PZA Boy Stories


Granddad's Dungeon

Chapters 8-11

Chapter 8

The doctor looked at the door in disgust as Sly left, and then turned his attention to Brayden. The boy was in shock and probably would not be ready for the auction in two days. He had seen this before, young boys pushed to the brink and beyond; their minds shutting down from the torture and abuse heaped on their young bodies. If given in measured doses, the boys usually were fine. But Sly's treatment of Brayden had pushed the boy into an abyss.

The doctor administered some drugs by needle into Brayden's arm. He figured if the boy was treated medically as well as left alone, his mind and body would heal. The doctor had his doubts Brayden would be able to hold up standing on the auction block.

Looking at the two men, the doctor issued orders,

"The boy may remain in this cell, but he is not to be tied. Keep him covered with the blankets, he can stay nude, it will be easier to care for him. "

"And make sure he drinks liquids. Have some of the boys tend to his needs."

Looking sternly at the two behemoths, the doctor finished his instructions,

"Do not that his owner in here so whatever reason. The boy could go either way. I am going to consult with Mr. Hardum; if that fool creates a scene; do what you have to do to control the situation."

Both men smiled coldly and advised the doctor each shift would be given his instructions, there would not be any problems. The doctor nodded, thanked the two men and left.

"I really hope that jerk tries to get in here, I want to give him some payback," Mussed the first guard.

"Oh yea, Sly's been a real pain in the ass to everyone, he deserves some of his own medicine," the other man agreed.

Both men took up their places in the holding area; they had the only key and Sly wouldn't be able to get near the kid. Their only job would be to monitor the boy and keep him safe and that asshole Sly better not make trouble.

Activity started to increase as boys being displayed for the auction were being returned to the holding cells. They were naked and all had their hands tied behind their backs and ropes wrapped around their chests, holding their arms tight to their sides. All of the boys had their feet shackled with short eight inch [20 cm] chains connecting the metal cuffs. The men watched the boys shuffling in, their balls and cocks swaying back and forth in time with their mincing gait. The bondage did strange things to some of the boys. A few older boys and two young ones sported rigid hard-ons; resulting from the tight ropes and strangely, the perverse feeling of excitement being naked and tied up.

Each cell would contain four boys for the next two days. This would allow some of the welts and lashes to heal a bit. The day of the auction they would be thoroughly cleaned and their bodies oiled to enhance the beauty of each boy. The boys would remain naked and tied the whole time. They would be fed, watered and brought out to relieve themselves by other boys or some of the guards. Additionally, each boy was collared and chained to a separate wall. They could talk to each other if they wanted to; their owners didn't care about that. But the boys would not be able to service one another. Their frustration level and testosterone would overload the boys with lust, they'd be ripe for being fondled and probed by eager buyers.

The only one who would not have cell mates was Brayden. He would remain untied, save for the locked collar and chain attached to the wall and left alone. He would however be closely monitored and for lack of a better word, pampered.

Sly was pacing outside the building. He knew he had fucked up and was trying to get in touch with that Ryan guy who showed interested in the kid before. Sly was also trying to figure out how to keep the bonus money he had received from the mysterious man. He wasn't making any friends, and he had more than enough enemies. The idea of making one more didn't bother him so much as the uneasy feeling he got every time he thought of the well dressed stranger. This was a man you did not fuck with, or you put your life in his hands.

Sly decided he'd double his efforts to get this Ryan guy to buy the kid, no matter what the price. He wanted the kid gone forever. If he couldn't sell Brayden, well there were other alternatives.

"Where the hell did I put that fucking guy's number?" Sly cursed to himself.

While Brayden's tortured body and mind rested, the two guards kept watch over the cell door and ogled the naked boys in the holding cells. Sly searched for the phone number, and as usual with him, he had tried to screw everyone on this deal. Now there was a problem and as he tried to stay alive, the man he agreed to sell Brayden was busy making a phone call.

"Hello?" Ryan answered on the first ring. He knew who was calling.

"Listen there's been some kind of a problem. A doctor went into the kid's cell and that asshole Sly is in a controlled panic."

"Fill me in on what you know," Ryan said, his voice tense.

"The two teams are alternating coverage. We know Brayden is alive, but may be hurt, but this needs to be confirmed. A doctor did go into the boy's cell. Only the doctor came out. There's been no unusual activity after that. I think the boy is alive. Also, I've paid Sly his ten grand, to win the bid but I can't guarantee at this time it will occur."

"Anything else?" Ryan asked.

"I've talked to Sly, demanded the ten grand back, he said no of course. But he is worried and I know he is afraid of me. The teams here are in place and the others are in position."

"If you can get in to see Brayden, do it. If not reach out to the doctor. Find out what you can first about him. Maybe he can help us," Ryan ordered.

"Most of that is done. I did a background on the doctor, his license is suspended, but he works for the owner of this place. He actually is good, just got caught up in a drug selling scheme. I'm going to approach him. I overheard him talking to Hardum, the doctor hates Sly."

Sly was still pacing outside. He had called his men and told them to grab the other kids he had and bring them here to the auction. Sly had four boys and one girl; between the ages of nine and fifteen. He decided to sell them all and get out of the kid business for a while. They were a pain to take care of and cost too much, even by his standards. The men would tie them up and bring them in the van. Once here he would put them in a single cell, even the girl. All of them would be naked, Sly kept them that way, easier to control.

The girl might be a problem, she would be the only one and Hardum hadn't approved any of this.

"Well tough shit, I've made the guy a lot of money, he can do me this favor," Sly thought to himself.

Ryan's chief of this operation was watching the activities inside the building. Naked and chained boys were still walking about serving buyers and guests. Nothing seemed out of place and the guards appeared relaxed, but still diligent. Most of the trade that was to be auctioned had been removed from the open floor, while others; not being sold where still on display for guests to play with and torture.

A pair of naked twelve year olds were in a fight cage, their hands tied behind their backs; elbows strapped tight. The two were in a kick fighting match. Both were muscled and agile, they bodies honed from several years of working hard labor and learning fighting skills in South America. Both boys were from the states, kidnapped six years ago for the purpose of being used as toys for drug lords. They had endured painful training as sexual playmates and as laborers in the fields and mines of their owners.

The boy's natural beauty and physical structure caught the eye of one of the drug lords, who ordered the boys to be trained as fighters. The boys would be put on display and bets wagered. The loser always paying a heavy price, but not to the point where the boy would be out of commission for a long length of time.

Kyle and Tanner; the names the two once went by were glowing from the exertion of the fight; their bodies covered in sheen of sweat. Their longish hair, golden blond and light brown, hung off their heads, wet from sweat, flying out in different directions from the raw energy of the youthful combatants. Both knew that was in store for the loser; and while each boy had come to love the other, the fight was no less violent. The loser paid the price. Their only consolation was they were kept locked in the same cell always. The winner administering loving care to his partner.

It wasn't surprising then, that their owner and master made huge sums of money betting on the outcome of the fight, the boys having decided before hand which one would win. They then gave that information to their trainer, who advised the master. The boys were also rented out as sex slave's for certain high powered politicians and rich men. It is any wonder that a place like this could exist?

It was Kyle's turn to lose. And though both boys put on a hard brutal fight, the kicks to each other's body did little damage. It would be the after fight punishment that would truly be painful for the boy. Kyle, golden blond, a shade over five feet five inches [1.65 m] and one hundred and ten pounds [50 kg], was all muscle. His pectorals were hard, his areolas reddish brown and large, his nipples hard. He had well developed six pack abs, formed over the years from strenuous workouts. His legs were that of a long distance runner, and his cock, when flaccid was three inches [7½ cm], hanging over large balls in a smooth sac that hung low for a boy of such young years. Tanner could have been his twin, save for his light brown hair. He had started to grow pubic hair, but had been shaved smooth. In fact, both boys were smooth from the neck down. Being shaved by other slaves kept by their master.

Tanner turned left and bending at the waist, swung his right leg out and up, his finely sculpted foot connecting with the right side of Kyle's face. The force of the kick to his head dazed Kyle and he went down, laying on his side, his chest heaving from the blow and from the intense fighting. Tanner slowly sunk to his knees, he too drained from the fight. It had lasted twenty minutes, the time their owner had allowed it to progress. Any longer and the boys would tire considerably and mistakes could result in a serious injury. It had lasted long enough to produce thrills and knock downs of both boys, and now there was a winner and a loser.

Tanner knelt there, hand tied tightly behind his back, his elbows locked close together by leather straps and watched as Kyle was picked up and carried out of the cage. He would soon be hanging by his ankles, secured to a four foot [1.20 m] bar with course rope wrapped around his bare feet. His hands were untied and allowed to drop down, then retied and secured to a ring in the floor. He looked like the letter Y. A large O-ring was forced into his mouth, forcing it open, his jaw already aching. Kyle was then raised up until his body strained from being stretched tight by the merciless pull of the ropes. His mouth was crotch high and would be able to service as many men that paid for the privilege. Plus Kyle would be whipped and flogged front and back, suffer the humiliation of being pissed and cummed all over. He would hang there for three hours, being used as each paying customer saw fit. Once his ordeal was over, he would be let down, covered in piss and cum. His feet would be hobbled with a six inch [15 cm] chain, forcing him to take baby steps. His hands would be locked behind him by a single metal cuff and a rope around his neck would keep his arms pulled up high. As he was pulled by a penis leash toward the holding room, he would be further subject to swats and pinches all over his body.

Kyle was yanked towards the showers, and washed carefully by two young attendants. His bondage was removed and a metal collar locked around his neck. Kyle slowly followed the tugs of the chain connected to his collar as he was brought to the cell Tanner was already in. Once inside, his chain was connected to a ring in the wall next to Tanner's. Tanner helped Kyle lie down on the thin mattress the two would share. As the attendants closed the cell door, Tanner lovingly caressed and administered soothing ointments to Kyle's body. The two had completed their obligations and would not be seen again at this event.

Brayden lay on the thin mattress, covered by a wool blanket. His naked boy was a mass of black and blue and his anus bruised and bright red. The doctor was monitoring Brayden carefully.

He was smitten with the boy and had suppressed his desires. He administered precisely measured drugs and fed him light broth and fluids. The doctor also tended to Brayden's wounds and applied the soothing salves to the boys abused body. Peering down at Brayden's naked form, the doctor could tell he would be back to his Adonis beauty once healed. The physician longed to have the boy but knew such a treasure was out of his reach. He settled for healing the boy and taking his time in doing so. At least it would prolong his contact with the boy.

Sly waited outside the building for his men to arrive with the boys and the one girl. He had to tell Hardum soon about the arrival or things could turn bad 3; really bad fast. Sly asked one of the guards to advise the man he needed to talk to him right away about a problem he was having. The guard just looked at Sly and didn't move or even indicate he had heard him. Cursing, Sly handed the man a twenty. When the guard still did not move, Sly almost lost it, but quickly composed himself and offered another twenty, which the man accepted, turned and walked away.

"Hey, are you gonna see Hardum? You son of a 3; ., hey, com' on man, you're gonna go see him right?"

Sly could only stand there and seethe, unsure if he had just lost the forty dollars or if the guard would take his message to Hardum. Even if he did, would Hardum see him? Sly was getting more agitated by the minute. Even if Hardum did see him, he may not want the additional boys (and girl) here at the auction. All Sly could do was wait and see. He hated being in this position. He was usually in control of things, this was unnatural to him.

"Damn it, why is this shit happening to me? That little fuck caused all these problems. If he is sold, he's gonna disappear 3; forever," Sly raged to himself.

The guard appeared and told Sly to follow him. Sly nodded but didn't say anything. They entered a locked, unmarked door and walked down a long hallway. The guard stopped at another door and knocked once. A buzzer sounded and the door latch released, the heavy metal door popping slightly open. Sly entered the room and the guard followed, closing the door. Sly could hear the lock click, reengaging itself. Sly found himself standing in a large, elegantly furnished office with muted lighting and leather furniture everywhere. It had the look of a large corporation CEO's office.

The only difference in that was the thirteen and a half year old boy knelling next to the huge executive desk. The boy was naked; a leather collar around his neck. His hands and feet had matching leather cuffs locked on them. He was also beautiful, long black hair flowing down to his collar, a golden tan from head to toes and a perfectly formed body.

His wide muscled chest slanting down to a sculptured V waist. His small patch of pubic hair was trimmed and neat. The boy's cock was a flaccid three inches [7½ cm] and cut. His balls the size of small walnuts nestled in a hairless sac that hung low. The boy was Hardum's nephew. Hardum had gained parental rights for the boy when his parents died in a car wreck. A wreck Hardum had arranged. His brother had vast holding in many fortune 500 companies and he was the sole heir after having the will reworked by his legal team. He was worth hundreds of millions of dollars now and could indulge in his favorite pastimes. His favorite being the buying and selling of young boys.

Hardum order the boy to leave the room. Ryan raised himself up in one fluid motion; years of training ordered by his uncle in gymnastics, weight lifting, swimming and the usual fitness programs had trimmed the boy's body to that of a fine Greek statue. The boy walked to a door behind his uncle's desk and left the room.

"Alright Sly, you have five minutes of my time. Make it good," the man snarled.

"I have a problem with the boy I was going to auction, he flipped out for some reason and he won't be ready for sale in two days," Sly groveled.

Sly hated to appear docile to anyone, but he knew if he was properly deferential to this man, he could disappear forever. Sly carefully continued;

"I have five boys and a girl enroute here; I can sell them and make a quick profit on all of them."

Seeing Hardum face darken, Sly quickly added,

"And to make up for all this trouble, I'll give you..uh..say thirty percent of what I gross," Sly smiled .

"I'll tell you what Sly, since you have caused so much trouble and aggravation, I'm going to accept your offer of Seventy percent for me, to cover expenses and annoyance."

