PZA Boy Stories

The Devil's Advocate

School of Humility 2

The Awakening

Chapters 7-13

Chapter 7

The rest of the morning goes pretty uneventful. Well, minus the awkwardness at the breakfast table. Janice can tell that everyone in the house heard her and her grandfather the night before. She is too ashamed to look any of them in the face. She is even more ashamed to look at her grandfather.

"It sounded like you and Janice got along okay last night," Bill says mid way through the meal.

Tears form in Janice's eyes and she quickly gets out of her chair and runs upstairs to her room. She expects their mom to yell at her but instead in the distance she can hear their father getting chastised.

"Bill!" her mom growls. "You know we don't talk about such things at home 3; especially while we are eating!"

"I was only saying what we were all thinking," Bill replies.

Bill is about to say something else but decides it is best to hold his tongue. His wife might be a Humbled Girl but that doesn't mean she is his personal sex slave. Far from it. Bill is a second generation headmaster but that only gives him minor status. The school had several richer and more powerful suitors lined up for Sierra and yet she picked him. He is lucky to have her and he knows it.

Sierra has also made it very clear she is not happy about turning their only son into a sissy. Convincing her it is necessary was a major undertaking. So, rubbing it in at the breakfast table probably isn't the wisest thing he could have done.

Surprisingly, Janice is left alone for the rest of the morning. She manages to get all of her homework done and even has time to herself. She spends her free time with Amber. They sit at their makeup table and take turns dolling each other up. They put make up on then take it off and start all over again. It is both entertainment and a learning process for Janice.

At first, Janice feels awkward and embarrassed doing this with her sister. However, before long it starts to feel kind of natural. They chat about this and that. It does get a little awkward again when Amber brings up the subject of boys.

Amber apparently has a crush on one of the neighbor boys. It is one of the boys Jack used to go to school with. Janice tries not to engage in the conversation but can't help it when she hears who it is.

"I don't think you should go out with him," Janice says. "He's always bragging to everyone about the girl's he makes out with and stuff. He will give you a bad rep. Besides, I've seen him in the shower at school, his penis is pretty small."

"Janice!" Amber says in shock and then giggles.

Janice blushes but giggles as well.

The conversation of boys continues for quite some time. Janice opens up a little on the subject but not much. Part of the reason is because it is just too embarrassing. However, another part is because Janice isn't all that sure how she feels about boys. She hates having sex with men. However, the only boys her own age that she has had sex with have been other sissies.

Janice kind of fell in love with Danielle. However, that hardly counts since she is a sissy. Plus, most of that love grew before Janice knew Danielle was a sissy. Yet, she can't deny that it continued to grow a bit after she knew the truth.

Other than Danielle, Janice has found the other sissies to be cute to look at but has had no special feelings for any of them. She would be lying, however, if she said she never got sexually excited while playing with them. However, she is always disgusted with herself and ashamed afterward.

She is pretty sure she would feel just as disgusted after having sex with a non-sissy boy. What confuses her, however, is that she finds normal boys, as well as some men, to be cute also. This concerns her. It makes sense to her that she finds sissies to be cute 3; they look like girls. However, boys look like boys. Why would she find them attractive? Janice tries not to think about it too much. She is scared of what the answer might be.

"Oh, this look is perfect for you!" Amber says as she puts the final touches on Janice once more.

"I don't know," Janice says as she inspects herself in the mirror. "Doesn't it make me look kind of young?"

"You are young, silly," Amber giggles. "Besides, men love young girls."

"No, perverts like dad and grandpa like young girls."

Janice thinks it but doesn't say it out loud.

The last thing Janice wants is to turn her grandfather on. Especially if she is going to have to sleep in the same bed with him for the next few nights.

"No time to change it now," Amber says as she quickly starts putting the makeup away.

"What do you mean?" Janice asks in confusion.

"You have a meeting with our mentor in 45 minutes," Amber says as she looks at her sister in confusion. "Didn't they tell you?"

"No," Janice replies in shock and horror. "It's a holiday. Are you sure I have to meet him today?"

Amber can hear the concern in Janice's voice.

"Don't worry," Amber says as she gives her sister a hug. "The Dean isn't that bad as long as you do what he says."

Amber pauses for a second. She blushes and then adds, "His um 3; thing 3; is kind of big though."

It is clear from her voice that Amber is not sure if this is good or bad news for Janice. Some girls like big ones. Amber heard that sissies like big ones also. However, she isn't sure if that is just a rumor or not.

"Oh, I guess you already know," Amber whispers when she realizes she isn't speaking to a rookie.

"Yes," Janice whispers back with a blush.

Amber feels stupid for forgetting that while she may have only seen her brother dressed up like a girl a few days total, Janice has been "training" at the school for well over a half year now. Of course Janice already knows how big the Dean is. They would have introduced her to all the mentor candidates before asking her to choose one.

After thinking about it a moment, Amber realizes that maybe the rumor about sissies is true. Janice did cum a little when she put those huge beads in. Plus, she picked the Dean as her mentor. Of course, Amber picked the Dean also and she sure isn't all that excited about large cocks. She only picked the Dean because she knew most of the other students would leave her alone if they knew she had the Dean's ear. Not that it has helped prevent Beth from hassling her.

Janice decides to wear the short brown dress again. With luck maybe the ugly thing will turn the Dean off. Not that she plans to hold her breath on it. Regardless, the more she wears it the faster it will wear out. Then maybe her parents will buy her a prettier one 3; preferably yellow or red.

"You can't wear those," Amber says when Janice starts to put on her tobacco brown high heal pumps. "People will get suspicious if they see you wearing something that adult looking. Besides, your feet will be full of blisters by the time you get there."

It takes Janice a second to process what Amber is telling her.

"I have to walk?" Janice asks in confusion.

"Duh," Amber replies with a giggle. "Mary sure isn't going to drive you and dad has a 2 mile rule. Anything less than 2 miles and you hoof it."

Janice looks at the clock in horror. She didn't know she was going to have to walk. She now has less than 30 minutes to get there. The Dean has one of the largest houses in their community so Janice is well aware of where he lives. She does some quick calculations in her head and determines it to be about 1.5 miles. She can make it but she will probably have to run at least half of it to make sure.

Janice puts on her only pair of sneakers and starts for the door. She stops though when she realizes the Dean won't be that happy with sneakers.

"Can I borrow one of your purses?" Janice asks as she pulls one out of the closet.

"That's your purse," Amber informs her.

"Oh," Janice says.

She isn't sure how to react. It's her first purse. It has a black and white tiger skin like pattern. It is trimmed with pink and has a big cloth flower attached to the side of it. Janice is excited about having a purse but she isn't sure she likes this one or not. She likes that it is a little fancy, yet not too mature. However, the black and white pattern seems a hair tacky to her.

She doesn't have time to worry about it now. She grabs her brown pumps and manages to squeeze them inside. She then heads out the door.

Janice tries to run half of the distance but barely makes a quarter mile. She can't believe how weak her muscles are now. A year ago when she was still Jack she would have easily ran the entire distance at a pretty decent pace.

Of course, the four huge beads aren't helping matters.

The freedom of being outside on her own is exciting. However, it is still a tad scary. There is that constant itch in the back of her brain that is telling her to run away from this place and never come back. However, what concerns her even more is the fear that people in the neighborhood will see her and be able to tell she isn't a real girl. Or even worse, they will somehow be able to tell she has four huge beads crammed up her ass pussy.

Janice notices people looking her way from time to time but none seem to look shocked or anything.

"What's your name?"

The voice comes from behind her. Janice spins around with fright. Standing there is a 17 or 18 year old boy. He must have crossed the street or something. Otherwise she is sure she would have noticed him coming up on her.

"I 3; I'm in a hurry," Janice says as she turns back around and continues walking.

"Come on," the boy says as he quickly catches up and stands in her way. "I'm just asking for your name. My name is Sam."

"Janice," she replies as she steps around him and continues on.

"Are you new here?" he says as he walks along side her. "I moved here about six months ago."

This last statement tells Janice why she doesn't recognize him. He moved here while she was already in training. Not that Janice would have known him that well anyway. Sam is at least three years older than herself. Back when she was Jack she would have never hung out with someone of this age. Or more to the point, someone that old would have never hung out with Jack.

"Please leave me alone," Janice says as she quickens her pace.

She is relieved as the boy says his goodbyes and leaves. Yet, a part of her is a little upset. It felt kind of nice to have the attention of someone that in the past wouldn't have even given her the time of day. The boy is pretty cute also.

She feels a little bad about being so rude to him. However, she doesn't want to lead him on. It's not like they could ever be a couple. At best they could maybe do a little kissing. It could never go beyond that without Sam finding out Janice is not a real girl. Janice chastises herself when she realizes she is actually thinking such things about another boy.

A couple other boys eye her as she continues her journey. However, neither of them approach her. She keeps looking back to make sure they don't follow her either. Her safety is of concern but not as much as them finding out where she is headed. Everyone in the neighborhood is well aware of who Dean Miller is. Most don't know for sure what goes on in the school but there are some pretty accurate rumors.

If they see Janice go into the Dean's house they will easily guess she is a Humbled Girl. And everyone knows Humbled Girls are sluts. Or so the rumors say. That isn't a title she wants to have. If a boy gets interested in her, she wants it to be because he likes her and not because he thinks she puts out.

"Janice!" she screams in her head and pushes the inappropriately thoughts about boys out.

Janice is just starting to relax a little when a black van pulls up to the curb next to her. Janice swallows hard when she sees there are two black men in the front seat and that they are looking at her. She is about to quicken her pace when she realizes she knows the passenger.

It's Ray, the security guards at the school that she had the 3; arrangement with. The key word being, "had". Janice is not proud of the arrangement they had and it certainly isn't something she wishes to continue now that she is no longer a prisoner in the school.

"Get in," Ray orders as the large side door opens.

"Dean Miller is waiting for me," Janice quickly volunteers. "He won't be happy if I'm late."

"Just get in," Ray says with a chuckle. "I'll give you a ride."

Janice hesitates for a second and then obeys. Technically, Ray has no authority over her. However, Janice isn't stupid enough to believe Ray doesn't have power. Every employee at the school has a certain degree of power when it comes to students. A security guard has more than most. All it would take is a false claim by Ray to get Janice into serious trouble. Heck, the claim wouldn't even have to be false. If Ray watched her close enough he would eventually catch her doing something wrong. Even minor things are taken serious at the school. If Ray caught her doing enough minor things then it would quickly add up to major consequences.

It is more than enough reason to obey Ray. However, Janice doesn't feel completely hopeless. After all, she has power also. If Ray pisses the Dean off then his job will be in jeopardy. Ray is rather rich and doesn't need the money but Janice is pretty sure the man would miss the benefits.

The side door electronically shuts on it's own once she is inside. Janice feels at unease as the driver looks back and eyes her up and down.

"Are you sure she's a boy?" the man asks Ray. "They won't be happy if we bring them a real girl."

"Trust me," Ray says as he smiles back at Janice.

The van is already moving before Janice fully analyzes what the driver just said. Do they plan to take her somewhere other than the Dean's house? She can't believe Ray would take such a risk with his job. She scoots back over toward the large door. The first stop they come to she grabs the door handle and yanks on it. The door doesn't budge.

"Just settle down," Ray tells her.

"You'll get in a lot of trouble with the Dean if I'm late."

She knows the comment is pretty obvious but can't think of anything else to say.

Ray is silent for a moment. The truth is that he is a bit pissed. He isn't upset with Janice though. He's upset with her father and the Dean for not bringing her up to speed on her situation. It pisses him off that he is now expected to skirt around that truth.

"Fuck 'em," Ray mumbles to himself.

Ray sees no reason he should have to jump through hoops to protect the dirty little secret. Especially when that secret is going to become pretty clear to Janice within a short time anyway.

Janice shivers in fear as Ray moves into the back of the van and sits next to her. He puts one of his huge arms around her and pulls her to his muscular body. Janice is disgusted with the embrace. Yet, at the same time it sends naughty tingles into her tummy. Those tingles become stronger when she is close enough to smell his manly scent.

She can even make out the smell of his underarms. It is a mix of expensive cologne, underarm deodorant and his natural musky scent. Janice knows that smell very well. She has spent many hours in the past eight months licking those pits clean. It is an obvious fetish Ray has. He always makes her lick his arm pits and nipples. Thankfully, he is the only one at the school that seems to have this fetish.

The memories of her and Ray are upsetting. However, what bothers her even more is that despite the disgust she knows a part of her deep down always looked forward to performing the act.

Ray puts one of Janice's hands on the large bulge in his pants. More tingles shoot through Janice as she gives Ray's cock a squeeze through the pant material. Ray's cock is 10" [25 cm] long and 3" [7½ cm] thick. It is the largest cock Janice has ever 3; played with. It is even larger than the Dean's cock.

Ray's cock always scares Janice. It scares her because she knows how tight the fit is. It scares her even more because she knows how good it feels once it is inside. It rubs her ass clit so nicely. Just the thought of it makes her cock try to expand in it's little cage.

"The Dean knows you are with me," Ray starts explaining.

Ray continues to explain how they plan to pimp Janice out to help earn money for both the school and Janice's father. Janice isn't stupid. She has already figured out a lot about how the school works in regards to renting students out for dates and such. Janice realizes the system is a little wrong. However, she also realizes that it only makes sense. It helps earn money for her family and the school, while at the same time judging the seriousness of suitors. After all, there is a lot more to consider about potential husbands than just how rich and powerful they are. You also need to make sure they can be trusted to keep the school's secrets. What better way to do that then arrange "dates".

Of course, for legal purposes the suitors don't actually pay for "dates". They are just contributing towards the child's tuition. And the "dates" aren't described as being intimate. They are just "meetings" so the benefactor can judge whether the child truly deserves the tuition donation. Now, if the child and benefactor happen to make out or have sex 3; well, that's between them. The school does not promise or condone such activity 3; on paper anyway.

While all of that makes sense to Janice, what Ray describes to her seems to go way beyond this. What he describes can only be seen as pure prostitution regardless of the window dressing.

"I 3; I don't believe you," Janice whispers once Ray finishes.

"Believe it or don't believe it. Either way your ass is still going to get pimped out," Ray says with a chuckle.

It isn't the pimping aspect that Janice has trouble believing. It's hardly out of character for the school. No, what she can't come to terms with is that her father would ever agree to such a thing. Her father isn't exactly parent of the year. However, Janice can't imagine he would ever pimp out his own son. Would he?

Granted, she said the same thing eight months ago about her father turning her into a sissy. That wasn't in her father's nature either.

Janice's eyes water up when all the pieces of the puzzle finally fall into place. For eight months now she has wondered exactly why her father did this to her. With no better explanation, she had all but accepted the original cover story they told her. That she was being turned into a sissy as punishment for sneaking into the sissy area of the school and discovering their secret.

That story never set well with Janice. There are simply way too many holes in it. However, this new information clarifies a lot. Her father needs money for some reason and he sold his own son to get it. Part of it seems even more unbelievable to Janice than the original explanation. Yet, deep down she knows it fits. If her father is having money problems then it could put his job security at risk. And it would certainly mean having to take some, if not all, of his sisters out of the school. In time she might come to feel sorry for her father for having to deal with making such a hard choice. For now, however, she can't help but feel angry and betrayed.

A bit of fear mixes in with those feelings as the van pulls into a long driveway. Janice can't see much from her position but she sees enough to know they are at Ray's house. Though, "house" is a bit of an understatement. It's actually a mansion. In fact, it is almost as big as the Dean's mansion.

Janice has seen the mansion and grounds from outside the gates many times. However, this is her first time going inside. She trusts Ray. Or at least she trusts him not to kidnap and lock her in his basement for years on end. Yet, she can't help but realize he could probably do just that if he wanted and probably not get caught. There is a chance no one even seen her get picked up. And a mansion this size probably has tons of hiding spots both above and below ground. The idea frightens Janice. Yet, for some reason her cock tries to get stiff in it's cage at the thought of being Ray's eternal slave.

Ray leans in and gives Janice a deep kiss. Kissing is another thing Ray often does that most of the other men at the school never do to her. Janice has always found Ray's kisses to be revolting. Yet, at the same time the affection it represents always makes her heart melt. For a while she even believed she was in love with Ray. Sometimes she still feels this way. Now is not one of those times though.

"Don't worry sugar," Ray whispers as he breaks the kiss.

Janice blushes at being kissed and called "sugar". It isn't the first time Ray has done either to her. It is, however, the first time he has done it in front of someone else. Janice's blush deepens when she notices the driver stealing glances in the rearview mirror. Earlier, Janice noticed there were no windows in the rear of the van. She can't help but wonder if maybe the rear view mirror was installed just so the driver can watch the action in the back seat.

Ray gives Janice another deep kiss. For a moment she fears the driver is going to get more than an eye full. However, Ray breaks the kiss when the van stops. The van door opens and Ray has Janice step out.

"There is no need to be scared," Ray reassures her again as he gets out of the van himself. "Be a good girl and I'll take good care of you. I'll make sure no one hurts you. If you do really well then sometimes I'll even give you a special treat."

Ray gives his huge cock a squeeze through his pants as he says this last part. It is very clear to Janice what the man means by "special treat". Janice would be lying if she said the thought of Ray's huge cock didn't make her own struggle in it's cage. However, she hardly thinks of it as a "treat". Well, not really.

The thought of Ray's cock might give Janice naughty tingles, but it disgusts her as well. Yet, she can't help but stare down at Ray's bulge in response to the comment. She nibbles on her lower lip and stares at the bulge for only a split second. However, it is long enough for Ray to notice.

Ray chuckles at Janice's response. She isn't the first sissy to get addicted to his huge dick. Sure, in the beginning they often beg to try to avoid the monstrous thing. Many even groan in pain as he squeezes it inside. However, once it is inside the sissies start squealing and bucking up and down on it like they are riding a wild stallion.

Janice gets nervous as the van leaves them and heads off toward a parking area. For some reason she thought the driver was the "John". Now she realizes he's probably just an employee. That mean's her "date" for the night is yet to be revealed.

Janice is in awe as they step inside Ray's mansion. The place is huge and very fancy. For a moment, Janice wonders why Ray would ever stoop to pimping. He clearly doesn't need the money. The answer quickly comes to her. It is the same reason he works at the school. It has nothing to do with money. He simply enjoys playing with sissies. And his jobs as guard and pimp provide him an endless supply of young sissies.

