CowraGranddad's DungeonChapters 12-Chapter 12The two men went into the first floor study and sat opposite each other in huge leather chairs. Holding a glass of bourbon in their hands and sat for a while, the silence between them familiar and comforting. "Big day, tomorrow," Ryan sighed contently. "Yes, I'm pretty sure the boys are going to be very happy with what we have planed. I just hope we don't over whelm them," Steele said. "I suppose it is possible; these guys have never had this much positive attention paid to them, they might feel they will be required to pay it back, so to speak." "We'll just have to make sure the boys know this is being done for them and not for payment. That we love them unconditionally," Ryan stated. "I'm sure we can pull it off," Steele smiled. The two men sat in silence for a while, content. Sipping their drinks and thinking about the past few months. Almost a year Ryan thought. So much had occurred within that time frame. Soon he would be Brayden's father, adopting the boy. Brayden had agreed to take Ryan's last name on one condition. His mother would be taken care of for life, never wanting for anything again. Ryan had agreed to it without a problem. Brayden's mother had been transferred to a long term care facility, but was still in a coma. Doctor's were unsure if she would ever come out of it. Ryan's money had made sure she would have the best care and the staff at the facility were top notch. They would do their best for her. Steele wanted to adopt the two boys also. They were without a past history, so it would take longer for the adoption to be final. Plus, the boys had just moved in, so it would be a while before they would be told of his plans until they were comfortable with him. It seemed to be going very well so far he thought. Both men yawned at the same time, looked at each other and laughed. "Time for bed. It will be an early morning I'm sure," Ryan quipped. "Good night Ryan and thank you for everything. This is a dream I never thought would happen," Steele said. They got up and went up stair to their separate rooms. While they enjoyed the comfort of a young boy, and occasionally a woman; neither fancied an adult male. They both went to Brayden's door and peeked in. The three boys had kicked off the covers and were nestled together, naked and lightly snoring. They closed the door and smiled at each other, heading off to bed. Alone this night. *** Brayden thought he was the first to awaken that morning and thought it was still too early, it being so dark still in the room. He was going to rub his eyes when he realized he couldn't move his hands. Then it came to him that he was blindfolded. He tried to say something and his words were muffled by the gag; his bikinis were stuffed in his mouth and tied in place with rope. Brayden started to panic, remembering the times he was under the control of Sly and being treated the same way. "Shhhhh, its ok Brayden it's us. We didn't mean to scare you," Kyle said. Brayden was shouting through the gag, his hands tied together and above his head. His legs were spread apart and tied off too. The boys had discovered the rings that went around the frame of the bed and the rope in the closet when they had woken up earlier and before Brayden. Finding the rope and rings had given the boys an idea. They wanted to play with Brayden and have him wake him to another mind blowing orgasm to start the day. They forgot that he too had suffered like they had. Tanner rubbed Brayden's chest and stomach, kissing the teen's nipples. He grabbed Brayden cock and lightly stroked it; getting the result he wanted. Brayden was immediately hard; throbbing in Tanner's grasp. "We just wanted to give you a surprise, don't worry we can untie you," Said Kyle. Brayden's head shook side to side, indicating he wanted no such thing. Talking quickly through his gag, Brayden tried to tell them not to do that. Tanner united the gag from Brayden's mouth so he could talk. "Don't untie me guys. It's cool. I just woke up and was confused. I know it's you guys now, please don't untie me. You can do anything you want to me," Brayden almost begged. "Are you sure you're ok dude, we just wanted to do some stuff with ya," Kyle replied. "Yes, yes please. It's ok guys. Just gag me so our dads won't hear us," Brayden whispered. "OK dude, get ready," Tanner giggled, stuffing the bikinis back in Brayden's mouth and tying the rope again. The two twelve year olds went to work on Brayden's helpless body just like last night; kissing, sucking, nibbling all over the tightly spread body. Brayden's fingers splayed out then made a fist; his toes curling from the sensations he was receiving. Soon covered in a sheen of sweat, Brayden lay on his bed, moaning and yelping into his gag. These little dude's are wild. I'm can't believe what they are doing! OMG, please keep doing what you guys are doing, I love it! Brayden screamed in his head, his back arcing from a new wonder. Kyle had found the small cache of toys Brayden had assembled and hidden in his closet. Feathers, homemade whips, an electric toothbrush, a handheld massager and some other toys. It was enough for the two boys to use on Brayden and work him into a sweat soaked frenzy. Brayden was covered in sweat, running down his chest and sides, his back soaking the sheets. His cock and balls were firing off bolts of pleasure to his brain; he moaned and screamed into his gag. His ass was filled with the handle of a hair brush, the massager taped to hit and set on rotating settings; his ass ring clamped tight and wanting more. Kyle and Tanner had been working over poor Brayden for almost an hour now. They were also sweating rivers and leaking loads of precum just as Brayden was. It was time to bring Brayden off and then themselves. They went to work in earnest, sucking, stroking, licking and pulling on Brayden's cock and balls. Brayden was grunting and screaming into his gag nonstop. His body went rigid, every muscle defined in that tight athletic body. His cock purple and throbbing; Brayden exploded, spurting volumes of cum all over his body, including his face. One continuous scream slowly died down to a moan and then a whimper. Brayden sagged on the bed, his body spent, and spread wide in his ropes still holding him. Tanner removed Brayden gag and blindfold, then kissed Brayden and he and Kyle licked all of Brayden's cum off the boy's body. Brayden laid there, his mouth open and eyes closed. He had just enjoyed one of the most pleasurable orgasms in his life. Covered in sweat and cum, he lifted his head up and smiled widely at the boys who knelt on either side of him, both sporting erections. "Dude, we're gonna get ourselves off now and you are gonna watch. You are gonna stayed tied. Bet you will get hard again and spunk without being touched," Tanner said wickedly. "Guys, dudes; please untie me, I want to do you guys too," Brayden pleaded. "No way man, just lie there and watch. You can do anything to us later," Kyle cooed. Placing a pillow under Brayden's head so he didn't have to strain to watch, Kyle and Tanner gave Brayden a show. For the next thirty minutes the boys kissed, licked, sucked and rubbed each, the three bodies sweating and giving off that musky boy smell. Tanner and Kyle lay next to, on top of Brayden. Their bodies entwined, ready for culmination. Kyle and Tanner engaged in a hot 69 sessions; and taking quick peeks at Brayden; who was hard and leaking; panting with lust watching the boys suck each other off. Timing it perfectly, Kyle and Tanner ejaculated into each other's mouth just as Brayden came. The three boys, grunting and cumming at the same time were amazing for all three. The pre-teens lay next to Brayden, their fingers lightly touching him all over. Brayden felt himself getting hard again. Tied helplessly, he could do nothing but moan and the boys got him erect again. "Oh god guys, please stop. You gonna make me cum a third time. Please my dick is gonna hurt so bad," Brayden pleaded. Kyle and Tanner giggled as Brayden struggled, trying to pull free from the ropes. He smelled like sex and boy sweat. His cock was hard again and throbbing. The boys took pity on Brayden; sucking him off for his third cum of the morning and then untying him. Poor Brayden lay there, finally free but totally spent. He didn't know if he had any strength left to move. "Dudes, I'm drained. I can't get up. And I'm not talking about my dick," Brayden laughed. His cock getting semi-hard. Tanner and Kyle laughed, "We'll help you man. We'll get you into the shower and wash you." "Oh god no. Well 3;just as long as we wash each other only. We have a lot to do today from what Dad said," Brayden groaned as he sat up. He sniffed. The whole room stank of boy sex and musk. Brayden stood up and stretched. His teen body glistened in the sun light. Tanner and Kyle just starred at Brayden, wishing they looked like him. Brayden had grown some and filled out. His body was lean, tight and muscled. He was smooth and he had trimmed his pubes. His cock had grown too. Now almost five inches [12 cm] long when soft, he was close to seven [18 cm] when hard. His sac was long and low hanging, with two large balls. When he walked they swayed seductively. Brayden walked across the room naked and opened the windows; he turned and smiled at the two younger guys. What a morning so far. Brayden walked towards his bathroom, the boys just sitting on the bed, waiting. Brayden opened his arms for the two and they ran to him, the three hugging. Brayden held the two in his arms and walked the three into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, Brayden and the boys entered the stall. It was big enough for all three and more. Getting soaked by the hot water and then lathering up with body wash, the three got themselves clean and smelling sweet. Drying off each other off and throwing the towels in the hamper, they left the bathroom. "I'm gonna get dressed, you two kneel on the floor until I'm done," Brayden ordered, smiling. Kyle and Tanner dropped to their knees, spread their legs wide and cross their ankles. They put their hands behind their heads and locked fingers. Both boys looked solemnly at Brayden, reverting to their slave training without thinking. They waited for instructions. Brayden was startled by how quickly the boys had reverted to being serious. They looked like slaves. "Hey guys, you know you aren't my slaves right? I just didn't want you to attack me while I dressed. You guys are cool right?" Brayden said hoarsely. Kyle and Tanner looked at each other, confused. Brayden had given them an order they had heard thousands of times. They just reverted back to their training and obeyed their new master, or so they thought he was. "Guys, please, you aren't my slaves. I don't want you to be. I want us to be friends," Brayden pleaded. "Master may be speak?" Tanner asked. "Yes, please don't call