"seventy percent? Uh 3; can we discuss this? I have a lot of expenses and I'm ok with fifty-fifty," Sly whined.

"This is what is gonna happen, you give me the seventy percent and I let you walk out of here. Hell I might even let you come back 3; some day."

Sly knew if he didn't agree he was dead and lowered his head, then quickly raised it smiling.

"Hey, you're right. It's a fair deal and I still make money. I agree and appreciate your kindness."

Sly hoped he could get out of the office before he threw-up. The deal sucked, but he was alive and there were other deals to be made. Sly offered his hand to Hardum, but the man was already looking down at the papers on his desk, ignoring the proffered hand. Sly took it as his cue to leave, and without delay at that. As Sly walked to the exit, Hardum called out to the pimp,

"One more thing, that kid had better be sold this weekend, I don't want to see or hear about him again."

Sly shuddered, he knew he was in a no-win situation. The brat had freaked out and ruined his plans for a huge take. Sly wondered if Hardum knew about his attempt to circumvent the auction protocols by taking ten grand for a fixed bid. Probably not, otherwise he'd be under a pile of dirt.

"Don't worry I have one or two buyers definitely interested in the kid," Sly choked out.

"Good. And to show my gratitude, you can keep forty percent of the sale."

Sly was stunned. The whole thing was turning into a disaster. Not only had he lost a steady stream of money by selling the kids on the street, he was losing them all together and taking a bath.

"Oh and Sly, when the girl arrives, my men will take her. I don't want her here in this auction. I'll give you a grand for her and she'll be shipped to another location. End of story, got it?"

Sly was turning red in the face from rage and the two guards sensed his growing hostility. They unbuttoned their coats and placed a hand inside, ready to draw down on Sly and take him out if he made any sudden quick moves. Both men hated him and prayed he would provide them with a reason to waste him.

Sly saw the two men tense up and glare at him, being unarmed and at a disadvantage, sly raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Hey, Mr. Hardum, whatever you say. I appreciate you working with me on such a delicate problem."

"Good, now we're done," Hardum coldly stated.

Sly grabbed the door knob and yanked the heavy door open, he let it close behind him without a bang, that wouldn't be too smart of him, twisting Hardum's tail. Sly grabbed his cell phone and called his men, filling them in only on what they needed to know. He knew he was lucky he'd make enough to pay his guys and maybe have a small profit. Now it was time to get rid of the brat. Sly went looking for the man who he had brokered a deal with. He'd take the ten grand and give the kid to the man. He knew he was losing thousands, but fuck it. Time to wash my hands clean of the kid.

Sly went looking for the man, but was startled when the man slide up next to him without a sound.

"Hey Mr. Steele, I was looking for you. Things have changed as you know. The kid ain't gonna be auctioned. Hey, don't get uppity, let me finish," Sly hissed, seeing Steele, (one of many aliases) ball his fists.

"The auctioneer wants the kid gone, sold outright 3; since he can't be auctioned and you paid me ten grand he's yours. How's that?" Sly beamed.

"How's that? I can't believe you think this is a deal for me. The boy is damaged goods. I want half my money back and the kid."

"You can't be serious, the kid is worth thousands more," Sly choked.

"I don't think so. It will cost me thousands to get that kid's head straight if ever. That's the deal, and if you don't accept it. Everyone here, including Mr. Hardum will know about it."

Sly was in a rage, how had all his plans blow up in his face. It was that fucking kid. Well Sly knew he was beaten, he'd accept the offer then when things cooled off, he would hunt Brayden down, kidnap him and torture him for a few days, or weeks and finish him off. Sly smiled and looked at the man he called Mr. Steele,

"OK, you have a deal, you got me over a barrel and there ain't nothing I can do. Five grand for me and five grand back to you and the kid is yours. Good riddance."

"Fine. I want the boy and money this afternoon. I'll have a van here to pick him up and take him away."

"And Sly, don't try any games, you really don't want to fuck with me," Steele said, his voice as cold as ice.

"Hey, wouldn't think of it, I'll the house know the kid has been sold, we need to fill out their forms so they can get their cut and then he's all yours. Should be all done by four o'clock today."

"Good, I have a few men nearby, I'll put them on standby," Steele said and walked away.

Sly was rattled by that last statement, how many men and what if they were just like Steele. Well I'll give the kid to him and half his money back. Pay off Hardum, sell the others and get the hell out of here. Let the kid get nice and healthy again, it will be more fun breaking him down one last time.

Steele contacted Ryan, he quickly filled him in on the latest results. Brayden was his, he would be in Ryan's home by seven o'clock tonight. Ryan should contact the list of doctor's Steele had provided him. They were the best at healthy broken minds and bodies. Ryan thanked Steele and told him there would be a bonus in it for him and all his men.

Steele then broached the subject of this hell hole and all the captive boys in cells about to be sold. Ryan told him to get his troops together and contact his friends in law enforcement, once Brayden was safely out of there, Steele could do what needed to be done. Ryan thanked him again and hung up.

Ryan disconnected and put the phone on his desk. He got up and walked a few feet before falling to his knees and started to cry uncontrollably. Gertie, shaken by his master's unusual action padded over and softly whining nudged Ryan and started licking him. Ryan got his crying under control and hugged his dog. Looking at the dog's quizzical face, Ryan started laughing. Sensing a change, Gertie's tail wagged furiously, delighted his master was sending out happy vibes.

"Oh Gertie, Gertie, I have great news boy! Brayden's coming home. He's coming home and he's going to live with us." Ryan started crying again, kneeling on the floor hugging his dog.

Chapter 9

Gertie wasn't sure why his owner was happy and crying at the same time and reacted the same, jumping, wagging his tail and whimpering. Gertie ran around in circles, becoming more excited at Ryan's strange behavior. Realizing the dog was showing signs of stress; Ryan calmed down and sat on the floor, letting Gertie calm down. Gertie sensing Ryan was more relaxed now, lay down next to him and put his head in Ryan's lap. Giving a not so tender shove with his nose demanded a head rub.

As they sat (and lay) on the floor, Ryan's mind raced as to what would happen next and what would needed to be done to insure Brayden would be nursed back to health and his future secure. Ryan would wait for the phone call confirming Brayden was out of that horror house and en-route to his new home.


Brayden slowly woke from his troubled sleep, remembering bits and pieces of a horrible nightmare. As he became more aware of his surroundings, Brayden realized it wasn't a nightmare, what had happened to him was real, the metal collar locked around his neck and the heavy chain secured to the wall confirmed that. While he was completely naked, at least he was on a reasonably comfortable mattress and covered by a clean blanket. Brayden check his body, his wounds had been treated and were healing nicely. He saw a tray with fresh fruit and water on it and realized he was starving.

Reaching hesitantly for the water, Brayden picked it up and drank. At first concerned about eating, he soon surmised the food was left for him to eat and he pick up an orange, peeled and ate it. Soon Brayden was devouring all the fruit left for him and laid back down on the mattress, his stomach full. Brayden lay there, wondering why he was still chained and naked; but allowed food and comfort. Had he been sold by Sly and the new owner was making sure he'd be in proper condition to be useful? Or was this one of Sly's tricks? That bastard had done it before, treating him really kind, then striping him naked, tying him up and renting him to some gruel old man. Brayden shuddered and pulled himself into a tight fetal position.

Brayden drifted off to sleep, but awoke with a start when the cell door was unlocked, the lights brightened, and three men entered, Sly was not among them. Alarmed, and not sure who they were, Brayden threw off the blanket covering him and scampered onto his knees, spreading his legs wide and placing his hands behind his head. Brayden then lowered his eyes, stealing quick glances at the three men who stood in the cell, staring at him. Brayden was praying one of the men would be Ryan, but his heart broke when he didn't see him. The boy did all he could to keep his emotions in check as his eyes watered.

Steele and two of his men looked and Brayden and smiled. Startled, Brayden not sure what to do, smiled back. The three men laughed and Steele told Brayden to put his hands down and wrap the blanket around him. Steele went to Brayden and sat down on the mattress as the two others left the cell and closed the cell door, but did not lock it.

"Brayden, my name is Steele; I work for a man you know. He asked me to talk to you and give you a quick run-down of what happened and what's going to happen. Just listen and don't interrupt. OK?"

Brayden looked up at the man and nodded yes. The man while intimidating, but spoke calmly and soothingly to the boy. Was Ryan the man Steele worked for? Brayden held his tongue and waited for Steele to tell him what was happening. Where was Sly? Brayden had a million questions and wanted to ask them all at once, but he held his tongue and waited for Mr. Steele to speak.

"Brayden, the man I work for is someone you know well. I don't need to mention his name, but you and he are 'good' friends. Do you understand me?"

"Oh yea Mr. Steele, I do!"

"Good, now what happened to you is terrible, it shouldn't happen to anyone, especially a kid. But you are safe now. Sly no longer owns you. I'm sure you had an idea of what this place is, but you won't be put through that horror show."

"I know Mr. Steele, kids get sold to men here, and I was gonna be sold by Sly," Brayden added sadly.

"Well, you are leaving here soon, you are coming with me and my men and you'll soon be reunited with your friend. We are getting you some clothes and once you are dressed, we are outta here."

Brayden, overcome with happiness, jumped up and right into the startled arms of Steele. The naked boy hugging him tightly, the chain locked around his neck rattling. Brayden squeezed Steele, his arms locked around him and cried. Steele held the naked boy in his arms until Brayden composed himself and sat back down, crossed legged; unashamed he was naked and exposing himself to the man.

Steele looked at the boy; and agreed the boy was a young Adonis. He hoped along with the physical scares and wounds; Brayden's emotional wounds would heal and disappear. He figured with Ryan's love and care the boy would prosper.

"Brayden, why don't you cover yourself up, keep the chill away from you until we get you dressed."

Smiling, Brayden replied, "Sure, I'm sorry I startled you, I didn't mean to jump on you, I was just so happy and I guess I'm getting use to being naked most of the time I don't even realize it."

"That's OK kid, just cover up for now," Steele said, noticing Brayden was half hard.

The boy giggled and wrapped the blanket around him just as there was a knock on the cell door. It opened and one of Steele's men waved him over to the entrance.

"The guy that had the kid is here, wants to talk to you about him."

Steele made a face, then adopted a poker face and walked out. Sly was standing there, his body hunched; his face flushed and angry. Steele tensed, seeing three more men behind Sly. Would the man be foolish enough to try something here? Steele had two more teams nearby, totaling twelve men that would be in the holding area in an instant. Plus Steele was sure Hardum had his men watching Sly closely.

"What do you want Sly, I hope you have my money and then our business had been concluded."

"Yea, here it is," Sly handed a large envelope to Steele.

Opening it, Steele looked inside and saw a large amount of money. Handing it to one of his subordinates he told the man to count it.

"Hey, don't you trust me, it's all there. I'm not gonna screw you," Sly growled through gritted teeth.

"That's how I'm successful in business Sly, I take nothing for granted. And if I was you, I would be careful of the tone of your voice, you've annoyed me more than anyone I've had to deal with."

Sly was about to say something and thought the better of it when four more men entered, all bigger than his group of thugs. Sly knew he was outnumbered and backed off. He would be polite and ask seemingly innocent questions, hoping to find out where the brat was being taken. Sly thought of the revenge he would have on the boy and maybe even his new owner, if the guy was stupid enough to try and stop him. Without realizing it, Sly had an evil grin on his face as he gazed at the wall. Steele saw the look and gave one of his men a slight nod. The end of Sly's empire was about to commence.

"Ya know, I've talked with this guy, huh, what's his name, I have his number somewhere. I'd like to meet him again; maybe we can work on some of the other deals we were talkin about," Sly sniffed.

"Perhaps some could be arranged 3; with what's his name."

"Hey, don't crack wise with me, I got a lot goin on," then realizing he should be contrite, Sly continued,

"Sorry man, I'm under a lot of pressure, meeting with your man so's we can finish talking about our deals would be great, anything you can do to help ya know?"

"I can make it worth your while too," Sly grinned and winked at Steele.

Keeping a neutral face Steele said, "You'll be contacted."

Turning away from Sly, Steele turned to his men to speak to them. Sly stood there for a moment, his hands clenched by his sides, then turned and walked back into the main hall. Once there, he let loose a string of obscenities. A few buyers nearby turned and looked at Sly, then moved farther away. Hardum had men stationed in the hall, their job to keep things running smoothly; but a few had the singular job of watching Sly and his group.

Sly had brought the four boys in, naked, tied and chained together. If he had taken the time to clean them, they may have been sold for a bigger profit. But Sly didn't care about such things and the boys were dirty and covered in bruises. He'd be lucky to get ten grand for the lot. Sly would be lucky if he cleared eight grand for the boys and Brayden. Not the killing he thought he would make. Sly told one of his men to hose them down then have them locked in a cell until the auction. When asked about feeding them, Sly swore at the man and took a swing at him, missing.

Brayden was now free of Sly; the payment for his freedom had been more than money. Sly had allowed the boy to be used and tortured by many men. Brayden may have been bought and freed from Sly's evil but it would take time to free him from his mind's torment and the fact he still considered himself a slave, even to Ryan, whom he loved like a father.

Brayden sat on the mattress, naked and still collared and chained to the wall, waiting. The blanket wrapped around his body, Brayden sat and thought of his mother, was she still alive? If she was, what would happen to her? He was her only living relative he knew of, and her sole means of support. Brayden would ask Ryan to allow him to continue to sell his body to earn his keep and help his mother too. Brayden would promise to work even harder and do whatever men wanted if Ryan would he and his mother still live together in the motel. Naked and sitting cross legged, Brayden waited.