The truth is that Ray gets paid rather well for his pimping services. He deals with only high end clients and arranging a single "date" can easily earn him $1,000 after the school gets their generous cut. While he specializes in sissies, the school also relies on him heavily for pimping out several of the female students. A girl with declining grades is often a good candidate for Ray's services. There are also girls that simply aren't pulling in as much money from their "courtship" dates as the school would wish.

Ray only does it part time but he still earns a ton of money. He doesn't keep much of it though. He sets most of it aside and gives it to the students as graduation presents. If the student was extra fun to play with over the years Ray will sometimes even toss in a bonus. Of course, he doesn't tell the students ahead of time about the graduation presents. After all, you don't want the students to be too cooperative. Sure, they are almost always obedient. However, most customers prefer the kids to be at least a little reluctant.

Once graduation day does come, Ray's graduation gifts normally embarrass, humiliate and even anger the students. The last thing they want is to be reminded of their time with Ray. However, it never stops them from accepting the money.

Ray can already tell that Janice is going to be a big money maker. She is extremely pretty and very feminine looking. She sucks cock very well and her hole can handle about any size dick and yet it always feels nice and tight. The best part, however, is that she will do about anything you tell her and yet you can tell a part of her hates it.

Many of the "Johns" enjoy that last part. Unlike the men the school arranges for courtship dates, the customers Ray deals with aren't out to fall in love and marry a sissy. Most are okay with a sissy enjoying the "date" but many prefer the sissy not enjoy it too much.

The hardest part of Ray's job is to maintain that balance between obedience and aversion. If a student doesn't show enough of the latter then Ray sets them up with some of the more demanding "Johns". If they show too much then he tapers them back a little. Nope, pimpin ain't easy.

"This is Janice," Ray says to a middle aged white couple as they enter the parlor. "Janice, this is Donald and Joyce."

Janice takes a step back when she sees who it is. There was no need for the formal introduction, she knows this couple very well. They live next door to her. They have a son, Laurence, who is 12. Janice is 1 year and 9 months older than Laurence. At their age that 21 months is a sizable gap. Despite this, Janice and Laurence have been pretty good friends over the years. Or at least they were when Janice was still Jack.

Ray says something else but Janice is in too much shock and doesn't really hear it. The next thing she knows, Ray is gone and she is standing in the room alone with her neighbors.

"Oh, Don, she looks absolutely petrified," Joyce says as she stands and gives Janice a comforting hug.

The somewhat joyful tone in Joyce's voice tells Janice the woman is just pretending to be caring and concerned. Sure enough, the embracing quickly becomes intimate. Joyce's left hand goes to Janice's rump while the other one goes behind her head. A few seconds later and they are kissing.

Janice is embarrassed. However, she is also very turned on. It has been ages since she got to kiss a girl. Joyce is pretty good looking also for her age. The thought of having sex with the woman makes Janice's cock struggle in it's cage.

"I think we should go upstairs before Jack 3; Janice has an accident on the floor," Joyce says to her husband with a chuckle after a couple minutes.

It isn't until then that Janice remembers Don is even in the room. She blushes profusely when she realizes the couple knows who she really is. Of equal concern is that Don plans to go with her and Joyce.

As they climb the stairs, Joyce take's Don's hand and places it lightly on Janice's ass. Janice swallows hard. There is little doubt now that Don will have an active role in the activities.

As they continue their journey, Janice struggles to wrap her mind around what they are about to do. Never in a million years would she have guessed that Don and Joyce had such a perverted side. Heck, had you asked her just yesterday she would have guessed the couple stopped having sex after Laurence. While she was still Jack, she spent a lot of time at their house. Sometimes she even spent the night. Yet, she never even seen them kiss. And they certainly never let on that they were interested in having sex with her.

"Oh, God! We're going to have sex!"

Janice has been thinking it for several minutes and yet she still can't believe it. The thought of it is somehow more shocking than when she was made to suck her own father off the first time. She at least knew ahead of time that her father was a pervert. Sure, it still came as a surprise that he would actually do something sexual with her, but at least it didn't come out of the blue like this.

The room they end up in can only be described as a "sex room". There is a large pink heart shaped bed in the middle of the room. Surrounding it are a variety of large sex machines/devices. Some of them Janice recognizes and some she has no clue what they actually do. As concerning as the larger items are, it is the smaller ones that draw Janice's attention. The walls are lined with a variety of dildos, plugs, ball weights, etc. There is one wall that is completely dedicated to whips, belts, paddles and other torture devices. Janice does her best not to look at that wall. The last thing she wants is to draw Don and Joyce's attention to it. Not that it is possible they would miss it.

Don and Joyce start removing their clothes the second the door shuts. Janice stares at the ground but can't help but steal quick glances as each item comes off. The couple are wearing formal clothes so the process is rather slow. They are careful in not just the removal but in how they fold and place the clothing on two nearby chairs. Janice knows a proper Humbled Girl would help them with the clothes. However, she can't get up the nerve to do so.

"I'm only 13. Won't you get in trouble with the police?" Janice manages to whisper as the couple gets to their underwear.

The comment is the closest thing Janice dared get to a threat. It gets nothing but chuckles from the couple. Janice has to admit that the comment is rather comical considering what takes place at the school every day. It was worth a try though. It is possible Don and Joyce don't know Janice is a Humbled Girl or what takes place at the school.

Janice swallows hard as she analyses this last thought. She has only been home for one day. Yet, Don and Joyce not only recognized her but didn't seem one bit surprised by her transformation. On top of that, they even managed to arrange this "date" with her.

"Dad is such an asshole!"

She of course doesn't say it out loud. She barely has the nerve to even think it.

Her father is the obvious answer. Arranging the "date" with their neighbor would not only put money in her father's pocket but it would bring Don and Joyce into the fold. The neighbors have never been good friends with her father but that won't matter now. Once they sample Janice her father won't have to worry about them asking questions about Janice's activities or causing any other problems.

Janice is pissed at her father but she has to admit that it is a smart move. She blanches as she realizes that this means dates will probably be arranged with her other neighbors as well. She quickly runs down the list in her head.

The first person to come to mind is the old man that lives across the street from them. He looks to be at least 60. And the creepy guy is always staring out his window at the kids playing. The man has probably already spotted Janice all dolled up. She is pretty certain that a "date" will be arranged with him. The thought makes her feel ill. While his age and looks are enough to gross her out, what really sickens her is how 3; well, pervy the guy seems. Sure, Janice has been exposed to a ton of perverts in the past eight months but at least they seemed a bit professional about it. The old man across the street drools every time a kid walks by his house. It's disgusting.

Now, the two handsome college guys that share the place on the other side of Janice's house 3; it would be yummy to have a "date" with them.

"Janice!" she screams in her head.

She tries to convince herself that she only thought it would be "yummy" compared to the pervy old man. However, deep down she knows there was more to the thought than that.

Janice blushes as Don and Joyce remove their underwear. Janice's eyes go to Don's 7" [18 cm] cock first. It's a nice cock but she can't help but be a little disappointed that it is not large like what she has become accustomed to. She chastises herself for the thought and quickly looks to Joyce.

Joyce's body looks a lot better than Janice expected. Joyce has always been like a second mom to Janice, so she never really analyzed the woman's body before. Sure, it was always pretty obvious the woman was big. Not pot belly or anything like that. Just tall and kind of bulky. Now that Joyce is naked, Janice realizes that all that bulk is rather shapely. She looks kind of like an Amazon warrior. She has nice large C or D-cup breasts and lots of female curves to go with them. There is a little muscle tone mixed in but not too much. Joyce looks a little intimidating but Janice decides she likes what she sees.

"Help Janice with her clothes," Joyce tells her husband.

"Yes, dear," Don replies.

The exchange seems a little odd to Janice. It isn't so much the words but the tone. Joyce sounds a bit demanding while Don sounds kind of wimpy or something. It is almost the opposite of how they normally sound.

Janice isn't sure what to make of it as Don helps undress her. She has never had a grown man undress her before. Well, not gently anyway. There isn't anything bad about it really. It just feels odd to her.

Don stops momentarily as he pulls Janice's panties down and her groin is exposed. At first she thinks the man is admiring her cage. However, it becomes clear he is fascinated by how bald and smooth she is there. Don even takes a second to run one of his fingers across the bald region.

Janice is angered and humiliated by the inspection. For the most part, her hair down there is permanently gone. It is very emasculating and something she doesn't like being reminded of. Yet, she can't deny it makes her feel a little special by how much pleasure Don seems to get from it.

Once the panties are off, Don goes back to her groin and inspects the cock cage. It doesn't take him long to realize it is locked.

"Do you have the key?" Don says with a bit of concern in his voice.

For a second, Janice contemplates lying. Nothing good ever happens when her cock gets out of it's cage. Sure, she always gets hard and often ends up having a climax. However, there is a ton of humiliation that goes along with that. It will be 100 times worse with Don and Joyce since Janice knows them so well. The last thing she wants is to get carried away while being played with by her neighbors. And the thought of them watching her clean up one of her "accidental" climaxes is absolutely horrifying.

Janice doesn't have the nerve to lie. She knows she will end up being found out if she does. Plus, there is a chance Joyce will let Janice fuck her. It has been so long since she got to have intercourse with a female. It would make her feel almost like a boy again.

Janice blushes as she sticks her fingers under her training bra and fishes out the key. Don smiles as he takes it from her. He then quickly removes the cage. Janice tries to think of dead puppies but her cock quickly gets rock hard anyway.

It is Don's turn to blush as Janice's 7" [18 cm] cock points out toward his face. Janice finds Don's reaction a bit confusing. What does he have to be embarrassed about? The only thing Janice can think of is that Don is ashamed that a 13 year old sissy has a cock just as big as his own. While that does make some sense, it still seems like an over reaction considering that a 7" [18 cm] cock is nothing to really be ashamed of.

Don hesitates only a moment before he stands and removes Janice's training bra. It is now Janice's turn to blush again. While at school, Janice has actually come to be very proud of her breasts. At just under a B cup she isn't anything special for her age. However, she is quickly catching up. She is even wearing normal bras sometimes. Sure, the thought of having breasts still bothers her sometimes but it is always best to look at the bright side. That being that they are nice breasts.

Janice isn't stupid. She knows she probably looks like a freak to her neighbors. She is a boy with breasts after all. Plus, they knew her back when she was still Jack and had many masculine features. Now look at her.

She expects laughter or something from Don. However, all the man displays is fascination. His hand slowly comes out toward one of her breasts. His fingers get within a couple inches before he catches himself and quickly pulls his hand back. He blushes and backs away.

Janice isn't sure what to make of Don. One second he seems just like any other perverted man. The next second he acts almost like a sissy. Don is a little small for the average man. He is about 5' 6" [1.70 m] tall and maybe 140 pounds [65 kg] at most. That said, it is obvious that the man is not taking female hormones like herself. Other than the size, his body is very masculine. He has a fair amount of hair on his body. His pubes are trimmed, but they are there. He also has plenty of muscle on his thin frame. It is a stark contrast to Janice's now soft feminine curves.

"Does mommy and daddy plug you?" Joyce asks.

Janice had almost forgotten about Joyce. She has to do a 180 to locate the woman behind her. Janice's eyes get big when she finally sees the woman. Joyce isn't naked anymore like Janice expected. Instead, the woman has changed into a skimpy black leather outfit with black stockings and garter belts. The bottom half of the outfit is a mini skirt and the top barely covers half of her breasts. Janice's cock makes a small lurch in the open air as her eyes take in all the cleavage.

Janice is turned on by the sight and frightened at the same time. She knows a dominatrix when she sees one. She did her share of web browsing when she was still Jack. Plus, her female trainer at the school sometimes wore outfits similar to this one.

"Do they?" Joyce asks again in a much harsher tone.

It takes Janice a second to remember the original question. A second after that and she comprehends what is being asked. Janice blushes as she looks down in shame and then nods her head.


Joyce need not give an actual command. Don immediately kneels and starts inspecting Janice's rump in order to locate the plug. He finds the small ring and gently pulls on it.

"Oh!" Janice moans as the string of beads shifts inside her.

Janice moans louder and bends forward as the largest ball starts forcing her hole wide. She lets out a much louder "OH!" as the huge thing pops out. She lets out grunts as the other three beads pop out as well.

"Oh, my," Joyce says with a giggle when she sees the string of beads. "Mommy and Daddy take their plugging pretty seriously."

Don stands and raises his hand until the string of beads are hanging in front of Janice's face. It is clear what is expected. Janice hesitates for a second and then leans forward and starts licking at the beads.

"Don't just stand there," Joyce growls at Don. "Help the poor girl."

"But 3;" Don starts to protest but cuts it short when he sees Joyce glare at him.

Joyce smiles as her husband leans in and helps Janice lick the beads. There is nothing on the beads except ass juice but Joyce can easily tell her husband is hating the task. He is doing it though and that makes Joyce proud. It has been a long journey getting her husband to this point. Eight years to be exact.

It all started a few years after having Laurence. Their sex life had become almost non existent. Joyce bought the dominatrix outfit to help spice it up. Of course, back then she had very little knowledge of what a dominatrix actually was. She just thought it looked sexy.

They started out with minor role play. They also added accessories over time like handcuffs. In the beginning, sometimes she would be in charge and sometimes her husband. Joyce found that she preferred it when she was the one giving the orders. So, she always made sure the sex was ten times better when Don was the submissive. It wasn't long and the roles became somewhat fixed.

Poor Don never knew what hit him. It was some of the best sex they had ever had. So, he took on more of the submissive role each day to keep it going. The next thing he knew he was playing the role not only in bedroom but outside it as well. They just had to be careful that Laurence never witnessed any of it.

It has only been during the past 12 months that Joyce has been forcing her husband to service men. Well, technically, the other men service her. Don's role is normally to just use his hands and mouth to get the men hard so they can fuck his wife. Lately, she has managed to get her husband to lick them clean afterward. Yeah, Don really hates that. Of course, pushing Don to his limits is now what turns Joyce on. Don would never admit it but deep down it turns him on as well.

Janice is a first for Don in many respects. For example, this will be the first time they involved a sissy/shemale in their games. It is also the first time they have involved someone so young. Until now, it has just been a few of the neighborhood husbands and whoever Joyce could pick up at local bars.

"That's good enough," Joyce informs them.

Don lets out a sigh of relief as he stops licking the disgusting beads and puts them on a nearby chair. Joyce has to hold back her laughter at her husband's reaction. If he only knew what else she had in store for him today.

"It's your turn now," Joyce tells her husband.

Don blushes and then turns his back to Janice. At first, Janice is confused. Then she notices the all too familiar tail end of a butt plug extending from Don's rear. Janice scrunches her nose up in disgust. A grown non sissy/shemale with a butt plug 3; gross!

Janice only hesitates a second before kneeling down and pulling the plug out. Don grunts but Janice can't imagine why. The plug isn't even 2" [5 cm] thick. Janice knows 9 and 10 year olds with plugs bigger than this.

Janice stands and quickly hands the plug to Don. Joyce of course has them both lick the juices off.

Once the plug is clean, Joyce turns and starts inspecting the wall of paddles and whips. Janice and Don look on in trepidation.

"Why don't you two kiss a little," Joyce says over her shoulder as though it is a mundane spur of the moment thought. She then goes back to inspecting the wall of horror.

Don and Janice both stare at Joyce's back for a moment. Neither want to comply with the request. Janice knows better than to object. Don comes close but thinks twice about it when he considers some of the nasty looking whips, paddles and other devices on the wall Joyce is currently viewing.

Don and Janice blush profusely as they face each other. They stand there for several seconds before Janice finally makes the first move. She steps forward and leans in and touches her lips to Don's. Don backs his face away as though he was just slapped. Janice tries again and this time Don is a good boy and doesn't try to escape. It takes a couple minutes and Janice has to try a variety of the tricks she learned in class yesterday, but she finally gets Don to start participating in the kiss.

"Good boy," Joyce says as she gives the two her full attention again.

It is clear to Janice that it is Don that is being praised. It is also clear that this is somehow part of the man's training. Janice has helped train a few younger sissies but she would have never guessing in a million years that she might some day help train a full grown man.

"What a pathetic wimp," Janice thinks to herself.

Janice can't believe a grown man would let themselves be trained like this. Sure, Joyce is technically bigger. However, Don is 3; well, a man. No matter how she crunches the facts, Janice just can't get it to compute in her head.

Joyce smiles as she watches the two kiss. She has made her husband do things with men but until now she has never had another male that was willing to kiss her husband. Don's training has been coming along nicely, but Joyce is still surprised he went along with the kiss so easily. The threat of punishment plays a part. However, she is certain that Janice being so pretty is a major factor as well. She makes a mental note to arrange some future dates with Janice. Her husband will need a bit more training with the sissy before he is ready for what Joyce has planned for him down the road. Though, after today she is pretty sure her husband will at least have a suspicion of what those plans are.

Don lets out a groan of despair as his wife applies downward pressure on his shoulder. He is thankful to leave the kiss but isn't looking forward to what is coming next. He slowly goes downward. His wife stops him, however, when he reaches Janice's breasts.

Don isn't sure how he feels about sucking Janice's breasts. He likes breasts but these aren't real breasts. Well, they are real breasts but they aren't. It is very confusing but he doesn't hesitate to obey. Don feels disgust, yet he concludes it is a ton better than sucking cock.

Unfortunately for Don, Janice's cock is next on the menu. Janice is about as sickened as Don is as Joyce pushes the man downward. Don doesn't hesitate to start sucking. Nor does Janice try to pull away.

Janice somewhat enjoys having sissies suck her cock. However, having a man do it is just so disgusting and wrong. That said, it doesn't keep Janice from staying hard. In fact, it isn't long before she feels an orgasm approaching.

"I'm going to do squirties," Janice frantically announces as she tries to push Don's head away.

"I'm going to cum," Janice quickly clarifies when Don refuses to back away.

"Squirties" is a term one of her "roommates" often used. It is a sissy term and Janice is embarrassed that she used it instead of the more masculine term.

Don continues the blowjob despite the clarification. It isn't that he wants a mouth full of cum. The thought of it sickens him. However, he knows what Joyce expects and he has to disobey. No, it's more than just that 3; there is something inside him now that makes him "need/want" to obey.

