impossible. Yet, here is a place that needs to keep 100-plus kids captive. Their security most likely is significantly higher.
On the bright side, she now has food and shelter. So far it seems much better than that damn rot smelling garage she was hiding out in. Given a choice though, she would definitely prefer she had never run away at all. The school at least provides a small degree of freedom.
Susan finishes the briefing and then goes silent. A minute passes before Janice realizes Susan is now loading a video game on the computer system. Apparently the orientation is over.
"How often do they send us to the studios?" Janice asks.
"Shhh! I'm trying to concentrate," Susan growls as her game starts.
Susan isn't a huge fan of video games but in this place it does help to break up the boredom. It's this or read books from their small library. They get to watch movies and stuff via the network but they are only granted access late at night.
Not all cells are as boring as this one. Most have chores to perform in the facility. They also have sex classes and other specialized training. Running one of those other cells can be a real headache but at least it keeps you somewhat busy.
Susan's cell is what most here refer to as a 'transition' cell. New kids that come in usually start in one of these cells. It is also a temporary holding spot for kids being transferred from one cell to another.
Why would they need to transfer a kid to a different cell? The main reason is training. You see, most cell leaders get their position because of their expertise. Okay, there are some politics involved as well. However, being good at something is what gets your foot in the door. And of course this expertise normally comes with age. Thus, most cell leaders are at least 14.
Anyway, kids are shuffled around occasionally so they can get one on one time with this or that cell leader. The hope is that some of the cell leaders' talents will rub off on those under their care. And the more talent a kid acquires, the better the films become. And the better the films are, the more money they make.
Sometimes, however, there isn't enough room in a cell yet for the new 'trainee'. Normally, these kids are just kept in their current cell. However, if there is a demand for that cell leader as well then there needs to be a place to temporarily move the kids too. That is where cells like Susan's come in.
In the beginning, Susan thought of the job as a reward. She got the power of a cell leader with only half the responsibilities/hassles. It was a dream come true for about the first month or so. However, the limited routine quickly got pretty boring.
It also dawned on her that the limited responsibilities severely hinders her chances at becoming one of the Ten. Members of the Ten are the highest in the chain of command any of the kids can ever hope for. They are still kept in captivity, but these ten kids have a lot of power. Even the guards don't mess with them that much. The members of the Ten oversee the other cell leaders. Their real power, however, comes from the fact that they meet periodically with Lou.
If a member of the Ten says something, Lou listens. It is him, after all, that created this chain of command. The chain of command allows the entire operation to be self sustaining. It ensures the kids are kept healthy and well trained without the need for him to micro manage or hire a large staff. This not only makes life easier for him, but it saves him tons of money.
Members of the Ten normally get the cozy jobs like the one Susan currently has. However, they spend a ton of their free time overseeing various other cell leaders. Thus, they don't get anywhere near as bored as Susan.
Even without this dead end cell position, Susan knows the odds of her ever making it into the Ten would be highly unlikely. She has the age but not the experience. She was 'acquired' just over a year ago when she was 16. That is ancient in this place.
Believe it or not, Susan isn't the oldest to ever be acquired by Lou. Eve, Susan and Denise's mother, is the oldest. The family has starred in many films together. However, the main attraction is Denise. The cute boy/girl has a rather loyal fan base.
Lou knew Denise was special from day one. That is why he acquired Denise's mother and sister as well. Lou has been breeding the two women in hopes of getting a few more special boys like Denise. For a long time, the hope was to get a pure breed by having Denise impregnate his/her sister and/or mother. After several months of no luck in that venture, Lou started breeding the women with about every cute boy they had in stock. So far they have not had much luck. It hasn't been from a lack of trying though.
There is a beep as a player joins Susan's game. Susan's heart flutters when she sees it is Betsy. Actually, the player name reads Rose105 but Susan knows who it really is. Betsy is a cute 12 year old blond that Susan has been unofficially going steady with for a long time now. Betsy is the first girl Susan was paired up with during her stay here.
At the time, Susan wasn't so hot on the idea of lesbian sex. To be honest, she still isn't that fond of it. However, something just clicked between her and Betsy and they became quick friends. The sex just became a kind of extension to their friendship. A way they show affection for each other.
"Shouldn't you two be practicing?" Susan growls when she sees the twins staring at the computer screen. She then glances over at Denise and Janice. "How about you two get better acquainted."
It is no coincidence that Betsy logged in just now. Susan went to a lot of trouble to arrange it. She bribed one of the guards to allow her and Betsy to chat back and forth via the game's chat function. She wasn't about to have it spoiled by the giggles of the twins or her brother.
A couple times each week, Judy, a female guard, 'borrows' Betsy from her cell and takes her to the guards' quarters. Once there, Betsy logs in and her and Susan chat back and forth for 20 minutes. The price of this arrangement is that Judy gets to read all the love talk. Plus, once they are done Judy gets to play with Betsy for 30 to 40 minutes.
It isn't a perfect arrangement. Betsy and Susan would prefer one on one time in the same room. However, this is as close as they usually allow the two to get.
As for Judy, she of course can get time with any girl in the facility that she wants. However, she finds the love talk to be a huge turn on. Plus, it is nice to have a very thankful and enthusiastic girl afterward. Especially one as cute and young as Betsy.
Of course, Susan and Betsy's little love affair is no secret. Everyone knows about it. Heck, in many ways it was the organization that arranged it. Even these 'secret' little chat sessions were approved by Judy through the chain of command before it was allowed.
There are dozens of such pairings and arrangements in the facility. Some come about naturally, some are covertly arranged by the organization and others are a mix. While this is going on, the organization is also ensuring that most of the kids have at least a few other kids they absolutely hate.
The reason for all of this is simple
3; money. Anyone can make a kiddy porn. However, Lou's organization prides itself on providing high quality kiddy porn. While the organization has plenty of kids with lots of camera time, very few have any real acting 'talent'. That talent isn't needed that bad though if the emotions being displayed are real.
If you want two kids to act like they love each other then you simply pick a couple that already have a crush on each other in real life. If you are doing a domination video and want the kids to act like they don't like each other then you pick two rivals. There is a lot more that goes into the casting decisions but these real life relationships carry a lot of weight.
And of course, all the guard bribing that goes on also acts as a kind of bonus. Thus keeping the guards happy and loyal.
As Susan and Betsy start their chat, Denise and Janice stare at the twins. The twins are entangled on their bunk. The two are kissing and rubbing their naked bodies together. As Susan said earlier, this is just practice for them. Their last cell leader made sure the two were very well trained on how siblings should play together. That said, the blushes of humiliation and embarrassment are still very clear on their faces.
Denise and Janice know they will get into trouble if they don't start making out themselves. Despite their respective many months of training, both are very embarrassed and it takes almost a full minute before they can stare at each other.
Between the two, it is Denise that is the most embarrassed. It isn't the idea of having sex with a boy that embarrasses her. Heaven knows she has had plenty of experience in that area. No, it is the idea of being intimate with Janice specifically. She has never been with another shemale before. Sure, they sometimes dress up one of the other boys. However, that is nowhere near the same. They almost always still look like boys. And they definitely don't have boobies like Janice does.
Another factor that both embarrasses and concerns Denise is the fact that she finds Janice attractive. There are about 20 boys that the organization owns. Denise has ranked all of them in regards to cuteness, size, passion, etc. There are some boys Denise hates to have sex with and others she doesn't mind too much. However, she has never really considered herself 'attracted' to any of them. They are boys after all. Boys aren't supposed to be attracted to other boys
3; right? Yet, she finds Denise attractive.
"Does this mean I'm gay?"
Denise can't help but think the question. She realizes the silliness of the question considering all the gay sex she has had over the past year or so. However, for some reason the question seems to still have relevance.
Just over a year ago, the idea of being gay was repugnant to Denise. Since then, she has come to accept gay sex as a part of her life. However, that disgust has always been there in the background. Has she finally gotten past it? The idea of such a drastic change concerns her. Yet, a part of her welcomes it. She has accepted the notion that she is going to be forced to have sex with men for the rest of her life. To finally be rid of the disgust factor would be such a relief.
This is a subject that Denise will need to put a lot more thought into. Now, however, she is too busy staring into Janice's pretty eyes. The two sissies have only been staring into each other's eyes for a few seconds but to them time has all but stopped and the gaze has seemed like hours.
The two lock lips and their little tongues begin a passionate dance. Denise doesn't know if it was her that started the kiss or Janice. All she knows is that one second she is looking into Janice's eyes and the next she is tasting Janice's strawberry flavored lip gloss.
"Mmm!" the two sissies groan as their cocks begin to re-harden yet again, their sissy cocks slowly swallowing the long beaded rod in their cock cages.
The pain of the metal rods is intense but their cocks don't give up until they are fully erect. Even then their cocks pulse as though trying to eat even more of the rods.
Janice is slightly taller but Denise has a tad more strength. Therefore, it is Denise that ends up on top as they go horizontal on the cot. The room suddenly feels much warmer as their bodies press together. They desperately rub their hips together in an effort to stimulate their cocks further.
There is a dull clanging as their cock cages bump into each other over and over. The clanging mixes with the sound of their moans and bounces back and forth off the concrete walls. Mixed in is also the sound of the twins giggling. Denise's blush deepens at the thought of the twins watching. However, she can't bring herself to break the embrace.
Denise has bigger concerns right now anyway. That being the stimulation of her cock. The cock cage makes a normal climax almost impossible. Yet, there is still a slight vibration each time their cages bump into each other. Each vibration seems to run up the length of the outside of the cage until it reaches the head of her cock. The vibration then makes a u-turn and shoots down the metal rod, stimulating her urethra. The feeling is a little uncomfortable, yet somehow wickedly arousing at the same time.
As they grind together, the two sissies go almost insane with arousal. Their climaxes are right there just out of reach. They claw at their cages occasionally for freedom but accomplish nothing but discomfort to their balls.
The passion between the two sissies is so surprisingly strong that it even pulls Susan's attention away from the computer. During her stay here, Susan has witnessed a ton of sex between kids. However, she has never seen such passion. And it built between the two sissies so quickly also. Even her and Betsy's passion paled in comparison.
Susan is happy that her brother might have found the love of his life. However, she is also sad because she knows the two probably won't get to spend much time together. She knows this place all too well. Like her and Betsy, they will only let the two sissies have enough contact to maintain their desire for each other.
They will always be left wanting more. If they are lucky, they might put them together in movies. However, Susan's guess is that love scenes between the two will be limited. She has been on set enough to know that the theme for the younger boys is normally to have them dominated by the older boys and men.
Part of Susan wants to have mercy on her brother. She has the key. She could easily release him from his cage and let the two sissies make true love together. However, she knows that she would not be doing him any favors. It would just make their future torment seem even worse. Plus, like it or not, she is a cell leader and part of the system now.
Chapter 19
Denise and Janice make out for over two hours. The entire time they are so close to climax yet can never reach it. It is a constant delicious hell. Their torment is finally interrupted by the buzzing of the door. Even then, Susan has to pry the two apart.
Thankfully, it is just dinner being delivered by another kid and not one of the guards. A guard would have punished them for not being lined up and at attention.
Normally, food is dropped off in the small cubby just inside the first door and not actually hand delivered into the room. However, Janice is new here. The young girl delivering the food is expected to watch as new kids sample their first dish. It is more tradition than anything else. There is no actual 'need' to do it since every plate of food prepared is labeled with the kid it is meant for.
The kids prepare the food. However, the labeling is done in a separate room by guards. Who knows what kind of medications they put into each dish. Whatever it is, it is no doubt designed to keep them docile while in storage.
Watching Janice take a few bites is what passes for entertainment here. You see, they always put a little something 'extra' in a new kid's food. They usually have one of the boys jerk off in the food. They suspect that the guards probably do the same thing.
The little girl giggles as Janice inspects the food and then takes a tentative bite. The twins giggle as well. Janice isn't stupid. She can tell from their reaction that something has been done to her food. She seen nothing horrific in it though. The mayonnaise on her sandwich does looks a bit off. There is also a distinct smell of cum. As she chews the first bite, her taste buds confirm that it is indeed cum. She feels disgusted by the thought of it, but it doesn't stop her from taking another bite. She has eaten much worse than this.
The little girl watches for a minute before she turns and presses the button on the door that lets the guard know she is ready to leave. The door buzzes and she exits. When she finally gets buzzed out to the main hall, she practically skips back toward the kitchen area. She knows everyone will be waiting to hear how well Janice stomached her special meal. She of course will exaggerate the story to make it more interesting.
The door buzzes again less than a minute later. This time everyone gets lined up in time. Most cell leaders put themselves in front and line everyone else behind them based on height. Susan puts herself in front but prefers to line everyone else by seniority. This puts Janice in the rear.
Being in the back makes Janice feel a little safer from whoever is about to walk through the door. That said, she is smart enough to know that the animal that trails in the herd is normally the one that gets eaten by the lion.
It is a good thing they managed to get in line on time because the person that walks in is Lou himself. Susan, Denise and the twins grow almost a full inch [2½ cm] taller as they go to a more rigid form of attention. Janice swallows hard. She doesn't know who Lou is but the reaction of the other kids makes it clear that the man is important.
As Lou walks in, Janice notices that the man is holding the end of a leash in his hand. Janice's eyes get big when she sees what is on the other end of the leash. It is a young girl about 10 or 11. She is crawling on the floor on all fours. She is naked with the exception of leather gloves which keep her hands forced into small fists. She also has a tail. Janice doesn't need to look to know that the tail is attached to a butt plug of some sort. While all of this is bizarre in itself, what really gets Janice's attention is the fact that the girl's head is shaven bald.
The little girl has a human name but even she has long forgotten it. She goes by 'Missy' now. She is one of many kids that have broken this or that rule and been sent to the Jackal for training. The only difference is that when she came back she was not transitioned back into a normal person like the rest. Lou took her as his personal 'pet'.
Missy was not specifically selected for this role. Lou simply decided one day he wanted to keep one of the Jackal's puppies as a permanent pet. Missy just happened to be the next puppy to 'graduate'.
Like almost everything Lou does, keeping Missy as a pet is primarily a business decision. It saves him the time and hassle of having to pick out a kid whenever he needs a little sexual release. It only saves five or ten minutes here and there. However, time is very valuable for someone in Lou's position.
There was a time when being a puppy bothered Missy. She has only been a puppy for about a year and a half. However, puppy training is pretty intense. She barely even remembers being human. She probably wouldn't want to be human again even if you gave her the choice. She sleeps, eats her dog food, and plays with her master. Sometimes her master even has her play with real dogs. What more could anyone want out of life?
Missy is always shown off to new arrivals. It lets them know right up front what can happen to bad little boys and girls. However, it is usually Lou's assistant that performs this task. Janice is special inventory though.
Lou frowns when he looks down at Susan's stomach and sees that it is still flat. By now he had hope she would be several months pregnant. His fear is that her plumbing probably isn't working right anymore thanks to all the sexual abuse she has endured. He really should give more serious thought about taking her to a specialist for verification. He has the power to arrange such things for his inventory but it still involves risk and lots of cash. Lou shrugs the thought off for now and focuses on Janice.
"Front and center," Lou mumbles as he motions for Janice to step out of line.
Janice shivers in fear but does as she is ordered. Missy is always a bit protective of her master and lets out a small growl as Janice approaches. Lou snaps his fingers at the puppy in order to hush her.
"Boy, you are a pretty thing," Lou says as he does a slow walk around her.
Lou is pleased to see that Janice has no scars or other marks on her. Not all of his inventory is delivered in such pristine condition.
"You four go for a walk," Lou says as he makes a shooing motion with his hand.
Susan, Denise and the twins are used to more detailed orders than this. They immediately comply though. Susan presses the button and soon they are out of the room. Susan is certain that Lou just wants them out of the room. However, she will march her cellmates up and down the halls just in case he was serious about them 'going for a walk'.
Lou goes to the computer consol and types in a special code which deactivates the room's surveillance camera. Lou is far from shy. He just sees no need to be video taped any more than necessary.
He pulls out a ring of keys as he walks back over to Janice. He kneels down and unlocks Janice's cock cage.
"Oh!" Janice moans as the cage comes off and the long rod is pulled from her erect cock.
Lou is pleasantly surprised when he sees the size of Janice's 7" [18 cm] long cock. He thought for sure the thing would be much smaller thanks to the estrogen the boy has clearly taken. He is also happy to see that the boy is able to get hard even under such scary conditions. Yes, this boy will do just fine on set. He will make them lots of money.
Janice nibbles on her lower lip as Lou inspects her cock and balls. Lou isn't all that interested in boys sexually and does his best not to have to touch the kid any more than he has to. However, what little touching he does feels like heaven to Janice. Especially after her recent frustrating make out session with Denise.
"Not bad," Lou mumbles when he inspects Janice's nut sack.
Janice's nuts seem normal size but it is clear to Lou that the kid's sack has been stretched a tad. Her nuts hang down lower than most boys under his care. Yet, they aren't grotesquely low. Just maybe a couple inches lower at most.
Missy lets out a happy bark and rushes over to Janice. A second later and Janice's cock is deep in the little girl's throat.
"Oh! Oh!," Janice lets out in both surprise and pleasure. "I'll cum sir!"
"Please, call me Uncle Lou."
"She is going to make me cum, Uncle Lou!"
Lou just chuckles. That is kind of the point. He makes a small motion with his hand to let the boy know it is okay. Or at least that is the purpose of the motion. He doubts the boy even noticed.
Janice struggles not to cum but it is a losing battle. The last time his cock was sucked by a girl was before his captivity. Missy is a bit freaky but she is still a female. It is definitely a treat for Janice.
"Oh!" Janice lets out one last time as she starts shooting her load into the puppy's mouth.
Her urethra stings a little from it's recent treatment but it doesn't stop her from enjoying the climax. It is so strong that Janice's head spins a little. She even loses her balance for a second and has to take a step backward to catch herself.
"Show!" Lou commands.
Missy turns and opens her mouth so that Lou can inspect the contents. Lou is impressed by the size of the load. It is a decent load for someone this age. The kid will look good squirting his/her large sissy load on camera. The customers will definitely be pleased.
"Share!" Lou commands as he points to Janice.
Missy keeps her mouth open as she turns back to Janice. She whines when Janice doesn't immediately bend down to share the load of cum with her. She waits a second and then bends upward and puts her front 'paws' on Janice. She stretches toward Janice's mouth as much as she can but she doesn't dare get off her knees and go to a full standing position. That is a definite no-no. Plus, she isn't even sure she could stand up straight if she tried. It has been so long that she doubts she would be able to maintain her balance.
Janice knows what is expected of her but it still takes her a few seconds to comply. She is used to eating and sharing her own cum. However, sharing it with a girl seems abnormal to her. The command just catches her a little off guard.
Slowly, she leans down and seals her lips to Missy's. Their tongues dance together as they share the cum. Janice can't believe she is kissing a girl. It makes her feel almost manly again. It is a very odd kiss though. Well, odd beyond the fact that they are sharing her cum. In particular, it is the way Missy's tongue is moving in Janice's mouth. Her tongue motion feels more like a lick than anything else. It is as though Missy is trying to lap water out of a bowl or something.