me master, I'm Brayden." "Bray, we were trained to obey commands. When you told us to kneel, this is how we are supposed to present ourselves. If we don't we are punished badly." "Tanner, Kyle, get up I don't want you guys to be slaves, I want you to be friends. OK?" Both boys looked at Brayden; they could see he was distressed. While they had been told by lots of adults they weren't slaves anymore, they weren't sure yet and were suspicious it was a test. Tanner decided to take a chance. He slowly unlocked his fingers and lowered his arms to his sides. Uncrossing his ankles, he slowly stood up; standing straight and tense. Brayden smiled and walked over to Tanner and hugged him. Kyle stood up next to Tanner. Brayden hugged him too and stepped back smiling at the boys. The three of them were going to have to unlearn years of torture and pain. But Brayden figured if they all stuck together, they would be fine. "OK, that's much better. We can't have you guys being my slaves, we are like brothers," Brayden said. Brayden was wearing a g-string bikini thong under cargo shorts and a ruby type pullover. Black ankle socks and Nike Jordan's sneakers. He took each boy by a hand and walked out of his room and to the room the boys were using, but hadn't been in since arriving. Brayden helped them select something to wear for the day. He had a slight problem getting them to wear anything under their shorts, but prevailed after explaining how sexy it was to slowly strip down to just the thong. Tanner and Kyle picked the same style thong, blue for Tanner and yellow for Kyle. Cargo shorts and pull over shirts were next and then socks and sneakers. All dressed, and smelling fresh and clean, the three boys ran down the stairs, their feet pounding each step and raced into the kitchen. They were greeted by the wonderful aromas of cooking eggs, pancakes, bacon and sausage. Coffee was brewing and there was fresh juice and milk in the fridge. Somehow Ryan and Steele had beaten the boys downstairs and had started breakfast. The three slid to a halt, staring at the stove and table, food and fruit piled high. The men looked at the boys and broke into laughter; the three frozen where they stood, mouths hanging open. "What, you thought you could beat us downstairs? We're pros at getting up early," Ryan laughed. That broke the boys out of their spell and they quickly ran to their man, grabbing him in a bear hug and squeezing tight. Ryan rested his head on Brayden's, inhaling the fresh smell of a shower and the lingering scent of body wash and cologne. Brayden raised his head and kissed Ryan lovingly on the lips, pressing hard. Ryan returned the kiss, holding the teenager tight. Not to be out done; Kyle and Tanner kissed Steele several times. The men returned the kisses and the stopped. "Enough you sex fiends! Breakfast now and fun later," Ryan laughed. The boys giggled and dug into the food, piling it high on their plates. "Hey you kooks, as we said in the military, take as much as you want, but eat all you take," Steele said firmly, but with a smile. "Are you kidding, this is just the first helping," Brayden laughed, digging in. The other two took almost as much as Brayden, shoveling it in and downing two glasses of milk and an orange juice. The boys continued their attack on the platters of food. Helping themselves to seconds before Ryan and Steele had finished their first helping. The men sat back in wonder as the boys asked and were given permission to finish of the remainder of what was left on the table. But first making sure the men had enough. Sipping their coffee, they watched in amazement as the food disappeared. "Maybe I should have cooked a whole cow and pig for these savages," Ryan laughed again. He loved watching the three boys sitting there with silly grins on their faces. Then, the burping contest started. Brayden, followed by Tanner then Kyle. The boys proceeded to belch louder with each one, until they were convulsing with laughter. Steele and Ryan looked at the boys with stern faces, and the laughing stopped. "Well, I have never seen such behavior from three wild boys in all my life," Steele said coldly, his face dark and hard. The boys looked at Steele and Ryan; worried they had gone too far and frightened. Steele couldn't keep a straight face however and burst out laughing. Ryan followed suit. The boys looked at each other and then at their 'fathers'. Realizing they had been had again, the boys attacked, jumping on the two men, tickling them and kissing them; they hugging them tight. "OK, OK, you three rug rats, play time is over. Help us clean up and then we can get started on today's fun," Ryan commanded in a fatherly tone. The boys swept into action, clearing the table, rinsing plates, glasses and silverware before stacking in the dishwasher. *** Ryan had household help, but had given them the weekend off to spend as much private time with the boys and Steele. It was also a small reward for the staff, who had taken to Brayden immediately and tried to spoil him rotten whenever they could get away with it. Brayden loved the attention, but was careful not to go over board and get use to it. Partly from Ryan's quiet talks and partly from the life he had lived just a few months ago. Once done, all five piled into a large SUV and headed to the first of many stops that day. The first was at a off road and motorcycle shop. The boys were allowed to pick out an off road bike and the appropriate clothing and protective gear. The boys were overwhelmed and unsure what to do. In their short lives, they had never been given the opportunity to select things for themselves; it was the other way around, they gave their bodies to men. Steele and Ryan gently pushed the boys towards the bikes and accessories with the assistance of two young salesmen. The older teens drooled over the three younger boys; doing whatever they could to help and dropping sexual references to the bikes and clothes. They volunteered to come to their houses and give them private lessons on riding; smiling and giggling along with the boys. Brayden, Kyle and Tanner couldn't help but notice the bulges tenting the cargo pants of both the teens, Cody, seventeen and Todd, just turned eighteen. Ryan and Steele looked at each other and winked; knowing what these two hot looking salesmen were up to. When the three begged the men to let the older teens come to their houses; the two men saw an opportunity blossoming. "We'll see OK? We have plenty of time to decide," Ryan told the boys. The boys smiles stayed plastered to their faces; new dirt bikes, new equipment, new friends. Best of all a new life. They thought of how fortunate they were and how it could have been. Best not to push it and ruin a good thing. Giving the two young sales clerks Steele's address for delivery of the bikes and accessories; the group left the store for the next destination. Piling into the large SUV, the boys chattered away, making all kinds of plans for the summer. Tanner was the first to realize they were planning all kinds of things without asking permission. They hadn't been living with Steele for a week and were acting as if they belonged and were in control. "Huh, Ste 3;, I mean Dad, we're sorry," Tanner said softly. "What, why Tanner? What are you sorry about?" Steele asked. "Well the three of us are making all these plans and stuff and we haven't asked you if it was ok and we aren't even your kids yet or anything. And we don't really live with you yet and we should have asked," Tanner said in one breath. Steele turned and smiled at the boys. He was happy they were thinking of others and it seemed they wanted to live with him and be his sons. It was something he wanted and had hoped for. The paperwork was on the fast track to finalize the adoption and if all went well, within a week it would be over, the boys and he a legal family. "Guys, thanks for asking and I appreciate your concern. You know I want to adopt the both of you and you guys seem ready for me to be your dad. The legal work will be done soon and then you will both be a Steele. So don't worry about making plans for the summer. You can plan all you want. But you are right, I get the final say," Steele informed them with a smile. "Thanks Dad, we really love you!" the boys shouted. "I love you too Dad," Brayden added, not wanting to be left out. The five laughed and settled into their seats, the two groups talking quietly until they pulled into a horse stable. The boys looked around in wonder, asking all kinds of questions. The men explained to the boys they were here to start riding lessons. They'd shop in the stable's shop first to get the proper riding gear and then the first lesson would begin. The five went into the office of the large stable and farm and met the owner, Mindy. She gave them a quick tour of the lobby, changing rooms and in-door ring. She took them out to the stables and introduced them to several riding instructors, letting them get to know each other and determine who was most compatible for the boys. The boys liked the older man; tanned a deep brown with weather beaten skin. He appeared gruff and stand-offish to Ryan and Steele but the boys took to him right away and he to them, smiling at their wide open awe of the horses and hung on every word the old cow poke said. He introduced himself as Riley. Riley told the boys tales of the wide open plains of Texas, where he was from and said he'd make them bona fide cowboys, or he'd wipe their hides. The three boys squealed with delight, hoping for both. Ryan and Steele agreed Riley would be perfect for the boys and told him he had complete control when the boys were there. If they misbehaved, he could punish them. Riley looked at the boys, and gave them an evil grin. Mindy escorted the boys to the onsite tack and sales room to outfit the boys. She suggested riding britches and high boots, the boys wanted to dress like cowboys. The boys won. They also wanted to be taught to ride as if on the open range, not in a riding ring. Mindy had hoped to get more boys into her program, but failed. These three would learn to be ruffians; she huffed, thanked the two men for their patronage and started walking back into her office. Seeing her upset, the older men decided to sign up for the riding ring and had themselves outfitted accordingly. Mindy went back to her office later that day smiling and doing a little jig, it had been a most profitable day. On the drive home, they all talked about the day so far, it had gone beyond anyone's expectations. The boys had received more gifts than they ever imagined and the men had even gotten a new pastime, something they could do with the boys. The boys hinted at getting their own horses later and keeping them at the Steele's, but Steele wasn't committing to something that big right now. The expense would be substantial. He said he'd think about it. Pulling into Ryan's