This need/want to obey started several years back. Don thinks about it a lot. However, it is such a part of him now that he doesn't really question why he has this need/want. He simply questions why he never had it before.

Janice let's out a long girly moan of pleasure as she cums. Don has to use all his willpower not to back away. He holds steady though until Janice's climax subsides. He then pulls his mouth off the cock and stands. He blushes profusely as he turns to his wife and parts his lips so she can see his mouth full of cum.

"Please, let me spit it out," Don says over and over again in his head.

Whether Joyce makes Don swallow or not usually depends on many factors. Some of those factors include how good Don has been lately. However, for the most part it usually just depends on how Joyce is feeling that day. Today is definitely a "swallow" day. She is about to give the command when a wicked thought enters her mind.

"Why don't you two kiss some more while I think about what we will do next," Joyce says with an evil grin.

Both Don and Janice turn a shade a green as they realize what Joyce is asking them to do. They bring their faces close but then both hesitate for several seconds. For a moment Joyce is certain that they are about to refuse. However, when she takes a step toward them they quickly lock lips.

"Use plenty of tongue," Joyce directs them.

It isn't long and Janice's cum is equally distributed between the two. Both of them have to struggle not to be sick as their tongues dance around in the viscous fluid. As their saliva adds to the mix they can't help but swallow some of the cum. Several minutes later and there is more saliva than cum. Joyce has them kiss for almost 15 minutes before she lets them part and swallow what is left.

Next, Joyce has Janice get on all fours. She then has Don mount Janice. Fucking a male is yet another first for Don. Until now, he had never even thought about doing it. Why would he think about it? After all, the men Joyce always brought home were usually very dominate and would never in a million years let another man fuck them.

Don isn't pleased with having to do it. Yet, it pales in comparison to what they did earlier. Plus, he can't deny that he is rather horny. Way back, Joyce used to let him cum several times a day. However, a few years ago Joyce caught on that Don's training went much smoother if she made him wait longer periods in between climaxes. Lately, he has been lucky if she lets him cum once a month. Well, normal climaxes anyway. In between his monthly normal climaxes she will sometimes use various methods to stimulate his prostate until he milks out most of his cum. Don finds the prostate milkings kind of pleasurable in a weird way. However, he much prefers the normal ones.

So, while he isn't that hot on the idea of fucking a shemale, he is still excited about having his monthly climax.

Janice is pretty used to being fucked by men. So, this is hardly a major event for her. That said, she does feel a bit at odds. Don, after all, is hardly a real "man". Yet, he also isn't a pretty and nicely groomed shemale. Janice sees him as some kind of mutant half-breed. It just seems a bit beneath her 3; kind of degrading. Being pimped out is pretty degrading in itself. However, being pimped out to someone like Don is kind of like rubbing salt in the wound.

"Oh! Please 3;" Don protests as he feels a dildo enter his asshole.

He was so focused on the feel of his cock in Janice's hole that he didn't even notice his wife sneak up on him. The dildo goes deeper and deeper. He then feels the cold touch of leather against his rump and back. He quickly realizes that Joyce is using a strap on. This is nothing new for them. In fact, it is one of their frequent ways of milking him. However, having it done while he is fucking someone is definitely a new mix. After a few thrusts from Joyce, Don decides he likes it. Or at least he likes it more than if he was just getting pegged by his wife.

Janice scrunches her face in disgust as she listens to Don squealing.

"Just hurry up and cum!" Janice feels like screaming.

Don does just that. He lasts less than a minute before he is shooting his load up Janice's hole. Janice's wish may have come true, but Don's quick climax only makes her all that more disappointed in him as a man and thus the encounter.

Not that the encounter is over. Joyce continues pegging her husband for another 15 minutes. Don doesn't climax again but he definitely milks out a good amount more cum.

As the three of them separate, Joyce considers having her husband eat the cum out of Janice's asshole. The thought of making him do it is a huge turn on for her. However, she fears it might push him a bit too far, too fast. She makes a mental note to have him do it on their 3rd or 4th "date" with Janice. That of course is assuming Janice will be available. Something tells Joyce that their cute neighbor will be a pretty popular girl with Ray's clientele. And Joyce and Ron are first time customers. The long standing customers will no doubt have priority.

That said, they are Janice's next-door neighbors. Maybe they can arrange something directly with her parents.

Chapter 8

It is another hour and a half before Janice leaves Ray's mansion. Most of that time is spent servicing Joyce. Unfortunately, the only servicing Joyce cares to get from Don or Janice is via their tongues. She has one of them lick her cunt while the other rims her asshole. She has them rotating back and forth for over an hour before she is finally fully satisfied.

Janice cleans herself up and then reports to Ray. Thankfully, Ray doesn't decide to "reward" her. He just gives her instructions to go back home and then shows her to the door. She is happy to leave, yet a little pissed off that she is being made to walk all the way back home. Ray has a fucking driver working for him for goodness sake. Would it have really killed him to offer Janice a ride home?

She is almost half way home when it dawns on her that the walk is actually reward. She isn't really expected back home for at least a couple hours. Ray is basically giving her those two hours as free time to do whatever she wants.

Janice's only dilemma is that she can't think of anything she would like to do. Oh, she has a massive mental list of things she dreamed about doing while she was captive. However, two hours isn't enough time for most of them. Many of the others require money.

For a moment she considers seducing one of the local boys and talking them into paying her way at the local mall or something simple like that. The idea of using her new power of seduction gives her a bit of a thrill. However, she fears that it could lead to problems down the road. Especially if they found out she isn't a real girl.

There are a few things on the list that involve basically just enjoying the outdoors. However, Janice still can't shake the scary feeling of being outside. So, she decides to go on home.

Janice breaths a sigh of relief when she finds the front door of the house unlocked. This means she might be able to sneak upstairs to her room without anyone seeing. However, when she opens the door she discovers there is a small party going on.

It only takes her a second to realize what is going on. Her parents hold a cookout every Independence day. She is a bit shocked, however, that they were holding it this year. She assumed that her sissification would be a huge secret. She figured her family would mainly keep to themselves from now on to prevent drawing unnecessary attention. Yet, here they were having a major event.

There were about six people roaming around and chatting inside the house. Janice could hear at least a dozen or so more in the back yard. Most of those in the house immediately notice Janice enter. They immediately start smiling and talking about her.

"Oh, aren't you gorgeous," one of the women compliments her.

Janice blushes and tears form in the corners of her eyes. She runs to the stairwell and then up to her room.

"You're home early," Amber says as Janice enters their bedroom.

"Why are all those people here?" Janice replies. She then realizes it isn't the question she really meant to ask. "Won't they find out ab 3;about me?"

Amber looks at her sister in confusion. Find out about what? She then remembers her sister has missed the past eight months.

"Most of them have known about you for at least a half year," Amber replies. "Dad even shows them pictures of you sometimes."

Janice looks at her sister in horror.

"Not those kinds of photos, silly," Amber replies with a giggle. "Just shots of you dressed up and stuff."

"W 3;what has mom and dad told them?" Janice asks, not sure she wants to know the answer.

"There are a few that know about siss 3; boys like you at the school," Amber says. "Mom and dad tell the others you are intersex. That you were born both male and female and that you have decided you want to live as a female from now on."

Janice feels ill when she hears this. During her captivity she feared her parents might go with a story like this. However, over the months she convinced herself that the made up story would draw too much attention. Their father might not have that much real power at the school but everyone still treats him like a social figure. Drawing so much attention to Janice will eventually lead to them finding out she attends the school.

"You are officially the first boy to ever attend the Christian School of Humility," Amber says as though reading Janice's mind. "Well, technically the first half-boy anyway."

A slew of thoughts race through Janice's head as she stands there stunned.

For example, did this mean they were going to reveal all the other sissies attending the school?

Janice quickly concludes that this is unlikely. One or two intersex kids is one thing. However, a dozen or more would be statistically unlikely in one area of the country. Besides, there is no real reason to reveal the other sissies. Almost all of them were raised as girls/sissies. Thus, unlike Janice, no one ever knew them as non girls/sissies. During her time in her school prison, Janice also found out that there are a few of the sissies that dress and act like normal boys when at home. They only dress up when they are at school or with their mentor and stuff like that.

Questions like this one are interesting and important. However, the one really bouncing around in Janice's head is, "Exactly how many people do they plan to tell?".

Sadly, this is a question Janice is pretty sure she has the answer to. "Everyone." Odds are that everyone already knows by now. The folks down stairs alone probably told at least three or four others. Those folks then told another three or 4. Multiply that over six months and most of the state probably knows by now.

Janice swallows hard and begins to cry as she realizes that this means all of her old friends and classmates no doubt know as well. The thought is horrifying. She can only imagine the things they think and say about her. This is like her absolute worse fears come true. She won't be able to show her face in public again. Yet, she already knows her dad will ensure she does.

"It's not that bad," Amber tries to console her. "Most of those posting online are supporting you. The ones that don't usually get defriended and stuff."

"God, it's on the internet even!" Janice yells in her head.

Amber isn't sure what to say to make her sister feel better. So, she just gives her a long hug. It takes several minutes but Janice finally gets control of her emotions.

"Come on, let's redo your makeup so you can join the party," Amber says.

"I 3; I can't go down there," Janice says in shock.

"If you stay up here you will just draw more attention to yourself," Amber tells her. "Plus, dad won't be that pleased if you don't come down. The last time I did something like that during one of their parties he sent a different guy to my room every half hour until I finally gave in. And there are several men down there from the school he could send up today."

Janice starts crying again. However, she is so cried out that the tears don't last long.

Janice is still thinking about her options as they redo her makeup. It isn't as easy a decision as one might think. Being paraded around downstairs will be the ultimate humiliation. Having men visit her room and have sex with her all night would be even worse. Yet, after her disappointing mating with Don a part of her almost welcomes the thought of a real man breeding her. She quickly shakes the thought off and chastises herself for thinking it.

"Oh, you can take your plug out until tomorrow morning," Amber remembers at the last moment. "It's mom and dad's little Independence Day gift to us."

Janice rolls her eyes. She knows it is more likely that her parents are just scared the huge thing might accidentally pop out in front of the guests. It is extremely unlikely to happen but why take the chance? All of the guests might know about her prior existence as Jack but he is certain most of them don't know about all the sex stuff.

After the plug is out, Janice changes into her yellow dress. They are half way downstairs before she realizes the bright color will probably just draw more attention to her. It is one of her only long dresses though and she feels the more she covers up the better. Plus, she can hear several kids in the crowd. Flipping up the young girls' short skirts during parties is a game she remembers playing when she was younger. The last thing she needs is some little brat doing that to her.

Janice does her best to pretend all the attention doesn't bother her. However, she spends most of her time rather red faced. The worst comes about an hour after joining the party. It is then that Don, Joyce and Laurence arrive.

It doesn't take long for Don and Joyce to locate and corner Janice. Thankfully, Laurence is too busy trying to find a good place outside to light a few firecrackers and snakes.

Janice is rather surprised when the couple simply say hello and compliment her on her dress. They then start mingling with the rest of the crowd. Little does she know, but Joyce is extremely tempted to sneak Janice and her husband upstairs so they can play a little more. The only thing holding her back is the fear their son might catch them.

Keeping their activities a secret from Laurence has always been top priority. Though, lately it has been more of a priority for Don than Joyce. In fact, over the past year and a half Joyce has been leaving little clues around for their son to find. Well, actually they are pretty damn huge clues. She leaves bondage equipment out sometimes as well as strapons. They are always left in places their son knows he isn't supposed to be but she knows he goes there anyway.

Joyce went into overdrive about six months ago when she found out their son had finally started masturbating. She began leaving out porn dvds and magazines. All of them of course involve the same types of things her and Don practice. She has also left out a few male on male videos. She is pretty positive their son at least viewed those. However, she isn't completely sure if he actually likes them or not.

Joyce knows her actions in regards to their son is very wrong. It isn't like she is attracted to Laurence or anything like that. It's more the feeling of power that turns her on. The idea that she is possibly turning their son into something he might not otherwise become on his own is a major power trip. She gets the same feeling while training her husband.

Altering their son, however, is not the big prize. No, the real power trip will come down the road when she reveals to her husband what she has done. Or more to the point, the thrill will be in unveiling it all to Don and seeing his reaction to each detail. She knows he will hate every little tidbit. And yet, he won't have the willpower to do anything about it. God, what a power trip. Just the thought of it is almost enough to make Joyce cum.

Joyce waits until Don has to use the restroom. She then locates their son.

"Why don't you go say hello to Janice," Joyce tells him. "Maybe you two can light a few fireworks together."

Joyce almost laughs at the double meaning of her second sentence.

Laurence doesn't notice the double meaning. He still blushes. He has been sneaking peaks at Janice ever since he arrived. He just hasn't had the guts to approach her. His mother's encouragement is just enough to get him to finally do so.

Janice blushes as she sees Laurence walking over toward her. For a second she considers running upstairs to hide. She considers the consequences though and holds her ground.

"Hi," Laurence shyly says to his old buddy.

"Hi," Janice whispers back.

The conversation continues rather slowly like that. However, it isn't long and they are chatting like the long time friends that they are. Of course, neither of them talk about the elephant in the room. That being Janice's transformation.

They have fun with the fireworks for a bit but Janice starts to worry the smell might saturate her nice dress. They end up in the living room watching TV. They chat and watch TV for the duration of the rest of the party.

"Laurence and Janice are getting along pretty well," Bill says to Don and Joyce as he motions toward the house where the two kids are currently at.

Don gets a worried look on his face. He had assumed his son would no longer want to have anything to do with the boy/girl. It concerns him that the two might be reconnecting. Don knows all too well what kind of "girl" Janice is.

Joyce frowns. She spent the last few hours keeping her husband's attention off the two kids. Don is putty in her hands while they are alone. However, sometimes he can be hard to control while they are in public. He often confuses his manly public image with the reality of his true self.

"Don't worry about it," she quickly whispers to her husband.

"Maybe Laurence could sleep over tonight," Bill continues.

Joyce rolls her eyes. Having Laurence sleep over is a plan Bill and her hatched out days ago. However, this definitely isn't how they planned to approach the subject with Don. The plan was to allow Joyce to get Don alone where she would have more control over him.

"Don't worry, we will have them sleep in the living room," Bill adds when he realizes Don is about to object. "I'll check in on them from time to time as well."

"It will be fine dear," Joyce tells her husband.

Joyce then leans in toward her husband and adds, "It will give us some time alone together. I think you have earned another treat."

"Treat" is their little pet name for "climax". Don still isn't hot on the idea of his son spending the night with a shemale. However, the kids are old friends. It's not like anything is going to happen between them 3; right? Plus, it has been a very long time since Don has been allowed two treats in the same month, let alone the same day.

It is another hour before the party finally ends. It is then that Janice and Laurence find out about the sleep over. They both blush but neither of them object. Especially not Janice. Anything is better than sleeping with grandpa.

Once the last of the guests leave, the two grab some covers and prepare the foldout couch. Not that they plan to sleep anytime soon. There is still plenty of TV to watch.

The next few hours are heaven for Janice. Watching TV and chatting with her old friend makes her feel almost like the past eight months never happened. It isn't until she excuses herself to go change into her nightie that she remembers exactly how much everything has changed.

Janice goes to her room and turns on the lamp near the dresser. Amber turns over in the bed but appears to stay asleep. Janice quietly opens up her dresser drawer and looks inside.

She nibbles on her lower lip as she looks over her nightgown options. Okay, with Laurence there really isn't much of a choice. She only has one conservative nightgown. The other three she has are see through. While she clearly isn't going to wear one of those three, she can't help but wonder how Laurence would react if she did. The thought almost makes her giggle. Unlike his perverted parents, Laurence is a very innocent boy. He would probably have a heart attack if she wore one of the see through ones. That said, he would probably also get turned on. Janice may be a boy but she still looks pretty sexy when she is dolled up. Janice shakes the thought from her head and puts the conservative one on.

Before putting the gown on, however, she debates whether she should remove her cock cage or not. With the conservative gown she sees no major reason not to take the cage off. The cage has it's benefits, but wearing it for to long of a stretch can sometimes get uncomfortable.

Janice goes to wash up and brush her teeth. She puts her ear to the bathroom door first though. The last thing she wants is to run into Beth. She hears nothing so she quietly opens the door and peaks inside. It's empty. She tiptoes in and quickly grabs her toothbrush. She brushes as quietly as possible. She cringes when she turns the water on to rinse and the pipes rumble. She quickly turns the water off before she can rinse and swallows hard. Which is not a good thing since she still has a half mouth full of toothpaste and spit. She decides to go without the rinse and quickly puts her brush away.

She has the door open and is almost home free when the door on Beth's side suddenly opens. She quickly steps out and shuts the door on her side. She moves pretty fast but she still gets a good 1 second look at who is entering on the other side. The door on her side is closed, however, before she can fully register it.

She looks at the closed door in fright when it dawns on her that it was not Beth she seen. It was Victor. He is fully naked also. Back when she was Jack this bathroom had locks on the door. That isn't the case now. Janice hugs her chest in fear as she takes a few steps backward away from the door. She waits a couple dreadful seconds. Victor doesn't open the door though. A couple seconds after that and she hears a strong stream of piss rushing into the toilet.

Janice rushes to the bedroom door and exits out into the hall. She is half way back to the living room before she realizes she should have woken Amber and warned her about Victor. Janice is way too scared to go back.

Janice feels pretty bad for Amber until she remembers that Victor is Beth and Mary's mentor. He isn't Amber's. There is a good chance he won't bother Amber. Okay, it probably isn't really a "good" chance he will leave her alone. However, it is good enough to allow Janice to forgive herself for not warning her sister. Besides, it's not like Amber could do much about it anyway.

Janice returns to the living room to find Laurence under the covers and the TV turned off. The room is dimly lit with a single lamp not far from the couch. She blushes when she notices the boy's clothes in a pile on the floor at the foot of the bed. In the past they always slept in their underwear. However, things have clearly changed since then. She doesn't say anything. Laurence does though.

"You look 3; pretty," Laurence says with a blush as Janice crawls into the bed.


Janice isn't sure what else to say. She knows Laurence is just being nice but the compliment still seems weird coming from her friend.