The 'kiss' continues for over a minute before Lou has them part. The man then has them swallow. Janice blushes as the mix of her cum and Missy's spit slides down her throat. Her tummy makes a small rumble of protest as the fluid mixes with the cum sandwich and Jack's piss. A year ago Janice would have had to struggle to keep the concoction down. Now, however, she easily keeps her tummy in check.
Lou unzips his pants as he walks over to a nearby cot. He pulls his pants and underwear down to his ankles and sits on the cot and slides out toward the edge. Missy pants and makes a couple happy barks as she wags her rump back and forth. Her movements make her rubber tail flop back and forth.
Janice responds to Lou's actions simply by nibbling on her lower lip. Her still hard cock makes a couple lurches as well. Lou's cock is 7" [18 cm] long and about 1.5" [4 cm] thick. Janice is pleased that it isn't humongous. Yet, deep down part of her is a little disappointed. Lou's normal size cock makes him seem a little less manly to her. She isn't sure why that should matter. It just does.
While Lou might not consider himself gay, he has to admit that looking at Janice turns him on a little. When Lou came to the cell, he had no plans to play with her. Especially considering that the lab results weren't back yet on the kid. Now, however, he feels it is worth the risk. He will keep it to just a blowjob though just in case.
Missy quickly rushes over and takes Lou's cock into her mouth. Missy has lots of chew toys but this one is her favorite. Lou lets her service his cock for a minute before he nudges her down to his balls.
As Missy eagerly laps and sucks on his nuts, Lou motions for Janice to come over. Janice blushes. She knows what the man wants. She comes over and kneels next to Missy.
Missy lets out a short throaty growl. She isn't so happy about sharing her favorite toy. Her instinct is to bite Janice. However, that would mean moving her mouth off her master's balls. Her master wouldn't like that. Not that he would be any happier about her biting Janice.
"Oh!" Lou lets out in surprise as Janice goes to work.
Lou has had his cock sucked thousands of times. Janice's blowjob might not be the best he has ever had but it is certainly in the top 5. All of the kids under Lou's care know how to suck dick. However, most just go through the motions of what is expected. That's really all that is needed for the camera. It is immediately clear to him, however, that Janice has turned it into an art form.
Lou is tempted to ask Janice who trained her. He of course doesn't. They need to know Janice's story. However, that is for others to question her about. Eventually a report will cross his desk with Janice's life story on it. Lou prefers getting the story in this form and not directly from the child. There is always too much emotion mixed in when the kids tell it.
Janice sees no reason to prolong the encounter. She goes straight in for the kill. She takes the full length of Lou's dick into her mouth and flicks her tongue around on the underside. She then starts fucking her mouth with the dick. She pulls all the way back until only the head is at her perched lips. She then moves forward until it is deep in her throat once more. Back and forth
3; back and forth.
Janice and Missy's efforts are too much for Lou and he is quickly brought over the edge.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Lou lets out as he shoots rope after rope of thick cum into Janice's mouth.
The pleasure is so intense that for a moment Lou fears he might have a heart attack. This girl is definitely going to make them lots of money.
Lou has to lean back on the cot for a minute in order to catch his breath. When he looks back down he sees Janice kneeling with her mouth open. Her mouth is almost overflowing with cum.
"Good girl," Lou praises.
Missy lets out a whimper as she opens her mouth and lets her tongue dangle out the front. Cum is her favorite treat. Sometimes that is all she eats for days on end. Even when she eats her dog food it is normally sprinkled with cum. She wags her rubber tail back and forth excitedly as she waits her master's permission.
"Share!" Lou finally commands.
Missy is on Janice in a heartbeat. She locks her lips to Janice's and starts lapping up as much cum as she can. If this were anyone else's cum then Missy would play with it more. This is her master's cum though. Each glob that is lapped into her mouth is quickly swallowed. She doesn't stop lapping until she is certain she has gotten every drop.
Once their lips part, the two kids hold their mouths open for inspection. Lou doesn't need to look to know the cum is gone.
"Missy ate most of it didn't she?" Lou says with a chuckle as he pulls up his pants.
Janice blushes as she nods her head.
"Don't worry sugar," Lou tells Janice as though he feels sorry for her. "I had the guards prepare something special for you."
Lou reaches into his inside jacket pocket and pulls out a large 12 ounce [0.35 liter] baby bottle. Janice's eyes get big when she sees it. Part of her surprise is that the man managed to conceal it so well. Most of her surprise, however, is the contents of the bottle. It is full of a cloudy white substance. Janice doesn't need to be told it is cum.
Missy is heartbroken as she watches her master hand the bottle to Janice. She seen one of the guards give the bottle to her master earlier. She has been an extra good puppy lately and thought for sure the treat was meant for her as a reward.
Janice can tell by the look of the sperm and the warmth of the bottle that the cum is rather fresh. Her tummy protests as she grasps the fact that she is going to have to drink all this sperm. She has a bit more trouble this time getting her tummy under control.
Janice slowly brings the bottle to her mouth. She parts her lips and lets the bottle's nipple slide inside. Lou reaches down and lifts the back end of the bottle to a higher angle. Janice's blush becomes a bright red as she starts suckling.
The nipple spits out tiny squirts of viscous fluid across her tongue on each suckle. Janice quickly swallows each squirt in order to keep the taste from building up too much.
As she suckles, Janice can't help but wonder how many guards it took to fill the bottle. Little does she know, there are only two male guards on duty. They didn't fill it by themselves though. They only added one load each. The rest of the cum came from the eight older boys they have in storage right now. These boys had to cum several times each in order to fill the bottle.
Lou watches Janice suckle for a few minutes before he decides to leave. He reactivates the room's camera and then pushes the door's buzzer.
"Finish it all," Lou growls as he opens the door. "And make sure your cell leader puts your cage back on."
Lou and his puppy step out of the room and close the door behind them. The door buzzes again about a minute later. The other four kids then file back inside. Janice's blush brightens and tears form in the corner of her eyes. She keeps suckling though.
Chapter 20
The following few days are rather boring and frustrating for Janice. Half of her time is spend making out with Denise. The other half is spent watching the twins pleasure each other. This is not much of an exaggeration btw. Susan puts them on a rotating schedule. Janice and Denise make out for about 30 minutes while the twins watch and giggle. Then the twins make out for 30 minutes while Janice and Denise watch.
Of course, it is a ton worse for Janice and Denise since they are not allowed any release. Janice isn't sure if she should be upset about her constant hard on or grateful. The constant sexual frustration is torture. Yet, at least her cock stays hard and she doesn't have to suffer through the pain of her urethra being fucked over and over by the metal rod and balls as her cock shrinks and grows. Not that this doesn't still happen a few times each day. This usually happens during their bathroom and lunch breaks.
The third day becomes worse. Denise is taken away on this day. They aren't told where she is going. None of the other kids seem worried. Even Susan shows very little concern. They do talk briefly about it. Their best guess is that Denise is headed to one of the studios. Later that day, however, they catch a glimpse of Denise going down the hall while they are headed to the bathroom. Apparently Denise was simply sent back to her normal cell.
Janice is certain that Denise being sent away is for the best. She could tell that Denise was falling in love with her. To be honest, Janice had to struggle not to get a crush herself. She already made that mistake in the past with Danielle, the Dean's daughter/son. That is a heartache she does not wish to experience again.
The third day also brings new delights for Janice. Or at least it starts out as a delight. Susan has her make out with the twins. Janice almost jumps for joy when Susan gives the order. It is a great treat. However, Janice quickly discovers this treat has a big price. That price is her cage. Her increased sexual excitement makes the frustration of not being able to reach climax exponentially worse. Plus, Janice no longer gets any breaks. One twin makes out with Janice for 30 minutes and then the other takes over.
There of course are many times when both of the twins play with her at the same time. These are the worst because they normally involve more than just kissing. Usually, one sits on Janice's face so that she can lick the twin to climax. To keep Janice excited and eager, the other twin plays with Janice's balls.
"Oh! He stuck his tongue in my butt!"
The comment comes in early afternoon. It grabs even Susan's attention. She turns away from the computer to see Rachel facing the head of the cot and sitting on Janice's face and Lacy sitting on Janice's legs and toying with her balls and cock cage. For a moment Susan considers breaking them up. The twins aren't familiar with rimming and it isn't Susan's job to teach them new things. However, they technically discovered it on their own. Her guess is that Rachel just didn't aim right when she sat down.
Susan decides to allow it. When the twins look to her, Susan just gives them an approving smile and wink. The twins look at each other and giggle. Making a boy do something so dirty and naughty is more than they could ever hope for. They have never even considered such an activity. They both feel as though they have invented something new.
The twins don't know it yet but rimming is one of the tasks they have already been scheduled to learn soon in their next cell. Granted, it will be them rimming others and not the other way around. Susan figures that at least this way they will have a better understanding of the pleasure rimming can give others.
"Stick your tongue back in!" Rachel growls.
Rachel snaps her fingers and Lacy gives Janice's balls a small swat with her hand. It is a system the twins worked out earlier. Whenever one twin snaps her fingers the other administers a punishment. They quickly discovered that swatting Janice's balls is very effective. However, they sometimes also pinch or slap her breasts.
A few seconds later, Rachel nibbles at the corner of her lower lip and lets out a soft moan. She would have never guessed in a million years that having someone lick her butt hole would feel so yummy. What confuses her is that Janice would so willingly do it. Rachel knows it would take a lot more than just a little pain to get her to do the same.
Janice keeps her tongue nice and deep inside the little girl's bum. However, Rachel feels the tongue isn't wiggling enough. She snaps her fingers. Janice lets out a grunt of pain as Lacy swats again. Rachel smiles as the tongue goes into overdrive.
"My turn!" Lacy complains after a few minutes.
Rachel ignores her sister. She still has 15 minutes until her turn is over and she plans to use every second of it.
"Come on!" Lacy continues.
Both twins freeze when Susan turns and gives them an angry look. Despite how much they love each other, the twins have had some pretty big shouting matches. Such fights are not allowed here. The last shouting match they had was several weeks ago. They got spanked rather hard for it. That was a different cell leader. However, they are pretty sure that Susan wouldn't hesitate to do the same. Lacy quiets down but she still gives Rachel dirty looks. She finds it unfair that her sister gets a full turn considering the new discovery.
Susan can't help but giggle at their reaction. She decides to give Lacy something new she can try also. It technically falls into the category of training but Susan figures it will help break the boredom a bit. She walks over to Lacy and whispers into her ear.
Lacy scrunches her nose up in disgust. At first she is certain that Susan is pulling her leg. However, the serious look on Susan's face tells her that she is serious. An evil smile slowly appears on Lacy's face as she gives Susan's suggestion more thought. What at first seemed disgusting quickly becomes excitingly devilish in her pubescent mind.
Lacy reaches under the cot and pulls out a small box. From that she pulls a large mason jar full of what looks like honey. It isn't honey though. It is a special lubricant that each cell is provided with. It works similar to any other lubricant. However, there are a few drugs mixed in as well. Nothing too extreme. Just something to make their 'stretching' exercises a little more bearable. Put a dab of this on a dildo or butt plug and you will be surprised how eager the kid will be to squeeze it inside themselves. Especially when they know how yummy it will feel once the lubricant gets pushed deep inside.
Lacy uses her index and middle finger to scoop a glob of the lube out of the jar. She applies a copious amount to Janice's ball sack.
"Mmm!" Janice protests as her balls are vigorously massaged by Lacy.
In response, Lacy gives Janice's balls a hard wet slap. It angers Lacy that Janice would complain. She is helping her after all. Sure, the lube burns a lot as it does it's job. However, the end result is well worth the discomfort. Janice will soon feel all yummy inside. It will make what Lacy has planned next so much easier.
Janice moans and tries to flail around as the lube heats up. Lacy and Rachel's weight is more than enough to hold her in place. Her efforts increase over the next couple minutes. She then slowly settles back down as the yummy tingles begin. Lacy smiles. Janice will be easy to control now.
Janice's struggles start up again when she feels the lube being applied to her asshole. The skin there is much more sensitive and the burning builds faster and is exponentially worse. However, the tingles quickly become much stronger as well. She settles down to a low moan of pleasure and pain.
The outburst is short lived but it is still enough to get Rachel to glance back over her shoulder to see what her sister is doing. She licks her lips when she sees the lube. What she wouldn't do for a dab of that inside her cunt right now. It is the only thing that could possibly make her ride on Janice's tongue even better than it already is.
Lacy's palms are a little warm from the lube but she knows the skin is too thick there. She will get tingles but nothing close to what she would like. She is tempted to apply the lube to her own pussy or asshole. Susan would be cross though if she did. There have been more than a few kids that have become addicted to the lube. Thus, all of the cell leaders ensure the kids only have limited exposure to it. Addicts, after all, can be a pain to supervise and train.
Rachel gives her sister a look of confusion when she sees her working a finger into Janice's asshole. A second later Janice is moaning in pain and going wild under her once more. Rachel in turn gives a moan of her own. Only hers is one of pleasure from the vibrations of Janice's attempt at a scream.
Intrigued by her sister's actions, Rachel lifts herself off Janice's face in order to turn so she is facing the action. Janice uses the opportunity to beg. However, Rachel is sitting back down on her face before Janice can even get a full sentence out.
Janice uses her hand to try to push Rachel off her face. Rachel gives Janice's breasts a couple slaps to get the sissy to calm down.
Janice's position makes access to her asshole rather limited. Lacy is the one to come up with a solution to this problem. She lifts herself off one of Janice's legs in order to free it. She lifts it up until it is within Rachel's reach. Rachel gets the hint and grabs hold of it by the ankle. Lacy then gets off the other leg and lifts it up to Rachel as well.
Rachel pulls the legs back toward her and spreads then slightly. This gives Lacy a very accessible target. Janice may be lost in the darkness of Rachel's rump, but she is more than aware of how vulnerable her hole is now. She tries to struggle but even her leg muscles are no match for Rachel's grasp.
Lacy dips her fingers into the jar once more and then applies a large amount of the lube to Janice's ass crack. She then uses her fingers to start pushing it into the sissy's asshole. This really livens up things. Rachel has to use all her strength to hold Janice in place. This struggle lasts for over a minute before Janice settles down.
Rachel and Lacy give each other a knowing looking. They won't get much struggle from Janice now. The burning is still there but the tingles are easily overriding her senses.
Lacy keeps working until all of the lube is inside Janice's asshole. She then starts adding more fingers to the hole.
"Lacy!" Rachel says with an urgent whisper when she sees her sister push a fourth finger inside.
Rachel glances at Susan who is closely watching the action. Rachel expects their cell leader to chastise them. However, Susan just gives them an approving nod. The look of concern on Rachel's face is quickly replaced with a devilish smile which matches her twin's.
Both of the twin's jaws go slack in disbelief as Lacy tucks her thumb into her palm and slowly sinks her whole hand inside.
"Mmm!" Janice protests.
The insertion doesn't really hurt Janice that much. Lacy's wrist is only about 2.25" [5½ cm] thick. Her hand of course is a tad bigger. Still, Janice has taken larger objects inside her before. She still feels that a protest of some kind is necessary. She is a lady after all. Only a street whore would let someone stick a fist inside them without protest.
The twins look on in amazement as Lacy's hand sinks deeper and deeper. She is about a foot [30 cm] deep when Lacy decides it is best not to go any deeper. Janice's hole seems an endless pit, but Lacy fears she might cause damage if she isn't careful.
"What's it like?" Rachel asks.
The question is meant for Lacy. However, Rachel is also curious how Janice would answer it. She doesn't give Janice the chance though. She just wiggles her rump a little on the sissy's face.
"Weird," Lacy replies.
Lacy searches her mind for a better description but simply repeats, 'weird' again.
"I want to try," Rachel says after a moment.
Lacy desperately wants to ride Janice's tongue. However, having her hand inside a boy's asshole is so wild and bizarre also. Her desire to feel Janice's tongue in her asshole wins out though. She slowly starts pulling her hand back the opposite direction. Susan steps in, however, before Lacy can get her whole hand out.
"Make a fist inside before you pull all the way out," Susan instructs.
Lacy does as she is ordered. Janice's hole now feels twice as tight and Lacy has to add extra strength in order to continue to pull back. When her fist reaches the exit, Janice's asshole bulges outward in an effort to maintain it's grasp on the fist. A moment later, however, Lacy manages to pop her fist out. Janice lets out a small yelp when this happens. The twins respond with giggles.
Janice's asshole gapes for a few seconds and then tightens back up to almost it's former self.
"Now push it back inside," Susan orders.
Lacy presses her knuckles against Janice's hole. She knows her fist just came out of this hole. However, she isn't so sure it will fit back inside. Her fist just looks so big next to the small hole. This doesn't keep Lacy from trying. Her arm muscles aren't strong enough to push past the barrier. However, Susan shows her how she can lean forward and use her body weight to help in the task.
"MMM!" Janice grunts as the fist suddenly pops back inside.
Lacy keeps pushing until she is about 12 inches [30 cm] deep again. Susan then has her pull all the way out once more. Lacy finds pulling out a little easier this time.
Once the fist it out, Susan quickly inspects Janice's gaping hole before it shrinks back up. She sees no damage and decides they can continue.
A moment later and Lacy's fist is deep inside the sissy again. A moment after that and it is out. In. Out. In. Out.
Lacy breaks a sweat and her arm tires, but Susan makes her continue. The only thing that allows her to obey the order is the fact that Janice's ass muscles tire as well. It isn't long and the ass muscles go slack and Janice's hole remains gaping. The task becomes so easy in fact that Lacy is no longer really pushing her fist inside. It becomes more like a punch.
Janice in return can do nothing but accept the punches. The lube has her head swimming around with the tingles so much that she has trouble even telling when the fist is in her or when it is out. It all seems one big blur.
"Look!" Rachel says excitedly when she sees cum start to leak out of the tip of Janice's cock cage. "He's cumming! He must really love your fist!"
Susan knows that Janice isn't really cumming. At least not in the sense that Rachel and Lacy would define it. They are simply 'milking' the sissy. This is something Susan has done to her brother a few times. Though, it was almost always with dildos.
Susan isn't sure why it happens. She just knows that if you fuck a boy with something big enough then they start leaking cum. From what she can tell, the boys don't get much pleasure from it. Not that she does this a lot. In fact, the last time she did this to her brother was before they were even captives. Well, before they were Lou's captives anyway.
Susan doesn't let Lacy stop until Janice has leaked out a good size load of cum. When Susan finally gives the order to stop, Lacy flops back on the cot dizzy with exhaustion. Despite all the work, Lacy can't help but admit to herself that she had enjoyed the experience. Being young and new, her and her sister are usually the ones getting abused. In storage they get abused by the older girls. In the studios they get abused by the men and boys. It is nice to be doing the abusing for a change.
"My turn!" Rachel says as she let's go of Janice's ankles and gets off her face.
Lacy growls in protest as Janice's legs flop down on her. She pulls herself out from under them and gives Janice's balls a hard slap. Lacy knows that it is her sister that is at fault but punishing Janice is much more fun.
Lacy watches Janice's balls for a moment to see how red they become from her slap. As she does so, she notices the pool of cum once more on Janice's tummy. Lacy then gets a wicked thought. She scrunches her nose up in disgust as she scoops most of the cum up with her fingers. She then brings it to Janice's mouth and lets it drip inside. Lacy repeats the process several times until the cum is all gone.