driveway, the three boys piled out and raced towards the house. "We're going swimming, ok Dad," Brayden said, rather than asked. "OK guys, that's fine. We're have a cookout later by the pool," Ryan told the three. "Sweet!" all three yelled together and disappeared into the house. The two men could hear the boys laughing and talking at and over each other as three sets of thumping boys feet raced up the stairs. Running into their bedrooms the boys striped and picked out a thong to wear. Brayden ran down the hallway into the boys room where Tanner and Kyle were staying. He pulled up short when he saw the two lying on the bed, naked sporting erections and smiles. They spread they legs and waved Brayden onto the bed. "We're so horny, we figured we could have some quick fun here and then go swimming," Tanner giggled. Brayden yanked off his thong and jumped on the bed in between the two boys. Soon the three were wrestling and grabbing each other. A mass of boy flesh squirming and slithering on the bed. Legs, arms, stiff cocks and mouths intertwined and the sounds of moaning and slurping rising and lowering with the degree of arousal. The aroma of sex and boy musk filled the air as the three drove themselves into a frenzy. The boys couldn't stop grouping each other, licking, sucking and kissing all other they drove themselves to a wild climax, cumming at the same time; splattering their seed all over each other. Drained and covered in sweat and cum; they lay there side by side, hugging and lightly kissing the other. "Oh man that was so good and wild, but we need a shower and then head down to the pool before they come up here," Brayden suggested. "So? I mean they've seen us before at our worse and best. I don't think they will be surprised," Kyle reasoned. "Yea, they're seen all of us, and done it to us. I'm cool," Tanner said. "Yea, OK, but let's take a shower together and go swimming," Brayden replied. The three hopped off the bed and into the guest room shower, soon the three were wet, lathered and of course hard. They washed each other and jerked each other off then got out tried themselves and went back into the bedroom. Brayden put his thong on and Kyle and Tanner picked out posing pouches to wear. When they opened the door, Brayden almost tripped over Gertie who was lying against the door, the saddest eyes looking at Brayden. "Oh Gertie! Did you miss us, I am so sorry you were left alone," Brayden cried out and fell to his knees, hugging the beast around his neck and kissing his head and nose. Gertie's tail thumped and swung in huge arcs, getting Tanner on the shin, making him yelp. The three were now rubbing, patting and hugging the dog, who had rolled onto his side and was accepting all this attention. "OK, let's get downstairs and get in the pool," Said Brayden. The four jumped up and raced down the stairs into the kitchen, skidding to a halt. On the counter was a large pitcher of lemonade and a stack of sandwiches. The boys dug into the pile and devoured half before slowing and looking around for their dads. Kyle spotted them outside, sitting under a table umbrella eating and drinking. The boys and dog raced outside. Gertie led the charge with loud woofs and whines, sensing more attention and tidbits to eat. "Well the gang of four finally arrives," Steele laughed. "I see Gertie found you three. The poor guy has been sulking around for awhile, waiting for someone to play with," Ryan smiled. "I found him, I tripped over him coming out of the guys' room," Brayden giggled. Gertie made his way around the table, hunting for dropped food or a handout. Successful at both, Gertie was ordered to stop mooching and behave. The dog laid down under the table, knowing it was shady and more food would make its way to him. Ryan and Steele looked at the three boys. Almost nude, they stood there, bodies smooth and muscled; no tan lines visible. The boys decided to give their dads a show; posing in different positions, pulling their small pieces of cloth down to give a fleeting glance of butt or cock. Soon the thong and pouches were on the ground and the boys were dancing in front of the men. When the guys jumped up and acted as if to grab them, the boys squealed in delight and ran, only to return and start this erotic game again. "Enough you scamps, on the board, you scurvy scalawags will walk the blank," Steele growled in his best pirate voice. Acting the part, the boys clasped their hands behind their backs; struggling against invisible arms that dragged them to the plank (the diving board) where they would be forced to jump into the shark filled ocean. One by one the boys acted out their walk on the plank, twisting, turning and trying to pull away until at the end of the plank they leapt into the water; each one trying to out-do the other in style and over the top acting. The men sat there laughing as cries of anguish escaped from prisoners lips as they hit the water. The three popped up at the lip of the pool, smiles filling their faces, water running down tanned skin. The boys spent the next couple of hours swimming and playing in the pool. Enticing Ryan and Steele in for a couple of games that tired the men out. Even in perfect shape, these three were a handful and the men admitted defeat, lying back on the lounges. The boys laid out large towels on the ground and laid down, rubbing sun tan lotion on each other and then stretched out, quietly talking to each other. *** One of the security detail at the house buzzed Ryan on the house phone and told him a delivery was being made. When asked what it was, he was told three dirt bikes. Smiling, he thanked the man and told him to escort him to the carriage house. "Boys, why don't you put on those pieces of cloth you call swim trunks and take a walk with us," Ryan suggested. "Ah dad, we're just getting comfortable. Why do we have to get dressed? What's up? " Brayden drawled in perfect teen angst. "Well if you guys don't want your dirt bikes, I guess I'll just tell the two boys to leave and take the bikes with them," Ryan sneered and laughed. "NOOO, no, no; we're cool, we'll get dressed, don't do that!" the three yelled, scurrying to pull on the pouch's and thong. The five made their way from the pool area and across the back lawn to the carriage house where the two young sales clerks; Cody and Todd were busy unloading the dirt bikes. There were trails around the property the boys could ride on for hours, and the trailer had also been bought so the bikes could be transported to Steele's place. Cody and Todd were wearing their cargo shorts, sneakers and nothing else. They had removed their polo shirts so they wouldn't get dirty. Both teenagers were prime teenage boy; buff from weightlifting, sports and good genes; they were bronzed from spending hours outside. Unloading the bikes in the humidity of the day had given then a sheen of sweat that glistened in the sunlight. The three younger boys watched Cody and Todd move effortlessly as they parked the bikes on the driveway and unloaded the other gear. It wasn't until they had finished that the older two saw the three sitting crossed legged on the grass watching them intently. At first Todd thought the three were nude, he couldn't see the minuscule pieces of cloth they were wearing. Todd nudged Cody and gave a slight head nod towards the boys. Cody had all he could do from starring at the three young hotties. The two teens gave the three a show, puffing their chests, showing off their bodies and sucking in their guts (if that were anymore possible) so their shorts would loosen around their waists and drop lower, relieving to all they both had gone commando, treasure trails leading to the tops of carefully trimmed pubes. "Well I guess that does it Sir. Everything is unloaded and the bikes are ready to be ridden," Todd said to Ryan. "Have you decided on how the little dudes are gonna learn to ride? I mean, who will teach them?" Cody added. "Well I remember you both saying you'd teach them. I was wondering if we could work out some kind of arrangement and schedule you two guys," Ryan stated, looking at the two. "We'd love to! We had loads of experience and our own bikes with a trailer. We could teach them here, or anywhere," Cody said with a huge smile. The three boys gave short fist pumps, excited beyond words these two would be teaching them how to ride. All three got hard thinking about riding and other things. It wasn't lost on Todd or Cody when the three stood up; adjusting their dicks inside their small suits. Both teens had to make adjustments too. The five testosterone fueled boys; smiling, sweating and reeking of boy pheromones. Steele and Ryan noticed the action and suppressed smiles as the five stalked each other. "Are you guys done working today?" Brayden asked Todd and Cody. "Uhh, yea we are. We were gonna head home and shower than hang out, since we got nothing planned," Todd advised all of them. "Dad! Can they stay for the cookout and swim? They don't have to go back to work and they got nothing to do and we can let them use the shower and pool and eat with us," Brayden said in one long sentence without breathing. Ryan laughed and agreed if the older teens were ok with it. Both guys nodded vigorously and said it would be great. "Only problem dudes, we don't have any extra clothes or suits to go swimming. So we probably should go home and shower then come back here," Todd explained. "No one way! You can shower here and you don't need a suit, we can all swim naked, it will be sweet. Right guys? That's ok isn't dad, please? Brayden begged. Kyle and Tanner lent their voices in begging and cajoling their dads and the older teens. The men and two older teens smiled and laughed at the three younger boys; panting and jumping around, their growing erections plainly visible in their scant clothing. The boys hugged and squeezed their dads, raising their heads up to give them their best puppy dog impressions. Still laughing Ryan said; "OK, OK, you three devils win. If Todd and Cody are fine with showering here and being mauled by three wild monkeys, its fine with me. You OK with it Steele?" "No problem here. I'd hate to see what would happen if we said no," Steele laughed. Yelps of excitement probably could be heard across the city Ryan thought, smiling at the boys. Well they deserved some happiness after all they have been through. And it didn't look like either Todd or Cody minded the attention as their hands were clasped tightly by the three younger ones as they pulled them into the house and towards the bedrooms and showers. "You guys can use my shower, its big and can handle more than one," Brayden instructed. "Hey what about our shower, its big too. You can hog the both of them," Tanner huffed. "We can take turns, one guy with us and then the other," Brayden hissed. "Whoa little dudes, slow down. Why don't we use each shower? One of us goes with Brayden and the