The two lay there and chat. Despite the past few hours of talking there are still many things the two have yet to catch up on. It isn't long, however, before they are talking about Janice's transformation. Believe it or not, it is actually Janice that brings it up.

"Do a lot of people at school know about me?" Janice finally asks.

"Yes," Laurence replies. "Most think it is cool. About the only one that makes fun of you is that dick, Tommy. I got in a fist fight with him over it."

Janice puts her hand to her mouth in surprise. She doesn't have to ask who won the fight. Laurence is a 6th grader in middle school and Tommy is an 8th grader. To make things worse, Laurence inherited his father's small stature. Thus, Tommy is almost twice Laurence's size.

The fight probably only lasted five seconds but it still warms Janice's heart that Laurence would fight for her honor. A tear comes to her eye and she leans over and gives him a small kiss. Janice quickly jerks away when she realizes what she just did. She expects Laurence to get upset but he doesn't say anything right away. He just blushes.

"Do 3; do you like boys now," Laurence says after an awkward silence.

The question is a bit of a catch 22. If she answers "yes" then her friend might be disgusted with her. However, if she answers "no" then there will clearly be a long line of questions as to why she would want to live as a girl instead of a boy. And telling him the truth is completely out of the question.

"I guess."

It is as close to a "no" as she dare get.

"I 3;" Laurence starts to talk but pauses several seconds before continuing. "I sometimes think of boys too."

Laurence blushes and his throat feels dry as he makes the confession. Janice is the first person he has ever told this to.

"I still like girls too," Laurence quickly adds.

Janice is in shock by her friend's confession. She then blushes when she realizes the possible full meaning of his confession. He likes boys AND girls. And that is exactly what Janice is 3; a boy and a girl all in one.

Janice's face reddens further when she feels Laurence's hand clasp hers under the covers. Part of her wants to yank her hand away and yell at him. She doesn't though. How can she get angry with someone that stuck up for her honor? She knows it is just the estrogen but she can't help but be touched by the romanticism of it all.

"I can cum now," Laurence whispers.

So much for romance. What an idiotic thing to say. Janice decides not to hold it against him. He's only 12 after all. The comment still seems a bit strange. It takes her a few seconds to realize why he said it.

Janice, then Jack, had her first climax close to 2 years ago. She was so proud that on her next sleepover she demonstrated to Laurence. It had been completely innocent. However, looking back she sees how silly it was. She also realizes that it was a bit 3; well, gay. At one point during the demonstration she even tried to get Laurence to play with her cock. It is something she often wishes she could take back.

A dreadful thought suddenly comes to Janice. Maybe the reason Laurence likes boys is because of that night.

Laurence's comment is indeed in reference to that night. The boy blushes as he remembers the event. He remembers that being the first time he ever thought of a boy in that way. However, he also remembers finding it disgusting.

The event had some but not a lot to do with Laurence's recent boy "curiosity". Most of it is simply a result of having not much else to masturbate to than the gay porn he "borrows" from his parents' stash.

In the beginning, his parents had tons of porn with women in it. It was strange porn with women dominating men. However, a naked woman is a naked woman. Unfortunately, those porn items quickly disappeared for some reason and all Laurence could find were male on male items. He never could figure out what happened to the other porn or more importantly why his parents would be interested in male on male porn.

Laurence ignored the gay porn for many weeks. However, eventually he started looking at them. It was still sex after all. At first he was always the guy in the dominate position. The one being sucked and stuff. However, for some reason that changed over time. He still doesn't know why.

The part that really confuses Laurence is that he still hates the thought of gay sex. It still grosses him out and stuff. However, whenever he gets hard and it is time to masturbate he finds himself sneaking into his parents' room to "borrow" their gay porn. He starts out imagining himself as the dominate person in the scenes and quickly becomes the submissive. Then, seconds after he cums he feels disgusted with himself. Yet, the next time he gets hard the process starts all over again.

"We can do 3; stuff if you want," Janice whispers.

The words come out of her mouth before she realizes what she is going to say. Part of her wants to take them back. It's not like she wants to have sex with her best friend. Yet, she can tell he wants to have sex with her. How can she refuse him? Not only did he fight Tommy on her behalf but as far as she knows she is the reason Laurence likes boys in the first place.

Laurence's sweaty hand unclasps itself from Janice's and moves to her tummy. Janice can feel Laurence's hand through the cotton material of her nightgown. His hand is warm and trembling. It is clear to Janice that she is his first sexual partner.

The fact that Laurence is a virgin is good news. It tells her that Laurence's parents haven't included their son in their activities. At least not directly. That said, it leaves Janice with a dilemma. Should she warn him about his parents? As Laurence's hand inches downward, Janice decides she will save the issue for another day.

Janice nibbles on her lower lip as Laurence's small hands finally reach her groin and squeezes her cock through the cotton material. At first Laurence is a bit clumsy. However, he quickly gets the hang of it.

Janice sudden realizes that she isn't dreading what is about to come. Well, she is dreading it a little but it is way overshadowed by the joy she knows she is providing her friend. She is about to help him lose his virginity. It is one of the greatest gifts someone can give another.

Janice rolls to her side facing her friend and then leans in and gives him a short kiss. The two then lock eyes in the dim light. For Janice it is a moment of romance. For Laurence it is more a time of confusion. Ever since he started masturbating, Laurence has thought of sex in one form or another almost nonstop. Kissing, however, never really came into play in any of his thoughts/fantasies. It definitely never even crossed his mind in his "gay" masturbation sessions.

Laurence thinks about it a moment and decides he is okay with it. It's gross and kind of wrong kissing another boy but Janice looks like a real girl. If Janice wants to do it then Laurence is willing to oblige.

Janice leans in and gives him another kiss. This time the kiss is much longer. At first Laurence is passive. However, he slowly starts to participate in the kiss. The kiss becomes more and more heated. About a minute later and Laurence is experiencing his first ever French kiss.

Laurence blushes when their lips finally part. He can't believe he just did that with another boy. Their tongues had danced around in each others mouths and they had shared so much saliva. It was so gross and yet kind of exciting in a weird way.

Laurence goes stiff as Janice comes back in for another kiss. Laurence isn't sure he wants to continue. What they are doing is way more intimate than his "fantasies" ever are. Plus, for months he has struggled with the idea of possibly being gay 3; or at least part gay. However, the kiss makes him feel a thousand times more so. It isn't anything like what he expected. Yet, within seconds he finds himself reluctantly participating in the kiss again.

His participation becomes a lot less reluctant when Janice's hands start roaming his body. Especially when one of her hands slides down and grabs hold of the waistband of Laurence's underwear. The underwear is slowly pulled down. A second later and Janice has the boy's 5" [13 cm] long hard penis in her delicate hand.

"Mmm!" Laurence moans in both pleasure and alarm as a climax suddenly hits him.

A second later and Janice's fingers and palm are being coated in boy juice. She does her best not to giggle. She isn't disappointed though. In a way it feels like a compliment that he got so excited by her touch.

Once Laurence settles down, Janice pulls her sticky hand out of his underwear and instinctively brings it to her lips. She has most of the mess slurped up before she realizes Laurence is staring at her in both shock and disgust.

"You will have to get used to eating cum if you are going to play with boys," Janice says as she slurps up the last of the mess from her hand.

To punctuate her comment, Janice quickly leans in and starts forcing a French kiss onto her friend. Laurence tries to protest and struggle against the kiss.

Laurence's struggles only make Janice try harder. Her roommates at the school had similar objections to sampling their own cum when they each first arrived. Even the ones with prior training apparently had never been made to do it before. The only way to get them used to it was to keep forcing it on them over and over.

Janice forces the kiss on Laurence for a full minute. She then suddenly realizes that Laurence isn't a sissy in training. He's just a somewhat normal boy.

"Sorry," she apologizes as she quickly pulls away.

Laurence looks at Janice in anger for a moment. He then calms down. In a way, what Janice said made sense. How can you have sex with boys and not eat cum? Laurence has to admit he often fantasized about eating cum while masturbating to the gay porn. He has wondered for some time what cum tastes like. He often planned to taste his own. However, each time he would cum the desire to taste it quickly vanished and was replaced with revulsion. Well, he has tasted it now. It isn't as bad as he thought it would be. Still, it is his own cum 3; gross!

The two lay there in silence for several minutes. Then Janice feels Laurence's hand on her tummy again. It quickly slides to her groin and grasps her cock through the cotton again.

Janice rolls to her side once more and snakes her hand down and into Laurence's underwear. Sure enough, the boy is hard again already. Janice expected as much. For a moment she debates leaning in to kiss Laurence. She is curious if the boy will accept the cum flavored kiss now that his lust is charged once more. She decides not to. She doesn't want to risk ruining the moment.

"Mmm," Laurence moans in protest when Janice's hand leaves his groin. Just a little bit more and he is certain he could have had another climax. He doubles his efforts on Janice's groin in hopes to coax her hand back. Janice simply smiles. She knows she has him.

Now that she has him she just has to decide what she wants to do with him. For starters, she decides she needs more than just a grope through clothing. So, she reaches down and uses her fingers to slowly pull her nightgown up.

Laurence pulls his hand away and blushes when he realizes what Janice is doing. Janice notices, however, that the boy doesn't stop staring. So, she raises her rump up and pulls the nightgown on up to her waist. She then grabs hold of her panties and pulls them down and then off. Her 7" [18 cm] long and 1¾" [4½ cm] thick cock points straight up at the ceiling.

Janice holds still for almost a minute as Laurence gazes at her drooling cock. She then grabs the nightgown again and pulls it on up and then over her head. She neatly folds it and then drops the garment off the side of the bed and onto the floor next to her panties.

Janice giggles when she looks back at Laurence. The poor boy can't decide if he likes looking at Janice's cock the most or her small breasts. He is practically going cross-eyed trying to look at them both at the same time.

In many ways, Laurence reminds Janice of herself. Or at least when she was Jack. Just a couple years ago she would have had the exact same reaction had a girl undressed in front of her. Not that she would have been even remotely excited to look at a shemale like Laurence seems to be.

"Play with it," Janice instructs as she glances down at her cock.

For a second it looks like Laurence is going to refuse. He has fantasized about a moment like this for some time now. However, now that it is actually happening he realizes he feels nothing like he thought he would. There is a much greater gross factor. However, the naughty arousal factor is significantly higher also.

Laurence's hand slowly reaches out toward the cock. Laurence sees his hand moving but doesn't remember telling it to do so. His heart feels like it is going to beat a hole in his chest as the moment of contact grows near.

The next thing he knows he can feel the warmth of the cock in his palm. Laurence is wide eyed as he gives the cock a very gentle squeeze. He knows the cock is basically the same as his own. Yet, it feels completely different. It seems much warmer. It also feels hard, yet spongy. The contact is so simple, and yet he can already tell that even if he lives to be 100 he will never forget the feeling of Janice's cock in his hand.

Laurence pulls his hand away when he registers the wet slimy feeling of Janice's precum. The viscous fluid leaves a band of precum connecting his hand to the cock.

"Eww," Laurence thinks to himself.

He thinks for a second and then realizes that his desire is greater than his revulsion. He slowly reaches back in and grabs hold of the cock once more. This time he starts gliding his hand up and down the shaft. The precum might be gross but he has to admit it makes masturbating Janice much easier.

As he jerks his friend, Laurence further studies the cock and balls. He wants to remember what every square inch looks like. One thing he quickly notices is that Janice has no hair down there. Laurence doesn't have much himself. However, Janice is completely void of hair. Laurence smiles to himself. His own cock might be much smaller but at least he is growing more hair. It never occurs to him that Janice's hair has been removed.

"No!" Janice growls when she sees Laurence reach down with his free hand to play with himself. "You got your climax already. Focus on pleasing me. We will worry about you again later."

Laurence is caught off guard by Janice's demanding tone. He doesn't object though. After all, Janice is correct. Fair is fair. It is Janice's turn to cum.

However, several minutes go by and Janice still hasn't cum. On top of that, the entire time Janice is giving Laurence advice on how to better play with the cock. It is rather embarrassing for the boy. Janice not only knows better techniques but she can obviously keep from cumming longer than himself.

Laurence gets impatient and tries to covertly reach down again so he can play with himself.

"What did I tell you!?" Janice growls. "You reach for that cock again without permission and I will put a cage on it and give you a good spanking."

Laurence isn't sure what Janice means by putting a cage on his cock. However, from the tone of her voice it is clear it isn't anything good.

As for the threat of a spanking, Laurence isn't sure what to think. A ton of his parents' porn, to include the gay porn, usually included some kind of spanking or paddling. The people in the pictures and videos often cry and complain but you can tell they like it. Laurence often fantasizes about being spanked in the same way. Though, he isn't all that sure if he would like it if it really happened. He knows he definitely never liked it in the past when his parents spanked him for breaking rules and stuff. Laurence is too scared to find out about the spankings, so he quickly pulls his hand away from his cock.

"Good boy," Janice tells him.

Laurence blushes. He doesn't like Janice talking down to him and bossing him around. Yet, at the same time it turns him on. It is almost like the porn photos, videos and some of his masturbation fantasies coming to life. He swallows hard when he thinks about some of the other things that take place in those photos and videos. Would Janice and he actually do some of those things? The thought scares, sickens and yet still excites him all at the same time.

"Give it a kiss," Janice commands after another minute passes.

Laurence isn't an idiot. He knows Janice wants more than just a kiss. He seen plenty of blowjobs in the photos and videos. It is also another thing he often fantasized about doing during his masturbation sessions.

Laurence continues to stroke the cock but he doesn't lower his head to it. Janice doesn't say anything. She can see the cogwheels turning in the boy's head. He just needs time to think about it.

It isn't an easy decision for Laurence. He is horny and the idea of sucking a cock is like his fantasy come true. However, this isn't a fantasy, this is real life. The thought of really doing it is gross. Especially considering how much of the yucky precum is drooling out of Janice's cock. Yet, this could be his one and only chance in life to actually do it. He knows he won't forgive himself if he doesn't at least try.

A minute passes before Laurence finally bends down toward the cock. As he does so he tells himself he is just going to kiss it. That way he knows what it is really like. However, he is pretty certain he doesn't want to do any more than that 3; at least not this time. Maybe next time after he has had time to think about it more. Assuming there is a next time.

When his lips are only inches away Laurence notices that Janice's cock doesn't smell like he thought it would. He thought it would smell bad. However, it smells like strawberries. He isn't sure but he swears there is a hint of the smell of apples and cinnamon as well. It is clear Janice has used some kind of perfume or something down there. Laurence can't help but wonder if it will taste like it smells. There is only one way to find out.

His lips travel the last few inches and press against the head of Janice's slimy cock. Laurence had told himself he would only kiss it. Yet, he finds his lips starting to part and begin to suck the cock into his mouth.

"I've got a cock in my mouth! I'm actually sucking a real cock!"

The thought keeps going through his head. It is hard for him to grasp what he is doing. He feels almost like he is just a passenger in his body and someone else has taken the controls. It is gross, embarrassing and yet still so exciting.

"Good boy."

Laurence flushes in both embarrassment and anger at being talked down to again. Yet, it still drives his lust. He manages to sink four inches [10 cm] into his mouth before he gets dangerously close to choking.

"All of it," Janice growls.

Laurence tries to obey but he only gets an additional inch before he has to pull back. However, he takes a few breaths and goes right back in to try again. He makes no additional progress and has to pull back. His eyes water and he coughs but his lust keeps telling him to try again. Men in the porn images and videos could deep throat cocks much bigger than this. In his masturbation fantasies he often did so as well. He is disappointed that he is not able to accomplish it in real life.

Laurence's unskilled mouth is a little uncomfortable for Janice but she still smiles as she watches the boy struggle. Laurence's desire to please is a very good sign. It means he will be easily trained. A dozen or so sleepovers down the road and Janice is certain she will have Laurence taking dick like a pro. And of course she will make sure he learns to take it in more than just his throat.

As Laurence struggles, Janice starts whispering advice on how to better accommodate the dick. The advice helps Laurence reduce the discomfort but he still doesn't manage to take in more than five inches [13 cm]. Janice decides the boy just needs a little more help is all. So, she reaches down and puts one of her hands on the back of Laurence's head. Janice waits until the five inches [13 cm] are in Laurence's mouth again and then she presses Laurence's head toward her groin with all her strength.

"Mmm!" Laurence protests as the remaining 2 inches [5 cm] are forced down his throat.

Janice only manages to hold Laurence there for a few seconds before the boy manages to escape. Laurence sits up in the bed and breaths heavily. At first he is infuriated by what Janice just did. However, it then dawns on him that he just deep throated his first cock. It wasn't comfortable but he did it.

"Do I have to go get a belt?" Janice growls as Laurence's right hand starts to inch toward his own cock. "If you do a good job then maybe I will let you squirt another load. Now get back down there."

The threat of the belt of course is a bluff. It isn't that she is opposed to taking a belt to Laurence. She just doesn't want to wake up the house. That may sound cruel but it really isn't. Janice knows a submissive when she sees one. Laurence would cry and protest as Janice whipped him but she knows the boy's cock would get harder on each stroke.

That said, she isn't a sadist like the trainers at the school. When she whips him it will be painful but bearable. She won't leave welts and stuff like that. And have no doubt, there is no "if" involved. She will whip him. It is just a matter of time. She can see in his eyes that deep down he not only craves but needs to be whipped. To deny him that would be cruel.

Janice's comment drives Laurence's lust through the roof. This is just like the porn videos. He is being ordered to do something nasty and threatened with consequences if he doesn't. Of course, this just makes him want to play with himself even more.

Laurence knows the whipping is probably a bluff. He knows that if he wanted he could probably just play with himself. Yet, the thought that it might not be a bluff is such a turn on. Plus, he knows that if he calls the bluff and it really isn't one then the punishment will probably be severe. And even if it is a bluff there is a good chance Janice will be upset with him and not want to "play" together in the future. It's a catch 22 that leaves him little option but to obey. Or at least that is how his current lust filled brain views it.

Laurence leans back in toward the cock. He slows down at the half way mark though. It is then that it fully dawns on him what he is agreeing to. He also knows Janice is going to force all 7 inches [18 cm] down his throat over and over again. That had been very scary and uncomfortable earlier when it happened just once.

He tells himself he should call the bluff after all. Yet, he keeps bending forward.