During this, Janice knows that now is her chance to take a defensive position against the twins. She tells her body to get up and fight the girls off. However, her muscles are so weak from her ordeal that she can't even find the strength to sit up. A moment later Lacy is sitting on Janice's face and any hope of escape is long gone.
"Mmm!" Janice lets out as Lacy pinches her nipples.
Janice gets the hint and quickly sticks her tongue into the girl's asshole and starts wiggling it around. Lacy responds with an excited squeal.
"No! No! No!" Janice tries to protest when she feels her legs being lifted up once more. Of course, it only comes out as a long moan.
Janice then feels Rachel's fist press against her asshole. A second later, Rachel applies pressure and Janice's torment continues.
Chapter 21
Janice endures the twins for another two days before a guard finally comes to take her away. Janice is scared of where she might be headed. Yet, she is grateful it is away from the twins. The twins themselves feel mainly sadness at the parting. Janice is the closest thing to a doll/toy they have had for a very long time.
Janice would find out later that the guard's name is Vadim. The man is strong and big and speaks with a thick Russian accent. Janice can't understand half of what the man says. However, it doesn't take much verbal communication to figure out what the man wants.
They walk down the hall toward the room Janice originally woke up in. They don't go in that room though. Instead they go into a room next to it. Janice can tell right away that this room is special. It is twice as big as the cell was and the beds are a lot bigger and tons fancier. There is a nice TV as well as a few pieces of workout equipment. Best of all, the room is nice and warm.
Vadim leads her to the middle of the room where there is some kind of pull up bar. It is a rather simple setup. It has a large metal base for stability and two vertical metal poles about 4 feet [1¼ m] apart. And of course there is a round bar up high that goes from one of the metal poles to the other.
Vadim fiddles with the ends of the round bar for a moment and suddenly it comes free. He looks at Janice briefly and then reattaches the bar to the metal poles about 5 feet [1½ m] up
3; approximately 4 inches [10 cm] above Janice's head.
"Grab," Vadim orders.
Janice steps forward, raises her hands up and grabs the bar. Vadim steps away for a moment and returns with two pairs of handcuffs. Janice instinctively pulls her hands off the bar when she realizes what Vadim has planned. All it takes is a stern look from Vadim to get her to grab the bar once more.
Vadim individually cuffs each hand to the bar. As Vadim walks away again, Janice fears the worst. She is certain the man plans to whip her. She wants to plead innocence but she doesn't even know what she has been charged with.
Janice almost lets out a sigh of relief when Vadim doesn't return with a belt or whip. Instead, he has a length of rope. On one end of the rope there is a leather wrist/ankle restraint. On the other end of the rope is a very miniature version of the same thing.
"Oh!" Janice protests as Vadim grabs hold of her ball sack and pulls down on it.
Vadim wraps the tiny leather cuff around Janice's ball sack just above her balls. He then pulls the cuff tight and buckles it. This leaves her balls hanging out the bottom in a tight ball.
"OH!" Janice lets out again as Vadim gives the rope a tug.
Janice has had her balls in bondage many times before. What Vadim does next though is a bit new for her. Vadim grabs her right ankle and pulls upward. Janice doesn't resist and lets Vadim bend her leg until the bottom of her right foot is pressed against her left inner leg just above the knee.
"Please," Janice begs when she sees where this is headed.
Sure enough, Vadim attaches the larger cuff to Janice's ankle.
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Janice lets out as Vadim lets go and steps back.
Her leg tries to go back to it's natural straight position. This in turn pulls the rope and tugs downward on her balls.
"That zould keepz youz buzy," Vadim says with a chuckle.
Vadim stands there for a moment to admire his handy work. He then leaves the room.
The next few hours are excruciating for Janice. At first, most of the pain is in her legs as she struggles to keep her right leg raised. She actually manages this for a rather long time by bracing her foot against her left leg. However, it still requires effort to keep it up there. It isn't long and the muscles in her leg are aching like they have never ached before.
Those leg muscles eventually give out. Within an hour her leg is just hanging there by her balls.
Vadim stops by about every 30 minutes. Each time he visits he lifts her foot up and loosens the strap around Janice's balls temporarily to allow a little circulation. However, he then tightens it back up each time and lets her foot dangle once more. This goes on for just over three hours.
Janice is a sweaty mess by the time Vadim returns the final time.
"Arz youz going to bez a good girlz for Vadim?"
"Yes!" Janice quickly says as she vigorously nods her head up and down.
Vadim stands there for a moment as though in deep thought. He then reaches out and lightly rubs Janice's balls.
"Maybez a few morez hourz," he finally announces.
"No!" Janice all but screams before she can catch herself. "Please! I'll be a good girl! I promise!"
Vadim has to struggle not to laugh. A few hours on the bar is normally all it ever takes to pacify a new boy. Not that Vadim has extensive experience. They don't get new boys in that often and even then it is rare that the guards get to play with them. Well, that isn't exactly accurate. The guards get to toy with any boy they want. They just don't get to take them back to their quarters that often for extensive activity. Usually it's just a quick blowjob here and there.
Why were they being allowed to play with Janice? Vadim's best guess is that Lou plans to put the sissy into action rather soon and doesn't want the hazing from the other kids to bruise Janice up too much. Of course, it could just be that Lou felt the guards were overdue for a small reward.
Whatever the reason, Vadim is more than pleased. He's even getting use of the sissy first. Tom, the other guard on duty, won't be done with his shift for another five hours. Though, Vadim suspects the man will probably stop in a few times before now and then to say hello to their guest.
Truth be told, Vadim would much prefer one of the girls. However, it is extremely rare that this is allowed. They normally aren't even allowed to play with the girls in the halls and stuff. Vadim used to hate that he could only play with the boys. He has long since gotten used to it. Of course, Janice isn't like the other boys. Even Denise isn't as girly looking as this sissy.
Vadim undoes the cuffs on Janice's balls and ankle. He then removes her handcuffs. When he stands back, Janice falls to the ground in exhaustion. She rubs her sore leg muscles. She lets out a yelp though when she tries to touch her balls.
Vadim turns his back on the sissy with no fear. There are a few items in the room that could be used as weapons. However, Vadim could easily defend against them. Besides, it is highly doubtful a sissy like this would have the balls to even try. Especially after several hours on the bar.
Janice watches as Vadim removes his clothes. She nibbles on her lower lip as Vadim's muscular body is fully revealed. This is the type of body that Janice always dreamed her future husband might have. Okay, maybe that didn't sound right. She doesn't really want to marry a guy. However, if she were forced to do so then she would prefer a husband with a manly body like this.
Vadim isn't fully hard but Janice can tell the man has a nice size cock. Maybe 8 or 9 inches long [20-23 cm] and 2 to 2.5 inches [5-6 cm] thick. Large enough to tickle her ass clit, yet not so big that it is overly uncomfortable.
"Mmm," Janice involuntarily moans in pain as her cock hardens in her cage and swallows the metal rod and balls.
The moan isn't very loud but it sounds like thunder in the otherwise quiet room. Vadim can't help but chuckle. He prefers the boys that don't like having sex with men. However, the willing ones can be fun sometimes also.
Vadim ignores Janice for now. Instead, he goes over to a piece of workout equipment and takes a seat. You are supposed to be able to do over 100 different exercises on the piece of equipment. Vadim, however, always does the same 6. Each designed for a different muscle group.
He would much prefer going to a professional gym. However, his work schedule seldom allows it. They keep the guards on very odd work schedules. They stay in the facility several days straight and then get one to two days off. There are three guards which they keep on staggered schedules. Some days Vadim will be on duty with Tom, other days with Judy. There are also times when he is the only guard on duty. For example, Vadim will leave the facility in the morning for his days off. Judy will arrive for duty at the same time. Then in a couple days when Vadim is reporting back, Tom will be leaving. However, Tom will only be gone for one day this time and will return as Judy leaves.
The purpose of the schedule is to make it hard for the kids to recognize patterns in the security. Plus, it reduces the odds of people outside the facility noticing patterns as well.
Vadim works out on the machine for 45 minutes. Normally, he would do 90 minutes. However, he will get to go to a real gym tomorrow. Besides, he figures he will get plenty of exercise with the sissy tonight.
The 45 minutes is still enough to get a good sweat going. As he gets up he looks back to see that the seat is covered in sweat. He would normally wear gym clothes and put a towel down before using the machine. There is no need for that though when you have one of the kids as a guest.
"Lick itz clean," Vadim says as he looks at Janice, snaps his fingers and then points at the wet seat.
"Mmm," Janice groans as her cock becomes fully hard in it's cage.
Janice blushes. Vadim doesn't laugh this time but she knows he heard her. This of course is the least of her concerns. She still has the disgusting task to perform. Of equal concern is the fact that she got hard upon hearing the order to perform the task.
What's wrong with me!?
It is a question she often screams in her head. Like always, she tries to justify her body's reaction to such a horrible task. And like most incidents, this one gets blamed on her training. She was taught not just to worship men but to savor their smell and taste. And what could taste more manly than their sweat?
Despite her body's reaction to such tasks, Janice still often tells herself that she isn't really gay. However, over the months it has become harder and harder to convince herself of this. Just like it has become harder to convince herself that she really hates all these tasks. Sure, the tasks still disgust her. However, how can you truly say you hate them if doing them makes your dick hard? Janice pushes the question out of her head before she has too much time to think about it.
She has a more important question to answer right now anyway. Should she lick the backrest first or the seat itself. If Vadim wasn't there then she would lick the seat first. That way by the time she finished the backrest, any ass sweat she licked off the seat would be long gone from her mouth. Vadim is there though, so she starts with the backrest. It just wouldn't be lady like to go straight for the seat. It would make Vadim think that she actually likes licking that part.
Janice's cock pulses in it's cage as she brings her face close and can smell Vadim's manly scent. She scrunches her nose up in disgust as she sticks out her tongue and gives the backrest a lick. Her taste buds spark to life with the flavor of Vadim's salty manly sweat.
She licks several more times and then forces herself to swallow the mixture of sweat and her saliva. Her tummy protests but she easily manages to hold it down. It is nothing compared to drinking piss.
Janice licks at the backrest for almost two minutes before she is confident that it is clean. As she transitions from the backrest to the seat, she can't help but glance Vadim's direction. Her blush spreads down to her neck and shoulders when she sees that the man is indeed watching her.
Tears form in the corner of her eyes as she leans down and starts licking the seat. In reality, the flavor on the seat is virtually identical to that of the backrest. However, knowing where this sweat came from somehow makes it taste a tad bitter to Janice. She doesn't stop licking though until it is all cleaned up.
"Good girlz," Vadim praises as Janice's red face lifts up from the now clean seat. "Nowz you cleanz me."
Janice swallows hard and her face manages to turn an even brighter red. This is a task she feared Vadim would give her. That said, it is far from being the first time she has had to lick a man clean. Ray especially enjoyed making her do it at the school.
As she crawls over to Vadim, she can't help but admire the man's body once more. The man's muscles are well defined. The sweat covering his body is glistening and somehow makes his muscles seem even more impressive than they already are. To Janice, Vadim looks almost like a Greek God.
Vadim is near the pull up bar Janice was cuffed to earlier. Vadim grasps the bar with one of his hands in order to help maintain his balance. He then lifts one of his feet in front of Janice. She gets the hint and delicately grabs the foot with one of her hands. She then leans in and starts licking.
Janice starts on the top of the foot but eventually has no choice but to work on the bottom. She saves the toes for last. She has only had to lick feet a few times in the past but she is well aware that the toes are always the worst. In between the toes to be exact. Thankfully, the salt from Vadim's sweat helps mask most of the bad flavor.
Vadim's cock gets hard as he puts the sissy in her place. He has her lick every inch of his foot and then suck his toes for several minutes. He then drops the foot and lifts the other. Janice's tummy rumbles a protest but she doesn't hesitate to start licking again.
Vadim puts the foot down several minutes later and has Janice stand. Janice takes this as a good sign. There is a chance Vadim only wants her to lick certain key areas and not his whole body. Her main fear now is what those key areas might be.
Vadim grabs a hand full of Janice's hair and directs her face to his chest. Janice quickly starts licking the large man's pecs. She applies suction whenever her lips pass over Vadim's nipples. She also nibbles on them a little.
"Good girlz," Vadim moans with pleasure.
The large man loosens his grip on Janice's hair and she quickly slides her tongue back over and focuses on the nipples. This gets even more moans of pleasure from Vadim.
Janice works on the nipples for almost ten minutes before Vadim's tightens his grip again. She lets out a sigh of relief and a small smile forms on her lips when she is guided downward. If it were Ray, she would be licking the man's armpits next. Apparently this is not a fetish of Vadim's. Or, he just didn't think to make her clean there.
Janice's face gets redder and her smile quickly disappears when Vadim turns before she can start licking his cock. A second later and she is now facing the man's muscular butt. She swallows hard as she contemplates the task ahead of her.
She focuses on the left ass cheek first. It takes her about two minutes to lick it clean and another two minutes for the right cheek. She could have cleaned them in half the time but she didn't want to seem to eager to reach the obvious conclusion to this task. A lady simply shouldn't seem to eager to lick a man's ass crack. Of course, there is also the fact that she actually isn't eager to do so.
During those four minutes, Janice was in constant prayer that Vadim wouldn't actually make her lick his crack. She even leans back slightly when she finishes the right cheek in order to send the message that she is done. Vadim peers back at her with an angry look. He doesn't say anything but Janice gets the message.
Tears run down her face as she leans back in and sticks out her tongue. She gives the crack a long light lick. The taste is similar to the seat earlier, only slightly stronger since the sweat is still warm. She gives the crack several more light licks before she is convinced Vadim isn't going to be satisfied until the area is spotless. She digs her tongue in deeper for the next few licks. Finally, she reaches up and uses her hands to part the man's strong globes. Her next lick takes her tongue as deep as it will go.
3; good," Vadim groans with pleasure as Janice's tongue glides across his butt hole.
What Janice wouldn't give to be back in the cell licking the twin's assholes instead of Vadim's. Licking a man's asshole is so disgusting. Especially one that is so sweaty. Yet, Janice can't help but notice that her cock is straining in it's cage a lot more than it ever did while she was rimming the twins. She does her best to ignore this observation.
She licks up and down the crack for several minutes. Vadim then grabs her head tight and stops her mouth right when it is over his asshole. She knows what he wants and slowly pushes her tongue inside. Janice is pretty sure that unlike the twins, Vadim probably doesn't give himself enemas. The flavor is a little stronger but she doesn't taste anything that offensive.
Janice tongues the hole for close to five minutes before Vadim finally pulls her away. When the man turns, Janice can't help but smile with glee. She has never been so happy to suck a cock before. Anything to get this ordeal over with.
Her desire is to take the cock into her mouth and start deep throating it so she can end her suffering. This is counter to her training though. So, instead, she licks up and down the sides of the 8" [20 cm] cock until it is clean. She then dips down and starts licking and sucking the man's large balls. It isn't until the balls are clean that Janice finally moves back to the cock and takes it into her mouth.
"Zuch a good girlz," Vadim moans as Janice deep throats him.
As she fucks her throat with the cock, Janice uses one of her hands to delicately tug on Vadim's balls. Janice has found that some men like their balls massaged, some like them tickled, and yet others like them tugged. She correctly guesses that Vadim is a tugger.
It isn't long and Janice has Vadim vigorously fucking her throat. She easily accepts every inch on each thrust. About two minutes in, Vadim starts moaning things in Russian. Janice doesn't know a word of Russian but she is pretty sure she knows what he is saying.
Sure enough, about 30 seconds later the Russian's muscles go tight. Vadim even goes to his tippy toes, almost like he is trying to escape Janice's mouth. Janice won't allow any escape though. She maintains her hold on the man's balls while at the same time using her free hand to grab one of Vadim's ass cheeks. A second later and Janice's mouth and throat are flooded with cum.
For some reason, Janice half expects the Russian's cum to somehow taste different. However, it is the same manly flavor she has become accustomed to from men.
She swallows the first couple shots but pulls back a little in order to ensure the last of his climax stays in her mouth. Most of the men at the school liked to see their cum in her mouth before she swallowed. She figures it is best to save some in case Vadim is one of these types of men.
Or at least that is the excuse she uses. Deep down, there is a part of her that simply wants to savor the taste. She has no clue why. It's not like she enjoys doing it. It is just something she often feels she has to do. Especially when it is a new man she is sucking or the man in question is very manly. Vadim meets both of those requirements.
Janice is almost disappointed when Vadim pulls out but doesn't ask to see inside her mouth. She waits until he walks away before she finally swallows. The viscous fluid slides down her throat and joins the rest of the load. She has to swallow several times and apply suction in order to get most of the sticky substance out of her mouth. She is still licking the inside of her mouth clean when she hears Vadim order her to follow.
She isn't sure if she is supposed to crawl or stand and walk. She decides to stand. Vadim doesn't seem angry so she apparently guessed right.
They go to a door at the back of the room. She noticed this door earlier. Her guess is that this door leads to the doctor's office. It turns out, the door leads to a small bathroom with a single toilet and bathtub/shower. There was another door to the bathroom though which Janice is positive must lead to the doctor's office.
"Oh!" Janice lets out in surprise as Vadim lifts her into the air like she was a rag doll.
Vadim steps into the bathtub and then lowers Janice back down. Janice quickly moves to the side when she sees the man adjusting the water. It is clear he plans to take a shower and she doesn't want to get her hair wet. Her hair has grown a lot in recent months and requires a lot more care now whenever she washes it. And she had just brushed it out prior to Vadim coming to get her earlier. It was the first time they let her brush it since her arrival. The last thing she wants is for it to get all tangled and messed up. Who knows when they might let her brush it again.
Her attempt to avoid the shower ends up putting her in an odd position. Vadim is too big for her to move all the way around him. Plus, she has to wrap her arms around the man slightly to keep from losing her balance. That said, she indeed avoids the spray once the shower comes on.
Thankfully, she only has to hug Vadim like that for a few seconds before the man turns so she can move behind him.
Vadim makes a couple rotations in the shower before he grabs a bar of soap and hands it to Janice. The large man then turns his back to her and holds his arms out. Janice gets the hint and starts soaping the man up.
Janice works as quick as she can but it still seems to take her ten times longer to soap the man's back than if she were doing her own much smaller body. And God, how manly this man's body feels. She can't believe how firm his muscles are. It feels almost like she is washing a stone statue.
Her hands gliding over those muscles makes her cock twitch in it's cage. After several days of being in the chastity device, Janice is tempted to beg the man for release. What she wouldn't do for just five minutes of freedom so she could manage a climax. The twins milked her prostate a lot but it just isn't the same.
As good as a climax would feel right now, her main reason for wanting one is simply to stop most of her naughty thoughts. Thoughts about Vadim to be specific. Of course, her reason for release is the same reason Vadim would refuse the request. From his perspective, it is better to keep her hot and bothered so she is more eager to please.
Ironically, if Janice were one of the boys that is less eager to please, then Vadim would have already released them from their cage if they were wearing one. He would have had them probably masturbate a few times also. By doing so, they would be even less eager to please. For Vadim it is one extreme or the other. Either very eager to please or very reluctant. Thus, the cage stays on for Janice. This way he can keep her very eager while at the same time taking pleasure in the knowledge that she can't acquire maximum pleasure herself.