other with Kyle and Tanner. That sounds fair," Todd said, thinking of the fun they'd have with any of them. "Well how do we decide?" Kyle asked. "I'd say it was up to Brayden, cause it's his house. But that's just me," Cody said. "I know, we can flip a coin. Heads I get Todd. Tails you guy pick who you want," Brayden stated. Wow, thought Todd, I feel like a piece of meat be bought. But it's cool, all three are really cute and hot. Brayden picked up a coin off the top of his bureau and said he would flip the coin and let it land on the floor for all to see. The three boys agreed, Todd and Cody standing there, watching the action, grinning. Brayden flipped the coin in the air and it rotated end over end hitting the floor on edge, then flopping over. All five bent over and peered at the coin, the head of Washington starring up at them. Brayden fist pumped, happy to get his choice. Tanner and Cody were just as happy, Cody was a bit smaller but they thought he was really cute and hot. They couldn't wait to get naked with him. Todd and Cody sat on Brayden's bed. Looking at each other. They couldn't believe they were in this huge house; getting ready to take a shower with three hot boys and then go swimming in the nude. They were sure there would be more action during the shower and after swimming. This could work into a sweet deal for them, if they played their cards right. Tanner and Kyle grabbed Cody's hands and pulled him out of the room and into theirs. They pushed him on his back on a bed. They hopped onto it and straddled either side of Cody, looking down and smiling at him. "Lay there and chill dude, we're gonna take care of you," Tanner said, his mouth close to Cody's ear. Kyle got up and rummaged through his bag, pulling a leather blindfold out and holding it up for Cody to see. "Are you OK with this Cody? It's not scary and you'll love it. We use it all the time." Cody looked at the blindfold and the two pre-teens, soon to be thirteen. His shorts grew a noticeable bulge and he grabbed his hardening cock and shifted it. What else were these two wild one's into he thought. "I'm cool dude; I've worn a blindfold before and done other wild stuff," Cody told the boys. "Oh wow, really? I mean we like all kinds of things. We have lots of toys an things if you want to see. Maybe you'll like it," Tanner replied. "Yea, we like tie up games and getting rough. You might not be into some of the things we've done," Kyle challenged Cody. "I've been tied before and I like it rough, I can handle anything you guys try on me," Cody said, not wanting little kids thinking they were tougher than he was. Cody didn't know the past history of the boys, if he did he might not have been so flip. He had been tied before by his younger brother and cousins but hadn't been through any near the torture sessions and sex acts Tanner and Kyle had to endure. Of course there wasn't any of the devices and or torture dungeons nearby for the boys to use or so they thought. Kyle hopped on the bed and told Cody to sit up. When Cody complied, Kyle slipped the blindfold over Cody's head and adjusted it. Cody couldn't see a thing and said so when asked. As Kyle rubbed his hands over Cody's back and chest; Tanner pulled a soft coil of rope out of the bag. Hopping on the bed too, he rubbed Cody's legs and feet, pushing him down again. Cody moaned and wiggled; the boys hands making him rock hard and his skin tingling with pleasure. He felt the boys take his wrists and pull them over his head, crossing them. Cody felt the rope being wrapped around his wrists and pulled tight. Then the rope was pulled to the head board and tied off. "Hey guys, whats up? Why are you tying me up now?" Cody asked. "We're gonna have some fun with you. It will drive you crazy. Relax man, we won't hurt you," Kyle said in a daunting voice. "I'm cool, just wanna know what you two are gonna do," Cody replied. "Not knowing is the best part, relax or do we have to gag you too?" Kyle admonished. "I'm cool little dude, go for it." The boys continued their massage, Cody's arms raised above his head and tied off to the bed. Tanner and Kyle unbuttoned and pulled Cody shorts down his legs slowly. Cody's cock was rock hard and leaking pre-cum already. Kyle ran a finger nail from the base of the shaft to the swollen head of Cody's dick, sending a shudder through his body; goose bumps rising on his smooth tanned and taut skin. His shorts were pulled off and thrown on the floor, Cody was completely naked. Sweat beaded on his forehead and chest. A trickle ran down each arm pit, which had a light coating of hair. Both boys lightly kissed and licked Cody's pits and neck, working down his chest, working the helpless boys nipples until both were red, hard and sensitive. The three were moaning, caught up in the sexual heat the three emanated. Cody pulled the rope securing his wrists to the head board. He would pull up a leg; squirming and overcome with desire. The boys would push his legs back down, running their fingers up the inside of his legs, grouping, kneading and squeezing his balls and cock. "ARRRRRRGGGG!!" Cody screamed, his mind over loaded with astonishing sensations. "Quiet boy, do we have to gag you?" Kyle whispered to Cody, clamping a hand over the teenagers mouth. Cody shook his head no, loving the feelings his nerve endings where sending to his brain. The blindfold heightened his senses, not knowing what was coming next. Cody soon found out. A moist warm mouth enveloped his rigid shaft, sealing lips around it; working up and down slowly. Then the tender lips would release their hold and a wet tongue would lick and flick the length of dick, driving him mad with new bolts of exhilaration. Pre-cum leaked a steady stream out the slit of his swollen penis glans; covering it and his abs with clear sticky fluid. Kyle and Tanner eagerly lapped up every drop; giggling as they watched Cody's diaphragm rise up and down rapidly, his breaths coming in short bursts. Cody couldn't believe how talented the boys were sexually. He'd had his share of blowjobs and given a few; but never had he been driven to this point. Even with the blindfold on, his eyes were closed tight, his mouth wide open, but silent. A sheen of sweat covered his body and his legs were now out straight and spread wide. His toes curled and his fingers flexed open and closed. The scrotum was pulled tight, large balls prominent in the wrinkled sac. The boys continued licking, sucking and nibbling Cody's cock and balls. High-pitched moans and short breaths indicated an impending eruption by Cody. Tanner and Kyle feverishly stroked and sucked Cody until his back arced, his toed spayed out and curled tight and his mouth wide open in a silent scream as he blasted huge volley after volley of cum; hitting his face, chin and chest; a slow stream running down his penis and pooling on his trimmed pubes. The boys lapped every drop of cum up, then kissed each other passionately, Cody's cum mixing with their saliva. Cody lay on the bed, spent. But he didn't have time to relax. Two hard thin boy cocks pushed their way into his mouth, fitting nicely together. The boys humped Cody's mouth while they ran their fingers through his hair, pulling on the strands and forcing him to take their four inches [10 cm] at the same time. Cody gagged and coughed at the forcefulness of the boys thrusts. While the girth of pre-teen dick wasn't overwhelming, the force of thrusts was unexpected. Given their age and how horned up they were from using Cody and eating his cum, the boys shot their loads quickly, forcing Cody to swallow their short blasts. The two toppled over, lying next to the older teen; all three sweating and panting. Smiled etched on their faces. "Uh guys, can you untie me and we can take a shower now?" Cody hesitantly asked. The boys agreed and untied Cody's wrists. They sat him up but when he started to take off the blindfold they slapped his hands away. Pulling him to his feet, Tanner took ahold of Cody cock and squeezed tight, using it as a lead as the three walked into the bathroom. Kyle turned on the shower and then the three entered the cavernous stall. "My god, what have you guys got planned now?" Cody gasped as the two giggled. *** Brayden was happy to have Todd to himself. The teen was a magnificent specimen of teenage male sexuality. Bronzed tan (and no tan lines); hair of a surfer boy, muscles and a body shaped like David; Brayden was overwhelmed with lust. Perfect skin, smooth and tight, teeth gleaming white, both ears pierced as well as a barbell nipple pierce on the right side and the tattoo of a grinning devil high up and tight on the inner thigh near his ball sac. A long, thick cock hung down over the hanging balls; the slight scent of boy musk wafting from his perineum. Legs covered in fine golden hairs, his butt tight and firm and smooth. Brayden was sprouting a huge hard-on and panting with desire. Todd looked at Brayden and smiled. He was really hot looking fourteen year old, looking like a younger version of himself. The kid showed off well, especially wearing that minuscule thong, leaving nothing and everything to the imagination. To Todd, Brayden reeked of sex and desire. He knew that both of them knew they wanted it bad. Todd unbuttoned his short and let them slide down his legs and puddle at his feet. His cock bounced free and slapped his tight stomach like a rifle shot. Brayden jumped a little, startled by Todd's cock slapping his stomach so hard. It pointed up, throbbing and bouncing, his balls just as huge and hanging low. Todd reached out and released the string holding Brayden's thong in place. He pulled gently and the thong was off and Brayden stood there nude too, his cock sticking straight out. Todd delightfully saw Brayden's cock was moderately thick for his age and long, and he was even more turned on that Brayden had shaved his pubes, making the boy clean and smooth. Todd reached out and caressed Brayden's abs and groin, softly sighing with passion for this hot boy-god. Taking Brayden in his arms, they hugged; Brayden's head resting on Todd's chest. Their hard-on's pushing against the others', rubbing lower bodies together. Brayden looked up at Todd, and the two tenderly kissed. Feverously escalating the kissing, the boys tongues intertwined in the others mouth, their embrace locked tight. Brayden pulled Todd towards the shower where the two continued their exploration and intense love making under the shower heads. The room filled with steam from the hot water and their wild sex. Todd didn't think he could love someone that young. And to him three years difference at this time seemed too far apart. But as he held the sweet boy tight, his hands running up and down the boys muscled back and firm ass cheeks, he rationalized in a few years, age wouldn't matter. For a fleeting moment, he envisioned the two of them together forever. Brayden had never