"I can't believe I'm going to do this!" he screams in his head. And yet he keeps lowering his head toward the cock.

"Okay, I'm going to fuck your throat now," Janice says as the head of her cock touches Laurence's lips once more. "If you are a good boy then I will make it fast. However, if you struggle I promise we will do this all night long."

Laurence is about to back away from the cock so he can work out a compromise. However, the cock is buried down his throat before he can make a move.

Janice holds Laurence there for a few seconds and then eases up. She doesn't let Laurence pull all the way off the cock though. She makes sure the head stays in his mouth. Getting Laurence used to the taste of cock and precum is just as important as training his throat. Janice is certain that in time the boy will crave the taste and smell.

Janice gives Laurence a few seconds to recover and then forces his head back down. She repeats this over and over. She keeps the same pace until Laurence's choking and coughing die down. Then she increases the pace until they build back up. Around the eight minute mark she has his head pumping up and down at a nice pace. Laurence struggles a little through all of this but not much. It is clear to Janice that her read on the boy's submissiveness is right on target.

It isn't long before Laurence starts letting out little moans. Laurence has been a good boy and kept his hands away from his groin. However, his lust has built so much that he can't keep from shifting his hips left and right and up and down in an effort to shift his underwear back and forth against his cock. The boy is also no doubt feeling the euphoric effect of lack of oxygen. Considering Laurence's earlier premature ejaculation, Janice is certain the boy will go off in his underwear any second. If she is going to cum then she needs to do it now. After Laurence cums and his lust diminishes he will no doubt want to get away from her cock.

It is a race to the finish line. Unfortunately, Laurence is driving a much faster car.

"MMM!" Laurence practically screams around Janice's cock.

The climax that hits Laurence is 100 times greater than anything he has experienced before. It is so intense that for a second he thinks he might die from the pleasure.

Laurence may have won the race but Janice still manages to finish. The extra vibrations and suction on her cock is enough to bring her over the top. Her climax peaks just as Laurence's diminishes. She manages to deposit all her load in his mouth just seconds before he can break free from her grip.

"What the fuck is going on here?!"

Both Janice and Laurence practically jump out of their skin. They look toward the voice to see a half naked Victor step out of the shadows.

Laurence's original plan was to spit out the cum in his mouth. That's not an option now. He quickly swallows the evidence. He turns a little green as the nasty fluid slides down his throat. He manages to keep from being sick though.

"Uncle Victor, we weren't doing anything," Laurence says.

Victor of course is not Laurence's uncle any more than he is Janice's. It is just an honorary title both of them often refer to him as.

Victor has to struggle to keep a serious face. He caught them red handed and yet Laurence is pleading innocence.

"Both of you know better than this," Victor growls. "Janice, I think your father will need to give you a good spanking in the morning. As for you, I think we should call your parents so they can come pick you up."

Tears form in Janice's eyes at the thought of another punishment from her father. However, she doesn't try to talk her way out of it. Unlike Laurence, Janice knows Victor isn't the kind "uncle" he often pretends to be. There is no point in trying to reason with him or request forgiveness. If anything, it would make things much worse. Laurence of course doesn't know this.

"Please, don't tell my parents," Laurence pleads. "I promise I won't do it again."

Victor stands there for a moment as though he is deep in thought.

"I can't just ignore it," Victor finally says. "Someone needs to teach you a lesson."

Laurence swallows hard. He is pretty sure he knows where Victor is going with this.

Janice is positive she knows where this is headed also. Part of her wants to warn her friend. Victor seldom ever punished her during her training but when he did he didn't fuck around. After one of his punishments you do everything in your power to make sure you don't get on his wrong side again. One time Victor not only whipped her back and butt with a belt but used it on her balls as well. It was the worst pain she had ever felt. She will take a punishment from her father any day over one from Victor. She holds her tongue out of fear Victor might upgrade her punishment.

"We don't want to wake the entire household," Victor says after a moment. "How about you and I go to Bill's study?"

Victor holds out his hand and Laurence reluctantly crawls out of the bed and takes it. Victor can't help but smile at how much Laurence is shaking in fear.

"My clothes," Laurence says when he remembers he only has his underwear on.

"You won't be needing those," Victor replies as he gives Laurence's hand a tug to get the boy moving.

As they walk away, Laurence looks back at Janice with both tears and fear in his eyes. The two walk down the hall and out of site. Janice can hear the study door open and then close in the distance.

Janice knows she should sneak down the hall and listen at the door to make sure her friend isn't hurt too bad by Victor. However, she is too scared and holds her ground. Besides, there is nothing she could do to protect Laurence anyway.

Victor is wearing a t-shirt and boxer shorts. The second the study door closes he reaches down and pulls his hard dick and balls through the front opening of his boxers.

Laurence takes a step back in fear. The cock is at least 8" [20 cm] long and 2" [5 cm] thick.

"Let's see if we can get rid of your cock sucking habit," Victor says with an evil smile.

Laurence shakes his head and takes another step back. He will die if Victor tries to put that huge thing down his throat! Victor was expecting as much. He calmly walks to Bill's desk and opens a large drawer. It is filled with a variety of paddles, rulers and other similar punishment devices. He selects a nice size leather strap.

Bill's study has thick walls and a sturdy door. It is somewhat sound proof but not completely. Janice can't hear the hits that well but she can definitely make out Laurence's muffled screams in the distance. The screams of pain continue for several minutes. Then they suddenly become much louder. Janice fears her friend is probably getting his balls whipped now. She grabs a pillow and wraps it around her head in an attempt to block out the screams. It works but in her mind she can still hear them.

Janice only got her balls whipped once by Victor. That is all it took to obtain her complete obedience to the man. That ball whipping had lasted about 2 minutes. She waits that long and slowly removes the pillow. Sure enough, she no longer hears the screams. In fact, she hears nothing at all. The silence goes on and on. After about 15 minutes it becomes clear to her that Laurence's 'lesson' is involving more than just a spanking.

There are no screams so that kind of rules out anal. That leaves Victor's specialty 3; oral. She hopes that Laurence remembers some of the advice she gave him earlier. Because Victor won't be happy until all 8 inches [20 cm] is down the boy's throat.

Janice feels sorry for her friend. She remembers the first time Victor used her throat. He is anything but gentle. It was a very horrible experience.

Janice lays there and cries for her friend for over 30 minutes before she finally hears the study door open. She quickly rolls over on her side and pretends to be asleep. A half minute later she hears a weeping Laurence approach the bed. He crawls into the bed and under the covers. He lets out a short yelp as he does so. No doubt his sore rump or balls must have grazed something too hard.

While she is listening to this, Janice is also focusing on Victor's foot steps. She holds her breath as they come down the hall. She doesn't start breathing again until she hears him walk back upstairs.

Janice wants to console her friend but knows there is nothing she can say that will make him feel any better. So, she stays quiet and listens to Laurence cry himself to sleep.

Chapter 9

Janice sleeps somewhat soundly. However, Laurence's night is very restless. He wakes from several nightmares. In some of the nightmares he relives what Victor did to him. In other nightmares Victor comes back down stairs and does even worse things. Each time he wakes he holds his breath and listens for footsteps to make sure Victor indeed isn't coming for him again.

If the dreams aren't bad enough, Laurence also wakes almost every time he turns the wrong way in bed and puts too much pressure on his sore groin or butt.

It is a very long night. However, morning eventually comes. Laurence wakes to the smell of breakfast cooking. The first thing he notices is that he is spooning behind Janice. Laurence kicked the covers off the bed during the night and Janice's warm soft body feels nice. The next thing he notices is that he has a raging hard on. After last night he didn't think he would ever get hard again. The experience with Victor had been very painful and disgusting.

Laurence's ass and balls were too sore last night for him to put his underwear back on. Thanks to this and his position, his cock is now sandwiched between Janice's butt cheeks. He can't help but grind his hips. It hurts his balls but it is worth it.

As he becomes more awake he realizes that there are others downstairs now. Hence the food cooking. He quickly looks around him.

"Mom!" he says in shock when he sees his mother watching from a few feet away.

Laurence quickly rolls away from Janice. He grimaces as his weight is distributed to his still slightly sore rump. It takes him a second to realize he isn't covered up and that his hard cock is pointing up at the ceiling. He rapidly throws his hands down to cover up.

"We didn't do anything," Laurence says not too convincingly.

The claim didn't work on Victor last night and he can tell it isn't working on his mother now. To his surprise, his mother doesn't seem all that angry.

"We will discuss this later," she says and then walks toward the kitchen.

Laurence nudges Janice. She wakes and then looks around in fear. It isn't her nudity that concerns her. It is that she smells something cooking which means she is late for her morning chores. She barely even acknowledges Laurence as she jumps out of the bed, grabs her clothes and runs upstairs to change.

It is the fasted makeup and clothes change she has ever done. She is headed back downstairs in under five minutes. She freezes at the bottom of the steps though when she sees the table is already set and folks are starting to take their seats. She looks to her father at the head of the table. He just gives her an angry stare in return.

She knows she is probably safe from punishment as long as they have guests. However, her ass is grass the second they leave. First she gets caught with Laurence and now she sleeps through her chores. It will no doubt be a big punishment.

She may be safe from punishment in front of their guests but she isn't safe from embarrassment. As everyone chats at the table, her father takes every opportunity to humiliate her.

It isn't until near the end of the meal that Janice finds out why Joyce is there. Turns out that Laurence is going to summer camp and needs a ride. Apparently Don had to take their car in today for repairs.

Laurence has been quiet throughout the meal. However, he speaks up when summer camp is mentioned. Sign in for the camp starts today but goes until Monday. He was hoping to sign in later than earlier. However, what really bothers him is that his mother wants to come along for the ride. Being dropped off by your mother for camp is very embarrassing.

"I'm not a little kid anymore," Laurence complains.

"I noticed that," Joyce replies.

Laurence blushes as he realizes she is referring to what she seen earlier on the fold out sofa. It is enough to halt his complaints.

After breakfast is over, Janice helps do the dishes and clean up. As she leaves the kitchen she sees that Joyce is still sitting in the living room talking with their father. Janice wants to go chat with Laurence but she is scared it might somehow upset her father. She can't imagine why it would but she is already in trouble and doesn't want to take the chance. Besides, she still needs to do her morning enema which she is late for. She also needs to put her beads in.

About 45 minutes later she is all cleaned up and forcing the last of the beads in her hole as Amber watches.

Once the beads are in place she puts her cock cage on and gets dressed. She is just finishing when her father barges into their room.

"Good, you're ready," he says. "How about you come with us to drop Laurence off?"

"Okay, sir," Janice replies.

She makes sure she adds the "sir" at the end. With luck the extra respect might reduce her later punishment by a hit or two.

Janice doesn't want to go but she knows her father isn't really asking. It is also clear to her that this is probably part of her punishment. When she was still Jack she used to go to summer camp with Laurence. That of course has changed now that she is Janice. Having her help drop Laurence off is just a way for her father to rub it in her face. Plus, Janice is pretty sure her father will probably make her get out of the car once they are there so she can say hello to her old friends and camp counselors. Janice blushes just at the thought of it.

"I hope you don't mind if we make a quick stop at the school," Bill says about five minutes into the drive. "I just remembered that Janice and I have something we have to take care of. It should only take 20 to 30 minutes."

Janice looks to her father in shock. She can't believe he is going to punish her in the middle of giving their neighbors a ride. It seems a bit rude to Joyce and Laurence. Okay, Janice doesn't really care about how rude it is. She just doesn't want to spend half of the ride with a sore rump and a belly full of her father's cum.

It is another ten minutes before they arrive at the school. Tears are already starting to form in the corners of her eyes as she gets out of the vehicle.

"We shouldn't be long," Bill tells Joyce as he also steps out and closes the door.

They walk a few feet from the car and then Bill suddenly stops and walks back.

"How about you two come inside," Bill says as he opens the door back up. "I will give you a quick tour of the place."

Laurence smiles and jumps out of the car before Joyce can even respond. Not many outsiders get to see the inside of the Christian School of Humility. There are tons of rumors though of what it looks like. A lot of those rumors are pretty outrageous 3; much like the rumors about what takes place at the school. Knowledge is power and Laurence will be king of the hill when his friends find out he got to go inside.

However, as Bill walks them through the school Laurence quickly realizes the rumors are greatly exaggerated. Everything is cleaner and well kept but other than that it looks just like any other school might. His friends will still be very interested in his adventure. However, they will quickly lose that interest when they find out how boring the place looks. He decides he might exaggerate things a little. It's not like any of them are going to get a tour of the place anytime soon.

"This is one of our higher secure areas," Bill says as they approach the door to the sissy training area. "This is where Janice spent a lot of her time during the past eight months."

Janice's face turns beat red. She can't believe her father just told them that. She especially can't believe he is going to take them inside.

She is also rather pissed. This partially confirms what Ray told her earlier. That she was turned into a sissy because her father needed the money. She wasn't turned into a sissy because she discovered this area. If that were true then her father sure as hell wouldn't be taking strangers inside. Granted, Janice discovered more than just what the inside looked like. Still, it seems rather risky to be taking Joyce and Laurence inside.

They enter the area and walk half way down the hall. Bill opens one of the training rooms and lets Joyce and Laurence take a peak inside. The room is one with just a few mats and a couch. Janice realizes that none of the items scream "sex" or anything like that. She still blushes.

"What goes on in there?" Joyce asks.

"Oh, it varies," Bill explains. "Sometimes it might be physical education. Other times it might be Home Economics. Stuff like that."

Janice almost laughs at how innocent her father makes it all sound. If only they knew what really takes place in those rooms.

As they continue down the hall, Janice looks ahead to make sure Nancy's training room door is closed. It would be hard for her father to explain away why they have a little boy/girl in this area on the weekend. The door is shut but the large hole in it is open. Janice knows that hole all to well. When that hole is open then it means you are required to suck off anyone that puts their dick and balls through it.

Janice goes pale when they get closer and she can make out Nancy kneeling on the other side of the hole. Thankfully, there is noise coming from the open room across the hall. This grabs Joyce and Laurence's attention. It grabs Janice's also. It is the same room she started her training at. Lots of horrible memories in that room.

When they reach the door they see four trainers and the dean inside chatting. Janice reluctantly enters as her dad ushers them inside. Janice can tell something bad is going on. Were they going to put her back into captivity as part of her punishment?

"Here she is," Bill announces to the room.

The four trainers turn and then quickly rush toward them. The last time she was put into captivity she tried to escape her father's grip as the trainers rushed toward her. This time she rushes to her father and hugs him tight.

"Please daddy!" she begs. "I'll be a good girl! I'll be a good girl!"

A second later the room is filled with screams. However, they aren't Janice's. Janice maintains her grip on her father but turns her head to see Laurence screaming and struggling against the trainers who are trying to strip his clothes off.

"Mom! Help!" Laurence screams over and over as they remove his clothes.

Joyce just stands there and stares.

"You don't have to stay and watch," Bill tells Joyce.

"No, it's okay," Joyce replies.

Actually, for Joyce it is better than okay. She wouldn't miss this for anything. Sure, the mother in her wants to protect Laurence. However, the thought of their son being trained as a sissy is a major turn on. A lot more so than she expected. Until now, her main goal behind this plan has been how it would affect her husband.

She knows her husband will absolutely freak when he finds out what she has done to their son. It will be the ultimate test to her husband's submission to her. Will he settle down and let it continue or will he try to stop the process? She of course has contingency plans in the event he tries to stop her. In the end, he will have no choice but to accept it. However, it will be interesting to see if he at least tries.

While that is still her main goal, Joyce is starting to imagine other possibilities. Having two males to dominate will surely be more fun than one. Especially if they are father and son. A wicked thought then pops into her head. She could have them "play" together. For the life of her she can't believe she didn't think of it earlier. Of course that would be her next logical move. She is pretty sure that deep down that may have always been her plan. The mother side of her just prevented her from seeing it until now.

She quickly starts formulating a time table in her head. She will need to make sure their son has a couple months training under his belt before she brings Don in to see him. Then she will need to wait at least another month for Don to adjust to having a sissy son. Even then she will have to start their father and son "play" time out slowly and work up to the more naughty things. Waiting that long will probably be harder for her than it is for her son. Okay, not even close. It will still be pretty hard though.

In the mean time, she will need to keep her husband extra busy. Which of course isn't that unusual for when Laurence goes away to camp each year. She will also need to arrange a few more dates with Janice or one of Ray's other sissies.

As the trainers connect her now naked son to an enema machine, Joyce fully realizes that this is really happening. She feels as though a great weight has been lifted off her shoulders. Coming to this decision has not been easy for her.

It started way back when Bill first told her about Janice. In a way, Bill and her have been having an affair for some time. It's just not your typical affair. Bill's wife knows about it and Don sure as heck does also. At first it was just her and Bill having sex with Don being made to watch. Bill still refuses to fuck her husband but he does let Don lick him clean after fucking Joyce.

Anyway, it was Bill that first suggested she might want to turn Laurence into a sissy. Of course, he sold it primarily as a financial investment. While she could always use the money, her primary motivation has always been how she could use it to help train her husband.

The hardest part was getting past her motherly instincts to protect Laurence. In fact, she didn't make her final decision until last night. Thanks to all the gay porn she left around, she suspected her son was now interested in boys. She wanted to know for sure though before she gave the green light for his training. So, they arranged Laurence and Janice's little sleepover. Then they watched via hidden cameras. Her son didn't disappoint.

What Victor later did to her son was not her doing. They claim Victor was just drunk but she highly suspects the school was testing her. They no doubt want to make sure she is willing to follow through with the training. It is better she back out before they put Laurence into captivity than after.

"Do you have a name in mind?" the Dean asks as he approaches.

"Laura," she quickly replies.

The Dean smiles. He has already put that name on all the paperwork. It didn't take a genius to guess what name she would probably pick.

"There are a few documents we need you to sign," the Dean says as he guides her out of the room. "If you want you can come back later and watch from the observation room."

Janice is in a trance as she follows her father, Joyce and the Dean. She can't believe they are doing this to her friend. Tears come to her eyes as she realizes she may have played a part in it as well. She feels horrible. However, deep down a part of her is glad it is Laurence being put into captivity and not herself.