Janice will later discover that most of the boys in storage don't wear cock cages at all. That is not to say that life is any easier for them. While in storage, the boys without cages are required to stay hard all the time during the day. If a guard sees one of them soft then the boy is punished. Of course, the older alpha boys found a loop hole a long time ago. They fuck the younger boys or have them suck them off. They just don't pull their cocks out until they are hard again. Thus, the guards never see them soft. The guards of course know what is going on. They allow it though since it is good for training.
Vadim rotates again once his back is soaped well. Janice immediately starts soaping the man's front as her prior efforts are washed off the man's back by the shower.
Janice works from the top down. She rushes as she soaps the man's cock and balls. The last thing she wants is for him to get sexually excited again. She is certain she will end up servicing this man several more times. However, she sees no need to rush things.
Janice goes to stand once she finishes with the man's legs. However, Vadim's hand presses down on her head to hold her in a kneeling position. Vadim then grabs hold of his soapy cock and points it at her. At first she thinks he wants her to suck it. However, it quickly dawns on her that he has something else in mind.
Janice starts to beg but quickly closes her mouth when a stream of piss comes shooting out of the man's dick. She is in shock but she still remembers to look up at Vadim to ensure he isn't angry about her closing her mouth. The man doesn't seem angry so she keeps her mouth closed.
The piss feels scolding hot as it splashes against her body. The spray hits her thighs first. However, Vadim quickly redirects it to her chest.
"Please," Janice begs when the streams starts moving up toward her face.
Vadim responds to her plea by moving the stream quickly onto her face. Janice gets a mouth full before she can close it. She wants to spit the putrid fluid out but fears she might offend Vadim. She scrunches her face up in disgust as she forces herself to swallow it.
Vadim chuckles and moves the stream up her face and then into her hair. His stream continues for another ten seconds before it finally tapers off. He then turns and starts rinsing the soap off his front. As he does so, Janice remains kneeling in disbelief. Even a well potty trained sissy like Janice can be put into shock sometimes when you piss in her hair.
Thankfully, Vadim rinses her off before ending the shower. Janice does her best to comb her hair with her fingers. She gets most of the tangles but knows it will still end up looking less than desirable. What she wouldn't give for a brush. A curling iron would be nice also.
Those things and more might very well be hidden in one of the bathroom drawers. She is too scared to ask. She is even more scared to just start looking without permission. So, she just stands there and watches as Vadim dries off. She then quickly follows as Vadim leaves the bathroom.
Vadim grabs a fresh towel along the way and places it on a recliner in the main room. He sits on it and then reclines back. He snaps his fingers and points at a tv remote across the room. Janice quickly rushes to retrieve it for him. Vadim turns the tv on and starts surfing the channels.
The facility has a premium cable package. Vadim still has trouble finding something to watch. He likes sports but Americans play most of them wrong. He smiles when he finds a basketball game.
"This is one sport they play right," Vadim thinks to himself.
The next hour is pretty boring for Janice. She isn't a basketball fan. Vadim has her fetch a couple bottles of water, but other than that she doesn't do much but stand there and glance around the room. She of course also keeps a close eye on Vadim's cock. Thankfully, it doesn't get hard during the game.
Vadim is a little startled when he looks over at the clock and sees how long he has been watching the game. Tom will be taking one of his breaks soon. If Vadim wants first crack at Janice's asshole then he needs to get started before Tom shows up.
Janice swallows hard and begins to blush when she sees Vadim grab hold of his cock and start tugging on it. The man is hard in no time. Janice doesn't need to be told to take over. She reaches out with her much smaller hands and begins massaging Vadim's dick. She waits for further orders but none come. So, she takes it upon herself to lean forward and start licking and sucking the large cock.
As she sucks the cock, one of Vadim's hands slides across her back and rests on her rump.
"Mmm," Janice moans around the cock as a finger worms its way up her asshole.
The finger is followed by a second and then a third. The fingers feel good, yet uncomfortable at the same time. Most of the discomfort is because her hole is still sensitive from all the fisting from the twins. On the bright side, her hole has no problem accommodating the man's large fingers.
Janice has a good deep throat rhythm going when Vadim pulls her off his cock. Vadim takes her left hand in his right. That is all he has to do for Janice to know what he wants. She gracefully climbs up onto the recliner and into Vadim's lap.
Janice prefers being bred from behind. She finds it too embarrassing to face the men while they fuck her. Plus, being bred from behind somehow makes the men seem more manly to her. She isn't sure why. Her best guess is that it is because it is a lot less 'romantic' that way.
Vadim's grip on her hand, however, forces her to face him as she mounts. She keeps climbing until she is all but sitting on the man's stomach. She reaches back and adjusts Vadim's cock until it is aimed properly. She then slowly slides back on it.
"Mmm," they both say in unison as the cock seeds itself up Janice's warm hole.
All the soreness in her asshole is forgotten as the head of Vadim's cock bumps into her ass clit and then slides across it. Janice hates herself for feeling such pleasure. Especially with such a mean brute like Vadim. That is sissy training for you. The worse the man treats her, the more pleasure she seems to get from them. It is an aspect of herself that she can't stand. Yet, it is one she also can't deny.
She slides back until Vadim's cock is completely buried up her hole. She then slowly slides forward again. The feeling of his cock on her ass clit is heaven. The only thing that could make it better would be if she wasn't wearing this damn cock cage!
Janice slowly slides forward and back on the cock of over five minutes before Vadim takes over. The large man grabs hold of her waist with his large powerful hands and holds her in a forward position. He then uses his hips to start thrusting up into her.
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Janice lets out over and over as the man viciously rapes her hole from below.
Janice tells herself not to, but she locks eyes with Vadim anyway. She blushes as the man stares right back at her. As embarrassing and humiliating as it is, her heart still flutters. She can't help but wonder if this man might love her. She could certainly see herself falling for him.
Janice! she screams in her head.
God, she hates cock cages! It used to be that she could go two or more weeks in a cock cage before she started having romantic feelings toward men. Now she seems to start having them the second you put one on her. And she has been wearing this one for several days now.
Janice's eyes get big as Vadim leans forward slightly and presses his lips against hers. The kiss starts out light and quickly becomes more passionate. Janice is in too much shock to think to put any of her kissing training into action. She just does what feels natural.
As their tongues dance, so does Janice's heart.
He does love me! Janice thinks to herself.
All kinds of thoughts and images run through her head. In some of these images she sees herself going home with Vadim and them getting married and living happily ever after. In others she is kept captive by Vadim in this room for the rest of her life. Yet, even in this vision she still somehow lives happily ever after.
The kiss is rudely interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Vadim quickly wipes his mouth with the side of his hand in order to remove any possible evidence of the kiss. He would never live it down if Tom caught him kissing one of the boys.
It is seldom that Vadim ever kisses the boys. However, it does happen. He is sure that Tom knows he does it. Just like Vadim is pretty certain that Tom does the same. Still, they would never do it in front of each other. Kissing is just too
3; gay. Granted, they both used to think the same thing in regards to fucking the boys. That is kind of part of the job though. So, it isn't unusual for them to see each other fucking one of the boys. They often even share the same boy.
Sharing Janice is exactly what Tom has in mind as he walks into the room. He doesn't even bother to ask Vadim if he would mind. He just starts removing his cloths.
Janice blushes as she steals glances of Tom. The man is about 6' [1.80 m] tall and muscular like Vadim. Tom doesn't look as mean though.
"Is she any good?" Tom asks once he is completely nude.
"Iz good," Vadim says as he tries to maintain his focus on fucking Janice's hole from below.
The angle of Tom's approach makes it clear to Vadim that the man plans to double penetrate the sissy's asshole. They've done this before, but Vadim isn't that hot about the idea. He doesn't like having another man's cock pressing against his own. When they double team, he much prefers that one of them fuck the boy's mouth while the other pounds the asshole.
Vadim doesn't say anything. He had been pleasantly surprised by how good the kiss was earlier. He is thinking of maybe kissing the boy some more once Tom is gone. If Tom fucks the sissy's mouth though then it will mean having to thoroughly clean it out afterward. No way Vadim would ever kiss a boy with a dirty mouth. Okay, technically he just did. However, that was different since it was him and not some other guy that dirtied the boy's mouth.
Janice nibbles on her lip as Tom positions himself. It isn't very often that she gets two cocks at once. It is even less often that they both go into the same hole at the same time.
"Mmmm," Janice moans in both pleasure and pain as Tom forces his cock in next to Vadim's.
At 8" [20 cm] long and 2" [5 cm] thick, Tom's cock is roughly the same size as Vadim's. They are nice cocks, but not gigantic by Janice's standards. However, combined they make for a rather tight fit in her poor ass pussy.
It isn't long and the two men are pumping in and out of her. They get into a rhythm such that one is pulling out while the other is pushing in. This provides Janice's ass clit twice the stimulation. Her hips involuntarily try to hump but the grip the men have prevent her from moving.
Janice leans in to give Vadim another kiss but the man prevents her from closing the gap. Instead, he directs her face toward his shoulder. The Russian would have bitch slapped any other boy that tried to kiss him in front of Tom. He doesn't want to risk messing the sissy's face up though. Lou wouldn't be happy. Plus, Vadim wants to keep that face lovely and kissable for later.
Janice is thankful that Vadim prevented her from kissing him. Her emotions had gotten away from her. She didn't really want to kiss him, not really. Still, she can't help but be a little sad that Vadim wasn't willing to show his love for her in front of the other man.
Normally, Vadim would race to see if he could cum before Tom. Especially when they are sharing the same hole. The last thing he wants is for Tom's cum to touch him. This time, however, he struggles to hold his climax back. He wants his next climax to be in private with Janice. This way he can explore more with the sissy.
The two drive into Janice for almost ten minutes before she hears Tom grunting behind her. Tom freezes and a few seconds later Janice can feel the man coating her insides with cum. Each spurt of cum is quickly pushed deeper inside her by Vadim's still pistoning cock.
"Fuck!" Tom says as his climax finishes. "She's got a nice asshole."
Tom pulls out a few seconds later. He steps to the side of the recliner and grabs a hand full of Janice's hair. He angles her upper body toward him and then feeds her his cock. Janice blushes but doesn't hesitate to suck the man's cock clean.
Vadim can do little but watch. He does his best not to show his anger at Tom for messing up Janice's mouth. He'll have to give the sissy a full cleaning now before they can continue what they started earlier.
Tom towels himself off and quickly dresses. The facility is on complete lockdown whenever they are away from the main desk. That is expected late at night when everyone is sleeping. However, during the day they try not to leave the main desk unmanned for more than 20 minutes at a time.
While Tom is preparing to leave, Vadim continues to pump into Janice as though everything is normal. The truth, however, is that he is rather upset. He's angry and disgusted that Tom dirtied their guest up so much. Even now, he can feel Tom's cum leaking out of the sissy's asshole and dripping down onto his balls.
Vadim pushes Janice off his lap the second Tom is out the door. Janice tumbles to the floor. She looks up at Vadim in confusion and sadness. She is sad because Vadim seems angry with her. She is confused because she doesn't understand why. Hasn't she been a good girl?
Vadim growls at Janice to lick his cock and balls clean. Janice quickly obeys. As she licks Tom's cum off Vadim's cock and balls, she realizes exactly how silly she was to think Vadim might have feelings for her. Hell, they barely know each other. Plus, she is a sissy. Sissies are just play things for men. Who could possibly love one? The thought brings a tear to her eye.
Chapter 22
Janice wakes the next day in confusion. In the past, she has had a kind of puppy love for a few of the men that used her. Especially after she has worn a cock cage for a few days. However, it has never been as strong as what she felt last night. Not only was it strong, but it came on so fast. This love wasn't just for Vadim either. It later became so for Tom also.
After a thorough cleaning in the bathroom last night, she and Vadim spent what seemed like hours kissing and making love. She became absolutely convinced that they were soul mates.
However, later that night, Vadim passed her over to Tom when he got off work. She spent the rest of the night making love to Tom. By the time she fell asleep, she was certain it was actually Tom that was her soul mate.
Yet, now she doesn't feel hardly anything for either one of them. It is almost as though she had just dreamed the whole thing. However, it had been very real.
Janice doesn't know it but her cock cage is only partially to blame for her emotional swings. The drugs they put in her food accounts for the rest. Many new arrivals react this way to the drugs. Or at least they do at first. Eventually their bodies adapt. Their emotions are still heightened but no where near where Janice is at now.
In addition to being confused, Janice is also rather ashamed. Though, she isn't sure if she is ashamed because she felt love for these men, or if it is because she seemed to so easily fall out of love.
Ashamed or not, she is still grateful the feelings have subsided. Feeling love for these men seems so wrong. Yet, at the time it somehow felt so right.
To add to her morning confusion, Janice isn't where she was when she fell asleep. She was in bed with Tom when she finally conked out. Now she is lying on the floor in the middle of the room with her ankle cuffed to one of the support posts for the pull up bar.
She wonders if she walked over on her own last night and just forgot. Or, did Tom gently carry her over so she wouldn't wake. The thought of Tom possibly caring enough not to wake her makes Janice's heart flutter. He even thought to give her a cover to help keep her warm.
"Well, hello darling."
Janice quickly snaps back to the present when she hears the female voice. She looks up to see a beautiful woman. Janice's guess is that this is Judy. She heard Tom and Vadim talking about Judy the night before. What she heard them say was not good. At least not good from Janice's perspective.
Tom described her as a "butch that enjoys torturing little boys". The description of course was meant for Janice's ears. At the time, she thought he was just exaggerating. The evil grin on Judy's face tells her otherwise.
"Mmm," Janice involuntarily moans as her cock starts swallowing the metal rod in her cage.
Judy's smile disappears when she realizes what caused the moan. Her hope had been that Janice was gay. It would be fun for a change to 'play' with a boy that doesn't like girls. Not that she plays with that many boys. She usually only messes with them when she is in a bad mood. Hurting and/or humiliating a little boy always seems to brighten her mood.
Judy gives Janice a dirty look and turns and goes about her business of getting ready for work.
Janice knows this woman is evil but she can't help but watch as Judy changes clothes. Evil or not, the woman has a hot body. It takes less than a minute for Janice's cock to get fully erect in its cage. She isn't the only one enjoying the show. Laying in his bed still, Tom is getting a good view as well.
What Tom wouldn't give to wet his dick in Judy. Sadly, the woman has zero interest in having sex with males. She doesn't even have sex with the younger boys. Well, she doesn't have intercourse with them anyway. She does get a lot of use out of their tongues sometimes. She would never let Tom do even that though. For her, it's more about the domination than the physical pleasure. And Tom is not the type that would ever allow himself to be dominated. Thus, even thinking about the man turns her off.
Tom fantasizes about Judy on a daily basis. He knows he has no chance with her and thus never tries. That said, he does often think about raping her. It is just a fantasy. He would never actually do it. Not that he wouldn't be willing to do such a thing. He would. However, he knows his balls would end up in a jar the second Lou found out about it. That is assuming that Judy didn't sneak up on him in the middle of the night and cut them off herself.
Judy finishes dressing and turns to leave. As she does so she gives Tom an annoyed look. Being ogled all the time gets old fast. On top of that, the male guards are always working out and smelling up the place with their sweat. She often finds herself sleeping in the medical room next door. Not that the smell of medicine and disinfectant is much better.
In the past, she used to sleep in empty cells. They are often all occupied these days though. There are still many empty cots in some of the cells but she can't use them. With the other kids in the same room, she wouldn't be able to take a master key in with her. Not if she planned to sleep any. If there was an emergency that pulled the other guard away from the main desk then she would probably end up stuck in there until it was all over. Lou wouldn't be happy if he found out about something like that.
Tom jumps out of bed the second Judy leaves the room. He unlocks Janice from the cuffs and drags her into the bathroom with him.
"Potty training time," Tom says with a chuckle as he pulls her into the shower with him.
Janice demonstrated her potty skills with Jack when she first arrived. Either the man wasn't impressed or he failed to mention her skills to the others. Janice decides it might be best not to inform Tom that she is already potty trained. If he knows she is already trained to drink piss then he will not only expect her to do it but will probably advance her training on to something even worse. Plus, information about one's potty skills simply isn't something a proper lady should volunteer. Okay, the main reason is really that she is too humiliated to admit it.
Her shower with Tom turns out to be almost an exact repeat of what she did with Vadim the day before. The only difference is that instead of just pissing on her, Tom makes sure she swallows a couple mouths full as well. Janice does her best to look disgusted. It isn't hard.
The shower also includes Tom breeding her. Tom washes her off first of course. However, once they are done he turns the shower off and pisses on Janice yet again.
"This will be your home for awhile," Tom informs her as he gets out and closes the shower door on her.
Soaked with piss, Janice huddles in the corner of the shower. Maybe she should have told him she was potty trained after all.
Minutes seem like hours and hours like days as she endures the stench of her piss covered body. She can't believe she felt love for Tom yesterday. Sure, as a sissy it is expected to be pissed on from time to time. However, leaving her drenched in the stuff for hours on end is just cruel.
Being left in the small shower makes things even worse. Not only does the smell linger but there isn't anything she can really focus on to help take her mind off it. As bad as it is, it still is better than the potty training she got back at the school.
Her time in the shower also gives her the opportunity to try to come up with escape plans. She hasn't seen that much of the place though so there really isn't a lot she can plan out. The best she can come up with is sneaking into the doctor's office and finding some kind of scalpel. This is something she probably could do right now. The only thing stopping her is that she isn't sure what she could do once she had it. Well, that and the fact that she is scared of getting caught.
Having a weapon like a scalpel is one thing. Using it is a whole different ball game. She highly doubts that she could hold Tom, Vadim or even Judy hostage. They would easily get the scalpel away from her even if she had it to their throat. No, her only advantage would be that of surprise. For example, if she had a scalpel right now she could wait until Tom came back in. When he got close she could swing out and cut his throat before he knew what was happening. However, then what? Okay, maybe wait for Judy to come back and do the same to her. Then what?
She would still be locked inside this place. There is a possibility that getting out is as simple as turning a key or hitting a lever. However, Janice finds that very unlikely. If it was that simple then all of the kids probably would have ganged up on the guards long ago. No, she would need a lot more information than she currently has before she even thinks about making an escape attempt.
Of course, that is assuming she even really wants to escape. So far it really hasn't been that bad here. Just a little sexual abuse and a few swallows of piss. She is all to aware that there are potentially much worse things outside these walls.
Tom returns to the bathroom about every 45 to 60 minutes in order to give Janice a fresh coat of piss.
Tom has mixed feelings about the potty training. It isn't often they get a 'roommate' they can play with. Let alone one they are allowed to potty train. So, it is a nice change of pace. The thing that sucks, however, is that he can't do much with the sissy until the training is over. Well, he technically could. However, that would mean getting piss on himself. Who would want that? On the bright side, once Janice is potty trained he won't have to bother getting up and walking to the bathroom every time he has to take a piss.
Janice lives in the shower for the following three days. She loses track of how many times she is pissed on. Even Judy pisses on him many times. Though she often insists he drink most of her piss.
The only times the piss is washed off her is when one of the guards decides to shower or during her daily enema. However, she is quickly covered in piss again afterward.
By the third day she definitely wishes she would have told them that she was already potty trained. She never volunteers that bit of information though. She is too scared of what punishment they might give her for deceiving them. Not that she ever really lied to them. They simply never asked.