felt this way either. He loved Ryan as a dad and before that for the hot sex. But with him being adopted by Ryan, things had shifted. Brayden was smitten by Todd and hoped the older teen liked and maybe even love him. He loved being naked and nestling against the warm body of Todd. Something had changed. Was he in love he thought? Drying each other off; they looked at each and smiled at each other. Brayden took Todd's hand and led him into the bedroom, the two of them fresh smelling and clean, naked as the day they were born. Rummaging through his dresser drawers Brayden picked out two skimpy Speedo's for Todd and Cody to wear to the pool. He hoped Todd and even Cody would find them too tight and uncomfortable and take them off to go swimming. Handed the miniscule piece of cloth, Todd held it up and jokingly asked what it was. "It's a Speedo for you to wear. I think it's a perfect fit," Brayden laughed. "Maybe for an eight year old, damn man, I'll have trouble getting into this," Todd smiled. "Slip it on, I'll help move the pieces around to make them fit in the pouch." "Oh you horny little fiend, you just want another feel, don't you?" "You bet babe, I love touching you, especially right here," Brayden said, grabbing Todd's cock and balls as Todd slid the Speedo up his legs. With a little horse play and some actual help, Todd had the Speedo on. His cock and balls bugled obscenely, threatening to rip apart the fabric. Cody, Tanner and Kyle walked into Brayden's room and stopped short. The younger two were wearing their pouches, Cody was still naked. Seeing Todd in the Speedo and how hot he looked put huge grins on their faces. Todd whipped the Speedo for Cody at him, smacking him in the face. "Ah, you get to wear the same size wise guy, put this on," Todd giggled. Grabbing the Speedo and holding it up, Cody laughed and tugged it on. He too had an outrageous bugle straining the sticking of the small swim suit. The five boys, scantily attired and not for much longer ran down the stairs and out the back door to the pool area. Ryan and Steele were sitting quietly sipping a drink when the five exploded out the door. Both men started coughing, their drinks going down the wrong way away seeing the exhibition of boy flesh on display. "Oh my god, am I broke? Don't I have enough money to buy proper swim wear for you sexy devils," Ryan coughed and laughed at the same time. The five did a slow 360, showing off their attributes. The five got soft drinks and sat down near the men enjoying the stares from the older guys and the warm sun. bottles of lotion appeared and soon five bodies glistened in the sun light, laying on long towels, getting an even darker tan. Brayden propped himself up on one elbow and looking at his dad said, "I don't want a tan line and I don't think anyone else does. Can we take off our suits and sunbathe nude?" "I don't have a problem with that if no one else does," Ryan said, looking at Steele. "I'm fine too. It's private back here. If that's what you guys want," Steele added. Five small pieces of cloth were soon pulled off smooth boy flesh and tossed in a pile. More lotion was applied to areas neglected the first time, causing five visible erections and two clothed ones. Ryan and Steele smiled at each other, a perfect day and a perfect sight before them. Todd was the first to get up and use the outside shower to rinse off the oil and walked to the diving board. Stepping on it, he walked to the end and performed a perfect dive, swimming halfway across the pool before he surfaced. Four more oily bodies followed suit and quickly the pool was full of naked boys splashing around and churning the water into waves. After spending close to an hour swimming and playing grab ass and cock, the five got out. Completely comfortable being naked, the five sported varying degrees of hardness. Kyle and Tanner had full blown excretions, followed closely by Brayden who cock was only slightly drooping and the older two with half hard-ons. Ryan and Steele started the huge stainless steel grill and soon hot dogs and hamburgers sizzled on the racks. All kinds of food was spread out on a table for the boys to pick on and fill their plates. A picnic size table was set and in seated the seven without a problem. Five naked boys and two men in swim suits ate to their hearts content. Brayden sat between Ryan and Todd, the smile never leaving his face. The other four sat on the other side, Tanner and Kyle fight over who would sit where. Steele suggested they swap seats for the second course, settling an argument before it started. The boys insisted on cleaning up after, five boys making short work of it all. They sat around by the outside fireplace, warmed by the flames licking the air. When it got late, Ryan suggested the five boys use the basement rec-room and gym for a while before heading off to bed. Ryan told Todd and Cody there were two rooms ready for their use if they wanted to use them. Tanner and Kyle giggled and Brayden rolled his eyes in fake dismay. The boys went into the rec-room, still full and still naked. Todd and Cody stood there amazed. A huge flat-screen TV covered a wall, there were all kinds of video games and set-ups nearby. A pool table was in one corner and a wet bar in the other. Couches and chairs were facing the TV and games area. They had never seen so many things in one room. Off of the rec-room was a full equipped work out gym with free weights and various machines that sparkled in the soft recessed lighting. The five boys did a light workout not wanting to get all sweaty and sticky again. Then it was back into the rec-room to watch some videos and play some play-station. Competition got heated and the boys playfully shoved each other around. Soft baseballs, pillows and anything else the boys could get their hands on were soon flying across the room at each other. Todd and Tanner wrestled Kyle to the ground and held him as Cody and Brayden tickled every part of his body until he was laughing so hard, he peed a few drops. Of course each boy would be a victim during the games and chases around the room. Five boys collapsed onto the couch, breathing heavy and tired. *** Brayden got up to use the bathroom near the bookshelves, full of new and old novels. Tanner picked up a small squeezable ball and threw it at Brayden, who saw it just in time and ducked. The ball sailed past his head and wedged itself between a book and the shelf above it. Brayden walked over and pulled the ball out then looked a little closer. "Hey, you guys aren't gonna believe this, but I think Tanner dented the wall under this shelf with his hard throw," Brayden teased. "Yea right, it's a soft ball, the only thing it could dent is your head," Tanner retorted. "No honest, come see. There's a small dent or something here. Maybe it was here before," Brayden insisted. The others got up intrigued at what Brayden was saying, but wondering if he was setting them up for a joke. They all looked over the book as saw a small indentation. It looked like it was an imperfection in the wall or maybe something had hit it. Brayden took hold of the book directly below the dent to check the wall further. But instead of pulling it out easily the book held fast at the bottom and tipped forward. Directly behind where the book was resting was a brass button in a recessed receptacle. The five boys looked at each, unsure what to do. Was it an alarm button or what? Why was a button hidden behind a book? "What do you think guys? What is it, and why is it hidden?" Brayden asked. "I don't know man, it's your house, didn't your dad tell you about it?" Tanner asked. "Nope, he never said anything to me about it," Brayden said, absent-mindedly scratching his balls. "I don't know dude, if he didn't tell you there's only two reason. One he doesn't know about it or two he does know about it and doesn't want you to know," Todd surmised. "Well I'm gonna push and see what happens, maybe nothing at all." "Wait Brayden, are you sure? Your dad could get mad at you and us," Cody said. "I don't think he will. Anyway, only one way to find out. Here goes," Brayden said, pushing the button. The boys heard a click and then the bookshelf popped slightly open at the end of the shelves. The boys looked at each other in wonder. Tanner and Kyle nervous, Todd and Cody neutral expressions but also nervous and Brayden excited. "Oh wow, a secret room! I knew it! I bet my dad's grandfather had it made years ago to hide treasure or something really good," Brayden yelped, hopping up and down, his cock slapping his legs. "I don't know man, I think you should close it now," Cody said. "What! Without even looking? No way, I'm gonna pull it open," Brayden insisted, overcome with curiosity. Before the others could say anything, Brayden pulled the book shelf out further form the wall. The boys peered in, seeing old stone work lining the walls and floor. It appeared you had to enter and turn right to continue. Brayden saw a switch on the wall and flicked it up. Dim lights came on and he could see a steps descending around a turn heading deeper below the house. Brayden couldn't see where the steps led to, but he wanted to find out right now. "OK, I'm gonna head down these stairs, whose with me?" Brayden asked, voice filled with false bravado. The other four looked at each other, unsure what to do. Then the younger ones turned to Todd, looking for him to answer for them all. Todd wasn't too sure this was a good idea. This was well hidden and someone didn't want anyone to know about it. Standing there nude, he realized how vulnerable they were. He didn't want to ruin a good thing by having Brayden's dad pissed at him. But he really didn't want the others to think he was a wimp. "OK, let's check it out. Brayden will lead, I'll be behind him and Cody you follow behind Tanner and Kyle," Todd said. Five sets of bare feet set out to walk down cold stone steps that made a sharp turn and continued down for a distance. Goose bumps covered the exposed flesh of the boys, reacting to the cool, almost cold air that rose up to greet them as they walked further down. The stairs wound around as they continued downward. At last they came to the bottom. Todd had counted forty-five steps down. "Damn were pretty far down," Todd whispered. The five stood in a open area, stonewalls surrounding them, and one large wooden door, closed and foreboding. Brayden reached out and pushed, expecting the pre-requisite squeaking. They were all surprised when the door swung open easily and quietly. Brayden groped around for a light switch and found it. Flicking it up, the lights slowly came on and illuminated a large room. The boys walked further in, mouths hanging wide open in awe and some fear. Their penis' shriveled form the cold and from what they were looking at. It was a fully equipped dungeon and a modern torture chamber with cells. The ceiling, floor and walls were