Steele entered the cell moments later, holding a set of keys. One of his agents carried a large bundle inside, and placed them next to Brayden on the mattress, then went and stood by the open door. Steele knelt down on one knee and choosing a key unlocked the padlock connecting the chain to Brayden's slave collar. The chain fell to the floor, rattling loudly. Flipping through the many keys on the ring, Steele selected a strange looking key and inserted it in a slot on Brayden's collar, turning it several times until a loud click was heard and the collar separated. Steele gently widened the opening and removed the collar from Brayden's neck. Brayden was free from the collar and bondage for the first time in days.

Rummaging through the bundle, Steele pulled out a terry cloth robe, towel and various soaps and shampoos. Handing the robe to Brayden he told him to put it on. Then carrying the towel and supplies asked Brayden to follow him. As the two left the cell, the two agents stepped in behind them, protecting them. Looking around, trying to take it all in, Brayden saw many solid wooden doors like the one for his cell. Brayden could only imagine who was behind those doors. As they walked across the room, Brayden could swear he heard the sounds of boys moaning and crying. Brayden looked up at Steele, who kept walking, his eyes straight ahead, his face unmoving. Steele brought Brayden to the shower area.

Steele turned on the shower head from the control point and adjusted the spray until it reached the temperature he wanted. Steele told Brayden he could take as much time as he wanted and once he was done to put on the robe and enter the changing room next to the showers. Brayden stood under the warm water cascading onto his head and body, feeling the warmth relax his body and sooth his skin. Washing himself with various soaps and lotions, Brayden washed his hair, repeating the cycle three times before feeling clean. Brayden stepped out from under the water and put the robe on, then toweled his head somewhat dry.

Brayden walked into the changing room and saw Steele standing next to a table with an assortment of clothes.

"Pick out what you'd like to wear and we'll be ready to get you out of here," Steele said quietly.

Brayden looked over the assortment; there were briefs, shorts, jeans and pull over shirts, as well as various footwear. Brayden was taken aback by it all, he didn't have even a third of what was on the table, and everything looked like it would fit him perfectly. Brayden walked up and down the table, eyeing and touching each piece of clothing, unsure which one he should wear.

"Brayden, all the clothes are your size, so don't worry about that. If it helps you; once we leave here we will be traveling directly to His house. I'm sure whatever you pick out will be perfect for the both of you," Steele spoke, with a smile.

Brayden's heart jumped! He would see Ryan soon; he had to pick out a nice outfit for Ryan to see. But it had to be sexy too. Brayden when to the pile and picked out a pair of red bikini briefs and slide them on. Then he took the robe off and placed it carefully at the end of the table. The three men standing there watching, all shifted on their feet and smiled slightly at the care Brayden handled the robe, but also at the stunning beauty of the boy's body. Next was a pair of tan cargo shorts that slide down on his slim hips, exposing most of his abdomen. A rainbow colored hemp belt was selected and pulled through the belt loops, the end flap hanging down. After that a pale blue polo shirt was selected, hi-lighting Brayden's eyes. A pair of flip flops finished the ensemble.

Steele placed a metal brief case on the table and opened it. Inside was necklaces and assorted jewelry lay neatly on trays. Brayden looked at the trays and back at Steele, a confused look on his face.

"Everything here is for you to select and wear, pick out whatever you like."

Brayden selected a small puca shell choker and three leather ankle cords. He put on the choker and tied the three cords onto his right ankle.

"I guess I'm done sir. Is there anything else I should do?" Brayden asked Steele.

"If you're fine with what you have, then we're all set to go."

"Can I ask you a question please, sir?"

"Brayden, please don't call me sir, my name is Steele. And of course you can ask me anything."

"I so grateful for everything you've done, but what about the rest of the boys here? Can't anything be done to help them?"

Steele looked down at the boy, the youngster's face so innocent, yet his eyes letting you know he had been through more than a boy his age should endure. Steele had been told to get the boy out, without delay. But Ryan hadn't said not to tell him what would happen after they were gone. Looking at Brayden, he knew if he didn't explain the next operation; Brayden would never of totally free of his past.

"Brayden, once we leave here a phone call will be made. Law Enforcement is on standby and will swarm this place with almost a hundred officers and support personnel. I have twelve men on the inside that will assist them. Everyone adult here will be taken into custody. The boys that are here will be placed in state protection and their families will be contacted, if they can."

"What about Sly? What if he gets away?" Worriedly asked.

"He won't get away," Steele said with a coldness that sent a shiver down Brayden's spine.

"Come on, we've got get you out of here, somebody is waiting to see you."

Brayden smiled and slipped his hand into Steele's, squeezing and not letting go. Steele signaled his men and they walked to an unmarked door near the back of the holding area. Inserting a key and punching a code into a box next to the door, they heard a click and the door slide open. Quickly walking through the door, Brayden saw several large black SUV's outside. Their side doors open and men standing by, surveying the area. Brayden giggled, thinking they looked like secret service agents waiting for the president. Steele looked down at Brayden; his had still clasped in his and smiled.

"It does look like a motorcade doesn't it?" Steele said, as if reading the boy's mind.

Brayden looked at Steele, his mouth wide open, then laughed and hoped inside the second SUV he had been taken to. Steele stood outside checking the area, then motioned to one of the agents and they all entered their vehicles. A call was made and set in action the next phase of the plan. Brayden looked out the window as they picked up speed leaving the barn parking lot, he saw about two dozen men all dressed in black clothes and carrying weapons and breaching tools. As they made their way onto the highway, a long line of police vehicles without lights on turned onto the long driveway heading to the barn.

Brayden rested his head on Steele's shoulder, never releasing the man hand from his grasp as his eyes closed and he slowly fell asleep. A smile on his face that never wavered. The convoy of SUV's hurdled through the night towards their destination, their 'package' safe and cuddled next to Steele.

Steele was on two secure cell phone's speaking with the men at the auction barn and with Ryan, keeping him appraised of the operation. Steele told Ryan Brayden was sitting next to him sleeping. As the boy quietly slept next to him, his breathing never changed pitch or tone. Steele was sure the boy was in a deep sleep and felt he could speak feely to Ryan, but he kept his voice low.

"The raid went off without any major problems. A few tried to escape, but put up little resistance. Hardum's policy of no weapons worked to our advantage. His men were armed, but after putting two down, the rest gave up without a fight. Not knowing where the shots were coming from freaked them out."

Steele listened for several minutes as Ryan talked; he looked down at Brayden, checking him. The boy hadn't moved nor had his breathing changed which would have indicated he was listening to him talk to Ryan. Steele received more reports from his men at the barn.

"Law enforcement has arrested about forty-five men total. Sly's men are included," A slight pause and he continued.

"Yes, we have him. No, there were no questions asked and no one from the police questioned our securing of him in one of our vans. He'll be taken to a secure area and he will provide us with all the information we need."

"Yes, he'll be kept alive. Once he has given us what we need, we'll turn him over to the authorities. After that, I'm sure he won't be a free man for a very long time, if at all," Steele commented, his voice cold.

"Yes sir, he's fine. Still sleeping and hasn't moved. I'm sure he's exhausted from his ordeal. Yes, we're moving along at a good clip, no problems at all. We should be there in less than an hour."

Steele felt a slight change in his hand as Brayden squeezed it for less than a mili-second. Looking down at the boy, his breathing hadn't altered and he didn't move from his position sitting up against the man, yet Steele wondered if the boy had heard any of his conversation with Ryan. He looked at the boy for a moment longer, and then returned to his phone, speaking with his agents. Shaken and angered by the news his men had just provided. Steele paused then called Ryan back.

"I have additional Intel on the boys at the barn. There are a total of twenty-five, ranging in age from six to sixteen. All of them are naked and were all tied up cruelly. There were five or six to a cell. We have medic's checking them now. Law Enforcement is checking the computers there. There isn't a single piece of paper in the place; it must all be on disks."

Steele listened for several minutes, and then continued;

"That's correct. All the boys will be taken to the private hospital you've selected. There won't be any leaks to anyone. I have a group assigned for protection and your connection at the state police is helping us also." A brief pause and Steele proceeded,

"We have shorts and T-shirts for all the boys to wear. Some will be transported in plain ambulances, no markings. The others will ride in the passenger vans. All of them will be interviewed and once cleared to go by the police; they will be reunited with their families."

Steele listened a while longer, making small comments, providing additional information and then there was some general talk about other matters. Steele's experience and expertise in clandestine operations was sometimes essential within Ryan's vast businesses and other projects. The man had worked for Ryan's grandfather for many years before moving on to freelance. He had returned happily when called and assumed control of the security section, putting together a force of trained professionals. Steele had known Ryan since he was a small boy and was also aware of the 'play room' Ryan's grandfather had and used. He had a genuine affection for the young man and now for Brayden too. After getting the boy selected at the house, he would talk to Ryan about fortifying the home and property and keeping them all safe. For now getting Brayden to Ryan was the priority. The four black SUV's hurdled through the darkness, alone on the highway with a precious cargo; the eyes of the operatives inside sweeping across the horizon, watching.

Brayden slept curled next to Steele, his soft hand never leaving the closed, hard hand of the man who saved him. Steele would look down at the boy occasionally, a slight smile briefly gracing his face. Then he would return to scanning the country side as the SUV's sped along the roads. All four were armored and fortified. Well in front and behind were an advance car and cover vehicle. While the risks small, Ryan had demanded the overkill in protecting Brayden on his ride to his new home. Steele would never disagree with Ryan's wishes on this operation. While they had vast amounts of Intel on Sly, Hardum was not as well known and neither man would be taking any chances until a full check was done on the man.

Soon the convoy was nearing their destination; Steele called Ryan and told him they would arrive with five minutes.

"Ryan, I want you to stay in the house, we will drive to the garage and enter the house from there. I have men set up on the perimeter of the property and they will advise me its all clear before we open any doors."

"I don't like all these precautions and men with guns around the house, but I understand your concerns and I won't interfere with the decisions you've made; you are the expert and I respect that. Thank you," Ryan said with some emotion.

"I understand, but until I get a handle on everyone and everything involved with this matter, I want to err on the side of caution. We can't let anything happen to this boy ever again," Steele said.

"Oh, by the way, we're turning into the driveway now, once we are all inside the property, the gates will be closed and locked."

Steele was referring to new reinforced security gates that were decorative but could withstand a full size car ramming it. If something like that did happen; it would trigger other newly installed security measures, not unlike what someone might find at an embassy. Steele had worked for governments and a few clandestine outfits over the years; honing his counter terrorist skills. He was more than up to the job of protecting Ryan and Brayden and Ryan's personal and business interests.

Steele gently shook Brayden, never letting go of the boy's hand until Brayden was fully awake.

"We're home Brayden, you'll be seeing someone special soon," Steele smiled down at Brayden, his eyes gleaming at the boy.

Brayden squeezed Steele's hand then let it go, wrapping his arms around the man's neck and planting a soft kiss on Steele's cheek.

"Thank you sir, I thought I was gonna be sold as a slave and never see Ryan again, you saved my life. I love you," Brayden whispered into Steele's ear. Kissing the man's cheek again, then releasing him and looked out the window, searching for Ryan.

The middle door of the garage was open, two men standing there watching as the SUV's rounded the house and came to a stop in front of them. One opened the door and stood back. Brayden leapt of the back seat and looked at the other man standing in the open bay. The man was silhouetted by the back light, and Brayden wasn't sure if this was another security man.

As if by magic, an overhead light came on and Brayden saw it was Ryan. Letting out a scream of pure joy, the lad ran towards Ryan, Brayden's flip flops flying off his feet, now running barefoot to the man who saved him. Launching himself at Ryan, Brayden leapt into the outstretched arms of the man and hugged, kissed and squeezed him. Then broke into sobs of happiness and despair at the same time.

Ryan feel to his knees, clutching the boy tightly to his chest, running his hands over Brayden's back and through the boy's hair; kissing him and he too crying uncontrollably. There was a sudden blur that came racing out of the house, barreling into the two of them, knocking them flat onto their sides, and then covering both with a wet tongue; braking, yelping and whining with unrelenting love as his two masters rolled with Gertie on the ground, a bundle of happiness.

The security detail and Steele smiled and watched as the three lay on the ground, then sat in a tight circle, laughing and crying. Gertie ran around barking happily, bouncing between the couple hugging and the agents nearby. Gertie had become use to the new men and made sure they gave him affectionate rub or pat. One or two slipped a small treat to the dog, receiving a happy lick and a not so gentle nudge; begging for another cookie.

"Sir, I think it would be a good idea to go inside and get settled. Then we can discuss a few things."

"Good idea, let's go," Ryan said, scooping Brayden up and carrying him into the house.

Ryan put Brayden down once inside after the boy quietly whispered he was embarrassed about being carried in front of the men. Ryan smiled; glad Brayden was showing signs of a normal teenage boy, even through all the trauma he had been subjected to.

Ryan put the boy down and then looked at him from head to toe. Brayden looked surpisely good; he was clean and wearing new clothes. The choker accented his beautiful face and curly mop of hair. His legs didn't show any scars or bruises and his bare feet were as cute as ever. Ryan walked over to Brayden and hugged him again, planting a kiss on his head, then releasing him.

"Are you hungry Brayden? There's a ton of food here; I wanted to make sure you had something to eat. Please join us Steele, I'm sure you are hungry and we can talk while you eat."

"Make sure all your men are fed too, I want them all taken care of."

"No problem Ryan, once a make sure the property is secure; the guys can eat and I will join you in a bit."

Gertie nuzzled close to Brayden as they walked into the kitchen, his tail lagging fiercely. Gertie sensed happiness and joy from everyone; before there had been tension and anger. The three clung to each other.

Brayden slid onto a chair as Ryan covered the table with all kinds of food and drinks. Plates, silverware and glasses were on a side table ready for use. Ryan had asked that the men come in and get their food, and then introduce themselves to Brayden. He wanted the boy to get use to seeing these men and to recognize their faces. Their shook Brayden's hand helped themselves to the food and left the kitchen.