The worst part, besides the piss, is having to listen to the guards brag about the great progress they are making with her. How they are managing to potty train her so quickly.
"Do you thinkz you canz drinks all my piss without spilling any nowz?" Vadim asks her late on the third day.
"Yes!" Janice quickly replies as she nods her head up and down vigorously.
It is the first time they even bothered to ask her. She would have gladly answered "yes" on the second day. She tried volunteering the information a few times but they just snapped at her each time. Her guess is that the guards are used to kids saying about anything to get the training to stop.
Vadim is wearing a pair of sweat pants. He undoes the tie at the top and pulls them down just enough to expose his semi erect cock. Janice quickly seals her lips over the head of the cock and waits for the inevitable.
She doesn't have to wait long. A strong flow of hot liquid shoots across her tongue and into the back of her throat. Her instinct is to gag and spit the putrid liquid out. However, instead she loosens her throat muscles and lets the piss travel directly to her tummy.
Vadim doesn't hold back any either. If anything, he tries to push the piss out faster than normal. Janice's well trained throat has a hard time keeping up with the flow. She somehow manages though without spilling a drop.
The piss shoots into her tummy for almost 30 seconds before it finally tapers off. Vadim then steps back and stares at Janice for a couple minutes. Janice is confused at first. The man just stares and smiles.
"Goodz girl," Vadim finally says.
It isn't until then that Janice realizes Vadim was waiting to see if she would be sick or turn green from drinking all the piss. A test she clearly passed.
Janice is absolutely delighted when Vadim finally gives her permission to clean up and leave the shower. A shower is normally a sissy's best friend. However, this is one shower stall that will haunt her dreams for quite a long time.
Vadim hands her a towel as she steps out of the shower. It is the first time she has been allowed to use a towel since she arrived in this place. She can't help but hope that maybe her initiation is finally over.
"Makez yourzelf up," Vadim says as he hands her a paper bag.
Janice's face lights up with joy when she looks in the bag and sees a brush and some makeup. Her heart flutters and she feels like giving Vadim the biggest hug in the world. Maybe he is her soul mate after all.
Oh God, Janice says to herself when she gets in front of the mirror.
Her makeup from several days back has long been washed away by all the piss. And her hair is a mess of tangles. She can tell it will take at least 30 minutes to get herself presentable again. Vadim watches for the first five minutes and then leaves her to herself.
Janice's escape plan flashes into her head but she quickly ignores it. Not only is it still a poor plan but now she doesn't even see a need to escape. Well, not really. Her initiation may be coming to an end. Plus, they are even providing her with makeup. Sure, they obviously plan to make her continue to drink their piss and stuff like that. However, life could be a lot worse for a sissy.
Vadim is already laying in bed when Janice finally comes out of the bathroom. Janice decided on pigtails and only a light coat of makeup. Vadim seems pleased with her choices.
Vadim lifts the covers, letting Janice know she should hop in. Janice nibbles on her lip when she sees Vadim is rock hard. She practically skips across the room and then climbs into the bed. She isn't sure why but the thought of Vadim's kisses makes her feel kind of yummy and gooey inside.
When she goes to kiss him though, the man doesn't seem to want to have anything to do with it. It takes her a few seconds to realize the reason is probably because of her potty training. Who would want to kiss a sissy that they know is potty trained? It saddens her that the man may never want to kiss her again.
"Mmm," Janice moans as Vadim sinks his cock into her ass pussy.
They start in a spoon position under the covers. However, the covers are quickly pulled away. Vadim then turns onto his back with Janice on top. Janice braces herself with her hands on Vadim's chiseled abs and lower chest. She then starts bucking up and down on the hard cock. She tightens her hole and does everything else she can think of to make it as pleasurable for Vadim as possible.
Vadim pinches her nipples hard a few times but overall takes it easy on her. She wants to believe it is a sign of love. However, she knows this is probably just a reward for her completing her potty training. A much better reward, however, would be letting her out of her cock cage. She considers begging him to do so. However, she knows he most likely wouldn't. Asking would serve no purpose other than possibly anger him and ruin the mood.
Janice bounces up and down on the cock for over 15 minutes. By the time Vadim climaxes, she is leaking cum from her cage. Not that she actually has a climax. Not a real one anyway.
Vadim pulls her down and hugs her tight as he pumps his cum deep into her hole. The tight hug is a little suffocating, yet kind of yummy at the same time. Vadim hugs her tight like that for over a minute.
"I haz to takez a pizz again," Vadim announces as he releases her from the hug.
Without thinking, Janice quickly pulls herself off the cock and moves down the bed so she can seal her mouth to the man's cock. A few seconds later the putrid flavor of piss mixes with that of cum and her ass juices.
Vadim's stream starts out as a small drizzle. Janice's heart flutters again when she realizes the man is trying to feed the piss to her at a reasonable rate. About 15 seconds in, however, Vadim loses control and the stream goes full speed. The man must have drank a lot of liquids tonight because this piss is almost as large as the prior one less than an hour ago. Janice manages it all though without spilling a drop.
Janice sucks the last of the piss out and then licks the remainder of cum and ass juice off his cock. Vadim stops her when she starts to move back up the bed. He tells her to keep her mouth sealed to his cock in case he needs to take another piss during the night. Or at least that is the gist of what he tells her.
Janice isn't sure what to make of the order. It certainly doesn't seem like an act of affection from the man. Yet, he isn't chaining her up for the night or anything like that. So, clearly he trusts her to a certain degree. She thinks about this for well over an hour before she finally dozes off.
As she sleeps, Janice suckles on Vadim's cock like a baby would a tit.
She has dream after dream of drinking the man's piss. A couple times she wakes to find that she is doing just that. Her well trained throat swallows every drop each time. Vadim stays awake each time just long enough to praise her. The praise makes her feel all warm inside. Granted, it is possible that her sleepy mind just confuses the warmth of the fresh load of hot piss in her tummy with that of pride.
It isn't until morning that Janice realizes that neither of the other guards ever showed up last night. Nor are they here now. She assumes that Vadim is the only guard on duty right now. She can't help but wonder if maybe last night was her best chance for escape. She quickly pushes the thought from her head.
Vadim has her wash him in the shower again. The large man also breeds her while they shower. The breeding seems almost romantic as Vadim slowly thrusts into her from behind. The warm water splashing on them and their slick bodies sliding against each other feels especially yummy to Janice. She even finds herself moaning with pleasure during the last half of the encounter. She of course has been trained to moan like this during breeding. She still feels ashamed with herself though since these moans didn't have to be faked.
It is clearly good for Vadim also. Janice feels like she is being crushed by the man's strong hands as he shoots his load deep in her hole. Janice feels like kissing the man but is certain Vadim no longer wants to do stuff like that. So, instead she turns her head back toward him and gives the man's large chest muscles a gentle kiss.
The romantic mood is quickly squashed by Vadim a few seconds later as he starts pissing into Janice's asshole. The hot liquid quickly worms it's way deep inside her bowels. It makes her feel extremely dirty despite the clean warm water still splashing down on them. It makes her feel even dirtier than when they pissed on her. She can almost feel her insides absorbing the putrid liquid.
As Vadim pulls his cock from her hole, Janice's wants nothing more than to expel the piss enema. She knows better though. Instead, she squeezes her asshole as tight as possible to ensure not a drop escapes. She prays for Vadim to give her the order to go to the toilet and expel the fluid. The order doesn't come right away. Instead, Vadim has her wash his body yet again. He also has her towel him off.
The idea of Janice holding the piss enema must turn Vadim on because the man gets hard. Janice kneels on the hard bathroom floor and sucks the man off. Janice uses all her talents to ensure the blowjob is very pleasurable, yet very quick. She drinks Vadim's load of cum. Thankfully, that is all Vadim has for her to drink.
"Thirties minutez," Vadim says as he opens a cabinet and then hands her the enema bag.
Janice waits for the man to leave the bathroom. She then rushes to the toilet and expels the hot piss. She then starts her normal enema procedures. She makes sure the enemas are extra hot. However, even after several half gallon [~2 liter] enemas she still feels dirty inside. Her time is up though so she cleans everything up and puts it away.
She exits the bathroom just as Vadim finishes dressing. Janice's heart flutters when Vadim cuffs her to the bed and not pull up bar. He even turns the TV on for her to watch. It is gay porn of men breeding little boys but it is still better than nothing. And the bed will certainly be a ton more comfortable than the concrete floor under the pull up bar.
Maybe he does love me, Janice thinks to herself as she watches the man leave.
Chapter 23
The next ten days become rather routine. They cut back a little on how much piss she has to drink but she still drinks a lot of it each day. Also, after a few days, they remove her cock cage. However, they put a different one on immediately. The only difference is that the new one doesn't have a metal rod down the center. Plus, it is much smaller and keeps her cock from getting hard at all. Janice is happy to be rid of that evil metal rod. However, the change to this cage tells her that they probably plan to keep her caged for a very long time.
About the only other thing that is new is that Judy starts playing with her also. The woman has Janice eat her pussy and asshole a lot. However, Judy's favorite thing seems to be using a strap on.
Janice hates when Judy plays with her. Yet, she can't deny that part of her kind of enjoys it. Though Janice admits that Judy's extra large strap on has a lot to do with that enjoyment. The strap on is a good 12 inches long [30 cm] and 3 inches [8 cm] thick. It also has many large round bumps on it that make Janice tingle all over when they slide in and out of her.
While Janice likes the tingles, she is scared to death of Judy herself. The woman never does anything too horrible to her but the pillow talk is frightening. The woman is always talking about what she would like to do to Janice if Lou would let her.
"I would like to take you home and use you as a pin cushion. I wonder if you could make yourself cum while I stick needles into your blue balls."
Judy often follows statements like this with an evil laugh. The worst part is that Janice sometimes wishes that Lou would let the woman have her way. Needles scare Janice but it would be worth it in order to be allowed to cum. Of course, Janice only usually thinks these horrible thoughts when that huge strap on is working it's way in and out of her hole.
Despite Judy, Janice is somewhat happy with her routine. Or at least as happy as a sissy can ever expect to be.
Her routine, however, comes to a sudden stop on what she estimates to be her third or fourth week in storage. The doctor arrives one day and gives her a shot. She assumes it is a hormone shot or some other medication. However, she quickly becomes dizzy. Then everything goes black.
When she wakes she can tell she is no longer in storage. She doesn't even have to open her eyes to know this. There is just something about the air. It smells slightly different; it's warmer; and it feels drier or something.
When she does open her eyes she sees that she is in a large cell with at least a dozen other kids. Most of the kids are girls but a few are boys as well. Some of the kids look to be wide awake and others are unconscious or close to it. She is a bit scared. She sticks out like a sore thumb. Who knows what these kids might decide to do to her.
Janice smiles when she notices Denise waking up on a nearby bed. Well, it isn't exactly a bed. The cell just has six mattresses on the floor.
Janice knows that Denise won't be much protection if the other kids decide to do something. However, Denise might be friends with some of the others. And even if that isn't the case, the other kids might decide to focus on Denise instead of her. Denise is pretty cute after all.
Janice notices that Denise doesn't seem that surprised by their situation. The sissy doesn't even look around at first. She just stares down at the floor as she shakes the cobwebs out of her head.
When Denise does look up her face glows with happiness when she sees Janice. She quickly crawls over and gives Janice a big hug and kiss. Janice is caught a bit off guard. She knew Denise had a crush on her but she didn't realize it was this strong.
Janice returns the kiss but only for a moment. She then gently pulls herself back. The less attention she draws to herself the better. Plus, she is smart enough to know that a young sissy like Denise is probably the unofficial property of one of the older boys or girls. The last thing she wants is to become their property as well by association. Not that she has high hopes of remaining independent.
Even now a couple of the older boys are looking her way and whispering to each other. It won't be long before one of them makes her their bitch. She tells herself that she will resist. Deep down she knows she won't. Even if they were her same age they would be too strong for her thanks to all the estrogen she has taken.
Denise is chatting away but Janice only pretends to listen. Most of what Denise is saying are things Janice already figured out for herself. That being that they are now at one of the studios. Janice doesn't block Denise completely out though. There could be useful info somewhere in there. However, her main focus is on the older boys whom she is watching out of the corner of her eye.
The two older boys look to be at least 16 years old. One is black and the other white. Like herself, they are both naked and she can easily tell they are in great physical condition. They look like a couple teen surfers. Their muscles are very well defined. Their muscles aren't super bulky like Vadim or Tom's but they clearly exercise a lot. They also look rather cute. Of course, after so many weeks in her cock cage about anyone looks cute to Janice.
Janice nibbles on her lower lip as her focus moves lower. Their cocks are erect and they both have nice size cocks. The white boy's cock is a good 8 inches [20 cm] long and 2 inches [5 cm] thick. The black boy is even bigger. He probably is at least 10 inches [25 cm] long and 2.75 inches [7 cm] thick. She turns her head toward them slightly and makes eye contact just long enough for them to know she is watching them. She also gives them a small grin. This is one of the many techniques they taught her at the school for seducing men.
Janice! she yells in her head when she realizes what she is doing.
She blushes and quickly turns her head away. She can't believe she was actually trying to seduce these boys. If they didn't plan to make her their property before then they definitely will now. Deep down, part of her almost wishes they do. She knows it is just the cock cage but she can't help but admire how yummy they look.
Her heart skips a beat and butterflies flap around in her tummy as the two boys turn and start walking her way. She tries to be scared. However, all she can think about is which of her holes each boy plans to use. She hopes the black boy uses her asshole. That large cock would feel so yummy sliding back and forth across her clit.
Janice and most of the other kids jerk when they hear a clanging sound at the door. That sound is soon followed by a squeak as the metal door swings open. A few kids are still unconscious but everyone else quickly lines up.
The line is tallest to shortest which puts Janice directly in front of Denise. To Janice's surprise, they are only a few kids from the front of the line. All the rest are even shorter than herself. She had focused so much on the larger boys that she hadn't put much thought into how young the other kids are.
As everyone quiets down she can hear a few of the younger ones trying to choke back tears. Janice wonders if they are new like herself or if they have been here before and fear what is coming next. She feels sorry for them either way. However, she can't help but be glad that their tears might draw their captor's attention away from herself.
As they wait, Janice feels Denise's warm body press up against her back. Janice inches forward to break the contact but Denise follows.
"Denise!" Janice says under her breath when she feels the sissy's cock being pushed between her ass cheeks.
Janice is not only surprised by Denise's actions but also by the fact that the sissy isn't wearing a cock cage. It seems unfair since she is still wearing hers.
Janice wants to scream at the sissy as the head of the cock presses against her asshole and then forces itself inside. It is quickly followed by 6 more inches [15 cm] of cock. Their jailer enters the room though so Janice bites her tongue.
Their jailer is an fat man about 50. He walks down the line of kids, stopping occasionally to inspect one of them. He stops when he reaches Janice and Denise but doesn't say anything. He just chuckles and continues down the line. Janice blushes.
Once he is through inspecting the line of kids, the man nudges each of the unconscious ones to make sure they are still alive. Most of the unconscious ones remain so. One, however, wakes and tries to quickly get in line. She is still groggy though and staggers back and forth. She falls three times before she finally finds her proper spot in line. Even then the kid behind has to help hold her up.
The man walks back to the front of the line, pulls a piece of paper out of his shirt pocket and reads off several names. As he reads each name, the corresponding kid steps out of their current line and forms a new one.
"Mmm," Janice moans when Denise's name is called and the sissy abruptly pulls out so she can line up.
Janice's name is immediately called next. Janice swallows hard as she gets into the new line. She is pretty sure that they are about to go make a video. Part of her is a little disappointed when the man finishes reading the list and neither of the older boys she eyed earlier are selected.
"Which one is Rhonda?" the jailer asks as he looks toward the still unconscious kids.
Apparently he read Rhonda's name off but no one had gotten out of line and into the new one. One of the older boys points to a 9 or 10 year old little blond girl on a nearby mat. The jailer walks over and gives her another nudge but she doesn't wake. So he lifts her and drapes her over his shoulder.
The man walks out of the cage and Janice's line follows. They go down a hall and then up some steps. As they proceed, Rhonda's upper body flops back and forth on the old man's large back. The blood rushes to her head and it isn't long before the girl is waking up. Confused, she tries to get loose. The man easily holds her in place. They are almost to their destination so he decides to just carry her the rest of the way. The last thing he needs is a groggy kid stumbling down the steps. She continues to struggle for a moment but the man uses his free hand to give her ass a hard slap. This quickly settles her down.
Their first stop is a large bathroom. The bathroom is complete with several stalls and showers. It is here that Janice quickly discovers who the newer people are. Like herself, the newer kids just stand there for a moment. The veteran's, however, quickly move to the stalls and grab the enema bags hanging there.
Janice realizes what is going on and jumps into action. She heads toward the last stall/enema bag but one of the veterans beats her to it. She frowns when it dawns on her that she will have to not only wait for the other kids to finish their enemas but will most likely be using the same enema bag. The thought grosses her out.
She decides to make the best use of her time and goes over to one of the showers and begins washing herself off. It seems like a good idea until she turns in the shower and sees that the other newbies have lined up at the stalls. Now she will have to wait for them to finish their enemas as well.
It is another 40 minutes before Janice gets her hands on an enema bag. The wait sucks, but the worst part comes several minutes later as the other kids finish their showers and have nothing else to do but watch Janice. She becomes beat red as she goes through her enema procedures. The room is absolutely silent with the exception of a few giggles from the girls and Janice's efforts echoing off the tiled walls.
She finally finishes and takes another quick shower. She expects the old man to get angry at her but he doesn't say anything or give her dirty looks. He seems content to sit there as long as it takes.
The man marches them out of the bathroom and to a room down the hall. The room is empty with the exception of four long wooded gym benches. Bolted on top of each bench is a series of dildos. There is a dildo about every 2 to 3 feet [60-70 cm]. As she looks up the bench, Janice notices that each dildo is bigger than the previous one. The first one on the bench is about 1 inch [2½ cm] thick. Janice's eyes focus mainly on the last one about 11 feet [3½ m] down the bench. It is absolutely huge. It sticks up from the bench about 12 inches [30 cm] and is at least 4 inches [10 cm] thick.
"Pick a peg," the man orders.
To Janice's surprise, the veterans go for the larger dildos. Though none of them go for THE largest one. Most straddle the bench over the 2 to 2.5 inch [5-7 cm] ones. The room is filled with moans as they line their respective dildo up with their assholes and then slowly slide down on it.
A couple of the newbies straddle the 1 inch [2½ cm] dildos but most, like Janice, emulate the veterans and straddle larger ones. Denise goes for one of the 3 inch [7½ cm] dildos. Janice settles down on a 1.75 inch [4 cm] one. There were some other 3 inch [7½ cm] dildos available and she knows she could handle them but she didn't want to look too much like a slut.
Once everyone is in position, the man starts going down the list of names. As he reads each name the respective kid raises their hand. The man takes note of the dildo they are on and checks it against his list for something.
For most of the kids he simply says, "good" and then motions for them to leave the bench. The man gets angry when he reaches the kids on the 1 inch [2½ cm] dildos. He doesn't hit them or anything but Janice can tell he wants to. Instead he just growls at them. He has one move up to a prior occupied 2 inch [5 cm] dildo and the other to a 1.75 inch [4 cm] one.