all stone. Chains hung from pulleys in the ceiling or from bolts on the wall. There were St. Andrews crosses, T-crosses, racked, a torture wheel, stocks of every kinds, whips, ropes, gags, leather masks and so, so much more. The boys stood there and turned slowly, taking it all in. Tanner, Kyle and Brayden stared at everything, images of their training and torture rushing back into their minds. Kyle felt a warmness running down his leg and realized he had peed on himself. Brayden and Tanner shook slightly from the cold and seeing what the room held. Todd and Cody stood in shock and a bit in awe, trying to understand what they were seeing. This was a full-fledged torture dungeon like they had seen in movies. Todd was starting to sprout a hard-on, turned on by the idea of being used here. Cody was unsure, but loved being tied up and wanted to try more. Neither one knew the history of the younger boys. "Oh man, I didn't know my dad had this, this is too weird and wild. Maybe we should leave and not tell him we found this," Brayden said, a slight tremble in his voice. "What? Come on man, you pushed us to come down here. This is so cool and wild. I want to try some of this stuff," Todd said. "No way man, we aren't staying, we gotta leave now!" Brayden yelled at him. "Why, what's up with you guys?" Todd asked puzzled by the sudden change in the three boys. "I know our dads love us. They saved us from horrible people. We were sex slaves. We were tortured and abused by lots of men. We were tied up and beaten. And we started to like it, I know I did. Just looking at this stuff makes me want to do everything again. I can't let my dad know this. It would hurt him too much," Brayden yelled. "That's right, we love being tied up and tortured. But some really bad people were gonna buy us, who knows what would have happened to us," Tanner added. "I love being tied too. I want my dad to tie me up, but he doesn't want to hurt Tanner and me. But I really like this stuff, Tanner and I still want to get tied up and do lots of stuff," Kyle echoed. "Wow, I guess we all want to use this dungeon. But how do we do that without your dads finding out," Todd asked. "I don't know. Maybe we should just leave now and figure it out later," Brayden reasoned. "Why do that boys, it seems you found something you should not have and you all said you want to try everything in this room," Ryan said, standing in the doorway, voice ice cold, next to him stood Steele. "I don't know how you boys found your way in here, but it appears you like it. I didn't want you boys to feel the need to go through those terrible times I thought were forced on you," Ryan continued. "How did you find us down here dad? I thought the book shelf closed when we started walking down here. I'm real sorry," Brayden said, his body covered in goose bumps. "Well let's just say I get notified. I was pretty shaken when that happened. I was worried what you would do, seeing all this 3; equipment. I guess I am relieved that you all are still willing to be used. And why are you sorry? I never told you about this room and it wouldn't be fair to be angry at you now," Ryan stated. "As you know Brayden, this was my grandfather's house. My parents died and everything was left to me. I didn't know about this room until an old friend of granddad came by with a bundle of papers and some interesting information. You see, granddad loved kids. Mostly he loved young boys and he loved to play with them in this dungeon. I never knew that until the night his friend paid me that visit. I checked this dungeon a few days later and was totally surprised by it. I never thought I'd get a chance to use granddad's dungeon, and I didn't want to force you after everything you had gone through. Hearing what the five of you said, I guess this room is going to get some heavy usage," Ryan smiled, his voice softening. "Steele why don't you help me clap these boys in irons, it's going to be a long night for five mischievous slaves," Ryan said as he locked the door and headed over to a rack of shackles. Chapter 13The five teens stood next to each other, naked and wide-eyed. None were sure what was going to happen to them. Brayden and the younger boys stood ram rod straight; their slave training kicking in. They were excited and frightened at the same time. Their dads (or soon to be dad) were going to chain them and then what 3; torture them, play with them, lock them in one of the cells? The older teens, Cody and Todd stood there, shaking. What had they gotten into? Both were horny and wanted to get wild with the three younger boys, maybe even their dads, but getting chained up? Where these guys gonna torture and fuck them and then maybe sell them? After what the three had told them about being sex slaves, trained to obey and be used for torture and sex, Cody pictured himself in manacles, naked on a stage, being shown off for auction, his body covered in whip marks; shinning under a spotlight, his body oiled. The thought of it scared the crap out of him and at the same time, got him hard as a rock. Todd was sporting a painful hard-on too, he was excited about being chained and used by the two older men. It was his fantasy since he was around nine years old to be tied up naked and made a slave boy to be used by older men for sex and torture. He and Cody played tie-up games and did some light kinky stuff, but looking around this dungeon, he was in for the real thing. His cock bounced up and down with his ragged breath, pre-cum glistening from his glans, dripping onto the stone floor. "OK slaves, line up by height, side by side. Hands behind your head, fingers locked and legs spread." Ryan ordered. Kyle was less than a half inch shorter than Tanner, which bothered Kyle more than being whipped. Steele had gone over to the wall were several pairs of manacles, shackles and chains hung from pegs. The sizes of the cuffs and lengths of chain varied from very young sized to large adult. Sizing up Kyle, Steele selected one of the smallest sets of chains and walked over to Kyle, the clink of the chains echoing in the large chamber. Kyle stood there, goose bumps forming on his body. He shook slightly from excitement and fear. Steele knelt down in from of Kyle and affixed a cuff on Kyle's right ankle locking it with a locking pin. Pulling the boy's left leg closer, he secured Kyle's left ankle. The connecting chain on the two metal cuffs were about twelve inches [30 cm]; Kyle would have to shuffle carefully to walk. Another chain was connected to the center link of the ankle chains to the center link of the hand manacles. The cuffs were locked on his wrists, that connecting chain also about twelve inches [30 cm]. Another chain locked to the hand manacles was attached to a heavy metal collar what was locked around Kyle's neck. The weight of the manacles and chains and the short lengths would prevent him from walking or doing anything easily. Tanner, Brayden and Cody were then similarly chained. Todd had his hands chained behind him; his wrists locked one over the other and the connecting chain from the collar pulling his arms up him back. It was painful, and it definitely made it harder for him than the others. Plus, the chain on his ankle cuffs was only eight inches [20 cm], so he would have to take little baby steps to walk or shuffle. Five leather bit gags were produced and locked tightly in each boy's mouth. Ryan and Steele stood back and looked at the five naked, chained and gagged boys. All five cocks were rigid and bopping up and down, leaking pre-cum now. They were ready to be used and couldn't wait to see that happened next. Ryan took the arm of Todd and pulled him to start walking. Shackled as he was, Todd had to take small shuffling steps. He tried to look down at the floor, hoping he would not fall. Ryan gave him a sharp open-handed slap on his bare ass and told him to keep his head up. Todd shook with excitement; dream of being turned into a slave boy were coming true. He hoped that he wouldn't fail and wanted to make Cody and the other boys proud of him. The thought of being owned by Ryan caused his penis to harden to a point straight out, the skin outlining bulging veins and leaking precum. His nipples were rigid; the cool air causing his skin to have goose bumps, his body hair tingling; as if feeling the excitement in the room. At the far end of the room were cages; small ones, large ones; ones were you could only stand up, others were you had to kneel. Ryan picked a cage were Cody would be able to stand but not move. He pushed the teen into the cage and turned him around, facing the room. Closing the gate, Ryan looked into the boys eyes. Ryan sensed the teenager was ready for training and would accept it willingly. He wondered if Todd would be as willing. Todd was placed in a cage forcing him to kneel. With his arms locked behind him, it was difficult and painful to keep his balance. The three youngest boys were placed in a large cage together, they too would have to kneel, but could lie down if they wanted. Ryan and Steele looked at the five boys and smiled. It would be a bit of a challenge to use and train five teenagers, but they were up to the task. "All five of you will remain there for the night. In the morning your training will be begin. You best get some rest if you can." Ryan laughed as he shut off the lights, leaving the dungeon mostly in darkness. Small security lights softly lighted areas around the room. Unknown to the boys, there was CCTV infrared cameras and sound that covered the entire room. They men could monitor the boys and make sure they were safe throughout the night. The men hadn't told they not to talk, they didn't need to. With the bit gags in their mouths all the five could do was moan or grunt. Kyle and Tanner were grunting, theirs cocks hard. They wanted to jerk off but couldn't, they tried to jerk each other but the chains made it too difficult. The naked, aroused and frustrated boys eyed each other and grunted; excited and nervous. They wanted so badly to play with each other's bodies and use one another. Brayden thought of what had occurred this evening and wondered if this was a test for just him or all of them. Would his new dad really want to sell him? He never said that and he knew Ryan loved him a lot. Brayden decided his father was testing him and just maybe having him show dad what he was made of. He was determined to show him he was ready for anything and wouldn't fail. The boys spent a restless night squirming inside their cages. They would occasionally fall asleep, only to awaken from the uncomfortable positions and the Christmas-like excitement of the coming morning. Puddles of fluid from their leaking cocks grew larger by each hour; the three youngest rubbing each other's bodies; moaning in deep annoyance unable to achieve climax. The three were covered in sweat and pre-cum by the morning, exhausted from lack of sleep and a hyper sex drive.