Chapter 10

The following week is hell for Janice. Not that the prior eight months weren't. Word got out at the school that Janice wasn't a real girl. Janice can't prove it but she is pretty sure it was Beth that told everyone.

For the school it was just a small inconvenience. They had hoped it would take longer for word to spread. However, it isn't like they weren't prepared. They have been preparing for this day ever since they started the sissy program. They manage to keep it out of the papers but there are many parents with concerns.

To the school's surprise, most of those concerns aren't that there was a boy at the school but why they weren't provided the opportunity to enroll their own sons. While it is a pleasant surprise for the school, it does present a dilemma.

The school just can't accommodate a great number of sissies. It's more than just the space. For obvious reasons, only a hand full of the current teachers have any desire to train sissies. And even if they were, sissies require a ton of specialized training. The school just couldn't handle that on a large scale, not if they want to keep teaching girls as well. Bottom line, while they will definitely be taking applications, they will have to keep entry to a minimum.

For Janice, the disclosure has multiple negative impacts. The number one thing is that what little leverage she thought she had over the school is now gone. She had yet to figure out how she planned to use that leverage. She also doubts that she would ever get the nerve to use it. However, it had still felt good to have it. That leverage had made her feel safe and not completely helpless. It is gone now.

As bad as that is, the worst part is that all the kids now know she is really a boy. They also know who she really is 3; or was. Back when she was the janitor, she had not been overly nice to many of the girls. And payback was a bitch 3; especially at this school.

The other kids make sure she gets in trouble in almost every class. And when the teachers start putting an end to that the kids go a step further. They start cornering her in the bathroom, pulling her into closets and stuff like that. Once they get her alone they make her eat their pussies or assholes. If they have enough time they also sometimes take turns fucking her with large strap ons.

And while all of this is going on, Janice is still dealing with the emotional trauma of her friend, Laura, being turned into a sissy.

"Come with me."

It's Friday and Janice has had a very rough week. She is in the halls and on her way to her 4th hour class when she gets the command. Her eyes get big and she takes a step back in horror when she sees who is giving the order. It's Edward. Edward Wright III to be exact.

Edward, now 18, and Janice had an "encounter" earlier in her training. It was anything but pleasant. Edward gave Janice her first belt whipping. He didn't hold back either. He whipped her so badly that one of the school guards had to pull him off.

Needless to say, the last thing Janice wants to do is go anywhere with Edward. The problem is that she has very little choice. Edward was given her old job as janitor. Well, actually, Edward's father bought the job for his son. As janitor, Edward can't technically give orders to students. However, no student would be stupid enough to not obey his orders. That is because the janitor does have authority to play with students in the halls between classes and delay them in other ways.

If you get on his wrong side he could make you late for class every day. The janitor doesn't start work until later in the day but just being late for one or two classes on a regular basis would result in severe punishments. And that of course means more time out of class, more time with your mentor and thus less time studying, etc. And they become progressively worse the more times you get in trouble in a set time period.

The time wasted with one punishment can be compensated for. However, a long series of punishments would quickly spiral out of control. You could very easily end up having to repeat a year. And that is something Janice definitely doesn't want to do.

"Yes, sir."

Janice grinds her teeth as she says it. As scared as she is, she is 100 times angrier. She has put up with similar shit all week long. That alone is enough reason to be upset. However, what really chaps her ass is that it is Edward that is doing it. She still can't believe he has her old job!

Just because Edward's father offered the school a lot of money doesn't mean they had to accept the offer. Edward is a mean, sadistic prick that gets off on controlling others and making them do perverted things. Okay, maybe he is qualified for the job. Still, Edward clearly has trouble controlling his temper. That could cause a problem for the school.

Edward leads Janice down the hall and to a door. Janice knows this door very well. She used it a few times herself to play with students. To her credit, she almost always kept the encounters very short so the students wouldn't be to late for class. Janice knows Edward isn't as generous.

They go down a set of stairs toward the boiler room. As they near, Janice frowns when she feels how hot and humid it is. She can already feel herself starting to sweat. Too much of this and her makeup will start running as well.

The ventilation system is clearly turned off. Edward could get in trouble for messing with the equipment down here.

"Do you want me to turn the ventilation system on?"

It is the closest she dare get to telling him he should have never turned it off in the first place. Edward turns quickly and slaps her across the face. Janice takes a step back and puts her hand to her face.

The hit is hard but not overly so. It is still enough to make her decide to escape. She turns to run back up the stairs but Edward has a fist full of her hair before she can get far.

"You aren't going anywhere!" Edward growls.

Edward uses his grip on her hair to roughly guide her the last few feet to the boiler room. He lets go of her hair and pushes her the rest of the way. He makes sure he keeps himself between her and the exit.

Janice quickly realizes they are not alone. Standing in the shadows at the far wall is Rebecca, Edward's 13 year old brother/sister. Rebecca is in the school's sissy program as well. She is completely naked and drenched in sweat.

Janice quickly looks back toward Edward in fear of what might be coming next. Edward is already stripping. Edward gives her an angry stare. It is all that is needed to get her to start removing her own clothes.

The boiler room is pretty clean. She easily finds a spot on the floor where she can place her clothes. When she finishes, she looks back at Edward who is now naked as well. He motions toward her groin. She takes the hint and fetches the key from her pile of clothes so she can remove her cock cage. She also removes her plug. She licks the plug clean and adds it to the pile.

"I don't like sweat on my sissies," Edward growls when she is done.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have turned the fucking ventilation system off!"

Yeah, Janice doesn't actually say that. She just looks at Edward in confusion. It's not like she has anything to wipe it off with. She frowns when she realizes she actually does have something, her clothes. Reluctantly, she leans over to grab something from the pile.

"No!" Edward growls. "Use your tongue!"

Janice scrunches her nose up in disgust. It is far from being the worst thing she has licked but it is still pretty gross. She brings her arm up to her face and starts to lick.

"Each other, idiot," Edward says as he rolls his eyes.

Janice swallows hard as she turns to face Rebecca. The two have had to play together in the past. However, they have never done anything like this. The two slowly walk toward each other and meet in the middle of the room.

Rebecca is the first to take action. She is tempted to start out slow but knows her brother doesn't have any patience. So, she leans in and starts licking Janice's breasts. The sweat of course returns about as fast as she can lick it off. However, she knows that removing the sweat is hardly her brother's goal. He just wants to see to sissies licking at each other.

"Oh!" Janice moans as Rebecca's tongue swipes across one of her nipples.

The sensation on her sensitive nipple makes Janice go to her tippy toes for a moment. Her hard cock makes a small jerk as well. Janice can't tell if the sensation is irritating or simply overwhelmingly pleasurable. She is thankful as Rebecca's tongue moves away. Yet, part of her hopes it will return.

Rebecca gives the rest of the breast a good licking. She then glides over to the other one.

"Oh!" Janice moans again as Rebecca focuses on her nipple.

This time Rebecca doesn't let up. She keeps licking, sucking and nibbling on the nipple. Janice feels like jumping out of her skin as she stands there on her tippy toes and moans over and over. Finally, she can't take any more and pulls herself away. Janice quickly leans in and starts working on Rebecca's breasts before the girl can reengage. It is now Rebecca's time to squeal and squirm.

Licking the sweat off is gross but not as bad as Janice imagined. It's salty but also kind of sweet. Or maybe it is just the strawberry smell coming off Rebecca that makes Janice think it is sweet. There is also something kind of sexy about the act. Still, if given the choice she wouldn't want to perform like this again.

"Get the pits also," Edward commands from the sidelines.

This command causes Janice to scrunch up her nose again. However, she obeys. She licks one pit clean and then moves to the other. She then let's Rebecca do the same to her.

"That's good," Edward says after a few minutes. "Suck each other off now."

Both Janice and Rebecca blush as they stare into each other's eyes.

"You can suck me off first," Rebecca whispers.

Janice's heart throbs and she feels a hint of love for Rebecca. The hardest part about being a sissy is having to perform right after having a climax. Or at least that is how it is like for Janice. She knows it is like that for Rebecca also. With your lust gone, continuing to perform is often very revolting. So, allowing Janice to go first is no small sacrifice.

Janice goes to her knees. Rebecca's penis is sticking straight out at her. Some of the sissies at the school have decent size cocks. However, some like Rebecca have rather small ones. Rebecca's penis is about 3½" [8½ cm] long and only half an inch [1½ cm] thick. It reminds Janice of what her cock looked like several years ago before it started it's growth spurt.

There is no doubt in Janice's mind that Rebecca is being given the estrogen formula that hinders and even sometimes reverses cock growth. Janice still wishes she knew for sure which formula she is on. Of course, you can only believe half of what the instructors say. For all she knows there is no formula that keeps your cock from shrinking. She and the other sissies with normal size cocks may eventually have shrinkage as well. It isn't something Janice likes to think about.

As she sucks the small penis into her mouth, Janice can't help but wonder why Rebecca's family decided to shrink the girl's penis. Assuming of course there is an option of a formula that wouldn't do so. Was it a random choice? Or was there a lot of thought behind the decision?

If Janice had to, she would guess they did it to create a strong contrast between Rebecca and her older brother. In fact, it is possible they are even feeding Edward steroids or something. It would explain his temper. Though, Janice heard once that steroids shrink your cock also. If that is true then Edward must have had a huge cock before. Because right now it's still about 8" [20 cm] long and 2" [5 cm] thick.

Rebecca's penis barely feels bigger than a straw in Janice's mouth. It is a strong contrast to the cocks she normally sucks. The nice thing, however, is that its small size leaves plenty of room in Janice's mouth. This allows her to use her tongue a lot more to play with it. In fact, it is small enough that she can lick from Rebecca's balls all the way to the head of her penis in one swipe.

Janice sucks Rebecca's balls into her mouth along with the cock and starts dancing her tongue all over it.

"Oh! Oh!," Rebecca moans. "I'm going to do squirties!"

A second later Janice feels two small squirts of cum shoot into her mouth. It coats her tongue with a bitter sweet flavor.

Janice gives the small penis a couple more sucks and then turns her head toward Edward. Her face is bright red as she opens her mouth to display the evidence. She technically only has to do this with her trainers. However, she knows Edward would get upset if she didn't show him the same respect. Edward simply smiles and nods his head. Janice closes her mouth and swallows.

As Janice stands, Rebecca goes to her knees. As she stares at Janice's cock, Rebecca now wishes she hadn't volunteered to be sucked off first. Even after all of these years she still doesn't like sucking cock. Especially right after a climax. Someone had to go first though and Rebecca kind of likes Janice. They haven't been together that often but the few times they have Janice has always seemed to be kind. And kindness is something Rebecca isn't exposed to that often. She doesn't think she loves Janice but she is pretty sure she has a small crash on her.

"Oh!" Janice moans as Rebecca sucks the entire length of the cock into her mouth.

Rebecca gets straight A's when it comes to sucking cock. Janice even seen Rebecca once deep throat all of the dean's 9" [23 cm] long and 2½" [6½ cm] thick dick. That is something Janice still can't do. After eight months of trying she can get some of it into her throat but definitely not all of it.

Janice feels like cumming almost immediately. She has to will herself to hold out longer. She wants the ordeal to be over but she doesn't want to seem premature. If she cums too fast then it will make her look even more less than a man than she already is. She knows Edward would make fun of her.

"OH!" Janice moans a couple minutes later. "I'm going to do squirties! I'm going to do squirties!"

A second later she is shooting her load into Rebecca's mouth. It is one of the strongest cums she has had for some time. She convulses for almost 20 seconds before her climax starts to dissipate. As her lust disappears she is left with nothing but shame and disgust.

Janice's face turns beat red when she realizes she was screaming about doing "squirties". She is about as shocked as she is embarrassed. It isn't something she normally says. Only the sissiest of sissies at the school ever say it. She is utterly humiliated not just at saying it but having done so in front of Edward.

Rebecca shows her brother the large load and then swallows. Edward has the two sweaty sissies embrace each other and make out. Despite having just cum, Janice has to admit that her and Rebecca's sweaty bodies sliding against each other does feel kind of yummy. It would probably be enough to make her hard again if it weren't for the taste of her own cum on Rebecca's lips.

Thankfully, Edward only makes them hug and kiss for a couple minutes. He then steps to the middle of the room and breaks them apart.

"You in front," Edward orders his brother/sister. He then gives Janice an evil smile. "Guess where that leaves you?"

Janice frowns and her face turns an even brighter shade of red. She doesn't argue. She steps behind Edward and gets down on her knees. This isn't the first time she has had to do this but it is the first time with Edward. Janice knows that after this she will never be able to look the boy in the face without blushing.

Tears mix with the sweat on her face as she uses her hands to part Edward's ass cheeks. She then leans in. Edward's ass smells dank and manly. She chastises herself when she realizes the smell is making her cock hard.

Janice reluctantly sticks out her tongue and gives Edward's sweaty crack a lick. It is salty and strong. It is utterly repugnant. Yet, her cock is now rock hard. She gives the crack several long licks before Edward reaches back and pulls her face harder against his ass. She gets the hint and starts licking the older boy's hole. She licks around the outside for a bit and then starts forcing her tongue inside. She starts alternating licking the hole and fucking it with her tongue.

"Mmm," Edward moans in pleasure. "You do that even better than Rebecca."

Janice blushes. She is angered, humiliated and disgusted by the comment. Yet, deep down she feels a tinge of pride also. Rebecca has been trained as a sissy all her life. To be told you are better than her at something is a huge compliment. Especially so when coming from someone as mean as Edward. Still, it is a compliment she could have done without.

As Janice works on Edward's hole, she can hear Rebecca working on her brother's cock. Her face firmly planted in Edward's crack, Janice is able to free one of her hands to play with his balls. However, when her hand reaches for Edward's balls she finds one of Rebecca's hands already there. They intertwine their fingers for a moment to give each other strength and support. They then separate. They each take a ball in their hand and gently massage.

Edward's moans of pleasure get pretty loud but he still manages to hold on for another ten minutes. He is almost screaming by the time he starts unloading in Rebecca's mouth. Janice keeps rimming Edward's ass long after it is clear the climax is over. She has gone this far, she might as well be a good girl and wait for the order to quit.

A minute passes before Edward finally reaches back and pushes her away. Janice doesn't bother to get up. She just waits there for her next order.

"That's enough," Edward finally tells Rebecca.

Rebecca pulls off her brother's cock. She leans her head back and opens her mouth so her brother can see the large pool of cum. Janice cringes in disgust as Edward bends forward and spits into Rebecca's mouth. Her disgust becomes ten fold when Edward orders the two of them to share the mixture.

Janice turns a pale green as Rebecca and her lips touch. She has to will herself not to be sick as their lips part and some of the cum and spit oozes into her mouth. Both sissies know Edward won't be happy with just sharing the cum. So, they both start French kissing with their tongues dancing around in the vulgar slop. It is another two minutes before Edward lets them part and swallow.

Edward turns the ventilation system back on and then marches the two naked sissies to the stairs where it is cooler. He then has them lick the sweat off his body 3; every single drop.

Once satisfied, Edward puts his clothes on and leaves. Janice and Rebecca just stand there and look at each other. They don't dare delay too long though. They already missed most of one of their classes. The longer they are away the more trouble they will be in. However, they will get into even more trouble if they show up all sweaty. Using their uniforms to wipe the sweat off would have the same end result. There is only one solution. They both blush as they approach each other and start licking.

Chapter 11

Janice goes to bed Friday night with a butt sore from a week of frequent punishment. She is extremely angry. There is also a massive feeling of dread and hopelessness. She knows that her life isn't going to get any easier anytime soon.

Her only piece of good news all week came during her final class today. The Dean was waiting for her when she arrived at the secure sissy area for her "specialized" training. He took her to an observation room and made her watch footage of Laura's initiation into sissyhood. The video included a variety of clips of Laura's first week. Her first plug; first dress; first application of makeup; etc.

At first, watching felt horrible for Janice. However, as the clips continued, she quickly noted that Laura seemed to be accepting her transformation. Oh, there were tears and all of that, but you could tell that Laura wasn't anywhere near as upset about the situation as Janice had been when her training first started.

This must be clear to the trainers as well, because it was obvious from the video that Laura is being fast tracked. This is very good news. It means Laura will probably spend only two or three months in captivity as opposed to Janice's eight months. Laura will also be spared a ton of the nastier things like making her eat dog food.

What Janice seen in the video is a great weight off her shoulders. Seeing Laura already starting to accept her new position in life removes a ton of the Janice's guilt for her role in it. In fact, the more Janice thinks about it the more she realizes this is probably the best thing that could happen for Laura. The boy is clearly already a sissy at heart. The school is just helping her see it.

On top of all of that, Laura is rather beautiful once dolled up. She will be even more so once the estrogen takes hold. She has the potential of being one of the best looking kids in the school 3; sissy or otherwise.

The Dean got a tad upset that Janice seemed happy about the video's content and not upset. So, he had her remove her cock cage and marched her to the hole in front of the "guest room" door. A pair of hands from the other side pulled her panties down. A second later her cock was being sucked by a warm wet mouth.

Janice could tell right away that it wasn't Nancy. That meant it had to be Laura at the hole. Even this, however, did not upset Janice. Being put at the hole this soon was a very good sign of progress. Plus, Laura did surprisingly well for only having a week under her belt. Laura even managed to smile afterward as she displayed her mouth full of cum and than ate it.

It is only via thinking of this good news that Janice is finally able to calm herself enough to go to sleep. She has nightmares, like usual, but overall she gets a decent night's sleep.

Saturday goes smoothly until noon. It is then she is told she has another appointment with her mentor, the Dean. Last week she was picked up by Ray before she even reached the Dean's house. She was sent alone that time though. This time, however, the appointment isn't just for her. It is for her sister, Amber, as well.

Having the same mentor, they both knew the time would eventually come when they both had "appointments" at the same time. In fact, they kind of assumed most of their appointments would be scheduled that way. However, they still both blush as their mom informs them of their appointment. They've slept in the same bed for most of the week but this will be the first time they've done anything sexual together since before Janice went into training. And there is no doubt in their minds that the Dean will make them play together today.

"God, the Dean will be playing with us at the same time!" Janice screams in her head as they walk toward the Dean's house.

This definitely is not a new thought for Janice. It is something she has dreaded for a long time now. She thought she was mentally prepared. However, now that the day has come, she isn't so sure. She is pretty sure that Amber is thinking the same thing.