"Brayden, I am so happy you're ok and here now. I was so worried about you and I am truly sorry I let this happen to you. I hope you can forgive me for failing you," Ryan said, his voice choking, and a single tear running down his cheek.

"Oh Ryan, I know it's not your fault, and you saved me, I can never repay you and I never stopped hoping you'd save me. And look, you did! Here I am," Brayden beamed.

Brayden got up and walked over to Ryan, wrapping his arms around the man's necking then kissing him passionately on the lips. Ryan returned the kiss and the two held, then released each other and smiled.

The two ate side by side, occasionally feeding Gertie a morsel, after his whining became unbearable. Sitting there, begging for more Gertie slunk over to his bed when Ryan told him no more and to lie down. Brayden giggled and watched as the dog slowly walked to his bed and lay down with a sorrowful sign.

Returning to his chair, Brayden sagged and yawned, suddenly very tired. Ryan saw the boy's eye lids starting to droop and new it was bed time for this boy.

"Brayden, I think you should go to bed, you've been through so much, and you really need to get some rest."

"Yea, all of a sudden I can't stay awake." Then unsure of where to go Brayden continued;

"Uh, where am I going to sleep Ryan? I don't have anything anymore. Will I be staying here?"

Ryan's heart broke and he knelt down in front of the boy, holding both his hands in his and looking into the boy's soft eyes he said.

"This is your home if you want it to be. You have your own room now. I hope you will want to stay here with me."

"Oh thank you, thank you! I do want to stay here, thank you so much, I love you Ryan!"

"I love you too kiddo, let's get you upstairs and into bed."

As the two walked hand in hand up the stairs, Gertie quietly got up and followed them to the second floor. He didn't want to let Brayden out of his sight.

"Ryan, can I sleep in your room tonight? I don't want to be alone, please?"

"Yes of course you can. I should have realized you wouldn't want to be alone. You can sleep with me."

Entering Ryan's room Brayden yawned and sat on the bed, as if waiting to be told what to do.

Ryan walked over to the room and slipped his shirt over his head, wincing at the marks on Brayden's back, but holding back his anger. He loosened the belt and unbuttoned the shorts, gently pulling them down and off Brayden's legs. The boy sat on the bed, wearing just the small red bikini briefs; the front full of boy.

Ryan smiled; Brayden looked so sexy, sitting there almost naked. He felt a stirring between his legs, but suppressed it. Tonight were wouldn't be anything happening in this bed but a boy sleeping, protected from the horrors he had suffered. Gertie sat there watching the two, sensing love and happiness. He padded over to his corner, laying down on another dog bed, watching. He would not go to sleep until his master and boy did first.

"Brayden, I will be up later to sleep with you. We are just going to sleep OK? And Gertie will be here watching over you. You are safe now."

"Ryan, what's going to happen to me and my mom?" Brayden asked.

"Don't you worry about anything Brayden. Both of you will be taken care of. Now get some sleep, OK?" Ryan softly said.

Brayden smiled at Ryan, wanting to say something more. Ryan sensed it and waited.

"Uh Ryan, could I 3; uh can I 3;" Brayden hesitated, not sure if he could or should continue,

"What it is Love, you can ask me anything," Ryan assured the boy.

"What I wanted to know is 3; would it be OK, Uh, would you 3; can I call you Dad?" Brayden whispered.

Mad at himself for even thinking Ryan would agree, Brayden waited to be rejected.

Ryan surprised, looked down at the boy, but didn't say anything. Brayden was sure he was being forsaken. Ryan saw the look of total sadness and abandonment. And shook himself out of his stupor.

"Oh Brayden, I would love for you to call me Dad, I was afraid you would never think of me as a Dad, that would make me so happy."

Ryan grabbed the boy and hugged him, kissing his head and face. Brayden returned the hugs and kisses. A single tear rolled down Brayden's face. Ryan softly wiped it away and laid the boy back down.

"Thank you so much, I love you Dad," Brayden said, his eyes heavy with sleep.

"I love you too son," Ryan said, sitting there watching Brayden drift off to sleep.

Stay tuned for the next Chapters of Brayden's new life. Will everything be perfect?

Chapter 10

Ryan looked down at the boy lying in the oversized bed. Brayden's breathing was quiet and regular. The boy would sleep soundly and without any nightmares Ryan hoped. Looking over to Gertie, the dog lifted his head; watching his master's every move.

"Gertie, stay and guard Brayden," Ryan commanded.

Gertie tilted his head to one side then eased down, resting on his front paws, watching the boy.

Ryan left the room, leaving the door slightly open and walked quietly down the stairs into his library. Steele was sitting in one of the high back leather chairs near the fireplace; he stood and Ryan entered. Ryan looked at Steele and smiled; this man was like an uncle to him as well as an advisor and trusted friend.

"Steele, please sit; you must be exhausted too. Let me get you a drink."

"Thank you sir; it has been a long day. I trust Brayden is asleep with the four legged disposal nearby," Steele laughed.

"No worries there; Brayden is done and out and Gertie is on guard. I hope I can get in my own room tonight," Ryan said, laughing too.

Ryan handed Steele a drink and sat in the chair across from Steele, looking into his glass. Ryan raised his head and asked Steele to recap the night's events.

Steele took a long pull from his glass and started to fill-in Ryan on the rescue events, giving him a brief but absolute description of the rescue.

As instructed by Ryan, Steele had placed several men in the auction house barn. All of them wired with audio and visual devices to record the comings and goings of the participants as well as the men working for Hardum and the security setup. Acting as an agent for a wealthy man and an independent group; Steele had been able to move about freely after he had been methodically checked out and vetted by Hardum's group. Of course all of Steele's info was false and the information had been verified by the conglomerate owned by Ryan. Now able to move about freely, the inside of the building had been videoed and Steele had found the location was Brayden and the other boys were being held.

Brayden had been placed in a special, highly secure area by Sly. Sly had to pay extra of course, but felt he was going to make a killing selling the boy. He had hoped a Middle Eastern millionaire or group would buy the boy. Of course his plans went horribly wrong. There were a few others in the special holding area, but most of the boys were kept in a sub basement area; frighteningly similar to an old world dungeon. When not on display or being used for entertainment; the boys were kept cruelly tied in painful positions. Many tied to poles, stocks, rings, or suspended. All the boys were naked all the time. Feeding was done in shifts, and the boys were forced to kneel, hand bound behind their backs; eating and drinking from bowls. They were then forced over strappado style and hosed down with cold water. They were kept in dark, dank cells; tied, blindfolded and gagged. For some of the boys, this was the only life they knew; taken at a young age and raised to please grown men and suffer pain.

For others; the shock at being kidnapped and trained to be a sex slave was still fresh. Memories of their former life still lingered in their mind. Flashes of family and a normal life would happen at the oddest times; while being whipped or forced into sex by a paying customer. Their need to resist only heightened the desirability of the boy. Many boys suffered more because of their struggle to refuse to go along with resist with their current lot in life increased the depraved actions of their owner or client.

Lucky for Brayden, he hadn't been used for entertainment of the many men who had wanted to use the boy. They had seen him on the stage; a preview of sorts for prospective buyers. Brayden hadn't escaped the strict bondage and humiliation of being naked, exposed to strangers and eyed like cattle going to auction. The boy as well as others got a perverse thrill of being naked and tied up. Half-erections and full blow hard-on's dripping precum abounded. The boys were all frightened as to what would happen to them, but all were aroused by their nudity and bondage and seeing other boys in the same state.

Steele debriefed Ryan on the raid of the auction house and how the authorities and Steele's group rounded up the buyers and sellers and had them secured in transport vehicles which took them to a large county lock-up facility. This facility was new, state of the art and fortified. All court proceedings would be held behind the walls of the jail until there was a trial.

The hardest part came last; the rescue of the boys. Steele knew that most of them would not believe they were being set free from their nightmare. The older one's would think it was some kind of ploy or trap and resist. The younger boys would be unpredictable; Steele not sure how they would react to these strangers. Steele knew there were twenty boys being held and he would need at least double that number of men to handle the boys he explained to Ryan as his report continued. Steele continued on telling Ryan how as each cell door was unlocked and swung open; four blindfolded and gagged heads turned involuntarily towards the sound of the hinges squealing. Steele's men had seen every boy cringe even though all were trussed up in tight bondage; lying naked in the cold cell. The men spoke softly to each boy; telling them they were being rescued and explaining each step they were taking to release the boys and not frighten them. Some of the boys wept; relived their nightmare was ending. The boys who had only know bondage and servitude resisted, afraid their master would return and beat them. It took a while to reassure the boys they were safe and to trust these men.

When all the boys had been untied, they had been given basic clothing; shorts, t-shirts and sandals to wear so that none of them would have to walk naked outside to a transport van. Some boys had injured that required medical treatment and were taken to a predetermined hospital in an ambulance. It had been so long since wearing clothing for a few of the boys; they resisted getting dressed. These boys would need long term care which was being provided to them. All of them would be given a through debriefing. Steele explained how each boy would be fingerprinted, photographed and have blood and saliva taken for DNA processing. Every effort would be made to reunite the boys with their families and all would receive counseling. For the boys whose families could not be located, they would be placed in foster homes, carefully screened by Ryan's investigative group and government agencies.

Two of the boys; Kyle and Tanner had been taken at a very young age from their parents. Both born in South Africa but raised primarily the last few years in the U.S. The boys had never been reported missing; their parents having been paid a huge sum of money for each boy. They knew only their keepers; and they did not last long, each boy being sold several times. Eventually Tanner and Kyle would be united, having been bought by their present master. He had slowly developed the two; training them in kick-boxing, gymnastics, swimming and other activities that produced two pint size bronzed Adonis. Tanner and Kyle had also been shown how to please a man sexually and no-sexual ways. The two considered themselves brothers, soul mates for life and refused to eat or assist in their rehabilitation unless they were reunited and allowed to sleep together. The two boys, nearing their thirteenth birthdays were unabashed about being naked or having sex with each other; having been raised that way since they were five years old. The children's services department wasn't having any luck locating family members. The boys didn't remember they were born in another country and they had long lost their accents; speaking in a more mid-western accent now.

The boys were also a handful; fighting the other boys in the dorm and refusing to wear clothes. Tanner and Kyle hated being forced to wear clothes of any kind. They would agree to short periods donning a speedo or g-string. Other than those two items, they wanted and liked being naked. The adults; especially the women were beside themselves. 'Normal boys' wore clothes they tried to explain to the two pre-teens. But to Kyle and Tanner, being naked was normal, it was how they were raised and trained. Their owners kept them naked all the time; and many an hour was spent being tied or chained and kept in a cage or small cell. These were the only men they knew and the only way they had been brought up. Seeing how they and the other boys that crossed their paths, were treated; their way of life was normal.

Whenever a staff member would try to correct them; one or both would fall to his knees, cross their ankles and spread their legs wide, also placing their hands behind their head, fingers interlocked. Then they would lower their head and say to the staff present;

"I am sorry master; please correct my mistake by beating my worthless body. Allow me to pleasure you."

Needless to say; the women would run from the room and the men would turn bright red, stammer some excuse or reason to leave and also bolt out the door. Kyle and Tanner would look at each other, both confused by the actions of these grown-ups and maintain their slave position until someone with enough courage would come back into the room and try to explain why the boys shouldn't do what they were doing and would they please put some clothes on.

Steele was being given daily briefing from the youth services people; most of the boys had been identified as kidnap victims, a few had run away and got grabbed by men who were on the lookout for runaways boys, selling them to others for auctions or brothels. Everything was kept quiet; inquires were conducted by Ryan's security groups and law enforcement organizations; both working together in a large office building set up for this one purpose.

Ryan funded the entire program; salaries included. It had taken some hard negotiations with the government to allow such an uncommon action, but they were satisfied when they were allowed to run the show. Interpol and other foreign police agencies were contacted and their assistance requested. The majority of the boys were from the United States, but some were from outside the country and the respective police agency was contacted and asked for help. Most of the boys had families that wanted them and were delighted when told their son had been found. A few were not so lucky; their parents refusing to take their son back. The boys were never told this directly; only that the police were still searching. Ryan had ordered extensive searches for appropriate foster homes or adoptive parents for the boys unwanted by their family or who didn't have a family to go home to.

Steele provided the daily reports to Ryan over drinks and dinner each night. Weeks into the counseling for the captives; most boys had adjusted well and were ready to return home. Those without a family had been matched with a new one and had met them. They were slowly assimilating into their new surroundings.

Sitting in a high backed leather chair in Ryan's den; Steele told Ryan how the only two boys that they hadn't been able to locate any family or place of birth had been Tanner and Kyle. None of the foster families they had tried to pair up with the boys had worked out. The youth services had tried to separate the boys; but they put up such a fight and refused to cooperate at all unless they were kept together. Sadly, no family had wanted both boys. And their aggressive behavior frightened them and the other children in prospective homes. The fact these two soon to be teenagers hated wearing clothes was most disconcerting to the parents; mainly the mothers. These women did not want a wild boy in their home, giving their own children wild and erotic ideas.

Ryan could see Steele had something on his mind and was waiting for the right time to tell Ryan his idea. The men sat there in silence until all hell broke loose as a loud boy and dog charged into the den. Brayden and Gertie bounced into the den; Brayden laughing and Gertie barking wildly. Brayden was dressed in chino shorts, a pull over jersey and barefoot, he was holding a remote control. Gertie ran in circles, barking and enjoying his playtime with Brayden.

"Hey, hey 3; what's going on here? Why the attack of the boy and dog?" Ryan laughed too.

Steele sat there, smiling taking it all in. He wished he had the pleasures Ryan had with Brayden. Perhaps he should broach the subject with Ryan tonight. Steele's thoughts were interrupted by Brayden and he excitedly told the two men why they had barged in on them.