To Janice's surprise, Denise is asked to go from a 3 inch [7½ cm] dildo to an even larger 3.5 inch [9 cm] one. The man shakes his head but doesn't seem to get that angry when he gets to Janice and sees her on the 1.75 inch [4 cm] dildo.
"Not even close," he says with a chuckle. "They shipped Bull in for you. Get up there with your butt buddy."
The man points to a 3.5 inch [9 cm] dildo as he says this. It isn't until then that Janice realizes he was referring to Denise as her 'butt buddy'. It is an obvious reference to what the man witnessed earlier back in the cell.
Janice moves several feet up the bench until she is straddling the much later 3.5 inch [9 cm] dildo. She has taken objects this big up her hole before but not without effort. She struggles with it for a minute before the man walks over to inspect her progress.
Janice blushes as the man kneels down to get a better look. He watches for a moment and then has her lift up. The man then spits on the dildo and orders her to sit back down on it. Janice glances at the spit covered dildo in disgust but doesn't hesitate to obey the order. She has to admit that the spit does help. To give her extra incentive, the man grabs hold of her slightly swollen blue balls and tugs downward on them.
"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! OH!!!"
The final "oh" is the head of the dildo popping past her anal ring. She then lets out a long sigh as her hole adapts to the huge size. She hovers there a moment and then moans in both discomfort and pleasure as she slowly sinks down on the huge monstrosity. As she sinks down, Denise reaches over and puts her hand on Janice's shoulder to comfort her. Janice barely notices. Most of her concentration is on that fucking huge dildo sliding across her ass clit. As it does so, a dribble of cum drips out the tip of her cock cage.
None of this is new for Denise of course. She has visited all the studios several times now and they all have one of these rooms. They call it the 'pegging' room.
They all have difference setups and procedures but overall it is basically the same. For example, at one studio they just have one bench and they tell the kid up front which dildo they need to go to. They also tell the girls whether they should use the dildo anally or vaginally. Unlike here where they just have the girls use them anally. Denise's guess is that those in charge here figure that if the girl can handle the dildo up her ass then she can handle it in her cunt. Regardless of the procedure, the purpose is just the same. They are simply ensuring the kids' holes are loosened up a little and ready to handle their respective 'costar' for the shoot.
Denise quickly learned long ago that it is not a good thing to pretend you can only handle a small dildo. Thanks to the cell leaders' documentation, those in charge are well aware of what you are capable of handling. You won't leave the pegging room until you have ridden the dildo they want you to. They don't know it yet, but the kids earlier that selected the 1 inch [2½ cm] dildos will most likely get a good spanking later. The only reason they haven't gotten one yet is because they want to keep them pristine for the shoot.
Denise sees a lot of kids that make this mistake. Most of the kids aren't even that new. They just haven't been to this or that particular studio before and are unaware of their procedures and penalties. This is especially true for this particular studio. It is what everyone, including the kids, refer to as the 'VIP' studio.
This VIP studio is a lot fancier than the others. It isn't much larger but the sets are a lot more elaborate. The camera equipment is a lot more high tech as well. Not that Denise knows much about that aspect of things. She just knows the equipment looks a lot newer. There is a lot more of it also.
While the kids refer to the studio as 'VIP' for the above aspects, the employees do for a completely different reason. That reason being that they mainly only produce videos by customer request. Rich customers of course. For a hefty price, a customer can have a very specific plot filmed for them. They can even request specific kids for the movie. Most of these videos are put out for mass production. However, for many rich customers it is well worth the cost to dictate the scenarios.
There are some videos, however, that no one gets but the customer. These customers pay a very premium price for such a luxury. And often that price even buys them a role in the movie. A ton of that cost goes toward security. Getting a VIP to the studio is no small feat in this regard. After all, one of them could be an undercover cop or something. They are taken from location to location over the course of several days. They are scanned for tracking devices and of course tested for STDs and such during that time. And never do they ever see anyone's face except their initial contact and the kids they end up performing with. It is a very intrusive procedure. However, surprisingly there are many that are repeat customers.
Anyway, while almost every kid eventually comes to this studio, only a select few are chosen on a routine basis. Denise of course is one of those select few. Most of the rich customers are only interested in little girls. However, there are still several that like male on male action. And most of those like nothing more than to see cute little Denise being ravished. And often at least one of the costars selected is very well endowed. Not that they have that many costars that aren't. Hence why Denise can now easily manage the much larger dildos in the pegging room. Well, that and all the stretching exercises while in storage.
While some of the kids are allowed to leave the bench quickly, the man makes Janice and a couple others stay on their dildos for several minutes. The guy even has them fuck up and down on them a bit. Once satisfied, he lets them up. He then grabs a hose and sprays all the benches and dildos off.
The kids line up as though they are going to leave the room. However, the man doesn't lead them out the door. Instead he marches them to a large cabinet in the back of the room. Janice's eyes get big when the man opens the cabinet to reveal a large array of butt plugs. Janice has seen collections like this before. However, this collection has a few plugs that are significantly larger than anything she has seen before. She prays these larger ones are just for shock value and that they don't actually use them.
The man goes down his list. As he calls out each name the corresponding kid steps forward and takes whatever plug the guy hands them. Janice actually smiles when the man calls her name and then grabs a 3.5" [9 cm] plug. The plug is pretty huge but it is better than getting one of the much bigger ones. Her smile quickly disappears, however, when the man spits on it before handing it over. She takes it though and does as the other kids had and squats down so she can insert it. The dildo on the bench loosened her up a lot but it still takes her 30 seconds to force the plug inside.
Once the plug is in place, Janice gets back in line. She tries to stand still but can't help but fidget. If she just puts a little more of her weight on this foot than the plug will feel more comfortable. No, that doesn't work. Maybe on the other foot? No. Maybe a short step forward? On and on. She knows that there is no position that will help but her body refuses to give up trying. She isn't the only one either. Their normal steady line is anything but. It looks like they all have to go pee or something. Janice would find it funny if it weren't for that damn huge plug stretching her hole.
It is another five minutes before the last of the kids has their plug in place. The man then marches them back to the front of the room and out the door. The kids look like a line of ducks as they waddle down the hall.
The next stop is makeup. Janice can smell makeup a mile away and knows where they are headed long before they enter the room. Her eyes light up and she looks on in awe when they enter. There are barber type chairs, sinks for washing hair, and tons and tons of makeup. If that wasn't great enough, there are three women standing there that are obviously beauticians. It is as though she has died and gone to sissy heaven.
The man calls out three names and each respective kid gets out of line and moves to a beautician. One of the kids is a boy and the other two girls. The boy gets his hair trimmed a little but not much else done. He is put back in line and the man calls out another girl's name. This girl, like the other two, spends a lot more time in the chair. They are in the chair for almost 30 minutes as their hair and makeup is done. One girl gets very thick makeup while the other two are given light coats.
Most of the kids in line quickly become bored as they wait. Not Janice. If anything, she gets more excited every moment they wait. Not only is she learning a bit about how they do makeup for movies but she is anxious to get into the chair herself. It has been awhile since someone has done her makeup for her. And she has never really had a professional do it before. She can't wait to see how much better they can make her look than she can herself.
As they wait, a young man about 22 appears at the door. He doesn't say anything but it is clear he is waiting on something. He keeps looking at his watch. Janice catches him stealing glances at her also. She feels a tinge of pride that in a room full of cute kids that the man would focus so much on her.
"One of the directors getting anxious?" one of the beauticians says with a laugh.
"Yeah, Ted," the man grumbles.
The beauticians give a knowing nod but they don't seem to speed up any. They finish with the three girls though about three minutes later. The young man takes the hands of the two girls with light makeup and rushes out with them. Janice assumes the man knows these two girls' names already. Either that or the makeup gave away which ones he needed. One of the two girls is about 9 years old. Janice is pretty sure she is new here. The little girl gives a nervous look back at everyone as she is whisked away.
Janice almost jumps for joy when her name is called to get in the chair. Denise's name is called as well.
"Aren't you a cutie," the beautician says as Janice walks toward her chair.
As Janice climbs into the chair, the beautician notices her large plug.
"I think this one is going to be with Bull," she says to the other beauticians with a chuckle.
The other beauticians laugh as well. One of them states that Janice will have to fight Denise for the man though. This gets even more laughter. Janice glances over to see Denise's face turn bright red. Almost as red as she is sure hers is right now.
Janice gets a little concerned when the beautician grabs a pair of scissors and starts cutting her hair. Her hair is just now getting long enough that she can do fancier things with it. The last thing she wants is for it to be cut short again.
Thankfully, the woman doesn't cut much off. She combs it out well and then curls the ends a bit. She parts Janice's hair to the right and pins the bangs and stuff back with a white rose barrette.
Janice is happy to have her hair done but can't help but be a little disappointed. She was hoping for something a bit fancier and more mature looking. This hair style is not only simple but makes her look at least three years younger. Three years may not sound like much when you are in your 30s or 40s but to a teen you might as well put her in diapers. Okay, maybe it isn't quite that bad.
As her hair is being done, the young man appears at the door again and takes the boy and girl that got their makeup done earlier. Janice is glad that she isn't that girl. The boy and girl are no doubt going to share a scene where they have sex together. The boy is cute and all but his cock is barely 7 inches [18 cm] long.
Janice chastises herself when she realizes she is actually hoping for a large cock and not a small one. Of course, from listening to the beauticians chatter it doesn't sound like she has much to worry about. This Bull guy apparently has a huge cock.
Janice is even more disappointed when the beautician only gives her a light coat of makeup. Not only that but it is applied as though a kid did it. Seriously, what is the point of having a professional beautician do her makeup if it is even worse than she could have done?
As she climbs down from the chair she sees that Denise got the exact same treatment. The hair style is different but just as young and simple looking.
Janice doesn't get long to fume about it. Someone grabs her hand and pulls her toward the door. She looks up to see that it is the young man again. It does not surprise Janice to see that the man has Denise in his other hand.
Butterflies start flapping around in Janice's tummy when she realizes that this is it. They will be in front of the cameras soon. During her training, Janice spent all of her time in front of cameras. However, those were just surveillance cameras bolted to the wall. She is smart enough to know that the footage from those cameras was being viewed by several on the school staff. That is a huge difference though from making a movie that will probably be distributed to thousands. Just the thought of it makes her feel like she has to pee.
While Janice is nervous, she is also a bit upset by how impersonal the man treats her. He just rushes them down the hall like he is delivering pizza or something. The man stole glances at her almost every time he entered the makeup room. She kind of expected him to now give her more attention, not less. Maybe steal a few kisses from her or let her suck his dick. She didn't want to do those things
3; not really. However, it is kind of insulting for him to not at least try.
To Janice's surprise, their next stop isn't the set but wardrobe. For some reason she thought they would just start the scene naked. She hasn't seen that much professional porn but what little she has they almost always are naked already at the start. She isn't complaining. She knows she will feel a lot more comfortable if she goes on set with clothes on instead of naked. Not that she is naive enough to think those cloths are going to stay on long.
"Denise and Janice," the young man says as they enter the room.
The wardrobe room is nothing like Janice would have ever guessed. It looks exactly like a dry cleaning shop. There is a counter with a man behind it. And behind him is a ton of plastic wrapped clothing on the same type of conveyer system you would find in any dry cleaning shop. The man behind the counter looks at a clipboard and then punches a few buttons on a control hanging from a cord. Immediately, the conveyer system kicks in and the clothes start moving.
The conveyer stops and the man pulls down a white and pink dress.
"Janice," he says as he puts it on the counter.
The man checks his list and then punches the control again. As they wait for Denise's outfit to make it's way on the conveyer, Janice picks up the white and pink dress and inspects it. She is far from happy.
This is a fucking tutu!
She doesn't say it but she definitely thinks it. It looks to be her size but the design is something a 6 year old would wear. The top of the dress is white with a huge pink fluffy rose sewn on the front. The bottom is even worse. It is made of multiple semi transparent pink layers. The only bright side is that the bottom isn't too huge. This is something a kid would actually wear to the mall or something. Just not a kid her age.
Denise gets what looks to be some kind of Japanese style school outfit. Short pleated black skirt with a long sleeve white top and red scarf/tie.
Once Denise picks up her outfit, the young man rushes them out the door and to the one immediately across the hall. Once inside, the young man rushes off. He no doubt is off to get a couple more kids.
"Change into your outfits," a fat old man tells them.
They remove the plastic and do as ordered. The clothes are maybe one size too small but look okay. Well, they look as good as one could expect these clothes to look.
"Do you know what this is?" the old man says as he reaches out with his shaking wrinkly old hand.
Janice looks and sees a key resting in his palm. Janice suspects she knows what the key is for but shakes her head 'no' just in case.
"This is the key for your cage," he informs her. "I bet you would really like to get that cage off, wouldn't you?"
"Please," Janice says as she quickly nods her head up and down.
"What would you be willing to do in exchange?" he says as he gives the bulge in front of his pants a squeeze.
Janice blushes and glances over at Denise. Denise is blushing as well. Janice suspects that Denise has paid the toll for that key before herself.
Janice's hand shakes as she reaches out toward the old man's zipper. She can't believe she is going to get this old geezer off.
"Not now, sugar," the man informs her. "If I get time I will stop by your cell later tonight. We will give the other kids our own little show."
Janice feels ill at the thought of pleasing this man in front of all the other kids. However, there is a chance they will actually leave the cage on if she doesn't agree.
"Okay," she whispers and then blushes further.
The old man gives her a toothy grin. Or at least what few teeth he has left. He then uses one hand to hold Janice's dress up while he uses the other to unlock the cock cage. Janice's cock goes rock hard the second the cage comes off.
"Oh!" she says in both pain and pleasure as the old man inspects her cock and slightly swollen balls.
The man barely touches her but it is enough to almost make her cum. She has to bite her lip hard and think of dead puppies to keep from doing so.
Janice is actually disappointed when the man pulls his wrinkly old hand away from her cock. Her own hand goes down to replace it but the old man slaps her hand away.
"Be a good girl now or the cage goes back on," he warns. "Save the money shot for the cameras."
For a moment, Janice considers disobeying. She is pretty sure she can make herself cum before the man can react. All it would take is a few strokes. She is also pretty certain they will let her out of her cage for the filming regardless of her actions.
It is very tempting but she decides against it. Part of it is just her sissy instinct to obey. A larger part, however, is her fear of what punishment she might get afterward. Plus, there is the tiny hope of possible reward if she is a good girl. For example, maybe they won't put the cage back on after the filming is over. Yeah, she isn't going to hold her breath for such a reward but you never know.
Reluctantly, Janice stops her hand from going to her cock. It isn't an easy task. She has to squeeze her small hands into tight fists and hold them to her side to keep from reaching for her cock.
Be a good girl! Be a good girl! Be a good girl!
She repeats it over and over in her head. She is almost thankful when the old man starts ordering her around. Anything to occupy her mind.
The man has her sit in a chair and then measures her foot. He then goes through a door in the back of the room. He comes back a moment later with a pair of pink shoes. Like her dress, these shoes look like they belong on a 6 year old. They are a very simple tap type shoe design. There is a pink cloth rose on the side of each shoe. Even worse, someone had gone wild with a Bedazzler and covered every square inch of the shoe with different shades of pink beads. On the bright side, the shoes do match the rest of her outfit.
Once he verifies the fit, the man leaves again for a moment and then returns with a pair of socks, a towel and a bucket. He puts the bucket down between her feet. Janice looks down to see that it is full of water. The man takes her left foot and proceeds to wash it off. Janice isn't sure how to feel about this. All she knows is that the man seems to take a tad too much pleasure in the task.
The old man washes her foot for a minute and then delicately dries it off with the towel. He then slips a sock onto her foot. The sock is white and made of soft cotton. It is very short though and barely covers her ankle. The shoe is then placed on her foot. Then the entire procedure begins again with her other foot.
Once both shoes are in place, the man just kneels there and stares at Janice's feet. Janice knows the look of lust all to well. She is just a bit confused as to why he would have that look while staring at her feet.
"Thanks," Janice says after a moment.
It seems like a silly thing to say but it is the only thing she can think of to help break the awkward moment.
The old man comes out of his trance and leaves the room once more. Janice blushes when the man returns carrying a pair of pink panties. The man slips on the panties past her shoes but doesn't pull them all the way up at first. He just goes back into his trance as he stares at the panties down around her ankles. The old geezer even drools a little. Janice looks over at Denise in confusion. Denise quickly looks away with a bright red blush on her face. Something tells Janice that this old man has done a lot more with Denise's feet than just put shoes on her. She wonders what it could possibly be. She also wonders if she will soon find out when the man visits her later tonight.
It is almost a minute before the man breaks out of his trance again. To Janice's surprise, he lets Janice pull the panties the rest of the way up. Apparently he is not overly interested in what is under her skirt.
Despite the man's creepy behavior, Janice has to struggle to keep from cumming as she slides the panties over her cock and balls. The delicate silky smooth material sends naughty tingles throughout her body.
The old man repeats the procedure on Denise. He is still staring at the panties around Denise's ankles when the young guy returns for them. Denise blushes further and quickly pulls her panties up the rest of the way. The younger guy doesn't seem startled at all by what he sees. Apparently this is nothing new. He just motions for them to stand and come to him. He then has them do a quick twirl. Satisfied that they look good, he takes each of their hands and rushes them out the door and down the hall.
"Don't worry, I won't let the old coot mess with you," he assures Janice as they stop at a closed door.
Janice lets out a sigh of relief. Denise isn't that sure she believes the guy. They didn't do that good of a job keeping him from her in the past. He did note, however, that the guy said this directly to Janice and not herself. Denise is happy that her girlfriend might not have to endure the old man's advances. However, it angers her a bit that she will probably end up taking Janice's place in this regard. It just isn't fair.
Janice freezes in her tracks when the door opens to reveal a huge room. It isn't just the size of the room. It is also what it contains. It is full of lights and camera equipment. What really grabs her attention though is what appears to be a full size subway train car in the middle of the room. Or at least half of a train car. One side of the car is completely cut away. It takes her a second to realize that the train is probably the 'stage' they will be performing on.
"The bathroom is over there," the young man says. "Be careful not to mess up your makeup or dress."
Janice quickly heads toward the bathroom. She is so scared right now that she isn't sure if she is going to throw up or piss her panties. Denise follows her. While Janice is allowed to pee, it turns out the main purpose for the trip is so they can remove their butt plugs. A small drizzle of cum leaks out the tip of Janice's cock as she pulls the huge plug from her hole. The cum dirties the floor but Denise pretends not to notice. Janice is just happy no one is there to make her lick it up. As they leave, Denise drops her plug into a bucket near the door. Janice follows suit.
Once back in the main room, Janice looks around but can't see the young man anywhere. He no doubt left to attend to the other kids. This makes the butterflies in Janice's tummy flap around even more. For some reason she felt safer when the young man was near them. Especially when he held her hand. She will just have to be satisfied with holding Denise's hand
3; which she currently has a death grip on.
Denise is holding Janice's hand tightly also. Only she is doing it for different reasons. Denise knows that it is in the studio that most kids get into trouble. The wide open spaces make the security seem more relaxed here. That plus the stage fright can sometimes convince a kid to try to escape. And that will earn you a very severe punishment. You might even get sent to the Jackal.