Back when she was still Jack, Janice and Amber had sex together a couple times at the school. It was just the two of them having sex though. There was never a third person joining in.

Janice blushes at the thought of Amber possibly seeing her get bred by the Dean's huge dick. The thought is mortifying.

As they walk, Janice almost wishes Ray will show up to take him off to another "date". Even another date with is neighbors would be better than a possible threesome with his sister and the Dean.

When they finally arrive at the Dean's estate, Janice and Amber stop in their tracks and then look at each other. Sitting in the estate's parking lot is a variety of cars.

They both want to turn and run. However, that is not an option. So, they take a deep breath and continue up the drive. A butler greets them at the door and escorts them upstairs. As they walk through the house they can hear a small party going on in the main entertainment room.

The butler takes them to a changing room. There are a couple chairs with pink leotards draped over them.

"Remove your plugs and any other toys you might be wearing and put those on," the butler instructs them.

Amber doesn't hesitate to start undressing. Janice waits for a moment first to see if the butler plans to leave. The butler just stands there quietly and watches. Finally, Janice starts undressing as well.

The butler is rather professional as he stands at attention and waits. He does gasp, however, when he sees Janice's large set of beads pop out. He of course has seen sissies with large toys before. However, most wear plugs. He didn't even know they made beads this large. It catches him a bit off guard.

The leotards are pretty basic. Janice is thankful that they are the type that have small skirts on them. It helps hide her bulge. And her bulge is rather large right now thanks to the thin elastic material hugging it. Her nipples are hard and poking out on the material as well.

Once dressed, they are escorted barefoot in their pink leotards back down stairs and to the entertainment room. Both siblings blush when they see how many people are there. It looks to be half the staff from the school as well as a variety of family members.

However, both of them are relieved to see that there are a variety of other school kids there as well. That means they won't have to service everyone. In fact, a few of the kids are already sucking and jerking off various guests. That said, the siblings do notice they are the only two specially dressed.

"You two will perform on stage," the butler says as he escorts them to the stage. "Just dance around until you are told to do something else."

Amber starts dancing immediately. She took a couple years of ballet so she is somewhat good. It is completely new to Janice though. As she dances she has to keep watching her sister and copying her moves. Most of the moves are too advanced though and Janice stumbles more than anything else.

"I think Janice needs some dance training."

"I'll make sure I sign her up for a class next semester."

The first voice is that of the Dean. The second voice is Janice and Amber's father. Janice blushes profusely when she realizes her father is in the crowd. She is also a bit pissed since their father didn't even bother to give them a ride here. However, mostly she is frightened that her father isn't joking. Will he really put her into dance class?! Of course he will. She just prays that he forgets the subject before next semester. No way does she want to take dance classes. Not only is it too girly but she knows the other real girls will tease her to no end. Plus, dance classes take place at the school after normal school hours. That will make her daily schedule and grades all that harder to maintain.

As they dance around on stage, Janice listens in on the toasts and speeches taking place. She comes to a halt when she finally discovers what the celebration is for. Old man Collins is retiring as Facility Manager. This is no major surprise. What stuns her is that Edward is being promoted to replace Collins. It takes all of Janice's willpower not to start yelling. That job should have been hers!!! It would have been hers had they not turned her into a sissy!

The job is a huge step up from janitor. It not only pays more but puts Edward on track to become Headmaster when Janice's dad decides to retire. It just isn't fair! What pisses her off even more is that she just knows Edward's father probably paid Collins to retire early. Just like he paid to get Edward the janitor position to begin with. Janice almost dives off the stage to attack when Edward catches her eye and gives her a smile.

Amber has to nudge Janice several times to get her to start dancing again. Janice finally complies but it is clear she is far from happy.


The shout comes about 15 minutes later. A Twister mat is then tossed up on the stage. Janice and Amber unfold it. To Janice's surprise, Amber seems to be more embarrassed than herself. Unknown to Janice, there is good reason. Amber has seen this game played before at one of the Dean's parties.

The game is played very similar to normal Twister. The difference is that there have been a few extra things added to the spin wheel as well as things written on some of the mat circles.

Janice frowns when she sees that "belt" is written on the start circles. It doesn't take a genius to know what that means. Sure enough, the two guests of honor are ushered on stage. Each of them are holding belts. Collins stands behind Amber while Edward takes up position behind Janice.

"Just one hit," the Dean informs them.

It is clear that the instructions are meant more for Edward than Collins. Had he not given the instructions then Edward would have used the opportunity to whip Janice multiple times. It is kind acts like this that sometimes makes Janice start to fall in love with the Dean. He normally treats her horribly. Thus, any act of kindness makes her heart beat faster and her insides feel kind of mushy. Janice thinks back to the last mean thing the Dean did and this helps keep her heart in check.


"Oh!" Amber lets out as the belt slaps across her rump.

The hit is hard but nothing Amber can't handled. Compared to her father's hits, Collin's hit is barely more than a love tap.


"AHH!" Janice screams and takes several steps forward as the belt lands on her rump.

Edward's hit is so hard that Janice reaches back to feel for blood. There is no blood but she can feel a welt already starting to form.

"She stepped out of the circles," Edward points out. "I get to hit her again."

"I think we can let it pass this one time," the Dean growls. "I'm sure she will take care not to let it happen again. Right dear?"

Janice quickly nods her head up and down as she rushes back to the start circles. She is so thankful to the Dean that part of her wants to run into his arms and give him a hug and kiss.

Edward frowns but obeys the Dean's decision. He drops the belt on the stage and goes back into the crowd of viewers.

The audience takes turns spinning the wheel. The guests' hope is for your spin to land on something good or for it to force Janice or Amber to step on something even better. And of course, the ultimate prize is to get one of the children to tumble.

Janice has no idea what the penalty is for tumbling. However, from the seriousness in which Amber is playing, Janice suspects it is pretty bad.

The first few spins are uneventful.

"Belt!" several cheer out following a spin.

Janice lets out a sigh or relief that it is Amber's spin and not her own.

Amber is currently bent over with one foot on red, one on blue and a hand on yellow. She has pretty good stability but still does her best to brace for the incoming hit.


The smack echoes through the room but it actually isn't any harder than her last one. She still moans several times though to convince everyone it had hurt. With luck, maybe the next possible hit will be just as soft.

Amber gets two more love taps over the next five minutes. She also steps on a red circle with the word, "blowjob" in it. At first, Janice is confused as to why Amber stepped on the circle when there was an empty red circle she could have gone to. It isn't until she studies the red circles near herself that it becomes clear. The blank red circle is out of reach of Janice. If she gets a red spin she only has 2 choices and both have things written in them that are much worse than "blowjob". Janice gives her sister an angry look. Amber just gives an evil grin in return.

On top of that, the man Amber owes the blowjob too isn't even that big. He's about 7" [18 cm] long and 1½ inches [4 cm] thick. Janice knows from personal experience that the man is pretty gentle and cums rather fast. Amber definitely picked the right time to make the strategic move. In fact, the man doesn't even seem that eager to participate.

"How about we have her suck her brother 3; uh, sister instead?" the man suggests.

Lots in the crowd cheer in agreement. Amber and Janice are currently in a position on the mat which would make it possible as well.

"Sorry folks," the Dean speaks up. "Janice is no longer allowed that kind of access to girls."


Janice screams it in her head but not out loud. This is the first she has heard of this restriction! Sure, her trainers hinted at it in the past but she thought that was just mind games.

As she watches Amber suck the man off, the full impact of Janice's restriction starts to sink in. She may never be allowed to have sex with a girl again! Sure, they will continue to have her eat pussies and girl assholes but she may never be allowed her own pleasure with a girl. To rub salt in the wound they even are having her sleep in the same bed with Amber every night. She will be under constant temptation. And you can bet they will be keeping a close eye on her.

Just an hour earlier she was dreading the possibility of being made to have sex with Amber. Now she is irate that it will never happen. Or at least it will never happen in a way that will give her any kind of manly pleasure. Janice isn't sure her mind can handle the constant closeness with the opposite sex without ever being allowed to really enjoy it. A tear runs down her cheek at the thought that eating girls' pussies and assholes being the closest thing to a manly act she will ever experience again.

"Right hand red."

It takes Janice a moment to realize it is her turn to move. A second later she realizes that the one color she didn't want to be called just was. She looks around her again to make sure she didn't miss a red circle. Nope, just the two nearby ones with words written in them.

One reads, "Breed" and the other "Rim". She is still studying the mat when it dawns on her who called out the move. She quickly glances out at the crowd to verify. Sure enough, her father is holding the spin wheel.

"Oh, God! Oh, God!" Janice starts screaming over and over in her head.

Janice looks back down at the red circles. She has not done either of these things with her father. The thought of doing either one is horrible. The thought of doing one of them in front of a crowd is mortifying. She then gets an idea.

"What happens if I lose?" she whispers to her sister.

"The person that spun last owns you for the night," Amber whispers back.

It is a basic lose, lose situation. Technically, Janice's father already "owns her". However, it is obvious that her father would be expected to use her sexually to a certain degree. Otherwise it would defeat the purpose of the game.

The only question is exactly how much worse would pleasuring her father for the rest of the night be in comparison to 5 to 15 minutes of rimming him or being bred by him on stage? What would her father make her do? If it is just a series of blowjobs then it wouldn't be that horrible. It's not like it would be anything new. She has given him close to a dozen blowjobs already 3; half this week alone thanks to all the times she got sent in for punishment.

The truth is that Janice doesn't know for sure what her father would demand of her. She would like to believe that he wouldn't make her do anything at all. However, she knows from experience that is unlikely to be the case. Her father has used her mouth several times now when she is certain he really didn't have to do so. That tells her it is possible he would breed her and do much worse if she were to lose the game to him. Others at the party would not only be expecting him to do so but would encourage him as well.

While all of that logic is sound, the truth is that Janice simply is too scared to find out. She fears that her mind will break for good if she knows her father is willing to do all those things to her of his own accord. She would rather have the hope, or at least the illusion of hope, that her father has not given up on her becoming something beyond that of a sissy meant just for pleasing men. Deep down, even she knows it is an idiotic dream, but it is all she has left to pin her sanity on.

Janice slowly lifts her right hand. She brings it near the two red circles. For an instant she debates putting it down on the "rim" one. She tells herself that rimming her father could be looked at as simply an advanced blowjob technique. It may sound good on paper but Janice knows better. She knows that once she rims her father she will never be able to look him in the eye again.

Janice closes her eyes and drops her hand on the "breed" circle.

"God, I can't believe I just choose to be bred by my own father!" she screams in her head.

The choice is better than "rimming" but it is still a horrible one. She will have nightmares about it and still have trouble looking her father in the eye. However, at least she will eventually be able to do so. Or so she hopes.

The room is silent for several seconds. Most of the faculty have been watching the cute Janice's progress and are well aware Bill has not personally bred her yet. Being able to watch that first breeding live is a huge turn on for many of them.

"Looks like someone is hot for daddy's dick," Edward all but yells from the back of the room.

Half of the room hush Edward while the rest just give him a dirty look. The last thing they want is for someone to spoil the moment. Or, even worse, for Bill to back out. Sure, they plan to make similar comments in a few minutes. However, they will wait until Bill has his dick buried in the sissy first. At that point the damage is already done and it is unlikely the man will back out.

Janice is in a kind of leap frog position on the mat with Amber's face just inches in front of her own. She closes her eyes tight in shame so she doesn't have to look her sister in the eye.

The seconds slowly tick by as Bill makes his way up onto the stage. Janice then feels a warm hand on her rump. The hand grabs hold of her tiny leotard skirt and flips it up and onto her back and holds it there. A second later fingers from another hand are pulling her leotard crotch band to the side. For a moment her cock and balls fight against the maneuver. However, they soon pop out into the open and are now helping to keep the crotch band from moving back into place.

Janice holds her breath and a tear runs down her cheek as she feels something warm sliding back and forth in her crack.


The entry is fast and deep. Her eyes pop open as most of her father's 8" [20 cm] long and 2" [5 cm] thick dick shoots up her ass pussy. Her father pulls back an inch and then thrusts forward again. This time Janice feels her father's large balls slap against her own.

There is a roar of cheers from the crowd. Janice's face turns fire engine red and she closes her eyes tight again in shame. She screams in her head that it really isn't happening. Yet, the feel of her father pumping in and out reminds her otherwise.

"I'm being bred by daddy! I'm being bred by daddy!"

"Yes, you are," Amber whispers.

It isn't until Amber's reply that Janice realizes she is saying it out loud and not just in her head. This doubles her humiliation. She also notices that her father seems to have doubled his efforts in response to her outburst.

"Daddy's breeding you," Bill whispers back to Janice. "Daddy will be doing this to you a lot from now on."

Janice tells herself that she didn't really hear it. However, she knows she did. This is her worst nightmare come true. She tries to hide from it in that special secret place in the depths of her mind but the rhythmic pounding of her father's cock against her ass clit keeps pulling her back out to reality.

"No 3; no 3; no," Janice starts whispering a few minutes later when she feels her cock starting to milk.

It isn't long and she is moaning in pleasure. Not long after that and she is all but begging her daddy to pound her harder. It is so horrible and depraved, and yet that only seems to heighten her arousal.

"Breed me daddy!" she starts moaning over and over.

"Oh! Oh!" she squeals as her cock suddenly spits all over the Twister mat below her.

The insane pleasure of the climax is quickly replaced with ultimate humiliation and shame. She can't believe she just came on her daddy's dick! A minute later disgust is added to the mix as her father shoots his thick load deep inside her.

There are cheers and applause as Bill pulls his sloppy dick out of Janice. He then moves to her front and presents his cock to her. Janice doesn't try to beg for mercy. If you make a mess then you clean it up.

Chapter 12

Thirty minutes later and Janice finds herself in a back room with one of the guests. Her and Amber had battled it out on the Twister mat for 15 more minutes before Janice finally faltered. She simply was no match for the more flexible Amber. Plus, the wheel seemed to be against her the entire time.

The worst part is that she didn't just lose but had suffered through three more hits with the belt and a blowjob before she lost. And now she is some guy's "sex slave" for the night.

On the bright side, the guy that "won" her for the night isn't her father. His name is Bob. He's someone Janice has not met before. She noticed him hanging out with Edward early though and the two boys look to be about the same age. Her guess is that Bob is probably a classmate.

As she stands before her temporary "master", Janice decides she will do everything in her power to please this guy. She fears that if she doesn't then the guy might loan her to Edward.

"Dance for me," Bob says as he sits back in a recliner.

Janice blushes but obeys. She starts out trying to duplicate some of the ballet type moves Amber performed earlier. However, after a minute she realizes how much of an idiot she must look like. Even if she could perform the moves properly, they are hardly the right thing for an intimate setting like this.

Janice remembers a few movies with scenes of go go dancers. She starts trying to imitate the moves. Or at least what few moves she remembers. She starts out a little awkward but soon gets into the groove. She even approaches Bob and dances between his legs.

As she dances, Janice notices Bob starting to get hard. She nibbles on her lower lip as she watches the bulge in Bob's pants get bigger and bigger. She starts to get a bit worried when she realizes that the bulge isn't slowing down any. Yet, her ass clit tingles at the thought of how big Bob might actually be.

The next thing she knows, Janice is unzipping Bob's pants. She doesn't even remember making the decision to do so. And she certainly doesn't remember Bob asking her to do it. Bob isn't complaining. He just leans back and smiles at her.

"Can't wait to get a taste of it can you?" Bob chuckles.

Janice blushes but keeps working on the pants. She gets the zipper down but it is clear there isn't enough room for the cock to escape. So, she undoes the pants completely and starts pulling them down. She snags his underwear with her thumbs as she pulls downward.

"Oh," Janice lets out when Bob's cock pops out into the open air.

Janice can't believe what she is looking at. It is easily the largest cock she has ever seen. It's even bigger than Ray's monster dick. Janice slowly crawls backward away from Bob. Even her ass clit is scared of the huge thing. She can barely handle Ray's 10" [25 cm] long and 3" [7½ cm] thick cock up her ass pussy. Bob's cock looks to be at least 12" [30 cm] long and 3½" [8½ cm] thick.

"Get back over here," Bob growls.

"It's too big," Janice pleads as she reluctantly moves back toward Bob.

"Don't worry, we'll make it fit," Bob laughs.

Even as Janice reaches out and touches the cock she can't believe that it is real. It looks freakish on Bob's otherwise normal body. It takes both of Janice's hands to reach around the monstrous thing.

As she strokes the cock, Janice can't help but wonder what it will feel like buried deep inside her. It is the same thickness as her largest bead. So, she knows she can stretch wide enough to accept the cock. Her largest bead, however, only goes a few inches inside her. Bob's cock will go much deeper than that. In fact, his cock will reach deeper than anything has ever gone inside her before. The thought is extremely scary. Yet, Janice's cock gets hard under her leotard.

Janice knows the cock could never possibly fit down her throat. She does her best, however, to fit at least the head into her mouth. She tells herself that she is required to try. However, deep down she knows the reason she is trying is because a part of her is curious how manly it might taste.

Janice isn't disappointed. The cock has a very strong manly smell and taste to it. She suspects that maybe Bob hasn't bathed for a couple days. The thought is disgusting yet for some reason makes her head swim at the same time.

Her jaw makes a small popping sound as she manages to fit the head inside her small mouth. Bob puts his hand on the back of her head but thankfully doesn't try to feed her the rest of the cock. She is pretty certain it would kill her if he did.

As she massages the head with her mouth, Janice is also using her hands to stroke the length of the cock. It is her hope that maybe Bob will be happy with just a blowjob. After a minute she can feel Bob's precum oozing down her throat. Bob pulls her off his dick, however, before she can make him cum.

Bob smiles evilly as he reclines back further in the recliner. His massive cock points straight up at the ceiling. Janice knows what the man wants her to do but holds her ground.

"Am I gonna have to take a belt to you?" Bob growls.

The threat of the belt is all it takes to get Janice moving. She quickly removes her leotard. She then carefully climbs up into Bob's lap. She pushes the cock down until it is pressing against Bob's belly. Janice then gently sits on it with the shaft between her ass cheeks. She starts grinding back and forth on it. She knows Bob won't be happy with just this but it is her hope that it will at least get him close to cumming. That will make the final ride much shorter.