"Dad, you should see how I've trained Gertie to fetch a plane. It's the remote controlled one you gave me. Gertie sits next to me and I have the plane take off. Gertie waits until it flies off and I land it at the other end of the yard. Then he brings in back to me. And he hasn't even chewed it up. Gertie's such a great dog Dad!" Brayden said in one long fast sentence that sounded like one word.

Ryan and Steele looked at each other and laughed. The boy and the dog looked at them like they were both crazy and ran back out to the kitchen then outside, the rear door slamming. The two men looked at each other, laughing and shaking their heads.

"What was that all about? Steele asked, still chuckling.

"That was a wild boy and dog. Bray is teaching Gertie all kinds of new tricks, the two are like brothers; they are always together," Ryan mussed, shaking his head and smiling.

"So, how is he really doing? Is Brayden working out his issues? I know he's been to see his mother at the nursing home. I've been told she's about the same. She recognizes Brayden, but that's about it," Steele commented.

"Yea, she is basically the same. Getting somewhat healthier, but I don't think she'll ever leave that place. Brayden seems to know this, but he won't give up hope she'll get well enough to leave the home and maybe live here."

"Do you think that will happen?" Steele asked.

"I don't think so, and neither do her doctor's. There was too much damage done by the drugs. I think the safest place is in the nursing home. I've told Brayden that; I think he knows it, he just can't accept it right now."

"You know, I've been visiting Kyle and Tanner at the facility where they are staying. It really isn't that nice a place. It's a dorm with an institutional setting. It's cold and impersonal. The boys aren't learning anything and 3;" Steele hemmed, trying to find the right words to continue.

"There's no 3; the boy's aren't being loved. Sure they get lots of attention, but no one is nurturing them, no one loves them," Steele said quietly.

Ryan looked at Steele and knew what the man wanted; he was just having trouble saying it.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Ryan asked gently.

Steele smiled at Ryan. Steele knew that Ryan already knew what he was about to propose. Ryan wanted to hear it directly from Steele, otherwise he would remain silent. The suggestion had to come from Steele.

"As you are fully aware I have a large house on a reasonable plot of land outside the city. I have an older husband and wife who help me take care of the place. Mrs. Greene is always pushing me to get a family started. I think the time has come and I want to take in Tanner and Kyle and care for them. Mr. and Mrs. Greene live on the property and would help raising the boys. I've talked to them about the two kids; Mrs. Greene just laughed. She said she raised five boys and nothing would surprise or shock her. If I get your OK, I'd like to take some time off and introduce the boys to the Greene's and my place. See if they warm up to the idea of having me as a foster dad."

Ryan smiled and stood up. He stuck out his hand to shake Steele's and said;

"I think it's a great idea, and I couldn't think of a better man. You'll make a great dad and the Greene's are a built in support group and ready-made grandparents. Let's get you set up and get your son's moved in."

Ryan told Brayden the next day about the plans he and Steele had worked on overnight concerning Tanner and Kyle. Brayden thought it was a great idea and wanted to get right into the mix of things and help out. He suggested a cook out at the house and he could talk to the two boys about Steele and moving in with him. Then he would talk with Ryan and Steele and let them know how the boys felt. Ryan thought it was perfect and hugged Brayden; then lightly kissing him on the lips. Brayden smiled and looked into Ryan's eyes;

"I love you so much Dad, I can't believe how lucky I am to have you. To think just a few weeks ago, I was almost sold as a slave 3; probably to some creepy group of guys that would have tortured me forever."

Ryan looked at Brayden, his heart aching. He pulled the boy closer to him and held him tight.

"Brayden, I am so sorry I let it get as far as it did. I almost lost you. I will never let that happen again. You and I are a team and we will always be together. I hope you want that too," Ryan softly told Brayden.

Brayden was wearing only a colorful pair of board shorts, having just come in from the pool area, after sun bathing for a few hours. His body was healing quickly and his tan was darker; a golden hue from his mop of curls to his sexy toes. A leather choker collar with pendent around his neck, several string ribbons on his right wrist and an ankle bracelet on his left ankle. The perfect surfer boy look. Ryan had taken him to doctors and dentists and had a complete work-up done on the boy. His teeth were in good condition, but Brayden had asked for them to be whitened more and Ryan had obliged. The boy now had a stunning smile that lit up a room and made hearts beat faster when he walked by them.

Ryan looked up and down Brayden's body; he was gaining weight and definition to his frame. His abs were developing a defined six pack and his waist tempered down to his V groin area. Brayden saw Ryan eyeing him and blushed. He was working out with a trainer everyday in the house gym and wanted to make Ryan happy. He knew he was getting the effect he desired. Ryan broke off his stare and told Brayden it was time for lunch. After that, they would drive to the facility were Tanner and Kyle were and meet Steele. The three would then meet with the boys and tell them of the plans for a cookout. Steele would drive the two boys in his own SUV and that would give him a chance to talk privately with the boys. He would ask them general questions about the place and how they liked it; what they really wanted to do for the future and determine if he should talk to them about living with him. Steele wouldn't mention the word adoption until he was sure both he and the boys were comfortable with each other and that the boys were happy living with him.

Brayden thought that was a good idea. While the boys and he played in the yard and swam, he would talk to the boys about their life and about Steele. Brayden thought he could help the boys get to like Steele. Ryan laughed and said he thought it was a great idea. He would let Steele know and said it was time for lunch.

Ryan called Steele and told him of Brayden's idea. Steele agreed and said he was on the way over to see the boys now. Ryan suggested that they should pick up the boys on a Friday and have them stay at Ryan's house; with Steele as a guest of course, until Sunday afternoon when the boys had to return to the facility. Steele agreed then suggestion was perfect. Neither one had any doubt that visit would not be approved. While it was a state run unit; Ryan had a lot of influence and had also donated a lot of money to the home. Along with the reputation of Ryan and Steele, there was little chance it would not be approved.

Steele arrived at the boys facility, a drab state built building. The grounds were well maintained and the place clean; but it was still an institution and that's all it would ever be; processing boys in and out forever. Steele was ushered into the director's office. The woman was genuinely happy to see him. Steele had made several visits to the home for the boys and while he showed greater interest in Tanner and Kyle; he also spent time with the other boys from the auction barn; making sure they were getting help and were being reunited with their families. Tanner and Kyle were the only ones from that group that would be left at the home by week's end. The last of the boys were being reconnected with family and leaving. It tugged at Mrs. Garfield's heart that Tanner and Kyle were alone.

Hearing her say that Steele smiled and told her he wanted to make a suggestion about the boys' future. Steele explained to her he had a big house on a large parcel of land and two caretakers. The boys would be well cared for and they would attend a private school nearby. Steele had access to the boy's records and test results of their aptitudes, intelligence and social skills. The private school was geared to dealing with a multitude of problems and could handle Tanner and Kyle unique situation. Steele told Mrs. Garfield he had all his financials and background information ready to be sent to her by the law firm used by the facility. He assured her she would be pleased and would allow the boys a weekend visit to Ryan and Brayden's home.

Mrs. Garfield accepted Steele's proposal at once. She told him she was concerned for the boy's well being and spending time with a boy their age at a secure and stable place was an excellent idea. She buzzed her assistant and told her to locate the boys and bring them to the office immediately. The assistant called out to Mrs. Garfield from the front office; her voice sounding distressed. Steele and Garfield walked out to the front office and saw two soaking wet and squirming boys standing in the room. The assistant told them the boys had been found swimming in the indoor pool and were naked, as usual. When told they had a visitor; both boys had jumped out of the pool with glee; shouting it was Steele who had come to see them. In fact, Steele was the only person that came to see them. Shouting and laughing; the two imps had taken off running to the office area without grabbing a towel the attendants were waving at them nor the clothes Wanda (Mrs. Garfield's assistant) was screaming at them to put on.

The boys had run out of the pool area and straight to the office, when they were caught by the office workers who were trying to get the boys to dry off and put on their clothes. When they saw Steele walk into the large room, they broke free and ran straight into the arms of Steele, hugging him tightly around his neck. Luckily for Steele he was able to maintain his balance and wasn't bowled over by two naked, wet and slippery boys. Tanner and Kyle planted sloppy kisses on Steele's face and would not let go of him when the office assistants tried to pry them away from Steele.

Laughing, Steele said they were fine and held onto them a while longer. Once the two had calmed down, Steele spoke to them quietly;

"Wow boys, that was amazing. I really happy to see you two also. But don't you think it would be a good idea to dry off and put some clothes out of respect to the ladies here?"

Tanner and Kyle looked wide eyed at Steele and then down and themselves. Giggling, they nodded their heads in agreement and reached for the towels. The two were ushered into a nearby boy's restroom to get dressed. Steele stood up and still chuckling, looked at Mrs. Garfield. She burst out laughing and escorted Steele back into her office. Shortly after, two semi dry boys wearing shorts and pullovers, but still barefoot walked quietly into the office and sat on the couch. Steele went over to the boys and knelt down on one knee. Both Tanner and Kyle were unsure what was happening and sat closer together and sunk into the leather, fearing the worse.

Steele smiled at the boys and said he needed to have a serious talk with them. Mrs. Garfield would stay in the office while they talked. Wide-eyed and nervous, the boys held hands. Steele looked touched and put his hand gently on top of theirs.

"Guys, I have to talk with you about something important and I want you to listen carefully. You can ask me anything you want to, please don't be afraid and don't worry neither one of you is in any trouble. OK?"

The two boys nodded, but didn't say anything. Steele continued.

"As you know we have tried to locate your families. We have checked all over the US and the world, but we haven't found anyone reporting you missing."

The boys nodded again, their eyes shining, on the brink of tears.

"Guys, I know how tough this has been on you, seeing your friends leave. You stuck here. Well, you probably don't know this, but I'm all alone too. I live on a big place. It's got lots of rooms and out buildings and lots and lots of land. But I am alone. I do have a husband and wife who live in a house there too, taking care of me and the place. But I don't have any family."

Tanner and Kyle were watching Steele intently; they looked at each other then back to Steele. Both guys were intelligent lads and knew were this could be heading. They squeezed hands but didn't say a word. Careful not to upset Steele, they watched him while he talked to them.

"Boys, I have spoken with Mrs. Garfield and she said I should talk with both of you. I can tell you're both nervous and don't know want you to be upset. What I want to ask you is if you would like to go with me and visit Brayden and Ryan at their house for the weekend?"

Tanner looked at Kyle and then at Steele and asked, "Will you be there too?"

"Yes Tanner, I would. I would bring you and Kyle to Brayden's and we would spend the weekend there. And if you liked it, we could talk some more and maybe see if you would like to spend more time with me at my house."

Both boys looked at each other and a look passed over their faces, they turned towards Steele and jumped on him; this time knocking him backwards. They hugged and kissed him and shouted

"Yeaaa, we want to, we want to!"

Steele laughed and hugged them back, kissing their heads and holding them tight. Mrs. Garfield smiled and wiped a tear from her eye. She was pleased at the outcome and was sure the boys were going to be fine. The boys were told it was time for school work and escorted to their classroom. Steele and Mrs. Garfield took a seat in front of her desk and sat there for a moment collecting their thoughts. Mrs. Garfield spoke first, happy with the state of affairs;

"Well considering the exuberant display by Tanner and Kyle, I think I can safely say the weekend shouldn't be a problem for you or the boys."

She continued, "I think if they reacted the way they did today and continue to display such an attachment and affection towards you, there shouldn't be any problem with you becoming their legal guardian and eventually adopting them as your sons." A warm smile filed her face.

Steele looked down at his hands; his dream starting to take shape and become a reality. His eyes moistened and he cleared his throat.

"Thank you so much for everything you've done for the boys and for me. I won't forget you or this place 3; ever. I plan to maintain my presence here and help you whenever I can Mrs. Garfield. You work wonders here."

Mrs. Garfield rose, smiling broadly and held out her hand to shake Steele's. He clasped it then gave her a quick hug. Most unusual for a man of his background. But he felt better and happier than he had in years and wanted to share his joy with her.

He agreed to come by tomorrow and pick the boys up early. He wanted to take them shopping for some new clothes and a couple of surprises. Mrs. Garfield thought that was a wonderful idea, she said she knew of two boys that would be very happy. If it was a hint, Steele pretended he didn't notice. He also said that a large truck would be arriving after he and the boys left. It would be filled with new clothes, toys, electronics and other needed items for the home.

"It's the least I can do for you and everyone here. I truly appreciate everything you all have done here. I am also sure Ryan will be a benefactor also."

Steele turned and left, he had lots of things to do in a short time. He made several calls, the first to Mrs. Greene advising her of the impending invasion and the lost of quiet she and Mr. Greene were about to experience. Laughing and crying, Mrs. Greene lightly scolded Steele for his attitude towards two boys who could be nothing but angels in her eyes and would be spoiled and pampered by their surrogate grandparents. Steele laughed and told her he would be home later.

That night a large guest room was made ready for the boys. Mrs. Greene insisted that both boys be kept together until they were ready for their own room. She made up a large bed and had two bunk beds brought in as an alternative. The room was full of age appropriate electronics and games. The closets had some clothing, but Steele would let the boys pick out what they wanted when they went shopping.

At eight sharp the next morning, Steele was wheeling up the driveway and saw his two boys, bouncing on the steps, waving at him. Huge smiles adorned their faces and well as the assistants standing with them. As he pulled up, the boys rushed the SUV and yanked the door open, pulling Steele out.

"Whoa guys, happy to see me? Give me a minute to talk with Mrs. Garfield and then we can leave."

Steele and Garfield sent a few minutes talking while Tanner and Kyle hopped up and down, full or energy and impatient, but not saying a word to either adult. Their talk completed, Steele walked over and stood looking down at the two boys. They raised their heads, eyes wide and starred at him. A slow smile broke out on Steele's face and he moved towards the rear door of the SUV and opened it.