Unsure of how long they had been in the cages or what time it was their bodies rebelled and the tired boys fell asleep. Chained and gagged as they were, it wasn't comfortable; squirming in their fitful sleep. Ryan and Steele had taken turns watching and sleeping throughout the night; while not at their best, at least they had got some meaningful rest. They'd let the boys sleep one more hour then they would wake them and the training (and fun) would start. Ryan and Steele entered the dungeon one hour later, looked at the boys and each other and turned the lights on bright and the music hear splitting. Five teenager boys; jumped and screamed into their gags, disoriented and shocked wide awake. Brayden, Kyle and Tanner were in a heap, somehow entangled in each other. Cody and Todd banged their heads on their holding cage and watched the three boys trying to separate themselves. Unable to help themselves, their laughed behind their gags. Ryan and Steele had to turn away; they too laughing at the antics of the younger boys. Once they got themselves under control, Steele grabbed a hose hanging on the wall and turned the nozzle on wide open, spraying the three with ice cold water. This caused the boys to shriek and more turmoil trying to get to their knees. Ryan was screaming at them to get into position and the water continued to pound their shivering bodies. Steele turned the hose on Cody and Kyle; yelling at them for laughing and not maintaining proper slave positions. The cold water had the desired effect; five boys were no longer hard, their cocks soft. Ryan selected five cock cages from a shelf and waited for Steele to unlocked the cage doors. Roughly pulling the boys out, Steele ordered them to stand side by side. Standing in line, soaking wet and shivering, the boys stood next to each other shaking from the cold water and air. Ryan ordered the boys to stay at attention and not move as he and Steele attached the cages to each boys' flaccid penis, locking the cage with a small padlock. On a sudden whim, Steele went to a shelf and grabbed five parachute clips and locked them on each of the boys' balls. Now if they walked, the chutes would cause them to spread their legs; another painful addition. Ryan attached one pound [~ half kg] weights to Cody and Todd's chutes, groans and moaning intensified from each teen. Ryan held up three more lead balls and grinned at the younger three, grinning maliciously. The boy's eyes widen; knowing what would happen to their smaller bits if those heavy balls were clipped to the chute. Ryan took a step forward then tossed the lead balls into the corner; the boys wouldn't be wearing those just yet. Steele ordered the three to walk to the center of the room and kneel down. Brayden, Kyle and Tanner shuffled to the center and stood under three sets of chains. The boys knew from past experiences they were going to be hung from their wrists and they ankles secured to bolts on the floor. Cody and Todd were escorted by the men into the corner were two pillories were located. They had seen them on bondage sites, but never had experienced a pillory. The older teens were released from the chains, the chutes left swinging on their extended ball sacs. Todd was first. The chains removed his head and wrists placed in the holes, the top board closed and locking him in a bent position. His legs were spread and locked into a spreader bar. Ryan went over to a cupboard and selected a medium sized plug with alternating vibrator. Steele used petroleum jelly to lube Todd's puckering hole and the two men slowing worked the plug into Todd. Todd's anal chute expanded and locked the plug when it was pushed all the way in. Groaning in pain, Todd was surprised his cock had grown hard and waved up and down from the new sensation. As he got use to the violation of his hole Todd felt the pain giving way to a new pleasure as the plug vibrated, massaging his prostate. His eyes closed, he hummed along with the variations of the pulses washing over his body. Cody was placed in a lower pillory, forced to kneel. His legs and ankles were locked on the pillory bed and in addition to an expanding plug; vibrating eggs were clipped to his nipples. Another weight was hung from his ball chute. A blindfold was added and Cody was left to enjoy new feelings also. Cody's mind was whirling. This was all and more than what he had imagined. He shook with some trepidation and excitement, a light sheen of sweat covering his body that trembled from exhilaration of these new feelings. Brayden was released from his chains and his wrists locked into leather manacles over his head. His feet were locked into a three foot [90 cm] spreader bad and he heard a whirring sound as his arms were lifted higher over his head until he was barley standing on tip toes. Brayden groaned into his gag, his body stretched out, muscles taunt. Kyle and Tanner were locked in chains the same as Brayden; all three in a circle facing each other. The chutes locked on their balls swinging freely. Steele walked over with three half pound [1½ kg] lead balls and clipped them on the hooks, pulling on the teen's balls. They penis' erect and pointing upwards. Ryan selected a small paddle and walked around the three; showing them the paddle and taping their exposed butts. As Ryan walked around the boys each time he tapped their firm round globes, he used a little more force. Ryan continued his route around each boy, tapping, then slapping then winding up and striking with more force each boys' rear end. Ryan never used his full strength; this was a lesson in accepting pain and learning to deal with it. The boys were grunting and whimpering; their asses glowing red and warm from the multiple swats. They could feel the pain in their asses but also the erotic pleasure coursing through the rest of their bodies and mostly in their rock hard and leaking cocks. Chapter 14The five boys; naked hard and vibrating to the sexual stimulations of their bodies were lost in their own thoughts. None was thinking about the other four. They were enjoying the pleasure of bondage and their bodies' enthusiasm for pain. All five glistened with a sheen of sweat; pearls of water running down their arm pits and chests. Their cocks vibrating, pre-cum hanging like a single spider web, dancing in mid air. Steele walked around Kyle and Tanner, alternating between heavy blows and light strikes on the boy's firm buttocks from the leather crop. Brayden could hear the crack of leather against flesh and tensed his butt every time the crack of naked flesh from hard leather was heard. Steel looked at Brayden's sweet ass; smiling each time the boy's gluts dimpled from anticipation of his butt receiving a swat and then sagging in his chains when his ass was spared. Ryan was busy with the Cody and Todd, having clipped weighted nipple clamps to the boys. He then attached adhesive pads to the older teen's inner thighs and two adjustable rings over their cock and balls. Lead wires were plugged into a control box which would sent mild to some-what severe shocks to the boys' bodies. When the boys received a tickle or jolt, their bodies would sway and jiggle, causing the nipple clips to sway back and forth, tugging on the tip and bringing moans of pain and pleasure from the gagged boys. Small puddles of precum formed under each boy; their rock hard penises providing a steady flow of the clear sticky fluid. Ryan at times would loosen a gag on one of the younger boys and scoop up a dollop of one of the other boys puddle and rub the boy juice on a set of lips then have the boys suck his fingers clean. All the while stroking and squeezing the boy's cock; making him produce his own juice and mewing like a kitten. The heavy smell of teen musk and sexual overdrive permeated the basement dungeon. For the next hour the five boys were treated to paddles, shocks, stroking, tickling and touching until they were all covered in beads of sweat running down their bodies; dripping off the tip of pulsating glans, running down the cracks of their ass and dripping off tight ball sacs. Moans of distress and yelps from behind gags came from all five at once. They were at the height of sexual craving, their need for release overwhelming. Ryan and Steele released Cody and Todd from their pillory; tying their hands behind their backs and shackling their feet. The two were escorted to Kyle and Tanner and forced to their knees. Their gags and blindfolds remained in place. Steele removed the blindfold from Brayden so that he could watch and Cody took Kyle in his mouth and Todd took Tanner. The two pre-teens bucked and tried to deep throat the older boys as they were given a long, amazing blow job. Brayden twisted in his bondage and screamed into his gag; completely frustrated and shocked that he was being ignored. His cock bounced and was freely flowing precum now; pumping it out like a river. Ryan stifled a laugh as Brayden shot a death-ray look at him, his body dripping wet with sweat. Steele marveled at how worked up the boy was, considering he was only be stimulated by the sights before him. Ryan and Steele continued the sexual torture of the boys for another hour. Swapping them around, placing them in different positions and stopping them just short of a mind-blowing ejaculation. The boys whimpering, begging and crying; pleading for release. At the end, four of the boys, minus Brayden where allowed to give each other the relief they had suffered for. Brayden was screaming into his gag, he was rocking back and forth, his cock rigid, the glans purple and angry for being ignored. Ryan released the four boys and ordered them to turn their attentions to Brayden. They were told they could do whatever they wanted to him, short of allowing his relief. Brayden was screaming louder into his gag, his eyes ablaze with hate. He shook the chains locking his hands above his head, trying to pull it from the anchor over his head. Kyle and Tanner licked, sucked and nibbled on Brayden's nipples. The boy mewing, his head fallen back looking upwards, eye lids closed tight. Cody worked feverishly on Brayden's inflexible penis, working his tongue up, down and around the sensitive skin. Todd buried his face in the tight globes of Brayden's butt, his tongue flicking rapidly in and out of the boy's flexing hole. The older boys rubbed Brayden's legs and torso, adding to the over load of sensations Brayden was feeling. A sharp whistle from Ryan stopped all activities on Brayden. The four boys got up and stood at attention in front of the chained and stretched boy, his body red and soaking wet from his sweat. His eyes leaked tears of frustration, his cock drooling precum like a small stream. Brayden looked at Ryan, puzzled and hurt that his father was treating him this way. What had he done to deserve this treatment? His balls ached for release his penis actually