As she grinds against Bob's cock she realizes the tip reaches almost all the way to Bob's chest.

"That cock is going to go that deep inside me!?" Janice thinks to herself.

There is a lot of fear in the thought. Yet, there is a little anticipation as well. As she thinks about it she realizes that part of her wants this huge thing inside her. If for no other reason than curiosity. She knows that if she were to walk away from this cock right now then she would wonder for the rest of her life how delicious it might have felt deep inside her. The scary part of course being that walking away is not an option. There will be no backing out if it turns out to be too painful. Once the tip goes inside, Bob will ensure she takes the rest of it as well.

Janice slowly grinds her way forward. She is practically straddling Bob's chest before she reaches the tip of the cock. Bob grabs hold of his huge cock and aims it. Janice arches her back and pushes back.

"Oh!" Janice moans as the huge head of Bob's cock presses against her hole.




She moans it over and over as she keeps applying pressure and letting up. Each time she applies just a little bit more pressure. She gradually starts to stretch.




"OHHH!" Janice screams out as the head of Bob's cock finally pops inside her.

The insertion is uncomfortable. And yet it brings Janice a huge jolt of naughty tingles.

"I'm going to do squirties!" Janice announces almost immediately after her yelp of discomfort.

A second later Janice's cock is spitting it's sissy cum all over Bob's chest. Bob is happy to see the well trained sissy climax. However, he is far from happy about her doing it on his chest.

Janice sees Bob's anger and quickly uses her hands to scoop the jizz up and eat it. As she cleans it up she notices that Bob's cock somehow gets even harder. She blushes but doesn't stop until every drop is off Bob's chest and in her tummy. Once finished she focuses on Bob's huge cock again.

"Ohhhh," Janice moans as she slowly sinks it deeper inside her.

Janice's insides stretch further than they ever have before. It is both uncomfortable and pleasurable at the same time. Part of her wants to sink the cock deeper while the other half wants to pull it out. Not that she has an option at this point. That cock is going all the way up inside her whether she wants it to or not.

"Oh, daddy!" Janice moans over and over as the cock goes ever deeper.

She says it almost a dozen times before she catches herself. She bites her tongue and blushes. No one ever told her she was required to call people outside the school, "daddy".

While it is humiliating to be calling this young guy "daddy", what really concerns Janice is how her training so easily automatically kicked in. For many months now Janice has been telling herself that the school never really broke her. Nor will they ever do so. However, what if they already have? She would know though, wouldn't she? Janice quickly drops the horrible thought like a hot potato. She hides it deep inside her with all the other evidence that she might now be a fully trained and broken sissy.

"Ride that dick," Bob moans as Janice starts sliding up and down on the huge pole.

Janice blushes but keeps going. She tells herself that her only goal is pleasing Bob. However, the truth is that Bob's huge cock is rubbing her ass clit so nicely. The feeling is more intense than anything Janice has ever felt before. Each ride down the cock is almost more than she can bear. Yet, when she reaches the end of her ride she can't help but rise back up so she can do it again.

For Janice, it feels like she is riding one long continuous orgasmic wave. However, it isn't a standard orgasm feeling. No, this is somewhere between a milking and an anal orgasm. It is a kind of scary, angry, intense and very naughty orgasm.

As she rides the cock, Janice constantly collects the jizz milking out of her cock and eats it. It's disgusting and humiliating. Yet, the naughtiness of it seems to make her ass clit tingle even more than it already is.

It isn't long and Janice is bouncing up and down on the cock at full speed. She is in a world all her own. She can only barely hear Bob in the distance moaning encouragement. She hears Bob telling her how much better she is than all the other kids he has bred. Bob even gives out various frightening details of his "conquests". Yet, even these details seem to feed Janice's desire.

"I'll have to bring my dog with me next time," Robert then tells her. "I think you will enjoy playing with him."

At first Janice is simply confused by the comment. They are having sex. Why would he be talking about his dog? However, Bob starts getting more specific.

"I can't wait to see your face once he gets that knot up inside you," Bob tells her.

It is just one of many very explicit things he tells her. Janice finds them gross, scary and very perverted. Yet, in her heightened state she can't help but envision what those things might feel like.

"Bob is going to have his dog ride me!"

The thought echoes in her head over and over. The thought is so vile. She knows she should be turned off by it but somehow it seems erotic. She would almost rather kill herself than have sex with a dog. And yet her ass clit seems to be excited by the notion. And right now it is only her ass clit that matters.

"I'm going to do squirties!" Janice all but screams as she bounces up and down on Bob's gigantic cock. "I'm going to do squirties! I'm going to do squirties!"

She reaches down to catch her jizz but nothing comes out. Well, actually she has been milking cum ever since her first orgasm and she continues to do so. There just isn't an increased burst of it like she expects. What becomes a bit more odd, and concerning, is that the orgasm isn't subsiding. The intense feeling of impending release just goes on and on. It is pleasure like nothing Janice has felt before. Yet, it lasts so long that it becomes uncomfortable at the same time.

It reminds Janice of a time when she was still Jack and her sisters Beth and Mary held her down and tickled her relentlessly. She laughed so much that it hurt. Yet, she couldn't stop laughing. It was an endless cycle of laughter causing discomfort. Only in this case that endless cycle is the pleasure of pending sexual release compounding discomfort.

"No more," Janice starts begging.

She says it as though she wants Bob to stop. However, she is so lost in the pleasure that it never dawns on her that it is her riding Bob and not the other way around. It is her that has control right now and yet she keeps bucking up and down.

"Fuck!" Bob moans as his climax approaches.

A half minute later and Janice can feel her insides being coated with Bob's cum. The revulsion of it drives her even higher. Bob tells her she can stop but she can't bring herself to do so. Finally, Bob has no choice but to push her off him. Janice goes to the floor but keeps humping at the air for almost a minute before she gets control of herself. As she comes down from her high she is filled with more shame than she has ever felt before.

"Yeah, you and Buster are going to enjoy each other," Bob says with a chuckle.

It is clear to Janice that "Buster" must be the name of Bob's dog. Just minutes ago the thought of sex with a dog had somehow heightened her desire. Now it only disgusts her. However, she is certain that Bob knows how much the thought had turned her on earlier. Her face turns red. She is too humiliated to look the guy in the eye. She is also scared that she might see that he isn't bluffing about the future encounter.

"Finish your job," Bob growls after a moment.

Janice blanches. Bob wants her to clean her mess up. She didn't forget the task, she was just hoping Bob wouldn't expect it of her. She quickly gets to her knees and leans toward Bob's cock. The cock is wet with cum and Janice's ass juices. She also notices a large stream of jizz oozing out of Bob's cock and running down the side. Janice goes for this cum first. She knows that if she doesn't slurp it up first it may make it's way all the way to Bob's ass crack. Licking Bob's ass crack clean is not something on her wish list.

"Did she behave?"

The question comes as Janice is finishing her clean up duties. She hadn't heard anyone enter and the shock makes her jerk back away from the cock. She quickly goes back in and continues licking when she sees the Dean and Edward's father standing there. Having an audience is embarrassing but it is better than punishment. It's not like she hasn't performed like this for an audience many times in the past.

"She did pretty good," Bob replies. "Would it be okay if I went and got Buster?"

Both the Dean and Edward Sr. frown at the mention of the dog. Edward Sr., who is also Bob's uncle, is especially upset. It was him that bought the dog. Just five months ago, Bob was being held captive on a dog training farm in Mexico along with his sister, Linda. How he became a captive and why is a long story. Anyway, while captive, Bob was made to have sex with a variety of dogs. Buster was one of them. Buster was also the dog with the biggest dick. His cock is 9" [23 cm] long and 3" [7½ cm] thick. And his knot is a humongous 4½" [11½ cm] thick.

Edward Sr. rescued his nephew but left Linda behind as a kind of consolation prize to anyone they may have upset. Edward Sr. later returned and acquired the dog. Sure, it is fun to watch Bob playing with sissies sometimes. However, the guy is becoming harder to control every day. That's why Edward Sr. bought the dog. His hope is that having the dog around the house will remind Bob of his past.

This is meant to serve two purposes. The first is to help ensure the boy doesn't try to rescue Linda. The girl got to watch most of what Bob went through. The dog will remind him of that fact and hopefully shame him to the point that he never wants to see his sister again.

The second purpose is to send the message to Bob that if he doesn't settle down he could very well find himself back on that farm.

Unfortunately, so far the presence of the dog has just made Bob worse. Either the hint of the threat is too subtle or Bob is simply calling his bluff.

Edward Sr. hasn't really decided yet if it actually is a bluff. Okay, maybe he would never send Bob back to the farm in Mexico. However, he has considered locking the guy up in the basement. They could still enjoy watching Bob play with sissies and stuff like that. They could even make him play with the dog. That said, the arrangement would be a lot of work and a big hassle. Still, it might be better than all of the embarrassment and other problems the guy is starting to cause.

"Robert, I don't think Janice's father would approve of that," the Dean says as he gives Bob and Edward Sr. a disapproving look.

"What if we bought her?" Robert replies more to Edward Sr. than the Dean. "I doubt she would cost that much."

The Dean has to take a deep breath to get his anger under control. He is used to putting up with spoiled rich families but Robert is really pushing his buttons. The school is not a slave market. Sure, they technically sell graduates off. However, there is usually a lot more considered than just the money.

"Maybe it is best if we discuss this in my study," the Dean says as he glances down at Janice.

Robert pushes Janice away and pulls up his pants. The three men then walk into the next room, the Dean's study. Janice is left there in shock over what she just heard. She is especially shocked that the Dean is actually willing to discuss the matter with Robert.

Janice resists the temptation to go to the study door and put her ear to it. She doesn't have to be told that she would be in big trouble if she was caught doing so.

She sits there for almost a full minute before she remembers the bathroom that shares a wall with the study. She used the bathroom once during a party when she was younger. In particular, she remembers that if you open up the cupboard under the sink you can just barely hear people in the study. It's amazing what a kid can discover while snooping around someone's house.

Janice goes into the bathroom and shuts the door. It takes all her willpower to reach down and lock the door. She will get into a lot of trouble if someone comes and discovers she locked the door. Of course, she would get into significantly more trouble if she was caught snooping.

Janice opens the cupboard and looks under the sink. She sees a drainage pipe and a couple smaller water pipes going from the sink and into the wall. The holes for the piles have been drilled a little extra big. Janice's guess is that the Dean has a sink or something in his study with similar holes. Thus, the reason you can hear through the normally sound proof wall.

Janice leans into the cupboard and puts her ear as close as she can to the hole. Sure enough, she can make out what is being said in the next room. What she hears is shocking.

Among other things, the three are shooting dollar figures back and forth. The dollar figures are rather large also. In a way, Janice is a little proud she is worth so much. However, the size of the numbers also scare her because they are figures that her father might actually agree to once he hears the offer. That thought is horrifying considering what Robert wants to do with her.

Janice only listens for a minute before she pulls away from the hole. She can't risk keeping the door locked for any longer. She unlocks the door and goes back and stands near where she was when they left her.

It is another five minutes before the three leave the study. The Dean and Edward Sr. walk right past Janice like she isn't even there. Her guess is that the two are going to go find her father and discuss the proposition.

"I've got you for the rest of the night," Robert says with a grin. "Let's go upstairs where we can have a little more privacy."

Chapter 13

Janice's ass pussy is sore and over stuffed full of cum by the time she is released from the mansion. After Robert's huge cock, even Janice's anal beads seem small inside her hole. Thankfully, the beads still manage to keep her from leaking as her and Amber walk home in the dark.

The late night walk is scary. However, Janice almost wishes someone would come along and kidnap her. Heck, she would even settle for a murderer. Anything would be better than being sold to Robert. Sure, Robert's huge cock did make her have several squirties. However, if she is sold or even just rented to Robert the man will breed her with his dog. In Janice's eyes, that is a fate worse than death. With the dollar figures she overheard, she fears her father will probably agree to that fate 3; if he hasn't already.

Little does Janice know, the offer was never even brought to her father. The discussion she overheard went no further than the study. The figures were only discussed in order to appease Robert.

There is a line that even the school is not willing to cross. Bestiality is one of them. Okay, maybe that isn't completely true. They do offer specialized training in things such as bestiality. However, it is something the parents have to ask for. It is never something they try to talk the parents into signing their kids up for. The last thing they want is a parent having regrets later. And that would probably be the case if Janice's father was talked into something that vile.

Why did they want to appease Robert? Good question. For the Dean it was just a matter of courtesy. Edward Sr. is one of the school's best customers. Keeping Edward Sr. happy is worth way more than ten wasted minutes.

For Edward Sr. it is just part of the stupid game he and Robert have been playing for several months now. He knows that Robert isn't really serious about wanting to own Janice. It is just one of many requests the guy has made in order to get Edward Sr. to give his leash a little more slack. What Robert really wants is permission to continue his old ways. To snatch kids off the street at random and train and release them.

Edward Sr. has to admit that it is very tempting to let the guy have his way. Especially if he could watch Robert train the kids. It is something he used to watch Robert Sr. do way back. However, he remembers all the legal and other problems that occurred as a result.

The solution with Robert Sr. was to have the man simply leave the state and never come back. This time around, Edward Sr. is hoping that Robert is still young enough to be molded. His ultimate goal is to get Robert a position at the school. Preferably one in the sissy training area.

Edward Sr. sees it as a feasible goal. After all, in a way Robert still gets what he has been asking for. The only difference is that the kids aren't random and the parents are okay with it. At the same time, Edward Sr. gets to watch Robert in action whenever he wants.

To help in the transition, Edward Sr. has decided to give his older son (Edward III) to Robert. Watching the 18 year old Edward Jr. play with Rebecca has been a real delight. However, it is starting to get boring. Plus, Edward Jr. will probably be wanting to leave home soon anyway.

Giving Edward Jr. to Robert will serve a few purposes. One, it will demonstrate exactly how good Robert really is at training boys. Thus, making for good resume material for a position at the school. Second, it will open up a position at the school. It won't be the position Edward Sr. wants for Robert but it will at least get his foot in the door. Third, it will be fun to watch a manly boy like Edward Jr. get transferred into a whimpering slave.

"Are you okay?" Amber asks as they continue their walk.

"Yes," Janice replies.

Amber can tell Janice is lying but she doesn't press the issue. She remembers how it was like way back when she first became a Humbled Girl.

Janice is indeed lying. She is anything but okay. For the past eight months during her only goal has been to be a good girl so she could some day go home. Now that she is home she is quickly finding life to be even worse.

The rules are almost as strict; the humiliation is at least double; she has discovered the real reason she was turned into a sissy; Ray is pimping her out; and now she fears there is a good chance she will be bred with Robert's dog 3; possibly even sold to the guy as his future wife.

Janice tries to remain calm as they enter their house. Now is not a good time to anger her father.

"It's about time," her father says as the two of them walk through the living room.

Janice grinds her teeth but manages to keep from giving her father a dirty look. It was his fault they had to walk in the first place. He could have easily waited an extra 30 minutes or so and given them a ride.

As she passes through the living room, Janice suddenly stops in her tracks in shock when she gets a better view of her parents. The two of them are sitting next to each other on the couch with a large cover over them. The shocking part is that Janice can make out two people under the covers with them. One between her mom's legs and one between her dad's. It is obvious to Janice that the two people hidden under the covers are her sisters, Beth and Mary.

It is no surprise that her dad would make one of them suck him off. However, Janice is completely caught off guard that her mother was participating as well. It isn't something she ever expected her mother might participate in. Janice swallows hard and blushes when it dawns on her that if they make her older sisters do something like this then surely they will eventually make her do so as well. Janice feels a little ill at the thought of eating her own mother's pussy.

Janice doesn't snap out of her trance until she hears Amber close their bedroom door upstairs. It is then that she realizes how long she has been standing there. She quickly makes her way to the stairs. The last thing she wants is for her parents to decide to have her replace one of her sisters under the covers.

Janice is still in shock as she climbs the stairs. It is as though she is living inside a nightmare.

"I just can't live like this!" tells herself in despair.

During her training, Janice told herself this exact same thing many times over. It is different now. Back then she would always convince herself that it was all temporary. That eventually they would let her go home and everything would get at least a little better. She no longer has that false hope. In fact, she now has the reverse. Things only seem to promise to get worse, not better.

Janice gets to the top of the stairs and almost all the way to her bedroom. It is then that she gets an idea 3; a very bad idea. She is absolutely frightened when she realizes her body seems to be moving on it's own in order to carry out the idea.

She turns away from her bedroom door and walks back down the hall. Her shaking hand then reaches out and opens Mary's door. She peaks inside, just in case it isn't actually Mary downstairs under the covers. The room is empty.

Janice feels like she is going to pee herself in fear as she starts searching the room. It doesn't take long to find Mary's purse. Janice digs inside and finds the keys to her car. She is also pleasantly surprised to find a $20 bill. She stuffs them into her training bra and quickly leaves the room.

"I can't believe I'm doing this! I can't believe I'm doing this!"

The thought keeps repeating over and over in her head as she heads back toward her own bedroom.

The next hour or so seems to zip by, yet go in slow motion at the same time. She manages to sneak a few essentials into her book bag without Amber noticing. After that it's just a matter of waiting for everyone to go to bed and fall asleep. This part of the plan turns out to be the hardest. That is because it gives her time to think about how stupid her plan actually is.

However, at this point it is too late. There is no backing out. She is positive there are hidden cameras in the house. Her parents were preoccupied tonight but they will probably watch the footage sometime tomorrow. They will see her taking the keys and money.

As she lays there, Janice debates bringing Amber in on the plan. However, the more she thinks about it, the more she realizes that it would be a very bad idea. The odds of Amber wanting to take the risk of running away with her are kind of slim. All Janice would be doing is risking Amber telling their father.

Janice's biggest regret is that her plan doesn't include rescuing Laura (Laurence). Being turned into a sissy might be the best thing for Laura. However, Janice is pretty sure that what Laura's mother has in mind for her is anything but the "best thing". Being forced to pleasure her mother will be bad. However, it will probably turn Laura's mind inside out when she is made to have sex with her father. Janice does her best to distance herself from the thought. She realizes that Laura is an unfortunate casualty of war. She just wishes she hadn't been the one that helped put Laura in the line of fire.


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