"It will be okay," Denise says as she leads Janice to the subway car.
They are met by a young woman. She looks them over and then briefs them on their scene. The briefing is rather short.
"You two are brothers and have dared each other to go down town dressed as girls," she informs them.
Janice waits for more but that is all they are given. The studios only give the more experienced kids scripts. They've found that it is best not to even bother trying with the newer kids. Even the ones that manage to memorize their lines are usually horrible actors/actresses. Instead, they let the adult actors dictate the scenes.
The two sissies wait in the subway car for about 15 minutes. To Janice it seems like an eternity.
Janice is in shock for the first five minutes. After that, however, she starts loosening up and taking her surroundings in. In particular, she studies the details of the subway car. She concludes that this is an actual real subway car that has been altered. It looks too real to have been made from scratch by the film crew. About the only thing that doesn't look right are the windows. The glass looks original. However, the other side of the glass has been painted a bright green for some reason. To her it seems to ruin the set. The people working there though seem fine with it.
Denise is studying the set also. This is the first time she has seen it. Usually when she comes to this studio they have her doing scenes on a set made up to look like a girl's room. Often, the scenario involves her sneaking into her 'sister's' room so she can try on panties and stuff. She is always caught of course by her sister, brother, mother or father. Then the humiliation and sex begins.
Denise wonders if this train set is new. She doesn't remember ever seeing it in any of the porn videos they've shown them while in storage. And most of the kids never chat about what they do on set. What happens in the studios stays in the studios.
Janice swallows hard when she sees three male actors enter the studio. She knows they are actors because they are wearing makeup. They are only wearing a little foundation makeup but it is enough for Janice to notice.
Janice's hard cock lurches in her panties as she studies the three men. They are very handsome men. One is dressed in a suit and the other two in generic street cloths. They are supposed to be on a subway so to Janice it makes sense that they wouldn't necessarily be dressed the same.
Janice can't help but wonder though if the man in the suit is the man they call 'Bull'. If so then he isn't as big as she expected. All of the men, in fact, aren't overly tall or bulky. They are just standard size men between the ages of 20 and 30.
The three men climb up into the car with Janice and Denise but they don't say anything. They each just take random spots. The man in the suit sits down while the other two remain standing. One of the two standing slowly inches uncomfortably close behind Janice.
"Oh!" Janice lets out in surprise when the man lightly grabs her ass with one of his hands.
"What's wrong?" Denise asks.
"He's touching my ass," Janice whispers to Denise with a blush.
Denise looks shocked and glances around nervously.
"Maybe we should get off at the next stop," she says.
Janice looks at her in confusion. Her eyes get big when she realizes that the scene has already started. The director hadn't even yelled, 'action'.
What Janice doesn't know is that the director actually did yell, 'action'. He yelled it just seconds before she entered the studio. They have been filming her since she walked through the door. Even her trip to the bathroom was filmed using security cameras.
The subway scene will be the main feature but all the footage prior will be edited and placed at the end as a bonus. Not much took place other than her peeing and removing her plug, but it still adds a little realism to the overall product. What takes place 'off set' often excites viewers more than what happens on. For example, even with a lot of face blurring, the security footage of the guards potty training Janice has already sold over 1,000 copies.
A thousand copies may not sound like much but at $50 a pop it adds up quick. Granted, only about $10,000 of that will end up in Lou's pocket. Most goes right back into the 'company'. And of course not every video sells this well. Nor do they always charge this much. Lou still makes more money than he could possibly ever spend. His employees make a damn good living also.
"How about you get me off before the next stop?" the man whispers to Janice.
Janice blushes at both the request and the fact that the man had overheard her whisper to Denise.
"Please, mister," Denise pleads. "Leave my brother alone."
Denise puts her hand to her mouth in shock when she realizes she just let the man know Janice is a boy. It is all an act but even Janice is impressed at how well Denise pulls it off.
The man's hand leaves Janice's butt and snakes around to her front.
"Oh!" Janice lets out as the man gives her cock and balls a gentle squeeze.
Only the nervousness of the movie set prevents Janice from shooting her sissy goo all over her pink panties.
"I'll be damned," the man says with a chuckle.
The man looks around and then motions to one side of the train. Janice looks over to see there is a small petition. Her guess is that this is where the doors would be. Of course there are no doors since the entire wall is missing on that side. Instead, all she sees are a few people pointing cameras at her.
"I want you to go over there and get on your knees," the man growls. "Or would you rather I let everyone on the train know you are a cross dressing pervert?"
Janice blushes as she looks to Denise for help. Denise just blushes in response. Janice slowly walks to the petition and kneels down. The petition is only about 4 feet [1¼ cm] tall but it is plenty high to hide her in the kneeling position. Or at least hide her from the other passengers. The cameras are right there getting every detail.
The man walks over and braces himself against the petition. He has Denise stand to his side. Together they form a kind of petition themselves.
The man then undoes his zipper. Denise gives a slightly exaggerated look of surprise as the man fishes out his large cock. Janice is surprised also. However, her surprise is that the cock is much smaller than she expected. It's still a good size. It is about 9 inches [23 cm] long and 2 inches [5 cm] thick. She was expecting much bigger though. Not that she is going to complain.
Janice's instinct is to immediately put the cock in her mouth and start deep throating it. However, she remembers they are supposed to be innocent little boys.
"It's so big," Janice whispers in mock shock as she recoils slightly from it.
This response gets a smile from the man. He isn't sure if the kid is a natural actor or if she is really scared by the size of his cock. He is happy either way.
"Play with it a little," he encourages her. "Don't worry, it won't bite."
Janice nibbles on her lip as she slowly extends her hand toward the large cock. She grabs hold of the cock just below the head. It is big enough that her fingers don't quite encircle the entire thing. She still gets a good grip on it though.
"It's warm," Janice says in fake awe.
If everyone didn't know better, they would have sworn this was the first time she ever touched someone else's cock. The director is smiling almost as much as the man on set. It isn't often they get such a good actress.
While at the school, Janice was taught various different ways to behave while in the company of men. Some like her to be an innocent virgin and others like her to be a wanton slut. She never really considered herself an actress though. She just pretended to be what they wanted her to be.
"It's leaking," she says as she slowly massages the large cock. "It's going to get my dress dirty."
"Maybe you should lick it up before it drips on you," the man says as he puts his free hand on her head and applies a little pressure.
"Ew! No way!" Janice whispers and scrunches up her nose. "It's dirty!"
"Try it," the man says as he adds more pressure to her head. "I think you will like the taste."
Janice is going to draw the scene out longer but the pressure at her head has already put the slimy tip of the cock against her lips. She tries to protest through her closed lips but the man doesn't let up. Finally, she lets her lips part and gives the head of the dick a tentative lick. She follows this with a slightly bigger lick and then another.
"See, I told you so," the man says with a grin.
Janice opens her mouth to get in another line but doesn't get the chance. The man takes the opportunity to push the head of the cock past her lips and into her mouth.
"Mmm!" she pretends to protest as the guy feeds her 3 more inches [8 cm] of dick.
Janice pretends to struggle a bit and then settles down. Once she does, the man slowly fucks the first 4 to 5 inches [10-12 cm] of his dick back and forth in Janice's mouth.
"Good girl," the man praises. "Don't forget to swallow all of those juices or it will get on your dress."
The man spends the next five minutes content with just feeding her the first half of his dick. However, he then starts adding more pressure on each stroke.
"A girl should be able to swallow a lot more than that," the man informs her. "Let's see if we can work on that throat of yours a bit."
"I'm not a real girl!" Janice tries to protest around the large cock.
She manages to pronounce most of the consonants and vowels but the fake protest doesn't come out that loud. It doesn't really need to be that loud though since the cameras and microphone are now only a couple feet from her face.
"Mmm!" she protests and struggles as the man forces more and more cock into her mouth on each stroke.
The actor is convinced he is being too rough on the sissy and expects her to bite him at any moment. He keeps feeding her more though. A few bite marks come with the job. To his surprise, the bite never comes. Within five minutes he is feeding Janice his entire cock on each thrust.
"I think your brother was made for this," the man tells Denise.
Denise just looks on in awe. She can deep throat a cock this big also. However, she wasn't so sure Janice would be able to do so. Even some of the more experienced kids have trouble with cocks this big.
Janice's mock struggles have long since ended and she is now just holding tight onto the man's pants with her small hands. She can do nothing now but ride it out.
That ride continues for another five minutes. During that time, Janice notices the cameras moving about getting various angles. She then sees the director make some kind of signal to the man fucking her throat. The man then goes into overdrive.
"Shit!" the man moans as he reaches climax. "Here comes the tastiest part! Make sure you swallow as much as you can!"
To Janice's surprise, the man then pulls his cock out of her mouth. He then starts jacking on his cock while pointing it at her face. Janice starts to close her mouth but the man growls at her to keep it open. A few seconds later a thick jet of cum shoots out of the end of the man's dick and into the back of Janice's mouth. It is followed by an equally large jet of cum.
The man angles his cock slightly and the next jet sends a rope of come from her lips to her forehead. The next jet hits her left cheek. To her surprise, the last two jets don't hit her face at all. Instead the man shoots it on the upper half of her dress.
Janice freezes in place for several seconds with her mouth open and full of cum.
"My dress!" she finally says as she forces a tear from her eye.
The man chuckles. He then reaches forward and applies upward pressure to the bottom of her chin with his index finger. Janice reluctantly closes her mouth and swallows. She then scrunches her nose up in disgust.
"Good girl," the man says as he has her open her mouth again so he can inspect it.
The man then uses his index finger to squeegee the rest of the cum off her face and feed it to her. Janice scrunches her face up in disgust but she still obeys and swallows each time.
"My dress," Janice protests again as the man steps back and she can get a better look at the mess he left behind.
There are wet spots on her white top where the cum has already soaked in. There are also several strings of cum covering the petals of the cloth rose.
The man doesn't say anything further. He just puts his cock away and goes back to the center of the subway car. It isn't until the man is at the center of the car that Janice notices a new man in the car. This man is very big and muscular. He is smiling at her but he still seems very menacing. As she looks him over, she notices the man is filming her with his cell phone. This man is angled such that it is clear he got some good footage of the entire ordeal. Janice's eyes get big and she quickly turns her face away.
"I seen what you two did with that guy," the man says as he walks over and kneels down.
The man taps the back of his cell phone lightly to let them know he has footage of it. He then stares at them for a moment.
"They call me 'Bull'," the man finally says. "I think you two should get off on the next stop with me."
"We have to get home soon," Janice quickly says.
"The train is headed downtown," the man points out. His face then gets very serious. "I don't like it when people lie to me."
Janice swallows hard. The man sounds very convincing and very menacing. She can't help but wonder if maybe the man really isn't acting.
"So, would you two like to come home with me and have some fun?"
It is a question but it is clear to both Denise and Janice that they have no choice in the matter. They both look at the floor, blush and then nod their heads.
Both sissies jerk when they hear the loud announcement by the director.
Bull stares at the two for a moment and then stands and walks off set without saying a word.
Chapter 24
Janice and Denise are helped down from the subway car and escorted to the side where one of the beauticians is waiting for them. It is the same beautician that worked on Janice earlier.
"The director is to big of a dick to tell you but you are pretty good," the woman tells Janice and Denise as they approach. "I've never seen him accept a scene in one take before."
Janice tries to smile at the compliment but she isn't sure that being good at this is actually a good thing. She will probably just end up having to do it more often. Granted, she has no idea what happens to those that aren't any good. She isn't aware of Lou's 'no death' policy. For all she knows, bad actors and actresses end up in a ditch somewhere.
The woman sits Janice down and quickly touches up her makeup. Denise of course needs no adjustments. The woman chats a bit while she works but Janice pays very little attention to her. Most of Janice's attention is on all the action in the background as they prepare the set for the next shot.
Within 15 minutes the set goes from subway train to what appears to be a basement. The most impressive part is when they rolled the subway train off and to the side. The thing must weigh several tons. Yet, it only takes two men to push it and it's roller platform.
The entire set shook a few times during filming. It is clearly designed to simulate the movements of a real train. As the set rotates, Janice tries to get a look at the mechanical parts. There is paneling covering it all unfortunately.
The basement set is impressive but no where near that of the subway car. It's just a few cinderblock walls, dirty concrete floor, furnace and a water heater. There is also a large mattress on the floor. Janice has a pretty good idea what is going to take place there. They didn't loosen her asshole up for nothing.
Part of Janice is hoping that Bull only fucks Denise. It would only be fair since Janice had to suck the other guy off. Okay, maybe that wouldn't exactly be fair.
Another part of Janice, however, is looking forward to Bull's huge cock. Especially if it means she finally gets to cum. Even now it is taking all her willpower not to jerk herself off.
Janice is pleased when the beautician finishes and holds up a mirror so she can see. She frowns though when she notices the stains on her shirt and rose. Apparently they plan to just leave those be.
"Actors!" the directors yells in the background about a minute after the beautician finishes.
The young woman that met them on set earlier quickly runs over and takes Janice and Denise by the hand. She leads them around the back of the set and up some steps. There is a door there which obviously leads to the fake basement.
"You guys have gotten off the train with Bull and walked to his house," the woman tells them. "He's escorting you into his basement and you are a bit concerned."
"I thought we were headed downtown?" Janice asks in confusion.
The woman laughs and gives Janice's cheek a gentle pinch. It's an obvious flaw in the plot that the writers and director missed. It's good enough for porn though. The woman turns and scurries away, leaving Janice and Denise alone. Denise quickly takes Janice's hand in hers again out of fear Janice might get some crazy idea to wonder off or try to escape.
The two sissies wait behind the set in silence for what seems an eternity. They can hear the director and others griping about having to wait for Bull. Apparently, the man decided to wonder off and now they can't find him. A few minutes later and the room goes quiet. There are heavy steps coming toward the set. Then Bull pops around the corner and joins the two sissies at the door.
Bull opens the door and nudges Denise and Janice inside.
3;why do we need to go into the basement?" Denise asks. "Can't my brother
3; you know, upstairs?"
Janice gives Denise a dirty look.
"Shut the fuck up and get inside!" Bull growls as he pushes them further into the room.
Both sissies look at Bull in shock. Janice's shock is pretty real but Denise is all too familiar with how mean Bull can be.
The two 'brothers' look at Bull in fear. The sissies quickly come together in hopes that the nearness will somehow magically provide some kind of safety from the giant man. Bull simply smiles. These aren't the first kids to cower in his presence.
"You two look kind of cute like that," he says after a moment. "Why don't you two hug and kiss a little for me?"
It is clearly an order and not a request.
3; we are brothers," Janice says as she takes a step away from Denise.
Bull shakes his head in disappointment and then starts removing his belt.
"We're doing it! We're doing it!" Janice says as she quickly goes into Denise's arms.
Bull wraps the buckle end of the belt around his fist and rears back.
"Cut!" the director shouts. "Bull, we said no whipping for this scene! Let's take it from the moment you wrap the belt in your fist."
Bull might make his living as an actor but that doesn't mean he likes being told what to do. Especially when what he is doing only makes sense. Seriously, who would take two sissies into their basement and then not whip them a little? For a moment he debates whipping them anyway. He takes a few deep breaths though and slowly lowers the belt.
Denise and Janice start kissing each other. The kisses, however, are not that romantic. It only seems natural to them that they would start out with light kisses on each other's cheeks and stuff like that. They are supposed to be brothers after all.
"You can be more passionate than that!" Bull growls as he takes a step toward them and snaps the belt in the air.
Even with the director in their corner, the two sissies are scared to death what Bull might do to them. They quickly increase their lip contact.
"That's better," Bull says. "Open your mouths some more though and dance your tongues around a little."
The two sissy blush as they obey the order. They did this for hours back in storage. Doing it in front of the cameras is a ton different.
"Keep going," Bull says as he slowly maneuvers them to and then down onto the mattress.
Bull stands there and watches the two sissies for several minutes. He then leans back down and starts removing their clothes. He removes their shoes and socks and unceremoniously tosses them into one of the room's corners. He then starts removing their skirts.
"Keep kissing," Bull growls when the two sissies temporarily part to see what Bull is doing.
They quickly do as they are told.
"I think your brother is enjoying himself," Bull says as he pulls Janice's pink panties off.
Janice blushes but keeps on kissing. Or at least she does for a few seconds.
"Oh! Oh!" Janice lets out when Bull gives her hard cock a couple tugs.
A second later and Janice's cock is spitting cum all over Denise's legs.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Janice says in fear.
Bull might be able to get away with ruining a take but she is pretty sure there is probably a huge penalty for her doing so. To her surprise, however, she doesn't hear the director yell, "cut".
"It's okay sugar," Bull says with a grin. "It's only natural for you to love your brother so much."
Janice wants to deny that this was her reason for cumming, but Bull presses on the back of her head to get her to go back to kissing. She quickly does so.
As they kiss, Bull take's one of Denise's hands and rubs it against her cum covered leg. He then moves the hand up until it is near their mouths.
"Lick it clean," Bull growls.
The sissies break their kiss and stare at the cum drenched hand for several seconds in disgust. Denise is the first to act. Truth be told, part of her has been looking forward to tasting Janice's cum for some time now. As she gives it a lick she discovers it is just as sweet as she expected.
As Denise savors the taste, Janice leans in and starts licking as well. It isn't hard for her to act disgusted. She may eat her own cum a lot but that doesn't mean she has ever enjoyed it.
The two sissies lick at the hand for almost a minute before Bull is satisfied. He then presses their heads together and they start kissing again.
Bull removes Denise's dress and panties to find her cock hard as well. He doesn't bother giving it any tugs. He wasn't so happy about having to bring the first sissy off. Instead, he starts working on their tops. The sissies have to break their kiss in order for Bull to pull the tops over their heads. They go right back to kissing the second the tops are free.
"Let me guess, you two have been sneaking some of your mom's birth control pills?" Bull says with a chuckle as he tweaks both of their budding breasts. "Or maybe daddy has been feeding you estrogen without letting you know?"
The two moan from the treatment of their breasts but they don't part in order to try to confirm or deny either scenario.
"Oh! That's my butt hole!" Janice lets out a moment later in mock innocence. "He's sticking his finger in my butt hole!"
"Kiss!" Bull growls.
Janice reluctantly obeys as Bull continues to worm his finger even deeper. Bull rotates his finger around a bit and then starts attacking her ass clit. Janice is in heaven and starts grinding her cock against Denise's thigh.
"MMM!" Janice moans into Denise's mouth as she shoots another load of cum.
"I think you are really going to enjoy your stay with me," Bull says with a laugh.
Bull lets the sissies kiss for a few seconds and then pulls them apart.
"That mess isn't going to clean itself," Bull growls as he pushes Janice's head down toward Denise's cum covered thigh. "You made the mess, you clean it up!"
Where has she heard that before? One of the cameras comes in very close as she slowly moves toward the mess of cum. She forces a tear and then leans in and starts licking. She feels some disgust but mainly she is grateful for the climax. The first climax was intense but this second one she seen coming and could enjoy more.
She licks her mess up and starts to move back up to kiss Denise again. Bull stops her. He grabs a hand full of her hair and maneuvers her mouth over Denise's hard cock.
"You've cum twice now," Bull growls. "It's only fair that your brother gets to cum also."