"OK you two, hop in and buckle up. We have a lot to do today before to head to Brayden's house."

The boys jumped in and immediately started striping off their clothes.

"Guys, guys, what are you doing? Please leave your clothes on. You can change later," Steele said, surprised at the ease with which the boys undressed in front of him.

Steele knew it was going to take time and love to make the boys understand they were no longer just a sex slave, to be used by men for their pleasure and the boy's pain and torment. Tanner and Kyle looked at each other, confused. They slowly but their clothes back on and sat silently in the back seat. Unsure of what they had done wrong they waited to be punished.

Steele got in the front seat and turned to the boys. Their heads were bent down, resting their chins on their chests. They held out their hands, crossed at the wrists, as if expecting to be tied. Steele's heart broke.

"Kyle, Tanner, put down your hands and look at me." When boys did, he continued.

"I know the life you two have been through, but it changes today. You two are going to learn to live like normal boys and I am the one that is going to help you change. No longer will you be slaves; you are free to do what you like and to live happily. And if you let me, I want to do whatever I can to help you and love you."

Tanner and Kyle looked at each other and then Steele, unsure of what to do, they half-smiled and sat there, waiting to hear what was next.

"Right now we are going to go shopping since I'm sure you need new clothes and things. You can pick out anything you like, don't worry about cost. I am happy to take care of you and want you both to be happy. Do you guys understand?"

Both replied with a quiet "Yes sir."

"Can I ask a question sir?" Tanner requested.

"Sure kiddo, ask anything you want."

"Should we call you sir or master?"

Steele shuddered. He knew it was going to take a lot of time and love before the boys completely trusted him and opened up. He realized he had to go slow and gain their confidence and respect. As well as their love.

"Boys, I am not your master and never will be. You can call me Steele, and I would like that very much. Sir is ok, but I don't require it at all. Please relax; the bad old days are over."

The boys smiled and remained quiet. The shopping trip was a whirl-wind. Neither Kyle nor Tanner had ever been in any kind of store and the multitude of shops and places was overwhelming them. They clung to Steele, afraid they would be grabbed at any time. They had seen the men in the distance walking with, but staying away from them. Kyle had whispered to Steele that men were following them.

Steele winced inwardly. The men following them were Steele's security team. He was amazed the boys had spotted them; thinking his group wasn't visible to the boys. He would have to reassess future plans. Steele gently took the boy's hands in his and knelt down to look at them.

"I am so sorry for not telling you before we went shopping. Those men are part of my security team. They are here to protect you boys and me from any trouble. I realize I should have told you, I honestly didn't think you would notice them. I am actually very impressed with your detection skills. I'm proud of you," Steele smiled.

"We're not in trouble Steele?" Kyle asked.

"Why should you be, you did a great job picking out the team. I should hire you two as consultants," Steele laughed.

"What's a consultant?" Tanner asked.

"It's a person who helps another person make decisions," Steele answered, smiling broadly at the boys.

After that, both boys relaxed a bit, but were still on guard. Steele had to almost force the boys to look at clothes, shoes and the like. Finally he had both boys measured carefully and had several young clerks pick out everything from underwear to formal wear for the boys. All kinds of clothes were assembled for Tanner and Kyle. Several styles were selected. Steele bought it all and had it wrapped. Each clerk was given a generous tip and thanked. One of the younger clerks, a beauty at only sixteen, handed Steele a business card with his name and numbers on it. Steele thanked him and pocketed the card. The card stated Alex handled specialized events for the discerning client.

Alex had been the one to select the more sexy ensembles for the boys; bikini briefs, thongs, muscle shirts, shorts, Speedo's and other racy and sexy clothes for both boys. Tanner and Kyle had loved his selections and hugged Alex many times during the shopping spree. Back in Steele's SUV, the boys had become more comfortable and animated; chattering away with Steele and then themselves. As Steele turned into the open gates of his property, which for lack of a better word was an estate, the boys grew quiet. They were in awe of the surrounding fields and woods. The house was not a mansion but it was large. Mr. and Mrs. Greene stood at the front door, beaming huge smiles as Steele pulled up front and stopped.

He got out and opened the rear door, urging the boys to come out and see their new home. Tanner and Kyle looked at each other, overwhelmed again at the magnitude of change in their lives. As they stepped out and stood there, Mrs. Greene hurried down the steps and grabbed both boys in a bear hug, squeezing them and kissing them on their heads. She cried and laughed at the same time, pulling them to here amble bosom. Tanner and Kyle were overcome with emotions. Here was a woman who clearly was happy to see them, but was smothering them.

"Momma, you choking the boys, let them breath!" A kindly voice called out.

Mrs. Greene released her hold but, kept kissing them and exclaiming how handsome they were.

Steele introduced the boys to the Greene's who insisted on being called Nana and Papa. She grabbed their hands and pulled them into the house, telling them they would get the grand tour by her. She showed them the entire house, saving their bedroom for last. The boys stood in awe, the room was huge. It had its own bathroom with shower, bath and two sinks. The giant walk in closet had some clothes in it, but that would soon change.

Steele yelled up to the boys their knew things had arrived. Both of them ran down the stairs and stood in the huge front way as three SUV's arrived with their things. Each package had been labeled with an appropriate name and was taken upstairs to the boy's room. Bureau's and closet sides were selected and Mrs. Greene said she would put everything away this time. After that, it was the boy's responsibility to make sure things went were they belonged. They looked thunderstruck. Mr. Greene and Steele both laughed at the boy's reaction.

"I'm sixty years old guys, and I have to listen to her and obey 3; or else," Papa Greene laughed.

"Me too," Steele chimed in, smiling."

"OK guys, Mrs. Greene, opp's, I mean Nana is going to be busy for a while getting your room ready. Why don't you grab enough clothes for two days at Brayden's and pack them in those two overnight bags over there," Steele pointed to.

Tanner and Kyle grabbed bikini briefs, thongs, shorts, pull over shirts and sneakers as well as flip flops and stuffed them into their overnight bag. The three adults chuckled and repacked the bags for the boys, showing them the proper way. Young eyeballs could be seen rolling with fake annoyance. Steele grabbed the two and threw them on the bed, then jumped on them, tickling their sides. Tanner and Kyle squealed and tickled back. The three rolling around and laughing. During the fun; Steele felt both boys sprout hard-on's and began to rub their bodies into his. To avoid a scene, Steele called a halt to the fun and said it was time to head out.

Running to both of the Greene's the boys hugged and kissed them both, grabbed their bags and ran down the stairs to the front door. Steele came down shortly after with his bag and the three went out to the SUV and got in. On the ride to Brayden's and Ryan's the boys chattered away; asking all kinds of questions about Brayden's place and what was going to happen this weekend.

Steele told them about the house, the pool, the gym and the grounds. It wasn't as big as his place area wise, but it was just as nice. He also told them about Gertie, the Sheppard. Steele assured them the dog would love them as much as he loved Brayden. Both boys weren't completely convinced but took a wait and see approach.

Brayden had been out of control all morning. He kept asking Ryan what time it was. Ryan would laugh and say two minutes closer to the time of arrival. Brayden would pout and stick his tongue out at Ryan. Ryan suggested he wash the pickup if he had nothing to do. Brayden readily argreed because Ryan always let him back it out of the garage and drive it around the circle. Brayden ran up stairs and changed into a tiny floral Speedo to wash the truck. He wanted to look good for Tanner and Kyle when they arrived. And he knew Ryan loved this swim suit on him.

Brayden bounded down the stairs, Gertie with him step for step. He slid to a stop on his bare feet and did a 360 for Ryan to inspect him. Ryan let out a low whistle. The kid was breathtaking. His body hard and deeply tanned. Almost fifteen, the boy was a true god. Ryan could feel himself getting aroused and Brayden knew it too. His teenage penis started to stiffen, thinking of the fun he would have this weekend. Ryan told him to get outside and earn his keep. Brayden laughed and shook him firm buns at the man, they ran out when Ryan made a grab for him.

Brayden spent the next half hour washing the pickup. He was drying it off when he heard the SUV coming up the driveway. Brayden dropped the towels and ran to the front yard, Gertie following behind and barking, dancing with Brayden.

Tanner and Kyle looked out the window and saw Brayden waving and jumping, a huge smile on his face. The creature next to him was Gertie, also excited as Brayden was.

Boy's jaws dropped when they saw Brayden, he might as well have been naked, wearing that mini Speedo, it barely covered him. The boys got the same idea and started stripping off their clothes and Steele came to a stop by the side of the house. By the time the SUV stopped, the back door opened and out popped two happy, completely naked pre-teens. They ran to Brayden and the three embraced, laughing and falling over. Gertie ran around the three barking and whining, wanting in on the action.

The boys hugged and kissed, so happy to see each other. They sat up, looking around and saw Steele and Ryan standing there also smiling at them. Brayden looked at the two boys and seeing they were naked, stripped off his Speedo, throwing it at Gertie, who retrieved it and brought it back to Brayden then sat down, looking at all three. Brayden sensed the nervousness of the boys and introduced Gertie to them. Gertie came to both boys and sniffed them thoroughly, making the boys covered their dicks and balls. Brayden told Gertie they were friends and the dog seemed to understand, licking the boys all over.

Brayden, Tanner and Kyle laughed and rolled around on the grass, happy with each other. A loud whistle from Ryan stopped their horse play and they sat up, looking at the two adults.

"What about us, don't we get and hugs and kisses?" Ryan asked his smile widening.

Three naked boys, sporting full erections; jumped up and ran to the two men. Their youthful cocks and balls bouncing freely. The three boys jumped into their arms and showered them with kisses and hugs. And then disengaged, ran towards the back of the house to the pool area. Steele and Ryan heard three loud splashes and boys laughing widely.

"What have we gotten ourselves into?" They both said at the same time. Looking at each other, they laughed and walked to the pool area for what was promising to be a memorable weekend.

Chapter 11

Boy's whooping, laughing and shouting; accompanied by continuous barking was heard behind the house in the pool area. Then three loud splashes and more happy shouts and barks continued as the two men made their way through the house and out the back doors into the pool area. Gertie was running around the pool, tail flailing away as he ran from one end of the pool to the other; excited at the activity of the three naked boys in the pool.

Brayden, Kyle and Tanner continued their wild horse play; jumping on each other, rough housing as only as young teenagers can do. The three boys continued grabbing each other; arms, legs, heads and groins all getting equal attention as pool water swirled and flew out of the pool, soaking the walkway and Gertie.

Ryan and Steele watched in quiet amusement, the boys filled with joy and unlimited energy, happy to be together. The men let the boys continue for a few minutes, letting the pent up anxiety be released by their rough housing. After several minutes, Steele let out an ear splitting whistle that shocked the boys and stopped them in their tracks.

"Ok guys, enough fooling around for now. Hop out of the pool and come over here." Steele said, smiling at the three bewildered boys.

Kyle and Tanner swam quickly to the steps, climbed out and hustled over to Steele and Ryan. Unfortunately their slave training kicked in and the boys sank to their knees, spread their legs and crossed their ankles then put their hands behind their backs and lowered their heads. Brayden stood there naked, dripping water onto the deck, his mouth wide open in surprise. Assuming that Steele was their owner, and unsure what to do; Brayden hurried over to the two boys and dropped down into the same position.

Ryan and Steele stood there stunned. They never imaged that a whistle would trigger the boys into such a manifestation of their former lives. Ryan sensed Steele's worry and spoke quickly,

"Guys, stop that. There is no need to assume those positions. None of you are slaves. Steele only whistled to get your attention because you couldn't hear a jet plane going by with the noise you four were making." Ryan gently said.

"Com' on now, stand up and come over here. Grab some towels and dry off. We all need to talk. OK?"

The three boys looked at each other, then the men and then Gertie; who tilted his head as if to say, I didn't do anything, it was you guys.

Brayden laughed and got up, "Guy's let's get dry and see what the old guys want."

Hearing Brayden, Steele and Ryan laughed, breaking some of the tension around the pool area. The boys dried off and walked over to the table Ryan and Steele had moved to. The men sat down and asked the boys to do so. When all five were seated, Ryan looked at all of them and spoke.

"Guy's, you aren't owned by us. The three of you have had a rough and horrible time. We both know that it won't be easy, but you will not be punished for laughing, or playing or just being boys. We love you all so much and it hurts us to see you act as less than human beings. This weekend is going to be nothing more that fun for all of us and a way for us to get to know each other. We both know it won't be easy for you at times, but we are here for you and will always be here for you."

Ryan looked at each boy individually and smiled at them, the boys still unsure gave wavering smiles back.

Steele looked at Kyle and Tanner; they appeared fine on the outside, but he knew there was a lot of work to be done to allow them to trust people again and to love. He wiped a tear from his eye, surprised he had allowed his emotions to be seen. But it was just the thing needed to assure the boy's things would be different and they both jumped up and hugged Steele tightly. Steele hugged back, feeling the warmth from the boy's bodies and their love for him.

Brayden watched the two younger boys hug Steele and looked at Ryan smiling. He knew he was safe here and would be protected, but he still was uncertain of his future. What was to become of his mother? Would Ryan love him forever, or just a while? Brayden had so many questions and concerns. He would be careful not to upset Ryan or do anything that could get him sold into slavery. Brayden had decided he would do whatever Ryan wanted, no matter how much it hurt or degraded him. Brayden would also talk to Kyle and Tanner and make sure they did the same thing. No way were the three of them going back to their old life.