throbbing in pain, the skin stretched out to what he thought was the breaking point. His wrists hurt from the tension of being pulled taunt for so long, his legs shaking, his toes aching. Ryan walked in front of the boys and stood in front of Brayden, slowing looking up and down at his son's body. They locked eyes on each other, Ryan not saying a work, Brayden unable to talk because of the gag, but not a whimper now. "Do you know why you are being treated like this?" Ryan quietly asked the boy. Brayden's eyes widened in surprise. His father looking at him, waiting for some sign of recognition of his error. Brayden was shaking, from the pain and from trying to figure what he had done. Ryan continued to look at Brayden, waiting. Ryan walked over to a wall and selected a medium sized leather strap. Then walking behind Brayden, swung the strap at half speed and slapped his ass, a loud crack and muffled groan coming from Brayden at the same time. Brayden yelped into his gag. He heard the swoosh of the leather strap and then felt another stinging whack across his unprotected ass. "Think!" Ryan loudly stated. "What brought you and the others down here?" Ryan questioned Brayden, his voice softening. Brayden tugged at his bounds, his arms, legs and ass painful from the tension of his stressed position. What had he done? Think damn it he said to himself. At once it came to him! The indentation in the bookcase, the button and the opening to this room. He was the once that pushed the button, even after the others said not to. He was the one that was lead everyone down into the dungeon. It was his fault. Brayden hung his head in shame and embarrassment. He had brought this all upon the others. He knew he shouldn't have pushed the button, he had been instructed before that areas of the house were off limits and he was not to go where he hadn't been shown by Ryan or one of the security staff. He had broken the rules, cocky in believing that he was special and didn't have to worry about the consequences. Ryan/Dad was adopting him, making them a family. He forgot the rules. Then being honest with himself, he knew the rule and broke it. Brayden eyes welled up and tears slowly started to trickle down his face. His body slumped, hanging down from the chains, his energy gone, and shame in its place. The boys looked at Brayden in wonder and alarm. What had he remembered that caused him to break down? Ryan replaced the strap on the wall and slowly walked back to the hanging boy, and then standing in front of him lifted Brayden's chin and gently pushing it up so that Brayden and he would be looking into each other's eyes. "You know what you did now, don't you son?" Ryan spoke softly and with a gentle fondness. Brayden's lips quivered, the gag locked tightly in his mouth. Eyes blood-shot and swollen, Brayden looked at his father and cried. His body racked with emotion. He had failed the only person who loved him. Brayden pictured himself on that horrible auction stand, naked and chained; waiting to be sold. Ryan signaled to Steele and a whirring sound was heard by all the boys. Brayden's arms were slowly being lowered. The boy hissed in pain, his arms having been stretched above his head for quite a while. Ryan helped Brayden lower his arms in front of him and released the clip from the chain, freeing the cuffs from it. Brayden's wrists remained locked together in the front of him. Ryan eased Brayden down onto the floor and removed the spreader bar. Then gently taking the boy's head, he removed the gag from Brayden. Steele handed Ryan a bottle of water and Ryan slowly allowed Brayden to drink his fill. Then cradling the boy in his arms, Ryan held him and rocked him tenderly until Brayden's sobs subsided. "You know now, don't you Brayden? You know what you did wrong?" Hiccupping and his voice horse, Brayden whispered a barely audible "Yes master." Ryan's eye brows raised in surprise. Brayden had called him master. Was the boy afraid he was no longer loved? Ryan soothingly stroked the boys head, pulling him closer to him. The other found boys watched Ryan cuddle Brayden and quietly talk to him. They could not hear what he was saying, but the older two had a good idea. Ryan was comforting the boy and assuring him he was safe and loved. "Brayden, you don't have to call me master unless we are role playing and you are the slave. And right now you are my son. I love you Brayden and I always will. I may not like some things that you do, and I will get angry, but at what you do; not at you." Brayden looked at his adopted father, and a tear ran down his cheek. He slowly put his hands out, still locked in the restraints. Ryan unbuckled the leather wrist manacles and removed them from the boy. He then enveloped Brayden in his arms and hugged him. Brayden wrapped his arms around the man and the two remained motionless, their bodies squeezed together. "Do you understand now son?" "Yes dad, I do. It won't ever happen again. I am so sorry. And I'm sorry for getting the guys in trouble too." Brayden whispered. Steele looked at the four boys; standing together naked and unsure what to do. A faint smile showed briefly on his lips and then was gone. He walked over to Tanner and told him to go up stairs and bring back four pairs for shorts for them. "What about Brayden, he'll still be naked," Tanner said. "Brayden won't be needing them tonight, now go," Steele replied his tone gentle but firm. Kyle, Todd and Cody looked at each other, uncertain if they should move or sit. Their concern was picked up by Ryan. "You three kneel down and wait for Tanner. Once he's returned put on the shorts and go upstairs and wait for us in the family room. You can sit on the couches and watch TV or talk quietly." "Is that understood?" Ryan asked with a cold edge to his voice. He was unhappy about what he had to do next and these four were just as responsible as Brayden. Todd said "Yes sir." The other three quickly replied the same. "I will tell you this one time and one time only; Brayden will be punished tonight. He will suffer for all of you. He knew the rules, you did not. But you did not stop him or yourselves. You won't escape corrective punishment the next time." Tanner came back down with four pair of shorts and passed them to the other three. Once clothed, the four boys went back upstairs. "I will be up in a while boys. Don't do anything but sit in the family room. Now go," Steele ordered. Brayden was kneeling on the floor, looking back and forth at the two men. A single rivulet of sweat ran down his back into the crack of his butt. Brayden gulped his breathing heavy. "Brayden, you will be punished tonight and released in the morning. Kneel there with your arms by your side," Ryan commanded. Steele went over to one of the many built in cabinet drawers and opened it. He gathered several coils of various size ropes and laid the pile in front of Brayden. Brayden gazed at the pile, goose bumps breaking out on his body. "Brayden, we are going to tie you in Kinbaku, which is the traditional Japanese bondage. It is very tight and intricate. You will be suspended for the night. Either Steele or I will be with you all night long. So in a way we too are being punished," Ryan explained. Brayden's face showed puzzlement and he looked concerned. "You're wondering how we are being punished aren't you?" Brayden nodded yes. "Well both of us will be up all night making sure nothing happens to you. We will be losing a lot of sleep. Now isn't that like punishment for us?" Ryan asked. "I never thought of that Dad, I'm sorry I did this and now you have to suffer. I'll be alright by myself." "No son, we can't take that chance, you will be tied tightly and in a stress position for almost eight hours. That is a lot to ask a person's body, especially from a boy." "I can handle it. I suffered through a lot worse with Sly I bet," Brayden said without conviction. "No discussion on this Brayden. We will take turns covering you and you will suffer, I'm sorry to say," Ryan replied, sadness filling his voice. Steele and Ryan then set to work binding Brayden with the various ropes. His arms tied high up behind his back, arms pinned to his body from the rope. A beautiful weave of hemp crossing his chest, back and around his crotch. The rope was pulled snug in the crack of his ass, winding around his genitals. Ankles crossed and tied; a pattern wound up his legs. His ankles were pulled back towards his bump and tied to his tights. More rope connected his legs to the ropes securing his arms. Several strands were wrapped around his forehead, pulling his head up and back; tied to his feet. More rope was wound around his mouth, acting as a gag. Brayden was bound harshly and unable to move. He heard a whirring sound and the cable and hook came down. Ryan connected the hook to a loop in the rope in the small of his back. The whirring sound started again and Brayden was hoisted up four feet [1.2 m] off the floor. He slowly spun clock-wise. The Kinbaku binding was done correctly, Brayden was secure and the pressure points of the rope all over his body. He would suffer, but he would not be in any danger. Brayden was going to spend a very uncomfortable night in bondage. Ryan dimmed the lights and sat down in a leather chair, far enough away to keep an eye on Brayden but not so close that the boy could see him in the darkness. Steele when upstairs to deal with the other four. Steele entered the family room, the quiet talk stopped and four sets of worried eyes locked on him. "Brayden is secure for the night. His dad and I will take turns watching him and in the morning, he will be released. Then the five of you will be dealt with together," Steele told the boys, his voice emotionless. "Now you four are to go upstairs and go to bed. You will sleep in your own beds, alone. No sharing, no having fun 3; of any kind. You will sleep naked and in the morning you will shower and come down stairs naked. The four of you will kneel in the family room with ankles crossed and hands behind your head with the fingers interlaced. Have I made myself clear?" The four boys replied with a loud yes sir and went upstairs, silent. No one wanted to say what they were thinking. It would be a long lonely night. All thoughts were on Brayden and what would happen in the morning. It appeared no one would get much sleep this night. Brayden spun in a slow arc, his body aching from the tight bondage. His penis had gotten rock hard and pointed straight down. As his body twirled, he would try to see where his dad was. However the lights were dimmed enough that he couldn't see where the man was. Brayden wondered if this was the last of his punishment. Ryan hadn't said anything more about tomorrow, but he knew that this wasn't the end. A clock chimed the new hour. It seemed like ten to Brayden. It was going to be a very long night.
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