Janice pretends to struggle a little. She doesn't struggle too much though out of fear Bull might get upset for real. She forces another tear for the camera and then parts her lips and lets her 'brother's' cock slide inside.
"That's a good girl," Bull says as he gently maneuvers Janice's mouth up and down on the cock.
"Oh! I'm squirting! I'm squirting!" Denise says after less than a minute.
Janice tries to pull her head off so the camera can get a good shot but Bull holds her with the cock deep in her throat.
"Mmm! Mmm!"
Janice tries to warn Bull that they are going to miss the shot but Bull just keeps pressing on the back of her head. A moment later and Denise's cum is shooting into the back of her throat. Janice has no choice but to swallow. She eats three squirts of the cum before Bull finally pulls her head off. The last two squirts shoot up into Janice's mouth and then drip back down onto Denise's cock and balls.
Bull waits a few seconds to make sure Denise is done. He then pushes Janice's mouth back down so she can suck the cock clean. He then has her lick Denise's bald nut suck clean.
"Awe, brotherly love," Bull says with a chuckle as he pulls the sissies apart again.
Janice does a double take when she sees Bull reach to the side of the mattress and grab a huge v-shaped cushion of some kind. Not only is it a weird looking cushion but she is positive it wasn't there just a few minutes ago. Someone on set must have just put it there. She wants to tell them that the cushion just appearing isn't going to make any sense in the movie. However, she doubts they really care.
Bull puts the cushion down on the mattress and positions Denise over it. The shape of the cushion forces Denise's rump high up with her face down against the mattress. Janice almost smiles when she realizes that it's Denise that is going to get fucked.
"Time for you two to show some more brotherly love," Bull says as he positions Janice behind Denise.
"Oh, this is even better!"
Janice doesn't say it but she definitely thinks it. She would rather fuck a girl but a sissy's hole is basically the same
3; right? Janice is already pushing herself inside before she realizes she probably should have resisted more for the cameras. It is too late now.
"It's too big!" Denise protests from below.
There is a short chuckle off set by one of the stage hands. The laugh upsets Janice and she hopes the person will be chastised later by the director. She may be small in comparison to their actors but she is still pretty big for her age. She is especially so for a sissy!
Denise of course is just acting. Janice's cock feels good but it is nothing compared to what she is capable of handling. She is happy though that it is happening. There is no better way for her to show her love than to offer her hole up to Janice. Or at least she thinks she loves Janice. Sometimes Denise isn't sure. Especially immediately after having a climax. Not that she has been allowed to have that many since the first time they met.
Janice starts out slow but quickly builds up her pace. Within a couple minutes her sweaty thighs are rhythmically slapping against Denise's rear end. Denise is in heaven herself. Janice's cock might not squish her ass clit like Bull's would but it is just the right size and at the right angle to punch into it over and over.
"Mmm!" Denise moans in protest when Janice suddenly stops.
Janice moans herself as well.
"He's sticking his finger in my butt hole again!" Janice announces to Denise and the camera. "Oh! Not two!"
"You are going to get a lot more than just this," Bull says with a laugh as he forces the second finger inside.
Bull turns Janice into a perverted human puppet of sorts as he uses his fingers to force Janice back and forth in Denise's hole. Janice realizes what is expected and starts pumping Denise on her own. This only lasts for a couple minutes though.
"Oh! Oh!" Janice lets out as Bull forces a third and then forth finger into her hole.
It is hard for the crew to tell if it is a protest of pain or if Janice actually came yet again. Janice isn't sure herself. Bull doesn't bother to ask. He just keeps working his fingers in her.
"Oh," Janice lets out in a sigh of relief as the large fingers finally leave her hole.
Her sigh is soon followed by a much louder "OH!" when Bull presses the tip of his huge cock against and then into her hole. This "oh" is definitely not an act. Bulls cock is easily as round as the 3.5 inch [9 cm] butt plug.
A boy her age with a virgin asshole would probably be near death right now. So, technically it is another hole in the plot. Nothing could be further from her mind though as she pants and does her best to accommodate the huge thing.
"Yeah, you were made for this," Bull says as he slowly sinks half of his nearly foot long cock into the sissy.
Janice may have taken objects this big before but it is still pushing her limits. She tries to escape but the best she can do is move forward and sink her own cock into Denise. To try to make more room for the huge cock, Janice leans forward until she is lying on Denise.
"It's too big!" Janice pleads as Bull keeps sinking more and more of his cock up her hole.
Bull doesn't let up. He has fucked his share of kids before. They always complain like this. However, his cock almost always still fits. Granted, a few of them are injured in the process. That's why the studios keep a doctor on staff though.
"His big cock is all the way inside me!" Janice announces as Bull's balls come into contact with her own.
She says it as though it is meant for Denise. However, she makes sure it is loud enough that the cameras can hear it. She knows that being too good in front of the camera could end up being a bad thing. However, she also knows that if she isn't good enough they may decide to repeat the scene. Her ass clit likes the feel of Bull's cock, but the rest of the experience is not that enjoyable. Especially how her asshole is getting stretched so much. Okay, maybe part of her enjoys the stretching also. Only part though. It is very scary being stretched so much. Especially when the person doing it is so strong and aggressive.
Bull pushes his hips into Janice's buttocks to make sure every possible millimeter of his cock gets buried in her. Janice feels like she is being turned inside out as Bull slowly pulls his cock back. Bull doesn't stop until the head of his cock pops out of Janice's hole.
"Oh!" Janice moans as Bull reverses direction and forces the cock back inside her.
Bull repeats this process slowly several times and then switches into second gear. Unfortunately for Janice, Bull only has two gears
3; slow and fast. He starts pounding into the sissy's hole without mercy. The only good news for Janice is that at this speed Bull seldom takes his cock completely out. However, he still occasionally does.
The mating is so brutal that Janice can only barely feel her own cock moving in and out of Denise. She is pretty sure her cock is leaking and squirting cum but she gets no major pleasure from it. Not that she normally does when her ass clit is milked. Which often confuses her since her ass clit always seems to crave the abuse.
"Oh! Oh! Oh!"
She grunts over and over at each thrust. Creating interesting dialog for the cameras has long since left her mind. All of her focus is now on keeping her hole as accommodating as possible for Bull's brutal assault.
That assault continues for what seems like an eternity to Janice. The set is filled with the sound of Janice's grunts and the rhythmic slapping of Bull's hips against her butt.
Despite how scary the breeding is, Janice can't help but admire how manly Bull is. This is a man that knows how to properly treat a sissy. In the past when she fantasized about being all dressed in white and standing at the wedding alter, it was almost always a man like Bull standing next to her.
Of course, fantasizing about such men and experiencing them first hand are completely different things. Still, deep down she knows that if she was given a choice she would pick Bull as a husband long before she would pick a wimpy man that treats her gentle. This of course makes no sense to even Janice. Yet, even now as she suffers through Bull's brutal assault, a part of her is hoping the man will fall in love with her. Granted, there is still a large part of her that hopes the opposite.
Bull drills into Janice for over ten minutes before he suddenly freezes with his dick buried deep inside her.
"Fuck!" Bull grunts as he starts shooting his load.
Janice lets out a moan that in a mix of relief and disgust as her insides are flooded by the hot cum. Bull shoots four large squirts of cum deep inside her before he pulls out and sends three more ropes of it across her butt and back. The large man then slides off to the side onto his back on the mattress as he catches his breath.
Janice struggles to catch her breath also but she doesn't dare pull herself from Denise's hole. Denise can be heard panting as well. She didn't get drilled as bad as Janice but she was practically smothered by all the weight on her back.
"Lick my cock clean!" Bull says as he gives Janice's ass a hard slap.
Janice pulls herself from Denise's asshole and turns.
"Please," Janice begs when she sees the large cock covered in cum and ass juices.
This of course is just for the cameras. She has performed this task more times than she can remember. It still disgusts her but she has become well accustomed to it. So much so that she wouldn't really feel right not licking it clean. It's just something a sissy should do. Just like it becomes natural for a parent to keep their baby clean and change their diapers. Ironically, Bull's huge cock probably weighs the same as a baby. Janice definitely feels like she just gave birth to one.
"Get working!" Bull growls as he grabs a hand full of her hair and forces her lips to the messy cock.
Janice struggles for only a second before she sticks out her tongue and starts licking and slurping the cock clean. She doesn't have to act much in order to give the cameras a convincing look of disgust.
While Janice is working on his cock, Bull snaps his fingers at Denise and points to the cum on Janice's back. Denise gives her own look of disgust but doesn't require any manhandling to get her into action.
Denise manages to finish first. Or at least she thought she was finished.
"All of it!" Bull growls at her.
Denise looks at him in confusion for a moment. The look becomes one of disgust when she realizes what he wants.
Denise's protest comes to a quick halt when she sees Bull reach over for the belt. The director said Bull couldn't use the belt. However, she knows all too well that Bull doesn't always follow direction.
Denise reluctantly leans forward and starts licking the crack of her pretend brother's ass. Like Janice, she doesn't have to pretend to be disgusted. She knows that Janice's hole was cleaned out well prior to the shoot. However, it is just the thought of it.
Denise gives the crack a thorough cleaning. Her red face then comes into view as she looks up at Bull with her puppy dog eyes.
"All of it!" Bull repeats.
Denise's red face takes on a tinge of green and tears run down her cheeks as she leans back in and seals her lips to Janice's asshole. She then starts tonguing and slurping on the sloppy hole.
"You better get every drop or you will be sorry!" Bull growls as Denise's tears dot Janice's buttocks.
Denise has performed this task many times before. She still cries almost every time. It's such a horrible thing to have to do. It's not only disgusting but is one of the most demeaning things she can think of. She knows that if she didn't cry so much while doing it they would probably stop making her do it so often. She just can't help herself.
Janice finishes her task long before Denise. She keeps licking at Bull's dick and balls though in order to give Denise plenty of time. Janice would be lying if she said it didn't feel nice to have her ass slurped. It would be a huge turn off if a man did it to her. Having a sissy do it though is nice. Of course, her main reason for not rushing the sissy is that she wants to make sure the cameras get plenty of footage of it. If they get enough then maybe they won't make her do the same to Denise. Some of her own cum is in Denise's asshole after all.
Thankfully, when Bull finally has Janice sit up, he doesn't make her return the favor to Denise.
"Can we go home now?" Janice whispers before Bull gets a chance to change his mind.
Bull just laughs and has the two sissies start making out together again. As Denise and Janice kiss, Bull reaches under the mattress and pulls out two chains. He gives each chain a good yank in order to make it clear to the camera that the other end of each one is bolted to the floor. The other end of each chain has an ankle cuff attached to it. Bull quickly chains both of the sissies.
"Welcome home," Bull says as he sits back and admires his handy work. "I think we are going to have a lot of fun together."
There is then a long pause as the cameras zoom in on Janice and Denise kissing.
Chapter 25
Several weeks later
Lou is on his way home after a noon meeting with one of his distributors. There have been problems trying to keep up with the demand for some of his recent productions. As he rides in the back of his limousine, Lou scans a printout of his most popular dvds. It is in code but he can easily tell that the top five all feature Janice.
Lou knew Janice's videos would be popular but he and his distributors had underestimated exactly how much so.
On the surface, this unexpected extra popularity may seem like a good thing. And in a way it is. However, Lou is a bit concerned this may indicate a shift in his customer base. Until now, a vast majority of his best sellers have always been heterosexual and lesbian type porn. His goal when he acquired Janice and Denise was not to change any of this. It was simply to bring in additional customers.
How could this customer shift be bad? Simple, most of his stock is female. And while most of his boys act like sissies, they are far from being sissies. At least not like Janice or Denise. Such a shift in demand can be disastrous for a company like his. You simply can't switch most of your product line overnight.
Sure, they will still make lots off Janice and Denise. However, it won't be enough to keep up with operational costs. Not even close.
It of course is way too early to tell for sure if such a shift is happening. Lou is overly paranoid and has overreacted to such things before. At this point, the best thing he can do is maintain the status quo and watch the numbers for a few more months.
That is easier said than done. He knows that in the mean time he will lose sleep and be stressed about it.
He opens the limousine's mini fridge and gets out a cold bottle of water. He pours it in a glass and adds a couple Alka-Seltzer tablets.
"I'm getting to old for this," he mumbles as he drinks it down.
A minute later and things get significantly worse. His limousine comes to a sudden stop. When Lou looks out the windows he sees black vans in front and behind the limousine. He knows it is the FBI even before they pop out in their yellow-lettered jackets.
No cops in this area would dare pull him over. He owns most of them and the rest would be to scared to rock the boat.
The printout he is holding may be in code but he sticks it in the shredder just in case. He then opens his door and makes sure the feds can see that his hands are empty. This is far from being his first time taken into custody.
The feds don't say much. They simply cuff him and put him in one of the vans. He knows they most likely don't have much on him. And even if they do, the FBI agents he has in his pocket are high enough in the chain of command to probably make everything disappear. This doesn't keep him from getting worried.
The trip to the local FBI branch office is short. They take him directly to the interrogation room. He asks for a phone call and a lawyer but they just ignore him and lock him alone in the room. Lou surveys the room and notices that they still have the same blood stained carpet as the last time he was here. You would think that if they plan to beat their detainees they would at least dispose of the evidence.
Several minutes goes by before a large man walks in carrying a folder. He sits and then opens it.
"My name is Charles Miller," the man tells him. "I believe you have something of mine."
As he says this, he pulls a large photo out of the folder and lays it on the table for Lou to see. It is a picture of Janice. Lou is both confused and concerned. He doesn't say anything. The worst thing you can do is start chatting with the FBI.
"This is where you are currently keeping her," Miller says as he flops down another picture.
This image is an aerial of a shipping warehouse. Lou swallows hard. He knows this place all too well. It is a legit business that he uses as a front. Buried underneath this warehouse, however, are the holding cells for all the kids he keeps in 'storage'. And Janice is indeed currently at this location.
"You are holding her in an underground facility there," Miller continues. "You currently have one male guard on duty and one female."
Lou looks to the two-way mirror. He knows his goose is cooked but he is still reluctant to say anything. This man seems only concerned with getting Janice back. Yet, it could still all be a trick. The information they have about the underground facility is spot on but it may not yet be fully confirmed. He isn't about to do that for them. That would be all they need in order to get a search warrant.
Miller realizes Lou's concern.
"How about we go for a walk," Miller says as he uncuffs Lou and walks to the door.
Lou cautiously follows. This definitely is not normal FBI procedure. He knows first hand that once you are in the interrogation room you don't see daylight again for at least twelve hours.
The agents in the facility look up but don't seem alarmed as Miller leads Lou through the building and out the front door.
"Lead the way," Miller says to Lou once they are outside.
Lou picks a direction at random and they start walking. As they go, Lou has to fight back his instinct to run. If this isn't a trick then it would be wise of him to listen to what Miller has to say. If it is a trick then he wouldn't get far anyway.
They walk for several blocks in silence before Miller starts talking.
"I'm sorry about the false arrest," Miller begins. "It seemed the quickest way to convince you that our organization yields a lot of power."
"What organization?" Lou quickly asks.
"I represent one of several special schools that train kids," Miller begins. "In fact, I'm the dean of one of these schools. And Janice is a product of my school."
Dean Miller goes on to explain exactly what kind of training they provide. He also goes into details on their sissy program. Lou finds it all pretty fascinating. He also finds it rather unbelievable. Yet, he can't imagine why this Dean Miller would be making it all up. It isn't like any FBI sting he has ever heard of before.
"I know you probably don't believe me," Dean Miller says as though reading Lou's mind. "That's understandable. Let me give you my proposal anyway. I can also arrange for you to come visit my school and see everything for yourself."
It is clear to Lou that Dean Miller is trying to recruit him or form some other kind of alliance.
"And if I don't agree?"
"Well, other than getting Janice back safely, nothing will be required of you," the Dean assures Lou. "We will even compensate you handsomely for her return. Janice's safety is only a small part of my proposal though.
"What I would like to offer you is more money and power than you could possibly imagine. You see, our organization has been interested in opening a school in this area of the country for some time now.
"As you have seen, we have lots of power in national organizations like the FBI. However, we need the locals under our control as well. This is something you already have. Your connections would save us years and tons of money."
Dean Miller gives Lou a moment to process. He then goes in for the kill.
"We are willing to pay you handsomely for your help," he continues. "However, it is our hope that we can do more than just use you. We would like to actually offer you a key position. If you wish it, you can become the Dean of this new school. There is committee oversight, but overall you would get to decide the direction the school takes. For example, if you want to specialize in sissies, like Janice, then you would be free to do that. In fact, I have many parents begging to get their sons into one of our schools. I could send them your way.
"Trust me, being dean is a very good job. One that I enjoy very much."
"How much does it pay?" Lou asks.
Dean Miller chuckles. It is the same question he asked when they first approached him.
"It pays considerably more than you are making now," Dean Miller explains. "And that assumes that you don't invest any of your own money or resources in the project. For example, we like to build our schools out away from most cities. The land you have your shipping business on would be a great location. We would pay you a nice annual sum to lease that land from you. We would also need to build homes nearby for those families that want to enroll their kids. You would be welcome to invest in that venture as well if you so desire.
"We have also taken many of your current key employees into consideration. Some could become specialized teachers and staff. Others could just continue what they are doing now. We create a ton of films of our students. We just don't mass produce those films. And trust me, our clients are extremely wealthy and willing to pay handsomely. As Dean, you would get a cut of that money."
Lou raises his eyebrows when he hears this last bit. Getting out of mass production and going to nothing but high end private sales is where he has been trying to take his own organization for quite some time now. There is a ton less risk this way. This would especially be so if most of the customers are the kids' own parents.
"What about my current stock?" Lou asks.
"We can find jobs for a few," the Dean points out. "We will find 'homes' for the rest. We insist that none of them be killed though. That is not our way."
It is clear to Lou that by 'homes' the Dean means they will be sold off to rich people and kept in their basement or what have you as sex slaves. This of course is pretty much their situation now.
Overall, Lou finds the proposal extremely tempting.
"Let me think about it," Lou says after a moment.
"Of course," Dean Miller replies as he pulls out a business card. "In the mean time, you can have one of your assistants contact my secretary at this number. Provide a day and time and we will arrange transportation for you to come visit my school."
Lou takes the card and puts it in his wallet. He will definitely be making that call.
The two men continue their walk in silence. They enjoy the nice sunny day for about three more blocks before Lou's limousine pulls up. Lou shakes Dean Miller's hand, gets in and drives off toward home. A minute later Dean Miller's limousine arrives.
The Dean is rather happy. There are still many details to work out but this is a good first step toward creating a new school and expanding their power. A few more schools like this and they will have influence throughout the country. And once they get enough graduates in key positions they will basically run everything. All of this of course is decades down the road.
For now he will have to be satisfied with the joy of potentially bringing Lou into the fold. And of course there will be the bonus of getting Janice back in their care. Now he just needs to think of a proper punishment for the sissy.
The first thing that comes to mind is something he seen in one of Lou's videos. This Jackal guy that works for Lou seems to know exactly how to punish kids. Janice's parents are rather upset but the Dean doubts they would agree to puppy training their sissy son. However, if Lou just happened to send Janice to the Jackal of his own accord prior to any deal going through
3; well, that would be out of the Dean's control, now wouldn't it?
The End