Ryan was watching Brayden, he could see the boy was thinking and was clearly concerned about something, given the serious look that clouded over the boys face. Ryan gave a low whistle, getting Brayden's attention and smiled at him. The boy quickly brightened, got up and sat in Ryan's lap hugging him intensely. Ryan sensed the boys were uneasy and guessed they were confused and frightened about the sudden changes in their lives. They may even have felt that this utopia wouldn't last long and envisioned themselves being sent back to the bad days before the rescue. Ryan wasn't too far off at all. He decided he and Steele would talk later that night when the boys were asleep and decide the next course of action. The first thing they needed to do was to assure the boys they were safe and they would never go back to the old days.

"OK guys, let's go inside and take showers then put on some clothes. We're going out to eat and maybe some shopping too." Ryan smiled and said to the three boys.

"Were are we going, what are we gonna eat?" All three said at once, and then startled they had said the same thing, burst out laughing.

Ryan and Steele also laughed and jumped up, acting like they were going to chase the boys into the house. With squeals of laughter and Gertie barking and running around; the three naked boys ran towards the back door; peeking over their shoulders to see if they were being chased. Ryan ran half way towards them; causing another round of laughter and barking as three cute rear ends ran into the house.

Steele sat there and laughed, then got up to follow the group into the house. When he got inside he was surprised to see the three boys had jumped Ryan and were wrestling him on the floor. Ryan was doing his best to fend them off, but was convulsing with laughter; with three boys tickling him. Brayden was groping him, hoping to get him as hard as he was now. Kyle and Tanner were all over Ryan, tickling him and hugging him at the same time. Steele laughed and dove into the pile, snatching the two younger boys and wrestling them away from Ryan and Brayden.

Turning the tables on the boys; Steele started squeezing butt cheeks, tickling inner tights and arm pits and tummies. Peels of helpless laughter filled the family room and two men and three boys played on the floor. As in all play, someone must surrender and the first was Ryan; exhausted from the attack by three youthful dynamos' and the arousal of his manhood by the skillful hand job Brayden was giving him as the two rolled around on the floor.

"I surrender, I surrender, you win Brayden, stop, stop!" Ryan wheezed between laughing and groaning in pleasure.

Kyle and Tanner seeing Ryan had surrendered increased their rough-housing and got the upper hand, so to speak, on Steele. The boys skillfully attached Steele's balls and cock, tickling, kneading, and rubbing him until he too had a raging hard-on. The boys then lightly kissed Steele's face and neck; their hands rubbing Steele's body in all the right places.

"OK, you guys win, I surrender too." Steele moaned as the boys worked him over, his body flushed and his penis aching from the trained hands of the two pre-teens.

Kyle straddled the groin area of Steele, working his hands under the man's shirt as he massaged Steele's chest and abdomen. Tanner lay next to the two of them; his hands caressing Steele's face and kissing him. The three were in a heightened state of arousal; sporting rigid erections, the boys leaking precum. Steele was rubbing both boys' backs with his hands, enjoying the attention from the two boys, soft moans escaping from their lips.

Brayden was lying on top of Ryan, grinding his naked body into Ryan's. Both could feel the others solid member rubbing up against each other. Brayden held Ryan's head in his hands, kissing the man all over; sticking his tongue into Ryan's mouth. Their lips pressing together, mouths open and their tongues performs a sensual dance on the other; raising the sexual desire of both man and boy.

For what seemed like hours, but was only minutes; three naked boys rode the bodies of the men; all five wanting release in the worse way, but loving the spasms of contact and the thrill of sexual pulses bursting throughout their bodies. Over come with hormonal tremors, and unable to contain their hunger for sex, the boys quickly stripped the two men and attacked their sweating, naked bodies with a renewed craving. Mouths, fingers, cocks and ass whirled in a frenzy and the boys licked, sucked, stroked, enticed and denied the men pleasure. Five sweat covered bodies rolled around on the floor; moans, gasps and grunts a steady symphony of lust sung by the group, entwined together. The aroma of sex filled the room and the five worked their way to an orgasmic adagio.

Ryan was in the moment, eyes closed as he and Brayden kissed. The boy's soft supple lips kissing him tenderly, his tongue flicking in and out of his mouth entering Ryan's mouth intertwining, soft moans escaping from each of them. When Ryan opened his eyes, he was looking right into Brayden's, Ryan placed both hands on Brayden's face and kissed him; on the lips, the cheeks, down his neck and across his chest. He flicked his tongue across the boy's nipple; getting it hard, then did the same to the other. Ryan licked, kissed and sucked Brayden's nipples lovingly, the boy moaning, his arms out to the side, palms up and open, giving himself to Ryan.

Ryan tenderly kissed Brayden's chest, slowly working down the boy's firm and muscled abdomen. Brayden's chest heaved with each caressing kiss, gasping at Ryan's tongue worked over his belly button and down to his pubic area, Ryan's tongue brushing gently against the smooth adolescent skin of the boy. Ryan's lips brushed the small patch of hair above the boy's blood engorged penis, hardened and straining. Ryan was inhaling the fragrance of a musky teenager, the essence of boy filling his nostrils, overwhelming his longing.

Brayden's scrotum was void of hair, his balls large in the hanging sack inviting Ryan's tongue to wash each orb separately, then taking one in his mouth, then both his tongue moving them about in his mouth. Ryan hummed, causing Brayden's back to arch, his body stiffen and the boy release a soft continuous moan from his open mouth, never had the boy felt such sensations. Ryan grasped the boy's cock, lightly stroking it, slowly up and down the pulsating shaft. Ryan would give it a squeeze, sending waves of pleasure through the boy. Brayden lay there, mouth open, eyes closed as he purred from the delightful feelings racing through his body.

Ryan inhaled the sweaty musk of teenage boy; pushing the boy's legs further apart. Brayden's clean, hairless pucker invited Ryan's tongue to lick and flick in and around the bud; his mouth covering Brayden's the hole, diving in and savoring the sweetness of pure boy. Brayden was gasping in short bursts; his hands clutching the sides of Ryan's head. Ryan worked a finger into the juicy slot; taking Brayden's cock in his mouth he worked them both, driving Ryan into spasms of joy. The boy grunted and came forcefully, filling Ryan's mouth with sweet nectar.

The two laid next to each other; bodies covered in sweat and holding hands. Brayden rolled over and on top of Ryan, kissing his face and rubbing Ryan's body.

"Oh man, oh god Dad that was unreal! I can't believe that happened, it was sooo hot, I'd loved it." Brayden cooed.

Ryan smiled at Brayden and kissed the boy's nose, holding him tight to his body the two laid there, naked, sweaty, intertwined. Looking over to Kyle, Tanner and Steele; they watched in awe and the two boys rubbed, licked, kissed and sucked every inch of Steele. The man lay on the floor, overwhelmed by the two boys who worked their magic on his nipples, penis and balls. Kyle was kissing Steele's face chest and belly. Tanner was using Steele's penis like a lollipop, licking up and down, around and sucking hard. Steele whole body throbbed. The boys brought Steele to a mind blowing climate, his cum shooting into the air and landing on his chest and both boys.

Kyle and Tanner laughed, licking up the warm cum from Steele, then each other. Steele lay on the floor, mouth slightly open, eyes closed. He hadn't experienced anything like that in years, maybe not ever he thought.

"I love you guys; you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." Steele quietly said to the two twelve year olds.

Naked, hard and kneeling next to Steele the boys were a bit confused; no one had ever said they were loved. They had been trained as sex and bondage slaves, to be used by others as they pleased. Kyle and Tanner only knew their love for each other. This was something foreign to them. Uncertain half smiles showed on their faces, but concern was in their eyes. Steele saw the looks and was heartbroken; he knew the boys needed lots of loving and compassion to get beyond their horror that had been their life so far.

"Thank you master, we love you too." Kyle said without much conviction.

He knew that was the correct answer, but didn't want to show any more emotion than he thought necessary. He and Tanner remembered the beatings they got from saying or doing something wrong.

Steele eyes watered, "My god he thought to himself, these boys are afraid or incapable of showing or receiving love."

"Guys, please, don't call me master. I am not your master. I want to be your friend."

"I don't own you, no one owns you. I want us to be a family, OK?"

The two boys looked at each other, uncertainty still showing. What did this mean?

"Kyle, Tanner; I want to adopt you. I want to be your dad. Back at the home where you were staying had all the paperwork started for us to become a family. This weekend is for the three of us to get to know each other and see if we want to live together."

Steele looked at both boys; who were staring at him. The two stood there, naked, their penis' now soft, over two low sacs, soft and pliable. Tanner looked at Kyle, waiting to see his reaction. Kyle did the same to Tanner. Neither knew what to say or do.

"Boys, what I'm saying is you would be brothers, I'd be your dad, nana and papa would be your grandparents. We would be a family. I want that so badly, I hope you do too." Steele said to them.

Kyle thought it was the best thing he had ever heard. He really didn't know what a family was, but it sounded wonderful. From the time he could remember, it was just him and then Tanner. No one held him and loved him. No one wanted him for anything other than a plaything. A boy kept naked, tied or chained most of his life. Used for sex, pain and depraved pleasures. He had gotten so use to his body be tortured and used that he began to like it; even crave it. He still felt those stirrings with Steele, the man that wanted to be his father. Kyle was unsure what he wanted.

Tanner had the same feelings. He too had been taken from his family at the same age as Kyle; maybe when he was five or six. He really didn't remember them that much. He had been brainwashed and beaten into being a sex slave for men and some women. He was still a slave in his mind; even if this man wanted to be his dad. He wondered why no one could find his family, maybe they really didn't want him like his trainers and masters had told him. When he and Kyle had met, they were working in the hot fields of a foreign country; they were naked and chained together. Both boys had resisted forced sex and had fought back. They had been whipped, beaten, and tortured. Then sent into the fields for back breaking work. At night the other slave laborers would rape them; passing them from one man to another.

After a month of this, the boys were brought back before their owner and asked if they had changed their minds. Even at seven years of age; the boys were feisty and independent. They refused to bow to the owner. They were sent back to work in the mines this time, more dangerous than ever. Working in the dark, hot mines; chained at the neck, hands and feet, the boys lugged heavy baskets of rock to rail cars. They bodies grew strong and hard, but the rapes and beatings increased. They would be tortured at night; tied to poles or a cross or staked to the ground. Men and boys would ravage their bodies; they would get little sleep and be back hauling rocks all day. This continued for a month. Then they were brought out of the mine, sent to a dorm house and cleaned thoroughly. Given food and water, they were allowed to sleep for a whole day.

Kyle and Tanner were then brought to the owner again. He again asked if they would bow to him and become sex slaves for him and his group. Sensing the boys might refuse, he explained that if they did not do as he wished, he would sell them to others far worse than he and they would suffer even more pain and humiliation probably even medical experiments and eventual death.

This ultimatum broke the boy's spirit. They agreed to be slaves, knelt and bowed to their master. The two of them went through a series of degrading training sessions. They were kept tied at night and during the day suffered rape and torture. All to learn how to please wealthy men who enjoyed tormenting young boys.

Two naked pre-teens, soon to be thirteen; looked at a naked man sitting on the floor; hoping and praying these two angels would say yes. As he sat there on the floor, Steele looked around and started to smile, then laugh. The other four stood or sat in the room, wondering what was so funny.

"Dad, is Steele ok? Why is he laughing?" Brayden whispered to Ryan.

"I think I know why, maybe you can figure it out first, but why don't you ask him?

Brayden looked at Ryan with a puzzled face. Then he looked at Steele and the boys and back at his dad and then himself. Brayden started to smile and he too started laughing, from giggles to full belly laughs, toppling over onto his back in uncontrolled laughter.

"Hey, why are you guys laughing? What's so funny?" Kyle steamed, glaring at Steele, then Brayden and finally Ryan.

"Kyle, why are they laughing? Are they laughing at us?" Tanner said nervously.

Steele gained enough composure to get on his knees and grab the two incredulous boys and squeeze them tightly in a bear hug.

"Guys, the reason we are all laughing is because we had a serious moment were I told you how I want to be your dad, and here we are, the five of us naked and just coming down from an incredible moment with you."

Tanner and Kyle, looked at each other, still wrapped together tightly in the bear hug. Then it hit them, how funny was it that there were all naked and sweat covered from the mind blowing sex, and here was the man who had brought them to climax, asking to be their dad.

Both boys grinned and started laughing too. Soon all five were laughing, rolling around together, grabbing each other and hugging.

Once their exhilaration calmed down, the boys hugged Steele, planting kisses all over his face. They hugged his neck and wept tears of joy. They would be a family. They would live in a nice house and go to school and love each other. They would grow up safe. They hoped. But a lingering feeling they still had to obey and be slaves flickered in the back of their young minds.

Steele and his two boys followed Ryan and Brayden up the stairs to the bed and bathrooms. Five naked bodies, cocks and balls of various sizes swinging freely, the fragrance of man and boy musk detected as they walked to their rooms. Brayden and Ryan walked into the master bedroom; turned to each other and hugged. Kissing and rubbing each other's back. They did an awkward sidestep into the bathroom and then into the huge shower, still clinging to each other while the naked cascaded on them.

"Dad, I love you so much, I want this to last forever."

"The shower or our love?" Ryan teased Brayden.

"You dofus, the shower." Brayden laughed as Ryan looked at him in mock surprise.

The two laughed and hugged each other, then soaped and washed each other, stroking their cocks to erections. Brayden got on his knees and took Ryan in his mouth; working his tongue up and down the rigid shaft, sucking hard and bringing Ryan to a knee buckling climax. Ryan pulled Brayden down and kissing the boy, took Brayden's in his hands and slowing jerked the boy, pausing when Brayden was close, then resuming his ministrations and swallowing the boys erection, mewing and moans escaping from Brayden's mouth until he too shot volley after volley into Ryan's mouth. They washed again, got out of the shower stall and dried off.

"Dad, I thought we were gonna have cookout here? Why are we going out to eat?"

"Steele and I decided we needed to get a few things for the boys, and what better time than with you helping them pick what they need. It would be easier to eat and go shopping and we can still have the cookout tomorrow." Ryan explained.

"OK, that's a good idea. What do the guys need?"

"Well it's kind of a surprise for them and you. So let's wait until after we've had dinner at the restaurant."

"Me too? What's going on Dad, it's not my birthday or anything." Brayden quizzed Ryan.

"I know, and don't say a peep to the boys, OK?" Ryan winked and smiled at Brayden.

Brayden smiled back and nodded his head. Whatever the two men had planned was something special and he wouldn't ruin it.

Steele, Tanner and Kyle took their showers together. Each one washing the other and getting hard in the process. Tanner and Kyle got down on their knees and gave Steele an amazing blowjob from two skilled mouths. The boys then jerked each other off, squealing with delight. Steele ordered them out and to dry off, they needed to get going to the restaurant and then shopping. He didn't want them to keep Ryan and Brayden waiting.

"What is Brayden wearing? We don't want to look like dorks?" Tanner huffed.

"I'll go ask him." Kyle shouted and ran out the bedroom and towards Ryan's room, without a stitch of clothing on him.

Banging on the bedroom door Kyle barged into the room and hollered,

"Dude, what are you wearing tonight?"

Ryan was seated at a small table writing; looked up and burst out laughing when Kyle realized Brayden was not in this room. The boy stood there, legs spread apart with his mouth open.

"Oh man, Sir, I'm sorry for barging in. I thought Brayden was in here." Kyle said and dropped to his knees.

Ryan's face got serious and he stood up, walked over to the boy and lifted him back to his feet. Kyle looked up with trepidation, unsure what would happen to him. Most times he was tied by his wrists and whipped then placed in a small cage for several hours.

"Kyle, don't worry about it. Brayden is in his room down the hall, it's the one with the ear splitting music. You haven't done anything wrong. Now turn around and go find the right room." Ryan laughed and gave Kyle a gentle swat on his bare butt.

Kyle ran out the door and back to the room Tanner and Steele were in.

"Come on Tanner, we have to find Brayden's room and see what he's wearing." Kyle bellowed and grabbed Tanner's hand, pulling him into the hallway.

Running down the hall, they heard the music from Brayden's room. Bursting in, they saw him in a pair of black bikini briefs, pulling up tan cargo shorts. Kyle and Tanner came to a stop and looked at Brayden. He was golden brown from tanning every day and his body hard from workouts and swimming. Brayden looked at the two naked boys and smiled,

"What's up guys? Why aren't you dressed? I don't think we can do into a restaurant with you two naked."

Both boys giggled and Tanner said; "We wanted to know what you were wearing so we could wear the same thing."

"Why don't I finish getting dressed and I'll come to your room and help you?"

"Sweet!" both boys yelled and hopped onto Brayden's bed watching him finish dressing.

The boys stood on either side of Brayden and took a hand in theirs then walked down the hall to the room they were using. They showed Brayden what they had brought and asked him to pick out clothes for them to wear.

Brayden had each boy wear bikini briefs; red for Tanner and blue for Kyle. He had them put on cargo shorts and picked out two ruby type pullovers to wear. Green for Kyle and Purple for Tanner. He had them put a leather choker on their right ankle and handed them ankle socks. Then sneakers to finish dressing. Brayden stood back and looked at the two boys. He whistled softly and smiled, they were two hot teens. The boy's hair was growing out and amazingly both were dirty blond and curly. Steele and Ryan walked in and surveyed the scene of three hot sexy mini-gods.

"Well, we know you guys look hot naked; you look just as hot in clothes." Ryan smiled.

"OK, time to go. We can all go together in one vehicle and just so you know, we will have two security teams with us. They will be in their own vehicles and will be nearby at all times." Steele explained.

"Why do we need security? Is there going to be a problem?" Brayden asked concern in his voice.

"No, there is any problems, the ones you boys had have been taken care of. This is just a precaution and a routine assignment for the men. Look guys, I don't want to frighten you or make it a big deal; it's just the way I want to do things right now. The three of you are too precious to us, so I decided on this for tonight." Ryan reassured.

The boys looked at the men, then each other. Satisfied it was nothing more than a grown-ups way of doing things, the boys ran down the stairs and out the front door to the waiting SUV. Jumping into the back seat, Brayden sat in the middle, sandwiched between two chatterboxes, asking him a million questions. Steele got into the driver's seat, an experienced agent and capable of performing evasive maneuvers. Known only to Ryan and Steele; this SUV was remodeled for security details and carried special equipment. Ryan prayed they wouldn't need to use any of it 3;ever.

The boys talked amongst themselves the drive to the restaurant. Kyle and Tanner wanted to know where they were going after, Brayden trying, but not convincing them he knew nothing of the men's plans. Finally in desperation, Brayden pleaded with Ryan to tell the two younger boys he was just as in the dark as they there.

"Guys, only Steele and I know what's happening after dinner. I haven't told Brayden a thing." Ryan said.

"See, I told you two buttheads I didn't know anything." Brayden huffed, faking anger at the two.

Both boys faces were crestfallen, they didn't want Brayden mad at them. They hugged and squeezed Brayden, begging him to forgive them. After what he considered a suitable time, Brayden laughed and said he was good, the boys all laughed and continued their guessing game until they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant.

The group was met at the door by the owner, all smiles and with a small entourage of waiters and staff.

"Ahhh Mr. Hale and Mr. Steele, so good to see the two of you again. And these must be your boys. Hello young gentlemen, welcome to my restaurant. I am sure you will enjoy your evening here."

Ryan Hale and Damian Steele watched with pride and the three boys properly shook hands with the owner and thanked him. The group was then escorted into a private dining room set up for them on this special occasion.

The boys had mozzarella sticks for appetizers and cheeseburgers with fries for dinner. Ryan and Steele had hoped to get them to try something more "grown-up" but they all begged for what they wanted and the two men relented. The men had shrimp cocktails and porterhouse steaks with all the trimmings. Desert was ice cream and cake.

The five had a great time. the boys sat there squirming, but polite waiting for the men to finish their coffees.

Steele cleared his throat and got everyone's attention. Looking at Kyle and Tanner he spoke to them,

"Kyle, Tanner, I know it hasn't even been a day that we've been together. But the love I feel for the two of you is beyond any words I could say. I truly hope you will feel the same way soon, but I know I want to adopt you and be your dad. I hope I can provide you with the love and security of a real family." I'd also like to ask you a favor. Would it be possible for you to call me Dad? It would mean the world to me."

Kyle and Tanner looked at each other, a tear running down their faces; then looked at Brayden. He too was crying. The young boys got up and ran into the arms of Steele, hugging and kissing him. Brayden looked at the boys and then at Ryan, another one now crying. He got up and hugged the man he called dad. The boys looked at Steele, and Kyle being the more aggressive and talkative boy of the two said,

"We love you too Dad. We want to be your sons and you be our father. We've been hoping you liked us and wanted us to stay. We love you very much."

The happy group got up and headed to their SUV, thanking the owner along the way and saying they would return soon. The boys hopped in and they waited for the men to tell them where they were headed. The men laughed and told them to wait, they'd see soon enough.

Pulling into a parking lot, the boys saw a specialty bike shop. Smiles graced the faces of three boys.

"Gentlemen, Steele and I felt you needed to have the proper bikes to ride around on your property. We here to select three bikes for you guys and get you outfitted with the proper gear." Ryan explained.

Brayden looked bewildered, "But dad, I have a lot of bikes at the house, I really don't need another one."

"I know Brayden, but we thought it would be a lot eaiser to have a bike at the boys place for you, and when the three of you are at your house, there are plenty of bikes for the three of you to choose from."

"Sure Dad, I understand. You are too good to me. Thanks so much."

Everyone got out and the men followed the boys racing into the store. After looking at several different styles, it was decided to get mountain bikes like the one Brayden had at home. The boys were fitted on the bikes and adjustments made. Helmets, gloves and loads of accessories were added to the growing bill. After an hour in the store, the bikes were wheeled out and put into the back of a security teams SUV for transport to Steele's home.

The ride back to Ryan's was full of laughter, talk and lots of questions. By the time they arrived at Ryan's they had talked themselves out. Three yawning boys got out of the vehicle and this time walked inside the house. Both men smiled at each other, the boys had hit empty and were ready for bed. Once inside, they were instructed to head to their rooms and get ready for bed. They could come down and say good night, but had to be in bed in an hour.

"Ah Dad, why do we have to go to bed, its early." Brayden said, stifling another yawn.

"Because you guys are ready to fall asleep here, and I'm not carrying a big lug like you upstairs." Ryan laughed.

"Ha ha Dad. OK we'll get ready and come back down."

The three walked up the stairs and went to their rooms. Kyle and Tanner looked at each other and walked to Brayden's room, this time knocking. Brayden answers, clad only in his mini briefs.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Brayden said opening the door wide so they could come in.

"We don't know what to wear, we usually sleep naked. What should be do?"

Brayden smiled, he could see the anxiety in their faces.

"Com' on, let's go to your room and see what you brought."

Back in the boys guest room, Brayden looked in their bags. Mrs. Greene had packed two full sets of pajama's for each boy. Brayden pulled out the bottoms of two pj shorts and handed them to Kyle and Tanner.

"Here, just wear these. No underwear. It should be enough to go downstairs. You can take them off when you go to bed."

The boys giggled and stripped in front of Brayden. His cock started to harden, looking at the naked torso's of the younger teens. Kyle and Tanner saw this and giggled; doing a little dance and making their cocks and balls to bounce up and down. Brayden laughed and shook his head, he wanted to do so much more, but he'd wait until tomorrow.

"Hey guys, maybe later. Put on your bottoms and you can come to my room and I'll change too. Then we can all go downstairs together."

The three ran down the hall and into Brayden's room. Brayden decided to give a little payback, doing a slow strip tease; showing off his bronzed body and chiseled abs. He had also grown back a small patch of pubic hair and keep it trimmed. The two younger guys stood there captivated by Brayden's full body tan and his thickening cock. Brayden slipped into a skimpy pair of shorts and laughed when he saw the boys had tented their pajama shorts.

"OK, I'm ready, lets go see our dads down stairs." Ryan said laughing hard.

"Oh god, like this? What will they say when they see us?" Tanner squeaked.

"Probably they'll say yummy." Kyle snickered.

The three laughed and ran down the stairs into the den where the two men sat quietly talking.

Hearing and then seeing the boys stampede into the room, they were taken aback by three nearly nude boys, all sporting obvious erections. The three jumped into their dad's lap and hugged each man, planting kisses on their faces. Grinding their bodies into the men; Ryan and Steele had all they could do to keep from stripping them right there.

"Oh god boys, enough. We love you dearly, but upstairs with you boy devils. Into bed now, we have a lot planned for tomorrow and we have to be up early. Away with you!" Ryan said, laughing so hard, he nearly fell out of his chair.

Following Brayden's lead, they wiggled their butts at the men, then mooned them, running out of the den and upstairs. The boys stopped at the top of the stair case and laughed. The three hugged and kissed, then turned and went to their rooms. Brayden to his and the boys to the one they shared.

Brayden stripped and got into bed. Naked and under light covers, he thought of the day and smiled. He loved his dad and he loved the boys and Steele. He couldn't wait for tomorrow. Just as he was about to fall asleep, Brayden heard his door open. Two pairs of feet quietly walked into the room. The covers were pulled back and two naked and hard boys got into bed with Brayden.

"Is this OK? We wanted to be with you tonight and give you a special thank you." Kyle whispered.

"Won't your dad be worried when he checks on you guys later?" Brayden asked.

"Nah, we left a note in the room telling him we were here. It's cool." Tanner said.

Kyle and Tanner laid down next to Brayden, their hands lightly caressing his body. Each one kissed a different part of Brayden, working in unison. They had been trained in pleasuring men with their hands, tongues and mouths. Brayden body was wracked with spasms of pleasure as sensitive parts of him were licked, sucked and manipulated. The boys went up and down his young body from his ears to his toes. His penis throbbed and leaked a continuous stream of precum that was devoured by ravenous mouths. His nipples were hard, and sticking up from the licking, sucking and nibbling the little sex fiends had performed on him. Brayden laid on his bed and was overwhelmed with the bolts of delightful stimulation to his body. He prayed it would never stop and he prayed for it to climax.

Kyle and Tanner performed just as they were trained. They loved having sex with men and boys and they really loved Brayden. They wanted him to experience a mind blowing orgasm tonight in a way of thanking him.

Brayden was covered in sweat, moaning and gasping. His mind and body stimulated to the breaking point. With a flourish, Tanner and Kyle brought Brayden to a vibrating climax. Brayden exploded, cum shooting upwards and splattering on his chest. Kyle and Tanner's faces were covered with hot boy sperm. Brayden continued to pump his seed; the boys lapping it up and licking Brayden's body clean. Kyle licked the tip and Brayden's cock to get the last drop of cum; the glans were so sensitive from the boys tongues, it caused Brayden's body to freeze and a scream escape his throat. Kyle giggled and stuffed Brayden's bikini briefs into mouth to muffle him. Brayden slowly came down from his high. Kyle and Tanner rested their heads on Brayden's chest. Brayden ran his fingers through their hair, sighing in contentment. The boys raised their heads up and the three kissed each other. Slowly the boys drifted off to sleep on Brayden's bed.

Ryan checked in on Brayden as he usually did the nights the boy did not sleep with him. He smiled at the scene before him, three boys, naked and cuddled together. Ryan walked in quietly and pulled the covers over the boys. He lightly kissed he one on their heads and walked out of the room.

Steele stood in the open door of the guest room looking at Ryan. Ryan gave him the OK hand sign and a smile. Steele smiled back and entered his room. Ryan did the same. It would be a big day tomorrow.